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Dragon Story
Chapter 2

Katchi, a well talented female dragon, smiled as she escorted a new trainee into the newly expanded Ranch house; last year, when she first came to the dark brown basset hound and the mottled brown male dragon, she was eager to join the two males in their nightly ‘activities.’
“Roco, Roland, the new trainee is here.” She chuckled and led the female trainee to the bedroom. “Roco? Where are you two?”
“Guess they ain’t coming, are they?” The appaloosa, barely mature, mare chuckled and swished her tail.
“Are you suggesting I take you, pony girl?” Katchi chuckled poked at the mare’s rump. Her brown-green coloring shimmered in the dim candlelight that had been set up in the room.
“Of course I am, I have yet to get you alone, cutesy, your mate has always held my attention before.”
Katchi grinned and gently pushed the mare on the bed, “Roar, cute am I? We shall see.” She chuckled and slowly took the trousers off the mare while rubbing the mare’s broad chest with her free hand. Once the pants were off, Katchi took hold of the loose shirt and licked the felt-like fur then removed the shirt completely.
“Such a shame you cover this lovely coat of yours, Sanga.”
“It’s the law though, but it is a shame.” Sanga gasped as Katchi played with her relaxed clitoris with a claw. “Oh my.”
“You are quite juicy. I think I shall clean you out.”
Katchi pulled herself between the furry legs and snaked her long, slender tongue across the bare skin, she toyed with smooth lips then inserted her tongue into the mare’s depths and tormented the squeezing walls. The dragon gorged herself on flowing juices of pleasure. She pulled out her tongue then licked her lips.
“You are very tasty, horsey.” Katchi chuckled. “Want to taste me?”
Sanga anxiously tugged at the scaly tail with her legs. Katchi turned slowly to lie over the mare so they both could get to taste each other’s juices. Katchi groaned as a thick tongue forced its way into her and lapped at the very walls she tormented her two males. She gained control over her overwhelming senses and returned lapping at the large orifice of the mare.
Their rhythms synchronized and slowly gained speed, as the tongues came in and out of their newer hiding places, the two lovers gained an audience of a hound. The scent of sex filled the hound’s nose, he grew hard from the sight and smell. He only rubbed himself whence the bulbous knot became fully enflamed and ached for a sensitive touch.
Roland moaned from the self-pleasure but kept his eyes on the females waiting for them to finish their play. His own play ended soon enough when a rough hand squeezed his arse. He backed into the grip wanting more, a deep chuckled from behind added a promising note to his desire. The hand wrapped around his waist and gently grabbed the small pointed tip of the hound’s maleness then slowly caressed down to the hard knot. A prick at the small black hole under the basset hound’s tail begged for entrance. The prick found the mark, dove in, and expanded to full width inside the tight hole.
A moan from both males broke through the open door and caught Katchi’s eyes. She chose to ignore them, for the most part, and continued to drink the feminine juices that flowed graciously from the mare. The dragoness sated her need for the female wetness and demanded the males to join. The two linked males ran in step behind the mare where a waiting tongue quickly pulled the knotted maleness into a needing mouth. Katchi milked the hound and fingered the mare while her mate roughed up the hounds ass.
The orgasms started from the mare and went through the males. Roland bent over Katchi and rubbed between her shoulders. Roco pulled out his penis and wiped off with a near by towel.
“Great work, Ro, you are getting better with each session I can get you.” Roco chuckled and stroked the hound’s ears.
“Thanks, Roco, but you still make me so sore. Sorry we did not show up on time, we were…uh…wrestling a bit out back.”
“In the sauna or pool?” Katchi chuckled as she rolled off her furry toy and licked her claws clean.
“Well…both.” Roco looked at his mate and tried to keep from backing away a few steps.
“Damn, and I wasn’t told. Well, don’t expect me to invite you two to the next sleepover.”
Roco growled playfully then bent over his mate to kiss her brow. “Then why let this one end?”
Katchi smiled and flipped her tail, “Come and get me then.” She rolled off her playmate and pulled the still erect dragon onto her body.
Roco licked his lips and then licked his mate’s open canal while she swallowed his maleness. Roland took the opportunity to shove his swollen knot into his playmate and started licking at the mare’s winking lips. The mare whinnied and thrust at her tormenter. As Roland pushed his way farther into Roco and into Sanga, the dragons moaned and exploded in ecstasy, the rippling muscles squeezed him tightly and forced him to hold his thrusting until the orgasm calmed.
Roland pulled himself out of Roco and directed himself into the mare. The luscious, moist cunt pulled his shaft into its depths kneading the tender pointed maleness. He rammed into her and quickly expanded into his full-sized knot. He smiled and continued thrusting, feeling the lips cross the knot and not holding onto him. He seeped his seed as her orgasm flooded out and soaked his trimmed fur.
Roco stilled himself and let his mate finish drinking his seed, he pulled out of her mouth, the shaft wanted to be stroked even more, he waited for her to turn so her could take her on and seed her properly. The past week they have been trying to conceive and start a true family. He finished off his reserve quickly and pulled away from her. She smiled and hid herself holding the precious seed in her while she turned to lick at Roland’s soiled fur while he slowed into an orgasm.
The basset shuddered and curled over the mare while the tongue bath continued on. He moaned and tried to keep his knot swollen and inside the mare. Roco finally pulled his hound away and licked the shaft clean then sat him aside and offered the mare a hand.
“I bet you are exhausted, Sanga, care for a drink?”
“I bet he is too.” She nodded towards Roland and smiled. “If the Empire’s laws did not forbid interspecies marriage, I would take that hound as my stallion.”
“Aw, all the females say that.” Roland said between pants.
“I bet not all want to take you home and ride you like the stud you are.” Sanga smiled and rose letting her tail dangle against her legs. A little drop of Roland’s seed dripped to the floor.
“Actually, you would be the second. The first kicked me out of her place for being…too active.”
“Oh? Then I would love to have you over.” She toyed with Roland’s shrinking shaft as she walked passed him into the kitchen with the dragons to get a bite of the veggie meal they had made for her.
Roland chuckled as he watched her trail behind his roomies. He followed them licking his lips entranced by the remaining taste of her body. Roland entered the just as Katchi and Roco were starting to start the meal. Roland sat next to the mare and glanced at her seeing that she did not shame herself in hiding herself from them.
He smiled and glanced at his roomies and chuckled then scooted his chair closer to the mare. Still unnoticed by the dragons, Roland leaned over to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her thigh. Sanga smiled and spread her legs as she edged to the edge of the chair. Roland eased his hand down and got the winking lips and slid his finger into her, they both smiled at each other then kissed. They broke their embrace when Roco slammed down a salad bowl onto the table.
“So, you two really want eat or play?” Roco chuckled then turned his back again.
“Both,” Roland chuckled and dug his hand deeper into the mare’s depth.
Sanga smiled and leaned back into the chair while pushing her waist forward to get the gentle invader farther in. Roland took the invitation and slide to the floor shoving his fist as far as he could into her. He stopped when she threw her head back and grinned, he brought his hand back and forth across the sensitive place, her muscles tightened around his arm keeping him from taking it all the way out. He bent over his arm and licked the escaping juices and her clitoris. She squirmed and pushed into him wanting more.
He thrust his arm again while licking away at every bare skinned place he could reach sending wave after wave of ecstasy through her body. Roland shuttered and forced his hand out of her. He leaned over her, pressed her sheath against her genitals, and started thrusting quickly letting himself come out of hiding and into her warmth. They both moaned and ignored the prodding of a claw in between their joining.
Roco chuckled and prodded them deeply with his claw adding more pleasure for the both of them while Katchi finish cooking. He let himself hang out so he could shove himself into his hound playmate and enjoy their mating with them. He shaft rammed hard into Roland’s anus and went all the way in one thrust. Roco chuckled at his playmate’s relaxed backend considering his pleasure is off the scale as it is. The hound moaned as his knot fully expanded and was rubbing the lips of his mate.
Roland howled as he exploded into her and finally felt the intruder of his own body. Sanga smiled and rubbed between Roland’s ears and praised him like a puppy. They laughed and relaxed except for Roco, whom still pumped away and readied for his own orgasm. He quickly pulled out of Roland with a quick warning to Sanga and invaded her virgin ass. He smiled to the ease he was let in and then let to flare to full size. He thrust excitedly and reared back as the pressure came. He pumped hard into her loving the feel of the two mammals under him and letting that excite him more. He plowed into Sanga one last time and let his orgasm flow. He moaned and felt a tickle in his throat that felt like more of a roar. He smiled and began to thrust a little more to clean himself out then he relaxed.
He backed off just as Katchi sat the final plate on the table. She could only smile at the performance she saw. All three separated and grinned at the only female with a frying pan in her claws. She chuckled then tossed the pan lightly onto the stove behind her then sat down and waited for the others.
“As you might know, Roco and I have been a little possessive of each other. We are trying to conceive. So, Roland, you will have to find you a part-time playmate so I can have my male full time until we conceive.”
“Really? I never would have guessed.” Roland snickered and reached over to Sanga.
“I would not mind having a roommate for a couple weeks, Roland. Plus, you could ‘teach’ me more ways about your kind that is so darned illegal.” Sanga took his hand and smiled. “After the meal, I will help you pack your collars and leash.” She poked fun at him and leaned over to kiss his cheek.
“I don’t have a leash, but I do have plenty of collars you might like.” He smiled and patted Sanga’s hand.
“Calm down, pooch, you will have plenty of time to show her your toys. Just eat your meal before it turns soggy.” Roco slapped his pal’s back then dug into his meal.

Roland virtually inhaled his meal then rushed to his room. He packed a few weeks of clothes and laid out his collars on his bed. He chuckled as he put on his fresh trousers and a white over shirt. Then he heard clomping come up the hall, he smiled and peered out of the door seeing Roco leading Sanga to his room. Roco left the two mingle about.
“Nice room.” Sanga said once she shut the door leaving the two alone.
“I try to keep it cleaner then the rest of the house. Anyway, here are my collars.” He chuckled and stepped away from the bed to let the small array for harnesses made for two, full body restraints, and an actual diamond studded collar.
“Oh, those real?” She picked up the studded collar and eyed them.
“Yes, my father and mother gave it to me. It’s an heirloom, fifteen generations and only been worn four times. I plan on making a fifth wear on it when I get married.” He sighed then took the collar away and wrapped it in a velvet cloth then into a velvet bag. He put it into his dresser hid it away. “That day just seems like it will not come, but it will someday…”
“Those harnesses, do you plan on using them on me?”
“Only if they fit, which I doubt, they were made to fit the Canine breeds for a more lengthened breeding.” He chuckled at the memory of using the double harness for the fist time with a house bitch. The dog never stood a chance with that on them. “Anyway I am packed, would you like to do anything before we head to your house?”
“Yeah, show you where the door of the house is.” She chuckled impishly while she swished her tail.
“Alright. Go get dressed and we’ll go.”
“Aw…alright, guess I don’t really want to be arrested for indecent exposure.” Sanga left to find her clothes that Katchi took off her.

A few minutes later, Roland left his room with his bag in hand. He whined at the thought of leaving his best friend for the first time in years. But he knew that he would be back, he just had to let his pal and his registered mate do their thing so the Empire would not separate them and force breed them. He stopped by the kitchen to say goodbye, but the other too were already ahead of him and handed him a bowl of the leftover salad for the two to enjoy and hugs where spread around.
“Come back when you like, Ro, I am sure her life style is quite different from ours.” Roco patted his back then turned him to the waiting mare and the open door.
“You two enjoy yourselves and make a clutch or two while I’m gone.”
Katchi chuckled and wrapped her tail around Roco’s then he chuckled. He pushed Roland away then sent him and Sanga on their way shutting the door behind them.

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