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Dragon Story
Chapter 1

A large dragon snuck through the darkness stalking his prey. The night air damp with dew licked at his snout, he longed for the smell of blood to surge through his nose. His prey, a weak and near defenseless vixen warrior, ran knowing something much larger then her was coming. Every so often, she paused to glance around and growl into the darkness. All the dragon would do was chuckle to himself silently. They ran into the dense cover of the trees where the vixen had the better advantage of hiding. This concerned the dragon very little, his superior smelling capabilities kept his prey in his path.
She stopped at a whitewater river knowing that her chances of survival were growing even smaller by the second. As the dragon approached her, she bent over and growled. She would fight for her life even if it meant a short battle. He drew closer finally showing his massive form, trice the vixen’s form and the same brown, tan coloring. He walked on all fours and protecting his wings by clamping them down to his body. He got close to her, close enough that her fur waved from each breath. He let out a low growl, waiting for his prey to fight back for his amusement. She straightened up and opened her mouth…
“Mister Guskanth, wake up! This is your final warning, dragon.” A gray griffin hovered over a desk of a sleeping human sized, male dragon. The dragon’s coloring was a mottled two tone brown which gave him the appearance of a giraffe.
“Yes sir, right away, sir. Won’t happen again, sir.”
“That is what you said the last four times. If I were you, I would find new hobbies when you are at home.”
Once the boss left, Roco yawned and longed for the hunt his ancestors did everyday of their lives. Someday he hoped to win the local lottery and win the million quazacs, at least that was what the dragons called the currency, he knew it better as a meal ticket that came in plastic. He glanced to the neighboring cubical and asked Roland, a tall dark brown basset hound for the time.
“It is almost four Roco. Why don’t you finish up the manuscripts real quick like for me?” The hound smirked at his good friend. They both were in the dirty business of the nightlife, though Roco wanted it to become the main career of his life, he also knew it was against the Empire’s laws.
“Oh, right, the manuscripts. Uh, which one were those, again?”
“The green pap…I mean the red papers I left on your filing cabinet. Damn my bloody colorblindness.”
“Williams…What have I told you about cursing on the clock?”
“Sorry sir, I forgot.” Roland apologized for his cursing then turned back to Roco. “I think it is time for the new trainee tonight. I think you will like her.”
Roco smiled then went to work for the last few minutes of the day.

By the time the whistle blew for the office personal, Roco was standing by the clock, as always, to be the first one to clock out. He waited for Roland, he was his ride home. For his kind, Roco was considered a runt, too small for the real battles, too weak to withstand hand combat. So, he turned to being a pencil pusher instead of the dragon norm of being in the Empire’s army. Even if he could bench press a bull elephant, he was still considered weak by his male peers.
As he jumped the flight of stairs to the main lobby, Roland panted taking each step carefully. Roco chuckled out something about warm bloods then went to pick up the hound and carry him out.
“In a hurry?” Roland asked as he caught his breath, he had yet to shed his winter coat this spring.
“A little, this shade has made me sleepy. I may be half warm blooded but I still cannot control my body heat like you mammals.” He chuckled then stepped outside and stretched his small wings before flying home for the evening.
“Ah, yes, the reptilian thing. How…inconvenient for you.”
“You know, I could always make you walk home.”
Roland chuckled then let Roco take flight. Within fifteen minutes, they were across town and already making a dive for their landing, over the years, Roco became a very fast paced flyer; his first job was a delivery dragon. He landed hard and sat Roland down, he then tore off the trousers that the city officials made dragons wear when they were off their property. He hated buying pants that were not made for his kind; he was too small for the right kind so he always had to cut the tail holes larger. He thought why the Emperor made the reptilian peasants wear clothing like the mammals. The warm bloods wear the clothing to hide their genitals where the colds were already hiding their sexes from the world.
Roco realized far too late that those terms did not always applied to the dragons. Some were warm-blooded after all, but they were considered half-breeds since their family lines mingled with mammals. Being an all out misfit made him depressed and hated to be alone for the fear of doing something rash. He glanced at his panting friend and offered to make him a drink.
“Raspberry cream, please…”
“And don’t be stingy with the alcohol, I know.” They went inside the Ranch house, Roland immediately went and sat down on the sofa.
“Ro, do you want a lime wedge?”
“You know it.”
“It’s a little sloppy today, but it’s still loaded.”
“Thanks, Roc.”
“So, this trainee…” Roco brought a couple drinks out of the kitchen and handed the Raspberry cream to Roland. “What is she like?”
“Like you, rejected by most and a warm. I have a feeling she may want to stay like a few of the others wanted to.”
“Really? Have you really met her or have you just read her papers like the others?”
“Oh no, she came personally to deliver the papers. In fact she is a neighbor and we never knew it.”
Roco sipped his drink and looked at his friend. “Sure you don’t want a shave?”
“Three weeks of asking and three weeks of rejecting.” Roland poured the drink into his long mouth and swallowed. “Hurry up and finish your drink, I am itching for a good warm up.”
“I thought you were always warmed up.” Roco chuckled and chugged his rum. “Sometimes, I think you’re more like the humans in this city. Always in search for quick pleasure.”
Roland laughed and unbuttoned his dress shirt then laid it neatly on the sofa arm. He growled playfully as Roco sat his cup down and rose from the seat. He motioned for the Basset to take the first move. The hound ran forward and pounced on the dragon sending him down, even though he knew he was not the one that brought the dragon down. He barked then pounced again, Roco held his hand up to block him then took him down and laid him his back. He tickled the hound then let him up and pushed him to the sofa gently to get him to ‘attack’ back.
They let this activity go one until both were worn out enough to start thinking about food. Thankfully, Roland thought, they were roomies and had no female to yell at them for roughhousing indoors. Roland got up, panting even harder now, and took off his belt. When he was ready to eat, the belt came off, he did not want to bust it if he ate too much—so he said in the past. Mostly he did not want the leather to be ruined by his sloppy eating habits. They both went into the kitchen, Roland set the table while Roco cooked. Neither of them liked hair in their food so Roco was deemed the house cook when money was in short demand between them.
The meal was served and they both seated, they were about to dig into the food when the doorbell rang. Roco rose and went to the door, he was about to open it when he remembered that his trousers were still off. He yelled into the door “One moment,” then rushed to don his pants then back to answer the door.

The door opened slowly, a female dragon, no taller then Roco, stood waiting there with a gleam in her eyes. Her voice, crisp and clean, added to her appearance, a deep brown-green. She asked him if he were the ‘tutor’ then asked if she could come in. He smiled awkwardly then stepped aside to let her in. She immediately went in and asked if she could shed her pants as if she knew him close enough not to shy about in them. Of course, Roco nodded then shed his own then offered to hang hers up. She smiled and handed them over.
“Where is that hound dog at?”
“In…in the kitchen.” He choked on his words. He checked her out as she walked slowly through the hall.
“Enjoy the view?” She asked.”
“I, I am. I did not catch your name.”
“Because I never tossed it to you, smiley.”
“Then can you, please?”
“Maybe.” She paused and wiggled her narrow tail while inching closer to the kitchen. “The name’s Katchi. I am betting you are Roco, my…trainer.”
“I am, but…”
“But what? Are you trying say I was not invited for dinner?”
“Um, yes…”
“Roland asked me to come early to chat for a bit.”
At that time, Roland came searching for them as if on queue. “Hey, Katchi, good to you made it. Care to join us, if this stagger jaw is done?”
Roco chuckled and nodded then followed the two into the kitchen were he noticed a third dinner placement ready for their guest. Roland helped Katchi sit and pull her seat up to the table. Then the men sat. Roco gave an uneasy look at Roland then stuck his fork into his steak. Katchi took a bite of the steak and choked it down. She looked at Roland and asked what was she bit into.
Roland chuckled, “The doctor has both of us on a veggie diet, sorry about not telling you about the meat flavor tofu.”
“I know that feeling, but mine has more flavor to it. I…could teach you two the recipe for better blood.” She chuckled heartily then took another bite. “Other then the flavor, it is pretty good.”
“Thank you, I try.” Roco chuckled.
Katchi sat her utensils down and watched the other two eat. They noticed that she was flickering her tail hoping to gain the attention she wanted. It obviously worked, in her eyes, Roco dropped his fork and scooted back. He smiled at Roland then at Katchi; he asked her if she wanted to join him in the next room for some…entertainment. She gladly went with him and wonder why he was pulling a spindle of rope out of the hall closet. By the time the two dragons entered the master bedroom; Roland had cleaned the table and joined them. The hound’s trousers were already missing, though this did not surprised either of his companions, and the fur around his sheath was neatly trimmed back and shaved.
Roland pushed past the two and went to the room closet to pull out a long red skirt that would fit the dragoness loosely but short enough to have a view of her well-shaped rump. Roco asked Katchi to lie on the bed then tied her wrists together just tight enough to keep her from moving, then he tied her legs to the bedposts. She chuckled and kept herself hidden for the moment, she was not going to be taken easily.
Roco loosened his grip on his groin and let himself hang freely, he rubbed her tail and slowly went up. Roland followed in his path with his tongue moistening every showing place, his knotted member starting to erect from the smell of the dragons’ scents filling his snout. She squirmed a bit as they worked her over, Roco grabbed some more rope and pulled her hands over her head then tied them to the post.
Roco broke away to go to the dresser and opened the bottom shelf and pulled out a whip, he turned back to the bed chuckling while fondling the leather. He approached slowly watching Roland back away to show Roco his pointed tip wanting attention.
“Roland…” Roco chuckled then flicked the whip at Roland’s groin. “You ready?”
“You know it.” Roland jumped onto the bed fully prominent, he leaned over her face and guided his penis into her mouth and asked her to please him.
Roco climbed on top of her then licked her slowly opening slit. He looked up and saw the furry orbs bounce on Katchi’s neck, he reached up and groped them gently making Roland shudder and moan. Roco pushed his tongue deep into her and licked the walls of her moist canal. He pulled his tongue out then pulled himself over her body and positioned himself for penetration. He forced himself into her then leaned over Roland’s back and licked his back tasting the potent pheromones he was giving off. He shifted around and licked at Katchi’s chin then eventually slipping his tongue into her mouth. He mingled with her tongue around Roland’s shaft and helped her milk him. The hound whined then thrust at their grip on him. He gave to the torture and rewarded the dragons’ hard work with the salty seed.
He pulled away then went to the other end of the dragons’ to wiggle under the tails and get his tongue in the mix. Roco leaned back up and flicked Katchi’s chest with the whip. He held the butt and flicked a switch, it started vibrating. He stuck it into her and enjoyed the extra force added to his own pleasure. Katchi screamed with pleasure as Roland’s tongue wiggled against the vibrator then as Roco thrust deeper into her. Katchi let a loud moan of ecstasy escape as Roco climaxed himself. The dragons’ shuddered from the multiple orgasms the other had. Normally, Roco would have pulled out to spray the females with his juices but he could not help himself this time.
He pulled out still leaking semen at half force and covered both Roland’s face and Katchi’s legs and tail with his seed. His body calmed after a bit then Roco started cleaning Katchi off via a tongue licking. As he drew closer to his playmate’s more sensitive places, she tried thrusting into his mouth but was stopped by the bondages. After Katchi was cleaned he turned to the hound and licked his face clean.
They boys chuckled then untied their trainee’s legs and arms from the post and forced her off the bed. Roco sat on the bed once it was free and Roland turned the female about then made her kneel at the dragon’s feet. She realized that the main course had just begun and scooted towards the throbbing shaft beckoning her. She was stopped by a talon and was told to get on all fours. Roland then put the skirt he retrieved on the female and gave Roco a smile of acceptance. He then pushed Katchi forward, closer to Roco then the dragon rubbed her face in his prominent scrotum which was full of heat and semen ready for the milking. Roco directed his head towards the female’s mouth then forced her to open and take on his full shaft.
She struggled for air but realized that her struggle would be futile unless she relaxed. She relaxed and tried drawing a breath through her snout, that was found difficult but enough came through to keep her conscious. Throughout her struggle she did not realize that the hound had shoved his snout deep into her crevasses and started to clean her out as best as he could. Once satisfied she had relaxed and took on the full shaft, Roland stood and pressed his knotted penis into her and enjoyed her warmth for a second then he begun to trust into her scaly hips.
Roco moaned as the tongue rolled around his tender groin and the talented muscles of Katchi’s throat milked him. Roland began to pant as his knot slid into her and swelled three times its original size locking the two together. Katchi moaned as she felt Roco’s member held off the first load, he was waiting for Roland to climax so she could ride the wave of pleasure from both ends. Roland arched forward as he came closer and closer to exploding. Then in one finally thrust, both males shot their loads into their mate. Roco arched forward and licked the hound’s snout. Roland smiled then twisted off her and rested on all fours, waiting for his knot to calm enough for him to be released. While he waited, Katchi attempted to milk her tutor more of his juices, even if he had ran dry. Roco relaxed and let his shaft retreat back into hiding, all-the-while Katchi licked at it wanting more to drink.
Both males freed themselves then turned to their mate, they thought about keeping her tied but they released her instead. Then they backed away smiling as she stood. She smiled and stretched her wings, then looked Roco in the eyes. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him then she gave Roland a peck on the check then pushed him out of the room. Then shut the door behind the hound.
“I would not mind to have you permanently, as my registered mate. That hound can share us. He was great at his work.”
“You should see him when he’s packing lighter fur, you barely can keep him off of you.”
“Really? But enough of that, I am ready for sweets.”
“I do have a cake saved up for this week’s real desert, I guess we could dig in early.” He opened the door and saw Roland shaking his tail and panting like a little housedog. “I know you heard us. Oh, and to answer your proposal Katchi, I would love to have you as part of the family.”
“I have, Roc, and I would love to have another lover.”
Roland smiled then led the way to the kitchen. She chuckled then they left the bedroom and headed back to the kitchen to finish dinner. As the others sat at the table, Roco broke out a bottle of aged wine and glasses and sat them on the table then grabbed the cake out of the icebox.

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