House of fear III. Side 3

House of fear III
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SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 3086

Posted: 18 Sep 2005 22:18 Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica grinned with genuine pleasure as Sam worked her body, struggling to get at
the equine shaft he was using to tease her with as he lectured the Yattering on
how things were to be savored. Her look back over her shoulder sent an erotic
thrill through the ancient being as her tight buttocks wriggled beneath his
hands. "You see?" he commented to the Yattering, glancing towards the counter
the creature was perching on as he, himself, continued brushing his cockhead up
and down Sam's soaking folds. "Just look at her. So desperate, so needy, you can
see it in her very eyes how badly she wants it. You can't possibly sit there and
tell me that this isn't infinately more delectable than ramming a rolling pin
inside her in one quick stroke."

Turning his attention back to Sam, he positioned his cock right at her opening,
applying just enough pressure to start stretching her hymen as he caressed her
backside. "This is a special treat, being a girls first time, you know. You just
have to take a moment to savor things," he said, partly repeating himself, and
started pressing into her needy pussy a little more. Mica grinned, watching
Sireth position herself for her own pleasure and the mixture of juices that was
filling her, but Sam's hind quarters were of far more interest to him at the
moment. Slowly, steadily, Mica pressed in, putting more and more pressure on
Sam's hymen as her lips spread around his impressive shaft, delighting in the
feel of that thin membrane stretching. To do it quickly would end the pain that
much faster, but Mica didn't want to do that, oh no, he wanted to enjoy every
last moment of Sam's deflowering. And take his time he did, pausing to allow Sam
to experience the stretching of her sensative membrane as he let out a growl
that was more suitable to a carnivore. Finally he continued, pressing in, taking
her slowly, until her maidenhead finally gave way, granting his cock access into
Sam's inner depths as it tore. Even then, Mica continued to take his time,
milimeter by milimeter, pressing his shaft slowly into her untouched cunny,
feeling her muscles gripping them as he stretched her. Another growl came from
his throat as he slowly filled her, an immensely satisfied smile on his face.
"Having fun yet, Sam?" he asked idly as he pressed a little further into her
virgin nether regions.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1606

Posted: 23 Sep 2005 15:22 Post subject: Shattered Flower

[Jenny, Preston & Soothe]

Soothe's attention was utterly focused upon Jenny, and especially upon the
careful, slow motions of the dildo he was churning about inside her very wet
dream-pussy, a motion that was being mimicked on the young vixen's body with
astonishing exactness in the waking world, though without the dildo to get in
the way of the action. His eyebrowns went up as Jenny suddenly became furless,
but Soothe carried on undaunted. In fact, he decided to take advantage of this
new development by stroking his free long-fingered hand across Jenny's smooth
tummy, finding her pink skin very sensitive indeed as her mind interpreted the
touch as stroking against the tender fell beneath her fur. Stroking the back of
his furry hand lightly across Jenny's breasts, then bending over to flick his
long, fruit- eating tongue across her nipples, one at a time, Soothe licked his
lips and grinned, finding the dream-taste much to his liking. "Raspberries and
cream," said the young lemur with an approving nod. "Very nice fo you to bring
it along: it's my favorite."

[Sam et al.]

As Sireth plumped herself down in front of Sam and pulled the equine's muzzle
forward, the young filly quickly figured out what was expected of her, her
dextrous, talented grazing lips covering the folds of the bunny's cunny,
'nibbling' them apart with many succulent liquid sounds before the horse's
thick, smooth tongue slid out and in, penetrating deep into the mysterious
rabbit's sweet sex. Sam had done this sort of thing many times, and her muzzle
and tongue weren't likely to get tired any time soon. Instead, she began sliding
her head and tongue back and forth, curling her tongue into a tube-shape to
drive it deeper, then letting the surprisingly strong muscle unfold, stretching
Sireth's sex outward at the apex of the thrust. Sam continued to struggle in the
invisble bonds that held her, but as blood began to leak from her gradually
stretched, sundering hymen, the struggles were starting to be less and less
seeking to aid in Mica's penetration, and more and more against the impossibly-
strong force that held her down, forcing her to endure a slow, agonizing
defloration. Her scream was absorbed by Sireth's pussy, the vibrations of that
outburst and the frantic struggles of the poor filly's body setting off all
sorts of pleasureable chain reactions through the lop's lower regions. The
Yattering, who seemed not to be paying the least bit of attention to Mica's
lecture, decided that it was a good time to join in and trolloped down from the
counter and onto the floor with a skittering of clackclaws. In moments the demon
had covered the distance to the cutting board and ascended with all the grace of
a jungle predator, hoisting one leg over Sam's sweat- lathered back so that it
straddled the pony. Gripping Sam's mane like the reins of a nonanthropomorphic
horse, the Yattering thrust its hips unnaturally far forward, its throbbing
erect cock now only a scant distance from Sireth's nose, while his oily-scaled
body rasped against Sam's sensitive skin, making the poor little filly give a
sob into Sireth's pussy as she continued to obediently - or perhaps
automatically, as a way to alleviate the pain of her deflowering - munch and
nibble away at the hot bunny's sopping wet sex.

ferryt Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 10156 Location: The Heartland of America

Posted: 1 Dec 2005 17:39    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

"All of life is a mind game. So is all of death. And everywhere in between
them", the voice said again, and with it came another whiff of bunny. "I'm here
to play ... so why don't you just loosen up and enjoy yourself like everyone
else is doing? And when you've had your fill of that delicious little vixen,
there, why don't you come downstairs and join the real party, rather than play
the part of a stodgy old butler?" While the voice was rambling on the sexual
scent that seemed to accompany it started to get almost overpowering, and still
hung in the air around him after the voice faded away with a laugh that reminded
him of wind chimes.

Jenny seemed oblivious to what was going on between Preston and the mysterious
female, although at least part of the scent of arousal that was in the air was
clearly hers. She had her eyes closed and her muzzle tipped upwards, a low moan
of pleasure escaping her lips under the ministrations of three hands and a
dildo. She tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to shift her position to give Soothe
better access with the toy, that so far had only penetrated her slightly, but
she wanted more. His hand on her tummy was a distraction at first, but that
gentle touch on her bare skin quickly melded with the sensations of Preston's
lubricated hands on her back, and the familiar, yet different, feeling of the
toy as it entered her. She only wondered for a moment why that didn't hurt,
since she was still a virgin, but it met no resistance.

She was familiar with massages, but this was totally different -- sensual in
ways that fur on fur could never be, although she was only dimly aware that she
had never had a massage like this, before, and that thought lingered only until
the furry back of Soothe's hand brushed across her breast, followed quickly by
his tongue on her nipples, causing her to arch her back. "Mmmgh ... I love
raspberries and cream, Soothe," she said, not bothering to open her eyes to look
at him. You can have some, too, Preston. I brought enough for both of you."

[Sam, et. al.]

Sireth wasn't quite sure what to expect from Sam, but the young filly showed
surprising talent with her tongue, especially in her ability to actually
penetrate. With a delighted moan, the bunny leaned forward into a semi-sitting
position, her upper body hovering over Sam's head, and began to give her a
double ear rub, using her thumb and fingers in long, firm strokes with the lay
of the hair, making sure that her thumbs started at the sensitive opening of the
equine's ear canal on each stroke. She had been expecting Mica to get the
deflowering over quickly, and frowned when it was obvious he was going to take
his time, although the frown was almost immediately replaced by an especially
wicked grin. "It always hurts the first time, love," she commented gently as Sam
started to strain against her bonds, again. "You can't get away, so just let it
happen. It'll only hurt for a little while and then it only gets better and
better." When the thin membrane finally gave way with Sam's muffled scream,
Sireth groaned in pleasure from the extra vibrations that went through her body.
"That's my girl," she finally said, encouragingly. "Now let him do his thing and
you do yours with me and everything will turn out nice for all of us." Except
maybe the Yattering. Sireth still didn't have a clear angle on that curious
creature, and when he finally went into action she wasn't sure whether to back
away from him or not, but when he obviously presented himself to the lust-filled
bunny she wasted no time and leaned forward just a bit more, her lips closing
over the head of the cock that had been thrust in front of her face. She also
closed her teeth around it, gently, and not with a real grip, but making it
clear that she didn't want him to pull away, and then she started suckling like
a baby at a breast, closing her eyes to put other distractions out of her mind
as she concentrated upon her own task and the wonderful sensations Sam was
sending through her body with that strong, talented equine tongue.

SnowWraith Pack Leader
Joined: 03 May 2004 Posts: 3505

Posted: 1 Dec 2005 20:52    Post subject:

[Sam, et. al.]

Mica grinned as Sam dove with apparent relish into Sireth's sopping wet pussy,
her tongue delving into the bunny's folds and the warm cocktail of bunny juices
and coyote cream that had collected there. Oh, this was fun, and Mica really
didn't care if the Yattering was listening to him or not. Although, really, it
did give him an idea for tormenting the Yattering with later. That was simply
the way Mica was, what he 'lived' for, more or less. And Sireth wasn't the only
one to derive pleasure from Sam's scream, though in Mica's case, it was more her
squirming rubbing the freshly deflowered equine treat all over his equally
equine cock. "That's a good pony," he said with a little groan of pleasure
himself as he pressed further into her untouched depths, as long as you didn't
count an imaginary rolling pin. "Isn't that so much better?" he asked, hilting
himself within her with steady pressure until his thighs pressed against her
firm bottom. "You were practically begging for it, you know. And isn't that
special? Now you know what it feels like for all those pretty young filly's when
you show them a good time. But what's real, Sam? Is this? Maybe this is your
existense, pleasure, solely pleasure, that other life nothing more than a dream.
Tell me, Sam, would you like that?" Mica asked, not moving for the moment to
give her a chance to adjust to the equine shaft filling her tight little cunny,
though his hands relenquished their grip on her hips to stroke and caress her
buttocks with the same methodical precision he had shown for popping her cherry.

The Yattering getting in his way was mildly annoying, as it cut off his view,
though he could tell by the sounds that interesting things were happening beyond
him. Oh well, it wasn't like he didn't have other ways of entertaining himself
while he gave her a chance to adjust, and the feeling of just being inside this
tasty equine morsel was simply delicious. The Yattering had been demonstrating
some of his tricks through their little encounter, Mica had plenty of his own
that, in this place, were nothing. Though he did have an afinity for a simpler
way of life, probably one reason he enjoyed Preston's house, aside from
pestering Preston. Simply manipulating energy, as he started the slightest
rocking motion against Sam's rump, incidentally rubbing his balls against her
clit with the motion, Mica drained some of the heat from the area around both of
Sam's nipples, much the same as his candle trick, allowing the sudden chill to
pucker her flesh and infuse the sensitive skin. Then, letting that go for a
moment, he dumped all that thermal energy back and then some, suddenly warming
her nipples in a dramatic change in sensation.

Draylen Pack Leader
Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 2642 Location: Indiana

Posted: 2 Dec 2005 1:27    Post subject:

[Jenny, Preston, and Soothe]

Preston growled mentally a little bit. The 'Stodgy Butler' image was one he'd
unintentionally achieved over the years, and it tended to circulate around the
lower echelons of the denizens of the mansion, though few dared to say it to his
face, and with good reason. Oh, that party that, not so long ago went through my
head like an ice pick? He thought back bitterly. And how about you tell me how
you can get into my head so easily before I'll consider listening to what you
have to say. That closing laugh made him more than a little edgy, to say the
least, and the fact that a downright lusty scent accompanied it made it seem
that someone else supernatural happened to be in the house that night... and it
wasn't one he recognized...

With that, he refocussed his attention on Jenny. He added a bit more oil to his
palms and drew them down along the midsection of Jenny's back, pressing his
thumbs to the small of it in repeated, strong motions. At Soothe's words, he
looked up, leaning his head around to see what exactly the lemur was referring
to, and noting that her bosom seemed the base of this analogy. He slowly removed
his palms from her back and came around towards her front, the first faint
stirrings of true lust for this creature starting to manifest. He leaned down to
Jenny's unoccupied breast, licking across it in a wide circle before drawing it
more directly across her nipple. He paused, looking up. "Yes, quite delicious...
the strawberries are very fresh..." he commented in an offhand manner before
giving her a few more licks.

Gideon Kalve Jarvis Pack Leader
Joined: 16 Jan 2003 Posts: 1647

Posted: 24 Dec 2005 8:02 Post subject: Sweet Struggling

[Jenny, Preston and Soothe]

Soothe glanced up briefly as Preston joined in the play with Jenny's suddenly
naked breasts, and smiled slightly, but said nothing before his muzzle returned
to the cute little nipple, engulfing it, sucking it in so that his tongue could
make a quick, teasing circle around the sensitive little girl nub. The flavor
was quite pleasant in the dream world, and it encouraged the young ghost to
continue to completion.

As his mouth remained occupied, Soothe carefully parted the young vixen's lower
lips, glancing down with a pleased smile as her juices flowed out around the
reasonably-sized pleasure toy. For a moment he just held it there, twisting it
and then wiggling it from side to side just to make the young girl moan. And
then Soothe took a deep breath, and let it out slowly, his hand pushing forward
in time with the breath, sinking the shaft of the faux-penis almost to the hilt
in Jenny's tight little girlcunny.

[Sam et. al.]

Sam felt the yattering using her head as a seat, heard the slurping sounds as
Sireth began to suck on the throbbing, twisted length of green demon meat, and
could even smell the strange, otherworldly scents from not just the Yattering,
but from Micah and Sireth as well! But before she could think on this for a
moment longer, her pert, sensitive strawberry-pink nipples suddenly perked to
aching hardness as a sudden chill fell over them, making Sam's whole body
shiver, followed by a sudden return of the stolen heat, making her shake and try
to pull away from an imagined heat source.

All of Sam's squirmings, of course, just added to the pleasures of the creatures
ravishing her, for the blonde filly wriggled so nicely around Micah's massive
stallion's cock, spitted like a suckling pig by the massive penis he'd stolen
from Sam's memories of his own dimensions. And at the same time, her tongue
worked its way around Sireth's cunny with expert skill, stretching the bunny's
labia wide and finding her secret pleasure-giving places with unerring accuracy,
for Sam was no novice in using that well-formed muzzle, agile lips and long,
thick, smooth pink tongue to their best effect, the motions so well learned
through long practice that they came instinctively even under the duress she was
now forced to endure.

After some initial searching, her tongue probing Sireth's wet depths, getting a
good taste for the lop's spiced cunt juices, Sam closed her large, soulful eyes
in resignation to her fate, and sought out the rabbit's G-spot, her large,
strong equine tongue more than adequate for this task where the tongue of
another creature might not have sufficed.

Micah's squeezing and stroking of Sam's pert, firm young rump just made her
squirm even more, for the filly knew very well from past experience that these
sorts of manipulations were the foreplay that very often led to anal
penetration. And, try as she might, Sam couldn't bring herself to hate what she
knew was going to come.

The Yattering cocked its head to the side as Sireth put an incisor-lock on its
cock, and then grinned, showing far too many teeth. Then, with that, it
deliberately pulled back, leaving its cock behind in Sireth's mouth with an
almost comical 'pop,' the knobbled green length wriggling like a lizard's
severed tail, trying to push its way deeper into the bunny's mouth, its fat,
bloated demonballs still dangling just underneath as a useful 'handle' of sorts.
If Sireth applied any attempts to suck on this disembodied penis, she would
quickly find that the Yattering still winced and tensed in pleasure, somehow
still connected to the sensations of the cock in Sireth's power.

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