A Day in the woods!
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Players in this chapter:

 Seth                            Toni                            Oliver

Whitehorse                  Little Dove                  Cheyanna

Message 888

From:  "Donald Hover Jr"
Date:  Sat Aug 9, 2003  6:03 am
Subject:  A Day in the woods

On a mid afternoon a Centaur male known as Seth was walking upon a Trail in a the middle of a
large forest, Huge muscles flex upon this taur's lower shoulder as well as his hindquarters as
he suspects no one Following though never bothered to look.

Message 889

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Sat Aug 9, 2003  12:21 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

She had killed the vampires that had attacked her village and even had to kill what clansmen
that the vampires had bitten and changed. There were fresh, bloody wounds from her fight. Blood
matted around angry looking wounds. There was a deep wound running from her right shoulder
blade down along her shapely back and stops just at the juntion where her hips flow into her
equine half. After her fight, she took the time gather wood, placing the wood around her dead
fallen clansmen and set it on fire, buring their bodies until there was nothing left but ashs.
That was to make sure that they wouldn't arise ever again. She then sprinkled the ashes over a
pure running stream, and left her lands.. She had been traveling ever since...

A new dawn rose over the entry to the valley, where a tropical rain forest ambled on for as far
as the eye could see, in the background were snowcapped mountains. Mist was being slowly burn
off of the low-laying lakes by the sun, and some of the clouded areas of the forest which adds
to the eerieness to the surrounding area. A cry of a strange bird startled Cheyanna as she
pondered her decision. Should she transverse on through the valley or walk for ten days out of
her way to avoid this unknown place. She had tracked the vampires thus far..

She was brave and willing to face the great-unknown perils of this valley. At 6'5" & close to
1000 lbs. There aren't many that was willing to face the fury or wrath of an enraged
centauress. Her upper half was human which was bare, with firm full breasts with perky pink
nipples, soft, dark golden brown skin, and a cloud of dark chestnut curly hair cascades down
her shapely back.. Her eyes are a strange hue of blu-violet flecks, which was highlighted by
black eyeliner. Her face was heart shape with soft red sensual full lips. Her equine half is
red roam/white paint chyldale, heavily muscled, with dark chestnut brown mane and tail, and
white feathers close around her hoofs, which gave the impress of proud, arrogante, elegant,
fearless, agility, grace and beauty all combined into a neat little pack.

She carries a large pouch, bow and a quiver of arrows, small dagger, and was every inch a
sorceress that her mother the priestess of their clan had thought she would be.

Her tongue slide across her bloodred lips as she moved deeper into the forest, her bow and
arrow kept ready as her hooves made soft dull thudding sound in the hard packed earth. Her
senses alert, as her nostrils flared catching every little scent on the light breeze. It had
started to rain by the time she reached the edge of the forest and debated on sitting out the
rain there at the edge of the forest or continue on down into the meadow. That was when she had
spotted the male centaur... and yet she still hesitated before moving towards him. As a cool
breeze danced across her heated flesh, caught her female scent...

Message 890

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Mon Aug 11, 2003  3:27 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Standing at the edge of the forest, on a small rise. he saw the movement. first, a handsome
male centaur. Then he saw a female as she came to the edge of the woods. my gosh, that lady.
she is wounded. look at the dried blood on her flanks. He pauses. wondering if he should offer

Message 891

Date:  Tue Aug 12, 2003  1:41 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

She poise at the edge of the forest, watched as the male centaur continued on his way. When she
caught a slight movement to the right of her, and looked that way, her eyes filled with fright
and she was ready to take flight, instead she remained where she was, sucked in her bottom lip
and chewed on it as she watched the human.. She had heard stories of humans and other speices
and had never seen a human up close. Her curiousity got the better of her and she moved towards
the human.

Message 892

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Tue Aug 12, 2003  6:46 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Oh my gosh. She is coming this way. As she approached, he began to realize how large indeed a
centaur is. His heart pounds, and he knows. He had best behave politely, and show no fear, he
steps from the shelter of the trees, smiles:

"Hello. lovely day, isn't it my lady," and he doffs his hat, bowing deeply.

Message 893

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Wed Aug 13, 2003  6:27 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

She stops a few feet from him, and watched as he removed his head and bowed deeply, her
nostrils flared as she took in his scent, as her long tail switched gently side to side or swat
at a fly that was bitting...
"Hello there, yes it is. My name is Cheyanna Stormdancer and who might thee be?"

She was a chyldale, which made her stand alittle taller than some centaurs, she looked him over
and then asked; "are you what they call a human?"

Message 894

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Wed Aug 13, 2003  7:54 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"I am John Templeton, jr... but they call me Oliver. I am pleased to meet you, Cheyanna."
Lookup to her, watching her tail as it swishes back and forth. "Yes. I am a human. and you are
a centaur." His eyes wide. "I have only heard of of the legends. I never thought i would would
meet one. especially one as lovely as you."

Message 895

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Thu Aug 14, 2003  4:49 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

She smiled at him; "Well, Oliver, tis a pleasure to meet thee. I had always wandered what
humans were like. What brings you here to the forest?" She slowly moved around him, checking
him out... before stopping in front of him, and crossed her arms under her nude breasts.

Message 897

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Thu Aug 14, 2003  8:05 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Cheyanna, I was actually on the way to my Uncle's place. The directions they gave me, either
were wrong, or I took a different turn. I have been going in this directions for a few days
now, and have encountered no one, nothing. just the dusty road. You are the first person i have
seen!! And um a surprise too." Smiles at her, turns as she goes about him, watching her. And
admiring the graceful movement of the legs. haunches. ducks a little as her tail swishes.
"Do you live around here? The past day, O have noticed a lot of hoof marks in the road. Are
there others like you? Is there a place to eat nearby, as I am somewhat hungry."

Message 898

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Fri Aug 15, 2003  7:49 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"Actual, Oliver I'm new to these parts myself. I saw that male centaur and was following him in
hopes he would take me to a where I could find a healer to heal these wounds." Sighs softly:
"You are my first living thing I have seen in sometime myself." Stumbles and falls to her
knees, she wipes away the beads of water up on her brow, If I don't find ahealer quick, I won't
last much longer."
She struggled to get back on her feet, her knees cut and bleeding, as she looks at him through
vision that was blured...

Message 899

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Fri Aug 15, 2003  3:27 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"Ahh I see. Yes. but but," as she stumbles he goes to her;" you are hurt. Wounded. my gosh.
What has happened? Ohhh!" Seeing her wounds, blood. "That looks bad. You know, I did see signs
of others down that path," points, "maybe we could go that way, and find someone to help you!!
It is worth a try, if you can make it come." And he takes her hand. And tries to help her as
they make it along the path.

Message 900
From:  "Patti"
Date:  Fri Aug 15, 2003  3:35 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Little Dove was taking invatory of her herbs, she always kept track of how much she had. She
was a healer. She kept up with the family trade. She seen she was running low on some items.
She grabed her basket and went out the door. She went out back of the cottage to find her mate
White Horse stacking fire wood. "I have to go out and gather somethings." she said to him. He
stoped for a moment and took her in his arms, "Please be careful out there." he than kissed
her. "I will." she replied. She walked off a few steps than turned back. She loved to look at
his musculer body. He was the hottest Centaur she had ever seen. She blew him another kiss and
flipped her tail and trotted off into the woods.

Message 902

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Sat Aug 16, 2003  5:47 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

She to focus her thoughts up on the feel of his hand in hers, to keep putting one hoof in front
of another, only with each step her strenght drain away from her and her body felt hot to the
touch, until she finally collapse where she was, whispered softly to Oliver; "go without me, I
can't go on," and closed her eyes, her eyes and body burn from fever that her infected wounds
was causing...

Message 905

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Mon Aug 18, 2003  12:38 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

You can make it! Just a bit farther. I hear someone not far," he holds her hand gently, smile,
then shouts:
"Hello!! is anyone there?? We need help, this lady is wounded. She burning with fever! Help!!"

Message 906

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Mon Aug 18, 2003  3:18 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Little Dove gathering her herbs hears a faint cry for help. Following the sound of the voice
she comes apon a Human and a Centauress. "Oh my, what has happened to her?" She kneels next to
the injured Tauress and begins to look her over.

Message 907

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Tue Aug 19, 2003  8:52 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

(hope that this gives you some idea of what is wrong, smiles.))

When little dove looked closer at tauress, she would be able to see an angry looking deep slash
from the top of her right shoulder cutting across her back and down to her left hip, where her
hips blended with her equine body, it is bleeding pus and dark blood.. and along her equine
body there are numerous wounds that has festered and has a few broken arrow shafts sticking
out... along her human torso there are more wounds..she looks like she has been in a fight, at
first no one would know what she fought with until they look closer to her neck, there is a set
of bite marks, that of a vampire. Her body is raging with fever from the wounds and blood lost.

Message 908

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Tue Aug 19, 2003  6:26 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Kneeling beside her. he sees those wicked wounds now more closely. blood. seems almost
everywhere. As shudder passes through is slender frame. And he reaches, and pats, strokes
softly along her back: "Ohh ohhh my heart bleeds seeing you so harmed." And looks up at the
healing lady: I put my trust in you, to help, to take away these awful effects from her battle

Message 910

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Wed Aug 20, 2003  2:34 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

As Little Dove tended to her patient, see was begining to think this one might be beyond her
knowledge, she needed to get her back to her house. "All I cane do for her right now is to stop
the bleeding and the pain. We must get her back to my place." Little Dove told Oliver. But
the two could not do it themselves. She needed White Horse to bring the cart. But how to get a
message to him, she couldn't leave he like this.

Message 912

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Wed Aug 20, 2003  9:14 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"You are right!! "But I can go get White Horse. How do I find him?? You are more valuable here,
tending to her. She needs you, that is for certain. and you seem to know what to do."

"He stands up: "Which way??"

Message 913

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Thu Aug 21, 2003  6:35 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Cheyanna laided there with the sounds of their voices reechoing around in her mind. She tried
to keep focused on them, but the darkness sucked and clawed at her drawing her ever closer to
its warm embrace She thought she could see darkne shapes, narrowing her eyes to where she could
see who the voices belong to as they calling to her to let go and join them. She shook her head
and whispered fiercely "Never, I will never join you."¨

As Oliver and the healer struggled to save Cheyanna life, she struggled to remain with them.
She kept telling herself that it wasn't her time to leave, that she had things to do and the
voices kept on insisting that they were her friends and that they wanted her to join them..she
clang desperately to the thin threat that was connected to her body and those gather around
her. She wasn't about to give up, not without a fight.

Message 914

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Thu Aug 21, 2003  8:43 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Arrives where he thought to find White Horse, cupping his hands to his mouth: "White Horse!!!
Help!!! We need you and a cart!!! The is a lady who is injured. we cannot leave her exposed out
in the wilds. but must bring her to safety. Where are you?????"

Message 916

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Fri Aug 22, 2003  2:22 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

So engrossed in trying to stop all the bleeding, Little Dove had not noticed that Oliver had
left. She looked up from her work to give him directions and he was gone. "Oliver!" she yelled.

Message 920

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Mon Aug 25, 2003  1:52 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Not finding White Horse, and hearing his name called from the distance, he stops, turn, and
replies: "OK,, I can't find White Horse, I am coming back!"
And he hastens over hill and dale to them. "Little Dove, is she getting better? Do you think we
can help her to safety, if we support her on both sides?" And he reaches, soothingly pats
Cheyanna's back. Smiles at her.

Message 923

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Tue Aug 26, 2003  8:06 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Her life held in the balance, and she knew it, for the first time she knew what fear tasted
like, it was a vile taste and she shuddered. At that moment she was fully aware of her
surrounding and heard Oliver talking to another and felt his hand upon her flank, and struggled
to get up and stand. Looking at the two, she sighed softly. licked her lips and murmured,
"Wwhere are we to go?" She remember seeing her father take several hits stumble and come back
up..it shown her that he wasn't going to give into death, without a fight.. She placed her cold
hands upon Oliver's shoulders, Maybe she was meant to die, only fate had control..at first she
was willing to lay there and let fate have the upper hand, not anymore..it was time for her to
take full control..she smiled at Oliver and the other centauress, "Guide me, and I will manage

Message 925

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Tue Aug 26, 2003  3:07 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Helping Cheyanna up, Little Dove looked over to Oliver. He was having a hard time keeping her
up. (After all, he was Human.) The trio walked along the foot path. Cheyanna stumbling over the
tree roots and rocks. "Oliver, once we reach the road I want you to go get Whitehorse." She
told him. They soon reached the road, "Quick, down that way, about a mile." She puffed as she
tryed to take all of Cheyanna's weight. "Please hurry, I don't think we have much more time to
save her!" As Oliver ran down the road, Little Dove tryed to keep Cheyanna moving towards her
home and the things she needed to save her life.

Message 928

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Tue Aug 26, 2003  7:53 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"We'll make it!! dont worry." And his hand gently strokes along her withers, as they start down
the road. "Help will be here soon!!!!"

Message 929

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Tue Aug 26, 2003  8:03 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Panting but not too worn out, as he wants to help Cheyanna, at the road. "Little Dove , down
there? That way? Ok I am on the way." And he dashes off again, calling: "Whitehorse !!

Message 932

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Wed Aug 27, 2003  4:51 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Cheyanna concerntrated on putting one hoof in front of the other, When she stumbled she would
groan, then sink her sharp teeth into her lower lip, cutting it, sending pain through her body
jolting her out of the dark fog that threaten to enfold her..her vision blured and she thought
she saw her parents before them, and called out to them, "Mother, Daddy?" she held on tightly
to little Dove, and cried, "I should have been there!"
The image of her parents, started to fade, only to come back and she heard them say to her,
"Don't let our deaths be in vain! Live, love and rebuild our stormdancer clan and make it
stronger than before, we will be with you in spirit," Cheyanna paused long enough to draw
herself up, forcing her limbs to take most of her weight, giving Little Dove a feverish smile,
asked softly, "where?"

Message 934

From:  whitehorsetm
Date:  Fri Aug 29, 2003  3:11 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Whitehorse had just finished putting up the last of the wood when he could hear a faint voice
off in the disstance calling out his name. He walked out to the road, looking in the direction
of the voice. He could see a figure coming down the road. A human. Whitehorse trotted down the
road towards the man. He stoped in frount of him. "I am Whitehorse, what is it you need?"

Message 935

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Fri Aug 29, 2003  6:48 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"Ahh, Sir I am glad to have found you. Little Dove told me to come this way. There is a lady
Centaur back there, who has been badly hurt wounded. She is too weak to make it on her own to
saftey. Little Dove thought you could come with a cart. And together we could bring her to a
lodging for the night. I know it is an imposition, but if you could help, it would be most
Smiles and hopes that Whitehorse can help.

Message 938

From:  "Toni"
Date:  Sun Aug 31, 2003  4:06 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Toni was coming back from visiting friends when she topped a rise in the road. She looked down
and saw two Centaurs walking down the road. It looked like they were leaning on each other. As
she got closer she could tell one was Little Dove. She hurried her pace. When she got with a
few meters of the pair, she could see the blood on Cheyanna's body. "Oh my goodness!!!!" she
exclaimed as she came up beside them. "What happened to her Little Dove, how may I help?!" Toni
got under Cheyanna's other arm and took some of the weight.

Message 941

From:  whitehorsetm
Date:  Sun Aug 31, 2003  5:39 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"Do you remember where you left them?" Whitehorse said as he placed a hand on Olivers shoulder.
He took Oliver back to the house and gave him something to drink as he prepaired the cart.
"Now, if you are ready, think you could lead me to them?"

Message 947

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Mon Sep 1, 2003  10:07 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"Yes, certainly sir. look," pointing back; "down that road, to where it goes over the crest.
Then, just to the bottom of the valley by the stream. The two are there. Little Dove is
Marvelous, but she needs help. Especially if we are to get her to safety before dark. Perhaps,
yes, on the way, I could drink. It is hot and dusty!!!"

Message 949

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Tue Sep 2, 2003  8:22 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Cheyanna was barely aware of the second centauress that had joined them. She was having trouble
keeping her mind focus on walking, her tail flick at the bitting flys and mosquitos, and her
body burned with fever. Her knees gave out, skinning them on the trail and unable to go any
farther. She knew it was close to dark for the breeze had a slight chill to it, all she wanted
to do was curl up and sleep.

Message 950

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Tue Sep 2, 2003  2:30 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

All Little Dove and Toni could do was let Cheyanna fall to the ground. Little Dove shook her,
"Don't fall asleep, don't give up." Just as Little Dove looked up to tell Toni to run and get
Whitehors, she heard the sounds of galloping hooves comeing down the road. It was Whitehorse
and Oliver with the cart. "HURRY!!!" she yelled and turned her attention back to Cheyanna.
"Hang in there, your going to make it now." Little Dove was hoping she wasn't lieing to her.
Cheyanna was on the edge, the edge of the dark world and their own. She would try everything in
her power to save her.

Message 952

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Tue Sep 2, 2003  8:38 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"We are coming! We are coming!!!" As he and Whitehorse come galloping up with the cart. He
smiles, seeing more have come to assist Cheyanna. "I think we can do it now!!!!" Letting down
the cart, deep breath and satisfied that all will go well, he walks to Cheyanna:

"We are back I think we can make it! You will be safe!!! Friends have come from everywhere to
help you!!" Smiles, as his hand gently strokes along her flank.

Message 953

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Wed Sep 3, 2003  1:57 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Cheyanna barely aware of anything, & finding it difficult to focuse, the darkness sucking
insistancely at her when she thought of giving in, she heard Little Dove calling out to her,
telling her to hang on and felt the ground vibrate under her as oliver and whitehorse came
towards them...
She had been hunting the vampires for a while now, she wanted revanage for her clansmen. She
almost had them when she had been attacked from a few that had attacked her. She managed to
kill them all and recieved the wounds that are now life threating. IN her feverish mind she
remember her father taking her hunting and showing her all the skills of a hunter/warrioress,
and he always told her that she was special... and her mother would teach her the more finer
things of a centauress. Her mother was the priestess/healer of the herd, and told her that one
day Cheyanna would walk between both worlds, and that with the lost of the old clan and she
would regain a new one if she survived.
She had only just meet Oliver, and yet he was helping her, as well as others that didn't even
known her was comign to her aid..and she wondered if she was strong enough to survive, only the
gods and goddesses knows..

Message 955

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Wed Sep 3, 2003  4:44 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

After getting Cheyanna into the cart, the little group started down the road to Whitehorse &
Little Dove's house. Little Dove keeped talking to her, "Come on Cheyanna, stay with us." They
were moving fast, Oliver was having a hard time keeping up. "Oliver, come up in the cart. Keep
her awake." Little Dove told him.

Message 956

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Wed Sep 3, 2003  7:38 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"Yes, good idea, Little Dove." And he climbs up beside Cheyanna, and nestles down beside her,
his hand soothingly strokes along her flank.

"Cheyanna, you will be ok. We are with true friends now. They know what to do. and will have
you healed soon, I am sure." Looks down at her, and then his fingers brush a lock from her

Message 957

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Thu Sep 4, 2003  3:16 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Ooh, how she wanted to sleep, but both Little Dove and Oliver's voices came swiming in and out
of her mind, calling to her, refusing to let her go... She felt Oliver stroking her flank, her
flesh was hot to the touch, and the muscle quivered as she relived the battle. Tears slide down
as she weep for having to kill her clansmen, but she wasn't going to let them live with the
curse of drinking blood... It was her own father that had put the deep wound across her
shoulders, and it was her mother that had bitten her... and she had killed them, releasing them
from their torment. Since that night she had refused to cry, now she weep.

Message 960

From:  "Patti"
Date:  Thu Sep 4, 2003  3:08 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

The trio got to the house in no time, Little Dove knew what Toni was there for. She knew it
would be breeding time but she had more pressing things on her mind, saving Cheyanna. After
getting her into the house and in the healling rooms bed Little Dove went into the kitchen and
started mixing up a potion. She had to stop the poison for going any farther. Hopefully she
wasn't to late. She carried the bowl of the mixture into the room, by this time Toni had made
Cheyanna as comfertable as she could. "Here, drink this. It should help." Little Dove held the
bowl up to Cheyanna's mouth.

Message 962

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Thu Sep 4, 2003  6:07 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Helps to ease Cheyanna off the cart and into LittleDoves's place:

Shakes his head with a smile: "You are so good with her. I think even your calm voice helps
her. Please, let me know what I can do. Like boiling water, washing things. anything..."

Turning to Toni: "You are a great help too. When I was trying to support Cheyanna, lifting did
somewhat um strain me.

Message 963

From:  "Toni"
Date:  Fri Sep 5, 2003  12:58 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"Thank you," Toni replied. "I think the best thing we could do is to get out of Little Dove's
way." Toni took Oliver by the had and lead him to the front room. "Please sit, she will do all
she can to save her." Toni sat Oliver in a chair. "Would you like something to drink? Tea,
fruit juice, water?"

Message 966

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Fri Sep 5, 2003  3:56 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Nodding: "Yes, Toni you are right. We had best let Little Dove attend. I think Cheyanna is now
safe and in good hands. Oh, by the way, I dont think we really were introduced, I am Oliver.
and I have overheard, you are Toni." Smiles, as he walks with her to the front room, sitting
down. "I am thirsty, a bit, having run back and forth all those times. my legs arent quite as
long and strong as yours. I would like whatever you have to drink, that is fine with me."

Deep breath, as he leans back in the chair. so comfortable.

Message 967

From:  stormdancer_centauress
Date:  Sat Sep 6, 2003  2:00 am
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

When Little Dove held the bowl up to her lips she drank greedily, some of the potion ran down
her chin, but she manage to drink all of it..and laided back down tucking her long legs close
to her body, as her stomach churned at having something on it after so long a fast.. She felt
drowsy and finally let the darkness wash over her and went to sleep..her dreams slowly turned
to nightmares and she was once again among the vampires and fighting..

Message 971

From:  "Toni"
Date:  Sat Sep 6, 2003  9:03 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

Toni got a tankard of Ale, thinking it may do Oliver some good. Helping him to relax. Toni than
looked in on Little Dove, she was wiping down Cheyanna's face with a wet towel. Seeing there
wasn't much more she could do, Toni went outside to see what Whitehorse was doing. She walked
out back were he was putting the cart up. "How have you been my handsome Stallion?" she said to
him as she walked up and rubbed against his side.

Message 973

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Sun Sep 7, 2003  7:56 pm
Subject:  Re: A Day in the woods

"Thank you, Toni. Ahh this is good." Taking a deep sip:  "Mmmm you do know how to relax a
person." And he sits back easily in his chair. hearing Little Dove ministering to Cheyanna.
knowing that she is doing the best that can be done.

The story continues in:
A day in the woods - Safe at last if you want to follow Cheyanna, Little Dove & Whitehorse.
Click here if you want to go back to Erotic Centauress index 4.