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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

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Sometimes, the best place to hide is the place where you want to be found. -Avanti

Part 10) Adolphus 8: Masturbating Mare's.

Adolphus limped into the shadows and hid himself in between a couple of trees as several
rangers took off after the rest of the Griffin soldiers. Adolphus growled as he tested the
arrow in his leg.
'Doesn't appear to be any barbs,' Adolphus thought to himself as he removed his tunic. 'So
it should be easy enough to remove.'
Adolphus folded the tunic over as he got a firm grip on the arrow and pulled it cleanly from
his leg, holding back a whimper as it left his flesh. Adolphus then quickly bandaged up his
leg with the folded tunic.
'I'll have to have that fixed up properly later,' Adolphus thought to himself as he tied the
makeshift bandage into a knot. 'But it'll do in the meantime.'
Adolphus listened for several minutes before he heard something coming towards him.
'Shit,' Adolphus thought to himself as he quickly removed his trousers and threw them onto
a nearby bush.
"Who's there!" a strange voice demanded. "Show yourself."
Adolphus slowly stood up and limped out from behind the bushes, glad he was still
wearing his leather thong. Two guards walked towards Adolphus with their pikes held out.
"Who are you?" one of the wolf guards demanded.
"I am a slave," Adolphus noted as he limped towards the guard with his paws in the air.
"My mistress left me here when the fighting broke out."
"What happened to your leg?" the other wolf guard inquired.
"My mistress is a blood letter," Adolphus lied shyly as he tapped the bandage on his leg.
"And who is your mistress?"
Adolphus thought quickly.
"Mistress Sheila, she arrived with Sir Zurack today."
"What species is your mistress?"
"A horse," Adolphus replied hastily.
The two wolves quickly glanced at each other before shrugging their shoulders and
lowering the pikes.
"Want us to take you back to your mistress?"
"No thank you," Adolphus replied as he went to sit back down. "My mistress told me to
wait here."
"She told you to wait here whilst she fled?"
"Something strange about that?" Adolphus queried.
"I suppose not," the first wolf guard said as he looked around. "Anyone run that way?"
"I believe I saw a Griffin soldier running that way," Adolphus groaned in pain as he shifted
his leg. "Ripping his clothes off as he ran." Adolphus pointed towards the trousers he had
thrown. "I used his tunic as a bandage."
"What was he?"
"A wolf," Adolphus whimpered. "He had an arrow sticking from his leg."
"Thank you," one of the guards thanked as they both took off in the direction Adolphus had
pointed. Adolphus watched the two guards run off before he stood up and limped off in the
opposite direction.

Felicity paced angrily as the two wolf guards
"Any signs of my slave?" Felicity inquired to the two wolf guards.
"None mistress Felicity," one of the two wolf guards reported.
"Did you find anyone?"
"We found a slave that belonged to a Lady Sheila," the other guard remembered.
"Lady Sheila? There aren't any ladies in the kingdom by that name."
"She was a guest of Lord Zurack."
Felicity grumbled as he paced up and down before she stopped and looked at the guards.
"Was she an equine?" Felicity demanded.
"Pardon your highness?"
"Was Lady Sheila an equine?"
"Yes," the other wolf stuttered. "The slave mentioned that his mistress was a horse, a
blood letter too."
Felicity stormed up and grabbed the guard by the collar of his tunic.
"She's an equine blood letter?" Felicity interrogated. "Doesn't that seem weird to you?"
"No-o-o," the wolf Felicity held in her paws gulped. "Your highness, it didn't seem weird at
"That was MY slave!"
Felicity threw the wolf across the room and he slammed into the wall.
"I want him found!" Felicity yelled as an order. "Both of you out now!"
The two guards quickly fled from the room as Felicity walked out to the balcony and stared
out into the night.
"Are you there Razher?" Felicity asked the darkness.
"Yes your highness," Razher replied from an unseen location.
"Have you found any trace of my slave?"
"No your highness. We've searched further into the forest and found and established that
all of those that were fleeing were not your slave."
"I know," Felicity sighed. "I have just received a report concerning a wolf slave found in the
garden outside the banquet room who claimed to be the slave of a Lady Sheila."
"There isn't a Lady Sheila in the kingdom and no Lady Sheila was at the party."
"That's because the only Sheila at the party was a slave."
"And slaves aren't recorded on the invitation list. Who does the slave belong to?"
"Lord Zurack.... But those details aren't important. He never escaped the city."
"I know we are looking for you slave your highness, but what are we looking for?"
"He was dressed as a Griffin soldier and was the last one dressed in the uniform to jump
through the window."
"I believe I wounded him in the leg then."
"So he won't get far. Put up guards on every gate and make sure anything that wants to
get through is thoroughly inspected and cleared and search every inch of the city. He is to
be found."
"Yes your highness," Razher replied. "He will be found."

"Is there something the matter Sheila?" Zurack inquired as he flew Sheila back to his
"It's just..." Sheila sighed as she looked at the approaching tower. "I never got my service."
"Don't worry," Zurack comforted as he landed on the balcony.
Sheila felt a tear run down her cheek as she looked back at the castle.
"Will I ever see him again?" Sheila sobbed as Zurack put her down.
"I don't know," Zurack sighed as he rubbed the back of Sheila's head. "But if it makes you
feel better, I'll pleasure you before you go to sleep tonight."
"I don't know," Sheila choked, "I just feel so empty, loosing my happiness twice in one
Sheila nodded solemnly as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
"I lost my future husband and....." Sheila burst out crying as she fell to her knees.
"Come now dear," Zurack condoled as he lifted Sheila up and carried her into the bedroom
and lay her down on the bed. "Please don't cry, I'll make you feel better."
Sheila rolled onto her side and sobbed into her pillow.
"I feel so lonely," Sheila sobbed as Zurack stood up and looked at her.
"I'll go and get you a night gown and something to eat and drink," Zurack suggested as he
walked towards the door. "You can take your collar off if you want."
Zurack walked through the door and closed it behind him. Sheila looked over at the closed
door as grasped at the pillow. She cried into the pillow as she thought of what had
happened to her over the previous day. She felt sad that her future husband had been
taken from her, but she felt betrayed that she had been denied a service by Adolphus. She
clutched at the pillow tighter and a fresh burst of tears soaked into the pillow.
"Why?" Sheila choked as she lifted her muzzle from the pillow. "Why does my life mock
Sheila threw the pillow across the room at the door.
"Why must the only chance of happiness I could ever get in my new life disappear from
Sheila got up off the bed and stormed over to the pillow she had thrown and kicked it over
the balcony and down into the garden below.
"I can't take this torment!"
Sheila grasped the collar of her gown and ripped most of the top of her gown, leaving her
silken undergarments in place.
"My life seems so empty now."
Sheila curled up into a ball and started to cry again when Zurack returned.
"What's the matter my dear?" Zurack inquired as he placed the silver tray with dinner, wine
and a silk gown on a table and went over to comfort Sheila.
"I feel so violated," Sheila choked as she grabbed at her arms.
"Adolphus. He never laid a paw on me with the intention of mounting me and I feel so
"But I am here," Zurack comforted.
"Zurack, master," Sheila explained as she wiped the tears from her eyes again. "Do you
not dream of a love?"
"Sheila my dear, you've only met Adolphus today and the same day that I took you from
your former love."
"I need someone to love," Sheila sobbed. "Someone to care for me."
"I care for you."
"But not in the way I was brought up to understand. I need a simple life master."
"He is gone," Zurack gently consoled.
Sheila started to cry again as Zurack patted her shoulders.
"Come now dear," Zurack comforted as he picked Sheila up. "You must be tired after such
a day. Perhaps you would like to have some dinner before going to bed."
Sheila nodded slowly.
"Then come now," Zurack suggested as he helped Sheila stand up. "Get changed into this
nightgown and then you can have dinner."
"What's a nightgown?"
"It's what most nobility wear when they sleep."
"I've never worn anything when I've slept, I just slept in my fur."
Sheila started to remove her gown and undergarments and rested them on the chest at
the end of the bed.
"Are you hungry Sheila?"
"No thank you," Sheila replied as she crawled over the bed, wiping the last of her tears
from her eyes. "I might just go to sleep."
"Are you sure Sheila?"
"I feel like sleeping, that's all master."
"Okay then," Zurack comforted as he walked towards the door. "If you need anything, just
call. I'll leave the meal here if you get hungry."
"I'll call if I need anything."
Zurack closed the door and left Sheila to herself.
Sheila got out of bed the moment she could no longer hear Zurack's padding down the
stairs and walked over to the mirror and stared at her naked, light grey, equine figure.
"Why could you not mate me once?" Sheila sighed as she stroked her body. "Am I not
worthy of your seed?"
Sheila ran her paws up and down her stomach, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Are my breasts not full enough? Firm enough?"
Sheila cupped her breasts in her paws and tweaked her nipples with her thumb and
forefinger. For several minutes, she stood there, massaging her breasts as she felt her
pussy moisten with her arousal.
"Why won't I see you again Adolphus?" Sheila whimpered as she shifted her paws down
her body.
"Is my unridden body not good enough?"
Sheila started to stroke her pussy, her arousal causing tears to flow again.
"Why couldn't you mount me, just once?"
Sheila pressed her index and middle fingers into her pussy with a moan.
"CAN YOU NOT LOVE ME!?" Sheila screamed as she stroked her insides, her juices
dribbling down her spread legs, her cheeks moist with her tears.
Zurack ran up and opened the door to Sheila's room and saw Sheila standing in front of
the mirror.
"Sheila!" Zurack called out as he ran over and grabbed Sheila's paws as Sheila climaxed
all over both their fingers.
"Are you okay Sheila?" Zurack asked as Sheila started to cry again. "I heard you
screaming and I came running."
Sheila choked on her sobs, unable to say anything.
"Come now Sheila," Zurack comforted as he picked the crying Sheila up and carried her
over to the bed. "You're tired."
"Why did he have to leave?" Sheila sobbed as Zurack stroked her muzzle and put her
down on the bed.
"That was his choice to make," Zurack commented as he stroked Sheila's muzzle.
"Why do I miss him?" Sheila pleaded as she stroked part of her mane from her face.
"You must be in heat," Zurack thought aloud as he took a cloth and wiped the tears from
Sheila's eyes. "Your body desires for a male's cum."
"Is there any way I can suppress it?" Sheila asked as Zurack got a fresh cloth and started
to clean the cum from her legs.
"Unfortunately there isn't," Zurack sighed. "I know that a fixed male can suppress the urge,
but I haven't been able make the chemical artificially."
"So I have to put up with my heat?" Sheila surveyed as Zurack stroked Sheila's pussy with
the same cloth he cleaned her legs with.
"Unfortunately, yes," Zurack sighed. "There is nothing we can do, I'm sorry."
Sheila let out a moan as she felt herself arousing again.
"Careful Zurack," Sheila warned.
"Sorry," Zurack apologised as he stopped stroking. "I'm a bit out of practice."

Adolphus crawled over the wall and dropped into another garden. He'd been limping for
almost an hour when he heard the sounds of approaching guards so he had clambered
over a wall to evade the patrol.
"Where am I?" Adolphus thought aloud to himself as he limped through the garden. In the
centre of the garden was a mansion with a large tower in the centre. "There doesn't
appear to be anyone here."
As Adolphus staggered around the garden, he came across a pillow.
'Strange,' Adolphus thought to himself as he picked up the pillow and gave it a squeeze.
'What's a pillow doing here?'
Adolphus looked around and made sure no one was around.
"There isn't anyone here," Adolphus observed as he walked around the garden for a
couple of minutes. "I suppose I should find somewhere to sleep and put this pillow to good
Adolphus found a bench and lay down, using the pillow to protect his head against the arm
"I suppose I should get some rest," Adolphus yawned as he closed his eyes and snuggled
into the pillow. "It should be warm enough to sleep in the thong."
Adolphus closed his eyes and faded off into sleep.

Felicity was out on her balcony staring at the night sky, dressed in her nightgown.
"Your highness," a voice called from the darkness.
"Unless you have good news Razher," Felicity warned angrily. "I don't want to hear it."
"Then I'm sorry to disturb you your highness," Razher apologised. "I just wanted to inform
you that we have guards in place on every gate and wall."
"Thank you for wasting my time Razher."
"I can understand that you are annoyed your highness, just some guards reported seeing
someone jumping the fence into Lord Zurack's mansion grounds."
"And how is that important?"
"He had a Griffin tunic tied around his upper leg near the place where I shot your slave."
"Do you think it's my slave?"
"I don't know your highness, but we've set up guards around the mansion grounds, so no
one is getting in or out on foot."
"Good. I will go and see Lord Zurack tomorrow and talk to him myself. Now leave me be
Razher, I want to get some sleep."
"Yes your highness. I will see you tomorrow."
Felicity waited a couple of minutes before she turned around and walked back into her
room. She felt her own arousal rising in between her legs as she walked back towards her
"I'll make sure my slave is taught a through lesson when I get my paws on him," Felicity
growled as she lay down on her bed.
Felicity reached over to her bedside table and fumbled around in the top draw.
"Now where is my favourite toy," Felicity grumbled as she shuffled through stuff in her
draw before she pulled out a large dildo.
"Ah," Felicity sighed happily as she flicked the large dildo over in her paw. "Found it
Felicity lay on her back and slowly undid the ribbon of her night gown and slid it down over
her body whilst she sucked on the dildo to lubricate it. Felicity moaned as she pulled the
dildo from her mouth and dragged the tip down her chest and between her breasts.
"I can not wait for my slave to be fixed," Felicity moaned as she traced the tip of her dildo
through her vaginal lips. "Then it will be his member penetrating me."
Felicity let out a deep moan as she gently pushed the dildo into her pussy.
"I can't wait to feel his cock inside of me."
Felicity started to slowly slide the moist dildo in and out of her pussy, her body tensing up
with each thrust. Felicity arched her back as her orgasm grew inside her body. Felicity
pulled the dildo's tip over her g-spot, throwing her body into climax as she came all over
her nightgown. For several minutes, Felicity lay on her bed, groaning as her orgasm
ravaged her body. Felicity panted as she lay back down on the bed and sighed contently
as she put her dildo in a basket by the bed to be washed in the morning before she dried
her pussy with her nightgown and dropped it into basket as well. Felicity then crawled
between her sheets and looked out the window again and thought for a few minutes.
"I feel I deserve some sort of compensation from Zurack," Felicity muttered to herself as
she lay in her bed. "Perhaps either a service from him or his slave. A service from a
female horse is something I can get any day I wish, it's Zurack though I want. I suppose I
could call up the rule of slave replacement, just Zurack's a noble. Then again, he would
put himself in front of his slave if he felt she was in danger," Felicity gave a devious smirk.
"Yes, that's the perfect plan. I'm sure Lork Zurack would not conseed to my request, but
would take Sheila's place himself. Perfect."

After breakfast the next morning, Sheila went for a walk in the gardens of Zurack's
mansion, fiddling with Zurack ownership collar that was still around her neck and dressed
in a simple dress.
"Where are you Adolphus," Sheila sighed as she picked a rose from one of the bushes.
"Once is all I desired."
Sheila pulled a couple of petals from the rose and gave them a quick sniff before popping
them into her mouth and began chewing them. She marveled at the garden as she walked
through it, having never seen some of these flowers before in her life and the richness of
the green was something she couldn't understand. As Sheila turned a corner in the
garden, she saw a wolf sleeping on the garden bench. Sheila jumped back with a gasp
and quickly hid behind a hedge and peaked back around the corner. The wolf muttered
something in his sleep as he rolled over.
"I wonder who that wolf is," Sheila whispered to herself as she carefully inched her way
towards the sleeping wolf. "He seems to be asleep, so he shouldn't be dangerous."
Sheila gently tapped the wolf on the shoulder.
"It's too early for drill," the wolf whined in his sleep. "Go away."
"Adolphus?" Sheila asked quietly.
The wolf rolled onto his back and looked up at Sheila with a smile.
"Hello there Sheila," the wolf smiled as he looked up at Sheila.
Sheila leant down and gave Adolphus a firm hug and as she sobbed, "Adolphus."
"Whoa," Adolphus exclaimed as he patted Sheila's back. "No need to get upset."
"I thought I lost you," Sheila cried joyously. "I'm so glad you came back."
"Yeah," Adolphus lied in a confused daze.
"I missed you Adolphus."
'What is wrong with this girl?' Adolphus thought to himself as he hugged Sheila back.
"And since I missed your service, I felt so betrayed."
"Sheila," Adolphus comforted. "Calm down, I'm here now."
"C-c-can I get my service now?"
"If you wish," Adolphus said as he rolled his eyes, glad Sheila couldn't see his face.
"Oh thank you," Sheila sobbed as she pulled Adolphus forward and gave him a kiss. "You
have no idea how much this means to me."

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