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Dragon Story
Chapter 3

Roco, a mottled tan and brown male dragon, shut the door behind his best friend. He turned to his registered mate, Katchi, a deep brown-green female dragon, and smiled. He led her to the sofa and smiled. She sat as he went to get her a drink and a special thing he kept hidden from the basset hound. A ground chuck meatloaf. He had to smother it in garlic and onion but it worked.
He smiled and took it to the sofa and let her see it before he scorched it with his flame breath. He sliced it with his claws then tore a slice off and handed it to Katchi. They ate happily on the real meat, Roco smiled as the platter lost its last piece and then his mate demanded something that packed a kick to drink.
He chuckled and drifted off to the kitchen and mixed up a drink that was packed with alcohol, he kept his drink dry rum while hers was well near a walking death for most creatures. He took the drinks back to Katchi and sat gently next to her. He sipped his drink while she gulped hers. She through herself onto his lap and reached for his tail and fingered the tip playfully. He smiled and rubbed her invoking her to lust for his touch. As the liquor started taking effect, Katchi giggled and opened herself to him. He chuckled and rubbed her some more.
“Not yet, love.” He chuckled and patted her opening.
“Aw, but I want you.”
“I know you do, I am not ready.” He smiled and looked around, he rose with a grin and went to a stereo and put in a disk into the deck and put it on repeat, when it started playing he went to kill the lights then he turned to his mate whom swayed while watching him.
He sat back down beside her with his genital slit opening for her. He took her hand and placed it on his bulge while he groped her and kissed her. He shifted her grasp and let himself fold out into her begging hand. She eased away from his mouth and bent down to suck on his member while he shoved his hand into her.
He got hard enough that she stopped and demanded him to mate. He did so slowly so he could enjoy her drunken form and wait for the right moment. He thrust slowly into her letting her sluggish movements work at her speed. As she grew slower and slower, so did he, he stopped as she fainted. He checked her pulse and saw all she was, was unconscious.
He pulled out of her then covered her with a blanket and brought a pail over for her. He sighed and regretted he did this to her but he knew that his next appointment would not like a possessive female taking his attention. He quickly hid himself then put on the dreaded trousers.
He sighed and stepped outside. “At least I am lucky enough to have a day off.” He took off across town to the next female’s house. “One day, Kat, I will be yours and only yours. First I must make our living the one way I know how.”
He drew knew the house and went into a dive, he came to a landing in front of the house sign naming the property to Miss Karden. He smiled and went up to the front door. Just as he came up to the door, it opened revealing a tigress in a robe and a towel headdress. Her face tinted a slight violet he smiled at her.
“You Roco?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Get in here and go to the first room on the left, I am going to fit into something a bit more relaxing.”
“Alright…” He watched her skirt off leaving him to his own will; he shut the door behind him and went to the appointed room.
He gasped as he entered the room and saw various toys lining the walls. He shuttered at the thought of her using the whips and male restraints on him. The tigress came into the room showing her violet fur off along with a spike-studded collar around her neck. He swished his tail a bit and wished he could allow himself to show his lust. She smiled and let out a snarl, at least Roco thought it was a snarl. He turned away and looked again at the exotic toys, some of which he had not seen.
“Roco, my friends call me Tiff, you will meet my roomy later.” She grinned allowing her pointed carnivorous teeth show.
Lust and fear filled his being, he was the next to top predator on the food chain, next to humans, and yet she still put fear into him. He kept his fear down along with the meatloaf. He looked back to her and smiled.
“So, you like toys. I am more of on-hand type of male.”
“Suits me.” She purred and drew closer to him she drooped her tail into her hand and twirled the tip. “Care for a warm up, cold blood?” She chuckled and rubbed against him feeling every bit of him while tying to undo his pants.
“One, I am not a cold blood, two, I could do for a warm up.”
She purred louder, her black stripes barely showed through her coloring. He wondered if it were a dye or just an exotic genetic addition. He smiled and unbuckled for her and let the pants slide down his waist and off his tail. Only then did he let himself out of hiding and let his maleness dangle freely against her touch.
He rolled his eyes back as her extremely soft fur rubbed against him; he swore she used a velvet wrap against him. He shuttered and grew stiff as her gentle fur covered hand groped him and fondled him. He felt a slightly painful prick then warmth; he looked down and saw that she mouthed him generously. He smiled and leaned into her so she could take him fully into her mouth. He bent over Tiff, grabbed her ass, and squeezed. She moaned around his shaft and swallowed him deeper. His head swelled, so did his lust.
Roco shifted his hands so he could finger the horny violet tigress and get her lusting for more of him. He bent over and tasted what little bare flesh she had. He grinned as he moistened her up then he moved down to her tiny, barely revealed lips. He chuckled as he stuck a finger in to start stretching her. He knew right then, he was going to enjoy this session though he was supposed to be ‘teaching’ her a few things.
Tiff pulled away and smacked her lips. Quickly she turned and rubbed her ass against his moist head, a chill ran through Roco as he felt her rub. He directed himself to her tight hole and carefully eased in, he wanted to feel her stretch for him. They both moaned and thrust against each other. Roco gripped her furry rump tightly as he began thrusting into her slowly. Tiff’s eyes rolled back and a deep gasp arose that formed into a growl, her claws came out and dug into the coarse carpet, Roco added his own growl and pushed harder into her hips.
He swelled to his full size and Tiff howled, he could not help but give it to her harder. He brought himself out of her then rubbed himself on her plush fur then rammed back in with his vigor restored. He moaned and felt himself ready to explode. He did all he could after a dozen thrusts to warn her, and then he rode the wave to the full extent his body allowed. After that, he found himself dry humping, he smiled and continued. He dared not to withdraw just yet. As his thrusts slowed and his penis shriveled with its task done, he sighed and stopped, he pulled away and took a deep breath.
Roco’s knees buckled on him, he fell with a thump and a large grin. He chuckled and petted the furry rump that wiggled in front of him wanting more. He wished he could give more now but her extreme tightness drained every bit of him.
“Ah, what a good kitty.” He chuckled as he patted her rump “Such a lovely, tight puss on a puss.”
“Not bad for an overgrown lizard.” She chuckled as she wiggled her tail in his face. She turned around and sat in front of him. “Care to me my roomy and her lover?”
“Alright, gives me a moment to rest up.” He chuckled and reached for his pants, but she slapped his hand away.
“Here we do not follow those wretched laws, we follow our own.” She rose and retracted her claws back into their hiding then led the way out to a different room on the other side of the house. She stopped in front of the closed door. “Do yourself a favor, don’t stare at Carrie’s feet.”
“Sensitive feet?” He chuckled quietly at his own pun then straightened up. “Alright.”

Tiff knocked on the door and waited for a moment before opening the door.
“Britt, Carrie, I brought a new toy for you two to inspect.” She said as she opened it slowly.
“Come in.” A raspy voice chortled.
Tiff opened the room up to reveal a coon and a roo. Tiff chuckled as she shoved Roco passed her. The raccoon stood and stared at the dragon with a ten-foot smile.
“Well welcome to my room, lizard boy, I am Britt and this here is my good lover Carrie.” The kangaroo nodded and crossed her large feet. “I see you find that Tiff is good at her work.”
Roco smiled and stretched a bit. “Well, I think I did most of the work but yes she is great at what she does.”
“And I see you are liking the view, mate.” Carrie smiled and moved her big tail around.
“That I do.” He looked them both over and chuckled. “I have never met a pair like you two before. I hope I get the pleasure of doing so today.”
“Oh, you will since Tiff just shut the door behind her. Think you can handle the three of us?”
“I don’t know three is a mighty big number for a little dragon like me.” He grinned and strutted over to Britt. “So you are raccoon type, eh? I have heard through the grapevine that your kind love foreplay.”
“Oh really? I have never noticed.” She remarked as she clamped a paw onto Roco’s hidden genitals with great accuracy. “And you seem to enjoy the touch of furred ones.”
“That I do, now, how about you…Carrie? Do your kind like the touch of a dragon?”
“I think I will, I don’t like the way the male roo’s treat me so I have avoided their taint for quite some time.”
“Really, if they are rough? Then I better be good.” He chuckled then rubbed Britt’s chest with a gentle claw. “I bet you like it rough, don’t you, Britt?”
“Let’s just see.” She chuckled and squeezed making her captive jump.
Britt tipped him over, and then straddled his chest. She smiled as her lover hopped over and stared at the growing lump hidden at the base of Roco’s tail. The ladies chuckled as Tiff joined them and rubbed the dragon’s slit. He let himself hang out as he pulled his coon playmate closer so he could taste her moistening thighs. Two wanting tongues licked and mingled around his swelling shaft as he gorged himself on the feminine goodness of the coon. He dug deeper into Britt wanting her to spill her juices all over his face.
Carrie was the first to rub herself wanting more then just licking his big maleness; she pushed the tigress away and herself against his shaft wanting him inside her small body. He flexed and let the wanting kangaroo take him on. She relaxed and moved over him so she could direct him to the right place. He thrust lightly as she pushed down on him and squealed from the instant pleasure. Tiff rubbed her breasts, she bent down between their joining and wrapped her free paw around the showing section of Roco’s shaft and rubbed him in rhythm to Carrie’s movements.
Britt, in turn, leaned back while enjoying his licking and rammed her fingers into Tiff to toy with her. Roco grew even stiffer with the scent of feminine musk flooding his senses. His erection began to pain him begging for more. He thrust into Carrie as Tiff rubbed and squeezed him even harder, he pulled away from Britt to lick her juices from his lips and to breath a bit. He felt his groin gain pressure, he moaned loudly then dug his face back into Britt and licked away at her flowing juices. He thrust harder as Carrie pushed down on him and exploded, they both moaned. Britt squealed as she ran fluidly onto Roco’s kneading tongue. Tiff growled playfully as she let herself loose then pulled away from Britt to lick her fingers clean.
Carrie smiled as she found herself unable to remove herself from her lover. The other two pulled away from Roco, he leaned up and grabbed Carrie’s waist. He started to shove her farther down on his shaft and grinned. She squealed and tried to fight for a moment until the pain receded, then a large grin grew along with a moan. She grabbed his shoulders and flexed her tail around his arched legs.
“Oh…my…” Carrie yelled out as she took on his full length.
Roco chuckled and felt himself build up again. He tried to hold back, his attempt failed in a glorious explosion of ecstasy and fluids. They moaned and embraced each other then looked deeply into the other’s eyes. A smile broke the silence then laughter followed. Neither could break the bond their bodies had on each other, they sat there and waited for Roco to calm and let his shaft shrivel.
“I do think that this is the first I have ever been locked, I am loving it.” Roco rubbed Carrie’s back.
“Not mine, unfortunately it has been with other males other then my kind. They can only get so far in before our relative’s instincts kick in and go from behind.”
“Well now, I can say that they are very unfortunate to fall victim to that. At least my kind takes our mates for a full ride.” He added a smile to the remark.
Carrie wiggled again and slid off him. They chuckled and embraced each other again. Roco noticed that blood trickled down onto his lap. He asked her if he injured her, thankfully she smiled and shook her head. He sighed and then glanced looked around the room. He smiled and asked who was next. Tiff frowned and glanced at the clock then pushed Britt over to him.
“Your time is almost up. You know that, right?”
“Eh, the old lady is out cold, she won’t be noticing my disappearance.”
“Oh really? But I ain’t paying for the extended stay.”
“Who said I wanted payment?” He chuckled offered his hand to Britt.
She took his hand and smiled wanting him to be a rough mater with her. He shared her smile and want. He stiffened up for her as she pushed herself onto his shaft and moaned. He got to thrust only once before she pushed him over and took over. She roughly pulled up then back down onto him making sure she was fully onto him before flipping him on top of her.
He chuckled and started doing his part happily. He leaned into her body and gripped her shoulder with his teeth and her waist with his hands, then he pounded her even harder then he had done with the other two. He swelled to full flare, Britt screamed in painful pleasure. He began pounding her so hard Tiff and Carrie felt the house shaking, as they looked for something to pad them, a puff of smoke rolled from Roco’s mouth. Tiff growled and ran off to gather water while Carrie stood aghast at his strength.
He finally let go of his shoulder support and faced the ceiling just as Tiff return, she readied herself to throw the water into a flame. Roco surprised them all; he roared loudly followed by several draconic phrases that none of them understood. Britt squealed as she felt his hot juices flow into her, she moaned as he relaxed and slumped onto her chest with a grin.
“I will take that water now.” He joked as he swished his around trying to cool himself down. His wings even fanned them even though he tried not to use them.
“I think you both could use the cold wash down.” Tiff drew closer to pour the water slowly over until Britt moaned and wrapped her arms around Roco’s neck.
“First I want him to promise he will return for a visit.”
Roco chuckled and licked her furred neck. “Of course, I like to keep the females I visit happy.”
Tiff poured the water on Roco, it steamed a little as it cooled his overheated body. Britt gasped as the chilled water ran onto her.
“I did not know you would be so hot.” Britt smiled and kissed her lover’s snout.
“Oh, I can be even hotter, I try not too with warm blood’s for various reasons.” He chuckled and moved his leg. “Care to chill the link?” He winked at Tiff as he showed off his swollen member that stretched Britt.
“Wow…” Tiff slowly trickled the water onto his extremely red flesh, he growled and flinched as the water hit and chilled him more then when the water flowed down his back.
The blood red flesh slowly turned to pink as it shrunk to its normal size. He gently pulled out and let himself dangle freely as he shook the water off his back. He smiled and stretched while Tiff helped Britt stand.
“Amazing, how big can you get?” Carrie asked him as she stared at the limp flesh.
“Never tried without help of a very tight female,” He smiled at Britt and rubbed his length. “I bet in a bit I could try for you, but I do need to get back home to tend to my mate. She might be heavy with a hangover and I need to help her.”
“Maybe we will visit sometime and get to know the two of you.”
Roco smiled and nodded, then he glanced to Tiff and saw her grin hold back a laugh. He strutted over to her and flexed his shaft so it hit her wanting lips as he drew close enough to kiss the moaning lips. He chuckled then went in search of his clothes before taking flight back to his house.
The females followed him through their house watching his loose member slowly recede into hiding as he pulled his trousers up to cover the lump. They all moaned as he buttoned and walked by them to the front door. As he opened the door, his tail drooped along with his jaw.
Outside stood twelve Empire Dragon Guards, he knew what they wanted and stepped outside. The EDGs looked at him then bowed, the females peeked out and looked at him in question.
He sighed, “What does father want now?” He straightened his back and wrapped his tail around his waist.
“The Emperor demands that the prince and his princess joins the Royal family for a gathering meal tonight.” The high ranked guard spoke up.
“Fine, but I will be bringing my best friend his companion with us. And make sure father has the royal nurse whip up a hangover cocktail for my mate.” He dismissed the guards with a wave then turned back to the house. “I did not want anyone to know, they must have followed me. I am sorry, but I must go. At least you can say you had your way with royalty.” He smiled as he took off in a rush and headed for his house.

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