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Part 3) Carnal 006: Beginnings
by Avanti Halfhorse

Carnal (or stories writtien on a moving train)

There must always be a first step, first word and first act of passion

Okay, here we go, Carnal 6. Now some will wonder why the hell I'm mentioned in this story, well it's because, as far as I know, I'm the only one that is currently working on theories on advanced equine behaviour and human perspective limitation. Don't think this is an ego-trip for me, I'm just the only one that I know of that is working on this. Remember,
Avanti_Halfhorse@Yahoo.com.au for any comments, suggestions or insults.
(PS. If you're just after the fun stuff and you aren't interested in a heap of theory, skip the italic section, it's just a whole lot of stuff that's got nothing to do directly with the yiff, it's just there because I wanted to write it, much like this story in a way, I just wanted to write it.)

When Biology tells us how we love, psychology tells us why we love and modern philosophy explains what causes love, then perhaps we will be able to understand what love is and why it is so strange. –Avanti Halfhorse

I was always one of those people that seemed to be eluded by love. Ever since I left high-school, the limit of my love-life was my hand. I didn't really mind though, work and study had kept me busy, but now I started to notice that empty spot in my life and it became evident when she came along.

But first, how she came along.

The famous psychologist Avanti Halfhorse published a paper on how perspective limitation would hamper humanity's advancement. To cut a long essay short, humanity had to 'cast off the blinkers of evolutionary blindness and find a greater perspective.' Many scientists took interest in Avanti's essay, curious as to what potential the advanced ideal had. Avanti then began his second essay, but never finished it. Despite the essay being incomplete (Of the three sections, moral conduct, trait combinations and training outline, only the section on trait combination was completed, which allowed the DNA blueprint to be developed. The section on moral conduct, whilst it had not been finished, there was a sufficient amount of research data, background notes and information in the first essay that a blueprint of moral conduct could be devised. Unfortunately, no notes or ideas other than the moral ideal Avanti had constantly portrayed of 'the training must always suit the individual' could be devised.) the project began and the DNA of both humans and horses began to be decoded (Avanti had suggested horses in his original essay because of the fact that the evolutionary history of the horse was the most known with very few missing links and the most humane method of educating wasn't that far removed from humans. Some did suggest the idea that Avanti's personal preference of horses had something to do with his choice. Investigations found both theories to be true when a secretive story called ‘Chivalry', written by Avanti when he was young, was discovered.) Once the DNA codes had been de-coded, the DNA codes were then broken down into their most basic forms before being combined and reconstructed to create a viable organism. From there, a suitable host mother was found and 9 months later, Fiona (named after the character from Chivalry) was born. Whilst the project continued to advance and produce some amazing results, all attempts to train Fiona had failed miserably.

I had been born in the same year as Fiona, but I wasn't part of some special project, I had been born in the same way that humans had been born for millions of years. From a young age, I had been fascinated by horses and the work done by people like Avanti Halfhorse. After high-school, I went off and studied animal psychology, specialising in horses. After I graduated, I went and joined the corporation responsible for the Halfhorse project as part of their equine research wing. The stable I was stationed at was near the main research institute where Fiona was kept.

One day, I was finishing off the paperwork in the office in my stables when I heard a noise outside. I got up and walked out into the stables and then I saw someone I had never seen before. I challenged them and they stood up and looked at me. I had read some research on the Halfhorse project and Fiona. The reports said that Fiona was a 175 cm tall 'half horse' as Avanti had described them in his story 'Chivalry'. Her basic frame was human, but she was covered in a chestnut brown fur. She had equine ears that sprang from the top of her head that allowed her to hear anything from any direction. She also had a chestnut tail that came from the base of her spine. The reports couldn't describe how beautiful she was though. She wasn't wearing any clothes; she had refused to since she was young. As I slowly walked towards her, she looked at me curiously.
"I'm not going to hurt you," I said calmly as I walked towards her with one of my hands held out towards her. As I closed on her, we both heard a noise outside and I saw a security car pulling up outside. Fiona went to run, but the guards were ready and they put a tranquiliser shot into her rump. Fiona fell to the ground and was unconscious as the guards walked over. As they walked over, I saw them pull out some handcuffs.
"Hey hey hey," I called out as I ran over to them. "What are you doing?"
"We have to cuff her," one of the guards said as he put her arms behind her back. "She's a fighter. If we don't, she could hurt us."
"Why's that?"
"Hey, we're not psychologists, we're just guards."
"Leave her here," I said as I stepped in between the guards and Fiona.
"We have our duties," the guard said.
"But I'm trained to deal with horses," I noted. "I'd be able to train her."
The two guards looked at each other and shrugged.

After filling out paperwork, I was now responsible for taking care of and training Fiona. I locked her into a stall and gave her some food and water and she seemed quite comfortable with her new surroundings. I went to my office and began to read over the research data collected so far. I found the biggest problem was the fact that their method of training wasn't exactly consistent with the method Avanti had used to train his horses, but because it was getting late, I decided to leave it until the next day. As I walked upstairs to my apartment above the stables, I saw Fiona standing at the door, looking at me. I gave her a smile and she seemed to smile back. As I turned to go upstairs, I heard the clanking of the bolt on one of the stable doors. I turned around and somehow, Fiona had opened the bolt and was now standing behind me. I gave her a strange look as she smiled at me. I walked around a bit and she followed me, a smile still plastered across her face. I walked her back into her stall and closed it behind her, making sure the bolt was locked and she proceeded to open the bolt again. She seemed dedicated to stay with me and I found this strange. After another attempt to get her to stay, I decided that I had to do a bit of training first. So I went and prepared the round ring, got a long piece of rope and lead her into the round ring. I let her have a bit of a look around before I began, flinging the end of the rope at her and sending her into a trot around the ring. I'd done this a hundred times before with normal horses, but I knew that this could be a challenge. As I continued to get her to run around the ring, I started to pick up on behaviour that I had seen before. Soon, she had lowered her head and I could tell what it was she wanted. She wanted to do as I asked her. I stopped flinging the rope at her and turned my back to her and, just as all the horses had done before, she came up and stood at my shoulder. I walked around the ring and she followed. I then lead her back to the stall and locked her in and this time, she didn't try to open the bolt. I gave her a pat on the head and went upstairs for the night.

I had a weird dream that night. Now the report had said that Fiona had fully developed vocal chords and the section of the brain used for speech was active, but she hadn't spoken (short of the occasional neigh) in the 25 years the project had been going, but in this dream, she was speaking to me. She was talking about something or other, but I wasn't 100% sure what. Fiona then leaned over and kissed me. I woke with a start and saw Fiona in my bed next to me, her lips locked with mine. My immediate reaction was to scramble back as fast as I could, which caused me to fall off the side of my bed and onto the floor. Fiona looked over the edge of the bed at me as I lay on the floor and I gave her an annoyed look, causing her to give a guilty look back at me.
"No," I said to Fiona as I got up, "you're not allowed in my room."
Fiona seemed to have a basic understanding of English and she stood up on the other side of the bed, holding her head in shame. I lead her back down to the stables and as I lead her into her stall, she pushed me into her bed of straw.
"No Fiona!" I called out as I tried to get up, but she jumped on top of me and held me against the straw. She gave me a sad look as I tried to struggle out from underneath her and she nibbled on my neck.
"No Fiona!" I called out. "Bad!"
Fiona gave me a sad look as she sat up. She rubbed my belly slowly as she looked down at me, almost like she wanted something from me. I crawled out form underneath her and went to walk out of her stall, but she grabbed me and pulled me down again.
"Stop it Fiona," I said as I looked her in the eyes. "Bad."
But she wasn't listening, she had other intentions. I felt one of her paws rubbing my boxers carefully. This intrigued me more than anything else. She had never been educated on sexual behaviour, because she hadn't learnt anything else. She seemed to know what she wanted though. I pushed her off of me and got up quickly and made a break for the stall door, but Fiona was much faster and had my ankle before I could get to the door. She pulled me over and back towards he and lay on top of me.
'Damn,' I thought to myself as she lay on top of me, 'she knows what she wants.'
Her paw was now finding its way into my boxers and was starting to stroke my cock, a begging look in her eyes. I realised that I could use her desire to breed to my advantage.
"No," I said as I grabbed her paw. "Not until you can ask me."
She gave me a pleading look, trying to get me to change my mind.
"No," I said. "You will have to ask me in English."
She let out a whimpering neigh and I shook my head. I got up and went back upstairs, leaving her in her stall.

The next morning, I walked downstairs to the stables and saw Fiona asleep in her straw. As I walked around the stables doing my normal duties, Fiona woke up and was waiting at her stall door.
"Morning," I said to Fiona as I rubbed her head.
"Morn-ing?" Fiona asked curiously as she looked at me.
I stopped, somewhat shocked by the fact that she just spoke to me. I gave a slow nod.
"Morning," I repeated.
"Morning," Fiona replied. I gave a smile and she smiled back.
"Good girl," I said as I patted her between her ears, "your first word."
She gave a proud smile as she rubbed my hand.
"Word?" Fiona asked curiously as she pointed to my hand on her head.
'Shit,' I thought to myself. 'Two words in under a minute, she's learning quickly.'
"Hand," I told her.
"Hand," she repeated back to me.
"Good girl," I said as I patted her head.

I spent the rest of the day teaching her how to talk and she picked up the words pretty quickly. I soon had her saying basic sentences and she seemed to enjoy her education. At the end of the day, she asked if she could sleep in my bed tonight and I said she could, she'd done a lot of hard work today and I told her I'd sleep in her stall, but then she said that she'd sleep in her stall. I asked her where she wanted to sleep and all she said was, "with you." I let her sleep in my bed that night and I slept on the floor in my room.

The next morning, I started training her about being a person by the standards of society and she continued to learn quickly. By the end of the second day, I had her wearing the clothes supplied to me by the Halfhorse project research department. She said she didn't like wearing the clothes, but she said she wanted to be just like me. That night, I wrote my report to the Halfhorse project and told them about all the progress that I had made thus far. Within an hour of sending the report off, the head scientists drove out to my stables to see for themselves what I had done. They were impressed beyond words of all the progress I had made, but Fiona wasn't too happy to show the scientists what I had taught her. After the demonstration, they handed me every file on Fiona's development and said that I was now head of research on the Halfhorse project. They offered me research assistants and alike, but I said I'd be okay on my own.

For the next three months, I kept working with Fiona, teaching her to read, write, and solve mathematical problems and all sorts of things. Her equine mind learnt quickly and by the time the three months was over, she had learnt the entire curriculum of the first three years of primary school. By this time though, Fiona and I were having different problems. Because of her age, I had to explain to her everything about her body, particularly her sexual organs. I suppose it was hard for her to understand everything on her sexual nature, particularly because she was the only one of her kind. I then had to explain to her everything about how she came to be and how she and I were different. It was then the trouble started because it was then she asked me.

We had been cleaning out the horse stalls when she looked over at me.
"Can I ask you something?" she asked me as I started to break up a bale of straw.
"Sure," I replied.
"When I proposed to you three months ago, you said you wouldn't unless I asked you in English."
"Yeah, I remember."
"Why did you say I had to ask you in English?"
"Well you know all about the Halfhorse project?"
"I am the Halfhorse project."
"Well there was a huge section of the original essay missing and fundamentally, we had no idea how to train the first generation and it seemed like the best way was the way humans were raised, but this caused problems. When I used a technique used for training horses, it fundamentally worked and you responded to the training, albeit, too effectively. I knew I had to train you and the best way of doing that was to use what you wanted to get you to learn."
"The ends justify the means?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"So if I asked you to now, you'd only do it to reward me?"
I stopped what I was doing and looked over at her. As an answer, yes and no were both accurate. In my time, I had spent my life devoted to horses and had neglected all my attractions, but now, it was different. She was equine, she was female and she was beautiful and I was becoming attracted to her, but it felt wrong.
"It's getting late," I lied, "and I still have to write up the report for this week. Will you be able to finish the stalls for me?"
"Sure," Fiona sighed.

I ran into my office with great speed and started to dig through the piles of papers on my desk for one important document. I had a copy of the notes and the unfinished essay that Avanti wrote on the Halfhorse project and started to look through the incomplete section on moral conduct in the hope that Avanti was far-sighted enough to give me some suggestions on what to do. After reading the notes for almost an hour, I was forced to look back at Avanti's earlier work in order to somehow find something tangible that I could use to make my choice. Five hours later, I gave up. I was now midnight and no matter how hard I had tried, I couldn't find any help in any of Avanti's works (but I can say that if he had devoted more of his skills towards his work, perhaps he might just have completed his theory on advanced equine sexuality). As I slowly walked upstairs, I saw the door to Fiona's bedroom open ajar. (I had decided to give her a room of her own, since I didn't want to give her any bad ideas.) There was no reason for me to even go near her door, yet I found myself standing next to the doorframe, just listening to Fiona breath quietly in her sleep. After a few minutes, I heard her moan quietly. I thought nothing of it, probably something in her dream or maybe she was just restless. As I went to walk away, I heard her sheets shift and I got the feeling that I was going to be in trouble, so I hastily and quietly made my way back to my bedroom. As I closed my door, I saw Fiona walking down the hallway to the bathroom. I quickly took my boots off and got into bed. Whilst normally I wouldn't sleep in my jeans, I just wanted to get to sleep quickly and hope that by morning, Fiona had forgotten that entire conversation we'd had. As I lay in my bed, I heard my door creak open. I wanted to look over at who it was, but I could tell by the shadow. I heard footsteps slowly tiptoe over to my bed before I felt a hand caress my side.
"You're still dressed," Fiona whispered to me. "Are you okay?"
I didn't say anything.
"I know you're awake," Fiona whispered. "Your breathing is deeper when you're asleep."
I rolled over and looked up at Fiona.
"How do you know that?" I asked.
"I have sensitive ears," Fiona noted. "I can hear how you breathe."
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I just wanted to know that you were okay."
"No, I'm not."
"What's wrong?"
"I've just spent the last 5 hours looking over research documents and trying to do a background profile in order to find some answers."
"Any luck?"
"No, despite the fact that I've looked through pretty much everything from every angle, I've found nothing."
"Could I help?"
"Sure, why not? You're part of the problem."
"Part of the problem?"
"I have a dilemma," I explained. "I was hoping that you'd forget all about my offer, but it appears you haven't."
"You don't want to?"
"It's more than that."
"More than that?"
"Of late, I have found myself attracted to you, but I don't know if it's for the right reasons."
Fiona nodded, seeming to understand where I was coming from.
"You're smart, you're beautiful and you're very much equine, you're wise, you're....."
"At a stretch, yeah."
"So what's the problem?"
"You're a research project, part of the Halfhorse project to aid the development of the human understanding. You were designed as a first step into new ground, to further science. After you and using you, the rest of the children of the Halfhorse project would be born and from there and humanity would benefit from this advancement."
Fiona looked me in the eyes and even in the near dark, I could see them clearly.
"I am aware of this," Fiona said, "but I cannot deny what I was built from. I am a project, I am an advancement, but first and foremost, I am a mare and I need a companion."
"And I'm it?"
"Yeah, you are."
I sighed as I looked up at the ceiling.
"You need some time," Fiona said as she got off my bed and walked out of my room. "You know where I am."
I lay there the rest of the night, awake.

When I got up the next morning, Fiona was still asleep. I was so tired that I had trouble staying awake, but I couldn't sleep. I had a cup of coffee, hoping that it would wake me up a bit. As I sipped on my coffee, Fiona walked into the kitchen.
"Did you sleep?" Fiona asked me as she got her oats from the cupboard.
"No," I grumbled. "I'm exhausted."
"Poor dear," Fiona said as she walked over and rubbed the back of my head. "Perhaps you should go and get some rest."
"I'm fine," I yawned. "I'll just have my coffee and things will be just fine."
"It doesn't matter if we miss lessons for one day," Fiona noted. "Just get some rest."
I supposed Fiona was right.
"Well I'll just feed the horses and then I'll go to bed," I said as I walked downstairs to the stables."

After feeding the horses, I went upstairs, got back into bed and was out like a light in under a minute. A couple of hours later, I woke up and saw Fiona lying in the bed next to me.
"Afternoon," Fiona said quietly as I opened my eyes and looked at her.
"Is something up?" I asked as I gave a yawn.
"No," Fiona replied. "Just got bored, so I thought I might as well watch you sleep."
"Was it entertaining?"
"No, it was like watching paint dry."
"Well I'm sorry I'm boring when I sleep."
"Hey, you're more entertaining than the horses. All they wanted to do was gossip."
"That's nice," I said as I closed my eyes again.
"Would you make love to me?"
I opened my eyes and stared straight at Fiona.
"One more time?" I asked.
"Make love tome please?" Fiona asked.
I stared at Fiona as she looked at me sympathetically.
"Why?" I asked.
"You are the only male that's ever treated me well and I know how you feel. Would you like to make love to me now?"
I gently placed a kiss on her lips and she immediately picked up on my intentions, wrapping her arms around my neck and I did likewise, but before things got too heated, Fiona broke the kiss.
"Not like this," Fiona said as she looked into my eyes. "I want to do it the way I first wanted to do it."

Fiona then got up and undressed herself before walking downstairs. Almost by instinct, I followed her. As I walked downstairs, she was already standing in her stall, waiting patiently for me. As I walked into the stall, she turned her back to me and lifted her tail up. She realised that she wouldn't get the impression across that she wanted to, so she leaned over and supported herself with her paws on her knees. As I walked closer, she started to wriggle her rump at me. As I placed one of my paws ...err.... hands on her rump, she tried to back into me, but a quick smack on her rump brought her right. Though she wanted a ride right away, I wanted to tease her a bit, get her running and warmed up, see how she responded to my hand.
"Stand up," I whispered to her. "Come stand against me."
Fiona slowly stood up, her brown fur rubbing against my stomach through my shirt. I gently wrapped my arms around her, my hands gently grasping her bosom. She reached back and put her paws on the back of my head as I nibbled at her shoulder and neck, my fingers gently teasing at her nipples as my palms massaged her breasts. She nickered quietly as she rubbed her head against mine, my lips still nibbling on her shoulder. As I felt her nipples harden under my touch, I knew what I had to do next. My fingers slowly slid down her body, gently running over her fur and stroking her stomach. For a minute or so, that's all I did, rub and stroke her stomach. She continued to moan as she shifted her paws around to rub and stroke at her breasts, seeming to enjoy this new sensation that was running through her body. I started to move my hand down further now, my fingers now starting to come into contact with her awaiting marehood, already wet with her nectar. At first, I gently ran my fingers along her slit, gently teasing and testing her to see how she'd react. The longer that I stroked her, the less and less control over her body she had. Very soon, I could feel all her control leaving her body and she liked it. When I put my leg between her legs to keep them spread, she started desperately to try and rub herself on my jeans, but I held fast, ensuring not to ruin this moment and that she wouldn't grind my hand into my leg. Very soon, I could see the equine desire that was within her and how unhappy she was with what I was doing, teasing her so. Soon, the leg of my jeans on the leg that was keeping her legs spread was wet with her anticipation right down to halfway between my knee and my ankle. Her fingers were also making their way down, trying to force my fingers deeper into her, but I held fast, knowing this was now the only discipline she would understand. She was moaning loudly now, wanting more than what I could provide with my fingers alone and I felt obliged to provide her with that. I slowly broke away from her and started to take off my shirt, making sure that it was nice and slow, much to Fiona's annoyance. I could see her desire to pounce me right there and ground her marehood into anything that could annul the pain, but I made sure she stood there, waiting calmly. Once I had taken off my jeans and boxers, my cock standing erect, I walked over to Fiona and placed a long, passion-filled kiss on Fiona's mouth and we fell onto the straw. Fiona didn't resist my lips, tasting them as though it was the first time she had. I continued to tease Fiona's marehood as we kissed. I could almost feel Fiona's frustration in her kisses as I kept teasing her, she wanted me now; she wanted what she had been waiting for, for the last three months. I moved up so I was crouched over her and gave her a nod and she seemed to understand without words. She crawled out from underneath me and crouched in front of me, her tail hooked up and awaiting me. As she crouched there in front of me, I could see all my work having an effect. Fiona panted heavily as she looked back at me, her marehood almost foaming with desire.

I watched for a moment or two as she crouched there, waiting for me to grace her marehood for the first time. As I slowly crawled forward, she spread her legs a bit further. As I crawled up onto her, she lowered her torso to the ground, allowing my cock to simply slide into her without any resistance. Fiona gave a loud moan as I felt her marehood squeeze my cock. I waited for a moment or two, letting her body settle before I slowly started thrusting. Fiona let out a low neigh as I started thrusting. I didn't put too much pressure into my thrusting, nor a lot of speed; we had all day and I wanted to make sure we both enjoyed ourselves, particularly since this was Fiona's first time. Fiona grasped at the straw on the floor of the stall as she exhaled, blowing dust up into the air. I could see sweat clinging to her fur as we kept going. I have no idea just how long we were at it, fuelling our animal passions, but the sun was starting to sink over the horizon, I couldn't hold back much longer. I panted as I tried to hold back for a minute longer, but Fiona could feel what was coming (no pun intended).
"Let yourself go," Fiona begged, "it is time to finish it."
I gave several deep thrusts as I prepared to climax. As I gave my last thrust, Fiona let out a loud, singing neigh. I felt her marehood tense up around my cock just as I climaxed. I gasped as my cock throbbed inside Fiona, her marehood squeezing my cock as my seed spilled into her. Fiona nickered and neighed for almost five minutes as she climaxed and I gasped and thrust with her, my own climax constantly being driven on. We soon fainted into the straw, our bodies sapped of all our strength.

I woke up the next morning with what could best be described as a hangover. As I slowly looked around, I noticed that Fiona was nowhere to be found. As I got up, Fiona came downstairs holding two cups of coffee.
"So how are you feeling?" Fiona asked me as she leaned over the stall door.
"Lousy," I replied as I rubbed my head.
"Well they said that the transformation might have a few bad after effects," Fiona said as she handed me one of the cups of coffee. I took a sip of the coffee before it sank in.
"Come again?" I asked.
"The transformation process," Fiona noted. "It's the final part of stage one in the Halfhorse project."
I looked down at myself and cried out in shock.
"What the hell?" I asked as I looked at myself.
Fiona giggled as she gave a smile.
"I'm glad the transformation process didn't take that long," Fiona said as she opened the stall door and walked in. "They were unsure how long the retro-virus would take to work."
"Yeah, I gave you the injection after, well.... After that lovely thing we did last night."
I blushed as I looked myself over. I had palomino coloured fur and I definitely was a half horse as I felt my tail swinging around behind me and saw a sheath where my cock used to be.
"This is interesting," I said as I looked myself over.
"Sorry I didn't quite ask you," Fiona apologised, "just the staff up at R&D wanted to know if it worked post-haste."
"And you gave it to me in my sleep?"
"Well, I knew you'd like to be like me."
"How'd you guess that?"
"Oh please, you're 25, single, you hang around horses and you know more about horses than most horses."
"Touché," I replied. "You have a good point there."
"Besides," Fiona continued, "for the project to continue, I need a partner."
"Well where else do you think the next generation will come from?"
"Good point."
"So I suggest you just take it easy for the next few days," Fiona said as she took my cup. "The transformation still has a few things left to finish."
"How will I know it's done?"
"The R&D said that the last thing to finish developing would be your vocal chords. When you can neigh like other horses, the transformation will be complete."
"But I already neigh like a horse."
"I meant fluently."
"Because all you neigh is 'hey' and not very well, or so the horses tell me."
"Do you think I'd be able to get some clothes though?" I asked as I looked myself over.
"But horses don't wear clothes."
"Well at least until I get used to the idea of being a horse?"
"Fine," Fiona sighed as she went upstairs, "I'll get you some pants."

From that day onwards, the world changed rather rapidly. The success of the Halfhorse project opened up many forms of philosophy and gave rise to more hybrids with the first true anthromorphs (a horse again), being born 10 years later. Fiona and I went on to have 12 foals, seven of whom were our children (four were the left-over embryos from the Halfhorse project and the other was the first true antromorph). I went on to advance equine psychology, proving many of Avanti's theorems. Fiona studied psychology and proposed a sound training program for Avanti's second essay and effectively finished it. Fiona then went on to further all research into the Halfhorse project. At the age of 55, having raised 12 children, written a total of 22 theories and essays between the two of us, we retired to a property in the country. Life is quite peaceful now. We mostly keep ourselves busy with stuff we enjoy, like each other. I became quite accustomed to living as a 2nd state half horse, I even wrote a book on the subject. My life seemed complete now and I am glad it was, because generations would benefit from it. Oh, I did learn to neigh quite well too.

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