Welcome to
The Forgotten Empire!

What's New in Kondor:

If you want to look at the old update information here in Kondor, just click here!

I do the work here, for free. But we need some money to the artist. Even as many artist is doing artwork for free, we must, sometimes, give them a hope to earn some money. All donations will go to the artist here in The Forgotten Empire. The goal is to reach around 150 dollar/month. If we can reach that goal we can get more artwork and stories here. Thanx for your help! Aradd
The contents of Kondor!
Kondor is the land of the non-anthro animals. Also non-anthro animals with anthro animals. A few artist also have some of topic artwork here as they do not have a own website. Notice that female anthro horses with other non anthro species is added in Kandor.

When I was checking my comic section, I noticed some comics that is
not added here in Kondor. Now you can read some new comic here and
the teleporter button will take you to page one in the comic section. Some lesser fixes have also being done, but it is not so important as they will not be mentioned here... Go now and take a look: /Aradd


I noticed that two artists sections in the last update, was not correct.
Now you need to travel to Huskie's section again as there is new artwork added there:
Also the artist Kisu's section is updated. You can go and take a new look at his updated section here:
For a long time ago, Argon pointed out that the Cat X Snake comic is from Book of the Beast 5. The pages there, have now being replaced by high resolution versions. You can check them out here: Thank to Argon for his help. /Aradd


I was suprised when Argon find out that one of the drawings in The Maze was by Michael Sherman. Michael Sherman died in 2006, but true the years it have being possible to add some more of his artwork and today, two drawings more will be online. One original b/w but also a coloured version made by KinkyRomance. So for the first in more than 11 years now you can see something new, just use this button here:
Draft At Heart have made some new drawings and if you use this button here:
you will come direct to her main index.
ECMajor have also made some new drawings, notice that his section was not correct sorted.
That have now being done as Kondor is for non anthro animals, but not if there is a female anthro horse in it. Then it will be added in Kandor. ECMajor section will be fixed in Kandor in the next update. But now, you can see the new drawings, right here:
Furronika is one of the artist that have being here since the start in 1997. He have done some test with AI artwork, they are added in a own section and you can see them here:
Argon find out that one drawing in The Maze is done by GDane, so now this is fixed and you can use this button to go direct to the spot: Thanks to ARgon for his help!
Argon also find one drawing in The Maze that is done by Huskie. That drawing is now added to her section, and if you use this button: you will be on your way.
I Ate Your Kit Kat have made 5 new drawings, this button will take you direct to her section: Yes, don't miss them...
I think mostly travellers here known Klaus Doberman, he have done several new drawings and his archive is not so small... This button here: will take to his main index.
Argon find that one drawing in The Maze is made by Kisu. If you use this button here:
you will find 2 new drawing in his section.
Angel on Pixiv.net have made 3 new drawings and you can see them here:
Momou Fox have his section update with 1 new drawing. You can see it if you just use this
button here:
Argon find out that one of the drawings in The Maze is done by Sarah Madeleine Wheeler. It is a very old drawing as several of the artist here in The Forgotten Empire, have stop doing artwork true the over 26 years since the site started. But it doesn't matter if it is old or new, it is still good. Go and take a look here, eh, well, the lates additions buttons only goes to 10, so we start from the beginning...
Then we have Scale, well he do mostly anthro artwork, but now we can add one more drawing in his section, it must be a big update, because now his section is twice as big...You can go and take a look here:
So now we shall continue with the new artist. Aaaninja have 3 drawings that should be here in Kondor, as monster also counts as animals. You can check his section here:
Aaaninja have very many drawings in Ellgar as it seems he's not doing so much animal drawing that can fit here in Kondor.
Agro Alba or Agro Antirrhopus is a very well known artist in Kandor, as there he have a much larger amount of artwork... Now it is really time that he is also here in Kondor. Just use this button
here and go and take a look:
Aura Moser is also a artist that have some artwork in Kandor. However, this drawing is with a character with 4 legs, and that is better than 2... or? Go and take a look here:
Kraicar - Gadeina was also one artist that was in The Maze, Argon find out this and that is very good. Now he have a own section here in Kondor, go and take a look:
I think this AI generated, but I decided to add them here in Kondor. It is from artist
Pixiv member 8823430 and I don't have any more information. Go and take a look:
Vagabundo is a artist that was active for some years ago. I have not seing anything new from him for many years. If you have some information, remember to contact me, thanx.
Here is the button:
And here we now end this update. The correct amount of artist/drawings have also being fixed.
I wish you a nice 2024 and also a special thanks to Argon for all his help! /Aradd