What's New
in Kondor!
January - Mars 2007


So, time for another update... We start with Furronika. He have given permission to add some of his sketches and artwork he have done and this drawings is not added before. The good point with drawings, is that we can see something that we will not see for real... Well, I think. So now you can see something different if you go to Furronika's section. You can also find one drawing in Kandor and the rest will soon be in Ellgar there the update will not be small. Now you can use this button to go and take a look: . So, back to reallity... Stallionmares send me some new dogs photos, and it was now needed to change the dog index. I have also added a movie I got from a friend, I think some of you will find it fun... as it seems that some dogs can do it themself... Now to take a look at the new photos and the movie, just use this button here: .
Well, I was looking at my hard disk and as usually I noticed something... I decided to upload a stallion masturbation movie and if you want to see it, just use this button here: .
So... It is soon saturday and this day my horse will be 19 years old. You can see a photo taken last summer when we have some free jumping, or what you call it in english. The horses jump without any rider... I think that is a safe way to ride... Want to see a photo, just click here! This was all for this time... /Aradd


Okey, so another update. Got some new mare and stallion photos from Stallionmares. He is now added to The Brotherhood of Aradd The Black Unicorn as thanx for this. But it was also needed to add some more mare photos as otherway we should have 411 stallion photos and 397 mare's... That wouldn't be fair play for the lady's. wouldn't it? So I add 14 photos so we now have 411 photos of them both. Stallionmares also send some dog photos and they are now online as also 3 photos that should be postet here sooner or later. Now for the mare's: and then we have the boys with their toys, you know: Well, then you can now also take a tour to the dogs, here is the button: So, now there is 1763 photos here in Kondor, hope you find something you like... /Aradd


I got some mare photos from a visitor here in Kondor. Yes, very nice to see. But before you go and take a look at them, just a notice that this photos you should delete:
29_B_W.jpg + 49_B.jpg + 66_B_C.jpg + SM_paint_pony.JPG.
This are the better versions of the photos and you already have them here in Kondor:
012.jpg + 1M_Night_rose_002.jpg + 141_B.jpg + P1010001.JPG.
Now to see the seven new mare photos you can just use this button here: . So now there is 391 mare photos... Very nice. Notice that the bug fixes here is not completed yet, it is a delay with the work, as I got other things to do also.
So, then we have ChangeDetection: If you decide to use it notice that it only monitoring Kondor. If you like also to have notice by mail for Ellgar and Kandor, you need to add you to those ChangeDetection there also. The reason for it is that I have understand that you visitors have your favorite lands, and just to make it userfriendly, you can choose yourself what land you want to be noticed about./Aradd


Well, I got a mail from a visitor, Pet. He have checked many links here and all movies was working exept one: The zebra stallion movie, that is now fixed, and you can go and check it here: it is the san diego zebra movie. I also decided to add another zebra movie, and that you can find here: yes tasty zebras. Nice, isn't it! So it was also some bugs in the horse photo section. One of the bugs was that some photos was in not correct section. They have being moved. Also some new photos have being added and five duplicates was removed. You can check the horse photo section here: Now there is 1106 photos in the horse section. Hope you will find some you like. Notice that Kondor is still under reconstruction. /Aradd


So it is needed for a extra update. The reason for it is 2: Kthanid's animal drawings was not added as it should, this is now fixed and you can see the index if you just click here: I have sent a information mail to Kthanid about this update. Then the artist TOR have made a new drawing. I think many of you here remember TOR and now he have done something new for you. TOR have not have any luck the latest year but now in 2007 and further, I hope his luck will change... and I am sure that all of his fans also think that... Now you can just click on this button and you can see the new deer drawing. /Aradd