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Ironwood Adventures 2
Rendezvous In The Stag house...

"Awaken." Magnus called softly shaking the young warriors shoulder,
Cameron awoke at once sitting up bolt upright. Only to moan in pain
as his body screamed it pain, muscles battered and over used the day
before protested at being forced to move.

"Errr wha... what is it?" The young red head moaned, his pale blue
green eyes searching the old rangers weathered face.

"Do you know which way the bell wall is?" Magnus asked, his face
pinched and worn from a night of very little sleep. He'd spent the
night on watch, as the spent Cameron had slumbered in a state that
neared death it seemed.

"Ahem..." The young red head, looking around slowly as if to get his
bearings and then pointed it the exact wrong direction. The old
ranger sighed heavily and shook his head, this young fool was
completely lost.

"No..." Magnus grunted, shoving a chunk of jerky into Cameron's
trembling hands, the young red head devour it at once and the took a
drink. "I guess you had better come with me, it may not the best
choice... However at least you will still be alive, I'd hate to waste
all my efforts yesterday. Very well its decided, you'll come with me
to the Stag house... once my business there is done, we will return to
the Bell wall together."

"Ummm ok." Cameron grunted, looking confused by the older man's words
it seemed more like it was a debate Magnus was having with himself.
And so they stated off... moving through the forest with it's massive
trees and carefully as they were able. The walk was hard on the sore
young red head, but as he worked up a sweat. The pain within his
muscles faded, and his young body began to bounce back. And a hike in
the Ironwood was never dull, there was always something to see or
creatures to avoid. And Cameron saw that Magnus was an expert at it,
the old man seemed to have a sixth sense. And then suddenly the old
ranger seemed to lose it, strolling out onto a well worn path. Within
moments there was a beating of hooves, and then they were surrounded
by Centaurs.

"Hooo Magnus." A particularly commanding stud greeted, as he saw the
old ranger.

"Hoo Roth." Magnus called walking right up and taking the big
Centaurs hand in greeting. The big Centaur was grinning widely as he
looked them both over, this came as a shock to Cameron. All the
Centaurs he'd ever met had always been cold and aloof, in fact he'd
gotten the feeling they though of him as a bug.

"Visiting the Stag house." The big Centaur snickered in amusement, it
wasn't a question so much as a knowing observation.

"Yes... you know my weakness." Magnus answered with a wide grin, even
as the big Centaur chuckled lewdly.

"Oh yes only two well... So is your young friend here." Roth flashed
Cameron the first smile he'd ever gotten from a Centaur, and it made
the young human feel like he was a tasty slab of meat.

"Heheh well... you know how some of us are... we have no trouble with
the thought of serving the pleasure of so beautiful a people." Magnus
assured, as Roth gestured to his patrol that this pair of humans would
be allowed to pass. The old ranger bowed deeply to the smirking
Centaur, pulling Cameron into that same bow. "Good day to you Roth,
and our thanks."

"What..." Cameron started, but the old ranger silenced him with one
finger, they walked on from sometime in silence, until Magnus decided
they were out of earshot.

"The Stag house is where young Bachelor Centaur male's live, until the
WoodKing and their parents marry them off. It is well known that
anyone who visits there, is looking to service the eager young males
pleasure." Magnus paused to let that sink in, starring hard at
Cameron to judge his reaction. To his surprise the young red head
didn't look disgusted or angry, in fact his face was flush with
excitement. "I take it this doesn't offend you."

"No... why should it?" Cameron replied, and then remembered where he
was, in this land of real gods who walked the land. "Ummmm ok, so
maybe I can see why some folks would be... But I'm not, although how
could someone as small as you or me could Errr... service a Centaurs
pleasure." Magnus smiled and took a gold ring from one of his
pockets, and then held it up to Cameron face. "OUCH!" The young
human exclaimed, as the ring seemed to pinch into the side of his
nose. "Damn what the hell was that?" Cameron swore, as his fingers
explored the new piercing in his nostril the ring glittering brightly
in front of his eyes.

"Its call a mare ring... at least within the Stag house." Magnus
explained with a faint smile, as Cameron looked down admiring the
ring. "It's magic will, help your body to... accommodate the Centaurs
Ummm... proportions."

"You mean with this thing I could... Ammm a Centaur could put his...
Errr... inside of me!"

"Yes... and unless you want that... once we are inside the Stag house,
you had best not agree to go back to his room with any of the
Centaurs. Or you will be expected to please him... intimately.

"Wait... wha... this is your other business in Ironwood." Cameron
demanded, and the old ranger flashed him a smile.

"You can see why I was reluctant to speak of it."


The huge building was ironically built very much like a stable, with a
long straight center corridor that had room door leading off from
either side. The two humans were instantly the center of attention
the moment they entered, Magnus quickly jumped into the arms of a
young handsome stud. Who bore the older human off to his room
immediately, leaving Cameron surrounded by horn young Centaurs.
"Ummm..." The young red head stammered, as the stallion's showed off
for him with their flexing erections that were the size of his
forearm. "I... I'm really..." The intimidated human gulped, even as
his own good sized male organ strained against his hide armor.

Cameron licked his lip's, and before he knew what was happening found
himself on his knee's. Huge oozing horse cocks only inches from his
face, and then one of the young stud stepped over him. A huge blunt
flare pushed against his face, Cameron opened his mouth knowing that
it would never fit into him. When that mighty flare was hammered down
his throat, gagging and swallowing Cameron was frozen in shock as the
young stallion raped his face for a minute. And then he was pushed
away by a bigger older stallion, who grabbed Cameron and lifted his to
his feet with one hand.

"Take it to a room... Its unseemly to be using this human mare out
here." He tossed Cameron to the young stallion who had been face
fucking him, the blushing young stud wrapped a powerful arm around him
and trotted off. Stunningly swiftly the young human found himself
alone with the young stallion, who was picking at his Nemean hide

"Come on my little mare... take it off." The horny Centaur demanded,
Cameron stammered to find words to deny the request. When he sudden
became aware of the fact that he was stepping out of his armor.

"Oh fuck!" Cameron choked, realizing he really wanted to pleasure
this big beautiful young stud.

"Yeah... Yeah that's what I'm going to do..." The handsome young
stallion grunted, shoving the young human over to a strange bit of
furniture. Cameron allowed himself to be pushed inside of it,
realizing once he was inside that it was a type of phantom mare. Only
his anus was lined up to be the mares sex, now the name mare ring made
sense! He felt the padded framework shudder as the young stallion
mounted it, and then that huge meaty flare punched against his tiny
human hole.

"OWOWOWO GODS YOU NEED LUBE." The tiny human screamed, even as he
felt a hot wetness spurt against his tender flesh. Obviously it was
the young stallion's pre-cum, Cameron's eyes shot open wide as that
huge flare pushed inside of him. "OHOOO GODS... OHOOOOOO GODS." He
shouted as that mighty horse cock slide deeper and deeper into him,
his body should have been split in two. There wasn't enough room in
his body for so massive an invader, and yet with a half dozen thrusts
the Centaur stallion was balls deep within him. Cameron felt the
studs huge testicles slapping against his own small human nuts so hard
it made his stomach ache.

as the Centaur pulled back and then thrust hard and deep once again.
The pain of first penetration long forgotten now, as that huge hard
cock slithered over Cameron's hard little prostate gland. The human's
own hard cock was achingly erect, long dribbles of sticky pre-cum
crawling down his inner thigh's.

"Hahaha... little mare likes my big Centaur cock huh." The stallion
atop him giggled, bucking and rutting harder and faster now.

"YES! Oh Yes My Stallion!" Cameron moaned his hand reaching back to
touch that smooth leathery stallion shaft as it slipped in and out of
him. "Rut me... Pound me... Fuck Your little Mare!" The red head
begged loudly, as the handsome young Centaur stallion did precisely
that. Fucking him harder almost pushing him out of that phantom mare
framework, faster and faster until those anal lip's burned. The big
stallion snorting and panting loudly now, his balls like to huge fists
beating Cameron's crotch. The human squirmed and wiggled, as the pain
in his guts mixed with the pleasure in his ass. Suddenly a powerful
orgasm rocked him, hot spunk shooting down his quivering legs. Even
as above him the sexy stud squealed and reared up, than mighty rut
muscle tensing inside of him. The first scalding hot jet of cum burn
Cameron's insides, but then the full load soothed the sensation.

"Oh fuck... Ohoo wow... that was..." Cameron stuttered, as he felt
the stallions hard pounding thrusts slow as he orgasmed, his breath
held for a long instant. And then gasping for breath, the young
Centaur yanked himself out of that trembling anus.

"What are you doing?" He demanded noticing Cameron still jacking his
hard organ a bit. "Get out... get out of my room." The young Centaur
snarled angrily, grabbing the naked human and shoving him out of his
room and back into the common area. Cameron found myself naked, with
a rock hard dripping cock and out in the common room with a dozen
smirking Centaurs. The looks on their faces making it plain they had
heard everything through the wooden walls. Desperately Cameron tried
pulled on his clothing, when another smirking stallion walked up to
him. Tugging on the ring in his nose the grinning stud lead Cameron
into his room and closed the door behind them.

"I'm soooooooo screwed." The leering Centaur licked his lip's, like a
staving man who had just had a feast laid out before him.

"Not yet... but yer gonna be little mare."


"You'd best relocate this." Magnus said as he finished releasing the
hex, and pulled the golden ring from Cameron nose. "If your spotted
with it in you in any of the human kingdoms... it would be frowned
upon. I'd suggest you relocate it to somewhere out of sight... maybe
more intimate, that is if you want to keep it at all." The old ranger
smirked, as the young red head snatched it out of his hand and quickly
putting it in a belt pouch.

"You could have not put it somewhere so... noticeable to begin with."
Cameron grunted in false anger, that sounded hollow and forced even to

"What... I told you that you had best not agree to go back to his
room, with any of those Centaurs." Magnus pointed out, trying not to
sound to amused as Cameron limped along behind him.

"Like I had a choice..." Cameron grunted, trying to look disgruntled,
but couldn't seem to keep himself from smiling slightly.

"Of course you did... just say no, they'll respect that... unless your
just act to sluttish." Magnus snickered, knowing from having talked
to the Centaurs in the common room that Cameron had been acting very
sluttish. "Well you've lived through it and you'll be welcomed back
anytime you want to go." The old ranger chuckled, as they at last
came into view of the Bell wall with its defenders walked the

"So how do I put it back on?"

"Just touch the rune on it to any exposed flesh, and it's magic will
attach it to you." Magnus explained with the faint grin, of a man who
had just win his argument. The gateway through the Bell wall opened
for them, and two well armored guardsmen moved to greet them.

"Identify yourselves and state you business... Oh North Warden you
can go through of course."

"He's with me." The old ranger explained, as he pulled Cameron along
between the to burly guardsmen.

"North Warden?" Cameron whispered, when they were on the other side
of the Bell wall. Making the old ranger grin at him.

"What did you think I was just some old pervert, who likes playing the
mare for horny young Centaurs? Magnus asked as he lead Cameron to the
door of a Bell fort, the massive castle like wall tower was imposing.
Which was why Cameron had always avoided them in the past, assuming
that anyone who wasn't in the Bell guard wouldn't be welcomed.

"Well... not just that." Cameron grunted, making the old ranger
chuckle as they entered the fort and made their way up narrow stairs.
"Where are you going and why are you taking me along."

"You'll see in a moment." Magnus assured, as the climbed for a short
while longer and then turned down a short corridor. The door was
guarded by a pair of particularly snappy looking guardsmen, Cameron
was just getting ready to come to a stop. When one of the guardsmen
yanked the door open for them, and ushered them into a small office.
A big bluff red faced man sat behind the desk, behind them the office
door was closed.

"Magnus." The big bearded man greeted, standing up to clasp the old
rangers hand; even as the two of them shared a warm smile.

"Bell Warden." Magnus greeted softly, sharing that smile as the
rotund man gestured for them to had a seat.

"So this is the fellow you spoke of in your message." The Bell Warden
exclaimed, looking Cameron over curiously for a moment. "Have you
discussed the matter with him?"

"No sir... I thought it best to wait and let you." Magnus explained,
as he joined the Warden in looking at Cameron; who was suddenly
feeling very nervous for some reason. "Cameron... this is the Bell
Warden Zorak, my lord this is Cameron Palmer late of earth now working
out of... Ahem"

"Monsterholm." Cameron finished, drawing a curious look from the
smiling Bell Warden, obviously the man had expected the earth
expatriate to live in little Seattle.

"Good to make your acquaintance Cameron." Zorak said with a jovial
laugh, reaching out to take Cameron hand and wring it painfully. "Now
you may very well be wondering what your doing here... so let me
explain. I have need of an agent... someone outside of the Bell
guards or North Wardens, someone that can not easily be traced back to
me." Zorak held up one hand, as he saw Cameron opening his mouth to
protest that he didn't wish to involve himself in any political
intrigues. "There has been a strange build up of Mercenaries from the
twilight kingdom in a small town near my wall. Now all I want to know
is who is behind it... that is all you need to do. If its some
political intrigue, its of no concern to me. All I want to do, is to
insure that it is no threat to my Wall. If it is some political
intrigue I don't want anyone to think I'm about to involve myself,
which is why I am hiring you to investigate it. Magnus here will be
your contact, you will report to him and he to me. You will of course
be paid the standard fee for a mercenary of fifty six silver marks for
every report until the answer is found."

"That... Ahem sounds fair." The burly young red head grunted,
thinking that it was better that the ten marks and forty kips he'd
been payed for collecting the Palvignous.

"So you'll take the job... Excellent." The Bell Warden exclaimed,
taking Cameron's hand and wringing it nearly off this time. "Magnus
here will get you out fitted, and explain how you will be
communicating, as well as briefing you on the town." And we that the
two of them were ushered out of the office, walking back down the
stairs. This time the old ranger showed him in to a small room, the
walls lined with potion bottles. Magnus took down six bottles, that
all looked the same and handed them to Cameron.

"Hide these on your body... I hope you know how to use a communication

"Just open and then speak into the cloud right." Cameron grunted,
looking around for places to hide the long slender bottles.

"Basically... you'll need to be somewhere that will be private for at
least one minute." The grizzled old ranger confirmed, even as he took
out a small triangular bladed dagger. "Stiletto of silence... stick
this in someones back and they will make no sound... its poisoned as

"Errr... I don't really see..." Cameron began, only to be silenced by
a raised hand as Magnus cleared his throat. "Do not draw that sword
anywhere public, its and artifact that others will kill for."

"I hardly think they'll be able to kill me, with this sword in my
hands." Cameron purred, a look of pure joy washing across his face as
he gripped that golden hilt for a second.

"Yes... but if that sneak up behind you and shove one of these into
you!" Magnus countered brandishing the Stiletto, before shoving it
into Cameron's hands. "Don't make the mistake of thinking that blade,
no matter how good it is can always keep you alive. In fact, I'm
starting to think Tyr only gave it to you, because he knew that the
over confidence it inspires will get you killed." Cameron did his
best, to look like he was heeding the old mans words but the grin on
his face kinda ruined the effect. "Just be-careful Vampires are very
dangerous, and I doubt they would like your new sword very much. "Now
take this cloak, it will help you to blend into almost any background
darkness especially." Magnus moved over to a nearby table, as Cameron
threw the cloak around his shoulders. "You'll be going to the town of
Velynor, just a few miles northeast of where you live. You'll be
taking a wagon of mead barrels to a tavern there, the owners name is
Norlan. Don't let him fuck you." Seeing Cameron's startled and then
questioning look the old ranger snorted and explained. "He's a
Lycanthrope, a Were-Tiger its ran in his family for centuries so he's
got control of his changes. Anyway if he fucks you... you'll be a new
Lycanthrope and won't have any control over your changes."

"Well that's plain enough." Cameron grunted looking a bit offended,
but at the same time understanding as to why Magnus had been so blunt.

"Stick to Centaurs." The old ranger chuckled, making the young red
head blush and grumble angrily. "You'll find the wagon and mead
barrels down in the forts court yard, anyway... good luck."

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