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Notice that Chapter 1 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.

Master Of The House
Chapter 3

Over the next few days Russie left Jerri in the care of his field
slaves at night, while the young butler would sneak down stairs to
Mara's room. As her heat grew more and more intense, the young
stallion found himself spending more time in her bed. The second
night, he bred that sexy palomino mare three times before he went back
up stairs. The third night was the height of Mara's season and the
pheromones were at their strongest firing the young stallions desires.
Inspiring him to mount and rut the sexy highborn mare six times in a
row, before he staggered back up stairs to bathe. Removing the scents
of those strong sexual pheromones proved much harder than he expected,
surprisingly Del had the answer for that difficulty. He explained that
the slaves use lemon juice, to wash away and mask the scents of heat
musk. Having a bowl of lemons brought up, Russie used them to wash
away the scent of Mara's sexual juices. Before taking a second hot
bath, the young butler was feeling very happy and relaxed. When he
sent the field slaves back to the barracks, lazily he moved into the
play room. Taking a moment to just look over Jerri, as the older
stallion dangled there panting for breath. The four big draft horses
had decided to feed their slutty mareboi tonight, so instead of
pumping loads into either end. They had pulled out of that well used
tail hole, and moved up to cum in Jerri's eager muzzle. So that now
the dangling highborn stallions stomach was jutting out, plainly he
was very full and grunting softly. The older stallion's soft pink
lip's and weak equine chin were glittering with smears of shiny slave

"Heheh... look at you..." Russie snickered as he slowly moved up to
unbuckle the straps, and helped his slutty slave stand up on trembling
legs. "So full of cum you look like a pregnant mare." The younger
equine joked patting Jerri's distended belly gently, making the older
male burp softly. "Oh my... the boys sure filled you up... come on
let's get you to bed my eager little cum dump." Russie guided the
zombie like pleasure dazed Jerri over to the bed, helping the older
stallion climb into it. Before the butler slipped out of the silken
bathroom, and joined Jerome in the bed... just snuggled up against the
sweaty older horse. Gently stroking his hands over the used stallions
bulging belly, not really thinking about fucking him. But as he felt
that trembling body laying against him, Russie was surprised to feel
himself growing erect. It kind of shock him, since he'd spent so much
time fucking the older stallion's sexy wife. "Who am I?" The young
stallion demanded softly, as he nibbled along the older males neck
like Jerome was a mare he was about to rut.

"You are my master, I am your slave..." Jerri moaned out breathlessly,
his voice so weak and helpless sounding it made Russie quiver with
desire for his broken rut slave. He had been feeling very spent when
he'd came back, but now laying here with the broken stallion moaning
and trembling against him. The young butler felt his cock stiffening,
growing up out of his sheath it seemed to find Jerri's burning hot rut
hole all on its own. It had became a thing with them every night
ending the same way, with them cuddling in bed sharing a long slow
fuck. Russie would whisper words of praise into Jerome's pointed
equine ears, but would always end the same way. "The only thing that
ruins my pleasure... is feeling these balls against my own." The young
stallion moaned for maybe the hundredth time, reaching down fondling
Jerri's fat velvety nut sack as the two of them slapped together
softly. Now after nearly a month of that, the pleasure dazed older
stallion whimpered out in a soft, tiny sounding voice... the words
Russie never thought he would hear.

"If they displease you master... please have them removed." Those
words making the lazily thrusting younger stallion quiver with
delight, his thick cock surging suddenly unleashing a torrent of cum
into that well fucked tail hole.

"Say it again." Russie demanded as feelings of power racing through
his body like a lightning strike, this was the uttermost act of
submission one male could make to another. Willingly giving up his
sexual power, utterly surrendering his malehood to be the prize to his

"Please master cut my balls off... if they displease you, I don't want
them anymore." Jerome whimpered deferentially, as he sensed Russie's
reaction of delectation. Even as the young stallion craned his neck
around pushing his lip's against Jerome's, tasting the musky leavings
of the draft horse slaves who had used that mouth so completely...
earlier. In that moment the young stallion didn't care about any of
that, he kissed that mouth long and lovingly as his cum spurted into
the older stallion's hot tail hole. Arms wrapped around Jerri's
shuddering body, feeling the pleasure of total ownership for the first
time in his young life. He'd never owned anything in his young life,
never had a single thing that he could say was his own. Even the
clothing he now wore belonged to the master, only now he was the owner
of the master.

"That's perfect... your my perfect little rut slave..." Russie praised
in delight as their kiss broke for a moment, as he rolled Jerome over
on his back. Looking down into the passive older stallions eyes,
reading the honesty in the submissive males eyes. It was the final
surrender of power, once Russie had those balls off he would truly be
master of the plantation. He would make all the decisions and Jerome
would never raise a single objection to any of them. "That's a
wonderful gift you giving your master... I'm so very pleased that I
own you." The handsome young slave moaned, kissing the older stallion
deeply once again, feeling more exhilarated and happy than he'd ever
felt in his whole life. Russie cradled Jerome in his arms, holding the
older male tightly as they just lay there together kissing and
cuddling gently. Russie's heart pounding hard with excitement, and if
it hadn't have been so late he would have sent for Doc Beery.

The drunken old bull had once been a respected doctor, until drink had
gotten the better of him. Now unable to work as a doctor in any town,
he'd gone to work at the plantation. His job was mostly to do
castrations, although he also helped out with births and any illness's
the slaves or overseers might have. Russie grinned as he thought to
himself, that the Doc was going to be castrating some males he'd never
have expected... The young butler was still making plans, as he
drifted off to sleep with Jerome snuggling against him lovingly.


Russie waited until after the midday meal to summons Doc Beery,
sending Rhett down with a note telling the doctor to bring his gelding
instruments and come up to the manor house. The butler had decided to
do it midday because Jerri would have finished his cleaning up duties,
while the old bull would be at his most sober. The clever butler had
Jerri write up the orders for his own gelding, and sign his name to
those order first thing in the morning. Right after their customary
morning fuck, while the older stallion was in his most submissive post
orgasm state. It also gave the older stallion time to think about what
was coming, Russie wanted his former master to really anticipate what
was about to happen to him. After they ate lunch, he had Jerri strip
off his uniform and wait naked in bed for the doctor to come.

There was a soft knock on the sitting room door, standing up out of
his comfortable chair. Russie strolled over and opened the door, Doc
Beery was standing there looking rumpled and slightly disheveled.
Rhett was looking around the bulls bulk, Russie smiled and gestured
the confused looking footman away. The young draft horse knew what the
doctor did for the plantation most of the time, he was plainly curious
and fearful about the bull being there. Russie gestured for the young
draft stallion to leave, even as he invited the big bull into the
sitting room. Closing the door Russie strolled around the big bull,
moving over to the table in front of the sofa. "Would you care for a
tart or oat cake? Perhaps a glass of hard cider..." At those words the
big bovines beady little eyes opened slightly wider, he was eager for
anything with a bit of alcohol in it.

"Ammm perhaps a glass of cider..." The doctor snorted eagerly,
flopping down in a chair to watch as the young handsome stallion pour
it for him. Russie could smell on the bull's breath that he'd already
had a bit of 'hair of the dog', there was the scent of cheap alcohol
on his breath. Luckily the butler had thought to cut the hard cider,
with normal sweet cider so that it wasn't at all intoxicating. Still
the big bull gulped it down so quickly, Russie doubted that he could
even taste it. Doc Beery gave a little sigh of contentment, as he
handed the empty glass back to the butler slowly. "That was
refreshing... so what is this all about?" The big bull asked licking
his thick lip's, as he looked around the sitting room no doubt
expecting to see Jerome.

"I have your instructions right here..." Russie assure, taking the
paper with gelding instructions on it out of his pocket... they were
sealed closed with Jerome's own seal. The young stallion pressed them
into the big bulls hands, watching as the doctor looked them over. And
then broke the seal with thick fingers, unfolding the papers he began
to read them slowly. His eyebrows raising as he read, the look on his
blunt bovine muzzle one of shock and surprise. "Is this some kind of
joke?" He asked sounding a bit testy, as he at last looked up at the
young butler. Russie kept a serious expression on his muzzle as he
shook his head solemnly, all the while feeling the exhilaration
soaring within him.

"It is the masters orders, written in his own hand with his signature.
There can be no mistaking them... he has decided that he shall be
gelded." The handsome young stallion reassured the confused bull,
who's muzzle was slowly melting into a strangely pleasant smile.

"You've not got him tied up in the next room had you?" Doc Beery asked
in a half joking, half conspiratorial tone that hinted he might just
go along with it... if Russie did.

"He is laying on the bed completely up fettered..." The butler
assured, almost giggling as he watched the look on the bulls muzzle
drop. Had he been hoping for that, or was he thinking to rescue the
master and get some great reward. Russie almost blurted out, that
Jerri was bound by something much more powerful than chains. The
highborn stallion was bound by his own desires, his own natural
submissiveness and willingness to serve. However Russie simply didn't
trust the bull enough to explain, the doctor was free born and so was
technically one of the plantations overseers. The big bull gulped down
a second glass of hard cider, before climbing slowly to his cloven

"Alright lets go... I wanta hear it out of his own mouth." The doctor
snorted, carefully tucking the consent paper in into the inner pocket
of his coat... before picking his medical bag up. Russie lead the fat
bull into the bedroom, where Jerome lay stretched out on the crisp
clean sheets. The sleek older highborn stallion was sporting a nice
erection, as he lay there seemingly calmly on the big bed. The fat
bull waddled over to the bed, looking over the highborn stallion's
slender naked body slowly. His beady eyes settling on the old iron
slave collar, that was locked around the plantation owners neck.
Reaching up he turned it to look at the lock, his lip's twisting up
into a obvious smirk as he fingered the collar. "So I got this paper
here." The fat sneering bull patted his breast pocket with one big
hand, as he looked from the reclining Jerome over at Russie. "That sez
you would like me to geld... you. It that right sir? Do you want your
testicles removed?" The bull watched the older stallion look over at
the butler, who was nodding his head slowly while smiling softly.

"Ye.. yes doctor... I want you to cut my balls off please." Jerome
mumbled very weakly, his voice sounding completely unlike the proud
confident stallion who had hired the bull to work on his plantation.
As he spoke Jerome's sleek equine erection jumped and bobbed up and
down eagerly like the rich horse was excited about the idea. The
doctors smirk widening into a full-fledged leering grin, and he looked
over at Russie with a new found respect.

"Good... very good." The chubby Bull panted, speaking not to the older
horse who was laying there passively waiting to be castrated... but to
the butler who was pulling the strings. The doctor took his coat off
and tossed it over the back of a chair, and then slowly rolled his
sleeves up his beefy forearms. "Now take orders like a good gelding,
place your hands behind your head... and spread your legs a little bit
wider." The heavy bull smirked, all business now that the big horse
had admitted he wanted to be cut; reaching over he pulled his medical
bag over. Even as he watched Jerome complied, he fondled the
considerable weight between the rich horses legs. Heavy and familiar,
envied by many other males the bull knew and here the stud horse was,
about to give it up to become a gelding. "Could you get me a basin of
hot water and some clean towels?" The doctor requested looking over at
the smiling butler, who simply nodded and hurried away quickly. The
fat bull watched him walk away, and then looked back at the wealthy
stallion. "If you don't want this... you'd better say so right now."
He snorted fondling the soft skin of Jerome's hot ball pouch, the rich
stallion looked up at the bull for a split second and then looked down
meekly. "Last chance... if you don't say no now... I'm going to cut
your balls off... you'll never sire again... you'll never even be able
to get a hard on like this." The big bull watched the equines muzzle,
plainly he was feeling very submissive. Still it was pretty obvious
the older stallion didn't really completely like the idea... and the
hefty bull waited for Jerome to protest. And in fact the thought of
his balls in danger, of his stallion hood in question both excited and
terrified the highborn stallion. "Are you really going to let a slave
have you gelded?" The big bull demanded softly, watching as the well
born horses cock jerked and spat a string of pre-cum over his creamy
white chest fur.

"Yes... master wants me gelded... master doesn't like me having
balls... I want to please him." The handsome creamy white stallion
moaned out obsequiously, as the hefty bull couldn't help laughing out

"Hahah... so he's the master and you are his slave." Doc Beery
snickered, undeniably entertained by the facts of the matter... he
couldn't understand how the butler had done it. But found himself
enjoying the thought of this wealthy highborn stud, being dominated
and taken advantage of by what was plainly a bastard slave.

"He is my master... I am his slave." Jerome whimpered so softly Doc
Beery barely heard it, yet it was the rich horses hard cock bouncing
and bobbing up and down eagerly that spoke the loudest.

"Yes I am..." Russie snorted into the fat bull's ear, making the
laughing bovine jump as he hadn't heard the young slave stallion
coming back. "And yes he is..." The sleek handsome young stallion sat
the basin of hot water down on the bedside table, watching as the
flabby bull laid out the things he would need on the clean white bed
sheets by the reclining Jerome. Before waddling over and wash his
hands, picking up one of the towels to dry his huge hands.

"Well if your his master... that makes you my master as well." The
chuckling bull answered shrewdly, he was smart enough to know he
didn't want to be on Russies bad side. Just look what the butler had
managed to do to the rich stallion who owned him, oh no the doctor
decided he was going to stay on this fellows good side. "And I have to
admit... I'm enjoying the idea of doing this kind of service for
you... on this handsome highborn slave of yours." Taking out a
hypodermic syringe the big bovine measured out a dose of clear drug,
before picking out a bulging vein on Jerome's throbbing cock.

"What is that?" Russie asked as the bull got ready to inject it, the
fat bull paused looking up at the younger stallion. There was a bit of
fire in those beady eyes, and for a moment Russie thought it was for
him. But then the heavy bull explained, and it quickly became plain
that he was Jerome he was angry with.

"It's a paralytic to keep him from moving while I cut... normally I
would use something to render a male senseless so that he wouldn't
feel the pain. However the master has not allowed me to purchase any
anesthetic... so I've had to use this instead." Russie looked at the
plainly angry bull, asking curiously if it would mute the pain. "Not
at all... it is not a anesthetic... it's a paralytic it only keeps him
from moving and struggling." Doc Beery explained with a grim sneer, as
the young butler nodded and gestured for him to go on. The big bull
thrust the needle into that bulging vein, injecting the powerful
medicine straight into the rich stallion's crotch. As the two of them
watched over the next five minutes, Jerome's trembling body sagged
back limply on the bed. "I'm guessing your regretting that cost
cutting decision about now huh slave?" The doctor inquired, but the
highborn equine had lost his ability to speak, only breathy grunts
coming out now as his eyes looked up wildly. The fat bull's huge hot
hands lightly teasing that hard cock and fondle Jerome's hefty balls
as his erection throbbed. Reaching over to a small nearby table the
bovine took a rag and started washing that throbbing junk with warm
soapy water. The sneering bull preparing his light pink skin with
cotton and antiseptic scrubs, while Jerome could feel tickles and cool
wetness. "Well... here we go... or should I say here these go." The
big bovine chuckled softly at his own joke, as he pushed the
stallion's fat left testicle up into the sac's neck near his body, and
then made the first cut right under Jerome's bouncing, throbbing cock.

"AAAAAAUH..." The helpless horse let out a long, low groan, as he
inhaled deeply through his open mouth. Yet his drug paralyzed body lay
completely unmoving, as that blade sliced into the delicate skin of
his sack. And then just as easily cut through the tough inner sack
membrane, until the naked male organ came into view.

"Yes now that hurts... doesn't it." The heavy bull doctor snorted, as
his strong finger squeezed and rolled that sack forcing the hefty
equine testicle out into the open air. A chill raced through Jerome's
paralyzed body, as his jewel dangled out there fully exposed on its
cords and tubes. Another helpless groan of agony escaping the wealthy
highborn stallion, as the doctor slipped the jaws of the gelding
shears around those tough cords and tubes. The sharp melt blade
gleaming in the sunlight streaming through the windows, as the bull
squeezed the handles together. There was a soft 'Squelching' sound as
that fat nut was cut loose, Jerome letting out a strangled cry. As his
first big testicle was taken, it dropped with a soft plop onto the bed
sheets between his legs. Russie moved around to pick it up, cradling
it in his hands with a huge smile splayed across his handsome muzzle.

"That is a big one... it's really nice... could sire a hundred colts
with that." The fat bull snickered, as Russie carried the severed nut
over and put it in a jar of clear alcohol. While Doc beery stitch up
those blood vessels so Jerome wouldn't bleed to death, tucking those
severed cords and tubes back into Jerome's sack. He then moved over to
the other nut, slitting open that inner pouch the big bull squeezed
that second hefty orb out. Tears of pain are crawling slowly down the
rich landowners cheeks, or possibly it is the feelings of his
impending loss. "I'd offer you some pain killer... but you would let
me buy any." The doctor slipped the jaws of those bloody shears around
the cords, and then quickly slammed the handles closed. And just like
that the rich equine went from being a stallion to a gelding, another
loud groan escaped from him as his second ball dropped loose. "Well
that's one problem solved..." Doc Beery chuckled nastily, as Russie
grabbed up that second severed nut and added it to the jar. The big
bull stitching and cleaning up the wounds to the cords and that empty
sack as Russie felt a surge of desire race through him.

"How much rest should I give him?" Russie asked, as he moved up to
stroked Jerome's mane as the drug began to wear off.

"Well he's your slave..." The fat bull snorted glaring at the helpless
older stallion, as his body began to tremble softly. "However I'd say
no hard labor for at least a week... he can provide sexual services
right away however. Oral within a few minutes... I'd hold off on the
mounting him for at least half a day and then one must be gentle so as
to not rend my stitch work loose. I'll be back to check up on him
every day over the next week or so, but things went very well so I
don't foresee any difficulties." Doc Beery snorted as he cleaned and
put away his instruments, before rolling down his shirt sleeves and
putting his coat back on. "If you have any farther need of my
services... please don't hesitate to call." The big bull grunted,
speaking straight to Russie rather than the broken slave he had just

"I foresee having more work for you in the near future..." The smiling
butler admitted as Jerome moaned softly, while that strong hand
stroked his rough mane. The highborn gelding still too out of it to
catch the meaning in those words, as the doctor looked at Russie with
a admiring grin.

"I'll look forward to it..." The big bull snickered, as he packed up
the last of him things and followed Russie back to the door. When they
got there, the butler pressed a bottle of Jerome's best brandy into
the bulls big hands.

"A gift for your... timely assistance doctor." The sleek young equine
explained, as the big bull looked the gift over with a huge smile.

"My thanks... I've not had such fine spirits in a long while." The old
bull confessed, he generally drank the cheapest stuff he could find...
as he could get more of it for his meager pay.

"You'll also be getting those drugs you need for future removals."
Russie assured, as the hefty bull flashed him a grin of understanding.
He was being rewarded for being a good boy and going along with the
young slave stallions plans.

"Thank you... master Russie." The doctor used the word, even though he
was technically freeborn and needed to call no one master. The young
stallion slapped him on the shoulder gently, smiling as the old bull
left to go back to his small office home by the slave barracks.


Russie let Jerri rest after the ordeal of losing his male hood, the
butler going about his job of taking care of the house. Although he'd
slowly began to delegate more of those responsibilities, now that he
was taking over the job of being master of the house. Sitting down in
his private office, Russie began to change things around the
plantation. First he went through the requests that Doc Beery had
made, those seemed reasonable if on the expensive side. Still the
plantation was making a lot of profit, and the family fortune was
already considerable. It could go for a long time without being added
to, so Russie put that money back into running the business. Next he
fired one of the more brutal overseers, placing one of his own
brothers in that position. Next he looked over the breeding charts,
deciding that he would slowly change it into a marriage chart.
Allowing males and females to pick their own relationship's, it would
slowly be phased in over the next few years. By this time dinner had
rolled around, going down stairs Russie once again made Jerome's
apologizes to lady Mara for the evening. Explaining that the older
stallion was very busy with plantation work, and would be eating
dinner in his rooms. It was something Jerome had done many times in
the past, so his family really didn't think too much about it.

Russie brought Jerri up a full dinner, to help the weakened gelding
recover from the ordeal of his surgery. The older gelding already
seemed much more passive and calm, as if having made the ultimate
surrender he was completely committed to being a submissive rut slave
now. As sometimes happened with geldings, Jerri's useless cock seemed
unable to completely retract back into his sheath. Which embarrassed
the enslaved highborn gelding, but which amused Russie more than a
little. "I like it this way... it makes for a nice contrast that big
limp hose dangling over your empty sack. It lets everyone who see's
you know what you are at once... I'll bring you up some of your wife's
old panties to wear." Russie laughed, fondling that soft empty sack
and rubbing that floppy organ teasingly as Jerri blushed.

After dinner he sent Rhett down to the slave barracks, bring up Del
and four young stallion's who worked in the orchards. All the field
slave had rutted Jerri by this time, and so they were moving on to the
other male slaves. The plantation had over a thousand slaves in total,
although roughly a third of those were females. Russie's plan, to let
every male on the plantation have a go on the former master... was
moving right along. He had Jerri waiting in the playroom like normal,
only this time the new gelding was laying muzzle up in the sex swing.
And was unblind folded as he lay there leg's wide spread, waiting to
be used by any horny young male with a hard cock. Russie took charge
of the slave stallions, dismissing Rhett as he saw to it the young
horny studs all had a mug of hard cider. Before leading them back to
the playroom, he threw the double doors open and guided Del into the
room first. The big draft horse looked down at the highborn stallion's
sleek body, in lust and then did a double take looking at Jerome's
crotch in shock. "Is he... he is..." He breathed turning to share a
wide excited grin with his smaller brother, obviously even more
pleased and excited than Russie had been. The huge draft horse looked
back at his brother in shock, his muzzle plainly displaying wonder and
then delight as he stomped over and fondled the masters empty sack.
"You? Did you have him..."

"Gelded..." Russie finished for his stunned brother, as his big draft
horse was almost bouncing up and down in delight. "Doc Beery stopped
by about midday and cut them off for me." The young handsome butler
explained, as the other young stallions burst out laughing at the fact
Russie had the master's balls cut off.

"Hahah... you should send him to the gelding house." Del snickered,
flashing Russie a wide grin as the two of them looked down at Jerri'
sexy body. The handsome young butler moved over to the reclining
Jerri, joining Del in fondling his empty sack and limp cock as it
drooped over the older geldings belly. "A highborn cunt like him would
be real popular." Del giggled as Russie smirked at his older brother,
sometimes he forgot Del was on the dim side. The gelding house was a
relieve valve for the stallions, be they overseer or fellow slave. The
geldings who lived in it were required to service any horny male who
came to them, as well as work in the cider house all day.

"I can't do that... which is why I'm bring you all up here." Russie
snorted, rolling his eyes at how thick witted and naive his older
brother was at times. "I've got another highborn mareboi in mind for
that place..." The smirking butler assured, as he thought about
Jerome's bratty rapist of a son. "Now gelding... I want to hear you
beg each of these handsome young stallions to fuck you like the
mareboi you are." He ordered as the passive Jerri kept his eyes mostly
closed, even as he began to stutter and plead with for those huge
cocks. "Ask nice and respectfully... because although they are slaves
like you... they are still stallions... unlike you." Del seemed to
understand at once why Jerome wasn't blind folded, now that he was a
gelding the older stallion wasn't the master anymore Russie was.

"Yes master..." Jerome breathed, his sleek creamy white body trembling
harder as those laughing studs crowded around him. Making lewd jokes
about the lacking between his thigh's, and the role he was going to
for them for the rest of his life. "Please let me serve your big hard
cocks... allow me to be your cum loving mareboi. I want only to please
you all... to provide pleasure for such strong young studs. You are
all so powerful and potent... I am just a limp little gelding good
only for playing the mare for real stallions like you all."

"Hahah... that's right now kiss my sweaty balls." Del laughed as he
roughly grabbed his former masters head, and brutally yanked it down
between his own leg's. Rubbing his funky nut sweat all over Jerome's
handsome muzzle, making the highborn gelding kiss his balls and then
his tail hole.

"Don't be too rough with his junk, I don't want the stitches ripping
loose. But other than that, this gelding whore is yours to used as
much and as hard as you like." The handsome young butler assured, as
he stood up and moved over clapping the slave stallions on the back.
"I've got to go down and see to the needs of the lady of the house."
That statement inspiring more loud laughter from the horny draft
horses, at the knowledge that one of their own had not only gelded the
master. But was now breeding his mare as well, the big draft stallion
began to use Jerri's tail hole eagerly. Russie left the whimpering
gelding in Del's care, strolling off to strip out of his butlers

Undressed Russie slipped on the robe he normally wore down to visit
Mara, the young butler splashing on Jerome's expensive cologne before
strolling down stairs to the second floor. He was so use to not seeing
anyone, that he was taken by surprise by the young colt sniffing
around in the hall. Jarrett jumped and looked around guiltily as he
saw the older stallion, it was plain from the colts reaction he'd been
out in the hallway enjoy his mothers heat scent. The conceited colts
muzzle melted into a wide sneer, when he saw that it was just the
butler. "What are you doing here?" Jarrett asked with a wide sneer, as
he looked at the robe clad butler standing there in front of him. He
had the air of a horny stallion, challenging a rival for the heat
filled sex of a mare.

"I was just wondering the same thing about you..." Russie pointed out
in a calm unworried voice, now that he had Jerome completely under his
control he didn't need to worry about this little prick anymore. "I
check the house most every night about this time." Reading the guilt
on that smirking muzzle, the butler decided to tweak the lusty colts
nose a bit. "Your mother told me she had heard someone prowling around
outside her door the last few nights."

"This is my house..." The boastful young highborn colt pointed out,
making Russie smile for the first time while talking to the
egotistical colt. It wasn't his house and it wasn't his sires house
anymore either, Russie was the master of the house now. Jarrett's
muzzle blanched with shame, it was obvious the horny colt had been
sniffing around her door ever since she had come into season.

"Actually it belongs to the master of the house..." The older servant
pointed out merrily, as the colt muzzle look reddened at being
corrected by a slave. The nervous colt moving away from his mothers
door, obviously not wanting her to hear the two of them talking. As he
glared at the butler, who was standing farther down the hall by his
own bedroom door.

"Same difference... I'm his only son..." The overly proud young equine
countered, walking back down to his own bedroom door. Which was closer
to where Russie was standing, the look on the colts muzzle one of
snooty disdain. And that look irritated the butler slave to no end, he
really was going to have to take care this conceited colt soon.

"More sons can be sire..." Russie pointed out with a sly smirk, that
left Jarrett looking at him confused and even more angry. It was plain
the young stud wasn't liking the way he was being talked to, and as he
took a long shuddering breath the butler saw his shorts bulge.

"Come into my room..." Jarrett ordered, strolling onto his bed room
and then glancing back over his shoulder at the butler. It was plain
what was going through the colts head, he was horny from sniffing her
mother's heat scent. And was planning to put the older slave stallion
in his place, by having Russie pleasure him in some way. Smiling the
butler strolled into the colts room, closing the door behind him as he
watch Jarrett turn around and strip off his shorts. "It's your lucky
night... I'm going to let you pleasure me." The haughty highborn colt
announced, as soon as he heard the bedroom door close behind him.
Russie smirked at how easily he'd read the colt, the creaming white
young stallion stood there completely naked. As the older stallion
moving up behind the swaggering young equine, Russie reached around
that creamy young body. Gripping that slender young organ tightly,
squeezing and stroking it as the gloating colt smirked. "Bet your
liking that... getting to touch a real stallions dick." Jarrett
snickered nastily, it was obvious what the arrogant colt thought of
the older butler.

"Not as much as you will..." Russie assured with a mischievous grin,
he was going to teach this pompous highborn colt a hard lesson.
Lifting his other hand the butler licked his longest, thickest finger
and then pushed hard against Jarrett's back bending him over slightly.
The handsome colt was falling forwards, having to brace his hands on
the bed in front of him.

"Uhum... wha.. what are yoooOOO?" The insolent well born colt
stammered, his voice going up in pitch as he felt a big hand slid up
under his tail. "Noo.. no you can't, No don't." Jarrett protested, as
he felt that slick wet finger tip pressed again that quivered virgin
pucker as the colt looked around wild eyed.

"Shhhh... wouldn't want your momma coming in here asking what's going
on." Russie grunted smirking as he took the power away from the colt
in a instant, punching his thick finger up that tight little tail
hole. Even as the young stud leaned over the foot of his own bed,
mouth gaping open while he panted and moaned weakly. Roughly the
butler began to slam his thick finger in and out, while squeezing that
slender young cock and jacking it quickly. Watching the colts slender
body jerk, every time his finger tip touched Jarrett's hard little
pleasure gland.

"Ummm Ammm oho fuk." Jarrett's eyes were the size of dinner plates, as
he squealed and bucked his young hip's. Russie quickly worked the colt
up to the point of orgasm, before releasing his grip on that young
cock. Using his single finger in that tight young ass, to finish the
horny young wanta be master off. Watching as the panting colt spurted
a huge load all over his own blankets, even as he leaned against the
bed weakly for breath.

"Look at that..." The butler sneered in the open mouthed colts pointed
equine ear, as he kept playfully finger fucking that soft hole. "What
do they call a male... who comes from having something shoved in and
out of his ass?" Russie asked with a cheerfully gloating tone in his
own voice, sliding his thick finger out of that squeezing hole. The
handsome butler moving his hand to the colts muzzle and shoving that
musky finger past those gaping lips, working it back and forth on that
wide tongue. "What was that you called me once... a faggot." The
butler smirked as he cleaned his finger off in the highborn colt's own
mouth, letting him think about that for a moment. As Jarrett was
suddenly tasting the inside of his own tail hole, it was a new
experience in that he'd not really tasted his own ass before. It was
disgusting and intensely humiliating, but his slender young cock
stiffened back up quickly. His lip's wrapping around that thick
finger, as the smirking butler finger fucked his mouth for a moment.
Russie grinning as he felt suction on his finger, it seemed the colt
really was his father's son. "Don't worry about telling your father
about this... I'll do it for you." Russie assured as he tugged his
finger out of the passive colts mouth, turning to leave the humbled
colt bent over the foot of his own bed. Looking down at the cum
sparking on his blankets, and dribbling out of the tip of his blunt
cock flare. As his heavy panting breath slowly turned into soft, cute
little sobs, as Russie closed the door as he left.


Out in the hall Russie took a deep breath, humbling the pretentious
colt had excited him more than he had expected. His long, thick stud
stick was far too stiff to be concealed by the robe he was wearing,
luckily the way to relieve that erection was only a short distance
away. Trotting down to lady Mara's room, the horny butler slipped
inside happy to be within the concealing darkness. Her heat scent was
intense... but obviously on the wane, still it made his already aching
cock ooze a gush of hot pre-cum. Dripping loudly onto the hard floor,
Russie felt a rush of hormone driven desire that by now he was well
acquainted with. The young slave stallion moved across the room with
practiced ease in the darkness, his eyes well able to see by the light
of the full moon streaming in the window. Sliding out of his robe he
hung it over the bed post, and climbed up onto the bed with his
masters young wife. "Ummm my ghostly lover comes to me... in dreams
all through the night." The sexy palomino mare giggled happily,
quoting some bit of obscure verse the butler didn't recognized. Russie
fondled her through the fabric of her nightgown, and then inhaled
deeply as he felt her soft fingers guide his throbbing flare to her
wet sex.

"Heh..." He couldn't help chuckling as he felt her eagerness, even
after her heat had began to subside. The young slave stallion moaned
out suddenly, as her wet, slick sex swallowed his throbbing cock flare
with practiced ease.

"Ummmm gods you're so good at this..." The sexy highborn mare moaned
out as that big male organ parted her silk folds, her natural fluids
easing the path for that big, brutal organ. While it rammed smoothly
into the depths of her fertile young body, Russie pushed inside
eagerly. Sinking his massive fucker into those moist depths, making
his slave stallion cock slowly disappear into the lady's needy
highborn sex. "Yes... oh yes that's it... that's what I need." The
sexy palomino mare moaned out eagerly, as that long stud stick pushed
deeply into her. She whimpered lustfully as his big, hot hands
caressed her pert teats as the shared a long lustful kiss. The well
born ladies pussy felt so incredibly good on his fat cock, started to
pump in and out of her lustfully. Taking his time pounding into her,
to make sure the lady's pussy would be swollen and tingling later from
a long hard fuck. Mara moaned and squealed wiggled on his monster
cock, pushing her hot sex up eagerly to meet his slow deep thrusts.
The sexy mare moaned in the dark as he fondled her soft breasts, his
mouth finding a hard nipple nibbling and suckling on it playfully. She
moaned out in pleasure and pain, as that mighty fuck stick stretched
her well bred sex. Those big draft horse balls rolling around heavily
within their sack, quivered as Russie thrust hard and fast as their
excitement grew. Over the next three hours, the horny butler rutted
the pretty mare to four screaming orgasms.


"I haven't been bred like this since my honeymoon." The sexy palomino
mare moaned smiling lewdly in the darkness, Russie pushed her back
down onto the bed. Even as he rolled back over on top of her semi
naked body, while guiding his thick draft horse sized organ back into
her wet sex. More than eager to rut Jerome's sexy wife for the fifth
time that night, even though her season was rapidly wading by now.
Russie grabbing her taking control at once, wanting to show off his
masculine power. Sliding between her shapely legs, he slid into her
with the practiced ease of a top male stud. Burying his white furry
muzzle between those pert tits, as he grunted, straining, humping and
thrusting slowly at first. Over and over again Mara bucked and
squealed in pleasure, as the lustful younger stallion slammed his huge
fucker in and out of her roughly. It was clear Mara was enjoying the
young stud's attention, her body flushing and responding to it
eagerly. So that it seemed to warm that already flush and blushing
flesh, even as the highborn lady slid a arm around Russie's slender
equine neck. Pulling his handsome muzzle in closer, planting a soft
slow kiss on those soft, mobile equine lip's.

"Ammmm." The pretty mare moaned as she opened her mouth, letting that
huge tongue in to explore the inside of her mouth. Gently she suckled
on that thick organ, like it was a huge, hard cock in her fawning
mouth. The young slave stallion broke the kiss and returned to the
mare's nipples, licking and sucking on them lustily for a second;
before kissing her lip's lustfully again. "Oho Gods." She moaned in
obvious delight, trembling hands cupping and exploring those huge
young testicles. As the lusty slave stallion moved his strong hips
slowly up and down, those sleek furry buttocks rolling as his tail
swayed in pleasure. He swayed his hips, working his long rut stick
around inside of her, putting pressure on different parts of her pink
sex. Mara's lush body rubbed up against that hot eager stud, as her
muzzle twisted up in a look of undeniable pleasure.

Clearly that huge rut stick was doing things to pleasure her, that she
had never experienced before. Finding pleasure spots her husband's
cock couldn't, or had never bothered to look for. "Ohooo Yes... Fuck
YES." The sexy mare screamed out loudly, as her legs wrapped around
the strong stallion's thigh's, her tiny sex growing wetter and wetter
as he thrust within her. "More... Give it to me please... give it all
to me." The pretty golden colored mare moaned in excitement, as she
fondling that hard young body on top of her lush form. Russie pulled
Mara into a deep, lustful kiss as he emptied his meaty balls into her
smooth belly. The amorous Stallion bucking sharply, as his big blunt
cock head flared out within that hot sex. Hefty young ball's drawing
up slowly, he let his thick load fill that sexy married young mare.
Nibbling on her long pretty neck as she moaned in ecstasy over that
hot, powerful load jetting into her. While Mara's bright green eyes
glazed, as she looked up at the dark shadowy figure in raptured
pleasure as he kissed and then nibbled her neck lustfully.

Mara lay back panting for breath, as that strong young body collapsed
atop her fondling her in the darkness. Russie smirking as he enjoyed
the afterglow of that powerful orgasm, as the two of them stroked and
caressed each other in the darkness. "I have to give it to you.. you
have certainly quenched the fire of my heat." Lady Mara moaned out,
her soft voice thick with pleasure as her arms squeezed around that
strong male body. Just then as Russie was fighting with himself to
keep from speaking to the happy lady, light flared in his eyes and he
was stunned to find himself looking into those shockingly green eyes.
The sexy mare looking up at him with amusement on her pretty muzzle,
reading the surprise and shock on the young servants handsome muzzle.

"Lady Mara... I... I..." The frightened young stallion stammered, as
his world seemed to be falling in around his ears. The slave thinking
that at any moment the highborn lady would be screaming for help,
ordering him dragged away to be prosecuted for raping her while she
was in heat. But instead the pretty mare was just smiling up at him,
her hand knotting in his rusty red mane as she pulled his muzzle down
towards her own.

"Don't be so dramatic..." The sexy mare laugh at him, planting a long
passionate kiss on the scared slave stallions trembling lip's. "You
and my husband think yourselves so clever... I knew he never cared for
my company... at least in his bed. So that first night when you came
to me... rutting me so hard and lustfully I wondered. I hoped at
first... but the more you came back... more and more passionately
lustful each time." She chuckled happily as she thought about that,
replaying the wonderful pleasure of those nights in her head. "Well it
didn't take much to figure out you weren't my husband, so then I asked
myself who would he have rut me in his place. And it was obvious that
it was you... I'd heard the rumors of course... that you are his half
brother. And I knew that you would never dare breed me without his say
so... you have always been the most loyal servant." Her words made a
shiver run down Russie's spine, if she only knew that upstairs at that
very moment her gelded husband was being fucked much harder than she
had ever been. "You've given me so much pleasure... I'm very thankful
to both of you. I take it Jerome has at last given up pretending he
has any interest in rutting mares."

"Yes... you husband has given up his false pretenses." Russie agreed
with a warm smile, as he leaned down and kissed the fine lady. A
thrill racing through him as she just as eagerly kissed him back, he'd
win her over with his lustful mountings it seemed. "He desires only to
enjoy other males... or more honestly to have them enjoy him. But he
doesn't want you to go neglected, I have admired you since you came to
live here. I was so happy to be given the chance to pleasure you, and
with luck to sire offspring with you." Russie lied skillfully mixing
his lies with the truth of his feelings of attraction for her. "He of
course wanted to keep it all very inconspicuous, no one must know we
are doing this. All the offspring you have must been recorded as
belonging to him."

"Of course... I understand." The pretty mare smirk, as she looked up
at Russie happily as she caressed her own belly. "I have the feeling
that you've put the first of many colts inside of me..." She reached
up and pulled his head back down, kissing him lustfully again for a
long moment. "Thank you..."

"No pretty lady... thank you. This has been the highlight of my life."
The handsome young slave stallion admitted with a euphoric grin, the
two of them were clearly spent for the night. But they lay there
together a long time, snuggling against each other and kissing softly.
Until Russie slipped away after the sexy mare had drifted off to
sleep, going back up stairs he bathed. Before going to check on
Jerome, who had been rutted into a state of near senselessness by the
lustful draft stallions.

*** Russie was up early the next morning, enjoying his morning fuck
with Jerri enormously. Whispering into the passive geldings ear, that
he was to go about his cleaning duties naked. Before sending the
gelding off to get himself bathed, while the young butler went down
stairs to see about his morning duties. He then went around to make
sure all the other servant were up and attending to their duties like
they normal did. Once he'd seen to breakfast for himself and Jerri,
Russie carried the dishes back down to the kitchen, while Jerri saw to
the cleaning like normal. The butler had to deal with some issues with
the troublesome gardeners before heading back upstairs, he'd reach the
second floor when he noticed Sarah wasn't working. Moving over to the
linen closet door, he hear sounds the 'ShmuckShmuckShmuck' sounds of
rutting coming from inside. After the way he had emasculated the young
colt the night before, Russie knew he'd be in there trying to convince
himself of his status as a stud. The butler heard the young highborn
colt's voice demanding harshly, 'Who's your stallion? Say it... say
it.' Jarrett's voice muffled slightly as he chewed on Sarah's neck
ridge. "You is ma stallion... master Jarrett." The big draft horse
mare moaned weakly, clearly just trying to keep from getting hurt by
the little rapist. Russie hurried up to the third floor, having the
naked Jerri pull on his robe quickly... before guiding him down to the
linen closet. Opening the door a crack so the older gelding could look
inside, letting Jerome watch the action for a moment. Before he pushed
the door open and strolled into the room just as the colt was about to
spurt. "Russie... wha... what are you doing here?" The young colt
stammered in shock, as the older stallion walked up and grabbed one of
his arms twisting them up behind him. "Owww no... no let me go stop
it... don't touch my..." The highborn colt squealed in fear, as the
butler dragged the protesting brat off of the helpless mare. Marching
him over to where Jerome stood watching wide eyed, the older gelding's
ear laid back on his head meekly. He watched as the young slave
stallion shook the horny, young, colt hard to calm his struggles,
while Jerome looked down in submission. "As you've just seen... this
young stallion was breeding without permission." Russie announced
loudly, as he slipped a dampened finger up the struggling young stud's
tail hole. The struggling colt's eye's flying open wide in shock, his
young body trembling as that finger punched into him. "Ohooo gods...
please not agai..." Jarrett whimpered weakly, as that slick finger tip
found his secret pleasure button deep within his ass. Caressing that
firm young pleasure knot teasingly, as Russie felt the fight go out of
that tense young body. Turning he spoke to the colt's submissive
gelding father, a sneer on his expressive lip's as he finger fucked
the high born colt. "What do we do with a stallion who breeds a mare
without permission?" The butler demanded as his wiggling finger,
making the young colt jerk and trembled as his hard cock bounced up
and down. Jarrett going glassy eyed, as that flared cock head suddenly
spit out his last load into the floor in front of his sire. "Geld
them..." Jerome whimpered softly, seemingly looking down at the spooge
splattered all over the floor. But in fact it was because he was
feeling far to submissive to look his master in the eyes, the highborn
slave ashamed of his son acting the way he was. The spoiled colt was
breaking the rules, because he thought his connection to the master of
the house would protect him. Not knowing that the master of the house
was no longer his father, but one of the slave servants he'd treated
so poorly. "Nooooo sire please... I won't do it again..." The now
frightened colt squealed weakly, that finger up his ass keeping his
small cock bucking and jerking excitedly. "I won't do it again." The
young master sobbed, as over in the corner the cowering draft horse
mare giggled softly. "No you won't..." Russie snorted in Jarrett's
pointed equine ear, even as his finger playfully worked over the colts
pleasure gland roughly. "Very well... I'll take care of this sir...
while you return to your duties." Russie said seemingly courteously,
but in point of fact ordering the gelding back to his cleaning duties
up on the third floor. Jerome spun around and almost ran back up
stairs, leaving Russie behind with a squirming Jarrett on his finger.
"Sarah you can go back to work now... I'll see to it you're unmolested
from now on." With that long strong finger still driven up his
butthole, Russie marched the half naked colt through the house. Past
the startled other servants, down the steps of the manor house and out
towards the slave barracks. Behind him Russie could hear the house
servants talking, questioning Sarah who quickly explained everything
that had happened. "Nooo... Russie please you can't do this." The
handsome young highborn stallion whimpered and begged, the young,
proud, bully had vanished. Jarrett had turned into a pleading
spineless brat, that only made the butler cram his thick finger all
the harder up that tail hole. "You heard my orders... you fucking
little rapist." Russie snarl, drawing curious looks from the field
slaves they pasted along the way... those huge filthy stallions
grinning at the half naked highborn colt lustfully. They had already
fucked his father, now it looked like this slender effeminate colt was
going to be joining his sired in gelding hood. "Noo please stop..
touching my.. Ohoo." The colt's slender prick bouncing and jerking, as
a steady stream of clear slimy pre-cum oozed from the tip of his hard
little cock. The watching draft horse chuckled lewdly, knowing this
one was going to make a real fine gelding slut. "Did you stop... when
Sarah made it plain you were hurting her?" The handsome butler
demanded, stopping there in the dirty barnyard to put on a show for
any slave away. That thick finger making the handsome colt dance and
buck, moaning and whimpering in need as he built towards a orgasm.
"She wasn't in season... she wasn't wanting you... the only good thing
is she barely felt that tiny, worthless, pin prick of yours." The
slave stallion taunted, pushing the glassy eyed pleasure dazed colt on
towards the doctor's office. Jarrett was unable to resist, and so
allowed himself to be pushed along. A young draft horse slave perhaps
a few years older than the highborn colt, ran ahead to quickly open
the door to the doctor's office. A huge smile splayed across young
slave stallion's muzzle, as Russie frog marched the effete well born
colt up the steps. "Enjoy yer visit to tha Doc young Massa." The young
slave called cheerfully, as he knew the young high born stallion
wasn't at all going to enjoy it. Knew that the small. soft, cream
colored equine was going to enter a stallion and leave a gelding.
"Thank him." Russie snarled into the panting, moaning colts ear as
that thick finger ravished that quivering tail hole. The glassy eyed
well born colt looked over at the smirking slave, his mouth working
weakly as he stammered. "Thank... thank you." He whimpered
effeminately, looking up at the handsome wickedly grinning young draft
horse. Who was now able to see the finger invading the cute young
colts butthole, as the sneering butler plunged it in and out of that
tight little rut hole. "Oh you welcome... you gunna be even more
welcome... once he's done wit ya." The smirking young stud laughed out
loud, at the rich colt as he was shove roughly through that door.
Their hooves 'clip clopped' across the bare wooden floor, as the fat
old bull dressed in only his trousers came staggering out of the back
room. "What's all the racket about?" The plainly half drunken bovine
demanded, peering around bleary eyed until he saw Russie and the half
naked highborn colt. "Well now master Russie..." The fat bull snorted,
slipping his braces over those wide round shoulder as he strolled over
to look the trembling colt over. "Heh... you did say you were going to
bring me more highborn nuts to cut. I wasn't expecting to see them so
soon... But then who's going to tell you no now... huh." The hefty old
bull laughed lewdly while looking the colt over, smirking broadly at
the trembling highborn male who was dancing on that thick finger.
"Liking that huh boy... You're gunna make a hell of a gelding...
especially with that big cushy mare like rump and those sleek legs.
Not all males make good geldings... but hell you look like you where
bred just for it. Doesn't he master Russie?" "Heh yeah... you could
actually say that he was... " Russie snickered boastfully as he leaned
in and nuzzled along the younger stallion long slender neck, it was
covered in a intoxicating mixture of lust sweat and fear sweat. The
butler inhaled those scents deeply, and his teeth nibbled teasingly at
the younger males neck like he was a mare about to be bred. "His sire
has certainly made a good gelding that's for sure." The butler
snickered so dark and lewdly, that it made Jarrett jump and half turn
around to look at the servants muzzle. "Wait wha... Da's a... a
gelding?" The incredulous look on that handsome creamy muzzle was so
hilarious, that Russie and the doctor couldn't help roaring with
laughter. The handsome white colts jaw dropped, as he looking back and
forth for a moment. Realizing that if his sire was a gelding... this
bull was undoubtedly the furson who made him one. "But wait he's been
breeding mom all week..." This statement only making the laughing bull
and slave stallion roar even louder at the colts naiveté. "I listened
at the door... I could smell the scents of the breeding... I... I..."
The young stallion eyes stretched open impossible wide, as it at last
dawned on him. "It was you... you've been... been..." "Fucking your
lovely mother..." The red maned slave stallion finished for him, a
huge gloating smile spread across his long equine muzzle. "Oh yeah...
I've put my seed in her belly... my offspring are going to own this
plantation one day. And you're just going to be another gelding...
servicing the slave stallions. That's the job you'll be doing for the
rest of your life, luckily as the doctor pointed out... you were born
and bred to play the part of faux mare for real stallions. Oh yes, it
was all I could do last night to keep from fucking you myself... it
was only the knowledge that your mother was just down the hall wanting
my big cock soooooo much." Russie snickered, nibbling his way back
down that neck as the young master whimpered at his words, beginning
to stutter and stammer his ineffectual denials. "No... Oho nooo."
Jarrett whimpered bucking and struggling to pull off that thick
finger, but all he seemed able to do was rock back and forth on it.
"No... no I'm a stallion... I wanta breed mares... I... I..." Russie
released his grip on the colt, who should have leaped away if he truly
wanted to save himself. Yet the slender effeminate high born colt
never left that finger, bucking and jerking as he liked the colt
couldn't seem to pull away from that invader. "Well you seem to have
your new play colt all calmed down." The old bull snorted with a
leering smirk and a wicked perverted chuckle as he watched Jarrett
quivering. "So do you wanna stay and watch it? Hah, of course you
do... just keep him under control and we'll have his little playmates
plucked in a jiffy." The heavy bull took the young colt's left leg and
authoritatively pulled it to a metal ring set in his sturdy work
table, lashing it in place with a strong rope. He lashed Jarrett's
right ankle to the opposite corner, keeping the colt's thighs spread
wide apart, removing the only defenses his balls had left. The old
bull reached a doughy hand in to lift and fondle those plump, velvety
young balls, which were so important to the young stallion and now in
so much danger. Russie pushed Jarrett down on the table and slipped
that thick finger out of the young colts tail hole. Making the passive
younger equine moan in loss, an than look up in need at the older
stallion. "I wish I could stay and watch." The butler admitted, with a
faint smile at how excited the big bull was getting now that he'd been
liberated from Jerome's control. "But I have duties to attend to up at
the manor house." He announced while watching the bull prepare a
syringe of paralytic, knowing this wouldn't keep the highborn colt
from feeling the pain, only keep him from moving. "No wonder everyone
outside was getting so excited... you're not gonna lack for boyfriends
around here, cutie. I bet when we open that door to let you out the
whole crew's gonna be waiting out there overseer and all wanting to
see you without your balls." He licked his dry lips, and tugged on
those defenseless orbs as the young horse bucked and struggled a
bit... "Do you like getting your balls played with... I love playing
with a colt's balls, right before I remove 'em..." The lustful bovine
was grinning so widely now, he looked more like a shark than a bull.
"Once your done with him... could you take him over to the gelding
house... so he can get started serving the stallion's needs." Russie
requested, enjoying the way the doctor was talking to the brattish
colt, as the former young master looked so pent up and horny. The big
drunken bull picked out a bulging vein on the colts hard cock,
injecting the drugs straight into the young equines crotch. "Please
Doctor... don't do this... don't cut my bbbb.. balls off." Jarrett
begged weakly, struggling on the none to clean table as the grinning
bull looked down into the young equines eyes. "When I'm done with him?
Heh.. heh oh yeah, when I'm done with him. Sure thing." The old bull
gave Russie a knowing wink as he departed, he'd have the colt
castrated in a matter of minutes... However it would be a while...
before he was done with the pretty highborn colt. Russie snickered as
the fat bull winked at him, so the old fella was going to break the
little sissy in. The butler nodded his head in agreement, it was most
likely a good thing the bull was didn't it. As a draft horse stallion
would most likely split the colts mostly virgin hole wide open, if it
wasn't stretched out a bit first. "You do that Doc... you get him all
fixed up." The sleek slave stallion snorted, and then strolled away as
Jarrett whined and begged. "Mmm, what was that colt?" The huge bull
teased, as he turned back around to face the struggling youth and
casually set an array of sharp instruments on the table. He scooped up
those tender colt nuggets with a broad hot palm, rolled them in his
massive fist, and then started to squeeze them. "Tell me how much
these family jewels mean to you." He taunted Jarrett with a nasty
snort, as he picked up a sharp knife and teased it against that
velvety pouch... "Pp.. please Doctor Beery... I'm a stallion I... I
wanta... breed... they... my balls mean everything to me." The sleek
creamy colored colt whimpered in agony, his body jerking and trembling
as the drugs slowly made his strong arms and legs stop working. "I...
i'll do anything... anything you want... please just don't" He begged
softly, even as he watched the butler leave the two of them alone and
felt a surge of hope maybe the bulls would let him go. Doc grinned
down at the pleading colt, and rubbed the youngster's dick with a
chubby, wrinkly hand, grasping it and stroking it slowly. "Mmm, you
wanna stick this in pussies, huh? Cum in those mares... knock them up
and raise colts? And you'll do anything I want... if I let you keep on
doing that." The fat, old bull tilted his horned head from side to
side, as if he were mulling it over. "Well... the problem with that
is..." Doc Beery started slowly explaining, as he slid his fat fingers
around that colt's balls, getting a good grip around the neck of it.
"You see, you're gonna do whatever I want, if I do castrate you
kiddo." The older male leaned down close, looking the helpless equine
in the eyes. His breath stinking harshly of strong, cheap liquor, the
colt flinched as that mouth suddenly covered his own. The older male
kissing him powerfully, his strong tongue prying the colts lip's open
and slithering around in his mouth. "If I don't cut off your balls I
have to take your word... whereas if I do remove your nuts. I know how
passive gelding's get, with your nuts off you won't be able to say
'No' to any male with a hard on. So that's strike one for your firm
little highborn orbs." He pressed his scalpel to the side of Jarrett's
nut sack and drew it playfully across, cutting a single straight slash
against the side of one of the colt's precious testicles. "Oooow
gods... you really are going to do it..." The handsome, creamy, white,
noble stud colt squealed, plainly feeling the burning pain of that
deep slash. Even as the big older bovine teasingly fondled those
throbbing little organs, as the young horse sobbed and whimpered. "You
really did gelding my sire." Jarrett moaned, as the smirking bull
moved his scalpel to the other side of well born colt's nut sack. "And
when you think about it... it's my job to cut off your boys, colt. If
I don't wanna loose my job... come to think of it Russie would most
likely have mine removed if I didn't take yours... so that's strike
two." Doc Beery said with a smirk, making a second straight cut on the
other side of the colt's sac. "Hahah your damn right I did." The fat
bull chuckled, making his big belly jostle and shake as he sneered
down at the whiny brat. "And strike three... well strike three is I
just really want to." And with that he gave a sudden, hard squeeze,
forcing the colt's defenseless cummers to crudely pop out the sides of
his shredded sack. Jarrett's mouth gaped open as the fat doctor told
him flatly, that he would do anything the bull wanted if he was a
gelding. That handsome young muzzle really was comical, twisting up
the way it was as the overly proud young horse realized. There was
nothing he could do or say to get out of it, oddly as he came to that
understanding. His young cock, which had softened after Russie's
finger had been removed from his anus, jerked up rock hard.
"IEIEEIEEE." Jarrett screamed weakly his mind wanting to flinch and
struggle away from that pain, but his body couldn't move now so he had
to just lay there. Watching and squealing as the blade sliced open his
velvety pouch, his second scream a bit weaker and yet his cock was
bouncing and tensing. "Yes... yes you want to... I know how that
feels... that's why I raped the slave mare." The handsome well born
colt admitted, as he watch those thick fingers pop his fat nuts out of
their sack. "You're not just going to geld me... are you." "Hah! Now
you're getting it." The old bull laughed, leering down at the boy as
he fondled those blood-streaked pale orbs in his bare hands, jostling
them and giving the naked nuts a slow squeeze. "Geldings are for
pleasing the intact males and you're gonna please me before your sack
has even healed. And hey, maybe later on, I'll have a turn with that
cute little mare house maid." The horny old bull teased, lewdly
licking his lips and winking at the helpless young horse. "Maybe I'll
call you in, to help me guide my dick into her pussy. I bet you'd like
that, since it'll be your only excuse to get close to a girl... once
your nuts are gone. And on that note, any last words as a stallion?"
The old bull leered down at the helpless colt, and then suddenly
yanked those naked balls with his powerful arm. Brutally snapping
their stretched cords, so hard they sprang back into the colt's sac
like taut rubber bands. "Hahah too late." The wicked bull taunted,
looking at the young highborn horses warm balls in his palm. "You're a
gelding now." With a wicked laugh, he dropped the young horse's
severed balls onto the dirty floor. And then lifting a single huge
cloven hoof stamped down hard... Jarrett heard double wet sounding
'POPS' as the fat bull crushed his future as a sire. The helpless
highborn colts mouth opened impossibly wide, his scream of pain and
loss going so high pitched the bulls ears could no longer hear it.
That short slender equine cock jerking and spitting out the young
colts last ever seed all over Jarrett's furry chest. While tears
pouring out of the young equines wide open eyes, as his young body
began to trembled once again as the drugs began to wear off. "Uhuuu
UHUU..." Twisting his head to one side, Jarrett vomited onto the dirty
floor boards beside the mangled remains of his former male hood. As
the drunken, grinning doctor quickly stitched up his ruined blood
vessels and empty wounded sack. While the highborn youth panted and
moaned very weakly, as he watched the fat bull take a couple of steps
back. Sliding his braces off his shoulder, the grinning bull
unbuttoned his trousers and then let them drop to the floor. "Gods..."
The gelded colt breathed softly, as he saw the fat bull's long red
bovine cock... that was longer than his arm and just as thick. "Ahah,
you're getting control of your limbs back already... Guess I shouldn't
have watered the drugs down so much... heh popped your balls just in
time." The fat bull said with a nasty chuckle, as he leaned over the
dirty, blood stained table and grabbed Jarrett by the ankles, dragged
his hips to the edge. He flipped the freshly gelded colt over with
little effort, and then pinned him just by putting a single big blood
stained hand on his back and leaning forward. "Gods..." The gelded
colt breathed softly, as he saw the fat bull's long red bovine cock...
that was longer than his arm and just as thick. "Heh, are you
impressed by how big my dick is? Go on, tell me how much you like it.
That's a good first lesson for ya geldie, intact males love getting
compliments. They'll be a little less rough with ya, if you tell them
how big and more potent they are that you had ever been." The fat bull
grabbed a bottle of very cheap rye from a nearby counter and splashed
some of the stinging liquor onto the colt's sac. And then took a long
swig of it... before putting the bottle back. "Your fucking huge... my
gods... its five time my size..." The helpless, sickened colt moaned
out weakly, as he was flopped over muzzle down onto that nasty table.
His long slotted nostrils assaulted by the scents of dozens of
stallions fear sweat and blood, as he felt the bull's big bloody hand
move down to his soft cushy ass. "I... I love your... damn it must be
eight times my size... please..." The little colt whimpered weakly,
wincing in agony as that cheap alcohol burned on his fresh wound.
"Now, let's break that hot little colt cunt of yours in..." The doctor
pressed forward, his fat belly sliding over the colt's plush rump and
settling on his lower back. While his thick cock pushing the new
geldings long flowing tail to the side and out of the way, as it slide
up in between those furry globes. He kicked Jarrett's dangling legs
apart and forced his wide body between them, with that long red bull
dick nestled in the crack of the colt's tight little ass... "Heh,
don't worry, I've broken in plenty of fresh geldings before... it's
kind of a perk of this job." The lustful bull grunted with a grin, as
he started pushing his way into that tight young rump. "Ffffuucckk..."
Jarrett screamed as that round knob like cock head, pushed up against
his soft little equine doughnut. The fat bull was chuckling lewdly as
he gripped his cock shaft to keep it from flexing, as it was forced
into that tight little asshole. "Ya know normally stallions holes
don't come so wet and quivering..." The doctor snickered, as the colts
hole slowly gave way before his long, stiff cock and let that
throbbing fucker slide inside. Jarrett's small cock going completely
limp under his body, as his trembling hole spread wider and wider as
the bull pushed inside. "Hah ha, what's wrong little geldie, you
enjoyed master Russie shoving his thumb up your ass, you should really
love this." The fat bovine kept a heavy hand on Jarrett's ass, keeping
him pinned down while he slowly worked his wide hips. He fed the
trembling, freshly-cut young horse inch after inch of thick red bull
cock, getting most of it stuffed inside. Before he started pulling
back, but he wasn't done with Jarrett yet... Once halfway out he
simply slid back in, letting his wide hips roll forward, giving that
tight ass a smooth, strong thrust. 'Shurp Shmuck Shurp' the air
suddenly filled with lewd sounds as that huge cock was forced in and
out of that delightfully tight little colt cunt hole. His heavy old
balls swayed lewdly under the table as he pulled back and pushed
again, starting to work up a rhythm in that tight young rump. "Aha Aha
Ahaaaa." The colt moaned out weakly, his young body really starting to
shake and quiver as the old Bull's fucker pushed in and out. "Ummmm
fuck that feels sooooooo." Jarrett whimpered in a steadily growing
squeal, as his young body suddenly began to push back. "Hahah...
that's right mareboi... squeal like the gelding bitch you are." The
old bull snorted darkly, rolling his wide hip's and working his huge
cock in and out savagely.  "Who's your stallion... go on say it... say
it you fucking nut less whore." "Yes... Oho yes your my stallion...
Fuck me... fuck your nut less whore." The highborn gelding begged
weakly, as the huge bull began to laugh softly under his breath. "Dear
lord you're so much more of a male than... than I could ever have
hoped to have been..." The cute little gelding colt was babbling and
screaming eagerly now, with only a half dozen rolling thrusts of the
hefty old bovines strong hip's. Outside the door they both could hear
heavy hoof steps and lewdly chuckles as the small equine moaned and
squealed loudly. "Ummm Fuck... Ahahah yeah..." Jarrett groaned out, as
his tiny little virgin hole widened a bit more with every hard thrust,
that fat bull cock sinking a bit deeper with each slam of those hip's.
"Don't worry... you are going to be getting a lot of this little
gelding." The drunken bull snorted lustfully, as the colts firm ass
muscles flexed around his huge cock. His hips thrusting forward hard
drilling his long stud meat deep into Jarrett's virgin asshole, not
caring how much the young highborn colt squealed in pain. Not caring
how much it hurt, the hefty brown bull enjoying it as the colt began
to push back to meet his thrusts, it was plain the colt really was one
slutty gelding. The sensation was like velvet, so rich and hot that he
couldn't help, but just lick his lips at the sight of the highborn
horse submitting to his huge dick. The bull grunted lustfully, the
desire was loud and clear in his amused voice as he pounded away
wildly. "Hold your ass steady gelding... Ohoo that's better. This
sweet round ass of yours, will loosen up in no time." The big bull
gloated knowingly, picturing all of the dirty field slave stallions
who would line up after their work day to use this slut. The young
geldings struggling had stopped and pleasure was forming within him,
as that big smooth shaft rubbed over his prostate gland. While the fat
bulls words stung and mortified him... he was having trouble denying
the truth in them. The doctor plunged his hard meat into that lush
rump with smooth powerful strokes, his cock prodding the sissy horse's
prostate firmly. Even as the pain of being so stretched eases up for
the younger equine, his soft hole getting so that he could take the
bulls right down to the sheath. "Yeah, that's right gelding, it feels
good to get fucked in the tail-hole." The big horny male snorted,
vigorously slamming Jarrett's butthole with bone jarring thrusts.
"Yeah... by the time I'm done with you, you'll be an experienced
mareboi." He smirked, his cock getting even harder in that tight young
hole, while the doctors big, bulky body was rocking back and forth
even faster. "Weehehee." The creamy white horse was whinnying, as his
sleek ass was covered and rutted hard. His small hooves almost leaving
the floor at times, as that fat bull nailed his sleek ass lustfully.
"Ammm your liking that... aren't you gelding." The old bull between
his sleek shapely legs grunted tauntingly into his pointed equine ear,
as he thrust harder and harder within the fresh young gelding.
"WWEEEHEHEHEEE!" The sissy highborn colt screamed wildly, as the huge
bovine rutting him bellowed in pleasure. As he filled the equines
tight little hole, with a half gallon of frothy bovine cum.

Go back to Chapter 2 | Go back to Hooves Index 2 | Go to Chapter 4
Notice that Chapter 1 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.