What's New In Kondor
July - December 2008


So, for those that already visit Ellgar, knows that I got a mail from Ek Goya. The update here is 12 drawings and also some photos. Here is the button:
Then, as it is Xmas... I think some of you can think what kind of animal we shall have here today... No, not pig... Yes, deer it is, also Elk. The movie update is around 80 mb. Now this is the buttons you should use: and this:
I also wish you all, a very, very nice Xmas! /Aradd


This time it is, well, new 'old' artists or what we now should call them...
Marelover3 have being renamed to the more correct Hlitg. If you have a map you should rename it... Yes, so it is... But also notice that Hlitg's artwork have being resorted. That means that duplicates have being removed so if you got his artwork before, I still recommend that you download all contents here from Kondor, and don't forgett his section in Ellgar as well. Here is the link:
I hope Hlitg can afford a scanner in the future... Well, we continue with another 'old' artist: Klaus Dobermann is back again. I don't think he need so much presentation, but I know he have a big fan club out there. As this update is not small, a zip file is added, so if you not have all his artwork, it is most easy for you to just download the it in ziped format. This is 250 drawings and some is reposted by Klaus, but as I noticed that some was in lesser jpg quality, I have added them here from my own collection. Now, here is the button:
Then I got a mail from one of the travellers here in Kondor. He sent me three movies, but one of them, is already in my collection, but the movie is in two versions and I have not the time to check it now. The two other is added and I decided to add also some movies. As I got a request from Klaus Dobermann about dogs, the dog section is updated. Then the horse section and in the interspecies section a new stallion mates with donkey added. Here is the button to the animal main index: /Aradd


So now I am back with the Run like hell update. The idéa was to give you travellers a chance to add a own request. It was four travellers that send me a mail about their requests, and for you that didn't do it, now it is to late! Remember that! The four movies they wanted, is added in this update and notice that in the artist section you have two buttons, one for new artist, the other for lates additions. Sometime only one of them is new and in the next change, they will be separated with own dates so it will be more easy to see. But it was no time to continue with this work as I have a feeling that some of you have waiting for around three months. So we shall now take a look at an artist that died in november 2006, yes, it is Michael Sherman. Even as he is not with us anylonger, his fans is. They are trying to get so many of Michael's artwork online as possible. Micheal was also a friend of mine, I sometimes got mail from him. So I will also try to help as this will do so many of you will still remember him. A new section for the of topic artwork is added in his section and Michael's artwork is also avaible to download as zip files. Two is here in Kondor, the third is in Ellgar. Here is the button to Michael's section:
This is the only artwork update of the old artists here. Then it is time to add two new artist: We start with Drages. I got a comment in the forum that it was people that wanted to see him here. A very good choice, yes. Here you can also see his artwork without any register and login. Drages is also added in Ellgar. Here is a button to his section here in Kondor:
Then we shall continue with another artist. He is not exacly new... Tanialassie have returned as his section that was added in Furronika's section is removed as Furronika will not have his artwork online anylonger. Now you can see Tanialassie's new artwork if you use the button here:
The animal section is updated you can use the button here:
Then it is also a update to The Cinema, I think there many of you that have not seeing the new animations, here is the button:
For those of you that think that the update is small, will soon understand the truth... /Aradd


As the Run like hell update is slowly proceeding, it is needed to make a lesser extra update here in Kondor as in Ellgar. Sertoli is an artist that was here for a long time ago and now he decided to return. I know there is many of you that have missed him. Now you can just use this button here: to go and take a look at his artwork, /Aradd