Home at Last!
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Players in this chapter:

    Jim                             Angela

Message 943 

From:   pleasuringwomen 
Date:  Mon Sep 1, 2003  6:15 am
Subject:  Home at Last

Jim looked the stranger over carefully. "I'm afraid Angela's recovering from a serious accident
and she's had a long day" Jim responded. "She is asleep now, and I don't want to wake her." The
stranger looked at him disbelievingly, trying to look around Jim's body. Jim didn't know this
man, but he was getting a bad feeling about him. "Give me your name and I'll let her know you
dropped by." The stranger grunted his disgust, turned quickly, and trudged off into the
darkness. As he left, he grumbled "I'll be back soon." Jim waited a few moments to make sure
the stranger was gone. Then he returned to Angela, brushed the hair from her face and waited
for her to continue. He had a feeling that this stranger was going to play a key role in her

Message 946 

From:   "Angela" 
Date:  Mon Sep 1, 2003  5:14 pm
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Angela asked Jim who was at the door hoping he would have found out the persons name. She was
shaking like she was very cold. When Jim told her he didn't know the man and that the man never
gave his name but said he would be back soon, Angela started to shake even more and was crying.
She managed to sob out "I don't want to ever see him, please don't leave me alone". Angela told
Jim that the mans voise sounded like the man in her past and he was not a nice person. Now all
she wanted to do was hang on to Jim so tightly he could hardly breath or move. Angela asked Jim
to stay by her side so she wouldn't be afraid any more.

Message 948 

From:   pleasuringwomen 
Date:  Tue Sep 2, 2003  12:11 am
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Jim could see the fear in Angela's eyes. She held him tight from under the blanket. As calmly
as he could manage, Jim whispered "I'll stay here with you and keep you safe." He too felt
there was much to fear from the brooding stranger. Angela moved over in the bed enough give Jim
room to lay down with her. He would sleep on top of the covers, just in case he had react
quickly. He really didn't believe they would have another visit that night, but better to be
safe than sorry. He leaned over and kissed Angela softly on the forehead. That seemed to calm

Message 954 

From:   "Angela" 
Date:  Wed Sep 3, 2003  5:56 am
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Angela was calmer now that Jim was beside her but she was not ready to let go of him quite yet.
She whispered she reconized the voice of the man at the door and it was the villian that tried
to kidnap her in the truck and he was also the cause of all her pain in the past. She was so
frightened she didn;t want to sleep but was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. Knowing
Jim was with her to keep her safe made her relax and she was soon fast asleep with her arms
still around Jim. When Angela woke the next morning Jim was not beside her and she was afraid
something had happened to him. She called to him but he didn't answer, so she got up and
started looking for him and calling "Jim where are you?" as she went through every room in the

Message 970 

From:   pleasuringwomen 
Date:  Sat Sep 6, 2003  7:32 pm
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Jim didn't hear Angela at first. He was searching around outside for any telltale signs of the
previous nights visitor. He had found evidence that the stranger had not left immediately the
night before. It appeared that he had stood in the bushes for some time, probably waiting to
see if Jim was going to leave. Jim didn't like this person one bit. He hurried back to see if
Angela had woken.

Message 977 

From:   "Angela" 
Date:  Mon Sep 8, 2003  7:41 am
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

By the time Jim got back in the house Angela was frantic. She thought the stranger had attact
him and he might be laying out in the bushes or even worse.She was to afraid to go out and see
where he was. She was very releived to see he was ok and she gave him a big hug and kiss. All
she would tell him was the voice she heard lastnight sounded a lot like an ex-boy friend and he
was not a nice person. She wanted to just sit and hang on to Jim for a while and then have
breakfast before she told him any more about that evil person.

Message 1020 

From:   pleasuringwomen 
Date:  Sun Sep 14, 2003  9:56 pm
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Jim held Angela until she she calmed down. Knowing the stranger had probably been her ex-
boyfriend, made a lot of sense. It appeared he was back to claim her. Jim would need to be even
more watchful. As they ate breakfast together, he suggested that he move in with her
temporarily, just to be safe. He also asked her if there was anything else she could tell him
about her past or her ex, as it might prove useful.

Message 1023 

From:   "Angela" 
Date:  Mon Sep 15, 2003  7:06 am
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Angela didn't want Jim to leave her side even to go to work. She was afraid her ex would come
back and try to take her away. She told him she would feel alot safer if he did move in for a
while. Angela told Jim her ex boy friend tricked her into leaving her people and then forced
her into a breeding program where she had to mate with numerous strangers. Angels also told Jim
he was the first male she had been with since she got away from her ex and she felt comfortible
with., then she "leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and smiled at him."

Message 1042 

From:   pleasuringwomen 
Date:  Wed Sep 17, 2003  5:04 am
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Finally Jim understood why Angela had been so upset. "Of course I'll stay ... for as long as
you need me" he chimed in. Knowing he was her first since she escaped her ex, meant a lot. It
meant she accepted and trusted him now. Her warm, sweet, kiss, still wet on his cheek, the
bright flash of her smile simply melted his heart. He pulled her close, enfolding her in his
strong arms. He wished the moment would last forever.

Message 1047 

From:   "Angela" 
Date:  Thu Sep 18, 2003  4:14 am
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Angela was finally calm and it felt good to have a strong handsome man holding her in his arms.
She told him she was glad he understood and was willing to stay with her. She was still afraid
her ex would show up and try to take her, she was also he would try and hurt Jim. But at least
she was more comfortable with Jim by her side than she has been in a very long time. She was so
comfortable in his arms she fell asleep while they were talking about her past.

Message 1104 

From:   pleasuringwomen 
Date:  Mon Sep 22, 2003  4:41 pm
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Jim watched Angela as she slept. Probably the best sleep she had gotten in days. He saw her
chest rise and fall with every breath, felt her heart beating peacefully. Her beautiful face
carried a relaxed and blissfull appearance. He gently brushed the hair from her face, then
carressed her cheek. At last, he kissed her softly on the lips. It was a kiss filled with love,
one that Angela would probably never remember. It didn't matter, it was only important the he
gave it to her. He hoped that someday soon, he would be able to give her a kiss that she
couldn't forget.

Message 1112 

From:   "Angela" 
Date:  Wed Sep 24, 2003  6:03 am
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Angela was suddenly awakened, she sat up and looked at Jim, he had a gleam in his eyes as
though he was hiding a secret. She smiled at him and leand over putting her arms around his
neck and gave him a soft,long kiss on his lips. She said "I am sorry I don't know what just
came over me, but for some reason it felt like it was the right time to kiss you." She was
embarrassed for a while and hoped Jim would not leave her or think she was to forward. Angela
told Jim it felt right at the moment. Jim still had that gleam in his eyes.

Message 1139 

From:   pleasuringwomen 
Date:  Tue Sep 30, 2003  5:03 am
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Jim just smiled at Angela. Then he pulled her close. His large, strong, hands cradled her head
as his lips touched hers. The soft warmth of her lips pressed against his. He kissed her
passionately, as he wanted to for so long. He hesitated a moment, afraid Angela might pull
away. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him back for more. They spent
untold minutes expressing their affection for each other in this way. Finally, Jim looked deep
into Angela's smiling eyes and saw the there was a gleam there too.

Message 1162 

From:   "Angela" 
Date:  Sat Oct 4, 2003  6:14 pm
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Angela laid there beside Jim with her arms around his neck, she was injoying every minute of
it. She couldn't believe she would do anything like this but all she could think about was she
wanted more and she wanted to go further with him. She didn't know how to let him know so she
just laid there smiling at him and kissing him. She didn't want him to have bad thoughts about
her all she knew was shre really loved him more than she has loved any other man. Jim had
finally made her happier than she has been in a long time and she was nolonger afraid to show
her feelings towards a man.

Message 1163 

From:   pleasuringwomen 
Date:  Sun Oct 5, 2003  3:07 am
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

There kisses became more passionate as time passed. Jim hoped that the time had come. He had
waited so patiently, controlling his desire for Angela. So many times he wanted to share his
love with her, but was afraid she wasn't ready. He carressed her body with his hands, slowly
exploring every gentle curve. When she showed no resistance, his hands slid farther down along
her wonderful flanks. He knew if she began to rub her her groin against his, he would be unable
to retrain himself any longer. Jim wanted to be with Angela so bad, but didn't want her to
think of him like the other males she had known.

Message 1169

From:   "Angela"
Date:  Sun Oct 5, 2003  10:58 pm
Subject:  Re: Home at Last

Angela slowly began to caress Jim's body running her hands down his waist to his buttox and
around to his groin. She gently began to rub his cock as he began to rub her pussy. She was
getting very excited and became wet. Jim slowly and ever so gently mounted Angela...
The story continues in "The morning after".

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