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The Interrogation Part 1 by Sasha Lepaw

c. 1998 Sasha Lepaw

Mistress Melissa was returning from a short, leisurely ride when she
noticed the naked slave staked out in the room at the end of the barn. She
walked Suzy, her statuesque Clydesdale mare up to where the male was spread-
eagled on the boards, and looked down curiously.

"What's going on here?", she wondered out loud.

The slave trembled, dwarfed by the 19 HH black mare who looked down at
him with a sadistic glint in her eye. He knew all too well what the horse's at
this training school were capable of...

"P..please, ma'am", he stuttered, "I was left here as part of a training
exercise, b..but it was called off. They... forgot to untie me."

Melissa smiled, and vaulted down from the huge horse, landing with a
heavy thud beside his face. "From the tape recorder on the table there, I'd say
this was meant to be an interrogation!", she observed. She unfastened the girth
strap and pulled the saddle down from Suzy's broad back. "Suzy here can complete
the 'exercise'", she smiled, reaching up and stroking her mount's neck
affectionately. "She's getting better at interrogations all the time, but some
more practice is always a good thing." She strolled out the door of the small
room, waving to the massive horse as she left.

"No, wait!" the slave cried, then looked up, terrified at the gorgeous
animal who towered over him. Her coat was meticulously groomed, short and
shining with blue highlights that glinted over her jet-black coat. Her deeply
muscled chest loomed above him, her massive feathered feet were planted either
side of his waist. Her long, light mane flowed elegantly down her powerful neck.
She closed the door behind her with her massive, curvaceous rump.

"Well this is an unexpected pleasure!", she smiled, and her voice felt
like warm honey, caressing his mind. The slave looked at her, wide-eyed. Her
voice was sensuous and terrifying. "One thing", she said, bending way down to
place her silky muzzle beside his terrified face. "It's Suzanne to you! Any of
this 'Suzy' stuff and I'll drag you out to the exercise yard and pulp you.

The male nodded urgently, speechless with fright.

Suzy walked forward, her great hooves clonking frighteningly on the bare
boards. She lifted one front hoof and gently brought it down over the slave's
face. He screamed and pleaded as it began to block out his vision, imagining the
colossal weight behind it.

"Nearly 3,000 pounds", the horse told him, mischievously. The hoof was
entirely covering his face now. "Stop moving", Suzy ordered, and the steel rim
of her great shoe gently touched the bridge of his nose. "That 3,000 pounds is
all concentrated into that little piece of steel", she laughed. "That's what I'm
going to use on you, baby. That's what's touching you right now - do you feel
it?" The male stammered that he could. "That's good", his tormentor smiled,
"Because I'm being so delicate and careful I can't even feel you under me. Now,
darling, just the slightest pressure... just the eensiest little bit of weight
relaxed on that leg..." The male screeched as his nose broke and the steel shoe
spread it slowly across his face, "...and you're in pain, aren't you?" The male
just whimpered and begged her to stop. She lifted her huge hoof away.

The big horse lifted her other front hoof and placed it over his right

"Now imagine this is your face", she teased, and suddenly lent her full
weight on him. His hand crunched into splinters, the man shrieked in agony. Suzy
lifted her other hoof off the ground and poised all her massive weight on his
crushed hand.

"Now, that wasn't really pain before, was it?", she asked sweetly. The
slave gibbered for her to stop. "Or if it was", Suzy continued, turning her
lovely head and looking down at him cruelly, "what do you call this?", and she
ground the smashed hand to pulp under her enormous weight, then repeatedly
stomped on it as the slave howled an agonized howl which could be heard all over
the farm.

When the horse had finished pounding his hand it was just an
unrecognizable, flattened pulp of flesh and bone fragments. The pain annihilated
reason and he shrieked and shrieked. Suzy looked at the tape recorder, saw that
it had been activated by his voice, and turned her attention back to him. "Well
loverboy, you have some information I need." She walked over him casually. He
shuddered as the mare's huge body passed over him. Her hooves thudded ominously
on the bare boards as she walked around him. "And if you don't tell me, pretty
soon I'm going to make the rest of you look just like your poor hand."

The male stopped screaming as what she'd said sank in. "But.. but I'm
just a slave! I don't know..."

The horse advanced on him suddenly, placing her hoof over his arm at the

"One, I didn't ask you to talk" she slowly applied weight, and the elbow
crunched satisfyingly. "Two", she continued, relishing the male's helpless
pleading and whimpering, "I asked you to call me Suzanne. In fact, make it
'Mistress Suzanne'", and she leaned all her weight on the slave's fragile elbow.
It shattered as he steel-shod hoof pulped it into the hard floor. The male
cried, tossing his head in unspeakable pain.

"Don't you speak now", the big horse warned him, and her voice was
girlish and teasing.

But he did speak. A desperate idea had come to him. He knew what
happened to some of the slaves when these big mare's took them back to their

"Mistress Suzanne", the male said, trying to keep the waves of pain from
breaking his voice, "per... perhaps I could... p...please you?"

"Please me?", the draft mare said, turning her back on him, and walking
slowly backwards over his helpless form, until her huge rump was positioned 6
feet over his groin. She looked back and down at him over her shoulder, and
smiled. "You'd like to be between my great, big, sexy cheeks, pleasuring me with
your tongue, would you?"

The slave nodded desperately.

"You'd like to stand there as I back you into a wall, as my beautiful,
big rump overwhelms your face and presses into you?", she whispered. She'd begun
to sway her luscious bottom back and forth gently. The slave felt a wave of
shock as he realized that torturing him was arousing her. She smiled back at
him. "I'm sure you think that would be heavenly compared to what I'm going to do
to you", she cooed. "And yes, I'd love to let my big, heavy cheeks embrace your
face, and deal with you that way." The mare closed her eyes and tossed her
lovely head passionately. "Mmmmm, just like the prisoner I had in my stall one
night last week. I trapped him and pushed back into him. He licked me; it was
lovely, but I squashed him anyway. I pushed back hard with by bottom until his
nose broke, his jaw broke, and his features all squooshed under my butt!" She
took two more steps backwards, and now her great rump loomed over his chest.
"The feeling of his face between my cheeks was wonderful! I didn't stop - I gave
it to him good!" Suzy's tail jerked up, as happy memories flooded back. "I
backed into him hard! Over and over! Used my weight on him till I'd smashed his
face to putty. Then I dragged him over to the big, heavy slab in the corner of
my stall, laid him down on it, turned around and sat on him!" The slave listened
in horror. "I sat on him too early and crushed his legs and pelvis, but he
stayed still then while I pulled him forward and sat by rump down on his face."
The beautiful big draft mare opened her eyes and smiled down over her shoulder
at him. "Try to imagine my great big rump descending over your face, slave", she
teased. "A few moments of warm, soft, pressure, and then over a ton of hot mare
squishing you, crunching you into paste!" She took another step back. "I'd love
you to pleasure me like that darling", she whispered from far up above him, "but
they're expecting to find you in here on your back, trampled to a pulp, and
that's what I'm going to do to you."

"No!", the slave screamed, his reserve snapping.

"Now who are the leaders of the Mayday organisation - names and
addresses?" Suzy asked him, as she ran the leading edge of her huge back hoof
exploratively over his trembling and naked stomach and chest.

"God, I don't know! I don't know! I'm only a slave!", the male sobbed.

Suzy's massive hoof strayed down his stomach, poised on his groin, the
hard steel rubbing against his penis teasingly, then she took a step forward and
her hoof slid down his leg to come to rest over his knee.

"You're going to have to do a little better than that", she whispered,
and gently applied pressure.

Instantly it was uncomfortable, and even though he knew the big horse
was using only a fraction of her weight, within a second the delicate structure
of his kneecap was sending messages of pain to his brain, as Suzy's weight bore
down on it.

"No!", was all he could think of.

"Just think baby," Suzy said, as she rested more weight on her hind
hoof, "this is only one knee. I'm going to crush you from head to toe,

The towering draft horse trod on his knee. He watched her huge bum roll
to the right as she shifted her weight to her right hoof, then she was on him,
and his knee crunched into oblivion. All he could do was scream and scream as
Suzy rested all her colossal weight on the shattered joint.

"And now the other one", she said sweetly, bringing her left rear hoof
up and dangling it over his other knee. "Some answers might stop me, of course",
she added casually. Seeing that the male was intent on screaming and pleading
rather than obeying her demand, Suzy crushed his left knee. Standing on his
ruined knees with her back hooves she did a little trot, her big rump pumping
and rolling gracefully as she pulped the screaming slave's knees. His agonized
cries turned her on so much she got a little carried away and carried the trot
forward, shattering his shins down to the ankles. The delirious slave heard her
amused laughter in his mind as she methodically pulped his lower legs.

Finally the sadistic mare turned to regard the ruin of her victim's
legs. Walking forward she put her muzzle down by his ear and whispered, "Would
you like an aspirin for that?"
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