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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

Warning: The following story may cause some males to cringe in agony due to the
description present. You have been warned.

This will be painful, not just for me but for Adolphus as well. You can't imagine what I can
feel when I do write these. I just thought I'd do something that seems a bit out of Felicity's
persona, just to keep it interesting. Comments, particularly with the yiff between Kala and
Felicity, to Avanti_Halfhorse@Yahoo.com.au

There are always two ways to freedom; the hard way and the easy way. -Avanti Halfhorse

Part 6) Adolphus 5: Wakey wakey slave

"Wakey, wakey slave." Adolphus felt water splash onto his face and he opened his eyes
slowly. He had passed out when Felicity had punched him in the stomach when he had
tried to kick her and now he was hanging from the bedroom wall by his wrists. Kala and
Meynel were standing behind Felicity in their bare fur and Felicity was dressed in a leather
bikini. Adolphus looked at the three horses with a mix of confusion and lust and he smiled.
"What are you smiling about slave?" Felicity interrogated as she walked up to a naked
Adolphus. "This isn't going to be enjoyable slave, not in the slightest."
"That's not the answer I'm getting, mistress Felicity," Adolphus scoffed. "I currently see two
naked white mare's and you in a leather bikini and you say that I won't enjoy this in the
"You know he has a point, your highness" Kala observed.
"I do?" Adolphus queried.
"You will enjoy this a fair bit, until....," but Kala didn't finish her sentence, just looked at
Meynel and Meynel returned her gaze and the two mare's laughed.
"Enough you two," Felicity chuckled. "We don't want to give away our finale before the final
act. Now I suggest that you two go and get the cherry cream, I need to talk to my slave
Kala and Meynel left the room, both in a trot with their tails failing behind happily and
giggling like school fillies, despite the fact that they were naked. One of the guards wolf
whistled, which was ironic because the guard was a wolf. Felicity sighed as she closed the
door and walked over to Adolphus as he hung from the wall.
"Okay slave," Felicity sighed as she sat down in an armchair in front of Adolphus. "Do you
have any idea what we intend to do?"
Adolphus simply shook his head.
"We intend to torture you slave," Felicity explained. "I intend to torture you until you
scream, begging for mercy or until you are no longer conscious. You must understand that
you are to be loyal and you are to be honest and you are to do your job and what you are
told. You are a slave and though now you may now learn that you are a slave. Tonight and
in time, you will learn to understand what it is to be a slave. This is your fate, your task in
life. Unless you can buy your freedom or one of your owners frees you from your bonds,
you will only be a slave. Whatever I tell you to do, you will do it without question of your
own safety. If, in time, you prove yourself, you will have some semblance of the freedom
you once had. You can not hurt anyone unless I order you to. You are to do as you are
told. This is old ground, we have covered this before. How hard is it for you to understand
that you are no longer free. Your blood, your fur, your body, your cock. All of these things
belong to me now because you lost the duel. You are no longer Adolphus, you are no
longer the mercenary of war you once were, you are no longer the master of your own
fate. In fact, you are purely the master of my sexual happiness and joy and that is all. And
just like every master of the lands and you fail in your duties, you will be punished. Should
you deviate from your duties, you will be punished. Is all of this clear slave?"
Adolphus simply nodded his head in reply.

A couple of minutes later, Kala ran into the room carrying an earthen jar and giggling.
"No fair!" Meynel called out as she ran in after Kala. "You cheated."
"No I didn't," Kala giggled. "You tripped."
"Because you tripped me!"
"No, one of the guards tripped you."
"There weren't any guards around!"
"Okay you two," Felicity chuckled as she got up and walked over to the two naked mare's.
"Do you have the jar?"
Kala gave Felicity the jar.
"Thank you," Felicity thanked as she opened the jar and stuck one of her finger in to taste
"Did we grab the right jar, your highness?" Meynel inquired as Felicity tasted the mixture.
"We?" Kala asked Meynel. "I grabbed. You were taking your time as you were flirting with
one of the guards."
"I was not!"
"So you just 'tripped' in front of that stallion guard."
"He tripped me!"
Felicity just pinned her ears back as she looked at Adolphus with the look that could best
be described as 'oh for the love of.....'
"Okay you two," Felicity said as she took her finger from her mouth. "You can stop now,
you grabbed the right jar."
"Meynel didn't do anything, your highness!" Kala protested.
"Then in that case....." Felicity said as she grabbed a dagger in it's sheath from a small
table next to her armchair and threw it at Meynel. "Meynel can prepare our slave for his
Kala looked at Felicity with a look of shock and annoyance as Meynel walked over to
Adolphus and unsheathed the dagger.
"Well you said that Meynel didn't do anything," Felicity noted as she placed the earthen jar
on the small table next to her chair.
Adolphus tried to struggle, but his legs had been tied to rings on the wall.
"Oh calm down," Meynel ordered as she grabbed the side of Adolphus' thong. "I'm just
cutting this loose."
Meynel put the dagger in between Adolphus and the part of his thong she had pulled away
from Adolphus' body and cut the thong before repeating the process on the other side and
pulling the thong away. Whilst this was happening, Felicity had walked over to her potions
cupboard and took out a small glass bottle before she walked back over to her armchair
and sat down, placing the small bottle next to the earthen jar.
"Can I begin, your highness?" Meynel asked as she re-sheathed the dagger and threw it at
Felicity, who caught it.
"Just arouse him," Felicity instructed as she placed the dagger on the table. "Then we'll
"But what about me, your highness?" Kala sobbed as Meynel bobbed her head in
"Well I'm not my slave," Felicity chuckled. "But you'll get to lick someone."
Meynel placed her cheek on Adolphus' chest, gently placing one of her paws on his
sheath, gently stroking it. Adolphus gritted his teeth as he tried to avoid Meynel's touch.
"Are you apprehensive?" Meynel asked seductively. "Are you afraid of what I'll do to you?"
Adolphus didn't reply, just closed his eyes and tried to think of other things.
"There is nothing to fear from me," Meynel whispered. "I just want to give you what you
want, fulfilment."
"She's not doing too good a job," Kala grumbled as she folded her arms and watched. "I'd
have him aroused by now."
"That's true," Felicity commented as she leaned back in the armchair. "But you're very
direct when it comes to arousal. You just stick your tongue in."
Kala blushed as she pulled at her top lip with one of her paws.
"You know you want me to lick and suck your cock," Meynel continued to whisper. "You
know you want to drive your rock hard cock into me."
"You suck Meynel." Kala insulted.
"So do you," Meynel simply chimed.
Felicity chuckled as she looked at Kala's face.
"I think that slave is a bit more resilient than we first thought," Felicity observed as she
chuckled. "I think it's time for a new approach."

Adolphus had his eyes shut and his mind closed to the bottom half of his body, a small
trick he had learnt from many years as a warrior. He tried to think of things he had seen in
his life that certainly wouldn't arouse him as he overheard the conversation going on
around him.
"I think it's time for a new approach. Kala, do you see that white towel on the table?"
Adolphus thought about his previous battle.
"The folded or unfolded one, your highness?"
The carnage.
"The unfolded one, the folded one's clean."
The sight of the dead, some still twitching.
"Woah, that smell's strong. It smells like your bed sheets in summer, your highness."
The wounded, some without limbs.
"That's because I paw off in bed and that is my nectar on that towel."
The blood and slaughter.
"I know that, your highness, just an observation."
The dozens that fell by his paws.
"Well enough with observing, just put the towel to his nose."
But particularly one soldier, a female.....
"Like this, your highness?"
Naked female...... Chestnut......
"It's over his nose, isn't it?"
Mare...! Standing there, in front of him. Two short swords in paw, but not in the battle field,
by the pool. Felicity was now interfering with his mind and it was starting to show.
"So it does work."
"Well that just sucked the fun out of it. I wanted to show you up Meynel."
Adolphus opened his eyes and inhaled deeply, sucking as much of the scent from the
towel as he could the pheromones from the towel going into his blood, interacting with his
hormones, causing his sheath to shift.
"Just hold the towel there," Felicity prescribed as she rubbed her own marehood through
the leather thong she was wearing. "Give him a few more minutes. Wait until it has fully
Meynel gently stroked Adolphus' member as it slowly grew from it's sheath.
"He's ready!" Meynel chimed as she stepped away from Adolphus.
"Okay Kala," Felicity instructed as she reached over and picked up the earthen jar. "Give
me the towel and give the jar to Meynel."
Kala grumbled as she removed the towel from Adolphus' nose and walked over to Felicity,
giving her the towel.
"Why does Meynel get all the fun, your highness?" Kala moped as she took the jar from
"Don't worry," Felicity comforted as she winked at Kala. "You'll get some fun as well."
Kala gave the jar to Meynel before quickly trotting back to the side of Felicity's armchair.
"Shall I begin, your highness?" Meynel inquired as she looked at the red gel in the jar.
"No," Felicity instructed as she stood up. "I think we'll arouse him first."
Adolphus looked at Felicity curiously as Felicity gestured to Kala to stand in front of her.
Kala went and stood in front of Felicity who walked up behind Kala and slid one arm under
one of Kala's arm and the other one over her thigh on the other side of the body before
she rested her muzzle on Kala's shoulder. Kala looked at Meynel curiously, until she felt
Felicity's paw start to tease her marehood.
"Oh! Your highness!"
"You don't have to call me highness for this Kala," Felicity instructed as she started to
tease one of Kala's nipples with her other paw.
"Yes, your highness."
"What did I just say?"
"Sorry, your highness."
Felicity slapped Kala's chin, Kala's head bobbing back quickly.
"I won't do it again."
Adolphus simply hung there amazed at what he was seeing.
"Haven't seen something like this before?" Meynel asked Adolphus.
"No," was Adolphus' shock filled reply. "I didn't think this actually happened."
"It does," Meynel sighed. "But I suppose it won't really happen now that her highness has
Kala started to squeal in delight as she felt Felicity's paws teasing her.
"Your highness!"
"Would you stop it Kala?"
"I can't help it, your highness. It's just force of habit."
"It just feels so formal, can't you call me Felicity?"
"Yes Felicity."
Felicity stopped teasing Kala's marehood and dragged her paw that was teasing Kala up
Kala's stomach and squeezed Kala's breasts, causing Kala to moan.
"I suggest you pay attention," Meynel suggested. "This could be useful for your duties."
"Nuts to that," Adolphus said as he tried to wag his tail. "I get to see mare on mare action."
"Just like every other male," Meynel sighed as she rested against the wall.
Felicity rubbed her cheek against Kala's as she varied between teasing Kala's nipples and
massaging her breasts. Kala started to gasp and moan and Felicity slid her paws down
Kala's stomach.
"Oh Felicity," Kala nickered as Felicity slowly dragged her paws up either side of Kala's
awaiting pussy. The fresh smell of heavily aroused mare started to fill the room.
"Damnit," Meynel swore under her breath. "Now I'm starting to feel hot."
"Please Felicity," Kala begged.
"In time," Felicity replied silently. "You will have your pleasure."
Kala groaned as Felicity pulled Kala backwards and they both sat down in the armchair.
"Is slave erect yet?" Felicity asked as she traced figures of eight on the insides of Kala's
"Quite," Meynel observed as she looked at Adolphus' hard member.
"Well then you can begin, apply the cream first before you start."
Meynel dipped her paw into the gel and coated two of her fingers.
"Now we get our fun," Meynel noted as she rubbed the red gel on Adolphus' member. The
gel had a sharp, warm tingle that ran up the entire length of his member. Adolphus let out
a gasp as Meynel rubbed the gel all over his member.
"Are you enjoying that slave?" Felicity inquired as she started to slide her fingers up and
down Kala's outer vaginal lips, Kala rolling her head back onto Felicity's shoulder.
"Quite, Mistress Felicity."
"You can start now Meynel, make sure it's all done slowly," Felicity instructed as Kala
started to moan as she let her head rest on Felicity's shoulder. "There is no need to rush."
"With pleasure, your highness," Meynel said as she put the jar down and gave Adolphus'
member a long lick with her tongue. Adolphus groaned as he felt Meynel lick him. He'd
had this done to him once and he had enjoyed it then and concluded that he'd enjoy it
again. He sneered at Felicity and Felicity returned the sneer.
"You will suffer," Felicity mouthed as she slid two of her fingers into Kala, causing Kala to
squeal lustfully.
"Again Felicity!" Kala squealed as she felt Felicity stroking her insides.
Adolphus simply chuckled, but stopped when he felt Meynel wrap her mouth around his
member. Adolphus let out a deep growl as he felt Meynel slide the tip of his member into
his throat, her warm saliva covering his member. Meynel slowly slid her tongue along
Adolphus' member, swallowing every now and again to tug at Adolphus' knob. Kala
continued to moan and squeal under Felicity's paw as Felicity continued to stare at
Adolphus, Adolphus soon returning her stare. Felicity simply stared at Adolphus with
contempt as she forced her fingers into Kala sharply, causing Kala to nicker loudly.
Adolphus felt his knot start to fill with his blood, his climax drawing near. Adolphus tried to
thrust, but he was tied to the wall too tightly. Kala neighed as she climaxed on Felicity's
fingers, Kala's nectar dripping down Felicity's paw onto the armchair. Adolphus felt his
balls shift at roughly the same time as Kala began to climax and he started to growl,
expecting his seed to shoot down Meynel's throat, but nothing happened. He tried to howl,
but his breath caught in his float as this extreme pain shot through his body.
"What.... the...." Adolphus gasped as he felt a sharp pain start to grow at the base of his
"I see the cream works," Felicity noted as she stroked her moist fingers down Kala's
muzzle, Kala promptly taking Felicity's fingers into her mouth to lick them clean. "Is it as
bad as some of the others have claimed?"
"It..... hurts......" Adolphus whimpered as Meynel withdrew Adolphus' member from her
"I'm not to surprised," Felicity observed. "The potion is designed to prevent a male from
cumming and eventually, the pain grows so bad that they pass out."
Adolphus gasped for breath, he felt like he was trying to force a dagger through his
member, whimpering every now and again.
"Okay Kala," Felicity said as she pulled her fingers from Kala's mouth. "Time to pleasure
your highness."
Kala nodded as she got up and knelt down in front of Felicity and pulled the leather thong
down to Felicity's knees and proceeded to lick Felicity's pussy.
"Now slave," Felicity interrogated as he placed her paw on Kala's head. "Can you
remember why you are being punished?"
Adolphus could only whimper.
"Slave! I asked you a question."
"Because," Adolphus whimpered quietly. "I tried to attack Kala, Mistress Felicity."
"And what is the rule you are learning at the moment?"
"That I'm not supposed to hurt anyone without your permission."
Adolphus felt his ears ringing with his own heartbeat, his balls felt like they were growing
from the inside and his wolfhood felt as though all his sperm were the size of marbles.
Adolphus finally let out a howl of pain.
"It hurts!" Adolphus screamed out.
"You will get reprieve soon," Felicity foretold. "Just a few more questions. Who is your
"You are, Mistress Felicity."
"And what are you never going to do again under threat of this torture?"
"Harm you or any of your servants."
"And how do I know I can trust you?"
Adolphus felt his head start to throb, his balls felt as though they were about to literally
explode in a bloody mess and he felt as though his sperm were growing.
"I swear on my balls!" Adolphus screamed out. "Just please let the pain stop, Mistress
Felicity, please let the pain stop."
"Okay Meynel," Felicity instructed, deciding it would be better not to let her slave pass out.
"Get the chalice and you can give him the antidote."
Meynel walked over to the table that the towels were on and picked up a chalice before
walking past Felicity who passed her the small glass bottle.
"And only use a drop," Felicity explained as she gave Meynel the bottle. "Otherwise he'll
miss the chalice."
Meynel walked up to Adolphus and put the chalice at the end of his wolfhood and removed
the cork in the bottle with her teeth before letting a drop fall onto Adolphus' member. The
effect was almost instantaneous and Adolphus immediately ejaculated in the glass.
Despite the fact that he felt as though he was cumming sand, Adolphus hung his head,
glad that it was all over. Kala continued to lick Felicity as she sat in the chair.
"Feeling better slave?" Felicity inquired as she looked at the exhausted Adolphus.
"Yes, Mistress Felicity," Adolphus panted. "A lot better."
"Good," Felicity commented as she waved her paw towards him. "Meynel, make him drink
his seed."
Adolphus tried to shift, but the bonds held him firm as Meynel gripped Adolphus' nose and
opened his mouth and poured the contents of the glass down Adolphus' throat. Adolphus
choked on his seed as it slid down his throat and coughed when Meynel released his
nose. The last thing Adolphus could remember were Felicity's moans as Kala licked her

Adolphus slowly woke up on a bed of fresh straw in a cell. He looked around at it's interior
and blinked in the light.
"Where am I?" Adolphus asked himself as he lay in the straw. He noticed his wrists were
unbound. He sat up and felt something around his neck, it was a collar. Adolphus went to
remove it when he remembered that Felicity had told him not to remove the collar.
Adolphus stood up and walked around his cell a bit. The guard outside the door opened
the viewing window and looked in.
"So the princess' slave is finally awake," the guard noted as he looked in at Adolphus.
"The princess has been waiting for you to wake up. The party has already started."
Adolphus simply groaned, the salty taste of his own juices still in his mouth.
'Well I suppose there is not chance of escape now,' Adolphus thought to himself as he lay
down again in the straw.

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