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RWS-108 Uncle Gaston And Niece Volume 2
by Jon Reskind

Chapter 1

Madeleine Poirier knew very little about him except that he was an acquaintance
of Rafael Girarde and in a governmental capacity, which automatically classified
him as a person of some prominence. His name was Julian Forrest and he was a
civilian Inspector of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police from Ottawa, undoubtedly
in Montreal on official business. For all of his fifty-odd years, he was not
unhandsome, and Madeleine was not offended when he approached her. He had
brought it off rather smoothly the night before at the Salle de Venus-Apollon
where she served as hotesse for M. Girarde, the club owner--and in some
respects, her benefactor these past bitter months-- carefully choosing an
appropriate time when Rafael would not overhear.

She had appreciated that. Rafael Girarde had been good to her and she wanted in
no way to offend him, but by the same token, business was business, and she had
her own goals that neither Rafael nor her income as club hostess was going to
make attainable. As matters stood, she still kept Tuesday and Friday nights
generously open to her employer at her place, and she felt quite certain that he
had no idea of her private and selective circle of gentlemen friends upon whom
she graciously bestowed her voluptuous charms for a substantial fee at tightly
scheduled, pre-arranged tete-a-tetes. She was no prostitute, per se, and
resented being approached as one. Julian Forrest must have assumed this, she
thought, as she taxied toward his hotel that warm September afternoon.

She smiled to herself, her lush red lips parting slightly to display a dazzling
row of white, even teeth. Her deep dark eyes sparkled in anticipation and she
squirmed gently down into the leather cushion feeling the tightness of her
panties tauten against the already moistened crevice between her legs. Thank
God, she enjoyed her work, she mused, and that, too, she owed to Rafael. He was
a fine lover and had taught her much. She had reason to be grateful to him; he
had taken her under his wing after Antoine, her husband, had been sent to
prison, aided her financially, found her an apartment and helped her evade the
powerful and lecherous hands of Gaston Larreau, her own husband's nefarious
"uncle". Yes, indeed, she owed Rafael Girarde much ... yet, she would hurt him,
she knew, hurt him terribly before another year came to pass ...

Well, enough of those thoughts, she decided firmly. The tall, handsome and
greying Julian Forrest was a more pleasant contemplation. His still-athletic
physique beneath the exquisitely tailored suit had intrigued her. His smile had
suggested sincerity, perhaps, even honesty, while his pale-blue eyes had
portrayed the delights of the mischievous libertine, but in essence it had been
his suave approach and delicate proposal she had succumbed to ... plus his

"I'm not a man who chooses feminine companionship haphazardly, my dear," he had
said to her in his rich baritone voice, the well modulated French rolling off
his tongue with a decided Parisian flavor. Then, strangely enough, in English he
had added: "But you are breathtaking, ma chere."

"And you are married, Inspector," she replied, almost as a matter of form.
"Besides, you're a personal friend of Rafael's."

"Isn't everyone?" he said, reverting back to French and laughing as he spoke.
"Good God, at fifty a man should have twenty years of married life behind him
and a son or two to prove it. And certainly every official in Canada knows and
claims friendship with the Minister of Government, Rafael Girarde, eh?"

She had laughed lightly. "You put it all so nicely, Inspector Forrest. Tell me
... do I look like one of those girls?"

"Heaven forbid! You've misunderstood my luncheon invitation," he had said, his
square handsome face assuming an embarrassed, if, awed expression. "How can I
ever apologize and make you understand ..."

"Please don't, M'sieu'. It's not necessary."

"But I feel like a cad ..."

She had laughed once more. "I like you the way you were ... and shall we say
about two-ish tomorrow ...?"

"T-Two-ish ...?" he repeated, his iniquitous rogue's eyes beginning to dance
excitedly. "You overwhelm me, Ma'm'selle ..."

"It's Madame, darling, and there is a fee attached," she had said quite matter-

"Fee? Whatever it is, it's not enough. I'll double it," he had responded,
licking at his thin lips salaciously.

"And Rafael mustn't know. It would hurt him deeply, cheri. I'm sure you

"Of course, of course! The utmost decorum, darling. I understand," he'd said in
his rich depth of voice. "Ah ... what a marvel you are, my dear. I wonder if he
realizes how fortunate he is to have such a mistress? But then ... I'm sure he
does. Have you met Madame Girarde and their adopted child, Igat? What a splendid
little girl. Beautiful ... beautiful child ..."

She could remember little of his conversation following the mentioning of Igat.
The name alone was like a paralyzing bolt of lightning jolting through her
whenever it was spoken. Even now as she recalled his throaty voice rolling the
name from his lips, a sensation of agonized longing spiraled through her. Her
eyes moistened and she bit at her full, lower lip. Had she met their adopted
child ...? Dear God ... her own baby! Her own Igat! Why else was she living but
for the day when they would be together, away from all of this ... her own sweet
little darling, Igat ...?

Damn ... she had to get a hold on herself, and right away. Certainly, she
couldn't walk into his suite in this mood or he'd quickly lose his double-fee
ideas. Double fee ... hmmmmm ... four hundred dollars ... not an untidy sum ...
and she intended to hold him to his promise. Four hundred ... that would make
her twenty-two hundred in the bank. Mother of God, it was coming so beautifully.
The novenas in church were helping, she was certain. She must give him equal
value for his money, and she was certain that would be no problem. If there was
any problem at all, it was she, herself; it wasn't right that she should enjoy
it as she did ... Sometimes, she was not so certain but what the stigma of Rahab
coursed through her veins ... and maybe these walls of lust she was imprisoning
herself within would be as vulnerable as those of Jericho when the trumpets
sounded ... She shuddered at her own aphoristic thoughts.

"You said Hotel Victoria, Ma'm'selle?" the cabbie questioned, raising his head
and cocking an ear.


"Merci. My mind was elsewhere, I guess," he bantered in a form of apology.

Madeleine looked through the window at the busy streets. They were nearing
Dominion Square. As always, the city intrigued her ... had since the first day
she set foot in it. How long ago ...? Nearly five years ... almost six since
she'd left the small fishing village of her birth on the Peninsule De Gaspe with
the American named Keel who was to take her to Boston. She had been sixteen,
nearly seventeen, and he'd fathered her Igat in her ignorance, left her stranded
in Riviere du Loup ... Oh God, she didn't want to think anymore about that! She
just had to get hold of herself. Inspector Forrest was not to be disappointed by
some morbid mood she allowed to seize hold of her. Heaven knows, there were too
many lonely, dismal hours of reminiscence already in her days and nights without
stealing from more pleasurable moments.

What she really needed was a drink, a little something to stimulate ... to
rekindle her sensual appetite of such a short time before, and the gallant
Inspector would take care of that, she felt sure. She must cultivate him to the
fullest extent; he represented the ultimate in clientele and a bit of
uncontrollable, egotistical bragging on his part to his associates could do much
toward increasing her income and at a rapid, pleasing rate. Then, she would put
it all behind her, this entire existence ... completely obliterate it from her
mind ... just she and her little Igat together at last ... mother and child ...
a nice apartment in some large city where no one would ever find them. Igat
would start school and she would find a respectable job ... maybe in a
fashionable ladies shop ... or even as a model ... But first, she must
accumulate the five thousand dollars she felt to be the necessary minimum figure
they would have to have ...

"Hotel Victoria, Ma'm'selle," the cabbie said, interrupting her thoughts. He
swiveled around in his seat in order to gain a better view of his voluptuous,
blonde-haired passenger. He offered her his best broken-toothed smile and looked
at her gorgeous nylon-encased leegs and thighs beneath the short fashionable
miniskirt. Lustfully, his avid little eyes ravaged her, the straining points of
her firm, full breasts against the lowcut bodice of her dress causing his mouth
to go cotton- dry. Bitch, he thought. She was a whore; he'd bet his godamned
life she was a whore and that her below-the-shoulder length blonde hair was
bleached ... he'd bet his damned life on it ... "One fifty, Ma'm'selle," he
said, smiling. She'd be expensive, all right ... that she would ... he could
never afford her ... the bitch ...

Madeleine handed him two one-dollar bills and he sought change but she told him
to keep it. He brushed his hand against her knee reaching over to twist the door
handle and she shifted in the seat until he could see almost to her panties.
Damn her, the bitch, she was a whore for certain!

"Merci, Ma'm'selle."

She stepped from his cab, hesitated momentarily, then entered the revolving door
of the lobby while he watched the gentle, provocative sway to her full, rounded
hips as she walked ... watched until the concierge motioned him on irritably and
he roared off with a squeal of rubber. Damn, how he wished that he was the
customer she was visiting. He sighed heavily as he wheeled dangerously into the
stream of traffic.

Chapter 2

Shannon was but part of his name, not the first nor the last, but the middle,
after his mother's people, and he chose it as his only identification when they
released him from prison rather than to use an alias. Should he resort to the
full Andrew Shannon Connelly there were those, he felt, who might remember him,
although it was doubtful there in Canada. Generally, the sportsminded were
hockey people, some football, but baseball had yet to come into its own, even
with the new Montreal Expos; still, he wanted no ties nor to be reminded of that
segment of his life if only by chance, and especially now with what he had in

He'd been sixteen-years in the majors, a husky corn-fed farm boy of eighteen
from upstate New York in the beginning, foregoing college in '47 to sign with
St. Louis, and later with Boston, then Milwaukee. He'd been good, having two no-
hitters to his credit with the Sox, and great things still expected of him even
at thirty-four, but Maggi had ended all of that.

Maggi Delaney Connelly, his wife of thirteen years, mother of Paulie, their six-
year old son, had been an ardent baseball lover, an excellent hostess, and a
godamned promiscuous woman. One afternoon in July, six- years past, Paulie, left
alone had struck his head on the side of their swimming pool, tumbled into the
water and drowned. He, Shannon, had been in Chicago and they'd wired him there.
It was two days following the funeral that a friend advised him of seeing Maggi
in a bar with a man at the time the accident occurred.

He'd said nothing to her, only pretended to return to the team. That night he'd
found them together in his bed and attempted to kill them both with his bare
hands. He might have succeeded, he remembered, had not Maggi managed to floor
him from behind with a chair, knocking him unconscious and breaking his arm ...
his left arm ... his pitching arm.

But the ironical part had come later when her lover, who had turned out to be a
prominent, local political hack, had engineered an attempted murder charge
against him and made it stick, netting him a year and a day in prison. When it
was done, a bitter ex-baseball player named Andy Connelly was advised by a
benevolent warden that he might do better in another part of the country ... or
even another country. Had he thought about that?

In fact, he'd thought about a lot of things, and that was but one of them.
Divorced, broke and overflowing with hate, he had migrated north of the border,
found employment in a small factory in Ontario, then, fumbled a stupid attempt
to hijack its payroll.

So, once again here he was, five-years later, no less bitter, but seasoned, and
happy to be breathing free air once more as he walked along a side street off
St. Catherine in the warm September sunshine, enjoying the pleasurable sounds of
Montreal's bustling activity. Twenty years had passed since his last visit to
the fabulous city ... since that exhibition game with Montreal's then
International League team, and he was satisfied that its stellar attraction had
not changed ... the women were still beautiful ... and God, how he needed one.

A half-dozen times he paused to ogle after a pair of pretty legs or a voluptuous
figure wearing a piled-up, exotic coiffure ... radical, ridiculous, but
beautiful ... slender ankles, rounded calves and curvaceous hips and buttocks
... tripping off on high, needle-like heels in every damned direction. Christ,
it was enough to set him wild; his love-starved cock jerked uncontrollably in
his pants. He didn't intend that another day would go by without him knowing the
satisfaction of a woman's warm, soft, receptive body. How he'd gone these last
forty-eight hours since his release was almost more than he could fathom right
at the moment, but then, with a little thought that wasn't too difficult to
reason either.

There were other things besides the need for normal sexual satisfaction one
became obsessed with when he was buried "inside" ... and in this case it had
been a plan to extort a half-million dollars. A thousand and one nights he had
lain awake plotting, planning, learning all he could from his vindictive
cellmate, Antoine Poirier, regarding the latter's infamous crime czar "uncle",
Gaston Larreau; until he was certain he had devised a workable scheme. Nothing
else seemed to matter all those long months and years except this fantastic coup
that was going to even every score for him, even the medieval torture of being
denied the biological need for a woman.

At first, when he'd walked onto the street and heard the big gate clang shut
behind him the sensation of being a free man once more had nearly over-powered
him. By god, he was going to kick things off with a few drinks, then, a woman,
and he was going to fuck that doll, whoever she would be, until she couldn't
walk, until he'd drained the last drop of stored-up semen from his aching,
ravenous loins ... but he hadn't done either. Instead, he'd gone directly to the
CNR station, bought a ticket for Montreal and spent the day enroute, his brain
cogitating in a never-ending pattern of hashing and rehashing, for it was the
enormity of such a scheme and the aftermath should it fail that caused him to
break out in periodic cold sweats.

The big gamble existed in the fact that he was playing at a game he knew nothing
about, where the stakes, win or lose, were the ultimate ... financially fixed
for life, or very, very dead. The payroll escapade had been a foolhardy thing;
the proof of that had been his tackling it single-handed and without a carefully
prepared program. They'd caught him flat-footed. This time, he intended to
minimize the gamble with methodical planning. There was no room for error, or
else he would damn sure wind up in a basket; not that he feared death so much,
but it was the uncontrollable ways one could achieve the state that bothered

Anyway, his carefully conceived plans called for a woman and one he could trust
all the way. Tony Poirier had lauded the praises of his voluptuous young wife
the entire length of time that they'd shared a cell, long enough and with
sufficient enthusiasm to lead Shannon to believe that she might be just the
accomplice he was looking for ... if he could enlist her help. He'd told Tony
nothing of his intentions, simply picked his brains until he was satisfied that
he knew Madeleine Poirier as well as did the young husband, himself, even to
every inch of the soft, white flesh of her delicious body ... and this was why
he hadn't wasted any time sating his immediate carnal desires. He'd managed to
survive for five years and another day or so wasn't beyond his realm of
endurance; besides, from the small picture that Tony kept of her on the wall
above his bunk, plus the untold hours he had listened dry-mouthed with his prick
anvil-hard and throbbing painfully while the Frenchman expounded on her sexual
charms and abilities, he was convinced it was going to be worth the extra short

Of course, there were still questions he had no way of knowing the answers to,
yet; questions like: how much had she changed since Tony'd been sent to prison?
Did she still love him? What was she doing; how was she getting along? Could she
really be trusted ... and was he going to have to rape her, or would she fuck
willingly? Because he damned sure intended to have her, one way or the other.

He'd formed a few ideas of his own and based them on the fact that her letters
to her husband had fallen off to one every two or three weeks, and dropped from
six and seven pages to one ... it all added up to one thing, little Madeleine
had had it with her Tony. New things were in the wind for her, which might well
play right into his hand. Besides, he still had his main ace-in-the-hole ... her
kid, and this was what he was counting on to swing things his way.

Shannon's mind churned busily as he hailed a cab, gave the address he had copied
from one of her letters to Tony, and leaned back to contemplate his financial
situation briefly. It wasn't what he could call sound; he had fifty-three
dollars to his name and he was going to need a little bundle to set the wheels
in motion. Someway, somewhere, somehow, he had to garner a sizeable stake, and
for some reason he was convinced that Madeleine Poirier was also going to be his
answer in this department.

The cabbie swung around the corner onto a narrow side street and slowed to study
the housenumbers. Shannon noted the semi-shabbiness of the section with its
near-ugly three and four storied red-brick buildings and their long ascending
porch-steps. Momentarily, he speculated that Tony's little wife might not be
making it too well and this didn't please him.

The Frenchman pointed out the right entrance and Shannon hopped out, paying but
ignoring the tip.

"Merci, m'sieu'," the driver stressed sarcastically tossing his fare a disgusted
side glance, as he pulled away from the curb with a squeal of rubber.

Shannon spat after him and cursed under his breath. Lousy frog. He climbed the
steps irritably, hardly prepared to walk into the building superintendent. He
had just entered the dingy, musty-smelling vestibule when the other appeared out
of nowhere before him, a thin, narrow- shouldered, elderly Englishman with a fat
little belly and a pinched face. His hair had long left him and his eyes bore a
strange cloudiness about them that reminded Shannon of a junkie he had known a
long time before in Syracuse. The little man looked at Shannon's six-feet from
head to toe, appraising the close cropped, almost white hair, the hard blue eyes
and straight lipped mouth in a manner that indicated he didn't like what he saw.

"Well?" he said with a near cockney accent.

"Madeleine Poirier? She live here?"

"Maybe. Who're you?"

"Which apartment?" asked Shannon, ignoring the question.

"She ain't in. Saw her leave a couple of hours ago," the little man told him
snidely, working his milky-eyes up and down Shannon's face once more. "Who're
you, anyway?"

"Her brother."

His pinched face twisted into a contemptuous grin. "Now I've got yuh, wise guy.
You don't look like her; you don't look French either. So, let's try a better
one, eh ..."

Shannon lost patience. He caught him by his long necktie, winding it around his
big hand until his fist was shutting off the breath in the other's windpipe.
"Which apartment, Pop?" he hissed without moving his lips.

The Englishman attempted to swallow. It seemed difficult. "You ... you better
not try any rough stuff here, mister," he gasped, the haze temporarily clearing
from his eyes. "This is a respectable house, see ... No rough stuff ... I ... I
don't know anything about her ... I ain't sure she lives here ... okay ...?"

Shannon let go of him and stepped back. He sighed and brought bills from his
pocket, peeling off one of the precious tens and extending it to him.

"W-Well ... well," the little man stammered, simultaneously massaging his throat
while his eyes darted from the money up to Shannon's face. "W-Why didn't you say
you were her brother?" He made a more acceptable grin and grabbed at the money,
shoving it deep into his shirt pocket. "Follow me ... I'll let you in to wait
for her, eh? She ought to be 'long any time. Been gone quite awhile now." He
winked and spun around.

"Thanks," said Shannon drily, falling in behind him to climb the stairs.

"Yeah ..." he repeated as he led the way to the third floor, "... should've told
me that in the first place, mister ..."

Chapter 3

Madeleine doubted that she would ever get over her timorousness at a first
appointment with a new patron. Perhaps in time, when, and if, one became
seasoned, a certain callousing metamorphosis took place, but so far in her short
career she'd noted no such mutation. In fact, at the moment, standing in the
luxurious living-room of Julian Forrest's elegant suite before the appraising,
lecherous eyes of the handsome Inspector, she sensed a tiny shiver begin at the
calves of her legs to creep up over the satin-smooth flesh of her body and along
her spine in an emotional blend of trepidation and sensual anticipation. The
latter somatic reaction surprised her, but she couldn't seem to help herself;
his imposing masculinity just seemed to set her off in a carnal manner she could
never recall experiencing before.

"Ah, my pet, you're very punctual," he said, smiling and moving toward her with
the suave charm and dash of a cavalier, "and even more lovely than I remember
... if that's possible."

"You're too flattering, Inspector," she replied as he took her soft, long-
fingered hand inside his large, strong one, while the other moved tantalizingly
along the warm, smooth skin of her arm almost to her shoulder, his fingertips
brushing beneath to tease at the velvety, erogenous flesh at the pit of her
underarm. The erotic sensation took her completely by surprise and she made a
little unintentional gasping sound.

Her reaction pleased as well as excited him and he drew her closer, slipping his
arms around her slender waist. Madeleine looked up at him, her dark eyes unable
to conceal her own arousal. He held her gently but firmly, until she felt her
full, erect breasts flattening against his chest and then his hands were moving
downward to encompass the round full orbs of her buttocks possessively.

"Let's dispense with the formalities, cherie," he whispered in English, his
strong hands teasing and massaging the smoothness of her buttocks, ever drawing
her closer into the solid strength of his loins.

Once more, his overwhelming charm completely captivated her, raising another
little gasp in her throat. Ohhhh ... for certain, she was going to enjoy this
... He lowered his head slowly, completely engulfing her soft, wet mouth with
his own lips, his tongue sliding between her lips and against her teeth, sending
an ungovernable tremor rippling over her. He held her almost crushingly, his
large hands hot and moving as they pressed into the spheres of her buttocks,
forcing her pelvis tighter to him, his height placing the still unhardened bulge
of his penis snug against the softness of her belly.

An unexplainable, little sense of injured pride at his lack of immediate penial
response to the physical contact of her body caused Madeleine to begin a barely
perceptible undulation of her belly and pelvis as she opened her mouth to the
exploration of his tongue ... and then he was slowly drawing her down onto the
davenport, one massive hand moving to cup her full, round breast, squeezing and
kneading it gently.

"Ohhh ... ohhh," she moaned purposely, but not wholly with pretense. "Y-You're
not a lover who believes in wasting time, cheri." She squirmed suggestively
beneath his hands.

"There's hardly time to be wasted in this life, ma chere." he half whispered,
his hands investigating her soft, curvaceous body as he leaned above her and
played with her face with his tongue.

A barely audible whimpering sound escaped her, and suddenly she was alive with
sensation. His hands, his tongue, his whole body and actions were setting her
aflame with lewd, lascivious desire. God, she couldn't remember ever feeling
more wanton ... or a more urgent need for sexual fulfillment ...

"Do you like to fuck?" he asked her, his face scant inches above her own, and
his sincere, sensual use of the lewd word causing immediate prurient sensations
to come alive and ripple through her excitedly.

"Oui ... oui, I do cher," she answered quickly, without the slightest trace of
pretense, "When I have such a lover as you."

He chuckled warmly. "You are a clever little girl, ma chere. You know the many
ways to excite a man ... but I fear you have yet to know Julian Forrest." He
continued to smile down into her face. He kissed the tip of her nose and his
great hand went on caressing her breast through her clothing.

Madeleine squirmed beneath his gentle, but stimulating touch. She was not
ashamed at her obviously growing desire; instead, she was pleased and satisfied
that she would have to put on no airs for this man whom she wanted physically
... sexually, as was so often the situation in this new-found profession she had
temporarily chosen. But, she wasn't about to wait much longer ... She slipped
her arms up and around his neck, drawing him down to her kiss, forcing her tiny
pink tongue into his mouth as she writhed against him.

Finally, she said: "Make love to me, cheri."

"How?" he whispered hotly into her mouth.

"However you choose?"

"You ... you say that so flippantly," he hissed down at her.

"B-Because that's the way I feel," said Madeleine, trailing her hand down over
his chest toward his loins ... moving over his flat, hard stomach to the front
of his trousers, her long, sensuous fingers seeking and exploring with gentle
tenseness ... at last to discover his still flaccid member lying docile inside
the protection of his clothing.

Her brow knitted and she stared up at him. He dropped his eyes and looked away;
finally, he turned from her and sat upright on the edge of the chesterfield, his
back to her.

"I-I'm sorry, cherie. I ... I had no right asking you to come here ... not a
warm blooded, normal young woman such as you. It was a cruelty on my part ...
but then, you see, I didn't expect to regard you differently from the others."
Suddenly, he arose and walked toward a small corner bar. "What would you like
... scotch, bourbon, a gimlet, perhaps?"

Madeleine raised to a supporting elbow. Something inside her felt terribly
denied, but as well had curiosity along with a certain anger gripped her. She
ran her tongue over her full lower lip. "I'm afraid I don't understand,
M'sieu'," she heard herself say rather sharply. "I was under the impression that
you ... you desired my company ..."

"Oh God ... and you were so right ... so right, ma chere." He began to blend
drinks, finally, carrying back two glasses. He seated himself on the edge of the
couch and handed her one.

She took it and tasted it. It was a gimlet. She preferred scotch. Well, whatever
the hell it was, she needed it. She said: "Why did you invite me here?"

"I wanted you," he replied simply.

"Wanted me ...?"

He turned to face her quickly, his handsome face breaking into a smile, then a
laugh ... a harsh, almost brittle laugh. "I confuse you completely, don't I? Yes
... of course, I do. All right ... it's time for explanations I suppose. Why
not?" He continued to smile down at her. "Ordinarily, I never explain my dilemma
... but to you, I shall." He sipped at his drink. "You see, ma chere, the war
was not kind to me. Oh, not any of these modern wars, but the second great war
... it eliminated my manhood ... not my desire, you understand, only my ability
to be a man. The physicians were understanding, kind, and expert for their time
... but they couldn't undo what a piece of shrapnel had done. They could provide
the flaccid entities, the appearance of masculinity ... but there was no way on
God's green earth they could make them function ... Unfortunately, that little
chunk of shrapnel could only tear the flesh from my loins ... and not the desire
from my brain."

Madeleine gaped at him. Her stomach knotted and her heart went out to him.
Unconsciously, her hand reached for his. She clutched and squeezed. Suddenly,
she said: "You have no sons ... no wife ... nothing but me, do you, cheri?"

He turned quickly, rage in his eyes ... but it melted before her as she looked
up at him, and in its place came glistening tears. He didn't answer and it was
then that she managed to sit up beside him, take his face between her hands and
kiss his mouth warmly. Then, she pressed him backwards, down where she had lain,
and she kissed him again, even as her fingers began to unbutton his coat and
shirt, and tug at his tie.

She undressed him slowly, almost teasingly, kissing his naked flesh wherever she
bared it.

"My God!" he groaned. "I'll give you a thousand dollars ..."

"Shhhhh," she whispered, grasping at the band of his shorts as he raised his
hips. Slowly, she slid them down off his muscular legs, the sight of his
massive, limp prick lying unmoving against the heavy testicles beneath arousing
wild new delights inside her. She could only imagine what an impressive, dynamic
organ it would be were it possible for it to rise to the occasion. Yet, there
was something sadistic and masochistic in the fact that it could not ... that
there was no way she could fulfill herself upon it ... that this handsome
specimen of masculinity was suddenly and completely subservient to her in his
shame, and something akin to motherhood swelled up inside her, until
spontaneously, she took the thick lifeless instrument into her hand and fell
upon it with kisses.

He raised up and forced her back in his place, slowly, teasingly undressing her.
She felt him lift her up and the long zipper of her dress being drawn
provocatively down her back. She closed her eyes, not thinking, assisting him
wherever necessary with the proper movements of shoulders and hips, raising and
lowering, not knowing why, feeling his gentle hands behind her once more as they
unfastened her bra, then, the cool rush of air as her throbbing nipples were
completely exposed to him ... and she heard him gasp and felt his great hands
enclose them hotly, kneading, squeezing, rolling the nipples almost painfully
between his fingers, until finally his hot, wet mouth encompassed one, his
tongue flicking and rolling the sensitive bud maddeningly ... and then the other
in the same manner, his long wet tongue at last trailing down through the deep
narrow valley that separated them ... and her stomach muscles tensed as his
tongue slithered down her naked flesh, dipping momentarily into her navel ...
taunting it while his hands continued to massage her now aching breasts ... and
then, his hands left them, drawing down along her ribs to her hips, his fingers
catching the waistband of her sheer white panties ... and she raised herself,
her eyes still tightly closed. Once more, she felt the cool rush of air as it
brushed against her warm vibrant thighs and loins; she obediently raised her
legs, allowing him to slip the wispy little garment down the long ivory columns
... her eyes clenched pleasurably shut, her breathing catching spasmodically in
her throat causing her breasts to rise and fall with a quivering wondrous
delight that was spurring Julian Forrest's libido to almost agonizing

He was mesmerized with the breathtaking loveliness of her as she lay naked in
her desire before him. Her sleek, firm body was an entrancing combination of
reversing golden curled lines ... rising and arching contours of her swelling
breasts and thighs ... and then falling into the gentle concavity of her soft,
smooth white belly. He gaped at the velvetlike, raven-hued, silken hair sparsely
covering the juncture of her slightly spread thighs and belying the golden
tresses that tumbled about her shoulders. The thin, pink, hairlined slit running
the length of her open loins caused his mouth to go dry. Christ! The inhuman
torment of his affliction! He'd go mad ...! His tongue moistened his thin lips
as he raised his head to watch the glazed expression in her now open, exotic

Madeleine returned his gaze, neither able nor wanting to check the carnality
building inside her, and as he lay his hand gently upon her thigh, tenderly
sliding it along the white, satin smooth flesh, she felt as though she were
about to ignite within. Lord, she had never felt this way with a man, any man
... not even Antoine, her husband! Why? His touch was like a thousand volts of
electrical current surging through her, causing a myriad of tiny explosions to
burst inside her loins and belly, until of their own volition her hands moved to
her breasts caressingly, thumbs and forefingers taunting and rolling their
hardened nipples wantonly.

God, what's done this to me? Certainly nothing I've drank, or taken internally?
I've never felt so ... so whorish in my life! My God, I can't believe it! Why?
He's just another man ... or is he? Can it be it? The fact that he can't perform
... the fact that he's alive with desire inside and can't fulfill himself ...
Mon Dieu! Am I becoming some horrible kind of sadist ...?

Julian Forrest sucked in his breath at the unbelievable, enchanting sight before
him. He had enjoyed many, many young women in his own necessarily resourceful
ways, but never had there been anyone like this ... never a morsel so lovely, so
responsive. Dear Christ, if only his cock could leap to the challenge ... how he
would fill her hot little belly then ... But that was wishful thinking; even so,
he could feel the blood pouring into its knob hotly and knew that little
driblets of thick, white seminal fluid were seeping from its soft, helpless

Suddenly, with thumbs pressed to either side of her hair-lined cunt- lips, he
tenderly spread the vertical slit open until its moist, coral lusciousness was
parted to him and his mouth fell agape at its glistening, bejeweled splendor. He
felt her warm, soft, inner thighs quiver against the backs of his hands and
heard her breath catch deep down in her gasping throat. Skillfully, he leaned
closer and opened the soft fleshy inner petals enshrining her clitoris, but this
time licking out with the tip of his hot, wet tongue, and he felt the erotic
response of his touch jolt through her convulsively.

"Oooohhh ... Ooohhhh, Darling, Darling ..." she moaned, raising her head to gaze
down with passion-filled eyes between her proud, erect breasts at his lowered
head buried between her widespread thighs. Then, he was smiling up at her, the
first traces of an evil gleam coming to life in his now wildly excited eyes, and
causing the initial spasm of frightened, if, depraved lust that would overwhelm
and seize complete control of her before the day was over. "Ooohhh!" she spasmed
once more as his hot, moist lips closed over the soft mound at the base of her
belly, and again his face disappeared from her view into the soft fleece between
her open legs as he showered wet, tantalizing kisses on the closed vaginal
fissure, his tongue flicking serpent-like at the palpitating opening.

Suddenly, a prodigious sensation of power raced through her and she thrust her
loins upward toward his mouth. "Yes ... yes! Lick it!" she heard herself hiss
down at him as her hands entangled themselves in his hair and she endeavored to
pull him tighter into her. "Lick my cunt! Ooohhh ... lick and suck it, Darling

Her elbows pressed tightly against her ribs and her head began to roll from side
to side as his hot, searing tongue shot out, its soft flicking tip circling her
quivering erected clitoris. "Oooohhhh," she moaned again while his lips sucked,
drawing the warm soft folds deep into the shelter of his gently biting mouth,
and his tongue continued its maddening licking against the urgent pink
smoothness of her open cunt.

From then on, Forrest worked hungrily, running his tongue up and down the length
of the narrow wet slit, starting at her lower belly and pressing its way down,
down over the elastic rimmed opening of her clasping vagina and into the crevice
of her flexing buttocks where it sought out the tiny puckered hole of her anus,
laving it wetly and raising deep, husky groans from her chest. Subconsciously,
she lifted her legs, drawing her thighs back until her knees touched her
breasts, raising her hips and buttocks to his delightful assault, and she heard
her own purring, animal-like sounds emitting passionately from between her lips.

She was a queen being humbly serviced by a lowly slave ... her eunuch ... his
only desire to please her ... to lick and suck her cunt, or whatever other
perversion she could think of ...! Mon Dieu! I'm losing my mind with the wicked
lust he's causing to build inside me!

Beautiful, lovely cunt! thought Forrest. Oh, you exciting little bitch! Now ...
already, you're mine to play with ... Yes, Yes ... all mine ... completely at my

Her groans drove his tongue faster as it worked its way up and down the
throbbing, quivering lips of her excited pussy. Already, she was too far beyond
the point of stopping him from anything he chose to do to her, or demanded that
she do to him. Now, it was near time to get out his assortment of dildos. He
couldn't keep from gloating to himself as suddenly her hands were clawing at his
hair, attempting to guide his mouth back to the small palpitating opening of her
cuntal passage. Again he parted the soft yielding pubic hair and thrust his
tongue into the velvety-rimmed flesh, taunting it momentarily, then quickly
withdrawing it to tantalize mercilessly the ragged pink edges throbbing between
her widespread legs.

Madeleine whimpered aloud and clutched at him, forcefully pressing his mouth
directly over the tight little hole in her lustfully squirming loins.

She must not cum, he mused as he sucked ... must only work herself up to that
crucial, mind-shattering point ... but she must never cum, or else his own
sadistic climax would be ruined. She must beg and plead and squirm like an
animal while he tormented her, and she must suck his dangling, flaccid prick as
it hung above her face ... yes ... yes, now it was time for that ...!

Once more, she cried aloud as she felt him pulling from her grasp, then the
strange movements of his muscular body, until suddenly his loins were above her
face, his long limp cock dangling down only inches above her mouth, his heavy,
hair-covered balls swaying between his wide- spread thighs, and she clutched at
his buttocks to pull him down to her, her wet, ruby lips opening to receive the
massive purple head of his helpless, pendulous cock, while he rammed his tongue
deep into her moist, pink vagina, rounding his lips and covering the clasping
viscous opening in a wild sucking performance that seemed to draw at her very

She moaned passionately around the limp flesh of his prick, lifting her head and
slipping her mouth further up onto it in her insane effort to absorb all of it
into her mouth and throat. Maddeningly, she slashed at the soft, fleshy rod with
her tongue, working the foreskin back by pulling with thumb and forefinger at
its wide base, simultaneously sucking strongly at its head as one might in
drawing the fruit of a grape from its skin; then she cupped his great balls in
both hands, massaging and squeezing them as she ground her cunt hungrily and
lasciviously up into his face.

Forrest could feel the wet, gently throbbing flesh of her cuntal passage slip
moistly around his long extended tongue as the walls of her invaded vagina
opened and closed in a sucking motion of its own, as if it were attempting to
extract his tongue deeper and deeper into it.

Madeleine was nearly lost in the lust-inspired rapture of the moment. Wildly,
she sucked at the limber prick in her mouth, swallowing it into her throat and
letting him pull it free, only to repeat the act, while every muscle in her
lovely desire-wracked body tensed as she strained her hips upward toward that
maddening, searching tongue between her legs.

Oh God, she must make him happy ... fulfill him as he was her! She must earn her
fee ... oh good Lord! It'd never been like this with anyone! It was beautiful
... she loved it ... loved him ... loved everyone ...! Ohhhh, Igat, Igat ... my
baby ... for you ... it's for you ... yes, yes ... Oh, suck it ... suck it,
Lover! "Ummmmmmm," she moaned around his prick in her mouth, her drawn-up legs
opening and closing around the tormenting head that held the gluttonously
slashing tongue licking at her inflamed-seared cunt. The cords of her neck and
thighs stood out as savagely she sucked and pulled at his long, flaccid prick in
eager response to the delight he was bringing her.

"Ohhhhh ... Ummmmmm," she mewled and purled, splaying her legs out wider and
wider to the sides, allowing him greater access to her wildly wanting pussy.

Forrest could stand it no longer. Abruptly, he raised his head and reached out
for the drawer of the small table at the foot of the davenport, while Madeleine
squirmed and writhed frantically in search of the pleasure-giving tongue that
had suddenly deserted her. She spewed his prick from her mouth and whined:
"Don't stop! My God ... please ... don't stop now! Just a little longer, cheri

Forrest sniggered lewdly as he withdrew a chest of rosewood from the drawer and
flipped it open to display an assortment of six different sizes and shaped
dildos. He moved off of her then and rose to his knees between her widespread
legs to hold the open chest for her surveillance.

"Have you ever seen such a magnificent collection of cocks, cherie." he grinned
as he questioned with salacious delight.

Dumbfounded, yet still alive with the incessant desire permeating her lust-
wracked body, Madeleine stared at the almost human-looking penises that lay side
by side in their erected state within the velvet-lined chest. From them, she
raised her eyes questioningly to the handsome, if now, slightly demented
appearing face of Julian Forrest.

"I ... I don't understand ..." she managed shaking her head in confusion. "You
... you want to use one of those on me ...?"

"So ...? You're surprised?" he snapped. "How else? Would you expect me to fuck
you with this?" He grabbed his long, limp penis and shook it uselessly before

"I ... I was satisfied with what you were doing, cheri ..." she assured him. "It
was beautiful ..."

"Enough!" he said sharply. "I'm paying the price, ma chere, eh? You'll do as I
say ... as I want. Agreed?"

"O-Oui, Cheri, h-however you say," replied Madeleine, an inward shudder of fear
rippling through her at his cold, decisive statement. So ... after all, she was
only a whore, wasn't she?

He chuckled lewdly. "Now my little cunt, you'll see why I pay you so well for my
pleasures." He held forth the chest once more. "Choose your weapon. Which do you
like ... the seven, eight or nine inch prick? The seven has an inch-and-one half
diameter, the eight, one-and-three- quarters ... and the nine, a marvelous two-
inches. Well .... which one, ma chere."

Madeleine stared at the members that appeared as if they might have been severed
from human male forms ... even to the attached testicles ... perfectly contoured
in every way.

"Well? Well?" he shot at her edgily.

"T-The small one, I think," she answered finally, her eyes dropping from his.

Forrest laughed. "Just as I thought." But as he spoke he reached for the eight-
inch phallus and its matching mate beside it. "You'll need the eight, my love,"
he said, matter-of-factly. He smiled. "After all, I've had a better look at that
little cunt of yours than you have, eh? And we do want you to enjoy this ...
seeing as how you'll be doing all of the work."

Madeleine watched, another sensation of fear soaring through her as he took the
two resilient members and screwed them together at their bases, making one long,
double dildo. Then, from the chest, he took a small jar of what looked to be
lubricating cream and coated one, but not the other. Her eyes sought his, found
them and he smiled lustily.

"You're about to take part in a private perversion of my own, cherie." he said,
licking at his lips licentiously. "You'll see, it's been a long time since I've
been able to experience normal sex; therefore, it was necessary to devise my own
methods. My satisfaction is achieved through the prostate gland ... as yours is
reached through normal intercourse of that magnificent little cunt. So ... we
approach love from a new angle, with the male being the passive member. Do you

Madeleine gaped at him. "I-I'm not sure ..."

"Damn!" he spat. "Lay back and spread your thighs, my little cunt, while I work
this into you. Then, perhaps you'll get the drift."

"B-But ..."

"Shut up, and do as I say!" Forrest snarled, his smile suddenly leaving him.
"Don't make me rape you with this, my love ... or you might be just a bit

Slowly, Madeleine lay back, opening her thighs reluctantly as she gaped at the
massive two-ended weapon he held in his hand. It occurred to her then, that any
desire she had enjoyed before had suddenly escaped her. Instead, a void of
emptiness clutched fearfully at the base of her stomach and she stared with awe
at the vicious looking double-cudgel in his hand. Dear God, what was he going to
do to her?

"Wider! Open them wider, bitch!" Forrest snarled and she did as he pressed the
bulging artificial knob toward her cunt's defensively clasping opening. At its
touch, she spread her legs out wider automatically, as far as she could, raising
her knees slightly in an effort to open herself enough to accept the wicked
device he was gleefully introducing into her arching vagina.

"Oh ... Ooohhh ... it's so big ...! Oh God I'm afraid! I can't do it! I can't
take it, cheri!"

The words gushed from her lips fearfully as he jostled its tip for a moment
against the pink, ragged edges of flesh, then, with a flick of his wrist the
lust incited man forced the flesh-like plastic tip brutally into the vibrating
lips of her hair-lined cunt, expanding the resisting, elastic opening almost to
the ripping point.

Madeleine's head lurched wildly to the side and she half-screamed.


Forrest chuckled evilly. It had penetrated but a cruel inch, and the pain-
tortured, struggling young lovely tried desperately to kick her legs free and
escape the tormenting impalement as she clawed at it with her hands. But it was
easy for him to subdue and hold her helpless.

Oh Jesus! Mother of God! Mercy! Mercy! What kind of monster had she uncovered!
He would rip her from one end to the other! Her cunt-lips were tearing ... her
whole crotch splitting! The pain was unbelievable! Mercy ... mercy ...!

Forrest watched her with wildly excited, lustfilled eyes. He grinned loose-
mouthed as he forced the relentless blunt weapon into her one more excruciating



"Aaaaggggghhhhhh ... Oh God ... Stop! Stop! You're killing me ... my God ...!"

She shrieked and continued to shriek, twisting and writhing, kicking her legs
high into the air as he sunk the enormous, unbelievable, artificial cock deeper
and deeper up into her screaming cunt.

"Oh ... Ooooohhh noooo, noooo!" Madeleine sobbed almost hysterically, tears
streaming painfully from her open but unseeing eyes. "Scream, you whimpering
bitch!" Julian Forrest spat gleefully. "Scream! Scream! But you're going to take
all of it ... every last inch ... and love it, do you hear? Love it!"

He was insane, Madeleine reasoned somewhere in the back of her tortured brain.
He was an absolute maniac and he intended to kill her with this vicious thing
he'd impaled up inside her helpless belly. There was no hope ... she'd gone too
far this time. "Ooohhh.... oh God in heaven ... please ..." she wailed, and her
sobbing, struggling protests brought a sudden crushing jab from his hands
thrusting the torture implement into her, sending the giant mock-cock deep into
her resisting channel, forcing huge ripples of tender, coral flesh in rolling
swells before it. She lurched convulsively as the onslaught of the elephantine
dildo smashed into her belly like some rutting brute-animal. It was an
uncontainable instrument of torture rampaging inside her, completely, without
question, filling her every tiniest wrinkle and crowding her inner organs into
crushed squashes that could neither breathe nor move. It was lurching for her
throat, trying to burst from her mouth. It was unbelievable torment ... medieval
torture ... some horror out of the inquisition itself ...!

And then ... it came to an end ... the maddening pain! He withdrew it and
plunged it into her in rapid, impossible thrusts, his fist where he clutched it
slapping hard against her crotch. His wrist insinuated itself into the soft,
unprotected vale of her wildly spread ass-cheeks. The colossal dildo nuzzled
quiescently to its guarding flanges, interred in her pulsating and stretched
cunt like some barbaric, chastising instrument of torture.

"Aaaa-aggg-hhh," her lovely lips breathed in welcomed relief.

"Soooo? It's good, eh, cherie?" Forrest probed excitedly. "Better than you ever
imagined? It fills your cunt to the very depths of your tight little belly,
doesn't it? Eh? Well? Admit it! Admit it, damn you ..."

"Yes! Yes! Go on! Fuck it!" she half screamed in her helpless humiliation and
agony. "Ram the bastardly thing into me! Damn you, fuck it if that's what you

Forrest threw back his head and laughed. It was even better with her than he
could possibly have dreamed. She had taken all of it ... all of it ... in that
tight little hole of hers! Christ! "All right! All right! Now it's your turn for
fun ... your turn to torture me, ma chere!"

Madeleine heard his words, but had no idea what he was talking about. Her entire
body was covered with a thin film of perspiration from the agonies of her
subjugated torture, and momentarily, she wanted only to lie there and grow
accustomed to this massive, if now, stimulating weapon he had rammed into her.
But, he was pulling at her, trying to haul her to her knees and swinging his ass
around to face her. "Hurry! Fuck my ass with it, bitch! Shove it into me just as
I shoved it into you! Only you leave it in your cunt ... eight inches in your
pussy and eight inches in my asshole! Well ... Godamn you, do you want me to
beat you? Hurry!"

Madeleine couldn't believe her hearing. In her lifetime she had never been
subjected to perversions of this length. She had heard of them ... the weird
things that men and women did together and with those of their own gender, but
she'd never seen nor participated ... Yet, something of a sado-masochistic
nature swept over her and she felt her breaths shortening, her mouth drying in
anticipation. Was it because he had tormented her and this was a manner of
getting even? Or was it the very idea of what they were doing? She didn't know
... but God, she wanted to ... to thrust the blunt end of the lubricated dildo
right up into his tightly puckered rectum.

Her breasts heaved as she got to her knees behind him, moving between his spread
legs toward his hair-covered thighs and buttocks, her eyes fastened lewdly upon
the fringed crevice of his parted ass-cheeks, the exciting sight of his massive,
dangling balls, and the round, puckered entrance of his dark-brown anus. She
held to the dildo thrust tight up into her cunt, feeling it massage warmly
against her passage walls as she kneed herself forward, holding the eight inches
of soft, protruding flesh-like plastic in her hand much as any man who was about
to mount a woman might, sensing untold pleasures of sadistic delight spiral
through her.

Open-mouthed and nearly glassy-eyed, she rotated the head of the fake prick
around the prunelike mouth of his asshole, the movement causing the other end of
the mighty instrument to incite new sensations within her own loins. God! It was
unbelievable! She had never dreamed such distorted, depraved innovations. Her
delighted loins and belly tingled in perverted rapture. She stared down at his
tiny puckered anal orifice, then ran the massive simulated cock below, caressing
his balls and slipping between his legs in tantalizing stimulation.

Dear God, she was losing all sense of perspective ... but she didn't care ...
she didn't! She taunted his clenching asshole with her long fingernail. He
gasped aloud and lowered his face and shoulders to the davenport, forcing his
buttocks higher in the air. Slowly, she pressed her finger into the rubbery,
tight orifice and he whimpered. Her eyes bugged and her mouth hung loose as she
watched her finger slip up inside the clasping, sucking hole, into the warm
velvety flesh, never stopping until the long length of her entire finger was
buried there, the palm of her hand resting in the separating crevice between the
cheeks of his ass, her three other fingers with their long nails reaching
downward to taunt the base of his balls.

Her brain whirled. She was losing all sense of reason with the perverted
pleasure overwhelming her. She was a whore! A paid, vile, whore ... and this was
her reward! Oh God! Oh God! Help me ...!

"Get it in, damn you! What am I paying you for, you stupid cunt! Get it into me,
you hear! In! In! In!"

She did. Unmercifully so. Pressing the bulging, rubbery head to the tight, drawn
entrance of his rectum, she clenched her teeth and shoved ... rammed was a
better word, steeling herself to oppose the pressure of the inserted end into
her vagina as it forced itself almost brutally against her cervix, hearing him
scream aloud, yet, simultaneously forcing his buttocks back onto the invading
cudgel, and she clutched at his hips gouging her nails into his flesh as she
thrust and forced and ground the wicked implement right up his waiting asshole
to the hilt.

"Oh ... Ohhhhhh! Fuck it! Fuck it, you stupid cunt!" he screamed back at her.
"Don't stop, godamn you, or I'll beat you senseless!"

She didn't. She was too frightened to stop. Instead, she worked demonlike,
knowing for the first time in her life what it might be like to be the male
partner ... listening to him whimper and purl with delight as she sent the
massive dildo up his passage, and at the same time enjoying the pleasure of the
huge artificial cock that was reaming and exciting her pussy to an extravagant

"Bend over me! Lay your tits on my back! Hold tight, and reach around underneath
and milk my prick. Milk it, godamn you!" Forrest wailed back at her as he shoved
his ass back onto the inhumanly penetrating dildo, at the same time forcing the
opposite end up deep into her cunt.

Excited with her own mounting and approaching climax, Madeleine thrust her loins
against his bottom, forcing the plastic phallus far up his ass and
simultaneously ramming it deeply into her quivering pussy. Never before had she
experienced anything like this and her overwhelming feeling of power and
maleness was almost more than she could bear. She had to cum ... had to have
release, or she'd explode.

She lay forward onto his massive back, grinding her breasts into his flesh, as
her hand sought his wide-spread crotch beneath, clasping his limp prick and
milking it according to his demand, the never ceasing feeling of dominance
growing, growing inside her, pressuring her own building climax toward dynamic

Insanely, she slammed the dildo into both of them, her rounded hips working
almost fiendishly ... until suddenly, he began to wail, whimper, nearly scream
in a child-like voice.

"Milk it! Milk it, bitch! I'm going to cum. Now ... now ... nowwwww!"

Madeleine straightened to her knees and plunged the instrument into him, feeling
and watching her breasts quiver and jerk against her, sensing her own beginning
stirring of climax inside her loins. She leaned forward once more and again
began to madly milk his long, thick, flaccid prick ... and then he cried out as
might a banshee, his arms flailing and his ass jumping spasmodically, even as
she felt the thick, warm, liquid bath drain from his cock onto her hand and the
davenport beneath, and she plunged into his ass wildly in an effort to attain
her own release.

"Oh ... oh, don't stop!" she begged as she clung to him, but he did, wiggling
away from her and jumping to the floor to laugh as she gaped at him, the lewd
dildo hanging grotesquely from her tightly grasping cunt in an obscene picture
of lewd perversion.

Forrest slapped his naked knees in delight as he stared at her. "You filthy
slut!" he sneered. "Get your fucking things on and get out of here! Hurry up ...
before I call Girarde and tell him what a pig you are!"

Madeleine stared at him in disbelieving amazement. "W-What did I do?" she
managed, after a moment.

He sniggered brutally. "You filthy cunthole!" he hissed. "You're just like all
the rest ... dirty, filthy whores ..." He spun about suddenly and ran in his
nakedness for his wallet. He pulled a bill out from it and threw it on the
floor. "There's your pay, whore! Twenty dollars! More than you're worth actually
... but I'll pay it to be rid of you! Now ... get out. Get out! You hear? Get

Slowly, Madeleine arose, setting her feet upon the floor and extricating the
double-dildo from her vagina and dropping it on the floor. She could hardly
believe the words he'd spat at her. Whatever his reason for this sudden change,
she had no idea ... except, that he might be insane. Perhaps, she was lucky.
She'd never experienced anything like this before in her new-found profession,
but then, nothing was impossible, was it ... was it? She didn't speak, only
began to dress. He watched her eagerly. Her only goal now was to get out of

"Y-You're beautiful," he said suddenly as she fastened her bra. "I've never
known anyone as good as you. But ... but now, you hate me don't you?"

"No-No ... I don't hate you."

"Was it good?"

"It could have been."

Forrest licked at his lips. He fondled his cock but she pretended not to see
him. Calmly, she slipped her dress over her head, zipped, then found her purse
and extracted comb and lipstick.

"You hate me!" he said.

She didn't look at him, only into the mirror as she applied her lipstick, even
though her whole inner-being cringed in fear. Finally, she said: "I don't hate
you, cheri ... you've simply disappointed me."

He took several steps toward her, then stopped. "I-I'll make it up to you,
Madeleine. Y-You were wonderful ... I loved it! Will ... will you come back

"Would you ... if you were me?" she questioned.

He went into his wallet and extracted another bill and came close, offering it
to her. She took it. It was a thousand dollars. A tiny thrill of excitement
rippled through her. It'd been worth it after all, hadn't it ...?

"Will you kiss me good-bye?" he asked.

"Of course."

He followed her to the door and she turned. His hands rested on her upper arms
and he kissed her. Slowly she dropped one hand with an enticing motion, her
fingers searching for his long, thick, flaccid cock. It found it and went
beneath to his balls. He moved closer to her, his mouth opening in delight as
she cupped his sac ... then, she began to squeeze.

In the beginning, it was a slow, tantalizing process that stimulated him, but
then, it increased in intensity ... harder and harder and harder, until he
squirmed and she felt his fingers tightening on her arms as his mouth pulled
away. But she didn't let go. Instead, she squeezed harder suddenly, until she
could feel his testicles grinding ... crushing against each other.

And then, he screamed and screamed as he writhed and kicked at her ... and she
laughed in his face ... finally releasing him to crumble to the floor as she
smiled and opened the door. "Goodbye, cheri, you bastard!" she hissed, and then
she closed the door behind her.

Walking to the elevator, Madeleine raised her chin high but her mouth fell into
a somewhat passionate twinge of denial.

God, she thought, if only it had lasted a little longer ...

Chapter 4

Her apartment surprised Shannon. It was small with a tiny kitchenette,
livingroom-bedroom combination plus bath, inexpensively furnished but neat,
girlish and cozy. He nosed around. Her ancient vanity supported the usual array
of perfumes, cold creams, powders, nail-polishes and sundry articles. Her closet
contained a sizable display of dresses, skirts, blouses, shoes, wraps and coats;
her lingerie, silks, hose and negligees were plentiful and fairly expensive. He
found a man's suit, shirts, ties, several changes of underwear, pajamas and robe
that were too large to belong to Tony. He grinned to himself; maybe she wasn't
doing too badly after all.

Behind the bathroom door hung the inevitable douche-bag. Once more, he smiled.
Tools of the trade, maybe, he mused.

Back in the main room he looked about for pictures but found none. In a small
desk drawer he discovered a bank-book and noted that the last deposit was less
than a week previous. The balance showed a little more than eighteen-hundred
dollars ... Well now, that did shed a brighter light on things. So ... there was
his stake, all in nice round even figures ... and just about enough. Things were
looking better and better with every passing minute.

There was cold coffee in a pot resting on the small stove and he heated it; he
was sitting in the one easy chair enjoying a cup when he heard the foot-falls
approaching along the hallway outside, the key rattling in the lock and the door
popping open with a certain angry vigor. She filled the opening with a decided
vision of loveliness, her lack of surprise at seeing him there indicating that
she had been advised of his presence by the bribed building superintendent. She
banged the door closed behind her and stood looking at him questioningly.

"What the devil is this? I have no brothers," she lied, spitting the words at
him in fractured English with strong French overtones. "And I'm damned sure that
I don't know you. What do you want ... who are you, eh?"

Shannon smiled and arose casually, setting the cup on the table beside him. She
was lovelier than Tony's picture had portrayed her ... taller, more delicate of
feature and darker of eye. A minute appraisal caused him to speculate that her
natural hair would better enhance her beauty than the bleached gold, but he
liked the way it fell around her shoulders and the light touch of lip-rouge to
her sensitive, wide, full mouth. The rest of her instigated a little hitch in
his breathing that he struggled with, aware that the short, green minisheath she
wore was accentuating sex in the manner its designer had intended.

"The name is Shannon," he said finally. "I'm a friend of Tony."

She tilted her head questioningly. "Tony? I don't know any ..." She hesitated.
"You mean, Antoine ... my husband, Antoine?"

Shannon nodded. "Antoine to you ... Tony to me." He smiled. "We've been ...
shall we say ... associates for some time. Got to be pretty close friends. Nice
kid, Tony ..."

"He's a coward and a bastard!" she snapped bitterly. "I want to forget that I
ever knew him ... or any of his friends. Now, you can get out of here, eh?"

She wheeled around, jerked open the door and stepped to one side, holding it
ajar for him. Shannon walked to it, a trace of the smile still playing around
his mouth.

"Okay, baby," he said calmly, easing the doorknob from her grasp and closing it
once more. "So ... old Tony's a coward and a bastard. Fine ... any way you want
it ..." He gazed at her, still appraising, his hard blue eyes raking her soft
luscious body with obvious salaciousness. "But he sure knows how to choose
lovely women ... and evidently win them."

"So?" she said, without a trace of emotion. "Just what the hell do you want,
M'sieu ... whatever-your-name is? Did Antoine send you here ...? Or maybe you
want a handout ... or could it be a little female companionship? Whatever,
you've come to the wrong place ..."

Shannon felt his face reddening before her acrid, biting words. He studied her.
Christ, she was a delightful creature, unbelievably tempting when she was angry;
he could only guess what it would be like if she willingly gave herself to a
man, but she had yet even to smile at him; his cock jerked uncontrollably in his
pants. The essence of her perfume reached him and suddenly the blood throbbed in
his temples; he felt the hot perspiration oozing onto his forehead and upper
lip, coating even the palms of his hands. He was that close to her that he could
reach out and crush her to him; he had to steel himself ... fight the almost
overwhelming desire. The time wasn't right as yet; there were still several
other things to be attended to, first.

Madeleine read the obvious lust in his eyes, in the twist of his not unhandsome
mouth, and she'd noted the stirring at the front of his trousers. Her pink
tongue-tip peeked out to moisten her full, lower-lip subconsciously. The
aftermath of her lack of fullfillment with Julian Forrest was still very much in
evidence in her own denied loins, but the fact that this intruder was a friend
of Antoine's and the brazen manner in which he had gained entrance into her
apartment tarnished the luster of any sensual thoughts that passed through her
brain. She heard herself half-sneer. "Don't let your animal instincts run away
with you, M'sieu'! I come rather high ... two hundred dollars ... even to my
husband's vile friends."

It wasn't what she'd said, but the way she had said it that cut Shannon. He felt
his mouth curving contemptuously and he had all he could do to contain himself
from slapping her hard. Somehow, he kept control; reached beyond her to shoot
the bolt on the door into its catch; then he walked back to the chair.

"Sit down," he ordered flatly, not looking at her. "I've got a deal for you."

Madeleine didn't move. Her antagonism at his uninvited, unwelcomed and unwanted
presence was causing her to churn furiously within ... this along with the
unsated little prurient sensations that Julian Forrest had aroused and
sadistically left to torment her still excited and needing loins was both
infuriating and confusing her ... in fact, she felt as if she might just burst
out crying. She bit at her lower lip and said: "I'm not interested in any deals
you have to offer ..."

"You will be when you hear this one," said Shannon in a confident monotone,
still not looking at her. He found cigarettes, extracted one and held the
package out to her. She ignored the gesture and he lighted his own. "I'm talking
about money, baby ... much, much money ..." He let smoke from his lungs while
his hard blue eyes focused on her once more. "Enough for you to get your kid
back and take care of the both of you the rest of your lives ... Interested

Madeleine had not shifted her glance from him nor moved since he'd closed and
bolted the door. Now, in the wake of his words, she stared at him with widening
eyes, adding a third dimension to her sudden frustrated emotions ...
astonishment. She said: "How do you know about ... about my child?"

Shannon smiled thinly. "Her name is Igat. She is five years old, and you were
seventeen when she was born. Her father was an American salesman named Keel from
Boston with whom you spent one night ... trading your young virginal charms for
his promise to take you with him to the states ... but he immediately deserted
you. When Igat was born you allowed a certain drunken Doctor Carey, who,
incidentally, delivered you, to place the child in the home of Rafael and Madame
Girarde here in Montreal." He continued to smile. "Stop me if I'm wrong," he

She didn't speak ... couldn't!

"You came to Montreal to be near your child, found employment waiting table and
there met Antoine Poirier, adopted nephew of Gaston Larreau, the Syndicate's
number-one wheel here in Canada. A real nice chap, too, this Larreau ... I mean,
who else would make his own nephew, adopted or whatever, president of a company
that he was using to extort beaucoup dollars from the public just so he could
have a fall-guy? A real benefactor, that scrum."

Madeleine could not believe it; she could only stand there and stare at him. He
had practically reviewed her life in a matter of minutes ...

"Want to hear more?" Shannon questioned.

She couldn't speak.

"Okay ... so, you married Antoine and the two of you were making it until Uncle
Gaston threw your new husband to the wolves in Ottawa when the government turned
on the heat. You went into hiding when Antoine was sent up in order to get away
from Uncle Gaston, whom, unless I miss my guess, was trying to get you to play
house with him. In the end, you wound up with the noble Ministre Of Gouvernment,
Rafael Girarde, who not only gave you a job in one of his several night spots,
but even hangs his clothes in your closet. I'd add that for this generous little
favor, Girarde had arranged for you to see Igat once in awhile, just as long as
you don't get out of line with the Madame, who'd probably play hell if she knew
her charming husband had a mistress." Shannon sucked at his cigarette and let
out smoke once more. "On top of all this, I'd guess you were operating a private
little lay-business on the side ... probably with an exclusive clientele ... and
I'd further venture that you're just getting back from doing a stroke of
business of sorts. Now ... how close am I to being accurate, baby ...? Or would
you rather not say?"

Madeleine continued to gape at him, but with a bit more respect and less fury
than she had known only moments before. Finally, she said: "I-I don't understand
... Where ... where did you find these things out ... I mean, about my baby and
the American, Keel ...?"

"From Tony, of course," Shannon replied. "A thousand nights we spent talking
about it ... all of it ... until I came to feel that I knew you as well as he,
himself, maybe, even better."

"But ... but," she shook her head, confused, "He ... he didn't know about Igat
... at least, I didn't think he did ..."

"Oh, he knew all right, Baby," Shannon assured her. "Uncle Gaston made sure he
knew, and so did a little girl named Ginny Novak, Larreau's mistress ... before
he had her dumped into the drink ... quite dead. I'm sure you remember that

Madeleine shuddered; she remembered all right. She shook her head, as if to rid
herself of the horrible memory. Momentarily, she swayed slightly and the room
seemed to waver before her. Shannon read the symptoms, arose quickly and caught
her by the arms, helping her to a straight-back chair beside the small kitchen
table. He eased her down onto it and watched her erect full breasts rise and
fall as she breathed in short measured gasps.

"You have any brandy?" he asked her, taking her wrist between his big hands and
chafing them.

"B-Bourbon ... in the cupboard," she said, pointing with a nod of her head.

He found it and poured substantially into a waterglass, handing it to her.
Madeleine sipped, then lay back in the chair, stretching out her long shapely
legs, the tiny skirt of her dress hardly covering two- inches of her full and
rounded nylon-encased thighs as she slumped downward into the seat. He swallowed
tightly, his eyes locking on the tiny wisp of sheer white panties that V'd
tightly at her enticing crotch above the juncture where the soft, warm white
flesh of her thighs brushed each other. He forced himself to turn away, then
poured a lengthy measure of the liquor into a glass and downed it. When he
turned around again she had raised herself up and adjusted her dress.

"Feel better?" he asked.

"O-Oui ... I think so." She let off a long sigh and rubbed her hand over her
forehead. "P-Please, M'sieu' Shannon ... sit down ..."

But he didn't; instead, he stood there, his eyes moving over her, stripping her
hungrily, a certain lasciviousness that she had not seen before coming to light
in them. Once more, she felt a tiny shudder creep over her. She watched him wet
his dry lips with his tongue and saw his hands clenching and unclenching slowly,
as the stirring began at the front of his trousers again.

"You ... you spoke of a deal ... and much money," she managed, realizing
suddenly that the magnetism of his obvious arousal was generating its silent
communication like an electric current, immediately provoking her own
unfulfilled desire once more. "Wh-what did you mean ...?"

He took two steps toward her and stopped, holding out his hand; he was so close
to her that if she dropped her eyes from his face they would be level with the
swollen, throbbing member in his pants. Her breathing shortened as automatically
she gave him her hand and he said: "That can wait ... this can't ... not another
damned agonizing minute."

Madeleine gasped as he placed her hand against the rock-hardness of his prick
and an uncontrollable tingle of excitement rippled through her. My God! Had she
become that much of a slut that she couldn't control herself at the mere touch
of a man's erect penis? What kind of bitch am I becoming ...? Her brain reeled,
much as had the room itself only a few moments before ...

"P-Please ... no ..." she stammered, trying to pull her hand free and get to her
feet, but he held her hand fast against the outline of his jerking cock and drew
her up tight to him, crushing her full pointed breasts into his chest.

"Five years ..." he hissed between his strong, white teeth, his breath hot
against her face, "five long years since I've had a woman ... and I'm going to
fuck you, lovely Madeleine, if it's the last thing I ever do in this lifetime.
You hear?"

He kissed her then, his mouth slamming down brutally against her own soft wet
one, engulfing her lush ruby-like lips entirely within his own, his tongue
knifing out to slice between her lips and against her teeth savagely, his big
hot hands immediately finding the firm, fleshy moons of her buttocks to clutch
and knead lustfully, while her hand imprisoned between them was filled with the
growing hardness of his long thick jumping shaft as he ground his pelvis
ravenously into the softness of her belly and loins.

Madeleine couldn't hold back the little gasps she emitted into his mouth, while
the lewd promise he had just made her ricocheted wildly about in her brain,
along with the undeniable masculine assurance of the pledge she held in her hand
... and suddenly she was stroking and caressing it in her rekindled passion and
anticipation. God, she wanted it ... had to have it to quench the tormenting
flames Julian Forrest had left burning inside her.

Finally, he raised his head and whispered: "Just one thing, Angel ... I thing
you're going to have to put these on the cuff ... and I do mean these ...
because I'm going to fuck you from now right straight through until sometime
tomorrow ... until neither of us has enough energy to move a muscle ... not one
fucking muscle ... then, we'll talk some business ..."

"Oh ... Oh, God, Cheri!" Madeleine whimpered, pressing her mouth up tightly
against his while simultaneously her hand squeezed his throbbing cock and her
tiny tongue searched his mouth excitedly. "Oui, Oui! Please ... I want you to
... I want you to ... but, we will do it my way, eh? Let me make you happy.
You've waited so long ... and now it must be wonderful for you ... such
beautiful love-making that you'll never forget it ... ever, ever ..."

"Christ!" Shannon gasped, his prick aching and dancing to the soft massaging
caresses of Poirier's wife's hand until he was certain he'd cum in his pants if
she didn't stop. "What the hell are we waiting for? Get those godamned clothes
off ..."

Now, she smiled at him for the first time and he felt as if he were going to
melt at the splendor of the sight. "No, Cheri, no ... not like that," she was
saying as she half freed herself and led him over to the chair. She pressed him
down into it and stood before him. "It mustn't just be a tearing off of our
clothes and going at each other. Please ... let me make it beautiful for you ...
as it will be for me, if only you will let me ...?"

Shannon was breathing like a rutting moose. His prick stuck out in his pants
with the prominence of a center tent-pole. He stared at the unbelievably
enchanting girl before him, skeptically. Whatever in hell had come over her, he
didn't know or understand, only that it was almost too fantastic to be true ...
like some kind of dream, and God knows, he'd had enough of those the past few
years ... but he could wait that much longer ... as long as she wasn't trying to
pull something ... like run outside and start screaming rape ... Christ, he'd
kill her if she tried anything like ...

"You don't understand, do you, Cheri?" she questioned, smiling warmly,
excitedly, and moving away from him to where he had left the bourbon beside the
sink. "And you don't know whether you trust me or not, eh? Yet, you come here to
offer me some kind of deal ... Did it ever occur to you that I might not trust
you either ... that, we have only known each other but a few short minutes ...
yet, already, I feel that I've known you a hundred years?" She looked at him,
her eyes sparkling with mounting delight as she took ice from the refrigerator
and made them drinks.

She didn't say anymore and he watched her every move hungrily. Damn, he had
never seen such a magnificent body on a girl ... and he was going to go out of
his damned mind if he didn't have her soon.

To Madeleine, it was as if she had suddenly been catapulted into some new world
of fantasia, yet, for the life of her she couldn't reason why. Nothing had
happened to change her existence ... except the sudden presence of this American
... this handsome, masculine American who had forced his way into her apartment
... into her life ... for as sure as he sat there before her, she was going to
fall in love with him ... and there was nothing, she knew, absolutely nothing
she could do to avoid it.

Dear God, let him be gentle, kind and loving to me ... Please God, I beg You.

Shannon watched the provocative movements of her soft, sensual body as she
brought his drink, then, sat down on his lap, her short dress hiking up
carelessly to reveal the satin-like white flesh of her thighs above her hose.
She slipped her arm around his neck and lay back against him, cradled in his
arms, her round full buttocks shifting and undulating over his rock-hard prick.

"Oui, mon cher, I've known you a hundred years," she whispered to him. She
leaned close and kissed him with tender, wet lips. "Drink your drink. I made it
strong to relax you ... unwind you ... I want you just right for my love-making,

Shannon swallowed tightly. In a minute he'd wake up. He gulped half the bourbon-
water away, feeling it burn pleasantly in his throat and belly.

"Better?" she asked.

"Fine ... except I think I'm going to burst."

She tittered lightly, a little chill of excitement racing through her as she
felt the hardness jerking against her bottom. "And now ..." she said softly,
"you want to make love to me, don't you, Cheri!"

Shannon grunted some unintelligible sound.

She pressed her lips close to his ear and whispered. "I can feel your wonderful
love tool against my behind, Cheri. Mmmmmmm, it feels so good ..." She ground
her buttocks atop of him and heard him launch into deeper, heavier breathing.
"Now ... you sit right here and watch me, mon cher ... I'm going to undress for
you, eh?"

Like a wood-sprite, she was off his lap and out of his reach, only a few feet
away, but to Shannon it was almost as if he were gaping through her bedroom
window, for she went about the delightful performance as if she were alone in
the apartment. He watched her tiny, minidress slip to the floor about her feet
as she moved slowly, provocatively, not looking at him, with never the slightest
trace of obscenity to her movements. Her nonchalance caused his cock to jerk
wildly in his pants and he gulped at his drink once more. Then, she turned her
back to him and bent down to retrieve her dress, the full rounded orbs of her
buttocks causing his erection to lurch once more as he gaped at the sheer white
nylon strip of her panties tightening snugly between her firm, full thighs,
slipping tauntingly into the soft, rounded crevice of her buttocks to remain,
caught there as she straightened up and moved toward the closet to hang her
dress. He stared after her, his breath knotted in his throat, while she crossed
the room, her magnificent, rounded ass-cheeks quivering enticingly as she

Shannon raised his glass to his lips and drained it. His brain whirled in wild,
ever-increasing lust at the beautiful, erotic sight taking place before him.
Christ, she was extraordinarily lovely ... as Maggi had once been lovely ... but
this enticing creature ... Christ! He never remembered seeing such gorgeous
legs, such texture of skin, such grace of movement.

He gaped at her in panties and bra, garterbelt and hose ... her high- heels ...
Maggi had never looked like that ... no other woman had ever set him off this
way ... shit ... five long years ... he was going to flip ...!

She came toward him. "You like me, Cheri?" she said down to him, suddenly
standing between his outstretched legs, her panties and bra gone and he hadn't
even seen her remove them ... her magnificent breasts, so full, so erect, their
dark red nipples distended at their tips, the breathtaking contours of her body
... the black, silken fleece at the base of her smooth, white young belly ... He
gulped. Her hose and garter-belt and heels were the final touches to blow his

"Y-You're ... you're too much, Baby ... absolutely beautiful," Shannon hissed
between his teeth, the glass falling from his hand to the floor, not breaking,
but being ignored by both of them.

She lowered herself slowly to her knees before him and between his legs. "Now,
Cheri," she whispered softly, looking up at him, a facet of mysterious light
dancing on her moist lips and in her eyes as it might upon a chest of rare gems,
"I must see you!"

Shannon made no move of his own while she unbuckled his belt, opened the waist
and unzipped his trousers. His breath was a lump in his throat, his hardly
believing mind a turmoil of lust, as her soft cool hand slid inside the cotton
of his shorts to slowly grasp his prick and maneuver it out into the room with
them. He grunted loudly at her touch and felt it lurch spasmodically in her

"Oh God, Cheri!" she gasped, her eyes engorging themselves on the rigid hardness
of the long, thick member. "It's beautiful ... beautiful ...! And I'm going to
love it so much ... Oh, I know it's going to make me so happy ..."

Shannon groaned again as her small, long-fingered hand almost, but not quite,
encircled his shaft, and he saw the tiny drops of lubricating fluid that oozed
from its tip in his mounting lust. He watched as if hypnotized as her white
gentle hand massaged and stroked it, drawing the heavy foreskin back and forth,
up and down ... and then, all of a sudden, she leaned over it, her tiny pink
tongue flicking out to lick away the moisture at its tip and he gasped and
reached for both of her full, lush breasts, cupping and squeezing them in his
big greedy hands, feeling their hard pulsating nipples press teasingly into his
palms as slowly she lowered her head and her tender, wet, lipstick-rimmed lips
ovalled, warmly encircling his cock.

Down ... down ... down. Her head seemed to go as she absorbed his throbbing
prick up into the warm, moist enclosure of her mouth, her tongue lashing and
working against its heavy veined, hard flesh in tantalizing rhythm, and then as
she raised her head and her ovalled, clasping lips sucked their way to its very
tip he could feel the incredible swirling motions of her tongue, until finally,
its point taunted and exploded the tiny orifice at its end.

Christ! He was going to lose his mind! It was out of this world ... he had to
get his clothes off and get at her before his balls burst like an exploding

"Wait!" he gasped hoarsely, pushing her back and moving to his feet around her,
tearing at his clothes savagely. "I can't wait any longer! I've got to fuck you
between the legs, now! Understand? Now!"

"Oui, oui, Cheri. I understand," she said almost breathlessly, getting quickly
to her feet and going to the bed to stretch out enchantingly before him,
watching his frantic efforts to strip himself ... and then, he was on top of
her, his hot hungry mouth all over her face and lips, his tongue sinking deeply
into her mouth and throat as his hands kneaded her heavy, swollen breasts and
explored her body ravenously.

Expertly, she maneuvered him between her spread thighs and whispered: "Hurry,
mon cher let me draw the tension out of you this first time ... don't think of
me ... just yourself ... Fuck me hard and shoot your cream into me until you're
all relaxed ..."

She reached down beneath her thighs which she drew up quickly, and he felt her
cool hand take his prick. Her touch once more sent a shock into his rigid flesh
and his uncircumcised foreskin ripped back as she gently guided him at her
vagina, until he could feel the moist fleshy warmth and the soft, tickling curls
of her pubic hair grazing against his shaft, waiting for its entry.

"Oh Cheri. Cheri!" she whispered, losing the words in a groan which broadened
and deepened as he lunged madly into her.

Her moist heat clasped him like a warm, resisting, velvet glove, and he swore
aloud vilely as he began to pump and thrust vigorously up into her upturned
pussy, long, urgent strokes that filled her receptive cunt to greater and
greater depths.

Beneath him, her body quivered and trembled and her pebble-hard nipples pushed
into him with a pointed, erect pressure; her warm soft belly brushed against his
and her thighs clamped and unclamped, holding and releasing him as the warm
clasping inner-muscles of her cunt sucked and pulled toward his much needed

"Oh ... oh, Christ!" he groaned as he felt the velvety sheath of her cunt
squeezing and sucking along the full length of his lust-crazed rod of hardened

"Cheri. Cheri, mon Dieu ... oui, oui ... fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" Madeleine
whispered over and over again as she bucked and writhed in under him. "Cream
into me, darling, cream into me!"

Her face moved from side to side; marks appeared on her lips where she bit them,
and every so often her mouth came against his and her teeth bit into him and she
sucked his tongue, then forced her own between his lips, gasping warm breaths
into his throat.

"Oh ... Oh ... Oh!" Shannon gasped, his mouth falling open loosely. "I can't
hold it back, Baby! Christ, it's going to cum!" he blurted as he ceaselessly
pounded his inflated cock deep into her white, rounded little belly with long
cruel strokes. He could feel the hot, white sperm amassing within the reservoir
of his throbbing balls as they beat a tattoo against her marvelously naked and
upturned ass. Wildly, he thrust his tongue far down her throat and with harsh
kneading hands, clutched the wide open cheeks of her lush white buttocks hard up
against his ramming pelvis, while he slammed his now spewing cock brutally into
her unresisting cunt.

"Oui ... Oui! Cum Cum, mon cher! Fill me! Fill me!" Madeleine urged him
salaciously, at the same time, feeling the carnal delight taking place inside
her as the turgid, pulsating head of his deeply sunk cock suddenly flared into a
hugeness that threatened to mangle and tear her inner organs. It began to spurt!
She could feel the delicious hot, white liquid shooting into her with the force
of molten fire, sloshing around her dilated womb like great streams of searing

Oh God, how she wished she could cum with him at that very moment, but she
couldn't ... she couldn't ... not yet ... almost, but not quite ... Oh God ...
Oh God! Her eyes were closed and all of the time he shot into her, her mouth
worked and trembled and her neck was strained as she thrust back her head in the
intensity of her feeling ... and then, trembling, he relaxed on top of her, and
she put her arms around him, laying beneath him, neither of them speaking for
several minutes. Finally, he rolled partially off her but she wouldn't let him
go entirely, even after his limp member slid out of her; instead, she cradled
him there between her wide-spread thighs and drew his head down to rest against
her full, soft breasts.

"It was good, Cheri?" she whispered.

"Damn," he sighed. "It was ... it was ... hell, there's no way to describe it,
Baby ... It was terrific."

"I'm glad," she said into his ear. "My stomach feels full of you and I wanted it
to be ... and now you're relaxed ..."

"For a minute," he said, his cheek pressed into the soft, resilient warmth of
her heavy breast. He pursed his lips oddly, kissing the satin-smooth flesh
almost from the side of his mouth, then taunting it with his tongue as he moved
closer to the nipple and sucked it between his lips in the same side fashion.
"But a hell of a long ways from being satisfied, Angel ... as you'll see in a

His words caused a new and titillating sensation to spiral through Madeleine's
still impassioned body. God, already she loved him. It was insane and
unfeasible, ridiculous ... even impossible ... but it was true! She loved him
... and she didn't even know his name ... not his whole name. She ran her hand
over his short cropped hair while his tongue and lips, nibbling and taunting her
erect nipple, sent chilling fermentations jolting through her. She managed: "Ch-
Cheri ... I don't even know your name ...?"

"Shannon," he mumbled against her breast.

"That's all?"

"That's enough."

"I ... I think I love you, Shannon," she whispered.

He didn't answer, but he smiled a little to himself. It was going better than he
could ever have possibly dreamed. What more could he ask? Christ, she was a
luscious bitch ... and with enough loot in the bank to set his little operation
in motion beautifully. His smile broadened: he thought, if old Tony could only
see him now with his cock planted deep between his sweet young wife's widespread
legs ... poor bastard ...

"Did you hear me, Shannon, cheri?" she interrupted his thoughts. "I think I love
you ..."

"I heard you," be answered softly. "What do you want me to say?"

"Nothing ... I guess ... yet. But ... you will be good to me ... gentle and kind
... you won't hurt me ...?"

Again, it wasn't her words as much as her sincerity of tone that touched him. He
felt like a rotten ass. He raised his head and looked down into her beautiful
face. Her lovely dark eyes were moist and her parted lips wet, intoxicating, in
her emotional and unbidden desire. He lay his lips tenderly against hers and
felt her tremble beneath him. Then, he said: "We're going to make a half million
dollars, Angel ... you and I ... and we're going to take back Igat and go a
long, long way from here ... together ... the three of us ... Now, how does that
sound to you?"

Slowly, his statement registered and her eyes widened in amazement. She
repeated: "A ... a half-million dollars ...? Mon Dieu! What are you saying? How,
Cheri? Please ... please, don't make fun of me ..."

Shannon grinned down at her. "It's anything but that, little girl," he said
convincingly. "A half-million ... that's what Gaston Larreau's going to pay for
the return of his one and only child ... That's right, Baby ... I'm going to
kidnap and hold Annette Larreau for ransom ... and you're going to help me ..."

Madeleine felt her muscles tighten and her breath hitch at even the mention of
the little czar's name, let alone the incredible words that followed. An icy
clamminess crept over her and she caught his face between her hands to hold it
up where she could see and study it. She said: "You ... You can't mean what you
said ...?"

"Every word."

"M-Mon Dieu! It's insane! He'd kill you ... both of us! Believe me, Shannon, I
know him. It's impossible. Please ... tell me that you're joking ...?"

Shannon grinned down at her frightened, beautiful face. He kissed her, then
began to run his hand down over her breast and ribs tauntingly, exploring really
for the first time. She trembled lightly beneath his touch. He said: "We'll talk
later, cheri, when we've less to do. Plenty of time ... right now, I want some
more of you ... only this time, it's your turn little girl."

"B-But ... oh ... oh ... my Shannon ... my Shannon," she moaned receptively as
she felt his thick member stirring against her thigh once more and she let her
arms slip around his neck while he eased his tongue deep into her mouth and she
began to suck gently on it, nibbling with tiny sharp nips of her small white
teeth, sending new spasms to run the length of his spine. At last, she said: "Oh
my cheri ... my cheri ... I'll do anything you say ... just love me ... I need
you so badly ... Oh, don't ever leave me, mon cher ... I'll do anything ...
anything you say ...!"

Chapter 5

Madeleine pressed her thigh up against his crotch, bringing his cock to a
hurting hardness once more. Shannon grunted, feeling the wetness from its
seminal weeping at the tip of the turgid, rubbery head.

"Oh, my Shannon, cheri ... you make me so happy ... I-I want to know every inch
of you," she whispered, running her fingers through his hair, her breath warm
and sweet in his face. He still lay atop of her and she kissed him, darting her
tongue up into his mouth again as he moved his hands down beneath her to the
smoothness of her buttocks, cradling the soft round spheres in his palms and
splayed fingers. She clung tightly to him, then ran her hands exploringly down
over his lean hard flesh, pale from his long incarceration, searching eagerly
into the private hollows of him. Her head swam with the thrilling delight of the
moment, with the anticipation of her fulfillment to come. Dear God, how she
needed him ... how she was always going to need him ... how she would love him
forever and ever and ever ...!

His cock pressed almost savagely against her thighs, its generous head splitting
the narrow, hair-lined slit of her cunt-lips as it lay poised and ready, as if
it might plunge into her again at any unknown second. The thought induced her to
lift her hips suddenly, raising both of them while she moved her arms around
beneath her buttocks and with the fingertips of both hands, spread her soft,
fleshy vaginal lips more open to him, offering an even greater tensing contact
for his prick with her moist, sensitive cuntal flesh. Then she dropped back onto
the bed, his throbbing rod caught tightly between her thighs.

Shannon's own brain began to swirl once more with the erotic pleasures of her
inviting body. Christ, he'd forgotten it could be like this ... that a man could
completely lose all sense of perspective once he lay caught between a lovely
woman's legs ... and this was the most enticing creature he had ever known ...
but he wasn't going to kid himself ... she was no amateur ... no dainty godamned
little flustered wife who had suddenly lost her husband to the law and was
waiting patiently on the shelf for his return ... This delightful, breathtaking
bitch had somehow become a seasoned whore in unsuspecting Tony's absence, and
he, Shannon, intended to take full advantage of her talents, as well as her
bank-balance ... and on top of that he was going to make her love it.

He trailed his hands over the soft curves of her naked body and she began a
slow, rhythmic undulation with her hips; he could feel the long smooth muscles
and cords beneath the sun-tinted flesh ripple lightly, indicating a hidden,
unexpected strength he had not noticed before. In his mind he could feel the
soft but powerful sinews of her thighs gripping at his back again when he buried
his cock into her.

She whined, cat-like, and mashed her lips against his, writhing her smooth flat
belly tight up to him, her long nails raking the flesh of his back as he drew
her naked loins up tighter to him. He tasted the delicious sweetness of her
desire-heated mouth as he moved up and down slowly, the insinuated full-length
of his hardness massaging her widespread cuntal slit that was wrapped so warmly
and wetly around his shaft, and growing more wet with every passing second; he
felt her firm, full buttocks tauten and relax in his hands as she began a more
frantic rotation up against his loins, until at last, her legs shot out wide to
the left and right of his naked, grinding body, her calves returning to encircle
and press against the backs of his thighs in an effort to pull and lock him
tighter into her.

"Oooohhh ... now, Cheri ... now! Fuck me ... please ... fuck me before I go
mad!" she groaned against his lips, her panting breath hot in his face, her hand
darting down between them to grasp his throbbing prick and guide it further into
her between the fleshy, hair-fringed lips of her moist, quivering cunt.

Shannon grunted loudly at her touch, unable to hold himself back any longer, and
with a decisive movement of his hips, drove his pulsating shaft with a flesh-
resounding smack deep into the grasping hot mouth of her wanting pussy.

"Oooohhhh," she whimpered pleasurably under him, while the amazing tightness of
her moist velvety passage walls sheathed his sensitive, steel-hard spear of
flesh with a skilled muscle control that raised another guttural grunt of
delight from deep in his throat.

He thrust viciously, sending his long, aching cock up into her warm tight cunt
with hellish force, driving and pounding, the flow of her lubrication fluids
mixed with his own sperm from before, easing the way with each plunge, until at
last the blood-inflated head of his heavy rod struck bottom and his balls
slapped hard between the smooth rounded cheeks of her desperately clenching ass.

Madeleine wailed with the pain-pleasure and writhed in a moment of brief agony
beneath him as the bloated head of his cock rammed and pummeled the depths of
her secret womanhood, but her cry of torment only incited him to greater lust
and he drove harder, grinding his pelvis solidly into her soft loins, flexing
the head at the apex of his thrust to raise a further groan of masochistically
desired pain from her, then, he paused momentarily to allow his own ache from
his vicious entry to deplete itself.

Little purling sounds of servitude continued to tumble from her lips as she lay
beneath him completely subjugated to his meagerest whim, entirely impaled by his
lust-famished, heavy cock probing the very intricate depths of her warm soft
belly, and a never before feeling of sadistic power came over him, causing him
to tormentingly flex the hot, blood-engorged head again and again, raising a
series of gurgling moans from between her erotically delighted, gnashing teeth.

She labored tautly up against him and he ground harder into the hot, moist
flesh, feeling her arch her crotch needfully up to him, lifting both of their
bodies from the bed while she whimpered incessantly and he began his thrusting
cock-tempo once again. He felt her strong legs tighten and release around him at
his hips as she started to work up and down his hardened stalk of flesh with her
clasping pussy, until they had established a mutual rhythm and her head started
to loll in an ungovernable pattern from side to side, while her mouth opened and
closed in delicious abandon.

"Oh, Mon Dieu! My handsome cheri ... You're magnificent ...! I love you! Don't
ever leave me ... promise you'll never leave me ... Oh, mon Cher ... it's such a
beautiful cock ... I must have it with me always to fill my cunt like it is
right now. Oh God ... Cheri, tonight I'll suck and kiss it until dawn ... Oui
... Oui! Ooohhhh, mon cher, do more! Do more! Hurt me! Make me your woman ...
your slave ... Put your finger in my ass! Please ... please ... hurry! Oui, hurt
me, my lover!" she begged like a wild bitch in heat in the uncontrolled throes
of her ecstatic trance.

Her plea set off a near maddening current of sensation within him, fostering a
new tremor of licentious lust to race furiously to his cock, his brain, and his
groping hands. He searched in under her and found the wide-spread crevice
between her rounded buttocks while he pounded his ever-growing prick into the
soft wetness of her seething cunt. He sought her tiny, hairless anus with his
middle finger, trailing along the velvety smoothness of the undulating furrow,
finding it without difficulty ... and finding it wet from a thin rivulet of warm
seepage that had dribbled down from where his cock pleasurably sawed into her.
She shivered in carnal delight as he taunted the puckered little hole,
lubricating the tiny orifice with the balled pad of his index finger before
teasing and probing it with the firm tip. He sensed her lovely ass press back
onto the stiffened digit while he pressed hard into it, surprised at first at
its resistance ... then, all of a sudden, it popped, its elastic ring of rubbery
flesh seeming to open like a small mouth to absorb and suck his finger inside to
the first knuckle joint. She lurched beneath him, almost as if she were trying
to escape the sudden invasion.

"Oh ... oooohhhh! Oui, oui! You hurt me so tenderly, mon cher. Oui ... more ...
more! Mon Dieu, my lover ...! Hurt me ... fuck me harder ... harder ... harder!"

Shannon was wild in his own building rapture. He'd never before realized ...
dreamed perhaps ... but never believed it could happen to him ... that there
actually lived such passionate, passionate females ... His brain was a
saturated, spongelike component of lust. He thrust his imbedded finger further
up into her clasping asshole, as simultaneously he increased the stroke of his
pillaging cock into the warm, wet channel of her cunt, and felt her soft smooth
rectum walls the length of his long probing finger to the palm of his hand,
causing her to cry aloud with the wanted, masochistic pleasure-pain that had
unquestionably seized all control of her soft, naked flesh.

She skewered her buttocks shamelessly back down onto the distended finger,
searching, thrusting, encircling the elastic depths of her back channel, seeming
to revel on its unnatural presence as he rotated it unmercifully inside the
warm, rubbery cavern of her rectum, while at the same time, he could feel the
in-and-out thrusts of his heavy cock through the thin, fleshy partition
separating the two entrances of her passages ... feeling his cock with his
exploring, pummeling finger, and his finger against the sensitivity of his
pounding, aching prick.

Shit! It was too much! He was going to flip his fucking mind if he didn't cum
again soon!

He sought to establish a combination of finger and cock, until he was fucking
into her with furious unison in his effort to bring her to climax, while she
groaned and writhed unceasingly beneath him. She spread her long white legs to
the fullest in order to give him the greatest access to this unnatural
ravishment of her sensitive sexual genitals, and all of a sudden, he sensed his
prick expanding more and more ... growing inside her to that point where he was
certain it would erupt like a boiling volcano from the ever-increasing, needle-
like pressure building unbelievably in his already bloated balls that were
smacking in steady cadence down between her smooth grinding buttocks and against
his own probing hand with finger buried far in the secret depths of her asshole.

Christ, he thought, he couldn't last much longer! She was too much for his
unpracticed staying-power. Damn ... he didn't want to disappoint her; he needed
her ... both her ass and her money ... but his cock was ready to shatter with
the load he was going to blow through it! Hell, he couldn't hold it back, was
all ... not much longer, and that was for damned certain! Christ ...!

He began slamming into her with longer, harder strokes as his finger gouged her
wide-stretched rectum wildly. She gripped him tight over his back with her
thighs, her face contorted in a wild mask of animal lust and he hoped dazedly
that she was getting ready to cum. He just couldn't last another minute, that's
all there was to that! Christ ... Then, he heard her begin to moan and whimper
like an animal, little guttural sounds that were coming from deep in her throat,
and he felt her strong working thighs opening and closing around him as she
thrust upward onto his cock and backward onto his finger to the tempo of his
savage ravaging of her loins.

"Ooooohhhh ... harder, Cheri. Fuck harder! Harderrrr!" Madeleine coughed, then
spewed forth a barrage of foul and obscene words as she drove her heels high
into the flesh of his back. Abruptly, she drew up her legs, raising them up over
his shoulders, presenting him with the full, wide-spread plain of her beautiful,
upraised crotch. Her eyes, like her teeth, were locked securely together, while
her face twisted and strained as her orgasm came onto her.

"Mon Dieu! Mon Dieu! J'arrive! Oui! Oui! cherie ... I'm cuuuummmiinnngggg!"

She whimpered, cried out, then actually screamed, pulling her thighs back
tighter until the whole of her hungrily sucking vaginal slit was offered up to
him to take as he wished. She thrust her crotch ceilingward with bruising force,
her mouth falling open loosely, her nostrils flaring, wail after wail escaping
her as she screwed herself up onto his battering cock and clung there while the
hot, moist walls of her cunt milked desperately at his prick like the mouth of a
starving child.

Her uncontrollable ecstasy drove him on and he continued to hammer into her as
he felt the warm gushes of wet, sticky fluid bathe his plundering cock, flooding
his shaft and balls, and as she jerked and lurched beneath him spasming wildly,
the mouth and lips of her channel drawing at him feverishly, her breath laboring
in short, deep gasps, Shannon sensed his own hot, wet sperm race the length of
his prick in stimulating rapture, wracking his lean frame as it squirted from
the top of his cock far, far up into her soft quivering belly. It convulsed and
spewed in never ending bliss inside her and she ground her still hungrily
nibbling pussy possessively up tight against its buried depths.

"Oh, oui, oui, mon cher ... pump all of it into me! All of it! It's mine ...
mine ... mine! Your cream is mine!" she mumbled, her thighs quaking, her belly
trembling with the unleashed pool of warm pleasure he was emptying into her.
Until, at last, he fell heavily relaxed on top of her and once more she
encircled him inside her caressing arms.

She sighed from deep in her breast, her legs falling limp, shamelessly, while
her heart pounded in her chest. Her body had been fulfilled at last ... and Oh
God, how fulfilled ...

"Cheri.... mon cheri," she whispered. "I love you ... You believe me, eh?"

Shannon swallowed and gave off a long sigh of his own. "I believe you, Baby."

"And we will be very happy ... I know ... won't we, Cheri.

"Very ... once we get all that money, we have to be happy, Angel ... Money's the

"And we will get my baby? My little Igat ...?"

"Of course, we'll get her," said Shannon, finally rolling off her to the side,
on his back. "You never signed any papers with the Girardes, did you?"

Madeleine turned toward him and raised to one elbow, her magnificent breasts
brushing against him pendulously. "Papers?" she repeated, then slowly shook her
head. "There were never any papers, cheri."

"Good," he said. "Then, there's no question. Igat is still legally your child,
and we'll get her when we're ready ... after we take care of the Larreau

His confident words sent a thrill of elation soaring through Madeleine. She
clutched at his arm tightly. Dear God, they were going to be so happy, just the
three of them ... "Tell me, Cheri. what do you want me to do? How can I help?"

Shannon smiled, then rolled toward her. He said: "Well now ... you just lay
quiet, Baby, keep your legs open and I'll tell you all about it ..."

Chapter 6

Annette Larreau could not definitely pinpoint the exact moment in her twenty-two
years when she first contemplated suicide; it was as if the idea had been
haphazardly floating around in her brain as far back as she could remember,
before all of her father's mistresses, before "Cousin" Antoine had been sent to
prison and his Madeleine had disappeared, before the evil ogre who had first her
committed her mother to an institution for the mental deficient when she was
ten, even prior to the time when she had come to understand that the name
Larreau was synonymous with every conceivable vice and evil imagined or
otherwise, and that her father was lord-governor of the domain.

All the same, she had never tried it, nor was it a mania or fixation with her,
any more than did she fall into morbid states of depression or dwell on the
subject when she was with the select few people she called friends. The simple
explanation was that she had long ago decided she was a social freak and had
always been, that the sight of her name in the elite gossip columns nauseated
her, that she did not belong and in general, was not wanted; but she was that
novelty piece, the risque bit, the notorious daughter of the nefarious Gaston
Larreau, crime czar; and her first and immediate appearance at any function
always made for a delightful raising of eyebrows and exciting under- the-breath
conversation. The entire picture of her whole life had been, presently was, and
would be as long as she existed, a waste, and she had no desire to continue on
with it further. It was that simple; the time had finally come to put an end to
things, but the question was, how?

Being of the new, mod, non-violent generation, she abhorred guns, knives and the
like, and the mere thought of strangulation by hanging one's self, or
administering poison, even wrist-slashing, seemed nothing short of crude,
abominable methods. An overdose of sleeping potions was probably the more
practical and less painful approach, however, a little item on the back page of
the Montreal Star had finally helped her to make up her mind. It was a short and
concise piece that told of a young man being found in his apartment, dead from
an overdose of heroin: thus, Annette Larreau decided to become an addict first
... a corpse later, once the novelty wore off.

There was one more issue of importance to be taken into consideration she
thought, as she drove her sporty red, Karmann-Ghia south on Highway 9 from
Quebec City where she had spent a "square-peg" few days with old Laval
schoolmates, and that was the disposition of the sleek, noble beast seated
erectly on the seat beside her ... the future of her gallant and faithful Great
Dane, Sir Launcelot. He was devoted to her and she loved him with a depth of
feeling that went far beyond the shallow emotions peculiar to the human animal;
she loved him as no woman ever loved even her lover, and the thought of leaving
him behind to the unmercy of the world raised tears each time it crossed her
mind. Yet, she had only to look into his great brown eyes to know that she
couldn't bring herself to take his life; still, neither could she bear to leave
him behind to some worse fate ... Dear God, she did love him so ...!

He was the only meaningful thing her father had ever given her, and she had
raised him from a pup, raised, trained and taught him that his entire existence
was meant to fill the void in her life. She had treated him as a human, never an
animal, showering her love upon him and demanding the same in return. Her
Launcelot had never known copulation with another dog for she had denied him
that, jealously so, but in place of a bitch dog she had given him herself,
patiently teaching and guiding him until she was certain there was no human of
the male specie who could begin to match his magnificent love-making.

Dear God, she had only to think of their nightly intimate moments to work
herself into a sexual frenzy. If only people could rise to the level of so-
called dumb animals ... what a different and wonderful world it would be, she
thought. She reached over and stroked his great head, smiled at him and he
whined back his response. Damn, for two cents she was tempted to pull off on a
side road to some secluded spot and let him lick her between her legs to climax.
That anticipating, wanting expression was gleaming innocently in his great round
eyes, and the mere thought had pleasurably moistened the tight, hairlined slit
between her warm, itching thighs. She shifted in the seat and felt her panties
draw snugly up into the soft, vibrant crevice, gently splaying the fleshy lips
to tauten provocatively against her suddenly aroused clitoris. Once more, she
squirmed her buttocks down into the leather of the cushion causing delightful
little sensations to tingle in her loins and belly. The giant dog, with ears
erect, watched her and whimpered longingly, his brown eyes pleading, as if
somehow he could, and had, read her thoughts. His nose twitched also, as if the
odor of the excitement forming down between her legs had wafted over to him.

Annette laughed warmly, almost excitedly, again reaching over to stroke his
head. "Ah ... mon cher, but I'm afraid it will have to keep, eh? Maybe later,
sweetheart ... but for sure, tonight ..." Then, her smile changed to an
expression of sadness. After awhile, she said: "My gallant Launcelot ... what's
to become of us, you and me ...? We are all that either of us have in this
rotten world ... and in all humaneness I can't leave you behind when I go ...
nor can I take your life ... Mon Dieu ... I don't know ... I don't know, Cheri."

Her abrupt solemn change of mood immediately dispelled her prurient desires of a
few moments before. She settled back in the seat and drove with her eyes fixed
on the road as she thought. There was something almost sadistic in the method
she had settled on to bring things to an end for herself, plus the idea of
addicting her body to heroin, inasmuch as her own father filled his coffers from
the illicit traffic, amongst other evil things; yet, at the same time, it
sounded like a wild and crazy adventure. She'd tried it and liked it, freaked-
out on "speed" a few times and forgotten her woes, but "smack" was going to be a
brand new trip, and getting the stuff should be simple. Armand Nicolet would
help her.

She smiled as she thought of sweet little Armand, son of Canada Steel's first
family, introvert, homo and addict. He'd help her all right; they were buddies
who occasionally cried on one another's shoulder, understood each other's
plight, had even slept together to see if he could stand it heterosexually, but
with the exception of a bit of soixante-neuf it had fallen flat for him. Still,
they were friends each knowing and sharing the other's problems, finding mutual
consolation in their individual ostracism from the established world. Tonight,
she'd see Armand and the few others she called friends ... tonight at Mother
Turtle's ... and that would be the beginning of the end ... but first, she was
going home and spit in her father's eye. That was one more of the few remaining
pleasures she still enjoyed on this earth.

* * *

Gaston Larreau, when he stood, towered a maximum of five-feet-seven- inches, a
portion of this supplied by his one-hundred-and-fifty dollar elevator shoes, but
what he lacked in height he made up in width, both in belly and shoulders, for
he moved the scale-hand beyond the two- hundred-seventy pound mark. He possessed
a glistening, naked pate and was deeply indebted appearancewise to his tailors
who made him appear meticulous of dress. His nubbin head was round and set close
between his shoulders, leaving him neckless, while his round-face gave him a
pumpkinish look; his small grey, nearly colorless eyes were spaced too- wide
apart, just as his too-small ears clung tight to his head. The aged scar left
from an early razor wound ran the length of his right cheek, ending at the
corner of his mouth, making the flesh there puffed and malformed until he
smiled, and then one noticed little else but the line of strong golden upper

At the moment, he was not smiling as he sat imperiously behind the massive desk
in his "ballroom" sized study, facing his daughter who had walked in to inflict
a bit of mental torture on this man whom she despised with a passion.

"The hell you say!" he blurted in his native tongue. "The Godamned hell you say
girl. I won't stand for it, you hear? Not one godamned minute will I stand for
it ...!"

The idea had come to Annette not minutes before as she walked into the house. It
was so insane and bound to torment him that she couldn't imagine why she hadn't
thought of it before. Right at the moment, she could hardly control her elation
as she watched the little ogre before her fume and rant, and even Launcelot at
her side momentarily bared his teeth and growled at the fat man's sudden fury.

"I can't imagine what you're going to do about it, pere," she said in English,
knowing this, too, irked him. "I've made up my mind ... I'm going to marry
Armand Nicolet."

"Jesus Christ! You must be out of your rattled head!" the czar bellowed. "You
know what he is ...? Do you? That godamned little queen! He's one of those, for
Christ's sake ... He's a ... a ... a ..."

"A homosexual, pere," Annette put in calmly. "Is that what you were trying to

Larreau gaped at her, his cheeks bloated, his eyes bugged. "What the hell ...
all right, yeah, that's part of it, and that ought to be enough for you. He's a
godamned queer! On top of that, he's a ... a ... a ..."

"He's hooked, pere, eh?" she interrupted again. "Addicted ... and to heroin,
right?" She lay her hand on Launcelot's massive head to keep the animal from
growling. "But then, that should make you happy, mon pere, I mean, if it weren't
for people like Armand, how could you get along? Really, I think you're very
short-sighted ..."

"Godamn you, girl! Don't stand there and talk to me like that, you hear? I won't
put up with it!" Larreau raged, the scar on his cheek a livid purple. Angrily,
he struggled to his feet and once more, Launcelot unleashed a fierce growl. The
little fat man stared at the great animal and swallowed tightly. "Damn it ...
get that thing out of here. You know I don't like him, and he doesn't like me
any better. I warn you, if he ever tries to bite me I'll put a bullet right
through his skull ..."

Annette's own eyes narrowed viciously before he had hardly gotten the words out
of his mouth. "And I'll put one through yours, damn you, if you ever try to lay
a hand on him!" she spat through her teeth.

Once more, the ugly little man gaped at his only child, but this time in shocked
disbelief. For a long moment, he didn't speak, then finally, he said: "Ma chere
... what the devil is it that's wrong between us? Mon Dieu! You're my daughter
... my baby ... all I have in this world ..." He started to come around his desk
but stopped at Launcelot's guttural warning. Again, he swallowed the lump from
his throat. "Look, cherie ... all I want is your happiness, eh? Whatever I have
will someday be yours ... all yours ... everything you see around you. My God
... why do you treat me like this ...? I mean, if you want to marry, then go
find yourself a husband ... a man ... not some godamned fairy ..."

"A man, pere ...? Like Antoine, perhaps, one you might be able to use as a
scapegoat and send to prison in your place?"

"Damnit, that's a lie and you know it ...!"

"It's the truth, and I know it ... just as I know you had Ginny Novak murdered
by your hoodlums and drove Madeleine away in fear because you were trying to get
her to share your bed ... but she was too good for the filthy likes of you, just
as my mother was too good ..."

"Shut up! You hear, you little bitch! Shut up before I lose my temper entirely!"

Annette laughed. "Like you did those nights when I was only ten and eleven and
you sneaked into my bedroom, and I cried when you put your rotten hands between
my legs? You used to lose your temper with me then, too, pere, remember?"

"You ... you ungrateful slut, you!" Larreau half-screamed, his face pale, his
colorless eyes near insane with rage. "I ought to beat you within an inch of
your life ..."

"And you would, if you dared, but you don't, do you, pere?" Annette taunted him.
"Because if you lay a hand on me you know that my Launcelot would tear you to
pieces." Again, she laughed tormentingly as she gazed with a mocking sneer at
the fat little man who was her father. And then, she watched the tears puddle in
the almost fat-hidden sockets of his eyes, feeling nothing herself.

"Pl-Please, my baby ... there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you," he
pleaded softly. "Please ... try to forgive me ... I'm your father ..."

Annette stared at him in utter disgust. At last, she turned away and started for
the door.

"Annette ... Cherie ... wait ..." he called after her. "Please ... tell me you
didn't mean these terrible things you said ..."

She paused and faced him again. "But I did, mon pere ... every word."

"Mon Dieu!" he gulped. "You couldn't ... it's impossible! How ... how could you
marry that ... that ...?"

"Cocksucker, pere," she finished, the faint trace of a smile playing around her
mouth. "And why not? Live and let live, I say ..."

"You don't know what you're saying!" he blurted. "You're only trying to hurt me!
Don't you suppose I know what you're doing?"

"And does it hurt, pere?"

"You little fool! He's a dope fiend ... a drug addict! You have any idea what
that means? Damn it, girl, do you?"

"If I haven't, I'll learn," she spat at him.

"How? By prostituting yourself to pay for his fixes ...?"

A last time, Annette laughed at him before leaving the room. She said: "To pay
for our fixes, pere ... and keep you in the luxurious style to which you're

"Annette! Come back here! You hear me? Come back here ...!"

But she didn't, and Sir Launcelot's throaty growls filled the room as they left.

* * *

The willowy girl in the tight dark slacks and sweater with the straight,
shoulder-length raven hair enframing her face caught his attention immediately.
She was slight of build, her breasts small but firm and pointed, boyish hips,
even though her buttocks filled the seat of the slacks with round, protruding
ovalled spheres and her thighs were full and exciting looking. She was extremely
tiny waisted which gave the illusion of feminine curvaceousness she didn't
possess. Her mouth was small and thin-lipped, yet not unattractive, and her
cheeks a hollow ivory hue with almond shaped hazel eyes that scanned, fixed and
penetrated. The ugly, fat woman behind the bar told him her name for a ten-
dollar bill. Annette Larreau ... and Shannon lowered himself to a table in the
shadows of a corner, wetting his lips in surprise. The picture he had seen of
her had depicted a shapeless, unattractive, sickly looking female. She was not
that. As a matter of fact, she suggested sex ... but the godamned brute of a dog
stretched out on the floor protectingly beside her was enough to discourage any
such wild thoughts. He liked dogs; he hoped to hell he wouldn't have to kill
this one.

It had taken him two weeks to grow the half-inch beard he wore. Madeleine wasn't
sure that she liked it; it irritated her face and inner thighs, she told him,
but she liked to feel its furry softness with her hands. He really gave little
thought to her reactions; its purpose was not only a matter of disguise, but a
more fitting admittance ticket to such places as Mother Turtle's and the other
swinging spots where he had learned that the "czar's" daughter hung out. In
fact, he'd learned a hell of a lot in the last couple of weeks, thanks to
Madeleine's bank balance and his own ingenuity. For instance, even before he was
familiar with her appearance, he had managed to obtain enough information
regarding Annette Larreau's likes and dislikes, personal habits and companions
to know that she was a little rebel who hated her powerful papa and all he stood
for, the odd-ball variety.

A good example was the scrawny, hollow-chested male with the page-boy hair style
sitting across the table from her at the moment. He was named Armand Nicolet of
the multi-buck steel family, a playboy by trade ... a hype and pansy by desire
and whatever the hell his magnetism was it certainly couldn't be physical, yet,
he, Shannon, had turned up a rumor concerning their impending marriage.

It didn't make sense, a stunningly attractive girl of her standing marrying a
spindly, hooked queer, but then, the longer he lived and the more he saw of the
human race, the less he understood it; besides, it wasn't going to make any
difference one way or the other. With what he had in mind that marriage was
going to be postponed ... at least, for awhile ...

A lantern-faced individual accompanied by another of the bull-necked, barrel-
chested type, both in dark suits and dark turtle-neck shirts, caught Shannon's
attention as they slunk into the cellar-room through the grotto-like doorway,
abruptly interrupting his immediate thoughts. Their hoodish air definitely
eliminated them as belonging, and when their eyes fell upon, and stared fixedly
at Annette Larreau and her dainty companion, Shannon could almost feel their
reason for being there, as well as guess who might have sent them. He sensed
blood and swallowed tightly.

Armand Nicolet evidently perceived it also, for he paled noticeably. He leaned
forward, whispering to the girl across from him who sat with her back toward the
two. She took his hand, her knuckles whitening, started to turn but evidently
thought better of it. The thin little man whispered again, his fright obvious,
then arose quickly and made toward the rear entrance. The two hoods seeing his
move started after him just as Annette stood to block their way, while
simultaneously the Great Dane came erect to bare its teeth at their hasty, if,
belligerent approach.

"What the hell!" the bull-necked one snarled, stopping dead before the menacing,
bare-fanged growl of the massive animal. Automatically, his hand shot inside his
coat, fumbling for the weapon there. Lantern-jaw had dodged around a table to
charge after the escaping Nicolet and might have caught him if Shannon hadn't
stuck out his foot to trip the gangly one and send him sprawling forward onto
his face.

From that point, there was ample commotion, with patrons shuffling and
scampering for the sidelines as Bullneck leveled the ugly looking gun in his
hand on the Great Dane. Annette screamed and Shannon leaped, throwing all of his
weight onto the big man and forcing the bullet to go wild. They went down with
Shannon on the other's back, the Bull- necked one's chin catching on the edge of
a chair with enough force to stun him momentarily. Quickly, Shannon got to his
feet, grabbed Annette by the hand and started for the front entrance.

"Come on! Let's get out of here ... and tell your dog I'm a friend! I don't like
the way he's looking at me!" he snapped, pulling her along behind him up the
stairs, two at a time, to the street. "You have a car?"

"Around the corner ... but what about Armand? They'll kill him if they catch him

"Let's hope they don't catch him, Baby ... In the meantime, I don't think they
like me either. Let's go!"

Shannon took the wheel and they were out of the area in minutes. He kept to the
back streets, moving in no particular direction, except further away from the
shabby section where the two hoods would be undoubtedly canvassing with blood
and rage warping their brains. After awhile, he said: "Your father evidently
doesn't like Nicolet."

He felt her eyes on him. She sat in the middle with the dog she had called
Launcelot, on her right by the window. She said: "Do you know my father?"

"I know who he is and who you are," he replied, his eyes fixed ahead.

For a moment she was quiet, then: "Why did you help? You could've been shot."

"I don't like hoods who shoot dogs," he said, easing around a corner onto a well
lighted street. It was Sherbrooke East and they were headed west.

"We both owe you a debt for helping us ... Launcelot and I," she said slipping
her arm around the animal's neck. "Do you think Armand got away?"

"I'd say that depends how resourceful he is. He certainly had time enough."

"Well ..." she said, pausing momentarily. "I suppose it won't make much
difference anyway, knowing my father. They'll find him sooner or later ... poor

Shannon made a little grunting sound. He couldn't get up any pity for the
scrawny queer. Nevertheless, he said: "I doubt if they intend to do more than
rough him up a little. Even Gaston Larreau can't go around having men knocked
off just because they want to marry his daughter."

Again, he felt her eyes on him; it was progressing nicely, he thought.

"How do you know that?" she asked. "I mean, about Armand and me getting


"What else do you know about me?"

"That you've been on and off 'H' for the last week ... and that young frilly
fruit's been supplying you." He turned toward her. "Are you hooked?"

She hesitated. "No ... that is, I don't think so."

"How long since you've had a fix?"

"Yesterday morning ... say, who in hell are you, anyway? How do you know so much
about me?"

"You can call me Shannon," he replied evenly. "As for the second question ...
I've been doing a little inquiring."

"Inquiring ...? Why?" There was an edge to her tone now.

"You intrigue me." He smiled over at her. "Don't get upset. Nothing's going to
happen to you. I've been trying to locate you for a mutual friend of ours who
wants very much to see you."

"Mu--Mutual friend ... of ours?" Annette said, her head tilting questioningly to
one side. "I don't understand ... Who is this friend?"

"Madeleine Poirier."

"Madeleine?" She sat ahead in the seat. "Do you know where she is? No one has
seen her since Antoine went to prison ..."

"That's where we're going, ma'm'selle." Once more, he smiled in her direction,
his most fetching, disarming expression. "Just relax. It's going to take us
awhile to get there. All right with you?"

"Yes ... yes, of course," she replied anxiously.

"Madeleine and I were always close. My God, I can't think of anyone I'd rather
see ... I've been so afraid that something terrible might have happened to her
... like it did to Ginny Novak ..."

Chapter 7

Madeleine was frightened; she couldn't help it. By day, the island was
beautiful, but at night it was so terribly dark and lonesome with Shannon gone,
and the foreign, eerie sounds caused little chills to run along her spine. Even
in the luxury of the big house with every light in the place burning she was
still on edge, and had been since he'd taken the launch to the mainland just
before sunset. Nervously, she glanced at her watch. Eleven thirty; he'd told her
to expect him shortly after midnight if everything went well according to plan.
God ...! Supposing it hadn't? What would she do?

Mother of Jesus! She had to get those thoughts out of her mind immediately! It
would come off just as he'd planned; it had to ... it just had to! All of her
novenas she had said in church the past week had been offered up for their
success. The Blessed Mother would never desert her; she felt confident of that.
Lord, she should have more faith. What she needed was a little drink to steady
her nerves.

She arose from the comfortable, overstuffed chair and went to the small wicker
bar, finding one of the bottles of bourbon Shannon had brought. There was ice in
the small refrigerator beneath and several different mixes. She set about
blending, half listening to the music from the radio and thinking that one day
she and Shannon would have a lovely home like this one. And to imagine, it was
only a summer place. Some rich senator from the states owned it and Shannon had
rented it for the week for two-hundred-and-fifty dollars, including the launch
... She paused in her actions as she thought of that. Two-hundred-fifty dollars
of her hard earned money ... then, she laughed to herself ... a mere drop in the
bucket compared to what they were going to have soon ... just the three of them.
Lord, how happy they were going to be. She could almost cry just thinking of
having her own little Igat with her for ever and ever ... really, it was all for
her ... her sweet little baby. There was no sacrifice too great for her to make
... Well, she'd burned her bridges now by simply disappearing this way, leaving
her place at the Salle de Venus-Apollon, without any word to Rafael Girarde ...
placing her all into the hands of this handsome American.

Still, she didn't understand yet why they had come all the way to Kingston
before looking for a place, but her new lover had insisted it was necessary and
she hadn't argued. Nor had she been displeased when she learned that Hyde Island
was thirteen miles out in Lake Ontario, then actually saw the picturesque,
castle-like structure that was built of field-stone and imported marbles. The
idea of being isolated on such a beautiful little paradise with the man she
loved had set her right off. Only the mail-boat that passed once a day would be
their single connection with civilization, and then only if they signaled. Dear
God, they would make love until they were feeble; for what else was there to do
but a bit of fishing and swimming? And so they had for two solid days and
nights, not even dressing except for the negligee that she presently wore. God,
it had been so wonderful ... and she loved him so much. There had never been
anyone like her Shannon ... absolutely no one.

The mere thought of his lean virile body next to her own was sufficient to
arouse tiny, exciting tingles in her loins and belly. She picked up her drink
from the bar, the movement causing the gauzy material of her negligee to graze
against the suddenly distended nipples of her full breasts tauntingly. She
shivered from the erotic effect and walked back to her chair, lifting her feet
onto the ottoman and stretching out. The gossamery material fell away from her
long shapely calves and thighs with a whisper and she looked down at herself
narcissistically, the dark velvety down sprinkled over the V of her mound
enticing her. She lifted the glass to her moist lips and consumed half of it,
while the soft, romantic listening music from the radio created an enrapturing

God ... if you were here right at this moment! Shannon ... Shannon ... I'd lick
you to death! Mon cher ... how I love you!

Once more, she drank from the glass, then set it on the table beside her,
closing her eyes as her hands found her own waist and moved upward over the
slight delineation of her ribs to her heavy, now-throbbing breasts, cupping and
lifting them beneath the flimsiness of her gown until the pointed, hardened
nipples stood out like frozen red berries. Her long fingers sought the tiny
fleshy marbles then and began to roll and tweak them hedonistically, while her
mind filled with thoughts of her Shannon and his magnificently beautiful rod of
almost always hardened passion. Suddenly, she could taste its pungent tang and
feel its soft rubbery head against her tongue in her mouth, its heavy hot shaft
in one hand while the other cradled and squeezed his balls reverently.
Subconsciously, she lowered one hand down over the little round bowl of her
belly and through the patch of silken hair to the now moist slit in her crotch,
spreading her thighs slightly and gently sliding her long-nailed forefinger
between the fleshy lips of her pussy into its pink wetness to tenderly slip down
through the length of her slit to the already quivering opening of her vagina.
Her breath caught in her throat at the erotic sensations her own gentle
manipulation set off inside her.

God, I'm hot, she thought. If only you were here, my lover!

Her cunt was as moist and lubricated as if he had just shot his hot sperm up
into her, and her desire was as piqued as if he had been sitting there in front
of her licking and taunting her open loins with his fantastic tongue as he had
last night. Her breathing quickened and she spread her thighs further, drawing
up her knees slightly as she slipped her finger up inside her vagina to the palm
of her hand, then withdrew it and repeated the act several times before letting
her damp forefinger wander down the soft, hairless crevice to the tiny little
puckered hole of her anus. This time, she drew her legs up higher and lifted her
round white buttocks while slowly, excitingly, she inserted her own finger
smoothly up into the warm rubbing depths of her rectum.

It was too much! In her mind, Shannon's wonderful prick was jerking and
squirting its hot semen into her throat ... she could actually taste it to the
point of swallowing voraciously! And then, all of a sudden, her other hand
dropped to her crotch, its excited fingers finding her erect clitoris between
the moist swollen cunt-lips, and as she began to pummel her long finger into her
anal passage, she simultaneously tweaked, twisted and pulled at her clitoris
with the other hand ... while Shannon mentally fucked into her face, shooting
his load down her throat time and time and time again.

It was an ecstasy all of its own! It wasn't the first time she had done it, nor
would it be the last, but never was it any better. She slid down into the chair,
her knees pulled back to press against the pebble- like nipples of her throbbing
breasts as suddenly she inserted a second finger into her tiny rectum, twisting
and routing them in sado- masochistic delight while the other hand pummeled with
increasing vigor at the moist, pink furrow of her ravenous cunt.

It was then that she heard the deep whirring sound of what had to be the launch
... it could be nothing else out here! A certain frightening tightness gripped
her. She couldn't stop now! She had to cum ... had to! It was all a moment of
self gratification, she realized, but it couldn't be denied ... not now ... not
at this stage. It wasn't like actual fucking or sucking or making love in any
way ... but it was necessary ... Oh Christ, she couldn't give the reasons ...
didn't understand them ... only that she had to cum! That was all that mattered!
All ...!

Wildly, she punished her genitals, inserting a third finger into her tightly
resisting rectum to the very palm of her hand, while her fingers raped the soft
pink flesh of her cunt with the brutalness of some fiend out of the night. The
sensation was overwhelming ... beyond belief! Her loins danced, jerked and
quivered with the ecstatic bliss of a thousand generations into the past, as in
the back of her brain the sound of the ever-approaching launch grew louder and

Mentally, she sucked Shannon's cock with clasped lips and savage, slashing
tongue and hypothetically he emptied his hot sperm into her mouth and throat and
she swallowed ravenously ... while, at the same time, her hands tore and pounded
into her cunt and asshole with unmerciful delight.

It came onto her like that! Just as the launch sputtered and went dead, and she
realized he was tying it up at the dock. She spasmed once ... twice ... a third
time, and came with such violent force that she was certain she'd faint. Shannon
squirted his load down her throat and the bubble burst at her crotch! Wild
sensations tore through her soft, white body and her thighs quivered and jerked
with the unbelievable release that spread through her.

Somehow, she heard them coming up the gravel path, forced herself erect and
straightened her negligee. Her mouth hung open loosely and she tried to close
it, at the same time endeavoring to force logical thoughts into place in her
mind. She got to her feet, her knees hardly able to support her, then started
for the door.

When she got there, the aftermath of her climax still excitingly prevalent in
her loins and belly, she saw them nearing the house.

"I-I heard you coming," she said. "Is Annette with you?"

"I'm here," Annette replied. "Is that you, Madeleine?"

"Yes ... it's me," she heard herself say hesitantly.

"Oh God ...!" Annette said, and began to run toward the house, Sir Launcelot
galloping silently along beside her.

* * *

Madeleine was entirely unprepared for Annette's fervent greeting; she had never
felt that they were that close. The willowy girl threw herself into her arms and
hugged her tightly, clutching Madeleine's near-naked, voluptuous body against
her own while she wept on the older girl's shoulder. With the effects of the
orgasm she had just subjected herself to still racking her soft sensuous flesh,
the proximity of Annette's smooth firm body molded against her own seemed to
rekindle the tiny prurient sparks that had raced through her loins only moments
before. Madeleine couldn't contain the exciting little tremor that rippled over
her. She looked beyond the clinging girl into Shannon's half-smiling face,
sensing the flush to her own cheeks and hoping he wouldn't notice it.

"Ma chere, Madeleine ... it's been so long," Annette sobbed. "Oh, how I've
wondered what had become of you. I've worried so ... even feared that maybe ...
maybe the same had happened to you as to Ginny Novak."

Madeleine cradled her with conscious affection against her swollen, firm breasts
while the other continued to weep, and Shannon watched, not displeased. It
seemed that things were running smoother than he anticipated they might ... but
of course, he hadn't unleashed the bomb yet. He hadn't much doubt but what that
was going to change the complexion of things a bit, but presently, the matter of
Launcelot bothered him. As mild and contented as the beast appeared at the
moment with his mistress' emotional reaction to an old friend, Shannon felt safe
in assuming that the animal could become a ferocious brute at her mere command,
and he didn't intend to have to defend himself against such odds, especially
when a little ingenuity could better serve the purpose.

"There ... there," Madeleine was saying soothingly, holding the slender girl
tight to her and stroking her long raven hair. "It's all right, ma chere ... I'm
happy to see you, too ..."

"The dog looks hungry," Shannon said. "I'll give him something to eat, eh? Come
on, Launcelot. I've got some meat in the kitchen. Come on, boy! Come on!"

The great dog stood fast, eyeing Shannon closely but not moving from his
mistress' side. Shannon continued to coax, but it was useless. Then, the girl
separated and Madeleine drew her wispy negligee tight over her breasts uneasily
as Annette wiped at her eyes and noticed seemingly for the first time the
minimum covering the other wore. The sight both surprised and embarrassed her,
but for a long moment her deep hazel-eyes dwelled there before she could tear
them away. Finally, she said: "Were ... were you talking to me, Shannon?"

"I was going to feed the dog something, but he's stubborn ... doesn't want to go
with me."

Annette managed a little smile. "Launcelot's very faithful. He won't obey anyone
but me." She bent down and kissed the big dog's massive head. "There, baby, go
with Shannon. He's going to feed you. Go!"

Madeleine heard him whimper and watched him follow Shannon toward the kitchen.
She was well aware of the plan to lock the brute in a back room and feed him
doctored meat that would put him temporarily to sleep. Her Shannon had thought
of everything ...

"He is your lover, this Shannon?" Annette addressed her in French.

"Oui. Soon, we'll be married," Madeleine replied, then crossed the room toward
the bar. She swallowed tightly. She had never realized that Antoine's wife
possessed such an enticing figure ... nor had she ever felt such erotic
stimulation at the sight of another woman's near naked flesh before. Again, she
swallowed. She said: "He ... your Shannon ... he came to our rescue tonight.
Some of mon pere's ruffians were after a young man I was with ... He saved all
of us, this Shannon ... at least, I hope Armand is all right ..."

Madeleine wasn't listening. She poured bourbon into a glass nervously and added
ice and water without asking. Her mind was in a state of thorough confusion.
God, how she would like to throw herself into Shannon's arms right at that
moment, and have him carry her upstairs to their bed ... forget all of this
horrible ordeal before them ... just make love. She needed him so badly; her
whole body was alive once again with the vibrant tingling Annette's physical
closeness had re- instigated inside her. Mon Dieu, it was insane that another
woman's body could so set her off ...

"There ... he's eating," said Shannon joining them, his firm jaw fixed tightly.
"Then, I expect he'll sleep for awhile ... at least I hope the hell he will." He
walked to the center of the room and stood there looking down at Annette, then
over to Madeleine behind the bar. "You can fix me one of those, too, Baby." His
eyes swung back to Annette, and he said: "Has she told you anything?"

Annette Larreau stared at him. She wasn't certain whether a smile was in order
or not, so in it's place she offered a head-tilted half-smile. She looked to
Madeleine, then back to this handsome man who had played Galahad earlier. "I-I'm
afraid I don't understand ...? Was she supposed to tell me something, M'sieu'

Shannon returned her stare with a level one of his own. "You're being kidnapped,
Ma'm'selle. Be nice, cooperate, do as you're told and don't try anything. That
way, no harm'll come to you."

Annette continued to gaze at him. She was trying to fathom the joke ... he
wasn't smiling. She glanced at Madeleine, but the blonde-haired girl wouldn't
look at her. Again, her attention snapped back to Shannon. She managed: "I ... I
don't understand ...?"

"You will ... in awhile," he said, matter-of-factly. "It's not a joke or trick
... I'm holding you for ransom, Baby, and I expect your cooperation ...
otherwise, we might have difficulties."

"R-Ransom? You mean ... you mean that I ... I'm being kidnapped ... right now

"Right now," said Shannon, walking to the bar to pick up both of their drinks.
He returned and handed it to her, a bit surprised when she accepted it as if she
were attending some sort of cocktail party. "Like I said, Baby, it's not a joke
... but the beginning of a hard and fast deal with your father." He lifted the
glass to his lips and drank, then swallowed. "I expect to get a half-million
dollars for your trim little body ... alive I hope papa feels it's worth it."

Annette could only ogle him with riveted eye. It had to be some sort of farce;
it couldn't be a reality! Why ... why ... he had even helped her ... and ... and
tripped the man chasing Armand ...! It was crazy ... but ... but the expression
on his face ... and the way that Madeleine was shunning her ... They meant it!
They honest-to-God meant it! She blurted: "What did you do to Launcelot?"

Shannon caught her wrist as she started to gain her feet. He handled her gently.
"He's all right," he said. "He'll sleep for awhile, but he's perfectly all

Damn him! If he'd hurt Launcelot ...! Automatically, her thin lips drew back
away from her small white teeth. "I'll kill you if you've hurt him, Shannon! I
swear, I'll kill you ..."

"The dog's all right, I said," Shannon snapped, raising his glass once more.
"Enough of that crap. Let's get a couple of things straight, eh, little girl?
You're not going to be able to do anything unless your old man comes through.
This isn't a game we're playing ... it's for keeps. You try anything ... and
I'll have to hurt you ... I don't want to do that. Your papa refuses to pay ...
well, he just hadn't better ..."

"Or, you'll send me home in a basket, Shannon?" she said, looking right up into
his face. Shannon said nothing and she turned to Madeleine who had not moved
from behind the bar. "And you, Madeleine ...? Nothing to add? Like ... what a
fool I made of myself at seeing you after all this time ...?"

Madeleine gulped from her own glass. Her negligee had fallen open almost to her
waist and her magnificent breasts stood out, exposed before them in her next-to-
nakedness. She kept her eyes from the girl and poured the drink into her. After
a moment, she said in a forced, clear, crisp voice: "Do as he says and you won't
be harmed, Annette ... I promise you ..."

"You promise me?" Annette snapped. Her small, thin mouth twisted in a distorted
smile. "Now that's funny ... really funny."

"Maybe you've a warped sense of humor." Shannon said irritably.

"Perhaps I have," replied Annette, her humorless smirk advancing into a hollow
little laugh. "But I was imagining the look on my father's face when he's
informed of this. I don't believe he's going to like it very much, M'sieu'
Shannon ... not very much at all ... but then, I suppose you've both taken that
into consideration."

"Don't needle me, Baby," Shannon hissed. "I don't scare easy ... and you better
hope that your daddy's emotions don't cause him to try the wrong thing, eh?"

Annette looked up at him unwaveringly. "Do you know very much about my father,
M'sieu'?" she asked, a trace of her smile still evident. "I'm certain that she
does," the girl added with an indicative nod of her head toward Madeleine. "And
that's what surprises me, I guess."

"I know enough about him to gamble that he'll pay. You're the apple of his eye,
Baby ... all he had left in the world," said Shannon, finishing his drink. "He
may be filth, but I'm betting he still had that much decency."

Annette studied him for a long moment, until finally her head dropped and her
slender body made a little convulsive shudder. Madeleine went to her then,
lowering herself onto the arm of her chair and running her hand over the girl's
long dark hair soothingly. Annette leaned against her, turning her face toward,
and burying it between, Madeleine's firm full breasts. She wept quietly.

"All right," Shannon said. "I guess we understand one another. You'll be able to
use the house, but you won't go outside of it. Don't try anything and I won't
have to lock you up. You're thirteen miles from another living soul except us,
and unless you're a hell of a swimmer I wouldn't chance that avenue. Just relax
and make the best of it; we'll treat you properly.

"Madeleine, you two are going to be inseparable for the next few days," he said.
"I want you with her every minute. You'll walk, sleep and eat together,

"Oui ... but what about you? Where will you sleep?" Madeleine questioned

Shannon grinned. "Don't worry, angel ... I'll be close by ... once I get the
wheels in operation. Now, take her upstairs for the night. I've got some
business to attend to."

Madeleine responded without further question and Shannon watched them climb the
wide staircase, the slender girl being supported by the other's arm around her
waist. Annette was still sobbing and that pleased him. She wouldn't try
anything; he was certain ... but at the moment he was more taken with the
voluptuous outline of Madeleine's delectable body through the gauzy negligee as
she ascended the stairs. The provocative roll of her hips and buttocks, the
sleek movement of her shapely legs and slender waist caused him to swallow
tightly and his member stirred excitedly in his pants. Christ, how he'd like
some of that right now ... but it was going to have to keep until after he went
to the mainland and made his phone call to Larreau ... then ... He grinned to
himself. Some wild ideas were forming in his mind.

Chapter 8

Annette Larreau was more enraged than fear-stricken; her pride had been severely
damaged. She felt like a complete idiot, having fallen right into their plot as
innocently as a lamb being led to slaughter. She couldn't imagine how she might
have responded differently; nevertheless, she felt the perfect fool, and it
wasn't in her nature to accept that without some sort of retaliation. Thus,
although her tears were for the most part tears of anger, the larger portion
were pretended, in an effort to gain additional time to think.

She felt that Madeleine wasn't in complete accord with her lover, at least, if
she was, her tender, emotional nature was showing through. She had led Annette
to the bed, helped her onto it and lay down beside her, cuddling the younger
girl protectively to her and continuing to stroke her long dark hair. Annette
couldn't help the exciting little fermentations she sensed at the other's naked,
full and soft, perfumed breasts against her cheek, and it was then that the
first thoughts of a wild plan crossed her mind.

Launcelot was still awake; she could hear him bark occasionally. She wasn't
surprised. The animal had always been finicky about his food and would detect
and refuse the slightest of tainted or tampered-with meats. If only she could
get down stairs and free him ... that would change the complexion of things in a
hurry ... yet, how was she going to get away from Madeleine to do it? She
doubted that she could overpower the older, larger girl ... but ... there might
be another way ... Dear God ... she had never done anything like that in her
life ... not with another woman ... still, as wicked as it seemed, she was not
repulsed by the idea ... in fact, there was a certain lascivious stimulation
that rippled through her at the mere thought, and suddenly, as if of their own
volition, she felt her free arm creep around Madeleine's slender waist outside
the sheer negligee, her own long, slender fingers trailing lightly over the
silky material to feel the warmth of the soft flesh beneath immediately and
vibrantly respond to her touch, while with her other arm and hand in under her,
she eased those fingers forward to graze and brush with taunting delicateness
the smooth resilient flesh of the other's heavy smooth rounded breasts.

Madeleine tensed and made an audible little gasping sound at the tantalizing
contact of her still-swollen breasts with the girl's long slender fingers. Her
own reaction embarrassed her: that another girl could stimulate her this way was
absurd. It was simply the aftermath of the forbidden pleasure she had enjoyed
while she was waiting for them to arrive ... besides, Annette had meant nothing
... the poor girl was simply overwrought at her sudden situation was all.

"Cherie, listen to me," Madeleine whispered while simultaneously she ran her
hand over the girl's long silken hair. "It'll be all right. You mustn't let
yourself get upset like this. Think of it this way: how many people has your
father inflicted his horrors upon? Believe me ma chere, nothing is going to
happen to you. I promise ... I won't let anyone hurt you ..."

Slowly, Annette raised her face so that her damp eyes looked upward into
Madeleine's dark ones. She pressed her willowy body tighter against the near-
naked, soft contours of the larger girl, molding herself to them while her hand
clasped with open palm at her back and the other opened slowly to cup with
gentle fingers Madeleine's firm erect breast.

Once more, Madeleine gasped, only this time she felt herself automatically
maneuvering Annette's long, supple body tightly to her while she pressed her own
curvaceous form against it. She bent her head downward as Annette raised hers,
both of them straining until their lips met, gently at first, each feeling the
full sharp delineated imprint of the other, and then more furiously.

Both were rigid at first, confused, finally relaxing under the pressure, their
tongues meeting at the point of contact, their bodies following it up, beginning
to undulate and rub briskly against one another, their loins endeavoring to meet
as were their lips.

"Oh God, Madeleine," Annette breathed in French, all of her brief, fore-laid
plans momentarily forgotten. "I ... I don't know what's come over me ... you're
... you're lovely ..."

"Don't ... don't speak," said Madeleine, forcing her tiny pink tongue into the
offered small, receptive mouth, while at the same time her hands began to caress
the other's smaller breasts outside her clothing, and traverse down her ribs to
the swell of her hips there to gently cup and massage Annette's firm, warm-
fleshed buttocks.

Annette felt completely bewildered, both aggressive and passive; she hadn't
expected it to go this way at all. An odd feeling was tormenting her stomach,
and she suspected that Madeleine might be experiencing the same. The intimate
touch of another woman had both excited and revolted her, the combined effect of
the two powerful emotions leaving her nearly helpless to act. Her initial plan
was floating about in her brain, hardly making heads or tails at the moment. She
doubted that Madeleine was a lesbian ... in fact, felt certain she was not,
anymore than she, herself, had ever felt such desires ... yet, there was no
questions of what was happening between them ...

"Let's take off your clothes," Madeleine said. "My God, hurry, take them off ...
let me ... let me!"

Annette felt completely bewildered. She wanted whatever was to come, just as she
had wanted her first "fix" of heroin. She lay back and let Madeleine undress her
with trembling hands. In seconds, she was naked and Madeleine had removed her
negligee. She felt her slim, firm, willowy body quiver with anticipation and
closed her eyes as movements took place on the bed that jostled her lightly.
Then Madeleine's hand reached out to touch and caress her small, firm breast and
Annette experienced another wild little sensation. She moaned behind her closed
eyes, feeling the long, gentle, slim fingers catching at her nipple, rolling and
squeezing it in a tender understanding way that only a woman could know. She
sensed her whole being quiver at the lewd forbiddenness of their performance.
She'd given herself to perverted gratification before with Launcelot, Armand and
others, but nothing in her makeup had ever accepted Saphism, yet at that moment
her whole body was alive with a growing lust, and she couldn't, had she wanted
to, resist the voluptuous girl's advances.

The alien fingers crept over her like spiders as they gently rolled her onto her
back, her head against the pillow. She nervously moistened her lips with the tip
of her tongue as she felt Madeleine's soft, lipstick- tasting mouth engulf the
nipple of her left breast, all of the brownish areola and the hard berry-like
nipple with a swiftly flickering tongue that sent urgent, taunting messages
radiating outward along nerves of her brain ... to sweet conditioned responses.

Slowly, Madeleine slithered up her sleek, vibrant body until their faces were
level with each other, and her thigh crept along Annette's entwining around it,
her soft curling fleece of pubic hair brushing warmly against that of her
partner. Again, her lips found Annette's with an agile, pliant, soft, sweet,
knowing possession, and her tongue fluttered into her mouth.

Even though there was still shame and fleeting moments of revulsion inside her
at the mere thought of their licentious doings, the young Annette couldn't help
responding. She sucked at the invading tongue as Madeleine's hand trailed over
her passion-filled body with fascinating touches, running over her breasts, her
sides and back, their bodies finally locking together as the caressing hand
reached her buttocks and pulled them apart to stroke excitingly at her tiny
puckered anus with delicate, knowing fingers.

At last, Madeleine raised above her, taking Annette's left breast in her hand,
her fingers teasing the palpitating, distended nipple. She let her eye rove over
the younger girl's slender, supple nakedness in confused delight. Finally, her
voice trembling as she said: "I--I have never done this before, ma chere ... Mon
Dieu ... do you believe me? The ... the very touch of your warm, smooth skin is
driving me wild ... I ... I don't know what's come over me ... but I want to
bring you happiness ... I must ... do ... do you understand that?"

"O--Oui, cherie," Annette hissed, "I--I do understand ... I want you to ... I
want you to! And then ... I'll make you happy ...!"

"Oh ... Oh God ..." Madeleine moaned breathlessly. "Oui ... we will make each
other happy, cherie. I ... I'm going to make you cum as no man ever could ...! I
know ... I know where a woman likes to be touched ...!"

"Ohhhh, Oui ... s'il vous plait, ma chere, ... Hurry! Hurry!" Annette whimpered
up into Madeleine's panting face, watching and waiting tensely as the blonde
girl began to slide away ... down her trembling, passion-incited body.

Slowly, she raised her head to watch in half antipathetic captivation as
Madeleine suddenly nestled her face into the hollow of her slightly spread
thighs. Immediately, she was nearly overcome with wild, erotic sensations that
danced and rippled through her loins and belly as she felt soft kisses along the
hot flesh of her inner-thighs, felt the warm puffs of breath and then ... the
magic, wet contact of Madeleine's tongue licking the soft, fleece-lined cleft as
if experimentally ... simply licking in long grazing strokes from the bottom to
the top, not entering, but causing an involuntary, slight lifting of Annette's
loins with each tantalizing up-lick of tongue on her sensitive labia.

Annette felt her clitoris quivering into hardness and knew that it was peeking
out from its hooded little canopy, enjoying the first stab of ecstatic bliss as
the tiny pink tongue grazed it. She expelled her breath with a hissing sound,
rolling her head back and forth on the pillow, while Madeleine, growing braver,
eased her tongue inside the rapidly moistening split to draw it upward from the
very vaginal mouth ... upward toward the tingling bud of her clitoris.

Annette's throat began to work insanely. She held her breath, then exhaled
sharply at the delicious contact ... and suddenly, there came new delights.

Madeleine, whose own soft, white loins were alive with little tongues of ever-
increasing, carnal flame at the unexplainable and uncontrollable desires racing
through her, hungrily pressed her lips closer, separating the soft, fleshy,
hair-sprinkled flanges of Annette's tight vaginal slit, reaching up
simultaneously with both hands to caress the small and firm erect breasts, while
her mouth became ravenous, open and hot, nothing but tongue invading the
seething, wet cunt before it, nothing but tongue lashing at the erect clitoris,
tongue everywhere in the willowy girl's throbbing pussy, slippery in the
lubricating juices mixed with her own saliva ... lizard-like in the rapidly
dilating vagina, and always returning to the sensitive, tingling clitoris.

Annette moaned passionately while ripples of lust-incited enchantment convulsed
her smooth, sensuous flesh. She began to pant explosively and drew back her
legs, thrusting her crotch upward lewdly to bring the magic tongue tighter into
the quivering center of her body.

Madeleine was gasping, sucking air in short surges, never breaking the fervent,
swirling contact of her eager mouth, tongue and lips. Even her nose was buried,
immersed in the moist, pink, velvety flesh of Annette's now steaming cunt.

"Ooohhhh ... Oooohhh ... cherie! It's too much ... I can't stand it!" Annette
wailed. "Oooohhhhhh ...!" Her voice died away in a strangled mixture of sob and
sigh and then broke out once more in a thin, high pitched whine as her passion
began to overflow all bounds she had ever known and swept through her loins with
the raging fury of a prairie fire. She twisted in the grip of her sweet agony,
jerked and writhed, but didn't break with the open, sucking mouth glued to her
cunt, while the flickering, enrapturing tongue played like summer lightning over
her clitoris, sending the sharp forks of jagged electricity through her body to
her confused, if, elated brain.

Frantically, she endured the pleasure, gasping, groaning, clutching at
Madeleine's long, blonde tresses with clawing fingers ... at last, shuddering
violently, then relaxing ... with spaced convulsing jerks as Madeleine continued
to lick and suck, refusing to end it.

Madeleine's own desire had reached such a point that she doubted if she could
bear it much longer. Her soft round belly and inflamed loins were quivering
hotly in their craving need for fulfillment. She could feel the moisture seeping
readily in little rivulets from her own excited, swollen cunt-lips, yet, she did
not want to give up the ecstatic joy that Annette's luscious, tight, moist pussy
was giving her, and though she eased away from the other's clitoris, she plunged
her tongue into the vagina, tasting the slightly acid-like secretion, licking
passionately the now-flushed and swollen cunt-lips.

"Mon Dieu!" Annette exclaimed, drawing shuddering breaths. She was no longer
certain if she had cum or was cumming, the breath-taking sensations spiraling
constantly through her pleasure-racked body having arrived at a point of
continuous flow, without interruption, until she was almost completely
enervated. She couldn't push Madeleine's head away, nor could she close her
thighs. Dear God, she was going to lose her mind! She sobbed aloud and Madeleine
returned to her wild tonguing of the hard little bud of her clitoris, making her
convulse as her stomach muscles went rigid and her hands locked around the
blonde head ... wanting, yet not wanting, her to stop. Once more, she spasmed
inside, her orgasm as gentle as a runaway freight car, her heart slamming wildly
in her chest, her mind awash in the momentary bliss as little animal-like sounds
gurgled up from deep in her throat, while her eyes glazed and her mouth hung
limply open.

Still, Madeleine kept on, and it was at that moment the heavy running sounds of
thundering feet came to Annette ... familiar noises she would have quickly
identified had she control of her wits.

Sir Launcelot announced his entrance with a loud bark and in a flash he leaped
onto the bed with bared fangs, standing over Madeleine's prone body between
Annette's wide-spread thighs. Madeleine screamed, trying to roll away, but the
great animal's fierce growl and gleaming teeth paralyzed her.

"No! No!" Annette managed, raising to her elbows. "No, lover!" She ordered the
beast. "Friend! It's all right, lover ... She's a friend ... you hear? Friend!"

Slowly, the massive dog seemed to comprehend, covering his teeth, his round,
devoted eyes darting from his mistress back to the warm, white body of the
blonde girl lying in still frozen horror beneath him. His ears seemed to snap
erect and his long nose lifted as if his nostrils had suddenly sensed a pleasing
and arousing smell. Abruptly, he whimpered and gazed longingly at his mistress.

Annette understood. She couldn't contain her little smile.

"Dear God! Get him off me!" Madeleine gasped in fright. "I don't dare move ...
Please, cherie ..."

"Don't worry, he won't hurt you," said Annette. "I've told him you're a friend
... He'll do whatever I tell him ... but how did he get free? I thought Shannon
locked him in a room?"

"S--So did I," stammered Madeleine, lying unmoving on her belly and looking
pleadingly with raised eyes upward between Annette's firm, pointed little
breasts at her smiling face. "He must have put him in the room with the broken
knob ... if he jumped up against the door, it would come open ..."

"Well, well," Annette said, continuing to smile. "So, this changes the whole
picture, doesn't it, Cherie? Now, I have my baby with me to give me protection,
eh ...?"

"P-Please, Annette ... after what I just did for you ... would you do anything
to hurt me?" Madeleine pleaded, her eyes wide with both fear and mental hurt. "I
thought that we ... that you ..."

She didn't finish and Annette said: "That I'd bring you pleasure as you did me?
Wasn't that what we said, Cherie?"

"Oui ... but I don't care now ... I'm too upset," said Madeleine, jerking
beneath the cold wet nose of the great animal above her who had suddenly began
to sniff at the smooth white crevice of her buttocks and downward toward her
loins between her slightly spread thighs. She cringed at the damp, grazing
touch, endeavoring to draw her legs together, but thinking better of the move as
Launcelot let off a wicked growl.

"Mon Dieu, cherie! Please call him off me ...!"

"Ahhh ... but no, Cherie," Annette replied, an evil, if, delightful little twist
contorting her attractive, thin-lipped mouth. "We promised each other pleasure
... now it's your turn, as well as my lover's, eh?"

Madeleine continued to gape at the obscenely sprawled girl beneath her who
seemed to be suddenly taking almost sadistic pleasure in her fear- striken
state. Whatever the girl meant, she had no idea, for certainly any desire she'd
felt before this beast had burst into the room to stand astraddle of her had
long since dissipated ...

My God! The brute was licking her ... licking between her legs at her naked,
defenseless genitals! Mother of God! She blurted: "Stop him, Annette! Can't you
see what he's doing?"

"Of course, I can see, ma cherie," Annette laughed excitedly. "Don't you
understand yet? My little pet wants some loving, cherie, eh? And I can assure
you, he's the finest lover you've ever had ... believe me, I know."

Madeleine continued to stare in disbelief. Was she losing her mind entirely? Did
... did Annette intend that she should avail herself to this animal ... like ...
like some rutting canine bitch ...?

"You see, ma cherie, he's picked up the scent of your excited little pussy, and
I doubt if anything could stop him now," Annette advised, her aroused little
smile never leaving her. "In fact, should you try ... I wouldn't be responsible
for what he might do to you. No, cherie, there's no way out of it ... so I'd
advise you to get up on your knees with your lovely little round ass high in the
air ... and the sooner the better."

"Mon Dieu, Annette! You can't mean it ..."

"Do as I say, damn you!" Annette snapped, her smile fading quickly. "Up onto
your knees!"

And Madeleine did, her mind abruptly whirling in a daze as she heard the giant
animal expound an almost lusty, savage growl behind her.

* * *

Earlier, Shannon had chosen a small lakeside village from which to make his
first call, and studied his directions on the navigation map he had acquired, so
that he would have no difficulty in piloting the launch at night. The distance
was five miles greater than their regular mainland dock, but he didn't mind
that. The near-cold breeze whipped up from the speed of the launch was
invigorating, especially after the aroused hard prick he had left the island
with. He needed something of this nature to cool his throbbing loins down. Two
exciting bitches under one roof was a little more than he could handle yet,
after five years of nothing but hand action.

Christ, he couldn't help the desire this Larreau broad raised inside him. Even
though he hadn't intended that anything like that should happen, there was
something about her trim figure ... that tight ass and those firm little tits
that set him off. Damn, how he'd like to get into her. He'd bet his last buck
that she had the snuggest little cunt he would ever come across, and he'd wager
she'd let him at it if he tried under different circumstances. So ... maybe he'd
just have to take it by force ... Of course, Madeleine wasn't going to like
that, but he guessed he could handle her if that need be. There was hardly any
room left in his life for gentleness; a man took what he wanted when he wanted
it, or forever went without, otherwise, he was a fool. And who knew better than
did he?

In actuality, Shannon figured he had committed one crime in his existence, one
grave offense against the written law, and for that he had paid with five years
of his life. He'd balanced the columns. In his mind, he was clean with society;
and now, with this episode he was cleverly manipulating, he would still be clean
and balanced. It was no violation to extort money from a pig like Larreau who
had come by it evilly himself. He thought of it as kind of a Robinhood type of
retaliation, with no stigma attached, and by the time he reached the town dock
of Inlet, he had almost convinced himself that he was about to do society a

He pulled the jacket collar higher around his neck and walked along the street
considering the cool temperature of the lake area in comparison to the heat of
Montreal. The little town, a summer-resort village, was deserted at this hour.
He walked until he came to a public phone booth, aware that the call could be
traced, but that it meant nothing. The next one he would make from Summerton,
seven miles away, and right now this hamlet was completely asleep. He wasn't
worried about being seen. He stepped into the booth, found change, and dialed
his number. Eventually, he reached his party.

"M'sieu' Larreau?"

"Oui," a sleepy, irritated voice growled.

"Listen very carefully, Larreau," Shannon spoke slowly, his hand cupped between
his lips and the mouthpiece. "Your daughter's been kidnapped. She's safe. If you
do as you're told, she'll stay safe, and be returned to you in that condition."

"Who ...? What the hell is this ... some kind of joke, eh?"

"It's no joke, Larreau! So don't start laughing too early! We've got your
daughter. You try anything, or bring the police into it ... you'll never see her
alive again!"

"M--My daughter ...? Annette ...? Christ! The hell you say ... damnit! Who is

"I repeat, Larreau. We're holding your daughter. It's going to cost you five-
hundred-thousand dollars ... a half-million bucks ... is she worth that to you?"

"You're making a mistake, damn you ... whoever you are ..."

"A half-million dollars ... clear, Larreau?" Shannon spat into the telephone.

"O--Oui ... it's clear."

"You try anything at all to trace us, or bring the police in ... and we'll send
her home to you in a bag ... all in little pieces, Larreau. You understand me?"

"All right ... all right ... Christ, you make yourself clear," the fat little
crime czar managed.

"Good. I'll contact you again soon. At that time, I'll give you directions
regarding the money. You better have it ready at a moment's notice ... you'll
have only a short time to deliver it. Clear?"

"Y ... You're making a mistake, whoever in hell you are!" Larreau snarled at
him. "I warn you ..."

"Don't bother, slob. And don't you make any mistakes ... unless you want a jig-
saw puzzle for a daughter. Now ... do we understand one another?"

Silence ... then: "Oui ... it's clear."

Shannon hung up. He stepped out onto the street and took a long breath. So ...
the game was on; he was committed. He flipped up his jacket collar, lighted a
cigarette and walked back toward the town landing. Now, to the island for some
fun and games.

* * *

Madeleine could not control her trembling as the huge muscular animal sniffed
hungrily at her naked genitals. She looked to Annette who was smiling, hardly
daring to breath. She wanted to scream ... but the great animal's wet nose
against her anus shocked the urge out of her and automatically she lurched
forward. Abruptly, she felt his tongue snake out and lick wetly up and down the
crevice of her buttocks. His tongue taunted her tiny anal ring and she had to
set herself against the sudden sensations that soared through her. She started
to protest audibly and then the great dane began lightly licking her vaginal
slit. She felt his tongue running the full length of it as simultaneously she
felt Annette's hand on her naked shoulder.

"Spread your legs wider apart, Cherie. Wider!" she ordered. "Open your cunt to

"Mon Dieu, Annette! What are you saying ...?"

"Do as I tell you!" snapped Annette; and she did, in uncontrollable fear.

Sir Launcelot whimpered excitedly, running his tongue the full distance of her
open crotch, from the tightly clenched hole of her puckered anus, down beneath
the taut pink edges of her pussy, even to the base of her mound of silken hair
where it penetrated wetly to flick against her clitoris. Again and again, he
repeated the act, his tongue laving through her soft, hair-covered genitals
savagely, spreading her open in the tenderest parts until she began to twitch
and jerk noticeably at his lapping and sniffing of her loins.

Madeleine continued to gape at Annette, but actually perceived her only in
brief, fleeting moments as the unbelievable jolts of erotic sensation began to
take command of her.

Mon Dieu ...!

She gasped aloud as Launcelot drew his long, thick tongue the entire measure of
her cunt. Subconsciously, she clenched her eyes tightly shut and inched her
knees a little farther apart to open the pink, gently quivering gap further to
him. His animal tongue thrust up the moist hair-lined fissure, tingling at the
mouth of her vagina, ravishing her now defenseless genitals mercilessly. She
moaned openly and suddenly saw Annette squirming further down beneath her ...
drawing her slender white legs back to her breasts so that her own moist cunt
was completely exposed to her ... only inches from her face.

And then, it happened! Sir Launcelot mounted her ... his muscular, furry body
crowding in toward her buttocks, his forelegs clutching at her hips. The
beautiful animal's lashing, wet tongue had set her loins ablaze again with
desire and as she turned her head she caught the entire reflection of their
obscene act in a full-length wall mirror; the sight of the splendid beast
mounting the sensuously spread spheres of her soft white buttocks, and the
vision of Annette lying on her back with her thighs pulled back in lewd
presentation of her open cuntal passage to be licked sending untold licentious
passion spiraling through her mind and body.

She saw the reflection of Launcelot's massive, glistening, coral penis shoot
forth from its long sheath, wet and hard, the tapered end slipping and dancing
in the moist furrow of her cunt, and she felt the strong animal body jerk
against her as he tried to penetrate her vagina with the thick, pointed shaft.

"Help him, Cherie," Annette instructed as she, too, watched in lewd delight
their lascivious reflection in the mirror, her hand slipping down between her
raised thighs to probe and rub and tweak, her long index finger finally easing
in and out, in and out, in and out, between the wet lubricated lips of her
gently contracting vagina.

With an unrestrained moan, Madeleine shifted her round, white buttocks in
searching little circles attempting to capture Launcelot's lengthening prick,
the tension within her mounting to a near unbearable peak. She wanted the long
slippery shaft inside her ... had to have it inside her before she lost her mind
with her building need. Frantically, she reached down through the beautiful arch
of her thighs and crotch, grasping the moist, rubbery spear of hard animal flesh
and guided its throbbing tip toward her pink, damp vagina. Immediately, he
thrust, spreading her slightly opened cunt wider and wider as with a snarl he
buried his long animal cock deep up into the squirming pink hole between her

"Aaaaggghhhhhh!" she grunted gutturally, her breath literally bursting from her
lungs. "Oooohhhhggggggg!"

Annette watched in lustful fascination as the thick scarlet shaft slithered
forward with a wet charge until it was sunk to the hilt, Launcelot's hairy balls
swinging lewdly down beneath Madeleine's damp raven pubic hair.

"Oh ... Oh ... Mon Dieu!" Madeleine moaned, her eyes wide but glazed as the
brute fucked into her from behind while she stared down at Annette's several
fingers moving sleekly in and out of her own pink, wide-split cunt. "Oooohhh ...
oooohhhhh ... ooohhhhh," she chanted, almost in relief as she began to move
backward rhythmically to meet the animal's powerful, long strokes into her.

Annette watched as if mesmerized, her fingers pummeling her tingling, wet pussy
while her eyes remained fixed on Madeleine's beautiful, contorted face,
completely enraptured by the delicious dog-fucking Launcelot was giving her. She
watched with carnal entrancement the lovely girl's full taut breasts dancing and
swaying beneath her writhing torso like pendulous, fleshy melons, keeping tempo
with Sir Launcelot's magnificent cock skewering deeper and deeper into her from
behind, his muscular body ramming and thudding resoundingly between her
luscious, wide-spread buttocks, his prick a merciless piston of glistening rigid
animal flesh sinking to its full depth deep into her soft white belly.

Suddenly, Annette wound her fingers in Madeleine's long hair and drew her face
downward into her opened, damp crotch, holding her gently until she felt the
girl's hot, wet tongue begin to lick the moist, pink flesh ... the roundness of
her lips sucking wildly at her clitoris ... the length of her tongue darting up
into her vagina, slashing, swirling, probing ... and she felt the hot breaths
coming in tight gasps against her pink, sensitive flesh as Madeleine rotated her
buttocks furiously, grinding them back against the animal like a hungry bitch in

The erotic lewd sight had become more than Annette could endure; she couldn't
hold back the climax that was about to erupt inside her from the voracious
mouthing of her cunt that Madeleine was administering. She tossed back her head
and wailed deeply as the needle-like pressure in her loins and belly peaked to
send waves of rapacious erotic pleasure soaring through her, causing her legs to
jerk out spasmodically on either side of Madeleine's golden head cradled face-
first in the crotch of her wide-spread legs.

And suddenly, did Madeleine, too, lift her head and cried out a gurgling sound
from deep in her chest. Her glazed dark eyes grew large and round as she
whimpered: "Mon Dieu ... It's beautiful! Oh God ... fuck me! Fuck me, you
magnificent animal ...! Oh ... Oooohhhh ...!" and her voice died in a strangled
mixture of sob and sigh, her head twisting from side to side, her long blonde
hair flailing wildly as she began the first spasms of orgasms, screwing her
buttocks back onto the thick, driving, animal cock with desperate fury.

Annette watched in the mirror as Launcelot's tongue hung loosely from the side
of his great open jaws, panting and dripping its saliva on the smooth white
flesh of Madeleine's voluptuous, arched back while he fucked into the wide-
spread crevice between her wildly undulating buttocks from behind with savage
animal frenzy. Then, Madeleine shrieked and slammed her ass back against the dog
with a frantic jerk as simultaneously he thrust forward and his prick began to
spew his animal sperm deep up into her belly with long hard spurts. Again, she
screamed, and her buttocks began to contract convulsively while Annette watched
the mirror lustfully to see the thick, white combination of animal-human
orgasmic liquid ooze from her tight cunt that was still clasping and milking
Launcelot's long, heavy prick, and thin rivulets of the sticky fluid trickled
down the smooth white columns of her inner thighs ... until at last, she
collapsed, her head falling back to the soft cradle of Annette's crotch, her
cheek nestled against the swollen down covered mound of her moist pussy, a long
sigh of release escaping her.

Annette ran her hand through the entangled mass of silken, blonde tinted hair
and smiled down at her. She started to speak, but never finished. Instead,
Shannon, whom neither had heard enter the house, said from the doorway: "Is this
a private fucking party ... or can anyone join in?"

Chapter 9

At first, when he'd found the open door to the room where he'd imprisoned the
dog and the animal gone, Shannon had experienced a cold emptiness at the pit of
his stomach. What the hell had happened? Madeleine would never have let the
damned brute out, but Annette would ... if she'd gotten the chance ... and in
order to have obtained that she would've had to put Madeleine out of commission

He'd ran through the house and taken the stairs three at a time, only to come up
short in the open doorway of the bedroom where he'd ordered the girls to stay.
Christ! They were there all right, dog and all, so godamned involved in a three-
way orgy that they hadn't even heard him come pounding up the stairs. Even
Launcelot's normal protective instincts had evidently been so overshadowed by
his ruttish heat that he'd failed to detect the newcomer's presence.

Shannon could only gape in amazement at the unbelievably licentious sight. Both
girls were completely naked: Annette sprawled on her back with her cream-white
thighs yawning wide while Madeleine, with her beautiful round ass thrust high in
the air, lay with her face nuzzled tightly in their prisoner's wet, down-covered
genitals, her tongue licking furiously at Annette's pink, open cunt, and mounted
behind Madeleine with his forepaws clutching at her waist and hips, his near-
foot of thick scarlet animal prick jack-hammering between her quivering,
upthrust buttocks, sinking its full length into the coral, velvety flesh of her
moist hair-fringed cunt, was the godamned Great Dane, fucking his heart out.

In his eventful and too often wicked lifetime, Shannon had never witnessed a
more obscene sight that he could recall, nor had his cock ever leaped into
hardness any quicker than it had right at that moment. He was damned near
overcome with immediate lust and he clutched at his swollen member inside his
trousers as Madeleine emitted a loud moan and began to chant and wail, her head
raising to toss wildly from side to side while her soft sensuous body jerked and
convulsed on the thick and squirting animal cock that was ramming and shooting
its load like a fire hose up into her soft white belly. It was at the precise
moment that she fell forward burying her face once more in Annette's crotch that
he reached down and tore open the front of his pants, releasing his jumping and
already aching shaft. He said: "Is this a private party ... or can anyone join

Annette raised to her elbows and craned her neck to see him in the doorway. She
wasn't certain, but she doubted that Madeleine had heard him, and as she stared
in shocked surprise she realized that the fly of his trousers was open and he
was holding his heavy-looking cock lewdly in his hand, his pelvis thrust
slightly forward. She felt her face flushing shamefully at the thought of him
standing there watching their salacious performance, and then Launcelot
interrupted with a vicious growl and she ordered him to the floor and to
silence. Meekly, the animal obeyed as Shannon walked toward the bed gripping his
long, thick prick, and she found her eyes suddenly locked upon it in rapidly
growing fascination.

It was then that Madeleine also realized someone had entered and sat up with a
start, her mouth dropping open guiltily at the sight of him, her immediate
humiliation giving way quickly to astonishment when she saw that he was holding
his rigid, heavy rod in his hand.

"Mon Dieu! Shannon, cheri," she gasped, her face a glowing crimsom. "I didn't
hear ... that is ... I ... we can explain ... Wh--What are you doing ...?"

He was, in fact, undressing as fast as he could and grinning at the same time.
"What the hell do you think I'm doing? I'm getting ready to join the party, baby
... even up the score with that dog, eh?"

"Wh--What do you mean, Cheri!" Madeleine stammered. "Please ... I couldn't help
myself ..."

"No?" Shannon continued to grin as he dropped his shorts down his long muscular
legs and stood naked before the two embarrassed, staring girls. "And that's my
problem, angel ... I can't help myself. I figure if that dog can fuck my
mistress, then I can even the score and fuck his ... logical?" His keen, hard
blue eyes narrowed lustfully and centered upon Annette's sleek willowy
nakedness. "How does that strike you, Ma'm'selle?"

"If ... if I say the word, Launcelot'll tear you to pieces," Annette replied
sharply, but confusedly, her passion once more aroused by the carnal sight of
the thick stalk of rigid flesh jutting out in an upward arch from his lean hairy
loins, yet, unable to accept willingly this man who had deceived her, whose
prisoner she was, and who might even be considering murdering her if her father
failed to meet his ransom demands. God, in truth, she hated him ... and she
didn't intend to be taken by a man she hated ...

"Please, Cheri, you mustn't," pleaded Madeleine, getting off the bed to stand
between him and Annette where she lay. "Mon Dieu, she means it, Shannon ... the
animal is a killer. I couldn't help myself ... I had to let him ..."

"Shut up!" he snapped at her, pressing her to one side not too gently. Then, to
Annette who hadn't moved except to close her thighs: "I'm going to fuck you,
doll-baby ... and if that canine makes one move toward me I'll crush his
elephant skull with a chair. Now ... you going to take it willingly ... or do I
rape you?"

Annette couldn't avoid the tiny galvanic tingles his lewd words raised inside
her, nor control the thrill of excitement his pledge caused to ripple along her
spine. She stared at him round-eyed, her line of vision once more fixing upon
his stiff, thick sinewed cock, and as she gaped he drew the heavy foreskin back
exposing its huge purplish, rubbery head and causing tiny droplets of its
seminal fluid to ooze from the split at its tip. A tiny series of shudders
spiraled through her and she felt the gooseflesh standing out on her naked skin.

"D--Damn you!" she gasped finally.

"Please, Shannon ..." Madeleine tried once more, reaching for his arm, but he
shook her off and began to move slowly toward the bed.

"Spread 'em, Baby-doll ... spread 'em wide," he hissed. "'cause this Yankee
bastard's going to fuck you like you've never had it before ..."

"Damn you! Godamn you ...!" She groaned out between hard clenched teeth and
began to move, but Shannon climbed onto the bed, grabbing her as she tried to
roll away. Roughly, he pressed her onto her back and forced his way between her
kicking legs as Launcelot growled and gave a start, his great muscular body
tensed and quivering, yet, unmoving in obedience to his mistress' last command.

"How'll you have it, Baby-doll ... a fucking in the mouth or pussy ... or maybe
you'd rather take it in the ass for starters?" Shannon hissed down at her, his
weight cradled between her forced-apart thighs, pinning her body while his big
hands held hers tight to the bed.

Annette trembled in rage, fear and hate; still, she was aware of the hot
churning desire the sight of his massive prick had re-kindled in her belly,
along with a certain twinge of shame and humiliation that flickered through her
confused mind. She struggled, throwing her head from side to side, tears of
frustration streaming down the edges of her cheeks.

"One ... one word from me, damn you and Launcelot would kill you!" she reminded
him, spitting the words up at him between clenched teeth.

"Don't try it, sweetheart ... not if you value the dog's life," warned Shannon
firmly. "Just answer the question ... which way?"

"You ... you yankee bastard!" she snarled viciously, but giving up her

"Oh God, Cheri. please don't ...?" Madeleine begged from where she stood beside
the bed gaping helplessly down at them, realizing even as she spoke that her
words were falling on deaf ears.

"You want me to decide for you?" Shannon taunted, grinning obscenely as he
ground his rock-hard shaft against the tender, sensitive, pink moist slit in
Annette's defenseless crotch. "You seem to like the sucking approach ... maybe,
you'd like to eat a little cock first, eh?"

"Oh God ...!" Annette moaned helplessly. "Fuck it! Go ahead ... fuck me, you
yankee bastard!" she hissed at him, the fire licking through her loins at the
brutal contact with his huge prick, spurred further by her sheer helplessness
and the obscene position in which he was holding her. "Well ...? What're you
waiting for ... an engraved invitation? Come on ... fuck my cunt! Now!" she
half-screamed up into his salaciously leering face, wiggling her buttocks in
lewd, suggestive fashion.

Shannon needed no coaxing. He let free of her hands and reached down to draw her
legs up and back over her head before she hardly realized what was happening,
pressing the toes of her feet harshly into the mattress on either side of her
shoulders. Her tortured body was bent back double, the sudden pain of her
strained muscles raising an agonized little groan from her throat. The
glistening, flattened plane of her delightful crotch was presented up to him to
ravage as he would with his thick cock aimed straight at her defenseless
upturned split. Suddenly, his heavy body crushed down on her twisting form,
smashing her taut breasts tightly back into her chest. His heavy rod plunged
into her unresisting cunt like a blunt fence-post, pushing the velvety moist
folds of sensitive flesh in rippling waves before its cruel turgid head.

"Aaaauuuggghhhhhhh!" Annette grunted loudly at the sharp, brutal impalement,
even more surprised now at its heavy-veined thickness as it soared up into her,
ramming painfully against her cervix. She winced beneath the agony, but it was
only a temporary shock that soon passed as the greedy moist walls of her vagina
clasped around the massive shaft voraciously, the hair-lined lips slithering up
wetly to devour its length to the hilt. His bloated balls smacked hard into the
wet, naked crevice of her buttocks and she moaned in masochistic degraded
humiliation at the pleasurable pain surging through her.

Madeleine watched in sickened, if, growing fascination the sight of Shannon's
raised buttocks tensing heavily as he drove downward with unmerciful force,
sinking his sinewed prick all the way into Annette's moist, gaping channel,
until only a narrow white stretch of it showed, wet and glistening, beneath his
heavy balls. She cringed, hearing the smack of his pelvis against the girl's,
and stared as he withdrew and thrust, withdrew and thrust in ever-increasing
rhythm, the underside of his prick's huge head becoming visible with each
withdrawal. At last, he freed Annette's long slender legs and quickly they
wrapped around his hips, her heels tight against the cheeks of his ass,
straining to pull him back inside her. The cords on the insides of her thighs
flexed tightly as she raised her soft, down-covered genitals back up over his
spearing cock, her hollowed buttocks lifting inches off the bed while she
struggled upward desperately in her effort to absorb the entire length of his
rod back into the fleshy pink folds of her now hungry cunt. A wet, viscid sound
filled the room as they fucked furiously and Launcelot began to whimper on the
floor beside the bed.

Madeleine felt her own belly quiver sensuously at the lascivious scene, and her
loins began to tingle once more as she became dimly aware of her hands moving
over her body lustfully. She couldn't help herself, anymore than she could
contain the sensations that had brought about her masturbation earlier.
Abruptly, she lay down on the bed beside them and began caressing the swollen
nipple of Annette's heaving breast. This, she did with one hand, while with the
other she reached between Shannon's legs to grasp the hot slipperiness of his
plunging cock. The heat and familiar thickness of it as it pounded savagely into
Annette's cunt aroused a welling of carnal passion to fill her, and momentarily
she began to run her finger into the soft, yielding flesh alongside the driving
shaft ... feeling it slide hotly back and forth against the length of her
probing digit.

Annette's wildly writhing body was lifting and jerking as if completely out of
control now and her moans and whimpers of ecstatic pleasure were coming in
continuous gasping breaths.

"Ooohhh ... Ooohhh ... Oui, oui ... fuck me mon cher! Damn you! Damn you! Fuck
me hard ... harder ... harder!" she wailed chokingly.

Madeleine carefully adjusted her hand until she was able to withdraw her finger
and insert her thumb in its place; then, with her free forefinger she began to
edge her way down into the smooth dampened crease between Annette's buttocks
until she felt the tiny puckered circle of her wildly working anus. The girl's
hips squirmed and jerked convulsively at the touch, and very gently, Madeleine
began to slowly press the tip of her finger into the tight opening ... probing
almost imperceptibly deeper and deeper into the rubbery warmth of the small
clasping orifice. Soon, through the thin wall of hot flesh separating Annette's
cunt and rectum, she was able to feel the urgent thrusting of Shannon's cock
driving against the pressing contact of her thumb. The sensation of lewd delight
it caused within her was all that Madeleine needed to set her off.

She lay on her side facing them, her back to the edge of the bed where Launcelot
waited, whimpering. Suddenly, she raised her leg, opening her thighs wide as she
jutted her buttocks backwards and called: "Come, Launcelot, cheri! Come! Hurry
... here, here ...!"

Immediately, the great animal responded, poking his wet, cool nose between her
thighs to the sensitive, tingling flesh of her exposed crotch, his long wet
tongue thrusting into her well-lubricated vulva and up the moist passageway of
her cunt like a rapacious slithering snake, ravishing her open split with
pleasure-giving delight.

At first touch of something foreign slipping into the forbidden tender softness
of her heretofore unplundered rectum, Annette had felt a scream building in her
throat ... but whatever it was, it was being done so gently ... so very, very
gently, that instead of pain she began to experience a weird and additional
erotic pleasure ... increasing with every passing second as the probing depths
of the unknown instrument thrust its way deep up into her nether hole ...
Slowly, Shannon began to increase the pace and length of his stroke fucking into
her cunt and she felt her whole body responding as it squirmed and writhed
beneath him.

Then, he dropped her mouth to hers and she shot her tongue upward between his
lips to be sucked, and she moaned unceasingly in passion- filled acceptance of
whatever lewd or vile whim his mind could conceive to subjugate her.
Masochistically, she raised her crotch up to him in simultaneous rhythm to his
ever downward plunge, sensing her own desire-contorted grimace of wanton joy as
her mouth opened and closed against his lips while her heart became completely
his in abject surrender.

Abruptly, the still whimpering Launcelot bounced up onto the bed, frightening
Madeleine at first, and causing her to jerk her fingers from Annette's seething,
moist genitals as she rolled onto her back, her thighs still yawning widely,
exposing her dark hair-lined cuntal crevice to the massive beast. She raised her
head to look down between her full, erect breasts to see his great tongue lash
out and lick wetly up and down the crevice surrounding her snug, tiny rectum,
the tip burrowing slightly into the outer fleshy anal circle. As she watched, he
began to lap greedily the narrow pink slit between her wide-spread thighs. He
ran his tongue wetly through it, from the tightly closed little anus up over the
fluted pink edges of her cunt to the erotic plexus of her womanhood enshrined at
its peak. His thick tongue spread through the soft, fleece-covered swelling like
a knife through soft melted butter. It laved relentlessly between her wide open
legs, pausing only sporadically to lunge in a curl deeply into her. She spasmed
fitfully as she twisted and lurched under the Great Dane's tongue lapping and
lashing at her genitals.

Soft mewls of delight erupted from her until suddenly she placed her hands to
the sides of his massive head and with a deep animalistic groan, kicked her legs
back over her head, pulling his long nose forward into her wet, throbbing
vagina. His lengthy tongue shot up her moist channel with breathtaking delight,
ravishing her upthrust cunt wildly. It was then that the feral, babbling, half-
shrieks began to stream crazily from her lips, pleading and encouraging the dumb
brute salivating between her churning, upturned buttocks.

"Oh ... oh ... Mon Dieu! I'm going to cum ... oui ... oui ... ooohhhhhh ... lick
it, damn you! Lick my cunt you fucking beast!"

Annette barely heard Madeleine's vile screams of release as Shannon raced madly
into her own lust-incited cunt. Wildly, his bloated sac slapped into the wet
crevice separating her buttocks and she groaned loudly at the filling of her
tingling passage as he began an even deeper, harder thrusting into her seething
crotch. Her head rolled loosely from side to side, her mouth opened in abandoned
ecstasy. It was almost there ... almost! Oh God ... she loved him ... loved him
... oui, oui ...! His thick expanding cock was digging into her like a pile-
driver, and she felt the cords in her neck twitch and tighten in an unmistakable

"Oh Christ ...! I'm going to ... going to cum! Now ... Shannon, Cheri ... Oui!
Fuck harder! Fuck harder, mon cher ... I love you ... cream me ... cream me full
... I'm cuuummmmmiiiinnnngggggg!" she gasped in a voice shrill with passion.
"I--I--I'm cuuummmiiinnnggg ... aaahhhhhhhh!"

Her hands darted behind his driving buttocks, pulling at him frantically to draw
him deeper and deeper into her spread crotch. White, sticky liquid flowed wetly
out around his still-driving prick, spilling down the split of her buttocks to
flood his balls as they rubbed tauntingly against her tightly puckered anus.

"Oui ... oui, Cheri," cried Madeleine suddenly. "Fuck her hard ... shoot it into
her, my Shannon ...!"

Suddenly, Shannon felt Madeleine's hand between his legs, her long nails raking
gently and teasingly against the soft, sensitive flesh of his balls, her other
hand caressing his hard buttocks as he fucked furiously into the climaxing girl.
Spurred on by her words and lewd manipulations, he dug deeper into the
squirming, hair-lined hole beneath him, once more forcing Annette's legs over
her head, pushing them farther and farther back while he hammered into her with
demonical force. Convulsive flashes of ecstatic pain shot through his loins as
the girl beneath him continued to grunt out her climax, the juices still flowing
in unchecked spurts down the full quivering cheeks of her jerking ass.

She was near exhausted as Shannon groaned, signaling his time, and abruptly she
felt the hot waves of his sperm shooting deep up into her dilating womb. Her
head swam in depraved sensuality as the hot, powerful squirts surged insanely
into her, filling her to the near bursting point with its milky whiteness. The
hot, wet walls of her vagina clasped and unclasped in automatic cadence, pulling
at the jerking organ like a sucking, voraciously hungry mouth. Annette's sleek,
willowy body was drained of everything, her limbs collapsing loosely on the bed
as Shannon's grip on her legs was released. She fell into a spread-eagle
position and she sensed the heavy weight lift from her while a cool rush of air
brushed her sweat-soaked body. She wanted only to sleep ... to sleep ... then
later ... she'd tell them of her own plan ... but she must sleep first ...

Chapter 10

Shannon was awakened in the night by a small, warm, gentle hand wrapped around
and massaging his rejuvenating shaft into a vigorous rigid state. For a moment,
his sleep fogged brain failed him and he dwelt in a rapturous dream of sensual
bliss, wherein he lay upon a haremish couch being sexually administered to by a
pair of lovely concubines ... and then, his senses abruptly cleared, a
delightful thought immediately occurring to him ... reality was more enticing
than his dream ...

He lay between them in their naked loveliness: Madeleine slept, her soft,
voluptuous body partially curled, close against him, her limp hand resting on
his chest; Annette, on his left, writhed gently, her long willowy form sleek and
satiny as it squirmed and pressed hotly, vibrantly to his own while her small,
slender hand continued its taunting ministrations to his ever-hardening prick.

Finally, she whispered, her breath warm in his face: "At last, you're awake,
Cheri. I was beginning to wonder if I'd lost my touch."

Shannon grunted softly as her small hand began to work the heavy foreskin slowly
up and down his lengthening rod. He could feel the cool air brush against its
naked, rubbery head as she drew the thick skin down below the coronal rim, then
assisted it in its re-sheathing. He slipped his arm beneath and around her, his
big hand cupping her small but resilient firm breast and felt the nipple harden
against the palm of his hand as he drew her snugly to him. "Don't you ever
sleep?" he whispered back, kissing the tip of her nose.

"I--I wanted to talk to you," she said.

"You've got a nice way of gaining a man's attention," he replied and she
tittered softly.

"Well ... I've got other things in mind too," she added, pressing the wet tip of
her tiny tongue into his ear.

"I'd never guess," said Shannon, cringing pleasureably before her tantalizing
tongue. "What do you want to talk about, teasing?"

"Sh-h-h-h," she hissed, giving his now solid prick a tight little squeeze as a
galvanic chill rippled through her at the sound and thought of the whispered
lewd word and all of its connotations. "Listen to me, Shannon, cheri ... I want
to join you ... help you, eh?"

For a moment, he didn't answer. Then: "Join me ...? What do you mean?"

"Throw in with you ... both of you ... help you get the ransom money from my
father," she said quickly, excitedly. "Don't you see? With my help, we couldn't
fail ..."

"And without it, we will, eh? Is that what you're saying?" Shannon whispered
back at her.

"Maybe ... maybe not, I don't know, Cher, but no one knows Gaston Larreau better
than I do ... I know how his evil mind works, and I believe I can out-guess him,
where you might not be so lucky because you don't understand how he thinks, eh?
Doesn't it make sense ...?"

"Why?" Shannon interrupted. "Why would you want to do this? I mean ... we're
going to take a half-million dollars from your papa, Baby ..."

"So? You think I'm above stealing a half-million dollars from that pig?" she
hissed vehemently. "I hate and despise him for as many reasons! He is evil ...
Oh God, Shannon, Mon cher ... that's not all," she went on, her whispering voice
mellowing suddenly. "I ... I think I love you ... and maybe even Madeleine too
... I want to be with both of you ... forever ... is that so crazy, eh?"

Shannon swallowed tightly; she was writhing her warm sensuous body salaciously
against him once more, her soft hand doing marvelous things with his cock and
balls ... and just the mere thought of her triad conjugal suggestion was enough
to incite the growing lust inside him. "I ... I don't know," he said after a
moment. "Christ ... I can't think right now ... we'll have to talk to Madeleine
about it anyway ..."

"Merci, Cheri!" came a soft interrupting voice from his right, and Shannon felt
Madeleine's gorgeous contours moving closer to caress his desire-tensing body
possessively, her own hand making warm, delightful little circles against the
lean muscles of his hairy chest. "I've been waiting for you to say that as I lay
here listening."

"You've been awake all the time?" Shannon questioned, looking over at her in the

"Oui ... I've been listening ... and you made me happy ... both of you," she
replied. "Maybe, Annette's idea is a good one, eh? Wouldn't we have a better
chance of succeeding ...?"

"In what, making love or kidnapping?" Shannon punned.

Both girls had raised to their elbows and Annette had turned on the small
bedside lamp. They looked at one another above his chest and Shannon read the
gleams of anticipation and excitement in their faces. Then, Madeleine's hand
slithered down over his stomach causing gooseflesh to raise on him as her
fingers trailed lightly through his pubic hair to cover Annette's hand still
grasping his now aching cock. It was the most lewd three-way pact he had ever
witnessed contracted.

"Christ!" he blurted. "You gals are driving me out of my mind. You got that
prick up from its sleep, now, what're you going to do with it?"

For answer, Madeleine removed her hand and slowly eased down in the bed. While
Shannon watched fascinated, Annette held his cock and Madeleine lowered her
mouth down to it, abruptly enclosing the full, pulsating glans in a soft, warm
pressure. He groaned, thrusting his loins upward automatically as the warm
moistness of her ovalled, lips closed over the throbbing sensitive head.

Gently, Annette's small hand worked up and down the rigid shaft while
Madeleine's lips slid down to meet her clasping fingers, and she began to suck
it steadily, rhythmically ... up and down with a twisting motion of her tongue
at the peak of each stroke.

Shannon tensed his loins and Annette leaned over him to dangle one firm taut
breast with its distended nipple above his lips. Ravenously, he sucked it into
his mouth and between his teeth to nibble and bite, causing the slender girl to
gasp and whimper with the pleasure-pain. Below, at his crotch, Madeleine moaned
and began to suck harder, nipping now and then with the edges of her teeth. His
prick was white beneath the scraping suck and rich purple at its smooth turgid
head. He felt her hands cupping and cradling his balls while she plunged her
mouth down over it from above. Suddenly, he raised his head slightly as he
sucked at Annette's throbbing tit and saw his massive cock nearly disappearing
right down Madeleine's throat. Annette had removed her hand and was dipping it
into the moistened slit between her own legs.

Momentarily, Shannon's eyes fell on Launcelot standing erect at the foot of the
bed, watching and whimpering as his great tail wagged back and forth. Fuck you,
hound, he thought wildly. Go get your own bitches!

Madeleine's tongue, with that final swiping lick, was making the glans vibrate
and pulse maddeningly. He watched her face stuffed with his cock, working over
him hungrily, her lips being pulled out grotesquely, her cheeks hollowing as she
sucked in wanton delight ... and suddenly, she stopped.

"What the hell!" he gasped. "What're you stopping for, damnit ...?"

Madeleine smiled as she raised her head, tossing her long blonde-tinted hair
back over her shoulders. "To try something else, Cheri!" she said scurrying to
her knees beside him, and Annette raised in like fashion on the other side. "I
have an idea ... as well as a wild desire to have it another way, my Shannon?
Will you let me do as I want ...?"

"Damn ... I don't care what you do ... but do something before I come unglued,"
he said, the pressure she had sucked into being causing his balls to throb and
his prick to jerk achingly.

"Oui, Cheri!" Madeleine nodded enthusiastically. "I want it in my backside ...
may I ...?"

"Oh ..." Annette gasped at the mere mention of the other's desire. "Oui ... Oui
... let me help, Cherie."

Wild spasms of lust twisted salaciously in Shannon's brain. "All right," he
said. "But I'm not moving. The two of you can work it out your own way while I
just lay here like some big fat potentate. How's that suit your fancy?"

"And we'll be your slaves!" cried Annette excitedly, delighted with the lewd and
masochistic theme their private little orgy was taking.

"I'll just dictate," said Shannon, grinning.

"Oui oui!" agreed Madeleine. "So ... what do we do first, Master?"

Annette tittered, her flesh tingling feverishly at the sound of the title
Madeleine had used.

"Okay ... Madeleine, you get on your hands and knees so that Annette can lick
your tight little asshole and prepare it. How's that for starters?"

Madeleine gave a little shudder of delight and quickly moved around in the bed
to do as she was ordered, while Annette got to her knees behind her more
hesitantly, her brain whirling with the lascivious sensations his obscene
command had instigated within her. She had never done such a thing ... to
perform the act on a man was one thing, but upon a woman ... she wondered if she
could do it ... and Madeleine waggled her round white buttocks expectantly back
toward where she knelt.

They were beautiful, ovalled, white moon-shaped buttocks, and Annette could see
the hairless, puckered brown opening as the lovely girl lowered her shoulders to
the bed, thrusting the enchanting area back at her. Annette's eyes lowered to
the long coral slit of her cunt with its hair-lined lips only partially opened,
and she could see the enticing pink flesh within. Small, sparkling droplets of
viscous fluid clung to the thin fleecy lips ... and suddenly she sensed herself
moving forward as if being drawn by a magnet ... until the musky-perfumed scent
stung her nostrils pleasingly and she lashed out with her tongue, going down
deep toward the voluptuous girl's throbbing clitoris, just as Madeleine had done
to her earlier that night. She found it enclosed within the inner-petals, her
own lips coming in contact with the silky, pubic- haired folds of flesh as she
stretched her tongue to its entirety, its tip stabbing at the erect bud and
raising a deep groan from Madeleine's throat.

Slowly, Annette swept upward, flicking her tongue tip several times against the
twitching clitoris, then backward toward the round viscous covered opening of
her vagina, plunging in far enough to feel the rippled walls of hot flesh nibble
and milk at her tongue, then out to taunt her urethra before traveling on up the
satin-smooth vale between her buttocks to the crinkled mouth of her pulsating

Oh, Mon Dieu! It's wonderful! The delicious taste of her cunt ... I never
realized ... I love her ... love him ... love me!

"Okay," interrupted Shannon. "Enough of that. Let's get down to the nitty gritty
... Come on, Madeleine ... sit down on it. I'll just lay here like any potentate
worth his salt and you slip my cock right up your ass."

"Oui ... oui, Cheri!" exclaimed Madeleine, moving quickly to get above him with
her back facing him in a semi-squatting position.

While she was doing this, he said to Annette: "Ever lick another girl's ass
before, Baby?"

"No ... no, Cheri," Annette replied, her dark eyes alive with the obvious carnal
sensations it had given her. "But I intend to do it again ... and yours many
many times over."

Shannon pulled her down to him and kissed her mouth hungrily, running his tongue
over her thin lips and into her mouth, tasting the familiar sweet tang of his
Madeleine there.

"Aaaauuuuugggghhh," Madeleine groaned holding tight to Shannon's long thick cock
and both he and Annette watched while she wormed the turgid rubbery head into
the tiny orifice, squirming and wriggling her squatting wide-spread buttocks in
her effort to skewer the massive cudgel up into her unbelievably wide stretching
hole. Greedily, she lowered herself down onto it, the grunting little whimpers
of torment she emitted charging both viewers wildly.

"Does it hurt, cherie?" questioned Annette, suddenly getting to her knees and
reaching around to caress Madeleine's full, magnificent breast with sympathetic,
if, masochistic envy. "Does it hurt beautifully?"

"Ooohhh ... Oooohhhhh Christ," Madeleine cried. "I ... I ... Oh ... it's
horrible ... it's beautiful ... I love it!"

Shannon chuckled in obscene delight as he watched her gyrate her splendid hips
down ... down ... until her ass-cheeks were flat against his pelvis, and he
began to work with her, gently, in an effort to widen her back passage with his
cock thrust hurtingly to its full length up the tight, hot velvety channel of
her entrancing bottom.

"Christ, what a beautiful ass you've got, Baby," Shannon said, tensing and
thrusting as she squirmed her buttocks down even tighter to his pelvis, forcing
his cock further up into her.

"Ooohhhh, Mon Dieu! It's going to come right out my mouth," Madeleine gasped as
slowly she lay back atop of him, her arms resting on the bed at the elbows while
Annette stared at the two of them in licentious fascination.

Madeleine's dark hair-lined pussy looked up at her, its long pink slit trailing
down to her soft white buttocks where Annette could see Shannon's massive cock
splitting them ... holding them apart ... its thick length buried to the hilt up
her wide-stretched anus, and his heavy balls pulsating before her. She couldn't,
had she wanted to, contain herself and she nestled her face to the soft, sweet
smelling crotch, starting her excited tongue at the tip of Shannon's testicles,
taunting the exposed half-inch of his shaft not yet swallowed into her, and into
the now pulsating, open cunt and upward, finally sucking the inner-lips and
clitoris into her mouth with a wet little slurping sound.

Madeleine began to raise her buttocks up and down over Shannon's plundering cock
and as she did this she pressed her glistening pussy, now flowered open with her
splayed legs, against Annette's wildly sucking mouth. Frantically, Annette
lashed her tongue around, over, up and into the sweet, delicious-tasting cunt,
her own passion mounting feverishly in her belly and loins.

She reached down between her legs and began to massage her quivering clitoris
vigorously. Mon Dieu! I've got to be fucked or something, she thought, and then,
she remembered her Launcelot.

"Launcelot ... lover! Come up here, Mon Cher!" she choked, raising her ass up
high, then burying her tongue deeper into Madeleine's pulsing cunt.

Annette sensed the bed give as the great dog immediately leaped onto it, raising
up onto his hind legs and clasping his forelegs tightly around her waist. She
thrust her behind high and back, feeling his hard wet animal prick ram and slip
against her buttocks. Again and again it floundered until she spread her legs
farther apart and thrust back her completely expanded crotch.

Once more, it rammed.

"Auggghhhh," she winced before it as the long, slender prick soared into her,
spearing her hungry, moist vaginal walls like a flint-tipped arrow.

Mon Dieu! Her magnificent Launcelot! He was like a heavenly sent miracle ...
always ready and able to satisfy the lusty desire of her ever increasing needful
cunt. Dear God, she loved him too, she thought, as she licked and sucked
shamelessly at the delectable wet split before her. She heard Madeleine whimper
and Shannon's throaty grunts, all in the faint background of her mind, for her
lover was hammering her with rapid, pile-driving thrusts that were reaching her
very womb, and the slender cock was beginning to swell inside her as always. She
could feel it getting larger and larger, filling her entire channel like a great
growing monster ... the way no man could ever fill her ... a beautiful,
unbelievable fucking machine ... driving her ever, ever toward her apex ...

Wildly, Annette licked and sucked until Madeleine screamed: "Oooohhh, Mon Dieu!
I'm going to cum ... Mother of Christ ... Oui, oui ... I am ... nowww ... I'm

"Pound your ass!" charged Shannon. "Godamn you ... don't stop now, damn you!
Pound your fucking ass!"

"Yiiieee ... Oooohhh ... Oui ... ouiiii!" cried Annette as Launcelot fucked into
her, his animal prick suddenly long, long ... and thick, thick inside her
flooding cunt, those jackhammer lunges never lessening ...!

And then, she felt the animal's stream of hot juices squirting into her
unceasingly! Long jets of it scalding the inner walls of her vagina, spurting
into her womb with violent force, sloshing against the inner- sides of her
wildly spasming belly, its steaming heat setting her off until at last she
wailed loudly, helplessly.

Time and again she screamed; her release was that great! She heaved her ass back
toward the humping dog's expanded shaft as it continued to shoot into her with
unbelievable force, her thighs trembling, her stomach quaking, her brain reeling
insanely with the sensual reactions traversing along her spine, all realism
escaping her as she fell forward on her face into Madeleine's soft open crotch,
a deep sleep almost immediately engulfing her.

Chapter 11

Annette's keen mind, once given the opportunity to function, surprised both
Shannon and Madeleine. It was her plan of advising her father, Gaston Larreau,
where and how to deliver the money that was the most acceptable, the less
dangerous, and certainly quite ingenious. Shannon liked it from the beginning,
for it was in the actual "pickup" of the ransom that he'd had qualms all along.
This particular phase of the operation had always proven to be the most
hazardous, according to statistics, in any kidnapping plot.

As Annette pointed out, her father was not apt to call in the authorities; such
a move would be entirely contrary to Syndicate philosophy ... besides, he had a
tremendously efficient network all his own. But she did expect him to try
something when the 'pickup' was made; it wasn't in his nature to take such a
slap-in-the-face without contemplating vicious retaliation. Thus, she had come
up with the buoy- boat idea.

A hiking tour of the island had produced an old thirty-six foot tub with a
cabin, anchored in a cove, ancient and in need of paint, but hardy enough upon
examination to perform the task they had in mind. Shannon guessed that the
senator probably used her as a work craft, hauling rocks and lumber, from the
appearance of dirt and scraps of wood littering her deck. Her engines seemed
adequate and in fair shape, the point being proved when he added gasoline. There
was nothing wrong with her that fuel didn't cure.

The plan, in essence, was for Shannon to take Annette to Summerton on the
mainland where he would make his final call to her father, let Annette speak and
plead with him not to try anything, only pay the ransom, or else they would kill
her. He would then instruct Larreau to place the money in a waterproof sack and
tie it below the waterline to a specifically numbered buoy in the lake. They had
chosen number nineteen because of its location, with no islands for
approximately ten miles in any direction. It was fifteen miles from their own
island and about fifteen from the mainland ... a perfect plan.

"You must be careful, Cheri," Annette warned cautiously. "I have a feeling that
mon pere will try something when you make the pickup ... I don't know what, but
we must plan for all eventualities. That's why I suggest the daylight ... at
least, you'll be able to see."

"Oui," agreed Madeleine nervously. "Daylight is best, Cheri. Mon Dieu, I wish
... I wish you'd give up this whole idea, mon cher. We both love you so much. Is
it worth it ...?"

"Don't be a fool," snapped Shannon from across the kitchen table where they all
sat over coffee and his unfolded navigation map of the vast lake. "You think
I've gone this far for nothing? No, Baby ... not on your life. I intend to get
that loot from the little fat czar, every dollar of it ... and with Annette's
help, it can't miss. Look, sweetheart, don't go chicken on me now."

"I--I'm not thinking of myself, Shannon don't you see?" Madeleine said. "It's
you ... and both Annette and I feel the same ... We love you, Cheri ..."

"And what about Igat?" he interrupted. "You stop loving her?"

"You know better than that," Madeleine responded immediately. "She's my baby and
I want her more than anything, but ..."

"But, hell," he said. "There's no buts. To get her back we need money to make a
deal with Girarde, then disappear with, and that's just what we're going to
have. Now ... let's forget all of this quit talk and get down to business."

He turned to Annette: "What do you think he might try? And how?"

Annette shrugged. "Pere is a scheming man. He'll probably try to have his men
watching from some vantage point or other ... either in a boat far enough off,
or a plane ... something, I'm sure. But he's less apt to suspect the buoy-tender
if we make it look authentic enough and you perform a routine of it, stopping at
all of them."

Shannon nodded slowly. "I like it," he said. "Yeah ... I like it."

It was still early in the morning and Shannon took the next hour checking the
old craft's engines to be on the safe side, then took her on a trial run. Later,
the girls came down and helped carry some cans, lanterns and other gear from the
senator's boathouse, piling them into the boat to give her some sort of look of
authenticity. When they were finished they stood back to survey their work.

"Well? What do you think?" Shannon addressed Annette, who seemed to be the
foremost authority amongst them on buoy-tenders.

She nodded. "Pretty good, Cheri ... if no one gets too close."

"She's no speed demon, but with luck it won't make any difference," he said,
mostly to himself, a touch of nerves knifing at him once more.

"What do we do now, Lover?" Madeleine asked, taking his hand.

Shannon fingered his beard. "Well ... I think it's time we made a trip to the
mainland. We'll take some of those large cans for gasoline. Then, we'll pick up
some groceries, and finally ... we'll make the big phone call to papa. I've been
figuring it out in my head. We'll allow four hours for them to drive down from
Montreal and another hour to place the money on the buoy. That's five altogether
... What time is it now?"

"Eight ten," replied Annette, checking the watch on her wrist.

"All right ... by two-thirty this afternoon I should be able to start my run.
That's giving them plenty of time. Any comments?" he asked, looking from one to
another of his lovely cohorts. "Good ... let's head for the mainland."

* * *

At two-forty-five that afternoon beneath a scorching sun, the lake calm with a
heavy cloudbank of thunderheads to the southwest, Shannon brought the boat
alongside a buoy. He caught a rope around the gently bobbing marker and secured
her loosely. He felt a bit silly with his routine since there was nothing
visible in any direction except miles of water, but he followed through with it
anyway. As Annette had said, it was possible that her papa could have men lying
off far enough to be out of vision of the naked eye, yet, able to see him with
powerful glasses. He would play it all the way; take no chances with this
creeping tub beneath him.

Satisfied, he pulled loose his rope and opened the throttle. He lighted a
cigarette and studied his map. Their buoy, number nineteen, lay about five miles
west. Several more were spread between, and he would stop and pretend the same
routine at all of them.

The tub cut the water rather gracefully, he thought, giving off a fair wake. He
took a revolver he'd kept secret from his hip-pocket, opened the cylinder and
assured himself that it was ready. He hoped to hell he wouldn't have any use for
it, and shoved it into his belt beneath his shirt. The old nervousness and
tension were there inside him again, and he sucked at the cigarette until its
fire stuck out a half-inch.

Already, his eyes had commenced to burn from lack of sleep and the brilliance of
the sunlight reflecting off the water. For some dumb reason, he hadn't thought
of dark glasses, but he had remembered a hat- -an old straw panama he had found
in a closet of one of the Senator's bedrooms. It helped.

He half-sat on the pilot seat, one hand manipulating the wheel, and thought
about how Annette had played her part well on the telephone. She had told her
father she was okay, but that if he didn't pay off it would surely be the end
for her.

She had gone on to feign semi-hysterics and when he, Shannon, had cut in,
Larreau had threatened to chase him to the ends of the godamned earth if any
harm came to her. She had performed to perfection.

All was well. On schedule and functioning smoothly. So, what the hell was wrong
with him, he thought?

Why the qualmy guts and shaky hand? Too smooth. Maybe, that was it. Like swiping
the bottle from the baby's mouth? Yeah, that's it all right. No competition.
Unnatural. Too easy. Not in keeping. As if he was standing on third and he could
steal home any damn time he felt like it. When's the lid going to blow off?
Jesus! Right now ...!

A plane! He touched the hard handle of the gun and thought how godamned useless
that would be if Larreau's hoods were up there looking down on him. It was a
single motored private job and it was coming from the north ... the Canadian
shore ... right toward him! He watched it without looking up and made for the
next buoy off to the starboard.

You think the worst and you get it everytime! It was almost above him now as he
came alongside the buoy and caught his rope fast. He didn't look up, but got the
feeling the plane was circling. Sweat oozed out on his forehead and ran down the
bridge of his nose. Nonchalantly, he proceeded with his act, but there was a
hollowness in his belly.

He wished to hell if they were going to do anything they'd do it! But that was
crazy, wasn't it? Why should they? Hell, no! Not until he reached 19. He raised
his eyes and the plane was a half mile or so south and flying a course state-
side. He sighed long and loud, freed and poured the gas to her. Dropping onto
the pilot seat, he headed for the next buoy.

Three markers in a row were play-acting, with nothing alive or man-made as far
as the eye could see. He began to feel silly again, but caught himself with the
realization that the next one was 19.

With an effort, he worked at holding down his anxiety and cut back his speed,
settling down to pull it off professionally. No blunders ... nothing that would
arouse suspicion. He was servicing the buoys. That's all. And you had to service
them all, didn't you? Make it look good. Just in case ...

Wait! What the hell was that? A lake freighter! Just visible on the horizon
ahead and to the north! So? Nothing wrong with that ... he hoped. The perfect
godamned setup through for some of Larreau's men! With glasses they could make
him out fine. And if they had a fast boat tied along side ...

Shannon swallowed a ball of cotton. It might be coincidence. There were plenty
of freighters on this lake ... but ... Jesus! He'd have to chance it! After all,
he was only servicing the buoys.

He brought her in close and caught his rope. Mechanically, he went through his
role, at the same time looking for the tell-tale line that would be tied just
below the waterline of the marker holding the bag in the water below. There it
was! Excitement prickled his flesh. A half- million dollars! He tried not to
move too fast, and bending down, he loosened the line, straightened, and secured
it to the ring he had installed in the gunwale for that purpose.

He remained fast until he was satisfied he'd used enough time to make it look
good, pulled loose his rope and made off, still following the course of the
buoys ahead. He would stop at a couple more before circling and heading back to
Hyde Island.

Then, he spotted the boat! A speed-craft she was, and bearing down on him from
the direction of the freighter! He'd damned sure called that one all right!
Something bitter spurted up into his mouth and he swallowed it back. He dug the
revolver from against his belly and ran for the wheel. Damnit! He'd make a fight
of it anyway!

Coming around, he opened her up, for all the damn good it did. She felt like a
scow beneath him and when he looked back he could see the bag, a black shiny
object, hitting the surface and skipping, submerging again, then breaking water
to repeat the cycle. Beyond, and still a little north, came the speed-boat, her
bow raised high out of the water and cutting a hell of a wake behind her. She
was coming straight at him and he thought he could make out two ... maybe three
people in her.

For a moment he panicked ... decided to cut the bag loose, then caught himself.
To hell with it! He'd gone this far. He'd go all the bloody way! He gripped the
gun tight and felt the sweat slime between the handle and his palm. Godamn them!
He'd take a couple of them with him anyway! Jesus! Almost, but not quite! A half
million dollars ...! Beautiful! Come on you bastards! Take it away from me!

"Well, Charlie, a cool head can't win 'em all, can it?" he said aloud, then
laughed bitterly. A maze of things were running through his mind. He remembered
as a kid how he had always abhorred the thought of being aboard a sinking ship
and how God-horrible a watery grave would be ... and how his own little son had
drowned ... and how he would never see Annette or Madeleine again, or any other
godamned thing ... He swore aloud and watched the boat coming down on him.
Behind, the bag broke water and went out of sight once more. He shifted the
revolver from one hand to the other and back again. Wait until they were close
enough. No use wasting the bullets. He had only six, and they had to count. He
could see them now ... make them out. A man at the wheel and another in the seat
behind him ... wearing white shirts and yachting caps ... yachting caps?

Shannon straightened slowly. The third passenger was a woman ... in a bathing
suit. They were beside him now and maybe fifty yards off the starboard. The
woman waved!

His arm felt as if it were made of lead. Both the pilot and the man in back
waved. He could see the smile on the woman's face! He forced the hand that
didn't have the gun up into the air. They all waved once more and he waved back.

Suddenly, he was limp. He wasn't certain whether he was going to laugh or cry.
He plodded back to the pilot seat and flopped onto it. Then, he laughed until he
choked, and when that was passed the speed-boat was two miles beyond and going

Chapter 12

The storm came up in what seemed to be a matter of minutes, the cloud bank of
thunderheads looming rapidly out of the southwest to quickly overcast the
heavens and burst open at their dull grey bellies, unleashing vicious bolts of
chain lightning with great claps of thunder and churning up a wicked sea.
Fortunately, Shannon had reached the island and was mooring the boat in the cove
when it let loose its wrath. He hauled in his booty and ran to the house where
the girls waited tense and weepy with both fear and excited anticipation.

The moment he entered they were all over him, hugging and kissing him, tears
streaming down their cheeks in their obvious joys at his safe return. He dropped
the bag, taking each in an arm and held them tight while they clung to him,
pressing their delightful bodies snugly to his from either side, their hands
caressing, their soft lips on his bearded face while he sought their round full
buttocks with his big hands to smooth and massage them there. Christ, it was
almost too much that one man should have it so good, he beamed happily.

"We worried so, Cheri," Madeleine whimpered.

"Especially when we saw the storm coming up," added Annette. "We were both sorry
we'd let you go ..."

"What would we ever have done if something had happened to you?" Madeleine

"Okay, okay," Shannon chuckled, finally working himself free. He picked up the
bag and said: "Nothing did happen ... but for awhile there I had my doubts ...
Anyway, there it is! A half million bucks, dolls ... all ours! From here on out
the world's our oyster ... and man, are we going to enjoy it! Come on, let's
start counting."

Greedily and with nervous hands, he removed the waterproof container, opened the
valise and gaped at its contents. Slowly, the girls came in close on either side
to stare with him. It presented an almost unbelievable, breathtaking sight. It
was divided in Canadian and U. S. currency and tiny little gasps of awe escaped
each of them as they studied and touched it almost reverently.

"Y--You suppose it's all there?" asked Madeleine, her voice barely audible.

"I'd wager it is, but let's count it and find out," said Shannon, turning the
valise over, emptying the packeted money onto the table. "Go ahead, you girls
start counting while I watch and catch my breath."

"Oui, Cheri," chirped Annette, setting immediately to the task with enthusiasm.

Sir Launcelot came up to Shannon then, nuzzling close to him affectionately. The
movement surprised and pleased him; it seemed that he'd finally been accepted
all the way around. He petted the massive head and heard the animal's whining
response. Christ, it was a great life he had ahead of him, almost too great to
comprehend right at the moment. All the money in the whole godamned world ... He
crossed the room, his mind reeling with its pleasurable thoughts.

Outside, the rain had increased in its intensity, changing momentarily into
hail-stones and causing an immediate dropping of temperature that would produce
fog. Shannon looked to the girls who were working feverishly over the money and
wondered if they had yet noticed the prompt cooling off of the house. Neither of
them were overdressed: Madeleine in a summer mini-thing she'd brought with her,
and Annette in the thin sweater-slacks outfit she'd been wearing when he'd
brought her there, but they were too busy to pay attention to anything but the
stacks of bills before them. He laughed to himself, sensing the odor of musty
and overstuffed furniture along with that of partially burned wood from the
fireplace the cooling dampness was raising. While they went on counting, he
found paper and chips to light a fire, then made coffee, all of the time
thinking about the wild little orgy they were going to stage right there before
the godamned fireplace in celebration, just as soon as he calmed his nerves and
remartialed his wits ...

"It's all here, Cheri," informed Annette happily. "Five-hundred- thousand
dollars! Mon Dieu! I'll bet mon pere has turned blue with rage." She ran to
where he sat and threw herself onto his lap, her arms around his neck, kissing
him passionately. "Where are we going from here, lover? A thousand, thousand
miles away, I hope."

"That far anyway," Shannon replied with a grin. "But not before I get a bit of
loving from you two to show your appreciation."

"Mmmmmmmm," Annette purred, kissing him once more.

Madeleine came and joined them, sitting her lush full buttocks on the arm of the
chair and slipping her arm around his neck. She said: "How long do we stay here,

"We'll leave sometime tonight. The storm should be over then," he said.

"But there'll be fog," Annette warned. "There's always fog on the water after a
storm like this one."

"Maybe ... but I think we can make it all right with the compass ..."

A loud throaty bark of warning from Launcelot caused Shannon to jerk erect. At
first, he thought the wind had blown open the heavy door, until he saw the two
of them burst through the entrance with leveled guns in hand, both of them
crouched forward like something left over from a cheap monster movie in their
skin-diving outfits. But the expressions on their faces advised differently, and
from that point he never had a moment's doubt what was going on.

Both of the girls screamed and Launcelot charged them. There was an explosion
and the big animal went down like a bolting rhino, blood pouring from his head.
Again, Annette screamed, rushing to the side of the fallen animal while the one
with the still smoking revolver said in French: "Don't anyone even breathe, eh?
Just stay right where you are or you're dead!"

The big dog whimpered to Annette's touch, tried to move but couldn't.
Frantically, she examined the wound to the crown of his massive head and saw
that the bullet hadn't penetrated, but had grazed deep and painfully. "My baby
... my baby," she sobbed. "Don't try to move ... lay still, mon cher ... you
hear? Lay still ..." Then, slowly she raised her eyes to the two weirdly garbed
intruders, sensing the contorted expression of hate that twisted her own slender
face. "You bastards!" she spat. "You filthy bastards ...!"

"Sorry, Ma'm'selle," the taller one said emptily. "He came at me ... nothing
else I could do."

Annette fought to control herself, her brain racing wildly. She'd recognized
them; they were her father's enforcers, two of the three men, she was certain,
who had murdered Ginny Novak ... Axel and McShea, by names, both ugly and brutal
men. In her peripheral vision she saw Madeleine backed across the room near the
table where the money lay in neat piles, and Shannon standing beside the chair
with his hands raised high. My God, was this how it was all going to end?
Launcelot was dying ... and that was the fate both Shannon and Madeleine could
look forward to now ... and she could do nothing to help them.

She said: "I--It's about time you got here. What in hell took you so long? Was
pere too busy to spare me the time?"

The tall one called Axel pulled off his skintight head covering, then grinned
hollow-faced. "It took time, Ma'm'selle. Your father had to figure out a plan.
Not a bad one, eh? We waited with aqua lungs below the surface of the water.
When this punk took the bag we hooked onto his boat and let him pull us along
behind ..."

Shannon felt the void in his belly growing. The one godamned thing that had
never crossed his mind ... someone below the surface. He'd been too occupied
with what was happening on top of the water. Beautiful ... and that's what made
a crumb like Larreau the biggest crumb in the cake ... Christ!

"This is all of them ... just these two?" McShea, a broad, heavy man with
powerful shoulders, ruddy face, thick lips and a bulbous nose questioned.

Annette nodded, her brain continuing to whirl. Dear God, her beautiful Launcelot
was dying ... dying! Well ... she wouldn't have to worry about leaving him
behind any longer, would she?

"Did they harm you?" asked McShea.

"No. They treated me well," she managed as she continued to soothe Launcelot
with stroking hand.

Axel said: "See if he's got a gun, McShea."

McShea moved in on Shannon. "Turn around, punk," he ordered, to which, Shannon
responded and he found the gun. Then, he walked to Madeleine's cowering form and
ordered her to do the same. Twice, he ran his hands over her voluptuous, if,
cringing body, lewdly squeezing and patting her soft full curves as he laughed
salaciously. "The cunt's okay," he said, taking a long, greedy look at the piled
currency on the table.

"Tie him," ordered Axel. "Tie the punk into the chair until I decide how we're
going to handle this. This storm's going to be with us for awhile ... might just
as well enjoy it, eh?"

McShea grinned his agreement. He'd brought a length of rope with him, evidently
anticipating their every move, Annette decided. They'd planned it well ... and
she was beginning to get the feeling that her father wasn't aware of all their
intentions. She said: "Does pere know I'm here ... on this island, I mean?"

Axel eyed her levelly through evil, lead-hued orbs. "He hasn't the faintest,
Ma'm'selle ... and this is a hell of a big lake, eh? The best he can do is sit
and wait for us to contact him ... which we have no intentions of doing." He
grinned humorlessly. "As a matter of fact, we've got other plans, sweetheart ...
other plans entirely ..."

"I smell a doublecross," grunted Shannon who was already bound painfully into
the chair, the circulation in his arms and legs almost completely cut off. "So
... now you're going to grab the loot and run, is that it?"

McShea straightened from his task, stepped back and lashed Shannon brutally
across the face, splitting his lip and causing the blood to spurt. Annette
winced, but held herself, while Madeleine rushed to his side.

"Damn you!" Madeleine screamed, clawing at McShea's ugly face, but it was a
futile gesture. Grinning, the powerful man twisted her about, clamping one arm
around her waist and clutching one full soft breast brutally with the other,
raising a cry of pain from her throat.

"You know what, cunt?" he hissed vilely into her ear. "I'm going to fuck you ...
along with a few other things, and right here in front of your boyfriend. Now,
what do you think of that?"

Madeleine stopped fighting, her eyes fixed on her Shannon's bleeding and swollen
mouth, even as the horrible meaning of her tormentors filthy words registered.
God, she didn't care about herself, but Shannon ...

Annette bit her lower-lip, forced a smile and slowly got to her feet. She said:
"Go ahead, McShea ... I'd like to watch that myself."

Abruptly, Madeleine turned her head to stare with disbelief at the unusual
twisted smile contorting Annette's slender, attractive face. Mother of God! Was
she losing her wits? It couldn't be true ... Annette was actually prodding this
foul brute into raping her ... and right there before Shannon's helpless eyes

"Hey, baby ... maybe you're all right after all," Axel said, a lecherous,
hollow-cheeked grin coming into evidence. "Well, you heard her, McShea ... skin
off that rubber suit and give us a show, eh? Meantime, sweetheart here can mix
us a couple of drinks," he added, reaching out and drawing Annette willingly in
close to him.

She looked up into his skull-shaped face and smiled sensuously. "What about us?"
she teased. "You and me, Axel ...? You know, I think we could make it just fine
together ... especially with all that money, cheri ... eh?"

Shannon watched the licentious expression of lust leap into the gaunt, ugly
one's eyes and the way he licked at his dry, knife-like lips. His own brain was
churning hazily from McShea's stunning blow. Christ! Was she acting ... or
serious ... ready to throw in with the winning side regardless of who it was?
Godamn ... hadn't he wondered that all along? She was a shrewd one ... with a
brain like a computer and the morals of an alley-cat ... She was selling them
out! He watched in semi-shock as Axel placed both hands onto the cheeks of her
round little ass and hauled her to him, kissing her hungrily. Her arms went up
around his neck and she ground her pelvis against him. The little bitch!

Madeleine continued to stare in disbelief, but tore her attention from the
entwined couple as McShea let loose of her and began to peel the rubber suit
from himself. She stood as if petrified, then, backed against the table while he
shed everything but a pair of tight-fitting swimming trunks that showed the
massive bulge at his crotch, and then she gaped in despair at Shannon who was
watching helplessly.

"All right, cunt ... hike up your dress and show me your pretty legs," McShea
ordered, standing back with hands on hips and grinning lasciviously at her.

Madeleine felt a wave of revulsion course through her. She pressed her buttocks
against the table rim and shook her head slowly. "N-- Never ... never," she
hissed. "You'll have to rape me, damn you!"

McShea's grin broadened. He said: "I don't think so, cunt. I think you'll be
glad to do anything I ask ..." He paused, then approached Shannon's helpless
form secured in the chair. Twice, he struck the bound man across the face,
Shannon's head rocking viciously from the force of the blows. Again, he raised
his hand and Madeleine screamed.

"Stop it! Stop it! ... I--I'll do it ... anything you say ... only don't beat
him anymore ..."

McShea chuckled sadistically while Axel smirked lewdly as Annette helped the
gaunt one strip to his own trunks.

"Okay, bitch ... let's get a look at those long, hot legs," repeated McShea.

Madeleine's feeling of revulsion and disgust, although still prevalent, was far
overshadowed by her love and pity for her Shannon. Mon Dieu! She would do
anything to spare her lover pain! Anything! She reached down to the hem of the
tiny dress and lifted it a couple of inches.


She raised the skirt which clung to her hips up to the triangle of the sheer
panties covering her genitals, watching his eyes bug and his mouth fall open.

"Sit up on the edge of the table and open your legs," he ordered and she did,
her skirt pulled high, spreading her thighs in shamed reluctance, giving him a
bird's eye view of the soft swollen place between, her tight split outlined
enticingly beneath the thin, gauzy material, tiny strands of soft, resilient
pubic hair slipping tantalizing out from beneath the crotch band.

McShea's mouth went dry. Axel and Annette, who had gone behind the bar, watched
with seeming excitement lighting their faces. Shannon stared blurry-eyed, a
feeling of nauseating helplessness gripping him. McShea began to breathe
heavily. He enjoyed a session of exhibitionism to prod his lust before he
performed. He said: "Take off your panties."

Madeleine hesitated, but only briefly. Dear God, she thought, all was lost!
They'd kill them before they were done with it, just as they had murdered poor
Ginny Novak ... But she had to do what she could to stave that horrible moment
off. She shivered as she slipped her hands under her slightly trembling
buttocks, grasped the flimsy material and edged the garment off her hips, down
her thighs and over her low-heeled shoes, letting them drop to the floor in a
useless pile.

McShea licked his lips. "Open wide," he snapped.

She spread her legs until her knees were wide apart. She felt giddy, almost as
if she might faint as his eyes locked lustfully upon her completely exposed
vagina, its moist pink flesh flowered open to him from her obscene position.

He made a grunting, animal sound. His prick had leaped into hardness inside his
trunks as he stared at the open target of soft flesh in its wreath of silken,
black cuntal fleece, her round full thighs spread open provocatively, if,
unwillingly, the creamy-white orbs of her buttocks showing underneath. Roughly,
he grabbed the waist band of his trunks and shoved them down, letting them fall
to the floor to reveal his long, thick, rock-hard cock that was hot in his hand
and already weeping from the tiny split at its tip.

Madeleine gaped at it; it was monstrous and it caused her lips to move in
revulsion and her stomach to turn over. Desperately, she tried to cling to her

"Pretty, eh bitch?" McShea taunted. "Make your mouth water, maybe?" He chuckled
lewdly and began to stroke it as she watched in utter abhorrence.

"Go on, McShea," Axel prodded. He'd come around to the front of the bar and
removed his trunks. He stood with a drink in his hand while Annette fondled his
rigid prick standing out lustily from his bony loins. "Give it to her for Christ
sakes. Let's start the show, eh?" He sat down his glass and tugged at the zipper
of Annette's slacks. "Come on, kid ... let's get those fucking clothes off. I'm
about ready to pump a load into you."

Annette managed a smile and quickly began to comply, while, of a sudden, McShea
reached out, grasping the low-cut bodice of Madeleine's dress with cruel, rough
fingers, ripping it to her waist. She was wearing no bra and her young
magnificent breasts burst into view before him. He caught her by the wrist and
jerked her off the table, holding her as he tore the remaining remnants of cloth
from her, then with a brutal twist of her arm, forced her to her knees before
him, her tear- stained face even with his thrusting, jerking prick.

"All right, cunt ... suck it!"

Numbly, Madeleine raised her eyes to him in a pleading, if, useless gesture,
then automatically she wrapped her hand around the sticky, heavy-veined rod of
flesh and McShea shoved his hips forward with a grunt, causing it to skin back
until the spongy, purplish head popped from the thick foreskin, a scant inch
from her dreading eyes.

"Well, bitch? You know what to do with it!" the big man taunted sharply. "Rub it
around your lips, then lick it clean from tip to balls ... and be godamned quick
about it!"

The nauseating thought nearly caused Madeleine to gag; she was certain she could
smell its foulness. Oh God ... she could never ... but then, she stole a look at
Shannon's helpless, bound figure and steeled herself to the task ... moving
forward. Through sheer force of will, her tiny pink tongue came out and she
licked down the full length of the stiff lust-hardened shaft, sickened by the
thought of her mouth being used as a receptacle of lust for this vile pig, and
the repulsive thought of his lewd sperm being eventually pumped deep into her
unwilling womb. Oh God ... my Shannon ... my cheri ... what's to become of us

"That's enough of that," she heard McShea bark suddenly. "Now suck it."

She did, hesitantly, surprised that its taste was not as horrid as she had
anticipated, but merely a pungent, salty tang from the lake in which he had been
swimming. She parted her lips, opening her mouth to slide them along and over
the thick rubbery head, along the full length of her tongue, the tiny drops of
seepage from it filling the warm cavern of her mouth with its acid-like, racy

Axel watched with Annette's naked body pressed tightly to his own, his arm
around her slender waist, and his long finger playing down over her flat belly
and pubic mound, to ease between her slightly spread thighs into the moist pink
slit of her cunt, while she massaged and stroked his jutting prick with rhythmic
caresses. He watched with lust-filled eyes as McShea began a slow undulation
with his hips, sliding the thick cock in and out of Madeleine's obscenely
clasped lips with a wet sucking sound, guided by his hand now ensnarled in her
long, blonde- tinted hair. He watched the puffing of her cheeks as her head
bobbed back and forth on the end of his prick with reluctant subservience, and
McShea shoved the throbbing shaft deep into her mouth viciously. The big man's
grin was widening with each thrust into the trapped face, and she groaned in
degraded submission between his legs. What she needed was a bit more stimulant,
Axel thought salaciously ... and Annette had anticipated him.

"Why don't you help him, cheri?" she whispered up at him, giving his throbbing
cock an exciting little squeeze. "I'd like to see that ... her sucking McShea
while you fuck her from behind ... the bitch!"

Axel grinned loosely, licentiously, at her. "Hey, you are bitter, ain't you.
Okay ... come on ... you can help."

Annette accompanied him, dropping to her own knees as McShea knelt, then
sprawled onto his back before Madeleine, his great cock spearing ceilingward.
Once more, he grabbed her by the hair and forced her mouth down onto his rod,
while Axel kneeled in behind her and Annette held his long prick, guiding it
toward the moist pink slit beneath Madeleine's wide-spread buttocks.

Shannon could only stare in half-stunned hatred at their grinning faces, while
his brain still reeled with the shock of Annette's betrayal. He gaped
incredulously as Axel's long, rampaging prick suddenly disappeared right up into
Madeleine's open defenseless cunt with Annette guiding it, his bony loins
smacking solidly against the soft white spheres of her wide-split ass thrust
back and upward at him. He saw her heavy full breasts dancing and swaying
beneath her as their resilient, smooth flesh rippled and jounced with Axel's
every brutal plunge into her. He stared in sickening horror at her cheeks
bloating and contracting from McShea's thrusting cock into her face, while
simultaneously he detected that her buttocks had begun to waggle back at the
other cock behind in new and wild little gyrations. God ... she was sucking
McShea and fucking Axel willingly. The bitch was enjoying it!

In growing and hopeless disbelief, Shannon gaped at the obscene sight that he
could no longer term rape ... for her sucking mouth was clasped tightly around
McShea's ramming cock, disappearing now almost to its entirety, his balls
slapping hard against her chin with every plunge, while Axel's long pole
pummeled her cunt from behind with long, furious strokes and she continued to
wave and pound her ass back at him with ever increasing vigor.

The two ravagers were lost in their lust-filled carnal rapture of the moment ...
lost to everything around them except the cock racing right up the salacious
hole before him ... except the clasping, sucking mouth with the swirling tongue
pulling voraciously at his tingling prick until he could feel the delightful
strain at his very balls ... and lewd flames of unwanted passion had begun to
lick possessively through Madeleine's veins ... she was fast losing any will to
fight against the overwhelming physical rapture seizing her, in spite of her
repugnance and horror ... she was about to surrender totally to these
magnificent cocks that were so deliciously trying to meet inside her sensation-
filled body ...

Annette crept away ... unnoticed ... behind the bar where she had helped Axel
strip ... to where his gun lay. The three were too engrossed in their orgy to
realize she crept to and crouched behind Shannon's chair, fumbling with his
bonds, unloosening them and chafing his wrists to start the blood flowing ...

Madeleine, in the heat of her rising, uncontrollable desire, had become
oblivious to everything but the increased forcefulness of the thrusts pounding
into the depths of her cunt from behind, and the naked hips crushing up tighter
into her face. She could feel the cock that was stiffly poling into her mouth
begin tensing in great trembling movements and the hands clutching her cheeks
grip harder. His pelvis closed in on her until she was sure he was trying to
push his cock all the way down her throat to meet the other soaring deeply up
into her belly. She was near suffocating, and choked groans of protest tumbled
from her lips around the pistoning shaft only to be muffled by his continuous
brutal thrusts. She heard him mouth an oath and felt him ram far into her
throat, until the tiny strains of his pubic hair at the base of his prick
pressed tauntingly against her nose.

"Suck it, you cunt!" he snarled. "Suck hard, godamn you ... I'm

Abruptly, her mouth was flooded with a torrent of hot, white liquid that raged
down her desperately swallowing throat in a fury of seething fire. From behind,
Axel blurted something unintelligible and she felt his loins jerk convulsively
against the flatness of her upraised, wildly gyrating buttocks. Oh God ... he
was cumming too ... and she couldn't ... not yet ... not yet! She whimpered as
his load of hot, swirling sperm gushed into her belly and she ground her ass
tightly back against his pelvis, her nibbling pussy milking at his spurting rod
hungrily. She fought for breath as she gulped with sensual delight at the thick,
viscid fluid wildly ejaculating from the jerking prick driven to the depths of
her constricting tonsils, and beyond.

It was then that Shannon bolted from the chair, gun in hand. Harshly, he barked
an unintelligible command at them and Axel was first to raise his head. He
yanked his prick free of Madeleine's still-hungrily clasping pussy and leaped to
his feet ... in time to take Shannon's first shot full in the chest, thudding
him backwards several feet before he went down.

McShea had provided for trouble, never letting his pistol out of his reach. With
a desperate wrenching of his body, he caught up the weapon and fired backwards
over his head, just as Annette arose to her feet from behind the chair. The
bullet struck her directly between the eyes ... she had never known what
happened. Shannon threw himself to one side, afraid to fire because of
Madeleine, who, with the big man's penis fast deflating, but still in her mouth,
gnashed her teeth together to raise a horrible scream from her attacker, as she
sunk her small hard teeth into the flaccid gristle of his once-proud cock.

Instantly, she rolled away from the shrieking McShea who was clutching at his
torn genitals, and spat blood from her mouth ... and then Shannon fired again
and it was over ...

They lay quietly for a long moment ... a long horrifying moment of slow, hellish
realization ...

Chapter 13

In a semi-stupor and with the rain drenching them, Madeleine watched while
Shannon dug two wide graves: one for Larreau's enforcers, the other for Annette
and Launcelot, the animal having died from loss of blood. For a long while they
had simply sat beside Annette's lifeless body, Madeleine weeping and praying,
Shannon silent ... knowing now, too late, that she had not betrayed them, but
instead, had gambled her life to save theirs. Finally, realizing he could not
leave their bodies there to be discovered, he'd carried them one by one to a
remote thicket on the island and Madeleine had held the lantern for him.

After, they'd returned to the house, undressed and toweled dry before climbing
into bed to warm each other with their individual body-heat ... and then to find
consolation only in the violence of their lovemaking ... until they fell into an
exhausted sleep.

Much later, Shannon awakened her with a kiss. "It's time we got out of here," he

"Oh ... I was fast asleep. Has the rain stopped?"

"Yes. Come on, let's get off this godamned island."

"Oui ... I'm ready, Cheri."

He reached for her, bringing her to him. "You love me, Baby?"

"Oh, oui, mon cher. You know I do."

"Yeah ... I know," he said, kissing her once more. "I just wanted to hear you
say it."

* * *

Shannon approached the counter with Madeleine beside him, Igat asleep in her
arms. They had originally intended to take a daylight flight because Madeleine
had never flown before and she wanted to be able to see everything, but Shannon
hadn't wanted to wait another day, and he'd called the airport making
arrangements to leave that night.

A boy with a two-wheeled cart brought up their bags, with the exception of the
large one that Shannon carried. He'd keep that one close to him all of the way.
He stepped in line, exchanging smiles with her and glanced at the little round
face of the sleeping child she held.

"She won't wake up until morning," Madeleine said tenderly.

Shannon made a nervous little nod, his own smile tense. He'd feel better when
they were in the air and away from Montreal. Not that there was anything to
worry about now, he assured himself for the thousandth time. It'd been three
days since they'd left the island and there'd been no repercussions of any
nature. There were no loose ends, and he was confident that the police weren't
even aware that a crime had been committed. Still, he couldn't help it; he'd
feel a hell of a lot safer once they were in Boston.

The line moved and he stepped forward. One more ahead of him. A feminine voice
came over the PA system announcing in both French and English the arrival of
Flight 28 from Vancouver at Gate 7 and people began scurrying about.

Madeleine smiled over at him. He sensed her elation and that gave him a warm
feeling. Damn, he'd grown to love her all right. It was going to be a full,
exciting life they'd all have together, just as she'd always wanted. The first
thing that morning, he'd sent her over to arrange for Igat, and when she'd
brought her back to the apartment she was crying with joy. It was the most
wonderful day in her life, she'd told him. That's when he'd decided not to wait
and press their luck, but to take the night flight.

The line moved once more and Shannon approached the young man behind the
counter. "Reservations for Mr. and Mrs. Shannon and daughter for Boston."

The young man didn't reply, merely looked at him. Then, a rich baritone voice to
Shannon's left said: "M'sieu' Shannon?"

Shannon looked directly into the handsome face.

A hand was extended toward him offering an opened folder of credentials.

"Julian Forrest, sir ... Inspector of the RCMP. We'd like a word with you if
you'd step over here please," the well modulated voice spoke while a hand drew
him firmly out of line.

Another thinner and pointed-chinned individual had moved up to take hold of
Madeleine, and still a third was endeavoring to remove Igat from her arms.

"Wh--What the devil's the meaning of this?" Shannon stammered, clutching tightly
to the bag in his hand.

"You don't know, M'sieu' Shannon?" Julian Forrest questioned, his little smile
prevalent. "You're not aware that we have kidnapping laws in Canada?"

"Kidnap ... what the devil are you talking ...?" Shannon started, then stopped

"Come on, come on, my dear chap," said Forrest. "Let's not make any trouble,
shall we? After all ... a Ministre de la Gouvernment's child, M'sieu'? You
must've realized the chance you were taking, eh?"

Shannon looked to Madeleine, understanding coming slowly. Oh God ... no! It
couldn't be ...! Christ! He was certain she would've made a deal with Girarde
... not just stolen the kid ...!

"My baby!" Madeleine screamed. "You can't take my baby ...!"

They led them from the building with Julian Forrest taking the valise from
Shannon. Madeleine continued to scream and fight them while Shannon walked along
in a stupor.

"It's the Girarde baby ... kidnapped this morning ... in all the papers ...
kidnapped ... kidnapped!" came voices of onlookers as they were ushered to the

"Good God, M'sieu', what have you got in this bag?" asked Forrest puffing as he
pushed Shannon into the automobile ahead of him.

"My toothbrush," replied Shannon, hollowly. "Listen, Inspector ... the girl ...
she had nothing to do with this. I planned and pulled the whole thing ..."

"Really?" said Forrest, moving in beside him. "Well ... I'll just have a little
chat with her anyway. We're old friends you know, Madame Poirier and I ... In
fact, I owe her a little something."

"Old friends ...? I didn't know," said Shannon. "But that's good ... she needs
all of the friends she can find right now. You ... you'll see that she's taken
care of, Inspector ...?"

"Most certainly, M'sieu'. You can rely on that." He looked over at Shannon in
the semi-darkness, an almost evil light dancing in his eyes. "I'll see that
she's well taken care of."

The End
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