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Dragon Story
Chapter 4

Roco landed at his ranch house and hastily went inside. Being of the dragon race, he never took the responsibility of his kind by protecting the Emperor, he was only a little taller then an average human and the wait of his past made him slouch even more. He found his mate, Katchi, laying where he had left her in a drunken stupor. He went to awaken her and felt the shame of having to get her drunk so he could make extra money.
He had never told anyone when he came to this small city he was the Prince and now the fact was going to run through the city faster then fire just because the EDGs, Empire Dragon Guards, came and told him that his father requested him and his mate to the palace. He could think of nothing else but cursing silently in his mind at his parents for violating their pact with him. He held back a snarl just as he was about to waken his love. He gently prodded her and spoke to her in a loving manner. He held her until she awoke then he kissed her brow and helped her rise so he could clean her up a bit before he went and got Roland, his best friend, and his companion, Sanga, an appaloosa mare.
He helped her wash up and rid her of the stench of liquor and spittle. After she got dry, he made sure that she would stay awake and somewhat sober up. He told her that they were invited to eat with the Emperor, that news sobered her quickly. Once she was cleaned, he told her to go find something decent and gave her a list of numbers, which he called his account, and sent her on her way while he went to get Roland.
They went their own ways for the moment. Roco flew off to the small house that Roland went to visit and landed roughly. He knocked on the door loudly and stood there trying not to look mad. Sanga opened the door and smiled playfully at him.
“Hello,” He smiled back. “I…got some odd news for you two, may I come in?”
“What’s going on?” She knew his tone meant something was wrong.
“Can’t say out here, trust me, you will love me even more for meeting us.”
“Really now?” She let him in and led him to Roland who laid on a bed of hay ready to go back to loving her.
“What’s up?” Roland asked as he wagged his tail.
“You may want to sit down, Sanga.” He waited her to do so before speaking. “I am not who you think I am. I am Rocolannash the Third, I am the prince of the Empire and Katchi and I have been pulled out my pact with my father and mother. I want you two to join us when we leave for dinner tonight.”
“I cannot believe you kept this from me! After all these years we’ve known each other.”
“You ain’t who you say you are either, Sir Roland.”
“Who told you I was dubbed a Sir?”
“Your heirloom, you know it ain’t wise to leave a royal present lay out with engravings on it.” He smiled and chuckled.
“Oh really?” He paused a moment in thought. “Shoot it does have my name in it…well there goes my cover.”
“Wait a minute, you two are saying that your lives are false?”
“No, Roland is the only one to refuse the duty to represent his country and accidentally fell into my lap one day as I was running from my responsibilities. You know the laws, no interracial marriages, I was born before father took control of the throne and forced to make that law. Therefore, it made me an instant bastard child. Anyway, I want you two to come with me when I go face my father and mother.”
“To eat at the palace and to meet the Emperor, yes I will go. I have been wanting to try out my new ball gowns.” Sanga smiled and ran to her closet and pulled out a beige gown.
Roland sighed and stood, “Fine, guess it is the reason I needed to wear that stupid thing after all, and it is still an heirloom, there are thirty seven names inscribed on it and I am the last one until I return home with a son.”
“Good, maybe if father wants me to take over, then I will have a royal advisor from the start.”
“Me?! No, I…I don’t know what to do.”
“Hush, just get dressed and ready to leave in a few minutes. We have a lot of ground to cover to make it by supper.”
Roland nodded then fished his clothes out of the hay and quickly dressed then he helped Sanga zip up. They finished then turned to find Roco on all four and staring at them. He told them to climb on and let him flew the few blocks back to the ranch house so Roland can change into something more appropriate.
They found themselves at the front door in no time and went inside where they found Katchi dressed in rather expensive clothes. Colors that made her own brow-green colors darken; she wore a dim yellow gown with ruby trim. She even wore new ruby gems that she had bought with the royal money. Roco sighed and then kissed her, he was not going to use the money.
“Looks good on you, Hun. Roland is getting dressed now are you willing to carry one of them?”
“I guess I can. Who wants a ride?”
“Either, I will carry Sanga if you want, I think she outweighs Roland…no offense, Sanga.” He chuckled and backed a couple steps away.
“None taken, I am a horse after all.”
Roco sighed behind a smile then saw Roland came back in a military dress uniform and in his diamond studded collar. Roco whistled and looked his roommate over. The ladies did the same shocked that he even looked that good dressed-up. Roland strutted a bit and smiled.
“I called back to home office and told them that I was coming out of retirement to visit the Emperor, I hope you are happy now. I barely fit into this thing anymore, as long as I don’t try to stretch it will hold.”
“You ready then?”
“Yeah, I guess. Are we flying?” He looked at Roco and smiled, “Right dumb question. Who’s riding on who?”
“You are going with Katchi, hurry up and settle in people we have to go. Now!”
“Pushy much? Fine, you heard his Highness, let’s go.” Katchi growled and knelt down.
The passengers climbed onto their rides and settled down. Roco apologized then went outside to ready himself for flight. He took the lead as Katchi came out and watched him leap into the air. They flew westward toward the center of the continent and the palace. They followed the sun in its path while Roco headed to his childhood home. He remained silent ignoring all of Sanga’s questions. When he finally started to dive for a landing, the dusk was nigh and stomachs rumbled, they landed in the middle of an EDG enclave and were surrounded nearly immediately. The General stepped through the crowd and said nothing. Roco sighed and let Sanga slide off before he stood straight and folded his wings back.

“Stand your men down, General, my father called me home. And if you want proof, there is only one Rocolannash the Third, and he was never brought to the throne, he made a sole pact with the Emperor to live as a commoner and live by the laws of the people.”
“Prince, good to see you back. Want an escort back home?”
“Might as well. We are going to have to get used to it now,” Roco smiled and offered his arm to Katchi while Roland offered his to Sanga. “Oh yes, I have an ambassador with me, please do keep your dragons from making smart remarks.”
“They would never do so, sire, but I shall remind them.” The General bowed then turned tail. “Shall we take your party to the Emperor?”
Roco turned to the rest of his party and grinned slightly then answered. “Yes, lead on, might as well make an entrance.”
The General nodded then rounded his dragons around the group and lead the short way to the palace then let the servants take them to the Emperor. The servants announced them to the Emperor whom sat in a large room in a huge throne that could fit three men. The one thing that surprised the others was that the Emperor was a small man sitting there coughing lightly.
“How’s mother?” Roco said as he approached the throne.
“She is fine son, she is in the banquet hall. What about you?” The Emperor’s voice came out raspy and short.
“Good, and you?”
“Not well, son, I do have some terrible news for you. I am dying, and you are my only heir. It is time you took my place.”
Roco fell silent, his wings drooped; he could do nothing but stand there dumbfounded. Katchi walked up to him and rubbed his back. He did all he could to grab her free hand.
“I…I figured that you called me back to let you retire but never like this.”
“My son, quiet your forming tears,” He coughed again this time wiping away blood. “I will not be here much longer, your mother will need someone to take care of her. I need to rest, Rocolannash, take your friends and wife to see your mother. I am sure you remember where the hall is.”
“Rest well then, father.” He turned tail and shook away the sudden emotions. He led the others out silently holding back his tears. He leaned heavily on Katchi.
She constantly kept an arm around him as he led the way to the banquet hall. Roland sighed as servants passed him constantly he missed the constant busyness of royal life and the constant annoyance of having his privacy pushed away.
“Roco, I know this is a bad time, but do you know where we will be seated among his Majesty?”
“Ask mum,” He muttered as he turned around a corner to show a pair of large wooden doors. He smiled and ran up to a few nicks in the frame he fingered them and let a childish laugh escape. “I was so short when I was a little brat.”
He scratched in a new notch and marked in his name and age. His age surprised them, thirty-six; they all figured he would go with dragon ages not human. His mood changed as he turned back to his family and friends. He smiled then pushed the doors open. A large dragon female stood in front of the doors with her back to them barking orders left and right, Roco walked in and cleared his throat. All movement stopped and all fell silent.
The only sound was the dragon’s scales scraping each other lightly. Roco smiled and waved. The female dropped her jaw and her wings flared and a small squeak broke from her throat.
“Mum.” He pulled Katchi forward and took her hand in his. “This is Katchi, my ‘registered’ mate. While we are here, I would like to have a full ceremony preformed, if we can.”
“As soon as I can get it set up, you met up with your father?”
“I did, that is another reason I want it. I want him to see us married before he…well you know.”
“Roco, I know you are a prince and all, but don’t you think I deserve a voice?”
“Yes, I am sorry. What would you like to say?”
“I want you to go be with your father while we ladies get to know each other and plan the wedding.”
Roco smiled and kissed her. “Well you heard her, I better get going before she gets angry and starts going mad on my happy butt.” He chuckled and went to hug his mother then turned to grab Roland to take the hound with him.
The men went back to the throne room to spend time with the Emperor. Roco sat next to the throne on the floor so he would not sit higher then his father out of respect while Roland stood at the base and explained himself. They laughed at each other as jokes played out and let the Emperor have breaks when he had coughing fits.
The Emperor rang a bell three times that he had hid in the throne. Three human maidens came running in to do the whim of their employer. Roco and Roland chuckled and glanced at each other.
“I want to enjoy myself the right way before I die and I want you two to join me, I already told Rocolannash’s mother to keep your ladies busy for a while. Plus a few extra chances to have children are not all that bad.”
Roco chuckled as he looked over the maidens. “Now this is a show.”
“Show? Boy, they are not for show. They are for the fun. Now enjoy yourself before while you got the chance.”
“All right,” He licked his lips as he took his pick of the maidens. “Alright, I will take her on.” He pointed to the middle of the three and undid his belt.
Roland picked the one on the left while the third maiden went to the Emperor. Roland chuckled and muttered something as he loosened his clothes. Rocollanash the Third, coughed and wheezed as his maiden peeled off his clothes. Roco smiled and dropped his pants allowing the natural dragon body free. He sighed as he flipped his tail with more agility. He turned and gave his father a smile then he noticed the maiden was doing all of the work.
“I shall give you a good show father, the one thing I can really do for you since I have been gone so long.” He muttered as he let his shaft hang freely the two maidens gasped as they stared at him then at the Emperor. “Yes ladies, the one thing that resembles human blood.”
He chuckled and took hold of his maiden. “Now, shall we get you familiar with this extraordinary tool?”
The maiden giggled and grabbed the shaft with gentle hand and began to massage it while gripping harder and harder making Roco moan. As he grew stiffer, the woman engulfed him and swallowed him, he gasped and bent over her back for support as she milked him with talented muscles and fingers. He let his knees shake then he felt himself being pushed to the floor. When he stopped falling, he could not help but to thrust farther into her throat, a muffled moan then followed a slurp sounded as she pulled away.
She chuckled as she ripped away her skirt then pushed herself down onto his throbbing, moist shaft. She wailed as he thrust into her, he dropped down and moaned. She pushed herself down onto him then stretched to caress his chest and kiss his scaly hide. He rubbed her head and worked his way down her back. Roco moaned loudly as he thrust up into her. He rolled them then arched back readying to push himself as deep as he could go into her tight body. A growl of pleasure snuck out as he pounded into her soft hide, a pleasure filled scream followed. He arched back and flared his wings as he exploded a large amount of seed into her.
He fell back down on top of her and panted, he licked away at her sweaty body. They stared at each other and cuddled while the others finished their fun. He caressed his little lover and enjoyed the feel of her silky smooth skin. She sighed and curled into his touch. He chuckled lightheartedly and gently scraped a claw down her spine making her shiver.
“My, you have very sensitive skin. I would hate to have you injured from giving birth to any young I may sire on you.”
“Don’t you worry.” Her voice chimed beautifully as his deep voice chuckled at her response. “I can take pain well enough.”
He smiled and looked at his father and friend, they, too, rested not wanting to part from their playmates. The Emperor smiled and asked his maiden to rise, he nodded to the other maidens they rose from their lovers and gathered their clothes then left the men be.
“So, my son, did you like your pre-marriage present?”
“I did, but why did you do this?”
“Because I knew what you do for your nightly enjoyment. That is why the authorities over looked it. My Roco, that love for the women you have will gain you the prestige you need for a great reign. Take it and change this empire for the better, the wars shall change thanks to you.”
“I guess I must make a public showing, huh?”
The Emperor nodded as his son rose and dressed. “At least you still know the royal ways. While your mate readies for the wedding, I will call for a gathering and announce your return. Will you take the chance to speak?”
“I do not know yet.”
“I hope you will. Anyway, Roland, if you have alliance plans, keep them for my son. After the wedding I am stepping down.” Rocolannash the Third, coughed then tried to rise on his own but his strength failed him.
“Father, you’re sure you can speak to the Empire.”
“I must, you know that.”

“Thank you, Gretchen,” Katchi looked over the dress that had been forced onto her body.
“It is an honor, my Lady.” The servant curtsied and then turned to the dragoness running everything. “Raclah, the dress is a perfect fit as you presumed. Anything else?”
“Only that my son has the best formal wedding ever.” The dragoness smiled and turned to face the appaloosa and smiled, “Now for you, something that would match your stud’s clothing. I think the last queen left her formal gown, I think that could fit your form.”
“Me, wear human fitted clothes!” Sanga protested.
“She was not human, my dear, she was a well shaped mare not much bigger then yourself. The Emperor had a human female to guise as his queen.”
“So there were law breakers in the court as well.”
“Indeed, I just wish my mate and I were married before he took the throne. The closest I can get to him is when he retires to bed, even then I am barely allowed to get near him.”
Katchi walked up to her, “Well, that will change, I will see to it that you will be married before he goes. As duty of a queen, I will do my best.”
“Since Roco is the only heir and only proven heir, the Empire cannot decline him the throne.” Raclah grinned solemnly then walked away slowly.
Katchi sighed and wanted to go after her but respected her mother-in-law’s privacy. She turned to Sanga and saw that her mind whirled on subjects that she suspected for years. Katchi placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder.
“I hope that we all can change the way this Empire is ran. I am sure Roco will not allow Roland to be sent home.”
“I know. That is not what I am thinking about. If Roco and you get married before he takes the throne you will have to be his queen, but if not, one will be appointed? That just does not make since to me.” Sanga sighed then looked at her friend. “I think that with you two taking the throne will change things.”
Sanga walked away quietly allowing the servants to get to their future queen. Katchi wanted to follow but she knew that the wedding preparations had to go on. She wondered if Roco was being tormented as much as she was. She turned with a smile and decided to turn a bit of things. Katchi asked the maids and the house lady to leave them for a while so she could talk to Sanga in private. As the last servant left and shut the door behind her, Katchi gently removed her bridal gown then went to rub Sanga’s shoulder.
Sanga moaned, she glanced behind her with a grin. The same grin shone back on her friend. Katchi reached around the mare and rubbed her chest gently while her other hand worked at the straps at the back of the dress. The dress fell with a ruffling thump; Sanga swished her tail and slapped her belly soundly with it. Katchi rubbed her way down between Sanga’s legs.
She clamped down on the relaxed lump that she knew Sanga would enjoy having massaged. The mare nickered lightly as her legs spread instinctively; Katchi dug a finger into the moist lips. A moaned broke out along with some minuscule amount of warm juices.
Katchi chuckled and flexed her tail between her legs, she positioned the tip at Sanga’s quivering lips. The tail toyed with the mare, gently probing and prodding. When Katchi finally gave in and shoved her tail in deep, Sanga quivered and groped her breast.
Sanga restrained shouting from her ecstasy as Katchi began to thrust into her. Katchi growled playfully as she nuzzled her playmate’s neck. A chuckle broke out of the dragoness’s mouth as her ‘mate’ tightened up on the makeshift shaft. Katchi pushed Sanga to the floor as she pulled out letting the juices drip freely on the floor away from the dress. She moved the dress in a single toss. She growled as she moved back over the mare and laid on top of her positioning herself so she could lick away at her lover’s juices.
Katchi slid her tongue past the silky waxed lips. A low whinny passed into the air as a sensitive place was hit and tormented. Pinned, Sanga could do little more then drool as Katchi twisted her tail around the appaloosa’s snout. This pleased the dragon as she pushed her face into the pink crevasse of mare. She tasted every bit of flesh in the moist cavern, all the way to the back wall.
Sanga squealed and spilled her juices onto the intruding snout. Katchi drank as much as she could before pulling out and turning to herself about to lay on her lover’s back and shoving a few claws into her own depths. She moaned a couple times before exploding onto the back of the mare. Sanga moaned as the warm liquid flowed onto her back then felt a tongue licking the fluid up.
Katchi lend over Sanga’s shoulders and forced her tongue into her lover’s mouth. She soon got the response she wanted and got the mare’s broad tongue shoved over her tongue. While Sanga was distracted, Katchi arched her tail and rammed it deep into the mare until she felt Sanga’s flesh barrier. She began to thrust and work Sanga up as she worked herself up. It was not long until they mixed their fluids and moaned over each other.
Worn and soaked, they rose and embraced. Then they went to wash up in a basin; afterwards, they dressed quickly then met with the Mistress. The dragoness told them that the males was still preparing and were close to being ready.

“Sires, the bride is ready and waiting, she proclaims you need to get in place.” A hurried messenger ran into the room.
“Thank you. Tell them we will be there soon.” The king nodded and waved off the messenger.
“Father, shall we go now?”
“Yes. I am going to need help getting to the ceremonial room.”
The messenger waited outside the room adhering to the rest of his orders to show the way for Roco. Roco picked his father up like a babe and carried him behind the messenger with Roland in tow. The males were silent as they worked their way through the crowding halls as patrons noticed that their king was being carried by a dragon. They followed murmuring amongst themselves as Rocolannash coughed and waved at a few people.
They heard soothing music as they neared a polished double set doors that towered over Roco. He stopped to stare but was prodded by a finger and a soft growl behind him. The doors opened up as they neared showing a near full room of several races, most noblemen and women, but he did notice that on the groom’s side that many of the friends that he had accumulated over the years came all thanks to the EDG’s asking for them. He greeted many of them as he moved down the aisle, there at the front sat his mother against the wall. She smiled and motioned to get him over, he abided and sat his father down. She nuzzled her love gently then looked to her son.
“Roco, you look ravishing, take care of her. Now get up there while I get your father’s firsthand ready to walk Katchi down.”
“I will mother.” Roco stepped up by the pedestal and smiled at Roland as he took the Best Man position.

After thirty minutes of waiting the beautiful ceremony began. Three hours later, the wedding finished with the newly weds kissing and the king slowly walking up to the with his crown in hand. Without words, Roco knelt and let his father sit the crown on his head despite the light murmur of protests throughout the humans. The Rocolannash the Third, turned to the crowd and pushed back a coughing fit.
“People of the Empire, I am deathly ill so I pass the crown to my only son. Despite your hatred, he was born before I took the throne and now that I can pass it on to him is my greatest wish. A change is happening. And. It. Is. Good! Let those who want to leave, leave. For now the third era has begun. We shall go to the speaking balcony so the new king can speak to his peoples.” The old man slumped slightly as his son grabbed him and helped him walk as he the new queen clung onto her king.

A crowd formed below just as Roco walked onto the fifth story balcony. He glanced over the city and sighed. He looked at his father whom walked to the rail.
“People of the Empire, I greet to you…my successor. My son, Rocolannash the Third.” He turned to his son and smiled. “Speak to them.”
Roco turned to the crowd and waved awkwardly. “My people, I greet you…”
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