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Neuter Your Humans 2
Family Ties


The knocking startled the rangy Coyote, quickly he moved over to the
bank of video monitors that showed him all around his complex.
Shocked for a second at the image of the tall red headed human
standing outside his door. It took him a moment to realize this was a
younger male than the man the Coyote had mistaken him for. Of course
the fact was, that man was now the captive neutered pet of some big
furs who had payed the Coyote very well for it. The Coyote loosened
his robe, as he slowly strolled to the plain nondescript metal door.
Opening it as the young human on the other side had given up and was
walking away.

"Can I help you with something?" The tall lean Yote asked loudly, as
he stood in the now open door, making the young human male jump in

"I... oh... Errr... I didn't realize anyone was..." The startled
human male stammered, as he turned to face the grinning Coyote.

"Well... I'm not just anyone." Edgar assured with a leering lick of
his fuzzy lip's, as he enjoyed the human's awkward discomfort.

"Ahem... I guess not." The young handsome human stammered, looking
confused and somewhat shocked by the overtly sexual male before him.
Even ss his eyes wandered down to the gap in the Coyotes robe, pausing
at that furry sheath and heavy ball pouch.

"Heheh..." Edgar chuckled softly as he saw this, licking his lip's
again... and then asked in a leering voice. "What is it you want?"
Making the young red head look up shamefaced and blushing, as he
realized he'd been caught starring at the Coyotes crotch.

"I... Ahem..." The young humans eyes flickered back down for a
second, and then jumped back up guiltily. "I... I... was just
wanting..." He paused to gulp for air a second before going on, his
voice now husky with excitement. "To... to know if... if..."

"If I like human's?" Edgar finished, making him blush even redder and
look away for a moment in embarrassment. "Some of them are...
interesting..." The Coyote teased, as he watched the humans eyes drop
down his his exposed junk once again.

"Errr... well no... that is I wanted to know if you'd heard or seen
anything around here a few weeks ago?" The embarrassed human asked,
as he fought to keep himself from starring to much at the Coyote's

"A few weeks ago?" Edgar asked smiling slightly, because there had
been something very wicked going on at that time. But the big Coyote
played it close to the pelt, not giving the human anything but a flash
of pink cock tip. "Could you be more specific." He asked drawing
the young handsome human back in closer, smelling the scent of him
growing over the soap and Cologne humans soaked themselves in.

"Ahem... the tenth or maybe the twelfth." The young human explained,
focusing on the reason he was there. As the Coyote furrowed his brow
as if considering it hard, even as one paw slide down the human's

"Time frame?" He asked, as if he were curious about what the human
was after. The pretty red head paused fumbling around in his pants
pocket, and then pulled out a scrap of paper.

"Ammmm from twelve thirty on the tenth to... ummm nine o'clock in the
morning on the twelfth." He answered shivering as that paw slid down
his back to come to rest on his right asscheek.

"What is that you have there?" Edgar asked slowly, gesturing to the
crumpled up paper in the humans sweaty hands.

"This... oh this is the GPS tracking report on my brother Cameron's
car." The handsome red head explained slowly as he stood there
looking into the Coyote's yellow eyes.

"Ohooo I see... so your looking for your brother then?" The Coyote
asked the red head softly, making the human look up sharply at him
again. "I assume... because I saw the car get towed... it was parked
in a loading and unloading only zone." Edgar explained, taking
advantage of the human's distraction to squeeze that firm ass cheek
playfully. "Nice car, no way someone would just go off and leave it
for no reason." The Coyote explained, before the human could get over
his surprise and ask anymore questions.

"So you saw that?" The red head asked, still finding it hard to keep
his eyes above the coyotes waist.

"Oh yes... I not only saw it... I'm the one who called the tow
truck." The Coyote played it up, now that he understood how the boy
had found this place. GPS tracking in cars... that was a new one he'd
have to worry about.

"Do you know my brother Cameron?" The young human asked the smirking
Coyote, even as his hand seemingly with a mind of its on brushed the
fur of the Yotes furry chest. "He's a veterinarian... with an office
over on Casey Blvd."

"I know a lot of folks." Edgar answered vaguely, as he considered how
he was going to play this. "Of course... a lot more folks are just
brief twenty second introductions." The sleek darkly handsome Coyote
explained, as he watched the read head's interest grow. "Why don't
you come inside... and I'll see what I can do for you. Edgar growled
slow and sexily, as he watched the human fighting to keep his glaze
steady. "Perhaps later you could do something for me in return."

"What you can do for me?" The young human asked, losing his battle to
keep his eyes above the Coyotes waist.

"Oh yes... ahem..." The sleek Coyote grunted obviously fishing for a
name, even as he wrapped a arm around the humans shoulder.

"Tommy... Errr Tom." The young human grunted, shoving his hand out
but finding the Yotes sheath not his paw. "Tom Paulus... Errr sorry."
Tom blushed brightly jerking his hand back even as Edgar took that
soft warm hand in his smooth hot leathery paw.

"I'll call around, and see if anyone at my last get together remembers
such a pretty human there Tom." The big Coyote smirked, as he watched
the red head blush brightly at his words. And knowing that everyone
who had been at that get together would remember the guest of honor.
And the thought that he had a very important part of Tommy's big
brother in his collection, sent a shiver down the Coyotes spine. It
was beginning to give him an erection, the pink cock tip peeking out
of it's furry sheath captured the humans eye's. Backing up the sleek
handsome barely clad Coyote, used it to direct the human into the room
behind him. And then closed the door, as the young human stood almost
in the exact spot his brother had stood admiring the room. Edgar
pressed himself against the red heads back, being sure he felt that
hot bone wedged against his buttocks. Letting his soft furry muzzle
nuzzle against the back of the humans neck, sending a shiver down the
Toms spine.

"Ummmm..." He mumbled slightly, more in surprise at the touch than
in any real objection to it.

"Now... what was it I was going to do to you Tommy?" The big Coyote
whispered teasingly, as he whispered into the humans ear. "Or was
that what you were going to do for me?" He purred making the
stammering human blush even deeper and step forwards farther into the

"I... Ummm... I think you were going to help... help me.... find my
brother." The pretty red head stammered struggling to think as his
pulse raced, and his heart pounded in his ears.

"Ohoooo yes... your brother." The Coyote smirked drawing Tommys hand
back to his full sheath, and then added in a husk desire laden voice.
"Although I must say... I have much more of and interest in you."
Edgar panted into that soft fur-less ear, as he nuzzled it again

"Really?" The handsome young red headed human moaned. as the Coyote
pressed against him, that tall sleek furry body grinding against his
back in delightful ways.

"Oh yes." Edgar assured in a gruff pant, as he felt in the humans
supple movements that his body was responding.

"Ahem... but... butt... my brother." The human mumbled weakly once
again, fighting to stay focused on his mission.

"Oh yes... your brother." The Coyote snarled, thrusting his stiff bone
hard between the humans butt cheeks one last time before walking away.
Leaving the red head staggering on rubbery knee's and looking
decidedly wanton. "Please have a seat... just may take a while." He
sat down in a chair opposite the human, letting his robe fall open
wide exposing his sleek furry body. While he dialed his phone, going
through a few random calls, before finally calling the big Mastiff and
his Pit Bull lover who had won the bidding on Toms brother. After a
quick and hushed conversation the wicked Coyote, hung up the phone and
looked over at the starring Human. Edgar's long red cock had fully
escaped from its sheath by now, flashing Tom a leering smile he turned
towards him. "I can take you somewhere you can learn about your
brothers secret desires, but first I think you need to learn about
your own." The long lanky Coyote gestured to the floor between his
wide spread foot paws, and was pleasantly surprised when the Human
happily knelt there. "Take care of this for me..." Edgar grunted
gesturing to his big throbbing red bone, Toms eyes widening in false
shock at these words. "Hah... we both know you want to." Edgar
countered at once, making the Human's cute flat muzzle burn red with
embarrassment, even as the Coyote rubbed that pointed cock over those
soft lip's.

Tom opened his mouth letting the handsome Coyotes cock into his mouth,
suckling on it gently at first. Until Edgar grabbed the back of his
head and shoved his full length into that fawning mouth, wincing as a
tooth scraped against his sensitive cock flesh. "Less teeth and more
lip." The big Coyote ordered harshly excited to see Tom's level of
submission grow, the Human wrapping those cute red lip's around his
veiny canid cock. "Ammmm good boy." Edgar praised ruffling the
Human's head fur gently, even as his knot beat against those soft
lip's lustfully. Sliding one foot paw up the Human's inner thigh's,
he felt Toms erection throbbing under his trousers. "You see you like
submitting to a big horny beast." The horny Coyote pointed out
tauntingly, his toes unbuttoning and unzipping Toms pants and freeing
that throbbing hard on. "Not so different from your older brother..."
The Human looked up at him startled and questioning at that, but Edgar
didn't give him a chance to ask anything. "Suck it hard boy... get me
off and you'll learn more about your brother and yourself." The
smiling Coyote promised fucking Tom's mouth all the harder, as the
Human began stroking his own cock with one hand.

"Ammm Ummm..."


Tom starred out the car window as they drove through town, the taste
of the Coyotes cock and cum still thick in his mouth. The young Human
was confused and more than a little shocked at his own behavior, he
glanced over at Edgar behind the drivers wheel. But the tall lanky
Coyote was perfectly at ease, even smug as if get head from strangers
was totally normal for him. Shying away from his own submission to
the handsome stranger, Tom's mind flash over to the Coyote's hints
about his brothers dark desires. What had Cameron been into that
could get him to abandon his practice, and isolate himself from
contact with his only family.

The Coyote's car had long left the industrial area they had been in,
and was now threading it's way through old wealthy neighborhoods.
Great stone and brick houses built around the turn of the century, by
the richest families to live in the city. Most now considered
landmarks and protected by the local government, the road winding up
hill before them. Darkness closing in as the turned into a long
driveway, that was so much like the road that it wasn't until the car
pulled up outside the great house that Tom realized it was a private
drive. Edgar got out and walked around the car as Tom stepped out,
looking at the flicking light over head. Realizing it was a gaslight,
this really was an old place. The tall Coyote grasp his arm just
above the elbow, and use it to guide him up the wide sparkling marble

"What is about to be revealed to you, is nothing more or less and a
deep and closely guarded secret." Edgar intoned gravely as he looked
searchingly into the Human's eyes, watching as Tom took in his every
word. "What you are about to see maybe shocking, but remember Cameron
is here because this is where he needs to be." The tall lanky Coyote
reached out and rang the bell, even as Tom wonder at his words. It
took a long moment, but at last the huge door was opened. A big
jovial looking Mastiff stood in the door, one paw resting on his hefty
muscle gut. A large pipe was clenched in his teeth, and sweet
smelling smoked waffled in a ring around his bulky head.

"Edgar... so good to see you." The Mastiff smiled reaching out to
take the Coyote's paw and wringing it solidly, before looking over at
Tom. "So this is him... I can see the resemblance."

"Tom this is Ramon." Edgar introduced as the huge canine took Tom's
pale hand in his massive paw.

"So good to meet you Tom." He grunted smiling the Human a scary
looking grin, even as he when on happily. "But please don't just
stand there come in... come in both of you. We just finished dinner
I'm afraid, but come join us in the study for brandy and a smoke."
The hefty canine lead them down the hall with a long confident stride,
sliding back a heavy panel door and usher them into a big room. A
well dressed pit Bull stood up as the others entered, a fat cigar held
in one paw, smiling as he greeted Edgar and Tom. Before turning to
pour them each a snifter of rich dark brandy, Tom took his snifter
uncertainly. As Edgar and Ramon took theirs warming it in their paws,
as the big Mastiff introduced pit Bull as Ivan. Tom turned down the
offered Cigar, but Edgar pocketed his and leaned back in a big wing
backed leather chair. The furs sipping and smoking silent for a
minute as Tom looked around confused, at last he couldn't take it
anymore and asked.

"Ummm so about my brother... Do you know what happened to him?" A
deep rumbling chuckle escaped Ramon and he shared an amused look with

"Oh my yes." The mighty Mastiff assured, chuckling again as he took a
long drag on his pipe before blowing a smoke ring. "We know
everything that has happened to him." Tom sat up straighter in his
seat, almost sliding to the edge as he hung on Ramon's words. But the
big Mastiff took another sip of brandy, and then suckled on his pipe
watching Tom curiously.

"You really don't know?" Ivan asked grinning, as he looked back and
forth from the Human to Edgar in obvious amusement.

"I thought it easier to show to him, than to explain." The Coyote
explained dryly as his lip's twisted up into a lewd smile, even as he
hid it behind his brandy snifter.

"Ohoooo I see." Ivan grunted standing up he strolled over to a side
door, opening it he half stepped out into the hall. "Cammie..." He
called whistling loudly like he was calling a pet, Tom heard the
thump, thump, thump of scurrying over hard wood floors. And then the
big pit Bull reached down stroking his pet, as the naked Human came
running on all fours into the room. Tom froze in shock, as the human
whined and whimpered gratefully at one of its Masters touch. A black
leather mask covered it's face, but Tom recognized the long red hair.

"Cammie?" The Human choked half standing up, but Edgers strong paw
pulled him back into a sitting position. While at the sound of it's
name the pet bound over to Tom, letting him get a good look at that
pink body. Gone was any sign of male genitalia, replaced with a
surprisingly real looking female slit. Tom took a big gulp of his
brandy, finding it sweety and warm within his body. He looked up
stunned at Edger, who was watching him with an almost frightening
intensity. While Ramon leaned forwards and petted Cammie's head
gently, it was a loving stroke and Tom knew it.

"As I told you before... a deep and closely guarded secret, shocking
but remember he is here because this is where he needs to be." The
Coyote smirked as Ramon fondled Cammie's pink slit, making his pet
hump slightly on his fingers.

"She really is the best pet." Ivan explained, as he moved back over
to join them, smiling as he watched Tom's reaction to seeing his pet
of a brother.

"And we love giving her what she wants." Ramon snickered shoving a
finger into that pink slit and letting his pet hump wildly on it. "In
fact if you don't mind..." He fondled his own bulging crotch
suggestively, leering at Tom who was clearly to stunned to do more
than nod. The three big canids stood up and dropped their trousers,
making the stunned Tom gasp in shock. He'd thought Edgar's cock was
big, but Ramon's mighty organ was over thirteen inches, and Ivan's was
not far behind. As he watched in stunned surprise Ramon lays on the
floor, having Cammie climb onto his huge cock. Which slips right into
her pink slit easily, even as Ivan's hefty bone is rammed up her
quivering asshole.

Grinning over at him Edgar unzips the mouth hole of Cammie's leather
mask, and shoves his cock into a obviously toothless mouth. Slowly
rotating his hip's to fuck that suckling mouth firmly, blushing
brightly Tom wants to turn away from the erotic display. But finds
that he can't stop from watching his own cock pulsing rock hard within
his trousers, the lean Coyote smirks smelling the Humans arousal at
watching his older brother being used. Reaching over Edgar unzips
Toms pants, sliding his paw inside to fish out that Human hard on.
Slowly jacking it for a minute or two as he fucks Cammies fawning
mouth, and then grasping that firm shaft he pulls Tom over. Sliding
his own cock out, the sly Coyote guides Tom's throbbing erection into
his older brothers eager mouth.

"Ohoooooooooooooooooo." The young Human moaned loudly, as that well
trained mouth begins working its magic on his needy organ. Edgar
watched with a leering smile as Tom panted and moaned, slipping a
finger between the Human's ass cheeks. He rubbed a finger pad over
that hot anal plucker, and then slowly worked it inside. Making Tom's
hip's hump and squirm as that rough pad rubbed his prostate gland
teasingly, making the young Human fuck his brother suckling mouth
lustfully. "Ummm gods... Please I... I..." Tom protested weakly even
as the lean Coyote moved up behind him, skillfully replacing that
finger with a thick hot Yote bone. Laying his muzzle over the young
Human shoulder, Edgar fucked him more and more lustfully as Tom grasp
the back of Cammie's head. Fucking that toothless mouth with more and
more vigor, even as the big canids watch it all in amusement. "Oho
fuck... Oho fuck..." Tom panted weakly, as his cock surged that soft
compliant mouth doing what it was trained to do. And then there's a
sudden intense pain, looking back Tom realizes the Coyote's knot was
now inside of him. Edgar's jaws open in wide soundless laughter, as
he slams harder against the Human's firm round ass cheeks. And then
he's cumming hard into his brothers suckling mouth, the pleasure
almost making him pass out.


Some minutes later they are alone in the study, and Tom now on all
fours feels that weakly throbbing knot pulled from his ass. Reaching
down Edgar pulls the young Human up onto his knee's, looking down into
the Human's passive eyes. The tall lanky Yote picks up a black
leather collar, slowly buckling it around Tom's neck. "You belong to
me now... You know that right?" Tom nodded his head meekly, making
the big Yote smile widely. "Your my pet now... and like Bob Barker
always sez pets must me spade or in your case neutered." Tom's eyes
widened and he gulped hard as the Coyote smiled down at him wickedly.
"You got any objections pet?" The young Human's head bowed and then
he shook it slowly, making the grinning Yote snicker. "Nawww of
course ya don't heh."

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