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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

Comments to Avanti_Halfhorse@Yahoo.com.au
Sometimes, even we don't understand what motivates us. -Avanti Halfhorse

Part 9) Adolphus 7: Rescue from a slaverey

"Everyone shut up! We are the Griffin army and we have taken over this palace. There will
be no escape for anyone until the power of the kingdom has been handed over to Lord
Seldier and the mercenary known as Adolphus as been found or confirmed not to be here!
If the king doesn't hand over power to Lord Seldier within the hour, then everyone here will
be killed."

Two soldiers, a wolf and a horse, kicked open the door to one of the private rooms,
stormed inside and saw Sheila sitting on the side of her bed, dressed in her petticoats.
"You there," the wolf ordered, "come with us and you won't get hurt."
"Now now boys," Sheila said seductively as she got up off the bed and walked to the end
of the bed and grabbed onto the bed post. "Can't it wait? I'm so horny that I'm willing to
mount anything...." Sheila slid down the bedpost and moaned as she flashed the soldiers a
subtle lack of underwear. The two soldiers looked at each other curiously.
"Shall we?" the horse asked the wolf, his trousers starting to shift. "It's just a couple of
minutes of fun with a horny mare."
"Maiden filly actually," Sheila said seductively. "I haven't been ridden yet." Sheila sucked
on her finger as she stood up straight.
"The orders were to clear the rooms," the wolf reminded the horse, "just a simple clear, no
time for a yiff."
Felicity slid her paw up her petticoat and stroked her pussy with a moan.
"Fuck that," the stallion said as he dropped his sword and walked over to Sheila. "A
maiden filly's a maiden filly."
Adolphus slammed the door and walked out from his hiding place behind it.
"Tut tut," Adolphus disciplined as he picked up the horse's sword. "You should always take
your orders over the horny filly."
The wolf turned to strike at Adolphus, but Adolphus simply impaled the wolf on the sword
before the wolf could strike. The horse grabbed Sheila and held a knife to her throat,
hiding behind her.
"Stay where you are," the horse demanded, "or the bitch gets it."
"Fine," Adolphus said as he stopped, "but it isn't me you should worry about."
Zurack reached out from under the bed and grabbed the horse's hoof as Sheila lifted her
leg and slammed the horse directly in his groin, causing him to drop the knife in pain.
Sheila broke the horse's hold and ran for Adolphus as Zurack pulled the horse over onto
his face, causing his muzzle to shatter as it hit the floor, killing him instantly. Sheila hid her
muzzle in Adolphus' chest and cried as Zurack climbed out from under the bed.
"It's okay," Adolphus calmed as he rubbed the back of Sheila's head. "You're okay now."
"I know," Sheila sobbed, "but it still scared me."
"You did well," Adolphus soothed as he gave her a kiss in between her ears. "You did
what you were supposed to. Do you think you can keep going?"
"Yes," Sheila said as she wiped a tear from her eye.
"That's good," Adolphus said as he lifted Sheila's chin so she was looking at him. "You did
well and you should be proud."
"I am."
"Good filly."
Zurack picked himself up and dusted himself off and took a quick glance at Adolphus and
Sheila. The two of them were staring into each others eyes, almost as if they were in love.
"Shall we continue?" Zurack asked as pushed the horse's dead body under the bed,
breaking Sheila's and Adolphus' stare.
"Um yes," Adolphus said as he shook his head and walked over to the wolf and started to
take his clothes off. "Now do we understand the second part of the plan?"
"Yes," Zurack replied as Sheila ran into his arms and hugged him. "I say I have information
on Adolphus and we should get up onto the stage."
"Exactly," Adolphus confirmed as he put the wolf's uniform on. "Once we are on stage, I kill
the leader and the soldiers will throw down their swords."
"But what about your collar slave?" Zurack inquired as he pointed to the collar around
Adolphus' neck as Adolphus pulled the tunic over his head.
"I should be able to get away with it,"
"And you're sure?"
"Some of the soldiers wear collars."
"And how do you know that?" Zurack interrogated.
"I.... saw some on the soldiers that stormed in," Adolphus replied in a hurried manner.
"Now we should take up positions."
Zurack gave a quick nod.

"So are you going to turn over power?" the otter asked as he paced in front of King
"Never," Edward replied harshly. "The Casper family will never be overthrown by a bunch
of thugs."
"We aren't thugs," the otter commented as he looked King Edward in the eyes. "We are
highly trained soldiers."
"And who is this Adolphus you are looking for?"
"He is one of the best mercenaries to walk this world. His name alone can cause some to
tremble. Some say he is the best swordsman ever."
Felicity tried not to laugh as she stood with a guard either side of her.
"Something funny mare?" the otter demanded as he walked over to Felicity.
"No," Felicity replied, "not really."
"Then you shouldn't laugh."
"I'm sorry, I'll stop."
"Good," the otter grumbled as he walked back over to Edward. "I don't want to have to
hear from you again or else I'll make you my personal pleasure slave."

"So what's the plan?" Zurack whispered to Adolphus as Adolphus corrected his belt.
"Can you keep a secret sir?" Adolphus inquired as he fixed the bastard sword to his back.
"That all depends," Zurack replied hesitantly.
"Have you ever heard of the tales of Adolpus?"
"Yes," Zurack replied. "Many say that he is the greatest swordsman since the mighty Scar.
Killer of thousands in battle and a merciless slaughterer of innocents. One who's skill has
no equal and no greater. The great wolf of the wars."
"Some of that is true, whilst other parts are not."
"How is that a secret?" Zurack inquired. "Tales of the wars are always exaggerated."
"I've seen, first paw, what sort of wolf Adolphus is and what sort of wolf Adolphus is now.
He is no longer the greatest swordsman ever, he no longer slaughters innocents and he is
no where near Scar."
"And how would you know this?"
"As long as no one else knows, I am Adolphus."
Zurack and Sheila stared at Adolphus in disbelief.
"You...." Sheila said as she pointed to Adolphus with a trembling finger. "You're the
Adolphus they're look for?"
"Yes," Adolphus replied as he gave the crowd a quick look over. "I will save the kingdom,
but then I'm gone."
"So you're leaving?" Sheila asked with a trembling lip. "But?"
"This is the only chance I may have to escape. If I don't take it, I may never escape."
"But what about Princess Felicity?" Zurack demanded. "She owns you."
"She means nothing to me and nor does her ownership of me."
"But what about me?" Sheila appealed.
Zurack and Adolphus both stared at Sheila curiously.
"I never got my service," Sheila replied hesitantly as she blushed.
"I'm sorry," Adolphus sighed as he walked over to Sheila and rubbed her cheek. "If I see
you again, I promise I will."
"Thank you," Sheila said as she smiled at Adolphus.
"Not a problem," Adolphus replied. "Now you two stay here and I'll go deal with the Griffin
army soldiers, after that, I'll escape."
Adolphus then walked out onto the balcony, looked back and gave Sheila a wink before
leaping over the stone rail.

"We don't have all night your highness," the otter mocked as he paced the stage. "I want to
enjoy the spoils of your city before we hand it over."
"I will never hand over my kingdom to you," Edward sneered at the otter. "I would rather
die then hand over the land that rightfully belongs to the Casper family."
"Well one way or another," the otter sighed. "The kingdom will be ours by the time this
hour is over."
"I hope my blood curses this ground," Edward growled as he pulled against the guards
that were holding him.
"I'm not afraid," the otter joked as he walked over to Felicity. "Your threats are empty and
mean little to me and to prove it, I think I'll start by ravaging your daughter."
The otter grabbed Felicity's chin and lifted it up before taking a scarf and tying Felicity's
mouth shut.
"Hmm," the otter commented as he looked down Felicity' top as she struggled against her
two guards. "What a lovely daughter you have."
The otter ripped Felicity's gown, leaving her chest exposed.
"What a beautiful and sensual daughter you have, king Edward."
"Leave my daughter alone!" Edward protested.
"I'm so scared," the otter mocked as he grasped one of Felicity's breasts. "What are you
going to do, neigh at me?"
Felicity muttered angrily though her tied mouth.
"What was that?" the otter interrogated as he removed the scarf from around Felicity's
"I said that my rangers will soon be here," Felicity warned as she stared at the otter, "and
they'll hang you by your balls."
"I'm so afraid," the otter mocked as he faked a tremble.
"You should be."

"Why do we always get the shit jobs?" an eagle grumbled as he paced the roof.
"Because we can fly," the golden dragon muttered as his reply as he sat on the edge.
"I don't know why," the eagle complained as he ruffled his wings. "Not like anyone can....."
"Can what?" the dragon asked as he stared down at the ground below. The eagle didn't
reply as he fell forward and hit the ground with a thud. The dragon turned to see his
comrade lying in front of him with the point of an arrow sticking through his head.
"Oh shit," the dragon said as he stood up. A dark figure walked up behind the dragon and
slipped a silken rope around the dragon's neck and snapped the dragon's throat. The dark
figure dropped the dragon's dead body as the archer jumped across the rooftops and
stood next to the dark figure.
"Impressive," the archer congratulated as he drew another arrow in his bow.
"Thanks," the dark figure responded as she took out her short bow. "Is our insider in
"Almost, we'll get the signal when he is."

An equine waiter walked towards the main door carrying a tray of goblets of red wine and
was stopped by a skunk and a badger of the Griffin army guarding the ballroom.
"No one's allowed in," the skunk ordered the waiter.
"I've been sent by the guard from the kitchen to give all the Griffin soldiers a drink," the
waiter explained.
"Oh really?" the badger scoffed. "How about you have one first?"
"Certainly sir," the waiter said as he took a goblet from the tray by the neck and drank the
contents in one go and stood there for a couple of minutes.
"He isn't dying," the skunk whispered to the badger.
"I can see that," the badger whispered in reply.
"Would you like your drinks now?" the waiter inquired impatiently.
The two guards shrugged at each other before each grabbing a goblet by the rim.
"Not bad wine," the skunk commented as the badger drank the entire goblet before
dropping the goblet, a golden stiletto between his eyes.
"What the?" the badger demanded as he looked at the skunk.
The waiter took his goblet and forced it against the side of the badger's head, causing the
firing mechanism to launch the spring loaded stiletto from the neck of the goblet and into
the badger's temple.
"Come on," the waiter mocked as he put the tray down and walked into the banquet hall.
"Poison? How cheap do you think we are?"

Adolphus slowly made his way through the crowd towards one of the guards at the window
when he felt a dagger point press against his back.
"Hold it right there slave," the voice behind him said. "I can see you're trying to escape."
"I'm not," Adolphus replied quietly. "I'm trying to save my mistress."
"Why do I doubt that?"
"Why are you questioning me?" Adolphus inquired as he turned around and looked the
equine waiter in the eyes. "Sir Gareth?"
"I want to know what you are doing Griffin uniform and not with Felicity?"
"Sir Zurack was taking care of me when they attacked and I stole this uniform off a wolf I
"So what's your plan slave?"
"The only way I know how," Adolphus observed as he patted the sword he had at his side.
"With a blade."
"So you're just gonna walk up onto stage and kill their commander?"
"Of course, I know that Kaller isn't a sword fighter."
"And who is Kaller?"
"He's the otter," Adolphus pointed out as he looked back at Gareth.
"And how do you know him?" Gareth demanded as he gave Adolphus an accusing glare.
"He has a reputation," Adolphus lied as he walked towards the stage. "I've heard about
him before."
"Why do I doubt you slave?"
"Why does it matter?" Adolphus questioned as he started to walk towards the stage. "What
I know isn't important at the moment since what I am going to do is more important."
"I think it's important."
"Sir Gareth, do you want me to save the kingdom or not?"
"What makes you think that Felicity's Ranger's can't handle it?"
"Because we have less than an hour and you still have to kill all the guards first. On the
other paw, if I kill Kaller, then the guards will flee and then you can hunt them down in your
own time."
"I don't like it," Gareth grumbled as he glared at Adolphus.
"You only don't like it because you don't get the glory. Now go and tell the rest of the
rangers the plan," Adolphus ordered as he started to walk towards the stage.

Kaller, the otter commander, paced around Felicity and licked his lips.
"Now I don't know wether I'm gonna kill you princess," Kaller though aloud as he circled
Felicity. "Or make you my personal slave."
Felicity huffed as best she could with her mouth tied shut with the scarf.
"Be good now," Kaller ordered as he grabbed Felicity's muzzle and got her to look at him.
"Or else I'll have to spank you." Kaller gave Felicity's rump a firm slap. Felicity growled at
Kaller as he walked over to Edward again.
"Any change your highness?"
"Never," Edward sneered at Kaller, before spitting in his face.
"Fine," Kaller grumbled as he wiped the spit from his face. "I know I'm going to enjoy
slicing your head from your body."
"Well he still has about half an hour," Adolphus observed as he walked up onto the stage.
"So don't go chopping any heads off until it's over."
"And who are you?" Kaller ordered as he walked towards Adolphus.
"Don't you recognise me?" Adolphus asked curiously as he thumbed the hilt of his sword.
"Should I?"
Felicity stared wide eyed at Adolphus as Adolphus looked over at her and gave her a wink
and a smile.
"I suppose you wouldn't know me since what you'd know me for hasn't happened yet,"
Adolphus said as he pulled the sword slightly from it's hilt. "You wouldn't know who killed
you until it's already too late!"
With that, Adolphus pulled the sword from it's scabbard and flung it at Kaller, the sword
lodged itself in the side of Kaller's head. Kaller started to choke as blood dribble down the
side of his head.
"Now you know me because I just killed you," Adolphus assessed as he watched Kaller
fall over, the sword dislodging from the side of his head and falling to the floor. The Griffin
soldiers on stage all stared in disbelief as Adolphus ran over and grabbed his sword.
"Flee if you think you can escape," Adolphus warned as flicked some of the blood from his
blade. Every Griffin soldier in the banquet hall dropped their weapons and made a mad
dash for the windows. Adolphus took off in pursuit of the Griffin soldiers.

"They're fleeing?" the archer queried as he watched several of the Griffin soldiers fleeing
from the hall.
"Kill them," the dark figure said as she drew her short bow and fired an arrow at one of the
soldiers, piercing the wolf in the leg. The wolf howled as he landed on the ground and
dropped his sword before he staggered off into the darkness.
"Get the rest of the rangers," the archer ordered as he watched for the wounded wolf.
"Razher!" Gareth called out from one of the balconies below. "Razher!"
"What?" the archer demanded as he looked down below.
"Princess Felicity's slave has escaped! He was dressed as Griffin soldier!"
"Think that was him?" the dark figure inquired as she looked at Razher.
"I don't know Kitty. Get all the rangers and we're going to hunt them all down."
"Yes Razher, right away."

Felicity sat on stage with the scarf draped over her shoulders, holding the top of her dress
"Are you all right my dear?" Edward inquired as he crouched down next to Felicity.
Felicity didn't respond as she sat on the stage. All she could think about was how
Adolphus saved her.
"Where is my slave?" Felicity asked calmly as she looked up at her father.
"No one knows dear," Edward replied with a sigh. "He dove out the window and that's the
last that anyone saw of him.
"And my rangers?"
"They're all pursuing the Griffin soldiers and your slave."
"I'm going after my slave," Felicity declared as she stood up. "I don't want to loose my
"You aren't going anywhere," Edward said sternly. "You are going to get looked at by the
"I'm fine father," Felicity said as she went to stand up. "My rangers need me."
"You are going nowhere!" Edward demanded as he forced Felicity to sit down again.
"You're staying here. Your rangers can handle on their own."
Felicity simply stared out the door into the garden where her slave had disappeared.

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