What's New In Kondor
October - December 2007


Got a mail from Blacktail. He sent a new fox mating movie clip. Notice that this is more than one scene in this clip. So now just click on this button here:
Then it is added some animated movies in the Cinema. You can go directly by just click on this button:
So, this is the last update for this year. And it should also be the last update, but as it seems that it is still some travellers here, maybe we can add someting next year also.
Now I wish you all a Happy New Year! /Aradd


As I have mentioned before: This update is dedicated for you that is alone for chrismas. I hope you will find something here that you like. This is also a celebrate that The Forgotten Empire have passed one million travellers. This time it is no artist update as the name of this update is: Welcome to your nightmare's - Fear the frames.
39 movies is added in the animal section. Notice so your read correctly as some movies was added last xmas. Here is the button to the animal main index:
With this update I wish you all a nice chrismas! Aradd


Time to add something new: Got a mail from Vagabundo with some artwork and two of them belongs here in Kondor. I think mostly of you already known Vagabundo, but if not, he have done some colouring of Furronika's drawings. You can check the artwork he sent to me if you just use this button:
The we shall take a look on a artist work that is very old. The artist Hans Baldung Grien, did this artwork for a very long time ago. It is cool that this was done for so long time ago. Here is the button:
Then I got a mail from Eric and he sent me three fox sperm collection photos. They are now added, well of course, in the fox photo section, and you can see them here:


Okey a fast update. Golder have give some help and he wanted to see the movie brumbies mating, that is now added in the horse mating section.  Here is the link: Aradd


For some time ago i got a mail from chafalcar and he sent me some movies. Some of them I already got but there was also some new ones. We start with the Jaguar's. You can go and take a look at the cats right here: .
The chapter 2 in the ongoing story is added. The last chapter, yeah, chapter 3 will be posted the 21:st of december. /Aradd


Yeah! Time for a update. I think we shall call this update Cock & Balls update as there is the horses that rules this time. First we start with a new drawing by FillyFoal, and you can go direct to see it here:
Nice, isnt't it? However then I was checking my hard disks and decided to delete some movies that I don't bother me to keep anylonger, but after that I have deleted some of them, I got the idéa that maybe some of you want to see them. So the stallion section is updated with 16 movies and it is around 100 mb if you want to download all the new ones.
The old stallion section was one page, the new is five pages so you can just start here: . I must also say that I am a little suprised that it have being so many visitors here as it have not being any updates here for a time. Rmember that the 27th of november the chapter 2 will be added in the Forum... /Aradd


Yeah! As promised a update, but maybe not so big...
I got a mail from Dennis Cours and he have done another part of the oral safari comic. Well, I guess many of you want to know where the side 2-4 is and a mail is sent to Dennis about that. Meantime, you can go here: and take a look.
Also Raven's Night section is updated. Well, I know you know her, but not with this name, so go now here: and download all the artwork again. The new one's is of course marked with the 'new' icon.
I got a mail from Ek Goya. He had noticed a artist with the name Leonora Carrington. He send the 2 drawings to me, and they are now added here. I don't think Leonora Carrington is alive as this drawings are done for many years ago. Here is the button:
I also replaced the old mare movie,
dvx_m_m_2 with the high resolution version: dvx_m_m_big, you need divx codec to see it. Here is the button: . It is no date decided for the next update here... yes, this is The Forgotten Empire... but information will be added in the forum.
Next chapter in the ongoing story will be added the 27th of november in the forum. The name is: Chapter 2 - The Werewolf. Have a nice day. /Aradd