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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

I touched on Felicity's sexual history in Adolphus 4 and someone wanted me to elaborate
on her first brush with sex, so I thought I'd give it a try. I suggest against teaching a child
about sex this way, it's just sort of bizarre and might be illegal. Taking into account that
Felicity is part of an extremely horny family, it's just logical that she'd find out this way. Any
comments or complaints to Avanti_Halfhorse@Yahoo.com.au

In the wild, a foal will learn everything from the older horses, including how to breed. -
Avanti Halfhorse

Part 7) Adolphus SE 2: Where else would Felicity get it from?

A young Felicity shuddered under the covers of her bed, the storm outside scaring the
three-year-old foal, causing her to clutch desperately at her cloth anthro-equine doll. She
peaked her muzzle out from under the sheet and looked at the window before another bolt
of lightning lit up the sky, the loud clap of thunder following almost immediately, causing
Felicity to pull her head under the covers with great haste. She shivered out of fear as she
held the sheets over her head, the wind and rain pelting against her bedroom window.
Felicity whimpered as she looked out the window again.
"I hope this storm ends soon Mary," Felicity said to her equine doll. "I don't like it, it's
The doll didn't reply (I'm not making these stories that bizarre!) as Felicity looked at it,
hoping the doll would give it some form of comfort. Another bolt of lightning lit up the sky,
the clap of thunder so loud that Felicity jumped and galloped off to her parent's bedroom in
one swift movement.
"Mummy!" Felicity cried out as she forced the door to her parent's bedroom open. "Can I
sleep here please? This storm is scaring me and Mary."
Felicity's mother, Queen Erashi, sat up and looked at her young foal.
"Come on then," Erashi welcomed as she gestured for Felicity to come to her. "And bring
Mary as well." Felicity climbed up onto the bed and slid between the sheets between her
mother and father. Edward gently stroked Felicity's mane as she looked up at her father.
"Is my little princess scared?" Edward asked his daughter. Felicity simply nodded with a
"But me and Mary feel a lot safer here," Felicity replied happily as she buried her muzzle
into her mother's breasts. Erashi gently stroked Felicity's mane as the young foal slowly
fell asleep, neighing quietly every now and again. Erashi moaned quietly as soon as she
was sure that Felicity was asleep.
"Is something the matter dear?" Edward asked Erashi as he moved closer.
"Just overly horny," Erashi groaned as she stroked Felicity's mane. "And my favourite male
slave is sick at the moment, so I've been going all day without a yiff and now Felicity's
muzzle is making it worse."
Edward gently stroked Erashi's muzzle.
"Well when Felicity goes back to bed, I'll quite happily solve that problem."
"I can't wait that long, I'm already hot."
"I'm not going to yiff you whilst Felicity is in our bed."
"Can't you just paw me off?"
"No. I don't want to introduce our daughter to yiff this way, it's just wrong."
"She's a Casper and she's going to learn one way or another, so it might as well be when
she's young."
"We're not teaching her about death, we're teaching her where foals come from and she
hasn't even asked that question yet."
"Then we should teach her."
"I don't want to subject our daughter to something as severe as that yet. She hasn't even
started showing interest in colts yet."
"But I'm sure you were starting to pay attention to fillies around her age."
"Yes, but those fillies were older then me."
"Well you prefer to have a say in your daughter's sexual development, or have some
young male do it?"
Edward grinded his teeth as his gaze shifted between Erashi and the sleeping Felicity.
"Can't we teach her when she's a bit older? It's not like she needs to learn where foals
come from now."
Felicity opened her eyes and looked up at her mother.
"What are you talking about mummy?" Felicity asked sleepily.
"Nothing dear," Erashi replied. "Your father and I are just debating wether we should teach
you where foals come from yet."
"Where foals come from?" Felicity asked in a dazed state. "Daddy said that a dragoness
bring them?"
Erashi looked at Edward, slightly angry that he had lied to Felicity and Edward looked back
with a sheepish grin.
"Sorry princess," Edward whispered into Felicity's ear. "But I was busy when you came
and asked me. So would you like to find out where foals come from?"
Felicity nodded happily, not realising what was about to happen.
"Now go and sit at the foot of the bed," Edward instructed as he lifted the sheets up so that
Felicity could get out. "And we'll begin."
Felicity climbed out from between the sheets, the sounds of thunder no longer causing her
any distress. Edward and Erashi both folded the sheets back and sat up on their knees.
Being the loving couple that they were, they didn't wear any bed clothes.
"Now," Edward instructed as he walked up to Erashi on his knees. "When a mare and
stallion love each other a lot and I mean a lot....."
"Like how you love me daddy?" Felicity inquired.
"Similar," Edward said nervously as he looked down. "But not that type of love. You'll
understand what type of love I'm talking about one day, when you meet the right male.
Now, when two people love each other a lot, they like to show each other how much they
love each other and they enjoy yiffing each other."
Felicity clutched Mary tightly as she watcher Edward pull Erashi close to him.
"How do you yiff each other?" Felicity inquired as she held Mary up to her face.
"I thought she'd never ask," Erashi whispered to Edward.
"It's simple," Edward explained as he rubbed his muzzle against Erashi's shoulder. "It
starts off simply with gentle, warm rubs and strokes that are designed to make each feel
really good."
At this point, Edward was rubbing his paws up and down Erashi's back, causing Erashi to
moan quietly.
"Then what happens daddy?" Felicity inquired as she peeked over her doll.
"Then daddy lays mummy down," Erashi said as she lay back. "And daddy plays with parts
of mummy's body with his paw and tongue and this makes mummy feel good."
"Like this dear?" Edward asked quietly as he started to lick one of Erashi's nipples.
"Just like that love," Erashi sighed back.
"Why are you licking mummy's breasts daddy?" Felicity asked as she watched her father
lick and suck Erashi's nipples.
"Because mummy enjoys it a lot," Erashi groaned out aloud.
"And mummy has to be happy, or else there is no foal," Edward added cautiously.
"So did you make mummy happy when you made me?" Felicity asked as she lowered her
doll a bit.
"Quite," Edward replied as he looked into Erashi's eyes, eliciting a smile from her.
"Mummy was happy the entire time she was pregnant with you."
"But I think that was your performance dear," Erashi corrected quietly.
"Perhaps," Edward replied.
"What's happening to your stallionhood daddy?" Felicity asked as she looked at her
father's stallionhood as it became erect.
Edward and Erashi looked at each other nervously before Erashi let out a groan.
"It's getting ready to pleasure mummy," Erashi said as she groaned. "And it allows daddy
to sew his seed parts into mummy."
"Seed parts?" Felicity inquired as she looked at Edward's pulsing member.
"Yes," Edward explained. "A foal is made up of two parts, what the mummy has inside of
her and what the daddy gives to mummy. You were once two parts as well."
"So when daddy put his seed parts in mummy, I was born?"
"No," Edward chuckled as he gently pressed his stallionhood against Erashi's moist
vagina. "It takes at least nine to ten months for the foal to grow inside mummy."
"And when the foal has grown up?"
"Then the foal is born."
"Okay," Erashi murmured to Edward. "Enough education, more ejaculation."
Edward slowly inserted his member into Erashi's moist Vagina, eliciting a nicker.
"Is mummy all right?" Felicity asked as Erashi shifted and moaned.
"Mummy's fine Felicity," Erashi said as she looked over at her daughter and smiled. "Just
Mummy's been a bit anxious for this all day."
"But why has mummy been an-xi-ous for daddy all day?"
Erashi looked up at Edward who simply chuckled.
"Well dear?" Edward requested.
"Because it's how mummy's body tells her that she is ready to carry a foal and her seed
parts are in place."
"So mummy could have a foal when it grows up?" Felicity asked in anticipation.
"Of course," Erashi said as she moaned again. "If the seed parts meet to make a seed and
the seed imbeds itself in mummy's field."
"Mummy has a field?" Felicity asked curiously as she put Mary down and crawled over on
her paws and knees and put her hands on Erashi's stomach.
"Every female has a field," Edward clarified as he put his paw on Felicity's. "Right about
"So I also have a field?" Felicity inquired as she put one of her paws on her own stomach.
"And I can carry foals as well?"
"Of course," Erashi chucked as she tried and forced Edward to thrust into her. "But your
field isn't ready yet and won't be for a while."
"But when it is ready?"
"Then you can have foals as well, when the male you love gives you his seed parts."
"Now back away Felicity," Edward instructed, "we don't want you getting hurt now."
"Are you going to hurt mummy, daddy?"
"No," Edward chuckled. "Just we don't usually have a young foal sitting near us when we
do this. "
Felicity crawled back over to Mary and cuddled her again as Edward started thrusting
himself into Erashi, each thrust eliciting a whinny from Erashi. For several minutes, Felicity
just sat there, cuddling Mary. Erashi looked over at her young foal and sighed.
"Okay Edward," Erashi said as she looked back at her husband. "Poor Felicity is feeling
left out."
Edward sighed.
"Any suggestions?" Edward asked as he stopped thrusting.
"I have an idea that we can all be happy," Erashi winked as she gestured for Edward to get
off of her. Edward slowly withdrew and Erashi got up on her elbows and knees.
"Come here Felicity," Erashi called to her daughter. "Come and lie in mummy's arms."
Felicity crawled over and lay in Erashi's arms.
"Are you feeling all right dear?" Erashi asked her daughter as she hugged the young foal.
"I suppose so," Felicity said as she rubbed her muzzle against her mother's. "Just it's scary
what you are doing."
"There is nothing to be scared of," Erashi chuckled. "Daddy loves mummy a lot and this is
how they show their love for one another."
"Do I have to do this as well?" Felicity asked nervously.
"Not until you are older," Erashi explained as she stroked Felicity's mane. "Not until you
are ready."
"But how do I know I'm ready?"
"You just do," Erashi said with a smile. "And then you wish to find someone kind and
caring to love and protect you, then you are ready."
"But it sounds like it hurts a lot, you were groaning mummy."
"Just because I was groaning, that doesn't mean it hurt. Daddy loves me a lot and he was
showing me how much he loves me."
"So will daddy yiff me as well?"
"No," Erashi chuckled. "Daddy loves you because he helped me make you."
"But mummy can't love me and daddy at the same time."
"Don't be silly Felicity," Erashi said as she cuddled her foal tightly. "Daddy can love me
whilst we cuddle."
Edward crawled up behind Erashi and gently stroked his member up and down her lips,
causing Erashi to groan.
"I'm sorry Felicity," Erashi said as she cuddled her foal. "I'll try and be quiet from now on,
but I love daddy a lot."
"I know," Felicity sighed as she cuddled her mother. "And I love you and daddy a lot too."
"Well go to sleep and I'll take care of you whilst you daddy and I show our love for each
Felicity nodded as she yawned and cuddled Mary and was soon asleep in her mother's
arms as Edward continued to thrust himself into Erashi.
"She's asleep," Erashi whispered as she looked back as Edward. "Shall we finish now?"
"Of course," Edward said as she began to thrust harder. Erashi moaned as quietly as she
could as she felt her marehood being worked by Edward's hard prick. She squealed
quietly as she came.

Felicity woke up in her mother's arms as she was carried back to her room.
"What are you doing mummy?" Felicity asked as she looked up at her mother.
"I'm taking you back to your room," Erashi answered as she nuzzled her daughter. "The
storm's passed now, you should be okay to sleep in your bed."
"So you and daddy have yiffed each other?"
"Of course," Erashi replied. "In fact we did so several times."
"So does that mean that you'll have seven foals?"
"No," Erashi giggled. "I can only have one or two of my seed pieces in me at any one
"Then why did you do it several times?"
"Because it's a nice feeling."
"How is it a nice feeling?" Felicity asked as Erashi walked in Felicity's room.
"It's a warm feeling," Erashi explained as she lay Felicity down on her bed.
"Like when I stroke myself?"
Erashi stopped for a minute and looked at her daughter.
"What do you mean Felicity?" Erashi asked nervously.
Felicity lay on her back and lifted up her night gown so that it was up to her waist and she
started to rub her pussy.
"Here mummy."
"Did someone show that to you?" Erashi asked with a slight tone of anger in her voice.
"No," Felicity replied nervously, stopping when she heard her mother's anger. "I taught it
"So one of the young foals of court didn't touch you there?"
"No mummy, even my maids get me to clean myself."
Erashi sighed as he giggled.
"Well I was hoping it would be a few more years before you started such behaviour,"
Erashi sighed as she stroked some of Felicity's mane from eyes. "But you are a Casper
after all."
"Do you want me to stop mummy?"
"No," Erashi grinned. "You can rub yourself, just promise me that you won't let anyone else
rub you and when you desire more, tell me and I'll make sure that you have the best

"Princess Felicity!"
Felicity grumbled as she corrected the last of her gown in front of her mirror, making sure
that her cleavage was tucked into the top of the dress properly.
"Princess Felicity!"
"What?!" Felicity called out as she walked over to the door and pulled it open. One of the
castle servants was standing there.
"I've just come to report that your slave is now awake Princess Felicity."
"Thank you," Felicity said as she closed her door and walked back to her mirror. She
sighed as she looked at the cloth anthro-horse doll that gathered dust on the shelf. Felicity
walked over and picked the doll up off the shelf and dusted it off.
"Well Mary," Felicity sighed as she held the doll in her arms, cuddling it as if it was almost
a foal of her own. "It looks as though another male has come into my sexual life and once
again. Is this what I dreamed for when I was but a foal?"
Again, the doll gave her no comfort.
"But how could you answer me anyways," Felicity lamented to herself as she put the doll
back on the shelf.
"Yo! Sis!" Was the loud cry to break Felicity's though. "Dad's waiting for his princess to join
the celebrations for the hunting ball."
"I'm coming!" Felicity called out.
"Well dad wants you there now," Zenith said as he opened the door. Felicity turned around
to look at her 18 year old colt brother. The grey colt hung from the doorframe as he stood
"I said I'll be there in a minute," Felicity said calmly. "Now get lost."
"Aww," Zenith mocked as he stood up straight. "Is my big sister sexually frustrated."
Felicity grabbed the first thing she could and flung it at Zenith, missing him but getting
"I said out!"
"Okay," Zenith said as he backed away. "No need to get uppity."
Felicity simply stared at him as he closed the door, Felicity noticing what she threw. She
quickly trotted over and picked Mary up and hugged the doll close to her chest.
"I'm sorry Mary," Felicity apologised to the doll. "I didn't mean to throw you."
Felicity hugged the doll, waiting for a response or something, but got no reply before she
sighed before she looked the doll in it's button eyes.
"Do you think I'll have foals?" Felicity asked Mary as she walked back and put Mary back
on the shelf. Mary's head simply flopped over, not giving Felicity any answers. Felicity
sighed as she fixed Mary's head up and walked towards her bedroom door, the doll's head
falling to it's side again as Felicity closed the door.

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