Continues from: Her Quest Continues!
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Players in this chapter:

    Cynder                          Mindy                        Vernetta                     Cassandra

  Joseph                            Toni                           Kadisha
Message 1248

From:   "Cindy"  
Date:  Sat Oct 18, 2003  4:40 pm
Subject:  Reunion

Cynder sat there still talking with Vernetta, soon she heard Tonis voice. Cynder soon could
hear two other voices, one strange the other, well, strangly familiar. Like her own voice. She
got up off the swing and walked around the corner of the house, she stopped dead in her tracks
when she saw Mindy standing there.

Message 1251   

From:   "Mindy" 
Date:  Sun Oct 19, 2003  5:57 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

When Mindy saw Cynder coming around the house she could not believe her eyes. Her mouth fell open 
and tears began to run down her cheeks.
She kicked up her heals with excitement and ran over to Cynder with open arms. 
Mindy said "Oh, Cindy I have been searching every where for you for so long I almost had given 
up any hopes of finding you."

Message 1256   

From:   "Cindy"  
Date:  Mon Oct 20, 2003  3:30 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Cynder looked up when she heard Mindys voice, "MINDY!" she screamed as she ran over to her and
threw her arms around her. "Oh Mindy, Mindy. I have been looking for you for so long." she
cryed as the tears of joy ran down her face. Cynder steped back and looked over Mindy. The two
were identical twins. The only way anyone there could tell them apart was that right now Cynder
was topless still from having sex with Whitehorse. "Please, come and sit. You must be tired."

Message 1258   

From:   "Toni" 
Date:  Mon Oct 20, 2003  4:00 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Toni stood there looking on, true the only way she could tell the two apart was that Cynder had
bare breasts. "Yes, please come and sit. May I get you anything." Toni said as she lead them
around to the back porch and the lawn swing.

Message 1262   

From:   "Vernetta" 
Date:  Tue Oct 21, 2003  2:42 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

'Great, two more.' Vernetta thought to herself as she saw Mindy and Kadisha come around the
house and sit in the swing and chairs out on the lawn. Vernetta was finely do with her change
into a Cenatur. The only change to her upper body was that her already large breasts for her
age went from a 38-C to a 38-DD. She couldn't wait to try them out on Whitehorse. But now there
were two more to compete with. Little did she know that her Father was not that far away from
finding her and going off. Vernetta didn't tink about how she was putting everyone there lives
in jeopardy for her revenge.

Message 1270   

From:   "Toni"
Date:  Wed Oct 22, 2003  2:49 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Toni came out of the house with a tray of Lemon aid for everyone. "Here, this should take care
of your thurst." she said as she passed it around. "The Master and Misstress are not in right
now, they should be back soon. Please make yourselfs at home." Toni continued. As she got to
Kadisha she had thought she had heard the name before. It was the name Whitey had said just as
he ran out the door. It had not clicked yet with her that she was the one he went to go find.

Message 1271   

From:   "Mindy" 
Date:  Wed Oct 22, 2003  5:34 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

As Mindy and Cynder sat there on the swing talking, they both could not believe they had
finally found eachother after all those long years of searching. Mindy said "thank you Toni,
this is very good lemonaid, did you make it from scratch?" "Mindy thought how nice it would be
to meat the Master and Mistress, and wondered what happend to Joe and Cassie. She asked Toni if
she had seen either of them. She wanted so much to thake Joe for helping her when no one else

Message 1275   

From:   "Cindy"  
Date:  Thu Oct 23, 2003  3:27 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

"So Mindy, were did you go?" Cynder asked her. "I went to the caves and hid till I didn't hear
anymore noise." Cynder told her Sister.

Message 1276

From:   "Mindy" 
Date:  Thu Oct 23, 2003  4:20 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Mindy said "I was hiding in the old celler behind some wooden crates until I couldn't hear
anything. When I came out everyone was gone so I started walking and looking for you, Mom and
Dad." Mindy told her sis she ran across their Mom first and she was dead then she saw their Dad
just laying there. She was so scared that she would also find her sis dead, but instead she
never found her at all.


From:   "Kadisha" 
Date:  Mon Oct 27, 2003  3:21 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Yes yes, hopefully they will return soon she thought as she sat sipping her Lemon Aid. Then she
can find out what happened to her and be changed back to her Human form. Kadisha noticed how
Toni, Cynder and Vernetta were sitting around topless. Was this a normal thing for a
Centauress? She was getting a bit uncomfertable, her breasts were still filling out. Her top
was restricting their growth. Kadisha reached up and untied her top, ahhh, there much better.

Message 1294

From:   "Mindy" 
Date:  Mon Oct 27, 2003  5:50 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Mindy saw Kadisha undo her top and couldn't believe everyone would rather go topless then to
keep their breasts covered. She looked at Cynder and said "Cynder, are you more comfortable
that way and what if the Master and Mistress come along, won't they be shocked to see all of
you topless?" She thought about how much Cynder had changed since she last saw her. When they
were together last Cynder was very shy and wouldn't even take her clothes off in front of her.

Message 1296

From:   "Cindy" 
Date:  Tue Oct 28, 2003  2:40 am
Subject:  Re: Reunion

"It's ok Sis, the Mistress went around topless. Come on Mindy lossen up." Cynder could only
hold back on what she had gone through while they were seperated.

Message 1298

From:   "Mindy" 
Date:  Tue Oct 28, 2003  4:24 am
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Mindy decided since there were no men around at the time she would do as Cynder said and loosen
up. She undid her top and let it fall off her shoulders. At that time Joe came up. Mindy
quickly put her top back on. Then she saw everyone else was still topless, so she thought what
the heck and took it off again.

Message 1299

From:   "Joseph" 
Date:  Tue Oct 28, 2003  5:58 am
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Joe smiled at the ladies and said "good afternoon ladies, I see you found your sister Mindy."
Then he walked on by and went over and sat beside Mindy, He asked if any of them saw where
Cassie went. He told then she kicked him a few times and ran off and he was looking for her.

Message 1300

From:   "Kadisha" 
Date:  Tue Oct 28, 2003  6:33 am
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Kadisha didn't want Joe to see her topless eather and tryed to cover up her large breasts. When
she didn't see anyone else cover thenselves but Mindy she pulled her hands back down. She only
wanted to fit in and make everyone else think she was a Cenatur all her life. Though Joe was
very handsom she only had one Stallion on her mind, Whitehorse.

Message 1323 

From:   "Cassandra" 
Date:  Sun Nov 2, 2003  3:08 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Cassie had wandered off deep into a part of the forest she had never been before. She had never
been so upset before, Joe had never raped her before. What was going on. Cassie had to be the
horniest Centauress in the valley. What was wrong. She expected it from a Horse, getting him
all hot and bothered and then having him mount her and fuck her like an animal. Joe wasnt like
that, he was like Whitehorse. Kind and gental. Cassie keeped walking deeper and deeper into the
dark forest. Not paying any attention to where she was going. She might endup someplace she
would later regret finding.

Message 1324 

From:   "Joseph" 
Date:  Sun Nov 2, 2003  11:19 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Joe smiled at the way the way Mindy was trying to keep herself covered. For some reason all he
could do was think about what he had done to Cassie. He couldn't believe he had acted like such
a jerk, he had never treated her like that even when he didn't want to have sex and she did he
was a perfect gentleman about it. He needed to find her and fast to tell her he was sorry and
would never act like an ASS again. If only she would come back and forgive him. He didn't know
where to even start looking for her. What was he going to do? How would he find her? He needed
help but he didn't know who to go to for help.

Message 1347

From:   "Mindy"
Date:  Tue Nov 11, 2003  4:36 am
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Mindy noticed something was really bothing Joe. She asked him if there was something she could
do for him. She thought maybe she could help him because he was so kind in heelping her find
her lost sister.

Message 1348

From:   "Cindy" 
Date:  Tue Nov 11, 2003  2:51 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Cynder saw Mindy walk over to Joe, she had noticed too that something was eating a him. He was
not acting rational for a Centaur Stallion with several Centauress sitting around during
breeding season. Cassie must be very special to him to ignore her and Toni, Mindy and Vernetta,
buy the way, where did Vernetta go? Cynder wondered. She had not seen her in quite some time.

Message 1351

From:   "Mindy" 
Date:  Wed Nov 12, 2003  4:33 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Mindy asked Joe what was wrong, then she noticed Cindy coming their way. She also noticed
Vernetta was missing, she asked Joe and Toni if they knew where Vernetta had gone? Mindy told
Joe that she would go with him to find Cassie if he wanted her to and then she could find her
way back to Whitehorses place. Mindy tried to put her arms around Joe to comfort him but he
shrugged and pushed them away.

Message 1401

From:   "Cindy"
Date:  Sun Nov 23, 2003  4:19 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

"What is wrong Joe?" Cynder asked, walking up to him and taking one of his strong arms and
cuddling up to him. "I want to thank you for bringing my sister and I back together." Cynder
looked up into his face, she reached up and kissed him on the cheek. "If there is anything I
many do for your reward, just ask."

Message 1406

From:   "Mindy"
Date:  Sun Nov 23, 2003  10:52 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Mindy realized Cynder was coming on to Joe in a very stong way and she decided she would offer
to be his mare if he wanted such a young one. Mindy took Joes other arm and cuddled upt to him
and said Thank you Joe for all you have done for me. She then kissed him on the other cheek.
She looked into his eyes and could tell he was having a hard time with what was happening.
Mindy told Cynder she was so glad to finally be back with her and she hoped nothing would ever
seperate them again.

Message 1407

From:   "Joseph" 
Date:  Mon Nov 24, 2003  12:41 am
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Joe looked at both Cynder and Mindy and smiled. His mind was on Cassie. He told them he would
love to make love to make love to both of them. He couldn't think of anything that would please
him more than if Cassie would come back to him so he could tell her how sorry he was for being
such a jerk to her. The three of them headed down the trail towards Joe's place.

Message 1432

From:   "Cindy"
Date:  Thu Nov 27, 2003  12:16 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

As the trio walked down the trail to Joes place, Cynder was thinking about what it was going to
be like to have her sister with while Joe fucked her. The more she thought about it, the
hornyer she got. She could allready feel her nipples getting hard. She wondered if Mindy was
feeling the same way. "Is it far to your place Joe?" she asked. Trying to make conversation as
they walked.

Message 1445

From:   "Mindy"
Date:  Fri Nov 28, 2003  5:41 pm
Subject:  Re: Reunion

Mindy could not keep her mind off of how good looking Joe was and how much she wanted to fuck
him. She knew somehow her sister was thinking the same thing. Minding thought it might be
really exciting for both her and her sister to fuck Joe at the same time but wasn't sure if
either of them would go for something like that. She herself had never fucked with more than
one stallion or human at a time but had heard it was great fun. Minding was really getting hot
and wet just thinking about it.

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