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Seeking and giving privacy!
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Players in this chapter:
Brina_kiandra          Good_old_paint
Message 289

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Sun Mar 17, 2002  7:56 pm
Subject:  Seeking and giving privacy

Looking at the Elf disapearing into the forrest and the two humanlime creatures that are
obviously having a most wonderful time, he nods to Brina and asks: "Young Mistress, would you
care to join me in a walk in the forrest this evening? It's a lovely evening and it would be to
wonderful to walk and talk and learn more of each other......also we could give our companions
a chance to ummmmm, get to know each other better also....?"

Message 290

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sun Mar 17, 2002  9:19 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Smiling at Paint Brina tilts her head to one side before answering: "Sure it could be
interesting to say the least... You could maybe tell me more about that scar you got there."
She looks towards the woods and adds; "Lead the way my painted friend" She gives him a sassy
look as she waits for him...

Message 291

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sun Mar 17, 2002  9:55 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Smiling at Paint, Brina tilts her head to one side and then says. "sure why not. I t could be
interesting if nothing else. Maybe you can tell me about that scar on your chest there." She
points to the jagged scar. "I'll let you lead the way." she waits for him to take the lead....

Message 292

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Sun Mar 17, 2002  10:43 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

He feels a flush begin to start again in his chest and walks towards the forrest edge along
side of Brina, feeling much more relaxed now and a bit excited at heaving the company of the
beautiful young centauress all for his own for a while.... they squeeze together to pass
between two close trees and at her touch he feels a definate stirring in his loins......

Message 293

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Sun Mar 17, 2002  11:37 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Just when Sandra had made up her mind not to give in to her sexual urges so soon, she saw her
more equine companions stand up and disappear in the forest, waving what obviously was a "see
you soon" rather than good-bye. She also noticed at a glance that Paint seemed to be looking
forward to being alone with lovely Brina and a smile ran over her face. Turning back to the
object of her desire she said: "Our friends seem to be leaving? This might be our chance my
friend ..." On saying so she leaned over to him, touching him with her soft lips like a horse
knowing you are hiding some sugar ...


Message 296 

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 18, 2002  1:57 am
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Waving to Sandra as she follows Paint into the forest she smiles to herself suddenly feeling a
little shy with the human face Horse. Human... but her trust in him was so complete... She
would go anywhere with him..

Message 294

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sun Mar 17, 2002  11:36 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

The cool night breeze over her body causes Brina to shiver and her nipple harden from the cold
air. She lightly lays a hand over Paints side as they pass through the trees and touch sides.
she looks at him and tries to think of something to say... then she says... "So.... you have a
scar on your chest that seems to cause you big time pain..

Wanna explain??" Her hand slides along his back as he move a head a bit..

Message 295

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Mon Mar 18, 2002  12:10 am
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Her touch is electric to him and hes mind is whirring with erotic visions of the tow of them
locked in all forms of passionate embraces......He does his best to hide his lengthening and
mumbles in reply: "That My Sweet Small One is a very long and sad story.... I was once a man 
you know and I had a Love....... she was stolen from me by wicked wizzards that took her life 
and nearly took my own, stabbing me with their scorscled blade and wounding me unto death. I 
was saved by my dear friend and my Loves cousin, only to sink to the depths of DRINK. I have 
vowed now to make amends to all for my past and someday find my enemies and take my 
vengance...." A light shows from his eyes as he stands tall and looks off to the distance and 
the future, unafraid.

Message 297

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 18, 2002  2:08 am
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Watching him suddenly standing tall and so sure of himself Brina sees a pride in him and she
smiles. Yes she is sure she would be forever safe with him. Stepping closer to him she reaches
out and straightens his mane out then looks up into his eyes and she feels as if butterflies
move in her stoamch.....

Message 298

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Mon Mar 18, 2002  2:36 am
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

He comes to his senses and looks at Brina......so small and pretty, yet not so helpless.....
His wounded heart is warmed under her gaze.....He smiles at her with real affection and
asks..."Will you walk with me now Pretty One?"

Message 300

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 18, 2002  11:59 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Seeming to be mesmerized by his look Brina slowly smiles up at him. Suddenly catching herself
she gives a little leap and steps quickly ahead of him turning with a smile she says, "Sure.
Maybe we can find some new adventure here in this new land." She pretends to be very interested
in the land around her....

Message 302

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Wed Mar 20, 2002  11:59 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Her childlike joy at her surroundings makes him feel young again and he follows her down the
wooded trail until it widens and he can walk side by side with her. He looks at her from the
corner of his eye, sometimes catching her in a sidways look at him, and seeing her flush and
seem to take interest in some small palnt or night creature suddenly. He sighs and wishes for
hands now, so he might hold hers as they walk....

Message 303

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Thu Mar 21, 2002  2:28 am
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Knowing he's watching her as they walk together, Brina looks away and says, "do you think we'll
meet any other creatures here in the woods. It would be interesting to meet others.... ummmm as
long as they aren't humans..... Specially men.. I don't much trust any of them." Then looks at
Paint. "Well most." Hanging her head in shame she mumbles, "I have good reason not to." She
walks on in silence...

Message 306

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Sun Mar 24, 2002  6:31 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

His heart is warmed by her pain and he comes hear her, his side touching hers and leans in
close to her, and his lips softly brush her cheek...."There now Small One, from this lowly
creature you will only get fidelity and careing. I don't know what those humans did to you, but 
I can imagine.... Please Dear Child, just try and enjoy this lovely evening and my company. 
Your a beautiful and sweet creature and your pain gives me pain also....." As she turns to him 
with tears in her eyes he again wishes for arms to comfort her, but instead twines his neck 
around hers and again kisses her softly on her neck....

Message 308

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 25, 2002  1:05 am
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Losing herself in her sensual senses she leans into his kisses sliding her arms around his
neck. Slowly leaning back she looks into his eyes and searches for understanding. "Oh Paint....
I do want to trust in you but I can't help remembering that you are a human in this horse form
and I can't get the bad memories of the human's that forced themselves on me out of my head."

Message 309

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Thu Mar 28, 2002  4:30 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

"Dear Sweet Brina..." Her arms around him warms his heart and her closeness to him causes a
stirring in his loins that is very hard to ignore. "I know a little of your pain, and can guess
much more than you would think. I have also suffered a great pain at the hands of evil men... I
lost that which was dearest to me, but in you I find solace and something I haven't had 
since... well, for a long time Darling Small One." *With that hew leans in close and kisses her 
soundly and fully, looseing himself in the feel of her lips on his and her arms wrapped around 
him... The warmpth in his loins grows and he begins to streatch himself out........

Message 310

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Fri Mar 29, 2002  6:16 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Feeling her own heated passion awakening with his kisses, Brina leans her human body into his
neck pressing her breast to him. Her nipples harden and press through the material of her top.
She slowly slides her hands down the length of his neck as she slides her tongue along his jaw
and up to his ear softly kissing just below it. She continues to slide her hand along his
shoulder and along his side until she reaches his underside and over his erection. Slowly she
strokes it giving special attention to the crown of it....

Message 312

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Wed Apr 3, 2002  1:23 am
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

His own passion is overwhelming, and her touch on his manhood/horsehood sends bolts of
electricity running through his whole body! He wishes again for hands to hold and stroke this
lovely creature, but instead moves around to her side, rubbing against her, until he is head to
tail with her, her hands still busy underneath him and lowers his head, noseing aside her tail
and beginning to pay attention with his one human feature to her wetness, bringing waves of
pleasure to both she and him.

Message 315

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sat Apr 6, 2002  10:14 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Catching her breath in heated passion, Brina sighs as she continues to stroke his erection as
pre-cum drips from it. With her free hand she slides her finger tips over her hardened nipples
teasing them with her own touches.

Message 316

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Sun Apr 7, 2002  2:12 am
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

His own breathing is fast and raged as he continues to perform orally on her soaking wetness,
his hips moveing in time with her strokes and moans comeing from deep in his chest.... "Brina,
if you have any doubts, please tell me now, while we can stop this before it goes too far,
otherwise I wish with all my heart to fully become your lover, now......"

Message 317      

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sun Apr 7, 2002  8:58 pm
Subject:  Re: Seeking and giving privacy

Suddenly remebering why she happened along this place in the first place she pulls away
quickly. "No!! I can't!!" She backs away turning as she goes and then over her should she
says... "I can't stay. I'm sorry. I have to find someone." And with this she runs out of the

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