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Part 4) Carnal 003: Rapture
by Avanti Halfhorse

Mi amore don’t you know, My love I want you so

Yes ladies and gentlefurs, tis Carnal 3, written after four but before two. I don't want people thinking that I can't count, because I can, I'm just a really pedantic equine and I number these stories in order of creation, not publication. (Should I do the same with my other series, you would already know how they end.) Now the reason this one was put on the back burner is because I needed a CD for this story (Rapture by IIO to be precise and keep your opinions of my music to yourself or else I'm going to write a story based around ‘Mad World' from the Donnie Darco movie and then you're going to see me do freaky,) and now I have the CD, so here we go, Carnal 3: Rapture. As you should know by now with me, Avanti_Halfhorse@Yahoo.com.au is my email address and as per usual, all comments are appreciated.

"Sugar, you make my soul complete,
Rapture tastes so sweet."
-Rapture (Tastes So Sweet) by IIO
(*gasp* It's not one of my lines)

"Okay now girls, remember to be good."
"Yes Master Stallion."
"And don't tease the boys."
"Yes Master Stallion."
"And most importantly, no tipping drinks on other females, just because they're scoping your target male. I'm sick of having to apologize to females because you've tipped drinks on their dresses."
"Yes Master Stallion."
"And any of you fillies that do will be sent home. Is that clear?"
"Yes Master Stallion."
"Good. Now go have fun. I'll be in my regular spot."

Today had not been a good day for her. Her recent and quite messy break-up with her now ex-boyfriend was still weighing heavily on her mind and it wasn't helping her heat in the slightest. Coupled with the fact that her job was in severe jeopardy, money being in short supply and the rent being due, she had no idea why she was out on the town, scoping for a new boyfriend. Despite the exotic allure of zebras, very few people wanted to have an extended relationship with one, preferring to perfect the one night stand on them. She sighed as she finished her third drink and started to look around the club. She saw a light grey stallion walk into the club, several fillies and young mares clinging to him. As they got onto the dance floor, the females scattered and the stallion walked over to a booth in the corner and sat down before taking out a book and starting to read.

As they walked across the dance floor, some of the mares and fillies that had entered with the light grey stallion started talking amongst themselves.
"Don't you think it's sad that Master Stallion doesn't have a Matriarch?"
"Oh come on, you know what he's like, he prefers the exotic girls and they're always floosies."
"But he always seems so lonely, sitting in that booth by himself."
"Then why don't you go keep him company?"
"Hey, I have needs too."
"Well just keep it in the back of your mind to keep an eye out for any exotic females that don't look like floosies."
"Isn't that an oxymoron?"
"Don't use big words."

She gave a sigh as she ran her finger around the rim of her third drink, wondering if she should just give up and go back home, when one of the fillies that entered with the light grey stallion walked up to her.
"Well hello there," the filly said to her as she stood next to her at the bar. "You look glum."
"I have my reasons to be."
"What's wrong?"
"Why's it any of your concern?"
"Well you shouldn't be here if you're in a sour mood, it just sucks the fun out of the evening."
"For your information, I'm single, going broke, risk getting fired and I'm about to be evicted."
"Wow that sucks."
"Yeah, it's annoying."
"How would you like to meet a really nice and caring guy?"
"What's the catch?"
As she asked, the filly knocked a drink over her dress.
"Slut!" She called out as she stepped back and watched the stain slowly run down the front of her dress. "What did you do that for?"
"You'll see," the filly said with a wink.
"Damn it Samantha," the grey stallion said as he walked over to where the two of them were standing. "You don't usually stoop to such low levels to get a guy. You're the good girl."
"I know Master Stallion," the filly that was obviously called Samantha said as she bowed her head. "I did it with the best intentions."
"I'm so sorry for her actions," the grey stallion said as he looked at the zebra, "I've been trying to get the girls to stop this dirty trick........., but......."
"Sorry, lost my train of thought. Would you like to come over and sit with me?"
"Then I can organise to get that cleaned for you."
"I'd prefer to just go home; I've had a long day."
"Please Madam, it'd be an honour if you came and sat with me."
The zebra stopped for a minute and looked up at the grey stallion.
"That all depends why you want me to sit with you."
"Well.... I'd... Um... Kinda..."
Samantha gave the grey stallion a firm elbow in the ribs.
"I was wondering if you're single because I find you attractive," the stallion blurted out.
The zebra looked at him, slightly shocked.
"Err....." The stallion said as he rubbed the back of his head, realising what he just said. "Sorry. I kind of just blurted that out."
The zebra blinked for a minute before she felt something sticky in her panties, thinking it was the drink soaking through.
"Might as well," the zebra said as she sighed. "There's nothing else happening this evening."
"Thank you," the stallion said as he offered the zebra an arm and walked her over to his booth.

The grey stallion sat the zebra down in the booth before taking a seat opposite.
"So why did that filly call you Master Stallion?" the zebra asked as the stallion sat down. "You have a mob or something?"
"Not quite," the stallion said as he ordered himself a drink. "They're mostly young rich fillies whose fathers don't want them getting into trouble. I am pretty much paid to live with them and ensure that they don't do anything stupid. Generally, I take care of them, ensuring that they spend these vulnerable years under supervision."
"So you're sort of a baby-sitter?"
"Not quite. I don't ensure they eat their greens, do their homework and all that stuff. I generally ensure I know where they are, what they're doing and who they're with. I also have to protect them if their relationships go sour and they risk getting hurt."
"So you're babying them into relying on someone else to solve their problems and watch out for them?"
"No, I'm just an observer and mentor. I generally don't get involved in their lives exactly, unless they need help with something."
"Okay, interesting."
"Well some fathers are paranoid about their little daughter's protection during these years when they're going out to clubs and dating risky guys."
"So you're sort of like their father?"
"Yeah, that's it."
"It must be an interesting job."
"It has its moments. Generally they're well behaved and they don't do anything foolish or stupid, but sometimes they get into fights or get extremely drunk and I have to get involved. But enough about me, what do you do for a job?"
"I'm a biological scientist."
"You're a scientist and you're at a club?"
"Are you saying I'm a geek?"
"No, I just generally don't picture scientists coming to places like this to pick up a date."
"Why's that?"
"Well because I picture scientists to be intelligent and can work out many problems they have in relationships."
"Well most people have a tendency to think us zebras are more into one-night-stands because of our exotic nature."
The stallion crossed his legs tightly.
"So what about you?" the zebra asked. "You have a matriarch in your life?"
"No, I'm generally too busy to look and I prefer the more exotic females."
The zebra crossed her arms.
"After a one-night-stand eh?" the zebra asked angrily.
"No!" the stallion called out. "It's not like that!"
"Then what is it like?"
"Well my first filly-friend was a zebra and she was an amazing filly. We never actually got on the bad hoof, but she could really make me think and I loved her desperately."
"What happened to her?"
"She went to a club one night and got stabbed, that's how I ended up in this sort of job."
The zebra looked deep into the stallion's eyes and she felt the moisture between her legs.
"Damn it," the zebra said as she uncrossed her legs. "That spilt drink is soaking through my underwear. Can we go back to your place so I can have a shower and you can wash my clothes?"
The stallion looked at the zebra with a shocked look across his face.
"Sure," the stallion said as he pulled out his mobile phone, "I'll just get the girls."

The group of equines rode back to the house and the stallion let them all in before leading the zebra upstairs to his floor.
"I live up here," the stallion said as he let the zebra into his floor, "in order to keep their parents happy. That and it just scares me down there sometimes. I'll show you to my bathroom."
"You keep your place very tidy," the zebra noted as she looked around his apartment.
"Other bachelor stallions might like to keep a messy stall," the stallion said as he pointed towards the bathroom, "but in my time, I've learnt what mares like."
"I'm quite impressed," the zebra said as she walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, "most stallions by now would be trying to get into my panties."
"When you take care of eight horny fillies, you learn to ignore your urge to pounce any horny female in your path."
The zebra chuckles as she took her dress and underwear off.
"Would you like these paw-washed?" the stallion asked as the mare passed her clothes through a partially closed door.
"In a machine will do," the zebra said as she closed the door again. "Do you have a dressing gown for me to wear once I'm done?"
"I'll go ask the girls," the stallion said as he walked back downstairs.
The zebra looked around the bathroom as she walked over to the shower.
'He really does keep his place clean,' the zebra thought to herself as she turned on the shower. She let the water correct itself to the right temperature before she got in. As she washed herself in the shower, she realised just what that feeling was that was coming from between her legs as she rubbed it with her paw. She felt her lips with her fingers and her lips were very moist. She started to feel a bit guilty as the idea of masturbating in the bathroom of this stallion she had only met tonight, but her heat was too strong for her. Her fingers gently slid the length of her lips as she moaned quietly, her body desiring more and more of what she was giving herself. Just as her fingers were about to penetrate her waiting pussy, there was a knock on the bathroom door.
"Sorry," the stallion called out, "just I've got some dressing gowns from the girls and I've put a few of my own thick ones in there, just in case you thought theirs were a bit skimpy. Can I bring them in?"
The zebra tried to correct herself, but all she wanted now was penetration.
"Bring them in," the zebra called out. "I'll be out soon anyways."
The stallion opened the bathroom door and walked in, put the dressing gowns on the bench next to the basin and walked out again before closing the door. The zebra couldn't hold her body back any more and started pawing desperately, her body was begging for climax, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't penetrate herself deep enough for what her body wanted and no matter what she did, she couldn't bring herself to climax. After trying for a few minutes, she gave up, realising that she couldn't do it alone, not without some sort of help.

The stallion sat back in his living room, reading a magazine to himself when he heard the bathroom door behind him.
"So how was your shower?" the stallion asked as he continued to look at his magazine.
"It was good," the zebra replied as she walked and stood in front of the stallion. "What do you think of the bathrobe?"
The stallion looked up from his magazine and his jaw dropped. The zebra was wearing a pink see-through bathrobe, the front completely open. For several minutes, the stallion simply gawked at the zebra.
"Well?" the zebra asked after a while.
"I'm speechless," the stallion said as he put his magazine down.
"Good," the zebra said as she sat on the stallion's lap, "because I don't want you to say anything."
The zebra locked lips with the stallion, the stallion far to shocked to do anything but start kissing back.
The zebra fumbled desperately with the stallion's shirt, trying to undo the buttons, but the stallion solved that problem by ripping the buttons from his shirt. The zebra stroked his chest as the stallion rubbed her shoulders with his paws.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" the stallion asked as he broke the kiss. "I feel this is the last time I'll be able to ask in a sane mind."
"I'm damn sure," the zebra said as she took the bathrobe off. "I couldn't paw off before, I need cock."
"And I'm happy to oblige," the stallion said as he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.
"I've been a naughty little filly," the zebra said as she got off the stallion's lap. "I think I need to be punished."
The stallion removed his jeans as the zebra slowly walked towards what she hoped what his bedroom.
"I could do a lot of things to you," the stallion said as he followed, his cock throbbing in his paw.
"I hope you do a lot of things to me," the zebra said as she pushed the door open.

The stallion's bedroom was a deep red and the silk sheets of the bed were very alluring to the zebra. She crawled onto the bed and flicked her tail back and forth, her moist pussy glistening in the light. The stallion crawled up onto the bed behind her, his fingers gently running over the zebra's soft and aroused flesh.
"Ooooh," the zebra groaned as she felt the Stallion running his fingers over her dripping cunny.
"You have been a naughty mare," the stallion said as his fingers graced the zebra's clit, "you've stolen all my fun."
"Please don't be angry," the zebra begged as she felt the stallion's fingers sliding over her lips, "I didn't mean to."
"Well you will have to be punished," the stallion said as he wrapped one of he arms around the zebra's waist. "We'll have to make you nice and wet now."
The zebra gasped as she felt the stallions' fingers start to penetrate her moist lips and slide into her body. She moaned loudly as she felt the stallion's fingers rubbing away inside of her, finding her G-spot with ease, but his interest wasn't in her G-spot. His fingers kept probing her insides, stroking away happily before she couldn't take any more. As the zebra tried to struggle against his fingers, the stallion simply held her taught, not allowing her any movement forward or back. Soon, her body was giving way to his teasing, but before she reached orgasm, he pulled his fingers out. The zebra looked back over her shoulder and watched as the stallion casually licked the juices on his fingers.
"Well you're nice and tasty now," the stallion said as he let the zebra go, "but now it's my turn to be nice and wet."

The zebra looked at the stallion's cock as it stood there, erect with precum dribbling from the head. The zebra licked her lips as she looked at the stallion's (erm) stallionhood. The zebra crawled over to the stallion and wrapped her lips around the stallion's cock and licked at the flare, savouring the salty taste. The stallion rubbed the back of the zebra's head as she licked at his cock. The stallion gave a grunt as the Zebra took all of his cock into her mouth and throat, trying desperately to milk his long member with her mouth. After a minute, the stallion gently pulled his cock from her mouth. The zebra looked up at him with sad eyes, wanting more of his cum.
"Now we finish what we began," the stallion said as he gave the zebra a smirk. The zebra turned around and flicked her tail over her back and waited with her rump up in the air. The stallion walked up behind the zebra and rubbed the underside of her tail before running the flare of his cock along her wet lips. The zebra brayed in ecstasy as the stallion slowly inserted his cock between her lips and soon, his entire length was buried within her body. The zebra knew that many stallions would immediately start banging away to bring themselves to climax, but he started nice and slow, savouring her moist insides. The stallion leaned over the zebra's subtle frame and gently rubbed her paws as he slowly thrust. The zebra brayed and panted as she clutched at the stallion's stallionhood, savouring the feeling it had on her body. As she panted and gasped, she felt the stallion's flare bulge and flare inside of her and she knew she couldn't hold back any longer. With one last thrust, the zebra was thrown over the edge and let out a loud bray as he orgasmed, her marehood squeezing desperately at the stallion's cock. The stallion didn't budge or move as he kept thrusting, savouring the zebra's attempts at milking him. Soon, the zebra collapsed forward, her body exhausted. The stallion simply helped the zebra into a more comfortable position before cuddling her and falling asleep next to her.

The zebra woke a few hours later and looked over her shoulder at who was in the bed next to her. She looked at this stallion and wondered if he'd be any different to the rest of them, but most of them would have made bullshit excuses by now and wouldn't be so cuddly, yet he was quite cuddly, he had even helped her get into a comfortable position. The feelings of her heat were over for now and she wondered about him. He had been gentle and hadn't rushed or done anything forceful or that she didn't like. He seemed genuine and the zebra gave a smile as she realised this.
"Hey," the stallion said as he opened his eyes. "How are you feeling?"
"Well you hit the spot," the zebra sighed. "I thank you for that."
"Do you have work today?"
"Eh, fuck them," the zebra sighed. "I can always get a new job."
"But didn't you have to pay rent?"
"Not if you let me stay."
The stallion gave the zebra a curious stare.
"Well that all depends," the stallion said as he stretched. "Do you mind if I play with your from time to time?"
"The way you did last night?"
"As long as 'from time to time' is every night, then no, I don't mind."
"Then welcome to your new home, Matriarch."

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