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Notice that Chapter 1 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.

Master Of The House
Chapter 2

It was sometime later that he finished, feeding Jerri as much cum as
he could manage. The older male seemed grateful, and was the perfect
servant as he helped the young stallion redress. Once Russie was fully
dressed in his butlers attire, and Jerome clad in his silken bathrobe.
They stepped out into the outer room, the young stallion at once
dipping into a deep bow. "I hope my meager efforts of the night before
pleased you master." The young stallion asked in a soft almost
simpering tone, Jerome winced visibly at being addressed as master. It
was plain from his body language, that the older stallion was having
troubled with the abrupt power shift. He was standing there slump
shouldered, head lowered submissively and his ears laying back almost
flat on his head. It most definitively wasn't the chest out, head held
high stance the master normally had.

"Uhum... you don't have to call me that when we're alone." He
stammered weakly, licking at his lip's which were still very red from
the cock sucking he'd done only a few minutes before. "And yes your...
you were very... I found it intensely pleasing thank you." That was
certainly new and made the butler raise an eyebrow, Jerome had never
thanked a slave before... that Russie had ever heard of.

"Your welcomed... I shall go have your breakfast prepared and see to
my other duties." Russie said leaving out the 'master' this time, and
putting a more powerful tone into his own voice. Watching as Jerome
seemed to relax as he heard it, plainly the younger stallions efforts
to break him had been more successful than Russie had realized.

"I... I'm sticky and smelly... have a bath run for me please..." A
thrill ran through him as Jerome said please, it wasn't quite begging
was it was asking nicely outside the rooms were Russie was supposed to
have power.

"Of course... I'll see to that first and you can bath before your
breakfast arrives. Shall we go to the master bath right now?" Once
again Jerome winced slightly at the words master bath, but quickly
nodded his head allowing Russie to escort him down the hall. Once in
the bath chamber, the butler quickly got the water running and seated
Jerome in the filling tub. "Do you understand how to work the valves?"
He asked in a doubting tone, after all the rich stallion had never ran
his own bath in his life.

"Yes mast... yes I can manage thank you." Jerome whispered, both of
them noticing his slip... one with mild shock the other with delight.
Neither of them made any open notice of it however, Russie laid out
the wash cloth, towels and soaps. The young stallion once again the
bland well mannered servant, still there was a slightly more
commanding tone to his voice. And Jerome seemed to be responding to it
very submissively, quickly Russie soaped up the older stallion's back.
Using the water pitcher to wet down the older stallion's mane, before
he soaped it up as well.

"I trust you can take care of it from here." He said calmly, it wasn't
a question and the older male just nodded his head meekly in reply.
"Then I shall leave you to it for the moment... and see to the work of
the house." Leaving Jerome alone in the master bath, Russie casual
walked down stairs to check on the kitchens. He then went around to
make sure all the other servant were up and attending to their duties
like they normal did. Pausing to settle a dispute the footmen were
having about the place settings, for the young master and mistress's
morning meal. They generally had their breakfast much later in the
day, only Master Jerome ate this early and he rarely came down to the
dining room. Preferring to eat instead in his sitting room, or private
office on the third floor alone. He then found Sarah the upstairs
maid, informing her that she would not be cleaning the third floor for
the immediate future. After all Jerri had that nice uniform, and a bit
of actual physical labor would do the soft mareboi good.

The cooks had gotten up early as was their custom, he check that the
masters breakfast was being prepared. Jerome had set up a menu that
was followed on a weekly basis, the older stallion laying out
everything that he would eat at every meal in advance. This morning it
was toasted bread slices, jam, oat cakes, and fresh melon slices,
apple cider that had been chilled over night in the ice box to drink.
Russie like the rest of the servants would be having boiled oatmeal,
he fixed a large bowel that he normally ate from. Adding it to the
tray with the masters breakfast and then was forced to pause a second
time. The kitchen maid was having a go with the scullery maid, over
some chipped cup's that had turned up. Be as luck would have it,
Russie knew that those cups had been clipped by young master Jarrett's
friends. The three young highborn stallions had been toasting each
other, with a bit of whiskey in their coffee and had gotten a bit too
carried away. So that dispute was easily settled, taking the breakfast
Russie carried it up to Jerome's sitting room.

The older stallion still hadn't returned from the bathroom, so leaving
the food sat out Russie walked back down and knocked once before
stepping inside. The sight that greeted him was both erotic and
amusing, Jerome was bent over the rim of the tub trying to scrub up
under his own tail. The trouble was every time the cloth rubbed over
his tail hole, more shiny slime would ooze out. Russie had pumped a
great deal of cum up there the night before, strolling over the butler
took a hose and nozzle out of a cabinet. "I think you need to flush
that out." The young slave stallion said in a cool professional
manner, bending down to screw the hose on to the water faucet. The
butler then placed the rounded nozzle tip to those red abused looking
anal lip's, smearing the tip with the slimy cum leaking out. Before
pushing the nozzle into that quivering anus, it slipped in as smoothly
as a knife going into its sheath.

"Ohooo." Jerome inhaled a long ragged breath, as the cool metal nozzle
pushed inside of him looking back at Russie wide eyed. Slowly the
young stallion cracked open the hot water valve, flooding the older
stallion's insides with warmth. Making Jerome pant soft and excitedly,
Russie let the water run until it began to leak out around that
invading nozzle. "Alright now I want you to clamp down as tightly as
you can..." The young stallion instructed, watching as his master
puffy equine anus squeezed down around that nozzle. Quickly he then
slid it out, and helped Jerome move over to sit down on the toilet.
"Very good... now open yourself up and release the water." Jerome
moaned softly again, as he opened himself and the water gushed out
into the toilet bowl beneath him. "There we go all cleaned out..."
Russie raised pressing paper to wipe with into the older stallions
hands, Jerome took it and wiped his sore rump hole clean. Once he was
finished the older stallion stood up again, letting Russie towel off
his damp body before helping him back into his robe.

They quickly moved back down to the masters rooms, walking into the
sitting room Russie closed the door behind them. Before strolling over
and sitting down on the sofa, Jerome watched him for a moment in
confusion. "You may have a seat on the floor slave..." Russie gestured
to the floor in front of him, beside the end of the low table in front
of the sofa. The young stallion watched as Jerome moved over and
slowly sank to the floor, Russie smiling as he saw that Jerome was
still willingly going along. Reaching down the young stallion spread
some jam onto a piece of toast, and then lifted it to his lip's taking
a bite. Watching Jerome stare at him for a moment, slaves not allowed
to speak unless spoken to. Russie smirked superiorly as he looked
down, licking the sweet jelly off his lip's slowly before speaking.
"Would you like some breakfast my little mare?"

"Yes master..." The kneeling older stallion answered quickly, his eyes
looking over the breakfast spread out on the tray. Eagerly licking his
lip's at the wonderful smells, honey oat cakes and melon smelling best
of all. And even through his stomach was half full of the his young
masters cum, Jerome was still more than ready to eat.

"And after all that cum I fed you this morning..." Russie 'Tsk tsk
tsked'as he reached down picking up the bowl of plain oatmeal the
staff ate for breakfast, putting a spoon in it he pushed it into the
highborn horses big three fingered hands. Jerome looked at the lumpy,
gray, unappealing oatmeal the rich stallion knowing this is what his
household staff was given to eat for breakfast. The butler could tell
that Jerome was less than excited to be eating something so plain, the
older stallion looked up and for a moment Russie thought he was going
to complain. They made eye contact for a brief moment, and then
Jerome's eyes dropped submissively to the bowel. Russie sneered
slightly as he watch the older male begin to eat slowly, it really was
amazing what five hours of being fucked and degraded could do to a
male. Leaning back he watched his master eat slave food for a few
moments, and then began ordering the older stallion to hand him food
or spread jam on the toast. The young butler leisurely ate his masters
breakfast, finishing up just before Jerome polished off the last of
his oatmeal. Russie wiped his mouth with the linen napkin, and then
stood up and retrieved the skimpy maids uniform he had made Jerome
wear the night before.

"Now little mareboi... get your uniform on, I'll have some cleaning
items brought up. You will be cleaning my rooms from now on... I've
got some duties downstairs. But I will return shortly to see about
conducting the plantation's business." Once again the two of them made
eye contact... and this time Jerome held his gaze a bit longer. Russie
pressed his fully clothed body up against Jerome's, stripping off that
silky bath robe as he did. One strong hand groping the older
stallion's firm ass cheeks, making Jerome swallow hard as the younger
males hand slipped up under his long flowing tail. One finger tip
caressing that hot freshly washed tail hole, the older males eyes half
closing in pleasure. As he looked down submissively, even as his long
stud stick began to slither down out of its sheath. His breath
deepening slowly as the younger horse teased that soft orifice, while
Russie pressed his body against Jerome's naked back. Leaning in to nip
roughly along the older stallion's long slender neck, teasing and
dominating his master a moment more. "Now get dressed... oh and don't
forget your restraining straps... I don't want to see anything
dangling out from under your uniform little mare... its unseemly."

"Yes master..." Jerome moaned as a gusty sigh escaped from the older
studs lip's, while Russie gave the highborn horse one more grope
before he left the room. He found Sarah the upstairs maid on the
second floor, cleaning and mopping the hallways as the rest of the
masters family had not yet awakened. He paused long enough to order
her to take up whatever items she normally used to clean the third
floor. And explained to her that the play room had been in light use
the night before, Sarah was upset for a moment by that but then

"Wait mister Russ... you say I don't haveta clean it up?" The hefty
draft horse mare inquired slowly, her eyes narrowing as she looked at
him. "Then whose gunna do it?"

"The master..." Russie paused for effect, delighted to see the big
younger mares eyes widen in shock before he went on carelessly. "Has
asked that I see to it personally for a short time." At that the big
mare nodded her head, it was plain she found it much easier to believe
than that the master was playing the part of a slave house maid. The
master had kept her out in the past, when he'd had some play thing
locked up in his torture room. And it was fairly plain that was what
she thought was going on now, and it was plain she was also
speculating about Russies connection.

"Go get that done.. and then you can return to this." The butler
ordered, as the hefty young mare quickly curtsied to him and trotted
off. Back down stairs Russie did a quick inspection of the servants
quarters, making sure everything was neat and in order should the
master decide to look around. Things were mostly in place, although
one of the young footmen's spunk rags had been peeking out from under
his bed. Russie picked it up and sniffed it wincing at the strong
scent, the old rag was stiff with the young draft horses dried
ejaculates. Russie smiled and tucked it into one of his pockets, it
would make a fine gag for Jerri later. He then moved on to checking
that everything was going well, he found the gardeners drinking short
beer in the shed. And gave then a nasty reprimand, before putting them
to work on the masters rose's. And so wasn't in the best of moods as
he started back upstairs, he'd reach the second floor when he noticed
Sarah wasn't back working yet. It really shouldn't have taken her that
long to haul clean supplies up to the master suite, Russie was just
thinking about going up to look for her. When he hear sounds coming
from the linen closet, moving up closer the big horse's ear twisted on
his head.

Inside the small room he could heard labored breathing, and soft
'Shmuck shmuck shmuck' of a hard cock sliding in and out of a wet
hole. The butler gritted his teeth, they all knew the rules anyone
caught breeding without permission from the master was going to be
punished. Reaching down he grabbed the door knob, turning it and
yanking the door open. "Just what do you two think your..." His
reprimand died in his throat, as he saw poor Sarah bent over gripping
the counter top. While young master Jarrett stood behind her,
thrusting his long slender highborn cock in and out of the big slave
mares hot sex. Turning his head the young stud colt glanced over at
Russie standing there, and a sneer rolled across his arrogant young
muzzle. He was the masters son... no servant could order him around,
in fact the young stud decided to make a point.

"Come in and close the door Russie..." Jarrett ordered with a pompous
sneer, watching as the tall older male did as he was told. "So I
hear... my father doesn't allow his slaves to fuck unless he gives
them permission to breed." Jarrett snickered ramming his hard fucker
in to the softly sobbing Sarah's hot slit with lustful abandon. "Is
that right?" The horny young colt asked, standing up on hoof tip's so
he could chew on the draft horse mares neck ridge.

"It is true master Jarrett." Russie confirmed his muzzle kept blandly
unemotional, as he watched the young highborn male plainly raping the
young slave maid. Even though this very much struck home to him, he
mother had been forcibly bred by the old master. Not like this of
course, it had been done openly in the masters own bed while his
mother was in season. It sickened and enraged the butler, to see one
of his staff being abused in such a manner. But he couldn't do
anything about it out here, he was powerless against the masters son
out here.

"Have you ever fucked a mare?" The young colt demanded breathlessly,
as his strong young hip's slammed back and forth faster. The look of
cruel pleasure and arrogant triumph on his handsome young muzzle, as
he looked the older male in the eyes. Knowing that the butler didn't
approve of what he was doing, but was helpless to stop him from doing
it. That idea making the young colts sneer widen, and his pleasure
soared to new heights as he took what he wanted from the slave mare.

"No master Jarrett I've never been ordered to breed." Russie admitted
truthfully, leaving out the fact that he'd spent the night fucking the
colts father like he was a mare. The highborn colt's gloating grin
widened, as the much older male confessed that he'd never done what
the colt was doing right then. That knowledge adding to Jarrett's
false sense of superiority over the slave, and sent a lustfully
illicit thrill running through the colt.

"Heh... That's too bad rutting is quite a wonderful sensual
experience... it feels more delightful than a virgin like you could
believe. The feeling of this hot, wet flesh so smooth and tight
squeezing around my hard organ... the sensations can't really be
explained." The lustful young colt smirked gloatingly, watching the
older males eyes stare at his hard cock pounding into that sloppy wet
pussy. "Damn this is really warm... it's not at all uncomfortably hot.
It's super perfectly hot, it's a combination of perfect sensations
really... perfect pressure on your dick, and that friction... Well not
friction exactly... friction would chafe while this is smooth sliding,
in and out. It feels soooooo good with every little movement, only
while you thrust... so you thrust again and again." The handsome
creamy white colt struggled to explain, it was very hard to do even
for a well educated young stud colt. "Looks good doesn't it... bet you
wish this was your dick sliding in here, making her squeal and whinny.
Of course if it was... my dad would have your nut off just like that."
The arrogant highborn colt snapped his fingers loudly, giggling as he
thought about that. He was pounding away even faster now... those
young balls bouncing and jiggling between his thigh's. The air in the
small closet filled with the scents of sex, and sweaty young musk as
the young master fucked eagerly. Along with the 'Shmuck shmuck shmuck'
of the young stallion's slender cock sliding in and out of that oozing
mare sex. As she squatted and pushed back into him, her sex was so hot
it was almost painful... as it contracted on his throbbing organ. The
draft mare's strong virginal muscles gripping and squeezing his
erection in the most delightful way. "Yeah... yeah that's it girl."
The young highborn stallion moaned, her enthusiasm was very exciting
and his young cock was being treated very well by the big slave.
"Ahahaaa yeah, slutty mare likes her stallions big cock." The young
colt gloated, as the big mare milked his throbbing member lustily.
Jarrett moaned as he felt a hot dampness roll down his surging organ,
the well born colt's crotch was suddenly awash in the mare's musky
sexual fluids as she began to orgasm.

"Ohoo fuck... Ammm yeah." Jarrett moaned in delight, as her hot sex
did the most delightful things on his hard young cock as she trembled
and quaked. The big mare's hot sex tightened as spasms of orgasmic
pleasure ran through her, the feeling only urging the horny highborn
colt on. The horny colt increasing his brutal thrust's, while he
pinched and squeezed her soft breast's unmercifully. Teasingly the
young master licked her neck and shoulder, enjoying the taste of
passion in her salty sweat. Faster and faster he slammed in and out of
her sensitive flesh, his hard young organ savaging that damp rut hole.
His panting breath quickened more and more, the mare's tightness was
almost too much to bare... Jarrett felt his ejaculation coming swiftly
close. His cruel rapacious thrust's becoming even hard and faster, as
his rising lust began to peak. With a loud whinny his plunging hip's
slammed to a split second halted, and then thrust deep into her once
again. And then the sneering high born colt came hard, his slender
young body smashing against hers, as he held himself as deep as he
could within her. Sarah felt his stiff little organ plunge in an
intense climax, the slave mare letting out a short squeal of bliss, as
she felt his hot seed filled her. With one final thrust the Jarrett
was spent, and yanked his organ out from within her, laying against
her big trembling body panting and chuckling in great amusement and

"Hahah... damn that felt great!" The young highborn stallion laughed,
as he stepped back and slipped his spent organ out of the big draft
horse mare. "But then you wouldn't know..." Jarrett snickered
derisively, smiling up at the other male as Russie stood there
watching dispassionately. "Of course you could... why don't you have a
go in there." The young master offered, gesturing to the young mares
gaping sex as his creamy cum dripped out of Sarah's well used hole. "I
got it all hot and lubricated for you..." Jarrett assured in a
wheeling tone, as he playfully rubbed his big flare against those hot
cum drenched lip's. "I promise not to tell anyone Russie... it'll be
our little secret." The young stallion was grinning broadly, and the
older servant could read him like a open book. The highborn stallion
was just trying to get him to break the rules, just so he could run to
his father and have Russie gelded.

"That is a most kind offer for you to make master Jarrett..." The
handsome young butler answered flatly, while at the same time shaking
his head negatively. Giving away something that technically didn't
belong to him, although Sarah was property she belonged to his father
and not the little shit of a colt. "However... you father as you know
has rules, I am his humble servant and always obey all of his rules.
No matter how much I might enjoy the experience, until I have his
permission to breed I shall refrain from doing so." Russie watched the
young colt frown darkly, he'd been expecting the butler to jump at the
chance. After all he was willingly breaking his sires rules, because
he was horny and knew he could get away with doing it. The pampered
young stallion always got everything he'd wanted, now he'd reach the
age where he was wanting sex. And no slave on this plantation had to
right to refuse him, the young master could rut them all if he so

"Alright then... if you're not stallion enough." Jarrett sneered
turning to face the butler, spreading his leg's wide apart and flexing
his young cock up and down. "The you can suck my dick clean, and when
you're finished you can lick all my cum out of her." He gestured to
Sarah who still hadn't moved, she just stayed there bent over the
counter with her rump jutting out sobbing silently. "I wouldn't want
to sire any mongrel half breeds..." The young highborn colt sneered
cruelly, it was well known because of his looks that Russie was a hard
breed. Although the masters family believed, that his mother had been
bred by one of the plantation's many lower class free born overseers.

"Of course young master..." Russie answered smoothly, dropping to his
knees in front of the young colts and leaning down to take that semi
hard young organ into his mouth. "Thank you... for this great honor of
serve your pleasure master Jarrett." Inside he was a seething ocean of
rage, outside he was calm and happy in appearance as he began to
suckle. His mind slowly laying plans to see to this arrogant colts
destruction, it would take a bit more control over master Jerome than
he had now. But if everything kept going right like it had been so
far, Russie knew that his control over the submissive older stallion
would only grow. It might take weeks or even months, but sooner or
later he would have the master completely within his control. The
proud well born stallion would have to be broken over and over again,
reach time driving him a bit deeper into slavish submission. And once
Russie had became the true master and Jerome had been reduced to a
completely broken slave. This conceited young colt would get what was
coming to him, and the butler planned to make sure the self-important
little prick would never mount another mare.

"Heh." The highborn young colt let out a breathless snicker of
pleasure, as the older male knelt and serviced his hard organ
seemingly happily. But as he looked down as the older male's happy
appearing muzzle, eagerly sucking and licking on that hard little stud
stick. He wasn't enjoying it as much as he'd hoped, mostly because the
butler seemed eager to be doing it. It suddenly accruing to the colt
that this might be something the older male liked, since he'd turned
down the chance to fuck a female. "Alright... alright that's enough...
get off..." He snorted shoving that seemingly eager mouth away from
his cock, while was jutting up stiffly once again after Russie's eager
suckling. "Now eat my cum out of her hot coochie..." He ordered
shoving Russie's head towards Sarah's dribbling sex, watching as the
older stallion carefully licked Jarrett's cum off the outside of that
velvety equine peach. The young stallion leaning down so close, Russie
wondered if the young colt was going to push him out of the way. But
he had just leaned in so close, so that he could watch the older males
tongue lap up his fresh cum. "You really like the flavor of my spooge,

"It's the highlight of my life master Jarrett." The butler replied
brightly, and then pressed his soft mouth to that big teardrop shaped
mare pussy, covering it even as he speared his tongue deep inside. The
big draft horse mare inhaled a long shuddering breath, as Russie's
long tongue plunged deep inside of her. The butler moaned softly as if
in delight, while secretly hating the fact that he was being forced to
eat the young masters fresh cream pie. Still he licked and suckled to
the very best of his abilities, and soon Sarah was moaning and panting
more pleasurably than she had been while the colt was rutting her.
Jarrett looking from the eagerly licking butler, to the big moaning
mare in growing confusion for a few moments. This wasn't working out
at all like he'd wanted, both of them seemed to be enjoying it much
more than he'd expected. Russie seemed just as happy eating cum out of
the mare's sex, as he had been licking it off the young colts hard
cock. And that slutty mare... she was moaning and taking on like the
older males tongue was more pleasuring than the young masters cock had

"Does my father know what a fucking queer you are?" The pompous colt
asked, as he watched Russie cum slicked lip's pull off of Sarah's
freshly cleaned sex. The creamy highborn colt's muzzle twisting as he
inhaled the scent of her wet sex, his hard young cock slapping up
against his own belly softly.

"Oh yes... young master." Russie assured with a honeyed smile,
remembering the fact that this pretentious mareboi's father had spent
the night sucking his cock and taking it up that highborn tail hole.
In fact the butler slaves massive cock had all but ruined the older
stallion's formerly virgin anus, only draft horses would be getting
any pleasure out of that stretched out orifice now.

"Has he fucked you in the tail hole?" The horny colt asked with a
nasty smirk, looking down at the older horse on all fours. Admiring
the older stallion's firm round rump, young soft hands squeezing and
fondling it for a long moment. The butler could feel the other males
desire, sense that he really was thinking hard about the servants tail

"He never has... master Jarrett." Russie answered truthfully, once
again having to suppress the urge to tell the strutting colt about how
he'd spent the night. Of course master Jerome had fucked plenty of the
farm slaves over the years, but that was something the master had
hidden from his family.

"Maybe I should..." The horny wellborn colt snorted, his hands plainly
enjoying groping the servants shapely rump. "Would you like that?
Would you like to feel my big hard cock inside of you?" By the tone of
his voice, Russie could tell the colt was trying to talk himself into
doing it.

"Oh yes master Jarrett... there is nothing I would enjoy more in all
the world." Russie moaned out in fake submission, having already
sensed the colts dislike for giving a slave what he thought they might
want. If the butler had acted at all reluctant about taking it, the
colt would let nothing stop him from rutting the slaves asshole.

"You disgusting faggot... get out of my sight." The young colt
snorted, standing up and moving away from the kneeling butler as
Russie slowly stood up. Doing his best to put a regretful look on his
own muzzle, even as he watched to horny young master move up behind
the big mare again. "Alright get down onto all fours... I want to
shoot in your tail hole this time." Russie heard the highborn colt
moan, as he slowly left the linen closet knowing there was nothing he
could to at this time. And yet as he was leaving he glanced back,
seeing out of the corner of his eye the young master starring at his
ass not Sarah's. Maybe the apple really hadn't fallen far from the
tree, his sire was a secret homosexual and it appeared this colt was
as well. Russie was forced to leave the two of them rutting in the
linen closet and head back up stairs to the masters suite.


Russie checked up on his new maid, he found Jerri awkwardly dusting
the sitting room. "Open your mouth." Russie ordered tugging the spunk
rag he'd picked up earlier out of his pocket, and shoving it into
Jerri's mouth. The young butler then spent the next two hours,
instructing his high born maid in exactly how to clean up his own
mess's. From dusting to sweeping, polishing furniture to scrubbing up
the mess of dried cum on the playroom floor. Russies every command...
his every word carried all the authoritative power he could muster,
his manner and stance imperious as he did so. Doing supple little
things to point out his position of master, while his domineering
manner both controlled and subjugated Jerri. It was what being a
master was all about, using power and control to bend others to your
will. The butler made sure everything was up to household standards,
the rich older stallion's hands were aching by the time they had
finished. But Russie showed no mercy, having the plainly cowered Jerri
spend some time in the playroom stocks. Where the butler teased the
older stallion's tail hole, while abusing those big floppy nuts. He
also began something that would become the hallmark of they play
sessions, moving up until his body pressed against Jerri's back he
pulled the sloppy cum rag out of the older stallion's mouth. Before he
leaned in close whispering the questions in one of his slaves pointed
equine ears softly. "Who am I?"

"M..My master..." Jerri moaned as that finger tip circled around the
helpless stallion's loosed tail hole playfully.

"Very good... and who are you?" Russie snickered pushing that thick
finger against the center of Jerri's soft pucker watching it sink in

"I... I am your slave, master..." Jerri moaned out loudly, as that
finger was punching inside of him and began to rub against that hidden

"That's right... say it all together now." Russie insisted adding
another finger to that quivering rut hole, as the helpless highborn
stallion dangled in those stocks.

"You are my master, I am your slave..." Jerri moaned breathlessly his
trapped cock struggling to harden up, but strapped in place like it
was that fat organ couldn't.

"Again... I want to hear it louder..." Russie demanded, as he teased
that hard round gland within the other stallion's anus, rubbing his
finger tips over it playfully.

"You are my master, I am your slave... You are my master, I am your
slave. You are my master, I am your slave." Jerri repeated over and
over, each time growing a bit loud until the older stallion was almost
screaming at the top of his lungs.

"That's right mareboi... and don't you ever forget it." Russie covered
Jerri's lip's with his own kissing the older stallion savagely, while
finger fucking that trembling hole brutally for a long moment. Bring
the helpless older male very close to a trembling anal orgasm, before
yanking those fingers out of his quivering hole.

"Uhu uhuu..." Jerri whimpered, as the younger stallion pulled those
fingers out of his rump hole leaving him trembling on the verge of
orgasm. But the submissive stallion had learned his lesson about his
wants and needs, they didn't matter only his master wants and needs
were important. Jerri staggered as he was released from the stocks,
and turned to watch as Russie strolled away.

"Come along little mare... I've work for you to do..." The younger
stallion called as he walked out of the playroom, and down the hall to
Jerome's private office. Jerri clip clopped along as quickly as he was
able, following Russie into that office. As the sleek butler moved
over behind Jerome's desk, pulling the chair back Russie gestured to
the hollow under the desk. "Alright mareboi... get under there... you
can suck your masters cock while I run my plantation." Jerri paused
for a long moment, making the young stallion fear he'd push Jerome too
far. But slowly the crossed dressed highborn stallion dropped to all
fours and climbed beneath the big desk, Russie knew this would be
tricky, Jerome had been a completely control freak ever since he'd
taken over after master Delrod's death. It would be hard for the older
stallion to give up that control, luckily the young butler had a plan.
First and foremost he would need to keep Jerome feeling aroused and
submissive, which was why he had teased him up so much. But denied him
release, while making him chant the mantra of his own submission over
and over again. Now he would make decisions on running the plantation
based on Jerome's many rules, lulling the highborn stallion with the
idea that it was still being run his way. Next anything he was unsure
about or didn't understand, he would pretend was beneath his notice
and have Jerri make the choices. In this way he would pacify the older
stallions controlling nature, until he'd gotten Jerome broken and
enslaved to his own will. It was a dangerous game for the butler, if
his master caught on and ended things he could be punished or even
killed. Sitting down in the big desk chair Russie rolled up to the
desk, and freed his hard cock from his trousers letting it jut out
stiffly. He felt hot breath wash over it at once, and Jerri began to
kiss and lick along its length. Reaching down with his left hand
Russie stroked that rough mane gently, all the time thinking of that
overweening colt down in the linen closet.

"Heh..." He pictured the cocksure colts muzzle if he could see them
like this, with his sire kneeling and servicing a slaves hard cock.
Leaning back, he looked down at the creamy highborn stallions handsome
muzzle, as those lip's kissed there was down to his sheath. "Who am
I?" He demanded, as he pulled Jerri's muzzle back up his length by
gripping a handful of wiry mane.

"You are my master... I am your slave." Jerri repeated looking up
glassy eyed at the smirking younger stallion, who caress his cheek
gently as he said that.

"That's right... good slave..." Russie praised, even as he pushed his
flat flare between those velvety soft equine lip's into his masters
mouth. Sitting back up the butler began going over the paperwork,
taking care a dozens of mundane every day decision about plantation
operations. Knowing that for the time being Jerome's rules had to be
followed, when he came to something he was unsure of he sat it aside.
Luckily this mundane even boring work helped him to last longer than
he normally would, and as time went on he felt Jerri's mouth growing
more and more lavish and eager to please. When that mouth had pushed
him to his peak after an hour or so, he fed the eager pleasure slave a
huge load of creamy spooge. Gripping the older stallions head, and
pounding his hard on down his masters throat roughly. And then once he
finished the butler tucked his spent organ back into his trousers,
before pushing the papers he'd set aside into Jerri's hand. "Here
finish these boring unimportant tasks... while I do the real work of
running this property." Jerri visibly relaxed as he saw the papers,
taking a pen the older stallion laid down on the floor and worked on
them. Russie leaned back in the desk chair, looking over the half
finished breeding chart. Knowing he could place his own name on it,
but choose not to do so he also made sure Sarah's name wasn't on the
allow to breed list.

Once everything was finished up, Russie left Jerri alone in the office
for a while so the older stallion could see that everything the butler
had done, was just the way he would have done it. Going down stairs
Russie checking on a number of things, Sarah was back doing her normal
work by then. And the young master was down on the covered porch,
having midday meal with his mother lady Mara. "Ahah Russie there you
are..." The pretty palomino mare called brightly as he stepped out
onto the porch, moving over quickly the butler bowed deeply to the
lady of the house.

"Is there something I can do for you madam?" The young stallion
inquired softly, as Jarrett sneered up at him from across the table.
Four servants were clustered around the table, one serving girl and
two footmen along with the ladies personal maid.

"Oh no... I was just surprised that I hadn't seen you yet this
morning." The pretty mare answered smiling brightly, as she took a sip
of her tea. As the butler stood smiling slightly as he always did, the
mistress was one of the few bright spots in his life. She had grown up
in a house where the servants were free born, and so always treated
the house slaves here with more curtsey and respect than Jarrett or
even his father.

"The master has kept me somewhat busy this morning madam, but if you
need me please just have one of the staff summons me. I am of course
your most humble servant..." Russie assured with another sweeping bow,
ever as the young highborn colt made supple suckling noises. The
butler looking over at him and slowly licked his lips, winking one eye
as the colts muzzle twisted up in disgust.

"Oh I know Russie... And I do hope my husband hasn't been over taxing
you, I know he relies on you greatly." Lady Mara observed softly,
glancing over at her young son as young lady Vivian the masters
youngest daughter who was one year Jarrett's senior came out.

"With your permission madam I shall take the master up his lunch."
Russie requested softly, as the young filly began talking to her
mother about the young stallion.

"Of course Russie, I'll send Dora for you if I need you." Dora was the
lady's private maid, who was a servant came over to from her father's
house when she married master Jerome. She waved one hand at him
dismissively, as she turned to talk with her daughter. Leaving them
behind the butler hurried to the kitchen, taking the tray with the
masters lunch on it. He filled up another bowl of boiled oatmeal for
his slave to eat, placing it on the tray with the sweet fruits and
fresh vegetables. Carrying it up to the third floor sitting room, he
placed it on the table before going back into the office. When the
butler returned to the office he instant got the feeling that Jerri
was happy and relaxed, the older stallion slipping a little bit deeper
into comfortable submission. Russie smirked slightly knowing that his
plan had worked, a thrill of excitement and danger raced through him.
It would take much more of course, but each step down the road of
control was to be silent celebrated.

They retired to the sitting room for lunch, and Russie was pleased to
see Jerri pick up the oatmeal bowl at once. While the butler sat back
and enjoyed the masters fine meal of raw fruits, steamed vegetables'
and fresh bread. It gratified Russie to see that Jerri was settling
into his place as a slave, the older stallion's passive mindset slowly
growing more profound. The butler knew he was one step closer to
mastering his master completely, they played naughty little games of
submission all day. Each one designed by the crafty butler to get
Jerri use to submitting to his will, to take more and more of the
older males dominant will power away. While keeping the rich stallion
on the edge of orgasm, always with the promise of release it he was a
good slut slave. Russie kept up and almost frantic pace, luckily the
house hold staff was well trained and for the most part well behaved.
Which meant that the butler had a lot of time to spend on the third
floor, he working Jerri hard in any number of ways.

The mail arrived late in the day as was normal, and Russie saw to it
like he always did. Delivering what was clearly a love letter to young
mistress Vivian, a letter from her sister to lady Mara. And the others
letters we're for master Jerome, Russie took them into the private
office. And read them at the master desk, and Jerri gently rubbed his
shoulders and long equine neck. Slowly Russie went through the letters
most of it was plantation business, that the butler handled easily.
One letter was from a neighboring plantation owner, who wanted to have
one of Jerome's slave breed some of his female slaves. Darius was a
prized breeding stud... well known for breeding offspring who had very
strong backs and very meek wills. Russie knew the price being offered
was on the low side, and so had Jerri write back with a counter offer
that sounded about right. Then there were some bills that needed
paying, mostly for new farming equipment and food stuffs that came to
the manor house. The plantation grew a lot of its on food of course,
but that was the rough grains and oats that fed the common overseer's
and the slaves. There was a couple of fruit orchards that supplied
fruit for jams and jellies, as well as cider and juices. The vineyards
were used mostly in wine making, and some of the wine and cider was
sold off over time.

Russie was discovering that he had a good mind for business, and Jerri
was growing steadily more confident and comfortable with his decision
making skills. They finished up just in time for dinner, Russie helped
Jerri out of his servant uniform and into fine dinner clothing. But
made sure the older stallion kept the restraining strap on, it was a
test to see if Jerome would remove the uncomfortable device once he
left the third floor. Russie told the master however, he was leaving
it on to keep any unseemly erections from embarrassing him. Once
outside of the room Jerome tried to pull himself up to his full
height, and be the imposing master he normally was. Russie was very
pleased to see him fail, his shoulder remained slightly slumped. His
head bowed just a bit, while his ears lay back slightly on his head he
had the nervous look of a slave fearful of being punished. And
although he didn't show it visibly, inside Russie was jumping for joys
that he'd managed to break the highborn stallion so much so quickly.
And he had plans for much more, plans that would subjugate the
highborn stallion even more while giving some of his former victims a
bit of revenge.

Jerome walked down the stairs a big awkwardly, the strap and rod on
his male organ more uncomfortable than normal from going down the
steps. Russie watched him pause to adjust himself a bit, but he didn't
remove the restraints which pleased the butler enormously. The red
maned butler escorted his owner into the dining room, where Jerome
took his seat at the head of the table. Russie standing just behind
the masters right shoulder as was his custom, ready to serve at a
moment notice. A few moments later the rest of the family came in and
were seated, lady Mara at the far end of the table. While Jarrett and
Vivian were seated on either side at the center of the long table,
instant servers were busy bringing in first the salad and then soup
courses. Master Jerome and the lady engaging in small talk about
community events and neighbors later the young master talked about his
day at school. And Vivian spoke about a good many things concerning
her friends and their families. Russie watching as Jerome steadily
grew more and more ill at ease, uncomfortable in his role as head of
the family and master of the house.

Once diner was over, the older stallion began to relax the closer they
got to the third floor. And when they were at last back in his sitting
room, Jerome breathed a sigh of relief... quickly stripping off his
fine clothing. Before kneeling naked before the young stallion, Russie
looked down at his kneeling master and smiled. Reaching down to stroke
that stiff mane gently for a long moment, noting that the highborn
stud still had his cock restraint strap on. "There we go... you don't
have to pretend any longer... you can go back to being Jerri now." The
butler purred softly stroking the older males cheek lightly, lifting
that soft muzzle to his crotch level. Letting the rich stallion inhale
the musky scent of his potent organs for a few moment, before pulled
Jerri up onto his hooves. "You've been very good so you may remove
your cock restraints... as you go off to the playroom." Russie almost
burst out laughing, at the look of joy that spread swiftly across the
kneeling highborn stallions muzzle.

"Yes master... Thank you master!" Jerri gushed, so eager to serve
another males desire... Russie found it pitiful and arousing all at
once. He watched Jerri strip off that restraining strap, and the older
stallion's cock instant flopped out rock hard. Spilling a huge amount
of pre-cum out onto the floor, plainly all the teasing that had been
going on all day had an effect. Russie took the restraint from Jerri's
trembling hands, noting that it was soaking wet from the pent up pre-
cum that had gushed out. Following the naked Jerri into the playroom,
Russie tightly strapped the older stallion into the sex swing. With
his muzzle and cock dangling towards the floor, and then hung the
erection restraining belt on the wall. Before taking down a leather
blindfold and moving up to slide it over Jerome's handsome muzzle. He
then reached down, running his finger tips over Jerri's aching hard
erection as the older males body bucked and humped within those
restraints. "You're going to get fucked so much tonight mareboi..."
Russie snorted into the dangling highborn stallions ear, playfully
teasing Jerri's hefty balls with feathery touches. "But no one is
going to touch your cock, you're going to have to cum like a mare...
from riding dick... if you cum at all." The helpless stallion let out
a long low moan, his body bucking and thrusting in need for a moment
more. "But for now you wait... I have to get things ready." Russie
stood up and leave the room, closing the doors behind him leaving
Jerri dangling there in the darkness.

Strolling down stairs he found Rhett his most trusted footman, placing
a note in his hands. "You will take this to overseer Abel, down at the
field slaves barracks by the barn. He will place three field slaves in
your care, you will bring them up to the third floor sitting room. I
will take charge of them from there, when I am finished I will ring
for you to take them back. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir..." Turning the middle aged stallion set off at once, going
to the kitchen Russie grabbed a cast of hard cider. A handful of mugs
and some oat tarts the cook had baked for the young master to snack
on. Carrying them all up to the sitting room, he sat them up on the
table in front of the couch. And waited... it took Rhett about twenty
minutes to get back with the three big field slaves. He knocked
politely on the sitting room door, waiting until Russie inviting him
into the room before opening the door. The finely uniformed footman
came in with his three charges trailing behind him, chains connected
the rusty iron slave collars of each slave. The massive draft horses
were dressed in rags, and were covered in dirt and musky sweat as they
stood there looking down meekly. Russie could see the whip scars
crisscrossing their wide backs, as he stood up and moved around them
slowly. "Thank you Rhett... you may leave us now. I will call you when
I need you to return them to the barracks."

"Yes sir." The footman replied bowing deeply to the butler, before
leaving the room and closing the door behind him. Russie circled
around them slowly, moving over to the cider cast he drew them each a
full mug. "Here drink this..." He ordered pressing a mug into each of
their huge hands, the draft horses looking confused for a moment.
Sniffing of the hard cider cautiously, before deciding to gulp it down
quickly before it was taken away from them. The alcohol hitting them
hard as they weren't normally allow to have something like that, soon
they were looking more relaxed. "Remove your clothing please..." This
simple request put them on guard once again, and was a mistake to have
been made at this time Russie realized. Each of these stallion have
been brought up here and victimized before, and now they were afraid
they were going to be again.

"What's all this about brother?" Russies older brother Del asked,
glancing up at the sleek butler as he smiled at them. Russie use to
visit his brothers in the fields when he was younger, they all knew
him from those days.

"This is about a lot of things big brother... power, control,
revenge... but mostly it's about fucking." Russie said slowly as he
refilled their mugs, not giving them back just yet however. "You've
all been here before... in that room back there... Do you remember
what happened to you?" It was plain by the looks on their muzzle that
they all did, they had been beaten and used by the master. "Well guess
who's back there in that room right now... hanging in that swing all
horned up and helpless..." Russie grinned wickedly as the three huge
draft horses exchanged looks, the air in the room sudden thickening
with musk their sheaths bulging. "He's blindfolded so he won't know
who you are, and I promise never to tell. Here is what's going to
happen... we are going to go back there and fuck him as many times as
we can. Tail hole and mouth are both to be used, in between fuckings
you come out here to have a tart and mug of cider." The three big
stallions looked at him is stunned shock, unable to believe they could
be getting this chance.

"Are you going to fuck him to?" Del snorted unsure if he could trust
this, even if it was his own brother offering it to him. It just
seemed to good to be true, getting to fuck the master like he'd fucked

"Yes... I've spent the last few days breaking him to ride... tonight I
want to smash him into tiny pieces with big hard draft horse cocks.
You all remember what it was like after he raped you... well I want to
give him back four times as much." The handsome half breed butler
smirked, watching as nasty grins slowly spread across the three draft
horses muzzles. "And this isn't going to be a onetime thing either...
I want every slave he abused to come up here and have a go on him.
Every male slave on this whole plantation... I want him broken down so
low he'll never climb back up to position as master." Their massive
cocks dropping down out of their sheaths, swiftly stiffening up as the
butler spoke about his plans to break their owner. "He wants to play
at being a slave... but I'm going to make a real slave out of him. And
you're going to help me... we're going to rut him down into utter
submission and keep on rutting him to keep him a broken slut slave for
the rest of his life." Russie was grinning so wide it made his cheeks
ache, it felt good to at last be able to tell someone about his plans.
And it was plain from their massive dripping erections, these common
field slaves were eager to pound that highborn asshole. "But we've got
to keep this a secret, so no boasting to the other guys, no mouthing
off to the overseers. Let me get firmly in power... and then I can see
about making things better for everyone." Russie watched the three big
draft horses smirking evilly and sharing leering looks as they all
agreed. "I'm going to go in first... I'll do all the talking, don't
say anything you just do the fucking."

Standing up Russie took a long drink of cider, stripping off his own
clothing slowly in front of the other stallions. And then lead them
back to the playroom, throwing the doors open the three big draft
horses couldn't help but snickering. Seeing the stallion who had
strapped them up and raped them in that very swing, all trussed up
helpless ready for them to use him. "Wha... who... who's there?" Jerri
moaned sounding meek and frightened, certainly now sounding like the
owner of a thousand slaves. The big draft horses shivered in delight,
as they heard the fear and passivity in the highborn stallions voice.
Russie picked up a jar of scented lube, handing it to the field slaves
as he shared a lewdly grin with them.

"Hush mareboi... I've returned." Russie snorted, gesturing for the
draft horse stallion's to remain silent as he moved around in front of
the helpless older stallion. Watching as the three huge slaves rubbed
handfuls of that sweet smelling grease, over their big blunt cock
heads and down their thick throbbing shafts. "And I've brought what
you need... little mare." The butler snorted gently, as he softly
rubbed the tip of his flare over Jerri's velvety nose and lip's
smearing them with his pre-cum. Filling Jerri's sense with the scent
and taste of him, the three watching draft horses grinning as they
watched Jerri licking the butlers cock flare eagerly. Russie let the
highborn stallion get his hard fucker good and wet, before he shoved
it down his masters throat. Gripping those sensitive equine ears in
his strong hands, thrusting his hard on roughly against the back of
Jerri's throat. Smiling as he felt the highborn stallion throat relax,
allowing him to spear his cock deeper down that hot throat. Hips
rocking backward and forward swiftly, fucking that handsome muzzle
like it was a mares pussy. Feeling it growing more and more fawning
and eager, the young stallion gestured for one of the watching field
slaves to take Jerri's butthole. Del's grin widened as he moved up
behind that sleek creamy high born rump, reaching one big dirty hand
other the draft horse grasp that flowing tail. It was like a water
fall of wiry hair, looking so smooth and well brushed compared to the
slaves ragged soiled tail.

Russie watched Jerri's body stiffen as the older horse realized that
they weren't alone, the rich stallion trying to spit that hard cock
out. Plainly wanting to ask what was going on, no doubt fearful of
someone else knowing what they were doing. This was a real gamble for
the butler, he was betting on the sluttish passivity he'd rutting into
his master being stronger than the will power Jerri had left.
"Sssshshhhush..." Russie hissed stroking his masters muzzle gently,
while rolling his hip's fucking that hot throat lustfully. "Relax...
I'm just making sure my slutty mareboi gets what he needs... big hard
cock in both ends of him." The young stallion explained in soft tones,
feeling that mouth weakly struggling on his pulsing cock. Even as that
huge greasy cock flare pressed up against the masters tail hole,
Jerri's breath suddenly growing deeper and more excited. That tail
hole slowly spreading wider and wider, Jerri let out little squeals
and whinnies as that massive flare spread his tail hole wider than it
ever had been before. After a moment the pain subsided and Jerri
started to push back onto that huge draft horse cock the helpless
stallion could feel his butt hole stretching wide open. Moaning as he
felt so totally filled up, Russie grunted as he felt Jerri's mouth
suckling harder on his throbbing erection. He'd read his master right,
the butler understood that even before Del's huge fucker was fully
inside the highborn stallions eager ass. "Ummm that's right... you
needed two big hard cocks inside of you all along... a slut whore like
you can't reach your full potential with just one big fucker to
serve... You need lots of cocks... pounding in and out of you over and
over again morning, noon and night. But don't you worry as my slut
slave... you're going to be getting all the dicking you could ever
dream of." Russie whispered softly, feeling his masters mouth growing
more eager and lustful as Del began to rut his clenching tail hole

The two brothers sharing a wide leering grins over their owners back,
as they both fucked deep into him roughly. Jerri was soon grunting and
snorting softly, as that huge cock stretched his tail hole to its
limits. That huge cock seemed to grow harder as the unseen stud pushed
on inside, Jerri could feel the veins and leathery flare pushing out
the insides of his bowels as it rammed balls deep into him. The
helpless older stallion pushed back eagerly to meet that rough thrust,
while his own rock hard cock jutted down neglected and ignored by the
males using him. A steady drip of silvery pre-cum splattering onto the
shiny marble floor, still the hard fucking his tail hole was
stimulating him intensely.

Standing up on his hoof tip's Russie looked over Jerri's back,
watching Del's massive rut stick drive up that clenching fuck hole.
Hearing the masters moans and whimpers of growing submissive pleasure,
knowing they were beating the proud stallion down. The butler
discovered that he enjoyed watching dirty field slaves using Jerri,
almost more than he enjoyed doing it himself. Del's big dirty hands
were leaving filthy smudges on the masters creamy white fur, debasing
the highborn stallion just as much as that huge cock was debauching
him. Reaching down the butler used a bit of greasy filth to write out
'Rape this mareboi', smirking as he did so enjoying the idea of it.
Slowly he wrote out a few more things 'Cum loving slut' on that long
equine muzzle, 'Faggot in heat' just about that long flowing equine
tail. Russie found himself peaking much sooner than he normally would,
quickly he pulled his long cock out of that eagerly suckling throat.
Stroking his hand up and down the length of it, the grinning butler
milked out a huge gush of creaming stud milk out onto Jerri's lapping
tongue. Watching in pleasure as the highborn slut eagerly gulped his
spoo down, quickly Russie beckoned one of the other fields slaves
over. Grasping the big draft horses unwashed male organ, looking at it
for a moment before guiding it into their masters mouth.

"Ahmmm." Jerri moaned, as that thick cock rough with foul tasting
equine smegma was shoved into his mouth. And yet the highborn stallion
didn't resist, and was soon suckling on it just as eagerly as he had
the butlers clean organ. That huge cock violating his tail hole
certainly helped out, each bone jarring thrust pounding the submissive
stallion closer and closer to orgasm. Jerri laying there passively in
the sex swing, moaning and panting for breath through his long slotted
nostrils. As that musky sweaty slave crotch pounded against his nose,
covering the masters muzzle in the scents of a lustful male in rut.

"Ahem that's right... you had better get use to that taste, my little
slave slut." Russie snarled into Jerri's pointed equine ear, as he
nibbled in the edge of it playfully for a long moment. "You're gunna
be washing a lot of nasty cocks with that slutty mouth of yours, and
that tight little stallion cunt of yours is going to be sooooooo
sore." Russie teased in a thick lust filled voice, as he enjoyed the
sight of the highborn stallion being used by those two big slaves.
"But that's what you want though isn't it slut... you love to service
big hard cocks." Jerri moaned softly, nodding him long head up and
down weakly even as he suckling that thick cock deeper down his long
throat. "Hahah... that's my good slut." Russie praised patting his
master head mockingly, pausing to use a mucky smear to spell out
'Sucks slave cock' along that sweaty aristocratic neck. And then he
stood up snickering derisively, he strolled off into the sitting room
to get a drink of cool cider. Russie watched as over the next six
hours, the three draft horse stallions took turns fucking Jerri's
mouth and tailhole. Until at last around two in the morning they were
all too exhausted to go on, Jerri had been fucked over the peak by
that time. Spurting out a massive pent up load on to the floor under
his dangling body, his erection never flagging even afterwards. A
grinning Russie then rung down and had Rhett come and escort them back
to the three slave barracks.

Once they were gone the butler unstrapped Jerri, the older stallion
was a meek, cowering wreak. Staggering like he was intoxicated as
Russie lead him over to the bed, laying the sweaty exhausted slut
slave on crisp clean sheets. The naked butler climbed in bed with him,
laying there snuggling around the trembling broken older male. "I've
been most pleased with you tonight..." He whispered into Jerri's ear,
as he spooned with the highborn males gently shivering body. "It was
so perfect the way you took all those big hard cocks..." The younger
stallion rubbed his throbbing erection, against the damp sweaty fur of
his masters buttocks. "Just thinking about it has got me all hard and
excited again..." Russie moaned, he had deliberately held back from
rutting Jerri with the others earlier... because he wanted to be the
last one to use the master. The one that Jerri would remember and
think about in the coming days, pressing his strong young body up
against the older stallions back. "What do you say..."

"Please you are my master... use me for your pleasure... I am your
slave... I live to please you." Jerri sobbed softly into a pillow, as
Russie drew his hip's back and shoved his flare up under that sticky
cum covered tail. Jerri's velvety anus was burning hot from all of the
abuse it had taken, and a steady stream of slimy cum was leaking out
of it. Russie rubbed his cock flare in that cream to lubricate it, and
then pushed against that gaping orifice. It was so loose from the huge
cocks using it, that the butlers organ slipped into its depths easily.
Making Jerri inhale in a long shuddering breath, as that hard organ
was driven deep into him.

"Oho ho ho ho... your loose cunt feels soooo good little mare." Russie
whispered tauntingly, as he slide up until his balls touched against
Jerri's own sticky nut sack. With their bodies pressed together, the
young virile stallion began thrusting at a slow steady pace. "I love
this so much... I love the feeling of your soft gaping pony pussy..."
Russie moaned softly kissing and nibbled along his masters sweat neck,
the scent of the field slaves musky crotches still strong around
Jerri's muzzle. "It pleases me so much little slut slave..." Russie
felt the older stallions body trembling harder, as he whispered these
words of praise into that pointed equine ear. "The only thing that
ruins my pleasure... is feeling these against my own." The young
stallion moaned, as he reached down fondling Jerri's fat velvety nut
sack as the two of them slapped together softly. He didn't press the
point, wanting to just plant the idea within the older stallions mind.
The trick he knew was to make the master think it was his own idea, to
make the older male want to give them up to please his sexual owner.
The sleek handsome butler fucked the older stallion slow and
powerfully, rolling him over on his belly and crawling atop his back
as he finished off. Rutting hard and faster, driving the older
stallion's body down into the soft mattress as Russie threw his head
back squealing in pleasure.


Russie repeated that treatment first thing the next morning, before
running them both a bath and getting cleaned up. Jerri was very sore
and tender, but to Russie's delight was still extremely docile and
obedient as well. The morning went very much like the day before,
Jerri getting dressed in his slutty maids uniform. And deferentially
went about his cleaning duties spiritlessly, while Russie handling the
business of the day. Taking care of both his duties as a butler, and
then later the business of running the plantation. There was much more
of a mess than the day before, requiring Jerri to do much more floor
scrubbing. Also the soiled bed sheets had to changed, it was well past
midday meal by the time Jerri had finished. Russie made sure Jerri's
lunch had a bit of special sauce on it, he had all the male slaves in
the house jerk off into a bowl. And then filled that bowl with oatmeal
for the midday meal, and as he sat there eating the masters fresh
fruit and breads. Jerri got to spoon flavorless oatmeal and thick
potent male cum into his mouth, Russie grinned as he watched the rich
stallion licking the sticky spunk out of the spoon eagerly.

After their late lunch Jerri spent the rest of the late afternoon
under the desk sucking on Russie's cock, while he was working in the
older stallion's private office. Taking care a number of items, from
setting the price he would sale certain products of the plantation
for. To signing the order to have one of the orchard workers gelded,
after he was caught trying to breed a female without the masters
permission. This made him think of Jarrett, he'd heard the colt
fucking Sandra in the linen closet again that morning. It seemed the
young colt was very horny in the mornings, either that or he couldn't
figure out how to get a female alone at night. It pissed the butler
off more than he cared to admit, and while Jerome was much more
compliant Russie doubted he would be willing to condemn his only son.
The handsome young stallion spent the late evening, before dinner
dominating and abusing Jerome to keep the older stallion feeling
submissive. And down at dinner, Russie found himself holding up the
conversation between Jerome and lady Mara. Both Jarrett and Vivian
were out visiting friends, which left Russie spending much more time
conversing with the lady of the house. Once dinner was over he
escorted Jerome back up stairs, getting the older stallion undressed
and into the sex swing. He then sent Rhett down to get three more
field slaves, explaining that Del would have them picked out and ready
to go.


Over the next three weeks that all became their routine, the only
thing changing was Russie began having four field slaves brought up.
And the effects on Jerome became profound, the former proud,
confident, controlling master slowly and absolutely transformed into a
acquiescent slut slave. And then about the middle of the week Russie
noticing lady Mara's scent at dinner, the pretty mare was wearing a
lot of scent masking perfume. But his nostrils picked up the scent
that was she trying to mask, the sexy highborn palomino mare was
coming into season. As a household servant, Russie knew that was one
of the few times master Jerome visited his wife's room. With Jerome
feeling so passive and humble, Russie had been holding up the
conversations with the lady. And tonight while she tried to control
herself, the sexy mare was proving to be very flirtatious. She was
normally very charming of course, smart and sexy was just her nature
state. Yet tonight she was even more charming and sexy, telling gentle
jokes while making sly suggestive remarks. Some of which bordering on
indelicacy, that left the young butler stiff in his trousers.

Back up stairs after dinner, before he sent Rhett to bring up four
field slaves, Russie approached Jerri speaking to the naked older
stallion slowly. "Mara has come into season... I could smell her at
dinner." The young stallion announced, pushing up closer to the
tractable, cowering older stallion.

"Yes... it was notable." Jerri agreed with a apathetic nod of his
head, looking down at the floor meekly. As he followed Russie into the
private office, the butler taking out some scrap paper and a pen.
Laying them out in front of the slavish older stallion, who looked at
the blank paper for a long moment.

"As master of this house... I should do something about that... Don't
you agree?" Russie asked watching Jerri's muzzle carefully, the broken
older stallion trembled slightly. Looking up at the younger stallion
for half a second, and then lowered his eyes servilely. It was one of
the last things a stallion would willingly agree to, letting some
other male fuck his wife.

"Yes master..." Jerri answered obsequiously, making Russie grin in
delight at having gotten the master so much under his control. Shoving
the pen and paper at the older male, he had Jerri write a note for
him. 'I smelled your scent at dinner... turn out your bedroom lights
and I will see to your needs.' Jerri wrote out the note carefully,
just like he was told to do a profound look of personal reflection on
his muzzle. Russie's grinned very wide, reading that look of
understanding on Jerri's handsome muzzle. The rich stallion was giving
up his breeder status willingly, he'd given up his need for control to
the younger stallion already. In this simple act Jerome had signed
away his stallion hood, and that both pleased and shocked Russie.
Smiling the young butler took out the breeding chart, Ordering Jerri
to add his name to it, And then alongside his name Russie wrote in
bold letters the name of the mare he would be breeding 'Lady Mara'.
The grinning Butler then took Jerri over to the play room, strapping
him into the sex swing before summoning Rhett.

He gave the footman the note to take to lady Mara, as he when down to
the barracks to collected the four field slaves. Twenty minutes later
Rhett was back, Russie took charge of the four big draft horse
stallions. The butler lead them back to the playroom, getting them
started on fucking Jerri into submission. He put Del in charge of the
other three, explaining to his brother that he would be gone for a
hour or so. Once that was done he went to the bathroom, taking a quick
but very hot bath. Getting as much scent off of himself as he could,
before splashing a bit of Jerome's cologne on. And then dressing
himself in the stallion's robe, he carefully snuck down to the second
floor. Having to pass Jarrett and Vivian's bedroom doors, there was
light coming from under both and that made him nervous. Luckily the
lady Mara's bedroom was at the far end of the hall, well away from
those to rooms. Slowly Russie made his way up to the door, seeing no
light coming out from under it. Carefully he blew out the hallway
lights, and then slipped into the room inhaling deeply as he did. Her
heat scent was much more intense in that room, and the young stallion
instantly felt his already hard cock lift that robe up. Dripping pre-
cum like it never had before, he felt a rush of hormone driven desire
unlike he'd even experienced. He was in a room alone with a mare in
season, and he knew he'd not leave that room without breeding her.
Even if it meant losing his life, the lady Mara was going to feel his
huge cock and receive his bastard seed. A lustful nicker escaped his
lips, and the sound of it made him jump. He had to control himself,
had to remember not to speak or that would give him away.

"I was afraid you weren't going to come... please I need it... I need
you so bad." Lady Mara's sweet voice sounding even sweeter, as she
begged for him to come breed her. Russie edged across the room slowly
in the darkness, his eyes just able to see from the moon light coming
in the window. "I know you're not very comfortable with this... I'm so
glad you're feeling like mounting me again." The way she said it,
Russie got the feeling she had not been expecting her husband to come
breed her. The young butler had heard the rumors last year, that
Jerome had only visited her at the height her heat an only for a
single night. The young butler could only see once reason for that,
the gay stallion could only get it up for a female when her pheromones
were at their strongest. That certainly wasn't a problem he was
having, when he'd caught her heat scent at dinner his organ had almost
burst out of his trousers. Sliding out of the robe he hung it over the
bed post, and climbed into the bed with his masters young wife. "Ammm
gods... I'd forgot how big you are." Mara moaned softly, as her soft
hands fondled his male hood eagerly as he climbed up on top of her.
Russie almost giggled at that statement, his bastard half draft horse
cock was twice as large as Jerome's slender highborn organ.

"I need your seed..." The pretty highborn mare begged lustfully,
sounding like any common mare in her desire. "Please it's the only
thing that can quench the fire in my loins." Russie felt her lifting
the edge of her nightgown, and then inhaled deeply as he felt her hand
guide his throbbing flare to her wet sex. He wanted to answer her
back, wanted to tell her of his own desire for her. But understood
that to do so would destroy everything he'd been working for, and so
just covered her mouth with his own kissing her lustfully.

"Ammm Ahaha..." The young butler moaned out suddenly in a harsh
guttural voice, as her wet slick sex swallowed his throbbing cock
flare. Russie avoiding using words in hopes she wouldn't realize he
wasn't her husband, instead letting out a long loud sigh of pleasure.
For the first time he could appreciate Jarrett's words about what it
felt like to breed, that thought made the young stallion smirk in the
darkness. At the idea that he was discovering the pleasure of pussy,
by breeding the young colts own mother. After having broken the colt's
sire into a slut slave, who was upstairs being used like a mare by no
less than four big draft horse slaves.

"Uhuuu Yes." The sexy mare screamed out as that big male organ parts
her soft folds, her natural fluids easing the path for that big,
brutal organ. As it spears smoothly into the depths of her young body,
Russie pushed forward eagerly sinking his stout rut stick into those
wet folds, making his slave stallion cock slowly disappear into the
lady's needy sex. "Oho... ohooo yes." The sexy palomino mare moaned
out eagerly, as that long stud stick pushed deeply into her. She
whimpered lustfully, as his big, hot hands caressed her lush, soft
body more intensely. His master's wife's pussy felt so incredibly good
on his fat cock, and the young stallion instantly knew he deserved to
fuck her much more than his sissy faggot master did. He grabbed her
hard and started to pump in and out of her lustfully, taking his time,
to make sure the lady's pussy would be swollen and tingling later from
a long hard fuck. Mara moaned and squealed wiggled on his monster
cock, pushing her hot sex up eagerly to meet his slow deep thrusts.
"Oho gods... oho fuck yeah." The sexy mare moaned in the dark as he
fondled her soft breasts, his mouth finding a hard nipple nibbling and
suckling on it playfully. "That's feels sooooo good." She moaned out
in pleasure and pain, as that mighty fuck stick stretched her rarely
used sex.

With that Russie started thrusting hard and fast then, those strong
hips working fast and hard, plunging the butler's hard organ in deep.
Those big draft horse balls jostled heavily within their sack, and
quivered as Russie thrust hard into that willing mare. The eager slave
nibbled on her long neck, as he worked his hard rod in and out of the
pretty highborn mares female-flesh. The unseen slave stallion starting
to give Mara long, slow strokes, making his big sac slap her crotch
firmly, breeding her good and hard, like a stud stallion takes a mare.
Russie snorted lustfully into the lady's ear, his breath hot and
steamy as his wide hips rose and fell between her sleek thighs. He
groped those soft bouncing breasts and kneaded them in his strong
hands, the butler couldn't help but smirk as he enjoyed the knowledge
that he was cuckolding his master. Russie felt her pussy tighten on
his hefty cock, he felt her whole body tense up during her hard
climax. Mara's eyes rolled back in her head, as a powerful wave of
orgasm washed through her lush young body. That tight equine pussy
squeezing and milking his throbbing fucker, even while that hard organ
tensing all the harder. Before releasing a powerful gush of hot cum
deep into her, filling that fertile young womb to over flowing.
Ensuring that her belly would soon swell with his offspring, even
while shudders of pure pleasure rocked her body. Small hands gripped
his shoulders as those strong hip's pounded on a few moments longer,
before slowing to a stop. He lay atop her in the darkness, panting for
breath as that hot soft sex trembled and squeezed at his spent organ.
Milking out every last drop of his seed into her, as they kissed and
caressed each other in the darkness. And for a second Russie almost
felt like Mara was his own wife, he had just taken her in the most
intimate of ways after all. And she was eagerly kissing him, her
fondles caressing his sweaty young body as his organ twitched within
her. At last he came to his senses, remembering that he was stealing
this pleasure from her...

Climbing off of her Russie reached down taking the robe off the bed
post, slipping it on and he headed for the door. Hearing her needy
voice call out into the darkness, begging him to come back again the
next night. This request making the young stallion's lip's curl up
into a wide smile, he'd be back alright just as much as he could
manage. And his potent young seed would put a colt in her belly, it
would be his offspring who owner this plantation someday. Leaving her
there in bed gasping for breath, the young butler slipping out of the
room. Smirking as he made his way down the hallways and back upstairs,
cautious to remain unseen. Quickly taking a second bath, this time to
get the cologne and mare in heat scent off of him. Before slipping
back into the masters rooms, the fucking of Jerri was still going on
hot and heavy. Which with four big horny draft stallions, who were
being given the opportunity to used the master who had tormented them
as their own personal fuck slut really wasn't surprising at all.
Russie watched the big slave stallions switch out, smirking because he
knew Jerri was completely lost in the pleasure of the moment. The
butler had only been gone a hour, even if it was a hour in heaven
between the legs of the mistress of the house. Pouring himself a long
drink of cider, he moved over to watch those big horny draft horses
pounding the dangling Jerri. The master was moaning and begging for
more, even more wildly than his wife had been. That thought making
Russie chuckle lewdly, as Del circled around him sniffing at the
slender highborn appearing butler. There was already a massive puddle
of cum under the dangling Jerri's jutting hard on, and that stiff
organ was quivering and tensing. It was plainly building up to another
orgasm, that sight making the young stallion laugh gloatingly.

Del pulled his younger brother back out of the play room, his wide
equine nostrils flaring as he looked down at the butler. "I smell the
scent of a mare in heat on you..." The big draft horse grunted softly,
as Russie smirking up at him slowly nodding his handsome head.

"The master isn't the only one in need... I just came back from taking
care of the lady of the house." The young butler explained with a big
gloating smile, even as Del looked at him in open mouthed shock. The
big draft horse knew his younger brother had much more of their father
in him, than he did himself. But it was still shocking how cunning and
highborn Russie was being, tricking the master into allowing himself
to be broken into a true slave. And now pretending to be the master,
so that he could breed the rich stallion's beautiful wife.

"The master will geld you... if he finds out you've been breeding
without his permission." Del snorted the warning angrily, and then
watched as Russie's grin only widened.

"Worried about me big brother... heh you don't need to be." Russie
assured the big draft horse, as he wrapped his arms around the other
stallions neck and hugged him. "Because I got his permission..." The
cream colored young stallion assured, making his brothers muzzle take
on a look of shock and surprise once again. "You guys have fucked him
into such a submissive slut... that he couldn't even get enough will
power to tell me I couldn't sire on his wife. That's your guys doing
just as much as mine... all the cock you've been putting in him has
done the work." Russie laughed as the big draft horse starred at him
for a long moment, and then began to chuckle lewdly glancing over his
shoulders as Jerri was moaning and whimpering. The two of them
strolling back into the playroom, to take their turns using the rich
well born stallion.

Later that night after the draft horses had left, Russie smirked as he
thought about the amount of control he had managed to take for
himself. All it had took was time and effort, it had even been
delightfully pleasurable efforts. After the field slaves finished with
him, and Jerome was rutted into a stupefied state. So pleasure dazed
and befuddled that he was little more than a helpless rapture
enthralled slut slave. The young butler would rut the helpless
mesmerize pleasure slave, in his own bed just like he'd bred the older
stallion's wife earlier. While his will-less and speechless mareboi
was moaning his thanks, whimpering in joy at being used by his master.
Russie had taken the lessons he'd learned as an abused colt, and used
them to turn his owner into his personal slave. The irony being that
Jerome had wanted to experience the pleasure of being a slave, and was
now so lost in the joy of serving a strong master that he was totally
enslaved by it. Oddly the weaker and more submissive Jerri became, the
more Russie felt his affections growing for the sluttish gay stallion.

Go back to Hooves Index 2 | Go to Chapter 3
Notice that Chapter 1 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.