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Night City Tales 7

Life Is Never Simple...

Keleon the big Horse morph gets approached in the Afterlife... by
Dennis Cranmer to do a simple easy job.

Life Is Never Simple...

It's a true statement... 'Sooner or later everyone in Night City goes
to the Afterlife.' Keleon strolled along in front of the bar, being
careful to stay away from the heavy hitters tables. The big Horse
didn't want any trouble, he had came in for a drink and to pick up
some stuff from Nix. It seemed that his old friend Chang had some
business with him, come to find out Nix was a collector of ancient
tech. And it seemed that he had recently come up with Rache Bartmoss's
old spell book, digging around in that real carefully. The Afterlife's
in house net-runner had came up with some plans for Demons, that the
net crash legend had not gotten around to working on. These were
things Bartmoss had thought of, but hadn't got around to creating
before he died. Every netrunners wet dream, some naughty idea thought
up by a real genius that they might be able to complete. So their
names will be uttered in the same breath as Bartmoss, even if it was
his mind that came up with the foundation that they built on top of.
The big Stallion rolled his shoulders, as he pushed more drunken club
girls away from him gently. Even in Night City... little girls loved
Horses Keleon rolled his eyes moving over to the bar. He got Claire's
attention, the smiling bartender moving over to asked what he might
want. "I heard you got something new... I'll give it a shot." The big
Horse morph grunted, taking a seat as he said that.

"A Jackie Welles... he snuffed it mid op at Arasaka tower... after
taking down the Emperor himself." The perky bartender explained with a
kind of sad little smile, as she took down the things she would need
setting a glass in front of him. "First a shot of Vodka." She
explained lifting the bottle high into the air to pour a long
spectacular shot into the glass. "And then lime juice." She slashed it
into the glass with a roll of her wrist, letting the juice mix with
the alcohol clouding it up. "Next ginger beer." She smiled up at him
brightly, as that was added to the glass a bit more carefully. "And
most importantly... a slash of love." She blew a kiss over the
cocktail as Keleon watched curiously, flashing him a wink as she
shoved to glass over to him. The big exotic picked up the glass,
taking a long drink of the cocktail before smacking his lips.

"Ammm not bad..." Keleon snorted as he finished the rest of his drink,
licking those thick equine lip's as he turned his glass upside down on
the bar. Keleon grunted as a smile turned his lip's up, swiveling the
stool around to look at the crowds milling around the club. As Keleon
swung away from the bar, a voice spoke to him looking around he
spotted a well dressed black man.

"Hey interested in some work?" He asked as the tall Horse looked him
over dispassionately, plainly not very impressed by that opening line.
Still if this guy was interested in a bit of fun, Keleon would be
happy to wreak that human fuck hole for him.

"Look I'm not a Merc..." Keleon grunted with a wave of one big three
fingered hand, as the human just kept looking him over. "But if yer
looking for a fuckin'." Keleon snickered as he started to walk away,
but this guy just wouldn't let it go. Stepping over in front of him,
blathering on with his sales pitch as the big Horse tried to walk

"That's fine... because this isn't Merc work." Dennis hurried on a bit
too quickly blushing at that lewd proposition, as he saw the big Horse
was getting ready to leave. "I... I generally don't..." The human
stammered nervously, unused to being offered a cock up his ass. "That
is... I have never..."

"That's a awful good looking suit... would like it even better
crumbled up on the floor of my bed room." The big Horse morph smirked,
as he flashed this fancy dressed guy a leering grin that spoke
volumes. It was a cheesy line that was designed to humiliate the
human, more than to entice him into letting the big Exotic rut him.
Keleon snickered. reading the look of discomfort on the others face,
plainly this guy wasn't looking to take what the big Horse wanted to
give him.

"It's just cargo transport... it doesn't get simpler than that. Get it
from point A to B... quietly... keep it simple... make it quick.
Plenty of eddies in it for you... no fucking required." The tall
handsome black human explained, like he thought no fucking was a good
thing. Even as Keleon flashed him a leering smirk, that made it plain
the Horse would love to have some required fucking.

"Ahaha but I like the fucking... just as long as I'm the one on top."
Keleon snorted with a nasty smirk, that made the human flinch back a
step. "What are you some kinda fixer?" Keleon asked looking around the
crowded club, there were plenty of real Merc's around. So why was he
offering this to a scruffy old exotic, something was off here... still
Keleon could use the extra eddies. Who couldn't right? Night City was
not a cheap place to live, especially if you wanted a few of the nicer

"Who me... no I'm just a businessman who needs a item moved from one
place to another. Dennis... Dennis Cranmer." He thrust out his hand,
which the big Horse morph was surprised to feel was actual flesh and
blood. Keleon licked his lips, as he thought about what it would be
like to get this sexy guy in bed. "Like I said just a job... move the
package from the delivery point to a second more secure spot quickly
and quietly."

"Why not take it to a fixer?" Keleon asked with a confused look, as
the handsome black man rolled his eyes. A look of distaste rolled
across the human's flat face, plainly he didn't like doing business
with fixers. Which wasn't that hard to understand, as most jobs they
contracted out were hard and dangerous.

"Because a fixer would take the Lion's share of the eddies... so less
for you, unless I wanted to pay more." There it was... he was looking
for a cheaper solution to his problem, hire a big Gonk without a
middle man. "Anyway this isn't Merc work... I don't need a heavy
hitter just to pick up a package and move it across town. So how about

"Alright... across town, but I aint going out into the badlands and I
aint shooting anybody... unless they give me no other choice." The big
Horse snorted, as Dennis zipped the details over to him and it looked
easy enough. Pick up a van full of gear in the Arroyo... drive it over
to a secure warehouse in Watson. It really was a very simple kind of
job, the eddies were way to good for this kind of thing. "Why so much

"The bonus is for not asking any questions... just get the package
from point A to B... like we discussed." Cranmer replied with a smirk,
which did not sit well with the big Horse. It hinted at the fact that
there could be complications, maybe badges or perhaps something much
worse. Still there was no arguing with that many eddies, and once he
got it to the warehouse up in North side it was someone else's

"Alright... alright fine, but I'll expect my payment on delivery."
Keleon grunted sourly, something didn't sit right with him about all
of this. There were things being left out of the story, still the
money was good and the view was pleasing.

"That's the only way I do business..." Cranmer answered with a smile,
winking at Keleon which made the big Horse exotic get hard in his
jeans. "You handle this... and maybe you can Buy me a drink sometime."
Well now that was something, already Keleon was thinking about feeling
the human's legs wrapped around his thick waist as he hammered that

"Just maybe? Heheh... I'm lookin' to do a lot more than that." Keleon
chuckled lewdly, it was a dance that Cranmer thought he was going to
win. But if the big Horse ever got him alone, this cocky human was
going to discover something very different. "Okay I'll go move yer
freight, but there better not be any complications you didn't tell me
about." The exotic snorted as he stomped out of the club, the big
Horse took public transport out to Valley Street and then hoofing it
down to where it crossed Olivia.

The map icon showing that the van was waiting in a lonely industrial
park, Keleon heard the shooting before he found the open gate.
"Fuck... so much for a simple... easy job." Keleon was glad he had
upgraded his firepower now, quickly the big Horse morph took out his
shotgun. Even as he followed the map marker towards his goal, the gun
fire and screams getting louder as he moved along. This was not what
he had signed on for, still there might be some way to get all those
eddies. Without getting his ass shot off... or having to kill a bunch
of Gonks. Well... maybe.


Delano raced across the open industrial loading yard, leaping up onto
containers as the cyber-psycho chased after him. The Coyote morph
bleeding heavily from many wounds, sharp pointed ears hearing the
boots hit the metal behind him. Pointing his machine gun back, the
Coyote sprayed thirty bullets at the crazed gang member. The damage
hardly slowing the monster down, Delano dived away as those mantis
blades sliced through the back of his jacket. The Coyote morph
struggling to reload his weapon, even while leaping down and running
away as fast as he could. He was circling back around towards the
van... this was supposed to have been a easy job. Smuggle a van with a
freezer into the city, hand it off to a local and then get paid by
Cranmer. Only instead of finding the contact, there had been a bunch
of crazy gang members at the drop point.

Not because they knew there was going to be something going down, they
were just there hanging out. It was pure bad luck for the Raffen, he
had tried to get out of there once he saw them approaching. Bullets
had started flying as soon as they saw the Raffen marking on the
vehicles, for a time it actually looked like they were going to win.
And then this one huge Animal had gone full Cyber-psycho, after that
they hadn't stood a chance. Delano had watched the others fall one by
one, even his human boi Marko had been cut down. Gripping the door
handle with one paw, the lanky Coyote had the door pulled about half
open. When the huge booted foot slammed it closed again, turning
Delano jammed the muzzle of his D-51 right up against that broad
chest, squeezing the trigger to empty the machine gun into his
attackers chest. The massively muscled gang member grunted in pain,
even as those blades sliced and stabbed at the trapped Coyote. Delano
cringed back... doing his best to cover up and avoid the death stroke
that was well on the way.

Just then gun fire began to come in from somewhere off to the left,
the huge Animal spun away leaving the bloody Yote to slowly slide down
the side of the van and slump to the ground. Delano was dropping in
and out of consciousness, his pointed ears picking up the sounds of
gun fire nearby. Somebody new was in the fight it seemed, somebody
with a SPT32 Grad by the sound of it.


Keleon spotted the non descript black van, parked beside a couple of
Raffen Reavers. Bodies littered the ground all around, it looked like
the Nomads had a run in with the Animals gang. Just then a call came
in, the face of Dennis Cranmer popped up in front of his eyes. "Ammm
just a heads up." The handsome black human explained, as if he was
trying to help out. "I've just gotten word... someone else might be
looking to klept our van." The big Horse rolled his eyes, knowing that
this was not the first Cranmer had heard about others wanting to get
whatever was in the van.

"Oh really... no shit huh." Keleon snorted, as the sound of gunfire
could be heard in the back ground behind the Horse. "Thanx for the
heads up Dennis... gotta go." The big Horse grunted, as he heard the
gun shots coming closer. Farther over the sound of gunfire was still
going on, the big Horse crept closer to the van spotting a familiar
figure sitting slumped against the driver's side door. "Heh... aint it
funny how events roll around." Keleon snorted darkly, moving over to
stand over the wounded Coyote. Scanning to see if the other had been
flat-lined, just then Delano's eyes flickered open to look up at the
huge Horse Morph. His mouth was moving, trying to say something yet no
sound was coming out. Leaning closer his pointed equine ears picked up
the weak whisper, the Raffen Coyote struggling to get it out.

"Help me... please... Cyber-psycho." Delano mumbled breathlessly, as
he slipped in and out of consciousness. Even as the big Horse grinned
down at him darkly, kneeling Keleon pulled a small shard out of his
pocket. Reaching over to slip it into the Coyote's neural port, the
world jumped and flickered in front of Delano's eyes for a moment. He
knew that something was being done to him, but was far too gone from
his wounds to even protest it.

"Yer on my turf now." Keleon snorted as he picked that lanky body up,
moving around to shove the semi-conscious Coyote into the van's
passenger's seat. "And soon yer going to have a whole new outlook on
life." As the big Horse circled back around to the driver's side, he
spotted the Coyotes human buddy. This one was wounded much less,
plainly the cowardly human was running a fake flat-line program.
"Playing possum bitch..." Keleon snorted grabbing the smaller human by
the collar, he quickly shoved a whore daemon shard into his neural
port. And then tossed him into the back of the van, spotting the sleek
Tiger Morph doing battle with the Cyber-psycho not far away. "Time to
get the hell out of Dodge!" Quickly Keleon picked up all the dropped
weapons and ammo he could find before hopping in the van. His Cyber
ware had already plotted the best route to get the van where it needed
to go, pulling out he drove off breathing a sigh of relieve. Things
were going much better than he had expected, not only had he got the
van without firing a shot. But had picked up two new joy toys to work
for him, the Raffen who had taken advantage of him out in the
badlands. Keleon was just starting to think, that it was going to be
as simply a job as Cranmer had promised that it would be. After all it
certainly seemed like he had gotten away free and clear, maybe the
Tiger was there to take down the gang members.

Keleon was just thinking of swinging by his Ripper Doc, to drop off
Delano and the human Raffen. Just then a Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X came
roaring up beside the van, the big Tiger Morph was pointing a M-76e
Omaha with one paw. "Fuck!" Keleon swore as he twisted the wheel,
while gunning the van's engine feeling the bullets fly past his muzzle
to shatter the windshield. "Just cargo transport... it doesn't get
simpler." The big Horse snarled in a mocking voice under his breath,
mad at himself that he had let himself get suckered into all of this.
All because he had a hard on for the slick human male, Cranmer had
played the Horse's arousal into getting him to do this. "Get it from
point A to B... quietly... keep it simple... Plenty of eddies in it
for you... no fucking required. My ass!" Keleon spat drawing his RT-46
Burya with one hand, even as he felt the impact of bullets on his
shoulder. Shoving the big gun out the window, he snapped off a couple
of quick shots at the Tiger Merc. "This aint Merc work... I don't need
a heavy hitter... just to pick up a package and move it across town.
You lying sack of crap!" The angry Horse Morph shouted, as he snapped
off a wild shot at the big Tiger. The powerful slug blasting out a
chuck of road surface just in front of the motorcycles front tire.
Keleon really wasn't a Merc... sure he was a fairly good shot and
carried a big gun. But he was also smart enough to know, that the
Tiger easily out classed him in this kinda thing.

Three holes popped through the side of the van just behind Keleon's
head, the Horse's pointed equine ear swiveling away from the sound of
those bullets. "Fuck FuckFuck!" He cursed wildly swerving the van
across the road at the Tigers bike, instantly the big feline braked
making the van miss him. And then raced up on the other side, blasting
out the side window as he fired at the big Horse. The bullets just
missing Delano the coyote, who groaned weakly glancing over at the
Tiger. "Uhuu..." Keleon grunted as he felt the bullets hit his chest
this time, luckily his armored jacket managed to stop them. Crowding
the Tiger over for a split second, Keleon then whipped over into a
turn off at the last second. While his pursuer race up the wrong
street, the Tiger having to turn around and drive back down to take
the turn off. That gave the Horse time to get ahead, Keleon raced down
the busy city street doing his best to lose the Tiger. It looked like
that he just might manage it, but just when he was starting to
thinking it that CT-3X came roaring around the cars behind him. At the
next intersection Keleon spun the van crossways in the middle of the
road, lifting his massive handgun to aim carefully at the oncoming
Tiger. The first shot shattered on the big striped felines armored
shirt, the second on the shoulder of his shiny jacket. Knowing that he
had only one left before he had to reload, Keleon took careful aim at
the motorcycles fuel tank.

The big Tiger morph seemed to sense the Horses change in tactics,
zigging and zagging his bike back and forth to avoid the hit. Keleon
squeezed off the shot at the last second, frankly shocked when he saw
the bike explode into flames. As he watched the sleek feline clamped
the front brakes, vaulting over the handle bars to fly straight at the
van just as the big Horse gunned the engine. The van lurched ahead
sluggishly, even as Keleon heard a loud 'THUMP!' and then the scream
of ripping metal as claws gorged into the sheet metal. The big Horse
knew without being told... that they had a unplanned passenger riding
along with them. Swiftly he reloaded his RT-46, as he heard the sound
of that big body climbing along the top of the van. "I hate fuckin'
Merc's... they never know when to call it quits." Keleon snarled to on
one in particular, as he whipped the van back and forth rapidly trying
to dislodge the Tiger. But those claws punched through the metal roof,
allowing the big Tiger to hang on no matter what quick maneuver the
Horse tried. Flicking a fast glance back, Keleon used the claws poking
through to judge where the felines crotch would be located. Firing off
a couple of quick shots at it, the muzzle blast inside of the van was
almost deafening. The big Horse shook his head with ears ringing,
knowing that the felines trousers were most likely bullet proof as
well. But hoping the pain of those slugs slamming against his junk,
would be painful enough to make the big predator let go.

"REEEEOW!" The scream of pain told the Horse that he'd hit something
sensitive, instantly he fired off two more in the same general
location. But that didn't get anymore squeals of pain, which hinted
that the big feline had moved his junk far away from that spot. Keleon
glanced back again, but couldn't see much that would help him. As he
turned his head back forwards a paw snaked into the open window, red
hot claws smoking as they tore through his jacket and shirt to rip
into the big Horse's shoulder. Fiery hot agony shot through him, even
as he saw the big predators head peer into the window.

"WEEHEHEEE..." Keleon screamed in agony, almost losing control of the
van as it roared down the streets of Night City. The vans sudden
movements making those claw dig deeper into his flesh, that only
adding to the pain Keleon was feeling. Aiming his gun at the big
Tigers head, the Stallion tried to squeeze off a shot. Only to have
the pistol twisted out of his hand by the felines other paw, the gun
tossed away onto the City streets. Even as the Tiger dropped down to
hang off the side, starting to climb into the window as Keleon fumbled
and pushed at the wicked predator. Doing the only thing he could think
to do, drawing a shard out of his jacket pocket he reaching up to slot
it into the Merc's neural port. Instantly the whore daemon began to do
its work, the Tigers big green eyes turning blue as it forcefully
started downloading. Those claws retraced out of Keleon's flesh, was
the Merc quickly began pawing at his neural port. Trying to extract
the shard, before it had fully down loaded into his brain changing his
life forever. With a grunt the big Tiger fell away, bouncing and
rolling down the sidewalk even as the van sped on.

Sitting back in his seat Keleon breathed a sigh of relief, as he saw
that the Tiger was no longer pursuing them. At that point the Horse
morph decided to take a detour, heading to his favorite ripper Doc to
drop his two new Raffen whores off. Once he got the Doc working on
their new implants and then getting their teeth out of course. Keleon
planned to loop around, after he got the van delivered to the drop off
point. The trip went as smooth as glass from there, the warehouse was
well guarded so he doubted Cranmer had anything to worry about there.

"What the fuck happened here?" One of the guys ask, as he looked at
the claw gouges in the sheet metal. Plainly he had been expecting to
see a few bullet holes, but the long rips in the top and drivers door
shocked him.

"What you never seen Tiger claw marks before?" Keleon snorted
derisively, as if it was a everyday kind of thing for him. "You should
see the ones in my shoulder..." The big Horse morph grunted in a
offhand manner, making light of his very painful wounds.

As he stepped out onto the street, the big Horse called the slick
asshole Cranmer.

"Hey just heard you made the delivery... the eddies are already flying
into your account." Dennis said in a congratulatory tone, the handsome
black human's wide smile just pissing the big Equine off enormously.
"Say... if you're looking to make a little extra... I just happen to
have another easy peasy job."

"FUCK YOU! Your easy cargo job just about got my head torn off." The
big Horse snorted, disconnecting from the call without a second
thought. His shoulder was going to need work, and he was going to need
some new clothes and a new pistol. Luckily this job really had paid
very well... already the fear and pain was being wicked away by the
neural sub-processor in his head. Keleon summonsed the truck he had
traded the Maelstrom guys Chevillon Thrax for, soon he was back
sitting in the chair at the ripper Doc's. Having his wounds taken care
of, while he watching his new human whore suck the Doctors dick.
Freshly toothless the greasy little human was proving very eager to
please, Delano's wounds were going to keep him in the Doc's office a
few days. Once the nasty little human was finished, Keleon sent him
over to the No tell Motel to take a long hot shower. "Let me know how
much I owe you for the work later I'm going home to crash." Ten
minutes later Keleon was drinking a beer, as he lay back in his big
bed. When he heard a knock on his door, getting up the big appaloosa
Stallion rolled his shoulders as the knocking grew louder. "Hang on
I'm comin'." Trotting over Keleon unlocked the door, sliding it open
the big Horse's heart nearly leap out of his chest. Standing outside
his door was the huge Tiger morph, totally unarmed at this point the
Horse just looked at him wide eyed. "Uhhhh."

"I brought your pistol daddy." The big Tiger purred in a soft loving
voice, holding out one of his huge paw's. Keleons RT-46 lay in the
palm of that paw, reaching down quickly the Stallion picked it up.
Looking it over casually, it had been modified to be even more lethal.

"Ammm thanx." Keleon grunted still hardly believing it, as the big
Tiger lifted his other paw. Exposing a fat roll of eddies, that he
held out for the big Horse to take. "What... what's this?" The big
Horse asked, as he looked the roll of bills over in confusion.

"I made You some eddies on the way over here... everyone likes a
little pussy Daddy." The big, deadly predator explained in a tiny meek
sounding voice, as he pressed those bills into Keleons big three
fingered hand. The big Horse burst out laughing at that statement,
things had certainly gone much better on this job than he had first
thought. Maybe he would do a bit more work for Cranmer, he was still
hoping to mangle the sexy human's tiny asshole.

"Well don't just stand there... come on in. Daddy wants to try a bit
of that puss-pussy himself." Guiding the big feline into his room,
Keleon quickly stripped him naked, pausing to admire that sleek
striped furry body. Before pushing the handsome feline onto all fours
on that huge equine bed, Chanar realized something big; hard and slick
was pressing up between his butt cheeks. The deadly feline Merc
gasped, as he felt that big blunt cock flare press against the tiny
pink star of his pucker. He opened his mouth to protest, but those big
three fingered hands had reached his buttocks. Spreading them wide as
the horny Stallion gave a little buck of his powerful hips. Chanar's
emerald green eye's shot open wide and his jaw dropped as a good ten
inches of stud stick was planted in his tiny taboo hole.
"RRRRRRRREEEEOWOWOWWW!" The big feline howled in agony as that huge
equine fucker plundered his tight anus, nothing so big had ever been
inside of him.

"It's okay... Daddy loves yer tight boi-pussy." Keleon whickered
softly, as he pulled that big predators body down his long cock.
Feeling the predators powerful anal muscles clamp down tightly on his
throbbing cock. "It'll feel better in a minute... you just need to be
stretched a little." The big Horse snickered, as his strong hips took
up a slow... yet powerful rhythm rump raping the big pred Merc.
Grunting in pleasure, as he felt that flesh ripping as his huge fucker
plundered it. One thing was for sure... the dangerous felines asshole
would never be the same. Unable to resist Chanar was forced to hang
there in the Horse's strong arms... taking hit after savage hit from
that huge invader. It seemed to go on and on for weeks... but by the
end he was feeling the promised pleasure. It wasn't enough to get him
off again... but it was a strangely potent experience that made him
love his Daddy Stallion all the more.


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Chapter 1 - 2 & 4 & 6 have no contents that belongs here in Ellgar.