Wandering in a unknown Land!
Players in this chapter:
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 Brina_kiandra             Sandra_centauress         Good_old_paint


Message 194

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Thu Feb 28, 2002  3:53 am
Subject:  Wandering in a unknown Land

After wandering for uncountable days I stand looking about me at the new land that surrounds
me. Shifting my weight from one tired leg to another I stand wondering if I should look for
others or just move on to the next land. A fly lands on my hind left leg and I kick out to rid

Message 195

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Thu Feb 28, 2002  5:26 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Another creature appears, looking around herself and checking for others. She is walking on two
legs but obviously they are the hind legs of a horse. If she is a she at all ... Swaying in
front of her she carries a large horse meat in a permanent state of semi-arousal, quite a
contrast to her soft feminine upper body and face. Behind her, there is a long blonde horse
tail swishing wildly as if by excitement ...

Message 196

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Thu Feb 28, 2002  8:27 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Hearing footsteps from somewhere within her hearing range Brina looks about herself waiting to
see who or what it is that is causing the sound. Will this be yet more trouble. She has seen
more of it then her share in the past months and it had harden her to the point of being on the
defense guard at all times. She stands her ground waiting....

Message 197

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Fri Mar 1, 2002  6:12 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Moving out of the shadows, the hermaphrodite centauress is taking a look at the wanderer. A
friendly one though highly on the guard, it seems. A pretty blonde too, however, arousing the
hermaphrodite's horse cock and female genitalia just by sight. She lifts her hooved arms,
waving hello to the beautiful visitor ...

Message 198

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Fri Mar 1, 2002  6:49 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Letting herself relax a bit she waves back to the stranger. Taking a few steps toward her she
smiles until she notices the swollen cock and stops. Now with renewed caution she stops and
stands. It's not that she is stunned by the fact that this is a hermaphrodite, but the fear
that this creature may force herself on Brina and she remembers all to well the power of
forcful desires. She stands ready to run...

Message 199

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Sat Mar 2, 2002  2:25 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Noticing the centauress' nervousness, the hermaphrodite horsewoman tries her most friendly
smile. She then turns around to show her swishing tail is sprouting from her anus. Bending down
further, she tries to reveal her rosy vagina to the stranger, convincing her she is only in
search for some loving care as she cannot please herself with her hooved hands ...

Message 202

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Sun Mar 3, 2002  9:50 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

He staggers from the underbrush, shakeing loose leaves and grass from his tangled mane, looking
about blearily he sees the two creatures in the act of greeting each other. Even in his still
dazed state of mind, he notices one being a bit warry, but still friendly, and the other
obviously arroused one advanceing in a manner both mennaceing and provocative. He wonders if he
should stay quietly by and watch, or to let his presence be known.....

Message 203

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sun Mar 3, 2002  10:08 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Hearing the rustle of leaves from a nearby bush she looks and sees a staggering horse standing
looking at her and the hermaphrodite. She makes a move toward him and stops when she smells
liquor.. She wonders if he's the safer of the two.. She has had her time with drunk humans and
centaurs.. Now a horse?? She stands staring at him..

Message 204

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Sun Mar 3, 2002  10:13 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

He sees the more timid of the two creatures begin to move towards him and then stop. He
realizes suddenly that he must still smell of the liquor he consumed the previous evening that
was stolen from a witches celler and seems to remember something...... His head is all a blur,
but he puts on his best winning smile and raises a hoof in greeting........ (HOOF?) 
"Oh My God" he says aloud. "It wasnt a dream, that crazy witch did turn me into a HORSE!" he 
screams in disbelief! He breaks down and begins to sob on the sod....

Message 205

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sun Mar 3, 2002  10:25 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Hearing a man's voice come from the horse Brina rushes to him. 
"You poor creature what is wrong?" She strokes his neck as he sobs and tries to straighten out 
his tangled mane. "Is there something I can do to help you? Please tell me if you can." Pulling 
his head up to her face she looks into his sad eyes.

Message 206

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Sun Mar 3, 2002  10:36 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Oh Lord" he says as he heaves a huge sigh, "I knew my weakness for booze would someday geet me
into trouble, I wish I had listened to my mother...." He looks up into the soft, sweet, careing
eyes of the strange creature and cant help but notice how beautiful and kind she seems. He looks
across at the other creature and waits to see what comes of this other meeting....

Message 207      

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Sun Mar 3, 2002  10:40 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Not recognizing the horse at first, hermaphrodite Sandra wonders why the lovely centauress is
moving into another direction. Suddenly she realizes, breaking into a sharp moan, tears filling
her eyes ...

Message 208

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Sun Mar 3, 2002  11:31 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Now Now Miss, ummmm, Buddy, ummmmm, (whatever), you are such a nice creature and quite
handsome! Why on earth are you crying also?" He feels even worse now seeing the wonderful
creature obviously very upset by his presence, and that he is getting the attention from the
other loverly creature that the newly upset centaur thinks should be getting... "My name
is...... Well, call me Paint, OK? And who are you two?"

Message 209    

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Sun Mar 3, 2002  11:51 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Recognizing she is being addressed by the speaking horse, Sandra tries to wipe the tears out
her pretty eyes with the back of her clumsy hooved hand. Still unsure about being welcome, she
moves closer to the other two ...

Message 210

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  12:19 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Seeing She (he looks at her obviously female top half) is upset, he rises from the turf with
the help of the quiet young centaurs, and they both approach the sad creature that is trying
to clumsily dry her tears... "Please, nice creature, do tell us your name and maybe a bit about
yourself and I hope we can all become friends! I myself am, or was a Man till last night. I am
a Bard, I sing and tell stories, well I did, but last night I crossed paths with a witch and
she enchanted me into this horse form you see before me for *blush in shame* stealing her
liquor from her cellar"....

Message 211

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  12:49 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Watching the strange creature coming closer, she watches in silence...

Message 212

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  1:01 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Looking at the horse with a slight smirk.. "Looks as if you found the wrong one to steal from."
She then looks back at the other creature. "Has someone done something to harm you?? Why the

Message 213

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  1:10 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

He hangs his head in shame at the beautiful creatures scornful remarks and feels terribly bad
for his shameful state and begins to try and sneak off back into the underbrush.....

Message 214

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  3:39 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Feeling a big relief from what she thought was refusal, the hermaphrodite horsewoman
approaches. "Sorry for being so stupid ..." she says, smiling with some tears remaining on her
face. "It's just that there's not many people who seem to like me this way ..."

Message 215

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  4:01 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Calling out the the horse..."Awww now you don't have to leave..." I was just thinking out
loud. Something I'm often doing... it gets me into a lot of trouble. Now come on back here." 
She adds in a rush. "My name is Brena..."

Message 216

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  4:07 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Oh, Hello Brena" He sighs with relief and turns to return to her side and gives her a look of
thanks and relief. "I seem to be in a sensitive state right now... but it seems our other
friend is also feling a bit sad?" He looks the other aproaching creature up and down. "I see
nothing wrong with you my friendly centaur/centauress, except your plumbing is ummmmm, quite
generous and a bit intimidateing to us of the average size? Do come and be welcome!" *friendly
horse smile.*

Message 217

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  4:07 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Brina turns to the creature and smiles... "It's ok I got a lot of people not liking me in my way
either," she giggles. "They would rather I didn't have a mouth.. or at least a voice." She
holds her hand out to shake but sees the hoof hand and stops. Quickly she grabs it and shakes
it with a smile. "My name is Brina what's you's? I'm sorry I'm afraid you just caught me off

Message 218

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  4:19 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Well no problem - it's just that I am not that stable yet when I feel refused ..." the
horsewoman answered, "and my name is Sandra." Looking at her hooved hands she adds, "Well,
sometimes I still think that is one of the nastiest things it did to me ..."

Message 219

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  4:42 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Yes I would suppose. I have four hooves but I also have these hands." Holds her hands up
winggling her fingers. "Sometimes I think I would of been better off with no hands." Looks
around.. "Now where is that silly face horse? Imagine a horse with a human's face.. Geesshh I
sure am meeting some umm... different creatures here."

Message 220

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  4:45 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

He takes the offered hoof in his own. "Are you also a victim of an enchantment Sandra?"

Message 222 

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  4:50 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Seems I am" Sandra said with a bitter smile. "But I must say I got used to it. The sexual 
needs having such an equipment may be compromising sometimes but nothing so far would equal 
the feelings I am getting now ..."

Message 223

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  4:55 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Ummmm, I can see how things could get very, ummm, difficult for you having both needs to
fill...." he says as he begins to try and make himself look more presentable to the two
friendly creatures in front of him....

Message 224

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  4:57 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Reaches out to pat the horses neck. "Aww now I was just teasing. It's not a bad face." Reaches
up to straighten the forelock over his eyes.

Message 225

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  5:01 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Geesshh and plan ol' me born and bred a centauress." Brina looks at Sandra. "What did you to 
deserve this ummmm... enchantment??"

Message 226

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  5:04 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

If a horse can blush, he positively radiates! "Awwwwwww, thank you so much Mistress Brina! You
do have a way of makeing a fellas troubles seem not so bad......"

Message 227 
From:  sandra_centauress

Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  5:08 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Sandra blushes but shrugging her nude shoulders she has to admit she does not know. "Maybe I
pissed off the wrong guy or girl - sure there have been some but I don't have a clue. And no
one has claimed responsibility for it so far ..."

Message 228

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  5:11 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Well being half horse myself. I kind of.. Well you know.." she turns to look around and the
asks Sandra. "Is there a place where we can get some food?"

Message 229

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  5:31 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Brina looks at first the man face horse and then at the horsewoman. "Well I sure hope I don't
ever piss someone of that much.. Geesshh my luck they would give me some dang dog legs on a
goat body and no mouth." She looks around seriously at the two again..

Message 230

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  5:38 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Oh it isn't so bad I guess, but I do miss my hands.... and (looking down and back) I see this
form could have some definate advantages!" he blushes again and lowers his gaze from the woman
forms of the two creatures he is standing with.....

Message 231   

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  5:45 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Smiling sweetly Brina looks beyond the human face. Down along the spotted body and smiled. "Yes
it could. very interesting." She smiles back at the blushing face of this creature...

Message 233

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Mon Mar 4, 2002  11:55 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

He feels both uncomfortable and arroused by his own sudden boldness and stands with a variety
of feelings running through his new form, wondering just what kind of adventure he has fallen
in to and what sort of pleasures or pains could be had with a lady centaur....

Message 234 

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Tue Mar 5, 2002  3:28 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Brina noticed the uncomfortable look in this creature's face and moved away.. She wouldn't want
him to think she was being bold and daring. She was after all just looking for friends and
nothing more... Backing away she smiled slightly and then asked Sandra again.

"Is there a place where we could get something to eat. I for one am very hungry." Looking back
at the horse creature she added, "We could all go together."

Message 235 

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Tue Mar 5, 2002  4:19 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"It's quite some miles away I think" Sandra answered, "but I could offer something in between
before that" Thus speaking she stirred her big horse cock ...

Message 236

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Tue Mar 5, 2002  4:45 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Looking calmly down at the cock and then calmly up into the face of Sandra, she sighs. "That is
not food. I've gotten that recently and it did nothing for the stomach.. Now I need to eat
food. If you know of no place then I'll just have to find some place myself." she looks back at
the male creature.. "And don't you get any ideas either.."

Message 237 

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Tue Mar 5, 2002  4:55 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

His mind snapes back to reality and yes he was going places he probably shouldn't yet in this 
new form..."Oh, Don't ya worry about me Miss Brina! I would never force...... ummmmmm, I
wouldn't...." he stammers off into another blushing fit thinking 'I need to stop being so darn

Message 238

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Tue Mar 5, 2002  5:15 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Seeing the human face turning a shade of red she softens a bit and smiles at him.. "Aww come
on..... What did you say your name was??" 
She gives his mane a playful tug and begins to walk down the road. "Come on now lets all get 
something to eat and get to know each other a little better. I think maybe we all got off on 
the wrong foot." Giggling a little she give the male creature a nudge with her elbow. "No pun 

Message 239 

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Tue Mar 5, 2002  5:42 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Also giggling, Sandra gives Brina a lash with her tail: "Hey - you are the lucky one - the only
one who has got her hands left!"

Message 240

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Tue Mar 5, 2002  12:05 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Feeling the tension begin to relax, he falls in step with his two companions and thinks, 'Yes,
Sandra is right. Having hands would be nice... I have a pesky itch there in my left flank...'
and saying aloud: "Oh, just call me Paint... That's good enuff for now. So what is there to eat
around here anyway, and I wonder why I have a craveing to chew on this damn grass on the side
of the path?"

Message 241

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Tue Mar 5, 2002  11:51 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Chuckling softly Brina looks at Paint. "Well you best get use to the itches or learn how to use
that tail of yours to get to the itches. Watch I'll show you." She turns moving her rump in
front of him and swishes her tail to slap her own flank exposing her female genitals. She
looked back at him and smiled sweetly. "Did you see that?"

Message 242

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Wed Mar 6, 2002  1:47 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Watching Brinas leith movements and flirtacious moves he manages to stammer out a "Yes, I
did...." and tries a tenitive swish or two with his own tail as he does his best to draw away
attention from his growing more obvious state of arousal....

Message 243

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Wed Mar 6, 2002  2:58 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Giving a little chuckle she moves out in a prance and calls back over her shoulder, "And you
would do good to learn to control other parts of you as well." She stops and looks back at the
others and adds: "Well are you two coming?"

Message 244

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Wed Mar 6, 2002  5:36 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Sees Sandra and the others, smiles: "Hello!" and walks toward them.

Message 245

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Wed Mar 6, 2002  6:44 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Noticing yet another stranger coming her way, Brina stops and stands watching him come her way.
She smiles slightly not wanting to seem rude but wonders if he is a centaur or what. Seeing as
to where she seemed to have met her share of other creatures in this land.

Message 246

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Thu Mar 7, 2002  12:14 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

He looks at the young Centauress and beckons her foreward along the trail asking, "Maybe you
could give me a few pointers on how to do things without useing my hands....."

Message 247

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Thu Mar 7, 2002  12:46 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Pauses for a moment, seeing Brina look at him. Yes, he must be different, just one of those
"humans". Quickly he took out his comb, and tried to get his unruly locks under control before
coming closer to the little group.

Message 248

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Thu Mar 7, 2002  5:46 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Standing watching him, studying him as he came closer Brina wonders if she dares to trust yet
another human. In her last encounter with a human she was held hostage and used as a sex slave.
She remembers to well the times she was bounded by the human and forced to abide to his ways.
The humiliation of the human and his friends all useing her cause such hate and mistrust of all
humans. She stands ready to fight. She would not give him a chance to get close..

Message 249

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Thu Mar 7, 2002  8:24 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Looking at Brina. He senses apprehension her part. He wonders, what have I done? He opens his
hands, palm up. Then sits down upon the ground, cross-legged. Bows to her, then looks
up. "Hello," smiles; "I saw your happy band, and wondered if it would be all right to accompany
you. I have been wandering about here, all alone for a while. I don't have any special skills.
And I promise to be no trouble."

Message 250 

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Fri Mar 8, 2002  12:56 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

He sees he human comeing closer and instinctively steps foreward in a protective stance in
front of the two lady creatures and lays his ears back. Even though he is formerly a human, he
remembers the stories of the abuses and perversions that have been heaped upon the race of the
Centaur by Man....He waits...

Message 251

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Fri Mar 8, 2002  1:17 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Brina looks beyond Paint. "Why would you want to travel with the likes of us? Wouldn't you
rather be amongst you own sort?" She turned to Sandra and asked. "What do you think? Should we
let him travel with us? I can guess what Paint's answer is already" She waits for answers from
the other two creatures....

Message 252

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Fri Mar 8, 2002  5:17 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Looking at the human, Sandra said "I guess I've seen him before. I can't remember he did
anything we might be afraid of - and well if he does we are three ..."

Message 253

From:  ethandrel_elfkindred
Date:  Fri Mar 8, 2002  7:21 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Since his arrival in these parts, and his first meeting with one of the centaur race, the elf
has spent his time wandering to familiarise with the area.

He is about to drift off to sleep when he hears several voices and the sound of footsteps mixed
with hoofbeats, as a group of travelers wanders into the clearing he has made his camp, two
centauress', a human and he is not sure what to make of the fourth.

"Greetings to you, fellow wanderers, how fare you all? I have little in the way of food, but
you are welcome to share what there is."

Message 254

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Fri Mar 8, 2002  9:30 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Why? I have been out here so long, alone. running and hiding . It seems even my own kind are
scavangers, thirsting for my blood. And desirous of taking the few things i have with me.
Robbers. Pillagers. I have actually been following you for some time. And you seem to be, well,
a happy band. I would like to join." sees Sandra, smiles to her. "I I think, I have met her

Message 255

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sat Mar 9, 2002  12:10 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Brina looks back at the human and answers. "Well I guess then we could let him travel with us
too." She again begins her search for food....

Message 256

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Sat Mar 9, 2002  12:18 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

His attention was diverted and he is suprised to find that they have run upon the campsite of
an Elf, and this creature seems friendly, but he is suprised to see the look of curiosity cross
the Elfs face as he looks at Paint, only to remember his new form of a horse that carries his
human face, so he tries a smile, temporarily shifting his attention from the following human
and replies: "Thank you for the warm welcome Master Elf, and the offer to share your rations. I
do think the ladies are famished, and as for myself, I can make due with a few bites of this
fresh clover. I can't speak for the HUMAN *suspicious look* but he may also be hungry."

Message 257

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sat Mar 9, 2002  12:59 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Looking around for other two legged creatures that may be hidding and waiting to ambush her and
the others, Brina says nothing.....

Message 258

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sat Mar 9, 2002  1:22 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Turning towards the human she eyes him with interest as he talks. "So you've been following us
for days and yet it's just now that you show yourself to us. Spying? Only spies I ever knew
were all trouble." Backing away from small group she looks about her some more...

Message 259

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sat Mar 9, 2002  1:29 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Moving closer to Paint she looks down at the food hungrily but makes no moves to get closer to
the campfire and elf. Her flank touches Paint and she feels a security with this touch.

Message 260

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Sat Mar 9, 2002  1:32 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Paint sees her reaction and Immediately goes between her and the human, again laying back his
ears and smiles a deadly smile at the whole group and also begins to scan the surroundings with
sharp eyes.

Message 261

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Sat Mar 9, 2002  12:00 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

As the two more horse-like beings move together feeling more comfortable like this, Sandra
approaches the human she instinctively feels secure with. Inevitably touching him with her big
penis first, she is pushing her nude body against his garments. Her tail is swishing nervously,
involuntarily arousing herself and making her even more shaky ...

Message 262

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Sat Mar 9, 2002  9:30 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"No, my Lady, not spying. No, I was alone. So alone, and your group was the first that I had
seen. I guess, I am both afraid of being alone, and miss the company of others."

Message 263

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Sat Mar 9, 2002  9:32 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Looks at Sandra coming to him. He smiles at the friendly two-legged one. Quivers at the touch
of her large penis, as he rubs a bit against her. Watching her tail swishing, he reaches to
touch it. "Oh , you do indeed have a lovely tail!!"

Message 264

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Sat Mar 9, 2002  11:04 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

He feels her hip touch his and for a moment a shock of electric energy spreads through him and
he feels strong urges, but looking at her fright, his energy turns to determination to protect
this sweet creature from all harm and he urges her to accept the hospitality of the Elf Ranger
saying: "Please young one, eat of the Elfs fare, he seem a trustworthy sort and our other two
companions seem, well, distracted and I will keeep watch for you. Eat small one and rest, you
are safe under my care..."

Message 265

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sat Mar 9, 2002  11:46 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Her blue eyes soften to his words as she feels a safty with him. She smiles slightly and then
steps closer to the Elf and says almost in a whisper. "Thank you."

Message 266

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Sun Mar 10, 2002  12:48 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Sandra blushed deeply at the human's remark and touch. His knightly attitude and friendly
behavior somehow made her ashamed of being nude, having to show her animalic urges that openly.
Even worse, his being so calm and friendly made her want him, and when he stroked her tail,
obviously not noticing where it was growing, he even managed to really cause her a big 

Message 267

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Sun Mar 10, 2002  8:05 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Deep breath. 'Happy. That perhaps, Brina will not reject him from the little group.'

Message 268

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Sun Mar 10, 2002  8:11 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Not noticing her nudity, but feeling the long hairs of her tail. Pulling gently. Strangely,
this touch, causes him to cross his legs, as he does not want the bulge in his pants to show.
Smiles; "You have a nice tail," and takes her hoof-hand in his other hand.

Message 269

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sun Mar 10, 2002  8:25 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Looking to the human she swallows the food in her mouth and says. "I guess it'll be ok that you
stay. Sandra seems to think we can trust you."

Message 270

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Sun Mar 10, 2002  8:32 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Still not fully trusting the human, Brina watches with interest waiting to see how he'll treat
the creature. She then turns back to look at Paint with a slight smile. She feels a comforting
that she's not sure she should trust.

Message 271

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Mon Mar 11, 2002  3:05 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

He feels the tension abate, and slowly relaxes, seeing Brina takes some food and Sandra and the
human playing sensual poker, he lowers his head and nibbles at some of the clover.... "Master
Elf, what, pray tell brings you here to this place and traveling alone? Tho I do know this is
the habit of Rangers, it still is dangerous and in these times, a bit of caution is heedful

Message 272

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Mon Mar 11, 2002  5:57 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Noticing her more equine companions still being suspicious about the human, Sandra looked him
in the eye wondering if he was going to cheat on her feelings ...

Message 273

From:  ethandrel_elfkindred
Date:  Mon Mar 11, 2002  11:20 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"When is it ever safe to travel?" The elf replies. "But have no worry caution is always in mind
when I travel."

Message 274

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Mon Mar 11, 2002  12:54 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Pulling her gently to him, his fingers around her hoof. "I am glad you encouraged the
others to accept me. That way, I can be with you." His body now touching hers, rubbing against
her breasts, his heart skips a beat.

Message 275

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Mon Mar 11, 2002  9:24 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Somehow Sandra felt enchanted by the man - not that he was so very attractive but he treated
her with signs of arousal she suddenly felt so ashamed of again. Maybe he was a ghost from her
former life, beckoning her back to humankind? But those were thoughts deep in her subconscious
(being a psychologist won't help much in this respect). And so she did what many a girl being
next to her beloved one would do - she opened her mouth a bit, moving her lips next to his and
waiting for something to happen ...

Message 276

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Tue Mar 12, 2002  1:20 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Swallowing the last of the food she took she says. "You could travel with us if you would
like." Shrugging her shoulders Brina adds. "The more of us together the better it would be."

Message 277

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Tue Mar 12, 2002  2:17 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Paint (an alias by the way, names DO have power) continues to graze, but keeps a watchful eye
on all of his companions and the surrounding forrest. First observing the Elf Ranger, seemingly
relaxed by the fire, confident in his element, but with sharp eyes that never cease their
constant scan of all that is around him. Sandra and the human are obviously lost in each other
at the moment, but there is something that he isn't comfortable with as far as the human, but he
can't put his hoof on it at the moment....Finally his eyes go back to the young Brina, watching
her begin to ease her tension filled body into a more restful position after she has eaten...
She is young and pretty and his scar begins to throb painfully and he groans softly....

Message 278

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Tue Mar 12, 2002  2:27 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Hearing a groan come from Paint, Brina goes to him and touches him lightly on his shoulder. 
"Are you alright?" Concern shows in her eyes as they study him closely. "Are you in pain?" She
strokes his shoulder hoping to comfort him in some way.

Message 279

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Tue Mar 12, 2002  2:35 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

His knees quiver and his head is lowered.... He raises one front leg to hide the pulseing scar
on his chest and grimmaces in pain.... "Oh, give it no mind young centauress, just an old wound
that pains me from time to time..." He looks into her soft, concerned eyes and the pain
doubles, but he tries hard to hide the renewed burning from the old wound....

Message 280

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Tue Mar 12, 2002  2:45 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"There is something wrong!! Please tell me. Maybe I can help." A gentler touch moves over his
neck as she hold him in her eyes. "I want to help if I can. You've been so protective and kind
to me. I want to help all that I can." She strokes the length of his neck down to his chest.
Her hand stops over the scar and she looks at it. "What happen here?"

Message 281

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Tue Mar 12, 2002  11:55 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

As her gentle fingers reach the scar, the pain eases and he catches his breath. With a forced
smile he says: "Just your gentle and careing touch is a boon My Sweet Small One, and the story
of that scar is a long and sad one from another life...I will just say for now tha the wound
touched my heart with more than the blade and it about did me in......I am much better now
Sweet one, many thanks," and he graces her with a genuine smile of thanks.

Message 282

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Wed Mar 13, 2002  12:36 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Pulling her hand away almost feeling embarrassed by his tender voice and words she then looks
up at him and says. "Oh then I won't ask about it any more.......... unless you want to talk
about it."

Message 283

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Wed Mar 13, 2002  6:50 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

He looked down at her hoof/hand. Enjoying the strange sense of touch there. Then, looked up. 
Her eyes so deep and and her lips so close. His heart skips another beat, as he now leans to 
her, his lips coming. Touching and pressing hers. His other hand pulling gently at her tail, 
the long hairs so soft and her lips. "Mm so tender," he murmers. "Thank you, Sandra."

Message 284

From:  sandra_centauress
Date:  Thu Mar 14, 2002  5:46 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Enbracing the guy with her hooved arms, pressing herself closer to him, Sandra got her mixed
genitalia even more in trouble. Her big horse cock pulsating with her heartbeat, drops of
pre-cum oozing from it's head already and pussy juices dripping down her inner thighs, she had a
hard time mantaining her composure towards their common travel mates.

"Let's not forget about the others right now" she whispered, having a hard time potting off her
urging needs, "I'll be yours tonight when it is dark ..."

Message 285

From:  jtemp1eton
Date:  Thu Mar 14, 2002  9:03 pm
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

"Right, Sandra. They look confused, me being a human so close to you," smiles, as his fingers
gently stroke down her back, pulling her tail. Swallows, as suddenly he feels a wetness at his
leg. Looks at her questioningly, as he crosses his legs. "Yes. We better wait until dark." 
And he waves at the other two.

Message 286

From:  brina_kiandra
Date:  Fri Mar 15, 2002  1:04 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

Waving back Brina giggles as she jabs an elbow in Paint's shoulder. "Look they're both
ummmmm..." Giggles some more... Well you know.. Getting any idea??? Giggles and walks away back
to the others..

Message 287

From:  good_old_paint
Date:  Fri Mar 15, 2002  1:16 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

*OUCH* momewntary aggitation, then his mood softens again as he sees the happiness in Brinas
face, also glad she has forgotten his earlier discomfort. He nods to the two more human
figures, and settles into a comfortable waiting position, watching Brina begin to relax and
become playful with the tiny evening creatures in the air and on the ground around the Elf
Rangers campsite, enjoying her youthful exuberance and natural grace and beauty..... His gaze
wanders constantly, but he notices the very still seeming Elf and wonders...

Message 288

From:  ethandrel_elfkindred
Date:  Fri Mar 15, 2002  10:07 am
Subject:  Re: Wandering in a unknown Land

The elf looks at his companions and smiles. Not being stupid, he walks over to his bow and
announces; "I'm just going to go and, erm, see if there is anyone else around, I'll be back
later, much later." With that he moves off into the forest.

Who do you want to follow? 
Paint and Brina or Sandra and Oliver?
Click here if you want to go back to Erotic Centauress index 1.