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Night City Tales 5

Played in the Badlands...


Keleon goes out into the badlands to do a little business... but
things don't go as he expects. A Cyberpunk 2077 inspired story

Badlands Play

Keleon looked around the Sunset motel parking lot sourly, the big
Horse wondering just what the hell he was doing out there in the
badlands. He knew the answer of course, doing a favor for Chang Hoon
Nam to make up for shoving a whore daemon shard into the net runners
head. In retrospect it really should have been obvious, that Chang
would have had protections set up against that program. Still the net
runner had been so pissed off... he had almost zeroed the big exotic.
It had taken a lot of fast talking and apologizing to keep Chang from
attacking him... that one bad choice had almost ruined their
friendship. Keleon took one last long drag from his cig, tossing the
butt onto the ground to crush it out under his huge hoof. Now here he
was in butt fuck nowhere, waiting for some Wraith dirt bag to show up
with the nasty date rape drug Chang had bought. Keleon really didn't
want to have anything to do with the Raffen Shiv, those Nomad fuckers
were nuts even by Night City standards. Nervously Keleon checked his
RT-46 Burya again, the asshole was late which was both annoying and
worrisome. It was getting dark by the time the van along with two
Reavers came roaring into the parking lot, the paint job was anything
but understated. A grungy looking human along with a Coyote morph
stepped out of the van, walking over to where the Horse morph stood by
the truck he had borrowed for the job.

"You Chang's Horse boi?" The Coyote asked with a sneer, it was plain
what he was implying as much... by the tone in his words. The grinning
predator morph swinging a D-51 Pulsar in one big paw, as he flashed a
yellow toothed grin at Keleon.

"What the fuck do you think? But I aint nobodies boi." Keleon added
with a snorted, pissed off that he'd been kept waiting. Even as the
Coyote speaking flashed him that nasty smirk, plainly not at all
intimidated by the Horse's anger. "I take it yer Delano, Changs Raffen
connection. So let's see the junk?" Keleon grunted, just wanting to
get this over with and get back to the city where he was more
comfortable. Knowing Chang had put half the money down, with the
second half to be delivered once he saw the stuff.

"It got klept." The Coyote growled, plainly pissed off that he was
having to admit that. "Gunna need yer help getting it back." That made
the big Horse morph snort, this wasn't anything he had been expecting.
And certainly nothing he wanted to get involved in, this had tuff war
written all over it.

"My help? What the fuck... that wasn't part of the deal." Keleon
grunted looking into the Coyote's silvery eyes, things were going off
the rails faster than he could handle. This was supposed to be a
simple pick up, pay the second half of the money and get the drugs.

"Yeah... that shouldn't be a problem for you..." The human who was
standing beside Delano grunted, Keleon looked over at the greasy
little human Raffen hard. They had not been introduced, and to be
honest the big Horse really didn't care to be. And that was very
obvious from the look on his long equine muzzle, as he watched the
little Wraith clutched his M2551S Ajax.

"Yer here doing this to repay Chang right... ya owe him." The big
Coyote snorted, obviously doing his best to keep the Horse's attention
on him. "Well this is the only way Chang is gunna get his stuff... the
Gonks who took it know us. They'll see us coming a mile away, that's
why we need you. Now are you in... or are you going to go tell Chang
that you're a Yono." Once again the Coyote flashed that yellow toothy
smile, that just made Keleon wish he could smash those teeth out.

"I aint no Yono either." The big Horse snarled darkly, knowing he was
kind of trapped. If he went back empty handed, that would be the end
of their friendship. Hell Chang might even target him in one way or
another, as a net-runner there was plenty of things he could do.
"Alright I'm in... what do you need me to do?"

"Alright lets go... I'll explain on the way." And with that the Coyote
morph turned heading back to his van, Keleon rolled his shoulders
forced to follow the Coyote. Once inside the van, they quickly hit the
dusty roads of the badlands. Keleon was soon utterly lost, he had
never been out of the city so far. "So the assholes we're going after
are called Aldecaldos... they go a couple of places that they hole
up." Delano explained as they drove down twisting narrow dirt roads,
deeper and deeper into the badlands as Keleon watched.

"Aldecaldos... yeah I heard of them." The big Horse morph snorted,
obviously knowing that this was a rival bunch of Nomads. Still it
wasn't like he gave a damn, he didn't have anything against them

"We got a tip the guy we're after is going to be at one of their
remote safe houses." The Coyote explained driving along the roads
wildly, as the day slipped away into early night. "But like I said if
they see us... they'll load up and be gone. Before we can get yer
stuff back, that's why we need you." Delano chuckled vulgarly, that
didn't sound good for Keleon at all. "They don't know you... so you
can approach them... get close... keep'em distracted while we get into
position. We'll grab what we want... tweak their nose and get the hell
out of there." Delano made it sound easy, which was a pretty good tip
off things wouldn't be at all. Keleon was streetwise enough to grasp
that, just then the vehicles pulled off road driving through the
desert for a few bumpy miles. Until they pulled up behind a half dozen
huge red rocks, even as the big Horse ask his next question.

"So how the hell am I supposed to keep them distracted?" Keleon
demanded as the grinning Coyote looking him up and down slowly, the
big exotic getting that bad feeling again.

"Can ya sing and dance?" The lean Coyote Morph asked with a shit
eating smirk, the more he was around this guy the less Keleon was
liking him. It was plain Delano was trying to make a joke, maybe it
was to lighten the mood maybe it was just to piss the Horse off.

"Hahah... yeah... yeah shake yer ass at them." The greasy human Raffen
called from the back of the van, Keleon didn't bother looking back at
him as he spit out the window. "I mean with an ass like that... who
wouldn't be distracted." Great so now the sleazy fucker was flirting
with him, that almost made Keleon like him a little better.

"Hell no! But I'm damn good at stomping heads, these big metal hooves
smash'em open like melons." The threat was very plain, and the human
Raffen sank back into the back of the van.

"Alright... then take off your clothes..." Delano growled with that
wide leering smirk, even as he popped open the center console of the
van. Rummaging around inside, as Keleon stared at him in shock for a
long moment. Trying to decide it the Coyote was joking again, it
didn't sound like that was the case.

"What?" Keleon asked in surprise, making both the Raffen chuckle
lewdly at him. He flashed the greasy human a nasty look, even as he
watched Delano digging around in that console. A few moments longer,
the Coyote never bother to look up at him.

"You heard me... take off them clothes. That big Horsie fucker of
yours flopping around should be distracting." The big predator joked
lewdly, as he pulled a small plastic box out of the console. Both of
the Raffen laughing out loud at that, which only made Keleon more that
much more suspicious.

"My Horse cock that's your plan?" Keleon grunted, knowing that
couldn't possibly be the whole of the Coyotes plan. As sure enough
Delano snapped that box open, taking a shard out to hold up in front
of Keleon.

"This here is a quick hack... mass arousal boost, but they gotta be
clustered close. So you wander in jerking that big floppy of yours,
get them close together and hit them with the quick hack." Keleon
nodded it wasn't a bad plan, unless something went wrong with the
hack. Of course if things went bad the Raffen could just fade away,
while his ass would be left hanging out. Which was why they wanted him
to try this shit, of course the big Horse realized he didn't have any
choice. "Take the shard..." The lean Coyote exotic grunted, watching
as Keleon took the shard out of his paw. "About a click over that hill
is a old stop and rob, its boarded up now. Anyway the Aldecaldos use
it as a outpost... to keep a watch out for us. This is the guy we're
looking for..." The image was sent to Keleon's Cyberware, it was a big
human with long black hair and a beard. Just another sleazy looking
human, even if his body was very well developed. "His name is Saul...
you don't use the quick hack, until you know he's there and in range.
Once their distracted by the arousal boost... we'll rush in take them
down and grab the stuff."

"Easy for you to say... it's my ass that's going to be hanging out if
anything goes wrong." Keleon pointed out angrily, more pissed off at
himself for getting into this than at the Coyote.

"Hehe... not just yer ass." Delano's human buddy sneakered lewdly,
plainly he was very much amused by the Coyotes plan. And the way he
was humiliating the big Horse Morph, it made Keleon wonder about their

"Well then you better make sure nothing goes wrong... Huh." The lanky
Coyote snorted coldly, obviously he didn't care if Keleon got flat
lined or not. "Alright clothes... gun leave it all here."

"Fuck you!" Keleon spat as he stripped down, to stand there beside the
van completely naked in the cold desert night. Wrapping his shirt and
trousers around his RT-46 Burya, he tossed them onto the seat in the
van he had just climbed out of.

"Maybe later... if everything goes well and ya don't get flat lined."
The lean predator snickered lewdly, as he looked over Keleon's sleek
furry body slowly. Now there was no doubt in the Horse's mind, the
Coyote was not just a gonk he was on the make for guys. Now Keleon
wished he had thought to bring a whore daemon shard along, it would be
funny to have a Raffen whore selling his ass in the badlands.

"Yeah... yeah... If I don't get it shot off." Keleon snorted as he
started off through the dark desert, hearing the Coyote snickering
lustfully behind him. Climbing up to the top of the ridge line, in the
distance he could see lights around the broke down old building.
Keleon slotted the shard, looking over the new quick hack to make sure
it was real. Everything looking good as far as he could tell, who ever
had written it knew their business. The big Horse fondled himself as
he trotted along, it didn't take much to get that big cock to drop.
Soon it was jutting out in front of him as he moved along, seeing a
couple of cars clustered around the edge of the building. Aldecaldos
no doubt about it, their paint jobs every bit as loud and over the top
as the Raffens.

Keleon paused a moment, working over that hefty equine fucker with
both hands until it was dribbled pre-cum into the dust. Spotting a
empty blue glass bottle laying in one of the trash pile, picking it up
he wiped the dirt and dust off of it. Planning to use it as a prop,
slowly he walked along the edge of the road that ran by the building.
Deciding it would be better to approach the building from the road,
rather than from the open desert. He wanted to appear to not be a
threat in anyway, that might keep them from just shooting as soon as
they saw him. Up ahead he could see four or five guys sitting around a
open fire, with two or three more standing guard in the shadows.
Stumbling along Keleon did his best to appear intoxicated, staggering
and singing that old standard... 'Never fade away...' in a breathless
aroused voice. That singing drawing the attention of the guards at
once, they moved to look down the road at him as he stumbled along.
Pausing Keleon stood there jacking his long equine organ for a moment,
happy to hear chuckles of lewd amusement rather that gun safeties
being 'Clicked' off. The big Horse Morph staggered a bit closer, aware
that the other sitting around the fire were watching him now. With all
eyes on him Keleon paused again, pretending to take a long drink of
the bottle. Shaking it out to prove it was empty, and then tossed it
off into the desert hearing it shatter against a rock.

"Fuck..." Keleon swore loudly, double fisting his long Horse cock for
a minute before he headed towards the fire. Singing loud and off key,
as he strolled closer and closer to where the Aldecaldos clustered
around the fire. Seeing them pointing and laughing at him, as he
staggered towards them while playing with himself lewdly. "Hey...
hey... you guys got anything to drink?" Keleon called as if he's just
noticed them for the first time, as he stumbled into the fire light.
Keenly aware of the laughing and joking, elated that these guys saw
him as entertainment rather than a threat.

"Damn look at that fuckin' thing... it's a monster." One of the guards
grunted, one hand going to his own crotch... as if to measure his cock
against that big Horse fucker.

"I wonder if he can even get it in anyone..." One of the guys sitting
around the fire snorted, pushing his cowboy hat back to scratch his

"I could take it... well most of it anyway its awful long." A hefty
middle aged female snickered, as she stood up as Keleon moved into the
fire light. Moving around so she could get a better look at that huge
fucker, even as the big Horse double fisted that huge cock.

"Fuck... blue glass gets me horny..." Keleon explained with a kind of
sheepish grin, looking around at the small group. But he wasn't seeing
the guy he was looking for, maybe he was inside the run down old

"I got a little something..." A ratty looking Fox Morph by the fire
volunteered, standing up on his older bio-mechanical legs. "It aint
blue glass, but I'll cure what ills ya... if ya know what I mean."
This guy was plainly a veteran of some war, he had a number of
military implants.

"Yeah... oh yeah I know what ya mean." Keleon slurred back with a lewd
grin, watching as the hefty middle aged female moved over to where he
was. Soon her black chrome hands took over stroking his throbbing
Horse cock, as Keleon leaned back against the fender of one of their
cars. This wasn't something that really appealed to Keleon, female
just wasn't his thing so it was a struggle to keep his excite level
up. While watching as the old veteran Fox moved off into the dark
building, in a few minutes he was back with a couple of bottles. Saul
following along behind him, as the others watched the hefty middle
aged human tugging on Keleon hefty Horse cock. Moving over the old
veteran shoved a bottle into Keleon's big three fingered hand.

"Here try a slug of that..." The older Fox snickered winking his one
normal eye, as the other older Cybernetic eye glowed a faint red. The
big Horse flash him a drunken smile, before putting the open bottle to
his lip's taking a long pull. Almost choking as the fiery liquid
spilled down his throat, there was more there than just alcohol in
that stuff. As the big Horse felt his throat go numb quickly, this
stuff was super powerful. That long Horse cock bounced up and down
wildly for a moment, more watery pre-cum sprinkling out over those
rubbing hands. That drawing more laughter from the watching
Aldecaldos, suddenly Keleon felt another set of hands on his junk.
Glancing down he saw his drinking buddy fondling his huge Equine
balls, rolling them around within that soft furry scrotum.

"Damn Sara Jane... looks like you got yerself a real handful." Saul
chuckled lewdly, Keleon felt a thrill of excitement as he saw the
target. Still he remained slightly out of range, somehow Keleon needed
to get Saul and the others a little closer. "Looks like yer enjoying
playing with those balls there Sanji." The big Human joked, as he
watched the Fox Morph complete with the older human female for access
to Keleon sweaty Horse junk.

"I dunno know it he's enjoyin' it... but I sure as hell am." The big
Stallion moaned pretending to take another drink, as this comment drew
loud, perverse chuckles from the watching crowd. The big Horse saw the
other Aldecaldos moving in closer to watch the action, feeling more
and more eyes on him as nasty comments were muttered huskily. Even as
the little Fox dropped down to bury his pointed Vulpine muzzle in that
musky Equine crotch. The show was just what he needed, the lewder it
got the more the watchers moved in. Plainly they were positioning
themselves, a couple of guys were moving up behind him. Keleon felt
hands on his furry ass, knowing those guys were wanting what was under
his tail. Sure enough he felt warm fingers slide up his taint, rubbing
over the rim of that doughnut shaped equine anus.

"Not every night you get to party like this." A grinning filthy furred
Goat snickered, leaning back against the wall as he took out his long
pink fucker. Plainly he was looking to join in sooner rather than
later, no one seemed at all surprised by his horny action. Even the
guys who should have been guarding the perimeter, were edging in
closer to watch the action and look for a opening. Keleon looked
around trying to judge if they were close enough yet, just two guys
were hanging back yet one of them was Saul.

"Fuck..." The big Horse cursed as he saw that, and then quickly had to
cover up his frustration. "Ummm fuck that tongue..." He moaned as the
ratty Fox was bathing his nuts in hot eager licks, even as Sara Jane
leaned over to take his cock flare into her mouth.

"Damn would you look at that... fuckin' hell she got that big blunt
fucker into mouth." The dirty looking human standing beside Saul
moaned, moving in closer as he watch her sucking on that huge animal
cock. Keleon moaning again as he realized Saul had taken a step
forwards as well, he was just on the outer edge of the mass arousal
boost hack. Grunting the big Horse Morph closed his eyes, hip's
humping to push deeper into that hot mouth. Making the older human
female gag, as that blunt cock head bumped against the back of her
throat. The big Horse humping and grinding, pretending that his
desires were taking control of him. It helped that he felt his tail
being lifted, and hot breath caressed his tail hole as a blunt human
face pushed between his furry ass cheeks.

"Uhuhu Oh yeah..." Keleon tossed that bottle over to his target, the
big human caught it without thinking. Watching as the Horse Morph
reach down, gripping that Fox muzzle guiding it up to his sheath. Soon
that long slender tongue was lapping down into the Equines musky
sheath, slowly working its way up that throbbing length. As Keleon
watched his target took a long drink, before taking a step closer to
hand the bottle to that jacking Goat Morph. This looked like his best
chance, quickly the big Horse used his Cyberdeck to release that quick
hack. Watching as it loaded and released, suddenly they were all
dropping their weapons and stripping off their clothing. As their
minds were instantly overwhelmed with desire, Keleon stood there
watching in amazement as the Aldecaldos forgot about everything but
sexual desire. The two females were quickly grabbed, most of the males
clustering around them. Still the guys working on the big Horses body
kept right on playing with him, that tongue pushing up his anus. While
the little Fox stood up taking off his pants, and then gripping that
huge Horse fucker he guided it under his bushy tail.

"Come on put that big fucker inside of me..." The little Fox begged,
as a smirking Keleon reached down gripping those slender hip's.
Pushing that huge blunt flare against the smaller males hot little rut
hole, suddenly really enjoying what was going on. Even as his own
desires seemed to go out the charts, plainly this black market Cyber
hack had side effects that made it dangerous. Keleon wondered if
Delano knew about those, that would explain his last comment that the
Horse had taken for a joke. He felt that tight little ass hole
quivering against his flare, moaning as that hot flesh struggled to
take him.

"OHOOOO..." Keleon moaned out loudly, as he felt that tight shitter
swallow the first eight inches of his throbbing fucker. Even as he
noticed shadowy figures closing in from all around them, the little
Fox was squealing and wiggling as he worked to get even more inside.
"OHOOO NOOO... Not yet I need to nut." Keleon moaned out weakly, as
the Raffen swarmed in picking up discarded guns. And shooting the
Aldecaldos they didn't need, while four big guys grabbed Saul pulling
him out from between Sara Jane's legs. Suddenly Delano was there,
kicking the little Fox off that long Horse fucker. Before putting a
couple of bullets into the struggling Fox, who quickly ran off into
the dark desert with a squeal of pain. "Fuck... Oho fuck I need..."
Keleon moan out weakly, as the grinning Coyote grabbed him by the back
of that long equine neck. Dragging him over to his van that other
Raffen had drove up, the big Horse watched as the side door open.

"I got just what you need pony boi." Delano snickered lewdly, leaving
no doubt that this had been part of his plan all along. Roughly he
shoved the big naked Horse Morph into the back of the van, and then
climbed in after him as Keleon lay there feeling intense need on that
cold metal van floor. As the lanky Coyote knelt behind him, slowly
stripping off his clothing as his human buddy drove the van down
twisting dirt roads.

"I aint... aint nobodies boi." Keleon mumbled weakly, as he lay there
grinding his hard cock against that cold smooth metal. His mind this
thinking about that hot tight Fox hole, while his tail hole was wet
and damp from the tongue fucking he'd been getting.

"Sure ya are..." The nasty Coyote laughed as he exposed that thick red
rocket, moving up behind the helpless Stallion as Keleon struggling
against the quick hack driving his desire. Keleon's eyes widened in
shock, a look of repugnance creeping across his long narrow equine
muzzle. The big Horse inhaling sharply, as he felt the leaking tip of
that hard cock rub against his wet tail hole. Smearing hot slick pre-
cum over that slightly gaping doughnut, as Keleon struggled to get up
onto all fours and crawl away. Suddenly the lanky Coyote was on top of
him, pinning his body to the floor of the van. As Delano's paws
gripped the bigger Horses wrists, even as he rubbed that pointed cock
tip against that soft hot horsie hole. "Ya want it in that hole... go
on boi say it. Tell me to put it in yer hole... yer needin' it I can
feel how yer pony pussy is beggin' for it..." The nasty Coyote growled
softly into Keleon's equine ear, was that dribbling canid cock prodded
that quivering asshole. The helpless Horse felt those big claw tipped
thumbs pushing his ass cheeks apart, and then the hot slimy tip press
against his tail star. The sleazy Coyote laughing and taunting,
mocking the big Stallion's resistance because he knew the hack was
going to overpower it.

"I... aint... aint nobodies..." The big Stallion tried to grunted in
denial, panting for breath as his top nature struggling with the hack
controlling his lust. Keleon felt the cold wet tip press against his
virgin orifice and then the big slimy pointed cock tip parted his anal
gates. Ramming through his pitiful resistance... broaching his
clinched defenses, burning hot while deeply invading his taboo
orifice. The big Horse screamed out in pain, as his anal sphincters
were crushed open. The high pitch effeminate scream of a male so
emasculated, by the immense masculinity thrust inside of him. That
sound was unrecognizable even to himself, the proud top male stunned
to him it coming from his own mouth. The enormous canine intruder
pushed deep into him, worse yet he could feel the throbbing expanding
knot. Slamming against his quivering pucker, the Raffen snickered
lewdly, as he felt his pointed erection easily slipping into the
Horse's asshole. The lean Coyote pressed his muzzle against the
helpless Horses pointed ear, licking and nibbling excitedly as he

"Oh yeah... pony boi-pussy sez different." The lean predator taunted,
as his sharp teeth nibbled along the edge of that pointed equine ear.
"Hehe yeah that sissy pussy sez... yer Delano's fuck-boi." The wicked
Raffen chuckled darkly, as he pushed that throbbing red rocket in
until the bulging knot slammed against Keleon's doughnut. "Say it...
say it and I'll give you the whole thing... give you what you need...
go on say it pony-boi." The wicked Coyote stabbed his throbbing bone
in and out of that silky tail hole, rubbing his hot fucker against
Keleon's prostate gland over and over again. Each thrust sending a
tremble of pleasure running down the big Horse's spine, each quiver of
pleasure fueling that need to have a orgasm. Hot dribbles of equine
pre-cum leaving a slimy track, as Keleon's thick fucker rubbed against
the pre-cum slickened van floor.

"I... I'm... I'm Delano's fuck-boi." The needy Stallion moaned weakly,
as the desire for orgasm overrode his normal dominant personality.
Making the big Horse say and do things that he normally never would
have done.

"Heheh damn right you are." The lean Yotes upper lip rolled back into
a wicked yellow toothed grin, as he suddenly drove his cock in hard.
That thick knot stretching the Horse's tail hole open wide, Keleon
screaming out in pain as the predator forced that throbbing knot past
his anal sphincters.

"WEEHEHEE!" The appaloosa Stallion whinnied loudly, as the Coyote's
gigantic, hard, throbbing knot drove through the Horses once tight
virgin sphincter's. With his Canine rapist growling his bestial
passions into his ear, the Horse panted and moaned breathlessly.
Making Delano and his human buddy laugh derisively at the helpless
Horse, as the Raffen fucked him over cruelly. "Oh my god... Oh
fuck..." Keleon whimpered as that throbbing knot expanded inside of
him, locking the two of them together as the Raffen humped and thrust
deeply. Delano snickered nastily, the pleasure of sinking his thick
red rocket deep into the top Stallions forbidden tunnel was
irresistible. The lanky predator thrusting eagerly in and out with
increasing speed and intensity, as the helpless Horse lay there
whimpered and moaning as he took it. That pulsing knot rubbing roughly
against the Horses prostate gland brutally hard, sending wild trembles
through the equines powerful body. Keleon was almost laughably
unresponsive as Delano used him, with the exception of his heavy
breathing and occasional whimpers of pain. The big Horse's eyes
clenched tightly shut in shame, as he endured that rough fucking. The
wicked Coyote arched his furry body over that passive body, kissing
Keleon's neck and lips as the lean predator slammed his fucker into
the Stallions aching, unwilling rump hole. In a strange way, Keleon's
blatant lack of enjoyment made possession of the big Horse's body all
the more satisfying for the predator.

He felt that tight anus grip and squeeze down tightly for a moment, as
the big Horse panted and nickered in shame. Delano knowing from the
sensation that the big Stallion was cumming, every thrust of that red
rocket making more Horse cum spill out onto the floor of the van. It
thrilled the Yote to know that the Stallion was only enduring this,
because the badly made quick hack had made him desperately needed to
get off. Those thoughts raced through the Raffen's mind as he hammered
away at the big Equines surrendered bubble-butt, dripping sweat onto
that sleek furry back as Delano fucked him.

The two of them bucking and thrusting lustfully for the next twenty
minutes, as they were driven back to the parking lot of the Sunset
motel. The horny Yote wished he could have fucked that rut hole for
hours, but the truth was that he only lasted twenty minutes at the
most. The new psychological thrill of the experience, combined with
Keleon's tight insides gripping and sucking on his fat red rocket.
Hurled the smirking predator over the edge into one of the most
euphoric orgasms of his life. Delano slammed that thick fucker deep
into the Horses bowels, until he unleashed that pent-up cum into
Keleon's hot, silky shit-hole. Before at last collapsing on top of the
big Horse's sweaty body, the big predators gray form lounging there
against his warm furry body. The Coyote felt Keleon's big body sigh
with relief, as the helpless Horse realized the worst was over. After
a few more minutes, Delano slowly tugged that shrinking knot out of
the helpless Equine's rut hole. The big Yote climbing up into the
front seat of the van, Keleon struggled to get up and climb out. When
suddenly a hand pushed him back down, the big Horse glance up to see
the Coyote greasy human buddy. "You aint done yet bitch-boi." The
smirking human laughed, as he unzipped his jeans taking out that small
human fucker. Moving over to climb on top of that big round equine
ass, shoving his cock into that leaking fuck hole quickly.

Ten minutes later Keleon climbed out of the van's side door, the naked
Stallion holding his bundled up clothing in his hands. As a grinning
Delano tossed him the small box of Changs drugs, Keleon couldn't help
noticing that the Coyote had taken the box out of the vans glove
compartment. The big Horse suddenly realizing that he had been played,
Delano had the drugs this whole time and had just used Keleon to
snatch Saul. And of course to get an easy lay, Keleon blushed brightly
as the Coyote saw that he had figured it out. "Pleasure doing business
with ya pony-boi."


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Chapter 1 - 2 & 4 & 6 have no contents that belongs here in Ellgar.