What's New in Kondor


Time for another update. Now the artist section P-R is online again. But we start with a new drawing by ECMajor. Use this button here and you will be on your way:
Klaus Dobermann have done two new drawings, one dog and one horse. Go to his index and take a look, just use this button here:
Reva Diehard have done some new drawings, and she is in the new P-R artist section. Use this button here:
Then you can use the button here: to go to page one in the P-R artist section. There is to many new and updated artist to add here, so you will go and take a look yourself. /Aradd


Yes, last update for january. As mentioned in the forum, artist section P-R will be added in a own update later. Also there is a lesser error in Michael Sherman and Horse Maestro's section. I will take a look why the drawings is missing. There is just a few...
We start this update with a new drawing made by Brushfire. Lucky it is not in FurAffinity resolution, Brushfire have uploaded a bigger one and you can see it here:
Buttercup Saiyan have also a little update, well it could be more, couldn't it? Welll, use this button here and take a look:
ECMajor have bigger update. All his sections are updated. You can take a look here:
Ek Goya have being doing some artwork, and it is in his 2D drawing section. You can go direct to it, if you use this button here:
Klaus Doberman have also a update in mostly of his section: you can go to his main index if you use this button here:
Then we have Sailor Anna that have made some artwork.
You can go and take a look at it here:
Also some resort is made and I think there still something here and there to fix. /Aradd


In this update I have added some comics in the KTQ series. The serie that Argon pointed out for a long time ago, is a group with several artist that release their work in a comic serie togheter. The update also including two other comics, one made by Souko Souji the other by Sya. The update is on page one and two in the comic section. I think you should use this button and start with comic index page one: Next update here in Kondor will be the artist section. /Aradd

Well, time for a update. Hooves have write a few stories with non anthro animals. Well, I don't know the reason for it. Maybe lazy zebracorns... Well, so it is only two stories in Hooves story section, we can hope it will be more later! Also notice that Hooves old alias was Wyndfeld. Yes, that was when the old times when the dinosaurs walked the earth... Now you can go and read this two stories here: I like them and I am sure you also will.
Lets hope that we in the future can and some new writers, otherway Hooves need to work harder...
Then some information. Now the comic section is online and there is time for a experiment. When I started this site in the summer 1997 I decided that it always should be working with all browser and all kind of computers. So it will still be. Today, and yesterday it seems that the more the visitor need to click around the better. No? Yes I agree with that. One feature that I wanted to have was the quick download in zip file.That is a problem with large filesize that also take much server space and transfer rate. In this update the new comic is also possible to download in zip file. I am not sure if it will works, but add a notice in The Forum if it not is working. I'll give you a child, is a comic for those that like Lion king and the zip file is 86 mb in filesize. Go and check it here:
I hope you will like what you see!/Aradd