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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

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Be cautious of females, but be afraid of females with armies.
- Avanti Halfhorse

Part 2) Adolphus 2: Bound, bridled and hobbled

What was he thinking? Adolphus shook his head and cleared his thoughts. Felicity was
asleep on the rock and she had left him to his own ends, without guard. This was the
opportunity he was waiting for, his freedom was right under his muzzle. Adolphus stood up
and walked out of the pool, the rope tied to his collar dragging behind him. He walked up
to the short sword stuck in the tree and knelt down and began to rub the thongs of the
bracers against the blade. Felicity kept her blades sharp and they cut through the leather
thongs like they were butter. Adolphus then removed the bracers from his arms followed
by the muzzle and collar. With a quick check to see if Felicity was still asleep, Adolphus
grabbed his long sword. Felicity was still asleep, nickering quietly in her dreams and the
thought of getting his revenge crossed his mind. Adolphus slowly waded into the pool and
stood next to the rock, where the naked Felicity was sleeping and raised his sword to
strike her head cleanly from her body. Felicity turned over so she would have been looking
at Adolphus if she had her eyes open. Her face seemed so innocent, but Adolphus knew
better, it was false. As Adolphus prepared to strike, Felicity mumbled something in her
"Don't leave me, I don't want to be alone."
Sympathy stayed Adolphus' paws and he lowered his blade. He was no thief and he
wouldn't kill Felicity as she slept. She was innocent, despite her sexual habit. Adolphus
grumbled as he wadded through the pool and got out. Felicity was young, barely a mare
as far as Adolphus could guess and she had many years left in her life. She would settle
down once she was in foal.
"She's only young," Adolphus muttered as he picked up his torn clock and threw it over his
shoulders, attaching the clasp around his neck. "I'll let her live."
"Good move slave," a strange voice that came from behind Adolphus commented.
Adolphus turned to see a black stallion dressed in green resting against one of the trees,
bow in hand and a quiver of arrows could be seen behind one of the stallion's shoulders.
"If you had chosen to kill the princess, I would have killed you before you struck."
"Who are you?" Adolphus asked as he turned to face the stallion.
"I am Razher," the stallion replied as he stood up straight and drew an arrow from his
quiver. "Head of the Princess Felicity's Rangers. Now don't move because I'm not the only
one here."
Adolphus turned and fled as fast as his legs would carry him towards the edge of the
forest. As long as Adolphus was in the forest, the rangers could catch him.
"We hunted you before," a voice echoed through the forest. "We can hunt you again."
Adolphus ran through the trees, hopefully in the right direction back to the path. He had to
get to the edge of the forest because he was only dangerous when he could see his
"You can't escape," a female voice echoed in the forest. "You are not just hunted by
horses, but by wolves as well."
"You are in our domain," another voice echoed as three arrows shot out of the foliage and
pinned Adolphus' cloak to a tree, bringing Adolphus' throat to a quick halt, throwing him
onto his back. Adolphus' choked as he undid the clasp of his cloak and was about to stand
up when a grey female wolf dressed in green and carrying a bow with an arrow drawn
walked up to Adolphus and put a foot on his chest.
"Don't move slave," the wolf warned as she pointed the bow at Adolphus' face. "Let go of
your sword before I pin your paw to it."
Adolphus slowly lifted his paw off the handle of his sword. Razher walked up to Adolphus
and kicked the sword out of Adolphus' reach.
"The Princess isn't happy," Razher forewarned as he knelt down on his haunches and
looked at Adolphus closely. "And she will punish you for breaking the trust she placed in
you. Not a good start slave."
"I couldn't care less about the princess," Adolphus growled as he started at Razher. "She
wants to make me her slave."
"We are all slaves in our own way," Razher noted as he stood up again.
"And you are mine," Felicity noted as she dropped from the boughs of a tree, wearing
nothing but her fur. "I hunted you the moment you walked into the forest, laid the trap to
catch you and defeated you in a duel. Did you actually think that I would leave you
unguarded? How stupid do I look slave?"
"Do you want me to answer honestly?"
Felicity laughed as she walked up to Adolphus.
"Now you realise that you don't want to be a slave," Felicity laughed as she looked at
Adolphus. "Well tough luck slave, that's all you are now. Hobble him."
Razher attached two metal cuffs around Adolphus' legs, just above his feet and attached
the two with rope.
"You must learn," Felicity warned as Razher tied up Adolphus' wrists. "I warned you that if
you ever tried to escape, I would have you hunted. Now you know I wasn't bluffing. You
would be hunted by the best rangers I have, including myself. You would get barely five
miles before we caught up with you. I was told you faltered when you had the opportunity
to kill me. Because you showed me mercy when you could have killed me, I will be
merciful. Get him on his feet, I want to give him a quick dose of medicine before we take
him back to the castle."
The female wolf removed her foot from Adolphus' chest and Razher picked him up. Felicity
walked up to Adolphus and stood in front of him.
"I don't need to take you back to the castle in order to torture you," Felicity said as she
clenched a fist and punched Adolphus squarely in the gut. Felicity was strong and she
knocked the wind out of Adolphus. He tired to stagger backwards, but Razher was
standing behind him, holding tightly onto his shoulders.
"I don't even need my potions," Felicity punched Adolphus again. "I can just stand here,"
Another punch came into contact with Adolphus' stomach. "For the next couple of hours,"
Another punch to his gut caused Adolphus to choke. "Just punching you until you bleed."
The final punch caused Adolphus to cough up blood and his head dropped, the fresh
blood pouring through his teeth.
"Drop him," Felicity ordered as Adolphus coughed. "He won't be going anywhere."
"Should we do something about his bleeding?" Razher asked as he let go of Adolphus'
shoulders, causing Adolphus to fall over and curl up into a ball.
"When Gareth gets here with our mounts, I'll give him a potion to stop the bleeding. In the
meantime, he can regather his strength because he will be walking back to the castle."
Adolphus rolled around of the ground groaning in pain as the female wolf walked up to
"Quite a quarry," the female wolf said to Felicity as they both admired Adolphus as he
rolled around in pain. "I wouldn't mind a night with him."
"I know," Felicity replied as she tapped Adolphus' back with her hoof, eliciting a round of
groans and quiet howls of pain. "When he has been taught, he will be a worthy servant."
"That's if he survives," Razher noted.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Oh nothing."
Felicity looked at Razher with annoyance.
"Well if he is as independent as he looks, your paws will be full trying to keep him under
"Well I always have you and the nobles to punish him," Felicity reminded Razher. "Admit
that you would like a night with my slave as well."
"My wife would kill me."
"No, your wife would kill you if she caught you with another female, not a male."
"Hey!" the female wolf called out in annoyance. "What about me? I could torture him just
as well as any male!"
"I know you could Kitty," Felicity explained. "But us females just don't have the reach that a
male has. Besides, I was hoping you'd help me teach him how to pleasure a female."
Adolphus rolled onto his stomach, blood still staining his teeth.
"You speak as though I will surrender to your control," Adolphus commented as he got up
and stood there on his paws and knees. "I intend to cause you enough trouble that you will
eventually give up."
"That is assuming that you survive that long," Razher cautioned as he walked up to
Adolphus' side. "Princess Felicity will screw with your mind so much that you would
eventually break, you will be begging for her to stop the pain. She can torture you with
potions and lotions and that's just the beginning."
"I fought in wars and I have been wounded. What makes you think I will break under the
"I'm hoping that you won't," Razher noted as he ran his paw down Adolphus' spine. "The
princess is right, I wouldn't mind a night with you and I will teach you to respect those that
ride you because that is what I was taught under whip and quirt, by both males and
females. By the time I'm finished with you, you will have a greater appreciation of the
kindness your new mistress is going to show you." Razher gently wrapped his paw around
Adolphus' tail and gently pulled it through his paw. "The princess bagged quite a quarry
when she caught you and I would be greatly honoured to get a night with you. I might even
bring my wife so she can have some fun with you."
"I am not some possession to be used."
"You are," Kitty corrected. "States that quite clearly in the unwritten rules of the warrior
code. If one warrior looses a duel to another warrior and the second warrior chooses to
spare the first warrior's life, the first warrior becomes a slave to the second warrior."
"Traitor," Adolphus hissed at Kitty. "You're a wolf and you side with the horses."
"Deal with it," Kitty noted as she crouched down and looked Adolphus in the eyes. "I
earned the title of ranger and I intend to keep that title. Either that or a life as a slave in the
bitch houses. Personally, I prefer to fight in the forest than be fucked against my will. I
don't know about you, but then again you don't have a say in the matter."
"Fuck you," Adolphus growled as he spat some blood coloured spit.
"My pleasure," Kitty replied with a wide grin across her muzzle. "When Princess Felicity
decides to start teaching you how to pleasure a female, not only will you feel the strikes
from the princess, but mine as well." Kitty gave a high pitched giggle as she stood up. "I've
always wanted a bitch!"
"That's if he learns," Felicity noted. "This slave here thinks that I will not get what I want."
"Yes, yes. We know how foolish he is, but he will learn if he ever wants any freedom at all.
He won't escape from his duties, despite the fact he is tied up in the dungeon. In time, I will
break him because I've done it before."
Adolphus groaned as he spat some more blood coloured spit from his mouth.
"Fuck you," Adolphus swore under his breath as he lowered his head.
"No," Felicity corrected as she knelt down in front of Adolphus. "It's 'Fuck you, Mistress
Felicity.' Is that clear slave?"
Adolphus spat in Felicity's face.
"Fuck you bitch, you will never break me."
Felicity wiped Adolphus' spit from her eyes as she stood up.
"Never break you?" Felicity inquired as she looked at Adolphus. "NEVER break you? Wolf,
I will either make you mine, or the males of the nobility will make you mine. Either way
doesn't matter to me, but I prefer my slaves alive when they begin their services to me,
rather than half-fucked to death." Felicity walked over to one of the trees and rested her
back against it. "Bridle the wolf. I don't want to hear another word from his mouth."
Razher smiled as he took from his bag that hung at his side a black leather bridle.
"Grab him Kitty," Razher ordered as he organised the bridle. "Try not to bruise him."
Kitty jumped on Adolphus' back, grabbed his muzzle and forced his jaw open. Razher
walked over with the bridle and slid the metal bit into Adolphus' mouth and put all the
leather straps around his head and tied Adolphus' muzzle shut around the bit with a
leather strap.
"Well that should keep that wolf quiet for a while," Kitty noted as she got off Adolphus'
back. "Make him more responsive to the commands we give him as well. That bridle is
good at doing that."
Razher looked at Kitty curiously. Kitty blushed as she explained.
"I had a strange coltfriend at one stage."
"Mounts are here!" Gareth, a beige colt called out as he lead four non-fur horses into the
"About time," Razher noted as he walked up to Gareth and took the reigns for his mount. "I
would like to get home, I haven't been this arroused for ages."
"We don't need to know about your sex life," Kitty noted as Gareth gave her the reigns for
her mount.
"Well we were talking about it just before," Razher reminded as he put his hoof into the left
stirrup and hoisted himself up into his saddle.
"Yes," Kitty replied as she lifted herself up into her saddle. "But that was an ?if'. It might
not actually happen."
"I hope is does," Razher said as he looked as Adolphus and gave his lips a quick lick. "I
want a piece of the Princess' new slave." Adolphus diverted his gaze away from Razher.
Gareth walked the other two mounts over to Felicity.
"Would you like some assistance?" Gareth asked Felicity as she unpacked her clothes
from a saddlebag on her mount.
"No," Felicity replied as she unfolded her pair of trousers. "You three can go on ahead. I
can smell that Razher wants to get home. My slave is hobbled, bridled and tied, he won't
be going anywhere fast." Felicity sat down and pulled her trousers on. "I'll be back in an
hour or so and I won't be needing any assistance for the rest of the day. I'll see you all two
hours after dawn tomorrow."
"Yes Princess," Razher replied as he spurred his mount in the direction of the castle. "If I'm
late, you know why!"
Razher on his mount disappered into the undergrowth of the forest.
"Horny fool," Kitty grumbled as Gareth lifted himself up into his saddle.
"As least he gets some on a regular basis," Gareth noted as he sat himself in his saddle.
"Guess again Gareth," Kitty warned as she spurred her horse to a trot. "I am not sleeping
with you. I'm not desperate."
"I wasn't going to suggest that!" Gareth cried out as he spurred his horse after Kitty, a hurt
tone in his voice. "Stop assuming that I want you!"
"So I'm not good enough for you?!"
"I never said that!"
The rest of the arguement between Kitty and Gareth was muffled by the forest. Felicity
looked at Adolphus.
"It's just you and me," Felicity said as she walked over to Adolphus and took the reigns
that were attached to Adolphus' bridle in her paw and undid the muzzle strap to allow
Adolphus to talk. "Tell me, what made you stay your paw from taking your revenge?"
Adolphus lifted his gaze so he was looking Felicity in her eyes.
"Why would I tell you?" Adolphus demanded.
"Because," Felicity warned. "If you don't tell me, I will punch you again."
Adolphus growled and turned to walk away, but a quick tug at the reigns brought him back
to facing Felicity.
"I realised that you are more innocent than your actions portray," Adolphus explained.
"You muttered something in your sleep."
Felicity gave the reigns a quick downwards tug.
"Mistress Felicity," Adolphus added with contempt.
"Now what did I mutter in my sleep?"
"You seemed to ask me to stay with you because you didn't want to be left alone."
Though she was blushing, Felicity gave the reigns another sharp tug.
"Mistress Felicity."
Felicity looked Adolphus over.
"You wouldn't quite understand my pain," Felicity noted as she made Adolphus look at her
face, rather than her bare breasts. "You are a slave who was once a warrior, what would
you know of pain."
"I suppose you are right, Mistress Felicity. I wouldn't know."
Felicity laughed quietly to herself.
"We have a long ride back to the castle," Felicity noted as she walked Adolphus over to
her mount. "And I know that you are tired, so I will make my horse walk, that way you can
keep up. I was going to make you run with the hobbles on, but I won't be cruel. You might
not be smart enough to know when to do as you are told, but you are smart enough to
know the right thing to say to avoid the brunt of my wraith."
Felicity lifted herself up into the saddle and gently spurred her horse to walk using her
knees, holding Adolphus' reigns in her right paw.
"In time, you will surrender to me. How long that takes all depends. I always get what I am
willing to work hard for and I want you to be my pleasure slave. Wether you like it or not,
that is your duty now."
Adolphus grumbled as he walked next to Felicity's horse.

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