What's New in Ellgar

For those that have read the comment on the forum, knows that I was contacted by Lupine. He sent me two movie clip, I have seeing them before but I can not remember the artist that have done them. However, they are now added and if you use this button: you will be on your way...
Earlier year it have being a bigger update for Xmas. It was always dedicated to the travellers that is alone for Xmas. Last year The Forgotten Empire was closed and this year it have not being possible to finished the work on The Maze. So, I have reuploaded the old The Maze. The Maze will be changed as soon as possible. Meantime you can go and take a look if you want, just use this button here:
I wish all travellers a very nice Xmas! Don't get lost in The Maze! /Aradd


I got a mail from AdobeFats, I am sure you remember him. He is one of the writers here in Ellgar and Kondor. He sometimes write stories togheter with other writers so it was needed to add this storie in a new section as we also welcome Vaulthurst here to Ellgar. The story section is now RTA taged, and for the new travellers that is lost here, the RTA is Restricted for Adults and is a software that not allow underage people to enter the site. SwampRats section is not RTA taged as it will be some changes there. Now I think it is story time for you all: .
I noticed that it was a critical error in Sludawg's section and that is now fixed: .
I found a gif animation that I thought some of you wanted to see, but ofcourse, it is better to add the movie instead of just a gif animation. The gif animation was not corrected taged, so it took me a short time to find it. It is now added in the 2D monster section, you can check it here: .


Doles is a well known 3D animation artist and he wanted to celebrate that The Forgotten Empire now is restarted again. He have sent around 200 mb of movies and one of them is exclusive made for The Dungeon/The Forgotten Empire. For the old travellers here, known that The Dungeon is for artwork, animation and stories about the webmaster: The Black Unicorn.
It was now needed to rework the artist sections so all artist that is in The Dungeon now have The Dungeon door added to their sections. You can now go to Doles section and just use the button. If you want to see the new unicorn animation, just use The Dungeon door in Doles section... But be careful... No one have return, so far... Well, be my guest, here is the button: /Aradd


So time for a quick update. The work with The Forgotten Empire is going a little slower than we all want, isn't it so? I will start to add two comics and first one is important as the comic is very, very hard to get any information about. One reason maybe is that the comic was released 1997. The name is Rut and you can go and take a look at it here:
We shall then go and take a look at horses... My little pony? Maybe... Tiny Bishoujo Senshi 2 is now added and of course you can also download it as a zip file: . For those that follow the comment on the forum know that Doles will send some movies, I have not got them yet so they will be added in a later update. /Aradd


Good evening. For those that have visit the forum the past time, know that some visitors here did the best they could to try to add The Forgotten Empire and the idéa was very good. But the site maybe is a little to big that it maybe will work as good that they hope for. I lift my hat for the work they did and as several travellers got problems to get the old artwork, the site is now online. The day after it was started I got a mail from Blacktail and he sent two new drawings that now are added in his section: Very nice isn't it?
The RTA tag, Restricted To Adults are added in all pages in the artists A-C section. I noticed a bug... no, I don't work on Microsoft, but some days it seems like that... hehehe... Well, one section in Beast Artist section was not correct added. It is now online as it should, it is monkey time:
So, then we have a update in the Flash Games section. It have being possible to play some different kind of flash games, and i like that. Go and take a look, but the game Legend of Queen Opala is not added in this update as I have not got the thumbnails from Gabe. I hope that they will be avaible in the next update. Here is the button, and keep your pants on:
As some you maybe already know, several games is not avaible in english. I tried to play one of the games, but of course it was not so fun when you have no idéa what is going on. Well, the solution is to add the graphics from the game and a new section is added. You can go and take a look here:
Now notice that this files are around 1 gb togheter in size so it can be some problems with the server. This is not the complete update and it will take some time as next update will be in Kondor. /Aradd