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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

Call me Avanti Halfhorse, most furies do. Now I write, not for profit or anything, just for
something to keep me occupied and to try to entertain the masses with my stories. I don't
really know how good I am, so I suppose that's why I like to see my works published on
free mediums (like the internet) because I don't think I'm good enough to get my works
published in print. I enjoy comments from people, wether they are constructive or just
some pitiful attempt at proving their worth by bad mouthing me for no reason what-so-ever.
Now let me get one thing straight now: I AM A RELATIVELY NEW YIFF ARTIST AND I
RIGHT. I haven't even been broken in yet, so this is relatively unknown ground for me.
Give me some credit with my adaptation, but pick up everything I get wrong. (This future
Pleasure Pony has to learn one way or another and less I learn under whip, the better for
my hide.) If you have any comments on the story or just general advice, please send them
to Avanti_Halfhorse@Yahoo.com.au and I'll take the advice on board (or reply to your
napalm attack in an attempt to burn me with a napalm reply of my own.) Oh, and for the
record, I know how bizarre I am.

Part 1) Adolphus 1

The summer's sun barely shone through the green leaves of the forest as the dark grey
wolf walked along the path through the forest, his long sword hung over his shoulder.
Despite the fact that it was a hot day, the wolf still wore his trousers and cloak, but he wore
no shirt. He was a mercenary for hire and as he passed from war to war, the name of
Adolphus had power over the weak. They all feared him because of his strength and
speed with his sword. He was unquestionable when it came to sword-to-sword combat, or
so he thought. By the end of the day though, he would know otherwise. Adolphus paid little
attention to the birds and the bees as they went about their mad yearly ritual of gathering
and building, he didn't really care about it because he played no part in either. As he
walked along the path, a strong scent filled his nose and he knew what the smell was.
Horse. He stopped and took a deep breath of the scent. Female horse. Adolphus smirked,
not because the horse was female, but because the female horse was completely alone
and would be easy prey. He hadn't eaten in a couple of days and this was the perfect
opportunity to feed. He gathered his bearings and the way the scent was coming from
before he took off after the scent. He ran into the trees as fast as he could. The scent
seemed to get stronger as he ran towards it. The female horse wasn't moving, she was
either ignorant or stupid, either way Adolphus knew he would eat horse meat tonight. He
dove through the trees and came to a stop near a small pool that was illuminated by a hole
in the tree cover. Adolphus sniffed the air again. This was the place where the scent was
coming from, yet no one was here. Adolphus growled in anger as he paced around the
pool. He had run all that way for nothing. He turned and began to walk back towards the
path when he heard a splash as something jumped from the pool. He turned around
quickly and drew his long sword. Standing next to the pool was a naked chestnut mare
with two short swords, one in each paw. Adolphus looked over his prey with interest,
maybe the fact that she was female wasn't such a bad thing and he would get some
enjoyment out of this mare before he ate her.
"What are you staring at?" the mare asked as she held her two short swords ready.
"I don't know if it's dinner," Adolphus replied as he looked the mare over a second time.
"Or a toy."
"Well," the mare noted as she walked towards Adolphus. "Whatever you want, you'll have
to fight me for it because I want you." With those words, the mare attacked savagely.
Adolphus managed to block her attacks as he was driven back. As Adolphus' back hit a
tree, he blocked the mare's two short swords with his long sword.
"Now why do you want me?" Adolphus asked as he held the mare's blades back.
"Let's just say, that I am harder to pleasure than any other mare and I like my men rough,"
the mare noted as she leaned into her blades, forcing Adolphus' blade closer and closer to
his throat.
"So you're a horny mare," Adolphus noted as he tried to force the mare back. "What do
you expect me to do about it?"
"What you're told to do," the mare noted with an unsettling look in her eyes.
Adolphus smiled deviously as he dropped out from underneath the mare's swords and
rolled to the side. The mare regathered her composure and looked at Adolphus as he
stood there smirking.
"Gotta be faster than that," Adolphus noted as he prepared for the mare's next attack.
"Just you wait," the mare noted as she prepared to charge. Adolphus braced for the
mare's attack. For a minute, neither of them moved.
"Move mare," Adolphus noted as his smile widened up his muzzle. "I don't have all day
and I'm getting hungry."
"You'll feed soon," the mare noted as her fingers on her left paw moved around the hilt of
the sword. With a quick flick of her wrist, she threw one of her swords at Adolphus.
Adolphus moved his sword and the sword glanced off, tore Adolphus' cloak and stuck fast
in a tree behind him. As Adolphus turned to see where the sword went, he heard
hoofsteps charging at him. Adolphus turned just in time to be able to deflect the blow, but
he was thrown off balance and fell onto his back, his long sword bouncing out of his reach.
The mare walked up to Adolphus and put her hoof in the middle of his chest.
"You loose wolf," the mare noted as she held the short sword up close to the end of
Adolphus' muzzle. "Now let's the ground rules clear."
"Just kill me," Adolphus muttered as he turned away. The mare lifted her other leg up and
gently held it over Adolphus' balls. Adolphus felt the hoof gently resting on his balls and an
expression of shock slowly grew on his face and he looked at the mare.
"Are you going to listen now or am I going to geld you?" the mare asked as she slowly
applied pressure.
"I'll listen," Adolphus muttered as he turned away.
"Good," the mare began as she lifted her hoof from Adolphus' manhood. "Rule number
one. You are now my slave and you will be referred to as 'slave' until I decide to give you
another name. You will always refer to me as Mistress Felicity. Is that clear slave?"
"Yes Mistress Felicity."
"Good slave. Rule number two. You will do as you are told or you will be punished. If you
do as you are told, you will learn that my pleasure from you doing good is your pleasure. If
you do not do as you are told, you will learn new definitions of pain. Is that clear slave?"
"Yes Mistress Felicity."
"Good slave, you learn quickly. Rule number three. You are a sex slave. That is your only
purpose as far as my pleasure is concerned. I have enough geldings and maids to tend to
my every other need. You may do whatever you wish with your spare time, but the
moment I call you, I expect you there almost immediately. The longer I wait, the longer you
must make up for your tardiness. Regardless of what you are wearing, you will always
wear the black collar I will give you and put around your neck. It will not leave your neck,
under any circumstance, unless I remove it. Is that clear?"
"Yes Mistress Felicity."
"You're quite accepting of your fate slave. Rule number four. If you try to leave, you will be
hunted down and brought back so I can deal with you myself. You lost the fight and so
your life now belongs to me. Is that clear?"
"Yes Mistress Felicity."
"Good," Felicity noted as she stepped off of her slave's chest. "Now stand up."
Adolphus rolled over and sat on his paws and knees for a minute.
"I said stand up slave," Felicity noted harshly.
"Just a minute Mistress Felicity," Adolphus huffed as he stood up. Adolphus felt the tip of
Felicity's sword sticking into his back.
"Now walk," Felicity noted as she gently poked Adolphus in the back. Adolphus stepped
forward and walked to where ever Felicity directed him.
"Now just stand there," Felicity ordered. Adolphus stopped and the point of the sword left
the middle of his back. Adolphus turned his head slightly and saw Felicity searching
though her clothes for something.
"What are you looking for Mistress Felicity?" Adolphus asked as he watched Felicity
search through her clothes.
"This," Felicity noted as she lifted a black leather collar from her clothes. "Now look
Adolphus looked forward as per ordered as Felicity stood back up. Adolphus felt Felicity
standing close behind him and clip around his neck the black collar.
"Now you belong to me," Felicity noted as she tied a piece of rope through a loop on the
collar. "Kiss your freedom goodbye slave."
Adolphus sighed as he felt a sharp tug at his collar.
"On your paws and knees slave."
Adolphus pulled against the collar, but he felt the tip of Felicity's sword tracing down his
back, so he quickly dropped to his paws and knees.
"Don't do that again," Felicity ordered as she looked through her clothes again.
"Yes Mistress Felicity."
"I will kill you if you misbehave."
Adolphus gulped as he glanced over his shoulder again. It was then he noticed the coat of
arms on one of the scabbards. It was the crest of the Casper family, one of the largest
kingdoms in the lands, ruled by a family of horses. It was then Adolphus realised
"Are you Princess Felicity?" Adolphus asked as he looked forward again.
"The very same," Felicity replied as she pulled a muzzle from her clothes. "But you are to
always refer to me as Mistress."
Felicity walked over to Adolphus and grabbed the end of his muzzle, holding his mouth
shut so she could put the muzzle on Adolphus.
"This is for my protection until I know that you are loyal to your mistress," Felicity noted as
she tied the muzzle to the collar. "Be good and you will be rewarded with freedom from
this muzzle. Remove it yourself and you will be punished. Is that clear?"
"Yes Mistress Felicity," Adolphus replied as best he could with his mouth held close to shut
by the muzzle. Felicity stood back up and looked at her slave.
"You won't be needing your cloak," Felicity noted as she removed the broach the joined
the cloak around Adolphus' neck and pulled the cloak away from Adolphus.
Adolphus looked up at Felicity.
"Eyes down slave," Felicity noted as she tapped Adolphus' muzzle with the flat of the short
sword she still carried. Adolphus dropped his eyes and looked at his front paws. Adolphus
heard Felicity searching though her clothes again.
"Where are those bracers," Felicity muttered to herself.
Adolphus slowly started to walk forward on his paws and knees, maybe he could escape.
Felicity gave a sharp pull on the rope, pulling Adolphus up off his paws and onto his back.
"Don't move anywhere," Felicity noted as Adolphus rolled off his back onto his paws and
knees and choked, grasping at the collar with his one of his paws. "Serves you right
slave." Felicity found the bracers she was after and walked back over to Adolphus.
"Kneel slave," Felicity ordered as she stood in front of Adolphus. Adolphus lifted himself up
so he was sitting on his legs. The bracers Felicity had in her hands were made of leather
and they were held across each other, effectively binding the wrists together.
"Now give me your wrists," Felicity ordered as she opened up the thongs on the bracers.
Adolphus held up his wrists and Felicity put the bracers on Adolphus' wrists, making sure
that the thongs were tight. Adolphus watched as Felicity put his second arm into the
bracer, making his arms cross each other. Felicity smirked as she looked at her bound
"How does it feel to have no freedom?" Felicity asked as she took a couple of steps back.
Adolphus hung his head as he knelt there, letting his bound arms fall to his stomach. For a
minute, Adolphus said nothing.
"Slave?" Felicity asked impatiently.
"Horrible, Mistress Felicity," Adolphus replied as he looked at his Mistress. She was barely
five and a half feet tall. Adolphus couldn't understand how she was so strong, but it was
clear she was stronger than him. She wasn't exactly overly built, in fact she looked quite
perfect, almost innocent, even if it was a false innocence. Her body was sleek and her
curves were amazing. Felicity's breasts were not exactly large, but they were quite firm.
Her equine legs and hooves only served to confuse Adolphus further. As far as what the
stallions and colts he had fought besides had told him, the legs of a mare of filly were the
most dangerous parts of their body, yet the most sensitive to the touch and nip (key parts
of equine foreplay.) Felicity's legs looked quite strong, yet sleek and tantalising and her
chestnut tail seemed to fit in well with the rest of her body. Adolphus licked his lips as best
as he could with the muzzle in place. Felicity noticed Adolphus' gaze and smirked.
"Enjoying the view, slave?" Felicity asked as she walked up to Adolphus and grabbed at
the muzzle.
"You are beautiful, Mistress Felicity," Adolphus replied, hoping to avoid another slap from
the flat of her short sword she held in her paw.
"Good to hear," Felicity noted with an evil smirk across her face. "Now stand up."
Felicity stepped back as Adolphus rolled from his knees onto his feet and lifted himself up
from the squatting position. Felicity smirked as she looked over her new slave. Adolphus
stood almost six foot six and built like a soldier should be. The grey fur that covered his
body gave way to softer white fur that covered his chest, stomach and the bottom of his
muzzle. Various scars of white or light grey fur marred Adolphus' body, the scars of
various battles. Felicity thought of the pleasure she would have with her new toy, but was
disappointed as Adolphus' black trousers were hiding her true prize. Felicity walked up to
Adolphus and cut the trousers away with her short sword. Adolphus stood there as naked
as Felicity, save for the collar, muzzle and the bracers he wore.
'He is a true prize,' Felicity thought to herself as she stepped back. Adolphus was strong in
all parts of his body and this was also reflected in his legs. Felicity smirked and chuckled
as she noticed Adolphus' tail between his legs.
"Scared?" Felicity asked as she walked up to Adolphus and ran her free paw up and down
Adolphus' chest.
"No Mistress Felicity," Adolphus replied, trying to hide the fear in his voice.
"Horses can smell fear, you stupid wolf."
Felicity threw the short sword aside and gently began to massage Adolphus' balls in her
"Now show me all of my prize, slave," Felicity ordered in a seductive tone of voice. "Or do I
have to force it out with potions?"
Adolphus relaxed to the firm, but warm touch of his mistress and Adolphus let his tail fall.
Felicity removed her other paw from Adolphus' cheat and ran it over her sex, covering her
paw with her scent of arousal. That scent meant the same thing in any species and this
was proved as she lifted her paw up to Adolphus' nose and this hastened the process.
Adolphus tried to pull away from Felicity's paw, but Felicity grabbed the muzzle with her
scent covered paw and pulled the muzzle down. The movement in Adolphus' sheath is
what Felicity was after and soon, she would be rewarded with the size of her prize. As she
ran her paw over Adolphus' member, she smiled gleefully.
"It's a pity you can still sow your seed," Felicity noted as she gently ran her fingers up and
down the length of Adolphus' member. "Otherwise I'd take you right here and now."
Adolphus looked at Felicity with confusion.
"What do you mean Mistress Felicity?"
"Now why would I want to be thrown into foal by a slave?" Felicity asked as she ran her
cheek up and down Adolphus' chest, taking deep breaths of Adolphus' scent. "Regardless
of how cute he may be. My surgeon will 'fix you up' so to speak. You'll keep your
manhood, you just can't use them properly. But enough of that." Felicity pushed Adolphus
back a step, taking the rope in her paw. "You said you were hungry."
Felicity walked over to the pool, pulling Adolphus behind her.
"You're scent is intoxicating and it's teasing me," Felicity noted as she walked into the
pool, Adolphus walking in after her. "You made me hungry for your seed, so you must cure
my hunger without giving me your seed."
With a quick tug, Felicity pulled Adolphus close to her and Adolphus looked into her eyes
with confusion.
"Pleasure me slave," Felicity ordered as she lifted herself up onto a boulder that rose out
of the water, her rump just sitting on the boulder.
"And how do I do that Mistress Felicity?" Adolphus asked as Felicity lay back.
"Guess. I want to see how good you are and I'll teach you the proper technique later."
Adolphus stared in confusion for a minute. Whilst he had slept with a couple of bitches in
his life, he had no idea what he was going to do now. None of them had forced him in that
way and it certainly caught him off guard, but a quick tug of the rope brought his thoughs
back to earth.
"Lick slave. How hard is it to figure out?"
Adolphus slowly waded closer, the scent of his mistress' arousal made him feel giddy.
"I don't think I can do this." Adolphus groaned.
"How hard can it be?" Felicity inquired as she sat up.
"I've never done this to anyone, yet alone a mare Mistress Felicity."
"Yes, all you males are alike," Felicity groaned angrily as she lay back down. "More
interested in your own enjoyment than the enjoyment of the female."
Felicity disregarded her slave and began to play with her sex with her paw.
"As a slave, you will have to learn that my pleasure is more important than your own,"
Felicity explained as she gently stroked herself. "If you think I will ever pleasure you, you
are sadly mistaken."
Felicity was soon arcing her back as sat there stroking herself. Her nickering and screams
filled the glade.
"As useless as you are slave," Felicity ordered as she stopped stroking herself. "I've done
most of the work for you. Finish the job and you can lick me clean. Just lick, nothing
Adolphus waded closer and lowered himself so his muzzle was at the same height as his
mistress' moist sex, the smell seemed to act as a lure. He began to lick his Felicity's sex
as best he could with his muzzle held shut. Felicity's scent was strong with the smell of her
heat and the juice that coated her sex was an adictive taste. Adolphus was soon licking
with enthusiasm in an attempt to get as much of the sweet nectar as he could. Felicity's
nickering became more intense as she stroked her breasts, pinching at her erect nipple as
she passed over them. As Adolphus continued to lick gently, Felicty sat up gasping.
"Is something wrong Mistress Felicity?" Adolphus asked as she raised his head slightly.
"Yes," Felicity replied in between her gasps. "You've stopped licking me."
Felicity grabbed the back of Adolphus' head and forced his muzzle into her sex and
Adolphus began to lick as fast as he could. Felicity's legs tensed up around Adolphus'
head, neighing and nickering as she came, Adolphus licking madly to try and get as much
of Felicity's juices as he could. Felicity soon let go of Adolphus' head and lay down, trying
to catch her breath.
"Are you all right Mistress Felicity?" Adolphus asked as Felicity put one of her paws on her
"Tired," Felicity replied. "Lick me clean, then leave me alone for half an hour or so. Go play
with yourself or something, but only when you have cleaned me up."
Adolphus continued to lick Felicity's sex, the scent seeming to subside as she fell asleep.
Once Adolphus had finished, he waded over to the bank and washed his mouth out before
he sat down on a stone under the water that seemed to be at the right height for a bench
in the pool. The smell of Felicity's scent still hung on Adolphus' muzzle and it was playing
with his sexual interest, his member still erect under the water. Adolphus began to play
with himself as best he could with his wrists pound, his thoughts crossed with all the tasks
he would be given. As he continued to play with himself, he concluded that maybe this had
possibility. Mistress Felicity would not require his services every waking hour. As a
princess of the Casper family, she would have tasks of her own. She would have non-furry
horses to tend to and other events that she would have to attend. That would give him
maybe eight or nine hours to himself, just as long as he was able to 'service' her at a
moment's whim. Though he was unsure of what she meant by being 'fixed' by her

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