Continues from "The follower"!
The follower : upset!
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Players in this chapter:

Princess Pen                   Cassandra                  Karen   
Message 1462    

From:   "Annie Asp"  
Date:  Sun Nov 30, 2003  7:05 pm
Subject:  :  : The follower : upset :

A slave, I could not believe it .. We were told there were things happening outside, in the
real world, os they refered to it, that may upset us .. But they never prepared us to this ..
Back home, we relied upon hospitality .. If someone needed something, one simply asked .. "Is
this true, they have slavery here ?? Are you realy a slave, Abelkind ? " I did not like to
believe this, and hoped that place was far away !! "How far away is that place ?"
- Annie - (Eponey)

Message 1468    

From:   penny jones  
Date:  Mon Dec 1, 2003  5:04 am
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower : upset :

Pen explained. "On my Island a convicted murderer has a choice, to die or spend a life in
servitude. Abelkind chose the later. Unfortunately he escaped a while ago. I never had much to
do with him. but I saw him around the palace from time to time." She looked at Epony. "Slavery
isn't a practice that we use against other people or species."

Message 1470    

From:   "Annie Asp"  
Date:  Mon Dec 1, 2003  12:29 pm
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower : upset :

"You don't mean they kill each other on a regular basie, right ??" This was upsetting .. well,
I had to lern what life was like .. "Hmm, exactly what does this 'servitude' mean ??"
I figured, that could be better then getting killed !! But that all came down to exactly what
the servitude meant!!
"Could you like to explain what you did, to get yourself messed up like this?? Could that realy
be worse then just convicted?? Every action does have it's own sircumstances .. after all!!"
I figgured I may get less upset, if I could understand the situation.
- Annie - (Eponey)

Message 1472     

From:   "Cassandra"  
Date:  Mon Dec 1, 2003  2:39 pm
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower : upset :

Cassi walked out of the house with some clothes she thought would fit Abelkind, she remembered
that Little Dove had told him she had them. As Cassie looked up she seen Karen and Penny going
at each other in a heated argument. 
"Now, now, what is all this?" she demanded to know.

Message 1473     

From:   "Karen"  
Date:  Mon Dec 1, 2003  2:51 pm
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower : upset :

"Pen said he was a Murderer and a Slave." Karen snaped back. "I don't believe it." she
finished. Karen was fumming. "I don't care where you are from, slavery is wrong." Karen then
saw the clothes Cassie was holding. She took them from her and turned to Abelkind. "Come, let's
go get you cleaned up."

Message 1475    

From:   penny jones  
Date:  Mon Dec 1, 2003  8:41 pm
Subject:  Re: :  : The follower : upset :

Pen was a little annoyed that she had to explain herself. "Abelkind was found guilty of a very
serious offence. In some cultures he would have been executed, or left to rot in some dungeon.
We gave him the opportunity to make a choice, and he chose to live, albeit spending the rest of
his life in labour. I nor Abelkind have no choice but to abide by the law, the law of a country
that I will someday rule, I cannot be seen to ignore the findings of a government that will be
under my reign. If a witness came forward and could categorically prove their desicion was
incorrect, then Abelkind would have his liberty restored, pardoned and financially compensated.
As it is, I am not in a position to return him to Yoom, so all I can say is he must stay with
me until I return, and until then. I will watch him like a hawk, and you all must do the same."

Message 1480    

From:   "Annie Asp"  
Date:  Tue Dec 2, 2003  11:54 am
Subject:  :  : The follower : upset : watch out :

The explanation felt reasureing .. though I could not know !!
"The seriousness of the offence is easy to see .. Though I hope he's right regarding the
selfdefence .. The way he acts the following days would most likely show .."
Then I contemplated for a moment and continued:
"Seems like the most enlighted path .. as far as I can see .. This would be a uncomfortable
dillema here, we can't just bring him back, at this very instant ?? Ah, then he can at least
have a chance to prve himself .. If he is indeed inocent, what would he gain from running ..
but on the other hand .. if not .. Then we may be very lucky, you kame around, to warn us !! "
As I came to think of it, how ever upsetting, this would be some storry to bring home .. If
such storys was 'unspeakable' would I not have known ??
"If you can explain your desitions as good to your people, I believe that would benefit you
greatly, as it will them !! And I guess the same goes to Abelkind .. Niether fact or authority
alone is comfortable, I think .. Things work better for one who can put the words right!!"
- Annie - (Eponey)

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