The Follower!
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Players in this chapter:

Abelkind                    Cassandra                        Karen                        Annie

Eponey                       Little Dove                    Joseph
Message 1359     

From:   "Steve"  
Date:  Sat Nov 15, 2003  9:26 pm
Subject:  The Follower

Hiding in the trees, near the Army camp, lurked a strange fellow. His name was Abelkind. Half
Elf half Human. He was no stranger to the soldiers of the camp, he was a harmless, simple
creature, and the soldiers entertainment, when they had the time.

Message 1360     

From:   "Cassandra" 
Date:  Sun Nov 16, 2003  1:53 am
Subject:  Re: The Follower

Cassie heard the bushes rustling near by. "Shhh, quiet," she whispered to Karen. Than she saw
Abelkind, Cassie leaped from her hiding spot and jumped over Karens head. She ran over and
tackled him. Cassie took out her dagger and put it to his throat. "Who is your Master?!" Cassie
demaned of the frightend Hafling.

Message 1361     

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Sun Nov 16, 2003  2:52 am
Subject:  Re: The Follower

Karen fell over backwards when Cassie jumped over her. Karen was shaking her head, what was
that she saw. Karen got up and ran over to where Cassie was holding the strange looking man.
Karen stood there with her mouth open, what was Cassie, what kind of creature was she. Karen
started to shake her head, she had to be dreaming. Cassie was a Centaur. Centaur's were a
fable, a myth.

Message 1362     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Sun Nov 16, 2003  7:38 am
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

Abelkind trembled with fear. He shook his head, eyes wide. "No Master, no Master. Please dont
hurt me" he begged.

Message 1363     

From:   "Cassandra" 
Date:  Sun Nov 16, 2003  6:17 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

Cassie stood up and draged Abelkind to his feet. "I have seen you in the camp." Cassie said to
him still holding her dagger to his throat. "Why are you here? Are you going to attack us?"
Cassie continued. She turned to Karen, seeing the rope hanging from the strap of her pack.
"Quick, give me some rope so I may tie him up." Cassie held out her hand. But Karen just stood
there stairing at her. "What is wrong with you? Snap out of it." Cassie said as she let go of
Abelkind and reached for the rope herself.

Message 1364     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Sun Nov 16, 2003  7:50 pm
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

Abelkind looked about him, he should make a run for it, but that would be useless, this
creature would catch him easily, and he didn't know what she was capable of doing. He decided
to stand still, co-operation was his natural sense of preservation. He could have been killed
many times over if he hadnt co-operated in the past. "Please" He said again. "Let me go."

Message 1365     

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Tue Nov 18, 2003  2:03 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

Karen snaped to when Cassie took the rope from her. "Your,,,your a Centaur..." Karen stammerd
as she watched Cassie tie Abelkind up. She looked him over, and eccept for his pointed ears he
looked normal. "Do you really have to tie him up? He looks harmless."

Message 1367     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Tue Nov 18, 2003  2:38 pm
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

Abelkind looked at Karen, then at Cassie and nodded quickly. "Harmless" he said.

Message 1368     

From:   "Cassandra" 
Date:  Tue Nov 18, 2003  3:00 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

"Harmless! He could only run and tell his Master we are out here." Cassie answered as she
finished tieing his hands. "I seen him wandering around the camp." Cassie finished tieing him.
"Come, we have to warn the others." Cassie started off through the trees with Abelkind in tow.

Message 1369     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Tue Nov 18, 2003  8:46 pm
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

Abelkind didn't know what to expect, he ran along behind Cassie, which was very awkward with
his hands tied behind him. Branches scraped and pricked his naked legs and arms, with only a
soft leather tunic that came halfway down his thighs, and tied in the middle, he didn't have
much protection. On his feet he wore moccasins of treated horse hide, and under his tunic a
thong of the same. Abelskinds eyes were the deepest green, his hair was shoulder length and
black as pitch. His skin looked bronze and weathered from living outside all year long. He
didn't speak much, normally only when spoken to, but he listened, and remembered everything.

Message 1373     

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Wed Nov 19, 2003  1:20 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

Karen followed alon behind. 'This must all be a dream,' she thought to herself as she ran to
keep up. She must have hit her head when she fell down the hole in the cave. She figured she
would soon make and this would all be over. Soon the trio came top another road.

Message 1377     

From:   "Patti"  
Date:  Thu Nov 20, 2003  2:30 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

Little Dove was returning from her vision quest when she seen Cassie and two others standing in
the road. She picked up the pace to a trot and came up to the little trio. She stopped and
looked at Abelkind with his hands tied than looked at Karen. "Hello Cassie, who are these two?"
she asked.

Message 1378     

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Thu Nov 20, 2003  2:52 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

"I, I'm Karen." she studdered as she looked on at the other Cenatur that had just troted up.
Now she knew this had to be a dream. No way could there be such a place that these creatures
could inhabit. Karen just went with it thinking that she would come to any minute.

Message 1380     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Fri Nov 21, 2003  5:17 am
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

Abelkind dropped to his knees, he was tired, dirty and bruised from being half dragged behind
the mighty centauress. "Please" he said. "Let me go, I'm no use to anyone, I just want to be
left alone."
He looked at Karen.
"Please help me." he begged her, whilst the two beautiful creatures spoke. "I'll do anything"
he whispered.

Message 1381     

From:   "Cassandra" 
Date:  Fri Nov 21, 2003  2:36 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

Cassie told Little Dove about the Army camp and seeing Abelkind in the camp and how he almost
found her and Karen in the woods just outside the camp.

Message 1383     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Fri Nov 21, 2003  10:04 pm
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

Abelkind was hungry and thirsty. Staying on his knees, he approached the two centauress.
"Please may I have a drink? It's been a long time and I'm very thirsty."
The nakedness of the two creatures made Abelkind uncomfortable and uneasy. He too, couldn't
help looking at Karen. It wasn't only escaping that kept crossing his mind.

Message 1391     

From:   "Patti"  
Date:  Sat Nov 22, 2003  4:37 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

Little Dove finished talking with Cassie than walked over to Karen and Abelkind.
"Seems unfare to have one free and the other tied." she said. Little Dove rasied her staff and
moved it over Abelkinds head and the ropes untied themselves and fell to the ground. She then
handed him a deerskin boada bag to quench his thurst.

Message 1395     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Sun Nov 23, 2003  7:58 am
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

Abelkind took the bag and gulped down mouthfulls of refreshing water.
"Thank you" he said handing the bag back. He took white doves hand and kissed it and touched it
to his forehead, a way of showing gratitude. He sensed that this new centauress was very
powerful, and remained on his knees, even though he was now untied. "Please may I go?" He asked

Message 1397     

From:   "Cassandra" 
Date:  Sun Nov 23, 2003  1:49 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

"Do you really think it a good idea to untie him?" Cassie asked. "He was in their camp." she
reminded Little Dove.

Message 1399     

From:   "Patti"  
Date:  Sun Nov 23, 2003  3:24 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

"Yes I do, he looks harmless." Little Dove said as she looked Abelkind over. She turned to him,
and walked up. "Wouldn't you like a nice meal?" she asked him. "You could come back to my place
and eat first." she than turned to Karen and gave her a knod.

Message 1400     

From:   "Cassandra" 
Date:  Sun Nov 23, 2003  3:45 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

"Yes M'Lady." Cassie replied as she bowed to her. Cassie picked up the rope and coiled it back
up and handed it back to Karen. "If we are all going bact to your place, think they should ride
on us." Cassie asked Little Dove. "It would be faster."

Message 1403     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Sun Nov 23, 2003  8:36 pm
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

"Please Miss" Abelkind said, "I wasn't IN their camp, I was outside of it, and yes Miss I am
hungry so hungry I could eat a hor... lot."

Message 1404     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Sun Nov 23, 2003  8:43 pm
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

Abelkind looked at Cassie, a few minutes ago he was terrified of her, but now Little Dove was
here he felt a little safer. He still wouldn't upset Cassie though, she seemed capable of doing
anything. He looked at Karen again, what was she doing here? was she a prisoner or servant or
just someone that Cassie had found. She was attractive, and Abelkind couldn't help looking at

Message 1405     

From:   "Patti"  
Date:  Sun Nov 23, 2003  10:14 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

"Please come, you will both be my guests." Little Dove replied. She walked over to an apple
tree, she seemed to be talking to it. Two apples feel out of it and into her hands. "Here, a
little snack to hold you over." Little Dove handed them to Abelkind and Karen.

Message 1414     

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Tue Nov 25, 2003  1:49 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

Karen thanked the Centaur for the apple. she did carry trail mix and power bars in her belly
bag for snacks. She was still thinking she was dreaming all this. "Yes, I would love to come
over to your place." she agread. She figured she might as well go along with it. It was
starting to get dark and she also figured anyplace else was better than here.

Message 1416     

From:   "Steve"  
Date:  Tue Nov 25, 2003  8:32 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

Abelkind also took the apple and agreed to join the others (although he didn't really think he
had any choice.) He also noticed not too far away thet somebody was watching them. He decided
not to mention it, they could be friendly.

Message 1418     

From:   "Patti"  
Date:  Wed Nov 26, 2003  12:42 pm
Subject:   Re: The Follower

Little Dove too sensed that someone was following them. As the littlew band walked down the
road she tryed to get Abelkind to open up a little bit. "What land are you from?" she asked the
quiet Hafling. She was not sure she would get a reply. She also looked over his shabby clothes,
"you know, I think we may have some clothes at home that might fit you." Little Dove continued.
Trying to get him to speak.

Message 1421     

From:   penny jones  
Date:  Wed Nov 26, 2003  2:41 pm
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

Abelkind ate the apple and thanked Little Dove. "I'm from a place called Yoom.  Its an island
about 30 days travel from here. This past few months I  have been wanderering about looking for
work." Abelkind glanced behind him, the figure was still following. "What type of clothes would
a centaur have that would fit me?"

Message 1422     

From:   penny jones  
Date:  Wed Nov 26, 2003  2:45 pm
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

Pen followed and thought it would be safe to show herself. She came out from behind the bushes.
"Hello!" she called.  She started to run to catch them up. The Elf looked very nervous

Message 1424     

From:   penny jones  
Date:  Wed Nov 26, 2003  2:46 pm
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

OOC: Sorry Abelkind, needed to prompt your answer.

Patti wrote: 

Little Dove too sensed that someone was following them. As the littlew band walked down the
road she tryed to get Abelkind to open up a little bit. "What land are you from?" she asked the
quiet Hafling. She was not sure she would get a reply. She also looked over his shabby clothes,
"you know, I think we may have some clothes at ho,e that might fit you." Little Dove continued.
Trying to get him to speak.

Message 1425     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Wed Nov 26, 2003  3:17 pm
Subject:  Re:  Re: The Follower

Ok, No probs. will take it from here:-)

Message 1436     

From:   penny jones  
Date:  Thu Nov 27, 2003  9:14 pm
Subject:  Re: :  The follower

Pen and Annie reached the group and introduced themselves. Pen was escecially interested in the
Halfling, he looked familiar. She was also interested in Karen, she had never met a human
before, let alone a pretty young female one

Message 1436     

From:   penny jones  
Date:  Thu Nov 27, 2003  9:14 pm
Subject:  Re: :  The follower

Pen and Annie reached the group and introduced themselves. Pen was escecially interested in the
Halfling, he looked familiar. She was also interested in Karen, she had never met a human
before, let alone a pretty young female one

Message 1440     

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Fri Nov 28, 2003  1:29 pm
Subject:  Re: :  The follower

Karen looked at Penny and Eponey. Penny looked just like Abelkind but a little shorter. Eponey
was a Centaur but, she had wings. Now this dream was getting really strange. Karen had not yet
let herself totaly come to grips yet that this was not a dream. She greeted the two new comers
to their little gathering. Karen too was getting some funny feelings about Abelkind too. He was
very cute, and she thought it might be kind of kinky to maybe have sex with a guy that had
pointed ears. After all, this was a dream. Isn't it?

Message 1442     

From:   penny jones  
Date:  Fri Nov 28, 2003  2:33 pm
Subject:  Re: :  The follower

Pen spoke to Karen.
"Is the halfling with you? He looks familiar to me." she turned to Abelkind. "greetings, have
we met before?"

Message 1443     

From:   "Cassandra" 
Date:  Fri Nov 28, 2003  3:46 pm
Subject:  Re: :  The follower

{OOC} Alass my dear, for we only have three Stallions here. {BIC}
Cassie felt much better when Eponey showed up. She was a bit different in that she did have
wings like a Peguses. "I love your wings my dear, which side of the clan did they come from?"

Message 1444     

From:   "Annie Asp"  
Date:  Fri Nov 28, 2003  5:03 pm
Subject:  :  : The follower :

"Oh, thanks, Cassie !! I don't know, legend has it, we always had them .. We go out on
adventures, just like this .. To see new lands and people .. and lern new things .. I never saw
anyone that did not have wings, and hoove befor that !! It's all very exiting and somewhat
scary at times .. All so new .. you know !!"
I stoped silent for a moment .. thinking ..
"We all live on some isle, far from here .. It's nice and quiet, too quiet at times .. So I
guess maybe that's one of the reasons this tradition to go out on adventures began !!"
"We are all peaceloving and when it get too quiet, sometimes, many of us go out to see
adventures elswhere !!"
Not many stallions, I reflected .. Just as good, but I hope there will not be too few, in case
they will be needed !! One never know when they are .. But what is certain is, they will always
be needed .. It's just a matter of time ..
- Annie - (Eponey)

Message 1451     

From:   "Patti"  
Date:  Sat Nov 29, 2003  5:11 pm
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower :

"Cassie, would you please take the new friends to my place and make them comfertable. I have to
go check on something." Little Dove asked her. She could feel Setons presents. She told all of
them to make themselves at home and she would be along shortly.

Message 1452     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Sat Nov 29, 2003  10:41 pm
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower :

Abelkind was feeling quite tired by now, and was looking forward to a good nights sleep. He was
wondering what the centaurs had in mind, and what Pen was doing there. he knew who she was, but
did she know him?

Message 1453     

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Sat Nov 29, 2003  11:30 pm
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower :

Karen too was thinking of a hot meal and a cozy bed. The apple Little Dove gave to her and
Abelkind did hit the spot but it wasn't enough. She reached into her bellt bag and pulled out a
bag of trail mix.She took a hand full and offered some to Abelkind.

Message 1455     

From:   penny jones  
Date:  Sun Nov 30, 2003  7:26 am
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower :

"You look familiar" Pen said to Abelkind. "Put my mind at rest and tell me where you are from"
She looked hard at the halfling. Then as Abelkind took the food Karen was offering him, she
noticed the tattoo on his forearm. The tattoo were the initials stating that he was the
property of the council of Yoom. Pen looked hard at Abelkind "Youre an escaped slave!" she

Message 1456     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Sun Nov 30, 2003  7:37 am
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower :

Abelkind took the food greatfully. "Thankyou Miss" he said. "We havnt really spoke yet have we"
There was something about this human girl that made him nervous, infact he was nervous of all
attractive womwen and Karen was no exception."Ive never met Centaurs before" he whispered to
her. "I've seen tham from a distance, but not this close. Awsome aren't they" Then he looked at
Pen. He knew she was a Princess, and hed seen her many times before.

Message 1459     

From:   "Cassandra" 
Date:  Sun Nov 30, 2003  4:52 pm
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower :

As Cassie lead the little group to Little Doves house she over heard Penny ask Abelkind about
being a Slave. She thought that this could bring trouble to their peacefull little valley. As
they got closer, they passed Joes place just as he was walking in with Mindy on one arm and
Cindy on the other. "Humph,," she snorted as the door closed behind them.

Message 1463     

From:   Steve  
Date:  Sun Nov 30, 2003  8:42 pm
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower :

When they arrived at Little Doves Abelkind knew he was in trouble. He could be handed back to
Princess Pens people for a small reward. He had to hope that they would not be interested in
his past, but he would have to keep them all happy. He knelt before Pen and pressed his lips to
her feet. Kepping his eys down he said.
"Please your Highness, dont take me back, I will make it up to you"

Message 1464     

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Sun Nov 30, 2003  9:26 pm
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower :

Karen looked on in disbelief as she watched Abelkind grovelied at Pens feet. "Dream or not,
this is not right." she thought out loud. Karen walked over and took Abelkind by the arm and
picked him up to his feet. "Who is she to make act this way?!" Karen shouted. "No one is so
high and mighty that they should make another act like this."

Message 1466     

From:   "Joseph"  
Date:  Sun Nov 30, 2003  10:08 pm
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower :

Joe glanced over his shoulder as the door was closing and saw Cassie with the little group. He
wanted to go after her but with Cindy and Mindy hanging on him he couldn't get loose to go.

The story continues in "The follower : upset".
Click here if you want to go back to Erotic Centauress index 8.