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Ironwood Adventures 1
No Easy Tasks


"Fucking useless bastards, sitting around crying about how bad life is
here." Cameron cursed softly under his breath, panting heavily under
the weight of the cheap half plate armor. It had been sold and resold
to new arrives so many times it was covered in glued on tags. The
burly human had came to Avalon on a one way ticket, looked for a life
of adventure. His first adventure was being robbed by Elves of all
things, before getting dumped off at the Bell wall. Like most earth
expatriates he'd been advised to go to Little Seattle, what he'd found
there was the biggest bunch of whiny bitches. All with the same sob
story... things were not like they had expected in this strange
magical land. Magic was really hard to do and took ages to learn, and
swords were really sharp and one could get really dead really quick.
It still made him grit his teeth just thinking about it, and so he'd
worked hard and armed himself. Now he was a warrior for hire, walking
right back into the enormous no mans land of the Ironwood forest.
Looking to find ingredients for a local potion maker, it wasn't much
of a job; but it would pay the bills. It certainly wasn't the
adventure he'd craved, but he'd learned quickly here things were not
like the fantasy novels he'd read as a boy. Saving beautiful, grateful
elf princess's from horrible monsters, here the Elves were more the
monsters. In fact... the only time he'd ever rescued anyone, it had
been a Minotaur, that he'd saved from a band of Elf warriors. And that
had cost him all the coins he'd had on him, strangely enough the
Minotaur had turned out to be a good guy... go figure.

The massive tree's broke, and suddenly the human found himself on the
lip of a deep gorge. "Fuck!" The burly human spat as he looked around
in disgust, until he saw the bridge a few hundred yards to his right.
Carefully he made his way up along the cliffs edge, until he was
standing in front of the long, narrow bridge. A lone figure stood
astride the bridge about half way across, Cameron waited for a few
moments but the figure didn't move. So the burly human strolled out
onto the bridge, looking over the man who stood on it. He was tall
paled skinned with thick black hair and beard, he wore only crude
leather and fur. He looked like a Viking... a Donnersgard man most
likely, he was a long way from home, but then Cameron was from a lot
farther away. "Greetings." Cameron called, as he approached the big
Nordic warrior, the tall man didn't move nor speak until Cameron was
very close. The warrior reached over and drew his sword left handed,
Cameron noticed that his right hand was missing.

"Look... I don't want any trouble." Cameron assured his own hand
moving to his sword hilt, as he watched this strange north-man
wearily. Reaching over, the Viking blocked the narrow bridge with his
sword arm for a moment and then saluted Cameron.

"You will only pass... if you best me in a contest of arms. So draw
your sword... or turn and return from were you came from." The tall
Nordic warrior growled, his voice low and gravelly as his silvery gray
eyes bore into Cameron.

"Wait wha... that's not possible... no gold to pay for the trip
through a ghost door..." Cameron grunted, looking unsure at his big
opponent who only swung his his sword around lazily. This was serious
business, didn't this guy understand that even a tiny slip could get
him killed. "Look I don't play around..." Faster than he could follow,
the North-mans spinning sword was at his throat, Cameron took a step
back and the tall warrior smirked. 'Ok that was it... he'd had enough!
If this guy wanted to mix it up in his soft leather fine... no wonder
he only had one hand.' Cameron drew his long sword and lifted his
shield into place on his arm, eyeing the stranger darkly. "Here it
comes..." He warned stepping forwards, Cameron swung his sword at the
stranger, who lazily batted it away even as he stepped forwards. And
then a stunningly powerful series of blows landed on his shield,
making that arm go instantly numb. Cameron thrust his sword at the
strangers gut, but once again the one handed warrior parried it
effortlessly. Knocking Cameron's blade wide as his own sword smashed
into the burly humans shield again and again faster and harder each
time. Cameron became aware that he was backing up, he tried to stop
himself... to hold his ground on the bridge.

But then his shield shattered, falling off his arm in pieces as the
big Viking stepped forwards again. Steel ringing as that heavy sword
blade smashed into the side of his head, Cameron desperately gripped
his sword hilt with both hands trying to keep his opponents sword away
from his head. Even as shiny stars dance in front of his eyes, the
burly red head slashed wildly at the stranger. Now just trying to
parry the strangers blade, stumbling backwards faster and faster. As
bits and pieces of his costly half plate were cut and batted away, the
hilt of his attackers sword smashed into his face. Cameron tasted
blood in his mouth and knew his lip and nose were bleeding heavily.
Suddenly the chin strap of his helmet gave way as yet another hard
blow slammed into it, and then it was lost over the side of the

"Yield." The tall Viking warrior ordered, but Cameron's anger overrode
any good sense he might of had. He'd paid a lot of money for that
armor, and half of it was missing and the rest damaged almost to the
point ruin.

"Fuck you." The burly human snarled slashing savagely at his opponent,
making the tall warriors face looked even more grim and deadly. The
Viking's heavy sword parried Cameron's desperate sword slashes, until
with a loud ring that long sword broke. Cameron sagged back against
the bridge railing, panting for breath as the strangers sword tip came
to rest in the hollow of his exposed throat. And the burly red head
knew from the grim look of that strangers face, that he was about to
die on that gleaming blade.

"Bravo..." A new cheerful voice called, Cameron glanced back over his
shoulder to see a white bearded old man, who looked very much like his
attacker strolling gracefully towards them. "Bravely fought." The
newcomer congratulated Cameron clapping him on the shoulder, his eyes
however never left the tall Viking warrior. "Don't you agree, even
handed one?" The tall warrior looked at the newcomer intensely for a
moment, and then he stepped back and sheathed his sword.

"He is no swordsmen." The Viking grunted, watching the old man who was
smiling broadly as he helped the young red head stand up straight.

"He is young... he'll learn Lord Tyr." The newcomer pointed out, as he
never broke eye contact with the tall one handed north-man. "He's
brave though... to cross swords with a god after all."

"A god." Cameron choked, his already wild eyes bulging in shock, as he
looked from the old man to the one handed warrior who had just about
killed him.

"Humph he did not know with whom he contested..." Tyr snorted, clearly
displeased and still more than a bit angry at the young red headed.

"You've just crossed blades with Tyr the even handed, he who lost his
sword hand to bind Fenrir the great Wolf." The old man explained,
vaguely Cameron remembered the Norse mythology, he'd not realized that
in this magical world mythic gods actually walked around.

"Hahaha." Tyr laughed loudly as he shook his head, looking if anything
somewhat embarrassed at having been discovered. "Brave yes, but
perhaps more foolhardy I think..."

"My... my armor." Cameron moaned, as he looked from the God, to the
old man who had saved his life. The god made to step around them,
obviously intent upon walking away. However the old man stepped in
front of him, Tyr paused looking him over darkly.

"And do you wish to contest me now... Magnus Wulfgarson?" The old man
knelt before the god, his hands held out palms up as if to receive

"Lord Tyr... even handed... you would not leave this young fool
unarmed and unarmored in this dangerous wild place." Tyr winced as if
stung by these words, lifting his good hand as if to dismiss the white
haired warrior kneeling before him. "My Lord Tyr please I pray to
you..." The tall Nordic god winced again, his face becoming flush in
not only embarrassment but also frustration.

"Very well." He muttered, and suddenly Cameron felt lighter, looking
down the burly young red head discovered himself covered in tawny
golden fur. "Wha... wha..." Magnus smiled as he saw the new armor that
covered Cameron, but he did not stand up.

"And his weapon... he can not go unarmed in this forest." Tyr's face
showed his growing annoyance, making to step around the old man. But
Magnus moved in front of him, still in his pleading position until at
last the god turned and pointed to the south.

"Below that rock-face stands the ruins of a temple, within it is a
magical blade that might enable even so poor a swordsman as he to
survive. For a time." And with that, the Nordic god leaped over the
bridge railing and vanished in the treetop far below. Magnus stood up
and smiled, as Cameron stagger over to the railing to look down in
stunned silence for a moment.

"Good god." The burly red head grunted, as he looked back at the black
and green clad old man who had started walking.

"He is one of the better ones... yes." Magnus agreed as he paused,
looking back at Cameron who was looking at him still stunned. "Now
we'd better get moving, I'd like for us to get your new sword for you
before nightfall." Magnus took off walking once more, in long loping
strides that made it hard for the exhausted Cameron to keep up with.

"Wait... this... this armor... its just hide... I had half plate...
steel... this is crap." The old man spin and something flashed, before
Cameron could react a silvery dagger stuck his chest. Its needle sharp
point hitting first. And then it bounced away, as if it had just
struck a brick wall loudly ringing until it flopped onto the ground.

"You young fool... this is a gift from a god. The skin of a Nemean
Lion, totally impervious to damage by normal weapons, and most magical
ones as well. Now pick up my dagger, its your only weapon until we can
find that sword." Magnus growled, having lost patience with his young
foolish charge; who was starring at him blankly. "Look boy I am trying
to save your life, don't waste my time and effort." Cameron stooped to
pick up that heavy bladed dagger, and then stumbled along behind the
swiftly moving old man. "Your not the only thing I must see to within
this forest. And it's not like getting your new sword will be easy,
these things are always guarded by something. Odin only knows what Tyr
is sending you to kill, to test that you are worth of his mercy."

"Mercy." Cameron sputtered, hardly believing he'd heard this strange
old man right at all.

"Yes Mercy... he could have killed you at anytime you realize. My
guess is he wanted to see what you would do, and rather than wisely
yield to him." Magnus held up a hand to forestall the protests he knew
were coming from the young red head. "You foolishly, but very bravely
fought on even in the face of death. Tyr like Odin respects bravery,
he is the god of warrior swordsmen after all. Of course your defiance,
and refusal to acknowledge his vastly superior skill angered him a
great deal as well."

"So your saying if I'd surrender, or ran away he'd have liked me
better." The confused earth immigrant sputtered, sounding more than a
little up set with it all.

"If you had ran away he would have detested you... you don't want a
god detesting... its not healthy. If you had surrender to his superior
skill, and offered him your life he would have respected you as much
as he respects most humans. That would have been a far easier path,
this way he will expect more of you. If you fight and die well, he
will welcome you as a warrior, if you fight well and live you will be
welcomed as a hero."

"Oh great... What are my chances of that?" Cameron gulped, wishing
he'd had the sense to just walk away from the fight now, surely there
was another way across the gorge.

"About as much as a Imps chances in the great Cathedral at St Peter
I'd say." Magus chuckled, ducking down behind a large log, and quickly
pulling Cameron down with him. Clapping one hand over the young red
heads mouth, he waited for a few moments and then peeked over the log.
"Elven patrol..." He explained, as Cameron look at him questioningly,
and then nodded his head. Neither of them wanted to have to explain
their present there and then bribe their want out of being taken

*** It took them most of the day, to work their way over to the
collapsed over grown ruins. The tumbled stones and weathered statues
of the old abandon temple loomed up out of the twilight. "You stay
here while I scout the temple." Magnus ordered, as the exhausted
Cameron sat himself on a small moss covered hillock breathing heavily.

"Wait wouldn't it be better if we went together." The young red headed
warrior panted weakly, taking a drink of water from his wine skin.

"No... you sound like a army of bugbears running through the forest."
Magnus answered, smiling not unkindly at Cameron, who could only nod
his head. His legs felt like they were made of lead... and he was
wringing wet with sweat from exhaustion. "Let me have a look, see what
we might be dealing with. Then we can make a plan as to how to face
it, wait silently until I return." And with that the old man vanish
like a shadow into the dark forest surrounding them, leaving Cameron
wondering how Magnus could manage it. Glancing around the swiftly
darkening forest, Cameron noticed the very plants he'd came into the
Ironwood to collect. Moving over not more than twenty yards, the burly
red headed human began digging up the plants and putting them in a
sack. As it turned out this was a enormous patch of the stuff, so he
decided to collect as much of it as he could. It would all sale he
knew, and that would just be more money in his pocket.


Cameron looked up from his work with a start, suddenly becoming aware
of the fact that he was no longer alone. Spotting the enormous cloven
hooves first, following those up to the furry body. It was a wild
hog... he knew that much, but this thing was massive... the size of a
Clydesdale easily. The burly red head stood up, gulping as he
brandished the now dirt covered dagger. It seemed a truly pitiful
weapon, but then against such a creature a Claymore would have seemed
inadequate. "Oh fuck." Cameron groaned as the Erymanth lowered his
massive head and charge straight at him, everything seemed to be
moving in slow motion. The burly human managed to twist and take a
step, it wasn't enough to get him out of the way however. The mighty
hog missed most of him, but saw him and turned its heavy head;
catching him with a foot long tusk. The dagger pointed tusk hit his
new armor snagging it, suddenly the burly warrior was tossed like a
rag doll into the air.

"WWIAIAIAIII." Cameron screamed as his heavy body went flying off into
the tree's, he landed surprisingly lightly on the mossy ground.
Adrenaline rushing he bounced to his foot and looked around, amazed to
find he still had the dagger clutched tightly in his fist. The ground
seemed to shake as the Erymanth circled around in its charge, snorting
wildly as it looked to find him. The big pigs beady little eyes insane
with rage as it saw him again, and turned to come after him. Realizing
he could never out run the beast, and seeing no tree's that be could
possibly climb. Cameron readied himself, knowing his only chance lay
in slipping past that deadly head. And cutting or stabbing his dagger
into the beasts side as it past, with his blood up this seemed to be a
sound plan. So as the beast charged, Cameron ran forwards planning to
veer off at the last second and then attacking from the side.

He could hear a voice whispering over the rush of blood pounding in
his ears, but was concentrating to hard on what he was doing to listen
to it. And then small colourful flowers began spouting from the
Erymanth's side and back, it took him a moment to realize the flowers
were actually blow gun darts. And then the monstrous hogs hind legs
seemed to lose strength, sliding out from under it. The huge Hog
kicked and shrugged snorting and squealing loudly as it kept trying to
attack him. Until at last it collapsed over on to one side shivering
and breathing raggedly, lifting it's head and thrashing around awhile
longer. Before at last falling silent, Magnus appear out of the
shadows then and drove his sword through the downed Erymanths throat.

"You do have a talent... for finding trouble." The old man snarled
sourly at the reinvigorated Cameron, who had quickly came up to join
him by the dead hogs side.

"Hey I was just minding my own business... digging up some Palvignous
for a potion making friend of mine." Countered, explaining that this
was why he'd came to the Ironwood in the first place.

"Your Friend... asked you to come here and dig Palvignous... Humph
sounds like he was trying to get rid of you... everyone knows where
you find Palvignous, you find Erymanths, because they love to eat
it... and the fools who go digging it up." Magnus explained tight
lipped to the newcomer, shaking his head at the ignorance of this boy.
"It is truly amazing, that you've managed to stay alive as long as you
have." The old man grunted shaking his head more vehemently, even as
Cameron tried to defend himself weakly. Magnus held up one weathered
old hand, to silence Cameron as he pointed to the temple ruins.
"Listen I wasn't able to find any guardian, however I'm pretty sure
there is something."

"Maybe the Hog thing was the guardian..." Cameron countered, drawing a
dark, scornful look from the old ranger.

"I doubt that very much... Erymanths don't think about anything but
eating, plus YOU are not that lucky. I did however spot the sword, so
follow me as quietly as you can... perhaps we can get out of this
without anymore fighting." The grim old ranger didn't sound very
hopeful of that, but he did stalk off with supreme confidence. With
Cameron following long behind him, into the jumble of ancient tumbled
and over grown stones. The two of them dodging in and out, around the
stones and tree's that had overtaken them. Until they came to the only
standing structure, a pale white dome that was held up by weather gray
columns. A few of those columns had fallen, leaving the dome looking
unstable and ready to collapse at any moment.

The two of them edged in between those ancient stone pillars, in the
very center a great block of Obsidian glittered in the half light. And
thrusting up from the very center of that stone was a golden sword
hilt. Cameron recognized that it was longer that a normal sword hilt,
and as he moved closer he realized that it was a hand and a half hilt;
also known as a bastard sword. Walking right up to the huge Obsidian
block, he reached out grasping the hilt with one hand. Tugging on it
he was surprised to see the blade slide easily up, a steely sound of
metal scraping against rock. The blade shining as brightly as a ray of
brightest sunlight, and as that light filled the temple Cameron's ears
were filled with the swelling chorus of unearthly voices. A feeling of
elation washed over him, filling the burly red head with a sense of
calm delight. While all around him those divine voices sang in purest
enjoy, at the blade at last being drawn from it's resting place.

Vaguely he could hear Magnus's warning shouts, but the dazzling light
from the sword blade kept him from seeing the shadows. Until with a
shriek the long scaly winged reptiles, swooped down at him. "Drakes!"
Magnus warned even as flames washed over Cameron, the fire licked at
him wildly even as the burly human leaped up onto the Obsidian block.
That blindingly bright blade flashing, and passed through the neck of
a diving Drake like a stick sliding through water. And the reptiles
horned head flew off one way, while its headless body slammed into the
stone floor with a tremendous impact. Cameron hardly noticed, as he
turned to face a second Drake that had landed behind him bathing him
in fire. The flames seemed to hold no heat however, only making the
glowing sun blade burn brighter still.

Without thinking the burly human leaped forwards blade swinging, the
Drake clawed at him savagely. That burning blade slashed instantly
into the path of those claws, passing through them just like it had
the first Drakes neck. The wounded reptile shrieked in pain and tried
to dive away, its wings flapping wildly even as that deadly sword
slash it's belly open. The disemboweled Drake fell to the floor
withering in its death-trows, while the third and biggest Drake thrust
it's long neck forwards. But Cameron spun swiftly and as that deadly
maw reached out to bite him in half, the burly red head drove the sun
swords blade into that mouth. The shining blade vanished into that
mouth, and then the glittering tip burst out of the monsters scaly

The last Drake dropped to the floor, even as Cameron whipped the sun
blade free and flourished it for a moment. And then Magnus was handing
him a bejewel scabbard, taking it Cameron sheath the blade. And then
sank to his knee's as the light and soaring voices vanished, suddenly
the red head was drained of all energy. Panting for breath, his chest
burning like he had just ran a four minute mile, his head spinning
wildly. "Good lord... I'm sick." He grunted, even as Magnus helped him
down off the stone and onto his feet wrapping a sword belt around him
twice before buckling it in place.

"Can you walk? We need to get out of here... all this fighting and
blood are sure to attract predators and worse." The old ranger warned,
as the trembling Cameron retched and spat on the moss covered stone

"And all that light and singing..." Cameron rambled weakly, trying to
look around but his eyes were unfocused.

"Wait... what singing? What are you talking about? I didn't hear a
thing, but the Drakes shrieking." The old ranger questioned, as he
wrapped his cloak around the trembling warriors shoulders and half
lead half dragged him out of the ruins.

"The heavenly host... gods own chorus by the sound of it..."

"Which god would that be?" Magnus asked, looking at the young warrior
hard, as the two of them stumbled off into the now dark forest.

"Oh that's right... there's lots more than one here huh. Ya know, I
don't know which god..."

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