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Adolphus tails
Avanti Halfhorse

We now begin a new chapter in this Adolphus saga. As Felicity and Zurack hide how deep
their relationship is growing and Adolphus' and Sheila's relationship blossoms, someone is
murdering all that sleep with mare's.
Any comments to Avanti_Halfhorse@Yahoo.com.au

Always be careful that you don't leave a trail to allow others to hunt for revenge.
- Avanti Halfhorse

Part 15) Adolphus 13: Bleeding heart hunter

On the lower side of Balazar, where all the brothels and slavery houses were, a cheetah
walked with his new prize, a grey mare, trotting behind him. As he turned down a side
street, the mare pulled back on the rope in an attempt to get away, but this only caught the
wraith of the cheetah.
"Behave!" the cheetah yelled at the mare as she lay on the pavement whimpering. "You
bloody slave, you have no respect for who owns you!"
"She spooked for good reason," a voice from the shadows of the side street noted, the
cheetah turning to look down the side street.
"Who's there?" the cheetah demanded of the darkness. As the cheetah looked into the
darkness, trying to find out who was there, he saw three arrows shoot out of the darkness
and that was all he saw.

Three weeks had passed since Adolphus had been given a Vasectomy and now Sheila
stood on the balcony, looking down at the gate and waiting for the carriage with princess
Felicity and Adolphus.
"I'm guessing the carriage isn't here yet?" Zurack inquired as he fixed up his jacket in front
of a mirror.
"Not yet," Sheila said as she watched a carriage pass the gate, hoping that had been the
carriage she was waiting for.
"They'll be here," Zurack commented as he fixed up his cuffs. "Are you wearing panties
this time?"
"Yes Master."
"And the rest of your underwear?"
"Yes Master."
"And your collar?"
"Yes Master."
Sheila gave her tail a flick as she watched the carriages go past the gate.
"What if they're late?" Zurack inquired as he walked out onto the balcony and stood next to
an impatient Sheila.
"Well I'll just wait here until they arrive."
Zurack put his paw on Sheila's shoulder to get her to pay attention to him.
"You do realize that you still have reading lessons?" Zurack inquired as Sheila looked up
at him.
"Yes Master," Sheila replied, somewhat disheartened that she would have to wait in the
"Well come on," Zurack said as they both turned around and walked toward the door of the
bedroom, "let's get back to your lessons."

The carriage made its way through the lower side of the city, Felicity and Adolphus sitting
quietly, Felicity dressed in her Ranger apparel and Adolphus in his thong and collar,
watching the colorful scenery of the lower side pass by. Adolphus gave the air a quick
sniff, an odd scent requiring a second sniff.
"What's the matter slave?" Felicity inquired as she watched Adolphus' ears pin back.
"I smell fresh blood," Adolphus noted, "someone was recently killed, Mistress Felicity."
"Stop the carriage!" Felicity called out and the carriage came to a halt.
Adolphus continued to sniff the air and went for the door. Felicity quickly attached the lead
to Adolphus' collar before he opened the door to the carriage and hopped out. Adolphus
walked along the street for a bit before turning down a side street.
"It's here Mistress Felicity," Adolphus noted as he gave a deep inhale.
"I can smell it too, slave," Felicity replied as she caught the scent. The two of them walked
down the side street until they came upon the cheetah's body. A slave ownership scroll
pinned to his chest with his dagger and three arrows sticking out of him, one between his
eyes, one in his neck and one in his chest.
"Looks like he was formerly the owner of a mare slave," Felicity noted as she pulled the
slave papers from the cheetah's chest.
"Well where is she now Mistress Felicity?" Adolphus inquired as he looked around. "Do
you think the murderer stole her?"
"He would have needed this slavery scroll to sell her," Felicity noted as she handed the
slavery papers to Adolphus, "she's been set free."
The words 'FREE ALL THE MARES AND FILLIES' was badly scrawled across the sheet in
the cheetah's blood.
"But why just mare's and fillies?" Adolphus asked himself.
"What was that slave?" Felicity inquired as she gave the lead a jerk.
"Just wondering why the person just wants to have the mare's and fillies freed, Mistress
Felicity," Adolphus replied. "Just doesn't seem normal."
"Usually a bleeding heart demands freedom for all slaves," Felicity added as she looked
around. "It certainly is strange. We probably should send for the guards to investigate."

Sheila sat at the desk impatiently as Zurack looked for where they were up to in their
"Can I go see if they're here?" Sheila asked impatiently.
"No," Zurack replied, not even looking up from the book.
"Not even. . . ."
"But Master," Sheila whined as she banged the table with a fist.
"We all must be patient," Zurack said calmly as he found where they were up to, "and if
you bang the table again, I'll paddle you."
"Yes Master," Sheila sighed.

Kitty, Razher and Gareth stood around the cheetah's dead corpse, looking for anything
that might give them a hint as Felicity and Adolphus sniffed around the alley for clues.
"Well it's got me stumped," Kitty said as she rubbed the back of her head. "I can't figure
anything out."
"The three arrows hit him at once Madame Kitty," Adolphus noted as he sniffed around,
"fired by one person."
"How do you know that slave?" Razher demanded as he turned around as Adolphus
looked around.
"All three shafts are in line," Adolphus noted, "and the blood clotted in the same way, Sir
"He was also crouching down," Gareth noted as he looked at the angle of the arrows.
"I'd say, he was about 10 feet away from the cheetah when he fired them."
Adolphus looked around and found the spot where he thought the archer might have hid.
"It's equine," Adolphus noted as he smelt the cobblestones.
"Well that explains the equine obsession," Kitty noted. "Doesn't explain who it is though."
"Well he wasn't heard or seen and he managed to hide a slave. Whomever we're dealing
with, he's good."
"What other clues can you give us, slave?" Felicity demanded as Adolphus stood up.
"I can't say, Mistress Felicity," Adolphus apologized. "I was not a castle guard, I just
"Well he'll probably strike again," Gareth noted with an angry sigh.

An hour later, Felicity's carriage pulled into the courtyard and Felicity and Adolphus got
out. Before they'd even gotten up to the front door of the house, Sheila had opened the
door and had bounded down the stairs to meet Adolphus and Felicity.
"Good day, your highness," Sheila said as she gave a curtsy. "My master is up in the
library. Would you like me to take your slave?"
"I am grateful for your offer," Felicity replied as she gave a small bow, "but I have urgent
business to attend to with Lord Zurack first that concerns my slave. Once we're done, you
make take care of my slave."
"Yes your highness," Sheila said as she followed Felicity as Felicity walked inside,
Adolphus training a pace behind on his leash.

Felicity had found Zurack in the library and explained why she was late.
"Interesting," Zurack said as he paced back and forth in the library. "But why just equine
"We don't know yet," Felicity said as she rested against a table. "Crusader, lover, husband,
brother or just someone wanting to maximize their hold on that corner of the market. Who
Adolphus stood next to Felicity, trying not to fidget.
"Well he's only killed one slave owner so far," Zurack noted as he turned around to face
Felicity, "so we have no idea how he operates."
"My guards and rangers are on the look out for anyone suspicious," Felicity noted. "If he
attacks again, we'll find out immediately."
"Well that means we can't do much about the issue now," Zurack commented with a sigh.
"You're right," Felicity noted as she undid Adolphus' lead. "You can go slave, play with
your mare."
Adolphus gave a bow before walking from the library.
"And don't break her!" Zurack called out.
As Adolphus closed the door to the library, he was grabbed and pushed against the wall
and kissed by an extremely happy mare.
"Adolphie," Sheila giggled after breaking the kiss, Adolphus somewhat short of breath.
"Hey Sheila," Adolphus panted as he leaned over a bit. "Can you please give me warning
so I can get a breath before you pounce?"
"Sorry," Sheila apologized as she blushed.
"It's okay," Adolphus said as he took a deep breath. "Just give me warning."
"It's just I'm so excited," Sheila said happily. "Master Zurack tested me this morning."
As Adolphus had no idea what Sheila was on about, he raised an eyebrow curiously.
"Master Zurack tested to see if I was in foal."
"You're going to be a father."
Adolphus' jaw dropped, unable to speak.

"I thought she was," Felicity sighed as she sat in one of the armchairs. "Sheila did smell a
bit different."
"You smell a bit different as well," Zurack noted as he walked over and rested with his
head over the top of the chair.
"Well I did try a different soap this morning," Felicity noted as she looked up at Zurack.
"It's a different smell," Zurack noted. "We'd better see if you're going to have a foal."
"And how do you plan on doing that?" Felicity inquired with a smile on her face.
"It's nothing as erotic as you may think," Zurack warned with a chuckle. "I take a urine
sample and test it."
"How accurate is it?"
"Why?" Zurack inquired. "Want to test its efficiency?"
"That would be nice," Felicity sighed to herself as she rubbed her arms.
"Well I don't think you'll get that luxury for a while," Zurack commented as he turned
around and walked toward his desk. "I have the feeling I've done my noble duties well."
"Well I can't say I didn't enjoy it," Felicity said as Zurack looked through one of his desk
"I'm so glad that you did enjoy my services," Zurack said proudly as he found the earthen
jar he was looking for. "Now could you please give me a sample?"

"So what's the result?" Felicity inquired as she lay on Zurack's bed.
"It does take some time," Zurack noted as he put the vial into the vial rack.
"How long is some time?" Felicity inquired as she removed her belt.
"Maybe twenty minutes to half an hour," Zurack replied as he sat on the bed next to
"That means we have time to play," Felicity noted as she sat up and traced a finger up and
down Zurack's arm.
"Want me to get the chessboard?" Zurack inquired with a cheeky smile.
"Not that sort of playing," Felicity chuckled as she unbuttoned Zurack's shirt.
"Oh that sort," Zurack replied with a toothy smile as he gently slid Felicity's trousers down
her legs.
"Yes that sort," Felicity giggled as Zurack took his shirt off.
"Well then what are we waiting for?" Zurack inquired as he gently teased Felicity's panties
from her thighs with his talons.
"We're waiting for you to stop talking and use that silver tongue of yours for other
purposes," Felicity replied as she kicked her trousers and panties from her legs.
"With great pleasure, your highness," Zurack said as he nuzzled his head underneath
Felicity's shirt, his tongue flicking over Felicity's stomach and breasts. Felicity gave a moan
as Zurack poked his head out the top of Felicity's shirt and nibbled at Felicity's chin.
"Stop being silly Zurack," Felicity giggled as she looked down at Zurack's face as it poked
out from her shirt.
"Just wanted to see your face," Zurack said with a smirk.
"Why?" Felicity asked, but her answer arrived as Zurack's fingers penetrated her. Felicity
gave a moan as she felt Zurack's fingers gently teasing her insides. For several minutes,
Felicity moaned as Zurack pleasured her, but Zurack suddenly stopped.
"You'd better have a damn good reason for stopping," Felicity warned as Zurack pulled his
head out from under Felicity's shirt.
"I've got to check something," Zurack said as he got up and walked over to where he left
the vial rack. He picked up Felicity's sample and shook the contents, lifting it up to the
"What's the matter?" Felicity inquired as she got up and walked over to Zurack.
"You're in foal," Zurack stuttered as he looked at Felicity. "It looks like our fling has
resulted in a foal."
"Oh no," Felicity said as she looked at the vial.

"What's the matter, Mistress Felicity?" Adolphus inquired as he was dragged out of
Sheila's room and down toward the carriage by his collar.
"We have an investigation to complete, slave," Felicity grumbled as they walked down the
"But your rangers are investigating it," Adolphus noted.
Felicity got into the carriage, pulling Adolphus in after her.
"Well unless you want to end-up dead, I suggest you help us find this killer," Felicity
threatened as she signaled the driver to move off.

Sheila ran into Zurack's room, crying her eyes out.
"What's the matter?" Zurack inquired as Sheila ran into his arms.
"Princess Felicity stole Adolphus from me," Sheila cried as Zurack cuddled her.
"Come-come Sheila," Zurack comforted as he patted Sheila's back, "you know that
Adolphus is a slave and that Princess Felicity is his Mistress. You have to understand that
he has to follow her orders or else he will get into trouble. I know that you love him and
you want to spend time with him, but he is still a slave and he must remain with his
"But Princess Felicity stole him as he was making love to me."
"I see," Zurack said as he thought to himself for a moment.
'It seems that something is wrong with Felicity,' Zurack thought to himself as he comforted

"I swear Mistress, I can't pick up a scent," Adolphus said as he sniffed the ground.
"Try harder, slave," Felicity ordered.
"If there was a scent," Adolphus replied as he sat up, "the scent has been contaminated,
Mistress. I was chasing Lady Kitty at one stage."
"That was embarrassing," Kitty muttered to herself.
Felicity gave a sharp growl through her teeth as she paced back and forth.
"What did the investigation into the slave master produce?" Felicity asked as she tried to
keep her temper in check.
"He purchased the slave from the auctions," Gareth noted as he remembered what he had
been told, "so the slave's history is pretty vague. The auctioneer said that he called her a
foreign mare of a nomadic tribe."
"So she has no traceable history."
"No, your highness."
"Did the auctioneer keep records of who was present at the auction?"
"No, your highness, it was one of those 'off-the-books' auctions."
"Well arrest him and pressure him into giving us some sort of information. Pass the word
around that all auctions are to take records until further notice."
"Yes your highness, it will be done immediately."

Later that evening, a dark figure arrived at the door to the auction hall and was stopped by
the guards.
"I'm sorry, you can't come in," one of the guards said to the cloaked figure, "you have to
give your name and papers."
The dark figure stopped before turning around and walking off.
"Well he was weird," the other guard said as they watched the dark figure walk off into the
darkness of the night.
"We'll report him to the patrol when they pass us by."
For twenty minutes, the two guards stood outside the door to the auction hall before the
auctioneer came running out to the two of them.
"The slaves," the auctioneer cried out. "They're gone."
The two guards simply looked at each other.

The next morning, Felicity, her rangers and Adolphus were searching the slave holding
"How many mare's were there?" Felicity asked the auctioneer.
"Maybe three," the auctioneer replied nervously.
"He obviously freed all the slaves to prevent any of them from helping us," Razher noted.
"I don't think they would help us," Kitty noted. "I certainly wouldn't."
"So he will go to any end to free mare's," Felicity noted as she thought to herself.
"Are we going to have to put the mare's under tighter security?" Razher asked as he
looked at the holding cells.
"That could force him deeper underground," Felicity noted, "and that could only make
things harder."
Adolphus was sniffing around in the background, attempting to find some sort of scent to
"What did the guards say?" Felicity asked as she watched Adolphus sniff around.
"The guards said that the only thing to report was a dark stranger was denied entry. He
didn't even supply papers, just walked off. Not long after that, the slaves were missing."
"Well it's possible that he had something to do with it."
Adolphus stumbled upon something.
"Were there any stallions or colts on sale last night, Mistress?" Adolphus asked as he
picked up a shred of cloth.
"Not according to the records," Razher said as he flicked through the papers.
"Well this smells like this was near a stallion for some time, probably clothing," Adolphus
noted as he handed the cloth to Razher.
"Smell suggests he's young," Razher noted as he sniffed the cloth. "Does the auctioneer
hire any colts or stallions?"
"No," Kitty answered. "He doesn't like the idea of horny stallions blemishing his virgin
Gareth and Razher gave Kitty a dark stare as she gave a cheeky smile.
"So it's possible that he's a stallion," Felicity concluded. "Are there any workable scents,
"None, Mistress," Adolphus replied as he stood up. "I've searched the area and there
aren't any stallion scents, except for Lord Razher and Lord Gareth."
"I've never been called a Lord before," Gareth said proudly.
"Why?" Kitty mocked. "All the slaves in the pleasure houses call you a little colt?"
Gareth gave Kitty a dark stare as Felicity and Razher chuckled to themselves.

"Is Princess Felicity coming today?" Sheila asked as she waited on the balcony of the
"She sent a messenger," Zurack replied as he flicked through a book. "She's investigating
who is freeing slaves."
"You mean my Adolphie is going to be late?" Sheila asked sadly.
"Adolphie?" Zurack inquired as he closed his book and looked up at Sheila, "you're calling
one of the greatest warriors of our age 'Adolphie'?"
"It's cute," Sheila noted. "Matthew gave me a pet name and it was cute."
"And that was?"
"I used to be his little Shilly-Filly," Sheila said with a cheeky smile as she turned around
and looked at Zurack.
"You nomadic types are really weird," Zurack noted as he got back to his book. Sheila
turned back around and looked down at the street below.
"I miss my Adolphie," Sheila sighed as she rested her head on the rail.
"Well get used to the fact that you are in love with the slave of a princess and she does
have her royal duties."
"Well excuse my ignorance Master, but I thought princesses were elegant and dainty, not
hunters like Princess Felicity."
"Felicity is different to other princesses."
"Is that why you get all tense when she's around, Master?"
Zurack looked up from his book.
"I am not nervous when Felicity is around," Zurack noted as he got back to his reading.
"I know you two have a foal on the way," Sheila said threateningly.
Zurack put his book down and walked out onto the balcony.
"What do you mean by that?" Zurack inquired as he put his paw on Sheila's shoulder.
"I'm just saying I know that you've thrown Princess Felicity into foal."
"I am aware," Zurack sighed.
"What are you going to do?" Sheila asked as Zurack rubbed her shoulder.
"We're going to have to get married," Zurack noted. "And sometime before next summer. I
will have to propose sometime soon so I might be able to fool the nobles into thinking that
this is a legitimate pregnancy."
"What will happen then?"
"Well then Adolphus becomes equally my slave as you become Felicity's slave."
"So we'll be together?"
"Pretty much."
"Ooh, get married soon please Master."
"I can't rush anything like this Sheila, so you'll have to have patience."

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