What's New In Kondor
January - Mars 2008


Got a mail from FillyFoal, yes it was 2 1/2 year since her last update, but now we have 17 new drawings. They are added in a own section and you can easy go there if you use this button here: /Aradd


I got some mails, one of them was from a traveller that noticed that we have no hyena's here in Kondor. So he sent some photos and you can see them here: Well, he also sent some cheetah, jaguar, leopard and tiger photos. You can take a look at them if you go to the cat index, here: I also got another mail from a... hm... maybe lost traveller... So it is here in Kondor... Well, he sent a interspecies photo that is now added here: /Aradd


So time for a lesser update. I haven't time to fix the complete update today, so I just added three horse movies. One mare, one stallion and one mating. Go to the main horse index here: and take a look. /Aradd


Yeah. This is a lesser update, but it is always nice to welcome a new artist: Ikari Hi Okami. He have done some sketches and one of them you can also find in Ellgar. Now you can go and take a look here:  Ikari Hi Okami also mentioned that he will start to do a comic. I look forward to see it... /Aradd


So, time for a update. We start as usually with the artists: TOR have not being so well the latest years. We can hope that he now is better and in 2007 he couldn't do so much new artwork. is deer section is now updated and also the section coloured by others, that is in index one, the button here, will take you to index side one:
One traveller here mentioned for Comus that I was looking for him. So he sent me a mail. Comus mail address is now added and also a new drawing. You can see it here: Very nice, isn't it? Also a thanx to the traveller that send the notice to Comus...
So, then we have a new artist: Moody Ferret, well, he isn't so new as he have done many drawings and I think many already know him. You have earlier also found him in Kandor. Here is the button to his section:
Now we shall continue with the other section...
Oliver have sent me some horse photos and they are added, of course, in the horse section, but also notice that one mating movie and one semen movie is also added, just for fun... Here is the button:
It was one movie that was missing in the christmas update. That was the buffalo movie. Notice that the animation is still missing in the buffalo index, that will be fixed later. Here is the button:
So we end this with a short information: The epilogue of the Welcome to your nightmare's part 2 is added in the forum. Later it will be a special update here in Kondor, and information about that will be added in the forum. But it will take some time, so all of you just need to wait... Then, well, let us say that it will be some need of haste.../Aradd


The konik mating movie link is added. /Aradd


Well, it seems that some traveller is walking around awakening... So, it was found some bugs:  In the horse section, the link to one of the new movies was not correct. That is fixed: . Then we have more annoying problem: One of the wolf movies was not correct linked. That have being for a long time, as the section have not being updated for, yes, a long time. Well, I don't have any more wolf movies and they was added to Techwolf, the websponsor as you can guess by his name, that wolfes is number one for him. Now the link is to correct movie, so you can go and download it here:
This was mentioned in the forum. If you noticed any bugs, remember to report them there. /Aradd