What's New in Ellgar
April - June 2009


Cringer 990's Beast Captive is updated with higher resolution drawings. Also the zipfile is replaced. For those that liked the story, I recomend that you download it again. Not all artwork is replaced but many. Here is the button: /Aradd


Well, back already? So do I and the reason is that I got a mail from Cringer 990. I think mostly of you here known him. He sent a pdf file with a story and as you know, there is to little stories here in The Forgotten Empire. Well, I didn't like the pdf format as the fonts was to big in size and the drawings was small, if you not decided to zoom in and out. Cringer 990 have not done the pdf file himself. But now it is in html format, and also aviable as zipfile if you want to read the story offline. Cringer 990 also sent some other drawings that is now added in his section. You can use the button here:
Then I got another mail from Simon Barber and he have found a missing drawing for the Elder series. That is now added as another in the misc section. You can go to Simon's section if you just use the button here: /Aradd


It seems that Simon Barber have checked his archive a little bit closer... In 2004 he did some artwork including the Black Unicorn and now he found a drawing that he never sent to me, so it is now added in his section in The Dungeon. You can go there the easy way by using the button here, of course, the chance that you will ever return, is not big... /Aradd


Well, after over 2 1/2 year, Simon Barber is back and now it is time for some satyrs and goats... That is very good as the work with the comic section have not going the way I wanted it. So, it is better that you take a walk to Simon Barber's section, and it is easy if you use the button here: Aradd


So as I mentioned in the forum, this is a very small update. This page should have being added in the update for a very long time ago, but I decided to add it before I start with the real update. The button here will take you to the misc pages in the pig comic section and for those that want to know about the work proceed will go with the rest of the comic update, can just following the thread in the forum. Information will be added there in the next week. Meantime, here is the button to the page that it added today: /Aradd