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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

Comments please! (I'm begging here.) Avanti_Halfhorse@Yahoo.com.au

Yiff is a sign of lust. A child is a sign of love. -Avanti Halfhorse

Part 13) Adolphus 11: Negotiations and foals

Sheila bounced on her knees, up and down on the bed.
"Do you think I'm carrying his foal?" Sheila asked Zurack happily.
"I don't know," Zurack sighed as he sat down. "And if you are, there's the risk that the foal
will die. Mixed bloods have a lower chance of survival."
"But I could be?"
"There's always the chance, yes."
Sheila rubbed her stomach happily as she giggled. "Adolphus' foal. What should I call it?"
"Whatever you feel like."
"You think it'll be a colt like his father or a filly like her mother?"
"I don't know Sheila," Zurack said, slightly annoyed. "I can't answer those questions yet."
"Sorry master, just I've never had a foal before."
"I understand Sheila, it's okay."
"If it's a colt, can I call it Zurack, after you?"
Zurack looked at Sheila.
"Of course you can, why do you ask?"
"Well he's your child in a way," Sheila said, slightly embarrassed. "And you are my master
Zurack chuckled.
"At the moment, all I'm glad about is that you're happy."
"Of course I'm happy," Sheila said with a smile. "I have you to protect and care for me,
Adolphus to love me and I'm carrying his foal. What more could I want?"

Adolphus groaned, his tailhole felt sore and stretched. As he looked around his cell, he
saw Felicity crouching in front of him, cutting his wrist bonds.
"Mistress Felicity?" Adolphus inquired in a tired tone.
"You've learnt your lesson slave," Felicity said, almost showing sympathy. "I don't think
you'll be trying to run for the next few days anyways."
The moment Felicity cut the bonds, Adolphus fell flat on his stomach and panted as
Felicity took out a chalice and poured in the contents of a vial.
"Is that the last time?" Adolphus groaned as he looked at Felicity as she crouched down
next to him.
"Yes," Felicity replied as she put the chalice down and gently tapped Adolphus to sit up.
"Unless you want to be stubborn and not do what I say, now sit up so I can give you some
medicine to help the pain and put you to sleep."
Adolphus lifted his head up and drank the green contents of the chalice before putting his
head down again. Soon, Adolphus felt sleepy, his eyes becoming dreary before he fell

Zurack sat up in this study, looking at the castle, his thoughts returning to the naked
Felicity that had been sitting at his breakfast table earlier that morning, savouring her taste
as his tongue had delved into the depths of Felicity's marehood. He had never tasted
anyone like her before, nor dealt with any mare like her before. Her youth and vitality gave
her an edge that separated her from the mob of mare's that he had pleasured. He rested
back in his chair and sighed, wondering if he had any chance of being picked as a
contender to be her husband, but he was old enough to be her father, heck, his only child
was old enough to be the king's grandfather. As he waited, he looked out at the clock
tower and noticed the time before writing a quick letter down on a piece of paper and
calling his messenger. As his messenger entered his study, Zurack handed him the rolled
up letter.
"Take this letter directly to Princess Felicity," Zurack said to his messenger. "And you are
to give it to Princess Felicity directly. Ensure that she gets it personally."
"Yes sir," Zurack's messenger replied as he gave a bow before running from his study.
Zurack walked over to the window and smiled as he watched Sheila sitting by the pond
and dipping her hooves into the water.

Felicity was sitting outside of Adolphus' slave cell, listening to the castle's surgeon, Visect,
weaving his magic on Adolphus' jewels when Zurack's messenger was escorted into the
slave block.
"Princess Felicity?" Zurack's messenger asked as he knelt down in front of Felicity.
"Yes," Felicity replied. "I am she."
"I have a message from Lord Zurack," Zurack's messenger explained as he handed the
letter to Felicity. "He said it was for your eyes and paws only."
Felicity took the letter, broke the wax seal and read the letter quietly to herself before she
folded the letter back up.
"Your master," Felicity said as she looked at the messenger. "He is a devious one and I
must give him credit. Tell him, I am willing to negotiate and I will be over early, but my
slave will not be present due to the fact that he is visiting the surgeon."
Felicity stood up and looked at the messenger before she looked through the window into
Adolphus' cell as the messenger stood up and was about to leave when Felicity held her
paw out for him to stop.
"One more thing," Felicity added as she glanced at the messenger. "Tell Zurack he will
have to hold a good reason for me to part with my most prized possession."

Zurack stood on his front steps dressed in his formal attire, Sheila standing in front of him
on the step in front of him, still wearing the collar she had worn the night before and the
simple dress she had worn that morning.
"I am nervous," Sheila said quietly as Felicity's carriage into the courtyard of Lord Zurack's
mansion. "I feel like a bargaining chip."
"To a degree," Zurack replied. "You and the child you contain are a bargaining chip."
Felicity's carriage stopped at the bottom of the stairs and Felicity got out and walked up to
Lord Zurack, dressed in a formal gown and the silver crown of the Casper family perched
upon her head. Zurack gave his lips a quick lick as he watched Felicity climb the stairs and
stood in front of him.
"It is a pleasure to see you again Lord Zurack," Felicity said as she gave her head a bow.
"I beg to differ, your highness," Zurack replied with a low bow. "The honour is all mine."
Sheila, feeling out of place, gave a curtsy as Felicity stared at her with a look of admiration
and surprise.
"Shall we go inside to begin our negotiations, Lord Zurack?" Felicity inquired as she stood
up straight.
"Where is your slave, Princess Felicity?" Zurack questioned.
"He is being attended to by the castle's surgeon," Felicity replied as she watched Zurack
stand up to his normal height. "Being fixed, so to speak."
Sheila bit her lip as Zurack nodded.
"And trusting the surgery involved," Felicity added, "he won't be pleasuring anyone with his
wolfhood in the next few days. He will be arriving later though, once he's woken up."
"Then shall we get the formalities out of the way, your highness?" Zurack suggested.
"Of course," Felicity nodded as Zurack gestured towards the front door. "After you, your

Sheila had simply been bored by the idle chatter that Zurack and Felicity seemed so
dedicated to discuss. As she walked through the garden, Sheila came across the bench
where she and Adolphus had made their first act of passion. As she sat down on the
bench, she felt her heat returning, remembering how she had been mounted by Adolphus.
As she sat there, remembering the feeling of his cock inside of her, the inside of her legs
became moist with her juices. Sheila quickly looked around, ensuring that there was no
one around before she lifted up her dress and pulled her panties down around her knees.
The smell of her arousal filled the air around her and Sheila gave the area around her
another quick look to ensure that she was truly alone before she gave two of her fingers
on her right paw a quick suck and penetrated her marehood with her moist fingers,
lurching forward in a mixture of shock and ecstasy as her fingers went in as far as they
could. Sheila took a couple of breaths before she started to slowly slide her fingers in and
out of her moist pussy, trying to replicate the speed that Adolphus had pounded her that
morning. Sheila relaxed against the bench as she continued to finger herself, savouring
the partial relief that her fingers brought her. Her body started to pulse and squeeze her
fingers as she closed upon her orgasm, but before she reached her climax, she heard
someone coming. Sheila quickly pulled her panties back up and fixed up her dress as the
perpetrator got closer. Felicity walked around a corner and saw Sheila sitting on the
"Well hello there Sheila," Felicity said as she sat down next to Sheila. "Are you feeling
"Yes, your highness," Sheila relied, trying to avoid Felicity's gaze.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course, your highness."
"What was my slave like?"
"I don't understand, your highness."
"So far," Felicity explained as she leaned back on the bench, "I've only been licked by my
slave, I haven't actually used his wolfhood, as such. So far, you're the only one that's
actually had real fun with him, excluding Lord Razher of course."
Sheila blushed as she rubbed her stomach, thinking of the child that she could be carrying.
"He is a relief to one's heat, your highness," Sheila stuttered. "And he does it well."
"I smell that you have been pleasuring yourself," Felicity observed as she looked at Sheila.
"Were you thinking about my slave?"
"Of course, your highness."
Felicity slowly moved closer to Sheila so she was sitting right next to her and Felicity
whispered into Sheila's ear.
"Have you ever had fun with another mare?"
Sheila looked at Felicity and blushed, looking away.
"O-o-o-once before," Sheila replied. "But I was young."
Felicity chuckled as she ran a finger down the side of Sheila's face.
"Don't worry," Felicity chuckled as she rested back again. "I'm just curious."
"If you don't mind me asking, your highness," Sheila gulped. "What about you?"
"Oh I've lost count," Felicity joked. "Not as many times that I've had males though."
Felicity stood up and started to walk back towards the mansion.
"Oh," Felicity remembered before she quickly turned back to face Sheila. "I just
remembered. Adolphus has been fixed and won't be able to seed you again, so I hope that
the child of your union does come to pass, otherwise you will never have another child by
Sheila stroked her stomach as Felicity continued her trip back towards the mansion.

"I am ready to begin your negotiations," Felicity said as she walked back into the dining
hall, Zurack sat in his chair, sipping on his tea. "I've seen all your cards and I will be able to
fix this up relatively quickly."
"Actually," Zurack rebutted as he put his cup of tea down, "with all due respects your
highness, you haven't seen ALL my cards yet. I still have a few cards left. Besides, you
haven't heard what I am offering you yet."
"Unless you are planning to offer me a slave with a line of nobility," Felicity commented.
"There's nothing that you hold that could make me surrender my slave to you."
"That's not my actual plan," Zurack corrected. "You may maintain ownership of your slave
as much as you want."
"Then what are you after exactly?"
"That your slave's sexual duties are directed at Sheila, my slave."
"So you want to take from me the sole purpose of me owning my slave?"
"To a degree, yes."
"To a degree?"
"Sheila is pregnant with the child of your slave," Zurack explained as he leaned back in his
chair, "and by the law of your father, the fact that my slave is pregnant by your slave is a
failure in your responsibilities, a crime punishable by time in prison."
"So?" Felicity scoffed. "My father would give me an exception."
"Then he would be a hypocrite and the nobility would protest and there would be scandal
in the court and the slavery laws would be thrown into turmoil. I think your father would
throw you into prison to prevent controversy in the courts."
Felicity looked at Zurack, filled with rage.
"Okay," Felicity grumbled. "What are you offering me?"
"For your slave's sexual duties, I will offer you someone that would fulfil your sexual
pleasure to a similar degree that your slave did."
"I know you don't own male sex slaves," Felicity rebutted.
"I never said I was offering you a slave," Zurack corrected. "I said I was offering you
someone that would fulfil your sexual pleasure to a similar degree that your slave did, I
never said he was a slave." Zurack picked up his cup of tea.
"And who is this person you are talking about?" Felicity inquired as Zurack took a sip of his
"Me," Zurack replied as he put his cup back down.
"You?" Felicity scoffed. "Don't make me laugh."
"You know I was raised as a slave to unicorn mare," Zurack reminded. "Therefore, I have
always taken great comfort in pleasuring mare's and fillies."
"So you, a noble of this kingdom and the local male dragon, would be willing to pleasure
me, each and every day, when I needed it?"
"Of course."
"With all due respects, Lord Zurack," Felicity jested. "You are, what, 160 years old?"
"217," Zurack corrected.
"You're 217 years old," Felicity continued. "You haven't been a slave in years and your
sole duty is to breed with the dragonesses of this region."
"Do you have any idea how often I service those dragonesses?" Zurack casually inquired.
"About once every 20 years or something."
Felicity looked at Zurack with a sign of shock.
"You're kidding?"
"Nope," Zurack explained. "Because we live so long, the draconic council has placed laws
stating that we are only allowed to breed once every 20 years, thus allowing our numbers
to remain constant."
"Woah," Felicity said as she fanned herself. "20 years without a yiff, I can't even imagine
"I know," Zurack said as he sighed. "I was trained for 18 years, yiffing every day. 20 years
is something I comprehend. Even my dragoness mistress yiffed one every week."
Felicity sat down and stared at Zurack with a mixture of shock and amazement.
"And how many dragonesses do your service?"
"About four, usually one every five years."
Zurack smirked as he noticed one of Felicity's eyebrows twitching.
"I know," Zurack said as he stood up and walked over to one of the balcony windows.
"Why do you think I have my picture in several of the mare brothels down in the lower
side? I used to be their most profitable patron. In fact, I spent a quarter of what I earned in
the brothels in one year alone."
"You are that equine obsessed?"
"No," Zurack replied sarcastically. "I just liked giving money to the brothels for no reason."
Felicity gave Zurack an annoyed stare as she walked over and stood next to Zurack.
"But you have an equine slave," Felicity noted as she watched Sheila walk through the
garden. "What is your plan Zurack?"
"I believe it's time for me to settle down and make my mark on society."
Felicity gave Zurack a confused stare.
"So by being my lover, you'll change society?"
"I was actually hoping I could take the throne next to you."
Felicity scoffed.
"The Casper crown will never be placed upon the head of a dragon."
"I know," Zurack said as he turned around and looked at Felicity.
"Then why are you bothering to try?"
"Because the crown and control of the kingdom would belong to you. I know you can not
take the throne unless you are married and I also know that if you marry a noble's son,
you'll loose the crown, your husband would be king."
Felicity's mouth gaped like it was trying to say something, but nothing came out.
"And if I marry you?" Felicity finally managed to ask.
"Draconic laws prevent a dragon from taking the crown of any kingdom because we live so
long, but a dragon can take a position of royalty as a Duke to the Queen or the Duchess to
the King."
"But when I die, you'd take the crown."
"Either our child or the closest relative in your family would take the crown. I would live as
part of the royal family for the rest of my days, but I could never be king."
"Now this is the part I don't understand," Felicity inquired. "You're 217 years old, but it's
NOW that you're planning to settle down?"
"We dragons live for a long time, some of the high council are over 700 years old. The
oldest of the council was raised by the famous Scar himself and is over 2,000 years old."
Felicity nodded as she looked at Zurack.
"So you're still a youngin'?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
Felicity sat back down in her chair.
"So," Felicity said in an attempt to understand everything, "in exchange for my slave's
sexual duties, you'll take the position of my husband and be responsible for my sexual
Zurack walked back over to his chair and sat down.
"Yes, that's pretty much the deal."
Felicity lay back in her chair and rubbed the end of her chin.
"You have time to contemplate your choice," Zurack added as he stood up. "The original
purpose of your coming here wasn't to negotiate ownerships and marriages, it was for your
sexual pleasure."
Felicity gave a quick giggle.
"Always the 'businessman,'" Felicity joked as she stood up.
"Well your slave isn't the only one that has been out of service," Zurack commented as he
stood up and walked up next to Felicity and offered her an arm. "I too, have been unable
to get any 'satisfaction.'"
"Then I suppose I should see if your deal is worth it all," Felicity confirmed as she walked
besides Zurack towards the stairs to the tower.

Zurack showed Felicity into his bedroom before closing the door behind him.
"Very nice," Felicity commented as she walked around the room. "It's even more beautiful
that my parent's room."
"I have always liked to surround myself with beautiful things," Zurack remarked as he
looked at Felicity's rump.
"I thoughts dragons hoarded gold," Felicity said as she turned to catch Zurack gazing at
her waistline.
"I do," Zurack confirmed as he walked up to Felicity. "Just I don't like to sleep on my hoard
of gold like other dragons. I prefer to sleep with objects of beauty."
"Is that why you chose me?" Felicity asked as she stood right in front of Zurack, looking up
at him with a smirk. "Because my body's beautiful?"
"One's body does fade," Zurack philosophised. "One's heart and mind do not."
"But what if the body is beautiful as well?" Felicity inquired as she reached up her back
and undid the bindings of her dress.
"There's nothing wrong with savouring the beauty of the body as well," Zurack added as
he pushed the shoulders of Felicity's dress from her shoulders so her dress could fall to
the ground.
"You do realise that I do enjoy being the dominant one," Felicity warned as she undid
Zurack's belt buckle.
"That's what I hoped for," Zurack noted as he picked Felicity up and carried her over to the
bed and lay her down.
"Good," Felicity ordered as she lifted up her petticoats, revealing her moistening
marehood. "Show me what you do so well."
Zurack knelt down and lowered his head down so that he was level with the marehood of
the heir to the throne and inhaled a deep breath before his tongue slithered from his
mouth, the tip giving a flick as it reared up like a cobra ready to strike. Felicity could feel
the air flow over her exposed pussy as Zurack inhaled and shivered. Zurack opened his
mouth, drool dribbling from his fangs as he moved forward, his tongue giving Felicity's
throbbing lips a firm stroke, causing them to clutch at Zurack's tongue. Zurack placed his
paws on Felicity's hips to hold her down, using his thumbs to stroke outside of Felicity's
lips. Zurack soon heard Felicity nickering as her heat caused her body to beg for release
and Zurack took this as his cue. Zurack's tongue probed the depths of Felicity's marehood,
his tongue passing through the folds in search of it's goal. Felicity pulled at her petticoats
when her entire body tensed up as her insides were prospected for her treasure, her body
continuing to show signs of her begging for release. Zurack shifted his jaw forward so that
his tongue was completely buried inside of Felicity's pussy before he closed his jaw
carefully around her groin, wrapping part of his tongue around Felicity's clit and tickling it
as he delved around inside of Felicity's body. Soon Felicity was nickering and moaning as
her body shuddered. As Zurack's tongue probed the surface of Felicity's insides, Felicity
gave a lurch forward into Zurack's jaw, her body reaching climax and her juices spilling
forth from her body. Zurack quickly pulled his tongue from inside of Felicity and began to
lick up the juices of his labour as they spilled from Felicity's pussy. As Felicity slowly
subsided from an extended climax, she started to pant whilst Zurack continued his clean
"That certainly was better than what I got this morning," Felicity panted as she sat up and
let go of her petticoats. "Were you holding back this morning?"
"In a way," Zurack replied as he lifted his head out from under the petticoats. "I don't want
to waste all my talents in our first meeting."
"Well let us see how good you are when you don't use your tongue," Felicity said as she
undid her petticoats. "Especially if I am going to carry our child...."

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