Continues from: Home at Last!
The Morning After!
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Players in this chapter:

     Jim                             Angela
Message 1260

From:   pleasuringwomen 
Date:  Tue Oct 21, 2003  5:52 am
Subject:  The Morning After

The morning came soft and quiet. Only the sound of the birds greeting the new day, broke the
silence. That and the gentle sound of Angela's breathing. Her head was still laying on his
broad chest. On her face was the look of contentment. She had revealed her secrets to Jim, and
then finally, her body. There as no doubt of her physical beauty, but Jim thought her real
beauty was inside. He would stay with her as long as she would have him, and protect her
whenever it was necessary. He looked forward to having her at his side and spending more nights
making sweet love with her. He would never treat her harshly, like those before him.

Message 1272 
From:   "Angela" 
Date:  Thu Oct 23, 2003  6:04 am
Subject:  Re: The Morning After

Angela slowly woke up with her head still on Jim's broad chest. She looked up at Jim and saw a
the gentle sweet smile on his face and the look of contentment in his eyes. She then knew she
had pleased him and she hoped he would never leave her. This was the one she was looking for to
spend the rest of her life with. He was so kind and gentle with her that she knew he would
never harm her like the others had done. She said in a soft voice "good morning Jim, I am glad
you stayed with me all night." She then smiled at him and got up to fix them breakfast.

Message 1309  
From:   pleasuringwomen 
Date:  Wed Oct 29, 2003  3:55 am
Subject:  Re: The Morning After

He woke to the sound of Angela's sweet voice. "Staying with you was all my pleasure" he
responded laughingly. Indeed it was, as she was the gentlest and most unselfish lover he had
ever been with. He watched as her lithe form glided across the room and disappeared through the
door. "I think I'll check around outside to make sure we didn't have any unwanted visitors last
night" he called out, "I feel like we exorcised some demons last night, maybe your ex was one
of them." He searched the surrounding area for footprints, but didn't see anything suspicious.
Bacchus knew Angela was safe as long as he was there, but he worried what would happen if he
left. And he would need to go back to his own home to pick up a few things later that day.

Message 1312  
From:   "Angela"  
Date:  Thu Oct 30, 2003  3:19 am
Subject:  Re: The Morning After

Angela fixed them a lovely breakfast while Jim was checking around outside for unwanted
visitors. When he came back in Angela smiled at him as she thought how nice it would be to go
with Jim after his things, but didn't want to let him know she felt something bad was going to
happen to her again. After they ate Angela started to clean the dishes and then the house up.

Message 1325  
From:   pleasuringwomen 
Date:  Mon Nov 3, 2003  7:46 am
Subject:  Re: The Morning After

Jim returned Angela's warm smile. He explained that there was no sign of their unwanted
visitor. Even so, he warned her to be extra careful for a few days. "I'm afraid I'll have to go
home for a while today and pick up a few things." "Will you be alright alone, or do you want to
come with me?" Jim put his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes for an answer

Message 1343  
From:   "Angela"  
Date:  Fri Nov 7, 2003  5:32 pm
Subject:  Re: The Morning After

Angel law was afraid to be alone but knew she had to start someday and this was as good a time
as any. She looked and Jim and said "I am sure nothing will happen, I will lock the doors and
not go out unless I call a friend to come over and go with me. I would love to go with you but
there are things I need to do here." She smile and told Jim to have a save trip and to hurry
back to her.

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