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Gideon Kalve Jarvis
Pack Leader

Joined: 16 Jan 2003
Posts: 1594

Posted: 9 Nov 2004 19:29 Post subject: Sam's Troubles / Ben's Pleasures

[Ben and Sylk]

Sylk slowly knelt before Ben, nuzzling him under the chin in an oh-so-feline manner before reaching
her knees, and then looking up at the mouse in a worshipful manner. Her hands were doing truly
obscene things to Ben's body through his shorts, and yet the look she gave him with her startling
green eyes was almost innocent, trusting, as though he were her master, and she a hopeless slave to
his desires. Lowering her eyes back to Ben's dangly bits, Sylk parted the flap in the front with her
deft fingers, and then leaned in to pull down the zipper with her teeth, being sure to proceed with
sensual slowness. Popping the button open, she opened his pants wide, then reached forward to stroke
Ben's length through his underpants [if he has them, that is]. Her eyes never left the throbbing
length revealed to her, and she bent forward to lick at the residue of precum that had soaked
through the mouse's underwear. Then she wriggled her hips from side to side on the floor, at the
same time lifting the underpants up and over Ben's needy erection, then sliding them down to his
feet. Now fully kneeling before Ben, Sylk bent forward and licked his feet, lifting first one and
then the other to tickle his soles with her talented tongue, before returning them to the soft red
carpet. She lifted herself back up until her head was at the perfect level for his use, and reached
up to take his hands in hers and place them upon her head. "Use my mouth, Master," said Sylk
quietly, looking up at Ben with her worshipful, submissive gaze, her green eyes still filled with
their strange inner light. "Make me eat your thick mouse-meat."

[The Yattering, et al.]

As Mica and Sireth made their way along the hall to the kitchen, they discovered that the Yattering
had not been idle. Every few feet, they would find an article of tattered clothing. First they found
Sam's overalls, the buttons ripped off, the straps dangling. Next was the red flanel shirt Sam had
worn under the overalls, it's front torn open with casual ease. Next, and finally, were Sam's
boxers, though these, strangely enough, weren't torn up like the other two articles of clothing. As
the pair reached the kitchen, but right before entering it, they heard a high-pitched equine scream,
which was suddenly muffled. Entering the kitchen, they saw Sam, trussed up like a suckling pig,
complete with an apple in his mouth, strong rope binding his wrists and ankles beneath him as his
firm, tight rump was forced into the air by an unseen force. The stallion was as well endowed as
should be expected of his species, and he rolled his eyes with trembling fear as he struggled
futiley against the grip of whatever it was that had attacked him. Then, before Sireth and Mica's
eyes, Sam's body began to change. His large balls and half-emerged penis shrank away, and then sank
into his body, leaving a tight, womanly cleft in it's place. His hips changed in their conformation,
even as his chest adjusted as breasts pushed out beneath his nipples. In the twinkling of an eye,
Sam had been transformed into a mare! The Yattering laughed soundlessly as he crouched on a nearby
counter, his greatly-hunched, lanky shape belying completely his great size when he was standing
erect, though this was something he seldom did. His skin was green and mottled, his face skeletal
and hideous with a long, lolling tongue and eyes that blazed with evil red fire. He turned to the
entering furs and waved a hand, as though to say 'What do your think of my work?' and 'Help
yourself, she's helpless,' at the same time.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 9 Nov 2004 19:45    Post subject: [The Yattering, et al.]

OOC: Priceless!

"Damn! Now you don't see that every day, either!" Sireth exclaimed, her eyes first going
from the Yattering to the (now) mare and then to Mica after the transformation. "Imagine
that, a horse with an apple in her mouth. What will they think of next>" She laughed and,
ignoring the Yattering, calmly walked up to Sam, one of her soft bunny ears flopping
against the equine's muzzle as she leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Is this the sort of thing
that happens at these contests? I've never been to one of them, you know." She
straightened up as Sam attempted to say something around the apple, with no success.
"Oh, sorry! The apple. Of course!" She removed the apple from his mouth and casually
took a bite out of it. "This is very good," she said, her voice muffled by the mouthful of the
sweet succulent fruit. "Would you like a bite?" She held the apple out to Sam, fully within
range of his muzzle if he cared to take a nibble.

OOC: I think I know how suckling pigs are tied up, but I have one point of confusion. Is
Sam on her back or stomach. If stomach, I'm not sure Sireth and Mica could have seen the
transformation of his genitalia.

Last edited by ferryt on 9 Nov 2004 20:42; edited 1 time in total

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2980

Posted: 9 Nov 2004 20:21    Post subject: [Yattering, et al.]

"More creative than I expected," Mica commented with a nod towards the Yattering as he
looked over the stallion, well, mare, with a little more appreciation. As a stallion, Mica was
a bit more limited in his torments, certainly not like he had been doing to Sireth, but now.
Mica strolled over to the restrained mare, admiring the handywork, and ran his hand down
the length of her thigh from knee to buttocks before moving inward to tease his fingers a
little across the folds of her sex, remaining invisible but letting his fingertips become
physical. "Not bad at all."

As Sireth took a bite from the apple, Mica grinned and moved to stand behind her again,
running his hand up her thigh and across her inner lips in a repeat of the manuver he had
done to the stallion turned mare. Looking at the apple, Mica wished he'd taken on a
physical form before coming in, for it did, indeed, look good, but it wasn't technically too
late for that. "Care to share?" he whispered against one of her ears, leaving vague
whether he was refering to the apple, Sireth herself, or the horse.
OOC: I think this happened the first year, but then I'm not sure anyone was around to take
advantage of his/her situation that time. And, uh, Marta?

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 9 Nov 2004 20:50    Post subject: Sam's Troubles

[Yattering, et al.]

Sireth made a quick, almost harsh sigh as Mica's hand passed along her inner folds, and
when he withdrew it his fingers were wet with the fluids of her arousal. She had been
mostly hiding this from him so far, but she was clearly lubricating. "I'd just love to share,"
she said, still holding the apple for Sam but making a quick glance with her eyes in the
direction of Mica's voice, and leaving vague whether she was referring to the apple,
herself, or the horse, and whether she was talking to Sam or Mica.

OOC: Yeah, Marta. I just got finished doing a lot of background writing on that character
and her name was stuck in my head for some reason.

Posted: 10 Nov 2004 1:18    Post subject:

I would doubt it. Said Preston dryly. It would seem no one has come along to check on
you, and the others are most likely busy with the other denizens of the mansion. He turned
as she spoke the words 'in the flesh', sighing deeply. I don't do this for many outside
ofwhen I am deceiving them, so count yourself lucky... He stepped back, spreading his
arms and curling his fingers to fists as he shifted to a more solid state, phasing until he
looked as he did in the many portraits in the mansion. He opened his eyes and stepped
back forward, taking Jenny's hand in his. "Is this better?" he asked. "Come. I shall take you
to the back patio."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 10 Nov 2004 8:10    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

"Much better, Mr. Rothwhite, but I didn't mean to inconvenience you ... if what you just did
is an ... incovenience." She closed her hand over his, noting that it felt cool. Actually, she
had no idea what she thought a ghost would feel like. This wasn't a time or place to be
jumping to any sorts of conclusions. "I'd love to see the back patio," she added, smiling up
at him.

Last edited by ferryt on 10 Nov 2004 15:56; edited 1 time in total

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 10 Nov 2004 15:40    Post subject:

(Who is Thomas? And he shouldn't feel warm, not cold, but cooler than someone should.)
"It takes a fair bit of effort to adjust, but maintaining this guise..." he turned his hand over a
few times. "... takes minimal strength." he took her hand in his, enjoying the way a living
being felt, and began walking.

The back patio, in it's prime, had been a flat stone area with neatly trimmed hedges, patio
furnature, and a bubbling fountain. Now, the hedges had either died of shriveled back to
stifled, scrubby plants, and the only pieces of remaining furnature were a pair of rusty
frames from old chairs. The fountain was empty, the stone weathered and discolored,
patches of moss growing on the cracking surfaces. All in all, the area was a shadow of it's
former self, the elegant lines and patterns eroded by nature.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 10 Nov 2004 15:54    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

OOC: OK, that add-in to my browser just got dumped into the bit bucket. I'm trying to use
hotkeys to write things I have to write over and over. Thomas is a character in another RP,
and the add-in is starting to munge things up royally (it's not even beta -- more like
omicron). So -- back to doing it manually. Anyway ... I figured if he was going to try to
"deceive" someone his disguise would have to include the expected tactile sensations. I'll
edit accordingly.

Jenny walked with Preston, periodically looking over at him almost as if expecting him to
fade away. Things were getting just a bit surreal, even for a Witch who didn't mind
consorting with the unliving -- well, "consorting" might not be the right term, but it was the
one that popped into her mind. There was no mistaking that he was the one in the
paintings ... or, at least, he could make himself appear to be that person.
She gazed at the patio under the moonlight and tried to visualize how it must once have
appeared. "It was very beautiful in it's time, Mr. Rothwhite. It still is, if you know how to look
at it. It's too bad the owners of this old house haven't kept up the grounds as well as they
have the interior," she added sadly.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 10 Nov 2004 16:33    Post subject:

"The interior is so much better off because the only ones who can alter it are the living,
which can be easily kept away. As for the outside, the elements are not nearly as easily
impressed by us, so the deterioration has been steady, and none of the owners ever stay
around long enough to think much about landscaping." he said, looking out at the rolling
hills beyond the backyard. "I enjoyed spending time out here, by myself, and with Rachae-
others." He said, quickly slicing the last word off before he finished it.
He folded his arms behind his back, clasping his wrists. Just standing out here, with
another, a vixen of all people, was bringing back memories he'd been trying to forget for a
long time. He wanted to say he could trust her, but he'd trusted before, and it had gotten
him to his current position. He sighed, walking along and flicking a dead leaf off the edge
of the fountain.

kawii-yiff Hunter
Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Posts: 261 Location: in the middle of the midwest

Posted: 10 Nov 2004 16:39    Post subject:

Ben couldnt help but feel empowerd by the innocent submissive gaze, but Sylk's eager
hands gave away how naughty she could be. the way she undid his shorts reminded Ben
of his deepest fantasies and he was begining to see that they could be coming true. His
boxers quickly tented up as Ben's cock hardend under it's delightfull attention. " Mmmm
that feels great." Ben half moaned as sylk licked the precum that was seeping thru.
His erection now freed from his Joe boxer prison throbed with delight but was suprised
when his feet were the ones getting the attention now. Ben squirmed alittle as the tongue
made it's way across the soles of his feet Ben had alwase secretly loved foot play but this
was the first time his feet had been the ones to be teased.
His hands on Sylk's head again gave Ben a surge of power oh yes she had just called him
master and he was going to play the part as best he could. without saying a word Ben slid
his meat into Sylk's mouth befiore she would finish the last word. His hips thrust his hungry
member into her mouth a few short times before Ben's eagerness caused it to go deeper
and deeper with each thrust, the concept of the felines breathing never even came to
Ben's mind as he forced more and more deeper and deeper.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2980

Posted: 10 Nov 2004 17:06    Post subject: Three Spooks and a Mare (sorta)

[Sam and his tormenters]

Realizing it was probably contrary to what she expected, Mica made another pass across
Sireth's slit with his fingers, feeling the moisture collecting on his fingertips. He smiled
broadly at this, as well as her response, and though it took some doing, worked his
fingertips away from her and ducked down to bring his hand out from under her skirt
without losing their cargo of bunny juices. "Excellent," he whispered to her in the opposite
ear, giving it a parting non-caporeal nip and then walked around the bound mare to where
she wouldn't be able to see him. With a glance towards the Yattering and a grin towards
Sireth, Mica again let himself take physical form, displaying his tall serval image. Keeping
his grin in place, he brought his hand up and made a show of studying the bit of moisture
he had collected there, and then locked his eyes on Sireth's as he snaked his tongue out
of his mouth and ran them slowly along the moistened didgits, sampling her dewy essense
with great relish.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 10 Nov 2004 20:23    Post subject:

OOC: OK, I can post here, but any more than this and we get too far ahead of Gideon.

Even as she quite speaking to the mare, she felt Mica's fingers trace through her pussy
again. Closing her eyes for a moment, she made a quite "mmf" sound, but quickly opened
them, still aimed at the mare's eyes. "Or not," she said, standing up straight. About that
time, Mica materialized behind Sam, and Sireth allowed one of her eyebrows to raise,
flicking the ear on that side, as well. She grinned at him when he tasted her juices, and
brought the apple to her mouth, licking across it once and then across her lips as she set
the fruit down on the table. "Yes, indeed, yummy!

Suddenly she raised her finger in the air. "Oh, I get it! You two are plants here, right? I
mean, you're here to, like, scare the rest of us out. That thing with the guy in the living
room ..." She walked around to Sam's side and studied his markings for a moment. "You
look a lot like him ... your brother, I bet. I'd like to know how you did that flying carpet thing.
That was, like, really realistic, but then he ducked out, and you were already dressed up
like you were ready for the oven. That ... um ... transformation thing. That was a hologram,
right? I knew it. I bet there's a camera in here, too. And you ..." She looked directly at the
Yattering. "Dude, you have got to do something about that suit. It's so ugly it's not even
believable. Spirits don't look like that. They look like normal people. I know, 'cause I've
already met one, tonight. I won't tell, though. The mouse -- I think ... nah. He wouldn't be
fooled, either. You're going to have to come up with something a little better than this. He
doesn't even believe in ghosts."

She was talking non-stop, hardly taking a breath between sentences, as she walked
around the mare, her eyes lustfully taking in her vulnerably-exposed backside. "I bet
there's something to eat in here besides apples," she continued moto perpetuum, as she
opened a cupboard, "aaaaand ... whoa! What do we have here?" She asked, hauling
down a box. "I know what this is," she said, still taking hardly a break for a breath. "Do you
know what this is?" She asked Sam as she placed the box on the floor and plopped down
in front of him/her. What Sam saw was a box that very clearly indicated that it contained
equipment for body piercing. Sireth flipped open the top and pulled out the "punch" device,
along with a small plastic bag of rings and studs, and a piece of paper with a
handscribbled note on it. Glancing at the note she grinned evilly at Sam. "This seems to be
your wish list -- at least it seems to be. It says "For the mare. I would like ...' and then
there's this list." She ran her fingers down her ear. You like mine? I got all these at once.
The pain was delightful. I didn't think we were going to get kinky entertainment. Let's see
now ... one ... two ... three ..." Her voice quickly trailed off as she ran her fingers down the
paper. "You're going to have more silver than I do, by the time I finish this. Oh did I tell you
I know how to use this thing. Did my own. You do like them don't you? I think we'll do the
two in each ear last ... maybe the nose before them, the tongue before that, the nipples
before that. I really like your style. Clitoral hood, both outer labia, and two each, no less,
and the inner lips as well, although why you would want three in each of them is beyond
me, but the drawing here shows where they all go." She turned the paper around so Sam
could see it, and it showed a widespread crotch shot carefully drawn at the bottom of the
page with marks for each piercing. She looked back into the box and set it down with a
puzzled expression on her face. "Um, where is the clamp and spray for anesthe ... oh, I
see. You're into pain too!. This is going to be, like, really fun!" She picked up the punch
and started to stand.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 12 Nov 2004 14:52    Post subject: A Yattering Scorned

OOC: Er, Feryt, was Sireth's dialogue supposed to be so manic? I got her actions, but it
was a little hard to follow. Yiffy, yes, but hard to follow. Also, I apologize for the delay. It is
almost Thanksgiving break, and so the crunch is upon us, when teachers realize that they
only have so much time in which to foist work upon their students. Add to that that I was
finishing the work to apply for an externship, and you can see why I have been a little

Ben / Sylk

Sylk hummed quietly to herself as she let Ben use and abuse her mouth. Her
tongue rippled along the underside of his throbbing mousecock [about how big is Ben, and
how animal-like is his penis?], pausing for a moment to tease along the sensitive corona at
the base of his glans, before letting him push back in to the hilt, his furry balls rubbing
against her chin. As Sylk swirled her tongue around Ben's member, he could feel the
incredible sensations of her tongue. Not only was Sylk gifted with a sexual prowess
garnered over countless mortal lifetimes, but she could do things no mortal ever could,
which she demonstrated by causing her tongue to shift between the rough barbs of a
feline, to the silken smoothness of a fox, the sensations running together one after the
other until the edges of reality started to blur. Sylk grabbed Ben's tight hiney with her
surprisingly strong hands and gave the mouse's firm tush a squeeze, her claws tickling the
skin beneath his soft fur. [I have forgotten: what color is Ben's fur again?] As Ben humped
Sylk's pretty face, her adoring, luminous green eyes looking up at him from time to time,
the room seemed to grow gradually darker, the gas lights on the walls dimming ever so
slowly. And through it all, Sylk never once came up for air.

[Sam et al]

OOC: Sam is on his stomach, his arms and legs tucked beneath him and tied at
the wrists and ankles. [Now] Her fine, tight rump, however, is held up by an unseen
telekinetic force, making it an easy target, and very visible during it's change.
IC: Sam gasped for breath as the apple was pulled from his mouth. "Please," begged the
frightened mare desperately. "Please, this has happened to me before. Please, let me out
of the house. The change goes away if I just leave. But last year they wouldn't let me leave
until . . ." Sam's higher-pitched, sweetly feminine voice turned to a sob.

[OOC: Yeah, Sam did get changed last year. But even though none of the players had
their way with him, does not mean that 'things' did not happen to him].

Sam whimpered again as she felt Mica brush against her moist, pouting vaginal lips. Even
a brief glance would reveal that Sam was a virgin, whatever having happened to her last
year having been done away when she was changed back into a male. But now she was
fresh in this female body once more, and all the strange new sensations came crashing in,
leaving her hypersensitive to even the slightest touch. Added to this was that she was an
equine, a very sensitive species to begin with, and Sam was almost a walking erogenous
zone. Her sweet, pristine sex began to grow puffy as it engorged with blood, her body
growing moist with unwanted desires.

When Sireth pulled out the box of piercing materials, Sam's eyes grew wide with horror as
she realized that she wasn't among friends. Her large, expressive eyes passed between
Mica and Sireth, and she shook her head, pleading silently for mercy as she whimpered
quietly, tied and helpless on the table.

"Oh please," sobbed Sam, knowing that there would be nobody to save her. "Please,
don't. Don't pierce me. Please, just let me go."

The Yattering, however, seemed rather irritated by Sireth remark about his 'ugly costume,'
his wide, leering grin returning to it's more accustomed bestial snarl. Flowing onto the floor
in an almost feline manner, the Yattering began to prowl around the table behind Sireth,
staying on all fours, his body's musculature and bone structure moving in ways that were
hideous to watch, having almost no relation to the ways that Earth beings were supposed
to move. He leaned back on his haunches as Sireth found the piercing set, his large
maleness dangling at partial arousal between his legs as he watched the bunny at play,
his grin slowly returning as he considered which of the two pretty girls he would abuse

kawii-yiff Hunter
Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Posts: 261 Location: in the middle of the midwest

Posted: 12 Nov 2004 18:54    Post subject:

OOC: okey here goes Ben is a well endowed mouse boy with a good 7 incher thats thick
to boot. it is humanish not animal. also Ben has grey fur with white on his chest, crotch,
and inner thighs.
Sylk's amazing tongue sent a shiver of sweet pleasure up Ben's spine, causing his eyes to
flutter alittle from the pleasure. " Jesus that feels good. " Ben moaned out his hips still
sending his dick down Sylk's throat." Im not sure how your doing that but it's good." Ben
moaned out again looking down to see his cock burried to the hilt in her mouth. How can
she be breathing? Ben wondered and yet his body wouldnt let him pull out Well she doest
seem to be suffocating yet soo it's still ok .After a few more thrusts Ben willed himself to
pull out of the heavenly feeling mouth even though he ached to return to it. " Geez im sorry
heh I got alittle carried away." Even as Ben spoke his hand stroked his dick showing just
how much his body wanted more attention.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 12 Nov 2004 20:55    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

Sireth mostly payed no attention to the Yattering, the mare having her nearly undivided
attention. "You know, at first I thought that was real -- the changing you know, but has
technology ever caught with me! I still can't believe you're trying something so ... obvious
to scare us, though. Uh, this isn't part of the test is it? I mean, like, if I have it all figured out
ahead of time, I don't have to stay all night, right? I mean, like, if this was real, and all, and
it happened to you last year, why would you ever come back. That just doesn't make, like,
sense, you know? So it's gotta be a ruse."

She seemed to become aware of the Yattering behind her, and half-turned to look at him.
"Nice moves, dude. Now that was realistic -- makes more sense than that costume, and is
that ... like real?" She pointed at his semi-erect member with a look of astonishment on her
face, that quickly transformed into a grin. "Ah, yes, another prop ... but that's pretty cool. I'd
keep that part of it for next year."

She turned back to Sam shaking her head. "But you just gotta lose this part of it. Nobody's
going to believe it, you know? And, yeah, I'll let you go, but I bet we're really supposed to
go through this." She jabbed her finger at the assembled equipment. "And if we're not, this
big guy back here or your brother will stop me. Right? You are getting this on camera,
aren't you?" She asked looking around the kitchen as though she expected to find the glint
of lens peaking out of the shadows somewhere.

She grabbed her stuff and stood, giving the Yattering a parting wink over her shoulder,
and walked around behind Sam, letting one of her hands gently drag down the length of
her spine until it reached the base of her tail. "Oh, yummy, and you're keeping it right up in
the air for me, too. That's a dead giveaway, you know. If you didn't want this, you'd just
drop your butt down, right? How much do you want this to hurt? I can, like, pinch a little
with two fingers and it'll deaden the tissue a bit, you know." To demonstrate she used two
fingers to spread Sam's outer lips and grasped the edge of one inner fold between her
thumb and index finger and squeezed them together tightly. "A couple minutes of this and
it takes most of the pain away, you know?"

OOC: Yes, Gideon, it was. That's why I even used words like "non-stop" and "perpetuo
moto". She really sounded like it would read if you just start at one end and begin reading,
only taking a breath when you need to. It's not me on amphetamines -- it's Sireth with a
patter and she's doing it on purpose.

[Preston and Jenny]

An idea began forming in Jenny's mind nd Preson spoke, but it was so outlandish that she
temporarily shelved it. There would be time after this night was over to pursue that
possibility. She waited until he began walking and trailed closely behind and to his side.
"Who owns it, now, though? It must be somebody, because the house was open for this
'contest' tonight. There's a little dust around inside, but there's electricity, so somebody is
paying the bills. We were told there would be food in the kitchen. Somebody had to put it
there. I can't imagine some ghostly entity even being able to go through that trouble for a
little entertainment."

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2980

Posted: 13 Nov 2004 0:53    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

Mica frowned slightly as he watched Sireth move around the room, chattering the whole
time. And chattering was the only word for her non-stop talking, he was starting to wonder
if she was circular breathing as she went on and on. The piercing kit drew his attention, as
did the note. He didn't recall there being a piercing kit here, but then again, he hadn't really
paid that much attention to the contents of the cabinets. The note, on the other hand...
Mica glanced at the Yattering as it slinked around behind Sireth in it's unnatural way. I may
not have been giving him enough credit for creativity, he thought to himself and turned
back to the mare and bunny.

Sireth's chattering was frankly starting to get on his nerves, and he suspected her
comments probably weren't going to pass over well with the Yattering, but that was her
problem, not his. Unless the Yattering interfered with his fun too, but then, he was fairly
sure Sireth could be... accomodating. And then of course there was this newly formed
mare to play with too, very good pickings, it seemed. He watched silently, maintaining his
physical form for the moment as Sireth walked around behind the mare where he stood. "I
like yours," he whispered to her as he reached across the mare and picked up the apple
from the table. He smelled it briefly, taking in it's scent, and then took a small bite from the
fruit. With a smile, Mica took advantage of Sireth spreading the mare's inner lips and
rubbed a smooth edge of the apple across her moist flesh and then brought it too his
mouth for another bite of the now horse flavored morsel. Moving around beside Sireth,
Mica grinned at the Yattering briefly and whispered in the bunny's ear. "For flavor," he
said, and hooked a tooth against one of her earrings for a moment, tugging backwards in
his fully physical form as he held the apple up before her mouth. He released the little loop
of metal after a sharp tug, and idly let his other hand join Sireth's at the mare's sex, idly
rubbing her opposite inner labia between two fingers. "Perhaps you should start at the top
and work your way down," he whispered, nodding towards the mare's head, intrigued
dispite himself with Sireth's toying with the horse, though only a few of the suggested
piercings did he have any interest in.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 13 Nov 2004 2:25    Post subject:

Preston walked slowly. "I do not know the exact name... and elder badger who apparently
acquired the place as part of payment of a debt. He comes around once a year or so, likely
to just make sure the place hasn't burned down. We've... met." he said with a chuckle,
stopping and sitting down on a low stone wall. "Why do you ask?"

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 13 Nov 2004 8:46    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny shrugged and sat down beside him. "I'm not sure, yet, really. My family is rather
wealthy, although I'm not permitted to use much of that wealth, myself. My father wants me
to learn to do things for myself, rather than just having things handed to me. I'm looking
around here, and seeing that ten thousand dollars or so could turn this back into a lovely

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 13 Nov 2004 11:18    Post subject:

Preston smiled. "I appreciate the sentiment, I really do. But what you siggest, for any sum,
is unlikely. I myself would be willing to leave such a restoration process well enough alone,
but most of the other denizens would not welcome such a change, and would do anything
in their power to stop it, and there are some spirits who know I can't pass through the
barrier." He placed an arm about her shoulders. "But I can tell that I think it has been
improved already, just by someone else being out here."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 13 Nov 2004 15:10    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny nodded as she settled herself more comfortably on the wall, reaching under her to
flick a small stone away that had been digging into her bottom. When he put his arm
around her shoulder she involuntarily tensed for a moment, and then relaxed again.
Preston had been quite civil ... even helpful. She would have reacted no differently had it
been anyone else's arm, although the fact that she knew this arm belonged to a person
who had been long dead gave an eerie quality to such a touch.

"I bet you would say that to anyone with the guts to be here, but thanks. I consider that a
compliment." She smiled and looked over to him, his face pale in the moonlight. "If what I
think I can do will work, and I'm sure it will, you'll be able to pass through that barrier any
time you want. You'll find my approach is very different from those Catholic priests. We
work with the local powers -- not against them."

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 13 Nov 2004 18:22    Post subject:

Preston smiled thinly. "Oh, I disagree, for you see there are many with whom I would not
consider sharing this scene such a pleasure. You seem to... blend with the ambiance, so
to speak. Nor do I say it simply because you are female, as there are many of the fairer
gender I would not wish to be with out here." He paused for a moment. "I'm sure your
approach would be very different, everything about you thus far has proven to be. I would
still suggest you be wary... some of the more hostile spirits would not take kindly to
'working with' the living."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 13 Nov 2004 18:46    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny looked toward the house, thinking that it didn't seem nearly as forbidding as it had
when the first wash of impressions from those spirits had momentarily clouded her senses.
"Perhaps it's just my way. I don't fear the the things I don't understand. The very
foundation of my religion is based upon things which most people consider 'supernatural'.
When you first made your presence known to me my inclination was to talk -- not fight or
flee. It's easy to make enemies and even easier to fall into a well of terror every time you're
faced with something which could hurt you. This very wall could collapse and kill me in the
next few moments. For now, though, I trust it because it hasn't given me a reason not to."
She looked back to Preston, meeting his eyes and smiled. "Anyway, I'm glad you're
enjoying yourself. It's hard to imagine spending so much time without company you can
feel comfortable with, and I'm sorry that's the way it is for you. Like I said, though, after this
nifht is over I'd like to try to do something about that."

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 14 Nov 2004 1:52    Post subject:

"I've survived." said Preston flatly. "Or, what I would call surviving. The days blend into
weeks and into months and so on. Time no longer really effects me, a routine perforated
by instances of change. I've gotten used to it. But anything you can offer, I would
welcome." he slowly turned his head, looking into her eyes for a brief moment before
looking back out at the rolling hills. "Trusting the unknown is not something I do easily... I
hardly trust anyone now, either because they are beneath me, or because I can sense the
darkness in their heart. I was not always good at that skill, but after... unpleasantness... I
learned it quickly, and I resolved to never be deceived again." The
laws of can't lose. 3rd Law: You
can't do it again.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 14 Nov 2004 12:14    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

"When people use the word 'survive' like that, it usually means they're not happy," Jenny
stated, her voice quiet and even. "I said that after my accident. I said that during that
torture the doctors called 'physical therapy'. I still sometimes say it when I look back at
everything I've lost and wonder whether or not I'll ever be able to lead a normal life." She
followed his gaze out across the hills, the moon illuminating them with a dim, silvery,
ghostly light. "But I find things that make that 'survival' worthwhile ... things that give me
hope that my li ... existence ... might improve." She almost said "life", but caught herself.
For a long time other people would "talk" to her, and use that word, and it made her furious
that the language only had big words like "communicate". Or when her mother would tell
her to "run" across the street to get something from the neighbor, both of them knowing
that she would never "run" again.

She touched his knee gently with one hand. "Mr. Rothwhite, I can't imagine what it must be
like for you, here, but I promise that I'll do something about it, and I have to ask you to trust
me, even though we've only known each other for a short while. I didn't come here to
deceive anyone, except maybe myself." She smiled and looked at him, taking her eyes off
the vista of hills that seemed to go on forever. "I might even lose this contest, tonight --
very likely will, since I'm more sensitive to the very things that make this house ... unique,
than most people are. I promise that I'll be back, though."

Squeezing his knee like a mother might when comforting a child, she sighed and smiled.
"Whatever that unpleasantness was, it's in the past, now. If you want to talk about it, I have
an ear to bend, but I suspect that talking about the future is better therapy in the long run."

Posted: 14 Nov 2004 13:05    Post subject:

"Happiness..." he said quietly. "Is something I have gone without for a very long time.
Satisfaction and the occasional amusement are the closest emotions I've perceived. I
believe you are too intelligent to try and deceive, you obviously have dealt with the
disembodied before, and are likely well aware of the possible consequences of such
deception should it be discovered." he smiled back at her, laying his hand on top of hers
and giving a light squeeze. "And I would welcome you back into my former abode, should
you ever decide to return."

"That unpleasantness... is very difficult to forget, or even to not dwell upon. It made me, in
more ways than one, what I am now, and relates to that game in which I was the pawn,
that I spoke of earlier." His other hand gripped the wall a bit tighter. "We can speak of the
future all you wish, but unfortunately I am a product of my past and it will always be a part
of me, no matter what I want."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 14 Nov 2004 13:40    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny shivered as a suddden chill breeze moved through the garden. The wind was
supposed to pick up tonight and they were talking about a cold rain with thunderstorms
moving in later, due in fact, within an hour. Some dark clouds were gathering on the
horizon over the hills.

"Talk to me, please. Of your past, I mean. I'd like to know, unless it's too painful for you to
speak of." Her expression had turn serious, and there was a look of compassion in her
eyes that he hadn't seen in a very long time. "I'm not prying, and I understand if you don't
want to talk about it," she added, lowering her eyes for a moment.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 14 Nov 2004 23:45    Post subject:

Preston let out a slow beath, the air from his muzzle more chilly than warm. "You saw the
portraits hanging about, no doubt you saw the ones with myself and the vixen. Well, she
was Rachael, my fiancee. You see, I spent a long time trying to gain her affections, she
was from another family who lived not far from here. For the most part, she ignored me,
and my attempts. Being young and somewhat idealistic at the time, it only made me try
harder. This went on for years, but I was determined to win her heart. I'd just about
decided to give up when she returned one of my letters expressing my affections with one
of her own. I could've walked on air that day, I was so happy. We began to see more and
more of each other, and I thought it was genuine love, and I thought she did too." His
fingers twitched a bit. "Eventually, we... consumated... our love and I asked her to marry
me. She agreed." He sighed. "It was only a few days after that when I was in the library
thumbing through one of my volumes when I heard a click. A split second later... I was

His voice turned very bitter. "I 'came to' a few hours later, right where I'd dropped. The
library door was locked, and there were bloodstains on the floor where I'd been standing. It
didn't take me long to realize what had happened, that I had died but was still here. I
moved right through the door. I expected to find Rachael around, in mourning, maybe my
family as well. Though I did find Rachael, it was hardly in the way I expected... she was in
the parlor with another... and they were both laughing..." He looked down. "It didn't take
me long to figure it all out. She'd never loved me at all... there was another who was not
taking her own affections as fully as she'd liked, so she'd decided to use me as a dupe to
make the other jealous to try and get his attention. It worked well enough for her... her love
had come up after me, snuck up behind me, and blew the back of my head open with a
revolver. She'd come in a few moments later and found him standing over me... what was
left of me... and had been flattered that he'd been willing to kill for her. They rearranged
the scene and made it appear that I'd run off, thinking up some story about how I had
realized I wasn't nearly good enough for her, and had run off because of it. She was given
the title to all that I owned, including the manor, and moved in with her new love. Had I had
the abilities I do now, I would've killed them both in rage. But for the time being, I was
mostly powerless, although I think I was able to convince them I was still around, and
how... displeased... I was about what had happened. It didn't seem to faze them much, as
they lived together in my house... they even slept in the bed I'd shared with her. I, on the
other hand, was ignored, my body secretly buried unpleasantly under the foundations, my
soul damned to forever be this way. Consequently they left, and I was left alone. That's
when I nearly went mad, when I realized how they'd gotten away with it. I've been this way
ever since. " he finished quietly, an edge of anger in his voice.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 15 Nov 2004 1:19    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny frowned, and expression which turned more and more gloomy as Preston's story
unfolded. She said nothing for several seconds after he finished, and finally heaved a sigh
and attempted a weak smile as she gently touched his cheek with her hand. "You've just
explained more than you probably know, and I thank you for sharing it with me. I don't
know when that happened, but I suspect they are both dead, now, so dealing with that
issue is no longer possible. The other, though ... that is a binding that can be broken, but
you'll have to want it to happen and you'll have to give me your complete trust. I can't do it,
tonight -- and not without considerable preparation and protection from the ... other
denizens of this place, but I can do it, and it isn't something that I'll need to bring in extra
people for."

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 15 Nov 2004 15:50    Post subject:

Preston turned as she touched his cheek, though he'd been over the whole scenario many
times in his mind, he rarely talked about it, not that he really had anyone to tell it to who
would think much of it. "Unfortunately, when they both died, assuming they did, they likely
passed on instead of remaining behind. I can only hope a final judgement was passed on
them for what they did, and they're paying for it." he said coldly. He remained silent for a
moment afterward, mulling a great many things over. "I have a hard time trusting anyone
after what happened. I see everyone as a potential deceiver now, whether I want to or not.
Time and protection i can grant, but trust... that is much more difficult."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 15 Nov 2004 17:02    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

"Then give me your time, and I'll prove that you can trust me," Jenny replied, drawing her
hand back. "I understand cynicism ... truly I do." She looked back toward the house. "My
spell is beginning to wear off -- not the one that lets you stay out here, but the one that lets
me talk to you. I don't know how much more time I have before I break out the computer,

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 15 Nov 2004 23:22    Post subject:

Preston nodded slowly. "There is another possibility." he said, lifting a hand to her eye
level. "But it would require you to put your trust in me. I don't know how comfortable you
are with that concept, but it involves me pushing part of myself into your mind so it is able
to recognize me a bit better. I've done it before, never with permission of course, just to
hear the thoughts of whom I am dealing with. From what I've been able to ascertain, it
feels... disconcerting... at best, and it feels very cold."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 0:30    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny raised an eyebrow at his suggestion, but on second thought it seemed as
reasonable as a spell which permitted her to communicate with the dead, although she
would be the first to admit that she really would never have believed it could be so
successful. "You've given me no reason, so far, to mistrust you, Mr. Rothwhite. If I'm going
to ask for your trust, the least I can is to give you mine. Do I need to do anything?"

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 0:47    Post subject:

"Only to remain resonably still, and to clear your mind of as many stray thoughts as you
can. I think part of the reson behind the disconcertion is that I have to fight my way through
scattered mental images to get to where I need to be." He got up to his feet and walked to
one side of her, placing a hand flat on her head, near the back, opening and closing his
eyes slowly a few times. "If you wish, I can do it right now, but you had best prepare

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 1:09    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

"Now is good, Mr. Rothwhite. It will take me only a few moments." Jenny closed her eyes
and sat up straight. His otherworldly sight saw her aura flare through the seven colors of
the rainbow from red to violet as she activated each of her chakras from root to crown and
then settle back on a gentle, soothing green as she dropped her concentration to her
Heart chakra. There was a distinct indigo hue persisting around her head since she left her
"third eye" open to receive whatever it was that he was going to do. He had the feeling that
she had nearly left the door to her soul open to him, but in the background, hidden behind
the green aura that spoke of love and sacrifice he could feel a coiled snake ready to strike
at a moment's notice. She hadn't been kidding when she said she could defend herself,
although he doubted she would be strong enough to hold off some of the more persistent
spirits that inhabited the mansion.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 1:42    Post subject:

Preston closed his eyes in concentration, his hand resting only by it's own weight for now,
as he felt it begin to dematerialize, from fingertip to his elbow, his form faded to a dim
shadow. He pushed downwards, his hand and fingers delving into her being. It felt
exceedingly warm, as it always did, like thrusting ones hand into a pot of hot water, as his
fingers scrambled about for what he liked to refer to as the switch, which once caressed,
enabled him to hear the person's thoughts like a microphone. He reached down further
and further, it was getting thicker , more like reaching through molasses. Jenny was doing
a good job of keeping her mind clear, usually this point was like digging through wet
cement. Gritting his teeth, he felt around, trying to find what he was looking for... a finger
brushed a familiar spot... there... he rubbed his finger across that little element of her mind
and pulled his arm back out, bringing it back into phase. "That should do it." He said
calmly. "I hope that wasn't too unpleasant for you."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 8:08    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

A chill went through Jenny's body ... no, not exactly her body. It was much more deep
intimate than that. She couldn't suppress the involuntary shivering as that feeling of
something moving around "inside" her, poking into "places", was, indeed quite
disconcerting. It wasn't pain ... exactly, although she did find it uncomfortable as her spirit
attempted to rally it's power to evict the intruder and she had to concentrate upon quelling
that tendency. Finally it was over and she released a breath that she wasn't even aware
she had been holding. If it works it will have been worth the experience, Mr. Rothwhite,
she answered, not using the unique frame of mind she had to assume in order to
intentionally project her thoughts.

It occured to her at that time, that if this worked it wouldn't be just her intended words he
would "hear", but at least her surface thoughts, as well. She mentally shrugged. She
wasn't attempting to hide anything from him, anyway, but being so "open" to another
person, dead or alive, was, itself, just as disconcerting as the experience she just had.

OOC: If her conjecture is correct, let me know and I'll thrown in all those background
"surface" thoughts that are always spinning around in people's minds before they become
the sort of internal monologue that Preston is actually listening for.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 11:55    Post subject:

(The best analogy would be that the main internal monologue is the station the radio is
tuned to, surface thoughts and so forth tend to resemble static; if the surface thoughts are
pronounced enough, or if Preston listens hard enough, they can be pieced together, but
otherwise they're mostly a jumble. However, he can detect large spikes of emotion.)
"It should." He said calmly, brushing off the back of his hand. "It has in the past. As long as
your thoughts are focussed enough they should be discernable from everything else." he
said, nodding slowly. "You seem to have already figured out how to operate in this frame
of mind, I can hear you just fine."

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 19:01    Post subject: Deeper

[Ben & Sylk]

OOC: One last OOC question: are you all right with M/M scenes, even if Ben is not?
Just making sure I do not offend the player's sensibilities, even as I drive the character over the

For a moment, Sylk flinched at Ben's exclamation, and he felt the barest hint of her teeth, but she
recovered almost immediately before he pulled himself free of her mouth. Sylk grinned up at Ben, and
if he'd looked down at that moment, he would have seen the flash of many, many razor-sharp teeth
that only moments before had been just a whisker away from his manhood. The panthress leaned forward
and brushed the mouse's hands away from his self-pleasuring, even as she gave him a teasing little
lick right on the tip of his throbbing mousehood. "Naughty naughty," chided Sylk as she flowed to
her feet, the red light glistening off her sleek black fur, making it look almost as though she were
bathed in blood. "Wouldn't want to waste any of your delicious pleasure, now would we?" She fixed
him in her green-eyed gaze. "I want it all for myself." With that, the panthress leaned forward and
licked Ben's cute pink mousenose, then turned her back to the young mouseman, pressing herself up
against him until Ben could feel his cock nestling into the cleft of her tight, perfectly-sculpted
rump, hidden beneath her red dress. "Take my dress off," Sylk said in a whisper, glancing over her
shoulder with a sly, seductive smile. Sam et al: Sam started to plead for mercy, to try and stop the
mad bunny who seemed intent on violating her, to explain how hard she tried to resist the pull of
the House, only to be drawn there once more despite all her intentions. But all that came out was a
low sob, and even that was silenced as she looked into the eyes of the Yattering. Whatever she saw
in those red depths instantly cut off the former stallion's voice for several long minutes, until
she felt the cool surface of the apple rubbing against her sex, which was just a step away from
dripping wet with involuntary arousal. Why Sam found herself so turned on in such a horrible
situation, she didn't know. And yet it was so, and all the poor filly could manage was a low sob of
defeat as he head lowered submissively to the table, her ears lying flat against her head as she
accepted whatever doom the ghost and the rabbit were going to inflict upon her. Until they both
pinched a side of her newly-made labia, which caused the blonde filly to whinny with pain, looking
back in a panic, though the Yattering's telekinetic powers kept Sam from doing any more than that.

The Yattering, meanwhile, was not taking the belitteling attitude of Sireth well at all. While the
Yattering was one of the more powerful demons of the lower realms, even moreso than Sylk Whysper,
who was known to control the fate of nations from behind the scenes, he also was one of the less-
bright ones. The rabbit was starting to get to him, and as she commented on his mottled-green,
scaled genitallia, his mouth elongated into a hideous, muzzlelike rictus as he hissed silently at
the impudent lapine that had dared to call the Yattering a man dressed in a rubber suit. While the
Yattering hadn't absorbed quite enough psychic energy to take a fully physical form yet, he was very
close. But for now he would wait and watch. His glittering red eyes fixed on the torments being
inflicted upon Sam, and his snarl eased into an almost passable imitation of a smile, which somehow
looked even more hideous than his snarl. This would be interesting. If the rabbit did a good job
with the shapechanging ghost, perhaps the Yattering would consider letting her survive the horrors
he intended to inflict upon the mere mortal that dared belittle his appearance.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 21:39    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Thank you. It's almost like talking, except I think I have to be careful what I think or you'll
just get all the garbage I usually go through to compose a sentence before I write it. She
grinned. You're probably getting all that, anyway, so you know just how disorganized my
thoughts really are. Actually, they weren't very disorganized. If anything her mind was
extraordinarilly ordered, compared to most of the mortal with whom he had done this.

[The Yattering, et. al]

"Oh, come now, that doesn't hurt," Sireth chided. "I've done it to lots of people before. I
even did it to myself. I do body piercings for a living ... did I tell you that? I did all of mine,
except for my first one. It only hurts for a moment." She released her grip on Sam's labia
and leaned in and sniffed. "Mmmm, yummy. You're hot, already. I knew you were wanting
this, even though your act is making you say otherwise." She licked across the mare's
clitoris a couple of times, taking in the equines delicious straw-like scent and flavor, before
going back around to retrieve the tools of her trade.

Picking up the instructions she happened to look on the back and noticed more writing.
"Hmm, what have we here?" She asked as she scanned the scribbled text. "Oooooh! A
riddle. I like riddles. I'm not very good at them, but I'll give this one a try." She sat down on
the floor between Sam and the Yattering, turning briefly to look at the creature. "You know,
I can't believe you guys are doing this. There's a camera in here somewhere. I just know
it." Her eyes settled on his erection again. "You know, that's big enough that it could
probably be fun. You planning on diddling her when we're through with this? That probably
won't be a good idea, though -- not after the piercings. You could tear something so they
need to heal a bit. Maybe you should consider doing her before I do."

Somehow, her speaking had seemed to slow down to a more reasonable pace, although it
was still animated. She turned back to the page and began reading what she saw aloud,
watching the mare all the while.

"Hmm. I don't suppose I can get any hints from any of you?"

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 16 Nov 2004 23:03    Post subject:

"The last person I did it to had already had several 'encounters' in the house, and after
touching his mind it was a stream of nonstop thoughts, jumbled on top of one another. I
was actually a bit relieved when he left, it got those irritations out of my mind. Yours are
different though, very orderly, the amount of extraneous senses I get is very small." Said
Preston, getting up. "So, where shall we go now?"

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 0:33    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

I don't know. I'm just a visitor here. She shrugged. I suppose we shouldn't wander too
awfully far away, just in case you get yanked back unexpectedly. Is there a place out here
that has pleasant memories for you? I'd like to see it if there is." She smiled and shivered
again, both at the chill from the wind and the residual feelings of his touch on ... in ...
wherever it was.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2980

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 1:32    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

Mica grinned slightly at the mare's whinny as his and Sireth's fingers worked over her
inner labia, and still maintaining a physical form for the moment, took another bite of the
apple. He moved away, setting the apple on the mare's back, as Sireth leaned down and
lapped at the horse's clitoris and vanished once again back into another plane of
existence. Why? he asked himself with an amused grin. Because I can. That was reason
enough for anything he did.

Frankly, he didn't believe there wer cameras in here, and if there were, it would be news to
him. He doubted Preston would have tolerated it, traditionalist that he seemed to be.
Besides, he wasn't buying Sireth's act anymore. There was more to her than she was
letting on, he was certain of that, and he hadn't casually bumped into another person who
could actually understand that particular language in centuries. Even then it was rare to
just casually bump into someone unless you were in the right part of the continent. Mica
was by no means bound to this house, it simply suited him to be here for the time being.
After a thousand years, he'd pretty much decided to go where he pleased. He honestly
suspected Sireth might be a similar case, a creature playing one of Preston's games, as
he had just mentioned he might do such a short time ago, but it honestly didn't matter. For
the moment, she was amusing in her tormenting of the horse, and perhaps in other
manners too, but for the time being, the mare's aroused slit was emitting a rather enticing

One of his ears swiveled towards her as she sat and began speaking, wondering a little at
the riddle as he leaned over in a non-caporeal state and examined the mare's pussy lips
closely. Giving his tongue physical form, Mica extended it and lapped across her clit as
well for a few strokes before venturing upwards to run his tongue around the
circumference of her opening, still covered by her hymen. "An unexpected bonus," he
commented and phased a single finger through the barrier, letting his fingertip become
physical again on the other side to rub against her inner walls. His tongue returned to her
clit, teasing around it, and traced a long lick the length of her hood as his finger moved in
steady circles within her tunnel.

As Sireth finished her recitation, Mica straightened and gave the mare's upraised bottom a
partly physical swat before turning to look at the Yattering and gesturing to the mare's slit
with an expression that said 'have a taste.' "I have no idea," he whispered, letting his voice
move through the room like a breeze as he approached Sireth, not really knowing if the
question was directed at him, and paused behind her. His finger tugged at an earring on
either side as his hands descended to her shoulders, and he tugged at the neckline of her
blouse, dropping low enough to undo the top button.
OOC: If it has no buttons, I'll edit accordingly.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 1:42    Post subject:

OOC: Buttons are OK by me. Have two. They're small.

kawii-yiff Hunter
Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Posts: 261 Location: in the middle of the midwest

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 8:06    Post subject:

OOC: im perfectly fine with M/M so dont worry abot offending me. Ben maybe but not me

[Sylk & Ben]

Ben failed to see the razor-sharp teeth so near his member for he had his eyes closed in a
small moan. This is increadible she is great. Ben thought to himself. With his hands
swatted away from his member Ben sighed he didnt want there to be a single moment
when he wasnt get pleasured, but Sylk teased more by licking the tip and Ben grinned
happily knowing that soon they would be fucking and that is many times better then
pawing himself off.

With Sylk pressing herself against and asking him to remove her dress Ben was lost, his
mind was to filled with sexual thoughts to even know what a dress was. " Oh umm yeah
yes. " Ben studderd out as he shook his head and agains remeberd what the hell she was
talking about. Ben took the the zipper ( im assuming it has a zipper up the back ) in his
right hand, his left on Sylks hip rubbing her against him more his cock screaming to be in
her. Then Ben decided to be alittle more frisky his mouth making it's way to Sylk's neck
and covering it with kisses.

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 18:32    Post subject: The Sweet Spot

[Sam et al]

The Yattering smiled his razorblade grimace when he heard Sireth invite him to
enjoy the lovely young filly he'd just made. He especially loved listening to the frightened,
pleasured squeal that Sam made when Mica began to stroke her G-spot, an experience
that only vaguely corresponded to the stimulation of her prostate while she was a male.
No, he wasn't going to have any of this little morsel, bound and helpless on the table. He
wanted rabbit meat, and he was gonna get it as soon as he got just a little more strength.
Pain or pleasure, it didn't matter much to him. It just had to make an impact. And then he
would be upon the tasty little bunny, and woe betide anyone who tried to stop him. He
would have had her now, via some temporal proxy, but the Yattering really wanted to hear
the filly whinny when she got pierced. Sam, meanwhile squealed and squirmed at the
manipulations of her clit and G-spot, her whole body wriggling until it became obvious that
the filly was being held in place by a force beyond her own. "Ah, oh goddess," whimpered
Sam, her eyes clenched tight, tears streaming down her cheeks as her cute rump and
strong runner's legs grew taught with the pleasure brought by her tormentors. "Please, just
get it over with. Whatever you're gonna do, just finish it and stop keeping me in suspense
like this! I can't take much more . . ."

[Ben & Sylk]

Sylk purred in contentment as the mouse began to nuzzle and lick her neck, arching her back into his
chest. She somehow managed to trap his aching mousecock between the satin-covered mounds of her
rump, and gave the throbbing length a teasing squeeze before moving slightly forward, her hips
swaying from side to side in place until the red satin dress had slid all the way down her sleek
black body. With a skilled kick, Sylk sent it flying into the chair where Ben's shirt now lay, the
dress also neatly folding in midair before draping itself across the back of the chair. Sylk coyly
covered her perfectly-sized breasts with her hands as she looked teasingly over her shoulder at the
cute mouse, her tail swishing from side to side, giving him glimpses of the sweet treasures waiting
beneath. The panthress lifted her little finger to her mouth and closed her muzzle over it. "Come
and get me," said the sleek-furred panthress, her vocie a husky whisper as she stood at the foot of
the large bed with red silk sheets.

kawii-yiff Hunter
Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Posts: 261 Location: in the middle of the midwest

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 19:08    Post subject:

Ben didnt need to be told twice, his body launched itself at the teasing feline. Ben was
begining to realise that he had little control over his body at this point. " Oh dont worry i'll
get you .. a few times." Ben said his voice thick with lust. He pushed her back onto the bed
thrilled that he was in command he felt so powerful " Your going to love every minute too. "
Ben finished as he lifted both of Sylk's arms abover her head his body pushing it's way
bewteen her legs. His cock was soo close to Sylk's pussy he could feel the heat on it but
first he was going to go thru a small amount of foreplay. Ben pressed his muzzle against
Sylk's and wormed his tongue into her mouth letting it wrestling around with her much
more skilled tongue.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 20:18    Post subject:

[The Yattering, et. al.]

Sireth perked her ear up at Mica's voice and shrugged. "Oh, well, I wasn't really expecting
any help on this, but I'll figure it out if it takes all night." At that moment Mica pulled a
couple of her earrings and a grin parted her lips when he flicked open the top button of her
blouse. "I hardly even know you," she whispered quietly, and glanced, again at the
Yattering's glistening cock with it's scales and unusual color, and then let her gaze rise up
to look him directly in the eyes when she heard Sam's rather misplaced evocation of the
Goddess, and grinned. "She's not going to help you, here," she whispered so quietly that it
would have taken supernatural senses to have made out the words.

"What are you jabbering about, girl?" She asked her question loudly enough for the mare
to hear her, as she turned around to face the equine, giving her tail a little flick in the
Yattering's direction, the movement clearly visible beneath her long black skirt. "Sheesh! It
says right here that I'm supposed to ignore your pleas. Besides, it seems to me that you're
getting pretty hot and bothered just thinking about what's to come, so I'm not buying that,
anyway. I'm beginning to think that you might even get off on getting pierced without any
deadening of the pain. I've had a few customers who really enjoyed that. They screamed a
lot, you know, but one of them even creamed when I did her hood."

She plopped down to her knees in front of Sam and removed the rest of the contents of
the box, which included several plastic packs of piercing needles and a small bottle of
alcohol. The "punch" she set to one side. It looked a little like a paper hole punch but had
a wider "head" and the punch part, itself, was a sharp needle. She leaned forward to
examine the bag of rings more closely, her bottom stuck up in the air. Her ears tried to
perk up, as best as a lop eared bunnies ears can perk, to empasize the "eureka"
expression on her face. "I've got it! Those first two parts of the riddle ..." She grabbed the
page and brought it over to her, smiling at the mare. "See, here. The first says 'Two to one
and one to none Exaggeration is the key' and then the second says ... um ... "Some do
without and some just one." I bet that means if the instructions said you wanted two in a
place you really just want one, and if they said you want one they really mean you don't
want one, there. Now ..."

She turned the page over and ran her finger down it. Instead of two in each ear you only
get one each. That's what that means. I guess that leaves out the nose, nipples, and
bellybutton, though. Too bad. I was looking forward to that. You still get one in each outer
lip, since the instructions called for two. Too bad about the hood. Those are nice. I'm
planning on getting one of those, myself. I'm not sure what to do about the inner lips,
though, since the instructions call for three in each. Maybe the riddle doesn't apply to
threes." She said all this in a matter of fact tone of voice, frequently looking in Sam's eyes
as she spoke. "I'll get the rest of it figured out and ..."

Her eyes strayed back to the plastic bag containing the rings and she darted her eyes
back to the riddle. "Oooh! Oooh! Right here. There's a silver ring in here with some little
stones set it in, and another silver bar with some stones, too. And the riddle mentions
sparklies and glittering, and I bet that's these." She grabbed the punch and the bottle of
alcohol. "I think I'll start with your right," she said turning the instruction sheet around so
Sam could see it. "Now, since I can only do one and I don't know which ring this shows is
the right one, I need you to tell me -- the bottom one or the top one, and we'll do this
without pressure if you're really into the pain, but you have to tell me that, too."

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 20:59    Post subject:

Preston waved a hand around him. "Most of this was happy for me, at least before I
realized the truth. I look back on those days, and now it seems so... false. I was happy
then, but after what it got me, I have a hard time accepting it." He rubbed his lip. "There
was one place, on the other side of the house, a small pond I liked to sit at with... her...
and just speak of things." He said, pointing.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 17 Nov 2004 21:23    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Could we go there, or would you rather not? Jenny wasn't looking at Preston, but, rather
toward the edge of the house where she figured the pool was. False happiness. I think I
understand that, Mr. Rothwhite. I was happy when my doctor told me that I'd probably be
able to speak again, and that was even when I was sure that I was going to paralyzed for
the rest of my life. She sighed and looked back into eyes that she was having a hard time
believing were "real". Promises made. Promises broken. Life is full of those. But not
after-life. I keep my promises.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 18 Nov 2004 1:11    Post subject:

"I said nothing to suggest you didn't." Preston said coolly, getting up to his feet and leading
her along. Preston could feel the pull of the barrier as they walked, not too strong, but
enough to be felt, and it even made him stumble once, though he was able to catch
himself. As they rounded the corner of the house, the pool came into view.
It was about 15 feet long, in an oval shape, the only remaining water was murky and algae
filled, a far cry from the crystal clear liquid that had filled it long ago. There was a stone
bench on one side, still in decent shape, with the rotted remains of an old trellis over it.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 18 Nov 2004 1:22    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Unbidden, Jenny walked over to the bench and sat down on it, facing the pool. She closed
her eyes and raised her muzzle sniffing the chill autumn air with scent of drying leaves
strong in her nose. If I don't look I can see it. She said after a short pause. Have you ever
tried that, Mr. Rothwhite? To see something by not looking at it?

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2980

Posted: 18 Nov 2004 4:05    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

"You don't know me at all, actually," Mica commented in an offhand way, grinning as he
wandered back towards the stallion turned mare. "But you will, I think, before this night is
over." His hands trailed across the horse's flanks, teasing his fingertips across the skin of
her buttocks before dipping his hand lower to circle her clit a few times. "You'd be
surprised how much more you can take," he whispered, letting his voice carry on the flow
of the air in such a way that Sam would be left wondering if it was there or not there in his
non-caporeal state. Given what had already happened, she'd probably believe just about
anything at the moment.

Besides, perhaps as it was with Ben, it might be fun to torment Sireth in front of the mare,
let her watch while Mica, and he assumed the Yattering judging by it's apparent condition,
amused themselves with the bunny. On the other, hand, Sireth was managing to provide
amusement all on her own, even if her chattering, though lessened, was still a bit irritating.
Mica could think of several ways to shut her up, but that just seemed to abrupt.

"Decisions," he said with a shake of his head as he wandered past the Yattering, pausing
for a moment to look at the creature. "A little finese, perhaps?"

With another smile, Mica wandered back past Sam, planting another, harder swat on the
equine's bottom with a physical hand before he knelt down next to Sireth to look at her
riddle. As he watched, he let one hand caress across the ample mound of one of the
mare's breasts and then pointed to the paper before the mare could answer Sireth's
question. Leaning closer to the bunny, Mica whispered, "Perhaps two to one means she
only wants one nipple pierced." To punctuate his statement, his fingertips gave the mare's
nipple a gentle caress and then a sharp pinch. Just for good measure he let his hand
phase through Sireth's blouse again and gave one of her nipples the same treatment, a
gentle caress followed by a sharp pinch, and undid another button as he withdrew. "She
does have two, after all."

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 18 Nov 2004 12:44    Post subject:

Preston remained standing for a moment longer before he took a seat on the bench. "I can
close my eyes, but I can still sense things, where they are and vaguely what they are
doing, it's one of those extra senses I have, and it is one that it is not possible to close off."
he looked upward and closed his eyes. "For instance, I know you are right beside me, you
are sitting, your pulse is slightly elevated, but I suspsect it is due to what I did a few
minutes ago and it has not yet returned to normal, and you have a nique, feminine scent."

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 18 Nov 2004 14:34    Post subject: Pop

[Sam, et al]

Sireth saw something in the Yattering's eyes that wasn't within the bounds of
mortal experience. It was something Other, and it bespoke of things so horrible, it could
make even the flippant lop take pause if she dared to look for too long. Sam closed her
eyes as she heard the pronouncement of her fate by Sireth, her ears twitching back and
forth as she tried to find out where the voice of Mica could be coming from. Then, when
Mica's semicorporeal hand pinched the filly, she jerked upward, before her head was
pulled back to the tabletop as though by invisible reins. Before Mica and Sireth's eyes,
Sam's legs were lifted slightly off the table, and then slowly spread apart until she was
completely exposed. Sam tried to scream, to tell the rabbit off, to plead for mercy,
anything. But something took hold of her, and all that came out of her mouth, no matter
how hard she tried to say something different, was "The bottom one, please," though her
voice was meek and choked with sobs. The Yattering gabbled in silent mirth when Mica
suggested subtlety. Subtlety wasn't the demon's area of expertise, and he scorned it when
he could go for more substantial effects. With a gesture from one razor-edged hand, a
nearby drawer shot open, revealing a number of cooking implements. Motioning with one
claw, the Yattering made a rolling pin jump onto the kitchen counter, then spin until one of
it's narrow handles was pointed directly at Sam's exposed rump. With an unheard laugh of
triumph, the Yattering dropped it's hand like a general calling for a charge, and the rolling
pin launched itself forward with all the force of a ballistic missle. "EEEEEIIIIIAAAAAHHH!"
shrieked Sam as her pussy was suddenly violated, blood running down her thighs as she
jerked hard (though without effect) against the powerful telekinetic bindings that held her.
The rolling pin then began to move forward and back, it's roller rotating slowly as the
wooden piston began to ravish Sam's helpless body. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" moaned Sam with the
pummeling of her pussy, sweat running down her fur in rivulets as her senses began to be
overwhelmed, and her sweet juices started to join the slow seep of her virgin blood. The
Yattering was forcing Sam to endure pain in equal measure to the pleasure, using a bit of
demon-power to ensure this. The rough-skinned demon leered up at Sireth, as though to
say "You're next," though no sound passed the Yattering's voiceless lips.

[Ben & Sylk]

Sylk seemed to welcome the embrace, rubbing her ruby-red nipples against
the mouse's chest fur until they were as hard as thumbtacks. Her rough tongue wrestled
eagerly with Ben's smooth one, her hands roaming all over his body, pinching his nipples
and then stroking them with her sharp fingernails, running her claws teasingly down his
back, then gripping his butt tightly, one finger dipping inward to tease his little tailhole while
her other hand gripped the base of his tail. "Get it up and get it in, lover," said Sylk in her
husky whisper, breaking the kiss to look down at Ben's throbbing cock, pressed against
her bellyfur. Then she giggled. "Not that you could get any harder, poor thing." Her hands
left his tail and tailhole and reached down to cup his balls and his throbbing member. As
she stroked the down-soft mousefur, Sylk spread her legs, even as she guided Ben to the
sopping wet, dark red gates to her female secrets. "All the way, Ben," said Sylk
triumphantly as she rubbed his plump cockhead up and down her tight slit, knowing that
now the mouse was well and truly hers. He was a doomed soul, ripe for the plucking.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 18 Nov 2004 18:38    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

"Two to one ... hmmm," Sireth appeared to respond to nobody in particular, her eyes on
Sam. One nipple instead of tw-ah!" Mica's pinch of her nipple brought her sentence to an
abrupt halt, as a look of pleasure crossed the bunny's face. "Mmmm, maybe we can pierce
one nipple after all. I'll have to think about that, though. It's just one interpretation, you
know." She grinned when she felt the other button unfastened.

Sam's answer to her question pleased Sireth. She preferred a lower to an upper piercing,
although they tended to hurt a little more due to the additional flesh being punctured. "OK,
then. The bottom one. Good choi ..." Once again, her sentence was cut short when
"things" started happening with the mare. Sireth's eyes followed the proceedings and her
ears jerked up momentarily when the rolling pin hit the table, and her eyes went wide for a
second when the kitchen implement flew through the air and impaled the poor horse.
She pushed her hands against the floor and swung her feet under her, standing and
turning to face the Yattering, ignoring Sam's erotic sounds for the moment. She looked
deeply into the demon's eyes. "Whoa! You're for real, aren't you? A real ghost, I mean."
She paused, her eyes again falling to his erect cock. "This is just so cool. Do you mind?"
She said, reaching her hand toward his member as she closed the distance between
them. She didn't wait for his permission, but her hand immediately closed over it, just
under the top.

[Preston and Jenny]

That's not really what I meant, Mr. Rothwhite. She smiled at him as she opened her eyes.
What do you see ... right there? She pointed at the pool and closed her eyes. A murky,
half-full pool that hasn't been cared for in decades? I see a lovely pool with ornamental koi
and an evening blooming lotus in the middle. I smell the roses that might have once grown
on this trellis. I hear the songs of birds and feel the warm sun on my face. What I see, Mr.
Rothwhite is what may once have been and what could be -- not the memories of decay.
She opened her eyes and gazed at him, her expression curiously serene considering the
environment and circumstances. It quickly turned into a frown and she shook her head
slowly. I'm sorry -- the ramblings of a girl who has had lots of practice trying to see the
good in everything even when ... nevermind. This place has pleasant memories for you.
Would you tell me about them?

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2980

Posted: 18 Nov 2004 20:44    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

Mica stood up and sighed dramatically as the rolling pin penetrated the horse and her
scream split the air. "Such a waste," he commented, shaking his head, "To lose such a
delectible bonus to a cooking utensil."

He shook his head again and rolled his eyes at Sireth's statement to the Yattering,
suspecting she was probably doing it for either the creature or the mare's benefit. If it was
for his, she was wasting her time, he wasn't buying it. Finally, Mica grinned down at the
mare and moved to a position where she couldn't see him before taking physical form
again. Before he returned to view, however, Mica's form distorted and in a wave like
motion that passed across his body from front to back, he shifted his image to that of the
white vixen he had seen earlier, though now clad in a silky blue dress. With a smile, Mica
moved around and knelt in front of Sam, looking into her eyes with mock sympathy. "What
have they done to you?" he asked, realizing he hadn't heard the vixen speak, so he just
added in a voice from a woman he had known six centuries ago. He ran his feminine hand
across her head and through her hair to stroke one of the mare's ears. "You poor dear."
Mica grinned then, a smile full of the sharp teeth of a carnivore. "I can't believe they started
without me," he added, leaning down to plant a kiss on the horse's nose as he stood and
moved behind her again, dragging his claws, or more accurately, the vixen's claws, down
the length of the mare's spine. As he moved, he let the tip of a fox's bushy tail tease
against the mare's chin. His hand teased her clit for a moment, and as he turned his
attention back to Sireth, another distortion passed through Mica's frame and he once again
appeared to be a serval. That would be amusing to watch if this horse ever bumped into
the real white vixen.

He positioned himself behind Sireth as she reached out and clasped the head of the
Yattering's cock, and stretched his muzzle over her shoulder to watch. "You like that,
winchinchala?" he whispered in her ear, giving it a physical nip this time as one of his
hands moved around her to massage her breast, again with a physical hand that didn't
pass through her blouse. Mica glanced at the Yattering, grinned slightly, though he was
disapointed with the creature's total disregard for subtlety, and switched to the bunny's
other ear, running his tongue up along the unpierced edge. His other hand traced a line up
her hip and then back down, stroking her fur over her skirt. "Surely you aren't surprised?"
he added.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 18 Nov 2004 22:19    Post subject:

Preston breathed hard. "You aren't too far off actually..." he reached back to one side of
the trellis and stroked a tendril of dead plant resting on it. "...though these were Clematis
rather than roses. White ones. They bloomed in the springtime." He turned and smiled at
her. "Memories... before so much... this was where Rachael first came to me, and told me
how she'd finally decided to accept my love. I was out here, reading, and I just stayed
quiet for a time... then I asked her to pinch me to make sure I was awake." he thought for a
few moments. "And the first time I kissed her, she and I were sitting as you and I are now,
it was about this time, too. I saw the moon in her eyes, and I couldn't help myself. She
seemed to enjoy it." He looked up at the sky, the moon had been covered over by the
somewhat thickening clouds. "There are many others, but mainly just the two of us, sitting
out here under the sun or the stars, prattling about nothing. I relished those times."

kawii-yiff Hunter
Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Posts: 261 Location: in the middle of the midwest

Posted: 18 Nov 2004 22:50    Post subject:


Ben found it near impossible to contain himself thru the anal teasing and had to take deep
breaths to stay calm thru the rubbing is sac recieved. She had practicly shoved him into
her front door and Ben realised that they were done messing around, and ready to start
fucking. His eager Member was shoved in by a body that demanded sweet release. "
MMmm dont worry I plan to go all the way in and stay there." Ben's body had started a
rythmic thrusting all on it's own pulling about half of his mouse meat out then slaming back
in hilting himself with each and every thrust. I bet she'd ride me to death with an ass like
this Ben thought as his body kept thrusting each second in Sylk's depths made it that
much more likey he was going to blow and he soarly needed it, but he also never wanted
to stop.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 19 Nov 2004 0:20    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

At this point, since the Yattering is probably about ready to become an interactive part of
the scene, it's probably best that we adopt a posting order and stick with it. I suggest
SnowWraith - Gideon - Ferryt.

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny touched his leg lightly, again. Don't you sometimes wonder if what you had between
you back then was genuine -- and then she changed? You can still look back upon those
memories and take some joy in them if you know, or even suspect, that it wasn't all an act.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2980

Posted: 19 Nov 2004 0:31    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

Works for me. Seems to be more or less the order we've been following anyway.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 19 Nov 2004 12:02    Post subject:

"Well, from my side, it was genuine..." said Preston. "I wasn't able to ascertain whether
she was deceiving me from the start, or if it happened later, though I'm afraid I now
suspect the prior. I try to just remember the good times we had, the love, but then, well, my
thoughts drift to the ending, whether I want them to or not, so it is difficult to remember the
positives for more than a few moments without it feeling shallow."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 19 Nov 2004 18:21    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

I hope I don't get that cynical by the time I'm your age, Jenny commented. There was an
undercurrent of good-natured chiding in her emotions, and she smiled at him when she
said it. She was hoping that he wouldn't take the comment the wrong way, and was
suspecting that she had unwittingly steered it in a direction that neither of them wanted it to
go. What do you do amuse yourself, anyway? Besides scaring off people once a year, I

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 1:04    Post subject: Torment

[Sam et al]

Sam sobbed, her head falling in final, hopeless defeat to the table as she
watched the white vixen, the last mortal who might have saved her, betray the mare's
trust. She was left instead to writhe and whimper on the table as the rolling pin began to
spin inside of her dripping sex, driving her quickly to distraction with it's constant, steady
thrusting. Sam almost didn't notice as a piece of ribbon launched itself out of nowhere and
tied around the base of her tail. This, coupled with the force holding her rump upward
suddenly relaxing a little, caused Sam's tight rump to lower as her tail raised, exposing her
still-virgin tailhole to any interested parties.

The Yattering blinked at Sireth's reaction, and then blinked twice more when she took a
hold on his penis, which should have still been insubstantial. A look that was as close to
uncertainty as the brute could manage crossed his face, and he hesitated before acting.
His cock, however, seemed to have made up it's mind, and it liked being petted and
rubbed by the pretty lop-girl. Sireth could feel the throbbing length of green, black, and
white demoncock rise to full erection in her hands, the corona throbbing and expanding
until it began to twist into a new, perverted shape before her eyes. Long 'fingers' of
knobbly bone extended from the pale line at the base of his cock, then formed a tight
dome, even as the veins on the rest of his demonic length began to buldge dangerously.
The Yattering looked at Mica with a leer over Sireth's shoulder, then placed a claw on the
bunny's head, encouraging her in her work.

[Ben & Sylk]

Sylk gasped as she was penetrated, and then moaned as the entire length
of Ben's cock slid fully into her body, until his balls rested between her thighs. He could
see her breasts jiggle with each thrust, and she yowled, snarled, and clawed at his back in
enthusiasm, seeming at least as hot as he was for orgasm. Her slick wetness coated his
length, and the soft squelch of her moist wetness parting before his pleasure-giving
mousehood began to fill the room. Sylk grabbed Ben's tight butt and squeezed it as she
pulled him deeper into herself with each thrust, her pussy walls writhing like a living thing
apart from herself around his member, stroking and squeezing him in ways that he'd never
imagined. It was almost like yiffing with several females at once, so varied and powerful
were the sensations that rippled through Sylk's cunt with every thrust of the young mouse's
hips. "That's it, baby," said Sylk in the mouse's ear. "Give me all you've got. Oh yeah, oh
yeah, that's the spot! Let it all go!"

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 1:46    Post subject: Playing in the big leagues

Sireth looked up to catch the Yattering's expression and grinned at his apparant
astonishment. "Surprised, big guy?" She asked in a whisper that was so quiet only he
could hear it. "I have more," she added as her hands rubbed up and down his shaft,
squeezing and caressing it until it quit growing. She was about to say something when it
started transforming. "Now that's not very cool," she chided him, releasing his cock with
her right hand and tapping her index finger on his chest ... or, rather, through his chest.
Interestingly, her left hand was still solid on his erection. "Now, make it go back like it was,
and maybe I'll play."

She glanced over her shoulder at the mare. "And the rolling pin? That was a complete
waste of a perfectly good cherry. I'm sure my friend over there wanted it, himself. And what
about you?" She released her hold on his cock and thumped it once on the tip with a
couple of her fingers. "I'm sure this would have been a much better instrument for that, too.
You've gotta learn some patience. If you want to scare her out of here ... and that would be
good for the rest of us, right? ... you should be a little more, um, shall we say, creative.
Like this."

She turned away from him, again flicking her tail under her skirt in a way that he could see
the movement through the fabric. She picked up the "punch" and fished a ring closer out of
the box. The closer she laid down next to the mare's muzzle with a clunk, then opened the
bottle of alcohol and dabbed a bit on both sides of her ear right where the lower ring was
supposed to go. "Are we ready, love? Now you never told me whether or not you wanted
me to deaden this, so I figure you're either into pain or at least want to see what it's like
before you get your next one. She grasped Sam's left ear gently and stretched it out,
edging it into the punch . "OK, on three. One ... two ..." *click!* She didn't wait for three and
the needle pierced Sam's ear and was out just as quickly as Sireth slipped her ear out the
jaws of the punch.

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 2:14    Post subject:

Preston ground his jaw a little, after what he'd been through, he liked to think had the right
to be a bit cynical, and were Jenny any of the normal fear fodder, he would've taken the
comment much more darkly. As she abruptly changed the subject, he swallowed his
annoyance and answered. "Well, I get 'visitors' more than once a year, usually teenagers
who come out here on a dare, although one couple decided it would be erotic to make love
in a haunted house... I think they now know better. Aside from that, I mainly keep to my
library, though keeping some of the lesser ghouls in line tends to take up a good deal of
time... being a patriarch takes some effort. Aside from that, not much. It isn't what one
would call an entertaining lifestyle, but it's what I have."

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2980

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 2:24    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

Mica caught the Yattering's leering glance as he returned his attention to what Sireth was
doing to the creature's mottled erection. It was interesting to watch, he noted with a tight
smile, but he could think of other things he would enjoy more. When the Yattering's cock
began transforming Mica couldn't help but twitch an ear as he watched the changes take
shape. He, himself, had some interesting tricks he could do, though nothing quite like that.
Frankly, he didn't blame the bunny, but he had to admit, it was possible it would be
interesting to watch.

He backed away and nodded in agreement with Sireth's statement about the mare's
virginity, and the Yattering's need for patience. "Subtlety, too," he suggested offhandedly
to the Yattering as he turned his attention once again towards the mare, seeming
thoroughly distracted by the rolling pin doing what it did best within the confines of her
pussy. He gave the Yattering points for the original trussing up of the horse, but the loss of
her cherry before the opportunity to sample her other delights was a bit disappointing.
Such things were best handled with patience, be they pleasure or pain, drawing out the
deliciously entertaining torment for as long as was desired. Oh what things I would have
done to that bunny while she explored with the mouse, he thought to himself as he ran his
hands across the mare's rump. "Well isn't that cute," he commented, giving the ribbon a
light tug as Sireth went to work. Using his fingertips, Mica collected some of Sam's sexual
secretions and smeared them into her exposed tailhole, rubbing them thoroughly into the
pucker of muscle without actually penetrating it. As Sireth pressed the punch up against
the Sam's ear, Mica leaned over, resting his elbow on her butt and his chin on his hand as
he watched, casually waiting to see how it went. -

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 15:20    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny grinned at his comment about making love in the house. Did it ever occur to you
that you could have a lot of fun with people without scaring them off the premises. I can
imagine things that could enhance love-making without getting scary. At least I suppose
so. She blushed deeply, probably not visible in the darkness, but Preston's heightened
senses likely tipped him off. The few things that had popped into her mind when she
suggest it slightly excited her, even though she was a virgin and had only let a guy even
touch her breasts once.

Tell me, Mr. Rothwhite, she began, moving the subject away from sex. What things would
make your existence around here more bearable? Music, more books, a potted plant,
newspapers delivered to the door?

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 21 Nov 2004 15:22    Post subject:

"Oh, I do have a lot of fun with them without scaring them off the grounds. I tend to... toy
with them, playing on their fears, getting them all good and jittery. The sound of a racing
heart is music to my ears. Much as I was doing to you, with the portrait, and later in my
bedroom." He said, raising an eyebrow as he detected a slight rise in her pulse. "As for
those two that I spoke of... well, if they had simply used the guest bedrrom, I might've been
content to let them finish first, but they decided to use my bed, which I was not about to

"More books would be nice." He added, after thinking a moment. "Though what would
really be nice would be some intelligent companionship for once, much as you are
providing now. I'm debating whether or not I should let you leave." He kept silent a
moment before smiling. "Relax, there is no truth to those words, and I hardly think you
would be such pleasant company should I try to keep you here against your will."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 21 Nov 2004 16:17    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Well, they should have asked first, then, shouldn't they? Jenny smiled at the incongruous
thought of two people who probably didn't believe in ghosts in the first place asking into
the thin air if it was alright to use his bed.

She turned to face him, her expression turning serious, and was about to say something
when he continued. Her heart skipped a beat when he jokingly suggested that he might
not let her leave, and she visibly relaxed when he explained that he had only been kidding
her. I'll bring you books, Mr. Rothwhite. You need only tell me what you like to read, and
when I do we can visit. I'll check them out at the library on my card, so that means I have
to come back at least every two weeks or I'll have to pay a fine. She smiled at him and
sighed. I really don't have any friends I spend time with, so I could probably stop by at
least every Saturday or Sunday.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 21 Nov 2004 22:06    Post subject:

"I would appreciate that. I typically read what one would consider cultured literature, not
simply trash paperbacks from the corner market, more, say, distinguished. As long as it fits
those criteria, I would likely be fairly open minded. As for you coming by every so often,
well, that I would enjoy even more, as you seem to be much more than just a dusty book."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 21 Nov 2004 22:43    Post subject:

Well, I think we have a gameplan, then. She smiled when she said it, but it immediately
turned into a frown. Assuming, of course, that the other spirits you've been talking about
will let me around here and that the house is open. I assume the person behind this
contest just opens it for this night, and the kids you mentioned found some other way in
besides the front door.

OOC: I want Jenny to get drawn into the fun and games when the real action starts down
in the kitchen, unless somebody has a better idea. At this point I don't think Preston is
likely to disabuse her of her feelings about this place, and I'm afraid that it looks like Sireth
is going to be occupied for the forseeable future. As much as I'm liking this arc, it really
isn't the point of this RP. I'm just going to need some help from the rest of you in timing her
re-entry into the house. The other option is to have her re-enter and go to bed and then
have something happen at that point. I'd do that myself, but abusing my own characters is
kinda like yiffing my own characters. That just doesn't appeal to me at all. Unfortunately
the Yattering-Sam-Mica-Sireth arc is pretty much established, and we need to leave it as it
is. Suggestions?

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 22 Nov 2004 0:45    Post subject:

OOC: I agree. If we need another guest to toy with, I have one that I can bring in if need
be. Aside from that, I'm open to suggestions.

"The house can be easily opened if one knows where to look... or if one knows someone
inside." He paused. "As for the other spirits, if we make such an arrangemnt, I will make
it... clear... to them my wishes." He stopped a moment, listening. A second later, the side
of the trellis next to Jenny began to tip over, in such a fashion that it would've landed on
both of them had Preston not whipped around and pioned at it, stopping it in midair,
leaning at a ponderous angle. Growling, he pushed it back to normal and got to his feet,
looking around. He shot out a hand and there was a sudden mentally reverberating eep
sound. "I told you..." said Preston in a menacing tone. "... that I did not want to be
disturbed." He began to curl his fingers together and from a spot on the lawn a few feet
away, a grey wisp began to come together, compacting on itself until it was a ball the size
of a baseball just in front of Preston's hand. "You were warned, and now you will be
punished." A blue light eminated from Preston's palm and wrapped itself around the orb,
which responded with a sharp series of eep eep eeps as it writhed and deformed for a few
moments before Preston spread his fingers and pushed it away, at which time it dissolved
into nothing, accompanied by what could be interpreted as a frightened whimper.
"Poultergeists..." he growled. "Like ill-behaved children..."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 22 Nov 2004 2:35    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny started to "say" something when she heard the creek of the trellis as old wood bent
and cracked. She jumped and started to move away from it, but then watched in
amazement as Preston righted it and then proceeded to chastize the errant spirit behind
the prank.

I see what you mean ... although I know some children who would have had the whole
house down. She grinned and then looked at the spot where the apparition had
disappeared. I hope you didn't hurt it too badly. If it really is like a child then it can't really
know the difference between right and wrong. Punishing someone for doing something
they can't possibly understand is wrong never accomplishes anything good in the long run.
She was silent for a few moments and stood as a cold wind picked up and began blowing
some of the Autumn leaves around in the darkness, making quiet swishing sounds across
the ground. Mr. Rothwhite ... do ghosts sleep?

kawii-yiff Hunter
Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Posts: 261 Location: in the middle of the midwest

Posted: 22 Nov 2004 15:50    Post subject:

[[Sylk & Ben]]

Sylk's claws racking across Ben's back caused him to sudder again, He had never felt
such pleasure and doubted he ever would again. Ben's eyes were locked on the boucing
breasts for a while then he moved his mouth down and sucked Sylk's Left nipple into his
mouth his tongue lapping over it as best it could. Ben was soo close to his orgams he
could feel it building at the base of his member." Your.... sooo.. fucking amazing." Ben
slowly said through his gasps for air after removing his mouth from the nipple it had been
tasting. Sylk had made Ben get in deeper into her cunt then he thought possible but he
wasnt complaining, the feelings were soo strong that Ben had bitten down on his tongue to
try and prolong it but it was no use. Ben's body thrusted as fast and hard as it could but he
could hold no longer his back straitened and his mouth opened in a deep moan the blood
from his tongue( Which he apparetly pierced with his tongue) stripping down the side of his
mouth down his chin as his member thrembled in Sylk's cunt spraying his seed into her

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 22 Nov 2004 20:34    Post subject:

Preston sighed. "If they had the power to, many of them would have had the house down
long ago. Fortunately, I seem to have the home field advantage, and if any of them attempt
anything too drastic, they are... punished." He followed Jenny's gaze. "I didn't do anything
permenent, that ghoul will remain shaken and off balance for a couple of hours, and
hopefully it will have learned it's lesson. One must be firm with them, it is the only form of
persuasion they understand. Seeing as they're already dead means I can't kill them, but I
can cause them pain. That was on the lighter side of what I can do to them."
He paused at her question. "I can imitate sleep yes, go into a state of semi-hibernation, but
unlike real sleep, I feel no need for it, and I do not feel any different when I wake up. Also, I
doubt it's really sleep, as I still maintain a level of awareness of what goes on around me,
and I can pretty much come out of it at will."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 22 Nov 2004 22:55    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Interestingly, Jenny looked relieved when Preston told her that the poltergeist he had just
punished would be OK. That wasn't a mindset he would expect from anybody, least of all a
mortal who twice, already, had been the target of one of the little beast's pranks.
She frowned when he described his "sleep" state and her ears lowered a bit in a way that
was eerily like Rachael's had when she was sad. Now that he thought about it, even her
smile was similar to his ex-lover's smile. That means you can't dream, doesn't it? She
shook her head sadly. Sometimes, that the only thing I have to forward to ... the escape of
my dreams, when I can relive what it was like when my body was ... whole. You don't even
have that.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 23 Nov 2004 1:54    Post subject:

Preston mentally rolled his eyes as he sensed Jenny's relief, the little twit he'd sent on it's
way was no more important to him than a speck of dust. If he'd been able, he'd have
cleansed the manor of them, but alas, the task was beyond his reach.
As he turned back to her, he went rigid for a second, for a moment thinking Rachael had
come back to taunt him beyond the grave, but he relaxed after his mind managed to gain
hold of itself. "Apologies." he said, breathing out. "You reminded me of her for a moment.
No, I can't dream, this form prevents me from doing so. Though I guess you could say my
80 years here has resembled a dream, bits and pieces, fragments, lumped together into a
mass of emotion."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 23 Nov 2004 11:25    Post subject:

Please don't apologize, Mr. Rothwhite. Jenny had reacted to his reaction by laying her
ears back and opening her eyes widely. What he had done had obviously frightened her,
although she had recovered her composure almost as quickly as her reflexive flight/fight
preparation. You seem ... familiar to me, as well, although I really don't remember ever
knowing anyone who looked like you. I guess it's just one of those things that happens,
sometime. I hope I reminded you of the pleasant times.

She smiled and gestured to the place where she had seen the poltergeist disappear. Do
they have enough intelligence to be trained? I just had a funny thought of a bunch of little
grey balls hard at work around the house polishing the glass, dusting bookshelves, and
even answering the door.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 24 Nov 2004 16:06    Post subject:

"Pleasant times, yes." said Preston quietly. "And some not so pleasant ones. Fortunately, I
have enough control of myself to know who you really are. Some spirits would've taken
such vengeance out on you just out of resemblance. I'm not sure how you know me, I've
never left this place after death, and unless you're someone I met while alive, and you look
very pretty for a 100 year old. Could be deja vu, maybe you met someone who looked like
me somewhat. As for them," he gestured where she was looking. "They only resemble
grey balls when I force them to coalesce, it's the only time I can hurt them. Any other time,
it's like trying to grab smoke. I don't think they have any intelligence at all, they just cause
the mischief they cause out of instinct and nothing more. I just have to show thm the
consequences of those instincts to get some peace."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 24 Nov 2004 18:09    Post subject:

[Thomas and Jenny]

Jenny smiled coyly and blushed when Preston complimented her on her looks -- a very
rare occurance, and then usually just by people who were trying to make her feel good
about herself. She didn't get that impression from Preston, though, and the longer she was
with him the harder it was to think of him as having been dead for a century.
An interesting project, I think -- figuring out a way to put a creature with no intelligence
and an instinct for mischief to good use. I shall have to give that some serious thought.
She grinned as she looked around the neglected grounds and then back to the house,
trying to imagine how it would all look cleaned up, and how surprised the owner would be
when he came back on one of his apparantly rare visits to see it like that. Speaking of
which ... I don't suppose you can tell me any more about the owner of this property, can
you? If he puts on contests like this he must surely know his house is haunted. Does he
ever send anybody in to fix things? I noticed you have electricity, here, although the
lighting is hardly state-of-the-art, and we were told there was running water and food in the
kitchen, so it's obvious he hasn't just abandoned the place.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 25 Nov 2004 3:05    Post subject:

"If you can find a way to capture those vermin and remove them, you can do whatevr you
want with them. Gets them out of my hair in any case, though they always seem to multiply
so I'd be dealing with them again soon enough." He turned. "The electricity and running
water were upgrades by one of the previous owners, trying to bring the place up to more
modern standards. However, they don't get enough use to warrant breaking, and
subsequent repair. The current owner hasn't been by much, just enough times to be able
to note this place on his tax forms, and then he scurries off, as if he's afraid the denizens
are going to eat him. Kind of funny really. He dropped the food off with a speed I didn't
believe someone his age was capable of."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 25 Nov 2004 8:42    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

It has to make you wonder about him -- that he would keep this house around if he's
afraid of what's in it. Jenny nodded toward the house and shrugged. There are people who
would jump at the opportunity to buy a real haunted house. And why would he pay people
to see who can spend a night here? I just don't understand that. As for your little pests, the
theory that's most consistent with what I've heard about them is that they're thoughtforms
created by someone with intense negative emotions. Perhaps, Mr. Rothwhite, it is you or
one of the other spirits, here, who is their source.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 26 Nov 2004 3:48    Post subject:

"I really don't spend much time deducing his thoughts." Said Preston dryly. "I suspect he
keeps the place for a number of reasons, one being he is unaware of the fact that there
are people who would pay for a haunted house, another being that he doesn't want to take
the effort to put it on the market. The yearly contest, well, it's a bit of publicity, I suspect he
has another business somewhere and it gets him in the papers. As for those little twits... I
assure you, they're ardly my creation. If that were the case, I would've created so many in
my first year here that I would barely be able to move. Another spirit is a possibility, but I
think they just flock to concentrations of more... refined... spirits from wherever they really
come from."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 26 Nov 2004 11:15    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny shrugged. It's just a theory, but I find it interesting that in those cases where such a
person has been removed from a house the poltergeists go away, and frequently show up
at the new location. Maybe they do come from somewhere else and then just seek out a
particular person. She paused as another chill breeze picked up, swishing some dried
leaves around her feet. I think I would like to meet the owner.

OOC: I'm actually running out of things to talk about, and the other arcs are going a lot
more slowly than this one. Unless you have some ideas I can't think of anything to do but
send her to bed, where she can be disturbed later and, somehow drug down to where all
the fun is going to be happening. I'd rather her not get involved with the Yattering arc right
now, though. Ideas, anyone?

Posted: 27 Nov 2004 2:54    Post subject:

"Search me on how to find him.. although, if you'd like, the next time he comes by, I
could... occupy... him until you show up." Preston held up a flat palm as a leaf blew on
course for his face, stopping it with the exception of a slow spin, looking at it's detail for a
few minutes before shunting it aside, around his head. "Maybe we ought to go back

((OOC: I'm running low on convo ideas as well, so bed is alright with me. If anyone has a
ghost that wants a toy, I'll bring in a new guest, but then I would still need something for
Preston to do.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 27 Nov 2004 3:11    Post subject:

Jenny shivered again as the wind picked up, now blowing in constantly from the
south-south-west. I think you're right. It's going to get stormy soon, and while cold rain
might pass through it I'd just as soon not have to deal with it. She stifled a yawn. Besides, I
think it's long past my bedtime. She grinned a little, visualizing the owner of the house
chained to the wall in dungeon that she could almost believe would be under the house.
You don't need to keep him here for me. I don't know how they did things back when this
house was new, but nowadays it's a simple thing to discover who owns a piece of
property, she said as she pushed herself to a standing position with her hands on the
bench seat.

OOC: I suppose Preston could join in torturing Sam. Is there a back way into the house?
I'm unclear now where the kitchen is, and there seems to be some conflicting stuff posted.
You said the stairs down are located beneath the stairs up, but we have a post
somewhere back there that says the kitchen is near the stairs down. Kitchens and dining
rooms are usually next to each other, but the dining room is at the back of the house.
Maybe there are two basements (one a storage area for foodstuffs that connects to the
kitchen). The kitchen could be part of the dining room area, in that case. Or there are two
sets of step that go to the basement. That would work, too. Either of these ways puts the
current action with Sam across the house from the front entrance, meaning that they could
back in the front and up to the next floor without Jenny becoming aware of what's going on
-- just so long as Sam isn't screaming when they enter.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2980

Posted: 27 Nov 2004 18:55    Post subject:

OOC: Just checking in that I've been reading your OOC comments, I know that you two
are running out of stuff to do, I just don't have any suggestions at the moment. I've been
giving it some thought though, nothing comes to mind yet, but if I think of something, I'll let
you both know.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 27 Nov 2004 19:44    Post subject:

OOC: I think my gameplan at the moment is to get Jenny back upstairs in Preston's bed.
She can get her rude awakening after that, although at the moment I don't know how that's
going to happen. If we wait until my planned "grand finale" I can get her to the basement,
but it would be more fun for me if some ghosties got to her before that. What I don't want is
for her to be involved in the current scene with the Sam.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 28 Nov 2004 2:13    Post subject: Back In The House

OOC: I am very sorry for my delays in posting. I will try and do better in the future, though
with the coming of Finals, I will have to keep my posts a little shorter.
IC: [Ben & Sylk] Sylk arched her body into Ben's, mrowling with pleasure as she gripped
his firm bottom tightly, her claws pricking little drops of blood from his taught rump. The
panthress seemed to be drawing as much pleasure from Ben's orgasm as Ben was, if not
more. But as the mouse came inside of Sylk, he felt strangely tired, as though more than
just cum were passing between them. Sylk easily rolled Ben over, with her on top as she
lifted herself up into a 'riding' position, straddling his hips. She grinned evily down at the
smaller mouse, showing all her horrifically-long and sharp teeth, even as her eyes blazed
with a hellish green light. She screeched with pleasure/pain for a moment as her thighs
flexed, forcing Ben's cock back to full erection despite himself, and suddenly a pair of
massive black catwings erupted from her back, spreading out behind her as she straddled
the mouse in triumphant orgasm.

[Sam et al]

The Yattering growled as Sireth turned away from him, but gave a slight shiver
as his cock-claws retracted, returning his member to it's warty, mottled-green state with a
thick, bulbous knob at the tip that seemed almost out-or-proportion with the rest of the
shaft. Sam, meanwhile, gave a whimper as she vaguely realized that Micah was touching
her, and what he was likely to do. Then she gave a shrill whinney as Sireth pierced her
ear, her whole body bucking against the psionic restraints before falling limply back to the
table. As the Yattering listened to the others, it rolled it's eyes, and then gestured at the
rolling pin, which suddenly stopped, and then shot from the mare's cunny into the demon's
hand. As the two furs watched, Sam's pussy almost immediately contracted back to it's
former virgin tightness. With a grin the Yattering closed it's talon around the rolling pin, and
the wooden object faded into nothingness . . . an illusion! The Yattering had been toying
with Sam's senses, raping the poor filly in a way that would still leave her ripe for further

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 28 Nov 2004 2:36    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

Sireth immediately closed her lips over the puncture in Sam's ear, sucking on the wound
and tonguing the small hole. It was soothing and sensual, even in Sam's frightened state.
Sireth's eyes went back to the Yattering, and immediately noticed that he had returned his
penis to normal, whatever "normal" was for such a creature. Her eyes fixed on it, she
smiled and nodded her approval. After he did his trick with the rolling pin, she removed her
mouth from the equine ear, licking her lips as her eyes fell on a drop of blood that was
beginning to appear again. She walked around behind Sam to inspect the damage and her
face registered near elation when she saw that the mare had apparantly been restored.
She ventured a hand toward Sam's soaking pussy and drew a single finger down her slit
from near her tailhole lingering on the now intact maidenhead, and then on down to flick
her finger cross the mare's clit. "Everything OK, back here," she commented as she
walked on around to the other side of Sam's head, reaching across the table for the alchol
and punch. "OK, now ... number two. Now that you know what it's like do we do this with or
without deadening the pain? Your call."

She continued her circle around the table until she came back to the Yattering and again
grasped his cock in her free hand, grinning up at him and then dipping her head in to get a
close up view of the head. "You know, I have a ring back at the shop that would look really
nice on you." She grinned at him again and patted him on the leg, except her hand passed
through him that time. She looked momentarily surprised at this, and then shrugged and
returned to Sam's wounded ear and started sucking the blood from the puncture again.

kawii-yiff Hunter
Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Posts: 261 Location: in the middle of the midwest

Posted: 28 Nov 2004 19:48    Post subject:

[Sylk & Ben]

Ben was to drained to do anything about his now bleeding ass cheeks but was too wraped
in pleasure to care even if he wasnt tired. Ben closed his eyes and moaned as he was
rolled over and mounted. Ha she cant get enough of you benny he thought to himself with
is eyes closed. The screech caused Ben's eyes to bolt open" WHAT THE FUCK? " he
screamed his eyes locked on Sylk's gleeming teeth and seering eyes. The adrenilen
pumping thru his bosy granted him the power to speak and attemptt o move again and
attempt he did. Ben struggled to move but was easily held down by the demon that had
mounted him, oddly enough his prick seemed pleased none the less.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2980

Posted: 28 Nov 2004 23:46    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

With his elbow still resting casually on Sam's rump, Mica smiled and rode out her pained
bucking as Sireth put a hole in the horse's ear. Ear piercings didn't bother him, though he
did hope that Sireth didn't plan on making Sam look like a pin cushion. That just wasn't
very appealing to Mica, though he could think up some entertaining things to do even if
she did. He looked down as the rolling pin that had previously been pistoning madly in the
equine's pussy stopped in it's motions and then launched itself towards the Yattering. An
ear twitched as the cooking instrument vanished and he looked back just in time to see the
evidence of Sam's maidenhood return. "Hmmm," he said softly, leaning over the horse's
genitals to examine them. "I'm not sure it'll be quite the same now, even if it was only a
phantom experience. Still, he looked back towards the Yattering and nodded, an illusion
was still more restraint than he tended to give the creature credit for. There was a creature
that needed to learn to savor the experience, to fully enjoy the depths of torment that were
possible, as well as the pleasures.

Mica glanced at Sireth as she ran her finger across Sam's slit, and as she drew away,
knelt down himself and retraced her path from the opposite direction with his tongue.
Remaining where he was, Mica shifted his attention and pressed his tongue against her
clit lightly, wiggling it from side to side several times before ending with a long slurp
against the little nub of pleasure and then repeating the process. "Perhaps she just needs
a distraction," Mica commented softly, lifting his head up to look over Sam's back at Sireth
as she worked over the horse's ear, wondering what kinds of sounds she'd make at the
combination of pleasurable and painful stimulus simultaneously.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 28 Nov 2004 23:51    Post subject:

OOC: Somehow, I think Preston might consider such antics beneath him. No disrespect
intended. There would be a back way that leads into the kitchen, and as far as 2
basements, how about one for food, and one wine cellar.

"Well, feel free to seek him out if you wish. Oh, and I think I caught the edge of a thought
there, and no, I don't happen to have a dungeon. Only a small basement and a wine cellar,
which I believe still has a few very old bottles of Chianti in it. It's been some time since I
last looked. If you are tired, you are free to use my bedroom, and I will be around...
somewhere." He said, getting up.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 0:19    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny stifled a giggle at Preston's comment about the dungeon. She wondered whether or
not a clearly-focused thought would reach him. That seemed to answer her question. She
yawned, and attempted to hide it with her hand. I think bed sounds good about now, Mr.
Rothwhite. I know my way back, but I'd be delighted if you would escort me.
OOC: OK, food cellar by the kitchen, which should be part of the dining room area on your
map. Wine cellar accessible by the steps under the steps which go upstairs. If Jenny
enters by way of the front entrance, she'll be on the other side of the house from where
Sam is, and if she's quick enough can get to Preston's room without being disturbed by the
commotion going on in the kitchen.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 1:01    Post subject:

Preston nodded slowly and took her hand in his. "Well, my lady, I would be most glad to
escort you." he said with a chuckle, leading her along, back around the house. As they
passed the gazebo, he stopped once more, realizing for a second that it wasn't quite so
painful to look at this time around, before picking his pace back up as they rounded the
house. He stepped onto the porch, feeling a visible shudder as he passed back through
the barrier, but shook it off and opened the door for Jenny, as any good gentleman would

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 1:09    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny was wondering why she could never meet someone as gallant and pleasant in the
realm of the living. Here, she finally meets someone she actually felt good being with, and
he had to be dead. He didn't care about her disabilities or her scars. It didn't matter to him
that she couldn't go to the beach and play volleyball or sing those silly songs that people
sang when they got together for a good time. It didn't matter that she was a lousy cook, or
... She cut off the negative thoughts as they passed through the barrier. She could "feel" it,
although it wasn't visible to her. Smiling as she stepped through the door ahead of Preson,
she turned to face him as he entered. Thank you, my lord. It's good to see that there are
still genlemen in the world. She gave him a curtsey, made unnaturally awkward because
of her bad leg, but it was a valliant try at being graceful, even though it fell far short of the

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 1:21    Post subject:

Preston smiled in a sideways manner. "I've seen a bit of how society has gone since my
passing... I'm hardly impressed. I must admit though, you yourself would've fit well in the
Victorian era." he said calmly, closing the door behind her before looking around. "It
appears no one is about, better for them at any rate. Either gone to bed, or taken by one of
the other spirits." he led her up the stairs, back to his old room.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 1:49    Post subject:

Jenny turned after they entered his room and stretched up, giving him a gentle hug and a
peck on the cheek. Thanks for a lovely evening, Mr. Rothwhite. I doubt the night will go as
well, but that's why I'm here, isn't it? If I don't see you again before I leave, I promise to
come back.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 13:54    Post subject:

Preston was a bit surprised by the little show of affection, but certainly didn't mind it. "Enjoy
your rest. As I said, I'll be around, I might check back a time or two, but I think I'll check on
our other... guests... as well. I shall hope to see you again soon." With a nod, he shifted
back into his intangible form and faded into the dark surroundings.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 17:21    Post subject: Threesomething

[Ben & Sylk]

Sylk laughed as Ben tried to struggle up, and made an imperious gesture with
one long-clawed hand. Instantly the ties holding the curtains around the four-poster fell
away, and then launched themselves at Ben, tying his wrists and ankles to the bedposts
and jerking them tight. Stretched out and helpless beneath the demoness, Ben could only
watch and endure (though he found that he could buck his hips in time with Sylk's own
thrusts if he chose) as Sylk began to slowly ride him, savoring the feeling of absolute
domination. "Such a cute little fool," said Sylk with an evil smile, reaching down to caress
the mouse's cheek as she leaned over him, her full breasts presssing against his chest.
"But don't be too troubled: I'm just having some fun with you, before I take you to a
banquet." She winked, and her cunny rippled around Ben's penis, doing things that were
truly impossible by all the laws of physics to him, but which were wonderful beyond all
mortal description. "It's in your honor. Actually," she gripped his shoulders as she thrust
her face forward, until their noses were touching, "your soul is the main course!"

[Sam et al]

At Sireth's question to Sam, the Yattering pointed at the filly, and then moved it's
mouth, silently forming words which Sam found she was forced to vocalize. "Without,"
whimpered the poor filly. Being an equine made her so sensitive, and the teasing touch of
Sireth against her upraised rump made her skin twitch. And as Micah began to mercilessly
tease her, Sam's jaw clenched, and it took an effort of will not to come right then from the
sheer tension she'd been forced to endure. Her ear still throbbed with pain from the
piercing, but she moaned as Sireth suckled on the tender part, finding a measure of
soothing relief in that simple act. The Yattering forced it's jaws outward like a shark,
showing all it's jagged teeth at Sireth's suggestion. He apparently didn't like it one bit. He
did, however, like the feel of her hand on his cock, and his eyelids lowered as his cock
throbbed with a strange, Hellish pulse that had nothing to do with the Yattering's alien
heart. All it would take was the deflowering of the filly, and the Yattering would be able to
enact his will on the physical world, and not simply in the form of illusions and minor
telekinesis. And oh how he was looking forward to that moment.

kawii-yiff Hunter
Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Posts: 261 Location: in the middle of the midwest

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 19:38    Post subject:

[Sylk & Ben]

Ben tried as hard as he could to free himself but found his physical limitations to be to
great. " What the fuck you ... you..... whatever you are.. im no fucking meal." Ben shouted
tring to keep his composer which was lost as any could see. With Sylk so close to his
muzzlehe could not help but soak in her smell which as if in spite of himself sent a shiver
of pleasure down his spine. Ben! Stop enjoying this ... it must be ummm umm some kind of
a nightmare yeah yeah.. umm wake up wake up! Ben's mind was desparate for any type of
answer reguardless of how unrealistic it seemed." Get the fuck off me! " Ben demanded in
a shakey voice that was laden with fear of the Demon that was riding his waist her perfect
breast rubbing against his chest.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 19:56    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Jenny watched Preston disappear and sighed, not moving for several seconds, and then
finally turned to the steps and hobbled up them, her leg giving her some serious trouble by
the time she got to the top. She actually avoided steps most of the time, but there was
something that had drawn her to the top floor, and, especially, Preston's room. She didn't
know what it was, but she was accustomed to following her intuition, and this time it
seemed to work out for the best. Once in the room, she relit the candle on the table and
sat heavily on the bed, rubbing her hip and knee. It didn't take her long to slip out of her
clothes, leaving her panties on, of course. She was in a strange house, after all. She
grinned as she pulled the covers over her and turned over on her side. This wasn't so bad.
In a few minutes the only sound in the room was her gentle breathing.

[Sam, et al]

Sireth continued to suck on Sam's ear for a few more seconds and picked up the punch
and walked over to her other ear. "OK, I'm ready," she announced as she stretched the
large equine ear out and slipped the punch around it. She didn't even give Sam a count,
simply squeezing it as soon as it was in the right position, and then yanking it away
immediately. "Oh, I don't think we've been introduced," she said, ignoring Sam's reaction
to having had another hole punched in her body. "I'm Sireth. And you would be ...?"

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2980

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 20:47    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

Mica's attention returned to the mare's hind quarters as soon as he finished speaking,
running his tongue in lazy circles around her clit and across her hood before tracing it
down and then up her inner lips in a delicate tease. He didn't want her going over the edge
too soon, oh, not just yet. But soon, he thought. He truly was interested in how she would
react to the sudden pain at one end and the pleasure at the other, and he had every
intention of savoring this.

At Sireth's statement that she was ready, Mica didn't wait, and brought his tongue down
solidly on her clit, waggling it quickly back and forth as he lapped at it, trying to bring her to
the edge of ecstasy as Sireth put another hole in the horse's ear.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 21:02    Post subject:

Preston watched her go, tempted to rematerialize and help her along, but decided against
it. Jenny seemed independent enough that she'd want to do it herlself. He waited until she
was out of sight for a few minutes before following. The door was closed, and he could
hear restful breathing inside, and he turned to leave. As he did so, he caught a glimpse of
something moving towards the door. Unlike poulergeists, this kind, which he'd nicknamed
lurkers, were silent. They would enter a room and saturate with their fear energies, putting
everyone inside off balance, just short of terrified. The effect on a sleeping person was
much worse, as the lurker actually permeated their dreams and warped them to whatever
it though would best terrorize the victim.

However, with this particular lurker... Preston's hand shot out and entered the shadowy
form, holding it as if holding someone's coat. He didnm't even look at it as he spoke. "I
would be... displeased... if this one was disturbed. Find other prey, and let it be known that
any spirit I catch interrupting this one will be... dealt with." The lurker remained still a
moment, before drifting back off into the darkness. Preston shook his head. Hopefully this
one would be a bit more receptive to authority, and he moved off into the darkness.

Posted: 1 Dec 2004 14:21    Post subject: Into Hell

[Ben & Sylk]

"Oh, but you are, Benjamin," said Sylk in her sultry voice, gently nibbling the
sensitive inner lining of the mouse's ears. "And one of the tastiest souls I've had in quite
some time, at that. It just seems a shame to keep you all to myself, pleasuring the very life
from your body, so I'm going to share you with all my . . . associates." Then the succubus
looked between them, at where their bodies intertwined, and licked her lips. "But first,
something a little different." With that, Ben could feel and watch as Sylk lifted herself up,
letting the mouse's erect cock slip from her pussy, slick with her demonic love juices. Her
achingly soft fingers soon wrapped around his cock once more, holding it upright as the
panthress lowered herself again. This time, though, her aim was slightly farther back.
"RRRRROWWWWWLLLLL!!!" snarled the panthress as she speared herself down,

stuffing the whole of Ben's mousecock into her incredibly tight, fiendishly hot tailhole. Her
claws shredded the sheets to either side of the mouse, while her back arched with
pleasure and pain. "YES! YES! YES!" she began shrieking as she came, the lines between
sensations blurred too far for her, sending the succubus plummetting over the edge of
orgasm after orgasm, as her breasts heaved and trembled just in front of Ben's face, within
easy reach of his muzzle.

[Sam et al]

Sam sobbed, and writhed at the attentions of Micah's skilled tongue on her body, the feelings
unfamiliar to her new female form, and so very intense. She looked up at Sireth's question, her eyes
filled with confusion and hurt and accusation, before they snapped shut once more and she gasped
with the pleasures Micah was bringing her. "S-Sam," said the filly almost in a whisper. "Please, I
don't know why I can't say what I want to anymore. I just want to go hooAAAHHHH!" With that, Sireth
pierced the poor pony's other ear, which made the strong young equine buck hard against her
telekinetic bonds, only moments before giving a loud equine scream as her pussy clenched, and
Micah's muzzle was suddenly flooded with the sweet juices of the blonde Belgian's first orgasm of
the night. "Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease . . ." whimpered the poor abused horsie and she squirmed on the
table, her rump tensing as she squeezed her eyes shut, the pleasure wracking her body almost as much
as the pain being inflicted upon her.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 1 Dec 2004 21:04    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

Sireth immediately took Sam's ear into her mouth and started sucking on the bleeding
puncture, raising her ears as the filly {because, technically, filly she is} screamed in
pleasure/pain. She knew what was going on behind Sam's ample behind, and scent of
equine arousal wafted into her nostrils even more strongly. She continued sucking on the
little wound as she reached her hand up to gently stroke Sam's head and neck.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 2 Dec 2004 2:44    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

What fun, Mica thought to himself as he continued lapping at her clit through her orgasm,
the delicious taste and scent of Sam's virginal orgasm washing over him. As her climax
began to lessen, Mica shifted his focus to lap at her slit with his tongue, tasting more of the
horse's essense as she whimpered on the table. That had, indeed, been interesting, the
combination of Sam's pleasure and pain, the mix of his activities and Sireth's. Now, in a
way, they switched places as Mica returned his attention to Sam's clit and continued to
tongue it, fully aware that it would be overly sensative in the aftermath of her orgasm as
Sireth took the horse's ear in her mouth, again offering a bit of soothing relief.
Suspended as she was, Mica looked down the length of his muzzle at her pussy lips, and
her cherry secluded between them. "Very tempting," he commented against her sex,
letting his first sylable vibrate against her clit. "Care for a taste?" he added evenly, looking
up from his work to look down the length of Sam's body towards Sireth, and then tilting his
head to include the Yattering as well. After all, the Yattering had aranged this little

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 2 Dec 2004 19:24    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

Sireth looked up with the invitation, slurping her tongue across the still-bleeding hole in Sam's
ear as she stood up straight. "Don't mind if I do," she said, grinning, laying her hand on the
horse's head. "Samantha ... a lovely name. And don't worry about not being able to talk. Sex does
that to me, too. She leaned down and kissed Sam on the nose, and wandered around behind her.

Glancing at Mica, again, she leaned in and stuck her nose in Sam's dripping slit before separating
her cunny lips with her thumbs. The filly smelled absolutely divine ... the scent of her fear and
arousal combining into a delicious incense. Sireth licked up and down the inside of Sam's outer
lips, making sure that her tongue still managed to stroke the edges of her virginal inner lips for
almost a full minute before dragging her tongue slowly across the covered opening, teasing all
around and over her hymen before proceeding up to her clit, which.

She flicked her tongue back and forth across the red nub for awhile before pressing her mouth around
it and taking as much of it into her short muzzle as she could. Combining sucking with the
occasional slow caress over the overly-sensitive little rod, she started driving Sam toward another
orgasm, but just as the equine was getting ready to blow, she withdrew her mouth and just stared at
her cunt for several seconds, letting her come back down. She then began systematically nibbling and
sucking at her inner lips, avoiding all contact with her clit.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 3 Dec 2004 14:12    Post subject: Suspended

[Sam, et al]

"Not . . . Samantha," Sam heaved out, her voice tense, her eyes squeezed shut as every muscle in her
body tensed. "Samuel. My . . . grandfather's . . . Ah!" This exclamation cut off any further
attempts at communication, as Micah's abuse of the poor filly's clitty left her squirming in
helpless, oversensitized pleasure, her pussy walls squeezing out more of her sweet hint-of-corn-and-
apples cunny juices with each microorgasm that wracked her. And then the muzzle tormenting her
changed, and Sam cried aloud in the agony of ecstacy, suspended by Sireth's talented cunnilingus so
close to a final, mind-wracking release, and yet denied it by the same skill.

The Yattering just glowered at Micah at the offer, squatting like a demented gargoyle on the kitchen
counter, his erect cock pointing at a right angle from his body. Every so often a thick drop of dark
green precum would drip from the end of his cock, and hiss into evaporated nothingness as it
splashed against the tile floor.

OOC: Would Ferryt like to have her other character naughtily abused by some other inhabitants of the
House? Naturally, they would be interrupted before they could do any permanent injury.

kawii-yiff Hunter
Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Posts: 261 Location: in the middle of the midwest

Posted: 3 Dec 2004 16:46    Post subject:

[Sylk & Ben]

Try as he might Ben couldnt fight the erge to moan out in pleasure as Sylk nibbled on his ear." W-
why me ? why me ? he asked himself outloud thrashing his head from side to side tring despretly to
wake himself up. Ben's attention flew to his cock as he felt Sylk lift herself lift off of him and
his body deply wanted to be back in her warmth.

" Ahh yeah mmm OH GOD GOD ." Ben moaned out loudly as Sylk impaled herself on Ben's meat. The
pleasure Sylk was causing Ben begain to make him loose his grip on reality. Ben shook his head again
and when he felt slightly normal all he could see were the tasty tits boucing before his eyes.
Without a second thought his pleasure driven mind made his mouth wrap around one firm breast sucking
on it his tongue again playing over the erect nipple.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 3 Dec 2004 19:37    Post subject:

OOC: Gideon, there's something very specific that's going to happen to Jenny a little later,
but if you want to have a little fun with her go ahead. You'll know what I'm talking about
when it happens, and at that point we'll play by ear. She's a virgin. Don't pop her cherry,
yet. I'm not sure when I want that to happen, but definitely not this soon into the RP.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 4 Dec 2004 1:33    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

Stepping back away from Sam's rather delicious slit, Mica smiled and watched as Sireth leaned over
and set to work, sampling the tasty treat for herself. The bunny seemed to be enjoying it a great
deal, he observed, as her skillfully tongue wandered across the horse's outer lips. Mica contented
himself to rubbing his hand across Sam's backside, enjoying the feeling of her flesh beneath her
fingertips, and then glanced towards the ear Sireth had been tending to moments before, still red
with a spot of blood.

Mica began walking towards Sam's front end, but as he did so, the distortion wave that accompanied a
change in his shape washed over him, his muzzle elongating as his tail thickened, his frame becoming
a more delicate, feminine one as he assumed the form of the arctic fox again with the same blue
dress. He smiled to himself as he ran his hands down his front, smoothing the dress across what was
effectively the vixen's breasts. As he walked towards Sam's head, Mica cast a glance towards the
glowering Yattering and glared at the creature for himself. "Don't you even consider getting any
ideas," he growled in the same voice he had subsituted for the vixen's own before, and softened it
as he knelt down in front of Sam's head. "This isn't really so bad, is it?" he said soothingly,
running his hand through her blonde hair. "Isn't Sireth making you feel good?" Mica's mouth clamped
down over Sam's ear then, replacing the bunny's mouth at the bleeding hole and tasting a bit of her
blood. A virgin's blood, he thought to himself with a delighted smile, and glanced back at Sireth,
noting the position her leaning over Sam's hind regions left her in, and his smile shifted to a
grin. "Don't you think she deserves the favor returned?" he whispered against Sam's ear, and didn't
wait for an answer before he gave her ear a parting lick and moved back towards Sireth, resuming his
current feline shape as he did.

Moving behind the bunny, Mica phased back into a non-caporeal state for a moment and knelt down,
admiring her skirt covered bottom in his invisible state. With a delighted chuckle, Mica passed his
finger through her skirt and let it rematerialize pressed against her slit, rubbing up and down the
length between her inner lips and pausing to tease in a circular motion around her opening.
Recalling his sampling of bunny juices earlier was most agreeable, Mica decided to go right for the
source and leaned forward, pressing his muzzle through her skirt until his physical tongue pressed
against her clit and gave it a long, slow lick before following up with several more teasing
motions. He continued this for a minute as she pleasured, or abused, the horse's sex, occasionally
switching places with his tongue and finger so that he could lick at the opening of her pussy and
get a sampling of her essense right from the source.

OOC: Well that wound up longer than I expected.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 7 Dec 2004 11:52    Post subject: Into the Abyss

[Ben et al]

Sylk's tailhole clenched down on Ben's cock as she came again, her breasts heaving as
the mouseboy licked and suckled on them, and on the firm black nipples that tasted as
sweet as milk and honey. The succubus kept making pleased screeching sounds that
almost sounded like pain, if it weren't for the sweetly pleased expression on her face,
making her face almost angelic in appearance, if it weren't for the glazing green eyes.
Panting and gasping, Sylk leaned forward, her clawed hands gripping the bedclothes on
either side of Ben's head as she looked down at him with a pleased smile, letting the
restrained mouse use his mouth on her breasts. "Why you?" she said quietly. "Because
you wanted it. Just like my . . . associates want you." She glanced up and nodded to
something unseen. "Take him away, boys." With those words, suddenly the red satin
curtains of the bed were ripped away, exposing the bed and all that it held. And, more
importantly, exposing the changes that had come upon the landscape. All around him, Ben
could see flickering flames, and somewhere off in the distance, he could hear the
agonized screams of souls being endlessly tormented in the nightmare world into which he
was now thrust. As Sylk Whysper slid deftly off the bed, Ben's sensitive mouse ears first
heard a horrific growling, and then his vision was filled with the horrific visage of three
monstrous black canine heads, their mouths snarling and filled with green froth, their red
eyes blazing with bloodlust. The beast known as Cerebus grabbed Ben with it's huge paws
and ripped the mouseboy free of the bed and into the air, before dropping him onto the
warm, rough stone of the barren fiery landscape. As Ben looked around, he could see
various hideous, malformed entities coming out of the heat haze, coming toward him, their
eager cries filling his ears as they saw the prey that awaited them: him!

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 7 Dec 2004 22:13    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

"Just 'Sam', then," Sireth said just after licking up the length of the mare's slit, intentionally
slowing as it passed over her clit. "Named after your Grandfather. Cool." She began running her
tongue in circles around Sam's virginal opening, teasing the small perforations she had found, out
of which some of the equine's delicious sexual secretions were seeping. She then licked up down her
inner lips for a bit more and returned to the hard, red, miniature phallus that was protruding as
far from it's sheath as it possibly could. She started by flicking her tongue rapidly back forth on
it, shifting to up up and down flicking, and then repeating, setting up a pattern.

Sam's body began tensing for another orgasm and Sireth pulled her muzzle away from her again,
letting the mare cool for a few seconds before executing a long, slurping lick the length of her
slit, just as Mica began teasing her own naughty bits. She moaned with pleasure and hollowed her
back, lifting her tail up, and making a "tent" in her skirt over it. "Mmmnh. I was wondering when
you were ... mmmph ... going to get around to ... mmm ... that," she commented. "Feel free ... unh!"
She didn't complete the sentence at first, when Mica interrupted her with his tongue on her clit.
"... to enjoy yourself." She paused a second and then started back in on Sam's cunt lips and clit,
again setting up a rhythm that seemed to keep Sam just on the edge, unable to go over the edge, and
not being allowed to drop back, hovering on a pre-orgasmic plateau. She would occasionally emit a
pleasured gunt, groan, or moan, but her tongue never faltered as she held the mare suspended in
near-but-not-quite ecstasy.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 14 Dec 2004 17:14    Post subject: Suspended

Sam's tears were flowing freely now, her tight, firmly-muscled rump wriggling in a
delightfully erotic manner as she was tormented first one way, and then the other, never
able to find any respite from the pleasure her tormentors were inflicting upon her. She
looked up and tried to speak as Micah mimicked the white vixen once more, but her voice
failed her, and she was soon reduced to whimpering, mewling sobs and moans of
desperation and unwanted pleasure. Sweat streaked the filly's blonde fur, and her pussy
and tailhole clenched and relaxed with a steady rhythm, like a well-tuned instrument
played so easily by Sireth and Micah's sexual skills.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 20:04    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

From his position behind Sireth, Mica listened intently to the sounds both females were
making as he lapped at the bunny's slit. His tongue moved in little circling motions around
her clit, teasing across it with every completed circle as he drove her upwards a little on
the ladder of pleasure. He'd repeat that several times and then moves his tongue to her
opening, pressing it into her vagina a little and wiggling it in arcs as he lapped at her
internal walls. As his tongue sampled her tasty juices, Mica's fingers were not idle, teasing
the protective hood of her clit by rubbing along it's length with moderate pressure, ending
each repatition with a little squeeze right above her little bud of pleasure as his tongue
would switch places again.

Mica pulled his mouth away briefly and lifted his head, ignoring her clit this repetition as he
pressed an index finger inside her pussy and pressed downwards, towards her belly,
moving his finger tip in search of her G-spot, watching her reactions for confirmation that
he had found it. "Oh, I have every intention of enjoying myself," he said aloud, though the
majority of his body was in a non-caporeal state. "If you wanted it, you should have
asked." Running his hand that wasn't exploring her pussy across Sireth's bottom, his palm
passing through her skirt before it's surface became tangible, Mica gave her right buttock a
bit of a pinch and leaned his mouth forwards to run his tongue up the length of her
upraised tail just for fun, smoothing down the fur. "This is in the way, you know," he
commented, tugging at the material of her skirt as he lowered his mouth back through the
garment and sucked firmly on her clit for a moment before flitting his tongue across it.

OOC: I think our posting order got a little screwed up.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 22:23    Post subject:

OOC: Unfortunately, we have a complicated issue with respect to post order. You, Draylen, and I can
post most every day. Gideon can post only about once a week. Kawii used to post nearly every day,
but now he's become a less frequent poster. The interplay between his and Gideon's "dead air time"
is going to produce a very long posting cycle. Since the begininning of the month Kawii has been
posting about once every two days on average. If his post day happens to proceed Gideon's post day,
we're delayed at least two weeks getting around the cycle. If, at that time, he misses it again,
we're delayed three weeks. As I've said, before, the show must go on -- even if we have to be
creative with post order. For the most part, I'm going to post in response to Gideon's post. I'm not
interacting with Kawii (or Draylen at the moment, for that matter) so all my action is based upon
Sam and Mica.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 20:01    Post subject: OOC For Now

OOC: Fortunately with Kawaii I am literally out of the dimensional loop from everyone else,
so delays on that part should not be too much of a problem.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 17 Dec 2004 23:53    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

Sireth's pussy was getting very wet very quickly, and the scent of her arousal filled the air
with an aphrodiasical quality to any who could smell it, mortal or otherwise. She waggled
her bottom and occasionally flicked her tail as jolts and waves of pleasure went though her
from Mica's attentions. She bucked her hips backwards against his finger when he stuck it
inside her. "Oooh! Yes. That's good." She said as he started moving it around looking for
her G-Spot. Then he found it. "Oh, fuck, yeah!" she exclaimed, nearly creaming right there
as her pussy contracted around his finger, but never letting up that constant tease that
kept Sam at the edge of orgasm but not able to get there.
The pinch on her behind triggered another semi-orgasmic wave and she tightened around
his finger again. If it's in the way ... ungh ... yes, harder, please ... take it off. I'm a little ...
mmmph ... preoccupied here." Deciding to give Sam what she wanted most, Sireth began
to rapidly lick the equine's clitoris. The teasing was over, at least for now. There would be
time for more, later.
OOC: Gideon, I wasn't aware that you had Ben in a different "time zone" than the rest of
us. Just be sure to bing him back for the finale in the basement -- Sireth, too. And if
anyone wants to play with Jenny, feel free to do so. By now she's probably snoozing away,
more or less oblivious of what is going on around her.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 24 Dec 2004 19:24    Post subject: Female Orgasm

Sam hadn't really orgasmed the last time she'd been trapped in a female's body. There
had been several microgasms, but nothing like the Earth-shattering climaxes she'd heard
about and seen from time to time. But now, after so long held suspended between Heaven
and Hell by the devilbunny's tongue and lips and fingers, Sam felt as though herwhole
body were suddenly taken from her control. Sireth and Micah watched as Sam's mscles
tensed, and she screamed loud and long, her whole body thrashing around violently as the
lop assaulted the helpless young filly's clit. Only the power of the Yattering held Sam's
rump still, allowing Sireth to keep up her work of fiendish pleasuring, though she could feel
the incredible tension wracking the poor horsey's body, her tail flagging almost straight up,
trembling and jerking with each spasm that shook the young filly and the whole table on
which she was trapped. Sam tried to speak, to say what she felt, but only gibberish and
incoherent moans came out. As each wave of pleasure crested higher and higher, Sam
clung to consciousness like a drowning sailor to a piece of board. But in the end the filly
knew that it was a losing battle, and if much more pleasure came, then she wouldn't be
able to retain consciousness. Whether she'd manage to keep her sanity was anther matter

Meanwhile, in Jenny's room: Soothe had been a teenager when he'd slipped and cracked
his head on the edge of the fountain in the yard of the old mansion. It hadn't been the fault
of any ghost or demon, just bad luck, and the young boy hadn't really felt any particular
malice towards anyone, or any other especially strong feelings, except perhaps teenaged
horniness. But nevertheless, he hung around, because it seemed like the thing to do. And
now the randy young male, who'd been a ring-tailed lemur when he'd been alive, found
himself unattended in an equally unattended room, with a pretty girl lying asleep on the
bed. Knowing that the lord of the house would probably be very angry if he was caught
only heightened the sense of arousal in the young male ghost as he peeked up from under
the bed. He smiled to himself, and remained insubstantial. No, he wouldn't do anything
really malicous to the cute girl. He wasn't that kind of male, not even while alive. But he'd
certainly have a little fun while she was asleep. Dreams were, after all, some of the most
erotic things around. Lifting himself up through the bed, a slight buldge formed between
Jenny's legs as she slept, showing where Soothe's head had come up. In her sleep she
could feel the soft, warm breath of a lover close by, and as a pair of ghostly-soft hands
began to gently stroke her inner thighs, her dreams began to open up to the powers of the
House . . .

OOC: You can make up the dreamscape, Ferryt, or I can wing it, whichever you like best.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 24 Dec 2004 20:23    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

Sireth moaned very loudly at about the same time Sam's orgasm hit her, and she raised
her left hand to just above the base of the filly's tail and placed it there at the bottom of her
spine as she continued licking. In spite of the haze of her own pleasure, she was strongly
focused on Sam and when she sensed how close she was to passing out, she began
lightening her tongue strokes gradually, and finally, with a long, hard, "farewell" slurp
across the hard, bright red, pleasurably-tormented little rod, she dropped her tongue lower
and began to lap up Sam's copious discharge from her inner lips, every once in awhile
sneaking in a quick teasing lick across her terribly over-sensitized clitty.

[Soothe and Jenny]

Jenny had gone to sleep curled up in a tight ball like she normally did, but at some point soon
after she had rolled to back, which was something she never did. A little dreamlet had intruded into
the blackness of unconsciousness. "Just do it. It isn't as though it's the first time," she said to
someone behind her. Dispose of the garbage and then well ... settle in." She looked over her
shoulder, not seeing the other person but caught her reflection in the mirror, her attractive red
fur slightly mussed. She was quite attractive, and she knew it -- a vixen who knew what she wanted
and was quite willing to use everything she had to get it.

She moved under the covers, shivvering a little, even though it wasn't all that cold in the room,
especially with the warm blankets covering her near-naked form. She sighed as she rose almost to the
point of consciousness and then lay motionless, again. There was a hot breeze blowing in from the
garden. She was lying on a comfortable mat on the grass under the tree, wearing nothing but a short
skirt and light blouse. The breeze rustled the fabric causing it to brush across her inner thigh in
a way that was ticklish and erotic at the same time, and it swirled in warm little eddies between
her legs. She lifted her head to look down down her supine body and smoothed out her skirt. She
noticed that her fur was white, but this didn't seem to bother her, even though it was in the middle
of Summer. She lay her head back down and stared up at the green canopy and began to doze off until
the sound of footsteps broke the silence.

OOC: Is this the first time I've written two intros for the same character in one RP? I think so! I
believe our imaginations mesh well enough that we can work the dreamscape out together. I think it
would be more fun it started out "ordinary" and started getting bizarre, if that's the direction you
want to go. Oh, and remember that Jenny is a virgin. She doesn't even know that much about sex. Just
because she's dreaming doesn't change any of that. I suggest we forget the posting order until
everyone is back and participating. Everyone just jump in where you can. I'm sure Mica hasn't been
passive during this, so I'll stop at half a post.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 24 Dec 2004 23:50    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

Mica grinned inwardly at Sireth's words, though his mouth was currently attenting to her clit as he
stroked it with his tongue, waggling it from side to side before he shifted upwards to lap at her
pussy where his finger worked into her. He wasn't sure if she had meant harder pinching or harder
stimulation of her now located G-spot, or perhaps even both. That might be fun, Mica thought as he
slurped at the bunny's juicy cunt, his nose detecting her delightful scent even in his slightly less
than physical state. There was something about her smell that was downright intoxicating, he
couldn't recall having smelled something quite like it before. Considering how long Mica had
existed, that was, indeed, saying something.

The orgasm of the horse was a distration, and oh so satisfying one as he listened to Sam's
screaming. The gibberish from her mouth brought a chuckle from Mica, this was shaping up to be a fun
evening. He'd have to torment Sam some more soon, maybe as the female fox that had arrived earlier.
Maybe as something else, he had quite a collection he could mimic. Maybe the four legged version of
his true form, he wondered how Sam would deal with that. With his free hand, the serval did as
Sireth suggested and slid her skirt across her hips and down her thighs, tugging on one side and
then the other. The his existence let him continue his attention to her genitals as he did so, and
as the skirt dropped to her ankles, Mica allowed himself to return to a fully physical form as he
removed his finger from Sireth's hole and all but attacked her sex with his tongue, driving it into
her depths where his finger had been moments before. His hands weren't idle either, stroking her
bottom before giving her a solid pinch on the left side this time, harder than before, as she might
have requested, it didn't really matter either way.

OOC: Okay, no posting order for the moment then.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 25 Dec 2004 0:18    Post subject:

[Sam, et al]

Not having to concentrate so much on what she was doing, now that she had reduced Sam's stimulation
level down to something just under tsunami force and had started concentrating upon her inner and
outer labia instead of her clit, Sireth, could pay more attention to what Mica was doing, and she
was definitely beginning to enjoy it. She moved her hips a little to help him extricate her from the
skirt, and with a pleasured sigh she kicked it off to one side when it dropped to the floor. Moaning
into Sam's cunt when Mica stuck his tongue into her, a shivver went down her spine, ending it in a
little vibrating flick of her tuft of a tail. His pinch on her ass cheek caused her to jump and make
a "mmph" noise at the unexpected twinge of pain, but she never quit lapping over Sam's mound. She
had no idea what Mica had in mind, but his fingers and now his tongue was doing things to her that
she enjoyed, she was doing things to Sam that the filly obviously enjoyed, in spite of herself, and
she had an audience in the form of the Yattering. The evening was turning out to be quite ...

OOC: Just getting in the other half of my post.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 27 Dec 2004 1:55    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

Mica's eyes darted over towards Sireth's skirt where it had landed as he lapped at her soaking
pussy, stroking his tongue around her opening before dipping his muzzle to capture her clit between
his lips. He sucked on it for a moment and then let it slip clear so he could lap at the little
aroused bud with the tip of his tongue in rapid teasing motions. He watched the skirt for a second,
inwardly musing about Sireth's nature for a moment before he gave a little mental shrug and threw
himself back into his work, pleased with the way she jumped at his pinch. It didn't really matter,
the bunny was willing, and there was just something about her sexual scent that was very...
stimulating for Mica.

His fingers returned to her vaginal opening, but this time, Mica worked two of his didgits into her
slippery depths, wiggling them against her internal walls as he slurped at her clit. It would have
been entertaining to tease the lop eared rabbit in front of the mouse, of that he was certain, but
this was fun too, more directly meeting his needs. Both entertainment and physical needs, at least
she would be soon. The horse, too. As she may or may not have requested earlier, Mica pressed his
two fingers against Sireth's G-spot and pressed down with firm pressure, curling his fingers back
and forth at a moderate pace to stimulate that little pleasure point, his other hand adding a little
pinch to the lower edge of her left ass cheek.

Posted: 30 Dec 2004 3:19    Post subject: Dark of Dreams

[Jenny and Soothe]

"Hello, lover," said a sweetly masculine voice. Jenny knew the voice,
knew that it was her lover. How she knew this, she didn't know. It was a leftover from an
old erotic dream, a memory of something that never was. "You're looking lovely tonight,"
continued the voice as Jenny lay half-dozing on the soft grass. "Would you like to dance?
There's nothing quite so wonderful as a dance in one's dreams." The male wasn't as
familiar as his voice had been, but was still someone half-remembered. His species was
ring-tailed lemur, but the details kept shifting. At one point he was her age, lithe and cocky
in jeans and a t-shirt. The next he was tall and slender, the very soul of sophistication in a
white dinner jacket. And then there was something in between, something that bespoke of
the truth, but always slipped away before it could be fully grasped. But whatever form he
took, it was what she wanted, her secret little fantasy given substance from dreamstuff.
"And, you must admit," continued the male presence, "dancing makes lovemaking so
much more enjoyable later in the evening."

[Sam et al]

Sam held on to consciousness only by virtue of the massive constitution the
horse had, regardless of her current sex. She was a farm-bred equine, and knew how to
take a licking without saying uncle. Of course, back on the farm there hadn't been lickings
quite like this, but the principle was still sound. Even as Sireth made the strong young
filly's rump tense, her whole body jerking as though subjected to electric shocks, Sam
forced herself to hold on, all her concentration bent on outlasting her tormentors, even as
each jolt of pleasure threatened to be the last one she'd be able to manage. Her juices
were pleasant to the taste, as befitted someone who mostly ate fruits, grain, and
vegetables they grew themselves, and her 'farm fresh' body was just begging to be
plucked as she trembled on the table, in her prime and full of passion.
The Yattering grinned as it pattered onto the floor, and began to scutter sideways over to
where Mica and Sireth were engaged in their play. Feeling drunk on the power of the
pleasures being released, the ghastly beast lifted it's misshappen muzzle up, passing
easily through Sireth's panties, and flicked out it's tongue, teasing the lop's erect clitty with
a tongue that felt oh-so-real. Giving a grimace of pleasure, the Yattering lunged it's whole
head forward, it's tongue snaking forward to wrap around the pleasure-nub, caressing it
like a constrictor wrapped around a non-anthro bunny. Sliding it's tongue a little bit back,
the Yattering then plunged it's long, serpentine muscle straight through the flesh of Sireth's
mons, it's ethereal nature returning to avoid any injury to her. The Yattering's tongue turned
just substantial enough to flick across the opposite side of her G-spot from where Mica
was working, a place that no mortal could reach normally, making it all the more sensitive.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 31 Dec 2004 3:00    Post subject: Dark of Dreams

[Jenny and Soothe]

The voice rose Jenny out of the fuzzy warmth of her near sleep state. That voice. It was
him. How did he know she was going to be here? "Why are you making fun of me?" She
opened her eyes and watched the lemur approach, deciding she liked the young cocky
one best. "Everyone makes fun of me -- the girl who needs a wheelchair to get around.
The girl who has to have someone carry her up the steps. I'll never walk, again. You know
that. Why do you tease me, so?" She pushed herself to a sitting position and reached
down to preposition her legs with her hands so they would be in a more comfortable
position while she was sitting.

[Sam, et. al.]

There was something almost unnatural with the way the filly's pleasure seemed to prolong at a high
level, even though Sireth had quit directly stimulating her clitoris. The bunny's scent of arousal
was thick in the room, affecting mortal senses even more than those of the spirit realm, yet another
stimulation that Sam couldn't ignore.

Not "unnatural", Sireth decided ... supernatural. Whatever force had bound the hapless equine here
was sustaining her pleasure level. As long as Sireth kept at her glistening sex, she knew she could
keep the horse at or even in orgasm, and she wondered just how far she could push the delicious toy
in front of her, or, indeed, if there were no limits. All along, Mica was busy at her own slit, his
tongue and lips all over her clit, sending the most wonderful spasms of pure pleasure through her
body. When he found her G-spot she let out a loud moan and her knees when momentarily weak, although
she recovered quickly. She was aware that the Yattering was moving and she followed him with her
eyes, as he took up a position behind her about the same time Mica pinched her on the butt, making
her jump. Still, she licked on, never letting up on Sam's aromatic and thoroughly delectible virgin
slit. Making a decision to move things on to another level, she raised her muzzle again, and locked
her lips around Sam's clitty and began sucking on it, again, reaching up with her right hand to
bring it down in a very sharp slap on Sam's right buttock. She repeated the slap, a little harder
and then drug her claws down through the spot she had just reddened on the filly's firm behind.

The Yattering's large, textured tongue played tag with Sireth's own clit, and Sireth moaned,
hollowing her back and pressing her sex backward more toward both the creature and Mica. The
Yattering's tongue wrap around her little rod brought a groan from her and she began to suck with
abandon on Sam's joy button, intent upon bringing the filly to another climax before she reached her
own. When his tongue stroked across the inner surface of her G-spot, surprising her completely,
Sireth's head snapped up and to the side, as she craned her neck around to see the Yattering.
"Auuggh .... ohhh! ... mmmmmnhooooh! ... that's a nice ... mmm ... trick." She said, turning back to
the filly. "I take back ... uhmph ... what I said about ... mmmmmngh ... your suit." Whereupon, she
lifted her hand above her head and brought it down hard on the filly's rump right where the other
two blows landed just as she began sucking passionately on her clit again.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 1 Jan 2005 4:05    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

Mica's muzzle lifted away from Sireth's slit as he heard the resounding slap of flesh
meeting flesh. He looked over the bunny's bottom, past her upraised tail, and watched as
she second slap landed on Sam's firm buttocks, unable to supress the grin that spread
across his muzzle. He was aware fo the Yattering, of course, and looked down to see that
the creature had taken up residense at Sireth's clit for a moment, though Mica continued
rubbing his fingers across Sireth's G-spot. That must feel good, he thought to himself as
he lowered his muzzle again and lapped at the area around her opening where his fingers
were entering her. He ran his tongue slowly and liesurely across her inner lips, first one,
then the other, and then repeated the motions, this time ending each one with a nibble on
each of her folds.

Her sudden outburst drew his attention again, and Mica looked up briefly to see her
looking back, and then looked down to see what the Yattering had done. He figured it out
quickly and grinned, though he rolled his eyes at Sireth's comment about the Yattering's
"suit." He wasn't buying that particular act, didn't really care if the Yattering was or not,
Mica knew better. He'd actually half expected her skirt to vanish into thin air rather then
end up laying where it was, especially after Preston's comments earlier. It didn't matter
either way, but he had to give the Yattering credit. "More creative than I expected," he
said, not for the first time tonight, and nodded slowly, as the two worked Sireth's G-spot
from opposite sides. "Fun trick."

The third slap of hand against horseflesh brought another grin to Mica's face as he
lowered his mouth to Sireth's clitoris again and gave it a firm suck for several seconds
before he began wlitting the tip of his tongue across it rapidly. He stopped momentarily
though his eyes remained locked on the little button of pleasure bringing tissue. "What's
good for the goose is good for the gander, you know," he commented, his tone almost
conversational as he lifted his own hand and brought it down with a firm swat on Sireth's
left ass cheek. Even as his mouth descended to lock onto her clit for another suck and
tongue flit pattern, Mica brought his hand down again, just above where he struck the last
time, and drug his extended claws lightly down through where he had spanked her the first
time, as she had done.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 17 Jan 2005 2:15    Post subject: World of Dreams

[Jenny and Soothe]

The lemur's appearance shifted more towards the youthful side that
Jenny liked even as she thought it, though it still retained elements of the other parts of the
strange male's personality. He frowned seriously at her accusations, and shook his head.
"I would never make fun of someone like you," he said gently. "This is a dream. Your
dream. You may have to deal with pain and loss in the waking world, but here, you can do
anything." He extended a hand, smiling at her in a friendly way. "You can even dance, if
you really want to."

[Sam et al]

Sam shriek-whinnied as she bucked on the table, driven to still more orgasms, until finally even her
iron will broke, and she would have crumpled into unconsciousness. But that was impossible, as the
helpless young filly soon discovered. The same power that held her suspended on the table also held
her mind in a similar state, forcing her to remain awake and aware of all the pleasure-filled
horrors being inflicted upon her. Her juices came out in a gush, sweet and refreshing, filled with
so much life and energy that even Sireth could realize that she was drinking a part of Sam's very
essense, milked out through the medium of pleasure. Since Sam was a living being, that essence would
renew itself very quickly, so long as too much wasn't drunk at one time. Had he been a ghost, he'd
have faded to almost nothing by now. As the Yattering felt Micah's tongue withdraw from Sireth's G-
spot, it grinned hideously, ignoring Sireth's comment about it's 'suit,' and plunged it's whole
green-scaled muzzle into the lop's trembling body. If Sireth looked down and under her skirt, she'd
see the neck and shoulders of the Yattering stopping quite suddenly as they connected with her
belly. The effects of this were immediately noticeable, as the long lashing tongue and fiendishly
dexterous tongue began their savage work, flicking and tickling and teasing and tormenting and
touching everywhere inside of Sireth, touching places of passion and sensitivity unreachable by
those with flesh, bringing strange, indescribable pleasures to the naughty lop's young body. And
with each tremor through her body, as well as through Sam's, those feelings just grew that much more

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 17 Jan 2005 15:31    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

Jenny shook her head sadly. "Not anything ... not anything," her voice trailed off to a mere
whisper, as she looked down at the ground between her legs. "Dreams are a lie. They're
the hopes of the hopeless, the wishes of those who have no future. To walk ... to dance ...
why would I even want to do that, here, when I can't do it ... there? Part of me is missing
and it'll never come back. Please don't tease me, here, when I'll have to face it all over
again, back there." She gestured back over her shoulder, where a huge black cloud
moved slowly through the sky trailing the huge tail of a tornado that was sucking up the
landscape like a gargantuan vacuum cleaner.

She reached down to the ground and picked a rose off a dandelion plant, smelling it before
placing it in the lemur's offered hand. "They tell me that a weed is a plant that isn't wanted
... that the most beautiful orchid or rose is a weed in the middle of a wheat field, and that
wheat is a weed in a rose garden, or that dandelions are weeds everywhere." She patted
the ground beside her, inviting the lemur to sit with her. "I'm a dandelion. Did you know
that? My folks think I'm a burden. That's why they got me that wheelchair -- so they
wouldn't have to carry me around everywhere. I'm saving up for an electric one, you know.
There's this contest I entered, too -- some sort of reality TV show. If I'm the last one left in
the house I win. I'm thinking about just going in with my crutches and then throwing them
out the window. That way I can't leave." Jenny laughed and picked the dandelion flower
that had been growing just next to the rose, plopped it in her mouth and started chewing.

[Sam, et. al.]

Sireth was in near ecstasy, with the dual attention to her G-spot and Mica's relentless
licking of her sex. Unlike Sam, though, this was something Sireth lived for -- the spiral of
pleasure, the multiple orgasms ... the hour-long orgasms. It was all part of her lifestyle and
she could deal with this kind of attention indefinately, although it seemed that, under the
circumstances, so could Sam. And Sireth fully intended to take complete advantage of
that. She wanted to hear Sam beg for her to stop, and beg for her to continue, all at the
same time. She wanted to her Sam's screams of pleasure and feel her muscles buck and
strain in their supernatural restraints. And to that end she just pushed her muzzle harder
into Sam's sex, giving the filly's clit a little nip before she started sucking voraciously on it,
again, while rubbing her palm in gentle strokes with the lay of her fur along the warm spot
she had just created with her three hard swats.

The Yattering took that moment to, quite literally, get completely into his work, and Sireth's
eyes rolled up into her head with the indescribable sensations he was eliciting from her
innermost depths, and she let out a low, almost growling, groan. Suddenly, and completely
unexpectedly, Mica's hand slapped onto her own buttock, and she snapped her head up
with a loud "aaaangh!", which quickly gave way to a long moan of pleasure as he began to
suck on her own clit, and she started to involuntarily writhe her behind {probably about
time someone used his hands to restrain her hip -- hint hint}. She was just starting to put a
liplock on Sam's clitoris, again, when the next blow landed, and she fixed his eyes with
hers, taking a moment to focus. "Yes it ... ooohhng ... is. Play all ... aaanhgh ... you want."
She turned her attention back to Sam and plunged her mouth around the equine's
engorged clit and started sucking furiously on it ... sucking as though she wanted to suck it
clear out of the horse's body. She would hear those screams of ecstasy and begging
before the night was over.

OOC: Gideon, Sireth isn't wearing her skirt anymore. She's completely bottomless. And
Mica is stroking Sireth's G-spot with his fingers. His mouth is on her labia.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 18 Jan 2005 19:45    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Sireth's cry was most satisfying to Mica, easily as much as her pleasured sounds mixing with those
of Sam's. Oh the fun he could have had doing such things to her in front of that mouse, teasing her
and tormenting her and watching as she tried to hide it or just left the mouse wondering what in the
world was going on. On the other hand, the current situation was more likely to be more
immediately... satisfying. Dipping his head, Mica gave her slit a long slurp with his tongue, ending
it with a suck on the bunny's clit with as much force as she was showing the horse, but only for a
few seconds while his fingers continued to rythmically stroke her G-spot. Dipping his head lower,
however, Mica observed the Yattering with it's head in Sireth's body and cocked an ear to the side
curiously. "That's a new trick," he commented idly, rubbing his hand across the area where he had
spanked Sireth. Once again, the Yattering was being more creative than he had previously given the
beast credit for. "I'm going to have to remember that one."

Going back to his task of pleasuring Sireth's pussy, Mica was again struck by how... desireable it
was. Every taste of her juices made him want more, every hint of her scent seemed to arouse him
further, particularly so now that he had resumed a physical form. Oh he'd met women he desired over
the centuries and millenia, a great many in fact, but this one struck him as different, and after so
long, variety truely was the spice of life. Her writhing, however, was becoming problematic, making
it more difficult to keep his mouth on her soaking sex, and Mica briefly toyed with the idea of
spanking her again and telling her to behave. Mica grinned then, after a moment, and took a firm
hold of her hip with both his hands, removing the formerly occupied one from her pussy. "Getting
desperate, are we?" he asked playfully, taking her clit between his lips and sucking hard as she was
doing to Sam, letting it stretch out several seconds longer than before and ending with another long
slurping lick across her opening even as the Yattering did it's thing. When he released her clit,
Mica straightened a little and grinned down at her. "Want something else inside there rather than
just tongues and fingers, because I have a few suggestions?" he joked, teasing his groind across her
upraised bottom for a moment. "And your friend there did what you asked with his equipment, and yet
you haven't even shown your appreciation with a... proper greeting," he added, recalling his own
greeting from before. Mica looked down at Sireth's pussy and licked his lips before looking up
towards the helpless filly. "Come to think of it, I have a few more introductions to make myself."

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 14:28    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

At Jenny's words, the dream-visage looked very taken aback, only a step away from being absolutely
horrified, and very much like a lost little boy. Blinking twice, the lemur sighed, then sat down
next to her, reaching down to pluck a blade of grass from next to the roselion, his nimble fingers
quickly dissecting it. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice sounding more real now than made-up, his
shifting form finally settling completely on the younger self, though now he seemed less idealized
than he'd been a moment before. "I spend most of my time in dreams these days. I'm not used to
dealing with the real world anymore." He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "It scares me
every time I try. But it's obvious your real world is too big to fit in one of my fantasies. My
name's Soothe." He freed one hand from the grass and held it out to her. "What's yours?"

[Sam et al]

The Yattering's clawed hands clamped around Sireth's hips with astonishing strength, holding her
tight and steady despite all her wrigglings, making it far easier for the two males to work her
over. The demonthing was strong, though it's claws lacked enough substance to cut into the lop's
pretty skin at that time. Continuing his internal nibblings, the Yattering let Micah work Sireth's
outsides, while he enjoyed the tasty juices of what lay beneath. Sam, meanwhile, was almost a
vegetable, her senses burned out from sheer pleasure. She jerked and bucked as her throbbing clitty,
large enough to almost be a mini-cock, was sucked with such force, and prayed to whatever gods might
hear for oblivion to take her. But there was no escape, and her whinnying screams were the only
sounds that seemed able to escape her lips. "Please!" sobbed the poor ponygirl desperately. "Oh
please, don't . . . oh, don't . . . Oh!" Her whole body jerked against it's invisible bonds.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 20:36    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

"Jennifer," she answered, looking over at him and not recognizing him anymore, even though she had
only moments before. "I have this fantasy of my own that I have friends who call me Jenny. It's one
of those dreams of the hopeless." She let her hand settle into hers and twisted her torso around to
gaze without emotion at the tornado in the distance. "See that? It makes things right ... for all of
us. It takes away the bad with the good, mixes it all up, and spits it back out, giving everything a
new chance to grow and be better the next time. I wish it would come here. Maybe next time around I
could walk and you wouldn't have to live your life in a hopeless dream."

[Sam et al]

Sireth gave a sudden, deep sigh when Mica withdrew his fingers from her clasping pussy, only to let
out a long, loud moan when he started sucking on her clitty, her hot breath washing over Sam's cunt
as she did, giving the filly a brief respite from her own frantic sucking. She turned her head to
look at Mica, momentarily ignorning the smorgasbord of engorged equine epicurian delight in front of
her. "Knock yourself out," she replied to his question with a grin. "Oooooh! ... As for him he seems
... nnnggh! ... too preoccupied for a ... aaaaahhng ... proper greeting."

She turned her attention back to Sam and slapped down hard on the same again a fourth time and dug
back in, but this time she ignored the swollen mini-cock and began to lick up and down her outer
lips, working her way into the moist inner folds before going back out and doing it, again. The
filly told her to stop. Now she was going to beg her to start up, again. Of this, Sireth was certain
... it was inevitable.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 26 Jan 2005 1:15    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica grinned and brought his hand down on Sireth's ass again in a sharp smack moments after she had
spanked the filly. Sam was making such interesting noises as Sireth worked her over, and now the
bunny seemed more interested in teasing the horse rather than the intense, unending stimulation.
"You could be right," he replied, ducking his head down to look between Sireth's legs at where the
Yattering's head disappeared into her body. "Sounds like he's having fun though," he added,
wondering if he was finding her taste as... irresistable as Mica was. As he lifted his head, he
paused a moment and pressed his tongue firmly against her clit and waggled it quickly back and forth
while he let his clothing vanish into thin air.

He was finding he was looking forward to popping Sam's cherry, assuming the Yattering didn't claim
that prize for himself, after all, he had 'caught' her, but with Sireth firmly occupied there, he
figured there were some other introductions he wouldn't mind making. Maybe after a little fun with
the bunny he'd give the filly a taste while Sireth kept after her. That could be fun, letting Sam
meet first hand what she would soon feel, for real that time, not an illusion. Mica grinned as he
straightened and drug his claws down Sireth's back for a moment before he took hold of his cock,
only about six inches long but very thick, and nestled it between the lips of the bunny's pussy. "Is
this what you were wanting?" he asked almost casually, letting out a pleased growl as he started
pressing his cockhead into the opening of her clenching pussy.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 28 Jan 2005 17:59    Post subject: Reality

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe shrugged, smiling a little. "Acutally, it's not really that bad. If I were alive, it'd be
silly to hang out in dreams all the time, never having a life of one's own. But I'm dead now, so
'having a life' is a moot point." He grinned at his own joke, his hand around Jenny's feeling very
real as they shook hands. "Jenny is a nice name. Can I call you that? At least while you're here,
and can see and hear me?"

[Sam et al]

Sireth prompty encountered Sam's thin hymen right past the inner labia, the membrane seeming so thin
and tightly stretched that it gave her the same sort of feeling that not picking a scab might give a
youngster. Sam was able to draw a little away from the precipice of pleasured madness as the lop
ceased direct stimulation of her clitty, giving a yelp as her tight bum was slapped, and then lay
panting upon the table, her sweet juices tangy on Sireth's tongue. "That's so good," said Sam in a
moaning whisper, not meaning to. But this time the Yattering's power wasn't putting words into her
mouth. This time the Yattering was just making her vocalize her deepest, most repressed thoughts.
"Don't tease me, please. Just . . . get it over with. I need it . . . no, it's not right . . . but
it feels so good . . . oh, I can't think straight, somebody help me!" And then, louder, "Somebody
rape me, please!" Sam whimpered and wriggled nicely on the table where she was held, her firm rump
still up in the air as she was abused by the naughty bunny. Meanwhile, the Yattering slid his face
out of Sireth's moist recesses, flicking his tongue across her left fallopian tube as he withdrew,
then scambleclawed his way around to where Micah was rubbing himself against Sireth's luscious lower
lips. Touching Micah on the thigh with it's near-solid claw to get the ghost's attention, the
Yattering gestured to it's throbbing, dripping demonhood, the thick green and purple fluids
trickling down the length of it's member, and then to Sireth's pussy. it's gaze then moved to where
Sam lay, helpless and exposed, with her cute bum up in the air, her pussy soaking wet and dripping
her juices into Sireth's mouth and onto the table, and the Yattering leered in a most hideous
manner. The invitation: you take the filly, I get the bunny!

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 29 Jan 2005 0:41    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

"If you call me 'Jenny' that means you have to be my friend, because only my friends can
call me that." She looked back at him, putting the tornado out of her mind for the moment.
"I don't have any friends, you know." She grinned suddenly, as if seeing him for the first
time. "Why are you dead? Nice people should be alive."

[Sam et al]

Sireth ran her tongue in a circle around Sam's hymen and gently tugged on both her inner
labia with her fingers. Touching the thin membrane with her finger, she was sorely tempted
to pop it right then and there when the smack on her butt distracted her, again, and she
stopped what she was doing to give Mica a cross look, followed by a grunt of pleasure
when he flicked his tongue cross his clit. Shaking her head, she turned back to licking and
nibbling Sam's inner lips, moaning quietly from the incessant internal attention the
Yattering was giving her.

A few moments later he drug his claws down her back and she gave a long moan of
pleasure, hollowing her back, which had the effect of pushing her rear up even more
enticingly. When she felt his cock parting her lips nad pressing into her pussy, she pushed
back, answering his question without saying anything.

Finally, Sam was actually saying something coherent. Sireth's ears actually jumped up a
bit at that and she pulled her muzzle away, running a finger across the filly's hymen,
wondering whether or not she should pop her cherry or wait for one of the males to do the
job, instead. "I can't get it ... mmmmh ... over with. I think something here is ... nnngh ...
holding you where you are, so just ... aaahng ... enjoy it."

Watching the Yattering out of the corner of her eye as he moved behind her, she started
sucking on her inner lips, occasionally raising her muzzle to flick her tongue across the
filly's clit. She couldn't quite figure out what was going on behind her, but she was certain
things would start getting even more interesting very quickly.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 29 Jan 2005 4:33    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Sliding into Sireth's pussy was like quenching his thirst after a trip through a desert in a
way, feeling her walls gripping at his cockhead, the bunny's push backwards burying a
little more of his cock into her. Then again, in Mica's opinion, any extended length of time
between female companionship, serving to give him a bit of a reputation over the centuries
and millennia. It was a great pleasure for him, thus he felt a flicker of annoyance as the
Yattering touched his leg, distracting him momentarily from the process of proceding to
fuck the bunny. He gave the Yattering a cross look similar to the one Sireth had given him,
not that he cared, but then smiled mischivously as the creature made it's desires clear. "I
think your friend might want a proper greeting after all," he commented towards Sireth's
front in, pressing himself a little more firmly into her before withdrawing to where he'd been

Mica tapped a finger against his own chest and then pointed down to where he had begun
the process of slipping into the delictable bunny treat, finally holding his finger up in a
gesture of "one." Next, he gestured to the Yattering, then it's clearly interested genitals,
pointed down at Sireth's hollowed back, and finally pressed two fingers against his mouth,
ending the gesture with a repeat of the "one." Mica then gestured towards himself, pointed
towards the filly, and touched his lips again before gesturing down to the Yattering's cock
and then making an inviting gesture towards Sireth's pussy, grinning the whole time. Why
he went to such lengths he didn't know as he used his other hand to draw his claws down
Sireth's back again since it made her do such delightful things. He was perfectly capable
of articulating himself, and now that he thought about it, he wasn't as sure of the
Yattering's comprehension skills. Shaking his head and giving his tail a whip as he wiggled
his hips to move his cock within the bunny, Mica leaned over towards the Yattering,
lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Why not share for a few minutes so I can
give your prey a tasty treat?" he suggested, lowering his hand to swipe a fingertip along
Sireth's soaked slit and holding up the bunny juices for the Yattering's inspection. He
honestly didn't care as long as he got them both, but now that the idea had entered his
mind to make the filly suck Sireth's juices from his cock, Mica figured he might as well see
if the Yattering wanted to have some group fun with the bunny. Who knew, maybe they
could all have some fun with Sam too.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 4 Feb 2005 17:40    Post subject: Wild Eyes

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe laughed, his manner light and almost careless. "What do you
define as a friend, Jenny?" asked the lemur, his large yellow-brown eyes bright and full of
humor. "Besides, I think it's better if nice people die. It keeps them from being hurt by all
the ones who aren't so nice. I think I'm a nicer person now than I was when I was alive,
probably because I've never had to be 'tough' and 'strong.' I've just been, and that's
enough." He reached forward with his long-fingered hand and gently tipped Jenny's face
upward with one fingertip. "So, I suppose the real question should be, why are you still
alive? But that's one you can answer on your own." Finished with his sentence, Soothe
leaned forward and gave Jenny a quick lick on the tip of her nose, then grinned at her,
leaning back to avoid getting bapped like the naughty boy that he was.

[Sam et al]

Sam manged to turn her head a little after a mighty strain, which sent sweat
trickling down her firmly-muscled body. Just enough to look at the lop who'd tormented her
so. She seemed incapable of words just then, her mouth gasping, her eyes wide and
desperate and frightened and aroused all at the same time. The Yattering's eyes widened
eagerly as it watched Micah's motions, and it licked it's lips in hungry anticipation. With a
bound, the Yattering leapt right through Sireth's body, sending a frightful chill of horror and
lust shivering through every nerve, and landed on the table, it's scaley, erect cock bobbing
right in front of Sireth's face as it blocked off her view to Sam's pussy. One grabbing claw
reached out and settled onto the space between the bunny's ears, and it guided her
toward it's dripping demonic member, though it didn't force her down just yet. It stretched
it's wide jaws as it grinned at her, then flicked out it's tongue to lick them hungrily. As the
Yattering crouched on the table, seeming to be much shorter than it really was, it's back
sprouted many long, rubbery spines. Leaning back, the cruel demon began to rub itself
against Sam's sopping wet, upraised pussy, adding another level of painfully pleasured
stimulation to force the poor filly to stay alert and involved in the twisted sexual event
taking place.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 5 Feb 2005 0:26    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

"Friends are people who make you feel good," Jenny answered. "They laugh with you.
They cry when you cry. They're strong for you when you're weak. They do things for you
because they want to, and not to receive something in turn.
She grinned back at him when he leaned back after licking her nose. "I'm alive because I
think I still have something to do in the world. I don't know what it is, but I know there's
something I have to accomplish." She sighed and looked away from it. "It would have been
so easy to just give up, and I even did several times, you know, but something kept
drawing me back. It wouldn't let me leave, so now I'm stuck here with a broken body, and I
still don't know what I'm supposed to do."
She looked back at him, her expression very serious. "I disagree with you. Nice people
should live. The bad ones should all die. Then all the nice people would have the world to

[Sam et al]

Sireth wasn't quite sure what was transpiring between Mica and the Yattering, but at this point she
really didn't care. She was finally getting screwed and she had an absolutely delicious main course
of equine pussy to eat. The Yattering surprised her completely when it lept onto the table, the
feeling of it's body passing though her mortal shell a delightful combination of fear and lust. A
shudder went through her body as a little chill shot through her spine and then she was suddenly
presented with a close-up view of the Yattering's cock.

She wasted no time at all grabbing the large member in her right hand, moving her muzzle past it and
back into the depths of Sam's snatch, closing her lips over the equines clit and giving it four or
five hard sucks and a parting lick. "Sorry darling, I ... mmmh ... seem to have another date to ...
unnnh ... deal with, but I'm not going to forget you." She began to gather up the thick green and
purple precum on the Yattering's member with her hand and spread it all up and down as he guided her
muzzle to it, breathing in the scent of his arousal in general and his cock in particular. Some
other people (most in fact) would have considered it disgusting, but she had somewhat more ...
liberal ... perspectives on such things. Finally, after gazing at it lovingly for several moments
she lowered her muzzle over just his cockhead, her hot breath washing down his shaft, and snaked out
her tongue to lick across the slit in it's tip.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 5 Feb 2005 16:27    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica grinned to himself at the look on Sam's face as she looked back, her eyes seeming
to try to focus on Sireth through the delightful mix of emotions rushing through them. This
house was turning out to be moderately interesting, at least tonight, he might have to stick
around a while longer. At least that would give him the chance to see if Preston would try
to kick him out eventually, it might be an interesting diversion before he wandered off to
where ever suited him until he got overly bored again.

"I guess he liked my idea," he commented softly, mostly to himself as the Yattering
bounded off, passing through Sireth, on his way to present her with another treat. The
shudder that went through her body was pleasing, and with a low growl, Mica pressed
more of his thick cock into the bunny's clearly more than willing body, running his fingers
with extended claws down her spine again. He liked it when she pressed back against
him, and Mica began thrusting slowly, working more and more of his cock into her, bit by
bit, adding little movements of his hips from time to time to stimulate different spots of her
interior. As he watched her swipe her tongue across the Yattering's needy erection, Mica
made a note to himself that he might have to try that end of Sireth too sometime.
Recalling what she'd said to the horse, Mica smiled to himself and spoke, letting his voice
take on the one he had been using when he impersonated the arctic vixen. "You should
enjoy the show, Sam, build up your strength. You're next, you know," he said, and grinned
before he shifted back to his regular voice, seeming to punctuate his statement with an
agonizingly slow withdrawl from Sireth's heated depths before thrusting back in to the
depth he had achieved quickly and firmly. "We really should do something about those
clothes," he commented idly to the bunny. "You really are far to over dressed for this

Last edited by SnowWraith on 9 Feb 2005 21:25; edited 1 time in total

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 8 Feb 2005 14:44    Post subject: Threesome

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe shrugged, his easy smile unconcerned and happy. "I suppose
being dead does give one a different perspective," he said with an agreable nod. "And I
must admit, the living are a great deal more fun than the dead." He reached out and
stroked Jenny's cheek, obviously enjoying the soft feel of her fur on his pawpads. "Much
prettier, too. Do you think that you're pretty, Jenny? You are - very. I just thought you ought
to know that."

[Sam et al]

The Yattering blinked, a little surprised when Sireth plunged her face right
through his semitangible body, but then grinned in enjoyment as he felt his own lusts
course into Sireth's body, even as he got a taste of her own perverted desires. Sam,
meanwhile, managed a soft whinney as she orgasmed once more, then began to groan
quietly in helpless pleasure as Sireth's muzzle was replaced by the constant, erotic sawing
of the Yattering's spines that made her juices run down to the table in rivulets. Giving a
pleased hiss (the first sound he'd made all night!), the Yattering reached back and leaned
against Sam's body, thrusting out his hips to give Sireth more meat to work with. He
gripped the poor filly's bare bottom with his claws, using her body to push forward against
Sireth's thrusting head, filling the bunny's mouth even as he looked back to watch the fun
going on at Micah's end. His precum was less of a taste than it was a slew of emotions,
stolen from the souls of the damned. The purple part seemed to be the refined essence of
the unwanted pleasure from being raped, while the green part was distilled
sadomasochism. As these trickled down Sireth's throat, she could sense snippets of the
experiences from which these feelings were derived, almost as though she were living
through the naughty parts of several people's lives. And if it was like this from precum, just
imagine what an orgasm would be like!

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 9 Feb 2005 21:01    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

"Thanks, but no, I don't," Jenny said as she attempted a weak smile. "They say I might be
pretty again, someday, but I have several operations to go before they completely fix my
face." Her hand rose to touch the scars on the side of her head and face, where her skull
and cheekbone had been crushed in the accident. Actually, her face had been mostly
reconstructed, and while the scars were quite evident, there was very little assymetry left.

[Sam et al]

OOC: She is, indeed, overdressed, Snow. She's still wearing her coat, as well as her
blouse, but we'll take care of that problem.

Sireth hollowed her back when Mica drug his claws down her spine again, her little fluff of
a tail giving several quick up and down flicks, followed by a low groan as he pulled almost
out of her and then plunged quickly back in. She had to agree with him about being
overdressed. Taking as much of the Yattering's cock into her mouth as she comfortably
could at the moment, she started sucking on it as she unbuttoned her coat and held her
arms back behind her back so Mica could pull it off for her.

The juices she was sucking out of the Yattering's member was affecting her, to be sure,
but probably not to the extent that he was accustomed to. She was already more-or-less in
that "space", her body wanton and waiting. She was, herself, taking great pleasure from
poor Sam's plight, and she wasn't beyond enjoying a little pain with her pleasure. If
anything, the purple and green precum had only the effect of making her even hornier in
the ways that she was already aroused. That, in turn, increased the intensity of her own
scent of arousal, that scent having a aphrodisiac effect on mortals and others, alike.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 9 Feb 2005 21:40    Post subject:

OOC: Oops, forgot about the coat, edited my last post a little to correct that.

[Sam, et. al.]

One of Mica's ears flicked at the sound form the Yattering, and he looked up to see Sireth
taking more of the creature's cock into her mouth. Definately need to sample that end, he
mused to himself, the Yattering looked like it was enjoying itself. Enough so that it actually
made a noise, proving that it just might have some ability to articulate itself. And perhaps
not, it was hard to tell with such things, but the Yattering seemed to be interested in a good
time as well, and that was really all that counted. At least with that increasingly delightful
scent of bunny juices filling the serval's nose. The scent that seemed to drive him on to
want to fuck Sireth absolutly senseless, then take his pleasure from the Yattering's
captured filly.

Mica shifted his hips a little from side to side, inching his own needy shaft deeper into the
clearly willing bunny, and thrust forward, stretching her open to accept his full length as he
hilted himself in her. The feeling was divine, and Mica let out a soft growl of pleasure as he
ground his crotch against hers and leaned forward to grasp the offered sleaves of her
coat. He slipped it free, lifting it off her shoulders, took a moment to examine it, including
sniffing at her scent on the garment, and then carelessly tossed it to join her discarded
skirt. "One more," he said as he started thrusting shallowly within Sireth's clasping pussy,
holding back his desires just a bit, at least for the moment as he looked up past the
Yattering to where Sam was groaning in forced pleasure. "Oh surely you can't tell me
you're not enjoying this," he said with a grin, mimicing the voice he'd assigned to the
immitation arctic vixen again, just to add another layer of torment to the poor filly. "There's
so much more to come, too, you know."

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 11 Feb 2005 18:02    Post subject: No End to Torment

[Jenny and Soothe]

"I'm sorry you feel that way," said Soothe sincerely. "What you think about yourself is something I
can't change, as much as I'd like to. But if you weren't pretty, and at least a little bit nice, I
wouldn't have come here. I'm not a very powerful spirit, so I can't just take what I want by force,
like some others in the House. Actually, I like to think that I'm not as powerful because I don't
take what isn't offered. If you wanted me to leave, I would have to obey you, since this is your
dream. I can shape it a little, but only as much as you allow. That's how I know that you're a very
pretty girl: because you let me in, where I'm safe for a little while from the other things out
there." He leaned in close, his black-masked face serious and sincere. "You're hurt, that much I can
see and feel, certainly. Even damaged, inside and out. But that doesn't change your beauty. That's
something still inside you, and still outside you, and I must admit, I like looking at you while
you're asleep."

[Sam et al]

Sam sobbed as she heard the vixen's voice one more, not knowing or caring if it was the real person
speaking. All she knew was that she was being tormented, brought to a peak, and then thrown bodily
over it's edge, tensing again and again as she came, the pelasure making her suffer moments of
blackout, before consciousness reasserted itself against her will. The Yattering squeezed it's
strong hand on Sireth's head, between her ears, flexing it's claws as it hissed again at the
wonderfully corporeal pleasures being given to it by this talented little bunny. It drew even more
sustenance - and substantiality! - from the tormented little filly behind him, arching it's spined
back into her sopping pussy, the bunny's pheremones driving the poor equine even more mad with lust
than she'd been before. Those pheremones were having a similar effect on the Yattering, now that it
was becoming more solid. The texture of his penis was strange, scaled and knobbed in places, and
every time Sireth paid more attention to one spot over others, it seemed to shift a little, bring
the Yattering's more sensitive places around so that they were always being pressed against her
tongue. A third, pinkish liquid soon joined the mix of colors in his precum, this one filled with
the passion and sinful pleasures of forbidden lusts, taken from a slew of different societies over
the course of the planet's history. While it was a little puzzled that his juices weren't having as
substantial an effect upon Sireth as he normally encountered in mortals, the Yattering was already
fairly certain that Sireth was much more than she appeared. But she gave good head, and that was all
that really mattered to him at the present moment. That, and the opportunity she brought him of
being able to sink into a sopping wet, willing pussy. While the Yattering loved the squirming of a
nonconsenting victim, there was a special thrill in sinking to the hilt in a creature so depraved
that it would lie with it without any coersion. And, of course, such a thing brought power to the
one who submitted, body and soul, to it's twisted lusts. For the Yattering was a demon, and demons
are all about pacts. A pact that would soon be sealed with the virgin blood of Sam's maidenhead!
Seeing Micah pull off Sireth's coat, it decided that, while it made little difference to him,
perhaps the bunny would enjoy it more if she was naked. With that thought in mind, the Yattering
slipped it's other claw through Sireth's back, the contact with her insides sending strange tremors
through her entire body as the Yattering made certain that it stroked against her heart with his
wrist. Finding the buttons of Sireth's blouse, the Yattering quickly undid them, then parted the
garment so that her breasts could hang free. Leaving the blouse still on, the Yattering then slid
it's claw back out of Sireth's body, then closed it around the back of her head growling softly as
it pressed it's cock inward with the bob of her head, then outward as she drew back, seeming to know
her next move almost before she made it, so eerily accurate was his timing to her thrusts and tongue

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 12 Feb 2005 16:41    Post subject: No End to Torment

[Jenny and Soothe]

Jenny blushed, even as a tear dropped from her eye to soak into the fur on her cheek.
"You're awfully nice, Soothe. People make fun of me because I can't walk, and they used
to look at my face before my last operation, and I could see the looks of disgust on their
own faces. Take away my fur and it's not a pretty sight. It'll never be like it was, either."
She leaned forward and touched his cheek with her hand and started to say something
when a sudden wind whipped up around them. She glanced over her shoulder and saw
the tornado, still moving across the horizon, but now it was an angry red, as though from
flames trapped within it.

She stared at it for a bit and then turned back to Soothe. "You realy think I'm pretty? You're
not just saying that to make me feel better?"

[Sam, et al.]

With the coat gone, Sireth grabbed the Yattering's cock with her right hand and started
rolling his balls gently with the left one, happy that part of his was also solid. When Mica
began to thrust within her she bucked her hips back to meet his every movement, her
inner muscles seemed to grasp at his cock, on every withdrawal and relax on each inward
plunge. She let out a long, low moan of pleasure with this most welcome development.
Mica might have been holding back, but Sireth certainly wasn't in the mood for "slow" at
the moment.

She had started playing with the various "landscape" features of the Yattering's odd penis,
licking one and then the other, only to grasp the head between her lips and suck a few
times before seeking out other little knobs, ridges, and other assorted features. When she
saw the pink fluid ooze out from the slit at the tip she eagerly lapped it up, not terribly
surprised when it flooded her mind with images of things, some of which would make a
French whore blush, and not just a few of which Sireth, herself, had never had a chance to

She gasped around his cock when he shoved his hand through her body, the sensation
chilling and naughty at the same time. Never had she experienced anything quite like that,
but she had never met a Yattering before, either. It was quickly obvious to her what it was
doing, and she had no objections. Like her coat, the blouse was just in the way. She
swung her hands backwards, again, hoping Mica would take the hint and get rid of it for
her, as she began bobbing her head up and down on the Yattering's member.
The strange mutable way the Yattering's member had been thwarting Sireth's attempts to
devote her attention to specific knobs with her flicking tongue. It seemed that only certain
parts wanted attention, and the distraction of lots of little "scenes" playing out in her mind
all at the same time, finally caused her to just forget subtelty. Besides, the Yattering
seemed to be really getting into what she was doing, and was uncanningly anticipating her
every move. Anticipate this, she thought to herself, took a deep breath, and plunged her
muzzle deeply down his shaft, his cockhead actually entering her throat as she took it all
in, his balls nestled against her lips, and held it there. For Sireth there was no gagging.
She had long ago mastered that reflex of this mortal body, but she knew just how
delectable the way one countered gagging could be on the recipient of a blow job. She
began swallowing, as if attempting to swallow his cock all the way into her stomach, her
throat and tongue caressing the length of his shaft in a series of strong contractions.

Posted: 12 Feb 2005 20:11    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica's mouth opened in an expression of delight as Sireth bucked back against him, her
inner muscles grasping at his cock. The expression shifted into a grin as he let his fingers
scritch at the base of Sireth's tail that kept moving in such fun ways as she enjoyed what
was happening. Even with shallow thrusting, that felt wonderful, deeper thrusting would
just feel so much better, he knew, and exerted an effort to keep from accelerating his
pace, at least for the time being.

Her moans and gasps emerging from around the Yattering's cock were enjoyable too,
serving to add to the ambiance of the situation just as Sam's pittiful sounds of forced
pleasure did. He watched, grinding his crotch into Sireth with every shallow thrust, as the
Yattering reached it's hand through the bunny yet again, having a good idea what he was
doing. He was pleased, too, for while the Yattering might not care, Mica did, wanting to
enjoy this to the fullest, just the idea of Sireth's breasts dangling free, swaying with every
thrust as he fucked her senseless, was almost as enticing as her delicious scent. Almost.
As Sireth swung her arms back, Mica obliged, slipping the blouse from her shoulders and
arms to toss it aside to join the rest of her clothes, dragging his claws down the full length
of her back and to the little upright tuft of her tail. Mica's own tail lashed in pleasure as he
ran his hands across her back, finally giving into the temptation of Sireth's charms. With a
throaty sound of lustful pleasure, Mica lengthened his strokes, thrusting more firmly into
the bunny's welcoming pussy with every stroke as he leaned over her a little more to press
his cock at a more downward angle into her soaking slit.

As he began fucking her more quickly and firmly, Mica flicked an ear as he watched Sireth
all but swallow the Yattering's large cock and smiled. Yes, he was definately going to have
to give that end a try, too, but for the moment, he was quite satisfied with Sireth's pussy.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 18 Feb 2005 17:08    Post subject: Dreamstorm

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe smirked at the question. "This is your dream, Jenny. You'd
know if I was lying. That's the way the rules work around the dreamscape." Soothe looked
up, his eyes widening and even a little firghtened at the firey funnel churning and roiling
all-too-closeby. "What's that, Jenny?" Soothe asked quietly, shifting closer to the
equally-aged girl, touching her arm with one hand as though he wanted to hold her close
for protection, but wasn't sure how she would react. "Is that . . .?"

[Sam et al]

The Yattering glanced up briefly at Mica and grinned with all it's many hideous
teeth, then growled throatily (yet another real sound!) as it stroked Sireth's floppy lop ears,
squirming in pleasure at the great skill this mortal demonstrated. What horrific delights the
demon would show her before they were finished. And somehow the Yattering knew that
Sireth wouldn't object in the slightest. Gently, teasingly stroking the sensitive inner
surfaces of the pretty lop's ears with his long, black claws, the Yattering growled as she
took him to the hilt, his literally throbbing balls pressing against her chin, seeming to pulse
with a strange inner life of their own. As she bobbed her head, the Yattering let her do as
she pleased, and decided to lose some of his selfishness for a moment, allowing his cock
to cease it's constant undulations so that Sireth could explore it's surface more easily. Of
course, this was a different sort of selfishness, but one that would perhaps benefit them
both. As the Yattering focused on Sireth's efforts, Sam began to whimper, her upraised
bottom wriggling desperately, her tail swishing from side to side, as her needy sex was

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 19 Feb 2005 1:03    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

Jenny closed her eyes and when she opened them there was, for a moment, an
emptiness that was even more frightening than the firey funnel cloud. "I lie to myself all the
time, Soothe. Why should I trust my dreams?" She looked over her shoulder again.
"That?" She made an ironic little laugh. "That's me. It's my anger. It's my animal urges and
my instinct to live. It's my dreams being burnt up in that wrecked car. It's everything I used
to love about me being destroyed by everything I hate about me ... sucked up, splintered,
incinerated, and spit out into little pieces too small to gather up, again."

When she looked back the warmth and the sadness, the aliveness and the despair, the joy
and the dissapointment -- all the things he could see in her were back. She shivered a little
at his touch. Her arm felt cold ... unnaturally cold, almost like a dead thing. "Soothe ... hold
me, please," she pleaded, her eyes suddenly seeming to be those of a small frightened

[Sam et al]

Her body finally completely nude, Sireth returned her hands to the Yattering's body,
grabbing his pendulous balls and rolling them gently in her hands as she continued her
shallow bobbing and swallowing until her mortal body complained about it's need for air.
Pulling her muzzle back so that her air passage wasn't blocked she started breathing
rapidly through her nose, her tongue beginning to explore the Yattering's penile landscape
in earnest. Each of Mica's thrusts forced her foward and down on the Yattering's cock,
which sending the most delicious of pleasure spikes through her body, as her breasts
swayed back and forth. She quit her bobbing motions entirely, letting Mica do that work for
her, hollowing her back slightly as her rubbed his hands across her back. One especially
strong wave pleasure caused her to cease her tongue motion for a moment as she made
a low groan around the Yattering's cock. She loved being between two rutting males like
this, although she was hoping that the one behind her would soon pick up the pace even

OOC: Does the Yattering have a belly button and a tailhole? It's a valid question -- after all,
he might not have been "born" and might not eat to sustain himself.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 19 Feb 2005 20:11    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Sireth's groan of pleasure complamented Sam's pitiful whimpering delightfully, Mica
noticed, even the Yattering's throaty growl adding a bass undertone to the musical
composition. Grinning to himself, Mica let out a groan of his own to add to their sexual
symphony as Sireth's welcoming pussy pleasured his cock, every stroke within her hot,
wet flesh sending shivers of pleasure along his length and down to his balls. Oh what a
delightful day this was turning out to be, and even with Sireth's body to please him, he
couldn't resist a little more verbal tormenting of Sam as he shifted his voice back to the
one he was using for the vixen. "Be patient, Sam, enjoy your rest. You're going to need it
before this night is done, you're next, you know. Won't that be fun, getting the exact same
treatment the bunny here is getting. You know, she might even want to help, doesn't that
sound nice?"

Still grinning, Mica shifted his head to the side to watch Sireth's now uncovered breasts
sway with every movement, enjoying the sight of them. He'd felt them before now, of
course, through various methods of play, but this was the first time he'd been able to take
them in in their uncovered state. And he had to admit, watching them sway under a
thorough fucking was just the perfect introduction. Leaning over the bunny's slender body,
Mica reached around her and took hold of the dangling mounds, kneading them firmly for
a moment as he pressed the furr of his belly against her upraised bottom. Giving the
nipples a strong pinch and holding on for several seconds, Mica adjusted his thrusting
angle so that his cock angled downwards into Sireth's pussy, digging at her G-spot as his
furry scrotum brushed against her body with every increasingly firm thrust.
OOC: You know, when one's Grandmother calls in the middle of writing a post like this,
that's a rather quick way to kill a line of thought.
And on another note that I keep forgetting to post, I love the post titles you put in, Gideon,
so much fun seeing what you'll come up with next. -

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 25 Feb 2005 19:20    Post subject: Subject Line? What Subject Line?

OOC: Heh and heh. I try my best, and yeh, it is rather hard to concentrate when one has
an aged loved one on the line, especially when she probably would not approve of one's
current activities.

IC: Soothe's arms were around Jenny almost before she'd finished speaking. He felt
strong and comforting, able to envelop her in safety if she wished, but without keeping her
from slipping away if she wanted freedom instead. "Shh," he said, his voice a gentle
whisper. "Shh. I'm here now. And I won't let anything hurt you anymore as long as you're
here with me."

[Sam et al]

The Yattering's clawed hands gripped Sireth's head tightly as she suckled on
him so expertly. His red eyes blazed with eager light as he looked down on her, then
grinned in cruel delight as he forced her down all the way, his cock pressing into her
throat, cutting off her air. The Yattering expected that Sireth's skill would keep her from
losing it despite his sudden intrusion, and after several long moments of breathless panic,
Sireth suddenly realized that she could breath through the Yattering's cock. The air was
tainted somehow, as though with an intoxicating vapor that left the head light and the
pussy very wet, but it was breathable, and the Yattering showed no hurry as he controlled
the movements of Sireth's head up and down his cock shaft.

OOC: The Yattering has no navel, since he was never born. He does have an anus,
however - at least, when he wants to have one. This is not so much because he needs to
eat so much as because he can. It also helps when he wants to enjoy anal pleasures. If
Sireth looks for the Yattering's tailhole, at first she will find nothing. After a few seconds,
though, it will fold into shape, as the Yattering is willing to let her toy with that part of him if
she wishes.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 27 Feb 2005 0:52    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

Jenny shivered, leaning into Soothe's body and closed her eyes, trying to shut out the
usually hidden recesses of her mind that always intruded into her dreams. After several
minutes she stirred slightly and took a deep breath. "Soothe, why should you care about
me? After tonight you might never see me again. And the other ... won't they be angry with
you?" She lifted her head suddenly, realizing that she was dreaming, and only now
realizing that she had realized it before, and then lost the lucidity. She looked over her
shoulder back to where the firey tornado was still wrecking destruction on the landscape
and willed it to go away. It only grew brighter and a cold shudder went through her body.
She was lucid in her own dream and yet she couldn't control it. That wasn't ... right.

[Sam, et al.]

Sireth hadn't expected the Yattering to force her to deepthroat him, and with her short
bunny muzzle "deepthroat" meant exactly that, completely cutting off her air supply. Her
mortal body struggled, her head attempting to lift up, but his strength was too great for her,
and she started to panic as her four missed breath passed without air intake and then
suddenly she was breathing in spite of having the Yattering's huge cock buried to the hilt in
her mouth. She had never quit swallowing, almost furiously, to counter the gag reflex, but
now that she could breathe she forced herself to relax and let the creature bob her head
up and down on his cock.

Through it all she found herself becoming more and more highly aroused, a part of her
mind telling her it was the Yattering's cock doing this to her, but she really didn't care at
this point. She was wishing that she had more holes to fill and more cocks to fill them, but
body alteration wasn't one of her skills. She grunted when Mica pinched her nipples,
thankful that someone was finally paying some attention to her breasts, and then squealed
around the Yattering's cock when the male at her rear started probing directly at her
G-spot. Her fluffy bunny tail flagged high and she tensed under the sudden extra wave of
pleasure. Well, if she could only have two cocks, these two were certainly doing their best
to keep her occupied and happy.

With not having to really think about either cock plunging in and out of her orifices, she
was free to do something else, and one idea was right in front of her. She started to gently
squeeze and roll the Yattering's balls with one of her hands as she reached between her
legs with her other hand and lubricated her middle finger with her copious secretions.
Once again surprising the Yattering with her ability to touch a part of his body that should
have been insubstantial, she slid her hand under his balls and her middle finger began
probing for his tailhole, not immediately finding it where she expected, but she kept feeling
around for it, figuring it had to be there, somewhere.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 27 Feb 2005 3:12    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Still hunched over Sireth's body so that he could get at her breasts, Mica looked up at the
muffled squeal the bunny made, feeling her tail flip up against his belly, and grinned,
seeing what the Yattering had done. Again, not typically his style, but Sireth seemed to be
suffering no ill effects for the size of the organ imbedded in her throat. Mica thrust into
Sireth hard, burying his cock to the hilt for a moment and stretched his muzzle up towards
the lop-eared bunny's ears. "Give her earrings some attention, tugs, wiggling, she seemed
to enjoy that before," Mica commented, looking up at the Yattering with a smile from his
hunched over position before he traced the very tip of an ear with his tongue and then
nibbled it in his mouth for a second to demonstrate.

Mica's hands released Sireth's nipples, his right hand settling in to kneading and
massaging the bunny's right breast, while his other hand teased across her left breast with
extended claws, tracing all along the furry mound before coming to her nipple, sometimes
scraping it, sometimes squeezing lightly to assault the nub of erect bunny flesh from
several angles with sharp points. Leaving her ears to the Yattering, Mica lowered his head
to Sireth's back and nibbled again, this time between her shoulders as he resumed his
thrusting. His cock slammed into Sireth with every motion, slapping his hips against her
upraised ass, and Mica let out a long, low groan that mixed some growling elements in as
he fucked her harder, his cock still angled to dig against her G-spot since he was getting
such lovely reactions from that.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 1 Mar 2005 14:40    Post subject: Pleasure-drunk

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe shrugged as he held Jenny close, smiling in a reassuring
manner. "That isn't that important, really," he said in response to her questions. "You see, I
feed on emotions, just like all ghosts and most spirits. But I really don't like the . . . taste, I
guess, of fear or pain, and lust makes me feel bloated and greasy, like eating too many
potato chips. But love, tenderness, safety, peace: these make me feel good, and they
keep me going for a lot longer than those 'quick fixes' some other ghosts seem to prefer.
That's part of why I'm willing to do whatever you like, and give you whatever you need.
That and, well," he smiled, gently tipping her face up with a finger to her chin, "if they aren't
real emotions, they don't mean much. And I can't get real emotions from other unless I feel
something as well. And I like you, Jenny. I honestly do." The ringtailed lemur watched as
she turned her head to dispel the tornado, and his smile slipped as he watched it remain at
full force. "That's not supposed to happen," said Soothe with a hint of worry in his voice.
"What's wrong?"

[Sam et al]

The Yattering grunted in surprise at the sudden probing of Sireth's finger, then
chuckled evilly as it realized what she wanted to do. Right under the bunny's probing hand,
she felt the knobbled, rough demonhide start to writhe, and then slide inward, drawing her
finger a little way into the tight pucker of the Yattering's spontaneously-created anal ring.
Giving a hiss of enjoyment at this forbidden pleasure, the Yattering fired a copious spurt of
sin-laden precum into Sireth's muzzle, being sure to pull back just enough so that she
could better savor the many flavors of mortal passion and degradation. Then, resting one
hand between her ears, the cruel demon continued to guide her up and down, pumping his
long, convuluted shaft in and out of her talented muzzle and throat, loving the feeling of
her neck contracting with each desperate swallow. Hearing Micah's suggestion, the
Yattering decided that this sounded very naughty indeed, and reached out with his other
hand to lift one of her floppy ears. Catching the eartip between his toothy jaws, the
Yattering bent his startlingly flexible neck downward, so that he could nibble along the
sensitive downy-furred inner lining of Sireth's left ear. He then tilted his head slightly so
that he could take the rings one by one into his mouth, sucking on them before letting them
drop with a jingle against her other piercings and moving on to the next one. Meanwhile,
his now-freed hand began to stroke the outside of Sireth's right ear, rubbing down against
the grain before smoothing the wonderfully soft fur back down again.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 3 Mar 2005 22:24    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

"No, it's not," Jenny agreed incredulously. "I know I'm dreaming. When that happens I can
control anything at all in my dream." She cupped her hand around a dandilion and willed it
turn into a rose and it did. She plucked it and offered it to Soothe. "See? Or I could change
you, because I know you're only an aspect of me." She willed Soothe's hair to turn blue ...
and it didn't. Staring at him wide-eyed, she quickly regained her composure. "Or maybe
not. This hasn't ever happened, before. I don't know what's wrong."

[Sam et al]

As he jetted into her mouth, his precum landing on her tongue, Sireth started to wriggle
her finger in the Yattering's tight ass. The myriad "favors" that were drenching her mouth
gave rise to several naughty ideas. If she hadn't had her mouth so stuffed full of
demoncock she would have grinned as her lust-filled mind singled out one in particular.
When she felt her finger pulled into his tight hole she started circling it around inside first in
one diection and then the other, trying to open him up for another finger.

She was pleasantly distracted from her plotting with Mica's suggetion to the Yattering and
his subsequent lick and nibble on her ear. If her mouth couldn't smile, her eyes certainly
could, as she looked up into the Yattering's eyes when the demon put his hand on her
head and guided her motions on his raging cock.

She made a muffled moan around his engorged member when Mica started playing with
her right breast, and she humped her shoulder slightly when he nibbled beween them,
groaning as the Yattering began to nibble at her ear. There were so many things going on
now, and she loved all of them. The only thing she was sorry for was that the mare wasn't
involved, somehow, and although the two males were certainly doing the part to keep
Sireth happily aroused, she wondered how that hot, soft, wet, equine tongue would feel
between her legs.

She made a short "ungh" sound through her nose every time Mica's cockhead pressed
across her G-spot and her hips were starting to writhe as little pre-orgasmic waves spread
through her body with each dig at that sensitive place. Somehow, those surges of pleasure
didn't distract her from the delightful way the Yattering was sucking on each of her earrings
in turn, or his stroking of her other ear. A bunny's ears were very sensitive, and hers were
no different, but it seemed to her like her entire body was shifted into high gear for sensing
pleasure, and her ears, breasts, and cunt were just the current concentrations of

Last edited by ferryt on 8 Mar 2005 8:21; edited 1 time in total

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 4 Mar 2005 20:04    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica cocked his head a little to the side, looking up from his position hunched over Sireth,
when the Yattering grunted, yet another sound, and he wondered what the lusty bunny
had done to get that sort of reaction. He smiled, however, as the Yattering began teasing
and playing with Sireth's ears and earrings as he had suggested, he'd gotten some good
reactions before when he was teasing her while she was exploring with the disbelieving
mouse. And of course the bunny seemed to be enjoying herself, as her moans, continuous
nasal sounding grunts, and the arching her back seemed to indicate.

In fact, as Mica switched the attention of his hands, left kneading and massaging left
breast and right scraping extended claws across right breast and nipple, the currently
serval shaped entity wondered exactly who was using who for whos pleasure. He got the
distinctive impression that Sireth was using them as much as they were using her, but
Mica didn't mind. He growled lustily in the direction of one of the bunny's long ears, and
increased the rate of his thrusting yet again, driving into the depths of Sireth's delightfully
soaked pussy, loving the way his cock slid through her welcoming hole and his hips
slapping against her softly furred bottom and upraised tail.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 8 Mar 2005 14:28    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe couldn't help but chuckle, despite his worry about the
encroaching red tornado. "No, Jenny, I'm not something you made up. I'm something that
lives . . . well, exists in the House. You fell asleep in one of our beds, so I decided to slip in
before someone less pleasant got to you, while the master of the House was otherwise
engaged." He took the rose offered to him and smelled it's sweet fragrance, then willed it
into a rare tropical orcid and handed it back with a polite bow. "Do you think we're in any
danger?" asked Soothe half-seriously. "No offense, but if your dreams are going to get
unpleasant, I really think it would be better if I bailed now, and woke you up before
anybody got hurt."

[Sam et al]

The Yattering's dry, smooth reptillian tailhole seemed surprisingly flexible as
Sireth worked her fingers into it, though it always seemed to squeeze down with elastic
tightness. It was almost as though the demon were made of rubber back there, and he
seemed not at all pained by her any of her stretching actions. Quite the opposite, in fact,
for his seemingly bottomless balls just kicked out more of his lust-laden precum with every
wriggle of Sireth's fingers. Keeping up his slow, deliciously erotic nibbling of Sireth's left
ear, even as his free hand stroked her right one, the Yattering began to graze the tender
rabbitflesh ever so lightly with his razor-sharp teeth, though he made certain not to break
the skin. Suddenly pausing in his forceful guiding of Sireth's mouth up and down his
literally throbbing shaft, the Yattering then lifted Sireth's head up and gave her a toothy
grin. He then nibbled her ear once more, and opened his mouth to silently whisper to her.
The Yattering didn't speak so much as convey an image, a crystal-clear picture of what he
wanted to happen. Sireth's mind was suddenly filled with a view of herself riding Sam's
muzzle as the poor ponygirl was forced down on Micah's thick feline cock, her virgin blood
coating the ghostly male's shaft, while the Yattering cruelly drove himself to the hilt in the
blonde filly's tight tailhole. His message complete, the Yattering punctuated it with a nip to
the tip of Sireth's ear, and a horrible leering grin that showed off far too many teeth for the
size of mouth that the Yattering appeared to have.

Last edited by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on 10 Mar 2005 12:38; edited 1 time in total

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 10 Mar 2005 0:15    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

Mica swapped what he was doing with his hands, and Sireth groaned in pleasure as her
breasts were suddenly presented with contrasting sensations, again. His renewed
thrusting would have started pushing her onto the Yattering's shaft but she arched her
back a bit allowing her hips to rock foward when his own hips banged against hers, thus
not interfering with what the Yattering was doing in guiding her head. It was clear that
Sireth wasn't a newcomer to being to being taken from both sides simultaneously, and it
was equally clear that she was loving the dual attention, even if one of her "lovers" was a
hideous demonic-looking creature.

The continuous dribble of precum into her mouth kept her mind filled with very naughty
thoughts that got naughtier and naughtier with each passing moment. She knew, now,
exactly what she was going to do, as she moaned and groaned between Mica's relentless
plunging cock and the Yattering's suprisingly talented mouth. She had all those ear
piercings for a reason. Her ears were one of her major erogenous zones, and each ring
was like a key or string on a musical instrument and the Yattering was playing them
expertly, and the nibbling by teeth that could have easily shredded the delicate pinnae
almost drove her over the top, but he almost immediately stopped and she gave a little
whimper of frustration.

The pictures that formed in her mind when the Yattering "spoke" to her excited her to the
point of wanting to do it Right Now, but she still had other things to accomplish. Besides,
that would mean stopping what what Mica was doing, and she wasn't at all willing to do
that. She nodded her head in understanding and inserted a second finger into the
Yattering's tailhole. Yes, she very much wanted that broad, flat, warm equine tongue
between her legs, but at the moment she was filled from that end and still had the terrible
beauty of the Yattering's cock inches from her own muzzle. "Ungh ... soon ... aaahngh,"
she said and pulled the Yattering's erect member back toward her muzzle with her hand
as she she pumped her two fingers in and out of his tailhole.

[Jenny and Soothe]

Jenny took the orchid and placed it in her hair, sticking the stem just above her left hear.
"Dreams? What are you talking about, Soothe?" She looked at him as though he had just
made a joke that she didn't get. "Who's going to get hurt. You're talking nonsense." She
looked around her, including at the tornado and there was no indication on her face that
she even saw it.

"Could you help me get to the lake down there, please?" She asked indicating the exact
direction of the encroaching firey tornado. "I think I'd like to sit on the dock for awhile."

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 10 Mar 2005 20:21    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Sireth's responses to Mica's pistoning cock as is slid firmly in and out of the bunny's
soaked cunt to the accompanyment of a chorus of slipery wet sounds from her sex and the
grunts and groans from her other end were an absolute delight. Her very scent, too, drove
him to the very point of arousal the likes of which he hadn't experienced for centuries, if
ever. Maybe it was pheramones, maybe it was just an extremely lusty bunny who seemed
perfectly willing to go with the whims of the Yattering and himself, either way, Mica didn't
much care. It was clear she was enjoying herself, the Yattering was enjoying itself, Mica
was enjoying himself, and he was equally looking forward to enjoying poor Sam. He had a
tasty treat in mind for her before he popped her cherry in the realm of bunny juice soaked
feline cock to warm her up to the idea.

In any event, it was shaping up to be a fun evening, though as Sireth managed to get a
word out between sounds of pleasure, Mica cocked his ears to the side curiously, though
he was distracted for a moment by the tingles of pleasure that spread all through his groin,
groaning into Sireth's back at the feel of her very accomodating pussy. As an after thought,
Mica nipped her between her shoulders, none too gently, and rather than driving full force
into her this time, he pressed his cock in agonizingly slowly. With Sireth arching her back,
Mica shifted his entry angle just a bit and just let his cockhead drag across Sireth's G-spot
as his tail quivered in absolute delight. He gave both nipples a firm pinch before alternating
his hands again for a few moments, and then shifted to rubbing both palms across the
erect, dangling points of the bunny's nipples. "Soon... what?" he asked as he resumed
pounding into the willing rabbit's juicy depths. - "Please
state the

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 22 Mar 2005 14:45    Post subject: Visons of things to CUM!

The Yattering squirmed like a fish on a hook at Sireth both drove her fingers into it's
newly-formed tailhole and sucked it's throbbing demoncock down like the tenderest
sweatmeat. It bent it's head to start once more on those delightful ears, but paused as it
heard Mica's question and glanced up with an evil grin. Opening that toothy maw once
more, the Yattering leaned far, far over Sireth's bent-over bare bunny body, and whispered
in the faux-feline's ear, giving him the same delightfully evil mental image, though this time
it belabored the scene where Mica plunged his cock into Sam's poor little pussy. And then,
just when the former stallion was getting used to being used like a mare, the Yattering
gave Mica a clear image of the Yattering's claws teasing and loosening up Sam's tight pink
tailhole as the poor pony squealed and begged for mercy. That mercy would of course be
denied, and Mica saw the Yattering's spit-slicked, bloated, nodule-covered cock squeeze
past Sam's anal ring and then slide deep into the whinnying, thrashing filly's
freshly-deflowered body. Moments after that, Sam's cries were muffled in the Yattering's
picture-description by Sireth's bunny cunny, as the lop thrust her sex against Sam's
muzzle, forcing the poor equine to lick and lap at her needy sex, tasting the seed Mica had
left behind, just to keep from being smothered. Sireth, with her sensitive rabbit ears, could
"hear" this exchange quite clearly, just as she could hear the creaking of the Yattering's
joints as he slid back into his position in front of her. She felt his tongue begin to flick
across her rings, making them tinkle lightly, and soon that agile organ was making a merry
little tune with her jewelry and her nerves at the same time, alternating between thrusting
his own hips and letting Sireth bob her head, his liquid lust still percolating upward from his
balls and sliding down her throat, filling Sireth to the brim with sin and lusts of the flesh. He
would wrap his blunt muzzle around one of the little rings or studs, and then tug
ever-so-gently outward, just a hair's breadth (or was it hare's) away from the point of pain,
before releasing that one and moving to the next. Every so often the Yattering would
pause just long enough to slither his tongue down the tender inner lining of Sireth's poor
floppy ear, before returning to his naughty minuet. The Yattering's other hand, the one not
resting dominantly on top of her head, teased her other ear mercilessly, tickling it's insides
carefully, though not going so far as to make her laugh out loud. He stroked the long ear
straight, going against the grain of her fur, and then smoothed it back down with a
soothing growl. The Yattering had decided that Sireth made an excellent plaything, and he
was already wondering how long it would take before he tired of her when he took her with
him as one of his many pets back in Hell. Somehow he felt a thousand years was too
conservative and estimate with a sweet honeypot like her, but one could never be too
certain with mortal women.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 23 Mar 2005 23:30    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al]

Mica's constant pounding was rapidly driving Sireth to the brink, and she finding it difficult to
take in all the various pleasurable things that were happening to her all at once, although the
Yattering's potent precum somehow kept her completely focused on what was happening to her and made
her crave even more. She got part of that "more" as Mica nipped her back, and she cried out in a
combination of pain and pleasure and then let out a long, low, gutteral groan as his cock drug
across her G-spot, squeezing the Yattering's cock tightly in her hands, causing more of his precum
to ooze out and spill all over the tip of his cockhead. A quick succession of "ungh ... ummmh ...
nnnnh" accompained his pinchining of her nipples and subsequent rubbing, and then she groaned loudly
when he began thrusting hard, again.

His question was a distraction, but she lifted her muzzle away from the Yattering's cock to answer
when the Yattering did it in much more exquisite detail than she could have. Giving Mica a very
naughty grin over her shoulder, she turned back to the Yattering's cock, slurped his precum off the
end, and then plunged her mouth over it, again, positioning her head so that she could bob deeply --
so deeply that it cut off her air, although she timed her breaths so that wasn't a problem for her.
When he finished his explanation and started playing with her ears she closed her eyes and moaned
loudly over and over with the sheer pleasure of being played, literally, like a musical instrument.
She was getting so turned on that every little tug on one of her rings would send a little jolt of
pleasure coursing about her body, and she rewarded the Yattering by stopping her bobbing -- and
substituting it with a gentle sucking, accompanied by her tongue caressing the underside of his
cock. Groaning when he began stroking her other ear, the vibration reverberated through his member,
and only added to his pleasure.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 24 Mar 2005 19:14    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica flicked his ears and looked up from where he had nipped Sireth's spine as the
Yattering leaned over, never once ceasing his heavy thrusting into Sireth's wet and willing
pussy. Though he did let his hips shift subtly from time to time so that several thrusts
would hit different parts of her interior, frequently pressing against her G-spot or stretching
her opening at new angles as his palms pressed against her nipples. The images that the
Yattering's 'words' imparted were quite intriguing, and Mica could imagine he could almost
feel the horse's cherry parting before his cock, feeling how she squirmed as the Yattering
took his enjoyment from her tailhole, too. Virgins were such a special delight for Mica,
such a delectible treat to have come to the house today. He'd definately not been giving
the Yattering enough credit in the creativity department, his 'words' were quite detailed,
and Mica wondered if Sam could 'hear' them as well. In particular, he liked the idea of
seeing Sam smothered in Sireth's cum filled pussy, and thrust himself hard into the bunny
with the thought, pausing to grind his crotch against her upraised bottom as he felt the fur
of her body mingle with his own. The strange pops from the Yattering as it backed away
drew a quizical look from Mica, and from a shapeshifter, that was really saying something.
"Mmmngh... Yes... Soon... indeed," he grunted in response to her naughty grin as he
resumed fucking Sireth, feeling a shiver run from his cock all along his spine as it slid
through her slippery depths. He was tempted to shift shapes while still inside her, he could
think of some interesting things to try, but decided against it as he pressed his muzzle
against her spine, making a sound somewhere between a lusty growl and a groan. Later.
he thought to himself as his left hand settled in to massaging her left breast in circular
kneading motions. Make it a surprise. His right hand, however, snaked lower, dragging his
claws down across her belly, scratching lightly around her navel, before his fingertips
found their way between Sireth's parted thighs and began tickling her clit.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 28 Mar 2005 14:47    Post subject: Brainworm

[Sam et al]

When Sireth's ear was quite thoroughly saturated with wetness from the
Yattering's mouth, the yellow-green demon shifted to her other ear, letting the one he'd
been enjoying drop back to the side of her head, this time slithering his incredibly flexible
tongue across the extra-sensitive guard hairs lining the inside of the delicate floppy ear.
When the Yattering reached the funnel of Sireth's ear, his tongue flicked across and
around that sensitive surface, and then began to press inward. Instead of stopping at this,
though, the Yattering gave a cruel little chuckle that sounded like the rattling of dry bones,
and then plunged his tongue right into Sireth's head! The sensation, which from a mortal
creature would probably have killed Sireth immediately, was quite different from the
demon. For a moment it felt like losing her virginity one more: a sharp tearing pain and an
agonizing moment of intense stretching. But then the Yattering's tongue reached Sireth's
wrinkled brain, and in an instant the pain was replaced with pleasure as intense as had
been the pain. The Yattering was pulling some of the physics from it's home plane into
play, and flicked it's tongue teasingly along Sireth's tender grey flesh, loving the absolute
control he now had over her as he tapped directly into her pleasure centers, intensifying
the feelings of pleasure she was getting from Mica, magifying them until they began to
breach the mortal barriers of pleasure.

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe grabbed Jenny's hand and held it tight, but did not make a
move toward the swirling maelstrom. "I don't think that's safe, Jenny," said the young ghost
with a worried look. "Can't you see the tornado. It's unmaking everything. It might even
unmake you and me if we get too close."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 28 Mar 2005 23:16    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

Sireth was presented with a change of venue as Mica began to alter the angle of his
thrusting at about the same time the Yattering switched to her other ear. She was so high
on pleasure, though, that this wasn't the distraction it could have been, and his tongue
sliding across the hairs of her ear sent deliciously ticklish sensations through it as Mica's
muzzle came to rest on her back, his sounds of pleasure adding to the incredibly sexual
ambiance in which Sireth was completely caught up. She flicked her ear when his tongue
penetrated the canal, reveling in the slippery moistness of that talented muscle for only a
moment until a searing pain filled her entire body, which tensed like spring steel, her pussy
contracting almost impossibly tight around Mica's cock. Her loud cry of near agony filled
the room and was replaced a second later with a moan of equally intense ecstasy as the
combination of the Yattering's tongue, probing into places where it should never be, and
Mica's finger on her clit triggered the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced.
Soundlessly, the Yattering's cock buried to the hilt in her throat, she road out the first wave
of the massive climax, her hips bucking back against Mica and her throat convulsing
reflexively around the Yattering's cock.

OOC: Only in "House of Fear" -- I'm impressed, Gideon

[Jenny and Soothe]

"No, the tornado can'thurt me. It is me. Can't you see that?" Jenny didn't even bother
looking at it. "I understand, now. There is so much that I'd like to undo, and it's doing that. I
don't want to undo me -- not completely, anyway, and I don't want to undo you at all. It
can't hurt us, Soothe, because I'd never hurt you." She glanced over her shoulder toward
to the tornado and the lake dock. "Please, take me there. I don't know what it is, but there's
something I need to do."

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 29 Mar 2005 0:00    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

For an instant, Sireth's scream drew Mica's attention as he wondered what the Yattering
had done this time, and he lifted his head long enough to the the creature's tongue
vanishing into her ear before other concerns became all he cared about. "Nnngh," he
growled through gritted teeth as he pressed his muzzle back into the soft fur of Sireth's
back, her cunt muscles sqeezing his currently kitty cock in unbelievable ways as he
continued to piston in and out of her. His hand reflexively gripped her left breast harder,
the feline claws sliding ever so slightly from their sheaths to add little pinpricks of pain all
across her dangling mound as the bunny's hips rocked back against his own. The
additional contractions of her pussy, not agonized this time, but orgasmic, were all Mica
needed to feel, and very nearly pushed him over the edge when combined with thrusting
into the vice-like grip of her internal muscles. The stimulation was incredible, like nothing
he had felt in ages, and the flood of Sireth's sexual scent was delicious to his sense of
smell. You need to get out more, the thought crossed Mica's pleasure fogged mind in a
flash as he let out a groan of absolute delight, continuing to pound into Sireth while he
fought the growing need to cum in the lop-eared bunny. At least for the moment, he mostly
continued what he was doing, though he was still considering shifting his shape as she
started to come down from this orgasm to give her a surprise.

OOC: Creative, indeed, Gideon.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 29 Mar 2005 17:03    Post subject: Raising Some Hell

OOC: Thanks. The Yattering is a creature from "The Books of Blood," a series of short
stories done by the same guy who did the "Hellraiser" movies, and hardcore sex mixed
with horror seems to be Clive Barker's big thing. The idea for "screwing with Sireth's mind"
[dodges thrown tomato] was, I think, a natural extension of some of the other perversions
he wrote.

IC: [Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe looked up at the swirling maelstrom, a flashback to a Disney movie he'd seen while he was
alive, The Black Hole, popping into his head. Then, taking a deep breath, swallowing nervously to
try and wet his dry mouth, the ringtailed lemur bent and easily lifted Jenny into his arms. "I'm
gonna trust you on this one, Jenny," said Soothe quietly, the look of frightened determination on
his face making him look even younger than before. Then, setting his jaw, the young ghost began
walking, covering the dream-distance quickly with his long legs. As they drew near to the blasting
red wind, Soothe's eyes closed, and he kept going forward, straight toward the base of the blasting
winds that tore up everything with it's passing.

[Sam et al]

Sam was listening to the horrific sounds coming from behind her with frightened arousal: slurping,
squelching, squealing, moaning, groaning, and more, all the sounds of heady sex. She got "glimpses"
of the Yattering's word-thoughts, but not the whole image. Just enough to know that she was doomed,
a helpless victim of the three beasts behind her, each as demonic as the Yattering, for all that
they wore mortal skins. Closing her eyes and sobbing quietly, Sam tried her very best not to wriggle
as the Yattering extended a number of wriggling little tendrils from it's back, which proceeded to
give Sam's dripping wet sex and tight tailhole an unearthly massage. She wasn't enjoying it, Sam
told herself, but knew that it was a lie.

The Yattering soon flicked the tip of it's tongue across Sireth's memories, tasting their
delightful essence, and instantly calling them up with all the attendant pains and
pleasures. There was her deflowering, her first gang-bang, her first rape. The pain of anal
sex was played out, followed by the forbidden pleasures of laying with lower animals.
These were Sireth's memories, or perhaps they were being planted there by the Yattering.
Either way, these pleasures from the past were added onto the pleasures of the present,
setting Sireth's nerve endings on fire, creating an exponential effect. Perhaps Sireth had
heard rumors of people being literally dying from pleasure. If the Yattering didn't stop soon,
she might find out what it was like firsthand. And then she would really belong to him, a
thought the Yattering whispered into the corridors of her mind, lacing it with the hint of
horrors and delights that awaited her in the realms of Hell. Reaching down, the Yattering
closed both clawed hands over Sireth's wonderful mouth, growling, yowling and gnashing
his teeth vociferously, the sounds now fully audible to mortal ears. With a lunge, his cock
pressed against the back of the poor lop's throat, and suddenly began to shift, merging
with her flesh, pressing through her skull from the opposite side from his tongue and
plunging into the naked, pink, primal parts of her brain. To an outward observer this would
have looked like a well-executed deep throating, but Sireth could feel the reality that even
at that moment was blasting the lust-laden precum of the Yattering straight into her mind.
Quite abruptly Sireth was flooded with primal, animalistic desires, and the racial memories
of rabbits from time immemorial. And she was in heat, desperate and needful. The
Yattering made certain of that. The hiss of the demon-thing warned of his oncoming
orgasm, and suddenly Sireth's pleasures began to peak even further than her first orgasm,
or any orgasm she'd ever had before. And the Yattering was sharing her sensations,
feeding off of them, and driving them still further!

Posted: 29 Mar 2005 21:39    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

Jenny was unable to walk, of course, and she started to say something to Soothe as he
began walking toward the tornado, but as he stepped the lake and the dock that was his
destination seemed to come closer to them both and his distance from her didn't change.
The tornado reached them first, though, and it howled overhead, the open bottom of it's
funnel looking like a tunnel into the depths of Hell, hanging out of the sky fifty feet above
them. It sucked furiously, but ineffectively, seeming to stay above them, but unable to
"unmake" anything in the immediate vicinity.

"See, I told you," Jenny said, still lying on the ground and looking up into the apparition-like
storm with more than just a little bit of fear. "It can't hurt us because I can't hurt myself. I
tried once, but I'm not strong enough to end things the easy way. It wants to, but it can't
because I can't."

[Sam et al]

Sireth's entire being was on fire -- on fire with lust, with passion, with a myriad of
sensations as she relived the many things she had done with her mortal body. She had
never pushed it this far, herself, but a tiny part of her mind that always evaluated things
and never felt pleasure or pain, informed her that this creature, while talented in dishing
out pleasure and pain, would never equal her own ability to absorb it. Soon, it said. Wait a
little more and they will all be yours. The Yattering took that moment to make his second
incursion into her mind and the feelings, sensations, and need he stirred up were slammed
back at him, and not just at him. Mica, and even poor Sam, felt them in their full force, all
four of them sharing Sireth's most animal ... most depraved desires, experiences and ...
the full intensity of her pleasure. She screamed in ecstasy around the Yattering's cock, her
voice like a single note that contained the pleasure of every mortal and immortal who had
ever existed, stirring up a cauldron of sheer sensation in those around her and cascading
to the far reaches of the House, itself.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 31 Mar 2005 20:08    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Through her orgasm, Mica continued to pound himself against Sireth's upturned backside,
thoroughly enjoying the pleasure he found in the bunny's willing body. It was an incredible
sensation, thrusting into an orgasming pussy, the clenching of muscles as they were
overloaded with pleasure, and one in which Mica delighted in. With half an eye, he
watched as Sireth enveloped the Yattering's impressive endowment in her talented mouth,
feeling the desire to sample her skills for himself, but he had a date planned with Sam's
mouth, a brief introduction to the instrument that would take her virginity once he was
finished with Sireth.

One corner of his mind noted that the Yattering was now much more audible, but that
thought was smashed by the onrush of desires, experiences, and pleasures that saturated
his consciousness from the bunny. Mica groaned deeply, squeezing his eyes shut for a
moment, before he forced them open, unfocused, as he looked at the fur of Sireth's naked
back. That was different, as different, and as arousing, as her delectable scent, but Mica
enjoyed it as he felt the familiar tingle of imminent release from his cock, shivering along
the length of his shaft and to his balls. His fingers continued to stroke her clit and squeeze
her breast with sharp pinpricks of pain from his partly extended claws, and Mica went over
the images and desires that passed through his being as he fucked the lusty rabbit.
Where some of the images came from he wasn't certain, be they the Yattering's creations,
Sireth's own, or even his inspired by the lusty display. He relived the piercing from
moments ago, almost seeming from several points of view, he saw a bobcat woman with
beads in her hair slipping a skin dress from her shoulders to reveal her pert breasts, that
one came from his own mind, he realized, he saw the bunny he now had his cock
implanted in servicing half a dozen men and a woman all by herself as they filled all her
holes, he had no idea where that one came from, he saw Sam's up and coming party in all
the detail the Yattering had shared it in. With it all came unbelievable pleasure, ultimately
too much for Mica to continue with, not that he really had any pressing desire to, and he
began fucking Sireth harder.

As he did so, though, Mica half summoned and half just let go of his own abilities, and
shifted his shape, though more slowly than he had before. Sireth first felt the pinpricks of
claws against her breast remove as his hands became a bit larger with blunter claws, his
muzzle lengthened too, and Mica lifted his head to nip firmly at the skin at the back of
Sireth's neck as his change continued. His tail shortened and became bushier, his
shoulders a bit broader as his fur changed color. Even his cock, over a period of about
thirty seconds, changed, it's shape not even constant between each pounding thrust,
feeling just a little different, and consequently touching her in different ways, with every
movement into her soaking slit. It lengthened within her, and thickened as well, filling
Sireth more and more fully with every stroke, and the pressure on her G-spot increased as
a distinctive canine knot formed and began pressing firmly against it as Mica thrust into
her. Once he'd completely changed, back into a coyote, Mica growled lustfully against her
neck, a shiver running down his spine as he felt his orgasm building just moments away.
OOC: Hmm. That's a bit longer than I planned when I first started writing it.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 8 Apr 2005 18:16    Post subject: Eye on the Storm

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe looked up, his wide eyes filled with fear as he stared into the
very heart of the Ending that dwelt in Jenny's soul. He held the girl close to him, as much
from his need for comforting himself as to provide comfort to her. "W-what are we doing
here, Jenny?" asked the young ghost quietly, his long ringed tail curling nervously around
his leg. "I don't think I like this place at all."

[Sam et al]

The Yattering's entire existence suddenly found itself pitted against something
more powerful than even it had ever considered. The sexual backlash caused the demon's
head to snap back with an audible "crack," and a hellish scream was loosed from it's maw,
it's teeth jutting out like the razorblade smile of a shark in a feeding frenzy. Sireth was right
in believing that she could take more than the Yattering could dish out, for he was an entity
designed to deal out sensations, not receive them. Overcome with the pleasure that
tingled through his body, the Yattering CAME! hard, blasting a jolt of raw sexual perversion
straight into Sireth's soul, and from there right back into his own being (spirit and body
being one and the same for a creature like the Yattering). His whole body twisted and
reshaped itself in unimaginable ways as his talons clutched desperately at Sireth's head.
This was the only piece of reality he could hold on to, the only thing that kept the demon
from being flung back to Hell from the power of the lop's soul. All it would take would be for
Sireth to remove his hands from her head before he finished cumming, and the Yattering
would be banished.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 8 Apr 2005 20:33    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

Jenny gazed up into the horrifying tunnel above them, her face bearing an expression of
calm acceptance. She hugged Soothe tightly for a moment and then turned her eyes
toward him. "I don't know, really. That's my 'dark side', I think. I'd like to make it go away,
but I can't." She gave him a timorous smile and watched as the vortex finally moved away.
"Please help me to the dock?" She asked, as she turned her head to look at the lake, the
tornado either forgotten or having been dismissed as of no further consequence.
Suddenly she gasped and her eyes went wide as a wave of ... something ... surged
through her soul. In her mind's eye she seemed to witness hundreds of depraved sexual
acts simultaneously, and the sheer volume and intensity was so great that only a few of
them left real impressions. She shook her head, trying to clear it of those impressions,
horrified that she could even imagine some of the things which she had "seen" so vividly.
OOC: Soothe's turn, Gideon. That wave from Sireth affected everyone and everything in
the House.

[Sam et al]

OOC: Isn't going to happen. The Yattering has to be here for the duration. Besides, Sireth
is in no condition right now to even think about stopping him from doing whatever he wants
to do.

Sireth was only dimly aware of Mica, the Yattering, or anything else around or in her until
the overpowering wave of lust washed through her. Her first impressions after the fog
cleared was that she wanted ... needed ... more than Sireth and the Yattering could give
her, and all of a sudden the Yattering shot everything back at her, distilled and purified into
quissential lust Her mouth clamped down on his cock and her pussy clamped down on
Mica's cock as her orgasm soared higher and she grasped the base of the Yattering's cock
tightly in her hands, all her instincts driving her to milk every last drop from it, her aura (for
anyone who might be able to see it) beginning to burn brightly with a greenish glow of
Fescennine carnality as it absorbed every single "drop" of the Yattering's "cum".
Through it all, her body registered the changes happening behind her, and she felt Mica's
cock thicken and lengthen, the enlarging knot triggering yet another wash of orgasmic
pleasure like the waves coming in on the tide, each further up the beach than the one
before it.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 8 Apr 2005 22:09    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Had Mica actually been aware of the Yattering's situation, he might very well have
seperated the creature's taloned fingers from Sireth's head where the rabbit didn't, simply
because he could and it would be an interesting sight, seeing the Yattering hurled back
into the depths from which it came. Fortunately for the Yattering, Mica wasn't really aware
of what was going on with the devilish creature, aside from it's otherworldly scream of
ecstasy. For the moment, Mica's entire reality revolved pretty much around the depths of
Sireth's slick pussy walls as they caressed his now canine cock, the soft feel of her breast
against his hand, the point of her nipple pressing into his palm, and her hot, swollen clit
being stroked in circular motions underneath the fingers of his other hand.
Mostly Sireth's pussy, however, as her muscular insides squeezed and clamped down on
him, the tidal wave of lusty feelings and pleasurable sensations flooding through him
driving him to fuck the lop eared bunny like there was no tomorrow. He drove himself into
her vice-like grip, wet and wecloming, as the bulge of his knot came to it's full size, digging
down against her G-spot with every stroke. Even Mica, however, lusty entity that he was,
couldn't hold out under such extreme pleasure, and released a howl of pleasure of his own
as he slammed his hips into Sireth's upturned bottom, spurts of hot coyote cum spewing
from his cock to coat the insides of the sexy bunny, tingles of pleasure racing all through
him with the power of his orgasm. His thrusts were more eratic as he climaxed, but no less
insistent, and Mica leaned forward enough to clamp his jaws around Sireth's neck, putting
firm pressure on the skin at the back of her neck as he humped against her, spending
himself with orgasmic glee inside her pleasurable body.
OOC: You know, I've said it before, but I think I'm having entirely too much fun with this

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 12 Apr 2005 13:38    Post subject: Entirely Too Much Fun

[Jenny and Sooth]

OOC: Sorry, forgot about that.

IC: Soothe gratefully turned and began to walk toward the docks, though he tore his eyes from the
soul-eating Maestrom only with some difficulty. And then he felt . . . something . . . wash over him
something dark and charged with deep needs and lusts unlike anything he'd experienced while he was
alive, and even worse than some of the things he knew had been done by the other monstrosities that
flocked to the House. The whole Dreamscape rippled at the wave of dark desires, and Soothe looked
down his body, discovering much to his surprise that his slander black-and-white body was completely
naked, his long, thin penis sliding from his sheath until it was standing at full, throbbing
erection. Blushing horribly at this turn of events, the lemur curled his tail around his midriff,
and continued carrying Jenny onto the cool boards of the docks. He tried to ignore the way her soft
young body pressed against his, and the things he'd sometimes thought about doing to sleeping
victims, but never had. "I'm not that kind of ghost," said Soothe softly to himself, stopping at the
edge of the wharf, looking out onto the green and blue waters of the dream-sea. "I'm not."

[Sam et al]

Sam whinnied, shaking and sweating as her body was wracked with dark pleasures and unholy lusts. Sam
was a good person at heart, whatever the sex he wore, but he was also often rather naive. This
naivity left her unprepared for the sudden rush of hellish delights that now raped her soul just as
she knew her body would be raped very soon by the three . . . beings behind her. But would it be
rape? With such dreadful thoughts playing through her mind, Sam wasn't at all sure. OOC: Just
leaving your options open.

The Yattering's body continued to ripple through the wave of raw lust channelled by Sireth from the
Yattering, Hell itself being the origination of the power. Gradually, though, the Yattering was able
to "find" his chosen corporeal form again, and reshaped himself back into the hunched, green-mottled
scaley creature with the horrible teeth and glaring green eyes. Panting slightly, more for effect
than anything else, since he didn't really need to breathe, the Yattering carefully slid his long
tongue out of Sireth's skull, making a slight pop as the lop's displaced flesh slid back into place
behind the intruding appendage. The Yattering's cock still twitched inside her mouth, drooling a
delightful cocktail of sin, which caused her aura to ripple with a host of beautiful dark colors,
but the main damage had already been done, and it would take a long time before the Yattering could
deliver a burst of raw sin as powerful as that one. He could muster more than enough sexual potency
for the ravishment of Sam, but the taint to the young filly's soul would be nothing like it had been
to Sireth.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 13 Apr 2005 23:05    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

OOC: Not a problem. I had intended for the effects to take a few moments to travel
throughout the House, affecting everything in or around the property. Oh ... stand by for
the aftershock. It's just like an explosion. The shockwave travels out and then rebounds
back in. Everyone's going to get a second dose.
Jenny opened her eyes, only then aware that she had closed them, and witnessed the
naked form of Soothe standing on the dock. Her eyes quickly fell to her own body and she
realized that she, too, was naked. "No! What's happenin..." She didn't quite finish the word
when whatever had passed through them rebounded and left her gasping with surprise as
her body responded on it's own, a craving for carnal desires bubbling up through the
depths of her soul and driving her will to resist away.

[Sam, et al.]

Even as the Yattering withdrew his tongue from her body, Sireth renewed her cocksucking with a
vegeance, beginning to bob her head furioiusly in time with Mica's thrusting, each of his forward
thrusts pushing her forward. Her throat contracted around the demoncock as her pussy contracted
around Mica's rhythmically. She was intent upon milking both of them for everything she could get.
Never had she felt so ... free. Free to explore. Free to ravish, and to be ravished. There was
nothing, really, in the way of sex that she hadn't done, but everything she could imagine felt new,
as though this blowjob and this fuck were her very first, and there were other things she wanted to
do again for the first time, too. Mica's pistoning cock was driving her to total rapture, his knot
swelling within her and filling her in ways only a canine could possibly do. She felt it begin to
spray inside her and her own orgasm, which hadn't abated even a micron soared to yet greater heights
and she screamed around the Yattering's cock in enraptured ecstasy. At the moment the returning
shock wave rebounded on her passing through Sam, Mica, and the Yattering once again on it's way to
the deepest corners of Sireth's soul and the bunny nearly blacked out as the intensity of her climax
climbed to levels that even she could barely protect her mortal body from, and she hung for many
moments on the razor edge between oblivion and ascension, her body motionless and her voice silent
as the pure carnal lust drilled it's way back into the recesses of her soul. Slowly she became
aware, again of where she was and what she was doing ... that she had a cock in her mouth, and
another on in her pussy, and that there was a delicious equine delicacy awaiting on the sidelines.

OOC: I think I'm having as much fun as you are, Snow!

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 14 Apr 2005 18:30    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

When Sam whinnied, the delightful sound that Mica hoped he would be hearing more of
soon, somewhat cut through the haze of pleasure that was the majority of his being in the
throws of his climax. The Yattering finding his chosen form again through the mess of
orgasmic energy that had been unleashed somewhat registered as well, and dimly Mica
figured that must have been some blowjob. He was aware of it, but it didn't truly register as
important. All that mattered was the sexy lop earred bunny he was pounding into, whose
clit he was skillfully stroking beneath his fingers, whose breast was still squeezed in his
palm, and whose contracting pussy was doing such wonderful things to his cock as he
filled her with his seed.

As the wave of carnal delights rebounded and passed through him again, Mica's own
orgasm intensified in ways he hadn't really realized were possible. Still he plunged the
depths of Sireth's spasming pussy, his own motions eratic and uncontrolled as she froze
her movements in her own ecstasy, and, surprisingly, more canine cream flooded her
cunt. For Mica, the only way he could describe it would have been multiple orgasms,
though not in the traditional sense. It was more like an orgasm from stimulating the glans,
the frenulum, the shaft and knot, and the prostate individually, but all wrapped into one ball
of pure ecstasy that tore a long howl of unbelievable pleasure from his throat as he
released his grip on the bunny's neck.

Likewise, as the wave of carnal energy passed through him, it not only picked up some of
his pleasure to feed to the lusty bunny, but some experiences and imaginings as well,
some of which, such as the four legged coyote mating a thoroughly confused, but pleased
through her heat, cougar of the four legged variety, even Sireth probably hadn't
experienced. As the wave passed through him, driving him to points of pleasure that were
beyond even his experience, Mica started to calm down, humping against Sireth's bottom
with less intensity acompanied by the wet sounds of coyote and bunny juices mixing
together into a creamy cocktail he hoped to share with Sam.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 15 Apr 2005 17:40    Post subject: Backlashed

OOC: Fun? Addictive? Probably not FDA approved? Ooh yeah . . .

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe couldn't help it. He was young, even for a ghost, and he wasn't
at all experienced with handling psychic assaults, and most certainly not the sort that
struck right at the very emotions that had just been starting to bud inside of him when his
life was cut short. "J- . . . Jenny, I'm sorry!" gasped the ringtail as his grip on the girl
loosened. But he wasn't dropping her. Quite the opposite. Jenny suddenly heard a
spashing sound from both sides of the wharf, only moments before she felt her limbs
encircled by long, thick tentacles composed of the green water itself, given a more solid
tangibility. Jenny felt herself lifted into the air as Soothe looked on, stroking his throbbing
erection with need, even as his eyes burned with powerful lusts which he couldn't even
understand, let alone fight effectively. As she was suspended in the air, two more slender
tendrils slid up and wrapped around her trim breasts, kneading them gently, the tips
flicking across and around her nipples and aureoles with the smooth wetness of a canine

[Sam et al]

Sam squealed as only a filly in the throes of the most prolonged orgasm of her
young life possibly can. She thrashed and foamed and screeched, sweat pouring down
her smooth body in rivers as she bucked against the invisible restraints holding her still.
The filly's pussy clenched and spasmed desperately, needing something inside of it so
badly it hurt. Sam was in heat now, estrus coming on her for the first time, overwhelming
all othe considerations. And yet Sam held a little bit of sanity deep inside, his calm,
normally-virtuous self knowing that this was wrong, and hating it as much as he loved it.
The Yattering howled as the ripples of lust and sin blasted through it a second time,
distorting it's body like the firey gusts of Hell itself. But this time the Yattering was prepared
for it, and held his shape through the blast. He even managed to siphon off a little of that
power, replenishing himself as though it were a drought of sweet water in a desert. Making
a hideous giggling sound as the last dregs of his orgasm were drained dry by Sireth's
voracious muzzle, the Yattering pulled himself free and slid onto the floor of the kitchen,
his cock hardening again almost instantly as he considered the next prize on his agenda of
evil: Sam's virgin tailhole!

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 15 Apr 2005 21:06    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

At first it didn't dawn upon Jenny what was happening to her, and when it did there was
sudden battle in her mind as one part of her wanted whatever it was that was happening
and another part of her recoiled in fear. She was frozen in indecision until two of the
watery tendrils moved to begin fondling her breasts. "Soothe! Nooo ... what is?... mmmph
... I dooon't want this ... to stop ..." Her voice trailed away as the final vestige of her
willpower departed and her body asserted it's own need, fueled by the incredible incursion
of pure lust into her mind.


OOC: This subarc deals with Jenny outside of the dream, above. Draylen, this is for you to do with
as you please. Keep in mind that Preston, just like every other incorporal denizen of the House
would have been affected by that wave of lust from Sireth.

Jenny tossed and turned under the covers, little troubled moans escaping from her lips as her heart
rate began to accelerate.

[Sam et al]

As Mica released her neck, Sireth's ears turned toward Sam as she screamed in her frustrated
ecstasy, and a few moments later the Yattering pulled himself out of the sex-crazed bunny's mouth.
She "mmphed" her own frustration, wanting more of his devilspunk, but not willing to follow him and
break with Mica's pistoning cock, and even that seemed to be winding down. Craning her neck around,
a look of pure unadulterated carnality on her face, she stared at Mica almost as if to say "Don't
stop, now!" and started humping backward against him, meeting each of his thrusts with a push of her
own. Her eyes then swiveled to Sam and the Yattering, as the demon began to approach the haplessly
bound equine, and then came to rest on Sam's mouth as she began to yearn for that large, wet, hot
tongue pressed against her pussy.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 15 Apr 2005 22:58    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

In all his years, hundreds, thousands, it didn't really matter what number was assigned to his
existence, Mica didn't think he'd ever seen or heard something quite as screwed up as the Yattering
giggling. It just wasn't natural, and edged on down right creepy, which was really saying something
for Mica. Maniacal laughter was one thing, but giggling? Giving a mental shrug, for his facilities
were starting to return to him, Mica dismissed it, concentrating instead on the truly delightful
sounds of Sam's somewhat involuntary orgasm, and not the last one of the night if he had anything to
say about it.

Sireth, however, didn't seem to be letting up in the least, as her pussy's clenching caress of his
sensitive cock and knot spelled out quite clearly. He was almost a little surprised by the intensity
of the look she shot him over her shoulder, her expression almost screaming sex, as if her
delectable, intoxicating sexual scent didn't. Despite the sensetivity, focused in his cockhead
mostly, Mica almost felt challenged by her look. With a low, rumbling, lusty growl, Mica obliged her
as she humped back against him, slamming his cock into her with equal force. On the outstroke, Mica
let his swollen knot 'pop' out of her steamy depths, feeling her opening stretch around it's
passage. On the outstroke, Mica again met her humping, thrusting the swollen bulb back inside her to
press downward against her G-spot, pressing her forward with enough force that her muzzle again
found Sam's equally needy pussy that the bunny had been tending to before the Yattering's blowjob.
"Make sure, she's ready... mmn... will you?" he suggested gruffly, punctuating his statement by
pinching her left nipple between his fingers none too gently, not relaxing his grip either, like a
living nipple clamp. "Want some?" he suggested to the Yattering, tugging downward on Sireth's breast
and wiggling to emphasize his point.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 20 Apr 2005 13:39    Post subject: Tentacle Hentai!

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe's eyes rolled back into his head as he let his hands fall to his
sides, seeming to fall into his own world as several more of the thick tentacles began
sprouting not only from the water, but from the wood of the dock, and even pulling
themselves out of the substance of the clouds drifting above the dreamscape, each
tentacle taking on the coloration of it's birth substance, though not necessarily the same
texture. Soothe felt himself sink into the dock, merging with it up to his hips, joining his
essence with the tendrils that lashed in slow seduction across Jenny's suddenly naked
body, each touch like the caress of a long-neglected lover, gentle and sensual, but
insistent as well. "I can't stop," said the ring-tailed lemur with a gasp of pleasure as one of
the cloud-tendrils slid between Jenny's breasts, to press and wriggle against her pretty
lips. "I don't know how to make it stop. I don't know if I want to, either." Besides the
tentacles holding her limp legs, other began to caress Jenny's inner thighs, sending tingles
of real pleasure through her, sharing Soothe's own desire for her at the same time it
shared her feelings with him, creating a feedback of pleasure. But how such a feedback
might end, neither of them could know.

[Sam et al]

The Yattering grinned at Mica as the coyote continued to hump the bunny,
giving her a wild ride that made her cute breasts bounce in a most delightful fashion. The
demon's eyes shifted between the proferred breast and the upraised rump of the poor filly,
a moment of indecision making it pause. Then the Yattering reached toward Sam's bottom
with one hand, while the other wrapped around Sireth's free teat, kneading the lower half
as it's face lowered and the long, lashing tongue shot out, wrapping around the upper half,
and being sure to swirl in delightful sensation around the pink aureole and perked nipple
capping the mound of tasty female flesh. Meanwhile, the arm reaching toward Sam
suddenly burst with a loud splorch into numerous slimey green tentacles that soon began
to mercilessly tickle and tease the poor blonde filly's oversensitized body, making Sam
writhe even more, not letting her come down from her supernaturally-induced sexual high
for even a moment, no matter how her conscious mind fought to wrest back control.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 20 Apr 2005 17:15    Post subject:


Preston had since retired to his library after Jenny had gone to bed. he had withdrawn one
of his old, often-read books, alighting his candelabra and settling back to read. He'd
always been quite fond of the works of Poe, even in life, and now the particular brand of
writing lended itself to him quite well. He kept one sense trained lightly on Jenny's room, if
a spirit of any significance lingered there for more than a few moments, he would know. he
was also dimly aware of the... other... happenings going on downstairs, but he chose to
ignore those goings on and concentrate on his book.

He was reaching for the page to turn it when he felt a subtle shift from downstairs, a
moment before... something... slammed through him like a train. His book dropped to the
floor with a dull thump as a web of images flashed through his mind, like a distorted reel of
film, of which the cells were out of order. He saw flashes of sexual lust and desire, throes
of climax. He grabbed the armrests of his chair as it all seemed too much for his mind and
rode it out, mercifully it lasted only a few seconds. His senses came back to him, and he
realized he was in a cold sweat, or his own approximation of it. He got to his feet a bit
shakily, trying to clear his head. He could feel the disquieted murmers of the other spirits,
and apparently it hadn't just been him that had felt it. He walked to the mirror and viewed
himself, running a hand over his face. He looked haggard and a bit unkempt, a receeding
sort of energy in the backs of his eyes. Preston blinked hard before turning towards the
door. "Depraved sex in my house is one thing..." he growled to himself. "...but
broadcasting it to every resident is something else." He let himself shift to shadow in mid
step, leaving his library and heading towards the stairs, fully intent on having... words...
with those downstairs, he'd been looking for an excuse to work Mica over for a long time,
and now he had it. He was just arriving at the second story landing when the aftershock hit
him, not as intense as the first one, but it caused him to sag roughly against one wall,
making a short "Unnnf..." as a wave of desire filled him for a few seconds, threatening to
release every pent up urge he had harbored for the last 80 years. He fought it back, this
time feeling the sweat again, though it wasn't cold. He wasn't really sure what it was, until
he recalled the session of lovemaking he'd had with Rachael, the pure passion, the way
they moved together... "No." he said firmly, foisting the images from his mind and
supporting himself against the wall with one hand, breathing hard. "I will not succumb to
the temptation that caught me once..." he felt himself stabilize, getting ready to continue
his descent when a thought crossed his mind. If he had felt it, then what of Jenny...? He
quickly turned back towards the hallway towards his old room, the ones downstairs would
keep, Jenny, with her own set of powers, might have taken it worse than he had. He
moved right through her door into her room, stopping at the foot of her bed. She was
somehow affected, no doubts there, her mind was a rush of emotions, and her quiet
moans could tell a mortal what she'd experienced. He walked along the side of the bed,
hands clasped, a concerned expression on his face. He lay a hand on Jenny's forehead,
getting a feel for the turmoil within her... but there was something else there... His lip
twisted as he felt another presence. He didn't speak, but let his words permeate the room,
and any spirit would have a hard time missing it. Whoever this is, I said this one was to be
left strictly alone, and rest assured, you will be found, and you WILL be punished... He
thought, a wave of coldness accompanying his words.
((OOC: it's up to you two whether or not Preston's words permeate Jenny's dreams))

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 22 Apr 2005 17:23    Post subject: Penetrate? Heeheehee, Draylen said

OOC: I doubt that either Jenny or Soothe would notice at this point anyway whether they
penetrated or not.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 23 Apr 2005 20:47    Post subject:

[Sam et al]

Sireth loved it rough as much as she loved it gentle. She just loved sex. Any sex. And this
sex was proving to be the best she'd had in a long time, even if she did have to come to a
haunted house to get it. As Mica thrust in time with her, his knot massaging her G-spot and
introitus hard and fast, she found herself pushed forward until her short muzzle was right
in Sam's inviting cleft, again, the aroma of supernaturally-aroused equine cascading
across her smell receptors in a maddening wash of raw need that just fueled her own fires
that much higher.

"Mmmh!" She first said in response to Mica's question, or, more accurately, in response to
his fingers clutching her nipple. "My ... aaaahngh! ... pleasure," she got out as his knot
popped back into her, and buried her tongue in that delicious double slice of horsemeat,
grazing across the soon-to-not-be maidenhead on it's way down to Sam's almost
impossibly erect clitoris. When the Yattering's hand captured her furry mound and his
tongue encircled the sensitive cap at the tip of it she moaned loudly as the additional
sensations from her top half coalesced with those of her bottom half and drove her into
another orgasm, her pussy pulsing around Mica's member, but she, somehow, never quit
licking and even increased the intensity and speed of her determined invasion of Sam's

[Jenny and Soothe]

Jenny's emotions were a conflagration of conflicting desires. She wasn't at all frightened by the
tentacles, themselves -- only what they were doing to her, and the fact that her body was betraying
her, as the pleasure of their touch began to drive back the feelings that this was so wrong. She was
held fast and couldn't move, except to squirm only very slightly under the caress of the watery
appendages. Her head rolled to face the dock and her eyes fixed themselves on Soothe's, her
expression fearful, pleading, lustful, and questioning, all the same time.

[Preston and Jenny]

OOC: I'm with Gideon His words wouldn't penetrate, but under the circumstances there will be an
effect -- just not at first. A sleeping person can still hear, but what she hears is most likely to
be ... transformed in some way.

Jenny's body squirmed ever so slightly and the scent of arousal began to rise from the bed, along
with the scent of fear -- a tangy, potent combination, obvious to even incorporal beings because the
scent was, itself, partly incorporal.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 24 Apr 2005 0:20    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica smiled as Sireth dove in with obvious relish into Sam's untouched slit, not to be
untouched for much longer though, he knew. She seemed to be liking what he was doing
though, and spurred on by her pleasured sounds, Mica just kept pounding into her,
popping his knot out past her tight opening before plunging it back in with the combined
force of both his and her thrusting, driving it against her G-spot and stretching her with
every stroke. His smile broadened as the Yattering joined the assault on her breasts,
adding some oral attention as the creature tickled and teased Sam with tentacles where
his hand had been. She was going to be a tasty morsel, he knew, virgins were something
to be savored, and savoring her was what Mica had every intention of doing.
At her loud moan, Mica felt Sireth's pussy again spasming and clenching against his
pistoning cock, making him close his eyes and growl lustily at the sensation of sensitive
shaft slamming into thight bunny cunt. "Lila washté, winchinchala," he growled as he lifted
his muzzle next to her ear in the middle of her orgasm, delighting in the feel of it. The
fingers of his right hand kept strumming away at the button of her clit, but his left hand, still
pinching her nipple, tightened it's grip for a moment to squeeze the pert bud hard before he
released it altogether, leaving her swaying breasts to the Yattering's enjoyment. Mica drug
the claws of that hand, no longer felines claws but good enough, down along Sireth's spine
for a moment before raising it to grip her shoulder and actually pounding into her with a bit
more force. He'd ride out this orgasm, but he didn't want to ruin the meal Sam had coming
fresh from the bunny's soaked slit, and he was interested in introducing an appetizer first

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 24 Apr 2005 16:23    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Preston's nose twitched as he caught a hint of scent in the air, both physical and etherial.
The squirming coupled with it to make him even more sure someone else was behind this,
it was far more than just a dream Jenny seemed to be going through. Whoever it was that
was playing with her mind, he knew that simply reaching in and yanking them out could be
dangerous to Jenny... it would be something he would do only if absolutely necessary. For
now, he could do little, but he sat down on the bed beside her, exerting no weight, and
laying a hand on her forehead, testing the her dreams as one would test the
temperature of water with a finger. Had she been anyone else, he would've been feeding
off the delicious combination of fear and arousal vigorously, but had given his word that he
would not hurt Jenny, and he would stand by it.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 25 Apr 2005 12:43    Post subject: Tentacles and Demons

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe's body sank up to his neck into the dock, and then his head
rose up, suspended on the end of a thicker tentacle. He lowered himself before Jenny's
face, looking at her with wide, needy eyes, then leaned forward to gently brush his lips
across hers. The tentative kiss wasn't pushy or forceful, and the slightest resistance would
have pushed the dream-ghost away, but it tingled with pent-up desire so strong that Jenny
could feel it ripling through her. If she let it, she could sense that Soothe would take this all
the way, and farther. Meanwhile the host of writhing tentacles and tendrils kept up their
constant churning, squirming, and stroking, their smooth, slick surfaces rubbing with
constant, ever-increasing need across Jenny's now-naked fur, paying especialy attention
to her breasts and her inner thighs. Her sex was left untouched, however, for even in the
throes of demon-induced lust, Soothe wasn't bad enough to try and penetrate someone
against their will.

[Sam et al]

The Yattering, seeing that Mica had released Sireth's breasts, promptly drew
his tongue back, being sure to massage the lop's bouncy breast extensively as he did so,
before he let the hand that had been fondling her yielding flesh expand outward into
another set of tentacles. In moments Sireth's upper body was being groped, stroked,
rubbed, and tickled, the tentacles moving just enough out of the way to let Mica get a grip
on Sireth's shoulders. Soon her ears were being gently tortured by these slimy
appendages, each one feeling much like an extra-muscular tongue from the sensations
they produced, as the bunny's limp flaps were lifted and the soft inner fur stroked all the
way down to the pink of the inner tube. Some of the tentacles split into even smaller
tendrils, which then began to play with Sireth's earrings, making them tinkle merrily as the
Yattering had his way with her. As he kept one eye on Sireth, the Yattering had his other
eye on Sam, twisting the two optic sensors in opposite directions like the eyes of a
chameleon, making them buldge in a very unpleasant manner. The tentacles tormenting
Sam suddenly ceased stroking her naked, sweat-slicked fur and cute, pert breasts, and
instead wrapped around her arms and legs, holding them tight as the Yattering suddenly
let the mystic force field that had been holding Sam in place fall. Feeling freedom at hand,
Sam tried desperately to buck upward and away, off of the table. But with the Yattering's
strong bindings still holding her, her struggles only thrust her backwards, right into the oral
attentions of Sireth's taltented tongue. In a moment Sam was whinneying again, her juices
flowing copiously onto the lop's face and down her throat. With a chattering of his teeth,
the Yattering extended his supernaturally long tongue, and placed it's tip at the tight, pink
star of Sam's virgin tailhole. With a slight nudge forward, the very tip of the muscular organ
slid between the folds of that orgasm-clenched rosette, and then began to wriggle in a tight
spiral, slowly opening Sam up and slicking her rear passage down with demonspit, getting
her ready for what the Yattering intended.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 26 Apr 2005 21:30    Post subject:

[Jenny and Soothe]

Jenny's eyes never left Soothe's even as his transformation, began, and, somehow, that
transformation didn't even seem unusual to her. She had lost her lucidity, and no longer
saw what was happening as a dream, but as "reality", and her dreams were almost always
bizarre so she had long since lost her fear of the unusual and unexpected in them.
The many touches, strokes, and caresses over her body seemed to bring her nerves to a
pitch she had never experienced, and while her legs weren't hers to command she could,
somehow actually feel every tentacle and tendril which touched them, but she wondered at
this for only a moment as the sensation, almost of being immersed in a tub of slithering
snakes or worms, was stirring the cauldron of raw, sexual lust which had penetrated into
the darkest recesses of her mind and was now a burning, out-of-control wildfire. In her
eyes Soothe saw a raging inferno of lust being barely held back only by the thinnest veil of
her virginity. Those orbs were begging him to take her even as her body responded on it's
own, the moisture on the fur between her legs being her own and not coming from the
lake-born tentacles. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out and a
sudden shudder went through her lower body as her legs twitched and she curled her toes
and flexed her ankles.

A lightning bolt arced across the sky from the still receding vortex of flame and struck the
water nearby, sending an electrical jolt through both Soothe and Jenny, the only
manifestation of Preston's warning which could get through the primal lust that was
saturating Jenny's dream.

[Preston and Jenny]

Preston felt turmoil ... rage, feelings of inadequacy, a sense of being left behind, self-pity, and,
under it all, an animalistic desire for all things sensual with pure, unadulterated sex being
formost, and that low rumbling of need was bubbling to the surface with frightening speed, carrying
with it a need that was for raw, unrestained carnal indulgence, and the fear which every virgin
feels the moment before her innocence is torn asunder. He could feel a tug on his own being, an
inexorable pull that he knew would draw him into a dream where, like Jenny, he would be a passive
participant, subject to the whims and wiles of her unconscious.

[Sam, et al.]

Mica didn't let up for a second as he drove Sireth further down the road to orgasmic obvlivion. She
had amost quit thinking ... quite planning ... quit doing anything but responding to whatever came
in a way that was instinctive and animal-like. It didn't matter where she was touched, how, or by
whom. Every little poke, rub, pull, squeeze, or pinch was sending waves and spikes of incredible
pleasure through her as her orgasm continued, not only unabated, but, if anything, growing in
intensity by the second. She was gasping for breath as she bucked back against Mica's thrusts, every
exhale now being only a whimpering "ungh" as her body pulled in all it's resources just to
experience pleasure and to deal it out.

As Mica drew his claws down her spine she arched her back, bringing head up and her tongue, pressing
deeply into Sam's slit on an up-lick continued on past the equine's steamy cleft and joined the
Yattering's tongue at Sam's tightly puckered brown hole. Not even thinking, Sireth wrapped her
tongue around the Yattering's tongue and then passed it down Sam's butt-crack as she lowered her
head to plunge her muzzle back into her sweet honey pot, diving for the hard little rod at the apex
of her sex that was just begging for some special attention. The Yattering's hand had transformed
into a wonderfully dextrous array of tendrils and were doing such delicious things to her ears and
upper body that she made a long, quivering moan of pure pleasure and desire as those feelings fused
and melded with all the others. She wrapped her lips around Sam's red, throbbing little female penis
and started sucking as she had, before, but with enthusiasm driven and fueled by her own almost
imbearable pleasure.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 27 Apr 2005 2:02    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

The roiling randomness of Jenny's subconscious was something Preston hadn't expected.
It seemed to be a stark contrast to her exterior, comprised self. None of it seemed to fit
her, what he had known only a short time earlier. He felt another tug at his being, the
presence of the other spirit remained, and forcing it out from here would be extremely
difficult. He gathered his thoughts before waiting for the next tug. As it came, he didn't
resist and allowed himself to be pulled into Jenny's mind, taking the deep plunge, unsure
of what lay on the other side. All he knew was he had to find that other ghost and force it
out from within, at which point he could deal with it more... conventionally.

Posted: 27 Apr 2005 21:18    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica's lips drew back across his teeth in a snarl that was at once feral and lustful as he
pounded into Sireth's clenching cunt with near reckless abandon. In and out his swollen
knot popped through her tight opening, digging against her G-spot, pushing and pulling at
her labia in ways that stimulated her clit even as his fingers did the same. She was quite
possibly one of the lustiest entities he had ever come across, and that was really saying
something for Mica, though even though he had had his pleasure, her tight, molten depths
were quite a distraction as intense pleasure that edged on painful radiated from his
sensitive cockhead. He didn't care, though, some part of him wanting to fuck this bunny
into utter submission after her glance earlier that had practically challenged him to do just
that, at least in Mica's opinion. Another part told him to let her ride out this one last
orgasm, and then move on to other things. He was so looking forward to the look on Sam's
face as she slurped the canine seed from Sireth's sloppy core, and he didn't want to screw
her so much that it all oozed out.

Once again, Mica had to give the Yattering credit for creativity as the now coyote lowered
his muzzle to Sireth's back and nipped mildly at the flesh and fur he could find there. His
ears remained angled toward hers, however, listening to the metalic, musical tones of the
Yattering's earring play with his now two groups of tentacles. It was an interesting effect, to
be sure, and Sireth seemed to be enjoying it, and Mica, of course, was enjoying Sam's
forcefully pleasured squirming. "You're... next... you know," he said to the pretty filly, again
using the feminine voice he'd chosen for the arctic vixen he'd seen earlier. Of course,
given his thrusting into Sireth, it probably sounded like 'she' was getting her brains fucked
out too. "And you're... going to... looove it," he taunted, having his own twisted plans for
playing with Sam.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 6 May 2005 16:49    Post subject: Demon Beast Invasion

OOC: I am very sorry for this delay, but it has been a very trying week before Finals. Next
week should be a bit easier, since I only have Finals, and I have mostly studied for them

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe shivered at the bolt of electricity that blasted the water
nearby, finding the tengling sensation just another feeling that heightened his sense of
what he was about to do. Realizing that he needed to make some "adjustments" for
Jenny's mind to fully believe what was about to happen, Soothe slid his face forward until it
was right before Jenny's, then bent forward and kissed her on the lips. He'd had much
experience with kissing in dreams, his lips sliding against hers in imperfect symmetry,
letting him nibble her lower lip before sliding his tongue gently forward, into her mouth. At
the same time, Jenny felt several little pinpricks of pain-pleasure jolt through her as many
of the smaller tentacles holding her legs sprouted tiny needles and plunged them into her
formerly unresponsive flesh. She felt them enter her thighs in many places, her claves, her
ankles, her rump, her tail, even her toes. And after this sudden spike of strange
sensations, Jenny could feel something passing into her, a strange warmth that spread out
from each pinprick, making her legs and lower back itch like a patch of new skin after a
scab has fallen off. The needles then withdrew, and with their passing, Jenny could also
feel all the sensations her lower body had missed come crashing back in. Every idle
fantasy, every gentle caress, every failed attempt at masturbation, all suddenly came back
to her in a wave. "I don't think I can make you walk again," said Soothe quietly, breaking
the kiss to tilt his head next to Jenny's ear. "But I can make it so that you can feel pleasure
again. And I think I can make it permanent. But in exchange, I'm going to need the
emotional discharge of you losing your virginity." He tilted his head back, looking
apologetic. "I'm really sorry, Jenny. It's the only thing I can think of that can give me
enough psychic energy to do this. If you orgasm, though, after being deflowered, I should
have enough power to give you that gift." As Soothe spoke, Jenny could feel the writhing
tentacles, wet with her own juices as much as with their own, wriggling against her tight
female opening, squirming in tight spirals inside the slight space between her inner labia
and her hymen. She felt two pencil-thin tendrils gently teasing her tailhole, being especially
careful not to penetrate her there, while still loosening her rear passage, the sensation not
unlike being rimmed by a pair of very wet tongues.

[Sam et al]

Sam opened her mouth to beg the voice of the vixen for help, for mercy, for anything! But the moment
her lips parted, a thick-veined tentacle plunged into her mouth and began to pump itself back and
forth. It proved too tough for Sam to bite through, and so the poor equine just had to endure it,
little whimpers escaping her throat at this cruel abuse. Those whimpers became a muffled scream when
Sireth licked the filly's tailhole. She was just as sensitive there as if she were still a stallion,
the Yattering having left her prostate and other nerves in that region untouched, and couldn't help
but feel aroused, her large clitoris feeling so swollen now that Sam was certain it would burst.
Sireth, for her part, soon discovered that she had to share her rimjob space with a teasing tentacle
that had gotten the same idea, and together they soon had Sam squirming in a most delightful manner,
the poor little filly nothing more than a plaything for their twisted pleasures. The Yattering felt
Mica's oncoming orgasm, and slowly began to withdraw the tentacles stroking Sireth's body, his arm
and hand reforming as the displaced mass went back into it's proper locations. He would need a hand
free for Sam's deflowering, and the evil demon's maw was drooling in anticipation, the freakishly
long tongue dangling down to the middle of it's chest.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 13 May 2005 20:33    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

The moment Preston gave his "consent" a portal of crimson and black fire opened up behind him and he
felt himself sucked into a long, wildly spinning tunnel, the bicolored flames lapping at his body,
but never quite reaching him. His mind was innundated with lustful feelings of such power that he
knew they could have no mortal origin, and visions of indescribable lust and lechery forced
themselves upon him, and lingering just on the very edge of his perceptions was the feeling of
countless thousands of orgasms exploding all at one in a continuous, never-ending orgy of sexual
indulgence. He hurtled through the tunnel at blinding speed and was suddenly spat out of the bottom
of a whirling, churning vortex of flame, landing on his back on an otherwise peaceful, green meadow,
staring up into the frightful eye of the cyclone of fire that continued moving away from him. The
grass was cool and the sun, coming from his right, as the horrible snaking tornado moved off to the
left, was warm. A breeze blew across his body and carried the scent of water ... and sexual arousal.

[Jenny and Soothe]

Jenny's lips parted and allowed Soothe's tongue entry, and she knew at that moment that she would be
allowing yet more entries. She feared what was happening, but she wanted it. Not just wanted ... she
needed it, and she would have it, wrong as it was. She had been denied for too long, and she would
be denied no more.

It seemed like hundreds of tiny stings covered her lower extremities, leaving her with a delicious,
tingling warmth, and the feelings of the many tendrils caressing her legs and feet began to
strengthen, drawing a low moan from her lips and a wave of past, fantasized sensations crashed
through her and she arched her body upwards in her writhing, squirming bonds in near-orgasmic
pleasure, closing her eyes as she held her breath until it passed, her attention being brought back
to the reality of what was happening to her by Soothe's voice. She didn't answer him ... not
verbally, anyway. Throwing her arms around his neck, she pulled his head down to her, pressing their
muzzles together and kissed him hungrily, the scent of her arousal almost overpowering, and a
tremble of mixed fear and pleasure went through her body as the tendrils played with her nether bits
and brushed across her virginal portal and probed at her tailhole.

[Sam et al]]

It was all Sireth could do to keep her attention on Sam's sweetly drenched honey pot, but,
somehow, she kept a part of her mind on that job while allowing the rest of her mind to
revel in the wonderful pounding she was getting from Mica as her orgasm continued in
wave after wave of sheer ecstasy. She made a frustrated groan when she felt the
Yattering's tentacles draw away from her body, but she was certain it was so he could,
himself, play more with Sam, who certainly deserved more attention after being more or
less ignored by the demon for the past little while.

Having abandoned the equine's tailhole to the Yattering's whims, she had a much tastier
morsel in the virgin's supercharged clit, and she continued sucking on it for a few
moments, more, before giving it a gentle nip and then sliding her muzzle to the still
inviolate membrane that was stretched over the one part of this delictable filly's body that
Sireth knew had to be left for someone else -- at least for the time being. That didn't mean
she couldn't play with it, and she drug her cold nose across Sam's hymen, coating it with
the marvelously-horsey bouquet exuding from the hot, wet folds of flesh around it. She
licked up the sweet juices, running her tongue over and over Sam's maidenhead, and then
locked her lips around the hard, stiff rod of the filly's clitoris, and began, once again, to
suck on it as if her entire existence depended upon driving the poor captive to the very
brink of orgasmic obvlivion.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 15 May 2005 1:57    Post subject:

[Preston and Jenny]

Preston flew through the maw of the firey tunnel, briefly wondering if he was in over his
head. The feelings eminating from the tunnel walls were almost indescribable, like a brutal,
never-ending orgy that surrounded him. He shut his eyes, trying to block it all out, it was
like reliving aspects of an old, bad memory. Finally, he landed hard on the grass, not at all
what he had been expecting, and opened his eyes to see the cyclone moving away. He
got up slowly, surveying his surroundings, watching the column of fire for a few moments
before starting to walk towards the center of the perceived scents. There was an invading
spirit here somewhere, and he was going to do something about it. Invading the mind of
another was one thing, violating it sexually was something far worse.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 18 May 2005 15:41    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Following his first orgasm, Mica had had little intention of cumming within Sireth's
orgasming bunny cunt again, however, now, experiencing the pleasure her slick walls and
spasming muscles could bring, he wasn't as sure of his resolve in that matter. Not only
would it feel simply delightful, but the idea of giving Sam a double helping of canine cream
to lick from the juicy center of the slutty bunny was oh so tempting. He had his own ideas
for Sam, too, that had been simmering in the back of his devious little mind as he watched
the Yattering tormenting the pretty pony with his array of tentacles. He was looking forward
to it, though he wasn't so sure Sam would appreciate the deliciousness of his plans. It
would amuse him, however, and after an existense as long as his, that was the important

Truthfully, he wasn't sure Sireth would ever actually stop cumming, even though he had
figured on riding out this last orgasm. It didn't seem like it would, and she was clearly
enjoying herself, as the groan she made as the Yattering withdrew some of it's tentacles
indicated. His knot continued to pop past her lips with an audible sound as he pounded
into her, but Mica slowed his rate of thrusting, keeping his strokes just as deep, but letting
his cock drag along the lengths of her pussy, still digging downward across her G-spot
while simultaniously stimulating the underside of his cock and the sensitive frenulum in
pleasing ways. His fingers between her legs, however, changed tactics a bit and ceased
their srtoking of her swollen pleasure button. Instead, his middle three fingers moved
rapidly, striking the juicy nub of bunny clit with a quick, sharp slap. Once, twice, three times
in rapid succesion, and then Mica removed his hand from between her legs and reached
up to flick her left nipple.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 24 May 2005 18:42    Post subject: Sweet Cherries

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe let himself be caught up in the moment, his tongue wrestling
with Jenny's as his eyes closed. He was a technically skilled kisser, not pushing too hard,
while pressing in just enough to be noticed, and being careful not too slobber too much.
Still, he seemed a bit too technical, as though he were working from a textbook, though he
certainly had a lot of enthusiasm to make up for this too-perfect motion of his muzzle
against Jenny's. The tendrils rimming Jenny stayed where they were, their motions
teasingly erotic as they lubricated and relaxed Jenny's tailhole, but did not penetrate yet.
That was something for later, when she was too far gone in pleasure to notice. But for
now, there was the pain of her first loss of virginity, and Soothe wanted to ease that as
much as possible. "Here," said Soothe, leaning his head back to speak with a gasping
voice. "Here, suck on this. It'll help take your mind off the pain." Instantly a moderately
thick tentacle, blue in color and transparent, letting Jenny see every one of the many veins
inside of the phallic organ, presented itself to her muzzle. The taste of the blue tentacle
was strangely pleasant, though it wasn't one Jenny could remember having tried before.
As the pleasant-tasting tentacle stroked across Jenny's lips, begging entrance into her
pretty muzzle, a host of other, smaller tentacles continued to gently lash her body,
stroking, teasing, and fondling her naked body with the utmost care and attention. And at
the same time she felt the thick tentacle at her sex begin to tense, gathering up a quick coil
behind it, like a snake ready to strike. And when it struck, her virgin barrier would be
breached, not just in her dreams, but in the waking world as well.

In the waking world: Jenny's legs spread apart, her labia parting at the insistence of an
unseen force. The thin white-pink barrier of her hymen was clearly visible, as was the
slight inward bend of the thin membrane as an invisible force pressed gently against it.

[Sam et al]

Sam whinnied until she was horse [whores? hoarse?], her body thrashing
against the impossibly strong tentacles of the Yattering. There was no way to escape the
pleasures being inflicted upon her by her molesters. Her farm-fresh pussy juices were
almost sweet, and it was very plentiful as Sireth applied her mouth to collecting the tasty
virgin juices. The Yattering slid his long-clawed hand forward, once it had reformed, and
gripped one of Sam's pleasantly-large breasts. His razor-sharp claw flicked across the
painfully-perked nip, making the poor filly sob as a jolt of pain mingled with pleasure was
added to the already overwhelming sensations that rocked her body and soul to the very
core of her being.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 26 May 2005 19:45    Post subject:


The "direction" in question was toward a large body of water -- a lake if the breeze blowing
his way from it was any indication, since there was no hint of ocean scent in the air.
Several hundered yards in the distance he could see the dock where the action was
happening, the vixen he was searching for being held in the air and pleasured by multiple
sets of tentacles and tendrils.

As he was walking he felt a tug at his ankles and the grass around him suddenly began to
grow, wrapping around his feet and lower legs. It was incredibly tough and difficult to tear
away from the grasp of the unnaturally-animated blades, and even when he did break one
there were even more to take it's place.

[Jenny and Soothe]

Technical or not, Jenny really didn't notice Soothe's failings. She was hardly experienced in
kissing, anyway, her knowledge having been obtained by playing with guys who were just as
inexperienced as she was. She clumsily played tongue-tag with him, her technique abominable and her
enthusiasm fueled by desires she couldn't understand, and couldn't, in her present frame of mind,
even wonder why she would want to understand. The light play of the tendrils on and around her
tailhole felt good, and she wasn't even thinking about possible penetration. It was merely one of
the many places her body was being stroked and caressed, and all the feelings were rapidly merging
in a symphony of sensations and she was just a listener, reveling in the tapestry of feeling that
was enveloping her body. Her nervousness was quickly giving way to need, and she squirmed under the
touches of the unnatural appendages, but her mind was blind to the bizarrness of the whole situation
-- as it usually was in her dreams.

She moaned, not in pleasure, but in frustration, when Soothe broke their kiss. "Pain?" she asked.
"This feels good. Please don't stop. What pain?" She wasn't even thinking about the loss of her
virginity ... the fact that, very soon, her body would be penetrated and that a thin, delicate
membane was going to be torn asunder. Her consciousness was in the present. She couldn't think about
the past or the future. There was only a deep, boiling, desire to uncap a well that held a raging
inferno of lust, and between her thighs, here in her dreamscape as well as in the waking world, her
pussy lips were glistening with moisture that was dripping downward, wetting the fur of her buttocks
and anything below her. A decliciously musky aroma of vixen in heat was starting to fill the air ...
a scent that was supernaturally strong and which filled Soothe's nostrils and carried along the
breeze to the now struggling fox.

Jenny's hands were currently pinned so she couldn't move them, but when she attempted to pull her
right hand back toward her, the tentacles that were wrapped around it and those which were lying in
the way, moved aside and she grasped the blue tentacle gently, as it brushed against her lips,
pulling it away so that she could see it better before dipping her mouth over the tip, a sensation
like nutmeg and apricot and honey, all mixed together, assulting her taste buds.

She felt movement at her netherlips as the large, phallic tentacle prepared to burst through her
hymen into her body, but it was just one of many other sensations that were all merging together.
She couldn't have perceived it as a threat even if someone had pointed it out to her, because the
brush against her inner lips brought her only pleasure and elicited an involuntary forward thrust of
her hips.

OOC: OK. I'm having too much fun. Somebody help me!

[Sam, et. al.]

As is often mentioned, although nobody really seems to believe it until it happens, all good
things must come to an end, and Sireth's orgasm began to recede, but it didn't go without
a fight, but, instead, departed in waves like an outgoing tide, bringing her down in stages
until she was aware of the popping in and out of his knot, instead of just the ecstatic
sensations it produced by it's incessant tormenting of her G-spot. That felt good, too, her
mind decided, once it was capable of making decisions. Through it all she had kept
sucking on Sam's poor, abused clitoris, and the little rod was hot and hard between her
lips, it's hood "winking" with every pulsation of the filly's pussy, a pulsation which Sireth
was sure someone would soon be experiencing first hand ... or first cock, as it may be.
She was no sooner beginning to plan her "attack" on the bound horse femme, at least as
soon as Mica finished with her, than she felt the three quick slaps on her clit, her floppy
ears suddenly springing upward as she gave a yelp of surprise and was suddenly engulfed
in an orgasm of soul-shattering proportions. She screamed in sheer ecstasy as it
overwhemed her senses and threw her head back, her lower teeth scraping across the
underside of Sam's clit as her mouth left the filly's tasty sex, and her cunny clamped so
tightly around Mica's pumping member that he couldn't extricate his knot on the withdraw
part of his motion. Fortunately for the very mortal body of the bunny, the orgasm which, by
all rights should have sent her into blissful unconsciousness, only lasted ten or twelve
seconds, accompanied by a couple strangled breaths but not much more sound than that.
When it passed, Sireth's body went limp, supported only because of her stance, and her
head hung down limply as she panted to regain her breath.

OOC: Yep. Definitely having way too much fun, tonight. You will
know my soul by the faces I wear, and my trials from the scars which line them. You will
know my heart by the tears dreams from the masks which hide

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 27 May 2005 2:01    Post subject:


Preston walked through Jenny's dream world, following the trail that seemed to be laid out
before him. He caught sight of movement ahead and picked up his pace, stopping dead as
he saw the action that was going on. Jenny, he recognized, the other spirit he didn't. He
snarled. "If she thought I was being harsh to that poultergeist, what I do to this ghost is
going to make her eyes bleed." his ears flattened as he started to walk forward. He didn't
get more than two steps when the grassy surface had swallowed his feet up along his
ankles, starting to pin him in place. Growling, he tried to yank one foot free, but even as he
snapped a few bits of grass, the overall groth had become thicker. it was a very short while
before he was being held solidly in place. "Fine." he growled. "If that's the way you want to
play..." He held up each hand, creating a ball of blue fire in each palm, which he threw at
the bundles of grass holding his ankles.
((OOC: I'll let you tell me what effect he has.))

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 27 May 2005 21:38    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica had figured he could get a couple of reactions based on what he had just done to Sireth, given
what he had observed from the rabbit, he got pretty much what he expected. Her scream was an
absolute joy when it blended with Sam's hoarse whinnies, but even that delightful sound was small
change compared to what her pussy did. Even he was a little surprised by the shear intensity of the
bunny's orgasm as he felt her muscles squeeze against his pistoning cock in orgasmic delight. Mica
rapidly found his pumping brought to an end, however, as Sireth's cunt clenched down with such force
that it trapped his engorged knot within her pleasurable body as her sex massaged him in og so
wonderful ways. The sensation, so much like tying with a canine equiped for such things, set off an
orgasm in Mica, when combined with the slick, encircling heat of lusty bunny. There wasn't much
build up, just pure intense sensation bringing it about, though it was nowhere near the intensity of
his last orgasm, Mica enjoyed it all the same. Several long, thick spurts of coyote cum added to the
copious amounts already deposited there, and Mica couldn't help but smile at the treat that Sam was
to get from Sireth's freshly fucked depths. For a moment, Mica held his position as Sireth came
down, though crashed down was perhaps a better term, and resisted the natural inclanation of his
cock to soften by rocking it very subtly within Sireth. He stayed there for only a brief period
though, groaning through a grin as his knot popped past her opening one last time and his cock slid
from her delicious depths. "Keep that warm for our little horsey toy, will you?" he suggested as he
leaned over her body to whisper in her ear where Sam wouldn't hear. "Wouldn't want too much leaking
out before her tongue gets there, would we?" Mica punctuated his statement with a mild slap on
Sireth's ass as he straightened, and smiled as he lifted his eyes from her slumped body to Sam's.

Mica began walking around the two women, glancing at the Yattering and holding one finger up in the
air in a 'give me a moment' gesture. He knew the Yattering was anxious to move things along, but
Mica had his own ideas to torment Sam, too. "How we doing, my little pony? Having fun, are we?" he
asked in a friendly manner as he looked down at Sam with a smile that mixed lust and friendliness.
Despite his recent orgasms, he was still mostly ready, his cock having softened some, but it
wouldn't take much to maintain his interest. If worst came to worst, there were other methods. That
was one reason he liked it here, power flowed so easily in this house, it was a bit like a vacation.
"It sure sounds like it. Let's get this out of the way," he continued, reaching down and grasping
one of the Yattering's tentacles to shift it gently away as he nudged Sam's lips with the tip of his
bunny and coyote juice coated member. "I've got a little treat for you, my little pony, why don't
you say hello? Think of it as an appetizer for a more suculent dish we've been preparing just for
you. Don't bother biting, you won't hurt me, and if you annoy me, I think we'll let your little
friend get... creative, back there," he suggested, nodding towards her hindquarters and the
Yattering as he started pressing his cock against her lips, offering her the chance to respond and
take it willingly.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 1 Jun 2005 14:35    Post subject: Deflowered by Dreams

[Jenny and Soothe]

Soothe was hardly concerned with the appearance of Preston, so
caught up was he in Jenny's pleasures. He had no idea that the powerful spirit was even
there, and probably would have been hard-pressed to even care at that point. The young
ghost watched in wonder as Jenny not only accepted his phallic tentacle into her mouth,
but accepted it eagerly, stroking it as well with one hand. His face contorting with pleasure
at the wonderful sensations this dreamscape was sending coursing through his ethereal
body, Soothe arched his head around slightly behind the young vixen's head. This let him
reach forward with his muzzle to begin a gentle nibbling on one of her ears, her other ear
already being stroked and teased by more of his tentacles, while also giving him an
excellent view of what was about to happen, almost as good as if he were seeing it
through her eyes. That thought gave Soothe an idea: he was a ghost after all, so why not?
No sooner had the thought come than Soothe took a deep ghostly breath, and plunged his
head into the back of Jenny's. The feeling for Jenny was like sliding between smooth, cool
clean sheets after a hot day in the sun. And then suddenly all her senses felt even more
sensitized than they'd been before, for now she had a direct feed into a portion of Soothe's
feelings, just as he was now able to look through her eyes, tasting his own ghostly
essence on one of his cocks. "On three, Jenny," said Soothe, the words as much audible
as in her mind, the lemur's jaw extending out beyond her face where it needed to in order
for him to speak. "One," and she suddenly felt several smaller tendrils tease across the
lips of her cunny, then take a hold of them with tiny feelers, pulling them open and
exposing her sex to the throbbing manhood that hovered before her virgin gates. "Two,"
and Soothe began to wriggle that massive tendril, shaping it properly so that it would fit
Jenny's snug sex perfectly. He wanted this to be perfect, and Jenny felt several tendrils
slid into her body much as his head had done, getting a feel for her inner self in the last
moment, to ensure that nothing went wrong inside. "Three." The last word was hardly a
breath. In an instant the penis-cock lunged forward and pulled back, faster than a
rattlesnake's strike, a light trickle of blood coating it near the tip. In that single instant
Jenny's maidenhead had been broken, clearing the path for the pleasures to follow. But for
just a moment Soothe paused, sharing in her sensations, his undeniable lust not being
enough to utterly overwhelm his concern for Jenny's mutual pleasures.

[Sam et al]

Sam was gasping and thrashing mutely on the table like a suckling pig about
to be served for dinner with an apple in her mouth. And what an 'apple' it was: the coyote's
cock was huge to her inexperienced eyes. But Sam didn't even notice it or Mica's request
for several long moments. The light brush of Sireth's buck teeth across her most sensitive
place, which had once brought her so much pleasure as a male, had sent her into the
throes of a series of gasping, breathless orgasms that left her unable to even breathe until
they had passed. Spots flared before her, and a blackness threatened to engulf all her
reason, despite the supernatural alertness that kept her conscious. Finally Sam realized
what was happening, and what was being asked of her, and stared up at Mica with shock
and horror etched on her pretty face. "N-never!" she forced out, her voice small and
weak-sounding. The filly wished desperately that she had more conviction in her voice, but
there was nothing left in her to fight with now. Her constant, loving abuse by Sireth and the
Yattering had left her almost as helpless as a foal, and utterly at the mercy of the coyote
about to make use of her virgin body.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 2 Jun 2005 23:18    Post subject:


The fire struck the grass which recoiled from him, bursting into fire and quickly being
quickly consumed. At the moment the fire hit the grass he heard a shrill scream of agony
and jerked his head toward the dock to see Jenny screaming and flailing around in the
tentacles that were holding her fast, her body covered in the very same blue flames that
were burning the grass. The grass withered and was reduced to ash quickly, leaving
Preson free, again.

OOC: Yep -- something like the dreamscape in Fighter wandering through the forest.
Everything here but Soothe and Preston IS Jenny. Harm any part of the environment and it
hurts her. Of course, neither Preston or Soothe know that, although Preston might be
getting the idea. I just thought you needed an explanation.

[Jenny and Soothe]

Jenny was confused, but in a way that left her not particularly caring. She was giving into
urges that she had never had. Sure, she had frigged herself to orgasm many times, and
had even fantasized about being with some of the guys at school that she thought were
especially attractive -- guys that, for her with her disabilities, were unreachable. They
wanted only perfection in their girlfriends ... girls who could laugh with them and say all the
right things when they whispered their lies in their ears. She would have been content with
those lies, but nobody wanted a girlfriend who was mute, or who had to helped up and
down stairs. Here she was surrounded by tentacles. Something that never even occured
to her in her most bizarre dreams. Dreams? Was this a dream? The thought brought her a
moment of lucidity, but she lost it quickly in the haze of lust that was clouding her mind --
lust that wasn't hers, but which she couldn't separate from herself, even if she had wanted
to do so.

She had closed her eyes as she took in the delicious essence of the tentacle tip within her
mouth and there was a sudden "shift" in her awareness, a cool, linen-fresh breeze blowing
through her consciousness and she opened her eyes, immediately missing the presence
of Soothe's face, but her eyes immediately fell upon the appendage she was holding in her
hand and she began to suck on it for a few moments before removing her muzzle from it
and licking it with her long, muscular, prehensile vulpine tongue, lightly moving her hand
up and down it in shallow strokes, much as she would if she were giving a blowjob -- not
that she had ever done so, of course, but she knew the general principles. Even more
amazing is that she could feel every slurp of her tongue and ever stroke of her hand in her
own body, and it seemed to be ... sort of ... concentrated between her legs. It took her a
few moments to localize it to her clitoris as a moan escaped her lips.

She head Soothe begin to count and her eyes focused on the familiar muzzle jutting out of
her own face like a ghostly secondary image. She knew that was Soothe's mouth, but
nothing in this dream seemed out of place to her. That was a perfectly natural place for
Soothe's muzzle to be, but why was he counting? Even the tendrils teasing her inner lips
open didn't seem to be unusual to her. Like all the other squirming, probing, stroking
tentacles and tendrils that covered her body and continued to rim her tailhole in a
wonderfully-erotic fashion, this was just another in the myriad of sensual things happening
to her. The sensation of several tendrils actually passing "beyond" her hymen and into her
inner chamber, though, made her look between her legs ... or as best she could through
the mass of writhing tentacles that surrounded her. She finally focussed on the big one
that was poised to plunge into her, and it began to dawn upon her what was about to
happen, but she no sooner had the embryonic thought than Soothe finished his
countdown, and she felt a sharp blast of pain as the tentacle-cock smashed through the
delicate membrane. She pulled her mouth away from the tentacle in her hand and cried
out in pain, but the discomfort was rapidly wiped away by all the other strokes and
caresses covering her body and she lustfully engulfed the tentacle, again, sucking on it
like a newborn would suck his mother's breast.

Moments later, as the drama away from the pier began to unfold, Jenny's body was
suddenly engulfed in blue flame ... flame that was visible, but otherwise had no reality to
Soothe. Her body jerked and spasmed as her consciousness was filled with agony and
she screamed loudly, over and over for several long seconds before the fire seemed to be
snuffed out and she collasped limply into the cradling tentacles, panting, her eyes open
wide in fear.

[Sam, et. al.]

Her body was momentarily exhausted, but Sireth's mind was still sharp and her awareness
started to push through the post-orgasmic bliss in spite of the little "aftershocks" that
Mica's continued rocking within her were encouraging. This had been one of her best
sexual experiences, to date, and she was already looking forward to more of the same,
but, unfortunately, her current lover seemed to have finished with her. She listened to his
naughty suggestions, and nodded her head with an attendant "mmm hmm" of agreement,
not even flinching with the light sting of his hand on her rump.

Listening to Mica's suggestive, one-sided conversation with Sam, spurred the lusty bunny
into a second wind and with a shudder of pleasure that passed from her neck down her
backbone to her tail, she moved around on all fours to stop with her muzzle just inches
from Sam's left ear. She was about to start doing something deliously pleasurable to that
inviting equine pinna when she heard what she was sure Sam intended as a vociferous
rejection of Mica's perfectly reasonable offer. She raised her eyebrows in surprise that the
filly would ever consider not accepting. "Sam! You have to. Don't you know ...?" She didn't
finish her question as realization dawned. "You've never sucked cock, have you? You poor
thing! Now we've been giving you pleasure and you've really liked it, so don't deny that.
And there's going to be more. Lots more. But now you have to do something in return."
She cupped her hands around Sam's cheeks, her right hand passing under the filly's
muzzle as she kept her arm out of Mica's way. "I'll help you, Sam. I know all about this,
and it's really easy, and it's fun. You'll love doing this once you get the hang of it, and your
muzzle is long enough that you don't even have to worry about gagging like I do." She
smiled at Sam, her big, liquid eyes gazing into the equine's eyes. "Do this for him, and do it
for me, and I promise you I'll make it worth it." Her voice was soft, gentle, and almost
hypnotic in it's quality. "Just open up and let him put it in. Close your mouth ... gently, and
don't use your teeth. Press your tongue up toward the top of your mouth. OK?"

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 3 Jun 2005 1:33    Post subject:


Preston's ears and hackles jumped as he heard Jenny's cry, and he began to realize he
was going to have to keep himself in check here or he was going to be doing as much
harm to Jenny as the spirit haunting her was. He flicked a finger at any of the nearby bits
of still-burning fire, snuffing it out, before starting to move on, towards where Jenny was
contained. He motioned at the fire wreathing her bodyy, attempting to remove it as he had
done to the other bits, but not being able to tell if it was working. "Jenny!" he yelled,
running towards the edge of the lake now.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 3 Jun 2005 19:42    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Even to Mica's ears, Sam's rejection sounded pretty half hearted as Sireth readied herself
to play with the horse's ears. Mica raised his eyebrows at Sam, looking down at her
casually, and then glanced up at the Yattering. He didn't miss the horror on her face,
though really, if she wanted horror, they could always introduce her to the Yattering's
transformed cock that he had initially offered to Sireth. The coyote glanced down at his
own member and examined it in it's semi-erect state, glistening in the light of the kitchen
with a slippery coating of bunny and coyote cum. Looked perfectly fine, to him, he rather
thought his true form, if there was such a thing for him, was rather attractive. Of course, he
was biased, but that hardly mattered.

He would have said something, but Sireth beat him to it, and a smile spread across his
canine muzzle as he listened to her speak. Oh, she was good, and he didn't want to break
the spell she was wrapping the pretty pony in. Anything he had to say at the moment
would be extra, Sireth was doing a fine job of coaxing Sam into her introduction to oral
pleasure giving, and Mica was satisfied to watch, waiting to see if her resolve would
crumble as he held his cock near her lips, waiting to see if she would say hello.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 15 Jun 2005 14:58    Post subject: Broken In

[Jenny, Preston and Soothe]

Soothe cried out as well as the flames scorched the girl in his
gentle clutches, his consciousness tied to hers bringing him the same pain until he
snapped out of her head a moment later. He'd endured the breaking of Jenny's hymen,
finding the pain almost . . . pleasant, something new in his previously completely
masculine experience, and something truly physical thrust into his incorporeal existence.
But this blue fire was more than he knew how to handle, and he very nearly let Jenny drop
to the cool water below. Recovering in an instant, Soothe caught the trembling vixen in his
net of writhing dreamflesh, lifting her up and wrapping her in his enfolding body, the
texture warm and soft and comforting now, like being bundled in a papoose. His head
lowered and began to gently nuzzle Jenny's face, licking her cheek worriedly. "Are you all
right, Jenny?" asked the ringtailed lemur, his large eyes wide and worried. So worried, in
fact, that Soothe failed to notice as Preston drew close to the docks. He even failed to
notice the tingles of empathic sensation that were now flowing through the dreamscape,
marking the changes that were taking place in Jenny's body. Soothe had done as he
promised: though she still couldn't move them of her own volition, Jenny's lower body was
now sending her sensations that she hadn't had in a long time, and in some cases had
never had at all, as the pent-up desires of her teenaged years were finally allowed to take
a physical form all at once, for the very first time.

[Sam et al]

"I've sucked cock," said Sam, her eyes starting to glaze, her voice sounding a
little drunken as she stared into Sireth's deep gaze. "Good at it, too. Got the best lips
around, they say, out in my part of the country. Once sucked off half a herd of cowboys
before their foreman shooed me off. The other half visited me later that night, after they
were off work. But that was when I was a horny colt, and did more casual flings. I'm not . . .
not . . . not so slutty . . . any- . . ." Sam's voice trailed off as Sireth gently stroked the
smooth, soft fur of Sam's perfectly-defined chin and neck. Sam was a well-groomed
stallion by nature, and it showed in how fine his coat looked and felt. And as she was
flushed with a sexual sheen now, she looked even better than before, if such a thing were
possible. As though drifting into sleep, Sam's lids grew heavy, then closed over her large
blue eyes, his mouth opening almost of it's own volition as she leaned forward, taking
Mica's bunny-drenched penis into her muzzle. "Mmm," hummed the helplessly-aroused
filly eagerly as she began to bob her head back and forth, starting to lose herself as soon
as she tasted the coyote's cock, as though it were a deeply intoxicating liqueur that drove
all sense from her eagerly gyrating head and slurping muzzle, her tongue swirling around
the head of the thick mancock as she drew back, and then squeezing her muzzle down on
the knot as she reached it and managed to fit it halfway within her muzzle without any
coaxing. Being a horse, of course, Sam could manage this, as there was a great deal of
her to play with. Then the Yattering grinned, his teeth extending slightly from his jaws, and
moved eagerly behind the upraised rump of the unsuspecting filly. One claw brushed
across Sam's tight, pinkish-tan tailhole, finding it well-lubricated from his earlier treatments
with his slimey tentacles. With a throaty cackle, the Yattering lined up his cock with that
tight rear passage, about half the thick, chitonous head parting the anal ring open, and
then slammed itself in to the hilt, it's fat, bloated demon balls slapping loudly against Sam's
drenched pussy. Sam suddenly came to herself, her eyes popping wide open as she
screamed at her rough violation, the vibrations sending deliciously pleasurable tingles
through Mica's cock, which was buried almost to the hilt in Sam's muzzle at the time. The
filly might have bit down as the Yattering began to pump his cock like a dog raping a bitch
in heat, grinding his hips against Sam's smooth-furred bottom, but Sireth's previous
influence hadn't been utterly lifted, and so Sam continued sucking and suckling on Mica's
dripping, bunny-flavored meat treat as though her life depended upon it even as her head
was thrown forward and back by the cruel violence of the monstrous demon raping her

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 18 Jun 2005 22:41    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

The incredible pain from the flames had brought Jenny almost back to the limit of
consciousness, her body in the bed on the top floor of the house thrashing beneath the
covers, her soft grunts and moans, muffled by the near-paralysis of sleep filling the room
for a few seconds before she became motionless, again. For a moment she became fully
lucid in her dream and her mind attempted to juggle the experience with the fire with what
Soothe had been doing. Soothe? What sort of name was that? She couldn't imagine at the
moment where her subconsious mind had come up with that ... or the tentacles. She
attempted to shrug off the fear she was feeling, knowing that it was a false fear. She
couldn't really be harmed in a dream, and she wondered if what she had just felt as he
deflowered her was what she would actually feel if it really happened.
There were too many things going around in her mind at once, and, distracted from
attempting to maintain lucidity, she slipped back into that dream-state where you don't
question what is happening, or why, or even how, but just accept it as the way things are.
She felt Soothe's tentacles tighten around her protectively, and his nuzzle alongside her
cheek. "I ... I don't know. What was ...?"

She didn't get a chance to finish her question before she heard her name called,
recognizing it instantly as Preston's voice. Preston. The name rang a bell, but she couldn't
remember who, exactly, he was -- only that she thought he was her friend. She turned her
head toward the source and saw the fox running toward the dock. "Preston?" She asked.
"Preston!" She repeated, al little more emphatically. She looked toward Soothe's head, an
expression of concern on her face. "Soothe, he's a friend. Please don't hurt him."

[Sam, et. al]

"That's the girl," Sireth encouraged, still stroking Sam's face and neck gently. The filly's
response had completely surprised her. She was almost certain that Sam was a complete
virgin, but was quite pleased that she wasn't. As for not being so slutty anymore, well,
there were obviously ways to cure that deficiency, and Sireth knew quite a few of them.
She watched as the very slutty-looking equine devoured Mica's member with relish after
only a few moments ago saying she wasn't going to. Smiling to herself, Sireth moved her
hands to Sam's right ear, capturing the base in her left hand as she slipped her thumb
inside to the even more tender skin there. Her right hand found the inner edge and she
began rubbing all long it from bottom to tip as she circled her thumb with just the right
amount of pressure to feel good without being too distracting.

She hadn't been expecting the Yattering to so suddenly shove himself completely into
Sam and she threw her arms around the trapped filly's neck, hugging her in a way that
was comforting but confining at the same time, keeping Sam's muzzle in line with Mica's
own cock. She looked at the Yattering, a very cross expression on her face, almost like
that of a mother getting ready to scold a child. "That was just so uncool! You have to warm
up a girl before you do something like that ... and warn her. We're all trying to have fun,
here -- even poor Sam. And you could have gotten Mica hurt. What if Sam had bitten him?
What then?" She hurrumphed and turned her attention back to Sam, although there was a
curious, wanton grin on her face that didn't seem to mesh with the tone of her voice, and,
to be sure, a lot, but not all, of it was just a show for Sam's benefit.

She started stroking the filly's broad neck, her right cheek pressed against Sam's left
cheek. "It'll be alright in a few minutes," she said in a low, soothing voice. "You're doing
real well," she added looking over her shoulder at Mica. "Isn't she?" She asked the coyote
and then turned her head back to plant a soft kiss at the very inside base of Sam's right
ear, her right arm continuing to hug around the filly's neck, but her right hand beginning to
move up her neck in gentle circles.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 19 Jun 2005 0:24    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Likewise, Mica was rather surprised at Sam's response, noting that he, or currently she, though he
had been a he at the time, he imagined, unless the Yattering just followed the now filly around, was
proficient in sucking cock. And proficient she was, he found, as her lips enclosed around his slick
and shining erection and enveloped within her long horsey muzzle. Naturally, it felt good as Sam
bobbed up and down on his freshly fucked shaft, but the idea that Sam was now tasting the remnants
of that sexual encounter as her tongue slurped them from his erection simply added to the pleasure.
As did the vibrations from her satisfied hum, and her tongue swirling delightfully around his
cockhead, drawing his member back to life. This girl genuinely liked sucking cock! And here she had
been denying it just moments before. As her muzzle reached his knot, taking in some of the sensitive
bulb, the coyote couldn't help but wonder if she could take the whole thing, letting her tongue
wander across it with as much relish she was showing the head of his penis. Mica was again surprised
as the Yattering crammed his oddly formed member into Sam's possibly virgin tailhole, Mica didn't
know at this point, and he frowned a little as Sam screamed. Sireth held Sam's neck in place, and
Mica was pleased Sam had managed not to bite. Actually, I would have just slipped out of this plane
for a moment, he silently answered Sireth's question, Sam really couldn't have especially hurt him.
Still he gave Sireth an odd look as she ranted, the wicked grin plastered to her short muzzle. Odd
bunny, he had to admit, but great fun at a party! Still, that brought up his belief that the
Yattering had absolutly no finese again, such things were meant to be savored, so that every moment
could be enjoyed to it's fullest. Though he appreciated the vibrating against his cock from her
scream, that was a pleasant touch.

"Quite well," Mica answered pleasantly, adding his own hands to Sireth's as she comforted Sam,
rubbing along the pretty pony's left ear with much the same motion the bunny had, rubbing from top
to bottom. His other hand he decided to join the action, too, running his fingers through Sam's soft
hair as he took in the sheen of excitement that coated her body. "In fact, I daresay that our little
pony here... mmm..." Mica chuckled softly at his own pleasure before he continued. "Was telling the
truth. I do believe her mouth is quite familiar with this particular organ. Isn't it, Sam? You like
this, don't you? Like sucking cock, like the taste of sex that's all over it now? I bet you'd like
more, wouldn't you? Nmmm. Tell us, my little pony, are you as good with the fairer sex as you are
with a nice, hard, dick?"

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 8 Jul 2005 16:52    Post subject: Avoiding the Reckoning

[Jenny, Preston and Soothe]

Soothe had just pulled his upper body together, letting him cradle Jenny's fragile-seeming frame in
his strong brachiating arms, even as his many tentacles stroked the rest of her body, making a
sensation somewhat between that of a hammock and a waterbed. But as soon as Jenny said the name of
the one person the lemur dreaded more than anything else in the entire house, the one person he
couldn't escape, no matter where he hid, Soothe's look of worry for Jenny and romantic desire (which
had cooled from raw lust after Jenny had been hurt, but was still quite strong) turned to one of
terrified shock. His arousal didn't leave him, so potent was the demon lust coursing through his
body, but Soothe nevertheless felt a bolt of ice run through his body, knowing that he would soon be
blasted into the afterlife permanently, if he was lucky. If unlucky, Preston would take his time
about the process. And one of the biggest disadvantages of being a ghost was that you could never go
unconscious. "He's here for you," said Soothe softly to Jenny, forcing his face to calm down,
showing little emotion. There was no sense in frightening the young vixen, after all. "He must have
hurt something in the dreamscape that was in his way, and it hurt you as well, since everything here
is part of you. He probably didn't know it. I'm breaking his orders being here, and he probably
thought whatever was stopping him was my doing." Soothe swallowed. "I'd better put you down, Jenny.
I don't want you hurt by anything that might follow." With this, Soothe began to lower his
tentacular body to the soft sandy bank next to the dock. His slender upper body was trembling a
little with his fear of what would happen now that Preston had caught him, but he had no regrets. He
only wished he'd had a little more time with Jenny. [Sam et al] The Yattering just gave Sireth a
halfhearted snarl, not even opening his mouth all the way before he continued his erratic, varying
thrusts into Sam's upturned rump. His claws stroked through the near-white blonde hair of the young
filly's beautiful tail, one claw gripping it at the base to keep the flowing hair out of the way,
teasing the little crinkle between tailhole and pussy with a sharp-clawed thumb between thrusts. He
could restore Sam in an instant if his play grew too rough, a useful power when one needed to extend
a mortal torture session for longer than expected, and so the demon creature paid little heed to the
filly's comfort, except as a nod to his two partners in evil. Sam, having had numerous anal
experiences before his sudden change in sex, was able to adapt quickly to the large, knobbed member
shoved so unceremoniously into her girlishly smooth backside. And since the Yattering hadn't removed
her prostate gland with the rest of the changes, Sam soon found her pussy weeping copious amounts of
her sweet, rich juices, the sensations not that unlike being a male. More frighteningly strong,
perhaps, from the utter submission into which Sam had been forced, but deeply pleasurable
nevertheless. The feeling of the bunny and the coyote teasing poor Sam's sensitive ears made her
back arch, a soft "mmm" of contentment coming from her mouth as she grew accustomed to the
sensations of being penetrated. Her beautiful eyes, now almost ice blue with the raw force of
sexuality shuddering through the filly's smooth blonde body, lifted to look at Mica when he started
to speak. Then she heard what he was saying, and a deep blush settled onto her pretty face, deeper
even than the easily-visible flush of sex, and her eyes dropped shyly back to the fur of his groin,
then closed in deep embarrassment. The answers to the coyote's questions were obvious in Sam's
pretty face: she was loving every moment of it. And the very mention of cunnilingus just made Sam
plunge his muzzle forward, his agile lips wrapping around Mica's hard knot, massaging and squeezing
it with a dexterity, pressure and skill that no human creature could match, all in an effort to
drive Mica over the brink, and hasten the chance to taste the hint of delicious female essence on
the coyotecock straight from the source.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 9 Jul 2005 1:18    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston and Soothe]

Preston raced to the edge of the lake, skidding to a stop at the edge, his mouth still
hanging open. A burning anger still stuck with him as he watched Jenny and the other
spirit embrace... he liked to think he kept tabs on each of the other ghosts in the house, but
at the moment he found himself drawing a blank. He was preparing to speak when jenny
spotted him and spoke his name, his anger momentarily being put on hold. He narrowed
his eyes and looked between her and the spirit, a distrustful look on his face. "A friend? He
has violated you, slipped himself into your mind! I said I would keep you safe for the night,
and I am not one to take such vows lightly." He moved closer as Soothe lowered himself
and Jenny down to the banks, already thinking of many punishments to bestow upon the
intruding ghost... but something in Jenny's eyes was pleading him to stop. He walked right
up to the two of them, his feet at the water's edge. Grinding his teeth, he spoke. "She
wants me to spare you, so I will... but if you EVER violate the mind of someone under my
care again, you will very much regret it." he said, his voice cold as ice, cold as death.
"Jenny, are you alright?" he continued in a slightly less frosty tone.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 10 Jul 2005 13:50    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

The look on her face as Soothe tried to explain the situation to her was one of confusion, it
being clear to him that she didn't understand what he was talking about. "Why shouldn't
you be here, though? Except for that ..." she tossed her head toward the firery twister that
was still lingering in the distance behind Preston, "... this is a nice place, and it seems to
be going away. Anyone should be able to come here, and I'm surprised there aren't a lot of
people enjoying this place."

She looked up at Preston from her half-sitting-half-lying position, her expression clearly
showing that she didn't understand why he was angry. "What do you mean Soothe was in
my mind? I'd know that if that were so, wouldn't I?" The tone of her voice was firm in her
belief that Soothe had done nothing wrong. Her ... voice. She hadn't been able to speak
when she was awake. And, now, her legs seemed to be paralyzed. She had limped badly,
but she could still walk.

Looking back toward Soothe, she reached out to touch him briefly. "It's OK. I'm sure this is
only a misunderstanding," she assured the young ghost before turning back to Preston.
"Soothe and I ... we were ... um ... he was being good to me, Preston. I couldn't reach the
water by myself and he helped me. He'd never hurt me. He was helping me to ... to feel,
again, but there was fire and it hurt and interrupted us. It wasn't him. I know it wasn't,
because it hurt him, too. I'm sure he'll get me back home before it gets too late, but I'd
really like to stay out a little longer. You know how I hate to be cooped up in my room,
especially with only re-runs on TV during the Summer."

[Sam, et. al.]

There was no way Sireth could argue with Mica's evaluation. Sam did, indeed, seem to be
taking to what was happening to her ... almost with relish, it would seem, as she was
obviously enjoying the cock in her mouth and even appeared to be completely accepting
of the one in her ass. She watched as the filly sucked on Mica's erection, almost wishing
that she was the one doing it, and that Sam's long, thick, muscular tongue was at her own
crotch, instead, but this was a nice interlude. Leaning closer, she locked her lips over the
tip of the filly's ear, extending her tongue a little further to the inside, and then drew her
mouth down the edge to the base before nibbling her way gently with her teeth back to the
tip, as she continued rubbing Sam's neck with her hand. Sam seemed to enjoy the
attention to her ears, and Sireth was enjoying giving her that attention, but there was
something that she had yet to sample, and, giving Sam's ear a gentle, parting nip, she
backed away and then rolled over on her back, scooting up close to the filly, her head
nestling close to the enticing mounds. She wasted no time grasping Sam's left breast and
pulling it toward her, her lips closing over the nipple just a moment before her teeth did the
same, pinching the nub in a firm, but not painful, grip as her hands began to rub the furred
part of the filly's mammary.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 10 Jul 2005 21:30    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Those little contented sounds Sam was making had their own delightful effect on the
blowjob she was giving Mica, sending vibrations through her mouth and into his cock. It
was a very nice touch, but he was again surprised with how quickly this formerly male filly
was taking to having her tailhole so enthusiastically violated. She was just full of surprises
today, and that was just delightful, adding to his overall entertainment after a prolonged
period of boredom, and not to mention, adding to his pleasure. Mica watched her as she
looked up at him, shining blue eyes that spoke of the enjoyment she was experiencing,
and the supernatural creature grinned broadly as he saw her blush fiercely and avert her
eyes. "That's what I thought, my little pony," he said, quickly followed by a groan as he
lifted his muzzle and closed his eyes in pleasure.

Sam was practically attacking his cock, drawing all sorts of pleasures from various
sensetive points, in particular the sensitive knot that was a canine trademark. It was all
good though, the suction of her mouth, the heat of her saliva as it washed over his glans,
her lips and tongue as they teased his shaft and squeezed his knot. There was no doubt in
his mind that Sam had done this before, despite the virgin's blush that had spread across
her pretty equine face as she had to admit that she was enjoying the tasty piece of coyote
meat that had been offered to her. Maybe she was even enjoying the Yattering's
unpredictable penetration of her tailhole.

"I just love virgins. Don't you?" he asked, opening his eyes and looking down, but he found
that Sireth wasn't there anymore. A quick "mmm" escaped his lips as he cocked his head
to the side, and caught sight of the sexy nude bunny on her back and sampling Sam's
ample bosom. "Ooh, what a lovely idea," he announced, a little disapointed that he hadn't
thought of it first, but, then, he was getting his cock sucked and didn't really care that
much. There would always be time to play with them later, and he was looking forward to
seeing how they moved as Sam got screwed in both holes, with a bunny plastered to her
face. Seeing that he now had full reign of Sam's head, he kept up his attention to her ear
and let his other hand work itself into her hair, not guiding her head, just holding and
stroking, letting her do all the work.

And what work it was, the coyote got the distinct impression she was trying to get him off
as quickly as possible, and he moaned long and drawn out as he grinned. "Ah ah, anxious,
are we, maybe want to sample what's between the bunny's legs? It's good, let me tell you,"
he stage whispered, and then continued in a more normal voice. "But we have a special
treat for you, she's just keeping it warm. In fact, maybe you'd like... mmgh, whoa, girl...
another surprise." Mica grinned, and exercised his ability to shift shapes, utilizing an image
he had seen just this evening. Within her mouth, Sam felt the cock she was pleasuring
change shape, losing it's canine characteristics and taking on new ones, very familiar new
ones. The fur at the base of his crotch changed in a rippling distortion wave, reshaping his
body as it went, and when it cleared, Sam saw that she was now sucking on the cock of
herself, how she normally appeared as a man. "You'll get your bunny juice soon enough,"
Mica/Sam said as he grinned down at her with a long equine muzzle, nudging her head a
little to indicate she should keep up the blowjob.

OOC: I'm evil, I know. Okay, Gideon, if you don't mind, what would Mica look like now,
from coat and eyes to all the naughty bits?

Posted: 3 Aug 2005 16:19    Post subject: Dream Interuptus

[Jenny, Preston and Soothe]

Soothe shivered at Jenny's touch, all he needed to feel
arousal start to tingle through his body once more. And his heart ached as he heard
Jenny's pleading voice, asking Preston for more time with the young lemur much like a
child would ask a parent to be allowed to stay up a little longer. If nothing else, Soothe had
finished what he'd promised to do: the space between Jenny's legs was no longer hollow
in sensation. Now she could feel, and after the lust-infused demon energy that had
coursed through them both, she could feel pleasure even better than most females. With
that thought, and with the dread terror of what he knew Preston could do to him, Soothe
set her lightly down and started away. But then her voice came to him, speaking of a
loneliness that only not even a ghost should be forced to endure, and he paused. "I . . ."
Soothe said, opening his mouth as he turned back, then settled his reformed feet onto the
dock. "I don't want to leave, Preston. And she doesn't want me to leave either. I wasn't
hurting her. I didn't do anything she didn't want, and I never would have." He swallowed in
dread fear as he stood before Preston, lord of the manor, knowing that in the deathless
existence of a ghost all fates were worse than death, but not feeling himself able to leave
despite all of this. Jenny wanted him there, and somehow he couldn't bring himself to defy
her wishes, even if it meant defying Preston's.

[Sam et al]

OOC: For a good idea of how Sam looks, both as a male and as a female, see
"The Farm" thread for some handy links. Pay especial attention to the Chris Sawyer
pictures, and if you want to see more like them, e-mail him to see about buying an art CD.
Worth every penny, in my opinion.

IC: Sam's whole body shivered as her breasts were lovingly teased by Sireth's talented
muzzle. As a male his nipples were quite sensitive, but now as a female the feelings Sireth
sent through Sam's body were positively orgasmic! Due to the small amount of bodyfat
that Sam had, her breasts weren't very big, but they were still a nice mouthfull for the
bunny, due to the difference in body sizes. As Sam suddenly felt a shift in the mass filling
her mouth, making her stretch her muzzle open much wider than before (though not
beyond the limits of her equine muzzle, thankfully), her eyes opened and she beheld the
image of what she used to be before the House had forced her into a new body. The
picture of masculinty upon whose cock she was now sucking was very tall and covered in
short, well-groomed blonde fur, bleached by the sun until it was almost white. This fur
clung in a shimmering layer to the sleek, powerful musculature beneath like a second skin.
The hand guiding Sam's head was large, covering the span between her ears, as befitted
a male with as nicely-impressive a length as she was suckling upon, her chin bumping
every-so-often against the full, smooth orbs dangling beneath that mighty shaft, each
testicle a little bigger than a goose egg, with numerous life-giving veins that quickly slipped
beneath the surface of the skin when they reached the deliciously smooth pink penis of the
stallion. Sam couldn't help but give out an especially loud moan as she looked up into the
heartthrobbing blue eyes of her old body, the latent narcisism inherent to every person
who has ever done any body sculpting quickly coming to the fore, turning her on even
more at this strange, forbidden pleasure, causing her juices to begin glistening down her
thighs, hurried on their way by the Yattering's steady, tortuous thrusts with his
constantly-mutating cock.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 3 Aug 2005 20:31    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

Preston couldn't quite hide the look of disbelief on his face as Jenny seemed to think
Soothe intruding into her dreams was hardly unusual. "Was in your mind?" he said,
repeating her words. "Jenny, he sill IS in your mind, just as I am right now." he folded his
arms, and something went through his head. Why are you being so protective of her? He
asked himself. You barely know her, and she seemed pleasant enough, she helped you,
but hardly something worth getting worked up over.

It's because she reminds you of someone, before you knew her true nature.
He squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing a temple. Not this again. I don't even want to think of
those times. You learned who she really was, how all that protective love was wasted.
You would still take her back if you could. Try to win her again, just as you did before.
No. I learned my lesson.

If that was true, then why are you still trying to make Jenny into Rachael?
Preston looked up, that voice in his head had stopped his argument cold. he took a breath
and placed a hand on Jenny's shoulder, taking note of the visible limp in her movements,
trying to help steady her as well as comfort her. He slowly shifted his gaze a couple times
between the two before finally speaking again. "It is possible..." he said, his words with a
somewhat hesitant tinge. "...that I overreacted. I saw him..." he nodded at Soothe.

"...taking advantage of you and, knowing the mentalities other spirits who inhabit the
manor, I assumed one of them was deliberately going against my expressed wishes." he
bowed his head slowly. "I guess my mind just started turning you into someone you
aren't... my past continues to haunt me even after death." He looked over at Soothe. "I will
allow you to stay, seeing as it befots the lady's wishes, but I will be keeping an eye on you.
A number of other ghosts seem to find lying to me amusing, so I've learned to keep my
guard up."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 10 Aug 2005 22:03    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

"What are you talking about, Preston?" Jenny asked, her face full of confusion as she
looked between him and Soothe. "What do you mean you're in my mind, and what ghosts?
Why should there be any ghosts in this place? You find ghosts in graveyards and haunted
houses -- not on peaceful beaches. I don't understand all this talk about death and ghosts.
I came here to get away from all the bad things that happen to me all the time. Don't you
think this place is peaceful?" She eyed the slowly-receeding vortex with an almost cross
look on her face, and the apparition writhed and, if anything, looked even more
threatening, even though it continued to move slowly away.

Looking at Preston with an expression of sadness and then back toward Soothe with a soft
smile, she flexed her legs, enjoying the sensation as it continued to flow into them.
"Soothe, would it be alright if Preston joined us on our picnic? He's really nice, you know.
I've known him such a long time, it seems a shame to leave him out, especially since he
walked all the way here from his house just looking for me." Turning back to Preston, she
gave him a broad grin and sat down, wiggling her toes in delight at the feel of the cool
breeze blowing through them. "If it's OK with him you can join us, Preston. I'd like that. We
have enough food to go around," she added, reaching for a seven inch tall blue and white
bottle that wasn't there just a moment ago. In white letters on a purple splash it said "Wet",
and below that "Original Gel Lubricant."

"And, besides, Preston,", said a female voice he knew only too well, even though he hadn't
heard it in ages, "you know you want to".

OOC: In case you guys haven't figured it out, Jenny is no longer lucid in this dream. She
doesn't know she's dreaming and everything that's happening seems quite normal to her.

[Sam, et. al.]

Sireth's only response to Mica's question was a muffled, "mmmhmm". She had no
intention of releasing that nipple just yet, and she renewed her efforts, alternately sucking
on the nub trapped between her front teeth, and flicking her warm tongue rapidly across it
as she continued to rub and massage the firm, furry mound with her hands. She loved the
responses Sam was giving, although she had no idea which set of stimulations was doing
what. In Sam's place she knew she'd been in pure ecstasy, needing only only one more
hole filled to make the experience complete. That wasn't possible in the current
circumstances, since there were only two males available, but she figured that Sam's
tongue had talents above and beyond cocksucking, even if the filly didn't know it, yet, so
she was sure she could keep that end busy, too.

Mica's transformation didn't immediately register because she was so intent upon
attacking Sam's left breast, but she directed her eyes back to see how he was doing there
was a stallion in place of the canine -- and a wonderously beautiful stallion he was. He and
Sam could easily be brother and sister, and that made Sireth grin as that naughty thought
rolled around in her mind. She took her mouth away from Sam's breast for a moment and
lifted her head slightly to get a very erotic view of Mica's massive equine shaft
disappearing down the long, pretty muzzle of the filly, and her mouth watered at the
prospect of being able to do that, herself, but there were limits to how far a bunny muzzle
could open up. Squeezing Sam's nipple and pulling on it a little to get her attention, she
nuzzled the breast with her mouth. "Save a little of that for me, will you? I'm sure he's got
enough to go around," she said with a chuckle and then ran her tongue in little, quick
circles around the sensitized nipple before nipping it sharply with her teeth and then
sucking it back into her mouth.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 11 Aug 2005 20:57    Post subject:

OOC: Got it, thanks, Gideon.

[Sam, et. al.]

Not for the first time today, Mica was surprised by Sam's reaction to basically sucking her
own cock, at least as it had been when she was a male. Considering how long Mica had
been around, in one form or another, in one place or another, that was really saying
something, to be surprised as he had been this evening. He wasn't especially sure Preston
liked him here, fairly sure he didn't, and all but certain he wouldn't if Preston knew
conclusively exactly what had moved in, but Mica had to admit, the canine knew how to
have a good party in his house. Even surprised as he was, however, that erotic moan that
vibrated along his swollen cock was a delight to behold, even if he had expected more
surprise or horror at being presented with himself to orally please.

Pleasure worked, too, for Mica, however, and he grinned broadly down at her as she
continued attacking his cock, entertained at her reaction. "Mmm, you like that, don't you?"
he questioned, and raised his hands from her head for a second to run them down the
firmly muscled chest and abdomen of his equine 'host.' "Not bad, I have to admit. Not bad
at all, I'm going to have to remember this one," he continued, returning his hands to Sam's
head and running his fingers through her hair. When Sireth spoke up, Mica grinned down
towards the bunny, backing up just a bit, very carefully as he wasn't as used to this leg
design, so that about a third of his cock was outside the filly's long muzzle. "I think you're
right about that," he commented, looking down at the hard shaft protruding naughtily from
Sam's lips. "But my little pony here has another appointment with this," he added, stepping
back forward so that his cock again fully filled her long muzzle.

"You can't wait, can you, Sam? I bet you're practically dripping even now, just thinking
about your own cock parting your lips, popping your cherry, and feeling it slide all the way
in, as deep as possible, stretching you the whole way," Mica commented with a grin,
pausing to let out a deep groan of enjoyment. "Or maybe you'd rather stay just like this,
even though you've cleaned it of all the bunny juices. Maybe you're just aching to taste
your own cum as it spills across your tongue, how many naughty fantasies, about yourself
for that matter, are running through that pretty little head?" Mica gave her hair a final
stroke and stepped away again, withdrawing his cock totally from her muzzle so that his
cockhead brushed across her lips, it's masculine scent filling her nose. "What do you
think?" he asked, posing the question to anyone who felt like offering an opinion, though
locking his blue eyes on Sam's.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 11 Aug 2005 21:09    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

It took Preston a moment to realize that Jenny had no comprehension of what was going
on outside her dreamscape. This isn't really Jenny... He thought. ...maybe just some
representation of some aspect of her psyche. He decided to simply play along, especially
seeing as he didn't have much of a clue on how to get out of here, and having to keep an
eye on Soothe. "Nothing Jenny." he said, answering her confused questions. "Just me
musing and prattling on. Pay it no mind. Yes, it is very beautiful here." he continued, not
completely believing his own words, this place was quite disquieting to him.
His face turned to a slightly puzzled expression as Jenny hefted the previously unseen
bottle, apparently thinking it was food. "Ah, Jenny?" he hazarded. "That's not..." He
stopped dead as he heard the voice, something going very cold in his belly. He knew that
voice. He knew it all too well, and he still was haunted by it's emodious tone and tempting
words. "Did..." he asked, a very cold underlying tone in his voice. "Did either of you hear

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 24 Aug 2005 17:44    Post subject: Adapting to the Strangeness

[Jenny, Preston & Soothe]

At first Soothe was certain that he was going to be blasted into
oblivion, ceasing to exist or whatever it was that Preston did to people that got him really
mad. But when that didn't happen, and instead both Jenny and Preston allowed him to
stay, the young lemur smiled, though he still seemed quite nervous around Preston.
"Yessir," said Soothe, nodding as he licked his dry lips. "And nosir, I'd never lie to you. I'm
not strong enough to hide that kind of thing, not even here in the dreamworld. You're a lot
older than me, and though I've got a serious weakness for pretty girls, I'm not really
looking forward to . . . whatever it is you do to people who get you mad." Soothe blinked as
Jenny picked up the bottle of lubricant, then looked at Preston, about to make a comment
to the other male, since they were the only ones fully lucid inside this world of dreams. But
then he saw the look of blanched horror on the other male's face, and looked between him
and Jenny in confusion. "I didn't hear anything, Mister Preston," said Soothe honestly,
reaching out and resting one gentle hand on Jenny's shoulder. "But this is a dreamscape,
so who knows what kinds of things each of us might be projecting into this world?" Then,
with a light grin, the ringtailed lemur reached out and took the bottle from Jenny's hand. As
soon as he had it in his hand, it shifted into a bottle of bubbling grape soda. "Thankfully, it
works all sorts of ways." With that, he took a drink, wiped off the top, and handed the bottle
back to Jenny, where it promptly resumed it's former shape as a bottle of lube.
[Sam et al] Sam stared almost worshipfully up at her former body, then whimpered a little
as the cock was pulled back, extending her tongue in a desperate attempt to lick the sweet
precum off the tip. At the same time she arched her chest into the attentions of that
talented tongue working her sensitive nipples, making her squirm as her loins felt as
though they might catch fire at any moment, even as her breasts heaved with every thrust
of the Yattering into her pinkish tan tailhole. Hearing Micah's line of questioning, the
Yattering grinned sharkily, then yanked himself out of the fe/male's body, making Sam yelp
and then moan at the sudden void inside of her needy self. The demon reached out and
latched one massive clawhand onto Sam's head, catching one ear between two fingers
and holding it still as he leaned forward and extended his tongue. For a long moment the
Yattering teased the outside of the delicate auditory organ, making Sam whimper with
mounting fright as a strange dread settled into her heart. And then, with a gibber, the
Yattering plunged his tongue into Sam's ear with as much violence as he'd deflowered the
filly's tailhole. For a moment all Sam could do was give a whinnying squeal, her eyes
squeezing tightly shut and tears streaming out of the corners. She continued to writhe as
the Yattering worked it's tongue in deeper, but now in alternating spurts of pleasure and
pain, the two starting to meld together as her delicate mind was mercilessly abused. Then,
after several long seconds, the Yattering slid it's tongue out with a loud "pop," then grinned
at it's two cohorts in crime. Drawing in a deep breath, the Yattering opened it's mouth wide,
until Mica and Sireth could see into the gaping, seemingly bottomless depths. "Oh
goddess that felt good what am I going to do about that cock it's so big no that my cock
why am I a girl I can't stop the pleasure oh it feels too good too good mmm that's delicious
I'm delicious I wonder how the bunny would taste like from the source don't stop on my
breasts but I don't have breasts I'm a male I don't care it feels wonderful he wants to pop
my cherry but only girls get their pussy cherries popped I need it so bad but I can't
because I'm a boy but my cunny aches so much why won't they stop teasing me and
breed me like the mare I am but I'm not a mare I'm a stallion oh please what's happening
to me . . ." This sudden, torrential spew of words half-formed thoughts were blasted out of
the Yattering's mouth in Sam's voice, which sounded quite masculine most of the time,
though it had hints of femininity in more than a few places. The demon had probed Sam's
thoughts, raping the poor filly's mind, and was now sharing everything that it had collected.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 27 Aug 2005 0:37    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

"Hear what?" Jenny asked as Soothe handed her back the bottle of lubricant. She had
been listening to what the two males were saying, but none of it registered as important to
her. "Maybe it was that sea-gull over there?" Pointing to the edge of the beach, her finger
was aimed at what was left of a rather largish, smiling gull making a Cheshire cat
disappearing act until finally only it's smile was left and then that faded away, the only
sounds being their breathing and the lapping of water on the sand.
When they looked back toward Jenny she was opening up a red and white cooler. "Let's
eat now," she suggested, and started removing items from the container, none of them
being foodstuffs, but, rather, various adult "toys". She found one, an orange, blue, and
silver "butterfly" and looked it over carefully, not knowing what it was, but sure that it was
her sandwich. Laying it to one side, she picked up the lubricant, again and turned the
bottle upside down, bringing it between her legs and poised just above her slit. "Needs
more ketchup, I think," she explained with a grin toward each of the other two and then
she squeezed the bottle causing a steady stream of the clear liquid to pour out over her
vulva, most of it seeping between her outer lips.

[Sam, et. al.]

Sireth just gave Mica a shrug when he mentioned that Sam had a another appointment
with that magnificant slab of horsemeat. She'd get some later. That wasn't in doubt. When
he drew his cock completely out of the filly's muzzle, Sireth so wished he was going to
cram it into her, and she was perfectly positioned for it, on her back with her pussy spread
invitingly only inches away from that hot equine shaft. She removed her mouth from Sam's
nipple to stare longingly at the enormous organ for a few moments. "I think if you don't do
something else with it pretty quickly I'm going to claim it for myself," she answered with a
chuckle that was cut short as the Yattering yanked his own member from Sam's behind.
Craning her neck around to watch, since this creature seemed to be so full of surprises,
and grinning when he began giving Sam an earjob, the expression on her face confirming
what she figured he was doing, Sireth used her fingers to give the filly's nipple an extra
strong tweak, pulling it out and letting it snap back. She had experienced that unique ...
pleasure, herself. The rambling train of Sam's internal monologue confused her for only a
few moments until she figured out what was happening, and then she smiled, her eyes
twinkling. "You're enjoying yourself, my dear ... just like we are, and you're going to enjoy
yourself much much more. Tell us, Sam ...what do you want us to do to you? What
naughty things have always been in your mind that you can finally do, now?"

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 27 Aug 2005 20:38    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica, as Sam, grinned down at Sireth with a toothy equine grin that looked more
appropriate to the predator he usually was. Though his nature let him be pretty much
anything he wanted, when he wanted, from stallion to quadruped coyote to human. He did
so enjoy these forms the people of this world had finally come up with, not that countless
women through the millenia hadn't already experienced it. Just one of those things he'd
amused himself with. Still grinning, he glanced down to Sireth's sloppily creamed pussy
and raised an eyebrow. "Well now I'm confused," he teased, "is that supposed to
encourage me to get on with it or dawdle further."

He brushed the tip of his cockhead across the filly's tongue, and then stood back to watch
as the Yattering again did it's thing, and chorus of confused thoughts came spewing from
the creatures bottomless mouth. "Definately an interesting trick," he commented to the
Yattering. "But you really need to learn how to draw it out, to savor every moment, I'll show
you in just a moment."

Turning his attention back to Sam, Mica leaned down to look deeply into her eyes, almost
muzzle to muzzle with the pretty pony. "She's right, you know. You are enjoying this."
Without warning, Mica's muzzle darted forward, sealing his lips against Sam's in a
passionate kiss with herself, barely giving her time to react before it was over, and he drew
back several inches smiling. "You're right, too. I am going to pop your cheery, and breed
you like the mare you are. And you're going to love it, aren't you?" Without looking, Mica's
hand descended to the spread open bunny pussy that practically taunted him to ram his
newly aquired horse meat into to the hilt, teasing across Sireth's lips for a second before
gingerly sliding in one of his fingers into her cunt and wallowing it around briefly. "Mmm,
still warm. Good," he said, withdrawing his finger and wiping it across Sam's lips as he
straightened. "Tell her. Tell her what you want us to do to you," he said firmly.
He stepped away, gripping his cock in his hand and waving it at her like he was waving
goodbye, and stepped around to Sam's chest where Sireth was working. "How about a
kiss for luck," he suggested, waggling the large horse flesh towards her face as he
grinned. "Then you can give her cherry a kiss goodbye, too, and then share the treat we've
prepared with her talented little mouth."

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 28 Aug 2005 19:17    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

The slight daze that had fallen over Preston's face when he'd first heard the voice didn't
really go anywhere, but he did become a bit more coherant. Maybe it was a trick of the
wind, some little bit of Jenny's subconscious leaking out what I told her earlier... it wasn't
real, you don't even know what happened to Rachael... she might not even be dead yet,
she's an ugly old grandmother sitting on a porch somewhere with her bastard husband
and their little wicked children... He stopped his mental musings as he realized how his old
anger was getting carried away, not to mention the now apparent pain as he realized how
hard his hands were curled into fists and his nails pressing against his palms were
hurting... were he capable of it, he probably would've been bleeding.

He shook his head to clear it, glancing at Soothe, and how the younger one seemed so
incredibly naive. At least his attempts at letting the other ghosts know who was boss had
been partially successful. Now, if only Mica and some of the others would fall into line the
same way... The shift between the bottle of lube and the soda surprised him... Jenny's
subconscious seemed to only surround herself and not the rest of them, at least for now.
Getting out of here might seem like a good plan if the oppertunity presented itself. Being
locked in a dead house wasn't pleasant, but he guessed he would've preferred it to being
caged in Jenny's mind for eternity. Jenny seemed as clueless as Soothe regarding the
voice, but he really didn't expect much coherance from her in this state. He gave the
seagull a hard look, but simply dismissed it as a another figment of everything flying
around here.

Preston glanced into Jenny's cooler, raising an eyebrow at the contents. Things had gone
far beyond odd now, and he was definetely sure he was in contact with one of the dirtier
aspects of Jenny's mind, one which he hadn't noticed on his earlier intrusion, though,
granted, he hadn't really been looking for it. he watched her apply the lube, really not quite
sure what she was doing, but decided to play along. He reached a somewhat hesitant
hand into the cooler, withdrawing another tube, which read massage oils to him. "Ah...
what might this go best on?" he asked, hoping she might provide some clue to him exactly
HOW he could play along.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1590

Posted: 30 Aug 2005 17:20    Post subject: Confusion

[Jenny, Preston and Soothe]

Soothe seemed a little taken aback by Preston's trancelike
state, but his attention was soon drawn back to the cute girl sitting on the picnic blanket in
front of them. "Here," said the ringtailed lemur helpfully, kneeling in front of Jenny and
picking up a moderatly-sized dildo, a little less than his own thickness, and about equal to
his length. "Let me spread that on for you." With that, the lemur's bright golden-red eyes
focused fully on what Soothe was doing as he gently teased the tip of the dildo up and
down Jenny's little slit, spreading the lubricant around until she was well-coated and very

[Sam et al]

Sam reached out with her lips like a horse trying to grab a sugar cube held just
out of reach, managing to give the very tip of Micah's cock a lick. For all the sensation of
overloading that accompanied the Yattering's rough penetration of her mind, Sam was still
unbearably needy, her whole body feeling as though it were on fire. Sireth and Micah
could feel the tingling in the back of their mouths that marked the potent pheremones the
filly was giving off. It seemed that all of their sensual torments had driven the poor young
thing into a state of full, raging estrus, and the pain of it was obvious as she squirmed and
nickered and whimpered on the table. She'd sunk so far into desperate lust that she didn't
seem capable of answering, and just lay there, panting, the heat of her body rising up in
waves of need. As Sam was bombarded with questions, she looked up at Micah, and then
at Sireth, her eyes wide and desperate as she moaned lustily, wriggling her cute, firm
backside as sweat slicked down her fur until it clung to her like a second skin. It seemed
that the mental abuse of the Yattering had left her too rattled to form any really coherent
responses. She was uncertain of the meaning behind their words for many long moments.
Then, slowly, comprehension started to dawn on her face, and Sam gave a slight nod.
"Please," gasped out the filly as though it were her last breaths. "Please, breed me."

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 9963 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 1 Sep 2005 0:00    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

Jenny looked down between her legs as Soothe used the dildo as if it were a knife
spreading mustard on a hot dog, closing her eyes as an expression of pleasure appeared
on her face. "Mmmm, yes, that's the way," she said, looking into his eyes as she opened
hers, again. "All the way to both sides, please. I just hate it when someone makes a
sandwich for me and forgets to spread the butter all the way to the edges of the bread ...
don't you?"

Preston got her attention with his question and she raised an eyebrow as though she
could hardly believe that he needed to be told. "That's the basting sauce for the meat,
Preston," she explained as all her luxurious fur seemed to melt away leaving her pink skin
completely devoid of hair except for her head, eyebrows, and eye lashes. "You spread that
on it and work it in. It makes the meat more tender and tasty."

A little floppy-eared rabbit hopping down the beach pulled up to a stop right in front of
Preston, it's tiny nose twitching as it seemed to look up at him in curiosity. Suddenly it
winked at him. He knew it was a wink and not a blink, because it was only one eye. Then it
turned and hopped over to where Soothe was and looked between Jenny's spread legs,
cocking it's head to one side as though appraising the situation, and then scampered off
leaving a tell-tale trail of bunny prints in the sand.

[Sam, et. al.]

Sireth's answer to Mica's question was nothing more (or less) than a thoroughly lusty grin.
She knew, even without being told, that this would be the tool of Sam's deflowering and
that it was reserved for that duty. Perhaps later. No. No "perhaps". She would get it later.
That and much much more. Moaning softly and trying not to squirm as Mica fingered her
pussy, gathering a combination of her juices and his seed. A knowing grin spread across
her face as Mica wiped the stickiness across Sam's lips. She knew all too well the potency
of her own fluids, and that it would drive Sam into an even more desperate need, just as
her scent was affecting both mortal and preternatural beings, alike. The Yattering wasn't
the only one here who could pull that trick.

She scooted out from under the filly's ample breasts, in a way disappointed that she didn't
have time to play more with them, but there would be time later to do that. And more.
Much more. At Mica's invitation to kiss his horsemeat she licked her lips and patiently
waited for Sam to attempt to do it, first, and then sat up, leaning over the massive organ
and planting a long, hot, wet kiss right on the tip, her lips wrapping around the huge
cockhead (at least huge compared to her lips) as much as she could, and then she quickly
moved around behind the filly, spreading her butt cheeks widely apart with her fingers as
she eyed the delicious equine slit, dripping of wanton desire. Her eyes feasted on the point
where it ended right below her no-longer-virgin tailhole, and she touched that spot with her
finger, pressing inward and drawing the digit downward until it touched Sam's virginal
hymen. Spreading the wonderfully fragrant lips apart with her hands, she buried her
muzzle between them, her tongue making a long, slow, ardous trip from the tip of Sam's
needfully-erect clit to that membrane that was soon to be the focus of Sam's thoughts. As
she planted a gentle kiss on the delicate covering, getting her lips and the sides of her
muzzle thoroughly soaked in filly juice she rolled Sam's clitoral rod between the middle
finger and thumb of one of her hands, continuing until the long, almost passionate finally

Moving away, reluctantly, she glanced at Mica as if to inform him that the filly was ready
for deflowering, and then at the Yattering to see what he was going to do.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2452 Location: Indiana

Posted: 1 Sep 2005 15:39    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

Preston watched as Jenny's hair seemed to melt away, the weight of the tube suddenly
feeling very awkward in his grip. Maybe Freud had a point with all those theories on sex
relating to everything... He thought, deciding that once this was all over he was going to
pull that thick book of psychology from the library shelf and read it again, more carefully
this time. His thoughts shifted to the innocent looking rabbit looked up at him. And what
aspect of Jenny's psyche are you? he thought idly. As it winked at him, he remained still,
trying to make sure that he hadn't been seeing things. I think Jenny's brain is playing with
me... He shook himself back into reality and opened the tube, squeezing the oil onto a
palm and approaching Jenny from behind, placing a trembling palm on her back and
starting to rub the oil up and down over her back. "Like... like this?" he asked hesitantly.
Part of his brain wasn't into this. The voice he'd heard was just a bit too perfect to be
Jenny imitating... and Jenny had never even heard that voice before. He turned and
glanced back at where the rabbit had gone, half expecting to see an auburn-haired vixen
grinning darkly at him.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 2981

Posted: 1 Sep 2005 19:51    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica was, indeed, feeling the effects of Sireth's delicous scent, now mixing with Sam's
scent of mare in heat into a lucious bouquet of feminine arousal. What a fun day, he knew
there was a reason he hung around here. Aside from basically enjoying a free lunch from
the natural power of this place and the ever popular perk of bugging Preston. That in itself
might have been worth it for the ancient creature, but the old ghost's house seemed to be
the setting for great parties. Mica grinned as Sam finally made her request known, asking
for it now, where she had been reluctant before. She'd been shown the delights of the
pleasure she could experience, apparantly even somewhat enjoying the Yattering's rough
use of her tailhole, and now she wanted more, so much so that she had asked for it.
When Sireth added her own lips following Sam's, Mica grinned broadly again, watching as
the bunny kissed the head of his cock, her lips playing over the sensitive head as she got
into her task. Nodding in satisfaction as she moved on, Mica wandered towards Sam's
hindquarters with her, watching intently as she paid her last respects to the mare's soon to
be departed virginity. "Not long now," he commented as his hand idly stroked Sam's lower
back down to the base of her tail. "You'll get your wish, my little pony, you'll be breed. Just
as you want, just as you asked for. And you're going to love it," he added, glancing
towards her head, and giving her left ass cheek a little smack as Sireth moved away.
He smiled and nodded at Sireth's glance, getting the message, and said a quick, "Thank
you." Unable to resist himself, Mica, too, moved behind the filly and planted his hands on
her butt to spread her open and feast his eyes on the treat that was now his for the taking.
Pressing his thumbs against her outer lips, Mica gently spread her open, gazing at the
covering to her vagina that would soon be gone, and pressed his broad, equine tongue
against the hood of her clit. He licked slowly upwards, wiggling his tongue from side to
side when he touched her swollen berry, and continued upwards to lap the entirety of her
maidenhead with his tongue, finally ending with a slurping sound as he stood. "You see,
you should savor it, draw out ever moment of such a thing as this," he said, lecturing the
Yattering as he gazed at the creature, curious as to what it would do while Sam's cherry
was popped. "Especially with a special treat such as this." As he spoke, he lined his cock
up with the filly's sex, teasing the head across the folds of her lips and gently stroking it
across her clit. "You see, she's already somewhat experienced a quick deflowering with
your rolling pin illusion, now, she'll get to experience it long and drawn out, savoring
every... last... sensation." Mica punctuated each word with his horse member, using it
almost like a paint brush, dipping it between the folds of Sam's needy sex in broad up and
down strokes that coated his tip with her juices, grinning at his co-conspirators the whole

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1594

Posted: 14 Sep 2005 14:57 Post subject: Dreamy Picnic

[Jenny, Preston and Soothe]

Soothe couldn't help but grin as he watched Preston react to the bunny, though he made sure to hide
it as quickly as he could, not wanting to remind the old ghost that he wasn't supposed to be there.
Especially not now, as he continued to stroke the dildo up and down, getting Jenny's now smooth-
skinned quim nice and wet and slick as he gradually eased the sex toy into her, rotating it around
to ensure that she was well-lubed and ready for whatever might happen next. "Don't expect anything
to make sense," said Soothe quietly, talking to Preston, though he attention was on Jenny as he
reached up with his free hand to begin gently handling a pert breat with his nimble fingers. "Just
do what comes natural, and hope it feels right to your partner as well." Soothe hadn't noticed yet
how odd it was for him to be giving advice to the more experienced spirit, but when it did dawn on
him, he just shrugged and decided to carry on, as this was a realm of dreams, and there were untold
dimensions in this place.

[Sam et al]

Sam shuddered and nickered and whimpered as she was teased first by Sireth and then by Mica using
her own body! Feeling her own cock, or the cock she used to have, being rubbed up and down her
achingly sensitive virgin cunny was sending her into new worlds of pleasure and need, and she tried
desperately to thrust herself backward, to breach her own barrier and rut the virile stallion behind
her as she knew it was meant to be. But the Yattering's mystic bindings held firm, and Sam was left
sobbing in needy frustration, turning her head to look back at Mica with moist, pleading eyes as she
wriggled her firm backside in his large, strong hands, begging him without words to complete her.
The Yattering was watching this as he crouched in a tangled heap on a nearby counter, his alien
erection standing out from his groin like a pustulent tumor. He would soon reenter the fray, as his
twitching claws attested. But for now he was content to watch and let the others have their time at
play. There was plenty of time, after all. More than either of the others suspected.

ferryt Pack Leader

Joined: 31 Oct 2003
Posts: 9990 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 18 Sep 2005 3:11 Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

Jenny's face was a study of pleasure as Soothe continued to slide the dildo up and down her slit and
then added his hand to her breast, her eyes closed and a serene smile on her face. Mmmm ... yes,
Preston," she said almost inaudibly as he began to rub the massage oil over her back. "Work it in
real good," she added a little more loudly, still not opening her eyes, "and all over. You have to
get it all over the meat or it'll get a sunburn and then it won't taste good and you'll have to
cover it with hair."

"Who said it was part of Jenny's psyche?" a female voice sounded in Preston's mind and was then gone
as though it might never have actually been there, and a moment later the scent of sexually-aroused
rabbit drifted through his nostrils, a scent his two companions didn't detect.

OOC: The voice was Sireth's voice, BTW -- but I don't know if Preston would recognize it.

[Sam, et. al.]

Staring, almost longingly at the Yattering's erect shaft, Sireth debated whether to latch onto that
or follow through with her original plan. Giving the yattering a lusty grin and wink, she turned
back to Sam, and positioned herself on her knees in front of the thoroughly turned-on filly and
scooted until her own fragrant pussy was touching the equine's lips, and leaned over, her muzzle
buried in Sam's left ear. "Eat me, Sam," she said very quietly and then grasped that ear with her
left hand and nibbled it gently from base to tip before sitting back up and scooting forward a few
more inches. Putting her hands behind her she leaned until she touched her back down and then swung
her legs out so that she was now lying with her thighs spread around Sam's muzzle.

Draylen Pack Leader

Joined: 31 Aug 2002
Posts: 2465 Location: Indiana

Posted: 18 Sep 2005 16:16 Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

Preston rolled his eyes at Soothe. I stopped thinking everything here made sense a long time ago. He
thought to himself dryly. He added a bit more of the oil to his other palm and rubbed both hands
together, lowering them onto each side of Jenny's back, rubbing from side to sude along the back of
her shoulders. He'd done this before, a long time ago, to someone else, a memory he preferred not to
remember now, but the experience he'd gained from it remained. He drew his palms down, meeting them
together at Jenny's spine, and then down to the small of her back, before turning around and going
back up again, his palms pressing firmly against Jenny's flesh the whole time.

He flinhed visibly as the voice entered his head again, his eyes narrowing at no one in particular.
The words made him pause, as he tried to place the voice. It was different this time, one he didn't
recognize. Continuing his work on Jenny, he let his thoughts flow. Alright, so you want to play mind
games, fine. Whoever you are, how about you tell me what you want and what you're doing here.

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