What's New
December 2006


So, time for another update... But first we shall mention that the bug in SwampRat's drawing section is fixed. The problem was easy to solve as it was so that the index page was missing. Now it is fixed and it should work correctly. Remember to always mention bug in the forum. Then Dennis Cours got a gift picture from a artist, no I don't know his name. The drawing is now added in Dennis Cours section but is not done by him. It is marked with the new icon. And you can easy see it if you just click here: .
So with this update I wish you all a Happy New Year. Maybe it can be a update here next year also... /Aradd


Oh deer! Already Xmas? And I can't see any nice and kind humans at all... Hm, okey for this time you will got a Xmas present anyway... We start with the rest of the photos of models I got from Ek Goya. You can see it if you just click right here:
So then we have another update here... I think mostly of you know, that often the nightmare's return. So it is here also. Thanx to Chafalcar and Steven, we now have some new movies to add.
So 26 new movies is added. Notice that the movie 6.wmv can be a duplicate. I have not the time to check it right now. With this update the movie section for Kondor and Ellgar have passed 1500 mb and with this I don't think there is any larger aviable websites of this kind on internet. Notice that Ellgar is not updated as it seems that no artists have done anything new.
I wish you all a Nice Xmas and a Happy New Year and now I think you shall check this button here:   /Aradd


Some changes: The dolphin photo section was not working that is now fixed and it is also moved to a new section: Whale's. You can check it here: . Then the animations for rabbit, badger and fossa is uploaded. This is a preparation for another update that will be for xmas. /Aradd


The preparations for 2007 is still on going. The beta version is now removed for the Lesser work for a unicorn story. For those that wants to know the rules for 2007, should use this button here: /Aradd


Well, we start with a short notice that the drawing vrnka_133_MM_fur.jpg is moved from Furronika's section in Ellgar to his section here in Kondor as it have anthro with non-anthro characters... What they doing? Well, guess yourself... hehehe... Now there is time for horses. The horse section is now completed and if you soon click on the button you will be right there. Notice that the section New Horses is removed as all photos is now in their corrected section. Also a few new photos is added and that is thanx to Oliver. Here is the button: Also notice that the information 1581 photos is not correct. It will be fixed in the next update./Aradd


Ek Goya sent me some cool photos of plastic models. I think this is what your boy or girlfriend want to have as key holder. Lucky also Ek Goya have made a new artwork that is, of course, also added. You can go to his section, and the easiest way, is to just click here:
Time for a update. When I checked the sections, I noticed that it is some photos that still was missing. So we start this update with the mare section. You can check the new photos by just click on this link here:
So maybe I should do something different than this as today it is my birthday... But it is still work to do here, as it looks... Now I have a work for those that have problems to download the movies here, and of course, in Ellgar: You should go and add some information of your problems in Aradd the Black Unicorns forum. And the rules is, as always, the same: No register, or login is needed, that is for amateurs, and I know we all here, is professionals, isn't we?
Go and add your download problem here! /Aradd