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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

Yes, I know the title's a bit corny, but some were going to stop reading this series because
they thought Adolphus had lost his balls. (To the mod that approves it, please leave the
title in place as is, I think it's time I had a corny title.) I would like to thank the BBC and
ABC for the production and airing of Victorian English programs such as Pride and
Prejudice and the Forsythe Saga, aiding me in writing with a Victorian England tone. As
per usual, all comments are accepted and appreciated and usually responded to and they
can be directed to Avanti_Halfhorse@Yahoo.com.au

It's always good to awake in the arms of a beautiful filly. -Avanti Halfhorse

Part 14) Adolphus 12: He still has his balls

After completely undressing and rubbing the special potion she had prepared to prevent
herself getting pregnant along Zurack's flaccid cock, Felicity and Zurack stood facing one
another, about four arm lengths apart in the middle of the room.
"Now no shortcuts, Lord Zurack," Felicity said firmly as they both turned to their right, "we
do this ritual properly and fully."
"I used to do this ritual once a week with my last slave," Zurack noted proudly, "I know this
equine ritual in all dialects and species."
"So how is the Pegasus ritual different?" Felicity asked, almost testing Zurack's
"An entire cycle is dedicated to a worship of the wings," Zurack noted with a smug grin.
"Well let us begin," Felicity said as they both turned to their right and started to walk in
As they walked around in a circle, Felicity slowed down and let Zurack catch up to her,
Zurack putting his paws on Felicity's shoulders. Felicity held her arms up to the side and
Zurack gently ran his paws along the top of Felicity's arms until the two of them were
holding paws. For a lap or two, they remained like this, paws in paws, until Felicity broke
the grip and trotted around so that she was once again opposite Zurack in the circle. For a
while, they continued to pace opposite each other. Felicity soon slowed down again and
Zurack caught up, once again placing his paws on Felicity's shoulders. This time, when
Zurack and Felicity held paws, Zurack brought their paws in, Felicity shifting her paws so
they were behind Zurack's paws and placing them on her breasts, gently squeezing and
teasing them as Felicity's paws directed. After a few walks around the circle, Felicity slid
her fingers between Zurack's and pulled Zurack's paws away from her body, allowing her
to escape Zurack's grasp and trot ahead of him until she was once again pacing directly
opposite. For several laps, they continued to pace directly opposite one another, watching
every movement the other made, almost testing whose will was stronger. Eventually,
Felicity slowed down and again, Zurack caught up and placed his paws on Felicity's
shoulders. Felicity extended her arms out to the side, Zurack running his paws along
Felicity's arms until he once again held her paws. Once again, just as before, Zurack and
Felicity brought their paws in, Felicity's paws once again playing puppeteer to Zurack's
fingers. Felicity placed Zurack's paws on her breasts and Zurack's fingers gently teased
and massaged as Felicity's fingers directed. Felicity, once she was content with Zurack's
response, shifted Zurack's paws across her stomach towards her marehood, but stopped
just below her belly button and waited to feel Zurack's response, but she felt nothing;
Zurack's paws remained stationary, they didn't fidget, falter or even twitch.
'Woah' Felicity thought to herself as she slowed her pacing down, Zurack keeping exact
time, 'he is good.'
Felicity then slid her paws down further, Zurack's paws still on top of hers. As Felicity
gently played with her damp lips, Zurack continued to follow Felicity's fingers, not forcing,
pushing or trying to control Felicity's movements. After teasing herself for a few minutes,
Felicity pulled her paws away from her body, taking Zurack's paws with her, before
breaking into a trot and putting herself opposite Zurack, returning to the steady pace that
Zurack had been keeping as she stood opposite from him. As Felicity increased and
decreased her pace, Zurack did so accordingly, the distance between them barely
"I am impressed that you're so controlled," Felicity said as she broke from the circle on a
tangent towards the bed.
"I have been practicing this ritual for ages," Zurack said proudly. "I pride myself on getting
it perfect, ensuring the mare is content and sincere."
"Well I am content and I am sincere," Felicity noted as she climbed up onto the bed and
sat there with her legs spread. "It certainly is strange that one not of the equine blood
knows the rituals so well."
"The study of the equine teasing rituals has been my pet study," Zurack said proudly as he
crawled onto the bed. "If you like, we could go through all of the rituals."
"I would prefer yiffing now rather than going through all the rituals and yiffing later."
"As you wish, your Highness," Zurack said as he crawled onto the bed, ready to mount as
Felicity readied herself. As Zurack crawled over Felicity's body, Felicity felt Zurack's cock
press against her body, her marehood being gently pressed and parted by Zurack's cock.
"Ohhhh," Felicity moaned as she felt the 12 inches of Zurack's cock slide into her. As
Zurack's sheath came into contact with Felicity's lips, Felicity gave a nicker. Zurack
reached down to give Felicity a kiss, his tongue sliding into Felicity's mouth and slipping
into Felicity's throat. Felicity gave a moan as she locked lips with Zurack and sucked on
his tongue. Felicity gave her marehood a squeeze around Zurack's cock, Zurack giving a
grunt as he began to thrust, Felicity giving a quick, muffled neigh with each thrust. Felicity
pushed Zurack back, Zurack pulling his tongue from her mouth.
"Something the matter?" Zurack inquired as he sat up.
"I really think we should do this properly," Felicity said as she shifted a bit.
"I think you're right," Zurack replied as he stood up, his cock withdrawing from Felicity's
dripping pussy. Felicity turned herself over and crouched on her knees and elbows, her
rump up in the air with her tail held up high. Zurack approached from behind, once again
ready to mount. Zurack gently pressed the tip of his cock against Felicity's inner, throbbing
and moist lips. Felicity gave a moan as she felt Zurack's cock teasing at her awaiting lips.
As Zurack slowly penetrated Felicity's body, his length inching it's way in until he was once
again hilted within the confides of Felicity's body. Felicity let out a loud moan as Zurack bit
down on the back of Felicity's neck, his teeth gently grasping the crest of Felicity's neck.
"You'd better do this hard," Felicity moaned as she felt Zurack's drool dribbling onto the
back of her neck, "I don't want to be cheated of my orgasm."
Zurack gave a firm push with his hips, pushing Felicity forward a bit as she gave a loud
moan. Zurack now gave long thrusts, each thrust pushing Felicity's hips forward before
returning for Zurack's retreat. Each thrust, slow in it's movements, forced Felicity's body
towards her climax. Felicity's cunt started to dribble onto the bed as Zurack thrusting got
stronger. Soon, Felicity couldn't take any more and her body threw her through her climax.
Felicity gave a loud neigh as she came, her cum spilling down Zurack's cock and onto the
bed. Felicity gave a moan as her body subsided from it's climax. Felicity fell forward onto
the bed, panting heavily as her tail went limp.
"Are you okay your Highness?" Zurack inquired as he gently withdrew his cock, letting
Felicity fall forward.
"So tired," Felicity groaned as Zurack got off the bed and helped Felicity lie down properly.
"You can rest here for a while," Zurack said as he pulled the sheets back and helped
Felicity to get in between the sheets.
"Thank you Zurack," Felicity said as Zurack tucked her in.
"It's not a problem your Highness," Zurack said as he picked his pants up and put them on.
"You just sleep here until you feel refreshed."

Sheila was in the library, flicking through books when Zurack came in wearing only a pair
of trousers.
"Hello master," Sheila welcomed as Zurack walked up to her and placed a kiss on her
"What are you doing?" Zurack asked as he looked over Sheila's shoulder.
"Just looking through these things," Sheila said as she held up a book. "What are they?"
"They're called 'books'," Zurack explained as he took the book from Sheila's paw and
flicked through the pages. "They contain knowledge about all sorts of subjects."
Zurack showed Sheila the book that was in his paws.
"Well this is a book about equine health," Zurack said as he flicked through the pages.
"There are other books on equine habits, dietary needs, pregnancy, draconic history,
science and of course, sexual pettery."
"Sexual pettery?"
"Sexual pettery is a field of study I am perfecting with the intent use it to replace slavery."
"You've lost me master," Sheila sighed. "I don't understand anything of this."
"That's okay Sheila," Zurack chuckled as he stroked the back of Sheila's dress. "I never
expected you to. I'm guessing you can't read."
"No master," Sheila sighed, "I can't."
"That's okay," Zurack said as he slid his paw down the back of Sheila's dress. "I could
teach you how to read."
Sheila pulled away a pace, Zurack pulling his paw out of Sheila's dress.
"Are you sure you should be doing that master?" Sheila asked as she turned around. "I
mean, you've just been with the princess."
"I know," Zurack said as he put the book back up on the shelf. "Just I suppose I didn't quite
get all that I wanted."
Sheila put one of her paws above her crotch, thinking about her possible child and worried
about what Zurack might do to her, this fear becoming evident in her face. Zurack gave a
chuckle as he took down another book.
"Don't worry," Zurack chuckled as he took another book down from the shelf. "I told you I
wouldn't mount you unless you were ready and I suppose that's I probably will not get to
mount you now that I've made the agreement with Princess Felicity."
"What's the agreement?" Sheila inquired as Zurack flicked through the book.
"The princess is going to become my wife," Zurack said proudly as he closed the book up
and walked over to the large study table and sat down, "and you and Adolphus should be
able to live, pardon the expression, happily ever after. Now how about you come over here
and I'll teach you to read."
Sheila walked over to the table and was about to sit down when the butler knocked on the
door of the library.
"Yes?" Zurack inquired as he looked over at his butler.
"The castle surgeon called Visect is here," the badger said as Zurack got up from the
table. "He says that he's here to escort Princess Felicity's slave to the tower for rest and

Princess Felicity woke, her head a tad sore from her strong climax.
"Ugh," Felicity groaned as she sat up.
"How are you feeling?" Zurack inquired as he sat down on the end of the bed.
"Got a bit of a headache," Felicity grumbled as she rubbed her head.
"Probably from a lack of water," Zurack commented as he passed Felicity her clothes.
"Is my slave here?" Felicity inquired as she looked out the window.
"He is resting in Sheila's quarters," Zurack noted as he walked around the side of the bed,
"as per your orders."
"That's good," Felicity yawned, realizing it was after dusk. "How long have I been asleep?"
"A few hours," Zurack replied as he sat down next to Felicity. "You were quite tired when
we finished."
"Well I suppose the famous reputation that I've heard so much about is true," Felicity
smiled as she pushed her clothes off the bed.
"Aren't you going to get dressed?" Zurack inquired as he picked up Felicity's silver crown
and put it on the bedside table.
"Well my slave is here," Felicity noted as she patted the bed next to her. "I might as well
stay the night, if that's all right with you, of course."
"I have nothing against it," Zurack replied as he picked up Felicity's dress and walked over
to the wardrobe to hang it up, "just as long as you don't mind my habits."
"And what habits would you have that would cause me discomfort?"
"I do have a habit of acting a bit impulsive when I have a beautiful mare in my bed," Zurack
admitted as he fixed up the dress on a coat hanger. "It is a tad hard to control."
"I have sympathy for Sheila then," Felicity said as she sat up and looked at Zurack's tail as
it glided from side to side.
"Why do you say that?" Zurack inquired, catching Felicity staring at his tail and deciding to
allow her some more time enjoying it's swaying.
"Well I'm sure she'd never been taken by a dragon before in her life and she was taken by
a dragon for the first time last night."
"Why do you think she sleeps in a different bed?"

Adolphus gave a groan as he returned to a conscious state, his tailhole sore and his balls
stinging. Adolphus reached down and rubbed his balls, finding them still in his freshly
shaven ball sack.
"The surgeon said that you shouldn't touch them for a while," a female voice said as she
grabbed his wrist and pulled it away. "And you're not to scratch at the stitching for a week
or the stitches will break."
Adolphus opened his eyes to see Sheila sitting on the bed, a smile across her muzzle.
"How are you feeling?" Sheila asked as she held Adolphus' paw.
"Horrible," Adolphus groaned as he rubbed his forehead, "I feel sick."
"The surgeon said that was the anaesthetic he gave you so you didn't feel the surgery."
"Yes, he said that he fixed you."
"But my balls are still here."
"He says that it's a special procedure, he called it a vasectomy."
"That means nothing to me," Adolphus groaned.
"Well he said you couldn't seed anyone now, which is a pity."
"Why's it a pity?" Adolphus inquired as he looked at Sheila.
"Because I'm sure our child would prefer a brother or sister."
Adolphus sat there for a minute with his mouth gaping open.
"We're not sure yet," Sheila said as she rubbed her tummy. "Master Zurack only said that
you could put me in foal, not that I am in foal."
Adolphus hoped that she wasn't in foal, knowing quite well that it could get him into more
"So what do you think about becoming a father?" Sheila asked as she looked Adolphus in
the eyes.
"I don't know Sheila," Adolphus lied as he looked around the room. "Where's Mistress
"She's with Zurack up in his chambers."
"You mean they've been....?"
Sheila gave a nod.
"And Master Zurack said that they plan to get married."
"Which means we're going to be staying together?"
Sheila gave a nod as she smiled.

The next morning, Zurack opened his eyes and saw Felicity lying next to him, nickering
contently as she lay there. Zurack got up and walked over to the door and pulled the
service bell and a minute or so later, the badger butler knocked on the door.
"Ah, Selpher," Zurack said as he opened the door. "How are you this morning?"
"I am well milord," Selpher the butler replied. "How can I help you this morning?"
"I was wondering if you could organize a large bath for my room and another large bath for
Sheila's quarters."
"That I can do milord, I'll get the stableboy to help me."
"Thank you Selpher," Zurack said as gave Selpher a nod.
Zurack closed the door as Selpher walked back downstairs. Noticing that Felicity was still
asleep, Zurack walked into the bathroom and closed the drainage tunnel before hot water
started pouring into the tub in pulses. Once the bath was half full, Zurack pulled the bell
rope and the hot water came to a stop. After a minute, cold water started coming out of the
spout and when the bath was about three quarters full as well as nice and warm, Zurack
pulled the bell and the water stopped. Zurack gently swirled the water with his talons
before getting into the tub. He gave a long sigh as he lowered himself into the warm water.
"Enjoying yourself there?" Felicity inquired as she walked into the bathroom.
"Good morning your highness," Zurack said as he gave a nod. "Would you care to join
"Certainly," Felicity said as she walked over to the bath and slid herself in on top of Zurack.
"Certainly is warm."
"I've always enjoyed a warm bath after a long night," Zurack explained as he washed
Felicity's back, "it warms up the body and loosens taught muscles."
"I can feel how comforting it is," Felicity said as closed her eyes, savoring the warmth.
Zurack stroked Felicity's spine with one of his fingers as Felicity moaned in the warmth.
"How is my slave?" Felicity inquired as she looked over her shoulder.
"I don't know," Zurack replied, "I haven't been out this morning."
"Your slave has been told what to do?"
"Yes, she made sure she knew it well."

Adolphus lay in the bed, Sheila laying next to him in her bare fur when a knock came on
the door.
"Who is it?" Adolphus called out.
"It is Selpher," a voice called out from the other side of the door. "Lord Zurack asked for
me to prepare a bath for you."
"Well come in, I can't get up."
Selpher walked into the room before walking over to the bathroom and filling the tub with
"How are you feeling this morning?" Selpher asked from the bathroom.
"Sore," Adolphus sighed as Sheila nickered and smiled.
"I will pass that on to the Master and Princess Felicity," Selpher said as he finished filling
the tub. As Selpher closed the door, Sheila woke up and gave Adolphus a squeeze.
"Morning," Adolphus said as Sheila giggled.
"How are you this morning?" Sheila inquired.
"Sore," Adolphus grumbled.
"Well we had better go bathe you," Sheila said as she got up. "Make sure you don't get

Back in the Royal castle, Zenith, Felicity's younger brother, was sitting at the table,
finishing off his breakfast when the alchemist came running into the dining hall.
"What's the rush?" Zenith asked the alchemist as he looked around desperately.
"Sorry your highness," the alchemist, a grey squirrel, apologized with a bow. "I was looking
for Princess Felicity."
"She's out at Lord Zurack's tower," Zenith said with a yawn, "she never came home last
night. Why?"
"There was a problem with a potion I gave her," the alchemist said nervously, "the infertility
potion doesn't work."
"Infertility?" Zenith questioned as he got up and walked over to the squirrel. "What has my
sister been doing?"
"I can't say," the squirrel said as he bit his lip nervously, "I shouldn't have even told you
Zenith picked the squirrel up and pinned him against the wall.
"Tell me!" Zenith demanded.
"I can't!" the squirrel called out, "I was sworn to secrecy."
Zenith drew his dagger from his belt and gently traced the tip along the squirrel's nose.
"Well if you don't tell me," Zenith threatened, "then you'll never speak another word."
"I would rather die for my mistress," the squirrel said as he dipped his paw into a small
pouch on his belt.
"Then so be it," Zenith said as he prepared to stab the squirrel. As Zenith was about to
stab, the squirrel threw a pawful of pepper into Zenith's eyes. Zenith screamed out as his
eyes were filled with pepper and he dropped the squirrel, who hastily ran off as fast as his
legs could take him.
"I'll get you for that!" Zenith said as he wiped the pepper from his eyes. "And I'll make sure
your entire family suffers for it!"
"That isn't the behavior befitting a member of the Casper family," a deep voice called out
across the dining room and Zenith knew he was in trouble. "Especially against one of your
sister's servants."
Zenith opened his watery eyes to see his father standing there, his paws on his hips.
"I can explain father...." Zenith said as he walked over to Edward.
"You were threatening your sister's servant and you were about to stab him," Edward
noted as he clipped the side of Zenith's head with an open paw, knocking Zenith onto the
floor. "I am tired of your violent behavior, you would never be fit to rule."
"But father....."
"Don't plead with me, my choice is final. Felicity's husband WILL take the crown when I
retire, not you."
With that Edward turned around and walked away from Zenith as he crouched on the floor.
"Get out of my kingdom," Edward said as he stopped in the doorway, "I never want to see
you again."

Felicity's alchemist rode into the courtyard of Zurack's tower half an hour later and hastily
dismounted before pounding on the door madly.
"Can I help you?" Selpher asked as he opened the door.
"Is the princess in?" the alchemist asked hastily.
"Yes," Selpher replied. "She's studying canine health with Lord Zurack."
"I need to talk to her immediately," the alchemist said as he pushed past, "it's desperately

Zurack and Felicity lay in the bed together, savoring the afterglows of their orgasm when
Felicity's alchemist burst in. Felicity sat up, clutching the sheet to her chest and the
alchemist realized what was going on and quickly turned back around.
"I'm sorry your highness," the alchemist apologized, "but have you used that infertility
"Yes," Felicity replied as she lay back down, "we finished the last bits this morning."
"Well there's a problem," the alchemist explained nervously.
"What's the matter?"
"Someone snuck into my laboratory and mixed labels on one of the key ingredients to the
potion and it doesn't work."
"What?" Felicity demanded as sat up.
"There's the possibility that you're pregnant, your highness."
Felicity and Zurack looked at each other nervously.

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