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Help Neuter Your Humans 1
Control The Pet Population
(Vet Control)

The little bell above the vet clinic's door jangled, as Edgar pushed
it open with his shoulder. The coyote flicking an ear at it
absentmindedly, as he wrangled his more than eager pit bull on his
chain leash. The coyote was wearing a denim jacket and jeans, a plain
black t-shirt. He flicked away a cigarette butt, before coming all the
way into the clinic. He looked like an average Joe, usual coloration
on his fur for a coyote, gray and brown mottled with some white and
black. He had a pair of shades perched on his nose. "Sit, Raxus!" He
snapped at the pit bull, who reluctantly half sat on the linoleum as
the receptionists greeted Edgar.

"I'm here to have my dog neutered. I heard the Vet here was highly
praised for his work in animal population control." The squirrel
receptionist bobbed her head grinning happily.

"Oh yes sir, your puppy will be in very good hands! Our doctor does
that surgery many many times a day."

She gave Edgar a chart with some papers to sign and then took his
money. Asking him to find a place to sit, and wait for the doctor to
call him back. The coyote sat down, reeling Raxus in close to his
knees. To prevent the excited dog from jumping at a female Fox, who
was petting a calico cat that looked more than a little uncomfortable
with Raxus's presence. Edgar couldn't help but notice, the dog's
hairless nuts bouncing as he tried to leap at the Fox to get her cat.
Thinking wryly in just a few moments those big organs would be gone

The Vet strolled out dressed in his pale green scrubs, and picked up
the next chart. He was a tall solidly built young male human, no more
than twenty eight years old... With pale freckled skin and a mop of
bright red hair he wore combed straight back. "Ms. Flyn and Fluffy."
He called flashing the room a big, bright, good natured smile; as the
Vixen and her cat got up to follow him back. The Vet glanced around
the waiting room, and then at the newly finished paper work. And then
turned to his squirrel receptionist. "You can go ahead and knock off
for the day, if you wish Malinda... I can handle it." The pretty
little Squirrel smiled, and thanked him as she gathered her things.

As soon as Raxus saw his feline target being taken away, he tried to
follow, but Edgar yanked him back. "Raxus, heel boy... sit!" And the
dog flicked his ears back, sitting down restlessly. And then whipping
around to chew on his rump, this position brought his groin and male
bits directly into the Vet's line of sight. The big dog's masculinity
jumping a bit, as he chewed on his butt. Edgar chuckled and watched
the Vet carefully, his mirrored sunglasses hiding his line of sight.
Totally ignoring that chattery squirrel as she gathered her things,
leaving in a jangling whirl from the bell above the door. And flipping
the sign on the front door from open to closed. It was now just Edgar
and his pit bull in the waiting room.

The handsome young Vet was about to turn and head down the hall...
when his eye's caught site of the big pit bulls floppy dangling nuts.
Instantly those eyes widen with interest and excitement, reaching over
he picked up that fleshly finished paper work and glanced at it. His
lip's curling up slightly as he read the procedure he would be doing
on the big feral canine. Edgar smirked a little, as he spotted that
look of excitement cross the Vet's face as the human spotted Raxus's
endowments. And then the Vet vanished into the back for a few
minutes... only to come back leading the Vixen and her feline.

"No... no I'm sure this will help... just apply it three times a day."
He assured as he ushered her out... then turned back to the coyote
flashing him that broad white smile. "Ok uhum Edger you and... Errr
Raxus are next... next and last." He was almost purring as he watched
the big dog leap up excitedly. "Come on down to the Operating room."
He stood and nodded when the vet approached him, following the young
man down the hallway to the operating room. All along the way Raxus
was a ball of excitement and energy, constantly pulling on his leash
and lunging. Trying to go and do what he wanted, see and explore where
he wanted. He stopped abruptly though and marked the side of a desk,
hiking his leg up and soaking the wood with his piss. Edgar growled
and made impatient motions with his paws.

"God I hate when he's like this. You don't know how badly I've
wanted to get this dog neutered."

"Ohoo..." The big red head smiled friendly. "Why haven't you then?"

"I let him get to his full size ,because I needed a guard dog." The
handsome Coyote answered softly. "But I can't take it anymore. His
balls have got to go!" The handsome humans smile widened as he
listened and he chuckled softly.

"Well that is what we are going to do." He assured half turned and
giving Edger a brief look at the tent in his baggy scrubs. It was
impressive for a mammal with no penile bone.

Edgar glanced down at it but his mirrored sunglasses kept the motion
from being seen. A large yellow puddle was forming around the desk as
Raxus continued to piss. "Good... Do you mind if I watch" I think
I'd rather enjoy watching his brute get his comeuppance... for all the
shit he's put me through." The sleek lean Coyote managed a tight-
lipped smile, watching the vet closely as Raxus finally lowered his

"Really"" The young red headed Vet seemed a little surprised, but
clearly excited at the same time. "Of course you can... its just that
most males are a bit... squeamish about this kinda then..." He flashed
the Coyote that big bright smile, and Edger get the impression that
he's been dying to perform for and audience... "I can certainly see
why you'd have a mind to tho'..." He wrinkled his nose at the strong
musky, male smell of the Pit Bull's rank urine..

"I think watching this hell hound's balls come off would be
therapeutic." Edgar answered simply, tugging the leash once more and
turning his own muzzle away from the offensive smell of the dog's
piss. "This brute has been the bane of my existence for almost a year
now. I was going to try and breed him, but no amount of training or
obedience school makes him listen, just brute force. It's a constant
clash of wills, that frankly I am tired of fighting. I want an
edge. And for that, well I want the satisfaction of being the one to
sign the papers saying he's to have his testicles removed. You hear
that, you big pain in the ass? Your precious nuts are gonna be
gone!" Edgar said to Raxus, with an ironic grin. "Hell I almost wish I
could be the one holding the scalpel, but I think watching you do it
would be just as good."

The massive tent in the front of those pale green scrubs, had
developed a dark wet spreading stain, and the Humans face was split by
a huge grin... "Tell you what... I'll let you cut the cords on one."
He exclaimed excitedly, as they moved on into the operating room, and
between to two of them got Raxus up one the table.

Edgar chuckled and nodded. "Deal." He agreed when the vet made his
offer of half deballing his dog. Edgar could smell the Vet's arousal,
his musky male scent reaching the Coyote's strong nose easily and
fully. The Vet quickly took out a bottle of tranquilizer and a syringe
from a side drawer. And injected the big pit Bull with it... making
small talk as the drugs swiftly took effect, the big pit Bull falling
over and struggling weakly for a moment...

"He'll be awake during the operation... but will be unable to move or
feel much of anything..." The red headed human assured. He grinned
with a certain satisfaction as Raxus collapsed, impotent and immobile.
And helped the Vet turn him over onto his back, splaying the pit
Bull's hind legs wide apart. Revealing those big doomed balls, and his
floppy sheath, still wet with piss. The dog's genitals were hairless,
his pink dangling sac sporting not a strand of hair. Edgar watched the
Vet put a surgery drape over Raxus's groin, with his sheath and balls
poking out through the hole in it. And then proceed to rub
disinfectant over those soft smmoth genitals.

"I almost wish I had popcorn, this is better than most movie's
nowadays." Edgar said dryly as he caught the Vets bright blue eye.

"Really..." The Vet couldn't help flash this big canid his brightest
smile... "So have you had and interest in this... procedure before the
devil dog came along..." The human asked slowly and carefully...
wondering if he might have found someone else who he could enjoy some
private time with after he'd nutted the dog. Slowly he picked up the
scalpel pretending to be concentrating on the work... as he split that
big sack down the center. And then squeezed it making those two heavy
orbs pop out. "And there we are..." He breathed excitedly, as those
two big jewels lay wet and glistening in his gloved hand.

Edgar was quiet as he watched the Vet slit open his pit Bull's sack,
and pop his jewels out into the open. Raxus's leg twitched
involuntarily as his male hood was exposed. Edgar seemed
uncomfortable, but he spoke soft and excitedly. "Well... Errr, I um...
maybe so." He grinned sheepishly at the Vet and swallowed. "Maybe...
well the truth is I let him get bigger because... I wanted to see his
adult balls get cut off." Edgar leaned back away from the table, and
showed the bulge in his crotch. A big solid erection that had formed
as he had watched the human open Raxus's pouch. The human inhaled
sharply as that bulge was shown off... 'Oh gods it was just like his
fantasy!' "I Errr... sometimes I wonder what... what that feels like."
He nodded with his chin at Raxus's naked balls.

The young Vet gulped and fought to control his excitement... as one of
his long time fantasies was coming true. "Well thats... there are some
of u... some males who really do enjoy this kind of thing..." He
quickly handed the big Coyote a box of latex gloves... "Put those on,
and I'll let you hold them..." He panted licking his lip's, as he
picked up some silk and began tying the cords off with it... With
trembling fingers, Edgar reached out and took the box, struggling for
a minute as he put the gloves on.

"Oh I know.... I admit it's been a fantasy of mine for a long time.
A deep dark secret one." His voice dropped to barely a whisper, as if
he feared someone would over hear them. "To be the one in Raxus's
place..." He blushed hard and swallowed hard as the Vet surprised eyes
looked up at him. A shy grin on the Coyote's muzzle as he moved to
stand next to the human expectantly, picking up the pit Bull's living
testicles like they were really precious gems.

"Do you think... well, could I have one paw free and... paw off while
you castrate him?" Edgar asked, his muzzle a little dry but looking
hopeful. "This is a big fantasy for me." The humans bright blue eyes
sparkled as he listened and watched the Coyote... he shiver at those

?Ammmmm how about I give you a helping hand... and you give me a
helping paws." He asked, taking one of those latex clad paws and
pulling it down to his scrubs... Those loose fitting pants easily let
that big paw in... And the big human wasn't wearing anything beneath
them... his long thick cock throbbing needily. Then his own hand moved
over to the Coyotes jeans, unbuttoning and zipping them until he could
get his hand on that big canid cock... "And maybe afterwards if you
still want... I'll do you to." He offered, thinking how much of a
fantasy that was and how many times he'd yanked off to it. "Its a big
fantasy for me to!" He panted as that gloved paw slowly tugged on
him... Edgar's paw fumbled in mid stroke as the Vet made his offer to
do him too.

?Y..you'd really... you'd neuter me?" He asked nervously, regaining
his stroking rhythm over the Vet's big hard cock, even as his own fat
red canine cock was pumped. He was massaging Raxus's balls in his paw,
tugging and rubbing them steadily as he was jerked off. Unable to take
his eyes off of the orbs, and in the back of his mind imagining they
were his own.

Cameron looked down at that red canid cock sliding in and out of his
latex clad fist, and though he knew it wasn't a good idea... panted
lustfully. "Oh yes I'd really Neuter you... just like this..." And
with that he sawed the scalpel blade through those tough cords and
muscle, cutting Raxus's left nut off... so that it rest free in the
Coyotes paw. The red headed human moaned in between panting breaths as
he watched that big red Coyote cock ooze in his pumping fist...

"Ooooh!" Edgar moaned, his knees nearly buckling as he watched the
swift and merciless slice, that left Raxus with only one ball. His
knot swelled to it's full capacity as the human jerked him off. "Oooh
gods, would you take them both? Just like that, right out of my
bag?" He panted, his dick drooling heavily in the humans fist as his
paw pumped that pink shaft in the Vet's scrubs. "Could I... I want to
be awake, I want to watch." He panted, his heart pounding wildly as
his lusts grew. "Would... would you take my cock too? Right out of
my sheath?" He gasp as he asked that, his face burning hot as he held
Raxus's dying nut... knowing the dog was moments from neuter hood.

Cameron's smooth latex covered fist pumped that hot pulsing cock
wildly as he trembled in desire. "Ohooo yes both of them right out of
your bag... make you a neutered puppy on my table." The human was
panting so hard, he was nearly hyperventilating now as he starred hard
at the Coyotes hard cock... "Oh gods yes cut it out... leave a nice
deep tight hole for real males to rut!" He grunted getting very close
to cumming, as he pressed the scalpel into the Coyotes latex clad
paw... "Go on cut his other ball off!" He moaned clearly nearing
orgasm... as that big paw tugged on his arching erection.

Edgar grabbed the scalpel quickly, feeling his own cock nearing its
release as rapidly as the Vet's. He brought the blade down on that
stretched out cord, the Vet held taut for him. And sawed through it,
softly slicing the dog's last nut right off with a soft spurt of raw
cum over his groin. Those nuts had been very full... As soon as he had
done that, Edgar howled, gasping as his cock erupted. Firing long
ropes of hot cum a few feet into the air as he came. Cameron leaned
forward into those hot spurts. letting the Coyotes hot cream splash
over his blunt human face. Edger's paw clenching up and nearly
crushing Raxus's severed nut, that he still held as his laatex covered
paw! Even as Cameron's own throbbing cock explored in his scrubs,
shooting thick gooey streams of white human spunk down his inner
thigh's as that tugging paw did its work...

"Ohooo gods." He mumbled as his knees became rubbery, and he had to
lean against the table and the coyote for support... 'Damn that was
the best one I've had in ages..." He babbled lustfully, uncaring now
what he said... "I normally stroke myself off afterwards... but I've
not cum like this since... the first one..." The Coyote sagged as
well, Edgar's cock still pumping thick globs of cum over the humans
knuckles steadily as he slumped.

"Ooof I know what you mean, that was quite a cum." He panted, glancing
over at the human and then murmuring. "Do you still want to make it my
last one?" He asked coyly, milking a few last dribbles out of Cameron
and then licking his fingers clean seductively. That big hot organ
surged in the Coyotes paw as Edgar asked the question... it was very
obvious the red headed human wanted to neuter him.

"Really?" Cameron asked licking at the canid cum dripping down his
face... as he imagined how much fun he'd have with a neutered Coyote
pet... "Hell yeah I would love to... If your still wanting..." He left
that hanging, not wanting to scare the fur off... The human couldn't
believe his luck... this had been such a long term fantasy for him...
"I can have everything really in a few minutes..." He assured looking
around the surgery room thoughtfully.

"No, not here." The Coyote snarled quickly. "I... it needs to be a
secret." He straightens up and carefully puts away his slimy dick,
after swiping it clean on Raxus's neutered groin. He reached over and
takes a pen out of the Vet's shirt pocket and writes down an address
on a small piece of paper. "I promise, we'll do it here. I just
can't let anyone know, I know we're alone but... we'll be able to do
so much more here. And you'll have everything you'll need for a good
time, this is my personal 'playhouse.' He explained shyly, holding out
the paper with it's address. The Vet looked put off at first... but as
the coyote explained he began to understand... It was a matter of
comfort... the fur felt safe and comfortable in his play room.
Reaching out he took the slip of paper and glanced at the address
before stuffing it into his shirt pocket. It was for a warehouse at
the edge of the old industrial district.

"My family owns the place... and I got it left to me by an uncle when
he died." The Coyoted explained. "I've... turned it into my own little
castration themed playroom, where I take anyone who wants to play with
me that way. Bust my balls, that sort of thing. But you're the
first that's ever offered to really neuter me." Edgar says with a soft
smile. "Be there at midnight tonight and I'll have everything ready."

"Ammm ok... your sure I won't need to bring anything?" The horny human
asked, as he went about the simply task of tucking those severed cords
back in, and stapling Raxus's sack closed.

"No... I have everything you'll need there..." Edger assured with a
soft smile. "If I couldn't find someone to nut me, I was planning to
do it myself." He explained quickly, the insides of his ears turning
pink. He watched with an erotic shiver, as the Vet tucks his pit
Bull's severed cords back into his body. Then he looks at the balls
themselves laying pale and cold in the stainless steel tray. "Could...
could I maybe have those?" He asked, grinning as he scratches the back
of his head in a self conscious manner. Even as Cameron brought Raxus
around with a drug and the pit Bull hobbled down off the table, groggy
and far more docile.

Cameron turned back... that big bright smile returning to his blunt
face... "Oh sure... you can have them if you like..." He grunted,
ready to agree to about anything at this point; to get a chance to
neuter a sapient fur. "Ahahh thats a good boy... you'll be a lot
easier to handle now..." Cameron snickered, patting the big Pit Bull
on the head as he circled around groggily... "Midnight tonight." The
big red headed human purred, as the erection in his scrubs bounced and
pulsed excitedly...

"Just one more thing... don't tell anyone where you're going and bring
that piece of paper back with you." The tall sleek Coyote growled
suddenly sounding a lot less passive. "If you don't show me the note
when you get there, I won't be comfortable enough with letting you
neuter me. I don't want anyone finding out about my playhouse."
Edgar explained more gently now, as he takes the severed balls in
their tray. And walks around to where Raxus is, taking up his leash.

"Ok no problem... I understand completely..." Cameron lied glibly, as
he smiled a bit to broadly at the Coyote as he collected his neuter

"Thank you for doing this." He shook the tray at Cameron and then
reached down and cupped his crotch. "And thank you for doing these
too." He smiled, winked and turned to leave, heading back out the way
they had come in...

"Oh your very Welcomed." Cameron purred in obvious excitement. "And
thank you for the pleasure... of both." The Vet watched him sway
away... gritting his teeth in impatients it was almost five hours
until midnight...


The sleek midnight blue Porsche motored slowly down the deserted fog
shrouded street... nothing moved in the old industrial district at
this hour. Cameron counted the numbers on the warehouses as he drove
around them, at last finding the one he wanted. It looked dark and
empty... with only a single light shining above a faded old gray side
door. Parking his car close by, the tall flaming haired human climbed
out. And wandered up to that door, seeing that the address was printed
on it in faint black letters. With nothing else to do the Vet knocked
on it getting a odd hollow booming as he did so... The warehouse seems
to be deserted, all the windows dark and lifeless. 'Had this all been
a joke on him?' 'Had he driven miles out of his way in the dead of
night for nothing...'

It would seem for a few moments that no one would answer, until there
was a click and door began to swing inwards slowly. Edgar stood there,
smiling broadly as the old gray door opened. The Coyote was still
wearing what he had been that day. "You came!" He exclaimed happily
and stepped back, inviting Cameron in. "I'm glad that you did, I was
worried that you wouldn't come. You don't know how badly I need
this!" The big red headed human swaggered in slowly, his blunt face
instantly split by a wide smile.

"Oh but of course I came..." Cameron purred as he stepped into the
brightly lit room, it looked like someones living really. With a sofa,
chairs and a big screen HD TV hanging on one wall. "I almost never
found the place tho'... and probably couldn't again with out this." He
held up the small slip of paper with the address on it. "Ohoooo I
think I know exactly how badly you need this..." The human smirked, as
he smoothed his black loose fitting silk shirt. "Just as badly as
Raxus did... earlier." Cameron snickered reliving that shared moment
in his head as he looked around. "Doesn't look like all that dark a
playroom to me..." He winked knowing that his room was a very small
part of the huge warehouse.

"That's because this is just my living room." The coyote replied
smoothly, though his cheeks are pinkened from Cameron's words. "I
don't think I can wait." Edgar whined softly and beckoned for Cameron
to follow him, leading him to a metal door that was lit by a light at
the top of it's landing.

"Nice I like that flat screen..." The big red headed human smoothly
made small talked, even as his heart pounded and his loins surged, as
he watched the Coyote's swaying rump. "Yes the waiting is the hardest
part..." Cameron agreed as he moved up and pressed the front of his
body against Edger's back...

There was a flight of stairs going down into the shadows of the
warehouse floor. "The real play room is down here Ahem... Here, walk
beside me as we go down the stairs, it's safer." Edgar said, stepping
down onto the rusty step with a light creak of old metal.

"Really... so how much of the warehouse floor does it take up..." The
Vet asked as he moved over to walk beside his host... his firm
erection having made his point already. Edger flicked on other light
switches, as they descended. Illuminating other sections of the
staircase, but not yet the expanse of dark shadowy warehouse floor.
Cameron peered off into the inky blackness, but the humans eyes were
nearly useless in these lighting conditions...

"Oh it takes up quite a bit. I have a lot of... stuff related to the
subject." The Coyote smirked a little bit, still blushing as he turned
on the last light. And then stepped off the stairs, into the little
pool of light at the bottom. As Cameron stepped off the last step and
into the light, Edgar hit the last and the whole warehouse is flooded
with fluorescent light. But instead of sex toys, and castration
contraptions. Cameron finds himself facing a horde of wickedly
grinning furs... The smirking human looks around in shock and surprise
for a long moment at the huge crowd of male furs... At last realizing
the musky scent his dull human nose had been picking up didn't belong
to his host alone.

As two heavily built Wolverines jump forward and grab him by the arms,
lifting him right off his feet. And then he's grabbed and hoisted off
his feet, one expensive leather shoe slipping off. As the big
Wolverines lift him up... "Errr... Hey wha... what the heck is going
on here?" He demands looking around wildly for Edger, even as hoots of
savage laughter erupt from the crowd... And Edgar is there, he's at
the front of the crowd... looking positively gleeful. He's grinning
like the Cheshire cat and making flamboyant motions that set the crowd
cheering. He marches up to confused Vet, an entirely different
creature from the facade he had put on before.

"What's going on here?" The Coyote smirks enjoying this moment very
much. "Well my veterinary friend, we're going to give you a taste of
your own medicine!"

Cameron's eyes were looking wild, as he watched the completely
different acting Coyote stroll up and begin explaining... 'A taste of
my own medicine..." The burly red head looked all the more confused at
that statement.

"You see all these furs?" Edgar waves a paw at the big crowd. "See?"
"They want a pet too, but most furs don't like to keep feral's."
"Sooooo what's a fur to do for a companion? Get a human of course."
Edgar leans in and starts tugging open Cameron's sleek black trousers.

"Get a human... you've got to be joking..." The Vet stammered, even
though that had been exactly what he'd been planning to do with the
Coyote... after he'd gotten him safely neutered.

"A human pet to keep and love... to train and make a totally obedient
and completely fuckable friend for a fur to have!" It dawn on Cameron
then... what his host meant...

"NO! No you can't... it... its illegal to..."

"Trust me... by the time we get done with you, you won't want anything
else." Edgar grinned wickedly, jerking Cameron's pants down and off,
taking his other shoe with them. The Wolverines grab his shirt with
their free paws. And each rip in the opposite direction, tearing the
garment clean in half. Now clothed in just in his tight red briefs and
socks, Cameron is hoisted into the air. The handsome young Vet looked
stunned, his jaw working as he tried to speak. Tried to deny the
Coyotes words... to threaten legal action. But then his clothing was
ripped unceremoniously off of his body... exposing his pale, naked,
freckled flesh to a hundred lustful eyes... His tight underwear almost
pushed off by his thick erection, as it surged even harder...

The two huge beasts drag Cameron through the crowd, to a big metal
table in the middle of the warehouse. Edgar walks alongside, grinning
wickedly up at his guest. "I hope you enjoyed that 'best-ever' cum you
had in your office Cameron, because it's the last one you're ever
going to have without having a cock in your ass. That's right, big
boy." The Coyote winked as he watched the human's eyes widen. "Snip-
snip." Edger smirked holding up two fingers like scissors as he spoke.

"No... no you can't do this to... to me..." Cameron shouted loudly,
even as one Wolverines snickered and fondled his throbbing cock within
his tiny satin underwear...

"Looks like your wantin' it to me..." He growled into his the humans
ear, as he nuzzled that sweaty neck...

"We heard all about how ya spurted after cutting Raxus..." The other
Wolverine snarled... The crowd growling loudly and Cameron could tell
that the story hadn't exactly pleased them... even if it had excited
them... "Please... you have to understand..."

"Indeed they did hear about that. I took great relish in telling all
our bidders, about how you like making furry creatures into bitches."
"How you were so excited to get a chance to neuter me, a sentient
furry!" Edgar barked, and the crowd roared, jeering as Cameron is
lifted up onto the table. And his long pale legs are secured spread
wide to a pair of stirrups.

"No... no I just wanted... to help you!" Cameron screamed struggling
wildly, as he felt that cold stainless steel against his naked skin.
"I just wanted to let you... fulfill your fantasy..." He lied as
glibly as possible, when one is being strapped down to an operating
table about to be neutered... His hard cock straining at the pouch of
his underwear a huge wet stop on those bright purple satin shorts.

Edgar picked up a pair of scissors, and went about cutting off
Cameron's satin briefs. Teasingly letting the cold metal come
dangerously close to the humans balls, as he cut away the cloth. Freed
from its cloth prison, the humans pink and red hard on, and his round
hairy balls flopped out defenseless. Edgar patted Cameron's hairy
belly playfully. "Oh and by the way, we're literally going to make you
a bitch." The Coyote snickered. "There's no sense in wasting space,
when an extra hole down there might make your soon to be owner very

"Oh gods... ohoo gods!" The human squealed and trembled deliciously,
every time the cold metal of those scissors touched his hot male
flesh. "Wha... wha..." The handsome young Vet stammered, to stunned to
form words. As he was told he was about to be deprived of all of his
male hood, and worse still given another hole to be used... "You can't
do this... My... family will be wondering... the cops looking for..."

"Will they?" Edger asked slyly. "Where will they look...hmmmmm?"
"Obviously we won't be here anymore, and there's no proof that I was
ever with you. The name and address on your forms doesn't exists."
"And you didn't tell anyone where you were going... did you?" Edgar
teased gloatingly, reaching down to stroke that swollen and drooling
hard on slowly. "No..." The helpless human squeaked in horror and
fear. Panic seized Cameron's chest, as he realized everything the
Coyote was saying was true... He'd told no one about this... how could
he tell about his most forbidden desire. To neuter and rape a salient
male fur...

"You humans think with your balls too much." Edger taunted. "Hopefully
once we've cut them off, you'll be smarter." He nodded at a wolf, who
was standing nearby with a tray. And the big lupine hurried over,
snapping on some latex gloves.

"Your... your not really... this is all just a game... right kinky
fun..." The young handsome human pleaded... even as he watched the big
Wolf come over and begin prepping him... And starting to massage and
tug down Cameron's fat furless human balls. "Don't worry, we'll be
humane... You won't feel anything, but you'll get to watch every
cut." Edgar explained, as the Wolf filled a syringe with very powerful
numbing agents. And began to inject it all over Cameron's groin, and
deep into his precious testicles and cock.

"W...WW...Watch every cut..." Cameron moaned, a thick steady river of
slimy pre-cum running down his rock hard organ now. "OHO GODS OHO NO
YOU... YOUR REALLY GONNA..." Cameron half screamed, half moaned as he
felt the injections and the numbing effect beginning in his big hot

?Ohoooooo yes we are." The Wolf assured, glancing over at the grinning

"We're going to cut both of your big stones right of your pouch."
"Slice your cock right out of your crotch, and give you a deep tight
hole for the real males to fuck!" Edger teased, turning Cameron's own
words back on him. As the big Wolf flicked Cameron's balls, and
smacked his hard cock. The pressure could be felt, but no pain.

"It's time." The big Wolf growled, picking up a sharp scalpel, as
Edgar raised his paws. "Gather 'round, everyone... watch the human
become a gelding bitch!" He cried as the Wolf split that fat ball sack
down the middle, and both of Cameron's wet and warm jewels fell out.
To lay twitching on the the cold steel table...

"But... you wanted... but I am a real..." The handsome young Vet tried
to protest, but then the big Wolf growled... 'It's time.' And his
attention instantly snapped back down his his benumbed crotch, as the
big canid picked up a gleaming scalpel and held it posed over his
still rock hard genitals. "Ohoooooo fuck...' Cameron moaned as the
watching furs pressed in around them, as the Wolf lowered that
gleaming blade. And suddenly his most precious possessions were
exposed to the cool air... as the audience snickered and jeered.

"Help control the Human population... have yours spray or neutered."
Some fur joked, as they watch the action with growing arousal... he
could sense it now, smell the scents... "But I wanta have children..."
He protested weakly... aware of how silly it sounded.

Near the table, a huge Bear groped his crotch and sneered. "Don't
worry, if I get you... I'll fuck you so hard you're guaranteed to get
knocked up, little bitch." The room erupted with laughter at the
Bear's comment, even as the Wolf was tying slender silk threads around
the throbbing cords connecting Cameron's balls to his body. The large
oval orbs were twitching, benumbed and already feeling like they
weren't part of the humans body. but he got to watch their blood
supply get strangled off entirely. The young Vet became aware of a
dull aching in the pit of his stomach... and glanced down as first one
and then the other set of cords were tied off... His body knew they
were dying even though he felt no real pain...

"Now we're going to give those nuts a few minutes to die, and let the
blood clot a little. We don't want any bleeding later, once we've
got your nice pussy put in." Cameron trembled that was very
professional. His gelders knew their stuff... this thought sending a
powerful shiver down his spine...

"That pink bitches pussy will be bleeding when I'm done with it..." A
hefty stallion whinnied as he leered down at Cameron. Edgar teasingly
reached down and fondled the humans choking testicles.

"Such a nice big set... They'll make a nice trophy." Cameron head
snapped to the left... and then to the right at each comment. Looking
at the huge furry males who might soon be using him as their own
private cum bitch.

"My nuts a..a trophy..." Cameron stammered thinking about the huge
jar, he had hidden in the back room at his office...

Edgar nodded and grinned. "You're not the first human I've caught, but
I must say. You're the first I've added to my personal collection."
The Coyote growled, intending to say more, but suddenly a chant rose
up from the crowd. "Cut him, cut him, cut him!"

"Not the First!" The Vet gasped in shock... and yet had to ask himself
why he should be... ? I... I'm going to be in your personal
collection... Errr." Cameron choked as the audience began to call for
his neutering, and he realized that maybe they had a point... After
all he had came here hoping... no lusting after neutering one of them.
Edgar snickered gloatingly as he looked down at the human.

"Well, looks like our audience is getting impatient! We best give
them what they want." He nodded to the Wolf, who picked up a pair of
surgical scissors. And positioned Cameron's left nut's cord between
the blades.

"Oh yes... must give them what they want..." The handsome human panted
weakly, as the surgical scissors were positioned on his testicles

"Say goodbye to your manhood." Edgar teased, having dropped his zipper
and let his cock loose, the Coyote's knotted dick throbbing excitedly.
He watched those razor sharp jaws slowly close, snipping through the
fibrous flesh like it was butter. A small drop of congealed blood
freeing itself as Cameron's testicle was severed. It took only seconds
for the other precious orb to be cut off as well, snipped as easily as
Cameron had done Raxus's.

"Oh dear god!" Cameron moaned, his body shivering violently. And his
big cock bouncing up and down wanting to cum... even as first one and
then the second fat orb was taken from him. The naked, dead organs
were lifted and dropped into a jar and put aside, the grinning Coyote
patting Cameron's chest condescendingly.

"Goodbye..." He whispered almost to softly to be heard... as his
family jewels were jarred up for Edgers collection...

"Goodboy... who's a goodboy! Or should I say... good girl?" The
Coyote smirked, as more than a few of the watching furs stroked
themselves off... as they watched the human get neutered...

"Serves the bitch right!" A big Pit Bull snarled angrily... Cameron
noticing that he looked remarkably like Raxus anthropomorphic twin.
"Finish the bitch off!" The pit Bull growled at the Wolf, who flashed
him a knowing smile. Even as he slid a steel catheter down the urethra
of Cameron's rock hard cock. And then quickly banded that fat organ,
before setting that razor sharp scalpel against the base of it. "There
will be blood..." He warned... making all the predators eyes light up
with excitement, the humans sack had not bleed even for them.

Cameron watched open mouthed, as that silvery stainless steel blade
speared into the root of his fat cock. The big erection unable to
deflated from blood loss with the band around its base. Stood huge
hard and purple even as the Wolf skillfully skinned it... leaving that
attached to the humans crotch. Even as he cut the muscles of the cock
it's self away, slowly digging down into the humans shave crotch.
Cutting out every last vestige of that male organ... he then shoved
the loose skin down inside... Using it to craft a tiny pink Virgina as
the watching male snickered and made jokes. The steel bowel with its
extra cock meat was passed around like a popcorn bowel. Cameron
watching in horror as his cock was devoured by dozens of different

It all seemed to go on forever... and the pain killer was beginning to
wear off as the Wolf stitched up the humans wound. Edger smiled as he
turned around and addressed the crowd jovially.

"Ok what do I have for my opening bid..." Instantly the room was
filled with dozens of different screaming growling voices... The
shouting growing louder and more frantic as the Coyote took bid after
bid... A whirl wind of shouted offers and counter offers. The bidding
is quickly over a thousand dollars and groups of friends team up,
pooling money to get their paws on the human bitch. the bidding is
hot... it runs wild and the promises become lewder and lewder as it
does. The top bidders finally offering to share the human out to the
rest of the room... if their bid is let stand. Silence falls and the
whole audience smiles everyone knowing their going to get a ride on
the new bitch. As the big Mastiff and his Pit Bull lover who had won
the bidding. Took ownership of they're new pet, tightly buckling a
heavy leather collar around his neck. "As soon as the bitches pussy
heals up your all welcomed to have a go... Right now we'll just have
to be satisfied with her mouth and tail hole." Cameron suddenly found
himself on all fours... with a huge hard canine bone pressing in both

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