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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

After three weeks or so off, I present to you a special treat. This is part of the Adolphus
series, but a special part, a special edition if you wish. Every now and again, I'll write one
of these pieces to change the flow of the story and since I have been writing a slow
romance for the last three weeks plus, I think it's time for something faster and a bit less
romantic. I sayz it'z time for a hunt. As per usual, any comments or alike to

(One of these days, I'm going to have to write a manual on this slaverey stuff.)

The hunt isn't just the chase.
-Avanti Halfhorse

Part 4) Adolphus SE 1: Slaves of a different kin.

Over 100 Km north of where Adolphus had entered the woods, on the exact same day that
Adolphus fell to Princess Felicity, a large dragon soared on the updraughts in his hunt for
a new slave. He soared over fields of the equine wanderers in a long pass before he
turned around and took a lower glide over the fields.

Sheila was walking along the road towards one of the outermost fields where her fiance
was working along with the other stallions and colts of the village. She was a five foot nine,
Arabian horse fur with a light grey coat that made her look older than what she really was,
dressed in a plain dress and carrying with her a basket of fresh bread. She was only
eighteen and still a filly by the laws of her people, but she was soon to be married to her
fiance Matthew. Her hooves clattered on the stony road as she made her way to the field
and she thought of what her new life was going to be like. Next year she would be taking
care of a foal with her handsome husband, living the life that her people had lived for
countless numbers of generations. Next year, they would be sowing their crop at the base
of Mount Belshaer, her place of birth and a fitting place for her first foal to be born. She
loved that mountain and she always felt happy there. But her dream was about to be
shattered just like the tranquillity of the day. The dragon that was circling overhead noticed
the young filly walking along the road and smirked, she would make a perfect game.
Sheila was startled as the eight foot, emerald green dragon, not wearing anything but his
scales, landed hard on the road in front of her, causing her to jump back and drop the
basket of bread. The dragon smiled at the filly as he bared his teeth, saliva dripping from
his fangs and he prepared to pounce.
"Cccc..can I help you?" Sheila asked with a gulp as she tried to edge her way back.
"Why yes," the dragon said as he stood up straight and licked the saliva from his fangs.
"Can you tell me if you are available for purchase?"
"I have already been purchased," Sheila stuttered as she knelt down and picked up her
basket and began to put her bread into the basket. "My fiance owns me now."
"Would he be willing to part with you?"
"No," Sheila cried out. "He wouldn't part with me!"
"We'll see," the dragon huffed as he dove at Sheila, but Sheila was fast and she managed
to avoid the dragon's grip and ran into the field. The dragon roared out of anger as he
stood up and watched the filly run.
"You can't escape!" the dragon called out after Sheila as she ran through the field. Sheila
ran as fast as she could, she had to escape because she knew what that dragon wanted.
The stories that the village elders told all the young fillies ran through her mind. The
dragon wanted a slave and Sheila knew that if she couldn't escape, she would never see
her Matthew again. The dragon spread his wings and beat his wings before he shot up
into the sky like a rocket and began his pursuit. Sheila dove onto the ground as the dragon
made his first pass, the wind of his speed causing the wheat in the field to bend quite
severely, some of the heads of the wheat touching the back of Sheila's head. Sheila stood
up and began to run again, changing direction every now and again to confuse the dragon,
but his speed and agility in the air rivalled Sheila's on the ground. Sheila quickly changed
direction again and the dragon flew past and arched up and around and began chase of
Sheila again. Sheila ran as fast as she could, the dragon's talon's slowly catching up with
her and just before the dragon had her in his grasp, she dove down again and the dragon
shot past. She couldn't keep this up much longer and she hoped that the dragon was tiring
faster than she was.
"I bore of this game filly!" the dragon called out from the air as Sheila stood up again and
began to run. The dragon continued his pursuit without any signs of tiring. Again, Sheila
dove aside just before the dragon grasped her in his talons and he shot past and pulled
back. Sheila watched him go high up into the air until he started to slow down. He yawed
around sharply and came flying back at her. Sheila gasped as she stood up and ran as
fast as she could away from the dragon. Just as the dragon was getting close with his
talons again, Sheila was getting ready to dive down again when her hoof caught a stone
and she tripped. Sheila seemed to fly through the air, her arms and legs flailing as she
began her descent and she closed her eyes before she hit the ground, but she felt the
dragon's talons wrap around her stomach and pick her up, stopping her from hitting the
ground. Sheila didn't open her eyes for a minute until she knew she wasn't going to hit the
ground, her senses relatively numb, but she soon felt the wind rushing past her ears and
she opened her eyes. The dragon twisted his long neck and looked at Sheila.
"Now we shall see if your fiance will negotiate," the dragon threatened as he looked Sheila
over. "I'm sure that your people would rather keep their crops for the winter than one of
their own."

Matthew was helping weed the straw when the large emerald coloured dragon landed
heavily on the edge of the field, his presence immediately calling all attention towards him.
"Matthew!" Sheila neighed out loudly under the dragon's arm.
"Sheila!" Matthew yelled out as he made a run towards the dragon, but the other stallions
grabbed him and pulled him back. "No!"
"Yes," the dragon said calmly as he looked at the six foot, black Arabic colt called
Matthew. "I have your fiance and I have a proposal."
"Give me back my Sheila you bastard," Matthew cried out angrily.
"Well that's part of the proposal," the dragon explained calmly, not feeling threatened by
Matthew's words, or Matthew at all for that matter. "You have to choose."
Matthew immediately calmed down.
"Name your proposal," Matthew said, trying to sound calm, despite his anger.
"Now you have two choices; either you keep your crop and I keep this filly here," the
dragon lifted Sheila up under his arm just to prove his point. "Or you get your filly back and
eat ashes for the winter."
The other stallions muttered amongst themselves. Sheila looked at the dragon before she
looked at Matthew and she could see the rage and indecision in his equine face, but she
already knew what his answer would be, the survival of the heard came before anything
else, but Sheila hoped that maybe Matthew would choose her. The stallions whispered
something to Matthew and they seemed to argue for some time before Matthew looked at
the dragon.
"Is there any way we could pay for you to spare our crops?" Matthew inquired.
"Sort of a compromise?" the dragon asked himself as he looked at Sheila. "Maybe. You
get your filly and your crops in exchange for 10,000 gold pieces."
The dragon knew he could have said 1,000 and the heard wouldn't have been able to pay,
but he felt like he deserved something for chasing Sheila for so long.
"We don't have that money," Matthew said as he hung his head shamefully. "And we need
our crops. She is yours." After saying that, Matthew turned his back to Sheila and the
dragon before he walked away, swishing his tail sadly.
"Matth...!" Sheila tried to call out, but the dragon held Sheila's jaw shut with his other paw.
"Shut up slave," the dragon ordered as he pulled Sheila's muzzle up so she was looking at
him. "You are now mine."
Sheila began to cry as she looked up at the dragon as the dragon unfurled his wings and
took off back towards the city of Balazar.

Sheila sobbed the entire way back to the city as she watched the fields of her old life fade
from view and the cityscape of Balazar loom in front of her. The dragon turned towards
one of the taller towers on the 'lower' side of the city and landed on a balcony near the top
of one of them. The dragon walked through the curtains into a large bedroom. Piles of gold
filled the room and the four poster bed itself looked as though it was made from solid gold
as well. The dragon threw Sheila onto the bed without a second thought to her and walked
out the door, closing and locking it behind him. Sheila ran for the balcony, but before she
could get out onto the balcony, she ran up hard against a force field that threw her back
against the floor.
"What foul magic is this?" Sheila asked as she looked at the green glow of the force field.
"This isn't natural."
For several minutes, she pressed her paws against the force field in an attempt to find a
way around it somehow when the dragon returned.
"It's magic," the dragon explained as he walked through the door. "Only I can pass through
that barrier and whomever I am touching. Other than that, it's no go."
"Am I a prisoner?" Sheila asked as she looked at the dragon.
"Not just any prisoner," the dragon corrected. "But a sex slave, you now belong to me."
"By the means of a cheap trick," Sheila said angrily at the dragon. "They had no choice but
to let me go."
"I get what I want by any means necessary," the dragon explained calmly as he walked
towards Sheila. "It's called aggressive negotiation."
"It's nothing but cheap tricks against people that did nothing to you!"
"True, but they will receive a good supply of wheat and other grains for the winter from my
personal stores, more of the young foals will survive this winter because of the choice your
fiance made."
"You'll give my people food for this winter?" Sheila asked, confused with the dragon's
thinking. "Why?"
"Look at it this way," the dragon explained as he walked towards Sheila. "Because more
survived, they will be able to produce more crops. More crops means more feed. More
feed for the winter means fatter horses. Fatter horses means a more content me."
"You'll eat my people?"
"Only if I decide to eat you."
Sheila walked away from the dragon with her back to the wall.
"Why would you eat me?"
"Because you no longer have a purpose."
"This is blackmail!"
"It's predator and prey and as far as my lunch is usually concerned, you're prey. Pleasure
me and your people live. Fail at your task and they'll join you on my dinner plate."
"You're a monster!"
"I'm the predator."
The dragon charged at Sheila and before she could move, she was pinned against the
wall by his body.
"And this predator is hungry."
Sheila knew what was next and she shuddered at the thought. She brought her paws up to
her muzzle to give her some sort of protection, but the dragon grabbed at her wrists and
lifted her up so she was seeing eye to eye with him.
"I will not give into you," Sheila warned. "I will never moan in ecstasy for you."
"Your body will say otherwise," the dragon smirked as he looked Sheila over briefly. "I can
make your body say otherwise."
Sheila put her head to one side so she was looking at the dragon with just her right eye.
"Never," Sheila neighed with defiant fear in her voice.
"How wrong you will be."
The dragon threw Sheila onto the bed with one swift motion, despite the fact that the bed
was half way across the room. Sheila bounced on the soft mattress and lay on her back as
the dragon walked over to her. Sheila tried to kick at the dragon's groins, but the dragon
was fast and before she knew what had happened, her two legs were bound to the
bedposts at the bottom of the bed, her legs spreading wide, almost at a right angle. She
whinnied in fear as the dragon lay her down and tied her wrists to the top two bedposts.
Once Sheila was tied to the bed, the dragon got off the bed and looked his game over.
'A prize worth noting,' the dragon thought to himself as he walked around the bed. 'Strong,
keen, beautiful, ripe.'
Sheila looked at the dragon, her stare filled with fear, her dress wet with her sweat and
sticking to her fur. The dragon simply smirked at the filly as he walked past the end of the
"Now before I use you for the first time, tell me something," the dragon asked as though he
was asking the most innocent question in the world. "What do you expect me to do to
Sheila lifted her head so she could see the dragon.
"What do you mean?"
"Do you think I will rape you like any male would?"
Sheila remembered the stories she had been told from those mare's that escaped from
slavery and they all talked about being violated their first time.
"Yes. Why do you ask?"
"Because maybe you fail to realise what I really am."
"You are a noble, what else is there to think about?"
"Do you think I hatched into nobility?"
Sheila stopped and thought for some time.
"What did you hatch into then?"
The dragon walked to the end of the bed and crawled over Sheila's body so he was above
her. Sheila gasped as the dragon undid the lashings that held the top of her dress
"I didn't hatch into nobility," the dragon explained quietly as he pulled the dress so that
Sheila's chest was exposed. "In fact I hatched at the bottom of the social ladder. I hatched
a sex slave." Sheila felt the dragon's long forked tongue slide over her chest, leaving a trail
of saliva behind. The dexterity of his tongue was far beyond what she could do and this
was quite evident when she felt the dragon's tongue wrap around each of her dark
coloured nipples and tease them. She tried to resist to the dragon's tongue, but his touch
was far too soft for her to resist long. Each time the dragon withdrew his tongue from her
chest, she would try and ignore her body's urges, but the moment the tongue returned to
her chest, she simply melted again under his warm saliva. The dragon knew all her weak
spots and he was quite enjoying teasing each of them. She tried hard to avoid giving him
any pleasure, but she was soon nickering and whinnying under his touch.
"You said you would never cry out in ecstasy," the dragon reminded Sheila calmly as he
withdrew his tongue. "Have you changed your tack or do you have no other choice?"
Sheila just squirmed on the bed as the dragon watched her.
"It seems almost a shame that you haven't been broken in at all yet or I would mount you
for the first time, but I have better intentions for you." The dragon hopped off the bed and
watched Sheila lying in the bed, almost panting for him again.
"What sort of intentions?" Sheila asked as she arched her back.
"Have you ever enjoyed a male's company to such an extent?"
Sheila's thoughts returned to Matthew for a minute and all those times that Matthew had
played with her with his paw.
"What of it?"
"Can you think of what was the most enjoyable part?"
"Matthew's touch, it was always warm."
"Did he ever actually penetrate you in any way?"
"No, he didn't. I haven't been mounted at all."
"What about his paw?"
"What does it matter?"
"Because I need to know what your limits are or else I could kill you by accident. You can't
run a hundred miles if you can only run one."
"What if he has? It's happened and there is nothing you can do about it."
"True, but it only means that the pleasure of breaking you has been taken by him."
"I am not someone's prize, I belong to no one."
"You were purchased, were you not?"
"That is different."
"How is it different?"
"Matthew loved me."
"He loved you, but he has probably started to mourn your loss. He can't save you now."
"He still loves me."
"And so does your father and mother, but none of them can help you now. In fact, only the
royal family can help you now and I can only think of one reason that any of the Casper
family would help you, for the exact same reason that I own you now. At least under my
paw, your health, well being and happiness is my number one concern. King Edward
would have devoured you the moment he got you aside for a minute and raped you till you
bled. You are a beautiful filly, you realise that."
Sheila lay still for a minute and thought. No one in the mob, not even Matthew had called
her beautiful before and it was then that she realised why she had been taken.
"I was taken to spare my people."
"Beauty can be a curse, like treasure. Many people want it and will do anything to possess
it. Then they hoard it and destroy it. And when it is worth nothing, they discard it."
"So is that all that I am? A possession?"
"We are all owned by someone or something and we all must answer to our masters."
"And I am yours now?"
"Legally, yes. As far as the laws go anyway."
"So I must call you master."
"Only when others are around. My name is Zurack and I would prefer to be called by my
name than my title."
Sheila lay on the bed and looked at the curtain that hung over the top of the bed.
"And I will only call you slave when others are around. Can I call you Sheila?"
"Why do you ask? You could call me 'bitch' and I would have to come running."
"Because I do not wish to own you."
"Pardon?" Sheila asked as she pulled at her bonds. "You take me from the only life I've
known and you say to me that you don't wish to own me?"
Zurack walked up to Sheila and undid the bonds that tied her to the bed and she
immediately sat up and began to fix her dress up.
"I hatched a slave, so I know what it is like. From the first moment I can remember, my
sole purpose was to serve my mistress and learn from her teachings. My day, from the
moment I woke up until the moment I went to sleep, was dedicated purely to study and
service. Learning physiology, massage, herbs and potions, minor magic, combat,
philosophy. You name it, I probably read a book on it. My mistress wasn't a dragon, she
was equine, unicorn to be exact."
Zurack sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Each morning, I was woken by the other servants and I went to my mistress' bedside until
she woke. I pleasured her for half an hour whilst her breakfast was being prepared. Once
she was done with breakfast, my lessons began. At lunchtime, I went to the arena where I
learnt to fight. The gladiator that I learn from demanded of me as well. Dinner was after
sunset and after dinner, I was given the only free time of the day, an hour whilst my
mistress bathed. We then went to the library where she read stories, only then did I feel
like a child. Once she had finished, I had to pleasure her once more before I went to bed.
That schedule didn't change much, only with the seasons was there any change. I was a
father to my first child at the age of fifteen, by one of the female servants of my mistress. I
never got to see my child's face before he was sent off to learn from another slaver. After
that incident, my training became more intense until the day that my mistress died, when I
was eighteen. She had been waiting for me in the library when she died, the book she had
been reading to me in her lap. She was 374 years old and I would have never guessed if I
hadn't been told. I was sold off the next day to a dragoness and for 115 years, my sole
purpose was her pleasure. Day after day after day, the only thing that she ever said to me
passionately was 'harder, harder.' When I turned 133, she gave me my pardon along with
10,000 gold and a nobility in this kingdom to replace the male dragon of this region, who
met and unfortunate end. For fifteen years, I serviced the dragonesses each time they
were in heat, which is rare, generally once every twenty to twenty-five years. I spent most
of my time and the money I earned in the brothels and whore houses of this city, never
finding the fulfilment I wanted. After one particularly boring night, I was stumbling home
when I heard screams coming from an alleyway. I was curious as to what was going on
and followed the screaming. I saw a black panther trying to rape a white Pegasus female. I
tackled the panther to the ground and began to strike him, time after time after time until
his head was nothing more than a red smear on the cobblestones. The Pegasus was quite
grateful for my assistance, but was also quite afraid for I had just killed her new master. I
felt sympathetic to the poor girl, so I stole the sales papers from the panther's corpse and
claimed that she was my own. She was grateful for my help and she lived in my tower for
many years. She felt it was her duty to make me happy, but I could see how hard she had
to force herself to try and make me happy and that made me feel sad, she deserved better
than that. One night, I found her in the library reading one of my favourite books, 'The tales
of Scar.' I walked up behind her and read over her shoulder for a minute or so before she
looked up at me. She asked me what I wanted and it was then I remembered the unicorn
that trained me and I asked her to read the story to me and for several hours, late into the
next morning, she read to me. For the first time since the unicorn that trained me had
passed away, I felt happy. Everything that I had forgotten of my childhood came back to
me and I guess you could say that her duties changed. Rather than her pleasuring me like
any normal slave would, I would pleasure her whenever I felt like pleasing her, which was
often. It is unfortunate that us dragons live for so long, because it was only six months ago
that she died at quite a ripe age as well, 95 years old and she looked as beautiful as the
day I found her when she died. I went through the winter and spring alone and when
summer came around again, I began my hunt for a new slave."
Sheila had listened intently to the dragon's story as she sat next to him, the tale he told
seemed to sad, yet it seemed to give her answers to some of her questions, but twice as
many questions as she got answers.
"You are lonely?" Sheila asked curiously.
"Very. The servants and slaves I currently own have always been slaves and never knew
freedom, all they do is serve me loyally. They have no idea what freedom is like. You are a
slave as well, to an extent that you are a prisoner, but you still have your freedom."
"You took me from my freedom."
"I rescued you to freedom. Each year, the king hunts for new slaves to add to his collection
and he had heard that your mob was tilling the earth in his kingdom. He would have found
you and taken you from your people. If they had refused, he would have destroyed your
crops, without warning. Your job then would be service and servitude. You once knew
freedom and being tied up in such a way would have killed you easily. At least your people
would have food for the winter and your life isn't misery."
"But before, you threatened me. Why?"
"You must understand, this is for the good of you and your people. To an extent, you will
be happy here."
"To an extent."
"You may grow to enjoy it or you may not. This was the best chance I had at saving your
"So beauty is a curse."
"Yes, it affects many, particularly those closer to it than others."
"Matthew would have been killed if he refused the king."
"But can't I return to my people once the king has done his hunt?"
"If only that were possible. He would search for you until he found you and the only way he
will find you is tonight, at the hunting ball."
"Hunting ball?"
"Each year, after his hunt, he shows off all his new slaves. I am going to attend that ball
and I am taking you with me. When he learns that you are my slave, he will stop hounding
your people and they will be allowed to harvest in peace. There lies the dilemma. The king
will make it his duty to ensure that you are well looked after. The moment my paw slips,
even a little, he will pounce at the opportunity of possessing you and you will suffer under
his paw."
"So I am a sacrifice for my people?"
"Yes, none will rival your beauty for many years."
"So I must suffer for my people?"
"Either way, you must suffer. This way, at least, they don't suffer and the pain here will
soon subside."
Sheila sighed. Zurack was right.
"If this is my future, then what is my duty?"
"To be pleased in whatever way you wish, to within some boundaries."
"I won't let you go."
"But other than that?"
"Whatever you desire and I allow you to do."
"Allow me to do?"
"I won't mount you as you are now. If you wish to be mounted, it will take some time for me
to prepare you."
"Prepare me?"
"You are designed to be taken by one of your own species, not by a dragon. If you want
me to take you, I will have to stretch you until you could be taken by a dragon."
Sheila looked at Zurack curiously.
"I don't quite understand what you mean?"
"Lie down, I will show you."
Sheila lay down on the bed and she felt Zurack lift her dress up so it was above her waist.
Sheila inhaled sharply as she felt the dragon's claw slide down her viginal lips.
"You must be relaxed for this," Zurack warned as he placed his paw on her pelvis, gently
rubbing with his palm. "Otherwise, it will hurt. If it helps, think of Matthew and what you
would do on your first night together."
"That would hurt too much," Sheila sobbed. "I think of him and weep."
Zurack smiled sympathetically.
"Then don't think of Matthew if it hurts. Just forget everyone, everything, everywhere.
Forget who you are, what you are and where you are. Just let me arouse you."
Zurack undid the tie at the top of Sheila's dress and pulled it over her head. As she lay on
the bed, Zurack began to lick her breasts again and soon, she was nickering again. With
her eyes closed, all she could hear, feel and smell was herself and her own arousal.
"What do you want?" Zurack inquired as Sheila arched her back.
"Life," Sheila nickered. "I want to feel life in me."
Zurack sucked his index finger, covering it in his saliva before slowly inserted it into Sheila
and Sheila immediately began to nicker loudly as she felt the dragon's finger. Zurack's
finger wasn't as big as an equine member, probably only three-quarters the size, but
Sheila began to nicker harder and she soon couldn't hold herself back. Zurack felt Sheila
tighten around his finger as she climaxed, her juices dripping from her pussy.
"How was that?" Zurack asked.
"Amazing," Sheila panted as she lay on the bed. "I've never felt that before."
"Well I didn't move my finger at all, my finger is your perfect size and therein lies the
problem because I am a lot bigger than my finger."
"How much bigger?" Sheila inquired almost curious to see if she could take it.
"See for yourself."
Sheila opened her eyes and sat up, Zurack was standing at the end of the bed, his
member fully extended from it's sheath. Sheila was shocked at it's size as she looked at
Zurack's hard pink member. In comparison to his finger, it was twice as thick and twice as
"As I said before, my finger is your size. There is no pain or discomfort, you can move
freely. If I was to take you using this monster," Zenith slid his paw along his erect prick, "I
would probably make you bleed and there is the risk that you would bleed to death."
"I think I see now," Sheila stammered.
"In time, with the right exercises and equipment, I could make you larger. But the choice is
yours and I don't want to pressure you into anything."
Sheila stared at the dragon with confusion.
"You care for me. You ask me before you do anything to me. You protect me, even if it is
from yourself. Why?"
"I was hatched and raised as a pet of pleasure and it is my duty to make sure that my
mistress or master remains happy and healthy."
"And that's the part I don't understand. I am your slave."
"And I am your slave master, but you are my sexual mistress."
"So I have sexual control over you?"
"So if I wanted you to be taken by another male dragon for my own entertainment.....?"
"I would do it because it's your request."
"Yet when we are in the presence of others, I am your slave."
"Only for show, yes."
Sheila lay back down on the bed.
"In time, I may like to be taken by a dragon," Sheila sighed, almost liking the idea of being
a slave to one so pussy-whipped as Zurack, "but that will take time, as you said."
"Yes. A month, maybe longer. It all depends on what your body can take."
"Well in a month, I loose my virginity to you. In the meantime, your finger will do nicely."
Zurack smiled as he mounted the bed again and began to lick and paw his sexual
mistress. He still found it strange how he was under the control of his prey, yet as she
moaned, nickered and whinnied under his paw, he realised that this is what he enjoyed.

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