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RWS-104 Uncle Gaston And Niece Volume 1
by Jon Reskind

Chapter 1

Gaston Larreau smiled to himself. Guests, noting the expression, anxiously
returned it with one of their own, but truly the little man was smiling in his
own amusement. It pleased him that celebrities and others of importance vied for
invitations to his weekly affairs. It gave him a certain inner sense of
superiority. He knew what they thought of him ... Canada's czar of the
underworld; yet, to be seen at one of Gaston's Larreau's Mont Royale affairs was
to be mentioned in the society columns of the Montreal World. He hated them all;
they were frauds and parasites; yet, he appreciated them too, for they gave him
an air of legitimacy.

Gaston Larreau stood five-feet-seven-inches tall in his exclusively hand
designed, one-hundred-and-fifty dollar elevator shoes; he was abundant of girth,
broad at the shoulders, balding, and meticulous of dress. His head, like his
face, was round and set close to his shoulders, and his small grey, almost
colorless, eyes were spaced too- wide apart, just as his too-small ears clung
tight to his head. The cicatrix left from an aged razor wound ran the length of
his right cheek, ending at the corner of his mouth, making the flesh there
puffed and malformed until he smiled, and then the line of strong golden upper
teeth became predominant.

Presently, he smiled with her by his side and moved amongst them, always hating
yet always appreciating, lashing and cutting with his bitter tongue, but forever
enjoying, listening to the whispers, staring down the men and lecherously eyeing
their women, while unendingly squeezing her hand. She would be his ultimate
moment this evening. He looked forward to it as might a connoisseur saving the
finest wine until last. She had no idea what was to come. The expression on her
lovely face would be as exciting to him as a moment of actual seduction, he
thought. He could wait; to savor in anticipation was often greater than the act

They whispered:

She is the niece?

She is Antoine's new wife three months, I think. But of course, he's adopted,
you know.

I didn't know. I thought he was actually related.

Hell, no. He's not a Larreau; his name is Poirier. That monster adopted him when
he was twelve ... conscience, I suppose ... inasmuch as he killed the boy's
parents. A struggle for power within the syndicate, as I understand it, and the
lad's mother happened to be in the car when the bomb went off.

My God! Are you certain, Chapput? That's a dreadful thing to say unless you're
certain ...

Certain? Who's certain about anything these days, M. Minstre? I'm simply a

She is devastating, a female voice commented jealously.

Sexy, I believe is the modern term, my dear, replied her male companion.

They say she comes from the Gaspe ... that horrid place, spoke another female.
Unbelievable ... such a lovely creature ...

Breathtaking. But why doesn't he have his own daughter act as hostess, seeing
she is home from college? It doesn't seem right, does it?

Annette? Don't be silly. They don't get on, you know ... an estrangement of some
sort between them ... at least, that's what I hear. Probably over her mother ...
she's in an institution ... has been for years.

I've heard, but I know little ... Tell me, is M. Larreau as vile and evil a man
as they say? tittered the first female voice.

Ask Chapput. He's the reporter, came a male retort.

Don't ask me anything. I need my job. Just look around you and consider yourself
one of the chosen ... the czar has commanded your company.

Look! She's lovely. Isn't she lovely, Chapput? What to say to him.

My God! She's lovely. Isn't she lovely, Chapput?

Tonight, she's lovely; tomorrow, well ... one hesitates to guess ...

* * *

Madeleine Poirier watched her handsome young executive husband from across the
room. Uncle Gaston's so-called secretary, Ginny Novak, continued to cling to his
arm. It irked the beautiful, raven-haired girl, but there was little to be done
about it; Uncle Gaston's Friday night cocktail-dinner parties were a social must
on their calendar; they had no choice but to attend, it seemed, their wealthy
and powerful benefactor having chosen her to act as hostess and remain at his
side. It was a distinct honor, Antoine insisted, especially now that Annette was
down from Quebec where she attended Lavel, Universite. Madeleine tried, as she
had for the past eight weeks, to enjoy the distinction, attempting to put her
own inner burden temporarily from mind as she assumed a false, worldly attitude,
while the squat mighty overlord clung to her small soft hand inside his own fat,
sweaty one; but invariably she felt uneasy ... hardly equal to the task, and the
manner in which the glamorous twenty-nine year old blonde from the states hung
possessively to her Antoine was annoying her to no end.

Ginny Novak was never a secretary; in fact, Madeleine wondered if she could
write her own name correctly. She was Uncle Gaston's mistress and nothing more.
There had been a great number of them over the last dozen years according to
Antoine, ever since Aunt Yolande had been put away in some institution or other
... a mental case the family said; no one ever went to see her. Antoine,
himself, could hardly remember her; he was fifteen at the time of her
commitment, and he doubted if Annette remembered her at all. She had been only
nine, and he remembered no mother-daughter relationship. A calloused, if,
strikingly attractive girl, Madeleine had opined from their very first meeting,
and constantly at odds with Uncle Gaston, seemingly taking pleasure in defying
him. Now, she looked about the room, but the nineteen year old lovely was
nowhere to be seen.

"Come, ma chere," Uncle Gaston said, distracting her fixed dark eyes from Ginny
Novak who was laughing gaily into the slender handsome face of her husband.
"It's time we reviewed this assemblage of social leeches, eh?"

Sometime earlier in the evening, Madeleine had fastened a perpetual little smile
to her delicate-featured, oval face. She offered it to him in answer as the
emperor maneuvered her about the luxurious room, always holding to her hand,
introducing her to new guests as his Madeleine, "... wife of that adopted nephew
of mine. Magnificent, isn't she? Sometimes, I wonder if the boy realizes how
lucky he is ..."

After awhile, Madeleine no longer blushed at his syrupy compliments before
others. It was natural that these praises should react upon her ego, never in
her poor existence having known such flattery, but she hardly felt parallel to
them and she was pleased when other topics dominated the conversations,
especially politics and more worldly subjects in which she was not expected to
be versed. It gave her the opportunity to look intelligent with pretended
interest while her mind actually wandered on many planes.

Sometimes, she could not believe this new, luxurious life she had become a part
of and she would have to pinch herself to know that it was real. Then the lump
of near-ultimate happiness would rise into her throat, but always followed by
the little tears of pain as thoughts of her tiny Igat would rush to mind. Her
shame ... her child ... her dreaded secret ... Dear God, how she longed to hold
the beloved little creature in her arms ... to cuddle her ... to mother her ...
her own precious Igat. What would all of these people think of her if they knew?
What would Uncle Gaston say? But more important than all, what would Antoine
believe of her, then? Oh God, she dare not even think of that; she loved him so.

Now, automatically, she let her eyes search the room until they found him again,
and the little lump of near-happiness arose in her throat. He stood among
several guests engaged in conversation, that blonde vixen beside him ... he
stood taller than the others, not handsome really, she supposed ... his face was
too thin and his nose too long, but it had been his gentleness of eye and his
firm, thin-lipped mouth that had first attracted her ... that she had fallen in
love with. She watched him smile; his handsome white teeth sent a little thrill
through her. Antoine Poirier, President of Galaxy Mining, Ltd., how impressive
it sounded. Of course, Galaxy was one of Uncle Gaston's enterprises and it was
not as if Antoine had worked his way up the ladder the hard way; all the same
such an executive responsibility required great intelligence and ability, and
Uncle Gaston was not to let him remain in such a capacity if he didn't merit it.
She was so proud of him ... loved him so ... God, if there was only some way she
could unburden her soul to him and have him understand, perhaps, even bring her
Igat into their family ... Heavenly Father, how wonderful that would be ... if
only there was some way ... But she was groping for straws and she knew it.
There was just no way ... no way in the world ... at least, not at this time
with only three months of marriage behind them, and that somewhat strained with
their individual efforts of trying to discover each other.

She thought about that now as she wore her pleasant little smile and feigned
being a good listener while Uncle Gaston argued with Ernest Mallory, the
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration over existing, 'stupid' immigration
laws. She thought about their love-making, and her own inability to respond
fully because of her constant pressure of mind over Igat. In effect, the
unfulfilled results, time and again, had left her as flustered as Antoine, for
invariably, once he had emptied his loins into her, he would blame himself over
her lack of climactic achievement, often-times with tears and swearing that next
time it would be different ... but as yet, it was not. Sometimes, she felt that
he, too, was carrying some heavy inner burden ... a business pressure probably,
but she didn't pry; when it was time, if he wanted her to know, he would tell
her. Nevertheless, their sexual fiascos had added to her growing feeling of
frustration, until she had reached this point of even being jealous over the
likes of Ginny Novak. Lord, she had to get hold of herself. She was a woman of
position now ...

"What is your opinion, Cheri?" Uncle Gaston interrupted her train of thought,
speaking in English for the benefit of the Minister from Ottawa.

Madeleine caught herself; she never liked to appear the fool. "I think my
opinions are better left unsaid, Oncle," she replied smiling somewhat shyly,
entirely unaware of the nature of their conversation.

"What's more, Madame Poirier is a diplomat, M'sieu'," Mallory returned, smiling
broadly. "As if being beautiful is not enough."

"You flatter me, M'sieu' Mallory," said Madeleine into his pale, hawkish face.
He was a tall man, lean and impressive of stature, with fine eyes and an unruly
shock of white hair. "I fear if you gentlemen don't stop you'll turn my head."

"In my direction, I hope," the Minister teased.

Madeleine made an habitual gesture of tossing her head to right her shoulder-
length, raven-black hair even as she continued to smile. The little movement
caused her firm rounded breasts to quiver in the thin, invisible bra behind the
low-cut, white mini-gown she wore and Uncle Gaston imagined that he heard male
eyes click as they locked upon the voluptuous spectacle. He squeezed her hand
and let his tongue wet his dry lips. It was time, he thought. Why the hell
should he wait any longer? He'd been waiting all day. He stole a glance at
Antoine and saw that Ginny was keeping him occupied ... per instructions.

"You will pardon us, M'sieu' Mallory," Gaston Larreau excused them, "but we must
argue with the other guests too."

"Of course," said Mallory. "Perhaps we can get back into the subject later,
M'sieu' Larreau. There are some other ramifications I believe you're overlooking

"Later," the little czar replied bluntly. "Come, ma chere." He held to her hand
and led her across the room toward the archway into the central hall, then
addressed her in French: "There's something I want to discuss with you, my pet."

"Oh ...?" said Madeleine, surprised. "What is it, Uncle?"

He retained her hand within his own and escorted her to his large, paneled
study. There, he let free of her, closed the double doors, flicking the locking
catch on the knob, then walked toward his private bar to make them a drink. As
yet, he had not answered her and Madeleine watched his broad expensively covered
back move away from her; she glanced behind her at the closed, locked door, then
back at the squat, powerful man who now mixed casually behind the bar.
Occasionally, his colorless little eyes raised from what he was doing and
dwelled upon her face, then, openly raked the length of her curvaceous body with
an almost lecherous gleam lighting them. He smiled, his gold teeth flashing in
the indirect lumination of the room. She felt a little catch in her breathing
and a certain clamminess moved along her spine as he continued to smile ...
almost leer while his eyes all but stripped her naked.

Whatever it was all about, Madeleine had no idea. She had never seen him like
this, and he coldly frightened her.

"Are you happy with Antoine, dear?" he questioned in their native tongue, his
vicious small eyes never ceasing their lewd undressing of her person.

"O-Of course ... why do you ask, Uncle?"

"I'm concerned. After all, besides Annette, I have no one else ... with the
exception of you, now ... and I regard you of the greatest importance,
Madeleine." His near-twisted smile seemed affixed to his round face as he came
from behind the bar carrying two drinks. His eyes held her own exotic dark ones
levelly, almost hypnotically, as he moved toward her, one hand bearing the
glass, extended. "I wouldn't want you unhappy, my pet."

Automatically, Madeleine's graceful hand accepted the glass, but her eyes
remained adjoined to his. Additional ripples of chill trickled up her back. She
knew of his reputation, his ruthless brutality, had even guessed that such tales
might be ... could be true, but she had never dreamed that she, herself, would
ever witness any indication enlightening that part of his character. Dear God,
she thought she was previewing it now ... but why? Had she done something! Where
was Antoine ...?

From the moment he handed her the glass he never stopped moving closer to her.
They were nearly of equal height. She felt his great middle pressing ever
stronger against her, his round, scarred face closing in on her own. The meaning
of the gesture was beyond her and Madeleine stood her ground, iced fear
stiffening her being. But, then, within that scope of inches, she saw the
blurred visage of his puckering lips swooping in upon her own, and she realized
the affront.

"Uncle Gaston! My God! What're you trying to do ...?"

Her hands, one still holding a glass, came up between them, rigid at arm's-bent
length against his chest. She backed several feet toward the locked door behind
her and gaped at him.

"I was going to kiss you," he hissed, the wild satyrism she had read in his eyes
even more pronounced now. "I'm sure you're familiar with the act."

"Uncle Gaston ...! I-I just don't ... I don't understand ...! Please ... please,
let's go join the others ..."

"Shut up, slut! Shut your fucking mouth!" he spat at her.

Madeleine stared in utter disbelieving, mounting horror at the squat despot of
crime before her ... this man who not only controlled the vile and vicious
underworld, but whose company the wealthy and famous competed for, while the
lewd word he had blurted at her ricocheted like a giant, depraved, evil omen in
her brain.

"Un-Uncle Gaston ... Wh-What is it ...?"

"Bitch! You stand there, cunt-slut that you are and tell me you don't
understand?" Suddenly, he threw back his vicious head and laughed, loud and not
caring, his teeth glistening in the light. He stared at her, his evil smile
never lessening, then, he moved closer to her once more. "You've got a kid!
You've hid it out in the home of one Rafael Girarde here in Montreal. A bastard
brat you'd like to forget ... and you dare to marry my Antoine and pretend?
Cunt-slut! That's what you are! Come into my house ... Me, Gaston Larreau, and
put on airs! You pig! What do you think Antoine would say if he knew? Eh? And
you wonder how I know, don't you, bitch? Well I'll tell you. Your Doctor Carey
does little things for me ... takes a shady bullet out now and then ... whatever
I have for him. But suddenly, he read the papers ... thought he might have a hot
banana, one he could use to raise hush money, so he dared come to me and spit
out the truth."

Madeleine had backed to the door. The czar inched closer against her. He said:
"You know what that information cost me?" He laughed. "Twenty dollars ... enough
for a gallon of booze. And you know the value of that same information my pet?"
Once more, he laughed ... slowly at first, then, in a rising crescendo. "You!
You, my dear, are the ultimate value of that twenty dollars so well-spent. You,
with your young, voluptuous charms will crawl to me unless you want me to
destroy your world. You will give yourself entirely to me to do with as I see
fit ... otherwise, I'll completely destroy you not only with Antoine, but
wherever you go. Now ... say something, darling ... say something intelligent,
you luscious creature."

Madeleine stood frozen in mental horror. Her entire body seemed a part of the
door as she pressed backward against it and stared at the metamorphosis of human
into monster before her. She watched him raise his drink to his lips and sip,
and she watched mesmerized in abject terror and instantaneous hatred, the
salacious leer ever contorting his evil face as inch by inch he moved in closer
to her.

"Oh God! Please ... Uncle Gaston ... My God! You can't tell Antoine," she
pleaded, for nothing else mattered. "Let me! I'll tell him! I swear it ...!"

"Stupid cunt," Larreau spat and Madeleine cringed at the vile insult. "What good
do you think that'll do, now? The damage is done. Do you think he would want
someone else's bastard child?"

"But you don't understand! She's just a little baby. Stop calling her those
names! Damn you ...!"

Larreau widened his grin. "So ... you do have some spunk, after all. I ... I was
beginning to wonder."

"She's not to blame! She's an innocent baby ...!"

"Shut up! You hear? Shut up, cunt!"

She did, gaping at him. His smile had disintegrated; his eyes were emblazened
with rage. He raised his glass and drained it, then threw it on the davenport
beside him, the ice dribbling out to wet the expensive cushions, his vile
epithets cutting her to the quick. Heavenly Father, she had never been so abused
in her life. He came next to her and tore the glass from her grasp, then wound
his pudgy, brutal hand in her hair and forced her mouth to his.

He kissed her! His vicious tongue stabbed at her lips and she fought it,
clenching her teeth until his hand twisted the long length of her hair, until
tears streamed from her eyes and her mouth gaped from the pain. His tongue, hot
and wet, plunged to her throat and his short arm encircled her waist powerfully,
crushing her to him. He ground his belly overwhelmingly against hers, his groin
tightly against her own soft, tender pelvis, until she could feel the hardness
of his swollen member undulating in a near-pulverizing motion at the juncture of
her full, warm thighs.

Mon Dieu! Antoine! Please ... come quick! I need you! I need you!

Finally, he eased back from her, smiling as if he had just brought her great

"There now," he said, "Not so bad is it?" He lifted the glass he had taken from
her and drank from it. "Why satisfy yourself with the parasite when you can have
the king, my pet?"

"I-I-I love Antoine."

He drank again. "Love? Humph!" he grunted. "A word ... not a very meaningful one
either. Only an excuse for attachment." Again, he drank, "Never mind, it isn't
important what you think, or want. It's what I want that counts ... and I want
you, my dear." He backed away and moved in a small circle before her. "You'll do
what I say from here on ... unless you prefer to be completely destroyed ...
along with your illegitimate daughter."

"What are you saying? You ... you wouldn't do anything to hurt Igat ...?"

"Why not? Bastard kids are born every day. What's one more? If she or he holds
me from getting what I want ... then, it's time to destroy them."

"My God! My dear God! You're horrid! An unadulterated monster ...!"

Larreau set down his glass and moved against her once more. His left hand
encircled her small waist while his right darted to her left breast,
encompassing its full, rotund protuberance, squeezing and kneading, working at
its nipple through the several layers of garments until it stood hard and erect,
and in her helplessness she submitted to him.

"No ... I'm not what you think," he said, letting his hands trail down her
slightly delineated ribs to her hips, then moving behind her while she stood
spellbound, and slipping downward to envelop her soft, warm, full buttocks in
cupping fashion. He pulled her to him and once more she felt the hard
unbelievable length of him grinding against her pelvis. "I'm human enough.
Trouble is ... you don't know what made me the way I am. It isn't important,
anyway. What's important is that I want you ... and I know I'm ugly. So ... I
have to take you ... to force you. I-I-I'll make a deal with you. You be 'nice'
to me and I'll get your kid back for you ... make Antoine accept it. I promise,
I will. Girarde is a nothing ... a Ministre of Gouvernment, but a nothing. I'll
get the child, I swear it ... if you're nice to me ..."

"And ... and if I'm not?"

His face changed. Before, when he'd spoken of returning Igat, he was almost the
man she had come to know. But now ...

"I'll completely destroy you and the kid! I swear it! I take an oath on it!"
Once more he grabbed her, clutching her to him. "Christ! I want you, pet! I'll
give you anything ... just be nice to me. Don't you understand? I've got to have
you ...

And then, she felt his small pudgy hand moving down her outside thigh, brushing
up beneath the skirt of her gown along the nylon-encased column of her smooth,
tensed, long leg. Dear God! What was he going to do? Should she scream ...
create a scene? She was entrapped! His hand felt hot ... repulsively hot against
the frightened, twitching flesh of her thigh, while the other brazenly cupped at
her buttocks, holding her firm, unable to move away from his insulting hand.
Even so, tiny, unwanted prurient twinges seemed to erupt within her at the
attentions of a strange touch, while simultaneously, she fought the vile idea of
his lewd suggestion.

"Please ... please, Uncle Gaston, don't! Please don't ...!"

"Christ! I've got to. You understand? I've got to have you ...!"

"No ... No! Please ... I understand ... yes, I understand ... really, I do!" she
pleaded and babbled, frantically struggling both physically and mentally, but
she was no match for his strength and her brain refused to function in her fear
and shame. "L-Let's think about it ... tonight, we'll think about it ... Oh God

His hand reached and played at the tight, concealed portion between her legs
where only the narrowest, sheerest strip of nylon protected her secret,
sensitive genitals. She felt the knuckle of his hand press the material of her
panties between the soft, fleshy lips of her vulva as it stroked again and again
into the warm, moistness of her womanhood. She whimpered helplessly. Mother of
God, no woman alive could endure such galvanic touches at her most delicate
parts without knowing sensation, she swore it. Yet, she was near-overwhelmed
with the abasement he was heaping upon her; it could not go on like this! He had
to listen to reason!

"In heaven's name, Uncle Gaston, you've got to stop! It's not right! Please ...
I-I'll never be able look at you again, think of Antoine, if not me ..."

"I'm thinking of me, damn you!" he hissed at her. "And I'm thinking if you want
that kid of yours, you better be nice to me, understand? Nice! Now ... do you
want her or not?"

Madeleine wagged her head in confusion. She felt the hot tears welling onto her
cheeks as he continued to stroke tauntingly at the now trembling, nylon-covered
aperture between her legs.

"Well ...?" he rasped.

"Yes ... yes ... you know I do! What would you expect? My God, I'm her mother! I
want my baby ..."

"And you'll do anything to get her back?"

"... Yes ... anything ... I'll do anything! My God ... oh, my little Igat ..."

Suddenly, his colorless eyes glowed as if they had been dipped in Satan's fire
and he hauled her closer to him, his thick middle-finger slipping inside her
elastic panty-leg to ease slowly between the fleshy-fringed lips of her now
moistened pussy, moving downward through the velvety, pink slit toward the small
quivering vaginal mouth ... then, worming up into her ... ever upward inside her
warm, snug channel. She gaped at him during the inserting process ... gaped and
gasped in revulsive, helpless humiliation as she felt his thick finger sliding
possessively further up into her while she stood as if frozen in horrified
disbelief ... and then his thumb began to massage the tiny, soon-erected bud of
her clitoris maddeningly. She jerked then, bodily against him, causing her
buttocks to spasm and circulate uncontrollably in his other hand, and he said:
"I'm going to give you an address and you come there tomorrow. It's downtown ...
my special apartment. You fail me, pet ... and both of you will pay ... you and
the kid ... understand?"

Madeleine tried to answer, but her words bunched in her throat from the unwanted
shocking spasms he was causing at her loins, and she could only nod her head
jerkingly. Finally, she managed: "I-I under ... stand."

Larreau laughed. "Good," he said. "But in the meantime ... I want to play with
this ... this delightful little cunt of yours, pet."

Madeleine moaned pathetically, at the same time cringing as she sensed his thick
finger move further up into her, while his use of the lewd, foul word caused
strange, if, undesirable sensations to soar through her quivering body.

"Oh ... Oh, please ... can't we wait?" she heard herself whine, and even as she
spoke she realized in self-abomination that she was moving sensuously upon his
penetrating finger, making involuntary, pelvic motions as his finger reached and
taunted the snail-like mouth of her womb.

"Oh God!" she blurted for the hundredth time.

"It feels good, doesn't it, pet?" Larreau tormented. "You wish to God it didn't,
but you can't help yourself, eh? And how would you like to have a nice thick
cock right up inside that little cunt at this moment ... filling that round
little belly ... shooting its hot load into you, eh? You'd like that ... but you
wouldn't admit it, would you ... you hot little bitch ... All right ... I'll
wait until tomorrow ... I want to be sure there'll be no interruptions when I
fuck you, pet ... no interruptions whatever ... understand?"

"Y-Y-Yes ... anything you say ..."

"And now, you belong to me ... is that clear?"

Madeleine managed to nod affirmatively. Then, she said: "And ... and you promise
about Igat?"

"Sure ... sure, I promise."

"S-She's my baby ... I'll do anything to get her back ... You realize that,
don't you?"

"Of course," he said, his thick finger worming around in and out of her damp,
dilated passage now.

"And ... and you'll help me ... even with making Antoine understand?" she

"I told you I would, didn't I?"

"Oh ... yes ... Oh God ..." she gasped, as vile, tingling sensations began to
spread throughout her whole body.

"Damn!" he hissed, pushing his mouth against hers, his open lips engulfing her
soft, wet ones, and then slowly he withdrew his finger from her vagina and she
whimpered in the confused, unfulfilled passion he had aroused in her unwanting
body. Dear God in heaven, she had to get out of here and think! Merciful Mother,
what was she going to do now?

And a wicked spasm trembled Gaston Larreau's coarse body.

Chapter 2

Antoine Poirier was delighted with the way Uncle Gaston had taken to his
Madeleine from the very beginning, immediately accepting her and making her feel
as one of the family. He was worried for fear that it would not go that way at
all. Madeleine not being of the select social class from which his benefactor
had insisted he choose a wife when that time came; in fact, hers could hardly be
called even the lower middle class, her father being nothing more than a
fisherman. It hadn't been an act of defiance on his part, for Lord knows, he
felt greatly indebted to this man who had taken him in following the brutal
death of his parents, treating him as he might his own son, had there been one,
even to giving him the finest of education at McGill University; no, it had
simply been love ... of the head-over-heels variety, and upon first sight at
that; then, Uncle Gaston had amazed him by understanding.

Antoine had found her in a small restaurant where she waited on table and where
he took lunch only occasionally, until that day. The rest was inevitable, for as
she had told him some two weeks later when he asked her to become his wife, she
had loved him from the first moment she saw him. Her lack of formal education,
or the fact that she came from poor peasant stock, nothing could have been of
less importance to him; her exotic beauty stunned him; she had only to smile
that first time and he was completely lost. Even Annette ... snippy, audacious,
envenomed Annette ... even she had taken to her immediately, and from the first
moment Uncle Gaston had laid eyes on her he had done little more than smile his

Of course, the proof of Uncle Gaston's acceptance had come when he'd asked
Madeleine to act as family hostess at these Friday night affairs, and he,
Antoine, could barely contain his own elation ... even now, as he watched her
graceful movements beside his Uncle, the powerful little man holding
affectionately to her hand, and the manner in which she conducted herself in the
presence of Montreal's most elite ... as if she had been born to it ... filled
him with pride and love. God, if only he didn't have this other worry, he

Uncle Gaston had assured him a dozen times that there was nothing to get upset
about, but just the idea of Ottawa sending officials over to look at the company
books and records had upset him considerably. He couldn't help it; after all,
Galaxy Mining, Ltd. was his responsibility, and because Uncle Gaston had
entrusted him with its helm he felt more accountable than ever. He had worried
himself to the point where he could hardly sleep nights, and of course, the
whole thing was having an effect on his and Madeleine's personal lives. Their
love-making had become little more than a series of abortive attempts at sex on
his part, filling his Madeleine with unsated frustrations, he felt certain, and
God Almighty, he didn't know what to do about it.

She was such a vibrant, voluptuous creature; he had only to look at her even in
her clothes to feel immediate stimulation and a stirring at his loins, but to
enjoy the enchanting vision of her magnificent young body in the rich splendor
of nakedness was enough to set him off like a rutting bull. It seemed at those
times he had no control whatever over himself, that nothing mattered only
plunging his aching penis into her tantalizing flesh and emptying his life-
giving sperm into her. He just couldn't seem to contain his lust, even though he
invariably hated himself after and would sincerely vow that it would be
different next time ... yet, wonderful, loving person that she was, she would
smile understandingly and forgive him. Nevertheless, he felt certain that his
constant failures were straining their yet-to-be-seasoned relationship and he
laid the whole damned mess to this Ottawa investigation business ... whatever
that was all about.

Now, as he watched them moving among the guests, Madeleine looked his way and
smiled. A warmth crept over him and he responded with a slight pursing of his
lips that she would understand ... a symbolic kiss. It was at that moment that
Ginny Novak joined him, taking his arm fondly and brushing one soft, full breast
against it.

"Darling, I've been looking for you," she said for greeting, smiling radiantly
up into his face.

"Really? I've been right here," he said, always aroused by the suggestive tiny
lights that seemed to be forever dancing in her sea- green eyes. As always,
she'd had a bit too much to drink and her attractive face reflected it in the
slackness about her wide, full mouth and the slight glaze to her eyes. Her
usually upswept, perfectly coiffured blonde-hair showed tattle-tale wild strands
also, and when she spoke there was just the hint of thickness to her tongue.

"I've been in the playroom sampling the bourbon," she said, giving his arm a
little squeeze and once pressing her full, ripe breast against him. "I was
hoping you might wander back and sample some with me. We might even've gotten
into a game of billiards ... or something."

Antoine smiled. Her words, her gestures, her every move was suggestive of sex,
and had been since the first day she had walked into this house on the arm of
Uncle Gaston better than a year ago, replacing his former mistress. Her capacity
had been obvious, her duties nil ... except to cater to the master's personal
and private needs ... whatever they might be. Antoine only knew that he didn't
blame his Uncle; after all, he was human and Aunt Yolande had been ill for at
least a dozen years; a man had to have a woman, and Ginny Novak was very much

He, himself, had never touched her sexually ... had hardly ever laid a hand upon
her, but in all honesty he had wanted to many times, and from her actions ...
just the way she would hang onto him, or brush her breasts against him teasingly
as she was doing right at that moment, he felt certain that she would be
receptive. But once again, his loyalty to the man who had befriended and raised
him would never permit him to commit such an act. Ginny Novak was his uncle's
toy, and although Antoine too-often could barely tolerate the little man's cruel
and abusive treatment of her in public, he bit his lip and kept his place. After
all, if she didn't like it, she could always go back to the States where she
came from.

Now, as he watched her, she looked about the room until her eyes found what they

"Ah, so there the little czar is," she said with obvious distaste. "And with
your Madeleine, of course."

"Of course ...? Why do you say it like that?" Antoine questioned, her derisive
tone provoking him.

"Did I say it wrong? I'm sorry, Darling. Probably just the natural, unrefined
farmer coming out in me. Nothing more crude than a half- drunk, corn-fed girl,
they say."

Antoine grinned and she moved around until her back was to Uncle Gaston and
Madeleine, then he saw the almost immediate, serious expression that sobered her
attractive face. It surprised and puzzled him simultaneously.

"What is it?" he heard himself question. "Is something wrong, Ginny?"

"We must go someplace where we can talk," she replied in a voice above a
whisper. "It's terribly important to you, Antoine ..."

"What is it?"

"We can't discuss it here," she insisted, "too dangerous."

"But ... I don't understand ..."

"Wait ..." she said, turning slowly, her loose little smile returning once more
as she pretended to look dazedly across the room. Then, he felt her hand
tightening on his arm, and she said: "Look, they're leaving the room ... now we
can slip out ..."

Antoine watched his Uncle leading Madeleine toward the central hall and felt a
moment of confusion. "Where the devil are they going?"

"Probably to the front sitting room," Ginny lied. "There're some guests in
there, too. Please, now come with me."

She gave him little chance to refuse, ushering him by the arm through the
doorway that led to the servants' corridor and back toward the playroom.

"Look, Ginny ... I don't understand," Antoine said, resisting, but not enough to
slow her anxious pace. "What's so damned important that we couldn't talk about
it back there?"

"Plenty, Darling," she half-whispered as they entered the near-darkened playroom
and she closed the door quietly behind them. "In fact, I'm not going to tell it
all to you here, either. It's too dangerous ... could even mean my neck ..."

"Your neck? Good God, what're you trying to say, girl?" he snapped, his accent
broadening his English in irritation.

Ginny Novak eased in close to him, both hands suddenly clutching at the muscles
of his arms. She looked up into his face, her own expression one of taut
seriousness. "Listen to me," she almost hissed, her lovely eyes probing the
depths of his own irked and questioning ones, "that filthy uncle of yours is
working at hanging you. And unless you do something about it awfully damned
quick, it's going to be too late."

"Wh-What? Look ... what the hell are you talking about, anyway?" Antoine rapped,
angrily trying to shed her hands from his arms. "Is that what you brought me
back here for? To malign Uncle Gaston? Christ, what kind of girl are you? You
sleep with him, eat his food, drink his liquor ... and too damned much of that
by the way you're talking ..."

"Stop it!" she hissed vehemently. "Stop and listen to me you stupid, naive
idiot! Galaxy Mining, Ltd. is in trouble with the government. I overheard a
conversation between Gaston and his attorney, Robert Jovell, this afternoon on
the telephone. I heard Gaston say something to the effect that he'd been
expecting it ... it had to come sooner or later, but that he wasn't worried,
they couldn't touch him ... the whole operation was in your name! Now ... do you
still think I'm trying to malign that noble bastard?"

Antoine was stunned. He stared down at her, hardly seeing her. Of course, it was
all ridiculous. Either she had misinterpreted whatever it was she'd heard, or
she was making the whole thing up for reasons of her own. Certainly, Uncle
Gaston would never do anything that would reflect on him, Antoine, let alone
making him some sort of scapegoat that might wind him up in prison. The whole
idea was preposterous!

"I-I don't know what you're trying to do," he spat at her, "but whatever it is
you're wasting your time. My advice is that you lay off the liquor and get
yourself out of here as soon as you can. It looks to me like you've overstayed
your welcome."

With that, he tried to get around her, but she quickly backed to the door and
stood against it, momentarily preventing his leaving. Her usual dancing,
suggestive eyes narrowed in her own anger, and although the scintillating lights
continued to enliven them, they were now tiny explosions of rage.

"You are a stupid ass, Antoine Poirier! I don't know why in hell I should be
putting my head on the chopping block for you ... but here I am! Now you listen
to me, damn you; what I've told you is truth! You can do whatever you want about
it, I don't care. This much I can tell you, that little gargoyle you call
'uncle' is a vile monster, and he doesn't care anymore about you than he does
one of his lovely prostitutes who has to kick in a third of her earnings so that
he can live in the style he's become accustomed to. And as far as overstaying my
welcome, M'sieu', I'd be out of here in two minutes if I dared ... but you know
what would happen to me if I tried? I'd be dead! That's right, dead!" Suddenly,
a mean little smile stretched her pretty mouth. "I hope to God you don't think
I'm here because I want to be? You'd have to be out of your mind to believe
that. I'm here because that foul bastard won me in a poker game from a stateside
hood just like him ... a gambler named Lou "The Ace" Fennell ... and you don't
run away from their kind of scum ... you merely deteriorate into a common whore
to provide their bread and butter when they're finished with you ... or you kill
yourself ... You pays your money, and you takes your choice."

Antoine stared at her as if his eyes were glued upon her paled, anger- lined
face. Every word she spoke had registered, and abruptly, he realized her
sincerity. Whether there was any accuracy in what she had said pertaining to
Galaxy Mining and Uncle Gaston abandoning him, was still questionable in his
mind, but her own position, he suddenly found himself not doubting for a moment.
Almost instantly, his heart went out to her, and when he saw the little tears
trickling down her cheeks he couldn't help himself. He opened his arms and she
burst inside them with a sob.

"There, there," he whispered into her ear as she cried against his chest, the
scent of her hair filling his nostrils as she clung to him and he held her,
smoothing his hand down her back, caressing the silken material of her gown to
feel the soft flesh and indentation of her barely perceptible spine beneath. Her
full, pointed breasts dug into his chest, while the little round bowl of her
belly rested snugly beneath his own, and as he held her, she inched tighter
against him until her warm, full thighs clung tightly to his hard, lean ones,
and her pelvis and belly ground against, and shared the length of his stiffening

She raised her face to him then, her wet full mouth falling open ... and he
kissed her. Her arms encircled his neck and her mouth clung to his hungrily.
Almost subconsciously, his tongue slid between her opened lips and teeth and she
softly began to suck on it, drawing it deeper and deeper into the warm moist
cavern toward her throat as her soft, vibrant loins began to rotate against his
already throbbing prick in tiny little stimulating circles. He gasped into her
mouth, his long, sinewy hands dropping to cup at her soft, yet firm, hollowing
buttocks so full and round in his grasp, and she pressed even tighter against

Eventually, they separated for a breath, and he said: "I-I didn't know, Cheri
.... I-I had no idea why you stayed with him ... the way he treated you ... I
used to wonder why you put up with it ... God ... I've wanted you so bad a
thousand times ..."

She whimpered at his words and he felt the vibrations of sound against him more
than he heard it. Her mouth searched for his and he kissed her again, this time,
tasting the deliciousness of her tiny tongue as it darted forward between his

"Oh Darling," she hissed, "we must make love. I've wanted you for so long, too.
But we have to be careful. He'd kill us if he found out."

"He won't find out ... nobody but you and I will know," Antoine assured her, his
hands caressing and stroking her back and buttocks covetously now, the soft,
warm resilience of her flesh causing his hardening penis to throb vigorously
between them.

"I can feel you so hot and hard and excited against me," she whispered. "God,
how I'd love to take it out right here ... right now, and suck it until it
pumped its love sperm down my throat."

"Christ! Don't talk that way or I'll come right in my pants," he smiled, but
said in a harsh, whispering voice. "I want those things too, but we have to find
a place. We can't do anything here ..."

"I know," she interrupted excitedly. "The summer house at Ste. Agathe des Monts.
We can go there ... tomorrow, Darling."

He thought about it briefly. It seemed safe enough. Uncle Gaston wouldn't be
opening it for a mouth ... not until July. The idea intrigued him. Christ, he
had to have her now, after this; there was no turning away from it any longer.
He had to fuck her!

"All right. Tomorrow around two. I'll meet you there, Cheri. Are you sure you
can get away without suspicion?"

"Yes, I'm certain of it ... but it wouldn't make any difference. I'd come to
make love to you even if I had to bring an audience."

"Damn!" he gasped, and kissed her once more.

Then, she eased back away from him and he read the concerned expression on her
face. "Please, Darling," she whispered. "You must listen to what I've told you.
Galaxy Mines is in great danger ... and that puts you in great danger. I don't
know to what extent but maybe I'll hear more tonight and be able to tell you

"I'm not worried about that," he lied. "I'm more concerned about how I'm going
to get you away from all this."

"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. What's important is that you
take care of Madeleine and yourself. I know this evil man better than you,
Darling. I know him at his vilest, bedroom self ... and that's where you really
come to know a man's mettle."

"But I can't believe he would do anything to hurt me. I-It's just impossible to
believe. I mean, after all, I'm like his own son ..."

"Oh Darling, please ... You must try to understand the type of man he is," she
almost begged him. "I realize why you've closed your eyes to these things ...
because he has been like a father to you. But in God's name, don't blind
yourself entirely. He's the warlord over crime in Canada ... and you must know
about his connections with the syndicate ..."

"Yes, yes, I know all of that," Antoine replied, not looking at her now as he
fished out a cigarette and lighted it. Then, suddenly looking at her, he said:
"But I'm not just a ... a relative to him ... I'm like his very own flesh and
blood. He's raised me, Cheri, clothed, fed and educated me. No, Christ, I can't
believe it! He just couldn't do anything to hurt me ..."

"Unless ..." she whispered.

"Unless? Unless what?"

"Unless ... it becomes a matter of your neck ... or his ..."

She reached him at that point. Antoine stood very still and dragged at his
cigarette. In his mind, he was endeavoring to evaluate Galaxy's situation. It
occurred to him that he had never actually seen the mines in Alberta or the
Yukon; Uncle Gaston had not thought that necessary. His task was to see that the
ever-increasing stockholders received favorable dividends and that the Board of
Directors met once a month, with quarterly reports being sent out on the day to
all investors. Should there ever be a shortage of cash to meet dividend
payments, he was to immediately report it to his Uncle so that whatever the
deficit might be it could be made up. Investors don't like to be informed of
non-dividend quarters, Antoine, he'd said to him once. So, even if it hurts, and
we have to take it from other enterprises, we'll keep them happy, eh?

He questioned the illegality of it then, but the powerful little man had merely

Don't you worry about illegality, young man. That's my department. You just take
care of board meetings and that cute little wife of yours, eh? She looks to me
as if she might require lots of loving.

And then, he'd laughed, vulgarly, a little too vulgarly, Antoine had thought,
biting his own tongue to keep from saying something he might later be sorry for

"Darling ... do you understand what I've been trying to tell you?" Ginny
questioned, moving close to him once more.

"I-I ... I've got to think," he said, walking to a table and stubbing out his

"About me?"

He went to her quickly, enfolding her into his arms once more. "Hell no ... not
about you, Cheri. You've haunted my mind for a year now." He kissed her. "Look,
we have to get out of here ... get back to the party before we're missed."

"Yes, I know. Tomorrow then ... at the summer place?"

"At the summer place ... I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world."

"Oh ... Oh Darling," she moaned, kissing him a last time. "I wish I was twenty-
one instead of twenty-nine ... I wish I'd never known a man before you ..."

"Funny," he said, grinning down at her, "I'm glad that you're twenty- nine ...
and more happy that you've known other men. Now, I'm going to get the benefit of
all that experience ... and it better be good."

"Whatever it is, it'll be for you and you alone."

"We'll see," he teased.

"Yes," she whispered, "we'll see ..."

Chapter 3

Madeleine could not sleep. She lay restless in the large bed of their expensive
Ville de Hampstead apartment, waiting for Antoine to join her. He had wanted a
nightcap, but she had been too upset and had gone straight to bed. Now, she
could hear the soft music from the tape-deck and visualized him sitting in his
favorite chair with his feet up on the ottoman, comfortably stretched out and
leisurely enjoying a scotch ... entertaining no idea in this world of the
abhorrent secret she must now live with.

Her brain whirled in her still-shamed, utter debasement. Again, she had failed
this proud young man she loved so much, and this time, there could be no
forgiveness. If only she had told him of Igat in the beginning, bared her soul
to him ... made a clean breast of it. He'd loved her ... would probably have
understood, but now ... it was too late. Dear God, how could she tell him now
without laying the whole sordid story before him ... yes, even the way Uncle
Gaston had forced his salacious attentions on her? She couldn't, not without
revealing the whole despicable truth. Yet, if she didn't turn to her Antoine for
help, where could she go?

There had been time to think since leaving the party, and once out of Larreau's
horrible, dominating presence, Madeleine realized she could not keep their
wicked appointment the next day; she just couldn't give herself to that foul
beast ... yet, if she didn't, he had threatened to bring harm to both Igat and
herself. She didn't care about herself ... but her baby ... her baby meant more
than anything in the whole world.

Dear Antoine ... Antoine ... please come and help me? I need you so badly. Help
me tell you my dreaded secret this very night ... Be understanding ... forgiving
... and take us away from here before some terrible thing happens to all of us
through that evil man.

Quietly, Madeleine prayed for guidance and strength while she awaited the moment
Antoine would join her. She must tell him about Igat ... she must! Perhaps she
should hold back the horrid secret of Uncle Gaston's outrageous act, for to tell
Antoine that would only serve to rile the troubled waters even more so.
Certainly, it could serve no other purpose than to arouse hatred ... even
vengeance of some nature, and God knows, she didn't want to strain their
relationship any more than it was at this time, when they were yet to truly know
each other, in love.

Once more, she began to toss restlessly on the bed. Why didn't he come now? At
this moment she felt certain she could tell everything from the very beginning
and make him realize. Yes, she would even tell him about M. Keel, the first
iniquitous brute to bring her heartbreak. It was the only way ... recount it all
in full ... everything and pray to God that he would try to understand.

Now, as she waited, her mind began to fill with unwanted memories, and she
recalled how she had run away in the night from Mont Du Bane, the small fishing
village of her birth on the Peninsule De Gaspe, escaping, she had felt, with the
American named Keel, a salesman who passed that way twice a year to sell goods
to M. Bidette, le Garde-Magasin.

Four years ago, she remembered, but the bitter reveries were as vivid in her
mind as if they had taken place yesterday. She had been sixteen, nearly
seventeen, the fourth of nine children and by far the prettier of her three
sisters, she knew. She recalled that even at twelve, when she had begun to
develop her pubescent charms, the opposite sex had always been strongly
attracted to her, especially the older men, and she had been pleased, taking
pride in her long black hair and the hygiene of her teeth, realizing that if she
were ever to be liberated from the destined weary bondage of becoming a
fisherman's wife, these were the assets upon which she would have to trade.

The day she had met the American she was physically ripe, a sensually alluring
young woman, while he was somewhere in his aging fifties. She had only to smile
at him coquettishly to see his small eyes come alive with lecherous excitement,
and as she tripped provocatively from M. Bidette's store she felt certain he
would follow.

It was difficult to remember all the little lurid details now, even, difficult
to recall his features ... only a faceless, grey-haired, fat man ... taller and
bigger than Uncle Gaston in every respect, but certainly his parallel in
villainy, she realized now. And how upset she'd been at first when she decided
that he wasn't going to follow her, but by the time she'd reached the edge of
the village he had come along in his car and offered her a ride.

She hadn't hesitated; instead, she'd climbed in and began an immediate
conversation. He spoke French, which had made it that much easier for her to
play the flirt with him, and when he'd reached over placing his big, heavy,
hair-covered hand on her knee she had pretended at being excitedly flustered,
while in truth her flesh had recoiled at his touch and she'd winced repugnantly
within her flat little belly.

"N-Not here ... not here," she'd insisted, catching at his hand and noticing the
obscene bulge to the front of his trousers where his pumpkinlike stomach
adjoined his groin. "There's no place here where we won't be seen ..."

"Where, then?" he'd rasped, his licentious, bloodshot eyes raking her young
curvaceous body hungrily.

"There's no safe place around here," she'd answered him quickly. "And if we were
caught my father would kill you ..."

Suddenly, he'd pulled off to the side of the dirtroad, his arms enveloping her
and his thick lips engulfing hers, wetly, voraciously, sucking her small mouth
into his own like a vacuum cleaner. She'd tried to struggle, but his surprise
lunge had caused a frightened wave of dizziness to overwhelm her and momentarily
she'd thought she would faint. He'd held her so tight that the breath had rushed
out of her, and even now she could not remember whether he was deceivingly
strong, or she unexplainably weak. His tongue had burst into her mouth like a
slimy, wet eel, exploring, brushing obscenely around the inside. She had been
nearly overcome with his odor of sweat and cologne, and his massive anomalous
body easily subdued her own.

"No, no, no!" she'd insisted. "Let me go ... Later! Later!"

She'd fought him furiously, until at last, he'd seemed to regain control of
himself and listen.

"What ... later? What'd you mean?" he grunted, breathing heavily into her face.

She had bit at her lower lip. "I want you to take me away with you."

He'd stared at her. "Away with me ...?"

"Yes. I want to go to Boston. If you'll take me with you ... then ... then I'll
let you ... do things to me."

He had continued to gape at her, his hungry, red-rimmed eyes growing more
gluttonous with lust at each passing second. "All right ... all right, tonight.
We'll go tonight," he'd said, perspiration dribbling down his heavy jowls. "Yes,
by God ... tonight!"

She would have done anything to get away from the decaying hovel of her parents,
the absurd poverty of the village, and the inevitable arranged marriage to come.
God, she remembered, she had only to look upon the drudge who was her mother, a
woman unbelievably aged beyond her thirty- five years to find justification in
the way she had run off.

Keel had told her he was not married; she hadn't believed him. Anyway, that had
been unimportant; all that mattered was getting to Boston where she could meet a
nice American boy and marry him. How many nights she'd dreamed such fantasies
... a pretty little house with flowers around it, an automobile of their own,
and perhaps one, two, even three babies, depending, of course, upon what her
husband would want; and a wardrobe of three or four plain dresses, with as many
beautiful ones for best ... for this was the way with American husbands, she'd
been certain, having seen the pictures and read of their love and generosity in
the old copies of magazines Docteur Laprise kept in his waiting room.

So, she'd left the note to her mother, saying little except that she was sorry,
and that one day she would return to make them all proud of her ... and Grace a
Dieu for M. Keel, for she wanted her parents to believe that he was a noble man
doing this for her out of the goodness of his heart.

A noble man ... indeed ... Yet, at first, he'd been extremely kind, performing
all the simple things to please her, taking her into restaurants where they were
served hot-beef sandwiches after the soup- of-the-day, then little pastries for
dessert. She had never known such luxury, and before the first day was over she
had convinced herself that she'd misjudged him, and vowed not to show the
slightest sign of offense when he put his big hand on her thigh outside her
dress as they drove along, or when he playfully squeezed and fondled her firm
young breasts at every opportunity ... but she shortly had learned that her
first opinion was very much correct. M. Keel was a vile brute!

However, she recalled now, that before ever realizing the extent of his
evilness, she'd convinced herself to willingly carry out her part of their
bargain. A girl had to be prepared to pay a price for such an extravagant life
as she sought ... an American husband ... living in the States ... and all of
the little luxuries that were actually considered necessities in that great
country ... besides, it was not as if she had never known Jean Louis Blanchette,
son of the avocat who had lived upon the hill and who was betrothed to Docteur
Laprise's daughter, Francine. Jean Louis had punched away her virginity with his
stubby little penis, and together they had discovered many exciting things in
the ways of love, but with him it had been so titillating and romantic, while
Keel had made her nausee even with the numbing of the wine ...

He had registered them into a seedy motel at Riviere du Loup even before the sun
had set ... had bought wine and poured into the cloudy tumblers that set in a
tray on the scarred bureau before removing his coat. Then, he'd smiled and said:
"Take off your things, my dear. This is home."

She'd made a tight little smile of her own in response and removed her coat
obediently while he took it to hang in the open closet. He ogled her then, in
the ruffled and ribboned pink-gingham dress her mother had made for her, licking
at his lips, the gentleness she had seen earlier abruptly gone from his eyes,
leaving only exigent lust which had added even more ugliness to his carnal face.

At that moment she had wanted to get away from him, at least temporarily, and
she'd walked past him toward the tiny bathroom. He came up behind her before she
could reach the door, putting both hands on her firm, young buttocks. She'd
frozen, sucking in a short breath.

"Lovely," he'd murmured. "You're a lovely piece, Baby." His hands had moved over
her bottom and hips, around to her belly and upward to cup her lush, erect
breasts. He pulled her back against him until she could feel the flab of his
stomach and the hardness of his shaft grinding into the crevice between her
round, full buttocks. She steeled herself, not resisting, until finally he'd let
free of her, stepping back away. "Well ... go ahead and piddle. Then we'll have
a little drinkie before we ... ah ... tumble into bed, eh?"

Laying there in the semi-darkness, Madeleine felt a slight tremor ripple over
her as it had at his offensive, intimate touch all those years before, and
graphically she began to recall even the most odious minute details ... it was
almost as if she could feel his depraved hands on her at that moment ...

She stood there, subjected to his coarse explorations, his suggestive words
racing wildly through her brain and she trembled, a convulsive shudder
traversing the length of her soft, young body, from the tips of her toes to the
very peak of her scalp. She looked toward the sagging bed, swallowing with
difficulty. There was no longer any dubious mystery in her mind of what was to
come ... no overshadowing ambiguity. Upon this bed it would happen to her, and
she would be forced to endure his obese loathsomeness. Abruptly, the rays of the
setting sun caught her eyes through the window and the thought of escape briefly
rushed to mind ... but she fought it and went on into the bathroom. She must get
to Boston.

When she returned, he held forth her glass of wine and she took it.

"You drink wine at home, eh?" He grinned. "You Canucks like your wine ... I know
about that."

Madeleine didn't answer him. The fact was, they were allowed only small amounts
with meals, but she saw no reason to tell him this ... or anything. She took a
long swallow, hoping its effect would be to soothe, even dull her senses for
what was to come.

"Go ahead, drink up," Keel said. "Have all you want: it's good for you." She
watched his grin twist crookedly. "Makes you sexy, too ... and we want that,
don't we, Baby?"

Madeleine felt her face flushing. She watched him gulp away his entire glassful,
then tilted her own to her lips. He nodded approvingly and filled the tumblers
once more; then, as she stared half-fascinated, he began removing his clothes as
if the act was completely divorced from her.

He turned to her suddenly. "Well ...? Want me to strip you, myself?"

She hadn't stopped trembling, but she managed to shake her head, set down her
wine and unfasten the snaps behind at her neck, then, firming her lips
determinedly, wriggled the dress from her shoulders, down over her full, rounded
young hips and stepped out of it. Immediately, she sensed his eyes greedily
feeding upon her but she dare not look at him lest she break in a mad flight for
the door. Instead, she automatically lifted her slip over her head, picked up
her dress and laid them over the one chair in the room. She felt embarrassingly
naked before him, even though she was still strategically covered with her
panties, garter belt, bra and the only pair of nylons she had ever owned.

The wine took its initial effect then, producing a wave of light- headedness.
She glanced at Keel; he was naked, removing his socks. His body was as massive
and gross as his face, his jaundice-hued flesh sagging and wet with
perspiration, causing him to glisten before her. Then, she saw it ... his thick
penis ... rigid and standing out from beneath the hanging bulk of his flabby
belly, surrounded by a heavy growth of greying pubic hair. Once more, she
trembled in revulsion as she stared at him, the thought of his fat body upon her
own sending waves of fear and abhorrence through her. The mere thought ...! My
God! She couldn't do it! She simply couldn't!

Keel arose and faced her. His mouth had fallen open with a certain slackness,
his lecherous eyes seeming to bug as he gaped wildly at her long, nylon-encased
legs, the area of cream-white thigh above, the full, firm breasts causing
delicious dunes of smooth, satin flesh above their tight cup-shaped enclosures,
the area of milk-white midriff, the long sensuous contour of her hips ...
Madeleine's eyes widened in shocked disbelief as he broke into a slow, salacious
leer and his hand moved downward and began to lewdly stroke the heavy
uncircumcised foreskin of his massive shaft back and forth over its hard, blood-
filled head.

"Ever see anything like that, Baby?" he taunted in vulgar pride. "Can you
imagine how nice it's going to feel when I shove it up into that tight little
hole of yours ...?"

The depraved spectacle coupled with lascivious words nauseated her and she
gasped at him: "I can't! My God, I can't, M'sieu'! I just can't do it ...!"

He continued to stare at her, his stiff, fleshy rod in his hand, his red-
saucered eyes narrowing dangerously. "What the hell do you mean?" he half-
growled at her. "Forgetting our bargain, ain't you, Baby?"

Madeleine took a step backwards and he moved toward her, his eyes suddenly
seeming vacant of anything human ... only lust, evil, cruel and unyielding.

"N-No ... please, M'sieu' Keel?" she stammered in accented English. "Please ...
I can't do it ... I mean it ..! I-I thought I could, but I can't. Listen ...
I'll leave ... catch the bus back to Mont Du Banc ..."

"The fuck you will, baby. That li'l pussy of yours is mine tonight!" he spat at
her, his hands reaching out and clutching her to him, his mouth coming down
savagely upon her own as he had done the day before in his car, thick, wet
tongue bursting between her lips furiously.

Madeleine struggled but he easily pressed her with him toward the bed. It was
almost as if they were one individual, his great body seeming to move with her,
rather than opposing her frantic efforts, leaving her nothing absolute to fight
against. A frenzied panic seized at her belly and she felt herself beginning to
tremble uncontrollably; the room carrouseled before her and all of a sudden she
was staring upward at the ceiling ... and it was coming down to meet her, his
wicked, lust- filled eyes joining it fiendishly. She fought him, turning her
face away, her strength quickly ebbing in futile desperation. His tremendous
weight poured over her amorphously and her remaining clothes were being stripped
away, while the huge, shapeless bulk crushing the breath from her emitted
strange animal-like noises, until at last, she was completely naked.

He raised up off her then, having securely wedged himself between her forced-
apart thighs and she saw him kneeling erect, his face twisted in a lewd, almost
brutal grin. He said something that didn't register in her fear-stricken brain,
as her eyes trailed down his repulsive torso to the ugly, long, thick penis
jutting forth angrily from his hair- covered loins. She saw the heavy, wrinkled
sac hanging beneath it and further repugnance gripped at her belly.

"Now ... I'm going to fuck the livin' shit out of you, Baby ... just the way you
led me to believe you wanted it," he hissed down at her.

Madeleine couldn't speak ... could barely breathe in her horror and shame;
instead, she gaped up at him, too awe stricken to cry, engulfed suddenly by an
overpowering sense of miserable degradation, the sight of her own naked young
body spread obscenely beneath him filling her with a debasement that would live
with her forever, and the helplessness of her situation screamed in her wine-
fogged mind as she realized he was actually enjoying this wicked defilement he
was subjecting her helpless body to, the cruel gleam ever-growing in his eyes
bordering on sadism.

Until that moment, she had given no thought to the physical aspects of the
coupling itself, but now a new, and acute, sense of terror came alive as she
watched him on his knees before her, once more stroking himself. Her eyes locked
on the fleshy instrument he was holding in his big hand. Its thickness was
beyond belief. The size of a man's organ had never occurred to her before in her
young life; there had been no reason for any such forbidden concern ... but
suddenly the realization of her own small size in comparison to his huge thing
struck her. Dear God! It would split her apart ... tear her horribly! She could
never take that inside her, she knew ... she'd examined herself that close
before ...!

"Does it frighten you, Baby?" he leered at her, continuing to fondle and massage
the vile looking blunt spear of rigid flesh, working the heavy outer layer of
skin to-and-fro, exposing its smooth, bulbous head, only to sheath it once more,
then repeat the lewd act. "Well, don't let it ... 'cause this cock's going to
bring you more pleasure than you've ever had in your life, eh?"

He went on tormenting her, gloatingly watching the distressed expressions of
fear contorting her beautiful young face, and at last Madeleine felt the hot
tears dribbling down the sides of her cheeks as she realized that there was no
mercy to appeal to in this man ... and dear God, she had brought it all upon
herself. She hardly heard his filthy utterances anymore; at first, his foul use
of all those vile four-letter words that she had barely, if ever heard spoken in
forbidden whispers or dirty little stories from girls her own age, had near-
sickened her, but now her mind was too occupied with the hopelessness of her
position and the horrifying terror of knowing there was no escape for her ... he
was going to ravish her defenseless, near- chaste body no matter how she pleaded
with him not to. God Almighty, there was nowhere to turn ... she was alone and
completely at his mercy ...!

She rolled her head away from him and her heart pounded in her chest as she lay
too petrified to move, her soft white thighs wide under him, her pink, thin
vaginal slit fringed so lightly with its soft, raven hair, delicately splitting
the pouting flanges of her completely exposed crotch that was helplessly
available to his slightest whim. Her belly quaked in her fear, as though he had
already forced the long, thick penis jutting out from his aged, hairy loins into
the painful depths of her. The mere thought again sent a tremor of sheer horror
to register in her brain, not only for the unforgivable sin itself, but from the
agonizing, anticipated suffering the inhuman organ was bound to cause her.

She lay seemingly rooted to the mattress beneath, her shame and humiliation
complete, as she watched in frozen trepidation the slow, decisive movements of
his hands toward her vulnerable genitals; he placed his thumbs to rest on the
soft, fleshy lips of her pussy and torturously drew them apart, laying open her
moist, coral flesh to his lust-inflamed eyes. Slowly, he lowered his head as if
to view the naked, delectable site more closely, and breathlessly she watched as
his lecherous eyes drank of it greedily for a long moment, its almost virginal
beauty delighting him, until he could seemingly no longer endure the abstinence
and he dropped his head, thrusting the full length of his wet, salacious tongue
deep into the quivering warm depths of her tight young vagina.

Madeleine's body responded of its own volition, jerking with convulsive lurches,
a loud groan emitting from her throat as her buttocks ground downward in an
effort to escape the bestial outrage he was committing upon her defenseless
young womanhood. Her stomach churned in veritable repulsion and she wailed aloud
loathsomely as his tongue slithered in and out of her unwanting, cuntal opening.

"Oooooohhhh ... my ... my God! Wh-What ...? Oooohhh, stop ... stop it!" she
groaned in shocked humiliation, her head raising to shake negatively as down
through her breasts she watched his violent assault on her naked vagina. It
couldn't be true! It wasn't happening to her, she thought while his tongue raced
up into her unreceptive, yet rapidly dilating cuntal walls. "Oooohhh, dear God
... please stop, M'sieu'?" she begged in her shame as unwanted, and never
before, twinges of lurid pleasure immediately began to permeate her entire body
from his depraved animalistic tonguing of her moist, quivering slit.

And he did, all of a sudden, raising up to again grin lewdly down at her, his
lips wet from his own saliva mixed with the viscid secretion from her pussy, and
as she stared he ran his thick tongue over his lips and said: "Christ ... nectar
from the gods could never taste like that delicious little cunt, Baby. I'm going
to have to eat more of that ... but it can wait ..."

And then he moved up further over her, lowering his evil face slowly with
parting lips until he sucked a ruby, hard nipple between them, his mouth
spreading to encompass even a generous portion of the proud, white firm flesh,
and abruptly she felt his teeth sink into it cruelly. She groaned aloud with the
pain and tried to push his big face away, but he held her tight while his hands
taunted the softness of her thighs, hips and buttocks, until in despair, she
relaxed her struggles in helpless subservience.

He raised up from her erect, firm breast and leered down. "You understand now,
don't you, Baby? You're going to get fucked, just the way you wanted it." He
chuckled lewdly. "Take me to Boston, you said, and I'll let you. All right, to
Boston we go ... but first we fuck and suck, right? ... Well? Answer me ...

"Oh ... Oh please, M'sieu'... I was wrong ... I didn't know ... Don't do anymore
to me ... I'll go away ... never tell anyone, I swear ..."

"You'll swear, eh?" Once more, he laughed with licentious cruelty. "You
goddamned frogs ... you get me, you know what?" His ugly face contorted
fiercely. "Spread those thighs, kid ... wider ... wider! Yeah ... that's better
... now, just hold onto your skull, sweetheart, 'cause daddy's about to fuck the
livin' hell out of you ...!"

Madeleine's breath lodged in her throat, as above her she read his leer of
triumph, and she whined aloud in pure fear ... at the same time helplessly
answering his command to spread her legs obscenely apart. He rested up over her,
his arms, two giant pillars on either side of her shoulders; she then saw one
move away as its hand disappeared down between them; she whimpered as the thick
rubbery head of his huge cock parted the sensitive, fleshy lips of her tight,
hardly-adult pussy. Again, she rolled her head to one side and then the other,
clutching her eyes tightly shut even as a tremor fluttered through her at the
sudden, galvanic tangency of its insinuation inside the hair-lined flanges of
the slit he had lubricated with his salaciously licking tongue. Her breath, she
still held wadded in her throat as she lay beneath him in total defeat, fearing
to release it in her anxiety.

He eased his heavy hips downward and forward with a gentleness she never would
have expected of him, yet, even so, the first actual contact with the tiny mouth
of her vagina caused her to wince and cringe with a loud moan.

"Oh God, NO!" she cried as the huge head pressured tightly against the pink,
snug elastic opening between her widespread thighs.

Once more.

"Aaaaaauuuggghhh," she grunted, as suddenly the tip slipped inside just beyond
its coronal rim and she really sensed the first cruel stretching of the taut,
rubbery opening in her crotch. My God ... with Jean Louis it had been nothing
like this ... even the first time! It was as she had feared! Her thighs were
splitting apart from the continuing, expanding pressures! He was going to rip
her open ... tear her completely apart ... maybe, even leave her to bleed to
death between her legs once he was finished with her ...!

He flicked his hips once more and she screamed at him. "Ohhhh ... Mon Dieu! No
... No! You're killing me, M'sieu'! I'll bleed to death! Ohhhh stop ... stop ...
please, I beg ...!"

Then, there came a burst of agony between her naked thighs, a sudden, deep,
plunging entry as if a white-hot ingot had been thrust into her body.

She screamed, futilely attempting to recoil from the fleshy snake, but it
pursued her however she managed to twist and writhe, and a wet mouth clamped
onto hers, chewing at her gasping lips and tongue, while the searing torture-rod
raced in and out and in, pounding her little-girl cunt until she was certain it
was being devoured by tongues of flame, and her whole lower portions seemed to
be torn asunder, causing gushes of tears to stream down her cheeks until at
last, she made her final sob ... and fainted dead away.

Madeleine awakened much later. It was dark and a bedside lamp burned in the
room. As she gathered her wits slowly, she became aware of her breasts being
stroked, and that a human being lay tight against her back. She was on her side,
in a bed, covered with an unfamiliar patch- quilt. She was naked except for her
ruined stockings. It all came back to her then ... she felt like weeping over
the nylons. She took a deep breath and gazed at what loomed before her eyes. The
room was strange and her head throbbed. Then, the agonized ache in her vagina
registered, and as she moved ever so slightly its soreness whipped her breath
away. She stopped moving; it felt as if something was lodged inside it ... but
after a moment, she knew that was not so. Momentarily, the events past
materialized into a pattern of horror, and without moving further, she dropped
her eyes to gape at the fleshy hand caressing her breast. So ... it was reality!
He had done it to her! And that accounted for the inflamed fury at her groin.
All right ... so, it was done. She'd kept her end of the bargain after all ...
Good. Damnit ... good! Instantly, she found that she was somewhat happy now that
it was behind her. At least, he hadn't gotten her virginity ... the filthy pig!
And now, he couldn't deny her Boston.

"I'm thirsty," she said matter-of-factly, licking at her parched lips. "I'd like
some water."

She made a motion toward arising but he held her down. Then, his hand ran down
her belly, the fingers tracing a line over her hip to rest in the hollow of her
buttock. She felt his heavy bulk stir behind her as he rolled from the bed.

"You stay put, Baby. I'll get it for you ... in honor of your tight little pussy
and most beautiful ass."

His filthy words twisted at her entrails. Dear God, she thought, what could she
have been thinking of? Then, he came into view around the foot of the bed and
she watched his flabby buttocks shake obscenely as he walked to his valise. She
stared at him, refusing to believe that he had actually penetrated her almost
virginal body so intimately.

"What you need's a slug of vodka and water," he prescribed.

"No ... please. Just water."

He grinned. "Better learn to listen to your elders, Baby. They know what's

It was useless, like everything else. She watched him pour a small amount from
the bottle he took out of his bag, then fill the tumbler with water. He brought
it to her and she drank thirstily; he climbed over her, laying down behind her
once more. She tried to ignore his intense body heat, thinking vaguely how
different one saw things once they were over and done with.

The drink was effective, bracing and warming her stomach. She lay quietly and
felt him snuggle closer to her. That, she could endure; tomorrow they would be
in Boston and she had enough money ... dear God ... he had another erection! It
felt huge against the cleavage of her bottom.

"You've got skin like green moss, Baby. Ever feel moss? It's as soft as velvet
... maybe softer," he said.

"Th-Thank you."

"But ... you surprised me, kid." He sniggered quietly. "You weren't no goddamned
virgin like I expected. Someone'd been in that little cunt of yours playing
around before me."

"No! That's not true," she lied. "It's ... it's from riding the horse for my
brother when he plowed."

Keel laughed outright. "So ...? Cherries are always trouble anyway; they scream
too loud. It makes no difference. You were good, kid. You were good ... wild
enough as it was. That's some tight little cunt you've got ... or had." He
laughed lewdly. "Can't imagine what it'd been like if it was any tighter."

He spoke the words with intense pleasure. It was obvious to Madeleine that he'd
enjoyed every minute of her rape. She didn't respond, simply laid there, her
mind almost a blank now, her only thoughts when they did occur, were of Boston
and her future.

His pulsing shaft of flesh pressing between her soft, round buttocks surprised
her with a sudden jerking motion, and then he put his hand on her waist,
clutching at her hardly perceptible hip bone to draw her bottom toward his

"Please?" she sparred, feeling quite safe now.

His huge body moved closer against her from behind and then he was nibbling at
the nape of her neck, moving along to her shoulder. She lay, pretending
impassiveness, even as a little ball of apprehension began to form once more
inside her belly. Abruptly, his hand slipped between her thighs where her
buttocks adjoined them. She jerked automatically, but his presence there no
longer shocked her, nor did it please her either, but in fact, it affected her
no way at all. His thick, long fingers dallied at the lips of her vagina,
finally oozing inside her passage to gently stroke its walls. Her wetness
startled her and she contracted her bowels in spite of herself. Then, amazingly
enough, it occurred to her that she was not exactly repelled by his
manipulations this time, that even a certain amount of thrill was surging
through her. God ... what was she becoming, anyway? Was this the way it happened
to the girls she had known who had ran away to Montreal? Were all females
affected by something inserted in, or playing at the mouths of their pussies?
She'd never have believed it if someone had told her ... And then, his rigid
prick slipped between her tight, full thighs following his leading fingers that
had probed for her pelvic opening.

God, she had to keep a hold on herself. "Please, M'sieu' Keel, I'm too sore for
that," she managed in English.

"It's all in your head, kid ... just lay perfectly still and enjoy it," he
hissed hotly into her ear.

Damn him! She caught at the moment of anger swelling up in her throat, swallowed
twice, then felt the turgid head of his cock find the irritated ring of the
moist hair-lined orifice between her thighs. Momentarily, she winced, groaning
as it wormed into her, but he gave no quarter, and at that precise moment of
entry he seemed to become transformed with all the animal-like qualities she had
already become familiar with. His breath rasped from his lungs in a grunting
burst and he skewered viciously and completely right up into her, so
emphatically that she let out a cry of agony and tried to pull free of him.

"Oh pleaseee! You're hurting me!" she exclaimed.

But he held her fast, a hand clutching around each hip so that his fingers
gouged into the firm pliable flesh of her abdomen. He thrust into her from
behind without mercy, growing ever larger and larger. She gasped, writhing in
her understandable increasing agony, impaled completely, helplessly, once again.
His thighs were sweaty, sticky-hot along the undersides of her own, and the
bristly hairs of his loins prickled at her nude buttocks. He pounded into her
without letup.

Good God, he seemed to pack her entire young belly with his massive, pummeling
prick ... up to her breasts ... and maybe beyond. Sometimes, he hurt her she
thought, but not so often now, and there were other moments when it seemed as if
he were bursting inside her, expanding intricate parts that had always been
secret, closed, forbidden. He was like a churning sea of volcanic lava behind
her, hissing, swirling, tossing, thundering and crashing against her soft,
smooth behind.

"Jesus Christ!" she heard him grunt in English, while his fingers ground deeply
into her belly, making her cry out. She felt an increased pressure at her hips,
then he was pulling and guiding her onto her knees, forcing himself up behind
her. She didn't resist, but let herself be maneuvered, although the animalistic
position completely embarrassed her. She had never kneeled in front of a man

Madeleine felt him inch closer between her widespread thighs, separating them
even further with his knees, ramming his lust-inflated cock deeper and deeper,
to the very hilt ... his heavy, bloated balls swaying and slapping against her
now erect and quivering clitoris as it peeked from its little shrine between the
spread moist lips of her tight cunt. Stretched open this way, he was reaching an
unmerciful depth inside her, forcing gasp after gasp of deceiving pain-pleasure
from her panting mouth. Her back had already begun to ache from the cruel
pressure of his hands about her waist, thrusting her upper torso down so that
her buttocks loomed up toward his face. She had never even dreamed such
debasement before in her young life; she wondered ... how could she ever face
anyone again?

The pleasure was growing ... the pain lessening ... a never-before weird, erotic
sensation; her loins tingled and clenched and there began a tiny, maddening,
electric-like prickling that instigated deep within her womb and seeped
relentlessly through the raw nerve ends of her flesh. His groin pounded her
buttocks with punishing, resounding emphasis. She heard little wailing groans
commence to escape him, and her own sensations had begun to ripple through her
cunt and out the inflamed, fleece-lined lips, dancing like fire across her
thighs. He writhed and fucked into her, raising a whine from her throat with
every in-plunge. Dear God, he seemed to be continuously growing inside her ...
and going higher and higher toward her throat. Her firm, youthful breasts heaved
and jounced, their nipples distended, pebble-hard and tingling as they brushed
tantalizingly against the linen of the bed, and she found herself waggling the
stretched moons of her ass uncontrollably back on his spearing rod of flesh ...
ignoring her tormenting soreness, aware only of the great building pressure of
fluid, screaming urgency in her loins ... pressure that was reaching toward a
fine point of sheer bliss.

This was it! What Jean Louis had tried to explain and was incapable of arousing
in her. Mon Dieu ... this was it ...! She had come to the conclusion it could
never happen to her ... but it was! Oh God ... oh God ...! There was a
tremendous ever-expanding balloon blowing up to an impossible size within her.
Abruptly, she wailed aloud, an eerie shriek as the balloon exploded sending
wild, ecstatic, liquid sensations to race poundingly through her loins,
overwhelming her with utter joy, yet she screamed and screamed as the tears of
frightening enchantment spilled down her cheeks in a rush of delightful relief.

Finally, she began to calm, but she was trembling like a leaf in a storm, her
belly quivering, while he continued to incessantly thrust his massive prick into
her moist, dilated vagina with driving ferocity, rasping and grunting like a
madman and shoving her face into the bed with every wicked, forward plunge. Her
momentarily forgotten soreness began to make its existence known once more; her
passage bore the feeling of being massaged with steel-wool. She gnashed her
teeth, praying now that she could endure it until he would cum ... and then it
occurred to her that he had taken no precautions ... that once he squirted his
life-giving sperm into her, she could become pregnant. A new wave of fear
spiraled through her and she tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn't have
it. He clung to her hips savagely, ramming with vicious strokes; she tried to
plead her situation but by that time he was muttering to himself, an incoherent
sound that quickly graduated into a moaning, groaning agony.

She felt a numbed splitting pain as the brutal head of his deep sunk cock
suddenly flared into a hugeness that threatened to tear the tiny clamlike mouth
of her womb wide asunder. It jerked and began to spurt; she sensed the gushing
hot, white semen shooting into her in seething bursts, sloshing around inside
her belly with the effect of liquid fire. The pores of her tight, still
palpitating vagina seemed to clasp around it of their own volition, the raw,
pink sheath sucking and milking the jerking shaft as if governed by a separate
brain of its own ... once more spilling its near-virginal juices into the
already flooded cavern of her involuntarily quivering pussy.

At last, he fell on her with a groan, his great weight causing her to collapse
beneath him. She struggled for breath, protested and he rolled off her. She said
nothing, but got from the bed and went into the bedroom to clean herself up and
apply cold towels to her aching loins and battered young slit. When she returned
he was asleep on the bed, laying fat and naked, his snores filling the room.
Quietly, she crawled beneath the covers and closed her eyes, falling into an
exhausted sleep.

Once in the night, Madeleine remembered, he had come to her again and she'd
tried to protest, arousing anger in him. When she'd attempted to push him away
he'd slapped her hard, then climbed up over her, stretching her thighs wide
apart once again. She'd sobbed half- hysterically, but he'd ignored her,
stuffing his rigid vile shaft into her tender and bruised cunt yet once more,
his great bulk bearing down upon her mercilessly. And as his brutal, thick cock
pummeled deeper and deeper into her tortured vagina, she could hear him
sniggering almost insanely ... and that was the second time she fainted that

Now, reflecting back as she lay there waiting for Antoine to come to her,
Madeleine recalled how her misery and heartbreak had just begun. In the morning,
she had awakened to find M. Keel gone. She had called out first, thinking him to
be in the bath, but suddenly panic had seized her and she'd leaped from the bed
naked, flinging back the door to see that his car was not there! God, how she
had wept!

The proprietaire, an aged man named M. Rondeau and his wife, had sensed her
circumstances and taken her to them, provided for her under their roof, and in
turn she had worked as long as she could through her pregnancy, maintaining the
cabins and keeping the house until her time came. They had even paid for Dr.
Carey to deliver her, and advised that she give Igat up when the drunken
physician had suggested he could put the child in a good home in Montreal where
she could look forward to a full and respectable life.

God, how Madeleine wished she had never listened to them ... her sweet, precious
Igat ... The loss was greater than she could ever have imagined ... and once she
had learned that the wealthy Rafael Girardes had her baby, she had immediately
come to Montreal just to be close to her ... happy if she were even able to
catch a glimpse of her child on the street. If ... if only there were some way
she could make arrangements with Mr. Girarde just to see her ... to talk to her
once in awhile ... it wouldn't be so bad, and maybe she could endure it ...
Perhaps if she went and spoke to the wealthy importer who held some sort of seat
in government ... He was probably a reasonable man ... If only there was some
way she could tell Antoine, and he would help ... Why didn't he come to bed? She
needed him so badly ...

Madeleine tossed a few more minutes in her restless confusion, the steady stream
of unhappy memories draining her until she closed her eyes in choked weariness.
Why didn't he come ... why didn't he ...?

She slept.

Chapter 4

Antoine made himself a third scotch and soda. He sat in his favorite chair with
his feet up on the ottoman and let the music toil at soothing him. He was still
upset; completely confused about Galaxy Mining and Uncle Gaston, and a bundle of
ragged, mixed emotions concerning Ginny Novak. He could hardly think of anything
but the vivid memory of her soft, vibrant body pressing hotly against him in the
playroom ... her kisses and exuberant passion ... her admittance that she had
wanted him physically for so long, just as he had ardently yearned for her ...
insisting that they had to make love ... even to suggesting their trysting
place. God, it was wrong ... wrong! And he knew it ... such adulterous deceit
behind his beloved Madeleine's back ... and to commit against this man who had
befriended and raised him ... Christ, how low could a person sink? Well, he knew
he was going to find out; he couldn't help himself. He would go to the summer
house at Ste. Agathe des Monts tomorrow.

He didn't know but what Madeleine suspected something. She had hardly spoken to
him after leaving the party at Uncle Gaston's, nor he to her, and the little
conversation they had exchanged seemed desultory and strained. He wondered if
she had seen him going off with Ginny; he doubted it, but then, of course, he
wasn't certain. He couldn't face her anymore this night ... not with knowing
what he intended to do tomorrow, so he'd suggested the nightcap, certain she
would refuse, and now he wanted to be sure she was sleeping when he joined her
in bed.

Truly, he felt like a cad, but damnit, he doubted that he could endure a session
of her amateur sexual calisthenics tonight, which was no reflection at all of
his feeling for her; he loved her; there wasn't the slightest doubt in his mind
about that ... but he needed a woman, a warm-blooded, capable woman who knew how
to satisfy a man ... and there was damn little question but what Ginny Novak
could and would accomplish the task. God, just the idea caused a stirring in his

He tried to imagine what Uncle Gaston would do if he ever found out; he was such
an unpredictable man that it was impossible to even hazard a guess. It was
obvious that Ginny meant nothing to him except for satisfying his ruttish needs,
yet, by the same token, Antoine assumed that he watched, or had her watched
closely, just as he had with all the mistresses before her. They were his
property; he appraised them, bought them, owned them, and when he was through
with them they were discarded. Factually, Antoine had no idea what ever became
of the many lovely young women he had seen come and go before Ginny, but he
truly doubted that they were forced into the cordon of prostitutes who were
obliged to share a large portion of their earnings with the czar of the Canadian
underworld, as Ginny had tried to make him believe.

Antoine had never blinded himself to Gaston Larreau's sources of wealth, his
criminal liaisons, or especially his syndicate connections, but nothing could
ever make him believe that the man he called uncle would ever allow anything to
happen to him. There was no question in his mind that if Galaxy was in serious
trouble, he could rely on Uncle Gaston to protect him. Ginny was very much in
error on that point, too.

She was acrimoniously bitter and he could understand that, the way the powerful
little man abused her, but he was not about to let her vindictiveness cause him
to lose his own head. After all, his allegiance ... if he possessed such a thing
... was primarily to his own ... to Uncle Gaston and to Madeleine ... but damn,
he was going to fuck that breathtaking blonde beauty if it was the last thing he
ever did ... and he was going to hate himself for doing it ... but there would
be plenty of time for remorse ... after.

He blended for himself his fourth 'nightcap'. The liquor had charged him
comfortably; he felt quite confident and secure once again and the stirring at
his loins had grown to sizable proportions. Perhaps, if Madeleine was still
awake ... He arose quickly and went into the bedroom, but she was sleeping. He
moved close to the bed and smiled down at her lovely reposed form ... surprised
to note the two little furrows between her closed eyes at the bridge of her
nose, as if she might be perplexed or troubled in a dream.

My God, she was beautiful and so innocent ... and he loved her with all of his
heart. He'd make it up to her, that's what he would do. No matter what happened
between Ginny and himself at the summer place, he'd make it up to her. By God,
he'd take an oath on that right now.

I love you, Madeleine darling. I swear it; I love you!

Chapter 5

"Oh! Ooohhh! My God, please? Wa-Wait just ... a ... moment ...!" gasped the
naked and ravishing Ginny Novak as the gargoylish little czar caught hold of her
waist in his deceiving, powerful hands and bounced her up and down, his
salacious, almost colorless eyes wickedly absorbing the voluptuous sight of her
full, erect firm breasts joggling and quaking before him, while her mouth gaped
and her eyes widened blankly with the pain each time he raised his heavy lips to
drive his massive cock up into her with evil vicious delight.

Gaston Larreau displayed a warped, gold-toothed grin. "You surprise me, ma
chere. Don't tell me that canyon you call a cunt has contracted from lack of
use." He leered at her mercilessly, continuing to raise her up off his
penetrating rod of brutal flesh, then driving her down upon it to hear and watch
her grunt and recoil with the agony.

Desperately, the lovely blonde struggled to endure the torment without further
entreaty, knowing the uselessness of pleading to his barbaric, animalistic
nature. It was not a punishment he was submitting her to, but a form of sadistic
pleasure he derived from sprawling naked in his huge, leather reclining chair
with his feet raised while she straddled him as she was now, her long, white,
rounded legs astride and folded beneath her with wide-spread thighs, her crotch
completely exposed to him, the stretched open lips of her sparse, blonde, hair-
covered pussy disclosing her delicate, pink-hued inner-flesh as he forced her to
absorb his elephantine prick up into her unprepared vagina without benefit of
the least mercy.

When the last guest had left, he'd turned to her and ordered her out of his
sight. He'd seen enough of her whorish face for one night, he'd spat, and in
welcomed relief she had gone to her room to think and dream of Antoine and their
rendezvous the following afternoon. She had no more than climbed into bed when
he'd walked naked into her room, surprising her by plopping obscenely down in
this, his favorite chair and snarling: "Come, sow! Get over here and squat down
on this prick of mine ... All of a sudden it's acquired an itch that needs
servicing, and that's what I keep you around here for."

Of course, she hadn't hesitated even for a moment; to do that would have meant a
beating with a belt or his fists, however he happened to feel; instead, she had
jumped from the bed, stripped away her night gown and immediately mounted him,
taking his giant, stone-hard cudgel into her hand and quickly drawing the huge,
rubbery, purple head through the sensitive, hardly moist coral-flesh of her
vulva and placing its tip at the snug, unwanting and unprepared mouth of her
vagina, catching and holding her breath in dreaded anticipation of his first
inhuman thrust that she knew was to come. And it had ... a vicious spearing
penetration of the blunt headed shaft, expanding the tight elastic-like mouth of
her passage in an instantaneous piercing pain as he lunged his hips upward,
simultaneously forcing her by the waist down onto his colossal instrument with
bestial fury.

She had tried to contain her outcry, but that was impossible. The insane
savagery of his cruel bursting entry had sent his impaling cock racing up into
her, its swollen spongy head reaming her tight, unready vagina, scraping at the
tender, sensitive walls and battering against her cervix painfully.

"Auuugggghhhhh!" she whimpered, little rivulets of tears suddenly appearing on
her cheeks.

Gaston Larreau sniggered sadistically. "So," he grinned, reaching out to pinch
and knead one pink, distended nipple harshly, "it makes you so happy you cry
with joy, eh?"

Ginny did not answer. She attempted a smile but that, too, was feeble. Finally,
she said: "I-I'll be all right ... in a ... minute ..."

Larreau laughed once more. As always, he was reveling in his subjugation of this
luscious American creature whom he had won, body and soul, at the turn of a card
from a cheap Las Vegas gambler named Ace Fennel. In a thirty-six hour straight
session he'd cleaned Fennel of his last sou, then wagered twenty thousand
dollars against the girl's ass, insisting that she strip naked and lay flat in
the center of the table as Fennel's ante, next to his own green stacked bills.
He remembered how she'd cried and pleaded in shame and fear as he'd run his
hands over her nude body in an intimate, unnecessary, appraisal of her value
while she begged Fennel not to do this thing to her. She'd loved the hood all
right, which had served to spice the gamble to the limit, and when it was
decided that one cut of the cards, high man, would determine the winner, and he
had turned a five of spades, followed by Fennel's anxious but confident drawing
of the deuce of diamonds, she had broken into near hysterics.

He'd taken her the first time right then, stripping and climbing onto the table
between her pretty long legs while her dejected boyfriend turned his back and
walked from the room, ignoring her desperate, wailing pleas for help, and it'd
been the most satisfying, fulfilling fuck he'd ever had with her, for she had
fought him violently and he'd beaten and raped her a half-dozen times, until his
loins were drained dry and he'd collapsed on top of her in an exhausted sleep.
After that, she had never been the same ... nothing but a spiritless pig who
couldn't control herself once his prick tripped her libido, a cringing slave
ready to stoop before him and perform the vilest act he could think of at his
command; completely gone was the last trace of resistance that had made her at
all worth while to him sexually.

He was damned near through with her ... maybe entirely through; he wasn't quite
certain yet; that was going to depend on Antoine's sweet little wife, Madeleine,
along with several other minor details ... but right at the moment he was
enjoying the erotic spectacle of Ginny Novak's pain twisted face. Unfortunately,
in a matter of minutes, she would come to enjoy it, lessening his own pleasure
... and even as he stared up into her contorted face, mercilessly driving his
gigantic shaft up into her yet tight passage, he saw the masochistic little
sparks of initial delight come alive to dance in her sea-green eyes ... that
time had already arrived; she was suddenly beginning to relish her agony.

He clutched at her narrow, supple waist and thrust brutally once more, but her
anxious, wincing moments had passed. She half-smiled a cold and hard expression,
yet there was excitement blended with it.

God, how she despised him. To her, he was the culmination of all evil, but there
was no way she could resist ... once it was inside her ... the intoxicating
thrill of his unbelievable shaft. She had known many men in her life, from hired
help on her father's mid-western farm when she was only thirteen, to the shifty-
eyed, pasty-faced gamblers who shunned the daylight in the gambling casinos of
Las Vegas, but never had she met a male to equal this wicked little
monstrosity's sexual stamina, or massive, satisfying organ, and even with his
twisted mind and depraved perversions, she was yet to be denied her first moment
of satisfaction with him carnally. And his fat little ugly, pudgy hands with
their deceiving strength ... they could set her afire with their skilled,
pleasureable manipulations ... drive her to act regardless of how debasing; she
was truly his slave in lust ... factually and willingly.

"All right, M'sieu' ... I'm ready now ... do whatever you damned pleased," she
hissed down at him, as if they were engaging in some sort of contest of physical

"You pig," he spat at her in French, still he could not hold back his grin.
"Bitch!" She was indeed his counterpart; presently, he was sorry he had to end
their association.

She began to smile down at him excitedly, at the same moment clenching her
buttocks tight to her own advantage as she began to rhythmically ride up and
down his long, thick rod, and he could feel the abrupt secretion of her
lubricating fluids from the velvety walls of her vagina bathing his cock warmly
as she now swallowed up every fraction of it with a muscularly sucking action
that pulled at the lining of his testicles. Viciously, he dug at her pink-
nippled, erect breasts, the soft resilient flesh oozing between his fingers like
rubbery putty as she worked her full, round, white buttocks up and down
furiously, her now incited cunt endeavoring to ingest ... even devour him.

Mon Dieu. She was a human fucking machine, he mused. She had only to be set off
and she went insane. If it were a stallion's cock it would all be the same to
her ... a prick was a prick as long as it triggered her. Even so, he'd not
missed the longing eyes she'd cast so many times in Antoine's direction; but
what in God's name would Antoine do with such a women? Suddenly, he laughed
aloud at the thought, then, he said: "You did well keeping my nephew occupied
while I discussed important business matters with his Madeleine."

Ginny snickered openly, it seemed like her turn anyway. "What kind of business,

Larreau sobered quickly: he didn't appreciate her obvious meaning. "Your tongue
is long enough to choke you, Ma'mo'selle. I suggest you curb it," he snarled at
her. "Talking as you do, a girl could find herself in an awkward situation, eh?"

Ginny never lost her smile. Factually, she was in ecstasy, and at such times
little could reach and upset her. Her loins had come alive with tiny prurient
sensations caused by his massive prick that she was forcing in and out of her
vaginal passage at a rapid, ever increasing rate. And she had serviced him long
enough now to know that he would do little until he'd spewed his hot, white
sperm up into her. She placed a kiss on the tip of her finger, then lay that on
the end of his nose.

He grinned, unable to hold it back. His colorless eyes dropped to stare at his
proud cock pushing and pulling at the pink, ragged lips of the hair-lined pussy
between her straddling legs, the tiny coral petals of its inner lips clasping
hungrily around the glistening shaft as it disappeared deep up the salacious
clasping hole.

"You're the best," he said suddenly, not meaning to, but unable to hold it back.
"You fucking whore ... you're the best ever!"

She laughed. "Yes, Darling, I know," she said, smiling and squirming, writhing
her round buttocks on the down-stroke.

"But you think you have me trapped, eh pig?"

"No ... no, I don't. I never wanted you trapped, M'sieu'. I never wanted you at
all. You made me what I am."


"Oui ... in French. Exactly ... in good old USofA, master."

"You are a big mouth! You talk too much and say too little," he snarled at her.
"How would you like to join the ranks of my swill-pigs, sow?"

"I figure that's just about my next stop ..."

"Exactly!" he exclaimed, watching as she continued the same body action and he
could see her stomach muscles contract as she clutched with the long velvety
sleeve of her snug vagina skillfully at his prick.

"Cunt! Bitch!" he gasped. "On the floor, whore! On your belly, damn you!"

Ginny's breath caught in her throat. Had she gone too far? What in God's name
had he conceived of now? She dare not hesitate. Nimbly, she hopped off him and
dropped onto all-fours, her tongue-tip protruding between the two white even
rows of her small teeth.

"Down!" he snapped, and she dropped flat on her belly.

Slowly, he came out of the chair and knelt to stare lasciviously at the warm,
voluptuous body beneath him. He slid his hand along the inner side of her soft,
white thigh to the moistened lips and thin pink slit of her pussy, tracing the
hair-line separation with a forefinger upward between the creamy hued orbs of
her firm, white buttocks, watching the round, soft moons arch and fall in
growing excitement to his touch; then, he felt the desire in his own loins
beginning to glow hotly. Mon Dieu, the feel of her satin-like skin could still
set him off ... damn, but she was a desirable bitch!

Ginny Novak swallowed tightly. Her subservient prostrate position, and knowing
she must submit to whatever vile whim that might titillate his warped passion,
was making her brain whirl in a growing kaleidoscope of sensual lust. She had no
idea what he was going to do to her ... or make her do to him; she only knew
that she was rapidly losing all control in her rising need. Now, he was over
her, and she squirming beneath him to the excitement of his near magic touch,
little tongues suddenly licking salaciously at her loins and belly, building to
greater and greater heights of captivating pleasure with every passing moment
from the obscene teasing of his vile hands.

She dropped her face to the nap of the carpeting and groaned into it stifling
the licentious throaty grunts of need emitting involuntarily from between her
now tightly clenched teeth. God, how often had she vowed that she wouldn't let
her body run away with her as it had so many, many times with him ... and now
there was less control than ever. When she lost her head like this, he became
absolutely fiendish ... Oh God, his hands ... his hands! Her full, round
buttocks hollowed and ground wantonly beneath the caresses of his pudgy, but
relentless, hands, and she knew that he must sense the sudden urgency of tremors
rippling obscenely over her body.

She heard his rammish laugh. She couldn't see his face but assumed he was
grinning ... rubbery lipped ... wet and loose mouthed from the sight of her near
total surrender. God ... she wanted him ... as always, she wanted him ... and as
always, she hated herself for it ... but she couldn't resist the thought of his
huge, wonderful cock slipping into her ... "Ooohhhh," she moaned aloud as she
felt his thick fingers slide up inside her moist, tingling vagina to further
taunt her.

Gaston Larreau gloatingly listened to her whine down into the softness of the
carpeting ... her voice unnatural, thick with desire and ever growing

"Ahhhhh," she groaned once more, twisting her passion contorted face to the side
so that he could see the effect his teasing was having upon her, and then it
occurred to him that she was trying to anticipate his every move and he chuckled
to himself; it was of the utmost importance to his sensual gratification that a
woman be kept completely in the dark, lest the ultimate pleasure of shock and
subjugation be destroyed.

Ginny, her bottom churning incessantly beneath his hand, made no effort to fight
against the lewd, carnal urges now racing uncontrollably through her incited
body, and in her mind she had begun to pray that he would fuck her soon, before
his tormenting hands drove her completely out of her mind. Oh God ... I want his
viciously mean, beautiful cock inside my tingling cunt. I do! I do! I've got to
have it or I'll go mad! Why doesn't he fuck me? Please ... please ... make him
fuck me now ... now!

But instead, his thick middle finger surged with relentless force and depth into
her vagina and she froze, momentarily catching her breath, until the sensations
it caused finished skyrocketing through her.

"Oooohhhhh, do it to me ... do it, for God's sake!" she pleaded back at him,
forgetting all of her vows to resist and not be conquered by his foul beast's
lewd manipulations, trying now to twist her neck so that she could watch his
maddening hands working back there at her crotch between her wide-spread thighs.

"Do what ma chere?" he taunted, grinning down triumphantly at her lust-
contorted face as she gaped helplessly and near glassy-eyed back at the
continual growing of his massive, rock-hard cock.

"Oh, damn you ... fuck me!" she moaned, the words tumbling from her lips. "Fuck
me animal fashion ... like a dirty bitch in heat!"

Larreau began to laugh gleefully. "Oui, ma chere, as you say ... but remember,
you requested it, eh?" He gazed evilly down at her squirming back, a thin line
of sweat beginning to form on his upper lips. "Raise up your ass," he commanded.

She was still on her stomach and without hesitation arched her hips higher, then
felt his hands reaching for her to pull her up onto her knees. She let him guide
her and kept lifting herself until she was entirely raised before him, high and
open. She felt the weakness and trembling in her legs and wished he would hurry,
but there was no way of making him enter into her again until he was ready.

Finally, he moved in behind her, spreading her thighs even wider with his knees,
his heavy, pulsating cock heaving lustfully as it pointed itself toward the
crinkled pinkish ring of her tiny anus so lusciously displayed to him from
between the full rounded spheres of her buttocks. Suddenly, he inched backwards
on his knees, then, leaned forward, probing his saliva-wet tongue upward from
the moist, hair-collared flanges of her cunt-mouth, along the spread crevice to
her small, prune-wrinkled rectum where he tried to penetrate with its stiffened
tip, but the sphincter was too snug, and instead, he accomplished his main
purpose ... to lubricate it well. Then, he raised up sliding in close to her
once more to taunt her cunt with the violent purple head of his peeled-fore-
skinned prick, until her whimpers drifted back to him as he ran its insinuated
head between the splayed lips to gently tease her clitoris, and she began to
moan incessantly.

He probed tentatively at her with the gigantic fleshy weapon, searching for the
hot moisture of her vagina and left her buttocks clasping at his jerking cock as
he guided it with his hand down the smooth white crevice past her anus to the
eager hair-lined opening that awaited him. He felt the organ brush across the
softness of her pubic hair and once again reach the quivering lips of her
vagina. He was playing a game. His caresses had aroused her to the point where
the flowing secretions inside her had completely lubricated her whole genital
area with a hot, slippery wetness that made it easy for him to worm his
throbbing prick into the smooth, tight gripping flesh between her legs.

She groaned in pleasure as she felt him introduce the massive tip into her
viscous coated channel, never stopping, but continuing a constant penetration
... Oh God ... it's so big! So hot ...! until its entirety, was near submerged
in slow, tormenting inches into the very depths of her belly.

"Ooohhhh yes, yes! Give it all to me ... all of it!" she choked in her passion,
catching herself the several times she was about to cry out, realizing that this
devastating, constant plunge into her entrails was what she wanted ... what she
had to have.

The grotesque little czar grinned lewdly, his lips curling wetly back to expose
his golden teeth as he began to fuck into her with long, powerful strokes ...
never hurrying, but leaning back and watching his thick, lust-hardened rod of
flesh moving in and out of her wide- stretched vagina ... watching the soft,
pink flesh gripping him, clasping his rigid prick and pulsating against him. He
sensed the muscles deep inside her passage flexing and constricting around his
mighty shaft as he fucked deeper into her.

"Uuugggnnnnhhhhh," Ginny groaned through partially clenched teeth as the
throbbing, massive cudgel rammed savagely into her. She knew the pain ... wanted
it, and couldn't contain the tears of agonized pleasure that streamed down her
cheeks. Her vaginal passage was on fire, but experience with him had taught her
that this would gradually pass once her channel walls grew accustomed to the
giant invasion from this angle. Its huge head, it seemed, was ripping her
deepest organs ... and she wanted it so. Suddenly, her own hand slipped between
her thighs and spreading the soft curls of her sparse pubic hair, caressed the
erectiled bud of her throbbing clitoris, caressed, stroked and taunted the
already passion-inflamed bud pulsating lasciviously down between her open legs.

Behind her, Larreau had begun to gasp and pant heavily in his obscene delight,
and he rocked rhythmically in and out of the soft confines of her moist,
clasping cunt.

For Ginny, the pain was lessening, and the masochistic thrill of her helpless,
debased position kneeling before him rippled through her; the ravishment of her
body by this vile man who took her at will in whatever manner that pleased him
at the moment, as a master might a slave, sent familiar waves of wicked pleasure
coursing through her entire naked being. She groaned aloud and subconsciously
began to undulate her buttocks lewdly in tiny tempoed circles to the long thick
cock fucking into her mercilessly from behind.

"Yes ... yes ... yesssss," she moaned uncontrollably, hardly able to believe
that he had not stopped when he saw she was enjoying it to the fullest, for
this, too, was a demented torment he reveled in, and more often than once she
had been forced to pretend her agony in order to deceive him into satisfying
her. But tonight, it all seemed different, and she realized that at any other
time this in itself would petrify her with fear, but at the moment she was too
overwhelmed in her ecstasy to even think rationally.

Oh God ... I don't want him to ever stop ...!

On his knees, hunched behind her squirming body, Gaston Larreau gritted his
teeth wickedly as he fucked in and out with long, hard lunges, his own heavy
buttocks hollowing with every thrust. A feeling of absolute power spiraled
through him as he held her hips down in total subjection to his stone-hard cock
skewering relentlessly into her. She was his to do with in whatever manner he
pleased and shortly he'd remind her of that ... all in due time ... just before
her climax, when she was near ready to go out of her mind ... that's when he
enjoyed it the most ... Presently, he could feel the soft, fleshy ridges inside
her giving way before the inhuman onslaught of his pistoning shaft.

He squeezed her flesh in his brutal, pudgy hands, so that it grew up in thick
ridges, small, bloodless, hillocks of her cream-like, satiny flesh embossed on
her lush, round buttocks, and when he released them the ridges settled back
slowly, leaving angry red marks fringed with a white bloodlessness on her skin.
Each time he thrust, his fingers gripped her harder, squeezing her soft,
unresisting thighs with sadistic delight, hurting her, forcing groans of pain
from her tormented throat as she struggled uselessly beneath his mastery of her
mind and body.

He stretched the quivering white orbs of her buttocks wide with cruel fingers,
watching the pink folds of wet, glistening flesh clinging tightly around his
rampaging cock. Suddenly, he levered forward on his knees, and with a loud
grunt, drove his plunging shaft to the very hilt; he could feel the fleshy
resistance deep inside spread before the blunt, turgid head of his prick,
raising a soft, guttural sound from the depths of her throat, as though the
breath had been driven from her. He knew she'd been fucked this deep before
because he had done so, but each time it was as if he had entered a virginal
passage, and he would worm the head around deep inside, enlarging the depths of
her womb and feeling its clasping muscles gripping his rigid staff like warm,
slippery elastic. As always, the soft enveloping tightness sent a tingle of
pleasure surging through his balls, and his shaft encased in the warm, clasping
sheath, pulsated with lewd and delightful sensations.

Ginny's eyes opened and closed in a lost glaze of passion. She spread her thighs
wider, sliding her knees farther apart, thrusting her buttocks even higher back
against his plunging cock. Now, with each battering stroke she felt with obscene
rapture his sperm-bloated balls slapping against the erect, palpitating bud of
her clitoris, while the thick, curled, pubic hair around the base of his prick
brushed tantalizingly against the soft, inner edges of her ass. She rested in
such a position that her breasts were squashed against the carpet, its rough nap
erotically taunting her taut, distended nipples. She mewled with ecstasy as she
felt the burrowing shaft behind her imbed its unbelievable full length inside
her. Its smooth, spongy head grazed the flat hardness of her cervix, probing
deep, deep where nothing or no one had ever before reached. Long forgotten was
any humiliation of bending like a lowly serf before him while he fucked into her
from behind exuding his lust into her hungry, open crotch. As ever, only the
lewd pleasure surging through her like myriad tongues of fire was all that
mattered. She wanted to be fucked like this, had to be subjected to every lewd
demand he could think of to satisfy her lust-wracked body that he had so trained
in the vilest of debaucheries.

"So, ma chere, it brings you pleasure, eh?" Larreau hissed at her, sensing the
wild pressure beginning to build in his balls.

"Oh yes ... God, yes ... Don't stop! Fuck it hard and deep! Hard and deep!"

With that, the little czar sadistically withdrew the hardened shaft, while Ginny
in sudden frustrated dismay began to waggle and force her bottom back at him
desperately, her wet, quivering pussy searching wildly for the pleasure-giving
instrument that had escaped it. She whimpered and moaned frantically as behind
her, Larreau raised the mighty weapon until its unseeing eye leveled with her
hairless, puckered anus that glistened beneath its thin film of viscid fluid
coating her entire loins and genitals. He might have better prepared it by
stretching it with his fingers, he thought lustfully, but the pleasures derived
were better unannounced.

He doubted in her sudden flustered state that she realized he was penetrating
her asshole at first try, without benefit of any preliminaries. And then, she
must have felt its thick bluntness prodding and working against her tightly
clenched anus. Oddly enough, in all of the many ways he had taken her, he had
never before sodomized her, and now he realized why; he'd been saving this for
the one grand finale, the final degradation before he finished with her for good
... and now, it was time. He chuckled lewdly to himself. She would have to
decide it was much too big; she would judge that with certainty. He continued to
grin to himself as he wormed the tip of it into the snugly resisting little
aperture. He could feel the foreskin being stretched back against his long,
thick cock painfully, and he gave a quick hip- thrusting stab until he could
feel it slowly slipping its way into her rectum. She would say to herself, it
was all right ... all right, because she dare say nothing else ... and then, he
was well beyond the barrier of the clutching elastic ring of the sphincter

Ginny forced herself to think: it's all right ... it's all right, as his vicious
rod ground its way deep and deeper into her nether channel ... and then,
suddenly, without warning, she felt as if a railroad tie was endeavoring to
burst into her body through her virginal anal passage! She tried to pull away,
but he held her fast as the impossible, agonizing penetration continued.

"Aaaauuuuuggggghhhhhh! Dear God Almighty! Noooo, nooooo ... stop! It hurts
terribly!" she cried.

Larreau grinned excitedly. Of course, it hurt, stupid pig! It was supposed to
hurt. He held her in a bear-hug and simply rammed and thrust.

"God ... I beg you don't ... please? It's too big! It's going to kill me!" Ginny
screamed back at him through her gnashing teeth.

But it was there and there it remained, ever moving into her back passage and
she couldn't escape it. His thighs thrust hers forwards; his arms held her hips
back to his.

Dear Jesus, I'm helpless! I can't move! It's paralyzing me! I can't move!

"Shove back!" Larreau commanded. "Damn you, sow ... push back, I say!"

She could barely think in her unbelievable agony, but she knew she must obey his
words, lest further torture be heaped upon her. Every way was pain, pain, pain!
But she did it ... she pushed back and somehow opened her ass that final measure
through deliberate effort born of fear. She visualized the trunk of a tree
unrelentingly being pressed into her tiny nether hole, stretching her buttocks
wider and wider apart until she knew she would split open. And then, it was
done, his vicious cock completely buried right up into her rectum, solid and
extremely painful, but finally better because at last it was inside her in its
entirety ... there was no more to take.

"Ohhh ... ooohhhh ... ooohhhh," she gasped. She was impaled on his long, fleshy
rod thrust into her rectum to the hilt, unable to move from the excruciating
pain that was endeavoring to split her thighs horribly apart. Dear God, now he
had subjected her to the lowest and most brutally painful of defilements ... he
was sodomizing her! Once more she gasped, but this time for breath as
momentarily he remained immobile, perhaps allowing the obscenely stretched
channel of her rectum to become adjusted to his new invasion inside it ... this
rigid and ever-growing spear of flesh that packed her full! Oh, the filthy
beast! God curse him. Dear Christ, could she stand it ...? Or would she faint

Then all thought was whipped away as she heard him croon with delight and gasp
as he began to saw rhythmically and without the slightest mercy deep up into the
soft confines of her back passage.

Larreau couldn't contain the groans of delight escaping him as he felt the warm
soft flesh of her flattened, full buttocks pressing tightly against his loins.
He thrust forward into the tightly puckered and now obscenely stretched mouth of
her passage, simultaneously sliding his hand down underneath and between her
thighs to her opened cuntal slit, feeling the moisture from the smooth, fleshy
lips seeping salaciously out to cover the softness of her pubic hair brushing
teasingly against his testicles as they swung down between her legs. His eyes
locked on the hardened shaft disappearing completely into the tight, wide-
stretched oval opening between the twin white mounds of her helplessly quivering
buttocks. He moaned again and drew it out slightly, watching with bated breath
the tender pink flesh pulling out with it and then disappearing back inside with
his inward thrust. His breathing increased, incited by the lewd lascivious
spectacle, until once more he began plunging into her in a tempoed cadence, in
and out, in and out, deep up into the warm clasping channel of her rectum.

Ginny dug her nails into her palms, bit at her lower lip, and was surprised when
the pain eased a bit, but even more so when a certain thread of arousal seemed
to weave through her pain-wracked body ... although it was still a mixture of
hurtful discomfort and stimulation. She felt saturatingly wet between her
buttocks and more debased than from anything he had ever subjected her to. Of
course, it was significant, this depraved perversion he was inflicting upon her,
but she couldn't fathom to what degree ... or was it because she was refusing to
face the truth ... he was finished with her ... breaking and destroying any last
vestige toward decency she might still possess before putting her onto the
street with the rest of his cochons ... God, if she could only think straight,
but each time she tried to concentrate he shattered the thought by a skin-
splitting thrust that jolted her forward ... until suddenly she realized that
her body was voluntarily squirming back against his every ramming plunge ...
squirming back onto his fleshy stem that was meting out the punishment.
Abruptly, she was aware of a certain masochistic pleasure. The pain had become
weirdly erotic, and she was heaving backwards to meet the forward charge of his
loins ... undulating her body and moving her buttocks in tiny, lewd circles. In
fact, she'd begun to feel quite excited through the pain ... wanting his massive
cock buried deeper and harder up into the channel of her ass, and she found
herself reaching back beneath her thighs to scratch gently at his swinging
balls, all of a sudden, turning her face sideways again just so he could see the
new effect his sodomizing prick was having on her.

Kneeling above and behind her, Larreau continued to watch the reddish inflamed
skin of the little round hole draw back with his cock, clutching it as if it
didn't want it ever to come out. At first, the pressure on his shaft had been
almost too much to bear, but now it was just tight and exhilarating, the type of
squeezing pressure that promised to draw the sperm right out of his balls with
the ferocity of spewing molten metal at every stroke.

He stared at his white, vicious pole disappearing right up her satin- smooth,
gyrating ass with each lunge. It submerged until not even a fraction of it was
left unabsorbed, straining wildly in that snug, resistant channel, its spongy,
turgid, lust-inflated head probing deep into her soft, quivering belly.

"Oooohhh, Oooohhhhh," Ginny groaned as his pelvis slapped against the soft,
resilient flesh of her twin white buttocks. The rampaging cudgel was the length
of a ball-bat ... and sunk to his balls in her numbed and weirdly tingling
asshole. Dear Jesus, she was completely and helplessly impierced.

Larreau's balls throbbed and his cock cavorted as if it were about to burst each
time he plunged into her; she was moaning and adding to his pressure with the
movements of her ass and the hollowing of her back. He gaped at her passion-
twisted profile as his lips bared back from his teeth. Her face was flushed a
bright red, her head flailing from side to side and her long blonde hair strewn
down over her sweating forehead like an insane woman ... and she was gasping for
more. Damn her! He'd never meant for her to enjoy it. The filthy, pig, bitch!
Christ, how he wanted to cause her unbelievable agony! Goddamn her! He swore
aloud and gouged his cock with a ramming thrust into her ass, leaving it there,
listening to her whine as he brutally ground his pelvis in expanding circles,
routing the already inflamed inner flesh of her passage with fiendishly cruel
delight. "Ohhh ... Ooohhhh, yes ... yes," she whimpered to his dismay. "Fuck it,
fuck it, damn you! Do anything you want to it! I love it ... do you hear me?
God, I love it!"

Larreau was suddenly losing his own sense of balance in his near fanatical
attempt to increase her agony and desperately he tried to think of something yet
more vicious he could inflict upon her to bring about his insanely mounting
climax. Christ, he had to cum, else he'd go out of his goddamned head! He had
never meant that she would enjoy it ... want it! The bitch! The dirty slut-
bitch! Suddenly, he began to slap with brutal, alternating hands at the
generous, wide-spread white mounds of her ass, crashing swats that echoed and
re-echoed throughout the room.

"Wiggle it, you stinking cochon! Keep it moving and fuck me back, damn you, or
I'll cut your heart out!" he screamed at her, his powerful opened little hands
flailing in rhythmic, wild blows against the soft satiny flesh of her already
angry-red ass cheeks.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" Ginny cried and winced with every painful smack against her
sensitive buttocks, a violent shudder rippling through her at this new demonical
abasement. And even as he continued, she felt him withdraw his prick to the
glans, then thrust it forward barbarically until his balls slapped with loaded
heaviness against the flowered slit of her cunt in one long, racing stroke ...
and the combined sensations were forcing her into an unbelievable state of

"Go on, you monster! Fuck it! Beat me! Ram me! Any damned thing you want! I love
it ... you hear? Love it! Squirt your filthy cum in my ass! I want you to! I
want you to!" she screamed back at him breathlessly.

Larreau's cock tingled as if charged with electric current; his balls were alive
with fire. He'd tried to inflict unbearable pain upon her but she had accepted
it and was asking for more! He couldn't believe it! And ... and ... and then, he
realized that he was going to cum! He was going to shoot a torrent of sperm into
her lovely white American ass ... the ultimate subjugation ... except that she
wanted it ... she wanted it! Damn her! But he'd never had a woman like her ...!
Christ, she was all that he'd ever wanted ... wasn't she ...?

His brain was a turmoil. Her sudden obscene response to his cruel beating and
sodomy had suddenly inspired him like an infused satyr. He reached down and
pulled her ass-cheeks wide apart, commencing to batter his pelvis against her
soft, yielding, reddened buttocks with inhuman whaps that bounced off his own
ear-drums. Perspiration from his sweating face dripped onto her lovely hollowing
back to make it glisten in the light. His breathing came in short, puffing
gasps, his eyes locked on the whiteness of her quivering body that was slipping
back over his plunging cock with the snug delight of a fitted velvet glove. Mon
Dieu, he was losing all control over the situation, even as his great shaft was
growing unbelievingly. His sac hung heavy with its bloated reservoir of sperm,
and it had to be emptied soon or he'd burst from the excruciatingly delicious

Ginny had reached the point where she was mumbling unintelligibly beneath his
pounding hips. She waived her ass salaciously back against his unrelenting
thrusts. She wanted him to cum. She wanted him to squirt his heavy load of semen
right into her bowels. She wanted him to split her crotch wide open and spill
his sperm into her until she was completely immersed in its delicious
loveliness. She could feel a sopping wetness in the crevice of her ass and any
thought of pain had long since left her ... as had all other thoughts except
that of his magnificent cock battering her asshole. She dropped her shoulders to
the floor so that her near-glowing-red buttocks were raised even higher in the
air, and the ape-like, frenzied cudgel could fuck into her completely

"Mon Dieu! Mon Dieu! It's time!" Larreau choked, tossing back his head and
grunting savagely as he thrust his cock's full expanded length into her forever-
stretched asshole, his ugly, squat body beginning to jerk convulsively, his
mouth falling open slackly and he clawed at her waist and hips with harsh,
clutching fingers, pulling her buttocks even wider apart for his prick to wedge
yet another fraction of an inch into her.

"Fuck back! Fuck back!" he commanded her.

Ginny, beneath his pounding assault, felt the first exquisite gushes of his hot,
white cum splutter into the remote depths of her rectum. It surged through her
body with the torrential force of a bursting dam, burning into her heaving belly
like seething liquid fire. The delicious sensation tripped her own climax and
she screamed as the great maelstrom of pleasure overwhelmed her ... until at
last, she sensed rivulets of his hot, sticky sperm running down the crevice of
her wide- split buttocks to the slit of her open, throbbing cunt ... and then he
was withdrawing his deflated member inside her ... and a welcomed cool rush of
air brushed and soothed the unplugged, inflamed hole of her anus as she
collapsed forward onto the floor, her breasts heaving spasmodically against the
rough nap of the carpet.

She lay, her face turned away from him, reality slowly enveloping her once more
as she heard him struggling to his feet, his breathing coming heavily.

For a long moment, Gaston Larreau stared down at her obscenely spread body, a
blank expression on his ugly, round face, and then slowly an evil little smile
twisted at his rubbery lips. He walked to her vanity and picked up a long
handled hair-brush, then returned to bend silently over her, and before she
realized what was happening he thrust the blunt-ended handle to the hilt into
her already tormented and enchafed rectum.

Ginny screamed with the shock of the vicious and torturing empalement as the
little czar, roaring with laughter, joggled toward the door. There, he paused
and turned to see her struggling to her knees and reaching behind her to clutch
at the protruding end of the brush jutting out of her asshole. Once more, he
laughed gleefully.

"Why don't you just leave it in there, pig ... you look natural with a tail," he

"Goddamn you! You filthy bastard!" Ginny screamed, jerking the implanted brush
from her bottom and throwing it at him as he closed the door behind him, the
instrument smashing against it harmlessly.

He was gone then, but she could still hear his laughter as he walked down the
hall and she threw herself forward onto the floor, sobbing in near hysterics.

God Almighty! What's ever to become of me?

Chapter 6

Rafael Girarde was a handsome man by any measure of standard. He was tall, broad
shouldered and lean hipped, wore his well-cut, tailored clothes with a flair,
smiled broadly with an open, warm expression, his discerning blue eyes sparkling
sincerely, his deep masculine, resonant voice inspiring confidence. Madeleine
was particularly taken with his heavy shock of waved, greying hair, the one
single tell-tale of his fifty odd years.

She was surprised at his simple, lackluster office, knowing his successful
business capacity as an importer and owner of night clubs throughout the city,
as well as holding a post as Ministre Of Gouvernment, say nothing of his
luxurious home in Mont Royal that she had only seen, of course, from the street.
But in all, she was most impressed by the way he made her feel, even after she
had told him who she was and why she was there ...

"Please, my dear, won't you sit down and be comfortable?" he had offered coming
from behind his cluttered desk to place his hand on a chair in a gestured

Madeleine went to it and seated herself while M. Girarde returned to his place
behind the desk. She felt extremely tense and had already begun to question
whether she had done the right thing by exposing herself this way ... but she'd
not rushed into it blindly, without considering Antoine's position. Earlier, she
had desperately tried to lead into the subject with her husband, prepared to
cleanse her conscience once and for all and beg him to help her recover her
child, but his indifferent and preoccupied attitude had finally caused her to
give up the idea. Instead, she had struggled through coffee with him, kissing
him at the door as she handed him his briefcase, then hurriedly dressed, knowing
exactly what she was going to do. Whether Antoine had suspected something was
amiss she wasn't certain, nor hardly cared any longer, but certainly their
conversation had been strained and he'd acted terrible edgy ...

"Well now ..." M. Girarde was saying with a pleasant smile, "... you have
already brightened my day to no end, Madame Poirier ... for at last, I
understand why Igat is such a beautiful child ... her mother is a ravishing

Madeleine blushed immediately; she dropped her eyes in sincere, if, gentle
embarrassment. "You're most kind, M'sieu', but I must admit that I don't feel
very ravishing ... coming to you with my sordid story this way ..."

"Ah, ma chere, but you mustn't degrade yourself over an unfortunate affaire
d'amour," said M. Girarde suavely. "How is it they say ...? It is better to have
loved and lost than never to ..."

"That was not the situation at all, M'sieu'," Madeleine interrupted quickly. "I
assure you, it was not ..."

Rafael Girarde shrugged his broad shoulders. "So ... what difference," he said,
his warm smile always prevalent. He leaned back in his chair, joining his hands
at fingertips. "How can I help you, ma chere?"

Madeleine bit nervously at her lower lip, the ridiculousness of her proposed
request suddenly dawning on her. To entertain even the remotest idea that these
people would give up her baby after all this time had been insane ...
unreasonable ... for weren't they more parents to her than she had ever been? In
fact, they were the only parents Igat had ever known ...! Yet, she hadn't
thought of it that way at all ... and now, faced with her own irrational
decision, she hardly knew what to do next.

"Well, Madame ...?" Girarde prodded gently.

"I-I don't know what to say, M'sieu'," she stammered. Suddenly, she reached into
her purse and found a small hanky to dab at her nose as her dark eyes began to
glisten behind her tears. "It's ... it's my baby ... I miss her so ... want her
so ... Oh God, M'sieu' Girarde, what can I do ..? I-I think I'll lose my mind if
I don't get her back ..."

Rafael Girarde barely moved; he studied this voluptuous girl who had given birth
to the child both he and his wife had come to think of as their very own, the
child they had purchased from a drunken doctor without benefit of legal
documents because his barren wife's past narcotic history was a matter of
record, and enough to destroy any possibility of proper adoption. It'd had been
little Igat's entry into their family that had made the Madame's recovery from
her addiction possible, not that he really cared a tinker's damn for the Madame,
but he did have a certain position to maintain as a Ministre Of Gouvernment,
along with his other enterprises, and having a dope fiend for a wife did little
toward enhancing that position. Now, as his keen eyes absorbed the breathtaking
loveliness of the desirable young woman seated before him, his brain
subconsciously registered the threat of her presence, even as another section of
his mind began to plot lecherously.

"Can you believe, ma chere, that I can understand and sympathize with you?"
Rafael Girarde said in gentle tones. "They say there is no bond stronger in this
world than mother-love ... but then, being a mother is more than just giving
birth, is it not ...?"

"Please," Madeleine interrupted. "I-I realize I have no right coming to you like
this, M'sieu' ... but ... but my God ... she is my baby, don't you see ...?"

At that moment, she broke down completely and Girarde made no motion toward
consoling her. The interlude gave him time to think as well as an opportunity to
ogle her sensuously inspiring curvaceous body, while simultaneously he sensed a
carnal stirring at his loins. He smiled to himself, a barely perceptible little
gesture, while she wiped at her nose in an effort to regain her composure.
Finally, he stood and went to a small cabinet to bring out glasses and a half-
filled bottle of cognac. He poured lightly and approached her, a glass in either

"Drink this, ma chere, I believe it will help."

Hesitantly Madeleine accepted it and sipped.

God knows, she needed some sort of bracer at the moment. She'd been a fool for
coming here this way ... completely stripping herself of pride ... and worst of
all, now she had exposed herself ... to say nothing of what it might do to
Antoine if he were to find out of her past through someone else ... Dear God,
she'd had to do something ... anything rather than keep her tentative
clandestine meeting with Uncle Gaston ... And then, the thought of him pawing
her with his fat, sweaty hands as he had the night before, his wicked fingers
inserted right up inside her vaginal passage between her legs, almost nauseated
her. Today, it would be worse ... today, it would be everything, all the way;
he'd have no mercy ...

"Of course, Madame Poirier, you must understand that we ... Madame Girarde and
myself, regard Igat as our very own," he said, never losing his gentleness of
voice. "I'm certain you do appreciate this ...?"

"Yes ... yes, I do appreciate it, M'sieu' and I know all that you've done for
her," Madeleine acknowledged. "Oh ... I know I have no right to even hope ...
but she's my baby ... if ... if I could just see her once in awhile, perhaps for
a very little time each week ...?"

Girarde pursed his lips, his brow furrowing, as if he were not too pleased with
the idea. He said. "I'm not certain that Madame Girarde would approve of you
seeing her at all, ma chere ..."

"Could she be that cruel?" Madeleine put to him sharply.

"Ah oui, she could and undoubtedly would," replied Girarde, finishing his
cognac. "My wife is not what you would call a considerate woman, however ..." He
sat his glass on his desk and approached her with outstretched hands.

Madeleine sensed a quickening of her pulse at the expressive movement and as she
fixed her eyes on his still beckoning hands, she set down her glass and slowly
arose, feeling that he was bringing the interview to an end. He caught her hands
in his and held to them warmly as she raised her eyes to lock with his own, both
surprise and mild trepidation rippling over her.

"You ... you said, however ...?" Madeleine repeated.

Girarde nodded, smiling handsomely. "I was going to say that something might be
arranged ... between you and me ... excluding Madame Girarde ... perhaps some
private little tete-a-tetes once a week ... quiet and ah ... shall we say,
intimate, ma chere?"

Madeleine stared up into his face, her eyes widening in shocked disbelief as the
full impact of his meaning struck her immediately. "M'sieu', my God ... what are
you saying ...?"

"Ah, come now, Cheri," he said softly, continuing to smile as he moved closer to
her, his hands gently slipping to her narrow waist. "Certainly nothing wrong
with us enjoying a ... say, a dinner one evening, eh? Where we might discuss
arrangements more in detail ...?"

"A-Arrangements ...?" Madeleine repeated, her face flushing as the rage began to
mount inside her. "M'sieu' ... you will please remove your hands from me at
once. Wh-What do you take me for, anyway?"

Rafael Girarde chuckled lewdly and Madeleine detected the lascivious gleam in
his eyes. "Let's not play cat and mouse, ma chere, I believe you've already
established the answer to what you are ... my only concern is the extent of your
price, eh?"

The brunt of his words was like a blow across her cheek; she actually staggered
backward from it, even as he clutched at her waist.

"Damn you!" she hissed. "Goddamn you! You dare speak to me this way? Put your
hands on me ...? My husband will kill you for this insult! I swear ...!"

Girarde continued to chuckle, as if she hadn't spoken a word. Finally, and
calmly, he said: "Madame, I have a strange feeling that your husband would be
more apt to kill you ... if he knew the truth ... if he knew the truth ... eh?
Now, isn't that just a little bit closer to the facts? The so-called nephew of
our country's infamous crime czar has no idea that his pretty little wife is the
mother of an illegitimate child ... or wouldn't you care to answer that?"

Madeleine could do nothing, it seemed, but stare blankly at him. She had totally
misjudged him, and by so doing, had compromised herself dangerously. For one
brief moment, her legs nearly wilted beneath her ... and then came the
resurgence of anger and rage that caused her to flail out at him wildly with
clawing hands as the tears gushed down her cheeks.

"You bastard!" she screamed, "You dirty rotten bastard!"

The sudden ferocity of her attack sent the handsome Ministre floundering
backward and sputtering obscenities of his own, his retreat giving Madeleine the
necessary time to break for the door, and before he could stop her, she was
beyond it, racing through his office in a state of sobbing, emotional frenzy, to
which M. Girarde's matronly secretary leaped to her feet to stare after her,
then slowly turned to her employer with gaping, questioning eyes.

"Mon Dieu, M'sieu'! What is wrong with her ... she was almost hysterical ...?"

"Ohhh ... shut up and ... get back to work, eh?" M. Girarde spat at her, going
back into his office and slamming the door behind him.

Chapter 7

Shortly, it began to rain and Madeleine walked aimlessly in it. She had taken a
cab to M. Girarde's office rather than to drive and have to search out a parking
place in downtown traffic, and now in the aftermath of the degrading incident
the Ministre Of Gouvernment had subjected her to, she found herself wandering
erratically along hardly familiar streets, the summer downpour nearly soaking

Dear God, in all of her young life she had never felt so despondent ... so all
alone as she did at that very moment. Where could she turn? She had no one ...
absolutely no one. There was no way she could approach Antoine, or unburden her
soul to him, and subconsciously she had been aware of this all along, which was
undoubtedly the reason she had not done so already; he would never understand
... never forgive her. She realized this to be a certainty, now, for the first
time. And M. Girarde, whom she had misjudged entirely, he, too, was a vile
beast, without the slightest touch of compassion in his heart, God, she was
destitute for sympathy or a helping hand, and she must see her baby ... she
must, or lose her mind altogether!

So ... there remained but one course ... Uncle Gaston. Dear God! Could she do
it? She remembered the little ogre's words: "You be 'nice' to me and I'll get
your kid back for you ... make Antoine accept it ... Girarde is a nothing ... a
Ministre Of Gouvernment, but a nothing. I'll get the child. I swear it ... if
you're 'nice' to me ..."

Oh God ... have mercy on me, she thought as she felt the warmth of her tears
even in the midst of the rain drops brushing down her cheeks, and then, she
raised her arm at the oncoming cab and signaled it over to the curb.

* * *

"So, you finally decided to come," Gaston Larreau smirked broadly at his adopted
nephew's wife standing in the doorway of his elegant, if, compact little
downtown hideaway. "Took a bit of time for you to make up your mind, eh?" He
chuckled, a certain licentious note prevalent in the sound. "Well ...? Don't
stand there, come inside. You look like a half drowned rat. What the hell've you
been doing, crawling in the gutter?"

With downward cast eyes, Madeleine entered and felt a cold little chill ripple
along her spine as he closed the door behind her and locked it securely. But she
didn't look at him; she couldn't as yet. Again she heard him snigger deep in his

"You better get those clothes off," he said matter-of-factly. "You must be
soaked to that pretty soft skin of yours. Wouldn't want you catching a cold on
my account, eh? Antoine would never forgive me." This time, he laughed loudly.

She stood with her back to him, yet to speak her first word since he'd answered
her ring, and now he walked up to her, slipping one arm around her waist
affectionately, then letting his hand slide down over the full round line of her
hip and back to smooth over her buttocks as he bent forward to peek up into her
face. She felt her flesh cringe and grow taut to his touch beneath the clinging
wet garments, and she steeled herself to keep from bolting and screaming.

"Ah, chere, I see you've taken a more sensible outlook on things today," he
said, leering up at her. "Not quite to my expectations ... but passable,
temporarily. Now ... why don't you run into the bedroom and undress so that we
can get these clothes dry. You'll find a choice of feminine wear to your liking
... but don't overdue it, ma chere, eh? After all, you won't be needing it
long." He laughed. "Now, go ahead while I mix us a drink ..."

"U-Uncle Gaston ... please ... I-I ..." Madeleine started, hesitantly, the fear
and shame distorting her lovely face obviously even to him.

He surprised her then by taking her firm, pointed chin delicately in his pudgy
hand and raising it. "Look, Cheri, don't be afraid. I'll protect you ... and
I'll get your baby for you, just as I promised last night, but ... but you must
be good to me," he said, moving in close to her, both arms encircling her while
his hands cupped familiarly the full round orbs of her lush buttocks. Playfully,
he squeezed, massaged and joggled them in his fat little hands, while a
degrading sensation of incestuousness raced through her; then, he drew her tight
to him, pressing his massive belly against her own flat one, his heavy thighs
crowding hers, and the hardness of his obviously jerking member grinding into
her pelvis. At equal height, his lips sought hers hungrily, and closing her eyes
to shut out the sight, she suddenly felt his wet, open mouth ravenously suck in
her soft lips, while his thick tongue brushed over them, then crashed brutally
between them into her mouth and throat.

Madeleine didn't fight him; instead, just as she had closed her eyes to the
sight of him, she now closed her mind to his actual existence and the
despicable, nauseating things he was doing to her. One thought, and one thought
alone filled her repulsive mind ... Igat ... her own little Igat ...!

Dear God, forgive me ... forgive me ...

"Please ...?" she managed at last, gently pushing back from him. "L-Let me get
these ... these wet things off ..."

He backed away, smiling crookedly, displaying his gold teeth. "Oui, oui, but
hurry, chere, I think it's about ready to burst a blood vessel, eh?" He laughed
obscenely and watched her walk quickly into the bedroom, closing the door. He
called after her: "I'll mix us a drink ..."

Madeleine lay back against the closed door, her hand immediately going to cover
her face as a sob burst from her throat. Her mind suddenly raced backward in
time to a similar horror in her life in a shabby little motel at Riviere du Loup
and a chilling sliminess crept over her, causing her whole body to tremble
repugnantly. Mother of God! She couldn't go through with it! She just couldn't
...! There was no way ...! Yet, even as her tormented mind churned in painful
turmoil, she was unzipping her dress from behind and stepping out of it ...
choking back little convulsive gasps as she lifted her slip over her head ...
whimpering to herself while simultaneously she stepped out of her shoes, then,
rolled her pantyhose down over her lush round hips and buttocks, finally
lowering herself to the bed where she could more easily slide them along the
long white columns of her legs ... and the tears continued to dribble in fine
rivulets down her lovely cheeks. She stood, then, and reaching behind with both
hands, unhooked her bra to let it slip away and reveal her trembling, full,
erect breasts, while a cool rush of air brushed over them causing their tiny
nipples to tauten of their own volition. She emitted one last little sob as she
stared at the reflection of her soft, naked, voluptuousness in the full-length
wall-mirror, realizing suddenly that her natural instinct had been the superior
force dominating and guiding her hands ... that all other self protecting
emotions were subservient to this most natural of inborn proclivities ... and
abruptly she raised her chin in a gesture of defiance, her deep dark eyes
leaping to life with a sparkling glint of determination ... She could and would
do anything to get her Igat back! Nothing or no one else mattered ... especially
herself! Yes, she could and she would ...!

The door opened suddenly and Uncle Gaston entered, drinks in his hands, only to
stop short as he gaped in breathtaken dazzlement at the magnificent splendor of
her unexpected nakedness before him.

Madeleine, hardly use to even the thought of her determined, if, artificial
sang-froid, fell backward a step with the shock, grabbing up her sheer slip to
hold it protectively in front of her beneath her chin.

"Jesus Christ!" Uncle Gaston gasped. His mouth hung open as if hinged, his
little colorless eyes beading excitedly as they fell to the almost completely
exposed delightful extremities of her rounded soft white thighs and tapering
calves below the short silken garment she held raised protectively. "Y-You're
beautiful, Cheri ... Goddamn ...! Beautiful ...!"

Madeleine couldn't speak; she stared at him in immediate wild-eyed confusion,
the first waves of shame and fear taking precedent over all else, and then, as
he slowly began to move toward her, she automatically retreated ... forgetting
that only the bed lay strategically behind her.

The drinks in his hands forgotten, Larreau set them on a table, never taking his
hungry, lecherous eyes from her. Spontaneously, his thick tongue darted out to
lick at his dry, rubbery lips as he continued to close slowly in on her.

In near terror now, Madeleine's eyes screamed her fright at him while her brain
raced in wild chaos as she backed ever closer to the bed, her head beginning to
wag negatively, causing her still damp, long raven tresses to brush about her
shoulders in mild frenzy. At last, a word formed on her lips and she blurted it
out: "N-No ...! No ...! No ...!"

Larreau was already breathing heavily while his eyes devoured the outlined
contours behind the clinging, almost gossamery slip she held in front of her, a
flickering sight of black, silken, pubic hair at the joined apex between her
thighs briefly catching his eye her every backward step. Again, he ran his
tongue over his lips.

"Be nice," he hissed, "That's all, Cheri ... just be nice ... like we agreed, eh
...? Everything'll be all right ... I swear it will ... Maybe ... maybe, you'll
even like it if you give yourself a chance ... I'll be gentle ... and ... and
you be nice ... okay ...?"

"Oh ... Oh God! U-Uncle Gaston ... God Almighty, I can't ...! Oh please, I just
can't ...!" She let out a scream of surprise then, the edge of the bed catching
her behind the knees and she fell backward, her legs spreading apart as she lost
her balance, the delectable sight of the tight pink slit in her sparse, hair-
lined loins sending a licentious charge of lust jolting through him and quickly
he forced his knees between her scissored thighs, clutching at them so that she
could not slither or roll away from him while he knelt upright above her.

Madeleine let off a choking gasp and clung insanely to the slip that covered her
breasts and stomach, entirely unaware that her crotch was completely exposed to
him, and she continued to toss her head wildly in her fear and shame as
abruptly, she realized the hopelessly entrapped position she was in.

"Oh God, stop! Stop it this minute!" she cried, futilely attempting to squirm
from beneath him. "You can't ...! I won't let you! Mother of God, think of
Antoine, Uncle Gaston ...!"

"And you think of your kid!" he shot at her.

"I know ... I know ... but there must be some other way ..."

"There's no other goddamned way!" he spat viciously. "I'm going to fuck you,
damn your luscious young ass! I'm going to bury my cock in that tight little
pussy hole of yours if it's the last thing I ever do, you hear me?"

Madeleine froze beneath him. Her mouth fell open loosely, her eyes glazing
behind the blur of her tears as the horrid filth he had spewed caused a wave of
loathing horror to surge through her. And then, she felt his fat, sweaty little
hand with unbelievable tenderness sliding along the white, satiny smooth flesh
of her inner-thigh, and she cringed to its touch as it moved ever upward toward
the dark fringed juncture where it brushed and pressed skillfully against the
fleshy hair-lined lips of her sensitive vagina, causing an uncontrollable little
moan to escape her.

"Ohhhhh, no, Uncle Gaston ... no, no ... it's wrong ... so wrong ..." she
whimpered vainly.

Larreau ignored her pleas, hardly hearing her as with his other hand he gently
tugged the covering of her slip from her reluctant grasp, his breath catching in
his throat at the enthralling spectacle of her round, full breasts standing
proud and firmly erect, their small ruby- like nipples distending from the
unwanted manipulations of his hand between her thighs.

"There now, Cheri, that's better," he said, bending down for a closer look at
the thin, pink, hairline split running the length of her open crotch through the
ovaled milk-white spheres of her buttocks pressed tightly to the mattress. He
sucked in his breath at the unbelievable sight before him, her little agonized
moan of degradation falling on deaf ears. He'd fucked and raped many luscious
young creatures, but never anything like this; never anyone so tender, so
lovely, so proud. The mere thought of her helpless, involuntary moans of
pleasure tumbling from those soft red lips taunted his prick into a stone
hardness. He could feel the blood pounding almost painfully into its massive,
expanded head; he felt the small thick drops of seminal fluid already seeping
from the sensitive glans at its tip, smearing wetly against his thigh. Christ,
his own nephew's wife! Just the incestuous thought was inspiring a form of
sadistic delight such as he'd never known before, initiating an actual ache in
his cock ... until he was forced to open the fly of his trousers to ease the
pain. Then, using thumbs pressed to either side of her fleshy, hair-shadowed
cunt-lips, he tenderly spread the vertical aperture until its moist, pink
loveliness flowered open to him, and his mouth fell agape at its sparkling
jewel-like majesty. He felt her warm, soft, inner-thighs quiver uncontrollably
to the backs of his hands and heard her breath hitch deep down in her gasping
throat, followed by a half-choking moan.

Madeleine, her shame and degradation even greater with the sudden realization
that his depraved manipulations at her sensitive genitals were causing
incredulous prurient sensations to tingle unwantedly through her, moaned aloud
in emotional agony and an unbelievable growing sensual desire; tiny electric-
like shocks began to ripple along the satiny flesh of her legs, and she again
squirmed her buttocks down into the softness of the bed, her moan dissolving
into a near helpless whimper as his fingers taunted the moist slit of her tender

Oh God, no ... no! It's wrong ... wrong! I can't let him do these things to me
... Dear God! Please ... no ... nooooo ...

Expertly, Larreau leaned even closer into her delightful naked loins, and with
the tip of his tongue opened the soft and delicate inner petals enshrining her
clitoris. He felt the erotic shock of his oral touch surge through her

"Oooohhhh, Mother of God! What are you doing?" Madeleine gasped, jerking her
head erect to stare down with gaping eyes between her proud, rotund breasts at
his lowered, balding head buried in her crotch. Then, his colorless little eyes
were looking up over the sparsely silken, hair-covered mound and smiling at her
sadistically. "Ooohhh, Mon Dieu!" she gasped and twitched as his hot, moist lips
closed over the soft mound there at the base of her belly in plain sight. Then,
once more, his entire face disappeared from her view into the soft fleece
between the thighs he was raising upward and pressing back toward her breasts
while he planted wet, taunting kisses on the closed thin furrow, his tongue
flicking lizard-like at the now quivering opening.

Madeleine gasped with a breathless, almost hissing sound beneath his tantalizing
abuse, her elbows pressed tightly against her ribs and her head rolling from
side to side in utter desperation as suddenly, his hot searing tongue shot out,
its soft flicking tip circling her pulsing erected clitoris.

Oh Dear God!

The lips sucked, drawing the warm, soft folds deep into the cavern of his gently
biting mouth, while his tongue continued its maddening licking against the
urgent pink smoothness of her now opened sex.

Antoine! Antoine! Mon Dieu, help me, Cheri!

She felt the hot gushes of his breath graze her sensitive, secret flesh and she
moaned aloud in her shame, her head still raised; she caught at her breath as
she heard him grunt, then felt the full length of his long, hot tongue slide
wetly up into her disgraced, palpitating vagina.

"Ohhhh, please ... no, don't! Not even Antoine has ever done that to me. Blessed
Mother ... I beg you, stop, please ... please ... Oooohhhh!"

Her body responded automatically, jerking with convulsive lurches, loud groans
emitting from her chest as her buttocks ground again and again downward in an
effort to escape the bestial outrage he was committing upon her defenseless
genitals. Her stomach churned in veritable repulsion and she wailed loathingly
as his tongue slithered in and out of her unwanting pussy in wild animallike

"Damn you! Damn you!" she groaned in her debased humiliation and to Larreau's
delight, as her head began to wag insanely while she kept it raised in
disbelieving horror to watch his violent assault. She couldn't believe it! She
couldn't! Yet, she knew it was happening as she felt his long, seething tongue
race up into her unreceptive, yet rapidly dilating cunt. "Ohhhhh, dear Jesus ...
please, Uncle Gaston ... I beg you ... stop ... stop," she pleaded feebly in her
degraded shame as unwanted twinges of vile pleasure began to pervade her whole
body from his depraved animallike tonguing of her moist, quivering slit.

Larreau worked hungrily, feeling the soft, wet, pubic hair brushing his cheeks
tauntingly. He had completely opened the front of his pants, pushing them and
the silk shorts beneath them, down, and now he slowly massaged the heavy thick
foreskin back and forth over the jerking head as he continued spearing his hot,
flicking tongue deep into her cunt. When he had first laid eyes on her the day
Antoine had brought her home, he knew then that he'd have her for his own
pleasure, but he'd never dreamed it would be such a simple coup, such an
enrapturing, satisfying seduction ... and now, here she lay, squirming wantonly
beneath his tongue and completely at his mercy ... yet to realize how much she
was loving it ... but that would come ... that would come, and soon ... he was
confident of it.

He let his hands slip up over her smooth, flat belly to the full, firm flesh of
her nipple-hardened breasts, cupping and squeezing them teasingly while his
mouth and tongue performed lasciviously at the wide-spread split down between
her legs with wet, obscene sucking sounds that filled the room, and again,
Madeleine saw his eyes locked sadistically on her defiled, tormented face,
waiting for her total surrender to his vile debasement of her pride and morals
as well as her betraying body.

She clenched her small hands into fists, her arms drawn back so that her hands
were nearly touching her shoulders, as were her knees near touching her
throbbing breasts, her entire, vibrant, naked flesh steeled against the
perverted abuse he was forcing her helpless body to endure. She was trapped;
there was nothing she could do; he could have his way with her, but she would
never allow herself to willingly submit ... never! Never! She had to fight him,
if only in the subjugation of her defenseless body, she thought, as he continued
to suck insanely at her crotch, trying desperately to keep her brain from
acknowledging the wild, blissful sensations coursing maddeningly through her
every vein, muscle and cord from his carnally depraved, oral outrage.

Vaguely, she recalled the few times Antoine had started to make love to her this
way, and how she had immediately stopped him because M. Keel had ran his tongue
up through her and she'd never forgotten the depraved ecstasy of such love ...
had Antoine only been a man and insisted. Truly, she had never known such
enrapturing delight ... but she must keep control of herself ...! She mustn't
give herself to this debauched, incestuous pig who was humiliating her beyond
her wildest imagination ... when there was absolutely nothing she could do but
lie beneath him and accept whatever degradation he chose to inflict upon her! Oh
dear God! My Antoine ... forgive me my darling ...! Oh ...! Oooohhh ...!

Her groans drove Larreau's tongue faster and faster as it worked its way up and
down the throbbing, pulsing lips of her tortured cunt. Yes, yes! She was going
to beg and plead for his cock before he was finished with her. Even now, she was
hotter than most women ever dreamed of getting, but she was inwardly still
trying to fight it. He could almost laugh aloud ... if his tongue and mouth
weren't so damned occupied. Fight it, bitch! You're too far beyond the point
already to struggle against anything I decide to do ... and I can conceive
weird, erotic approaches and positions we might try upon your lovely docile,
desire- wracked body ... and very, very soon.

He could not keep from gloating as suddenly her hands were toying about his
head, her long fingers caressing it while moans continued to emit from her
incessantly. And then, all of a sudden, she was no longer toying but clutching
as the moans tumbled from her lips in a rhythmic chant, her head rolling from
side to side ... and then, she was clawing at his naked scalp, grasping at his
ears in an attempt to guide his face to the small palpitating opening of her
vagina. He plunged his tongue into the soft hair-rimmed flesh, taunting it
momentarily, then quickly withdrawing it to tantalize the ragged pink edges.

She cried out in her confused need and clutched at him, forcefully pressing his
mouth directly over the tight little hole in her squirming crotch.

Once more, he complied, ramming his tongue deep down into it, rounding his lips
and covering the clasping viscous opening to bring a low guttural groan from
this lovely creature whose warm soft thighs were closing spasmodically around
either side of his head. He could feel the wet, velvety cuntal-flesh slip
moistly around his long extended tongue as the delicate walls of her invaded
vagina opened and closed in an unmistakable hungry sucking motion, attempting to
draw his tongue deeper and deeper into it. It seemed to him that the nibbling,
hair- lined pussy was suddenly endeavoring with a separate lust of its own to
extract his tongue by the roots and devour it entirely. Her heels began to
involuntarily push down against his back, pressing his obese body into the soft,
quivering flesh trap between her wide-spread, uptilted legs. His nose was tight
against her trembling clitoris and with every inhalation he sensed the poignant
aromas of her ever increasing lustful, lubricious state. Christ! Its delicate
piquancy was driving his cock to an impossible hardness, an erection that was
near-aching and throbbing with the ferocity of an exposed nerve in a tooth. He
had to fuck the little bitch soon, else, he was certain, his balls would blow

Madeleine's voluptuously naked body was completely swept up in the enchanting
rapture overwhelming her. Her brain whirled in tormented delight as hazily she
realized that she was rapidly losing all physical control beneath this lewd and
depraved outrage Antoine's own uncle was committing upon the most secret places
at her crotch. Every muscle of her sex-incited being was tensed as she strained
her hips upward toward the maddening debauchery between her legs.

Oh Antoine ... my love ... my darling ... I'm lost ... lost! He has mesmerized
me! I cannot stop now ... I can't ... I can't! If only you had been the first,
my darling ... Oh, why didn't you tell me it was like this! Ooohhh ... Oooohhh
... Oooohhh ...! I ... I think I'm going to ... to burst with ecstasy ...!

And then, thoughts of Antoine licking and thrusting his tongue up into her warm,
waiting cuntal passage excited her even more. Her drawnup legs opened and closed
around the tormenting head controlling the ravenous, slashing tongue that was
licking at her passion-seared hole. The cords of her neck stood out in strained
relief as she clawed and pulled at his head savagely, splaying her shapely long
legs out wider and wider to the sides, allowing him greater access.

Her body had deserted her; it was his to do with as he pleased; Madeleine
realized this with debased certainty as he slipped his hands beneath her
quivering buttocks and pulled them up to him with brutal authority. They jerked
and spasmed of their own volition beneath the plunging tongue sending wild
erotic jolts of never-before experienced sensations surging through her love-
neglected body. And then, suddenly, she felt his tongue flick from her vagina
downward toward the solemnly private little puckered hole of her anus. She
stiffened ... wanted to scream ... but instead she moaned in rapture at the
surprising, wet, seething contact of his pleasure-giving tongue with the
forbidden, sensitive orifice. She closed her eyes and licked at her lips in the
sensual delight racing wildly through her body.

Responsively, she cried: "Oh don't ... don't, Uncle Gaston ... Mon Dieu!" even
as she rolled her hips and tried to screw her taunted rectum back onto his stiff
probing tongue.

Larreau could stand it no longer. Suddenly, he knelt up and tore the clothes
from his grotesque body while she lay beneath him with closed eyes and tossing
head, helpless mewls and whimpers erupting from her throat constantly as she
awaited his next move with almost ungovernable impatience. His cock jerked and
throbbed insanely. He grabbed her flailing legs behind the knees, thrusting them
roughly back against her shoulders, slithering his squat, corpulent body up her
sweat-coated flesh simultaneously. His rigid, cavorting prick brushed teasingly
against the wetness of her sparse, soft pubic hair. He splayed his pudgy hands
beside both of her shoulders and forced her legs up and back until her ankles
were locked obscenely behind his neck. He gaped down between their bodies and
saw her upturned crotch and the magnificence of her ivory-white buttocks
completely exposed to him.

The expanded, narrow cunt-slit was visibly throbbing, the wet, coral furrow held
wide apart by the pressure of his thighs tightly up against her own.

"Now, my little Cheri, I'm going to fuck you," Larreau said down to her, a lewd
smile twisting his round, evil face. "Oui ... I'm going to fuck and fuck you
until that little cunt of yours screams for mercy, eh?"

Madeleine lay beneath him in a sensuously hypnotic state, her eyes fixed on the
movements of his ugly mouth spouting the obscene words at her, their vile
salaciousness echoing excitingly against the walls of her erotically steeped
brain, even as she still fought feebly to control this gradual subjugation of
her mind. Her body had betrayed her, but she must somehow maintain control of
her wits. Oh, dear God in heaven ...! It's useless; Useless!

She could feel the fleshy hugeness of his lust-hardened cock lying the full
length of her open, quivering vaginal slit. The jerking, rubbery head of his
cock lay palpitating between her wide-spread buttocks, insinuating itself in a
rising and falling, sawing motion, a maddening tease that caused her to grind
her hips down toward it, her agonized pussy searching hungrily for its turgid
blood-filled tip.

My God! I've got to have it inside me! My body is screaming for its hot,
throbbing hardness! Oh, Antoine ... Antoine ... forgive me ... but I must have
it inside me! Must! Must! Must!

In a near frenzy, Madeleine groped with her hands beneath the cheeks of her
raised ass to grasp the unbelievable length of his rock-hard shaft. She gasped
in awe as her fingers encircled it, unable to go fully around it, and
momentarily a little spasm of fright trickled through her, but then her tightly
closed hands began caressing it tenderly ... almost reverently, and she sensed
its convulsive jerk against her soft palms, and the viscid fluid that oozed in
droplets from its lust- inflated head. She maneuvered it up the vale separating
the soft, full, vibrant moons of her buttocks, never allowing it to lose contact
with her flesh, and then she adjusted it between the ravenously lubricated lips
of her voracious vagina. She held it in place with one hand while the other
clutched at his hip in her effort to pull it into her, that it might satisfy the
gnawing, hot, lust burning all the way into her belly.

Larreau could not resist the temptation to taunt as she began to squirm and
writhe beneath him, lifting her magnificent sparsely-haired loins up toward the
bulging head of his prick that lay with only its tip inside the moist, fleshy
lips of her cunt, even though he had all he could do to keep from plunging into
her, but his sadistic desire to torment couldn't be denied. Shortly, he'd empty
his load of white, hot sperm into her steaming hole, but at the moment, he must
taunt her ... and he did ... listening to her pleading moans to be taken ...
watching her beautiful, almost virginal ass twist and jerk in its craving
beneath him ... Then, he flicked his hips forward.

Madeleine winced audibly as she felt the lips around her throbbing vagina forced
open. Its elastic rimmed tightness resisted momentarily, then gave way before
the sharp, brutal pressure. The sudden, unexpected agony shattered her ecstatic
sensations with the finality of a well- placed bullet and mechanically she found
herself trying to resist the penetration, squealing a throaty wail at the same

Gaston Larreau reveled in that. Her painful cries sent sadistic chills of
delight surging through him. But they were not enough; he wanted to hear her
scream for mercy! He couldn't endure the waiting any longer! He rammed into her
with a brutal thrust of his hips, a momentary, contemptuous thought of his
nephew dancing through his brain as he sunk his lust-hardened cock all the way
in to his pelvis, his sperm-bloated balls slapping resoundingly against her
twitching anus while she ground her frantically squirming buttocks down
violently into the mattress in her attempt to escape the cruel, instantaneous

She screamed! Her legs jerked out wide on either side of his amorphous bulk and
kicked, toes curling futilely, in the air.

"Jesus, God! Noooo! You're splitting me apart! Stop! Please ...!" Madeleine
choked, her naked, white, curvaceous body pinned helplessly to the bed as though
empierced there by a great blunt-headed stake, and she quickly learned that with
her every resistant jerk the massive head burrowed deeper and deeper into her.

The little czar's outstretched arms pinioned her tightly beneath him, while his
wide-spread knees held her thighs apart to their near fullest extent. She was
certain that her soft, tender body was being ripped from her navel to her anus
and she'd die right there from this giant cudgel imbedded deep, deep in her
sensitive vagina. The burning, pole- like shaft felt as though it would burst
through her entrails and into her throat as its swollen head battered hard
against her cervix, jarring and scrambling the thoughts in her brain as the
monstrous thing pummeled into her.

Larreau gaped at her from above with a licentious smirk twisting his ugly
features. Mon Dieu! In his lifetime he couldn't remember a more fulfilling
seduction. His own adopted nephew's wife! Once more, the mere incestuous thought
elated him ... and this wouldn't be the end ... not by a damned sight! There
would be more such occasions ... many, many more ... God, yes! He looked at her
innocent young face, contorted now from the viciousness of his first fiendish
stab. Delightful! Delightful! He must train her well ... teach her to suck him
and submit occasionally to the belt. Oui, oui ... the belt! Striping that
magnificent ass ... ahhhh! He grinned widely as her lips curled back from her
white, even teeth, incoherent whimpers emitting from the depths of her throat.
Her arms were outstretched between them, palms against his hips, and he chuckled
as he watched her attempting to hold back the blunt, hard knob pressing against
the tiny mouth of her womb like a great heavy stone.

Suffer, you little bitch, he thought sadistically as he held her pinned
helplessly in the obscene, humiliating position. He glanced down once more to
see his curly graying pubic hair entangled tightly with her own silken, raven
strands, the base of his thick fleshy cock barely showing from its submerged
depths in her pink, throbbing cunt ... the very same hole that his tongue had
licked to moist, craving receptiveness only a few moments before. He could see
the tight, hair-lined lips stretched almost to the ripping point, the spongy,
outer coral rim clasping tightly about the white skinned origin of his massive

He smiled again to himself, holding her there for a moment, savoring the
spectacle of her beautiful impaled loveliness speared helplessly beneath him,
with his heavy prick sunk deep in her smooth white belly. Damn! He wished her
husband, the stupid parasite punk, could see her now, spread-eagle beneath his
crime-boss uncle! Maybe, he wouldn't think he was too good for his dear old
Uncle Gaston, then, eh ... too good and too smart for the man who had taken him
in, raised and educated him? Ah no, Gaston Larreau wasn't fooled by the young
smart- ass's glib tongue or pretensive ways ... not by a damned sight. The
little punk blamed him for his parents' death and he was certain of that.
Antoine would sell him out in a minute if he knew how ... and if he dared ...
but he'd never have that chance ... any more than this luscious little cochon
would ever get away from him again ... But how he wished her cockroach husband
could see her now, screaming and yelling beneath him. Mon Dieu! What pleasure
that would bring him ...

Madeleine squirmed helplessly beneath him. Her ecstasy of only moments before
had left her, giving way to the searing pain his brutal weapon had introduced
into her loins and sent racing madly through her whole body. She couldn't think
logically with the splitting agony of it; nothing mattered but the torment that
was immediately absorbing her. He moved but slightly and she could feel the
searching hot pain of his inhuman shaft tearing cruelly at her insides from
between her legs. She flexed her vaginal muscles tightly together in an attempt
to hold off the huge, invading spears, but the throb of her internal sinews
seemed to incite the fleshy monster and it plowed its way deeper and deeper into
her vainly resisting channel. She felt the walls of her cringing cunt clasp
around it like a gloved hand. She sensed its every spongy ridge as her nerve-
ends transmitted its enormous form in minute detail to her tormented brain.

Mother of God! Its growing inside me!

The hard, rubbery tip pressed relentlessly against her cervix, the ridged blood-
engorged tissues along its length, the tickling hairs of his bloated balls in
the wide-spread crevice of her ass, were all suddenly a part of her. She had
become one with it, and in spite of her pain her tongue snaked out to lick
almost masochistically at her dry lips. Abruptly, the pungent odors of their
coupling stung her flaring nostrils, even as his throbbing cock lodged deeper
into her soft, white belly. She must be losing her mind entirely ... for in
heaven's name there had never been anything like this before ... and maybe never
again ... only this very moment! God forgive her! Antoine forgive her! Igat ...
yes, yes, Igat! She was doing it for Igat! Now she remembered as her cunt
contracted involuntarily around the magnificent breadth and length of his great
prick buried to the hilt inside her suddenly wanting belly ...

Larreau felt, then, the slight fluttering pressure exerted against his aching
prick. He'd waited patiently for it, knowing from experience that it would come.
He hovered motionless above her prostrate form, waiting, waiting, knowing that
eventually she would become accustomed to his bulky presence submerged in her
vagina ... and she had: her whimpers of pain lessened and the obese little
Frenchman began a slow revolving motion with his pelvis, grinding his cock
tightly into her naked crotch, expanding the still cringing walls of her channel
until her whimpers became whining little mewls that she couldn't seem to

"Oh," she moaned through clenched teeth.

Larreau waited a moment, then flexed once more as he watched her face beneath
him. Her mouth fell limply open, her eyes clenched tightly shut.

"Ooaaaaahhhhh," she gasped, then held her breath as the buried cock expanded
more, stretching the narrow passage walls ever apart.

He chuckled lewdly and flexed again, setting a deliberate teasing rhythm to his
throbs. He watched her nostrils flaring to the tempo. At last, soft purling
sounds of rapture escaped from her open mouth in cadence with his provoking

"Oh ... oh ... ohhh ... Oui ... Oui ..." she moaned.

He sensed her urgent answering throbs begin around the head of his cock. Her
moist, clasping channel had begun a soft opening and closing as it swallowed
around his pulsating rod of flesh. He didn't move, but continued the spaced,
tantalizing prick-flexing inside the impaled girl beneath him. Then, he lowered
his lips to wetly kiss hers and her whole body began to twitch and writhe under
him as she groaned incessantly up into his mouth, thrusting her tongue with
sudden complete abandon deep into his throat. Low hums of passionate, servile
acceptance came in torrents from deep in her chest, her beautiful face twisting
with re- incited erotic passion, her neck straining as a light film of sweat
formed on her forehead under the now disheveled, long raven hair. He drew his
lips away and her head began to loll from side to side, while her hips began a
slow uncontrollable undulation around his vibrating prick. Suddenly, her hungry
nibbling cunt screwed itself up tighter against his hair-covered pelvis and he
was forced to clench his teeth tightly in an effort to control his threatening

There was no longer pain, Madeleine reasoned hazily. Her body, of its own
volition, was responding. A maddening electric-like tingle had burst into
existence inside her cunt and spiraled through every nerve of her vibrant flesh
... and she never wanted it to end.

Larreau grazed his hands down her sides and slid them beneath the soft, satiny
spheres of her moving buttocks. They reacted with a flexing motion to his touch,
oozing around his fingers as he pressed his hands tightly into them. He hauled
her tighter to his loins and felt her drawing her thighs back a little more, the
moist, lubricated hole of her cunt flowering open in reception of his cock to
greater and greater depths. The cords in her neck and thighs were taut with her
desire as she writhed in under him from the enormity of her building sensations.

"So, Cheri, tell me now ... is it good, eh?" he hissed down at her.

"Ooooohhh ... Ooohhhhh," she groaned with closed eyes, not wanting to
acknowledge his question.

He ceased all motion then and said: "Maybe, you would have me stop?"

Her deep dark eyes burst open to plead up at him. "Oh ... Ooohhh, no, no ...
s'il vous plait, M'sieu' ... Mon Dieu!"

"You don't want me to stop, then, eh?" he said, grinning lasciviously. "You like
my big cock in your cunt want me to fuck you is that right?"

"Oooohhh ... oui, oui ..." she whimpered in shame, aware now that all control,
both physical and mental, had left her, the vile sound of the lewd words
increasing her excitement even more so.

"Then, beg me, Cheri! Beg your Uncle Gaston to fuck your little cunt- hole!" he
taunted wickedly, at the same time grinding his shaft once more into her moist,
vibrant pussy.

Even in this sensually wanton state she had come to, Madeleine's subconscious
struggled. Oh ... it was wrong, wrong ... so wrong! Yet, she wanted it ... had
to have it now! Once more, she tossed her head from side to side, her face
twisted in her mental anguish. Everything decent thought inside her rebelled and
shrank from this vile command ... excluding her throbbing loins, and therein lay
her heart and soul at that very moment. She bit at her lower lip until she
tasted the saltiness of her own blood, then felt the tears spilling down her

"So? Beg me, damn you!" Larreau snarled, digging his fingers cruelly into the
softness of her smooth, white ass-cheeks. "Now! I say! Beg! Beg! Beg!"

"Ooohhh, oui, oui ... I beg you ... I beg ... you ..."

"Say it! Say fuck me, Uncle Gaston! Fuck my little cunt-hole with your big,
beautiful cock! Hurry, say it!"

"Oooohhh, Mon Dieu ... Oui ... oui ... Fuck me, Uncle Gaston ..."

"The rest! Say the rest!"

"F-Fuck my little ... cunt-hole w-with your big, beautiful cock! Oh ... oui!
Fuck me ... fuck me!" she stammered, then blurted the words, the sudden thought
of her own lips spewing such obscenities for the first time in her life sending
a new licentious thrill swirling through her, and she began to revolve her hips
in lewd circles around his thick, rigid cock lustfully, her vagina dilating in
tempo to its rhythmic pulsing.

"Ah, oui ... you're going to be a good pupil, ma chere," the elated, ugly little
man crooned as she whined passionately up at him. "And I'll teach you all of the
beauty of fucking and sucking, eh? Make you happy like this all of the time ...
It is beautiful, no?"

"Oh ... oh, oui, oui! Beautiful ... beautiful ...! Please ... don't ever stop!"

Larreau chuckled in evil delight. He said: "As you wish, ma chere, I won't stop,
but you must learn to work harder, eh?"

Immediately, he sensed her response as might an eager student to his teacher; he
felt her pelvis begin screwing up against the length of his colossal lead-hard
rod, the tiny contracting muscles within her cunt nibbling hungrily at the
inflated head. The dilated lips of her hair- lined coral slit pulled maddeningly
away, slipping moistly down the shaft for several inches, then munched their way
back up, buffering her soft, shadowy-down tightly against his own pubic hair,
embedding the full length of him deep into her warm, white belly. He remained
unmoving, resting above her with his hands splayed on either side of her
shoulders, his knees pressed tight to the mattress. He let her quaking body ride
up and down at will on his rigid cock that bridged them together.

He watched intensely its slow withdrawal between them, extracting thin ridges of
her pink flesh out with it as she screwed her buttocks down into the mattress,
then pushing the velvety, coral folds back into her as the glistening length was
absorbing deep into the palpitating, salacious hole. He let her strain against
him for awhile, watching the utter abandon of her efforts, a dazed, ecstatic
smile playing around her lips. Damn, he thought, she was going to make an
excellent pupil, and then he began to fuck into her, sawing gently and
rhythmically with his mighty cock. He grinned to himself as she began to whimper
in cadence with his thrusts, and he felt the slap of his balls against the
tight, unprotected crevice of her anus. Christ, what a delightful creature! She
overwhelmed him! His brain raced wildly. It was time for further education ...
education and subjugation of his nephew's lovely little wife ...!

Madeleine rolled her head in delighted, unequivocal bliss, the last twinges of
pain long gone from her passion-filled body, her legs on either side of his
thick impaling cock quivering and twitching spasmodically in unrestraint, as her
tongue slithered in and out of his ugly mouth in an oral fucking semblance,
while velvety sounds of rapture gurgled deep down in her throat. Never ... never
in her life had there been anything like this! From his sucking and licking of
her cunt to this very moment with his huge cock penetrating the very mouth of
her womb, filling her belly to complete capacity ... and she learned that by
tensing her thighs, straining the muscles and cords of her neck and back,
writhing her loins up tight against him, that the intenseness of her ecstasy was
almost deliciously unbearable.

Mon Dieu! She could not yet accept the thought that such magnificent sensations
could come from lying beneath a man and being fucked against her will ... from
committing adultery ... yet, it was true ... it was true!

Larreau had begun to pummel into her with increasing force, lengthening his
stroke as well as quickening it, drawing his heavy cock nearly out of the tight,
moist sheath clasping at it hungrily, then plunging it into her upraised crotch
until his balls whapped hard against the hairless, exposed puckered hole of her
anus. His throbbing testicles ached as did his prick with the mounting, building
pressure, building ... forever building inside his bloated sac, and his head
swam with his intensifying lust.

His hand slid down over the taut skin of her lasciviously undulating buttocks to
the small crinkled hole nestled so unprotectedly there, and he felt her intake
of breath as he fingered its soft, warm flexing movements while she labored
passionately against his loins. A rivulet of warm, viscid fluid that had seeped
from her straining pussy moistened it, and he taunted it intentionally before
making his move.

"Ma chere," he whispered hoarsely into her ear, "now comes another treat for
you. I am going to shove my finger right up your asshole ... just as far as
it'll go ... like a miniature cock it will be, fucking you in the ass while my
prick pounds into your cunt, eh?"

Madeleine struggled with her breathing, the erotic sensations produced by his
lurid words and actions, the subjugating of her body to his every vile and lewd
whim, causing even further masochistic raptures to sweep over her. She moaned

"Oooohhhh ... Oui, oui ... do it ... do it!" she whimpered.

"Do what, my pet?" he prodded quickly. "What do you want me to do?"

"Oooohhh ... your finger ... Oui ... put it in my asshole! Oui! Quick ... I want
you to do it I want you to!"

The little czar's naked head screamed with the lustful exhilaration she was
causing to race wildly inside it. His massive prick felt as if it would burst
before he ever squirted his semen into her. He fumbled with his thick finger at
the round, tight, little puckered hole, then he pushed into it with a sudden,
almost brutal thrust, feeling the soft, spongy orifice give before his assault.

"Agggghhhhh!" Madeleine gasped, the sound tumbling from her lips in painful
protest as his cock pounded mercilessly into her.

He thrust further and harder, taking gloating pleasure in hearing her groans of
subservient agony. She grunted and coughed, even as her cunt rode hungrily up
and down his throbbing cock.

"Auggghhh ... God!" she cried louder from his further outrage against her
defenseless rectum, feeling him beginning to rotate the digit ... gently at
first, then more rapidly, until he'd sunk it all the way to the palm of his hand
into the deep, rubbery warmth of her anal passage and she groaned uncontrollably
beneath him.

Mother of Christ! Never had she known such pleasure-pain ... nor such rapture,
Madeleine thought. Agony issued from her tormented rectum ... from his thick
finger buried and moving inside it, even as algolagnic delight filled her loins
and belly ... and then the pain from his thrusting penetration began to subside
as she grew accustomed to its thick presence ... adding richer bliss to the
pleasures spiraling through her, and she began to skewer her anus lasciviously
back onto it at the same time as she strained to absorb his joy-giving cock
inside her belly.

Larreau could barely control his lust any longer. His loins ached with his need
for release and he rammed into her upturned cunt with growing fury. She had
accepted his finger in her asshole with delight, and suddenly, he shoved a
second one into the very depths, without benefit of gentleness causing her to
scream beneath him. This was what he wanted! Scream cochon, scream! He wormed
them both around inside the warm, spongy depths, feeling his own cock plunging
in and out of her through the thin wall that separated her passages ... until
slowly, the wails of pain subsided, easing in to greater moans of pleasure as
her anus became accustomed to the vicious, unnatural invasion he had subjected
it to.

He grinned in triumph, then kissed her. She sucked at his tongue buried half
into her throat as her rectum screwed back on his fingers and her legs raised
higher to receive his thundering weapon while methodically, he probed around in
the warm, rubbery channel. She was hopelessly impaled between his hard throbbing
cock in her vagina and his fingers shoved tightly in her twitching rectum. And
now, moaning and mewling beneath him, she began twisting and squealing wantonly
under the dual ravishment of her loins. Her thrusts up against him became more
urgent, her motions ever increasing, her small white teeth biting hard into her
lower lip again as he continued the drubbing pillage of her asshole. He knew she
was straining to come; the juices of her milking vagina were flowing like sap,
and he could hear the wet sucking sound of the in and out sawing movement as she
suddenly bolted sharply up his cock, taking it deep inside her, her back arched
a foot off the bed, her feet planted flat on either side of his knees. She
bucked against him wildly and he pulled his fingers from her rectum with a wet,
hissing sound. She squirmed and skewered, raising a cry from her throat with
every upthrust.

"Oh ... Oooohhh ... Mon Dieu! Oui ... Oui! I-I'm comming, Uncle ...! Oh Christ!
I'm cummmmiinnngggg ... Oooohhhh! Uncle Gaston ...!"

Her body began to convulse uncontrollably, her cry choking in her throat.
Torrents of warm, viscous fluid gushed from her open, jerking cunt, immersing
his driving prick in its sticky heat and trickling obscenely down the crevice
between her smooth, white buttocks, and on down over his balls pressed snugly
against her wide-stretched anus.

Larreau continued to hammer into her, ramming harder and deeper, and as he felt
her jerk, lurch, spasm wildly, the mouth and lips of her cunt sucking at his
prick feverishly, her breath laboring in short deep gasps, he felt his own hot,
thick sperm racing the length of his prick in stimulating ecstasy, racking his
squat, obese bulk as it spurted from the tip of his cock far up into her soft,
quivering belly. It jerked and spewed in never ending delight inside her and she
ground her crotch up tight against its buried depth, her cuntal lips working
like a gulping fish to suck the last of his hot, scalding sperm from his lust-
bloated testicles.

The enrapturing bliss of his hot, white cum squirting into her raised an
undeniable cry of enchantment from Madeleine. Her thighs quivered below and her
belly quaked with the unleashed pool of pleasure he had emptied into her. She
had never realized such joy could come from such a vile act ... and especially
with such a loathsome man ... but it had; it had! She let her legs fall limp,
while her heart pounded in her breast. Her body had been fulfilled, but now in
the aftermath, her shame and degradation were creeping rapidly back over her in
one vast all-consuming wave.

He collapsed atop of her, his great weight nearly crushing the breath from her,
his thick, deflating penis still submerged deeply inside her quivering vagina.
She rolled her head to one side in an effort to escape his foul gasping breath
that she now noticed for the first time. She felt him flex his shrinking rod a
last time, its dregs draining into her, and suddenly she wanted to scream and
scream, but his massive body kept her from that ...

Dear Jesus! What had she come to? Oh my God, Antoine ... can you ever forgive
me, my darling? But you see ... I had nobody ... nobody ...! And my baby ... my
Igat ... Oh, mother of God ...!

Madeleine could no longer hold back her tears and as they burst from her in
choking sobs, Larreau rolled his squat bulk from her sated, if, battered,
voluptuous young body. He managed to sit up and gape at her and she turned onto
her side, her back to him, her lovely naked form shuddering in her weeping.

"So? What the hell is this all about?" he shot at her. "Was it that bad, eh? One
minute you fuck like a hot little bitch in heat ... the next, you're bawling as
if you'd just lost your cherry. Look, goddamnit, cut it out. Sniveling women
make me sick ..."

He lay his hand on her thigh and smoothed it up over the line of her hip to the
hollow of one soft, white buttock. She flinched at his touch and shook her
behind as if to shake it off. "Leave me alone! Damn you! Don't touch me anymore
... ever! Ever, do you hear? Ever!"

She rolled onto her back to glare up at him through her tears and Larreau read
the hatred in her enraged dark eyes. Momentarily, a little tingle of excitement
rippled through him at the sight and his limp member gave a start. Christ, if he
had the time, he thought ... but there would be other occasions ... yes, many,
many more. He could wait.

"All right, ma chere, if that's the way you feel ..." he said, shrugging his
shoulders and getting to his feet from the bed, "you better get out of here. Get
your clothes on and get out."

Madeleine stared at him. Already, she was sorry for what she had said; inasmuch
as she had submitted to him because of his promise to help her get Igat from the
Girardes. Dear God, she had sacrificed everything ... her marriage vows, all
claims to decency ... and now to have it end all in vain ...

He went to his clothes and began to dress, no longer noticing her, as if she was
not in the room.

"I-I'm sorry, Uncle Gaston," she forced herself to apologize. "But ... but ...
I've never done anything like that before, and when I realized ..."

He jerked his head around to look at her, his ugly face twisting in a nasty
grin. "What the hell are you saying ... never done anything like that before?
How about the kid, eh? What was that? An immaculate conception, Cheri?"

"B-But that was different! You don't understand ..."

"They're all different," he snapped coldly. "Ask any woman. She never gives
herself; she's always raped, eh? Like you just were. Raped. Always raped. Now
tell me you didn't like it, Cheri ... Go on, tell me that you hated my cock
buried deep in that tight little pussy of yours ... Well? Tell me ... if you

Madeleine lay unmoving, her eyes fixed on his round, ugly face, his words
registering slowly in her brain. Dear God, she couldn't honestly deny it! She'd
loved it. He had aroused inside her what Antoine, her own husband, had never
even come close to ... a passion that had been near heavenly bliss itself ...
unwanted or not, he had done that ... and then it abruptly occurred to her that
the blame was not his, but her own, and the hatred she felt was not for him, but
for her own self. She was the temptress, the one to be despised, the seductive
animal who had come here of her own free will, just as she had gone with M. Keel
for her own gain. But, Mother of God, she had done it for Igat ... for Igat ...

"Come on," he interrupted her self-condemning thoughts. "You better leave now.
I've got business ..."

"U-Uncle Gaston ... I'm sorry," she said, slowly swinging her feet to the floor
and sitting on the edge of the bed. "Please ... please don't be angry with me.
I-I did like it ... honest."

"Humph ..." Larreau grunted, pretending indifference, while inside he was elated
with the way it was developing. He had her; she was his to play with as long as
he liked, even though she hated him and he knew it, but it was the kid ... she'd
do anything to get back her kid. And he knew how to handle that, too; for if he
did get her the child, it would be all over for him ... she'd have nothing more
to do with him. So ...? He'd pretend ... but do nothing.

"Are you angry with me, Uncle?"

"I'll get over it, Cheri."

"And ... and you'll do what you promised ... about Igat, I mean?" she asked as
she started to dress.

"That will depend," he answered, matter-of-factly.

"Depend? On what, Uncle ...?"

He was knotting his tie. He turned to smile at her. "On how you perform

Madeleine could hardly believe her ears. Her mouth fell open as she stared at
him. She stood with only her panties covering her lovely body, her full and
erect breasts thrusting forward proudly. She repeated in abject disbelief; "T-

"Of course, ma chere. Tomorrow ... the next day, and the day after ... whenever
I so crave your tight little ass, eh?" He chuckled, slipped on his coat and
walked slowly toward the door. "Now, hurry and dress. You must leave before my
business appointment arrives, eh? We wouldn't want anyone to see you here and
tell our dear Antoine, now, would we?" He opened the door and stood momentarily
looking back at her. "You're lovely, ma chere," he said, licking at his lips.
"Yours are the most beautiful tits I've ever seen ... ah, oui. And tomorrow ...
tomorrow I'll teach you some new delights, eh?"

He closed the door silently while she stood gaping after him, his words and
meaning filling her brain with sickening despair. Dear God, she was completely
and hopelessly trapped in a snare of her own making, a web of horrible
circumstances that she had helped weave around herself, and now she was with
less chance of escape than ever.

Oh God, help me! Somebody, help me!

She sat back down on the edge of the bed and wept quietly into her hands.

Chapter 8

Alone, Gaston Larreau relaxed in his favorite chair with a tall scotch- soda. He
smiled to himself, exhilarated with his accomplished seduction. It had gone so
much better than he had ever anticipated; Mon Dieu, but she was a delightful
creature; his legs were still weak and trembling from the extent of his climax,
yet the mere thought of her voluptuous, naked body caused his prick to again
stir in his trousers. He'd never get enough of her; she was the one he'd been
waiting for, and he didn't intend that she'd ever get away from him. He'd hated
to send her away in the mood she was in ... almost in an obvious state of
despondency, but it was necessary if he were to keep her properly subjugated ...

The ringing of the telephone beside him interrupted his thoughts.

"Oui?" he said.

"M'sieu' Larreau, this is Robert Jovell."

"So?" the powerful little czar addressed his attorney.

"Problems, M'sieu' .. and of a serious nature, I fear," Jovell said, speaking in
their native tongue.

"Well go on."

"It's Galaxy Mining ... the Ontario government is hot on the trail. I've been
tipped that they are conducting an extensive investigation. There's no question,
M'sieu', but what they'll uncover the whole thing ..."

"Hummmm. I see. The whole thing, eh? To what extent, Jovell?"

"The ultimate ... they'll label it a stock swindle."

Larreau sensed a sudden vacuum at the base of his vast stomach. "So? What the
hell can you do about it?" he snapped suddenly. "You're my attorney. What am I
paying you for, eh ...?"

"I'm afraid it's not going to be that simple, M'sieu'," Jovell replied. "This is
the government ... not the stupid local hacks. But, of course, you yourself are
clean. They can't touch you ... but your nephew, Antoine ..."

"Yes? What about Antoine?"

"Well ... that's another story, M'sieu'. You remember that we set him up with
indisputable control of the company for this very reason, hoping, of course,
that it would never be necessary to use him as a dupe ... but I fear ... well
... someone is going to answer ... Do I make myself clear?"

Larreau rubbed the palm of his pudgy hand over his slightly perspiring forehead.
"I see," he said after a moment. "It's that bad, eh?"

"Yes ... it's that bad, and maybe worse," replied Jovell. "He'll definitely take
a ride for this ... We'll have to prepare him."

"Christ ... he's my nephew, Jovell," said Larreau, more for appearances than
anything, his brain already reaping the advantages with Madeleine if Antoine
were completely out of his way.

"I understand, M'sieu' Larreau ... but maybe I can ease that pain for you a
bit," the attorney said, his tone of voice dropping to a quieter level.

"What're you talking about?"

The attorney hesitated. Then: "Axel just called. He was trying to locate you. He
... he followed Ma'm'selle Novak to Ste. Agathe des Monts ... your summer place.
She went inside and Axel waited. In a little while Antoine showed up ... They're
together right now ..."

Gaston Larreau stared across the room at nothing, rage rising uncontrollably
inside him. He couldn't believe it ... that either one of them would dare try
anything behind his back. That stinking blonde bitch! And that little punk ...
planning to make a fool of him were they ... well, by God, he'd see about that.
Slowly, he began to calm and an evil smile spread his round, ugly face. So.
Maybe they were going to make it easy for him after all ... playing right into
his hands ...

"M'sieu' Larreau ...? Are you there?" Jovell's voice sounded in his ear.

"Yeah ... I'm here."

"Look ... I didn't mean to upset you, but I thought ..."

"Shut up and listen. Tell Axel to pick up two more of the boys and come by here
for me," Larreau said, still smiling. "I think I feel like taking a little ride
in the country, eh?"

Jovell hesitated. Finally: "Oui, M'sieu', right away."

Gaston Larreau slowly replaced the phone in its cradle, the wicked little smile
never leaving his face, even as he sipped at his scotch and soda.

By God, it's all going to work out to perfection, he thought ... absolute

Chapter 9

Antoine arrived at the summer house in Ste. Agathe des Monts shortly after noon.
He circled the area carefully, satisfying himself that there was no one sitting
off somewhere and watching. Oh, there was a car parked a ways down the road, but
there was no one in it and he laughed a little tightly to himself. His guilty
conscience was running away with him already. Driving by, he had seen Ginny's
yellow Fiat parked to the side of the house and sensibly he'd decided to leave
his own car in a nearby wood and walk the distance.

She'd been waiting for him when he entered through the side patio, waiting in
nothing but a sheer negligee she'd brought with her, no less, and when he walked
in she ran to him, throwing herself into his arms, her mouth finding his
passionately, the soft flesh of her round, sensuous body grinding hotly against
his own.

"Darling ... darling ... I thought you'd never get here," she hissed into his
mouth, her tiny tongue darting out to paint his lips and search into his mouth

All the way he hadn't been able to take his mind from Madeleine or Uncle Gaston,
his guilt over what he was about to do damned near unnerving him. Twice, he had
almost turned back ... now, he was glad that he hadn't. He enfolded her into his
arms and kissed her hungrily, feeling his prick immediately beginning to harden.

Ginny laughed warmly, her lovely eyes searching his own excitedly as her hand
dropped between them to trace the outline of his stiffening penis.

"I can see that you're as ready as I am, Lover," she whispered, gently fondling
and caressing his thickening cock through his trousers.

"Christ ...!" he gasped, pulling her tightly to him, his hand moving inside her
negligee to cup her firm, hard-nippled breast and taking her breath away with a
whimper. "I could hardly sleep last night, just thinking about you, Cheri ...
and this moment."

"Oh ... oh God," she moaned. "Come on, let's go upstairs to the bedroom where we
can get everything off. I want to go over you with a fine tooth comb ... explore
every nook and cranny of you. My God ... I want you ... need you so bad, Antoine

He kissed her again, then gallantly lifted her into his arms and carried her up
the stairs while she kissed his eyes and nose and lips, then traced her tiny wet
tongue lavingly over his every feature. He lay her down on the bed, stepped back
and smiled.

"Undress," she said. "Hurry, Darling undress so I can see you."

Antoine swallowed with an effort. His prick was jerking in his pants and she was
watching it, laughing delightedly, sitting up to slip out of her negligee as he
fumbled with his clothes, her eyes widening excitedly the moment he dropped his
pants, and even more so as his shorts followed.

"Oh ... oh, my God, Darling ... its beautiful!" she breathed heavily, staring at
his erect and throbbing shaft of hardened cock standing out from his naked loins
with a proud, almost mean-looking upthrust. "Oh God," she moaned, rolling to the
edge of the bed, hands outstretched toward it. "Bring it here to me so that I
can love it."

Antoine could barely breathe with the desire she had already aroused in him. He
moved toward the bed and she reached out, gently taking his prick between her
two hands.

"Hmmmmm," she cooed with a loving little smile, her sea-green eyes engorging
themselves on the rigid hardness of his long, thick member. "Oh Darling, it's
going to make me so happy ... I know it is," she mewled.

Antoine groaned aloud as her soft hands caressed his pulsing shaft, and he saw
the tiny drops of seminal fluid that oozed from its tip in his mounting lust.
She brought it closer to her face while he watched entranced as her white,
delicate hand stroked it, drawing the thick foreskin back back and forth ... and
then suddenly, she leaned forward, her small pink tongue flicked out to lick
away the moisture at its tip. His knees went limp as he watched her oval her
open mouth and press her wet lips warmly over its swollen head ... slowly
sliding his cock into the delightful haven of her mouth, her tongue lashing and
working against its heavy veined, desire-hardened flesh in tantalizing
enchantment: then, as slowly did she draw off of it, her encircled lips sucking
their way to its very tip, and he could feel the unbelievable swirling motions
of her tongue until finally her tongue-tip taunted at the tiny split of its end
before she sucked it all the way into her mouth once more.

Christ ... it was beyond belief. Heavenly! He'd blow his mind! But then, she
stopped and looked up at him.

"My Darling, I'd love to suck the cum from it ... and I will, but not yet. I
want you to come down here and hold me first ... make love to me with feeling
... kiss my breasts and run your hands over my body. I-I need that so badly,
Lover ... someone with warmth and feeling who cares whether I live or die ...
Please, Antoine ..." she pleaded, looking up at him with tears in her eyes.
"Make me feel like a woman ..."

He threw himself down onto her, close to tears himself at her emotional
expression of her need, and his hands gently caressed the warm, silken flesh of
her body, exploring the secret hollows and creases while his mouth and tongue
sought the erogenous areas of her breasts, underarms and navel ... eventually
even the sparse, golden, hair-covered mound of her pussy ... and he lay between
her wanting, spread thighs, his face a scant inch above the thin, pink slit, not
touching it with his hands, but licking the tight furrow from between the creamy
spheres of her buttocks up to its very tip at the base of her belly, then down
again and back up ... gradually insinuating his stiffening tongue between the
already palpitating lips, always going deeper into her, the taste of her
affecting him like some rare vintage wine, while the moans and choking purls
grew audibly in her throat and tossing head.

He found her throbbing clitoris and sucked it into his mouth, his teeth nibbling
tenderly, his tongue swirling and taunting it with maddening delight, until
suddenly she could no longer stand her own abstinence.

"Oh God, Lover, turn around. Let me have that beautiful cock to suck. Hurry! I
want it in my mouth ..."

Antoine responded automatically, his heart pounding in his chest as he spread
his legs over her face, his open crotch above her and mere inches from her
mouth. Excitedly, she pulled him down to her, hands clutching at his hips, and
he felt her tongue on the inside of his thigh near his balls, hot and wet, and
then it was tracing the seam of his sac in a wild, exhilarating sensation ... up
through the crevice of his ass to his very asshole, licking and probing at the
tight orifice wetly ... then retracing its course over his balls and along the
underside of his prick ... until suddenly, he felt the warm, wet cavern of her
lips slipping over the blood-inflated head and drew it with a sucking exertion
nearly down into her throat.

Rhythmically, she sucked, and rhythmically, he licked. Christ in heaven! There'd
never been anything like this before in his life! He'd lose his goddamned mind
if he didn't cum soon. His balls were about to explode already! Damn, he was no
match for her ... could never satisfy her; he was certain of it. She was going
to suck him right to climax if he didn't stop her! But maybe ... maybe, if he
fucked her ... He didn't want to be shamed ... not satisfy her ...

"Wh-Where are you going?" she whimpered as he climbed off of her, the expression
on her passion-twisted face letting him know the extent of her ecstasy.

He crawled up over her between her legs, spreading her thighs with his knees,
and she drew them up and back, a smile lighting her face. "I'm going to fuck
you," he said, endeavoring to sound as positive as he could. "We've played
around long enough ... now, we make love."

She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Mmmmmm, Darling ... I love you ... I love
you ..."

"Put it in," he ordered, kissing her on the nose, and then he felt her small
hand take his wet, throbbing prick and place it at the mouth of her flowered,
receptive vagina.

"Oh ... Oh God, Lover do it hard!" she gasped, her lovely face assuming a drawn,
almost pained expression. "Please, do it hard ... hard and brutal ... It's the
only way I know ..."

Antoine gaped down at her, his breathing once more hitching in his throat. He
would fail her; he knew it ... just as he'd always failed Madeleine ... or any
other woman he'd ever been with ...

"Please, Lover .. give it to me! Don't make me wait! Fuck me, Darling! Fill me
with your wonderful cock ...!"

He rammed with every ounce of strength he could muster and she squealed like a
speared animal.

"Eeeeaaauuuugggghhhhh! Oooohhhhhggggg! Oooohhhhh ... yes ... yes ... like that
... don't stop, Lover ... don't ever stop!"

He was pleasurably surprised at the amazing tightness of her moist, velvety
passage walls encasing his sensitive rock-hard cock with a skilled muscle
control that he had never experienced, but he knew that he couldn't keep it up
without reaching his own orgasm in minutes, and already he was sensing his

"Oohhhh ... Ooooohhhhh, harder, harder, Darling!" she groaned pleadingly.

He thrust wildly, sending his long, aching cock up into her warm, tight cunt
with hellish force, driving and pounding, the flow of her lubricating fluids
easing the way with each plunge, until finally the lust-bloated head of his
heavy shaft struck bottom and his balls slapped hard against the smooth, rounded
cheeks of her flexing ass.

She wailed sharply and twisted in a moment of torment in under him to his
delight, as the turgid head of his prick battered the depths of her secret
parts, but her cry of pain only served to incite his lust more and he rammed
harder, grinding his pelvis tighter into her loins and flexing the head to raise
a further groan of agony, even as he realized that he was damned near ready to
shoot into her.

"Darling ... Darling ... you love me, don't you?" she wailed up at him suddenly.
"Tell me you love me, my lover ...?"

He might have told her; he might have told her anything at that moment for he
was ready to squirt his load of sperm deep into her belly ... but it was at that
untimely second that the door burst open and Uncle Gaston with three others
stormed brusquely into the bedroom.

Antoine froze on the upstroke, his eyes fixed on the squat little man, and
almost simultaneously, did he feel the life drained from his prick, his orgasm
choking in his balls like a lump of hot lead.

"Jesus Christ!" he swore.

"A little party, I'd surmise," the ugly, obese czar said with broad gold-toothed

Ginny screamed and Antoine fell out of her, rolled onto his side and stared up
at the intruders. Again, she screamed and tried to throw her arms around
Antoine's neck for protection, but he fought her away. He swung to the other
side of the bed and sat on the edge, his neck craned to gape at his grinning

"Damn ... damnit, Uncle Gaston ... I-I can explain ..."

"I'm sure you can, boy ... but not to my satisfaction," said Larreau, never

"Antoine! Antoine! My God, don't desert me!" Ginny begged, her fear causing her
voice to break. "Darling, please ...?"

"Christ, Uncle ... I'm human!" Antoine blurted, ignoring her. "You know what it
is! Who knows better than you ... a woman tries to seduce you ... you take it as
long as you can ...!"

Larreau's smile seemed permanent. The three hoods behind him were impassive of
expression. "Of course, boy," the czar said. "One of the most cursed weaknesses
of mankind ... women. Too bad, too. You have such a nice little wife. Well ...
that's the way of things, I suppose."

"Look, Uncle Gaston ... I'll make it up to you. I swear I will," Antoine heard
himself plead. "If it hadn't been me, it would've been someone else ..."

"Antoine!" Ginny cried.

"Shut up, bitch! It's true. It wasn't me as an individual you wanted. It was
just a way of getting even ... or whatever with Uncle Gaston ..."

"Both of you, shut your lying mouths!" the little man snapped.

"Oh, my God!" Ginny groaned pathetically, burying her face in the pillow to

Gaston Larreau moved over in front of his nephew. He said: "You've failed me ...
failed me miserably, as a matter of fact and after all I've done for you."

"Uncle, listen, I'll make ..."

"Shut up! Shut up before I lose all sense of reason," the little man spat, his
face grimaced in a terrible expression of rage. "I-I could kill you for this,
Antoine. It's done everyday."

"I know ... I know," Antoine agreed, his head hung forward between his legs.

"I thought of you ... treated you as my own flesh and blood," Larreau reminded
him emphatically.

"Oh God ... God ... God ... I know, Uncle. I know ..." Antoine said, pounding
his naked knees with clenched fists.

"There's nothing I wouldn't have done for you, boy ... but you've betrayed me
... and in our circle there's just one answer to the double-cross ...
punishment. Ordinarily, you'd have to die for this; it's the code of the
syndicate ... but I think maybe it's possible to save your ass and satisfy the
score another way. Not much of a choice, perhaps, but better than dying."

Antoine looked up hopefully, while Ginny Novak shuddered in her tears behind
him. She couldn't believe it. He had completely deserted her ... just as every
man she'd ever known. The three hoods behind Larreau were staring at her
lasciviously. Dear God, she could only hope and pray that what she was thinking
wouldn't come true. "I'll accept whatever's coming to me, Uncle," Antoine
managed, endeavoring to raise his head.

"It's the unwritten law, boy ... and we don't go against it." Larreau said. He
moved in closer and placed his hand symbolically on Antoine's head. "Galaxy is
finished. Trouble in Ontario. You're its president ... There'll be a little time
... and you'll have to serve it. Time is never easy ... but it's better than
dying, eh? But you make your own decision, boy."

Antoine continued to stare up at him. "I'll ... I'll do whatever you say, Uncle

The squat man walked away from him. He circled the bed to where he could look
into the face of Ginny Novak whose tear-stained and contorted features were
hardly her own. He grinned down at her. He said: "You've always been a naughty
girl, ma chere, and a damned poor secretary at best." He chuckled. "But maybe
the boys can inspire some fire in you, eh? Give you that feeling of fulfillment
you've always been looking for."

"Oh Christ, Gaston, no! Don't! Please don't!" she begged. "Look ... I lost my
head ... I'll make it up to you. I'll do anything you say ..."

He turned his back to her and walked away in disgust, back to Antoine. Still
smiling regally, he said: "Come on, kid, get dressed. You can drive me back to
Montreal while I explain what you have to look forward to ... and how to cope
with it."

"Y-Yes sir," Antoine replied, getting to his feet.

"Meantime, boys ... see that Ma'm'selle Novak is properly taken care of eh?" the
czar advised his underlings. "Make sure she doesn't want for anything ...

The one called Axel grinned. "You bet, boss," he said. "You bet."

Chapter 10

Axel was a gaunt, hollow-chested man with a skull-shaped face, lead colored
eyes, knife-like mouth and huge, brutal hands. He seldom smiled or changed
expression; his was a mask of inbred, unfeeling cruelty. His cohorts were both
ugly men in their own right, McShea being the larger with heavy, powerful
shoulders, a large, ruddy face, thick lips, a bulbous nose and little mean eyes,
while Poulette was wiry and small of stature, with a pointed, bird-like face,
vicious bulging eyes and a gruesome manner of speaking through his yellowed,
clenched teeth. Ginny Novak knew and feared all three; they were Larreau's
enforcers. She had seen some of the horrible results of their work ... girls who
had violated an order, or crossed the czar in one way or another; if they lived
they were usually disfigured, maimed, or at the least, completely broken

She lay on the bed staring up at them in sheer horror; Larreau had thrown her to
them as one might toss a bone to a pack of wild dogs, while Antoine had
absolutely denied and deserted her, running off with his tail between his legs
to humbly accept his punishment ... the cowardly fool. Oh, dear Christ, it was
over for her; they'd kill her once they'd satisfied their perverted lusts ...
she knew it, she knew it!

Axel walked to the bed and gaped down at her naked loveliness, while McShea and
Poulette crowded in at the foot and opposite side.

"You're a stupid cunt," the gaunt one said. "And like all stupid cunts ... you
never learn."

"She likes to fuck," McShea said, grinning evilly. "And when a broad likes to
fuck, her pussy does her thinkin' for her, eh, baby?"

"Maybe she'd rather suck than fuck," hissed Poulette. "Let's find out."

Ginny jerked her eyes from one to the other, eyes wide with terror, while her
small white teeth nibbled helplessly at her lower lip. Suddenly, her breath
caught, wadding in her throat as she watched Axel lean over her, his huge hand
reaching down between her legs at her crotch.

"Open 'em," he ordered.

She was too frightened to refuse and she spread her smooth white thighs apart to
him, exposing her slightly opened, moist pink slit, still wet from Antoine's
attention, to their vile, salacious eyes. She gasped painfully as he dug into
her with one thick finger, thrusting it right up into her cunt to the palm of
his brutal hand and routing the sensitive, velvety flesh mercilessly.

"Augghhhh, please ... please don't ..." she pleaded, pressing her buttocks down
into the mattress in an effort to escape his torturous invasion between her

McShea sniggered, his ugly face twisted in a lewd grin as he watched his
cohort's thick finger drubbing into the pink-fleshed hole in her sparse, blonde-
covered loins. Christ, she was a sexy looking slut all right ... the old man's
private fuck, too ... damn, he was really going to enjoy this one.

"You know what happens to people who cross the boss, don't you?" Axel sneered
down at her, but Ginny didn't answer. "Well ... it's up to us to decide just how
much punishment you've got coming. So, for openers, we're all going to fuck you
... or maybe these boys have other ideas of a few things they'd like to try on
you." Poulette and McShea laughed softly, menacingly. "Me ... I've wanted to get
my cock into you for a long time, bitch, but there was no way as long's the old-
man wanted you ... now, that's all over, eh?"

Ginny felt him jerking his finger out of her and she sighed with the relief from
pain, but she continued to lay as if petrified as suddenly they all started to
undress. Panic seized her then; abruptly, she tried to scramble and bolt from
the bed. McShea caught her from behind, twisting his hand in her long blonde
hair and yanking her backwards across the bed. She screamed and Axel struck her
with his open palm, back and forth, a half-dozen blows across the face, breasts
and stomach. McShea caught at her arm, wrenching it cruelly up behind her back,
forcing her over onto her stomach. Poulette came up on the other side of her and
together, he and McShea pushed her shoulders tightly down, then knees wedged her
own apart with a rough pressure as one of them moved in close behind her.

"Up, bitch! kneel up!" Axel charged her, grasping her hips.

There was nothing to be gained by cooperating she reasoned; they would do
whatever they intended anyway. In the end, she would probably wind up dead. She
lay flatly on the bed in defiance, crying now, but in rage as much as fear. The
hands holding her shoulders fast moved away, temporarily freeing her, then her
arm was being thrust inhumanly upward behind her back once more and she was
being hauled up and backward to her knees. She cried out, continuing to struggle
against them, but she was no match for their strength.

"Fuckin' bitch!" snarled Axel as she swung her smooth rounded buttocks back and
forth in a futile attempt to evade whatever he had in mind.

"I hope she throws it around like that when I get into her," McShea said,
chuckling lewdly. "I'll fuck her silly."

Poulette had begun to squeeze, twist and pull at one of her full, hanging
breasts, while McShea thrust her arm up further between her shoulder-blades,
forcing her face down hard against the bedcover, and her swaying hips up higher
into the air.

Ginny gasped with the pain as, suddenly, there was a thick invasion ... a brutal
probing at her naked loins from behind ... as if the end of a baseball bat was
being burrowed into her fear contracted vagina. She screamed, begging him to
stop, but in vain. The tears gushed down her cheeks and the impalement
continued, until she felt her thighs pressed wide apart, the heavy weight of his
loins battering against her buttocks, shoving her face hard into the bed with
the fierce pain racking her unwanting passage. The sensitive channel felt as if
it were ablaze, and his massive prick ramming into it made her think of a leaden
weight studded with burrs. She was in agony; her back throbbed from bending in
her obscene position. Now, there were hands and more hands pawing her body,
mauling her breasts and clutching at her bottom. Good God! Someone was shoving a
finger right up her anus ... her still smarting rectum, sore beyond reason from
Larreau's sodomy of the night before.

Hissing wails of breath tumbled from her lips. Her cunt felt as if it were being
steel-wooled into raw, bloodied meat ... but then not quite so bad as it began
to moisten with her own lubricating juices; however, simultaneously, his
penetration increased, until she felt as if her whole passage and belly were
being split open, as if she were being ripped from her anus to her breasts, the
latter, of which, were being squeezed, pulled and knurled viciously.

Kneeling behind her obscenely spread and presented buttocks, Axel gritted his
teeth and fucked in and out of her with dynamic lunges that began from his toes
and quivered up through his strong, lean thighs to reach the apex of sensation
in his long, rock-hard cock pummeling into her, ramming and splattering her
flesh in every direction, blazing a trail of entry as if his lust-inflated shaft
were an auger tunneling into her soft, vibrant body. His hands clutched at her
satin-smooth white flesh, squeezing and punishing sadistically, hurting her and
making her cry out and writhe with the pain, fear and degradation.

His balls swung wildly, alive with a mounting pressure ever building, while his
cock tingled and pulsated. He ran his hands over the tormented flesh which,
unwillingly but helplessly, was at his mercy. He jerked her buttocks apart,
spreading them open obscenely, exposing the little wrinkled, inflamed hole of
her anus, and he shoved his thick finger into it finding little resistance. His
cock was battering into her to the last fraction of an inch, the sheath of her
cunt still snug around his rigidity, its clasping, milking folds raising foul
obscenities of delight to spew from his knife-like lips.

Ginny knew no pleasure. She was helpless, shamed, and her body ached as if it
were infested with demons of the damned. She lay with her face sideways against
the bedcover, enduring the unbelievable abuse at her helpless genitals with
silent tears. All of her life she had given herself and had been taken by men,
but never had she felt more naked, more debased, and so defenseless. Her crotch
was one great open gap and his massive, violent prick was racing into it like
some pistoning bludgeon being driven by super force. She was being hopelessly

Her lips opened and closed in agony. Occasionally, she tried to flatten her hips
or draw her buttocks in to lessen the pain of her rectum, but this only
tightened her vagina, increasing the torture of his ruthless entry. And then,
suddenly, there were fingers at her lips, opening her mouth, and a rubbery,
stiff, hot object being rubbed around her there. She opened her eyes and saw it
... a prick long and thin ... Poulette's lead-hard rod, and he was lying along
side her, pushing the vile thing into her mouth. She tried to resist, twist her
head and squirm away, nauseated with the mere thought, but he grabbed at her
nose, pinching it between thumb and forefinger until she gasped for breath, then
the thin pole of flesh rammed in, crushing through her moist, red lips, between
her even, white teeth and into the warm saliva of her mouth. She felt it on her
tongue, no longer like a thin instrument, but a huge, blunt, hot cudgel,
absorbing her complete attention momentarily from the never-ending battering of
her vagina and the turgid head that was crashing against her cervix, causing her
to jerk forward from the agony.

"Suck it, you cunt!" Poulette hissed between his teeth. "And suck it with
feeling or I'll slit your fucking throat!"

Ginny felt his hips begin to rotate in toward her and his long cock to slide in
and out of her mouth, never quite withdrawing, always leaving an inch or two
beyond her lips in the warm, wet sanctuary of her mouth. He had grasped both
sides of her head vise-like between his thin, strong hands and was holding it
firm. Abruptly, he began to saw into her face with viciousness, causing her to
gag as he plunged it half-way down her throat, its full length near-disappearing
between her wide- stretched, ovalled lips to the hilt. Suddenly, his balls
slapped harshly against her chin, the wiry black hair covering them tickling
like the brush of a feather. She struggled for breath, catching small lungfuls
of air on his outstroke.

She closed her eyes. Saliva filled her mouth and once or twice she coughed and
spluttered, but then she grew accustomed to the asphyxiating entry and let it
move in and out with rapidly increasing vigor, racing at a faster pace than its
cohort gouging her cunt.

Axel suddenly realized that he was going to cum. He squeezed and kneaded the
soft, white flesh of her thighs and buttocks fiendishly, thrusting with
demoniacal fury, sensing his approaching orgasm growing in its intensity, until
there was a heavy weight of blood hanging on the knob of his aching prick. He
gaped at her tender lips clasping around the expanding, whitening cock of
Poulette, who was writhing his own hips frantically as he fucked into her face.
She was sucking and licking him now with subservient compliance, completely
resolved to her task, as if she was working to end it.

Ginny was praying for it to reach a conclusion. The cock in her mouth was slimy
with her saliva, and momentarily the moisture was thicker and the taste more
pungent. She felt his loins pound against her face, tensing now in growing,
trembling movements. His hands gripped her cheeks and then her hair, and he
seemed to be trying to shove his prick down her throat to meet the other racing
up into her cunt. Oh God ... Oh God! she groaned inwardly, as they buffeted her
back and forth like some lifeless mannequin between them, using her helpless,
defenseless body as some great receptacle into which they'd pump their lewd,
lascivious sperm. She felt hardly human any longer, for it seemed that the
debased ravaging of her body had been going on for a never-ending eternity.

Poulette gasped, once, twice, a third time, then crushed his hips into her face
so that she was suffocated and fought for breath, and even as she struggled, her
mouth was flooded, his jerking cock gushing forth thick streams of creamy,
piquant liquid into her throat, her cheeks bloating and contracting as she
swallowed to keep from choking on the great continual spurts spewing from it,
while immediately it began to lose its size and weight and his loins fell away,
allowing her to breathe again. She opened her mouth to spit out some of the
seething sperm clinging to her tongue and the roof of her mouth, but the
opportunity was short lived. McShea had hauled Poulette from the bed and dropped
his own big frame in his place. Before she could twist away or close her mouth
again, his long, thick foreskinned prick crashed between her lips and she
groaned in bitter anguish as she realized the vile degradation was about to be
repeated. Again ... and then, perhaps ... again after that ...

Numbly, she became aware once more of the filling of her cunt from behind, the
pummeling rod of flesh that was pounding into her belly untiringly, and that was
as broad and deep as her loins. There was no erotic feeling ... nothing except
the pained frictioned scraping of his cock as it grated against her cuntal
walls. He was almost to the point of orgasm; she could hear him panting and
grunting, his brutal stroke always increasing ... faster, faster ... harder,
harder ... and he expanded her thighs so wide with his knees that she was almost
forced down flat on the bed, with her hips and pelvis afire with their ache at
the inhuman stretching.

He gasped and cursed while at the same time, McShea's heavy cock was poling into
her mouth to her tonsils, then, she felt him thrust into her so hard from behind
that she cried out around the choking, blood- engorged head of the prick in her
mouth, and he began to jerk convulsively against her ass as his shaft began
shooting its thick, hot load deep up into her painfully burning cuntal passage;
at last, he, too, was falling back away from her, allowing a cool rush of air to
brush against and soothe her tortured cunt. But it was a brief respite, for as
he crawled away she could feel another taking his place. Frantically, she
twisted her neck and looked up and back to see Poulette mounting her, his thin,
powerful hands tearing brutally at her round, white ass-cheeks, his finger
gouging at her tender, puckered little anus. My God, he had another erection!

"Round robin, baby," Poulette hissed down at her between his teeth. "And it'll
go on and on like this for hours, eh? Suck and fuck ... until your belly's
filled so full a cum you'll drowned in it ... the time of your life, oui Cheri
... the very last time ..."

McShea chuckled lewdly as he clenched her cheeks and rammed his thick cock into
her throat. "Suck it, you whore! Suck it!"

Ginny could barely think any longer; her agony had reached almost beyond human
endurance. Her brain whirled and panic filled her ... then, suddenly,
excruciating pain, as Poulette's re-hardened cock charged right up her tightly
resisting rectum in one barbaric thrust.

Oh God ... Oh God ... Oh God! It was the end for her ... the bitter deplorable
end ... and there was no one in the world to help her ... no one who cared a
damn what happened to her ... Oh God ... have mercy on me ...!

Chapter 11

Three days following the discovery of Ginny Novak's body in the Saint Lawrence
River, Antoine Poirier was brought to trial for extortion, found guilty, and
sentenced to ten years in prison. Throughout the horrible ordeal, Madeleine
remained secluded, appearing only at the court hearings and always in the
company of Gaston Larreau and his battery of attorneys. But there was hardly any
escaping the newsmen who swarmed the court daily and badgered her at every
opportunity; it was front-page scandal for weeks inasmuch as the nefarious
Canadian crime czar was involved, as well as his nephew, along with the untimely
death of the powerful underworld lord's mistress.

Madeleine had never been close to Ginny Novak, but it was nearly impossible for
her to think of the lovely blonde girl as being a suicide. When she had first
disappeared right after Antoine's arrest, Madeleine felt certain she had run
away, back to the states perhaps, but then, all those weeks later when they
fished her horribly bloated body from the river, the shock, on top of Antoine's
pending situation, was almost too much to bear. Only Uncle Gaston seemed to have
the strength and perseverance necessary to keep them all going.

"Antoine will be all right, ma chere," the little emperor would insist. "You
mustn't worry. So ... he has to do a little time; it won't hurt him, eh? He
gambled for big stakes and lost. He's lucky he's got the syndicate behind him
... otherwise, he could end up with twenty years." Then, he would take her hands
inside his own little fat ones and hold them possessively. "But don't you worry
about a thing, Cheri. I'll see that you're taken care of. You'll come to live
with Uncle Gaston, eh? One big happy family ..." He'd wink then and the blood
would chill in her veins.

Madeleine remained in her and Antoine's apartment until the end. On that last
rainy morning when the judge passed sentence, she thought she would lose her
mind. She had screamed out in the courtroom, then fainted. Later, in an
adjoining chamber, she had awakened with only Uncle Gaston beside her. He sat on
the edge of the leather chesterfield where she lay, and she could hardly believe
it when she felt his hot hand caressing her thigh beneath her mini-dress, his
wet, rubbery mouth stretched in a warm, if, lecherous smile.

"There, there, my pet," he cooed down at her. "Everything's going to be fine.
You'll come home with me and I'll take care of you ... just you and me now, eh?
We'll have some wonderful times together. We'll travel ... see the world ...
whatever your little heart desires, ma chere ..."

She stared up at him, her eyes widening in horrified disbelief, the meaning of
his words registering fully in her sickened, heart-broken brain.

"First, we'll get the kid for you, eh? How's that?" he said, grinning, convinced
that this of all things would influence her.

"Oh ... Oh God ...! Y-You filthy ... filthy, vile beast!" Madeleine hissed at
him, shoving his hand from beneath her dress with such force that he nearly fell
off the edge of the couch. Suddenly, she swung bodily around, pivoting on her
buttocks, and was on her feet before the squat Larreau could regain his balance.
"Damn you!" she half screamed at him. "You're the cause of Antoine's going to
prison! You used him ... and he's going there in your place ... just as you
probably had Ginny Novak murdered! All so that you could have me ... is that it?
Y- You despicable pig! Filthy swine!" She backed toward the door, her beautiful
face drawn in vicious hatred. "Well ... you'll never have me again, damn you!
Never, you hear? Never!"

Abruptly, Larreau's expression changed, the blood draining from his round face,
the scar on his right cheek suddenly becoming a livid purple in his mounting
rage. He moved toward her then, but she was not there by the time he'd crossed
the room; she had jerked open the door and was running down the corridor, her
sobs and the pounding of her heels echoing back to him as he called after her.

Goddamn her! She was getting away from him after all!

* * *

Madeleine had no idea of how long she ran the wet streets of Montreal. She only
knew that the rain dampening her face was all that was keeping her from fainting
again, and when the pain in her aching chest became so severe from running, she
stumbled into an unfamiliar little bar and found herself a secluded, darkened
corner to collapse in. Fortunately, at this time of morning, the place was
deserted except for the young bartender and a male patron at the far end of the

Slowly, Madeleine composed herself as the young man approached and she ordered a

He smiled down at her; he was clean-cut and had a pleasant smile. He said: "Are
you looking for someone, Ma'm'selle?"

"N-No. Why do you ask?"

The young man shrugged. He wiped at the table in front of her with a dry little
towel he carried. "Most of the girls who come here this time of day are looking
for ... shall we say ... a companion?"

Madeleine could barely see his face in the shadows, but the gleam of his white
teeth was very distinct. She understood then. "I-I'm not one of those girls,
M'sieu'," she replied sharply, the ache in her chest gradually leaving her. "Do
you have coffee?"


"Just the vermouth then, thank you."

He nodded, smiled, and went away. She watched him and saw that the patron at the
bar was trying to study her. She couldn't see his face, but he seemed tall, well
dressed, and perhaps middle aged. The young bartender exchanged a few words
with him and the older one continued to watch her.

Abruptly, her situation came back to her like an overwhelming shroud, and
momentarily she felt nauseous. Dear God, what was she going to do? Her Antoine
was lost to her; she had failed him miserably as a wife, and now there would be
no chance to make it up to him. He was gone ... out of her life, perhaps,
forever. Oh God ... dear, dear God ... She never wanted to see Gaston Larreau
again ... never, never! But what was she going to do? She had no money, no
friends, no ready means of livelihood ... unless she went back to waiting table,
but that was not as simple as it sounded ... finding a job, a place to live ...
It all took money ... God ... she wished she were dead ... just like Ginny Novak
... at least, her miseries were behind her now ... And her Igat ... her sweet
little darling, Igat ... what of her? She couldn't contain her tears any longer.
Her head dropped onto her arm and she wept.

Shortly, a familiar but unidentifiable male voice said softly: "Why are you
crying, Ma'm'selle?"

Madeleine jerked her head erect. She wiped at her eyes with long fingers,
looking up at him; she could hardly see his face, but recognized him as the
patron from the end of the bar. He was carrying her vermouth on a small tray. He
seemed to be tilting his head and squinting as if attempting to place her. She
said coldly: "It's Madame, M'sieu' ... and I don't believe we've met ..."

He smiled. "Ah ... but I think we have, Madame Poirier," he replied, setting her
drink before her, moving close enough now so that she could see him well.

For a long moment she stared at him, sensing a certain warmth flow through her.
Yes ... yes, they had met all right ... It was Rafael Girarde, her own little
Igat's adopted father. A tight little smile crept onto her face.

"Well," he said, "that's better. Now, may I ... ah ... sit down?"

Madeleine hesitated, then: "Yes ... why not? Please, sit down M'sieu' Girarde."

Chapter 12

It was a nice little apartment, clean and unpretentious. Rafael had helped her
find it, move her things unbeknownst to anyone, then made her a cocktail
waitress in one of his night clubs. He came to sleep with her on Tuesday and
Friday nights, leaving her the remainder of her time to use in whatever way she
liked. Thank God, he wasn't a jealous man.

Madeleine had soon fallen into the routine; it was a way of life and she was not
unhappy. He was good to her, she thought, as she lay beside his naked, muscular
body in the gray hours of dawn. She left certain that he cared for her in his
own way, but of course she was only his mistress and never could expect more.
Nevertheless, he took her nice places to dine and once they had gone on holiday
together; yes, there was a certain feeling she had for him, never love per se,
but a sense of admiration and loyalty, as well as obligation ... and he was a
fine lover.

She rolled toward him, pressing her soft, warm, naked body against his and let
her hand trail lightly down his hairy chest, over his flat hard belly to the
pubic hair of his loins. There, she found his long, limp member in repose ...
sticky from their last night's love-making as she encircled it. He moaned in his
sleep, his closed eyes flicking distractedly. She smiled and moved down his
body, pushing the covers back off them as she went. In the faint light she
studied the foreskin and the thickness of his still limp shaft fascinatedly.
Slowly, she began to massage it with one hand while her other went beneath to
cup and cradle his balls. It was strange how her own desire seemed to peak at
this time of night-morning. He had inspired and taught her this because of their
odd working hours, never getting home until nearly dawn, but last night had been
hers off, and he had taken her to dinner and the theatre. After, they had been
too tired for love, but now ... Again, she examined and saw the tiny droplets
seeping from its split tip. Tenderly, she stroked the uncircumcised foreskin
down its now stiffening full length, then helped it return to cover the ever
growing glans of its head.

"Pest," she heard him say softly.

She squeezed his cock tightly for answer, then dropped her lips, kissing the
expanding purple head. She positioned her body so that he could see, then she
kissed it again.

He groaned and she took it into her mouth, letting her lips move slowly, tightly
and moistly down its shaft, her tongue working tauntingly as she lowered onto
it; then, she raised with a strong sucking motion, tasting the pungent tang of

"Damn!" Rafael Girarde gasped.

Once more, she slid her mouth down, absorbing the heavy veined rod of flesh into
the hot, wet cavern, her lips clasping tightly en route, her tongue beginning to
aggravate beneath the sensitive head at its tip, until he blurted: "Christ, get
up here so that I can get at you, you little minx!"

She crawled up beside him and rolled onto her back, pulling him on top of her.
He kissed her and immediately her hand searched down between them, seizing his
long, thick cock and guiding it between the soft, fleshy, hair-covered lips of
her moist, ready cunt. She moaned up into his face, her eyes closed, her hips
undulating, her loins wanting.

Mon Dieu! But she was a magnificent piece, he thought. At first, she had been
cold ... receptive, but cold ... and now, it was as if she couldn't get enough.
Something had happened to her that he couldn't comprehend ... love maybe, or
perhaps just appreciation. Whatever, he reveled in it. He eased his hips
forward, not wanting to hurt her with that initial thrust, but the mouth of her
cunt seemed to clasp and suck at his prick as if to gobble it into her, and
suddenly he penetrated her with a rush, his mighty cock soaring right up into
her to its very hilt.

She grunted aloud as his rod drove up her, tightly at first, almost a maiden
tightness, hurtful to him along the solid flesh of his shaft, until he had
stroked several times and her inner passage walls seemed to slowly lubricate and
expand. Again, she whimpered beneath him, a little wail of mixed pleasure-pain.
Then, he began to thrust until their pelvic flesh slapped resoundingly together,
and she strained back under him, arching her naked loins up to his now ramming
cock, his balls whacking into the split crevice of her buttocks, taunting her
tiny, puckered anus with every stroke. She began to moan incessantly, her nails
raking the flesh of his back feverishly. She bit at his lips, turned her face
away, then came back to bite once again.

God ... she must love him, he thought. But he had to keep his own head. He had a
position to maintain ... Christ, nothing could ever come of it; he couldn't let
it! After all, she was only another little bitch! He had to keep her in her
place ... look out for himself ...

"Put your finger in my ass, Cheri," she whispered passionately. "Quick! Put it

His brain, as always, whirled at her lewd request. She could set him off like a
satyr. He reached under her to the wet crevice between the luscious, white
spread moons of her buttocks, spread them even further, found the tight crinkled
ring of spongy flesh and dug in to the first knuckle.

"Aauuugggghhhh!" Madeleine gasped, even as she screwed her buttocks back onto
his finger until it was entirely buried to the palm of his hand in the warm,
velvety depths of her rectum.

Suddenly, his cock was a throbbing, aching spear of delight. The thought of what
he was doing to her was firing him like a madman. He routed his finger wildly in
the soft, rubbery flesh of her rectal passage, feeling his nails accidently
gouge into her and raising a cry of protest from her throat; she jerked away
momentarily, but presently came right back to offer her tight twitching anus for
further punishment.

One of these days ... very soon ... he'd have to bring it to an end! It was
going too far ... getting away from him! He'd have to end it ... have to ...!

His loins felt coiled like a serpent ready to strike, and his cock felt massive,
as if it were growing and growing ... expanding and contracting, throbbing
almost painfully.

She clung to him tightly with her long, lovely legs wrapped around him, her
strong thighs squeezing his hips, slackening and clamping, while her hungry
pussy milked his prick with spasmodic clutches.

"Fuck me, Cheri! Fuck me hard!" she groaned, her face a rich crimson, her neck
strained back, her fingernails tearing at the flesh of his back and ribs. "Mon
Dieu ... j'arrive! Oh ... Oooohhhh ... I'm cumming, Cheri ... Oui, Oui ... I'm
cuuuuummmmmiiiiinnnnnggggg!" she cried, pulling back her thighs until her knees
pressed tightly against her breasts, presenting him with a stretched and
palpitating pink fissure of moist, hair-lined flesh. He hammered into her with
pile-driving thrusts, her legs up and over his shoulders now as she lifted her
crotch up to him with convulsive jerks.

Girarde felt her cunt flowering open around him and warm gushes of hot fluid
pour into the channel flooding his thrusting prick. He plunged farther, faster,
digging deep, deep inside her, then felt her jerk up toward him several more
times, the lips of her cunt working and sucking at his cock as if to draw the
very life from him. Her breathing came in short, desperate gasps, and he thrust
deep once again, suddenly sensing his own hot, seething sperm shoot from the
nozzle of his shaft far up into her soft, quaking belly.

Madeleine moaned incessantly as his jerking prick continued to squirt its long
hot streams into her and his body trembled violently against hers. She gave a
sudden shrill squeal and screwed herself up onto his already deflating rod,
holding herself there while her loins worked up and down of themselves, and he
continued to pummel his finger in her widely stretched rectum ...

And then, she expelled her breath in one long, deep sigh, slowly collapsing
beneath him, her body shaking and quivering in the aftermath of her climax, and
he eased his finger from her back passage as he lowered his lips to hers.

He rolled off of her and they lay silent for a long moment. Finally, she said:
"It was good, Cheri ... so good, eh?"

"Christ, yes ... it was beautiful. I-I'm exhausted, ma chere." He, too, sighed.
"Aaaahhhh ... let's sleep awhile now, eh?"

"Oui, Cheri," she whispered, laying her hand on his arm. "Now, sleep ..."

He did, almost immediately.

Madeleine smiled to herself. She was getting much better at it ... losing the
little revulsions she had harbored for so long against the perversions that
delighted men ... even growing to enjoy them more each time herself. So ...
practice made perfection; was not that the rule of thumb? It wouldn't be long
now ... and life was bearable at worst. He was good to her ... helped her ...
had taught her much in the art ... And on Sundays now, after mass, she was able
to see Igat and take her to the zoo or park for a few hours; but of course she
couldn't go to the house to visit, or telephone there, nor make herself a
nuisance in any respect to Madame Girarde ... but she was certain it wouldn't be
much longer now.

With what she made as a cocktail waitress, plus her growing exclusive clientele
since she had begun to prostitute herself, she felt confident that it would not
be long before she had enough saved to steal her little Igat and run away to
some city in the states where no one would ever find them.

The Blessed Mother wouldn't desert her; she felt sure of that. One had to have
faith, such as she had. Mon Dieu, hadn't she made an offering a week at mass
ever since Antoine was sent to prison? What further assurance could she have
...? But ... still ... still there was Uncle Gaston ... if he ever found her ...
God, if he ever found her ... She shuddered silently and rolled to her side to
try and sleep as best she could ... knowing all the while that it was just a
question of time until he did ... just a question of time ...

End Volume One
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