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The Interrogation Part 2 by Sasha Lepaw

c. 1998 Sasha Lepaw

The male's mind was in a turmoil of shock and pain. She'd just reduced
his lower legs to mincemeat. He didn't know if he'd die from those injuries; he
almost wished he could die now, the pain was so awful. He looked at the sadistic
amusement in the big mare's eyes, and knew that this was only the beginning, and
his heart sank to the bottom of his soul. He had to stop her. Remembering to
address her formally as she'd demanded, he tried to stave off the waves of agony
coursing through him, and appealed once more, desperately, for her to

"P..please! I'm only a s..slave!" He paused, gritting his teeth against
the pain. "I've been h..here on the f...farm for years. This is only an..."

"Only an exercise", the big mare finished for him. "Yes, so what do you
think I should do? _Pretend_ to trample you?", she asked sarcastically. "Do
you?" She walked up and stomped her front hoof down beside his head. The floor
shook with the thunderous blow. "I'm not going to pretend anything, boy. I'm
here to trample the truth out of you, and if you don't come up with some answers
right now, I'm going to give you something to distract you from that little
discomfort you're having with your legs."

"Now", Suzy resumed, somewhat disinterestedly, "names and addresses of
the Mayday people." The big horse looked down disdainfully at him as his mouth
worked, but no words emerged. "Oh yes, you don't know a thing. You're only a
slave. Well, if you're only a slave, what are you doing tied down here for
interrogation?", she demanded, towering over him. The hapless male trembled in
the huge, black mare's shadow. "For all I know you have lots and lots of
conditioning to break through. You've probably been trained to resist lots of
pain." "No!", the slave promised her desperately.

The draft horse ignored him. "Now I'm going to walk back and forth
across your stomach", she informed him, as if it were just some trivial piece of
news she was relating. "I'm going to do it several times, until I'm certain I've
done some pretty serious damage. Then we'll talk about your amnesia again." The
male screeched and writhed against his restraints as Suzy walked back a few
paces and then casually advanced towards his midriff at a walk, the floorboards
thumping under her gigantic weight. She smiled at him as her huge front hoof
came down on his bare stomach.

"Aaaaggghh!!!", the slave screamed as the big mare walked across him,
her steel-shod hoof driving deep into his stomach, crushing muscle apart,
compressing him agonizingly. He felt her hoof pressure against his backbone,
then her rear hoof came down on the same spot, squashing it again, sending a
wave of sickening agony through him. He looked down at the enormous purple
bruise that was already rising on his battered stomach, as the massive horse
turned and walked back across him. "Have some more, precious!", she laughed, as
her weight crushed down on him again. He groaned and vomited. Her back hoof
pulped him further. She turned for a third assault. "I think I'm doing some
pretty major harm here, loverboy", Suzy cooed, and trod on his gut again,
squishing the flesh to mush. Her back hoof followed again, and this time she
paused, standing on his crushed stomach. "That's going to need more than an
aspirin, hon", she smiled, looking at the blood welling up from around her huge
hoof. "I think that's going to need a miracle!"

Finally she stepped off him, and walked up to his face. He was
delirious with shock and pain. She kicked him rudely in the ribs with a
front hoof. "Hey! Names and addresses, shithead! You have five

Somehow an idea came to the devastated male. His last card.

"John Brown..." he coughed in an agonized spasm, "he's th..the leader.
Tw... apartment one.. 42 D...Davis A...avenue." He collapsed back, eyes closed
from the effort of uttering the sentence, hoping desperately it would work. Suzy
examined him carefully. "John Brown, 42 Davis Avenue", she repeated. The male
tried to listen for anything in her voice that might give away what she was

"Alright", the statuesque horse told him, pausing to rub her big,
beautiful rump against the wall behind her. "Standard procedure now is I hurt
you some more, and then we check the details again to see if you've remembered
them the same way after I've 'distracted' you." Her eyes sparkled with unabashed

The poor male couldn't believe his ears. "But...b..but...!"

The boards shook again, and the huge horse loomed over him once more.
"I've watched some of the mistresses knee you in the balls sometimes.
It looked like it hurt. I think I'll try!", she smiled. Then, as he
groaned and pleaded for mercy, the big mare placed one front hoof
between his ruined legs, and dropped to her knees. Her voluptuous rump
raised high in the air as she knelt on his groin. "Ooooooh!", she
squealed in pleasure, as she felt his cock and balls squash to pulp,
then her full weight bore down on his pelvis, crushing it.

The huge horse knelt there, enjoying the waves of agony and horror
radiating from the crippled male beneath her. His eyes were rolled back in his
head, he was thrashing in mute, agony, his body spasming helplessly against the
restraints. She shifted her weight a little and sighed. "This is so much fun,
it's a nuisance asking you these silly questions." She stood up. "But I'll tell
you what; if your answer tallies with what you said before, I'll let you go. No-
one's conditioning is good enough to withstand that, huh?" she smiled indicating
his pulped groin with her snout.

The slave was just emerging from a white-hot void of absolute pain.
When the draft horse had knelt on his groin he'd felt his balls burst, felt her
knee mash his scrotum and penis to paste, felt her unbelievable weight shatter
his pelvis and grind the remains into the floor. He barely knew what he was
saying, but somehow he knew that if he wanted this ever to end, he had to
concentrate on this for all his life was worth.

"J..joh.. John Brown - aaaggh!! 42..." his agonized mind raced,
"d.d..d.davis avenue!"

The horse stood over him silently, letting the pain wash through him
for a few more moments before she replied.

"I'm really sorry, hon, but there's no such person as John Brown." The
slave felt doom clutch at what was left of his guts. His mouth opened
and he tried to say, "There is!"

Suzy shook her head, and her lovely mane tossed sensuously.

"No, baby - because there's no such thing as the Mayday organisation."
She smiled as she watched horrified realization dawn over the brutalized male.
"That's right", she admitted, walking around him sexily, predatorialy, "I made
it up. You're only a slave, after all. What difference does it make? This is
only a training exercise, remember?" Her laughter numbed his mind.


Suzy planted a hoof on his chest, and towered over him, dwarfing him
beneath her gorgeous bulk. "There's only one question left for you to answer
now, lover", she smiled. She planted one enormous hoof on either side of his
head, and bent way down to caress his face with her silky muzzle. "How exactly
do you want to be pulped?"

She laughed and pranced back from him. The slave could tell she had
changed. She'd abandoned any pretence at 'playing by the rules' now, and was
just out for some fun. His heart sank as low as it could go.

"You can't decide?", Suzy said, trotting around him impatiently, her
beautiful head and ears held erect, her braided tale held away from her huge
buttocks, her great hooves rumbling and thundering the floorboards under him.
"Fuck it then, I'll make it up as I go!", she laughed. The male whimpered
pitifully as the big mare seized his left arm in her teeth. She clamped her jaws
hard and her teeth crunched into the bone. Without warning she brutally ripped
back, pulling him so hard that she wrenched him up from the floor, pulling out
the stakes which had been holding him down, and pulling his arm out of its
socket. She flung him across the room. He hit the wall and slumped into the open

"Better get out of my way", she sang, prancing towards him. The vision
of the massive draft horse pounding across the room toward him in a collected
trot terrified him out of his wits, and he clawed at the wall for support, the
ruin of his lower legs dragging on the boards. "Look out!", Suzy laughed, and
she trampled over his thighs, crushing them into the floor, breaking both
femurs. Her back hooves thumped into the purple carnage of his mashed stomach.
He felt something burst inside him, and agony rolled over him.

Suzy sank her teeth into his arm again and hauled him effortlessly down
the corridor and onto the bare cement of the barn floor.

"Now I'm going to really fuck you up, sweetheart", she whispered into
his ear as he lay helpless, unable to move away. "I've only been hurting the
unimportant stuff. Now I'm going to work on your chest and your face! How does
that make you feel? Hmmm?", she smiled, butting his face gently with her soft
muzzle. "Now I've got some room for a nice run-up, I'm going to mow you down at
a gallop. It'll be like being under four piledrivers!", she laughed. The male
gasped, waving the stump of his right arm towards the interrogation room. "The
m..mistress!", he babbled desperately.

"Oh!" the Clydesdale mare said, with mock horror. "The mistress will be
upset with me for dragging you out here to pulp you when I'm supposed to be
pulping you in there! I wonder if she'll smack my bottom!", she said, giggling.
"It'll be easier to hose what's left of you off the concrete than scrape it out
from between the floorboards", she told him. "Now lay back and relax. The next
thing you feel will be my hoof pushing your sternum into your spine!" She rotted
off, her curvaceous rump bouncing, her steel-shod hooves thocking loudly against
the bare concrete.

The male began to pray. He blubbered incoherently to anyone or anything
that might miraculously intervene to save him from the crushing fate that he
knew awaited him.

Suzy turned and stood, her magnificent equine form silhouetted in the
sunlight from the open barn doors.

"Here I come, honey-bunny!", she whispered in his mind, and it was if
she was standing with her muzzle against his ear. Then he saw her lunge into
action, galloping towards him, her giant hooves battering the concrete; the
terrifying noise growing quickly nearer. He whimpered and cried, and tried to
struggle clear, but she was bearing down on him; a gigantic, beautiful mountain
of horseflesh. He cried out in terror as his vision filled with horse - then her
hooves struck.

Suzy's great forehooves crashed down into his chest, splintering it and
crushing him into the concrete. It was beyond anything he could have imagined.
He had been piledriven by 3000 pounds of Clydesdale mare. An instant later
Suzy's back hooves thumped into his pulverized ribcage, smashing it. His spine
broke as her huge rump pumped her hooves down, through his chest and right
through to the floor of the barn.

Dimly, through a searing wall of agony he heard her skid across the
concrete and turn around. The hoofbeats approached quickly.

"Gonna tango on you now, darling!" Suzy told him. Suddenly she was on
top of him again, her back hooves thumping down into his flattened body again
and again as she executed an elegant stationery trot on his chest. He looked up
at the great, round bulge of her ass as she snorted in excitement, pounding him
into a minced pulp under her gigantic hind hooves. The steel shoes battered down
again and again, shattering bone, pulping flesh, destroying him.

"Gotta be quick now, sweetie - you're on the way out!", she laughed.
She ran him down again at a canter, splattering his stomach and smashing both
his shoulders. She returned and pounded over him again, her massive weight
wreaking more havoc on the dying slave. She was wild with elation, snorting and
tossing her lovely head with the thrill of his annihilation. Again she trampled
furiously over him, mashing, pulping his shattered body. Finally she stood over
him, a thin sheen of sweat glistening on the blue-black gloss of her coat.
"Baby, you're still with me!", she exclaimed happily. "How sweet! What sort of
drugs did they give you to keep you conscious through that? Look at you - you're
fucked!", she laughed. The male couldn't talk now. Suzy played with her hoof on
his face, pushing experimentally, leaning a little of her giant weight until his
jaw broke, his teeth were smashed back into his throat. She paused and looked
down at his agonized, ruined face. "Let's squish you properly", she decided, and
seized him by the arm again.

Four of the girls were walking by when Suzy, the gigantic black
Clydesdale mare emerged from the stable, dragging a ruined pulp of a slave with
her. The girls whooped and laughed, encouraging her and congratulating her on
her good work.

Suzy dumped her victim on the grass at the side of the barn, and
slowly, sumptuously sank to her knees beside him.

"Squish him Suze!", one of the girls laughed. They all gathered at a
polite distance to watch the slave's demise.

The male was still alive, still conscious. He was trapped in a
nightmare of ultimate pain, and wanted only for it to end, somehow, anyhow. The
voice of the huge mare touched his mind for a final time. "I'm going to roll
over on you now, lover, and you're going to squish like a plum. It's my way of
giving you a cuddle for all the fun you've given me this afternoon!" He felt the
ground shake as her colossal weight settled on the earth beside him. Her
massive, luscious rump came down on his right arm and shoulder, crunching them
into the earth.

The girls smiled and joked, watching Suzy's massive ass resting beside
the slave's mashed face, her braided tail twitching between her huge cheeks.

"Squish him good!", one of the girls urged again. Suzy squished him.

The male sensed her enormous bulk shift, and then a mountain of
horseflesh rolled over on him, blocking out the world. His entire body from his
toes to his face crunched and flattened, crushed and squashed, burst under more
than a ton of equine weight. It wasn't the relief he'd craved, it was a
shattering explosion of agony that briefly revitalized his dying senses. The
giant rump squashed his face, and when she rolled back over him a second time
the beautiful mare pulped his body to paste, burst his skull, crushed the last
vestiges of life from his tortured body. Then she settled there, relaxed,
rolling gently now and then, luxuriating in the warm paste that had once been a
male slave beneath her.

The girls walked off, smiling and laughing. Suzy sighed and rolled her
bottom over on his face, feeling it squelch.

She wanted more of this. She wanted this every day. Information
retrieval was fun!
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