House of fear III. Side 1

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Posted: 17 Oct 2004 23:12    Post subject: The House of Fear (fur) III

Introduction: Well, seeing as its about that time of the year, and I'd like to make this
RP a yearly Halloween tradition, I'm going to try and set it up for a 3rd go.

The concept is simple, each character is offered a large sum of money to spend the night
in a house that is supposedly haunted. The house itself is a large 3 story victorian
manor. It has all the rooms it should, including bedrooms in several styles, a foyer,
kitchen, bathrooms, dining room, great hall, library, study, and any other rooms anyone
wishes to interject (within reason). Outside, there is a hedge maze, a sculpture garden,
and an overgrown greenhouse.

Unfortunately, the rumors about the house are all too true, as the entire range of
departed spirits reside in the manor house, from the playful to the downright vicious, and
many of them so love toying with the living.

Ground Rules: Players can play a ghost or a guest, both if they desire to. The goal is to
think up exceptionally nasty, not to mention erotic, things to do to one another. No
outright killing, but a bit of violence would be acceptable if the players agree to it.
Ghost players are free to use their spiritual powers in the normal ways
(dematerialization, making objects float, etc) and any other ideas they may have, within
reason of course. they may assume what form they wish, from the normal appearing
disembodied spirit, to monsters, to anything else. Living players are free to enter as
they wish, but they must remain on the estate until dawn if they wish to win. No god
modding, please. If anyone has any questions, feel free to PM me. Enjoy!

ferryt wrote:

Just a quick edit to include links to the precursors of this RP -- both of them very fun
reading. Hope you didn't mind, Draylen.

The House of Fear (Fur):

The House of Fear (fur) 2:

The dapper looking grey wolf walked along the third floor corridor, his paws clasped
behind his back. His eyes travelled the length of the corridor, along each wall, over each
side table and painting on the wall. He stopped at the large grandfather clock and looked
at it, withdrawing a pocket watch from his coat. The clock chimed 9 o'clock. He smiled.
"After all this time... still to the second." He said calmly, slipping the watch back into
his pocket.

Preston Rothwhite was dead. He'd actually been dead a long time, 88 years, 4 months, 12
days to be precise, but had since come to accept his fate. He'd lived here in life,
planned on growing old here, but fate had intervened and he'd died, his spirit remaining
behind instead of passing on. The first decade had been the worst, he'd come close to
madness, but afterwards he'd learned to look on the bright side of things... in
comparison. Various others had bought the mansion since his passing, and every one had
moved on after not to long... despite being dead, Preston liked to let others know he was
still around.

He resumed his walking, passing a flat paw over a dusty candelabra on a side table,
causing the aged wicks to alight in an eerie blue flame. One of the new little tricks he'd
found he could do... He turned and sighed, listening to the house. He could sense other
spirits about, though they did not show themselves to him. Preston considered himself one
of the more patriarchal ghosts of the manor... whether the others believed that didn't
matter to him, as long as they stayed out of his way, that was enough, though more than a
few rivals had risen from the ranks...

Preston resumed his walk, heading back towards the library, his preferred haunt, but
something made him stop... a sound. He stopped, matching it in his mind, it was a dull
thumping, even and steady, but something about it... he got it. It was a heartbeat, only
the living produced such a sound, he was sure of it. He had to bite back a laugh,
tormenting the living was one of his favorite pastimes, and he so rarely got the chance to
do it, especially considering no one wanted to come near the house. He did an about face,
flicking one finger at the candelabra and snuffing out the flames, before moving back
towards the 3rd floor landing where he could get a good view of the entry foyer. As he
walked, his feet began to dissolve into black shadow, moving up his legs until all he
resembled was a faint, moving shadow. Let's see what hand fate has been kind enough to
deal me... He thought, moving to the banister to look down.

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Posted: 18 Oct 2004 19:38    Post subject:

OOC: Dray, I read the tail end of the last one, and really don't have the time to go back
and study the thing from the beginning. I want in -- as a living body. My question -- do
we just have our characters walk in, or do you want to go through some sort of approval
process. I have several ideas all of which can fit into even the violence/NC undercurrent.
I don't care about "winning" -- I'm just interested in the nearly anything goes atmosphere
which you seem to be creating for this. However, I'm hesitant to get involved without some
other quality role-players, since I think the potential for an RP like this one is best
realized with a group of at least five or six.

Do we need Discussion: The House of Fear (fur) III to post our character, or do you really
care to know all the stuff we usually put in our character descriptions on other RPs?

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Posted: 18 Oct 2004 23:46    Post subject:

OOC: I would actually suggest reading the first one, it was much better... got me my first
message board yiff... *sniff* I'm so proud. But anyhoo, I think you can just come in, I'll
trust players to be reasonable in their character creation. If too may questions are
raised, we can start a Discussion thread for it, but seeing as there isn't a whole lot of
backstory to characters in this one, we probably don't need it at present. And indeed, the
more players the better. Five or six would be a great number.

Cameron Winter
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Posted: 19 Oct 2004 15:52    Post subject:

OOC- I remmber the second one bac when I first joined Yiif back on EZboard. I wuld have
taken part, but it was already too far along for me to join, so I hope to be part o this
one once we get a few more people.


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Posted: 19 Oct 2004 18:25    Post subject:

OOC : here goes im assuming this takes place in modern day and all butt all that aside im
gonna play as a live one but may toss in a ghosty later on sound good? great.

Ben Zimmerman sat on down on a couch in front of a grand fire place in the main hall. " HA
what lucky looks like Benny is first here this money is all mine." following a short laugh
the mouse moved some hair out of his eyes and looked over the "contarct". " This is the
smartes thing you've ever done Benny. " he stated before setting up his laptop and cheked
the CD. After pushing play he stood up and walked around the room abit stoping in front of
a mirror to flex his small mussles not showing under his baggy green camo shirt and his
baggy " goth " pants. Ben placed his contacts in which gave his eyes a red tint which he
hoped would give him an edge some how. " Damn why did I bring you along? " Ben said to his
back pack as he tossed it over to the couch, and turned his attention to a statue in the
room. " Wow your one sexy peice of stone umm what should I call you ? Jamie thats it
sounds good." he fisnished before ploping down next to his back pack looking at the statue
in the corner.

Kirstyn Despail

Joined: 14 Dec 2003
Posts: 446

Posted: 20 Oct 2004 15:45    Post subject:

Okay. A supposedly haunted house overnight. Didn't sound too hard for Kirstyn, the
blackfurred vixen who had been Hell's harem girl for an uncountable number of centuries.
She visited the mortal plane often, though, and had stumbled upon this while at that. Clad
in rather typical clothing, such as a red tank-top and black pants, she walked through the
lower hallway, while light was still creeping down in the sky. It would soon be night, and
the real fun would begin...

OOC: Hi!


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Posted: 20 Oct 2004 17:23    Post subject:

OOC: hi

Ben looked up from the porn on his laptop screen when he heard the foot steps down the
hall. hmm the competition he looked around alittle then smoothed out more of his fur
before saying " Ummmm hello im Ben who are you .. and why are you in here ? " tring to act
as though he had no idea.

Kirstyn Despail

Joined: 14 Dec 2003
Posts: 446

Posted: 21 Oct 2004 16:25    Post subject:

"For that little content thing they're holding here...and I'm Kirstyn." Came the reply as
the vixen entered the room.


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Posted: 21 Oct 2004 16:35    Post subject:

"contest ? ummm i assure you I have no idea what your talking about. " Ben said as he
clicked a few times on the mouse to bring up some more porn. Realising that she wasnt
going to buy it he droped the act. " Ok ok yeah its being held here but its easy money. "
Ben grined and looked over Kirstyn. " sooo have a seat i brought some dvd's if porn isnt
your thing."

Gideon Kalve Jarvis
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Posted: 21 Oct 2004 17:47    Post subject: Sam and the Yattering

OOC: Just so you know, the Yattering is actually based on a Clive Barker short story in
his "Books of Blood." It is rather flattering to see that something I started a long time
ago brought enough good memories that it has grown quite a bit beyond me.

IC: Sam was a tall, blonde stallion of the Belgian persuasion. He'd always been an honest
worker, and even owned a little farm of his own some miles off. But there was something
about the House that lured him in, something dark and dangerous that somehow appealed to
his seemingly innocent soul. It drew him like a moth to the flame, and he could not resist
the pull, even though he knew he wouldn't win the money, and knew full well that a
horrible fate would await him before the end of the night. Dressed only in his blue
overalls and heavy steel horseshoes, Sam stepped into the living room and noticed the
smaller goth fur and the black-furred vixen. He smiled in a friendly fashion and ambled
over to introduce himself. "Hey," he said in his deep, pleasantly-masculine voice. "How're
you doing for tonight?" And then he chuckled. "Either of you believe in ghosts, by the

OOC: What is Ben Zimmerman's species? Thanks.

The Yattering remained unseen for the time being. It was a beast from the darkest pits of
Hell, where no light could reflect from its sickly green mottled hide, and so it bided its
time for when the sun went down. At the present time the Yattering was hunched on the
mantle above the fireplace, looking down at the three foolish mortals that had come to
brave the House. It couldn't help but lick its lips at the tasty morsels that presented
themselves. Hmm, that delectable black vixen had the tang of sin in her every move. And
there was something in her scent that bespoke something more than mere mortalhood. And the
bite-sized fur on the computer should prove to be an excellent hors'dourve [sp] for the
demon's palate. It felt itself growing hard at the very thought of what horrors it
intended to inflict upon these fools that dared to defy the decrees of Hell, and began to
lay its plans with care . . .

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Posted: 21 Oct 2004 19:13    Post subject:

The Arctic fox walked with a slight limp down the cobblestone path to the steps that led
up to the door of the forbidding house. She was carrying a small shoulder pack and was
wearing a heavy jacket. Her eye was already well-adapted to the dark, and the nearly full
moon peeking through the trees to the east cast heavy, sharp shadows in its silvery light.
She drew the collar of her coat around her to help stave off the chill that had nothing to
do with the brisk Autumn air. She stopped and looked up. Was that a light that suddenly
winked out on the third floor?

The hair on the nape of her neck stood up as her foot touched the first step. There was
something here. She could feel it. She needed that money, though. Her parents, usually
more than willing to get her whatever she wanted, drew the line at the new portable
computer. They argued that the extra voice synthesizer she could carry was more than
adequate for her needs. She shook her head, wondering what she was getting herself into
and took the other two steps up to the door and turned the knob, pushing it open. It
responded with an almost cliched creek as it swung inward on its hinges to reveal a dimly
lit vestibule. Making the sign of the Celtic cross before she entered, she thought a
prayer to the Goddess and stepped inside, knocking loudly on the door before she closed

OOC: This is Jennifer Morison from Ray's SUMMER B-DAY PARTY AT MY PLACE!!!!!! -- trying to
make a new start for her since Ray's RP was terminated almost before it got anywhere.
She's in the character registry:

Gideon, Ben is a mouse.

Last edited by ferryt on 22 Oct 2004 23:17; edited 1 time in total

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Posted: 21 Oct 2004 22:45    Post subject:

From his lofty perch, Preston got a feel for each being entering the house. A skeptic...
well, something will have to be done about that... calling that bust of my dear departed
aunt Marianne something so simple as Jamie... tsk tsk. Ah, and what have we here... He
eyed the black vixen carefully. An enigma, she hides herself well, but there is something
about her I find unusual... and enchanting... He moved his eyes to the Belgian. And one
who is uncertain... he is terrified of this place, no doubts there, but something draws
him in... ah curiosity, my ally... He turned and began a slow decent down towards the
second floor landing, out of will he extruded his influence into the old wood stairs,
making three creaks as his shadowy form stepped on three steps... audible enough to be
heard and to chill, but easily dismissable as the settling of the house. He had just
reached the landing when the next one came in, another vixen, but polar opposite in color.
He smiled as she made her gesture, not entirely familiar with what it meant, and a bit
curious himself. I'll make a point of it to find out later... He thought to himself.

((OOC: Edited because I'm a goofus. *smacks self*))

Last edited by Draylen on 21 Oct 2004 23:15; edited 1 time in total

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Posted: 22 Oct 2004 19:04    Post subject:

A single candle stick sat perched upon a table in one of the smaller bedrooms on the
second floor of the house, observed only by the room's sole occupant. A mild caress of his
abilities against the wick and it burst into flame, a warm orange glow that cast strange
shadows across the room, iluminating a small mouse as it scittered across the floor and
under the bed for cover. Mica cocked his head to the side, watching as the mouse
retreated, and extinguished the candle with a careless gesture, the wick showing no signs
that flame had ever touched it. After a moment, the serval again ignited the candle, and
just as quickly extinguished it again, even the mild heat of the flame unneeded by the
unclothed feline.

There was so little to do, but time seemed to be in such abundance these days. By most,
Mica would have been considered dead, but at this point, after centuries already, he
wasn't convinced he'd even been alive. And he most certainly hadn't always been a serval,
that was just the 'costume of the month' for Mica. In life, if there was such a thing, he
had been a coyote, but that had quickly become boring as well. Now he was what he felt
like, simply because it occasionally amused him. Preston's library was helpful at times,
some of the books giving him new ideas whenever he was bored. Idly, Mica toyed with the
idea of visiting the library, either to look for some new shape or to visit with the wolf.
Maybe Preston would provide some entertainment, such distractions were few and far

The serval sighed softly, again lighting and extinguishing the candle when a trio of
creeking sounds caught his attention. One of his ears swiveled towards the sound, though
it was hardly necessary. What is that wolf doing? Mica thought to himself as he stood up,
simple tan pants and gray shirt appearing on his frame in a rippling wave. Without a
sound, Mica made his way out of the bedroom and down the hall towards the sound, stopping
as he came to the second floor landing where he spied the gray wolf. "What are you doing?"
he asked inaudibly to those in the physical world, a touch of mild curiosity entering his
voice as he addressed Preston. Before the wolf could answer, however, Mica's eyes were
drawn down towards the first floor, catching sight of the invaders to what was once
Preston's home. "Oh, I see," he added smoothly, eyes widening just a little. Still looking
down, Mica strolled out onto the landing as he studied the new arrivals.

"Visitors," the quasi-feline hissed softly, a light flutter of anticipation at the
prospect of amusement passing through him. The centuries had been so long, everyone needed
some kind of entertainment, after all.

OOC: Just a note, but I'm using italics with quotations to denote words spoken between
supernatural inhabitants that can't be heard by the living folks. Figured this looked like

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Posted: 22 Oct 2004 19:30    Post subject:

OOC: May I suggest that everyone follows Snow's idea of using italics with quotes? That's
a splendid idea.

Now, I gotta run back to work -- just got called with an emergency, but I'll get back and
get caught up with all the RPs I'm involved in.

Kirstyn Despail

Joined: 14 Dec 2003
Posts: 446

Posted: 22 Oct 2004 20:49    Post subject:

"Oh....don't worry about that, porn is actually very appealing to me." Kirstyn smirked
over at Ben. "It's really fun, actually." She leaned up against the wall, looking at the
taskbars and the computer monitor to see just what he was looking at. Now she sat down on
the old couch beside her, flopping down heavily even though she was of a perfectly
attractive frame; The thing must have just been really old.

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Posted: 22 Oct 2004 21:55    Post subject:

Preston let his eyes turn towards Mica for a moment before back down, one shadowy paw
resting on the railing. "It's called subtlety... simply appearing in front of them and
saying boo tends to ruin the effect." He said dryly. He gripped the banister. "A varied
bunch, to be certain..."

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Posted: 22 Oct 2004 23:04    Post subject:

"Yes, subtlety, where have I heard that word before?" Mica commented, theatrically
stroking his chin in mock contemplation. "Ah, yes, probably in one of your books." Mica
glanced over at Preston with a hint of a mildly predatory smile before he too returned his
attention to the people below. "I would never do something so... simplistic. It's just so
dull, you know."

"Appearing to them looking like you," the serval added with a slight shrug, a hint of an
accent coming through his voice. "Now that is a bit more entertaining, though I'm sure I
could come up with something far more creative." Mica studied the two vixens for a moment,
noting their contrasting colors, one black while the other white, and shifted his
attention to the stallion. He watched the large male, noting his manner seemed deceptively
casual, and then looked over towards the mouse, seemingly, like the black vixen,
captivated by whatever it was in his lap. "Indeed, a varied bunch," he commented and let
his muzzle break out into a grin. "So much opportunity, I just don't know where to begin."

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Posted: 22 Oct 2004 23:28    Post subject:

Jenny could hear voices from further inside the house, but what had her attention at the
moment was the flight of steps going up to the second floor on right, and another flight
of steps going down to the basement on her left. Big house, she thought to herself, as she
unbuttoned the outer flaps on her coat and then unzipped it. She was wearing a light green
blouse and a matching skirt in addition to the heavy jacket. She might be an Arctic fox
but that didn't mean she had to actually like the cold weather. She was still putting on
her winter coat, and it would be another month or so before her undercoat would be
completely grown in. At least most of the shedding was over with.

She focused her eye at the top of the steps to the second floor. What were people supposed
to do, anyway? If they stayed together there was a greater chance of having to share the
booty -- strength, or, rather, courage, in numbers, and all that. Well, she could check
out the other people, later. Nobody seemed to have heard her knock, so she assumed they
were all busy with their own, personal matters. Slinging her pack over her other shoulder,
she started up the steps to see what was on the second floor. After all, it helps to scout
out potentially unfriendly territory, and a little familiarity with the house might give
her an edge over the others. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched,
but reminded herself that she should probably get used to it.

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Posted: 23 Oct 2004 0:09    Post subject:

"You've been reading in my library again..."Preston commented sourly. "But no, I will not
appear to them until it is an oppertunity to my liking. Maybe present myself as the
caretaker, that wouldn't be much of a stretch, gain their trust, then reveal my true
being... but that all comes later..." He turned his head, seeing the arctic vixen climbing
the stairs. "Well well well, it appears we have a brave one... this could bear watching.
If you'll excuse me..."Preston took a big step back, towards the wall. There hung a
moderately sized portrait of himself as he'd appeared in life, standing in a distinguished
looking pose. He phased himself back into his old visage, the old paint strokes wrapping
around him, this was one of his favorite methods. To anyone watching, the painting
darkened ever so slightly for a moment before returning to normal.

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Posted: 23 Oct 2004 14:15    Post subject:

The old steps creaked as she ascended them. A single light at the top emitted a baleful
glow that was barely enough to illuminate the bottom of the steps, although it was more
than sufficient to reveal the painting of the grey wolf. Jenny stopped, her eyes drawn to
the picture and stepped up to it, examining the heavy wooden frame for a nameplate.
Finding none, she gently drew her fingers across the portrait almost in a caress across
the figure's cheek. I wonder who he was. Probably a ladies man, she mused to herself with
a grin that disappeared when a chill went through her body. Handsome sort, she added as
she drew her hand away. Maybe he's still around. She looked around her, that feeling of
being watched even more intense up here than it was on the first floor. Somebody is.
That's for sure.

OOC: Draylen -- do you want to give me tour of the second floor to establish the lay of
the land? I can make stuff up as she explores, but interactive is a lot more fun.

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Posted: 23 Oct 2004 18:11    Post subject:

(Second floor layout. Jenny is currently at the top of the 1st stairwell, which connects
to a landing. Assuming the door to the house is on the south side, the landing runs along
the north side of the large atrium that spans all three floors. From Jennys position,
going right leads to a corridor that has two bedrooms on one side, and a study, a small
bathroom, and a larger bedroom at the far end, which extends into the victorian turret on
one side of the house, affording a small gallery which is surrounded by windows. This was
Preston's room, and there are several more portraits of him and a bright red vixen
standing together there, it has a theme of navy blue and silver. At least one of them has
a nameplate with his full name, Preston Tiberius Rothwhite. The other rooms you may fill
in with what you wish. If Jenny goes left from her position, she will go along the
gallery, where on the left side there is a small storage room, and a sitting room with
several large windows. At the far end of the gallery is the stairwell up to the next
level. The overall trim is in a dark wood, and the carpet is a blood red. There are
several portraits on the walls, some of Preston, many of members of his family, and some
of other subjects. There are a few hall tables, all of which have an old three prong
candelabra, and an assortment of other items, not to mention a layer of dust. Any aspects
you wish to add are alright with me.)

IC: In his concealed hideout, Preston watched her through the eyes of his image. As she
touched it, he was tempted to draw back as not to give himself away, but he remembered she
would feel only cool canvas. He remained still, not letting himself give any hints, not
yet anyway.However, that wasn't to say he couldn't toy with her a bit. When she wasn't
directly looking at his face, he felt the old paintstrokes and bent them slightly, making
himself blink, just once, before returning to normal, the movement so subtle it could
easily be dismissed as a trick of the light.

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Posted: 23 Oct 2004 19:16    Post subject:

Mica leaned back against the wall of the corridor from which he had emerged, grinning to
himself as Preston vanished into the painting. Old tricks are the best tricks, are they?
he thought to himself, taking a moment to watch what happened before wandering off to find
his own entertainment. A touch of an idea struck his mind as he watched the white vixen
approach the painting, and Mica studied her intently as she ran her fingers across the
canvas surface, commiting as much of her form and image as he could to memory. One never
knew when such things would come in handy. His grin widened as one of her own spread
across her muzzle for the barest of moments and then faded. This one would be a fun one.
Perhaps later.

With utter silence, unseen and unheard by any that did not exist on his plane, Mica
stepped forward and started past the fox, letting a rustle of colder air follow his
movements as he started past her. He paused for a moment, looking up at the painting with
a brief wink. "I make you no promises, Preston," he said with a grin, holding his muzzle a
few centimeters from the vixen's ear, delighting in his unseen state. With a deep chuckle
that was full of mirth, Mica continued on, leaving Preston to play with the vixen, at
least until he became bored elsewhere.

He moved down to the first floor where the house's other visitors had set themselves up
and stood observing their goings on, cocking his head to see what exactly had the mouse
and the black vixen so intrigued. Whatever it was, he'd have to take care of that. The
only diversion in this house was to be provided by him and his kind, for Mica's amusment.
With a slight smile, Mica extruded his influence upon the floorboards behind the couch,
producing a very faint sqeak, begining his entertainment slowly.

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Posted: 24 Oct 2004 13:21    Post subject:

Jenny studied the portrait for few more moments before she was distracted by a cold whisp
of wind that shouldn't have been there, and then caught a flash of motion out of the
corner of her eye. Turning her head to the side quickly, her eyes looked straight through
Mica. A faint hint of a grin crossed her lips, again. I know you're here, whoever you are,
she "thought" to the entity her sixth sense had detected. Friendly or not? She added the
question more to herself, not even knowing if the otherworldly being could pick up on her
thoughts, but hoping it could. I guess I'll find out soon enough. She returned her
attention to the picture, studying the signature in the lower right corner. She hadn't
expected to recognize it, and she didn't.

A movement above her caught her eye and she glanced up, quickly. She could have sworn she
saw the portrait blink. Don't let your imagination get the best of you, Jenny. You need
this more than you've needed anything else ... except normalcy. She brushed her hand
across the painting, again, feeling the cool, textured surface. Farewell. I think I'd like
to know more about you and your life here, but I need to find a place a settle in. With
that she studied her options and decided upon the corridore to the right which was
presently lit only by a single light at each end. There was a wall switch with two toggles
on it, one of them on and one off. She figured the second switch would probably turn on
additional lights, but she didn't need them in ther currently dark-adapted state, so she
proceeded down the hallway, limping a bit more than usual from the strain on her hip after
climbing the stairs.

Opening the first door and peering into the darkness, she fumbled for a light switch and
couldn't find one. Reaching into her shoulder pack she withdrew a small Maglight and
clipped a red filter over the lens before switching it on. Sweeping the beam around the
room she noticed that it was nothing more than a bedroom ... perhaps worthy of
investigation, later. The next door revealed an almost identical room. Again, she passed
on the opportunity to explore. The door under the light at the far end opened with a faint
squeak. Stepping inside, she looked for a light switch and found it, flipping it on and
blinking her eye against the sudden illumination.

Turning off the flashlight, she stuffed it into the pocket of her jacket, and looked
around. Paydirt!, she silently exclaimed to herself. This was obviously the room of one of
the more important denizens of the mansion. She quickly checked the two doors, one of
which led to a bathroom. Interestingly, it was stocked. She hadn't expected that. The
other door led to a study. She quickly scanned the bookshelf which held some very old
books, but saw nothing in the few seconds she took to grab her interest. Exiting, she
walked toward the bed until a row of paintings along the wall caught her eye. She
instantly recognized the person in several of them. Diverting to the wall, she approached
one of them that showed him with a beautiful red fox. Maybe not a ladies man ... maybe
just the man of a lady, she thought as her hand gently caressed the picture frame. He had
good tastes in females as well as decor. The next picture actually had a nameplate.
Preston Tiberius Rothwhite, she thought, slowly, savoring each of the words as she
imagined her voice, if she had one, would sound.

She looked at each of the pictures, wondering who the other people were, and finally came
to the bed, the curved outer wall of the turret letting in the light of the moon through
its windows. Walking to the windows, she looked outside and studied what little of the
property was visible under the moonlight, and then turned her attention back to the bed.
Taking the few steps to it, she plopped her shoulder pack on it and removed her coat,
folding it and laying it on top of the dresser that was next to it. I think I'll stay
here, tonight. I hope you don't mind, Mr. Rothwhite ... and I promise to leave things just
as I found them." She smiled and sighed as she sat on the soft mattress, mildly surprised
that it would still be so comfortable, although much of the house could have been
refurbished over the years, so perhaps it wasn't such a surprise after all.


OK, I'm starting to have too much fun. I didn't expect to write a short story when I
started this post.

I'm not certain how the atrium relates to the rest of the house. Is this like a large open
area from the third floor to the first floor overlooking the "great hall" and with a
balcony going around it on the third and second floor, giving anyone there a vew into the
great hall from above?

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Posted: 25 Oct 2004 0:10    Post subject:

((OOC: The atrium and the great hall are seperate. The atrium is simply the large central
area overlooked by the 2nd and 3rd floor landings. The great hall is at the back of the
house on the 1st floor, and is a large room about 2 stories high with a vaulted ceiling
and a large fireplace. Oh, and I should point out that in Preston's room, on one of the
tables there is a chess set all arranged, with the exception of the fact that one of the
black pawns has been tipped over.))

As she left, Preston slid along the wall, along the other rooms until he spotted a bar of
light coming from the doorway to the room he'd called his own. He crept along the wall and
peered in. She'd turned on the light, which would increase the chances of one spotting the
dim shadow on the wall. He hid himself in the hallway, looking in and observing. He didn't
go in there much, bad memories, especially... his eyes travelled to the painting of
himself and the vixen... of her, and how his love had been ripped from his heart. Even in
his phantasmal form, he bared his teeth, a sudden wave of coldness running through the
room as the old anger surged for a moment before he could control it. Keep your temper
Preston... she's gone for good, and you're dead. It's old wounds... He thought to himself,
watching the arctic vixen.

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Posted: 25 Oct 2004 0:30    Post subject:

Jenny sat on the bed for a few moments wondering what to do, next when her eye landed on
the table with the chessboard. Getting to her feet again she walked over and examined it.
It looked handmade, the board itself, made of inlaid squares of what appeared to be dark
reddish granite and white marble. The pieces were carved from the same stone. She picked
up the two knights and held them together, comparing them, and noticed the inconsistencies
in them, after which she carefully replaced them. The pawn errant was the next subject of
her scrutiny as she picked it up with a mock scowl and placed it down in its proper place.

She started to turn away from the table, and then on impulse moved the white king pawn two
spaces forward. She would come back later and make black's move. This was a game she had
played since most little girls were absorbed in playing with their dolls, and she
frequently practiced games against herself. At least there would be something to do,

Returning to the bed, she opened her shoulder pack and removed several votive candle
holders and scented candles, placing one on the dresser, one one on the chess table, and
one on a stand that was near the door, lighting each one as she went. Flipping off the
light in the room, she returned through the semi-darkness and retrieved a tablet PC from
the pack, placing it on the bed next to the pillows and then sat down to remove her boots.
Those went neatly on the floor at the foot of the bed, with her stockings tucked into the
tops. Wriggling her toes she lay back across the mattress, her legs dangling over the side
of the bed, and breathed in the scent of lavendar that was filling the room.

OOC: OK, thanks. I think I've got it, now.


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Posted: 25 Oct 2004 6:50    Post subject:

Ben smiled at kirstyn as she sat down next to him observng his computer." Thats good to
know and yeah I agree it gets me in the mood." Ben said turning up the volume and turning
to see Sam. " Oh hi dude im Ben ... and who believes in ghosts now-a-days? Im here for
free cash, need a new system this thing isnt gonna do its already a year old. Oh yeah do
you like porn? I have one poped in if you'd like to watch." Ben's red tinted eyes flashed
as he began to realise there may be some competion yet.

Returning his attention to the screen where a super sexy vixen was getting double teamed
by two rather massively endowed mice. " whatabout you? you believe in ghosties and ghouls?
" Ben asked to the stallion without taking his eyes from the screen.

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Posted: 25 Oct 2004 16:57    Post subject:

Preston watched with amused interest as Jenny went about her business in his old room,
faintly relieved as she shut off the imposing overhead light, granting enough darkness for
him to slip in unnoticed, flattening himself against one wall. His house had been built
with no electricity, the lights an addition by one of the later owners, an expansion he
hated. A classical candelabra was enough for him, and tended to give off a more refined
light. The candles in the room illuminated it more to his liking, though he could do
without the lavender. He brushed a finger along one of his portraits, not far from the
turret. Though all traces of it had been cleaned away, either by cloth or by time, his own
blood had stained this frame, so long ago. He pulled his finger back, turning back to look
at both the vixen, and his chess board. She'd righted the black pawn and made the first
move, and while he was tempted to make a countermove, he decided against it for now, as a
moving piece would ruin all chance at total deception. However... He reached out, placing
his palm over the candle on the table, and closed his fist around it, the small flame

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Posted: 25 Oct 2004 18:34    Post subject:

Jenny noticed the sudden dimming of the already dim light, and since the table was off
more-or-less to her right, her eye picked up the flame flickering out. And I thought that
was one of my best batches, she said to herself as she tipped her head to one side to look
in that direction. She contemplated getting up to relight it, but the bed felt so
wonderful after her less-than-favorable day at school and her part-time job as a waitress,
that she quickly put it out of her mind.

Drawing her legs up on the bed, she rotated so that she was lying properly on it and
curled up with her head on pillow as she ran through the day's adventures, deciding that
it hadn't been all that adventurous if you discount almost getting hit by a car running a
stopsign, and that one customer that tried to feel her up -- twice. Her thoughts came back
to the house and the stories of the ghosts that were in it. Well, ghosts were almost
everywhere, if you knew how to "look", so it didn't surprise her that such an old house,
with so much history behind it, might not have its share. Still, the darkness wasn't
something that frightened the young Witch. She had been practicing her religion for as
long as she could remember, having been indoctrinated into it by her mother and father. To
her, supernatural beings were just one more part of the myriad flavors of life and death.
Let the others huddle together in their fear, or, even worse, their denial.

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Posted: 26 Oct 2004 0:53    Post subject:

Preston mused to himself as he stepped back from the now unlit candle, rubbing his paws
together. So many options and none of them bad... he considered his next move, this arctic
vixen may like playing chess, but he had games all his own that required as much strategy
and skill. He moved towards the bed, sitting on the edge of it, less than a foot from her,
his lack of weight leaving no mark. He reached out and combed his phantasmal fingers
through her hair, not producing a necessarily tangible feeling but something along those

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Posted: 26 Oct 2004 7:29    Post subject:

Jenny was still contemplating what she was going to do next when a sensation like fingers
running through her hair caught her attention. Her first inclination was to slap the
offending insect, but she restrained herself from moving immediately, concentrating on the
feeling, instead. The very slight chill that ran up her spine was further evidence to her
that she had just enountered something supernatural. Turning slowly on her side she looked
around her, less with her eye than with her mind, trying to make out the fleeting, not-
quite-seen shapes that she was familiar with from her more "formal" work, but she saw
nothing If there is someone there, I bid you welcome, she projected, again hoping that her
thoughts might penetrate the Veil even though she hadn't peformed the ritual to make such
an opening.

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At this proximity, Preston could hear dull echoes of the thoughts, not enough to make
sense of them, but enough to sense their presence. So, she knows I'm here... or at least
someone is... He thought. Surprising to say the least... He'd never encountered anyone
like this, who took his phantasmal proddings with ease and seemed more interested in
trying to draw him out rather than evade him. Deciding to try and see how she reacted to
another form of stimuli, he raised a paw and gestured a finger towards the door, causing
it to slowly shut with a dull click. Another couple of gestures extinguished the remaining
candles, save the one farthest from them. Preston got to his feet and moved to the far
side of the room, allowing his influence to touch the floor boards, and began walking
towards where Jenny sat, each step causing a small sound and occasionally a creak from the
board, giving her the distinct impression that someone else was approaching her in the

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Posted: 26 Oct 2004 23:29    Post subject:

Jenny quickly sat upright in the bed when she heard the door shut, the light from the
hallway no longer helping the candle to illuminate the doorway, and held her breath,
listening intently. She had looked toward the door quickly enough to see if anyone had
entered the room, so she was certain she was still alone -- at least regarding the living.
The candle in the turret flickered and went out and then a few moments later she heard
footsteps on the creaky floorboards approaching her.

Her eye focussed in the direction of the sound, trying to make out any movement from the
dim light being cast by the candle near the door. Seeing nothing she averted her gaze,
allowing her peripheral vision to take in the same area. Still nothing. Releasing her held
breath, she closed her eye and forced herself to relax, looking in that direction through
her closed eyelid until she felt the slight tingling in her spine and lightness in her
head that indicated she had accessed her "second sight". In her mind, although it was
"projected" as a visual image, she saw the faint motion of "something" approaching her. It
was entirely without any recognizable form -- more just a barely perceptible sensation of
"motion" than anything else. It would take a formal ritual for her to bring the presence
into clear focus, but she really hadn't brought everything she needed to do that.

On impulse, she grabbed her tablet PC, flipped it on, and scribbled something on it, after
which she pushed the hotbutton which turned her handwriting into easily readable text. She
laid the PC on the edge of the bed and scooted a foot or so away from it. It said:

I'm Jenny. I am no threat to you. If you can read this, please give me a sign.

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Posted: 27 Oct 2004 0:45    Post subject:

Preston stopped for a moment as she placed the tablet down and read the text from it with
polite interest. What this new generation of mortals saw in their technology was a mystery
to him, but apparently she had found a practical use for this particular device. So, she
wants a sign does she? He could sense a rise in her pulse, though she showed no outward
signs of fear. Preston released his hold on the floor, silencing his footsteps and walked
around the other side of the bed as stealthily as he could; this one seemed to have an
innate sense on him, and he did everything he could to hide himself from her. he came up
to the bed and leaned over the side, placing the tip of his shadowed muzzle right beside
her ear and opening it. "Will this do?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

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Posted: 27 Oct 2004 7:15    Post subject:

She jumped, her heart skipping a beat, as the faint voice startled her. Quickly turning
toward the voice, and seeing nothing, she quickly regained her composure. That is not my
imagination, she told herself. Too many things happening at once. She retrieved her tablet
and scribbled on it, again.

If you're Mr. Rothwhite this is your room. May I stay here, tonight? I promise to not make
a mess.

As she placed the tablet back down on the bed, she concentrated, using the memory of his
voice as a "focus". I can't speak. Can you hear me?

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Posted: 27 Oct 2004 12:06    Post subject:

Preston smiled to himself tightly, the jump he'd been expecting, but such a quick return
of compusure he hadn't seen coming. She was right now looking right at him, or right
through him to be more accurate. He could hear dim echoes of a voice in his mind, as if
she was trying to speak with him mentally. He allowed himself an audible and somewhat
chilling chuckle. "Well, I suppose the best way to refer to me would be the late Mr.
Rothwhite, but no matter. You may stay here, but I would warn you that I am not the only
spirit inhabiting this manor, and a good deal of them are less, say, civilized, than I
am." He brushed a paw through her hair once more and up along her ear. "You would seem to
be trying to communicate with me, but its very faint and I'm afraid I can't form words
from it."

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Posted: 27 Oct 2004 12:21    Post subject:

Jenny raised her eyebrows when the ghost suddenly became more communicative. That she most
certainly hand't expected. Even less expected was the feel of his hand on her head. She
tensed with the first touch and then leaned into it, noting that while it felt like a hand
there was none of the warmth that would have been there with a flesh-and-blood person. She
grabbed the PC and began scribbling on its screen again. When she finished she tipped it
to the left {that's the side I'm visualizing him on} and pressed the hotbutton that
translated her cursive into readable print.

Thank you, Mr. Rothwhite. I'll defend myself if need be, but no one, here, has anything to
fear from me. I just need to win the prize so I can buy a better one of these -- one that
has an actual voice in it. I can't talk, and this and sign language are the only ways I
can communicate. I could talk to you if I prepared a proper ritual, but that would
probably attract those other spirits you mentioned.

She looked, again, concentrating very intensely to see him, but even her second sight was
failing to capture more than an occasional whisp of faint "light" -- nothing which could
positively identify him as the person in the picture.

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Posted: 27 Oct 2004 15:49    Post subject:

Preston smiled to himself, moving around to her other side, opposite of where he had been
before, just to throw her off guard. "Oh, I don't think anyone here would be afraid of
you. Many of the others simply enjoy terrorizing the living..." Not that I disagree wth
them, he added mentally, moving to a different angle, seemingly speaking down from right
above her.

"A ritual? That likely would get the attention of a number of the others, to say the
least. I can tell there's something different about you, the others, downstairs have a mix
of emotions regarding this place, but none of the same ones you do. I've stayed here in
this house for the better part of a century, and after all that time, it takes a
significant event to to raise my curiosity."

He could tell that previously she'd been trying hard to make him out, not with her eyes,
but somehow else. "I can tell. You're trying to see me, aren't you? You don't like
speaking with what you cannot discern from the surrounding darkness."

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Posted: 27 Oct 2004 16:04    Post subject:

Jenny kept moving her head, her ears flicking to follow his voice. She knew that many
spirits were capricious like this ... too many boring years of being bound to one place
with little to do. It wasn't surprising that they would take pleasure in such small
things, when those things were so rare.

I've dealt with spirits such you before, Mr. Rothwhite. Some friendly and some not so
friendly. Some content with where they are and others longing to pass on. Most people who
come to places like this are afraid of you, or don't believe that you exist. To me you are
as real as they are even if I can't seem to see you. She had no idea if he could even
discern the color change she made to emphasize her last phrase.

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Posted: 27 Oct 2004 21:58    Post subject:

Preston allowed himself a smirk. "And yet you so easily assume I am in the prior
catergory. I could easily represent your end and you would spend an eternity here in a
similar predicament to my own." He said quietly, cryptically. "And I would think I've
shown more than a few a new view on whether or not we exist." He paused, walking with
aubible footsteps once more across the room. "I've since given up on passing on, a fading
dream. Someone has seen it fit to make me the subject of some cosmic joke, and I am most
assuredly not laughing. I do have one question for you though, and that is if you do not
have thoughts of me being unreal due to my invisibility, then why do you keep trying to
sight me?" He allowed a small laugh. "After so long here, I've become amazingly perceptive
when it comes to little details."

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Posted: 27 Oct 2004 22:15    Post subject:

The flop-eared rabbit walked down the cobblestone approach to the old house. Her clothes
were uniformly black, from her skirt that fell about midway between her knees and the
ground, and the black blouse that wasn't visible because it under her long black coat that
hung to mid-thigh level. Unlike her clothes she was uniformly grey except for her big
brown eyes and her lighter brown, almost pink, nose. Each of her ears had a row of ringed
piercings extending from the base almost to the tip. There was a spring in her walk, more
so than usual for a bunny.

She finally came to the entrance of the mansion and looked it over with a calculating eye.
She had heard about this contest from an unlikely source -- a source so unlikely that she
was actually surprised that there was a house here, at all. Still, she had nothing more
interesting to do, tonight, so it was a risk worth taking. Besides, she was hungry, and
there was likely nourishment as well as a little fun, here. Smiling to herself she stepped
towards the heavy wooden door -- and through it. Mortal eyes watching from either side
would have seen ... nothing.

As soon as she was within the house she materialized, fully visible to mortal and ghostly
eyes, alike. In fact, to those of the spirit realm, she was, by all appearances, as mortal
as the other visitors tonight. Hearing voices, ahead, she quickly began approaching, a
swing in her step and a smile on her face.

Last edited by ferryt on 28 Oct 2004 0:26; edited 1 time in total

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Posted: 27 Oct 2004 22:31    Post subject:


Jenny's expression turned from puzzlement to a slight smile as she listened to Preston.

I make no assumptions about your nature, Mr. Rothwhite. You're being friendly now, and for
that I'm appreciative. Should you, or any of the others here, attempt to harm me I'm
prepared to defend myself. My kind were doing so long before you became what you are, so
my methods are well-proven. I have no desire to to harm any of you -- or even to unduly
disturb any of you. My only purpose for being here is to acquire a device which can be my

Don't assume that you can't pass on, either. If you wish to, I, or others like me can aid
you in doing so. Such curses can be lifted, but only if you really desire it.

As for why I keep trying to see you, let's just say that I like to use all my senses. I
have only the sound of your voice and the noises you choose to make. Perhaps ... I wish to
know you better, and that means more to me than just the sound of your voice and the feel
of your hand in my hair. There is more to you than that. If I so wished I could prepare
myself in a way that would enable me to see you, but that would entail loss of many of my
other perceptions, and with others who are still anchored in the land of the living in
this house, I choose not to take that chance.

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Posted: 28 Oct 2004 1:19    Post subject:

"I only do physical harm to those who warrant it." Preston said flatly. "As for you
harming me, I find that fairly unlikely. You know as well as I do that you can't kill that
which is already dead, and as for other means of removal, my attachment to this place is
very strong; one of the previous owners held a mass blessing with as many priests as they
could bring together, and it barely even phased me. Fortunately, I bear you no ill will,
for now, and no harm shall come to you by my hand."

He paced along the foot of the bed. "I do not like revealing myself, it makes me feel
vulnerable and exposed... but I suppose if you wish a small sampling I shall grant it to
you." The footsteps moved so he placed himself between the remaining candle and Jenny, and
he released his hold on his form, not letting himself drift all the way back to what he'd
looked like alive, but so he appeared as a black shilouette with glowing blue eyes,
eclipsing the candle. He held up one hand and turned it back and forth a few times before
returning to his intangible form. "I trust you are saisfied?" He asked.

"As for my passing... seeing as I've had a great deal of time, I've theorized on it. I
died a violent death, and what went on immediately after scarred me to the point that my
rage and anguish would not permit me to leave, even if I wanted to. It lasted almost a
year, I came close to madness, if the manor had been occupied at the time, I would've torn
anyone who lived here apart." he said, his voice chilled.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis
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Posted: 28 Oct 2004 10:17    Post subject: The Bad Things Begin

OOC: Sorry for the delay. I will try and post more in the future.

IC: Sam took one look at the screen, and turned away hastily, blushing from ears to tail.
"Uh, my parents brought me up right," said the big horse in great embarassment as he
stepped to one side so that he wouldn't have to see the screen. "But as to beliving in
ghosts, yeah, I do."

Sam looked very serious when he said this. "I've been in this yearly contest for three
years now, this being the third, and every time the things that happen have gotten worse.
I don't know what you expect to happen while you're here. Probably nothing. But I can tell
you right off that you're wr . . ." Almost as if on cue, the flames in the big fireplace
suddenly turned blue. The room was cast in eerie shadows by this change in lighting, and
the faces of the three furs were thrown into stark relief. Sam gave a soft moan as he
realized what was about to happen. "It's started again," he said softly.

The Yattering was enjoying itself. It's thick green erection was standing at full
prominence as it watched the entertaining fun that the mouse was viewing on his little
picture box, and it decided that it enjoyed such wonders of the modern era. In fact, it
enjoyed them so much that it wanted to play with it. As the Yattering exerted his powers,
the supernatural energy affected the nearby flames, turning them blue.

As Ben looked at his screen, he could observe as the two mice thrusting into the vixen
between them suddenly seemed to age, and then to decay, their bodies falling in on
themselves. Their massive cocks, however, remained perfectly serviceable, and they
continued to piston themselves into their living lover. The vixen's eyes widened in horror
at the change, but she was held fast by the incredible strength of the two undead mice,
and could only whimper in abject horror as they began to ravish her between them, her eyes
closing as she prayed for the nightmare to end.

"Not bad," thought Sylk Whysper to herself as she observed the Yattering at his play, her
dimly-glowing red eyes actually visible from the balcony overlooking the main room and
foyer, even if nothing else of her midnight-furred shape was visible to mortal eyes. "But
then, that's only what you can expect from a demon like the Yattering." She grinned then,
the darkness splitting to reveal a set of razorblade Chesire Cat teeth. "He wouldn't be
here if he wasn't very good at what he does. And neither would I." She took a few steps
down the stairs, her invisible feet making no sound. "Send the mouse to me, Yattering,"
said the black panther succubus in an imperious tone, using words only demons could hear.
"You may enjoy him a little first, if you wish. But once you are done, I shall see to it
that he is . . . taken care of." She licked her lips hungrily. "I expect that his soul
will be quite delicious. You may have the black vixen and the stallion all for yourself if
you wish."

The Yattering looked up from where he crounched over the three in the living room only
long enough to give Sylk a grin and nod, before he turned back to his fun, his luminous
green eyes starting to glow so that they could almost be seen in the physical world. As
soon as he'd built up enough energy, either from fear or lust, then the Yattering could
take a direct hand in his fun. Until then, of course, he was limited to using objects
around the House. He wasn't especially interested in the stallion, since he usually
prefered females, but the skeptical male mouse was a target he could hardly resist, for
the sake of professional pride as much as anything else.


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Posted: 28 Oct 2004 15:12    Post subject:

Ben watched the screen wide eyed wondering what happend to the beautiful movie he had seen
hundreds of times before. "Holy shit... never seen a virus do that before..." he looked up
at the blue flames then at the horse back to his screen again. " What the hell did you do
bud?? " Ben observed the movie for a short time more grinning alittle " well it must be a
hack job .. a good one i havent been hacked in ages." Ben stated before typing on the key
board getting no responce he pushed the power button " What the fuck! " Ben shouted
getting quite upset as he riped out the battery pack and the screen didnt falter in its
undead orgy.

Ben slamed the laptop closed and shoved it into his back pack cursing and grumbling. "What
the hell am I supposed to do now!?!?" Ben asked no one in paticular as he stomped over to
the statue in the corner.

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Posted: 28 Oct 2004 18:47    Post subject:

That little weasel, Mica thought to himself with growing annoyance as the mouse increased
the sound being made by his little machine, drowning out Mica's first attempt at subtlety.
"You are here for my enjoyment, not to entertain yourselves with your devices," he
snarled, inaudible to those not existing on his plane. Mica's tail lashed behind him, his
anger growing, and for a moment, his form blured and became indistinct, looking for all
the world like what would happen if someone actually managed to cross a serval and a

As quickly as it began, however, it was past, and Mica's image snapped back into focus as
a serval while the room's other supernatural inhabitant, which he hadn't noticed until
now, began its fun as well. Mica rolled his eyes and shook his head at the display, though
a brief chuckle escaped his muzzle as the mouse slammed his device closed, his show now
hopelessly beyond his control. "As subtle as a herd of buffalo," he growled, vaguely in
the creature's direction, but far more interested in the 'living' entertainment at the
moment. Mica, technically, didn't do what he did out of a desire to be good or a desire to
be evil, he was, quite simply, bored out of his mind. The fact that his sole source of new
entertainment in quite some time was so intent on entertaining themselves instead of him
was rather irritating. Apparantly subtlety wasn't the way to go with this crowd, which was
a shame, for as he had told Preston, he could come up with something far more creative
than blatantly obvious to start out with.

Still, it was vaguely amusing, the other creature's antics, and that was saying something.
He leaned back against a doorway, watching as the mouse wandered over to the statue, and
shifted his attention to the stallion. This one seemed to understand better than the
others, why he was here, and almost, to Mica at least, seemed drawn to what went on within
the walls of Preston's home. Perhaps this one could be of some entertainment, though he
wasn't interested in quite the same way the other creature so obviously was, Mica's taste
not venturing to males. Exerting his influence, Mica let an unnatural breeze of colder air
drift through the room as he had done with the other vixen, but was distracted before he
could do more as he caught another shape out of the corner of his eye moving this
direction. He frowned as he caught site of the rabbit moving this direction, he hadn't
heard the door open. With a flick of his ears, Mica shrugged. "What are you so happy
about?" he asked as he noted her smile, more to himself since mortals existed on a
different plane than he. Maybe this one could be entertaining as well, perhaps with the
stallion and this rabbit he could arange some suitable entertainment. Of course, there was
always Preston and his vixen, he could probably annoy Preston by dropping in, and that,
too, was amusing. Decisions, he thought to himself with a smile of his own, looking over
the bunny for a moment, then the stallion, then back to the bunny.

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Posted: 28 Oct 2004 19:13    Post subject:


Jenny's eyes widened as the apparition took form in front of her. She had actually been
expecting to see something that looked like the Preston Rothwhite in the pictures. When he
disappeared and asked if she was satisfied, she just smiled, listening to what else he had
to say. Her smile changed to a frown as he explained his demise, and she immediately
picked up the tablet and began writing, pausing several times for a few moments to choose
her words.

There are fates far worse than death, or even what you are experiencing. It's within my
power to harm those who are unliving, and I've done so on a few occasions, but only to
defend myself. Those priests and their "blessings" -- they are captured in the mythology
of false faith. Their rituals are shadows of the magic of ancient times, further diluted
because they "think" they know what is good for you. I'm sorry for the way you passed out
of the mortal world, and I'm sure it has been difficult for you. And I know that, right
now, you aren't ready to pass on, but when I depart I'll leave something here that will
let you contact me when and if you are ever ready to confront that which is holding you
here. Even if you can't do it, alone, that doesn't mean you can't do it with other's
supporting you.

Thank you for a glimpse of your form. You're right. I don't like communicating with that
which I can't see. I don't even like telephones. I would ask a question, and understand
that you might not want to answer it. I've heard stories of people who have come here for
these contests. Most people believe them to be just that -- stories. But I know that such
things are possible. What I would like to know is why those of your kind treat the living

She set the PC down on the edge of the bed, orienting it so that it faced in the direction
she had seen him last.


The bunny strolled into the Great Hall and saw the others huddled together, appearantly
absorbed in something going on with the computer. "Hi!" Her voice was cheerful -- almost
bouncy. "I assume you're all here for the contest?" She met each person's eyes in turn,
including those of the Yattering and Mica, with a big grin on her face. "I heard this was
fun, so I thought I'd drop by." She peeked at the computer and flicked one of her droopy
ears. "Eeeewww! I'd think you guys could come up with something better than that to
entertain yourselves. That's just, like ... gross!. Oh, sorry. I'm Sireth. Don't ask -- my
parents named all us kids funny."


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Posted: 28 Oct 2004 20:57    Post subject:

"Hey I couldnt help it someone hacked my system and fucked up my shit." Ben said plainly
to the bunny girl. "I liked it alot better befor it got all twisted too.. oh wheer are my
manners in Ben Zimmerman a pleasure to meet you ummm Sireth hmm wow I always thought my
name was weird." Ben wanderd around the room looking up the grand stair case rubbing his
hand on the smooth banister. "But yeah im here for the contest... but you all should just
give up because i dont buy into the ghosty idea thats just shit your parents tell you to
scare you as a kid." Ben finished as he looked up the stairs and felt the urge to go up
but fought it making his way back to the couch and ploping down. "Nice place isnt it?"

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Posted: 28 Oct 2004 21:23    Post subject:

Sireth followed Ben over to the statue and ran her fingers along its cold stone as she
listened to the mouse rant. She stayed there as he walked around the room, obviously
agitated, and approached him only when he stopped at the base of the staircase, placing
her hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, it's a nice place." She glanced around, again meeting
Mica's and the Yattering's eyes briefly. "It could use some work on the interior
decorating, though. You know, though, there just might be something to those things your
folks tell you about ghosts. You do believe there's a soul that lives on after death,
don't you?"

OOC: Just a reminder, guys -- Sireth seems completely mortal to the ghosts around here.
Other than the fact that she looks like she might see them, there's nothing to indicate
she's anything but living flest and blood. All will be revealed later.

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Posted: 28 Oct 2004 22:22    Post subject:

Preston smiled, feeling much better to be concealed once more. "Its not my only form
really, I've learned to vary from what you see now, or I should say what you don't see
now, barely even a shadow, to what you see lining the walls, appearing as much flesh and
blood as you do. What you saw was about the halfway point." He turned and stepped
sideways, stroking his chin. "As for why I take such petty pleasure in toying with the
living... for one, there is little else to do here after so long, pull any book from the
library shelf and I assure you I have read it a dozen times over. A little diversion is
always welcome to me. But more importantly, I do it because most of them do not know true
fear. To them, death is a watered down version of its true self, something that can be
ridiculed and ignored until late in life. When they mock death, they mock me, and it makes
me feel ill to know such small minded fools are allowed to squander what has been gifted
to them while I languish here." He paused once more. "But most prominently... when I died,
I was imbued with a rage that knows no bounds. I've since learned to control it, and it
has worn down somewhat, but it is always there, just beneath the surface. A loathing for
most all that lives, a residual hatred for the living beings that did this to me." He
finished, his voice getting very cold at the end. But in an instant, he was cordial again.
"And I couldn't agree with you more on your views on such false faiths, something I gave
up on long ago, faith. I am curious though, I saw you make a sign as you entered this
house, one that I did not recognize, and you obviously follow some different path. I am
curious, please elaborate."

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Posted: 29 Oct 2004 0:03    Post subject:

Jenny listened with attentive interest to what he said, nodding in agreement several
times. She decided not to immediately comment on everything ... at least not right now.

I'll remember to bring you some books after this day is over. We have a library in town
and I can borrow them for up to two weeks at a time.

The symbol I made when I entered was the even-armed cross, an ancient symbol from the
Celts. The vertical line represents the spiritual plane and the horizontal represents the
material plane. Together they represent the union of the two, as equals -- not like the
Christian cross which emphasizes the importance of their Heaven over their Hell ... and
over the material plane. We use the Celtic cross, sometimes, when we enter a sacred place.
I thought it appropriate as I crossed the threshhold to this house.

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Posted: 29 Oct 2004 4:26    Post subject:

Mica's eyes followed the bunny as she entered the room, silently observing from his
position leaned against the edge of a doorway from which he could see all the goings on in
the room. His mind was still considering various forms of amusement, and his attention
started to drift towards the stallion for he seemed the easiest to scare, a so called weak
point in the group's collective disbelief, when the bunny seemed to look into his eyes.
His head moved slowly, regarding her for a moment, then dismissed it with a shrug.
Coincidence, nothing more.

His eyes finally did return to the stallion as he listened to the rest of the exchange,
plotting out how exactly to exploit this one's fears so that they affected the others.
After a moment, he watched the mouse wander around the room, ranting away, and had to give
another point to the yattering for annoying him so much. The more he thought about it,
that really was an interesting trick, though Mica probably would have altered the images
to fit the room's occupants instead.

"You'll believe in them before the night's over with," Mica commented offhandedly again.
"By the way, visit the library, it'll annoy Preston," he added to no one in particular,
turning his attention back to the rabbit as she commented on the house, seeing her meet
his eyes again. This time, Mica stood up straight from his relaxed posture against the
wall, watching her more intently then he had before. Going back over recent events, the
vixen on the landing seemed to look at him too, though more through him, now that he
thought about it. He barely noticed it then, a casual glance in his direction wasn't even
worth his attention, and had dismissed it the first time with the rabbit, but three times
was getting suspicious. Mica held his arms up, turning his hands over as he examined them,
and then curled them into fists as he lowered them back to his sides and looked again at
the rabbit. As far as he could tell, he was still non-caporeal, but it had been a century
since he felt the need to check.

Mica stared at the rabbit for several long moments and worked his jaw thoughtfully as he
considered what was going on. First apparantly the fox and now this rabbit, something
wasn't right. Still pondering, Mica stepped away from the wall and began walking closer
towards the group. He let the floor creak slightly underneath him as he circled behind the
stallion and swatted at his tail with a non-caporeal hand just because he could, leaving
behind an almost intangible feeling that 'something' had happened as he continued on his
way. The mouse's device got a curious look from Mica, and as he passed the couch he moved
his hand above the mouse's head, leaving a chill in the air around him as he again moved
on, just another mild distraction while he thought. His movement finally brought him to
the staircase where the bunny had paused, and he reached up to scratch his chin as he
stopped beside her. Mica's other hand reached up and touched one of her ear rings,
hopefully leaving behind an ever so slight tickle, though his hand was still non-caporeal.
"Interesting," he commented to himself. "And I do like your tailor," he added with a grin
before glancing at the others, it just seemed appropriate for the setting.


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Posted: 29 Oct 2004 7:23    Post subject:

Ben looked over his company wondering one of them had done that hack but couldnt think of
anything to gain from it so he pushed it out of his mind. " Sure i believe in souls but
hell the soul has better places to go than staying around in here. My soul for instance
plans to go to Japan for a while before I visit the big easy." he added with a laugh " I'
ve never seen a ghost and if I havent seen it not real just the effects of too much coffee
or stress or any number of things that causes the mind to wander."

Ben stood up again no longer feeling like sitting and opend his pack again fishing out a
CD case and his walkman. " This things gotta work." He said to himself as e put on the
headset and cranked up the music from his favorite death-metal band " Mouse Traped." he
said happily as the music started. " Sweet."

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Posted: 29 Oct 2004 16:49    Post subject:

"Intriguing." Said Preston. "A more empirical view on the great beyond than most other
belief systems. Though I really don't buy into religeon much, yours would seem to be more
even headed than the one touted by the ones who claimed they'd 'cleansed this house of all
evil spirits'." he said, letting an almost jovial tinge come into his voice.

At that moment, one of the dusty books lying on the bedside table away from where Jenny
was looking detached itself from the table surface and spun through the air on a course
that would've had it colliding with the back of the vixen's head. Just as it came within a
few inches, Preston gestured at it and it came to a dead stop, hovering behind her for a
second before falling to the bed with a dull thunk. Preston growled. "Not now, you
incessant little twerp. There are others downstairs, go busy your small mind with them
before I deal with you myself." There was an almost inaudible grumbling noise that
silenced after a few seconds. "Poultergeists." said Preston in a condescending tone. "Like
spiritual vermin. I really don't know where they come from, but it seems like there are
always more of them. My apologies on that."

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Posted: 29 Oct 2004 18:50    Post subject:


Jenny jerked her head around when she felt the sudden whiff of air in the hair on the back
of her head, and jerked backwards reflexively when her eyes saw the object in the dim
light. Only after it had dropped to the bed did she realize it was a book. She reached out
ot touch it, but Preston's voice brought her attention back to the origin of his voice.

I've heard several theories about poultergeists -- none of them particularly convincing.
Thank you, Mr. Rothwhite. I suspect that would have hurt.

She smiled as she wrote that {although I'm not sure whether or not Preston will catch on
to that since she hasn't finished writing at that point and, obviously, hadn't translated
her cursive into a more readable typeface}

My religion is one of a very few that is experiential. We have no dogma -- nobody who
professes to be the sole intermediary between mortals and the gods. We are given tools to
explore and discover. I believe what I believe, not out of faith, but because I have
experienced the things I profess. I follow nobody and nobody follows me. Even the
positions of High Priest and High Priestess within our groups can be assumed by any of us.
There is no laity. In a sense we all priests and priestesses.


{That means I'm backing up to deal with SnowWraith's post material that happened before
Sireth began talking with Ben} Sireth's ear twitched when Mica touched her earring, and
she reached up with her thumb and index finger to rub, almost absentmindedly, at the

Sireth's muzzle cracked a broad grin. "How do you know you've never seen a ghost, Ben?
What, exactly, do you suppose one looks like?" She laughed when turned on his headset.
"After that thing with your computer I wouldn't be surprised if that thing started playing
Mozart, instead!" Her eyes again seemed to fix Mica's eyes in what was chillingly like a
direct stare. "I don't suppose there's a library in this house, is there?" She asked Ben
as she looked around the Great Hall. "It would be nice to have something to read to read
to pass the time."


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Posted: 29 Oct 2004 20:08    Post subject:

Ben looked at Sireth and pulled teh headset pff placing it around his neck. " Well im
assuming Casper isnt around because I dont see the sheets floating around shouting BOOOO
and shit like that." Ben smiled thinking about all the scardy cats in this house thinking
how much of a breeze it would be to win the cash. " bound to be a libaray around here some
where oh little miss cotton-tail want to go look for it ?" Ben asked eyeing the bunny girl
alittle more. " I could go for a good book myself... now that my porno is gone." Ben's
eyes again looked up the staires seeing little pin-points of red he rubbed his eyes in
disbelief and when he was done they were gone again. " I wanna see if I can find a room to
crash in besides." he added walking up to teh bunny offerning his arm to her.

Kirstyn Despail

Joined: 14 Dec 2003
Posts: 446

Posted: 29 Oct 2004 20:52    Post subject:

OOC: internet went out like a light and just got back on tonight...I'm too far
behind in this one, I'm gonna have to drop out. Sorry...

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Posted: 29 Oct 2004 21:35    Post subject:

"You know, Ben, ghosts are supposed to take on lots of different forms, and sometimes no
form at all. They can be a transparant whisp of light or as solid as you and me. They
might be only a shadow on the wall, a fleeting movement on a painting, or even just a
couple of isolated, glowing eyes." Sireth grinned as she extended her arm and hooked her
elbow around his. "I agree about the room. These old mansions have lots of them. Most of
these houses had separate bedrooms for everyone from the master and his wife down to the
kids and the groundskeeper." She looked up the stairs and then back to Ben. "Shall we
start on the third floor and work our way down?"

OOC: I thought we were going well with just about the minimum necessary to make this RP
really work. With Kirstyn gone I think we need to get some recruits. May I suggest that
each remaining player in this RP send a PM to one other player as a personal invite? And
Kirstyn (if you're reading this), if you check the action that has taken place,
eliminating the extensive role-playing Draylen and I have done, your character isn't very
far behind and you don't have to read the Preston-Jenny stuff to get caught up.

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Posted: 29 Oct 2004 23:13    Post subject:

Mica was mildly reassured that he got at least some reaction from the bunny, Sireth, he
had heard her introduce herself, but the mouse, he was rapidly discovering wasn't going to
respond to anything outside of blatantly obvious. He was about to start over towards him,
intent on producing a horrible shriek in his music device, when Sireth, yet again, met his
eyes, holding them for a moment. Her words shocked him even more, and he threw his arms up
in exhasperation as he leveled his own stare at the bunny. After all these centuries, it
was inconcievable that he was losing his touch, it just wasn't possible, something wasn't
right here.

Seeing the mouse, Ben's, ear phones still on his neck out of the corner of his eye as he
stepped up to Sireth, Mica increased the sound to its maximum with little effort, never
taking his eyes off the rabbit woman. On impulse, taking a lesson from the yattering, Mica
changed the sounds it was making, interspercing his music with thw howling of coyotes. "I
am far beyond simply yelling 'boo,'" he snarled a little irritably, tilting his muzzle
slightly in the mouse's direction as he continued to study Sireth. On impulse, he caused
the fire in the fireplace to flare suddenly, the flames resembling a snarling, salavating
wolf for an instant as they licked higher and then returned to normal. Something Preston
had said earlier crossed Mica's mind, combined with something she had just said, and his
eyes took on a suspicious quality as he studied Sireth, deciding to leave her alone for a
moment rather than try something else. "You should not have heard me," he said, this time
addressing her directly, his tail moving slowly back and forth.

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Posted: 29 Oct 2004 23:36    Post subject:

Sireth grinned as the headphones suddenly started blaring. "Nope ... definitely not
Mozart," she observed, tapping the nearest earpiece with her free hand. "What group did
you say that was ... Mouse Trapped? Interesting juxtoposition of music and natural sounds
... very creative."

The fireplace suddenly flared up and Sireth jumped, turning her head quickly to look at
it, one of her eyebrows lifting. The grin returned to her muzzle, making her look almost
impish. "Nope, Ben, I think Casper's gone far beyond the 'boo-point'. That's a
manifestation if I ever saw one," she added pointing at the image of the wolf in the fire.
"Hmmm, I wonder if Casper, here, was a wolf before he died. It might almost make sense."


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Posted: 30 Oct 2004 0:31    Post subject:

"Sorry bunny bot but I dont think Casper did anything." Ben stated turning off the CD
player. " dont you know chemicals can cause that kind of shit to happen.. plus the music
ummm must be a a joke James musta set me up to seem like a jack ass.. bastard im not
getting scared because of his dumb shit." Ben smirked.

Starting up the stairs Ben looked back at Sireth " working our way down sounds like a
great idea by the by lets get started.

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Posted: 30 Oct 2004 1:06    Post subject:

"Well, let's see," Sireth mused. "First the porn video. Then the eyes. You saw those, too,
I noticed. Then the headphones. And now the fireplace. It seems like there are a lot
people trying to set up you, up." She shrugged, and pointed up the stairs. "You're right
though. Upward and onward to better and more exciting things."

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Posted: 30 Oct 2004 1:41    Post subject:

Preston sniffed. "I have a few of my own theories about them, but I doubt you would find
them polite." he said dryly. "Your thanks are not necessary, keeping the others in line
has become more or less one of my primary activities. Many of the spirits are...
hesitant... to accept my authority."

He strolled to one side. "Your faith is interesting, in my time of life, I suspect such
beliefs would be persecuted for differing from the norm. I see that times seem to have
changed. Signs of progress I suppose." he brushed a bit of dust from one of his portraits.
"Old times..." he said, almost wistfully. "And yet all I know is this house and its
contents. The days I spent beyond its bounds are slipping away."

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Posted: 30 Oct 2004 3:32    Post subject:

"A wolf? Guess again, bunny," he commented almost cheerfully, at least she seemed to get
it, though why she seemed to find it amusing he couldn't answer. Sireth, at least,
acknowledged his presense, though he could do without the occasional staring at him. He
had growing suspicions about her, however, he was becoming less inclined to think it was
something wrong with him, given the fact that Ben had not reacted once. "Can't be too
obvious, now, can we?"

Though blatantly obvious seems to be the only thing that mouse is going to get, he thought
to himself sourly, particularly after he had just told Preston he could be more creative
than that. I wonder if Preston is having as much luck. What would it take to get a
reaction aside from flimsy justifications?

Finally, with a shrug, Mica strolled up to the mouse, turned on the CD player again so
that it blasted not his music, but a Native American precussion beat and an ancient chant,
and flicked him in the ear with his middle finger, letting the digit slip partway out of
his plane of existence so that it would sting. "Ignore that, my non-believing little
rodent. I wouldn't continue to call me Casper if I were you," he hissed, and twisted in
place to meet the bunny's eyes this time.

"Maybe I've been going about this the wrong way," he commented smoothly. "Your friend
there, he can justify almost anything as some prank or another at his expense. You, on the
other hand..." Mica moved alongside her and stretched out his arm so that he drug one non-
physical claw across her neck as he moved behind her. "I wonder if he could so easily
ignore things that happen to you," he hissed, holding his muzzle a few centimeters from
one of her pierced ears as he had done with the vixen. Mica smiled and strolled around her
other side, letting his tail drag slowly against her bottom in its non-caporeal state. "In
fact, I wonder if you would even care," he added, tempted to use more of his abilities on
her than he normally would just to see what would happen.


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Posted: 30 Oct 2004 12:59    Post subject:

"I didnt see any eyes. I just saw something ...and how did you know..."Ben suddenly
understood she must be the prankster behind all this, she must have come to the house
before anyone else and set up teh chemicals and lights."Hehe yeah I underst.."Ben strailed
off when the music turned on again and was to upset at the idea of being pranked one he
completly ignored the flick to the ear. "Damn now thats a good one i didnt know you could
remote starts a portable CD player like this." The mouse said as he unpluged the
headphones and shoved the CD player and the headphones into his bookbag returing to the
stairs only alittle fustrated. "Lets go see what other tricks have been set up by Casper
tonight." Ben said with a grin as he started up the staircase pulling out his flashlight.

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Posted: 30 Oct 2004 13:50    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny slipped off the bed, grabbing the tablet PC and walked to the window, gazing out at
the moon for a moment before scribbling on it, again.

I'm convinced poltergeists are thoughtforms, created by people with violent or self-
desctructive tendencies. Like gods, and even like ghosts, they receive power from people
who believe in them and interact with them. Leave them alone ... ignore them ... and
they'll eventually wither away and be absorbed back into the aether from which they were

So there are other spirits here? I suspected as much. At the top of the steps I felt a
confusion of feelings, as though from two or more people near me. Are you the former owner
of this house, and the other spirits came after your passing, or have they always been

Even today, my beliefs are persecuted. Many of my kind were killed in horrible ways not
that long ago in history. Even in my last life I was burned at the stake for my beliefs.
They can't do that any more -- at least not in this country.

I can help you to leave the house. If you really want to. Events and things are holding
you here, but there are ways to use those events and things to your advantage, as well.

After translating her nearly illegible handwriting, she turned away from the window and
held the tablet up in front of her chest so that the ghost could see it, even though she
wasn't sure that he couldn't see it regardless of where it was.

[Ben and Sireth]

"They were eyes. You saw eyes. I saw them, too, and I noticed you looking that way ... and
your reaction when you saw them." Sireth shook her head. "You're so sure someone is
controlling your stuff, even though there's no way to do that. I have one of those things,
too, Ben. You can't control them remotely. I suppose if I were to suddenly get sucked into
a hole down to Hell you'd brush that off as a trick someone was playing on you, too." She
chuckled and waggled her butt ever so slightly as Mica's otherworldly tail brushed across
it. "Tell me, Ben. What would it take to convince you that this house is haunted?"


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Posted: 30 Oct 2004 14:02    Post subject:

Ben turned around and sat on a step facing Serith. "Haha your joking right? it would take
more then simple tricks like these." the mouse said pointing to the fire place." You might
as well give up sweety cuz i'd have to see a ghost right here right now and not some litle
figment of my imagination I mean a big spooky ectoplasmic form floating before me shouting
something like " AHHHHH BEN IM AFTER YOU." or some shit like that." Ben finished smileing
at the bunny girl. " So do you want to go find the books and a bed or what? " Ben asked as
he stood up and climbed up the staires onto the second floor.

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Posted: 30 Oct 2004 14:20    Post subject:

OOC: I think we need to give Snow a chance to respond everytime we set ourselves up for a
"prank" before we move on.


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Posted: 30 Oct 2004 16:03    Post subject:

OOC: sounds good

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Posted: 30 Oct 2004 18:14    Post subject:

"You are begining to get on my nerves, little man," Mica commented as he strolled past the
mouse as he put away his CD player, and paused as he withdrew a flashlight. "That's
cheating. Enjoy it while you can, though, it won't last," he added, contemplating what
delightfully entertaining things he could do to this mouse. Mica was only getting started.

As Ben sat down, Mica stopped behind him and turned around, looking down the stairs at
Sireth as he considered giving him a swift kick down the stairs. He dismissed the idea
quickly, however, that would be far too damaging far too early in the evening. Mica
chuckled softly. But at least that's something he couldn't ignore. He couldn't help,
however, but roll his eyes at Ben's declaration of what would convince him. "I will not
stoop to such levels," he growled as the mouse stood up and started onto the landing.
"Even I have standards."

On the other hand, there were things he could do along those lines, and as the mouse
wandered past where he stood, Mica grinned down at Sireth and let his words be heard on
the physical plane, barely a whisper of air. "Benjamin..." he whispered near the mouse's
ear, his voice an imitation of Sireth's own. Keeping his grin locked in place, Mica
started towards Sireth, wondering exactly how much pushing the bunny would take. "Now what
shall I do with you?" he asked, circling around behind her again and slipping a claw
through her coat and blouse before he let it take on an almost physical state as he ran it
down the length of her spine. No gadgets or devices to play with." He paused a moment as
he walked around her other side again. "Aside from these," he added, giving one of her
earrings a tug before he ran his finger up the length of them, stiring each one ever so

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Posted: 30 Oct 2004 18:53    Post subject:

[Ben and Sireth]

"That's just so ... gauche, Ben," Sireth chastized the mouse good-naturedly. Only the most
lowly of ghosts would fall to that level just to startle someone. Most of them have ...
well ... higher standards than that. There are more subtle things they can do to mess with
your mind."

She jumped when his claw touched her spine at the top of her neck, then arched her back
and threw her shoulders back slightly. "Mmmm ... like that," she commented and grinned,
knowing that Ben couldn't possibly know what she was talking about. "Mngh! And that," she
added, reaching for the earring he tugged on and then closed her eyes with an expression
of pleasure as his finger ran up the rest of them.


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Posted: 31 Oct 2004 9:37    Post subject:

Ben looked back when he heard Sireth's comments on how ghosts effect people."Ummm im sure
thats how they do it."Ben grined as he observed the first room of the second floor. "But
call me Ben please I havent been called Benjamin sence I was five." Ben looked down at the
bunny girl and laughed " Dont let Casper mess with you to much.. as if a dead guy would
set standards pss you thik they'd just want some contact."

Ben felt he had to be a jack ass so he pulled an old quilt off of a near by aging couch
and swung it over his head like a ghost constume."BOOOO BOOOO." Ben howled as he stubled
around the room unable to see due to the thick quilt over his head. "Owww fuck! " ben
shouted as he triped over a chair and slamed into the wall. "Damn it Casper you coulda
told me, what kind of helpfull ghost are you ? your fired. "Ben said to no-one as he threw
the quilt off his head and onto the couch again.

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Posted: 31 Oct 2004 10:35    Post subject:

Sireth gave Ben a curious glance. "I have been calling you 'Ben'. At least I don't think I
called you 'Benjamin'. However, since you've got a thing about names, don't you think that
maybe our ghostly friend, here, might object to being called Casper? I'm sure that if you
asked him, nicely, he'd tell you his real name." She chuckled. "Actually, I think he's
already made ... 'contact'."

She rolled her eyes again, as Ben made a jackass out of himself, and grinned as she
straightened the quilt out on the couch, more-or-less like it had been before he disturbed
it. "I think you better take it easy with stuff like that, Ben. I'd hate to have to call
911 to haul you off to the hospital before you even get a chance to finish the contest."

OOC: From Draylen's description of the second floor, and based upon where Ben and Sireth
just went, we could be getting into some serious confusion. I'm going to make some
assumptions, pending upon hearing from Draylen, to keep Ben and Sireth from disturbing
Preston and Jenny. They would have gone back to the front (south) side of the house and
taken the steps up, turning to the left, and passing through a gallery before finding the
first (large) room -- the first one is just a small storage room. This room is the
"sitting room" Draylen mentioned earlier. The steps up to the third floor are at the end
of the gallery (which I assume is just an extra-wide passageway with lots of pictures in

Last edited by ferryt on 31 Oct 2004 17:11; edited 1 time in total

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Posted: 31 Oct 2004 17:00    Post subject:

"What I want is some entertainment," Mica commented with a grin as he strolled along with
them into the sitting room on this floor. At least he'd finally gotten something out of
the mouse. The bunny, on the other hand, at this point, he was fairly sure she was aware
of his presense, exactly how, he had his guesses, but he could have some fun with her
either way. The serval sighed and shook his head as he watched Ben cavort around the room,
and closed his eyes with a gesture towards the mouse as he slammed into the wall. "And he
says I have no standards," he observed as he strolled over and looked down at him. To him,
this was a joke, an imaginary ghost that he could use to amuse Sireth, completely ignoring
the possibility that there was, in fact, an otherworldly entity standing right next to

"You see, my little rodent," he said, gesturing towards the bunny, "she understands. And I
might, at that, if someone bothered to ask." He smiled then as he began wandering back in
Sireth's direction as she straightened the quilt on the couch. "Then again, I might not.
But if you do want to leave the house early like that, do let me know, I can so easily
help you on your way," he added over his shoulder towards the mouse, simply because it
amused him.

"Contact indeed, my flop-eared friend," he said with an even smile as he paused next to
her, recalling the expression of pleasure on her face as he had toyed with her earrings.
"You enjoyed that," he added as he again walked around behind her and leaned his muzzle
close to her ear. "Perhaps I was right, the way to him is through you. But what shall I do
to you..." Mica let his voice trail off as he reached around in front of her and once
again slipped a claw through her clothing before letting it almost become fully physical
and traced it up the line of her collar bone on her right side and up her neck. "And what
of him? Will you keep quiet through everything I do to you, leaving him oblivious, or
enjoy it without explanation, leaving him to wonder?" Mica chuckled, and using his other
hand, let it phase through her skirt and drug his claws up the back of her left thigh,
stopping just short of her bottom. "We shall see, won't we," he added as he walked out
from behind her with another chuckle and started for the mouse again.

"I know which you would prefer, Benjamin," he commented, using his full name with a sort
of perverse satisfaction now that he knew he didn't like it. "To see her writhing in
pleasure. Or perhpas agony, I must admit, both have an appeal." Mica chuckled again and
pressed a non-caporeal finger into Ben's flashlight. A light shudder ran through the
device as Mica excerted his influence against it, and a moment later, the bulb blew. "What
will it be, Benjamin? Will you run and hide or will you stay and brave things out?" he
asked with another chuckle, glancing around at the candelabra's sitting on tables in the

OOC: I think I'm having entirely too much fun.

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Posted: 31 Oct 2004 17:40    Post subject:

Sireth at least seemed to take no notice of Mica until he began brushing his finger up her
neck. Her response to that, if response it was, was to close her eyes and tip her head to
the left, even though she really shouldn't have felt his touch. As soon as his finger left
her neck she tipped her head back to the other side, rotated it forward and down, and then
stretched her neck straight back and she hunched up her shoulders making her spine pop.
His claws on her thigh also seemed to get a response from her in the guise of a very quiet
and short moan and slight tensing of the muscles of her leg.

As Mica began walking over to Ben, Sireth appeared to follow him at about the same pace.
When he stopped by the mouse, Sireth suddenly changed her direction and walked around him,
no part of her passing through him, and she stopped close to Ben, looking into his eyes,
her eyes momentarily snapping down to the flashlight as the bulb flashed brightly and went
out. "You sure you're OK, Ben?" She studied him for a quick moment and decided that he
wasn't injured. "Let's go on up to the third floor and start looking there. There's got to
be some bedrooms somewhere, and it would probably be a good idea to find a bathroom or
two, as well." With that, she, walked through Mica as she started toward the door of the
sitting room.

OOC: *chuckle* I think you're having entirely too much fun, too, Snow!


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Posted: 31 Oct 2004 22:06    Post subject:

Ben's eyes widend momentarily as his flash light blew out. " Hmmm? " Ben mutterd as the "
voice in his head " commented about seeing the bunny writh in pleasure. Ben's head nodded
slightly at the idea it was a quite arousing thought to say the least.

" Yeah im sure im fine." Ben said with a smile as he gazed into Sireth's eyes. Again very
naughty thoughts flowed thru Ben's mind as he started to wander the floor till after a few
fruitless minutes he arived at the staircase with Sireth close behind.

" Looks like we go up now." Ben said dusting off a picture." Ya think Casper's pic is up
here? bet he wasnt the most attractive of people." Still moching Sireth's belief in ghost
" Because attractive people gop to heaven." he fisished with a smile.

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Posted: 31 Oct 2004 22:59    Post subject:

Preston simply sighed. "I think that's a larger credit than those little twits deserve, I
think they're just half sentient spirits who lack any cohesive brain functions beyond
irritating whoever they meet. As for other spirits, yes, there are others here. I was the
original owner, but the others just started drifting in over the years, I think my initial
angush served as a beckon call for them. They made me miserable until I learned how
powerful I was and how I could enforce my will on most of them. The other one on the
stairwell, he is one of the ones who prefers to think of himself as my equal rather than
my inferior, and has yet to learn his place. If he comes around, I'll deal with him." He
turned and paced silently, letting a ripple of his shadow form show itself for a second as
he walked through a beam of moonlight. "I am unable to leave this place, some reasons for
this I know, some I do not. All I know is that if I try to leave the front porch, I
essentially run into a wall. I've strained against it with all the power I have, battered
at it, tried to get over it, around it. I still try every few years, just to see if it is
still there." He turned, folding his arms behind his back. "My condolences on your kind
and their treatment, far too many times the ignorant atack what they do not understand...
similar to why my kind are feared as they are.

He lifted an ear as he picked up on some voices. "It would appear that some of your
compatriots have decided to venture upwards."

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Posted: 31 Oct 2004 23:38    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny smiled at Preston's assessment of poultergeists. His idea of what they were actually
gave them more credit than she did. He obviously didn't understand what she meant by
"thoughtform", but she decided not to press the matter. They both had similar opinions
about the pests and that's all that really mattered. When he mentioned that other people
were on the way she quickly scribbled her response and hurried to the remaining candle to
extinguish it between her thumb and finger.

Like I said, Mr. Rothwhite. There are ways to overcome the barriers which trap spirits to
places. Until what holds you here has been dealt with you can never leave on your own.
That aid has to come from someone else who isn't bound by those circumstances. I assure
you, that I can permit you to leave, at least a short distance away and for a short time.
You could at least gain access to the grounds, and perhaps a bit beyond. Don't
underestimate my abilities just because I'm a century younger than you and still bleed
when I get cut.

[Ben and Sireth]

"They do?" Sireth's ears flicked up momentarily before flopping back down as she
questioned Ben's comment that attractive people go to heaven. "Uh, do you think I have a

OOC: Kawii, mortals can't hear the voices of the ghosts when they are in quotes and
italics. Only other ghosts can hear those words, so he hasn't been hearing a voice talking
about Sireth. I think Mica's either just talking to himself or trying to figure out if
Sireth can hear him.


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Posted: 31 Oct 2004 23:44    Post subject:

OOC: acctually he was probably very much so thinking about that anyways keep in mind he
was watching porn before it frits out soo yeah he wants her, he's just a common horny guy.

Last edited by kawii-yiff on 31 Oct 2004 23:51; edited 1 time in total

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Posted: 31 Oct 2004 23:47    Post subject:

Mica whirled around as Sireth walked through him and rolled his eyes. Such utter
disregard, he thought to himself, and then let his muzzle form a grin. On impulse he
clapped his hands together softly, still inaudible outside his plane of existence, in
silent aplause to the female rabbit. "Oh, nicely done. Perfectly executed, it might have
even fooled me if I didn't know better."

"I suppose you've decided on the former option." Mica chuckled deeply, letting his
amusement be heard in his silent voice. "So much the better," he said as he followed the
two from the room. Shame, really, he could have entertained himself a little with the

Walking behind Sireth as they approached the stairs, Mica reached forward and again toyed
with her earrings enough to stir them, running his finger up the length of one ear before
repeating the gesture with the other, contemplating what else he could do. Using two
fingers this time, he phased them through her coat and blouse before letting them become
solid and again drug them down either side of her spine starting at the base of her neck,
but he paused only halfway down as the mouse's words touched his ears.

"You have a lot of nerve, don't you?" he asked, still not ready to speak aloud, walking
around Sireth towards Ben, the bunny temporarily forgotten in the middle of his teasing.
"I have been what I am for centuries longer than this house has existed, little rodent,"
he growled, irritation in his voice, bringing a cold chill to the air with him as he
stalked towards the mouse. "So no, you'll not find my picture here, Benjamin, but after
tonight, you may never forget me, no matter how hard you might try." Mica looked up at the
picture, tempted to unfasten it and let it fall on the mouse, but decided against it. He
had better ideas, ones that would be far more satisfying. Using his abilities, Mica forced
an icy cold breeze to blow down the stairwell from the next floor up, letting the
whispering air carry with it an almost intangible hint of the sound of coyote's howling.

OOC: Yeah, I was going to point that out, but Ferryt beat me to it.

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Posted: 1 Nov 2004 0:12    Post subject:

[Ben and Sireth]

Sireth, following behind Ben, was enjoying the view of his butt when she again felt Mica's
fingers run up the earrings of one ear, and she slowed her pace just a little, and grinned
as the rings on the other ear were gently jostled. She took a breath to say something when
Mica's fingers stroked down her spine. "Mmmm, I think I like it here," she commented as a
little shivver went up her back.

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Posted: 1 Nov 2004 0:49    Post subject:

Preston chuckled. "I assure you, I do not seek to underestimate you in any way. As I said,
the problem is I do not know what binds me here. Perhaps you would care for a
demonstration?" He said, reaching over and pulling the door open from across the room. "I
could show you if you like, the others seem to be going upstairs, not that it matters if
they know of me or not, I planned on visiting them all at some point... especially that
mouse who seems to be the epitome of the people whom I so despise." He said with
bitterness in his voice. "Perhaps just to teach him about the aspects of life that he
takes for granted..."


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Posted: 1 Nov 2004 8:02    Post subject:

Ben looked at Sireth with a puzzled look on his face. "Why? outside of the good company
this place is missing alot." Ben shutterd as the icy wind blew down the stairs. " Hmmm its
got open windows to boot yup I think I like this place too. " Ben chuckled.

After climbing to the third floor and looking in a few doors Ben stoped " Well this is the
restroom in case anyone needs it and there are two bedrooms and a small reck room like
thing ... soo where to bunny ? " Ben asked poking his head into the hallway from a big

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Posted: 1 Nov 2004 16:53    Post subject:

Mica grinned to himself as he wandered behind Sireth again, occasionally throwing glances
of irritation towards Ben. He would learn before the night was done, if not at his hands
then someone elses. "Yes, my flop-eared friend," he whispered evenly, his muzzle a few
centimeters from one of her ears. One again, he let his hand pass through her blouse
before giving his claws a physical form and drug them through the fur of her belly and
upwards, stopping a centimeter below her breast and following the contour as he drew a
single claw back towards her side. "Why don't you tell him why you like it here?" Mica
chuckled, shifting his head to her other ear. "Do you think he would make light of things
again?" Mica paused and hooked the tip of one of his teeth in an earring, tugging back
before he let the tooth go fully non-caporeal again, passing through the metal loop. "Or
join the fun," he growled.

The serval sighed and moved out from behind his current entertainment and strolled towards
the mouse again. "You know, Benjamin, I'm not really sure you deserve that," he commented
idly. "So disbelieving, disrespectful." Mica shook his head as he studied Ben. "So what
shall I do to you then, hmm? You seem quite adept at justifying any action taken against
you," he added, repeating his flicking at the mouse's ear again.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis
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Posted: 1 Nov 2004 18:13    Post subject: Sylk Whispers

"Get out, Mica," said a soft, chillingly seductive voice. "Or if you prefer: please, get
out. This mouse is now soul food, and I am quite famished."

At that moment the door to the large bedroom where Ben was standing slammed shut like the
jaws of a bear trap, bopping the mouse right on his nose, knocking him back into the room
on his back. Mica could feel something in the room with him, something awful, and
something filled with deadly intent. The flashlight began to dim, and then winked out,
leaving the room bathed in darkness for a moment. And then the gas lights arranged around
the room began to shed their dim glow, giving the room a dull red illumination. This
coloration was enhanced by the sheets of the bed, which were a deep crimson, as were the
bedcurtains, and even the wallpaper that lined the room. As Ben watched, he could almost
swear that the walls were moving slightly, twisting and flowing like the heaving of some
monstrous creature's lungs. But the moment the mouse looked at the walls more closely, it
was obvious that this was just a trick of the light.

"Well, hello there, sexy," said a low, sultry voice from behind Ben. This was the sort of
voice that one didn't hear much these days. It was something expected from old glamor
movies from an era long forgotten, when old fashioned seductiveness and the power of
feminine wiles was in full vogue. "Who are you, and what brings you into the Red Room?
It's not very often that Sylk Whysper gets visitors."

If Ben turned to look at the bed, he could see a sleek black shape stretched out upon the
sheets, its head near the foot of the bed, dressed in a sheer red strapless evening gown.
Two of the most captivating green eyes looked up at him from the devilishly tempting
feline face of the intoxicatingly seductive black pantheress who was now eyeing the young
mouse with a sly, secret smile that told of passionate promises that Ben only had to wait
around for to receive.

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Posted: 1 Nov 2004 18:59    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny walked back over to the bed and sat down the edge, scribbling on the PC and then sat
it down and began rummaging in the bag she had placed on the foot of the bed earlier.

Please. I would like to see the nature of the barrier that has you trapped, here, but I
need a few things before we go, if you don't mind. Mouse? Are you referring to one of the
other contestants? I did a little research on this place before I came. As far as I know,
nobody who has ever taken part in these contests in the last two years has been killed or
badly injured. I hope that isn't about to change.

How will I know where you're going? It's very difficult for me to see you without making
preparations which I'd rather not do, considering that there are other, perhaps
unfriendly, spirits present.

She dug out an ornately-carved oak box, the symbols on it being intricately intertwined
and stained various colors. To Preston's otherworldly eyes the box had a faint white glow
to it. When she opened Preston could see several "things" inside, all wrapped in deep
purple velvet, although the color wasn't immediately obvious in this dim moonlight
filtering into the room to mortal eyes. She chose one of the objects, and unwrapped it,
revealing a bronze dagger with a mother-of-pearl handle. What utterly surprised him is
that the dagger was emanating a bright white light, that, to him, illuminated the entire
room, and he could "feel" an almost electric power to it that raised the hackles on his
incorporeal neck. She used the very tip of the dagger to prick her thumb, and drew a bead
of blood along its edge. Preston could see a bluish illuminescence left behind on the
blade where her blood touched it. After blowing across the wet stain for a few seconds to
dry it, she folded the dagger back up, almost reverently, and stood, picking up the PC in
her other hand.

[Ben and Sireth]

"Why? Hmmm. Well, in the first place, that wasn't an open window that caused that cold
breeze. You don't get short bursts like that this far inside a house from an open window.
I like spooky -- things jumping around, touches on my body from spirits I can't see,
whispering in my ears, a sudden odor that shouldn't be there, little traces of motion out
of the corners or my eyes ... but, of course, you'll have explanations for all of those."
Sireth spoke as she climbed the steps up to the third floor behind Ben, reaching out once
or twice to pinch his behind and pulling her hand back before she did so.

She didn't enter the bedroom with him. She could tell that he was lusting for her, and her
own hunger was beginning to get a little more insistent. He was a little on the cute side,
she had decided, even if his personality left a bit to be desired ... but his personality
wasn't what she was after.

Sireth tensed just a bit when Mica's claws touched her belly, and then she relaxed and
gave a quiet sigh as he traced them up and then off to the side. She reached up to touch
the ring that he pulled on with his teeth and grinned at the mouse standing in the doorway
of the bedroom.

"You know why I really like this place, though, Ben? It's because ..." Unfortunately, the
door slammed shut at that moment, and Sireth stepped back, her face registering shock,
anger, and disappointment in rapid sequence. "Now that was damned inconsiderate!" She
tried the doorknob and found that it wouldn't turn. Heaving a big sigh she turned, and
appeared to be looking directly into Mica's eyes. "Impolite, antisocial ... sheesh! And I
was just beginning to have some real fun." She sighed, again, and walked around Mica,
heading back for the steps to the second floor.

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Posted: 1 Nov 2004 20:02    Post subject:

Mica sighed as the door slammed closed, suspending him momentarily between sides of the
room in his non-caporeal form. "Thank you, Sylk," he replied dryly, mildly annoyed to say
the least. Though he'd planned to do something similar in a little while to give him a
minute to scare the daylights out of Ben without the moral support having a companion
offered, he was a little disapointed to have been beaten to it, particularly by the
succubus. "Don't make things too easy on him, if you don't mind. He accused me of being
unattractive," he sniffed a little indignantly as he stepped fully back into the hall.
"Enjoy your stay, Benjamin."

She was doing it again, he noticed, as he looked at Sireth, now trapped in the hall away
from the mouse, seeming to stare right at him, but it wasn't bothering the serval so much
anymore. He wasn't concerned that it was something wrong with him anymore, he was
convinced it was something with her, though the lack of the mouse would, indeed, make
things a little more difficult to wring out of her, he suspected. Well, maybe not, he
thought to himself as Sireth walked around him and started down the hall back towards the
steps. "Succubi," he grunted, "Once they get their eye on something there's no stopping
them. Now I'll never hear what she was going to say." Mica turned around and watched
Sireth as she walked down the hall and then glanced back at where she had been before, it
taking a second for it to register that the bunny had walked around him. Something else
clicked then along with it, bringing a grin to Mica's face as he moved to catch up. "I
knew you enjoyed it," he announced with a sort of satisfaction in his voice as he
stretched out a hand towards her and drug a claw down the side of her neck. As he moved
alongside her, he let his tail phase through her skirt and brushed it against the backs of
her thighs. "Admit it."

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Posted: 1 Nov 2004 21:25    Post subject:

[Mica and Sireth]

Sireth bent her neck to the other side, as if offering Mica better access to it when he
scraped his claw down the side of her neck. Instead of going downstairs, she sat on the
top step and looked over her shoulder back to the door of the bedroom. "You know ..." she
began speaking as if to no one in particular. "That was really a very rude thing to do. I
was this close ..." She held two fingers about an inch apart. " ... to getting him in bed,
and someone just snatched him from me." She sighed and leaned her elbows on her knees.
"Well, I guess I still have the ghost that seems to have taken an interest in me." She
looked up toward the ceiling, remembering the latest brush of a tail against her thighs.
"Hey, if you're still around ... oh, the hell with it." She got up and started walking
purposefully toward the bed room door. "There's more than one way to skin a mouse."

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Posted: 1 Nov 2004 22:48    Post subject:

"Yes, he would be one of the other guests. And no, I didn't plan on hurting him,
physically at any rate." there was the sound of a distant door slamming and Preston felt a
little ripple of satifaction from something else in the house. "Or, perhaps someone will
beat me to it." he thought for a moment. "Probably Sylk, if I'm right then he'll get more
than whats coming to him. No matter." he eyed Jenny as she performed the small ritual on
herself, both curious and wary at the same time. "Forgive me for asking, but what did you
just do?" he asked calmly, moving towards the doorway.

"As for being able to keep track of me..." he concentrated, adjusting his phase just as
bit more, to a normal person he would be very difficult to spot, but he suspected that
Jenny would be able to pick him out among the other shadows. "This should be perceptable
enough. If you wish, I can keep my palm just over yours, you should be able to sense that
I am there."

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Posted: 1 Nov 2004 23:01    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Her eyes accustomed to both the darkness and to seeing things that other people saw but
refused to acknowledge, Jenny saw Preston manifest. He was hard to perceive, but his form
was barely visible to her.

I think I'll be able to follow you, Mr. Rothwhite, but if I should seem to stray, I hope
you'll understand that I might need some help. What I just did was to consecrate my athame
with my own blood in preparation for a ritual. There is nothing to fear. To use a part of
me to harm any other being would harm me as well. It's a symbol both of my trust and to
insure your trust, as well as being the most powerful connection between me and the magic
I intend to work so that we may take a walk through the garden.

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Posted: 2 Nov 2004 4:01    Post subject:

[Mica and Sireth]

OOC: Guess these are kinda needed with all the plotlines going.

"You were that close to getting him in bed when he laid eyes on you," Mica commented as
Sireth sat down on the stairs, standing behind her and watching to see what she did for a
moment before doing anything else himself. "In case you didn't notice his choice of
entertainment for the evening."

Mica snorted as she continued talking and shook his head, irritated despite himself. "Try
not to sound too excited." He started to roll his eyes and was about to comment further
when Sireth stood up and started walking back towards the door through which Ben had been
'captured' by Sylk. "I'm not buying that anymore," he growled as he followed her. "You
know damn well I'm here." As she walked towards the door, Mica stepped forward, walking
behind and just to the left of her, his feet occasionally phasing through hers as he moved
closer than a mortal could and ran the claws of his right hand down her neck with a light
scritching motion. "What are you going to do? Ask Sylk for your mouse back?" he added with
a chuckle, his voice smoother now in contrast to his growl from before, his right hand
shifting to drag down her spine again, paying no attention to the clothes his fingers
passed through. His left hand reached around her and hovered over her left breast for a
moment before he pressed his palm against her blouse, dragging it across the mound and
back towards himself and ending the motion with a swirl of his middle finger where her
nipple would have been. Even Mica had to admit it would be entertaining seeing how far he
could push her with someone watching. "There's always the stallion," he commented, more to
himself than to her as his right hand slipped down and pinched her bottom as he had seen
her threaten to do to Ben. "Le mita mashtíncala cola, waste?" he whispered near her ear,
almost inaudibly, but aloud for the first time.


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Posted: 2 Nov 2004 8:15    Post subject:

[ Sylk & Ben ]

"You like scary stuf.."Ben's question was cut short by the door slaming into his nose
knocking him on his back. "Ow. Fuck that hurt." Ben commented to the door as he stood up
and punched it. " What the hell? its not very scary to have a door knock you on your ass
you know." Now he was talking to whomever had rigged the house to be a haunted house.

In the pitch darkness Ben dwelled on how close he was "Damn it I was gonna get so..." The
lights lit up and the room was bathed in red " Now thats a niffty effect." Ben explained
as he looked at the breathing walls only to get closer and find them normal.

When Ben heard the words for a brief moment he hoped it was his bunny here to rail him the
way he wanted. After hearing the voice for a while it became painfully clear that it was
someone else. "Well my Names Ben and I couldnt tell this was the Red Room untill a second
ago."Ben answerd turning to face the other that shared the room. Ben was Aw struck when he
saw the black form that belonged to the green eyes that had for a short while kept all his
attention. "S-so ummm... your here for the contest huh?"

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Posted: 2 Nov 2004 12:08    Post subject:

"Don't worry, I won't let you wander off, and even if you did, locating you once more
would not be difficult." He said calmly. "And I find it odd that you would put your trust
in someone so quickly, let alone someone who happens to be beyond the grave... though my
body never even got that far." he said, almost wistfully. "But trying to insure my trust
is one thing, trying to control or manipulate me, well, you will do so at your own peril.
Just keep that in mind." he turned towards the door. "And a walk through the garden would
likely not be as pleasant as you'd imagine, I haven't been out there, but from what I an
able to view, it has fallen into a state of severe disrepair, the present owner came out
here once to inspect the property... and hasn't come back since." he said with a low

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Posted: 2 Nov 2004 18:50    Post subject:

[Mica and Sireth]

OOC: I think so too, especially since some of us are playing multiple characters. I'd like
to get EVERYONE into the basement at some point, though -- mortals and ghosts alike.

Sireth bent her head forward when Mica scratched the back of her neck, and then stopped at
the door, her hand on the knob as she projected her perception into the lock mechanism.
She started to make it unlock when Mica's hand caressed her breast and then tensed with a
muffled squeal when he pinched her butt. "Ja, es ist gut mein gespenstischer Freund," she
replied with a grin, and looked around, her eyes passing him and appeared to stop
somewhere else, looking intently at something he couldn't see. "I suppose there's the
stallion, but the size mis-match might be a bit difficult," she mused aloud. "Besides, the
mouse is probably going to be in there for awhile. I can always come back and get sloppy
seconds." She turned and began walking toward the steps, part of her body passing through
part of his.

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny shook her head twice while Preston was speaking.

There are various reasons for trust, Mr. Rothwhite. I don't feel you bear me any ill will,
but if you did, I would, as I said, defend myself. I expected ghostly pranks when I got
here. I still do, but if my life is threated, I can fight back with, what to spirits, is
deadly force. I've done so, before, and I suspect that before I pass on I shall do so,
again. It's not my intention to use my knowledge and abilities, tonight, though, since I
don't believe in winning at all costs. The end seldom justifies the means.

I have no intention of attempting to control or manipulate you. That's a fate reserved for
the mindless things we just talked about. I told you before that you have nothing to fear
from me.

As for the walk in the garden, I suspect that even if it is in disrepair, you would
welcome a chance to leave the house, even if only for a few minutes, just to prove that it
can be done. Besides, you will never know if I can do it unless you give me the chance.

She laid the PC back on the bed and slipped on her boots as he read her words. Picking up
her coat, she stood and awaited his response before retrieving the notepad.

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Posted: 3 Nov 2004 0:45    Post subject:

[Mica and Sireth]

"Oh very good, Sireth," Mica commented aloud again, actually somewhat impressed. Not to
mention pleased that he'd finally gotten some reaction out of her, though his original
plan while Ben was around would have been more... stimulating. "And even without making
any undue assumptions, very good, indeed," he added, grinning a little as she passed him
by. Moving his tail, he let it phase through her leg and then gave it physical form,
letting it drag across the juncture of her thighs and then up her butt.

"Assuming Sylk leaves anything left, you never know with a succubus," he added, back to
silent communication as he turned to follow her. "The stallion already fears this place,
however. I must admit, I was looking forward to teaching Benjamin that there was a good
reason for that. Besides, Sylk may decide to keep the mouse all to herself, did you think
of that, Mashtíncala?" he asked, his voice taking on a teasing quality as he moved
alongside her and drug his claws across her belly again, dipping his hand lower and lower
towards her groin, but stopping with a chuckle before he got there. "Something to think
about," he finished, nipping her ear, but keeping his form just outside the physical

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Posted: 3 Nov 2004 1:02    Post subject:

Sireth gave a little half-hop when Mica's tail brushed up her behind, and then laughed as
she reached the top of the stairs and stopped, looking down them and grinning. "You're a
very naughty ghost," she commented and then closed her eyes and concentrated on his hand
as his claws scratched down her stomach. "Outch! ... mmm." Didn't you know we bunnies have
sensitive ears Mein munterer Geist?"

"Succubus, huh? Well, even succubi have their weaknesses -- like defenseless mice." She
laughed. "Maybe I will check back in on them ... and maybe not. Right now, I think our
frightened equine needs some tender loving care." With that she started down the steps

OOC: Yes, I know he was incorporal when he nipped her. She still felt it.

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Posted: 3 Nov 2004 1:22    Post subject:

Preston shrugged. "Very well. I just wanted you to be... informed. I intend you no harm
for now, and as long as you are with me, I shall do my best to protect you from some of
the more hostile denizens. But if we encounter any more of your living cohorts, keep my
close proximity confidential if you please. I would prefer that the other guests not know
about me quite yet." he said casually, motioning her to follow him as he stepped out into
the hall. "It would appear to be clear for now. We'll just go down the stairs and out the
front door, and then you can see what I'm talking about."

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Posted: 3 Nov 2004 4:27    Post subject:

[Sireth and Mica]

"Oh, and you were doing so well," Mica said with a grin as he reached forward, laying a
physical hand on her shoulder to stop her movement before she got down the stairs. He
strolled around her, dragging a claw horizontally around her neck to her throat until he
was a couple of steps below her, his claw never leaving contact with her body. "You're
half right, of course, but when, winchinchala mashtíncala, did I ever say I was a ghost?"
he asked, running his finger down her body, between her breasts, past her navel with a
circle around it, and just a little lower before he stopped. Mica grinned up at her,
flicked his ears, and started back up the stairs to a position behind her again, reaching
through her blouse to tease her left nipple with his fingertips.

"You can have your fun, I can have mine," he commented, holding his muzzle close to her
ear. "And I did know that about bunny ears," he added, nipping the opposite ear this time
with an equally almost caporeal mouth.

OOC: I expected she would.

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Posted: 3 Nov 2004 15:49    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny scribbled something quickly on her tablet and laid it down on the bed, again, as she
began pulling her coat on.

Now, why would I want to warn the competition about you? I figure at some point you're
going to want to go have some "fun" with them, and I suspect I'll get my own visits from
the other denizens around here. It's all part of the game, I suppose.

She picked the PC back up and held it up to the apparition in the doorway for a few

[Mica and Sireth]

Sireth stopped when she felt Mica's hand on her shoulder, closing her eyes as she
"followed" his touch, an obvious expression of pleasure on her face as he traced his claw
around her neck and his fingers down her body. When he broke contact she opened her eyes
and glanced around, not seeming to be able to see him, but when he spoke she tipped her
head slightly reorienting her ear toward him, flicking it slightly when he nipped it.

"Mmmmh. You seem to be having plenty of fun already," she replied, turning to almost, but
not quite face him, her eyes casting about and finally coming to rest on his own. "As am
I, but I suspect you suspected that." She grinned. "So you think you might like to go to
bed with me. Would that be before or after I go visit the horse? And if you aren't a
ghost, what are you, anyway?"

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Posted: 3 Nov 2004 16:50    Post subject:

Preston smiled, though he doubted Jenny could see it. "Just making sure we're clear on
things." He turned and walked back out into the hallway, looking behind to make sure Jenny
was still behind him, before heading back towards the top of the stairwell. There was a
few others about, down at the other end of the gallery, but he doubted they would be
noticed if they didn't draw attention, and he silently moved down along the stairs,
pausing once to look at an old painting of himself about halfway down, before continuing
the rest of the way down to the front door. "I'd prefer if you opened it." he said softly.
"It doing so by itself might catch someone's eye."

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Posted: 3 Nov 2004 18:48    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny walked as quietly as she could, which was very quietly since her boots had soft
soles, and glanced in the direction of the other people, only to take quit note of them
before returning her eye to a point about 25 degrees to one side of Preston. Her near-
peripheral vision could pick him out of the darkness much more readily than a direct
stare. Following his instructions, she opened the door, remembering at which point it had
started creaking, and stopped just before that, turning sideways and slipping outside.

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Posted: 3 Nov 2004 22:43    Post subject:

[Sireth and Mica]

"Ah ah," Mica said, waggling his finger at her in mild reproachment as a grin spread
across his muzzle. "Now why should I tell you that, hmm? I would think you would apreciate
the enjoyment of keeping a few things to oneself, a few secrets, if you will. You
certainly have been, I suspect. I seen no reason to make that easy on you."

Mica chuckled and took a step forward, closing the distance between them as his tail moved
slowly and steadily back and forth almost lazily. "I think it would be an entertaining
experience, yes," he said with a cool smile, reaching forward to drag a claw up her neck
and tilt her chin up just a bit. "For you as well, I suspect, given the 'fun' we've been
having thus far." Mica's right hand dipped down towards her waist and settled against her
hip, his fingertips passing through her clothes as if they weren't there to stroke
downwards and then back up, running against the lay of her fur. "Before, during, and maybe
even after your visit with the frightened stallion, perhaps. If Sylk doesn't release your
mouse, perhaps a substitute is in order."

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Posted: 3 Nov 2004 23:13    Post subject:

[Mica and Sierth]

Her ears had seemed to be triangulating in on his voice as she moved her head in small
increments as he spoke, her eyes pointed in his direction. However, if one were to have
looked very closely, one would have seen that her eyes weren't focused up close, but
seemed to be staring off into the far distance.

"You would appear to have me at a disadvantage, then," Sireth admitted. At least you can
see what I am. I have only my imagination to help me visualize what sort of creature I
might decide to let into my pants -- as though 'letting' is something that ever stopped
you, anyway." She chuckled. "Let's see now. How does one properly greet a ghost who might
not be a ghost?" She held her arms as though to embrace him, getting them around his body,
although her right arm was inside his left shoulder and her left one wasn't even
"touching" him. She stretched up and planted a mock kiss about an inch to the right and
two inches behind his muzzle, and then dropped her arms. "There, you've been properly
greeted ... I think."

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Posted: 4 Nov 2004 1:24    Post subject:

Preston stepped out onto the porch, a cool night air blowing across the decking and under
the awning. Preston stepped forward, reaching out a hand until he felt the familiar
surface of the barrier. "Here." he siad, placing a palm flat against it and giving a soft
push. Of course, it didn't budge, but he'd hardly expected it to. He glanced at Jenny. "I
don't know why its here or how it got here, all I know is I can't go through it. It covers
the front porch, and is flush against every other portal in the house, yes even the

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Posted: 4 Nov 2004 4:18    Post subject:

[Sireth and Mica]

"That, I am not so sure of," Mica replied. A shame she missed, he thought to himself with
a grin before he continued. "Since you arrived you have seemed to see me, and I know you
can hear me, and yet now..." His voice trailed off as he watched her carefully and then
shrugged. "At any rate, as I recall, you said you liked touches on your body by things you
couldn't see," he added, running his hand across her hip as he moved around her and gave
her butt a firm squeeze, his hand, as usual, passing straight through her skirt. "Isn't
that what you told the mouse? Which is good, since it seems I can get into your pants when
I please," he said as he drug his hand up between her buttocks. "Creature indeed. We'll
have to work on a proper greeting."

Gideon Kalve Jarvis
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Posted: 4 Nov 2004 20:19    Post subject: Demons and Delights

Sam struggled in vain against the thick curtain cords that had wrapped themselves around
his arms. He'd been on the couch, trying to make himself inconspicuous, when the Yattering
had decided it was through playing around. "H-help!" the draft horse managed to cry out,
just before the cord tied around his ankles pulled taught, knocking him to the floor on
his back, his wrists tied in front of him. Anyone coming down the stairs would have just
enough time to see the frightened stallion look up at them with wide, pleading eyes before
the throw rub he'd landed upon shot down the hall, heading toward the kitchen, which was
only a short distance from the stairs leading down into the basement. The Yattering
bounded after Sam, hoping that the pretty bunny would follow. Very, very powerful, but
rather lacking in intellect, the Yattering didn't put much meaning into the bunny's
looking at him. The Yattering just hoped that the pesky ghost with her now wouldn't mind
sharing, because the Yattering didn't feel much like an actoplasmic battle right then. It
just wanted some fun!

Meanwhile, in the Red Room: Sylk rolled onto her stomach and arched her back like a true
feline, showing off a more than generous amount of her cleavage in the process. "Well,
you're a cute one, Mousie," she purred, slithering with eellike agility to the floor, and
then to her feet. She stood almost a head taller than the mouse, since she was a very tall
woman, though this was in keeping with her generous, and very firm, endowments. "Am I in
the contest? Well, in a manner of speaking." She smiled, keeping her lips over her teeth,
her bright green eyes dazzling Ben's senses as she glided over to him, moving in ways that
never went out of style. She reached out and rubbed Ben's abused nose. "Oh, poor Mousie,"
said the panthress with a cute pout. "These old houses sometimes have sudden draughts like
that. It comes from the aging wood, you know. I'm very sorry it happened to someone as
cute as you, though. Here, let me make that all better." Sylk leaned forward and gave Ben
a cute little lick on the tip of his nose. And then bent a little lower, just barely
tickling the fur around his lips with her pricly tongue. And then she leaned in, and Ben
felt the pantheress' strong arms suround him as she kissed him full on the lips, her
tongue invading his young mouth. "Very nice," purred Sylk as she broke the kiss for a
moment, then ducked back in to pull Ben tightly against her firm, perfectly-sized

OOC: By the by, what sort of body type does Ben prefer? Just wondering, so I know what to
make Sylk look like.

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Posted: 4 Nov 2004 20:47    Post subject:

[Mica and Sireth]

"It does seem that you can do that," Sireth replied with a warm smile, aimed more-or-less
in his direction, hollowing her back and giving him a very quiet moan for his trouble.
"Flesh and blood isn't meant to perceive otherworldly beings, although it can be trained
to overcome some of those disadvantages. Sometimes I can see and hear you, and sometimes I
can't, and the visions and words are seldom clear. Now, what was that about working on a
proper greeting?"

OOC: Snow and I have a few "catch up" posts to make before the commotion on the first
floor happens. At that point, they'll start down the stairs and witness what just

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Posted: 4 Nov 2004 23:13    Post subject:

[Sireth and Mica]

"An interesting skill to aquire, Sireth," Mica commented, running his hand across her
breast as he moved around more fully in front of her again, giving her nipple a brief
pinch before his hand continued down along her belly, scraping through her fur with his
claws. "One might wonder exactly why you would need such a skill, but since you do seem to
enjoy touches from unseen otherworldly beings, perhaps that is an answer in itself."

For a moment Mica was silent, drawing his hands away from her as he moved more or less in
front of her, studying her carefully, letting his eyes trail over what of her form he
could see through her clothes. "Yes, a proper greeting," he said finally, his voice low
and almost a growl. For a heartbeat he let that statement hang in the air and then moved
forward towards Sireth, pressing his hands against her shoulders pushing her roughly
against the wall as he let himself take a fully physical form, showing her the tall serval
image he had chosen lately for the first time. As her body impacted the wall behind her,
Mica pressed his lips almost agressively against hers, kissing her fiercely as one os his
hands moved from her shoulder and up her neck to tilt her head upwards.


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Posted: 4 Nov 2004 23:16    Post subject:

Ben Stared in awe at the lushous form of Sylk as she rolled over and grinned his eyes
unable to pull away from her body. Hot damn she thinks im cute guess that means I might
still get some tonight kick ass the mouse thought to himself as he stared into her green
eyes as she walked up to him." I could tell you weer in the contest, you just have that
look. I bet you dont believ this place is haunted do you ? Everybody else does buncha
wussies if you ask me. " Snickering at the others gullibleness, but when Sylk rubed his
nose a deep blush formed " Oh dont worry about me ive taken more damage befor i'll be
fine... but maybe a short nap would do me som..." Ben was cut shrt by the lick to his nose
which sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. Then it got better she kissed him. His
mind raced tring to think of anything to do and he finally decided to kiss back. Sylk
seemed to approve as she pulled him against her perfect chest.

OOC: Ben loves tall slender women with big tits and tight round asses soo Sylk is perfect.

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Posted: 4 Nov 2004 23:30    Post subject:

[Mica and Sireth]

Sireth closed her eyes and let out a long sigh under Mica's caress. The pinch on her
nipple almost instantly had it hard, but she didn't flinch. His sudden, aggressive move
caught her by surprise and her eyes popped open to see him fully materialize, just as his
lips touched hers. She made no effort to resist him, though, and as he tipped her head up
she threw her left arm around his shoulder and her right hand behind the small of his
back, returning his kiss with the same aggressive passion as he was exhibiting.

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny watched as Preston demonstrated the barrier and then stepped up to the same point,
holding her hand palm out, stopping at the barrier, although in a different place. She
scribbled on the PC and held it so he could see it.

I felt this when I first entered, and I've encountered these things, before. It's not a
barrier, really. It's just the outer boundary of what you perceive to the be 'house'. It's
only a barrier to one person -- you. There is something in this house, possibly connected
to this house and which you have a strong emotional connection to. It might be a thing
like your body, or part of it. It could even be something as insubstantial as a memory.
I'm going to create a door in it. You will be able to step through that door. You have to
believe me about that. I've done this, before. I can't keep it open forever, and the
farther away from the house you get the stronger will be the force that draws you back,
but I'm sure the garden is accessible. When all this is over, I'll come back and make a
proper, permanant door.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis
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Posted: 5 Nov 2004 14:37    Post subject: Wrapped in Sylk

OOC: Just tell me when people reach the kitchen, where Sam has wound up, and I will
describe what has happened to him. The poor horsie was made for troubles, after all, and
seems to bear with me quite well despite them all.

IC: Sylk murred softly as Ben began to kiss her back, and he could feel her hands rubbing
his back, pulling him closer as her barbed tongue wriggled in an erotic imitation of
coitus with his.

Drawing back, Sylk smiled, this time showing just a hint of gleaming teeth, her eyes
heavily-lidded as she began to rub Ben's chest, cooing at the feel of his young muscles
beneath his shirt. Reaching the base of the shirt, she gave the young mouse a wink, and
slid her long, nimble fingers up under his shirt. First teasing his tummy with her
surprisingly sharp claws, though she only tickled his skin with the contact, Sylk began to
raise the shirt until all of his chest and midriff was exposed. The pantheress waited for
Ben to lift his arms before she slid his shirt off, and then deftly sent it onto a nearby
plush red chair with a flick of her wrist. If Ben cared to look (which would have required
him to take his eyes off Sylk) then he would have seen that the shirt neatly folded itself
in midair, and landed perfectly flat on the chair's cushion.

Slowly lowering herself before Ben, Sylk looked up at the mouse with her luminous, adoring
green eyes before leaning forward to kiss and then lick his right nipple, being sure to
verrry slowly draw the rough raspiness of her tongue across the sensitive pink protrusion.
Her right hand, meanwhile, carefully teased his left nipple with its long, achingly sharp
claws, not breaking his skin, but toying with his nerves in ways that were hard to
properly describe. The feelings of tongue and claws were somewhere between pain and
pleasure, though markedly skewed to the pleasure side.

"I know your secret fantasies, Ben Zimmerman," said the sultry panthress in a voice which
made the best phone sex worker sound like an amateur. "I know what makes you hot. And I
intend to stroke every one of those naughty places inside of you." She smiled up at him,
now showing him just enough of her teeth that he knew they were very sharp. "Of course,
I'll stroke a lot more before I'm through."

At that, Ben felt and saw the panthress' hand go to his shorts, and begin to slowly rub
the buldge in their front, with Sylk cooing in happiness at what she found before she bent
forward again to draw her tongue across Ben's other nipple with aching slowness. "I'll
fulfill those fantasies. And all your most erotic nightmares."

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Posted: 5 Nov 2004 17:41    Post subject:

[Sireth and Mica]

Mica wasn't totally surprised when Sireth responded favorably to his kiss, not considering
the way she had responded to his unseen caresses against her body. It was still a bit
unusual though, someone responding in such a fashion to an otherworldly entity, thus he
was still a little surprised. As her arm wrapped around his shoulder, however, Mica leaned
into the kiss a bit more forcefully, inwardly pleased with her equally aggressive and
passionate response. He idly wondered if this particular form met with her approval, but
really, he could be whatever he felt like if it struck his fancy, so it was only an idle
thought as he pressed her body against the wall and met her mouth in their forceful kiss.
Mica gripped her neck a little more firmly and stroked his thumb along the line of her jaw
as he pressed himself against her and rubbed her shoulder a little with his opposite hand.

Finally, Mica drew his mouth back as he ended the kiss, teasing his tongue across her
lower lip as he did so. "That, Sireth, is a 'proper' greeting," he said as he watched her
for a moment. Only a moment, however, as he shifted back into another plane of existence
and phased out of her embrace, vanishing again. His head dipped down and through her
blouse as he began to move away, however, tracing his tongue along the opposite nipple to
the one he had pinched.

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Posted: 5 Nov 2004 19:16    Post subject:

[Mica and Sireth]

Sireth leaned her back against the wall when Mica finally broke their kiss, beginning to
wonder just what sort of being he was. She hadn't expected a ghost to take to a living
person quite so congenially -- or passionately. He seemed like a nice sort of person,
although the undercurrent of mischeviousness was obvious to the most casual observer. She
glanced around, deciding that, at least in her limited perception, there were no other
observers, casual or otherwise. That was a Good Thing.

Her eyes met his as he spoke and she licked her lips and gave him wide grin. "Yes, it was,
indeed ... uh ... Garnet. No, that's not right. A stone, yes, but that's the wrong one."
She raised an eyebrow when he phased back out again and smiled as his tongue brushed
across her nipple. "Mmmm. Had something to do with heat, didn't it? Flat and flaky ...
yes. Mica! That's your name ... Mica. Forgive me, but the perceptions of my mortal flesh
sometimes operate in strange ways."

She scanned her eyes in a half circle, taking in the entire hall, and then stepped around
Mica and headed back to the steps. "I think I'd like to go talk to that cute stallion.
Care to join me, Mica?"

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Posted: 5 Nov 2004 23:41    Post subject:

[Sireth and Mica]

"Flat and flaky?" Mica responded a little indignantly, though there was a smile on his
muzzle. "I think not, winchinchala, but heat... Definately. You're half right, but not in
meaning. Try again, my rabbit friend, you'll figure it out," he added with a deep chuckle
as he moved to follow her. She intrigued him for some reason, there was definately
something not right about her, and he had his suspicions, just no proof. He also suspected
she wasn't being entirely truthful to him with regards to what she could see and hear, but
that hardly mattered, and he had no proof of that either. She could be entertaining and
perhaps... accomodating, so he would stick with her for now, but as he told Preston, he
might not stay away from the vixen later.

"And yes, I believe I will join you," he said mildly, reaching a mostly non-physical hand
between her thighs and dragging a physical fingertip across her slit. "Perhaps in several
ways," he added, nipping her ear yet again as his other hand traced up her earrings.
"Though my tastes don't follow yours."

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Posted: 6 Nov 2004 0:47    Post subject:

[Mica and Sireth]

Sireth stopped at the top of the stairs when Mica corrected her. Half right? So his name
had nothing to do with minerals, but with something else. Something was nagging at her
mind, but it wouldn't quite come into focus. She shrugged to herself and started to take
her first step down, but he started speaking again and she felt his finger slip between
her outer labia and rub across her inner lips. This would have startled most females, but
she had trained herself long ago to live in the moment -- to accept whatever might impinge
upon her perceptions and to enjoy the sensation, whether of a kind most people would
interpret as pleasure ... or pain. Her only response was a quiet "mmm", and a half step
sideways, just in case he wanted to do it again, so he would have easier access -- not
that she figured he would. He was starting to come across to her as a definite tease.

That quick caress was followed by a nip and a tracing of a finger along the earrings of
one ear. "Mngh! You seem to like nipping ears, so I think at least some of your tastes
follow mine," she commented, turning her head in the direction of where she figured the
teeth were, but saw nothing but the wall behind her. Turning back, again, she began to pad
quietly down the stairs to the second floor.

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Posted: 6 Nov 2004 2:07    Post subject:

Preston ticked off on his fingers. "My body, or whats left of it, is still here after all
this time. Memories I have a good deal of, some pleasant, some... less than pleasant. I
don't know how you're going to do this, but I'll try anything once." he said, pacing along
the porch. "However, I would like to ask why you are doing this. I have done you no
favors, and in death as in life, there are always strings attached. I just want to know
what your string is." He paced around behind her, letting hi chilly breath wash over the
back of her neck.

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Posted: 6 Nov 2004 8:45    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny followed his voice with her ears, and when he was done shook her head, smiling.

I guess you never met anyone when you were alive who just cared about people -- with no
strings attached. I'm doing this because I want to, Mr. Rothwhite. I have no expectation
of any compensation from you now, or anytime in the future. If it makes you feel better to
return the favor, then do so, although I really don't know what you could do for me.
However, I ask you to simply accept this as what it is -- a gift without strings.


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Posted: 6 Nov 2004 10:28    Post subject:

The pantheress' rubbing of Ben's back got a shiver out of him it just felt soo good. She
must be a fucking pro mmm yeah shes gotta be Ben explained to himself while Sylk teased
his abs. Noticing that Sylk wanted to Take off Ben's shirt he complied quickly not seeing
the amasing folding trick because he far to captivated by the panthress' eyes.

Ben jumped alittle when the sharp claws and rough tongue hit his nipples but steeled
himself so as not to look like a wussy. Pull yourself together Ben dont turn her off over
a tiny bit of pain. the voice in his mind demanded. " Mmm that feels kinda nice." He
managed to say through pants of pleasure.

Ben nodded when Sylk spoke Part of his mind having told him from the start that she could
make all his dreams pleasure come true. Ben couldnt have been harder when Sylks hand
rubbed over the buldge in his pants his body ached for release wanted to feel the sexy
feline all over it wanted to get in her.

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Posted: 6 Nov 2004 11:27    Post subject:

"I suppose that ending the way I did left me with a substantial bitterness for all people,
so I'm not used to such compassion. I shall very carefully consider the results of this
'experiment' and perhaps I can find some way to compensate you for your efforts... you
might be surprised by what I can do, but I'll keep that concept hidden for now." he
turned, tracing a finger along the barrier, it felt like his clawtip was scraping a stone
wall, though it made no sound. "Whenever you are ready, I wait with bated breath... or not
I suppose."

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Posted: 6 Nov 2004 14:33    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny just nodded after listening to Preston, and removed the athame, unwrapping it.
Again, it seemed, to Preston, to glow with a bright, white, inner light. There was power
in the dagger -- a type of power akin to his, but different and in some ways much more
powerful than his, but much more focused, as well.

She stood facing the barrier, the blade of the dagger pointed up as she held in in both
hands at her waist, and closed her eyes. Blanking her mind of all external distractions,
she sent her awareness down through the stone of the porch into the ground, visualizing
her feet growing a network of deep roots like a tree. Preston could see a faint "swirling"
of light around her, looking like nothing more than ghostly whisps rotating around her in
a clockwise motion. Jenny could "feel" her "roots" in the cold darkness of the soil and
the bedrock under her, and she sent them even deeper until that familiar buzzing in her
ears, accompanied by a light-headed feeling, told her that she had connected with her
source of power for this working. She visualized her roots sucking energy up into her like
the roots of a tree suck water out of the ground. Preston saw a swirling of white light
begin to make its way up her legs to join with the whirlpool around her body, adding to
its brightness until after a few minutes she was surrounded with a blur of brilliant

She extended the dagger out in front of her, still point up, with her right hand leaving
her left hand, palm up, at her waist. Suddenly the bright luminesence around her started
getting sucked into her left hand and the dagger simultaneously began glowing ever
brighter. Preston thought he could just make out a series of colored spheres pulsing along
her spine, beginning with a deep red one at the base and going through the colors of the
rainbow to one at the top of her head which was glowing white. She raised her left hand to
her heart and when she drew it away, a streamer of brilliant green light leaped from her
chest to her hand, and she grasped the hilt of the ceremonial weapon, the green light
merging with the white.

Stepping forward she slowly drew the blade horizontally through the barrier. At the
instant it touched the unseen obstacle, the barrier lit up in an almost angry
conflagration of color as energy from the dagger flowed into it. A wave of chaotic,
rainbow-huged color traveled through the entire barrier until, to ghostly eyes, the house,
itself, would have seemed to be on "fire" with it -- at least from the outside. The white
light poured into the barrier as she drew the blade through it, "cutting" a slit in it as
though one would slice the side of a tent with a knife. She went to her knee and continued
the cut all the way to the ground, and then stood up, wrapping the athame up and placing
it into her coat pocket, again. The barrier protested for a few more seconds and then the
almost malevolent colors faded, to be replaced with a faint white glow that only Preston's
eyes could see.

Jenny stepped to the "slit", almost as if she could see it, and used her fingers to pry it
open, turning to face Preston as she wedged herself into the narrow opening. Then she
raised her hands, green luminescence flowing from both of them and the opening obediently
widened until it was wide enough for three people to walk through side by side. She
dropped her arms and the opening held. Suddenly looking very tired, she smiled weakly and
held her hand out to Preston as if inviting him to cross the threshhold with her. "Come,
Mr. Rothwhite. It may hold for a few minutes, or even a few days. I don't know, but I want
to walk with you in the garden for at least a little while so you'll know that you're not
truly a prisoner in your house." Her thoughts were clear and intelligible -- the first
time he had ever actually heard a mortal speak in his mind.

Last edited by ferryt on 6 Nov 2004 19:26; edited 1 time in total

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Posted: 6 Nov 2004 18:12    Post subject:

Preston watched Jenny with an acute interest, the ritual was fascinating to him. He likely
could've conjured a light show similar to that one himself, but he'd never met or even
seen a mortal who could do such things. The barrier, though apparently resisting, was
giving way to her actions like a pice of cheesecloth, while to his own, it had acted as an
invisible brick wall. He could sense a great power in her, from a source he was unable to
locate, but whatever it was, it rivalled our possibly outmatched his own. He could also
sense that the ritual was drawing the attention of more than just a few other spirits, but
few of them seemed daring enough to approach, and those that showed signs of curiosity of
hostility, he silenced by dispatching a low wave of malevolence... warning the others to
keep away.

A she finished and held out a hand, he was shocked to hear her voice in his mind, and
though he remained wary of her, he didn't seem to mind it too much. He stepped forward,
reaching out to touch the edge of the slit, tracig his palm along it. It had no real
dimensional thickness that he could measure, but the edge was still slightly warm to him.
He turned, reaching out and letting his palm land on Jenny's, shifting enough so that his
form remained dim, but he was corporeal enough for her to feel his grasp were he still
alive. He looked at the opening once more, his eyes following it from end to end, before
taking a large step forward, through where it had been, out into the night air. He let out
a dull breath, it felt like he was free, though he could feel a gravity trying to pull him
back to where he had been, his feet landing on steps down from the porce for the first
time since he'd been alive. He breathed again. It's... I don't know, I can't describe
it... I feel better than I've felt in awhile. he thought to her, unsure if she could hear
his thoughts as he heard hers. Come, let us walk around the house... I haven't been out
here for almost a century.

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Posted: 6 Nov 2004 18:34    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny was surprised, although pleasantly so, when she felt his hand touch hers. She closed
her hand over hers, and held it until he was completely free of the barrier. "It won't
close while you're out here," she explained as they stepped off the porch. "If you're out
here when my power fails it will draw you back, perhaps rather quickly, and will then
close behind you." She looked around her, the moonlight filtering through the trees, some
still having leaves, although many had already fallen and were covering the ground.
"Remember, Mr. Rothwhite. More can be done than this -- just not on such short notice. I
think I can make a permanent 'door' in the barrier, although I may need some help in doing
that. I suspect that as you get accustomed to once again being free from the house you'll
be able to extend your range from it, but I don't know for how far. You lead. It's rather
dark out here for me. I can hear you and you can hear me ... at least for a little while.
When the spell wears off I'll have to get out my pad to talk to you, again, and that will
probably happen before the 'door' closes."

Last edited by ferryt on 6 Nov 2004 19:24; edited 1 time in total

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Posted: 6 Nov 2004 18:45    Post subject:

[Sireth and Mica]

"That's true, I suppose," Mica commented, holding his muzzle near her ear as she walked,
trailing very closely behind her, almost as if threatening, or perhaps offering was the
more appropriate word, to bite her again. Closer than he could have in a physical form,
for her legs occasionally phased through his as she moved. Mica shifted his muzzle around
to her other ear and reached around her to cup one of her breasts in his hand, letting
part of his hand become physical as it passed through her blouse and rubbed across her
nipple with his thumb. "In some things, at least, though I would personally prefer a mare
over a stallion," he added as his other hand moved to cup her other breast in the same
manner. "Though bunny is sounding quite nice too, winchinchala." He hadn't yet decided
whether he would appear physically again for the stallion's benefit or continue his
invisible game with Sireth with the stallion there to observe. He had to admit, it had
been amusing with the mouse around, as irritating as he could be.

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Posted: 6 Nov 2004 19:47    Post subject:

[Mica and Sireth]

Sireth paused when Mica's hand closed over her breast, and raised her hands, placing them
over his when he cupped her other breast. "And here, I thought you were starting to sound
like a liberal sort of spirit!" She laughed. "I'll take the mare, too. No prejudices about
that on my part. However, I like nice warm bodies in my bed. Can you accomodate me, there?
If so, you've got yourself a date." She laughed again and twisted away from his hands and
started down the steps. She reached the first floor just as she heard Sam's call for help.
Quickly turning the corner into the living room she saw him zip away toward the end of the

"Now that's something you don't see every day!" Sireth commented, a touch of excitement
creeping into her voice. "A flying carpet. Now I wonder where they got that, and I think
that horse desperately needs to take some driving lessons." She giggled and bounded after
poor horse.

OOC: Draylen, it looks like the steps to the basement are now near the Kitchen, rather
than out front. That's OK. It almost makes sense, especially if the basement was being
used for cold storage of foodstuffs. Let's say the door to the basement is actually right
at the north edge of the block you drew to represent the steps up. and opens into the
dining room and kitchen. Yeah, guys, Draylen has a floorplan -- sort of. If anyone can
host the images we can save a lot of confusion.

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Posted: 7 Nov 2004 0:02    Post subject:

[Sireth and Mica]

"I am what I choose to be," he stated simply with a light chuckle as he continued
following the flop ear rabbit down to the first floor. "Be it cold, warm, physical or...
not." The commotion downstairs drew his attention, and he smiled slightly as the horse
called out for help. It seemed someone hadn't left him so unoccupied after all, proabably
the Yattering, subtle wasn't exactly that creature's style.

"I think you mean flying lessons," he commented mildly with a flick of his ears and a swat
to her butt as she started to bound away. Mica paused for a moment though, glancing
towards the main entrance, and then shrugged. "Perhaps this horse will be an amusing one,"
he added evenly, following along behind Sireth at a more leisurely pace.

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Posted: 7 Nov 2004 18:35    Post subject:

I can feel its pull already. It is resistable, but very present. He thought back, walking
out onto the dead grass of the front lawn, leading Jenny as he began a circle around the
house towards the back. A permenant exit would be nice... I cannot taste the night air or
feel the cool, but it is nice to get out after so long. As they walked, he slowed to a
stop, looking at an old gazebo, the wood rotting and the bushes around it overgrown. He
looked at it in silence, thinking of days past, before continuing on towards the back

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Posted: 7 Nov 2004 18:59    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

"I always wondered about that, Mr. Rothwhite," she said, feeling vaguely odd at holding a
ghost's hand in a stroll through a dead garden. "I assumed that ghosts could sense the
world much as the living do. After all, you can hear sounds, and, presumably, feel
objects. Why can't you taste or smell, as well?" She dropped her head and scuffed a stone
off into the darkness. "I'm sorry you can't enjoy those things, anymore. I can't imagine
what it would be like without all my senses."

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Posted: 8 Nov 2004 1:33    Post subject:

To a degree... I can sense most everything the way you do, I know it is there, but the
same sense of perception is not there. For example... He lifted her hand slightly. I can
feel you, sense your pulse, detect the blood in your veins, but it is not because of how I
touch you. It is... difficult to explain. I seem to still have my senses, but they work
differently... I can still hear and see much as I did before, but those senses... they are
passive. Smell is almost a mere memory, only the strongest odors affect me.. those of the
living, for example, you I can smell very well. Taste is all but gone, as I have used it
next to none since my passing... I've tried to eat every decade or so, but everything
tastes like ash in my mouth. he paused. However, I appear to have gained another few
senses... one of them is my ability to see the other spirits, another would be my sense of
when anything living is near... not exactly a fair trade though...

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Posted: 8 Nov 2004 10:10    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny listened to him in silence, trying to fathom what it must be like to actually be
stuck in a limbo like that. She sighed sadly, making a mental note to ask a few of her
friends about their theories on how spirits perceive the material world. "I agree. It's
not a fair trade, but if you were free to come and go as you please, even if only a little
way from the house, perhaps that would be something. There are people I can talk to --
people who might have some ideas. I'd like to help in any way I can if you're willing to
accept it. Unlike some people, I'm not interested in forcing you into anything you don't
really want."

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Posted: 8 Nov 2004 16:33    Post subject:

Preston sighed. I can see the truths in your offer, but really... where would I go? A
disembodied spirit roaming aimlessly with no purpose, I would be little better off than I
am here.Everyone who knew me has either passed on... or would hardly wish to see me
again... though there are a few who I would like to pay a visit to just to settle a few
old grudges... He thought, his voice going almost lethal near the end. I will admit
though... it is nice to have someone to converse with who is not one of the other denizens
of this place, most of them I either loathe too much to be worth speaking with them, or
they are hardly the talkative type. He stopped by a dead rose bush and pulled off one of
the wilted blossoms, looked at it for a moment, then discarded it.

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Posted: 8 Nov 2004 16:51    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny shook her head and made a few notes on her PC and tucked it back into the pack she
carried it in as Preston examined the rose. "I can't promise total freedom, Mr. Rothwhite.
All I can say is that I think I can create a permanant door in your barrier that will
enable you to at least wander a bit away from the house. With a little work this garden
could be beautiful in the Spring and Summer, you know. It's better than being cooped up in
that house forever. Maybe with luck the barrier can be dissolved, but that means finding
whatever it is that ties you to this place. It exists for you only because you have
created it, yourself, and you've given it a form that even I can sense. That's the way it
is with these things. The barrier is no more than a thoughtform. I doubt that the other
spirits around here even pay any attention to it."

She picked up the rose he dropped and smelled it, noting the barest of scent just peeking
above the odor of the dried and dead petals. "Even this retains something of what it was
when it was alive. So do you. Anger, the desire for revenge ... that could be what is
holding you here. Eliminate the source and the symptoms go away." She stooped over to
gently place the dead rose beneath the bush from which it had been picked.

Last edited by ferryt on 8 Nov 2004 23:14; edited 1 time in total

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Posted: 8 Nov 2004 22:57    Post subject:


It was. Said Preston. This garden was the most beautiful thing about this house at one
time. The Hydrangeas were especially lovely in May. He paused, wistfully. But like all
things, beauty died. All that is left are weeds and shriveled roses, like the true nature
of many things, many people. he turned, releasing her hand and pacing slowly. I would
hardly call what I desire revenge... I would call it closure. He said coldly, turning
towards Jenny. How would you feel... how would you feel if you worked every day of your
life for love, and when you finally got it, you realized you were a pawn in someone else's
game? The night seemed to get just a bit darker. And then... just suppose... in that
game... you died... and no one cared... Forgive me if I desire revenge, but I want closure
for what happened to me. he almost snarled.

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Posted: 8 Nov 2004 23:26    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny stepped back from him, her face showing an expression of combined concern and alarm.
"Revenge ... closure ... whatever you want to call it. It's unfinished business and that's
the kind of thing that most often holds spirits to a place. I'm sorry what happened to you
Mr. Rothwhite, and I can't imagine how you must feel. Please forgive me for prying, but I
do care, even if you find that hard to believe."

She sighed and turned away from him to face the moon. "I know what it's like to be alone,
Mr. Rothwhite ... and I don't mean being away from other people. I mean isolating myself
from other people because I hurt so much inside that I couldn't bear to interact with
them. I spent too much time in this body when it was broken and wouldn't move, and it was
only a miracle that I'm even able to walk, today. I died twice in surgery, but I fought
back from beyond the veil. I died again afterwards, and struggled to come back -- because
I had unfinished business."

She shook her head and turned back around to face him. "I'm sorry. I'm rambling and you
have too much on your mind to be concerned with my troubles. I brought you out here to
give you a taste of freedom, and I had hoped that you would enjoy it."

OOC: Damn hotkeys! Maybe typing things manually is a better idea, after all.

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Posted: 9 Nov 2004 12:43    Post subject:

Preston turned. You need not back away. I find it comforting that somone cares about what
happened to me, and what continues to happen to me. I thank you for letting me out, even
if it is for only a short while, it is nice to see some different surroundings for once.
He came up behind her and laid his palms on her shoulders gently, looking up at the moon
as well, in silence. I suppose we are kindred spirits in a way, you almost being in my own
position. You are different, you appreciate the value of life having been to the edge. But
you were able to come back, while my body was beyond a state capable of taking me back.

He stepped back as she turned. It is alright. These thoughts are always at the back of my
mind, hearing yours at least gives me the oppertunity to ignore them for awhile.

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Posted: 9 Nov 2004 16:37    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

"Well, you did scare me ... a little. But that's supposed to be your job, tonight, isn't
it?" Jenny gave him a knowing grin and looked toward the house. "I hope I haven't
jeapordized my chances of winning by taking a stroll outside the house with one of it's
permanent residents."

She smiled at him and turned to watch the moon wistfully. "In another place, perhaps ...
another time ... different circumstances ... I think I would have liked to know you in the
flesh, Mr. Rothwhite. I've never really had a conversation with a ghost. I've talked at a
few. I've even commanded a few, but mostly there's nothing even remotely resembling what
we're doing."

Turning around again, she held out her hand. "Show me the rest of the garden, maybe?

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