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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

Comments to Avanti_Halfhorse@Yahoo.com.au

Eunuch: Gelded slave

The ladder to the top is always long and the battles are many, but regardless of what the
top rung is, you always have to start at the bottom.
- Avanti Halfhorse

Part 3) Adolphus 3: 'Madame Fiona's house of bitches'

The Casper family's main keep was situated in the castle city of Balazar and as Adolphus
and Felicity on her mount rose over the last hill in their road, Adolphus saw the great
castle city for the first time.
"It's amazing," Adolphus said in awe as Felicity brought her mount to a stop. "I've heard
stories of Balazar, but I never thought I would see it."
"It's a great city," Felicity commented as she sat on her horse. "We have many libraries
and guilds and our army is well trained. We also have many brothels and massage
parlours, whatever one's sexual fantasy may be, the city could probably organise
something. It is unfortunate that the city doesn't cater to my tastes." Felicity looked at down
at Adolphus and licked her lips. Adolphus noticed her gaze, but didn't look up. Felicity
chuckled as she returned her gaze towards the city.
"That will be your home from now on slave," Felicity noted as she spurred her horse
forward into a walk, Adolphus started walking as well to avoid getting the reigns on his
bridle jerked. "When you have proven your loyalty to such an extent that I know that you
won't flee from the castle, then you will be allowed to explore the city to your heart's
content. The extents of your freedom depends upon your loyalty."
Adolphus groaned to himself as they made their was towards the castle.

The news of Princess Felicity's new slave had spread before they had arrived back at the
castle and crowds had all ready gathered to see what the slave was.
"They are all here to see you," Felicity congratulated Adolphus as she looked at all the
faces looking down from the windows. "They all want to get a glimpse of the sex slave of
Princess Felicity."
Adolphus hung his head shamefully, he could hear the gossip of the crowd.
"So that's the princess' new sex slave?"
"Yes, he is. He looks like he was a warrior."
"I wonder where she gets them from."
"I don't know, but he mustn't be much of a male if he lost to the princess."
"Ignore them slave," Felicity comforted as she turned her mount towards the 'lower' side of
the city. "They are all either jealous of me or of you. Who wouldn't want to be my prize or
have you as their prize? With the possible exception of the geldings, of course."
As they headed towards the lower end of the city, Adolphus looked up at the signs on the
'Golden nests.'
'The stables of pleasure mare's.'
'Mistress Diana's house of pleasure and pain.'
"So the rumours are true," Adolphus muttered in awe as he looked at all the signs.
"See something you like?" Felicity inquired as she stopped her mount outside of
'Madame Fiona's house of bitches', dismounted and tied the reigns of her mount around
the holding rail out front of the building. Adolphus wagged his tail happily as he read the
"This one looks as though it would tickle my fancy Mistress Felicity," Adolphus answered
as Felicity lead him inside.
"Well don't think you're here to enjoy yourself," Felicity cautioned as they stopped in the
parlour and Felicity pulled a rope bell. "They are going to clean you up for tonight."
"Tonight, Mistress Felicity?"
"Whilst the nobles might have seen you as we entered the city, I must hold a party so they
can see you up close and I'll be able to recruit some males to help me train you."
"Males, Mistress Felicity?"
"Just because you are now calling me Mistress Felicity, that doesn't mean that you are as
loyal as you would like me to believe. The males I recruit to help you learn get to teach you
to respect whomever rides you."
"Rides me, Mistress Felicity?"
"Means whoever controls you," a white female wolf clarified as she opened the door and
walked into the parlour. The white female wolf stood about six foot and was dressed in a
white flowing dress that stopped just above her ankles and she held a riding crop at her
"Ahh, Madame Fiona," Felicity greeted as the white wolf closed the door. "How are you
holding up?"
"Same old, same old," Fiona sighed as she walked up to Felicity and the two females
hugged each other briefly. "Yourself?"
"I'm in a relatively good mood," Felicity responded as she tugged at Adolphus' reigns that
she still had in her paw. "I've just acquired a new slave."
Adolphus stepped forward and stood in front of Felicity so Fiona could get a good look at
"Impressive catch," Fiona commented as she walked around Adolphus and looked him
over. Despite his fear, Adolphus kept his tail limp. "Where do you get them from?"
"Oh, a dedicated hunter can always find prey."
"Well this one looks as though he's in his prime and will stay that way for many years to
Fiona tapped Adolphus' rump with the riding crop, causing him to jump.
"May I?" Fiona requested.
"Be my guest."
Fiona brought the riding crop down hard on Adolphus' rump and Adolphus yipped in pain
as he took a couple of steps forward.
"Do not shy away from inspection touches," Fiona corrected Adolphus as she grabbed his
tail and pulled him back to his original position. "You are property and you must get used
to being touched by strangers and not shying away. At the party tonight, you will be
groped by males and females and if you know what's good for you, you will not move away
from their touches. They are not allowed to arouse or hurt you, but the Princess will strike
you if you do move. Is that clear?"
"Yes Fiona," Adolphus replied humbly. Fiona struck Adolphus' rump again, but Adolphus
didn't move this time.
"That is Madame Fiona," Fiona corrected as she started to inspect Adolphus again. "You
refer to me or any female noble as Madame and you refer to any male noble as Sir."
"Yes Madame Fiona."
Fiona walked around Adolphus again and muttered something to herself.
"Something the matter?" Felicity asked.
"Physically, he fine," Fiona listed as she walked over to Felicity and stood next to her.
"Good strong body, firm chest and he has a gentle touch. I don't know about his member
"Oh there's nothing wrong there," Felicity giggled childishly under her breath.
"Worth seeing?"
"When you've seen one......"
The two females chuckled for a minute.
"Like I said, physically, he's fine. The only problem would be his attitude. He has a fire in
his eyes that I just don't trust and I suggest you get rid of that fire if you ever wish to use
him without bindings."
"No," Felicity corrected. "He has to keep that fire or else he looses his stamina, it's what
makes him a warrior."
"It is impossible to keep that fire in his eyes and keep him as a slave. Every bitch that I
purchased that had that fire in their eyes, lost it within a week of working here. I can't keep
it, what makes you think that you can?"
"Make a slave loyal through respect and you can keep that fire, make a slave loyal though
pain and they loose it."
"I will believe that when I see that."
"You will see it in time," Felicity wagered. "He will respect me and he will keep that flame.
But enough of us, I'm here on business."
"I am your faithful servant," Fiona reminded.
"I would like my slave given a wash and grooming if that's okay with you."
"I'll get my assistants onto it straight away," Fiona promised as she walked towards the
door she had originally came from and opened it. "They will come and collect your slave in
a minute. Any pleasures for yourself whilst you're waiting, Princess?"
"No thank you," Felicity thanked as she dropped Adolphus' reigns and walked over to one
of the seats and sat down. "I've had my fun for today."
Fiona nodded and closed the door as she walked down the corridor. Adolphus looked
around the room for a minute at the paintings that adorned the walls.
"Never seen anything like this before?" Felicity queried as Adolphus began to walk around.
"No Mistress Felicity," Adolphus responded, his attention directed towards the paintings on
the walls of various female wolves being mounted by males of various species.
"Don't think you'll be doing things that way," Felicity counselled as she looked at some of
the pictures. "I prefer to lie on my back as I'm pleasured and I don't like being abused."
After a couple of minutes, two grey wolves that looked male walked through the door.
"We're here for your slave," one of the wolves addressed Felicity as they both bowed to
"He's the one with the bridle on," Felicity instructed, not paying much attention to the two
wolves. "If he acts like a prick, you can strike him, but don't leave any visible marks. He is
required to be shown tonight."
"As you wish, Princess Felicity," the second wolf replied as they both stood up straight and
walked over to Adolphus.
"This way," the two wolves gestured as they stood either side of Adolphus. Despite the fact
that he didn't quite trust the two wolves, Adolphus followed and walked through the door.
The two wolves lead Adolphus to a bathing room. Inside was a large wooden tub, filled
with warm water.
"Please stand still," one of the wolves ordered as he knelt down and removed the hobbles
on Adolphus' legs. "And don't try anything foolish because we can both take you down and
punish you if we deem it appropriate."
Adolphus gulped as the second wolf walked over to a cupboard and pulled out three
pieces of silk rope and brought them over to the other wolf.
The first wolf thanked the other wolf as he took a piece of the silken rope and tied
Adolphus' legs up in a similar style to the hobbles, but with a shorter step.
"So what do you think of him?" the first wolf asked the other one as he stood up.
"Quite a prize," the second wolf judged. "Never seen one like this come through here
"Not as a slave anyway."
The first wolf took another piece of silk rope and tied Adolphus' wrists together before
removing the long piece of rope that Razher had used.
"So how long do you think the princess will keep this one?"
"I dunno, my money says a year. That's what the current trend states."
"Yes, but all of those slaves she promoted from the lower ranks."
"Pity we're not eligible," the first wolf grumbled as he took the third piece of silk rope and
tied it around Adolphus' neck.
"Why's that?" Adolphus queried.
"We're both eunuchs," the second wolf sighed deeply.
"We've been gelded," the second wolf sighed again. "Do you think that they'd let any
normal male do this job?"
Adolphus thought for a minute.
"No, I suppose you're right."
The first wolf removed the bridle and tied a loose loop around Adolphus' muzzle with the
remaining tail of the neck rope.
"Now into the tub," the first wolf commanded as he tapped Adolphus' rump with his paw.
"I'll go find out what scent the princess will want on her slave."
Adolphus stumbled over to the tub, the rope around his legs making walking difficult as the
first wolf walked out the door, closing it behind him.
"You'll get the hang of it," the second wolf noted as he walked over to the tub and helped
Adolphus get in. Adolphus lay down in the warm water and relaxed. The warm water was
quite relaxing and soon Adolphus could feel himself dozing off.
"I wouldn't go to sleep," the second wolf warned as he noticed Adolphus beginning to
doze. "I'll be waking you up in a minute."
"I'm just so tired," Adolphus replied dozily. "It's been such a strange day."
"And it hasn't passed five," the second wolf added as he walked over to the window and
looked at the clock tower. "You still have many hours left in the day before you can sleep
and a lot more stranger things will occur before you go to sleep today. Now what is your
name slave?"
"Adolphus," was the muttered reply.
The second wolf turned and looked at Adolphus as he fell asleep.
"Adolphus?" the second wolf inquired curiously. "As in Adolphus the mercenary?"
Adolphus didn't reply.
Adolphus began to snore as he lay in the tub. The second wolf pinned his ears back as he
looked at Adolphus with dissatisfaction.
Adolphus woke with a start.
"I'm awake," Adolphus said hastily as he sat up.
"I said not to sleep slave. I don't care how relaxing the water is."
"Sorry," Adolphus apologised humbly.
"Get used to being tired," the second wolf forewarned. "It's part of your life now. You wake
before your mistress and go to sleep after her."
"Been a slave for a while?"
"Been a slave since I was born," the second wolf groaned as he walked over to the
cupboard and pulled out two stiff scrubbing brushes. "And I used to be a famous pleasure
slave as well."
"You used to be a pleasure slave?" Adolphus interrogated. "But I thought you were a
"I was a pleasure slave," the second wolf rectified as he walked over to the tub and knelt
down. "Then I was gelded."
"What did you do?"
"Cheated on my master."
"Master? Don't you mean Mistress."
"No, he was quite definitely a male."
Adolphus shuddered as he thought about it.
"That's disturbing," Adolphus choked.
"I quite enjoyed it," the wolf replied cheerfully as he picked up one of the scrubbing
brushes and dipped the bristles in the water. "You get used to it after a while, once the
pain stops."
Adolphus shuddered again.
"So Princess Felicity had threatened to get the males to break you?"
"Yeah," Adolphus muttered as the wolf started to scrub Adolphus' fur.
"You'll find it to be quite a shock to your system," the wolf advised as he scrubbed the
mud, dirt and blood from Adolphus' fur. "That is probably the main reason she'll use that
technique. That and the humiliation you will suffer. You are heterosexual, aren't you?"
"Quite," Adolphus fearfully replied.
"Yeah, you'll hate it and you will feel violated. If you want my advice, I suggest you do what
Princess Felicity says and you should be all right. Except......" but the wolf trailed off before
he finished.
"What is it?"
"I've heard rumours that the head of the Princess' rangers enjoys the pleasures of males
almost as much as he enjoys the pleasure of females, but he is married so that rumour
doesn't quite work out."
Adolphus' gulp could quite clearly be heard.
"So it's true," the wolf observed as he watched the fear grow in Adolphus' face. "Then
regardless of wether you are good or not, you'll still be taken, by a horse as well. I'd hate to
be you."
"But you said....."
"My master was a wolf, so the shock wasn't that bad because a wolf isn't as big as a
stallion. If you're lucky, Razher will be kind."
"Any advice?" Adolphus inquired as he started to chew on his claws. The wolf slapped
Adolphus' wrist to make him stop chewing his claws.
"Do as you're told, when you're told."
"I was talking about Razher."
"So was I. You never enjoy your first time if it's forced. Trust me, I've seen it happen a lot."
"You have?"
"I work in a brothel you foolish wolf," the wolf scorned as he pulled Adolphus' muzzle down
so he could scrub the top of his head and ears. "The number of times I've had to comfort a
young wolf slave because she's been violated by a bear is beyond count."
"I just hope that Mistress Felicity doesn't employ the services of a bear."
"She won't," the wolf noted as he tapped Adolphus' back so he would move forward.
"They're aren't any bears in this kingdom and the largest noble would be Lord Gevian, a
Adolphus looked over his shoulder at the wolf with curiosity.
"How do you know Lord Gevian would be the largest?" Adolphus inquired.
"Just because the sign says that this is a bitch house, that doesn't mean that only the
bitches are mounted. Some of the male nobles still wish my services."
"Are you kidding me?"
"You don't need balls to be mounted," the wolf commented as he scrubbed Adolphus'
back. "You just need to sound as though you are either enjoying it or suffering because of
it. And I am sparing you all the gruesome details."
"Gruesome details?"
The wolf simply moved forward so he could stare at Adolphus with disdain.
"When I say 'I am sparing you all the gruesome details,' I am doing so in your best
"Oh," Adolphus said with a slight tone of shock. "Never mind."
The wolf got back to scrubbing Adolphus' back.
"Are you almost done?" the other wolf asked as he walked back into the bathing room.
"Princess Felicity has all ready picked out the outfit and she is getting impatient."
"Well you leave me alone to scrub a dirty wolf and you expect me to have it done by the
time you got back?" the second wolf asked hostilely. "What were you doing anyway?"
"Princess Felicity was using me as model for the outfits."
"Well he's almost done," the second wolf said as he took Adolphus' tail from the water and
brushed it. "If you want to hurry the process up, scrub his legs rather than stand there and

After being thoroughly towel dried, Adolphus was lead into the dressing room where
Felicity was waiting patiently.
"Your slave is ready," the first wolf noted as he opened the door and lead Adolphus in.
"Washed and dried, ready for the grooming and perfume."
"Good to hear," Felicity thanked as she stood up and walked over to Adolphus, I can
handle him from here.
"As you wish, your highness," the wolf noted as he bowed and left, leaving Adolphus and
Felicity alone.
The room itself was well lit with a large open wardrobe filled with leather outfits and
shelves of potions.
"Enjoy your bath?" Felicity asked casually as she walked over to the wardrobe and took a
bottle of lotion from the shelves of lotions.
"It was enlightening, Mistress Felicity," Adolphus replied as he tried to hide the fear in his
"I now realise the full potency of your warning, Mistress Felicity."
Felicity walked over to Adolphus with a smile across her face.
"I thought I recognised one of those servants," Felicity muttered to herself. "One of them
was a former pleasure slave to one of the nobles."
"Yes, I was talking to him as he bathed me, Mistress Felicity."
"I heard they had a falling out."
"He cheated on his master, Mistress Felicity."
"So you've learnt two things during your bath?"
"Yes, Mistress Felicity."
Felicity chuckled as she noticed the fear in Adolphus' voice.
"I don't intend to hurt you," Felicity chuckled as she opened the bottle of lotion and poured
some onto her paw before she replaced the stopper. "If you co-operate, that is. Only
Razher will mount you if you are a good wolf. If you annoy me in any way, I will get the
nobles to help me punish you, starting with Lord Gevian."
The look of shock spread quite quickly across Adolphus' face. Felicity simply chuckled as
she walked over to Adolphus and rubbed the lotion on both her paws.
"So you've heard about Lord Gevian?"
"Yes, Mistress Felicity. The eunuch told me that he has to be the biggest of the nobles."
Felicity thought for a minute as she rubbed the lotion into Adolphus' fur, the smell of roses
wafting up into his nostrils.
"He's pretty tall," Felicity commented as she rubbed the lotion into Adolphus' chest. "He
himself would stand about eight feet tall and by all accounts, only bears put him to shame
when it comes to his thickness and length."
"I'll be good, Mistress Felicity," Adolphus whined as his legs buckled and he fell forward
onto his knees.
"Good to hear," Felicity noted happily as she rubbed the lotion into the fur on top of
Adolphus' head. "Like I said before, I want my pleasure slave alive when I finish their
training. I will make sure that Razher is kind to you."
Adolphus simply gulped as he knelt on the floor.

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