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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

Sheila and Zurack make an appearance in this one. Comments please! Even if it's just to
say that you were neutral about the story. Avanti_Halfhorse@Yahoo.com.au

A change of class can lead to a change of perspective. -Avanti Halfhorse

Part 8) Adolphus 6: Of bonds and banquet halls.

The King's hunting ball was an event held by King Edward after his annual hunt to show
off his new slaves and many of the nobles liked to show of their own as well, plus there
was also the King's auction, where King Edward sold off all the slaves that he intended to
replace. The ball was a heavily anticipated event in the Noble's social calender, especially
if one wanted to purchase a former slave of the King, all of which were known to be very
obedient and very willing.

Sheila trotted next to Zurack as they walked towards the banquet hall and Sheila pulled at
the collar again, the fresh leather chaffing her.
"Stop it," Zurack warned in a whisper. "I know it hurts, but it's for your own safety."
"I know," Sheila replied quietly. "But it hurts."
"I'll rub some ointment on it later," Zurack said as he stopped outside the door to the
banquet hall. "But you know you must wear it."
"I know," Sheila sighed. "Part of my job."
Zurack ran his paw through Sheila's mane.
"We'll just stay for a bit so that the king knows that you belong to me," Zurack promised as
he smiled at Sheila. "Then we can go home if you like and you can rest."
Sheila smiled back when she looked into Zurack eyes and their moment of solitude was
shattered by the sound of hooves, a long dress shuffling and the pads of paws.
"Come on slave," Felicity ordered as he walked up the stairs, pulling Adolphus' lead to
keep him moving. Felicity turned down the corridor towards the banquet hall and Adolphus
quickly followed. Sheila and Zurack both looked at Felicity and Adolphus as they
approached. Felicity was dressed in a formal pink and white gown with a golden broach of
Casper family pinned on her chest and a small silver crown sitting in front of her ears.
Adolphus was dressed in a black leather thong with his wrists bound and a black collar
around his neck with a gold tag of the Casper family hanging from it along with a black
leash that was attached to the collar, Felicity held the other end of the leash in her paw.
"It is good to see you Lord Zurack," Felicity commented as she walked towards Zurack and
Sheila. "I see that you have acquired yourself a new slave."
"Yes," Zurack replied with a bow. "I acquired her today, your highness."
Zurack was dressed in formal Noble attire with a sky blue jacket and golden trousers and
he wore no footwear. Sheila was dressed in a simple pink gown and had a black collar
around her neck as well with a simple black leash.
"She is quite pretty," Felicity commented as she looked at Sheila. "Do you have a name
Sheila shyed and stood behind Zurack, looking at Felicity from behind one of Zurack's
"She's shy your highness," Zurack chuckled as he reached around with one of his paws
and gently pushed Sheila forward again. "She comes from a group of nomadic horses."
"So this is the filly that my father missed out on?"
"Yes," Zurack said as he held Sheila in front of him. "I suppose it's the luck of the draw,
your highness."
"I know that you did it to save her."
"She is too precious to be one of your father's slaves, your highness."
"So she will be yours instead?"
"You know quite well how my slaves are treated, your highness. She will be treated with
the best of care."
"Sometimes I wouldn't mind being your slave Zurack," Felicity joked.
"I would be honoured your highness," Zurack chuckled as he stroked Sheila's mane.
Adolphus tried to creep away as Felicity and Zurack were talking, but Felicity tugged at
Adolphus' leash and pulled him back to her side.
"I see you also have a new slave your highness," Zurack observed as Adolphus stood
behind Felicity's right shoulder. "Does he have a name?"
"Well when your slave tells us her name, Sir Zurack," Adolphus arranged. "I will quite
happily tell you mine."
"Okay then," Zurack agreed as he tapped Sheila's rump. "You have a deal. Tell the wolf
your name."
"I'm..... I'm Sheila." Sheila said quietly as she blushed and buried her muzzle in Zurack's
side. Zurack petted Sheila as she looked at Adolphus and Felicity.
"Well then slave," Zurack insisted as he rubbed between Felicity's ears, "my slave has told
us her name, now for yours."
"I am simply slave," Adolphus replied proudly. "I am not known as anything else, Sir
Zurack smirked as Felicity smiled and gently petted Adolphus' groin.
"Interesting name slave," Zurack commented as he ran a claw down Sheila's cheek. "Were
you born with that name?"
"No Sir Zurack, Mistress Felicity gave me this name."
"Don't you think it suits him?" Felicity joked as she looked back over her shoulder at
"Where did you find him?"
"He was just wandering the forest," Felicity said, almost as if she was brushing the
question off. "Some of my rangers picked him up."
Zurack nodded as he looked Adolphus over.
"Shall we continue this conversation inside?" Zurack inquired as he gestured towards the
door. "I'm sure that the slave auction is about to begin and you'll have to auction off your
former slave, your highness."
"Yes," Felicity sighed, "I suppose I do."
Zurack opened the door and Felicity entered the banquet hall.
"So what do you think?" Zurack asked Sheila as Sheila watched Felicity enter the banquet
hall, Adolphus in tow.
"Her slave," Sheila said quietly. "What is he?"
"What do you mean?" Zurack inquired.
"He looks like a warrior of some sorts."
"He probably is. The princess has a strong character and prefers her males rough."
"Do you think I might be able to get a night with him?" Sheila asked shyly.
"Why do you want a night with him?"
"It's just he seems so strong," Sheila sighed. "It's almost as if he demands me."
"That is why the princess has taken him as her next slave."
"So what will happen with her old slave?"
"He'll be auctioned off tonight, along with all of the Kings slaves."
"She's auctioning off her old slave?"
"Of course. She has no need for him anymore."
"But that's just cruel."
"It's the law."
Sheila looked up at Zurack nervously.
"Would you sell me?"
Zurack looked back and smiled.
"I'd never sell you," Zurack assured. "You're special to me."
Sheila returned Zurack's smile and blushed.
"Is something wrong?" Zurack inquired as Sheila looked away.
"Do they have somewhere we could....." Sheila asked nervously. "You know.... Go and
pleasure me?"
Zurack chuckled.
"Of course, we'll go and do that now if you like."
Sheila nodded in reply before they walked towards one of the private rooms.

Felicity walked into the banquet hall with Adolphus in tow and the nobility parted to let
them through, many rushing to see the princess' new slave. Adolphus looked around
nervously as the nobility stared at him.
"Be calm," Felicity calmed in a commanding voice. "They are just nobles, they don't bite."
But Felicity's words offered no support to Adolphus as he was lead through the gazing
hoards of nobility, their stares unsettling him.
"Where are we going, mistress Felicity?" Adolphus asked as he felt the lead tug at his
"I'm leaving you in one of the slave cages," Felicity instructed as she continued to walk
towards the stage and stopped in front of the central cage. "I have people to talk to and I
don't want to have to keep watching you."
"Watching me, mistress Felicity?"
"Notice how everyone seems to be taking an interest in you?" Felicity surveyed as she
opened the cage.
"Yes," Adolphus replied as he walked into the cage.
"Well they all would love to steal you from me and smuggle you out of here for their own
purposes," Felicity explained as she locked the cage and put the key in between her
breasts. "And that would be uneconomical since I put so much time and effort into
acquiring you. You will see how much interest people will show you. Fortunately for you,
whilst you are in the cage, you don't have to follow anyone's orders except mine, is that
"Perfectly, mistress Felicity."
"Now I'll be back to get you in an hour, is that clear?"
"Yes mistress Felicity."
"Now you be a good slave and don't try and escape, since you won't get away."
"Yes mistress Felicity," Adolphus replied as he sat down in the straw with his back to the
bars against the stage.
Felicity walked off, leaving Adolphus to sit there and soon a crowd gathered to see the
princess' new slave.
"He's quite big," one of the rabble observed.
"He looks like quite a catch."
"Come here slave, that's an order."
"How would you like a proper master?"
Adolphus sighed as he stared at the crowd, people offering him treats through the bars.
Adolphus looked above the rabble and saw that the wall opposite the stage had a row of
balconies that seemed to lead to what appeared to be bedrooms. Adolphus stared at them
curiously as ran his eyes along all of them, but stopped and looked at a filly that was
standing on one of the balconies situated just above the main door to the banquet hall, the
filly looked a lot like Sheila, and as she stood there, she removed her dress and let it fall to
the floor of the balcony, leaving her dressed in a petticoat. Zurack walked up behind her
and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Adolphus simply sat there with his mouth

"Is something the matter Sheila?" Zurack inquired as he rubbed her breasts.
"Princess Felicity's slave," Sheila responded with a sigh. "I just can't stop thinking about
him, that's all." Zurack gently kissed Sheila's neck.
"He is a strong one," Zurack commented as he slid one of his paws down Sheila's
stomach. "Even if I can organise a night with him, it would only be that night. The princess
is quite protective of her slaves and she wouldn't allow a second meeting, so you should
just forget all about him."
"But I can't," Sheila sooked. "I can't get the thought of him out of my head."
"Maybe you'll feel better after a quick service," Zurack sighed as he stood up straight. "You
wait here and I'll go talk to the princess about it."
Zurack fixed up his outfit before climbing up onto the stone rail of the balcony and jumping
down onto the floor. Sheila stood there and watched as Zurack walked over to Felicity.

"Princess!" Zurack called out as he walked towards Felicity. "Princess Felicity!"
"Yes!" Felicity called out as she turned to face Zurack.
"I'm sorry to disturb you your highness," Zurack asked nervously, "but I was sort of
wondering if I could make a personal evaluation of your slave's yiff technique?"
"Now why would you want to do that?" Felicity inquired curiously as she looked up at
Zurack nervously twiddled his fingers.
"I just wanted to aid you with your training of him," Zurack replied nervously. "That's all."
Felicity chuckled.
"I think I can make a detailed analysis of my slave's yiff technique on my own," Felicity
replied. "Especially considering you taught me."
"But I didn't teach you how to analyse wolves, your highness, and horses and wolves have
differing techniques."
"That is true," Felicity commented as she twirled a ribbon on her dress. "But I would like to
be there so I can learn how to analyse wolves myself, yet I can not tonight since I have
some people I wish to talk with. Can we reschedule it for a later date, Lord Zurack?"
"Just I need to refresh my knowledge of canine..."
"I really don't think you'll need that much time to refresh your memory on canine anatomy,"
Felicity replied. "Now if you don't mind Lord Zurack?"
"It's just that Sheila....." But Zurack shut his muzzle before he said anything more.
"What was that Zurack?" Felicity inquired as she gave an accusingly stare.
"It's just that Sheila is very attracted to your slave and I wanted to see if I could somehow
remove her desire."
Felicity smirked as she looked at Zurack as Zurack tried to cover up his embarrassment.
"You really are whipped Zurack," Felicity chuckled as she put her paws on her hips. "It's
almost a joke that you're such a pussy whipped noble."
"You know it's my upbringing your highness."
"Very well then," Felicity chuckled. "I'll be over in a minute. My slave is in the middle cage,
so can you please tell him what's going on?"
"Certainly your highness," Zurack replied as he bowed and backed away towards the

Adolphus simply sat in the cage and stared at the crowd that had gathered, not paying any
particular attention to any of them.
"Come on slave, you know you want some mare pussy."
"Come on! Lets see your cock."
"I could make you richer than your wildest dreams."
"Slave, princess Felicity is coming to get you."
Adolphus looked at the new voice, as did many of the nobles gathered and he saw Zurack
standing there.
"Why Sir Zurack?" Adolphus lazily inquired.
"The princess has a job for you."
"And why should I believe you Sir Zurack? Mistress Felicity told me not to follow anyone's
orders except hers whilst I'm in this cage."
"And since she's not here, can I talk to you?"
"Speak from there, Sir Zurack."
"I really can't say it," Zurack cautioned as he looked around.
"Well can't it wait, Sir Zurack?"
"No," Zurack hesitantly replied. "I really need to talk to you now...."
"You can wait, Lord Zurack," Felicity noted as she walked up to the cage door. "I have to
go auction off my old slave, so you'll have full control over my slave until I finish my
"Yes, princess Felicity," Zurack replied as he gave a slight bow whist Adolphus walked
over to the cage door. Felicity unfurled the leash and attached it to Adolphus' collar and
gave the end to Zurack.
"Be gentle with him Lord Zurack," Felicity warned as she walked off towards the stairs for
the stage. Zurack watched Felicity walk off before putting Adolphus in front of him and
leading him off to the main door of the banquet hall.
"What is it you wanted to say to me, Sir Zurack?" Adolphus inquired as he watched the
nobility split in front of him.
"Sheila wanted a taste of your services," Zurack whispered. "And I was wondering if you
could maybe give it to her so she doesn't want you again?"
"I have a feeling that wouldn't be possible, Sir Zurack," Adolphus replied as they passed
through the main doors of the banquet hall. "How is it possible for me to prevent her from
wanting me again?"
"I can't say," Zurack replied as they walked up the stairs to the private rooms. "I was
trained in the field of pleasure."
"You're a sex slave, Sir Zurack?" Adolphus inquired as Zurack opened the door to the
private room where Sheila was and lead Adolphus in.
"Was," Zurack corrected. "I was granted my freedom with this title of nobility."
Sheila smiled as she watched Adolphus enter the room.
"He does look handsome," Sheila sighed as Zurack removed the lead and bracers that
held Adolphus' wrists together. "I can't wait."
Adolphus growled, only to catch a clip from Zurack's paw.
"Unlike the princess," Zurack observed, "I am harder to kill without a sword or bow and I
won't be going to sleep. So if you harm Sheila, I will make sure that I get to punish you
with my monster of a member and I make bears look small."
Adolphus stopped growling with a gulp and stood up straight and bowed at Sheila.
"It is a pleasure to meet you Sheila," Adolphus said as he bowed to Sheila who simply
"The pleasure's all mine slave," Sheila hesitated as she curtsied. "I'm honoured that the
princess allowed me to have a service from you, especially considering that I your sheer
presence demands arousal."
"I am flattered," Adolphus replied.
"The auction is about to start," Zurack observed as he looked at the stage.
"That would be interesting to see," Sheila said as she turned and walked to the balcony.
"Would you like to see slave?"
"Of course," Adolphus replied as he walked out and stood next to Sheila and put an arm
around her.
'It is strange,' Zurack thought to himself as he watched the wolf and horse standing there,
the two looking almost like a couple, 'that an equine and wolf can stand together and that a
warrior can seem so kind. I'll have to ask the princess later a bit about her slave since he
almost seems passive.'
Sheila rested her head on Adolphus' shoulder.
'It's almost as if..... No, it couldn't be, could it? Sheila desires him as a partner rather than
as a sex slave?'

King Edward walked up onto stage and the crowd fell silent.
"It is good to see you all this evening," King Edward proclaimed in his large booming voice.
"I trust you have all enjoyed the festivities."
The crowd gave a muttered response.
"That is good to hear," Edward chuckled as he looked around the room. "Now it's time to
begin the auctions with my dear Daughter, Felicity, beginning tonight's auction."
The crowd let up a loud cheer as Felicity walked up onto stage, leading a deep roan
stallion by a bridle in his mouth and dressed in a leather thong.
"Good evening," Felicity called out as he looked up at Adolphus standing next to Sheila on
the balcony. "It is time to begin the auction with my former slave Serphus. Shall we begin
the bidding at 100 gold pieces?"
One of the nobles put their paw up and Felicity acknowledged the bid before another noble
out bid.
The crowd started to get more and more anxious as they bid for Serphus, soon the bidding
reaching 800 gold pieces.
"It seems so cruel," Sheila muttered as she grasped at Adolphus. "Almost like he's just
"He is," Adolphus sighed as he looked at Serphus as he watched the bidding as it reached
1,000 gold pieces before they started bidding in increments of 25.
"1,375!" Felicity called out as she looked around the hall. "Going once."
"1,500!" A noble at the back called out and the crown roared out in suspense.
Adolphus looked down at Sheila as she rested her head against Adolphus' chest.
Adolphus gave his lips a quick lick as he looked at Sheila's chest. Sheila looked up at
Adolphus and blushed as she looked away.
"May I ask you a question?" Adolphus inquired as he looked at Sheila's face.
"Sure," Sheila replied hesitantly.
"Where did you come from?"
The bidding reached 1,750 as Sheila looked up at Adolphus.
"I was a nomad," Sheila replied hesitantly as she looked downwards, particularly
"That's okay," Adolphus replied. "I was sort of a nomad as well."
"1,803 going once!" Felicity proclaimed as she called out.
Adolphus gave a quick nod.
"Going twice!"
"Did you move with your pack?"
"Sort of."
"Going three times!"
Several solders dressed in the colours of the band of the Griffin broke through the
windows as they swung from ropes and landed on the floor with their swords drawn. There
were several loud screams as the nobility tried to escape, only to come up against another
group of Griffin soldiers who forced them back into the hall. Three soldiers scrambled up
onto stage and grabbed Felicity and Edward.
"Everyone shut up!" the third soldier, an otter, called out as he stood at the front of the
stage. "We are the Griffin army and we have taken over this palace. There will be no
escape for anyone until the power of the kingdom has been handed over to Lord Seldier
and the mercenary known as Adolphus as been found or confirmed not to be here! If the
king doesn't hand over power to Lord Seldier within the hour, then everyone here will be

"Shit," Zurack muttered as he dragged Sheila and Adolphus inside off the balcony. "We
have to get you two out of here."
"The soldiers will be up here in a second sir, " Adolphus commented as he looked out at
the stage. "We can't escape, but I have a plan."

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